2007/2008 Annual Report - Center for Grieving Children
2007/2008 Annual Report - Center for Grieving Children
)URPWKH%RDUG3UHVLGHQW We are pleased to present to you the 2007-2008 Annual Report for The Center for Grieving Children. Bill Hemmens (1945-1998) Founder Board of Directors Kim Anderson True 2XU WK$QQLYHUVDU\ \HDU KDV EHHQ ÀOOHG ZLWK FHOHEUDWLRQV DQG QHZ FKDOOHQJHV -XVW RYHU D \HDU DJR ZH FRQFOXGHG RXU Making Room for Hope Campaign WR SURYLGH 7KH &HQWHU ZLWK D SHUPDQHQW KRPH ² D ORQJ FKHULVKHGGUHDPIRURXUYROXQWHHUVIDPLOLHVVWDIIDQGERDUG²DQGKRVWHG*RYHUQRU-RKQ(%DOGDFFLDQGVFRUHV RIRWKHUGLJQLWDULHVEHQHIDFWRUVDQGIULHQGVDWWKHRIÀFLDOGHGLFDWLRQDW RXUEHDXWLIXOIDFLOLW\DW)RUHVW$YHQXH$WRXUWK$QQXDO$XFWLRQ DQG*DODLQ)HEUXDU\ZHSUHVHQWHG\HDUYROXQWHHUV)UHGDQG0DULO\Q 'XUVWZLWKWKHLQDXJXUDOBill Hemmen’s AwardQDPHGIRURXUIRXQGHUDQG JLYHQLQUHFRJQLWLRQRIWKHWUHPHQGRXVJLIWVRIORYHDQGVXSSRUWWKDW)UHG DQG0DULO\QEHVWRZHGXSRQ7KH&HQWHU·VFKLOGUHQDQGIDPLOLHVIRUWKHWZR GHFDGHV WKLV RUJDQL]DWLRQ KDV EHHQ LQ H[LVWHQFH 2XU FDSLWDO FDPSDLJQ FRFKDLUV 0LNH 'XE\DN DQG *DU\ 5RELQVRQ UHFHLYHG WKH ÀUVW President’s AwardLQUHFRJQLWLRQRIWKHLUFRPPLWPHQWWRDQGOHDGHUVKLSIRURXUYHU\ VXFFHVVIXO0DNLQJ5RRPIRU+RSH&DPSDLJQ 7KH &HQWHU QRW RQO\ KDV JLYHQ RXW DZDUGV WKLV SDVW \HDU ZH DOVR KDYH UHFHLYHGVHYHUDOWULEXWHVDVZHOO([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU$QQH/\QFKWUDYHOHG WR1HZ<RUN&LW\ODVWVSULQJZKHUHVKHZDVSUHVHQWHGZLWKWKHSUHVWLJLRXV a little hope foundation1DWLRQDO$GYRFDF\$ZDUGLQUHFRJQLWLRQRIKHU .LP$QGHUVRQ7UXH DGYRFDF\ HIIRUWV DV D IRXQGLQJ PHPEHU DQG RXWJRLQJ 3UHVLGHQW RI WKH 1DWLRQDO$OOLDQFHIRU*ULHYLQJ&KLOGUHQDQGIRUKHUYLVLRQDU\UROHLQHVWDEOLVKLQJ7KH&HQWHU·VMulticultural Peer Support ProgramWRZRUNZLWKLPPLJUDQWDQGUHIXJHHFKLOGUHQUHORFDWHGWR3RUWODQGIURPDUHDVLQWKH ZRUOGUDYDJHGE\ZDU/LQGD.HOO\ZDVKRQRUHGE\WKHMaine Children’s Alliance ZLWKWKH*LUDIIH$ZDUG IRUKHUHQGXULQJSDVVLRQDQGGHGLFDWLRQWRFKLOGUHQLQ0DLQHLQKHUUROHDV7KH&HQWHU·V3URJUDP'LUHFWRU,Q 2FWREHUORQJWLPHYROXQWHHU3DXO$WWDUGRZDVSUHVHQWHGZLWKDFRYHWHG6 Who Care AwardJLYHQE\WKH8QLWHG :D\RI*UHDWHU3RUWODQG7'%DQNQRUWKDQG:&6+&KDQQHOIRUWKHPDQ\VHUYLFHVKHKDVSURYLGHGDV7HDP &RRUGLQDWRUIDFLOLWDWRUDQG,QWHUQDWLRQDO7UDLQLQJ,QVWLWXWHSUHVHQWHUWRFKLOGUHQWHHQVDQGIDPLOLHVDW7KH &HQWHUDQGWKURXJKDUHODWHGSURJUDPDWWKH/RQJ&UHHN<RXWK'HYHORSPHQW&HQWHU$OORIXVDVVRFLDWHGZLWK 7KH&HQWHUDUHSURXGWRVHHWKHH[HPSODU\ZRUNRIRXUVWDIIDQGYROXQWHHUVEHLQJKRQRUHGE\VXFKUHVSHFWHG RUJDQL]DWLRQV President Will Stiles Past President Patrick Veroneau Vice President David Stearns Secretary Bill Hendrix Treasurer Bethany Beausang Vaughn Clark Burr Duryee Paul Gray Charlie Hascall Quincy Hentzel Germann Michael Hiltz Joe Hyatt Scott Libby Susan LoGiudice Julie McQuillan Peter Miner Phillip Morin Jared Payton Thomas Polko Jim Salter Sharon Sesling-Labonte Nancy Thompson Anne Verrill Staff Anne Lynch Executive Director Linda Kelly Program Director Paul Golding Development Director Patricia Ellen Outreach Director Kristen Fitts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ÀFXOW IRU RXU IDPLOLHV WR DFFHVV1RZPRUHWKDQHYHULWLVLPSRUWDQWWKDWZHKRQRUWKHFRPPLWPHQWWKDWZHRXUYROXQWHHUVDQGRXU GRQRUVKDYHXQGHUWDNHQWRHQDEOHFKLOGUHQWHHQVDQGIDPLOLHVWRDWWHQG7KH&HQWHUIUHHRIFKDUJHIRUDVORQJ DVWKH\QHHG Cover photo, family photos and event photos by Jane Berger Photography Assistant Development Director Nora Gross Administrative Assistant Diane Kimball Development Assistant Linda Nerbak Family Coordinator Carol Sylvester TLC Coordinator Consultants Beth Elicker, M.S. Christine Linnehan, M.S., L.C.P.C. Connie Palys, L.C.P.C. 0DULH6KHIÀHOG/&3& Dr. Bruce St. Thomas, Ed.D, A.T.R. Beth Van Gorden, L.C.S.W. )URPWKH([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU ,WLVDOZD\VKXPEOLQJWRORRNEDFNRYHUHDFK\HDUDQGVHHWKHPDQ\DFFRPSOLVKPHQWVRIWKHVWDIIFRQVXOWDQWVDQGYROXQWHHUVKHUHDW7KH &HQWHU:KLOHZHPD\OLYHE\PDQ\FDOHQGDUVWKHVHDVRQVÀVFDO\HDUVELUWKGD\VDQGDQQLYHUVDULHVRIJRRGWLPHVDQGEDG²WDNLQJDPRPHQW WRORRNEDFNDQGUHÁ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ÀUVWDVDYROXQWHHUDQGODWHUDVDPHPEHURIWKHVWDII ,KDYHEHHQYHU\LPSUHVVHGE\RXUERDUGPHPEHUVZKRKDYHXQGHUWDNHQDVWUDWHJLFSODQQLQJUHYLHZWRPDNH 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VXSSRUW ZH FRXOG QRW VHUYH VR PDQ\ SHRSOH LQ RXU FRPPXQLW\HDFK\HDU7KLVKDVDOZD\VEHHQWUXHIRU7KH&HQWHUIRU*ULHYLQJ&KLOGUHQDQGDVZHFHOHEUDWHRXUWK$QQLYHUVDU\LW LVKHDUWHQLQJWRORRNDWWKHUDQJHRIVHUYLFHVWKDWZHSURYLGHIRUKXQGUHGVRISHRSOHKHUHLQ0DLQHDQGHOVHZKHUH Center Based Services 'XULQJ WKH ÀVFDO \HDU HQGLQJ -XQH RXU YROXQWHHUV SURYLGHG 21,682 VHUYLFH KRXUV LQFOXGLQJ SURJUDP GHOLYHU\ FDSLWDO FDPSDLJQDQGVSHFLDOHYHQWVDVVLVWDQFHRIÀFHZRUNDQGERDUGVHUYLFH/DVW\HDUZHVHUYHGPRUHWKDQ4,000FKLOGUHQWHHQV DQGDGXOWVWKURXJKRXUPLVVLRQDQGQRQHRILWZRXOGEHSRVVLEOHZLWKRXWWKHJHQHURVLW\RIRXUÀQDQFLDOVXSSRUWHUVRUWKHWLUHOHVV HQHUJ\RIRXUYROXQWHHUV /DVW\HDURXUBereavement Peer Support ProgramVHUYHG136FKLOGUHQ66 DGXOWVDQGPRUHWKDQ101IDPLOLHVWKURXJKZHHNO\SHHUVXSSRUWJURXSV7KDWZDV DFFRPSOLVKHGE\9,357VHUYLFHKRXUVEHLQJGHOLYHUHGE\YROXQWHHUVWRWKRVHJULHYLQJWKHGHDWKRIDIDPLO\PHPEHURUIULHQG2XUQHZKRPHDW)RUHVW $YHQXHDOORZHGXVWREULQJRQVLWHRXU%HUHDYHG3DUHQW6XSSRUW*URXSZKLFKKDGSUHYLRXVO\EHHQDGPLQLVWHUHGLQSDUWQHUVKLSZLWK0DLQH0HGLFDO&HQWHUDW WKH'DQD&HQWHU Our Tender Living Care Program*ZKLFKSURYLGHVSKRQHVXSSRUWDQGZHHNO\SHHUVXSSRUWJURXSVIRUFKLOGUHQWHHQVDQGWKHLUIDPLOLHVFRSLQJZLWKDVHULRXV RUOLIHWKUHDWHQLQJLOOQHVVVHUYHG116FKLOGUHQDQG74DGXOWVIURP54IDPLOLHVXWLOL]LQJPRUHWKDQ2,730YROXQWHHUKRXUV7KH 7/&3URJUDPRIIHUVZHHNGXUDWLRQVXSSRUWJURXSVPDQ\IDPLOLHVDWWHQGPRUHWKDQRQHHLJKWZHHNVHVVLRQRXUQXPEHUVLQGLFDWHUHSHDWLQJ IDPLOLHVIRUVHUYLFHKRXUV Our Multicultural Peer Support Program FRQWLQXHGWRVHUYHWKRVHFKLOGUHQDQGWKHLUIDPLOLHVZKRKDYHUHORFDWHGWR3RUWODQG