Rapid Thermally Enhanced Degradation of Methylene Chloride at a Spill Site in the UK Jay Dablow, James Baldock RemTech 2015 October 14-16, 2015 Fairmont Banff Springs The world’s leading sustainability consultancy Background ■ Methylene Chloride (Dichloromethane) was accidentally released from an underground pipe, directly into groundwater (approximately 15,000kg) ■ Unusual Project ■ Recent spill, not a planned legacy project ■ Emergency response ■ Speed - time of the essence: carried out design/installation in parallel ■ Third party land impacted/remediated ■ Site fully operational and treatment zone in high activity area 2 The world’s leading sustainability consultancy Sustainability throughout Project Lifecycle ERM has integrated the SuRF framework with key stages in project delivery Stage B - Setting the remediation technical approach Stage A - Setting the remediation specification and strategy CLIENT OBJECTIVE PROJECT DEFINITION PLANNING (brownfield) SITE INVESTIGATION RISK ASSESSMENT REMEDIAL OPTIONS APPRAISAL REMEDIATION CONSTRUCTION REMEDIATION OPTIMISATION CLIENT GOAL Community & stakeholder engagement Sustainable Procurement 3 The world’s leading sustainability consultancy Site Characterization DNAPL observed during investigation GW Flow Spill ■ HRSC has lower carbon footprint than traditional SI 4 The world’s leading sustainability consultancy Remedial Options Appraisal: MCA Results ■ Steam enhanced vacuum extraction selected on the basis of: ■ Challenge of water management ■ Large mass spilt into ground (11,000 litres) ■ Rapid remediation required ■ Relatively stringent remedial goals 5 The world’s leading sustainability consultancy ■ Low boiling point of DCM Sustainable Remedial Design ■ Electrical boiler converted to run on gas (increased energy efficiency) ■ Process equipment to reduce GAC use ■ Optimize steam heating – via a thermal model ■ Operational approach included heat re-use (up-gradient injection first) ■ Thermal processes. Originally expected volatilization would be key mechanism (DCM BP 40°C, but evaluated abiotic or biotic processes) 6 The world’s leading sustainability consultancy System Installation: Steam Boiler 7 The world’s leading sustainability consultancy System Installation: Vapour/Liquid Processing The world’s leading sustainability consultancy System Installation: Carbon Treatment 9 The world’s leading sustainability consultancy System Installation: Pipework Vapor extraction well head Steam injection well head The world’s leading sustainability consultancy Groundwater Sampling – DCM Results (Baseline) Jan/Feb 2014 (Baseline) 10m 11 The world’s leading sustainability consultancy Some migration since HRSC, but majority of mass remained onsite Remedial Strategy TMP – 1.7, 3.0,5.0 varies 1m Steam Injection Well Extraction Well 5m Thermocouple String 12 The world’s leading sustainability consultancy System Operation: Thermocouple Data Example Top Intermediate Base °C 13 The world’s leading sustainability consultancy Heating optimization – track temperatures, reduce energy consumption Expected Mass Recovery Mechanisms (2) 14 The world’s leading sustainability consultancy Actual Mass Recovery (August 2014) 500 450 400 Mass recovered (kg) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Date 15 Vapour Phase Recovery The world’s leading sustainability consultancy Hydrous Pyrolysis Oxidation Liquid Phase Recovery Groundwater Sampling – DCM Results (August 2014) August 2014 Jan/Feb 2014 (Baseline) Data indicates >90% DCM reduction achieved (16 weeks operational time) 10m 10m 16 The world’s leading sustainability consultancy Chloride Distribution (August 2014) Jan/Feb 2014 (Baseline) Zone of limited heating 17 The world’s leading sustainability consultancy Cl conc. DCM Degradation Mechanisms ■ Reaction Chemistry: ■ Aerobic thermophillic biodegradation: ■ CH2Cl2 + O2 CO2 + 2HCl ■ Thermal hydrolysis: ■ CH2Cl2 + 2OH- HCHO + 2Cl- + H2O ■ Biological degradation initially suspected: ■ Large sulfate reduction pre-thermal ■ Significant CO2 removal during heating 18 The world’s leading sustainability consultancy DCM Degradation Mechanisms (2) ■ But post thermal microbial population decreased ■ Chloride may also be derived from abiotic mechanisms (hydrolysis) and a single round of CSIA confirmed abiotic degradation has occurred – but only one sample event ■ Ultimately, hard to resolve exact mechanism, but significant reductions observed and remainder of treatment zone heated to lower temperatures to complete the project 19 The world’s leading sustainability consultancy DCM Concentration Results (October 2014) Jan/Feb 2014 (Baseline) ■ >95% DCM reduction achieved ■ Low temperature mechanisms enabled 5 week project duration reduction ■ Regulatory approval obtained. No further action required and prosecution avoided 20 The world’s leading sustainability consultancy October 2014 Conclusions ■ Despite energy consumption, thermal techniques directed at source reduction offer a lower carbon footprint, especially when sustainable design and operational approaches are applied ■ Carbon Footprint Reduction ■ Accurate source zone delineation ■ Multi-Criteria Analysis ■ Gas powered heating process ■ Process engineering innovation ■ Optimized heat control and delivery ■ Low temperature mechanisms observed 21 The world’s leading sustainability consultancy Questions? 22 The world’s leading sustainability consultancy
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