IURPZDUWRUQFRXQWULHVKDYLQJH[SHULHQFHGPXOWLSOHDQGRUWUDXPDWLFORVV/DVW\HDUZHGHOLYHUHGVHUYLFHVWR32HOHPHQWDU\ DQGPLGGOHVFKRROSXSLOVWKURXJKPRUHWKDQ3,500YROXQWHHUVHUYLFHKRXUV Community Based Services )RUPDQ\SHRSOH7KH&HQWHUIRU*ULHYLQJ&KLOGUHQLVWKHÀUVWSODFHWKH\FDOOZKHQORVVRULOOQHVVDIIHFWVWKHLUIDPLOLHVDQG ORYHGRQHV,QDGGLWLRQWR7KH&HQWHUEDVHGSHHUVXSSRUWSURJUDPVZHRIIHUZHDOVRVHUYHKXQGUHGVRIIDPLOLHVLQSHUVRQRQWKHWHOHSKRQHDQGYLDWKHZHE 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SUHVHQWDWLRQVWKDWUHDFKHGPRUHWKDQ4,200LQGLYLGXDOVLQVFKRROVZRUNSODFHVDQGFRPPXQLW\VHWWLQJV Maine, New England and beyond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·V&DPSDQGSURYLGHGVXSSRUWDQGVHUYLFHVWRPRUHWKDQ275FKLOGUHQZKRDWWHQGWKHDQQXDOFDPSIRUWKRVHZKRORVW DORYHGRQHLQWKHHYHQWVRIRUORVWDSDUHQWLQWKHOLQHRIGXW\ $Q\RQHZKRKDVHYHUDWWHQGHG7KH&HQWHUNQRZVWKDWWKHVWDIIDQGYROXQWHHUVH[KLELWJUHDWSDVVLRQDQGFRPPLWPHQWIRUWKHPLVVLRQRI7KH&HQWHU²WKDW SDVVLRQDQGFRPPLWPHQWLVRIWHQVRXJKWRXWE\RWKHUVLQWKHFRPPXQLW\ZLVKLQJWREHQHÀWIURPWKHH[SHULHQFHDQGH[SHUWLVHRIRXUVWDIIFRQVXOWDQWVDQG YROXQWHHUV :KHWKHUWKURXJKRXU,QWHUQDWLRQDO7UDLQLQJ,QVWLWXWHDVFRQVXOWDQWVRUDVDGMXQFWIDFXOW\RXUVWDIIDQGYROXQWHHUVVHUYHWKHZLGHUFRPPXQLW\DQGEH\RQGE\ VKDULQJWKHLUEHVWSUDFWLFHVDQGZLVGRPDQGVRPHWLPHVDUHMXVWFHOHEUDWHGIRUWKHLUFRQWULEXWLRQWRWKHLUÀHOGRUWKHLUORFDODQGZLGHUFRPPXQLW\,QFUHDVLQJO\ WKHZRUNRI7KH&HQWHULVORRNHGRQDVEHQHÀWLQJERWKRXUVHFWRUDQGRWKHUV )LQDQFLDO6WDWLVWLFV The Center for Grieving Children Expense Allocation 2007-2008 7KLVGRHVQRWLQFOXGH&DSLWDO&DPSDLJQUHYHQXHRUH[SHQVHV 5HYHQXHE\6RXUFH Center for Grieving Children ([SHQVH$OORFDWLRQ 2007 - 2008 Revenue by Source 0DQDJHPHQW DQG*HQHUDO 0LVF &RQWULEXWLRQV 6SHFLDO (YHQWV 8QLWHG:D\ *UDQWV 3URJUDP DQG6HUYLFHV *HQHUDO )XQGUDLVLQJ )URP7KH5\DQ)DPLO\ Erin & Korey Ryan have been attending The Center since their father, Kevin, died unexpectedly back in 2007. They have both made great friends at The Center and have been able to help other children through the grief journey. The following is a testimonial from their Mom, Kim. $IWHU.HYLQGLHG7KH&HQWHUEHFDPHWKHPRVWLPSRUWDQWUHVRXUFHLQP\OLIH«,NQHZDERXW7KH&HQWHUEHFDXVH,KDGKHDUGSHRSOHLQWKHFRPPXQLW\ WDONDERXWLWDQGLWKDGKHOSHGPDQ\IDPLOLHVEXW,ZDVVRRQWRÀQGRXWMXVWKRZDPD]LQJ7KH&HQWHUUHDOO\LV )ROORZLQJ.HYLQ·VGHDWK,IRXQGP\VHOILQFRPSOHWHO\XQIDPLOLDUWHUULWRU\²,KDGQRLGHDZKDWP\NLGVQHHGHG7KH\ZHUHDQG²DQGWKHLUHQWLUH OLYHVZHUHWXUQHGXSVLGHGRZQRYHUQLJKW,WLVQRWVRPHWKLQJ\RXHYHUWKLQN\RXZLOOH[SHULHQFHVR\RXDUHWUXO\Á\LQJEOLQG,NQHZ,QHHGHG7KH &HQWHU·VKHOS)URPWKHYHU\ÀUVWWLPH,FDOOHG7KH&HQWHUWKHDPD]LQJVWDIIDQGYROXQWHHUVSURYLGHGPHZLWKUHVRXUFHVDQGJXLGDQFH7KH\KHOSHG PHWREHSUHSDUHGIRUZKDWP\FKLOGUHQZHUHH[SHULHQFLQJWKH\DFWXDOO\KHOSHGPHDQWLFLSDWHWKHLUQHHGV7KH\SURYLGHGUHVRXUFHVWRWKHLUVFKRROV DQGWKHLUFRXQVHORUVPDNLQJVXUHWKDWHYHU\RQHZDVZRUNLQJWRJHWKHUWRVXSSRUWP\NLGV :LWKLQZHHNVZHEHJDQWRDWWHQGDZHHNO\VXSSRUWJURXS2QRXUZD\KRPHIURPRXUÀUVW PHHWLQJ,DVNHGWKHNLGVZKDWWKH\WKRXJKW²ERWKRIWKHPVDLG´ZHDUHQRWGLIIHUHQWKHUH 0RPP\²LWIHHOVJRRGQRWWREHGLIIHUHQWµ7KH\ORRNIRUZDUGWR7KXUVGD\QLJKWV²DOWKRXJK ,FDQ·WDFWXDOO\WHOO\RXZKDWJRHVRQLQWKHLUJURXSVP\NLGVWDNHWKHFRQÀGHQWLDOLW\UXOH 9(5<VHULRXVO\,FDQWHOO\RXWKDWLWKDVWXUQHGWHDUVLQWRVPLOHVDQGODXJKWHU2QHRIWKH VSHFLDOURRPVDW7KH&HQWHULVFDOOHG´WKHYROFDQRURRPµ«LWLVDVSHFLDOSODFHZKHUHWKH NLGVFDQSK\VLFDOO\H[SUHVVWKHLUIHHOLQJVLQDVDIHZD\,WLVDOZD\VP\NLGVIDYRULWHSDUWRI WKHQLJKW 7KH&HQWHUDOVRKHOSHGXVFUHDWHVRPHZRQGHUIXOQHZWUDGLWLRQVIRUWKHKROLGD\VWKDWKDYH KHOSHGXVNHHSWKHLU'DGDSDUWRIRXUOLYHV²DQGZHFDQWUXO\FHOHEUDWHKLPDQGNHHSKLV ORYHDOLYH (ULQ.RUH\ZLWKWKHLU0RP.LPVWDQGZLWKWKH 0HPRULDO6WDUVWKH\GHGLFDWHGWRWKHLU'DG ,WKDVQRZEHHQD\HDUVLQFHRXUORVV²DQGZHVWLOOJRWR7KH&HQWHUHYHU\7KXUVGD\QLJKW 7KHNLGVORRNIRUZDUGWREHLQJ´QRUPDOµIRUDQKRXU«DQG,ORRNIRUZDUGWRWKHKRXURI FRQQHFWLQJZLWKRWKHUSDUHQWVZKRVHNLGVDUHJRLQJWKURXJKVLPLODUVLWXDWLRQV:HVKDUHRXU H[SHULHQFHVDQGKHOSHDFKRWKHUJHWWKURXJKWKHWRXJKWLPHV ,UHDOO\FDQ·WSXWLQWRZRUGVZKDW7KH&HQWHUKDV PHDQWWRP\IDPLO\²VR,WKRXJKW,ZRXOGVKDUHZLWK\RXDQHPDLOP\\HDUROGVHQWRXWWRJHWVSRQVRUVIRU 7KH&HQWHU·V$QQXDO3HWDQG3HRSOH:DON,WZDVKHUÀUVWWLPHSDUWLFLSDWLQJ²DQGVKHIHOWYHU\VWURQJO\WKDW VKHZDQWHGWREHDEOHWRJLYHEDFNWR7KH&HQWHUEHFDXVHWKH\KDYHJLYHQVRPXFKWRKHU$IWHUKHDULQJZKDW VKHZURWH,WKLQN\RXZLOOXQGHUVWDQGZK\VKHZDVWKHWRSIXQGUDLVHUDW7KH3HW:DON« Hi! I am walking in the Pet Walk to honor my Dad. It is raising money for The Center for Grieving Children. Korey and I go there every Thursday night. I like going there because it is teaching me that I am not different - I am not the only one who has lost their Dad and that I can feel good even though I don’t have a Dad. They make you feel complete again - even though you are missing someone important. They are teaching me that it is OK to be happy. Thank you for helping The Center. Love, Erin 7KH&HQWHUZRXOGOLNHWRWKDQN7KH5\DQ )DPLO\IRUVKDULQJWKHLUVWRU\ $QQH/\QFKSUHVHQWV(ULQDQDZDUGIRU EHLQJWKHWRSIXQGUDLVHUDW7KH3HW 3HRSOH:DON $7ULEXWHWR%LOO+HPPHQV %LOO+HPPHQVIRXQGHG7KH&HQWHUEDFNLQ :KHQ%LOO+HPPHQVGHFLGHGWRIRXQG7KH&HQWHUIRU*ULHYLQJ&KLOGUHQRQHRIWKHÀUVWSHRSOHKHVSRNHWRDQGHQOLVWVXSSRUWIURPZDV7KH5HYHUHQG-DFRE :DWVRQ +HUH /LQGD .HOO\ 3URJUDP 'LUHFWRU DQG -DFRE UHÁHFW RQ WKRVH HDUO\ GD\V DQG UHÁHFW RQ %LOO DQG WKH challenges of The Center’s early inception and long term success. ´%LOOFDOOHGPHLQWKHVXPPHURI·DQGDVNHGWRFRPHRYHU,ZDVLQWKHJDUGHQUHDGLQJ7KH:LQGVRI:DUDQG, GLVWLQFWO\UHPHPEHUWKLQNLQJDIWHU%LOOKDGHQWKXVHGDERXWWKHQHHGWRFUHDWH7KH&HQWHUWKDWLWZRXOGEHQLFHWR SXWWKHZDUGRZQDQGMRLQZLWKKLPRQGRLQJVRPHWKLQJSRVLWLYHIRUWKHFRPPXQLW\µUHÁHFWHG-DFRE ´%LOO·VGUHDPKDGYHU\OLWWOHWRGRZLWKDQ\WKLQJDERXWVRFLDOZRUNRUFRXQVHOLQJRUHYHQZLWKJULHIDQGDORWPRUH WRGRZLWKZDQWLQJWRKDYHDSODFHZKHUHNLGVOLNHKLV\RXQJQLHFH(ULQFRXOGJRWRH[SUHVVWKHLUIHHOLQJVµ%LOO KDGUHFHQWO\ORVWKLVRQO\VLVWHU0DU\OHDYLQJKLPDQGKLVWKHQ\HDUROGQLHFHVWUXJJOLQJWRFRPHWRWHUPVZLWKWKH HQRUPLW\RIWKHLULQGLYLGXDOORVVHV -DFRE:DWVRQDQG%LOO+HPPHQV 0DQ\ SHRSOH NQRZ WKDW %LOO FKDQJHG KLV OLIH WR JHW 7KH &HQWHU XS DQG UXQQLQJ TXLWWLQJ KLV MRE DQG DW RQH SRLQW ERUURZLQJDJDLQVWKLVOLIHLQVXUDQFHWRNHHSWKHGRRUVRSHQ-DFREDJUHHGWRGHVLJQDQGLPSOHPHQWWKHWUDLQLQJSURJUDPIRUYROXQWHHUV²ZKLFKGHVSLWHEHLQJ SXWWRJHWKHUIDLUO\TXLFNO\KDVSURYHGLQYDOXDEOHDQGSUHVFLHQWDQGIRUPVWKHH[SHULHQWLDOQXFOHXVRIZKDWLVVWLOOXVHGWRWUDLQRXUYROXQWHHUVWRGD\ ´7KHLGHDGLGPRUHWKDQVWULNHDQRWHLQWKHFRPPXQLW\²LWVWUXFNDFKRUG%LOOZRUNHGRQÀQGLQJVSDFHDQGUHVRXUFHVWRJHW7KH&HQWHUXSDQGUXQQLQJDQGLQ ZHRSHQHGRXUGRRUVLQERUURZHGVSDFHDW0HUF\+RVSLWDOWRIDPLOLHVZLWKYROXQWHHUVVXSSRUWLQJWKHP²:HQHYHUGRXEWHGWKHZLVGRPRIWKHYLVLRQ RUWKHSXUSRVHRIRXUPLVVLRQ²DOWKRXJKZHGLGVWUXJJOHLQWKRVHHDUO\GD\VZLWKWKHSUDFWLFDOEXVLQHVVRIUXQQLQJ7KH&HQWHUµ ´,WZDVFOHDUWKDWZHZHUHRQWRVRPHWKLQJ²FRXQVHOLQJFDQKDYHLPSDFW²EXWWKHG\QDPLFVDUHRQHWRRQH:LWKWKHSHHUVXSSRUWPRGHO\RXH[SHULHQFHWKH H[SUHVVLYHDQGVXSSRUWLYHSRZHURIDJURXS²ZKLFKFDQEHWUHPHQGRXVO\WUDQVIRUPLQJ²ZHZHUHIRUWXQDWHWRRWKDWZHZHUHFKLOGGULYHQQRWFRQWHQWGULYHQ 7KLVDOORZHGHDFKFKLOGWRIRUJHWKHLURZQMRXUQH\WKURXJKORVVLQWKHLURZQZD\RQWKHLURZQWHUPV7UXHWKLVSURYLGHGVRPHFKDOOHQJHVIRUVRPHYROXQWHHUV EXWWKLVZDVWKHUHDOYDOXHRIZKDWZHZHUHWU\LQJWRGRDQGVWLOOGRWRGD\\HDUVODWHUµ $FRQYHUVDWLRQZLWK*DLO&LQHOOL *DLOVHUYHGDVWKH([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUDW7KH&HQWHUIURP ,QWKH·V*DLOZRUNHGDVD+HPRSKLOLD1XUVH&RRUGLQDWRUDW0DLQH0HGLFDO&HQWHU6KHZRUNHGZLWKIDPLOLHVRIER\VDQGPHQ ZKRKDGKHPRSKLOLDZKLFKLVDEORRGFORWWLQJGLVRUGHU6RPHRIWKHSDWLHQWVZKRVKHZRUNHGZLWKGHYHORSHGWKH$,'6YLUXVIURP FRQWDPLQDWHGEORRG:KHQVHDUFKLQJIRUVXSSRUWV\VWHPVIRUWKHVHIDPLOLHVLQFULVLVVKHPHW-DFRE:DWVRQDQGKHDUGDERXW7KH &HQWHU)RU*ULHYLQJ&KLOGUHQ *DLOUHFDOOHGWKHGD\WKDWWKH$,'6TXLOWFDPHWR3RUWODQGIRUWKHÀUVWWLPH´,ZDONHGLQWRWKHJ\PQDVLXPDW&KHVWQXW6WUHHW&KXUFK VDZWKHTXLOWVSUHDGRXWRQWKHÁRRUORRNHGGRZQWRVHHWKHVTXDUHVIURPWKRVH,NQHZDQGWKHJULHILQP\KHDUWVHWORRVHµ$IHZ PRQWKVODWHUVKHUHVLJQHGIURPKHUMREWRVSHQGPRUHWLPHZLWKKHUIDPLO\DQGWROHDUQWRWDNHFDUHRIKHUVHOI,WFDPHDWLPHZKHQ *DLOZDVUHDG\WRJREDFNWRZRUN6KHVDZWKHDGLQWKH3RUWODQG3UHVV+HUDOGIRUD3URJUDP&RRUGLQDWRUIRU7KH&HQWHUIRU*ULHYLQJ &KLOGUHQ6KHVDLGWRKHUVHOI´,UHDOO\ZDQWWRYROXQWHHUWKHUHEXW,QHHGWRZRUNDQG,·YHEHHQDFRRUGLQDWRUIRUWKHODVWÀYH \HDUV«VR,DSSOLHGDQGZDVIRUWXQDWHWREHKLUHGDVWKHÀUVWSDLGVWDIISHUVRQDW7KH&HQWHUµ *DLO&LQHOOL *DLOGHVFULEHV7KH&HQWHUDVEHLQJDSODFHRIRSHQKHDUWVKRQRULQJFKLOGUHQSURYLGLQJDVDIHSODFHWRVKDUHIHHOLQJVRIJULHIDQGORVV DQGDVDIHSODFHIRUFKLOGUHQWKHLUIDPLOLHVDQGYROXQWHHUV6KHDOVRQRWHGWKDWDSDUWLFLSDQWLQ´WKHOLWWOHVµVDLGWKLVYHU\VLPSO\LQD SLFWXUHWKDWVKHGUHZRIDKHDUWWKDWVDLG´ORYHUHDOO\FRXQWVµ7KLVVD\VLWDOOORYHGRHVFRXQWDQGZKHQSHRSOHZDONWKURXJKWKHGRRUVDW7KH&HQWHUWKH\ IHHOWKDWORYH 7KH&HQWHUKDVERWKVWD\HGWKHVDPHDQGFKDQJHGRYHUWKHSDVWWZHQW\\HDUV$FFRUGLQJWR*DLO´WKHSULQFLSDOVYDOXHVDQGYLVLRQKDYHUHPDLQHGDFRQVWDQW DQG7KH&HQWHUKDVFKDQJHGZLWKWKHJURZWKRSSRUWXQLWLHVDQGWKHJURZLQJQHHGVRIWKHFRPPXQLW\µ/RRNLQJEDFN7KH&HQWHUFHUWDLQO\KDVDORWWRFHOHEUDWH LQLWVWZHQW\\HDUVRIVHUYLFH/RRNLQJIRUZDUGWKHTXHVWLRQRIZKDWLVQH[WFRPHVWRPLQG Gail Cinelli is hired DVWKHÀUVWVWDII person & becomes Executive Director &HOHEUDWLQJ<HDUVRI6H The Center moves to 49 York Street Tender Living Care Program Begins 1988 The Center is founded by Bill Hemmens (with the help of many others) 1990 1992 1st Annual Pet Walk takes place in Portland around Baxter Boulevard 1994 1997 Multicultural Program Begins 1998 HUYLFHWR2XU&RPPXQLW\ The Center moves to 555 Forest Avenue after completing a successful Capital Campaign America’s Camp begins 2001 Anne Lynch is named Executive Director 2002 2003 The 1st Annual Fall Training Institute and 1st Annual Golf Tournament take place 2006 2007 The TLC book hits the press! It was developed by Patricia Ellen and longtime volunteers Ginny Keegan and Frankie Odom A sincere thank you to all who make it possible for us to do our work! 7KDQN<RXWR2XU9ROXQWHHUV This list includes donations made from July 1st, 2007-June 30th, 2008 and it includes United Way pledges made in campaign year 2007 Bereavement Facilitators Peter Arndt Sara Asch Paul Attardo Allison Beck Henry Bliss Phaedra Bond Sunny Bradford Carolyn Cameron Kimberly Carr Kelly Chambers Dan Creek Andy Dixon Mark Doering Fred Durst Claudia Dwyer Barbara Eberhardt Hannah Edwards Lester Evans Liz Faulkner Lynn Foley Kay Forte Irene Goff +HDWKHU*ULI¿Q Marijo Hamilton Steve Hart Ravinder Hayreh Ann Heath Quincy Hentzel Sharon Hill Drew Hill Claudette Hokanson Julie Ivey Jean Jala Tricia Jamiol Noreen Jensen Sheila Jepson Maureen Keeley Polly Keller Joan Kenyon Kathleen Kilbride Rita Kozma Joanne Larman Joan Leaman Rob Long Misty Mallar Joan Martay Stephen Masison Glenda McKertich Tracie Millett Paul Mirto Gaie Mitchell Michael Moore Stephanie Morris Stacy Morris-White Andrea Mortello Cathleen O’Donnell Toni Parise Maureen Peters Katie Pieh Kristen Pierce Jennie Pirkl Brooke Proulx John Reaman Kate Rhein Kate Roberge Deborah Shaw Linda Siglock Daniela Skalina Julie Smith John Soper Donna Stackhouse Jeff Thaler Ellen Theodores Christine VanVoorhis Jessica Violette Jennifer Weber Shaw Wilhelm Leslie Wilkinson Intakers Bunny Andrews Sara Asch Kelly Chambers Liz Crane Avesha DeWolfe Barbara Eberhardt +HDWKHU*ULI¿Q Steve Hart Barbara Hill Julie Ivey Valerie Jones Yvette Nadeau Brooke Proulx Sonja Solberg Potter Karen Stowe TLC Facilitators Paul Attardo John Baugher Kerry Conway Stephanie Cushman Becky DeLois Ina Demers Debbie Deschambeault Kirsten Devries Avesha DeWolfe Liz Faulkner +HDWKHU*ULI¿Q Ravinder Hayreh Tatyana Herron Myra Hopkins Gretchen Johnson Valerie Jones Abigaile Kane Marcia Lowery Robin McDonald Penny Nitis Staci Olson Cathy Paglio Weston Pease Sheryl Plummer Jennifer Stockless Karen Stowe Kelly Williams Multicultural Facilitators Liz Briggs Kelly Chambers Susan Coward Avesha Dewolfe Sarah Gebler +HDWKHU*ULI¿Q Ruth Hurd Julie Ivey Ori Kahn Maureen Keely Susan Leighton Rebecca MacConnell Weston Pease Maureen Peters Kristen Pierce Brooke Proulx Karen St. Peter Vera Stanley America’s Camp Sara Asch Allison Beck Nora Gross Myra Hopkins Deb Pfeffer 2I¿FH9ROXQWHHUV Elizabeth Allen Sara Asott Annette Anderson Loren Ayer Kathleen Baily Paige Bedcci Chad Brassard John Bray Kevin Bridges Jr. Joanie Britton Zach Brix Kristina Burks Matt Burnham Josh Curlew Neda Derakhshanaian Tricia Carr Erin Coleman Linda Dunham Bethany Dunbar Andrea Ernest Robert Fairbrother Alicia Gaurin Devin Gleeson Tatiana Green Anthony Griffen Isabella Ham Terry Hand Harborview Properties Jason Jolda Hillary Keach Micheal Kertes Emily Kidd .ULVW\/DÀDPPH Christine La Tore Julie Leeman Jan Lewis Eric Loveitt Sharon Mario Ethel Mckeen Lindsay McLaughlin Erica Mercier Jessica Mizner Joanne Mullen Jennifer Narray Beatrice Neff Tim Seekamp Zach Shirland Caty Smith Jessica Smith Amy Danielle Stevens Alex Strout Emma Scanlon Michaela Thomas Louise Taylor Taylor Valliere Kate Weir Board of Directors Kim Anderson True Dana Banks Burr Duryee Charlie Hascall Bill Hendrix Quincy Hentzel Germann Joe Hyatt Scott Libby Susan LoGiudice Joseph Loughlin Greg McCarthy Julie McQuillan Peter Miner Eileen Minte Thomas Polko Sharon SeslingLabonte David Stearns Andrew Stickney Will Stiles Nancy Thompson Patrick Veroneau Anne Verrill Bereaved Parents Group Volunteers Sue Lindsey Amy Liston Peggy Rowe Longcreek Volunteers Paul Attardo Steve Hart Kate Rhein Event Volunteers Kathleen Bailey Jane Berger Tom Blackwelder Sunny Bradford Jamie Cannon Kimberly Carr Destiny Cook Marty Cory 7ULVV&ULWFK¿HOG Tabitha Cummings Ina Demers Jennifer Demers Andy Dixon Annie Dolan Barbara Eberhardt Lynn Foley David Ford Charlene Foss Erica G Molly Gleason Isabella Ham Terry Hand Peter Hand Steve Hart Michael Hiltz Peg Hughes Julie Ivy Hallee Jandreau Valerie Jones Katie Jordahl Deena Kimball Kohl’s A-Team Donna Libby Joe Loughlin Donna Malarsie Christian Malarsie Katie Maloney Erica Mercier Hillary Nelson Larry Nise Alexis Nise Margaret O’Connell Cathleen O’Donnell Shawna Ohm Betsy Parsons Lori Parent Toni Parise Maureen Peters Kristen Pierce Jennie Pirkl Tammy Pomerleau John Reaman Joyce Rogers Sharon Sesling Labonte Jillian Smith Jeff Thaler Gene Thibodeau Nancy Thompson Diane Tierney Jennifer Weber George Weber Jim Wilder Interns Kelly Chambers Avesha DeWolfe Liz Faulkner +HDWKHU*ULI¿Q Julie Ivey Brooke Proulx Kate Rhein Outreach Volunteers Angie Arndt Henry Bliss Liz Crane Avisha DeWolfe +HDWKHU*ULI¿Q Steve Hart Valerie Jones Ginny Keegan Frankie Odom Weston Pease Brooke Proulx Kate Rhein Marie Roy Linda Siglock Donor Lists $VLQFHUHWKDQN\RXWRDOOZKRPDNHLWSRVVLEOHIRUXVWRGRRXUZRUN 7KLVOLVWLQFOXGHVGRQDWLRQVPDGHIURP-XO\VW-XQHWKDQGLWLQFOXGHV8QLWHG:D\SOHGJHVPDGHLQFDPSDLJQ\HDU7KLVOLVWGRHVQRW LQFOXGH&DSLWDO&DPSDLJQ'RQDWLRQV Benefactor Level $25,000 & Above United Way of Greater Portland Patron Level $10,000-$24,999 A Little Hope, Inc. Bank of America Foundation Frances Hollis Brain Foundation Geneva Ventures LLC Maine Community Foundation William J.J. Gordon Foundation Leader Level $5,000-$9,999 Michael E. Dubyak Dynamic Components of Personal Power Lynn Foley Jean R. Romoser Charitable Trust Misty Mallar Re/Max By The Bay Roy A. Hunt Foundation Spectrum Medical Group The Eunice Frye Home Foundation UnumProvident Corporation Wellpoint Foundation Legacy Level $2,500-$4,999 David and Donna Banks Allison Beck/Ethan Star in a Jar Fund Charles De Sieyes and Carol Ward Kayla Ferrante John Leonard Anne Lynch Jane Mack Martin’s Point Health Care Alan McIlhenny, Jr. and Beth Ackerson Oakhurst Dairy Sellers Publishing, Inc. Wright Express Core Support Level $1,000-$2,499 Acadia Trust Aetna Foundation Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield Jonathan Ayers Dana Banks Garrett and Janet Bowne Cape Cottage Gallery Ms. Joan Conroy Kathy and Bob Crispin Mary Cupp Dale Carnegie Training of Maine Dead River Company Mike and Sarah Del Tergo 'LYHUVL¿HG&RPPXQLFDWLRQV Jeanne Fenton George L. Shinn and Clara S. Shinn Fdn. Paul and Annie Golding Great Lost Bear Lisa Greuling Russell T. Hamilton Robert and Cecelia Hill Barbara Hopkins-Dulac IBM Employee Services Center IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. Valerie Jones Kids Crooked House Dorothy Kingsbury Joe and Carole Long Losam Fund Maine Center for Cancer Medicine and Blood Disorders Patricia Maling Mercy Hospital Midas Auto Service David and Brenda Miley Peter and Joan Kenyon Miner Monterey Media Concepts, LLC Pharmion Corporation Phillips-Green Foundation Planet Dog PM Construction Co, Inc. Port City Architecture PretiFlaherty Ray of Hope Foundation Robert and Marcia Yanofsky Family Charitable Trust Kenneth Rumery Saco and Biddeford Savings Bank Troy Scott Shaw’s Supermarkets Inc. Silver Crayon Studios Katharine Smith Stephanie Sparda St. Bartholomew’s Parish Bob and Sue Stevens Charles and Anita Stickney Will Stiles and Hilary Rapkin Carol and Rick Sylvester TD Banknorth Tex-Tech The Greg Altman Foundation The Standard Thomas Moser Furniture Triton Foundation Verizon Anne and Don Vermeil Verrill Dana Ermelinda Whitten Wyse Builders Zenkel Foundation Healing Support $500-$999 Anne Agger Alexander and Lisa Agnew Alice Allen Allied Cook Construction Stacey Anderson Richard and Ellen Asdourian David Aust Baker Newman and Noyes Bangor Savings Bank Corporate Giving Program Phaedra Bond Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation David Bradeen Lowell Brown Casella Waste Systems, INC. Chipped Enamel Citigroup Foundation Clean Harbors Allene Cooley Cumberland County Medical Society Foundation Joe and Becky Delois Andrea Descoteaux Cathleen DiMarzio Episcopal Church of St. Mary the Virgin Falmouth School Department Austin and Eileen Farrar First Congregational UCC South Portland Goodwin Motor Group H.M. Payson, Inc. James Hauptman William and Chantell Hendrix Suzanne and Tom Herrin William Hunt Jane Berger Photography Claire and Charles D. Jordan Linda and Tom Kelly Key Bank Mark and Michelle Larkin Paul and Janet Letalien 0DUWKDDQG6DOO\/LWWOH¿HOG Susan LoGiudice and Roger Long Hona Longstaff Lewis and Bruce Longstaff Maine Course Hospitality Gregory and Julie McCarthy Peter Joseph McDonald Joline McDonough Keane McGarvey Cornelius McGinn Dana and Janice Mitiguy National Semiconductor Nelson Rarities Network Systems, Inc. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. Andrew Novick Peoples Choice Credit Union Tom and Dena Polko Greg and Ginny Pomeroy Portland Police Department Portland Provident Association Project Graduation Yarmouth High School Norman and Lenore Rapkin Cathy and Brian Roberts Glenna Rosenberg Sappi Paper Seabee Electric Inc. Tim and Sharon SeslingLabonte SHP Management Corporation Rosalyn Siegel Kimberly Simard Fred Snowman South Freeport Church Southworth International Group Kenneth Spirer Elizabeth St. Germain Systems Engineering The Mark B. Issacs Foundation Mr. Henry Tosi, Jr. Trinity Lutheran Church United Way of Central Indiana United Way of New York City Raymond and Peggy Veroneau Patrick and Cynthia Veroneau W.P. Stewart and Co. Foundation, Inc. Karen Waxler Jane Costello Wellehan Yarmouth Lions Club Heart Support $250-$499 AFDGLD%HQH¿WV,QF Sara A. Almy Alternative Labor Resources Jane Anderson and John Doherty Dana Asdourian and Penny Whitney Martin Asdourian Brenda and Charles Bacall Back Country Excursions Michelle Bailey Bancroft and Company Joanne Beauregard Scott and Kristi Belesca Christine A. Bennett, MD Bethel Camp for the Arts Brunswick Publishing Company David Burchill Terese Cahill-Low John Carpentier Jane Carson Seth Clayter and Nicole Cherbulize Gail and Peter Cinelli City of Portland - HCD Funds Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Cares Community Fdn. of Greater Greensboro Carol Connelly deBree Portraits Fred Demers and Barbara Swain David and Nancy Deprey Joleen DeWitt Discovery Toys Andy Dixon and J.B. Kavaliauskas Andrew Dodge Mark Dolloff Drummond, Woodsum and MacMahon Dawn Dumond Roxanne Duranceau Burr and Deborah Crispin Duryee Dyer Elementary School Kathy Edelman Patricia Ellen Sally and Bruce Emery Margaret Evans -RKQ)DLU¿HOG Female Samaritan Association First Congregational Church - Scarborough Steve and Sue Fitts Paul Foster Sam and Norma Fratoni Maxwell Freeman Judith Gagnon Terri R. Gaulkin Candy and Ted Gibbons, Jr. Gary Giffen Giroux Oil GivingExpress Program from AMEX Gorham Savings Bank David Van Slyke and Susan Granai Anissa and Randall Grant -R$QQDQG)UDQN*ULI¿Q Tricia Grona Haley’s Metal Shop, Inc Janice Hall Gary Harriman Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Daniel and Phyllis Hayes Healey and Associates Eugene F. Heitz Michael and Elizabeth High Dorothy Hoy Hurley Travel Experts InterMed - Administrative 2I¿FHV Glenn and Jane Irish Joseph Long DDS Diane and Rick Kimball Drew and Christine King Sarah Kovarik Kris-Way Truck Leasing,Inc. L.L. Bean Langford and Low, Inc. Joanne Larman William and Gail Legge Doris Lewald Donna and Mike Libby Cynthia Luce John Lunt David Madden Dianna Martin Jeffery McKinnon Julie McQuillan Merck Partnership for Giving Susan Metters and Mark Segar MiddleOak Insurance Moriarty Family Charitable Foundation Trust Navigator Publishing Susan Nielsen Nonantum Resort North Deering Dental Associates Norway Savings Bank Frankie Odom John and Cynthia Orcutt Paradiso Salon and Spa Priscilla Pelletier Brian Pike Jr. Stuart and Laura Piltch Kenneth Pinkham Peggy Plapis Kelley Pratt Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Group Purpoodock Club Roger Putnam William and Sharon Reagan Daniel Reardon and Bernadette Woodcock Jeannine Reuillard Lisbeth Robinson and David Murphy Christopher and Novaleigh Rogers Edward and April Rogers Connie and Edward Ryan Ms. Mary Sanborn Lahner Satori Salon and Spa Tobey and Amy Woodhouse Scott Simply Chic Regina and Michael Sommer South Congregational Church Springer’s Jewelers Andrew and Ann Stickney Sumar Foundation David and Ann Swardlick Dale and William Temm The Thomas Agency Matt and Ellen Theodores Theodores Family Foundation Michael and Laura Totta Town of Scarborough Kim and Jeffrey True United Way of York County Beth Van Gorden W.H. Demmons, Inc. Wal-Mart Foundation Mr. and Mrs. L. Hoyt Watson WBLM-FM (102.9) Rhonda Wronski Paulette York and Richard Borts Catherine Zuckerman Guardian Angels $100-$249 A.T. Clayton and Co., Inc. Actuarial Designs and Solutions, inc. Advanced Employment Alliance Press Allstate Giving Campaign Donna Almy Sally and John Amory AMSOIL Peter and Lori Anastos Robert J. Anderson Berna Andrews-Haggan Demetri Antoniou Elizabeth and C. D. Armstrong Anne and David Asdourian Paul Attardo Attention to Every Detail Attitash Bear Peak Douglas and Nancy Bagin Terri Ball and Mark Rautenberg Ron and Sally Bancroft Marie Barlow Linda and Robert Bartlett Sallyann Bassett Peter and Jackie Bates Bath Iron Works Corporation Lisa Bedard Anthony and Nancy Bennett Berger Financial Group Mel and Judy Berghuis Bigelow Investment Advisors Louise Blake Blake Lumber Co. Kathleen and Francis Blasi Henry and Melissa Bliss Melinda Boehm and Lester Moulton William Bolinder and Heather English Roberto Bonechi Bob Boothe Elizabeth Bordowitz Arthur and Kate Borduas Derek Boucher Frances Bowne Boys to Men Terrance Brennan Elizabeth Brisk Lawrence Broda Lee and James Broder Richard and Kimberly Brooks Capt. Thomas and Susan Brown Gail Bruzgo Elizabeth Bryant James Burgess Kimberly Burke Kimberly Burns Jay Butler Jennie Butler Jessica Butzel C.H. Rosengren Painting and Repair C.M. Bowker Philip Scavotto and Cecilia Caldwell Beth and Hugh Campbell Sandra and Dominic Candelmo Don and Laurie Cantara Cape Elizabeth Police Benevolent Association Linda and Doug Cardente Casey Charitable Matching Programs Mary Chaney and Ryan McKisson Douglas Chapman Rebecca Chapman Christopher Falk and Associates Santo and Betty Cimino Susan Clark Clark Associates Cheryl Clifton Carole Closser Danielle Clukey Andrew and Judith Coburn Jay and Lindsey Collins Peter Connolly Leo and Betty Connolly Robert Cornett and Paula Klimek Susan and Steven Coward Erin Cunningham George Cunningham Jack Curran Deborah Eaton Curtis Bruce Dalbeck Mary Danis Mr. Douglas M. Darby Herbert and Patricia Davis Day One Alexandra Demers Indriani Demers Jacqueline and Tod Alexander Demeter Susan Denis Peggy DePaola Joseph and Dawn Desimone Lucia DiMarco Jones Scott Dinsmore and Stacy Calderwood Disability RMS Holly Doggett Timothy Donovan Maryaustin Dowd and George Calvert C. Mitchell and Elizabeth Draper Elizabeth Dubois Ruth Dufresne Audrey and Donald Dugmore East Brown Cow Management, Inc. Eastland Park Hotel Eastman Kodak Company Edgecomb Potters Hand in Hand Galleries Kurt Ehlers Beth Elicker and Charles Ott Enefco USA Inc Bev Engel and Paul Schrodt Eileen and Ron Epstein Angela Esposito Exxon Mobil Corporation Christa Fairbanks Falmouth Lions Club Anne and R. Ewen Farnham Feathersone Massage William and Victoria Ferentz Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Finishing Touches Jim Finley Fintech Securities Robert Flynn Ruth I. Fogg Lawrence and Sheila Foley Foreside Community Church Foreside Tavern Jennifer and Steven FowlerGreaves Fraternal Order of Eagles 565 Frank and Eileen Frye G.M. Pollack and Sons Richie Garrett Quincy Germann Dino and Barbara Giamatti Margaret A. Giles Girl Scouts of Kennebec Council Troop 561 Paula Goodwin Sandra Goolden Gorham Sand and Gravel Lisa and Leon Gorman Margaret Gorton-Armstrong Jane and Donald Gralen Peter and Gail Graumnitz Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Haley’s Tire Ellen Hall William Hamilton Terry and Peter Hand Hannaford - Sanford Lloyd Hardy Steve Hart Sharon Hartl Davis and Jane Hartwell Debbie Harvey Corey Hascall David Haskell Tom Hauert Headlight Audio Visual Deborah A. Henry Linwood Higgins Heather and Rodney Hill Brian and Margery Hodgkin Peter Hollander Thomas and Sandra Hopkins Diane C Hunt Inverness Medical Anne Ireland and Kenneth Cole J.B. Brown and Sons Neil Jamieson Jill Stenger King David M. Johnson, D.O. George O. Jones, Jr Nicole and Nicholas Kazimer Ms. Ginny Keegan Maureen Keegan and Thomas Schwarm Maureen Keeley and Cheryl Greaney Thomas Keller Jill Kelly Jill and Peter King Kitchenware News Andrew Knupp Tara Knupp Marie Koerick Michael and Elizabeth Kramer Ken Kunin and Elisabeth Stickney Jill Labrie Amy Lamb Darrin and Robin Lary Stacy Lary Lyndell and Mark Lavigne George and Margaret Lawrence Valerie Leathers Jim and Sarah Lee Susan and Jeffrey Leighton Jane Leonard Mary and Richard Levy George Lewald Christine Linnehan Lions Club of Cape Elizabeth, Inc. /LWFK¿HOG7RZHU&RUS Phyllis Lockhart Paul Lohnes Amy and Jeremy Lombardo Susan Krauss Loomis Anna Lopez-Tous Joseph Loughlin Alison Luck Susan Lynch James and Dorothy MacDiarmid Helen MacGowan Michael and Stacy Mach Jack Madden Ronald and Jane Maheu 0DLQH$VVRFLDWLRQRI1RQ3UR¿WV Maine Medical Center Michael and Mary Jean Major Katharine and Jack Mann Peter and Vicki Marion Yasuhiro Matsumoto David Maxsimic Raine Maxwell Bruce McAfee Debbie McAlpine T.D. and J.K. McBrierty Joan McCabe Ellen McKenzie Heather and Wade Lippert Stacey McKenzie Walter and Glenda McKertich Brendan McVeigh MEMIC Partners for Workplace Safety &KDUOHV0HUUL¿HOG Norma Michalec Marilyn Miller Debbie and Rick Molander Ms. Ellen Monaghan Monaghan Woodworks, Inc. Michael and Gwen Moore James and Marguerite Moran Michael and Jamie Morin Reynolds Adele Morris Carol Morrison Morse Street School Eric Mukai and Laurie Small Jeffrey Munson Kenneth Murphy My Gym Children’s Fitness Center Georgette Nadeau Nappi Distributors Merle and Leonard Nelson Kevin Noonan North East Insurance Charitable Foundation Nova Seafood William and Rita Nugent Kelly Anne O’Brien Melissa and John O’Reilly Orthopedic Massage Paul and Esther Pappas Evelyn and Jerald Paradis Louise Parise Amy Parker Gina Pate Ms. Sheila Peabody Bob and Susie Peixotto Dorothy Petersen Linda and Morris Hancock Mark Philbrick Jonathan Piper Planet Fitness Poland Spring Country Club Portland Sand and Gravel, Inc. Rebecca and Douglas Pride Prides Corner Congregational Church Timothy Prince Mary Quinones Claudia Racki Lawrence and Jeana Bearce Rakovan Julie and Ken Ray Denise Reny Mike Reynolds RGS Patricia Rice Dayna and J Sean Riley Kelli Rogers Roma Cafe Steve Roy Clifford Ryan Sacred Heart Parish Kate Savidge Scarborough Physical Therapy Associates Douglas Schnackel Susan Schraft and Richard Berne Hillary and Jaimie Schwartz Michael Schwemm Nina and Curtis Scribner Debora and Gary Serino Tami Seymour SGC Jonathan Shapiro Kimberly Shelley Ed and Betsy Shevenell James and Kelley Shimansky Ship-Right Solutions LLC Shipyard Brewing Company William Shumaker Silver Street Management Kevin Simard Susan and Kenneth Sinker Pam Sirois Debra Sirois Kevin Smith Melissa Smith Joseph and Yolette Sontag John and Krista Southall Southern Maine Medical Center Cindi Spear Samuel Spina St. David’s Episcopal Church Anne and James Stanley James Willey and Catherine Steele Betsy Stivers Sandra Stone Peter Stoops Greg Strzegowski Sugarloaf USA Lorraine and Timothy Sullivan Martha Sullivan Peter Sullivan Eric Swanson Bryon and Wendy Tait Michael Taxach Don Taylor Sheila and Don Taylor Amy Tchao and Roger Clement Jeff Thaler and Karen Massey The Yoga Center Ted Theodores David Thomas Nancy and Tim Thompson Judy Tierney Kevin and Cris Tierney Stacey Todd Susan Towle Town Landing Market Town of Long Island Lynne Trufant Kevin Trytek Kathryn Turner Tyco Integrated Cable Systems Inc. United Way of Delaware United Way of Kennebec Valley United Way of Mid Coast ME, Inc. United Way of The Greater Seacoast University of New England Karen Vandeventer Alicia Vasile Anne and Jeffrey Verrill Lynn Verrill Derek and Amy Volk John Walkenford Thomas Walker Martha Wallace Jill Wallace Fred and Robin Webber Sarah Webber and David Bischoff Margaret Webster Susan Weiseman Henry Welch Edith White Mark Whitney David Wike Wild Lydia Photography Fred Williams Barbara Wilson Vivian and Carlton Wing Darin Wing Kimberly Wood Mark Woodhead Amy Hemmens-Wu and Jack Wu Sandra and Ronny Wuraftic Scott Wyman Steve Yager Yarmouth Colts’ Soccer Sara Yates Youngs Furniture Company Friends Up to $99 A Company of Girls AAA Northern New England Mary and Thomas Abbruzzese Jessie Abrams Alexia Adams Susan Adams Grant Adams James Adams Stephen and Barbara Aidikonis William Alden Ms Mary Anne Aldrich 0LFKDHO$O¿HUR Bonnie-Kate Allen Jessica Allen Joyce Allen Leo and Jane Amato Melissa Anderson Scott and Helen Anderson Rebecca Andrews Janice and Mark Andrews Tina Andrews Donna Andrews and James LaPlante Peter Angis Joyce Ann Cox C. Neal Anthoine, III Anthony’s Pizza George and Gloria Aponte Clarke Charles Archinal Lois Armstrong Angela and Peter Arndt Gregory and Michelle Arnold Kristeen Arntz Richard and Adele Aronson Sara E. Asch Hilda and Steven Assarian ASU Prevention Research Center Ms. Dorothy Aube Ellen Augusta Adrienne Aust William Avery Janessa Axelsen Ubaldine Loranger and Robert Bachand Philip and Virginia Baker Tami Baker Mariar Balow Bank of America United Way Campaign Michael Banks Nancy Barba Dianne Barbour Marge Barker Katherine Barnard Stephen Majercik and Faith Barnes Jeff and Wendy Barrett Marty and Carlene Barron Shirley and Leroy Barry Katherine Barter Judi Barter Mike and Ann Marie Barter Raina Bartlett Nelson Bartley Dorothy Barton Catherine Bayley Doug Beach Beacon of Healing Richard Bean Richard Bean Melissa Beauchesne Bethany Beausang and Josh Gosselin Ondrea Bebout Mary and Paul Becker Christopher Behan Diane Bell William Bennett Judith Berghuis Pamela Bergner Judith Beshwaty Jill Bessey Jeanna Best Clarence Bickford, Jr Jacqueline Billington Laurie Birmingham Sarah Bisson Ms Amanda Blaine Lawrence and Brenda Blaisdell Jennifer F Blake Corinne Blake Francine and Stephen Blattner Lisa Blier Lawrence Bliss Mary Bloch Todd Blodgett Julie Blodgett Elaine Bloom Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Boffa Chris Boggiatto E. Jane Bopp Craig Borgmann and Ericka Bass Ms Colette Bouchard Randy Boucher Doris and Jeffrey Boucher Claudia Boucher Douglas and Elisa Boxer Cook Karen Bracy Dorothy Breed Deborah Breton Linda Brewer Burrill and Corrine Bridge Deborah Britton Amy Beth Brochu-Krikken Jane Broda Edward and Rose Brooks 6KLUOLHDQG-RKQ%URRP¿HOG M.A. and Robert Brown Jessica Brown Chris and Ed Brown Pamela Brown Juliet Browne and Jon Hinck K. R. Buchanan John Buckley Joan and Bridget Burke Tamora Burrell Joyce Burrow Courtney Burton Theresa Caiazzi Grace Callahan Johathan Campbell Kimberly A. Candelmo Michael Candelmo Jessica Caouette Karen and John Caprio Melanie Cardus Mariette Carey Andrew Carey James Carey Joan Carleton Angela and Michael Carleton Cathy and Paul Carmichael Drs. Timothy and Charlotte Carnes Beverly and Edward Caron Irene Carson Steve and Carol Carter Alison Caruso Linda Carvell Norman Carver Casco Bay Lines Lucyanne Cavallo Christopher Cavanaugh Drs. Robert and Jacquelyn Cawley Central Maine Power Co. Christina Cesare Patricia Chamard David Chamboux Benny and Poh-Yong Chang Stephen and Susan Chard Denise Charette Gail Charles Tracy Charles Jessica Chase and Timothy Mateosian Dana-Marie Childs Janis Childs Sandra Ciraulo Tanya Cisewski Peter and Maureen Clancy Dale Marie Clark Ms. Dale Marie Clark John and Ellen Claussen Peter and Marjorie Clifford Janet Clough Karen and Todd Cloutier Robert Cloutier Anna and David Cloutier Lisa Cloutier Mr and Ms Cochrane Gertrude Colburn Deborah Colcord Chris Collins Miriam and Christopher Collins Kim Condon Collette Conley Realty LLC Kathryn Connolly Peter and Ida Connolly Wendy Connolly Leona Connors Janet Connors Sheila Cook Doris A. Cook Susan Cook Leslie Cook Kimberly Cook Elizabeth Cook Toby and Joanne Cook Sylvia and Robyn Coombs Jamie Cooper Jennifer Corbett Diana Corbo Carolyn Corliss Maria Corliss Anna Cormack Bernadette Cormier Elizabeth Cote Donna and Mike Cote Barbara Coulombe Wendy Craig Thomas Craigs Elizabeth and Thomas Crane Kristen L. Crean Gail and Dave Crispin Janet and Bill Cross Jennifer Crowder Lisa Crowley Erin and David Crowley Nicole Crozier Cry of the Loon Ms Felicia Cummings Patrick and Kris Curran Naomi Curry and Beverly Bowie Margaret and Robert Curry Richard and Janet Curry Eric and Megan Curtis Thomas and Mary Cushman D. Cole Jewelers Jeffrey and Katherine Daigle John and Beverly Daley Stella Dalrymple Barbara Dalton Michele Danois Jeff David Margaret Davis and Peter Rice Arlene Davis Beth Davis Diane Davison George Dawbin Michael and Chanthou Day George and Diane Deans Rachel R. Deans Terri DeCosterGrasso April DeCourcey Michelle Ann and John Defusco Jonethan DeLaughter Kelly Dell’Aquila Anne Dellenbaugh Sheila Deming Cheryl Denis Raina Dennison Debbie Deschambeault Maggie and Dick Deschambeault Nick and Michelle Desiderio Robert Deutsch Mary Devine and Patrick Bentz Lauren DeWaters Suzette Dibiase-Ricker Jennifer Dickerson Frank Didonato Ashley and Kellsie Dinnock Britton Deborah and Denis Dinsmore Chandra Dionne Angela DiTrolio Hazel David Doane Laura C. Dobson Domain Diane Dombrowski Peter Donnelly Kimberly Donovan John and Sarah Dorsey Robert and Amy Beth Doucette Christopher Dougherty George Doughty Downeast Concepts, Inc. Robert Dow Patty Downer Lauralee Downs Dianne and John Doyle Ellin Doyle Brian and Elin Doyle Jeanne and Joel Doyon Craig Dozois Katy Dresnok Dress Down Day Fund Rachel Drury Theresa and Donald Dube Richard and Tina Ducharme Louis and Eleanor Dudek Melissa and John Duffy Mary Duncan Jamie Duncan Mark and Martha Dunlap Betsi and John Dupont Leah Durgin Dutchess Christina Duvernay Robert and Arleen Eckert Jason Elias Martha Elkus and Elizabeth Harris Cheryl Ellicott Robert and Laura Ellis Troy Ellsmore Elm Street UMC Pam and Ed Emerson Milton and Teresa Emerson Charlotte Emery Jill Emery Entree vous Pam Erickson David and Carol Ertz Lisa A. Estey Lester Evans Sylvie Fadrhonc Dainel and Maureen Fallon Falmouth Middle School Family Music Kelledy Farino Edith and Francis Farnum Valerie Farrell Shari Farrice Audrey Lee Fatula Susan Ferguson Audrey Findlen Jean Fisher Catherine Fishman Roberta Fishman Kristen Fitts Rachel Flaherty Michael Fleurent Peg Fleury Robert and Patricia Fleury Bruce Fleury Lonnie and Mary Floyd Brean Flynn Michele Flynn Colleen and John Fogg Carolyn Foley Elaina Foley Susan Ford Fore Street Restaurant Ms Heidi Foreman Smith Angela and Marjorie Forrester D. Lee Foss Terry Foster Jenny Foster Ann Foye Wally and Judy Frank Judith Franklin Nancy Freeman Deborah and Mark Fuller Anne Funderburk Ed and Gloria Gallant Barbara Garza Lenor Gaunya Ms Stephanie Gautreau Russell Gauvin Randy Gelber Deborah Gellerson Gerber Associates, P.A. Lina Germann Denitta Arnaud Germann Barbara Germann Karen Gersen and Donald Peterson Monica and William Gervais Frank and Carrie Gianattasio Donna Gibbs Kathleen and Warren Giering Tamara Gifford Paula and Robert Gilbert Darrell Gill Anne Gilpatrick Kenneth and Claire Ginder Girl Scouts Kennebec Council Violette Giroux Diane Glasser Mary Gleason Guy and Ginny Gledhill Mickie Gleisner Kucinkas Jerry and Susan Goldberg Brian and Connie Goldberg Timothy Goodrich GoodSearch Leana Good-Simpson Sonya Gorman Kerry Goulder Stephanie Baccei and Christopher Gouveia Paula and Sean Gowen Heather Graham Barbara Graham Andrew and Andrea Grant Bettyanne Grant Nancy Grant and Michael Boyson Cheryl Gray Gray-New Gloucester Animal Hospital Jean Gredler Susannah Green Shawn Green 0V/HVOLH-*UHHQ¿HOG Tracy Greenwood Charlotte Gregorie 0V6DUDK-*ULI¿WKV Terrance Grindle June Grocki Bill and Jeanne Gross Nora Gross Kevin Grover Rebecca Gruber Marnelle and Joseph Grumbach Robert and Janice Guenther Susanna Guerra Ray Guimond Ms. Edwine Guyer Esther Gyger H. H. Sawyer Realty Company and Daughters James and Renee Hachey Mike and Cindy Hagerty Sharon Haines Melissa Haley Robin Haley Barbara Hall Sarah Hall Andrea Hall Phyllis Hall Jon and Donna Halvorsen Darcy Halvorsen Jane Hamblen Katherine Hamor Michael and Rebecca Hanaburgh Diane Hancock Kathleen Hanson Linda Hanson Harbor Fish Market Gordon and Winnifred Harris Marie Hart Amanda Hart Hartex LLC Deanna Hartford Katharina Hartman Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare and Health Plans Harvest Moon Candle Co. Charlie and Deborah Hascall Robert Hasson Robert and Gail Hatem Holly Hathaway Norma Haug Maureen and David Haverty Elizabeth and Peter Hawkes Amy Hawkes Elizabeth Hawthorne Daniel Hayes Marrissa Heath Carolyn Heiser Kristin Henebury Robin Henry Lawrence and Amber Herdade Sarah Herron Barbara Hill and Jimmy Kloczko Donna Hilton Dick Hilton Jaime Hiltz Catharine H. Hodgson Sharon Hogan Perley Hood Ellen and Herbet Hopkins Marion Hopkins Susan Hopkinson James Hoskins Olga Hountalas Ann Houston Nicholas and Lois Howgate Julie L. Howland Leslie and Mike Hurley Maria Hurley Arline and Thaddeus Hyatt Joe and Maria Hyatt Thomas and Laurie Hyndman Theresa Jackson Kathleen and Keith Jacques Brad James Tricia Jamiol Scott Janco Susan and Scott Janosik Deborah Jean Jen Burrall Designs Michael Jenike Linda Jenkins Avery Jenkins Karen Jennings Anne Jepson Sheila Jepson Chris Johns Bruce Johnson Gretchen Johnson Tara Johnson Barbara Johnson Julie Ann Johnson and David St. Pierre Jeffrey and Lucia Jones Shelley Jordan Kellie and James Joyce Ann-Marie Joyce Heather Jury Victoria Kahan Amy Kalicky Mellissa Kane William Karl Kimberly and Bob Karolides Mary Beth and Dave Karr Neva and Phil Kaye Jean and John Keady Melanie C Keary McKenzie Keim Ms. Patricia Kelley Mary Lou Kelley Jennifer Kelley Daniel and Mary Kelly Kennebec Girl Scout Council, Inc. Sue and Jack Kennedy Beckie Kier Gloria Kierstead Mary Lou Kimball Cindy Kimpel Linda King Madison and Sophie King Margaret and Edward King Nancy King Christopher J. Kittle Knaughty Hair Heather and Stacy Knight Alyson Knox Ms. Constance Korda Lisa Kostopoulos Anthony and Rita Kozma Mark and Lenore Kraus Sarah Kulpa Faye Kolhonen Kurnick Becky L Richard and Jean Labonte Ms. Anne LaBossiere Clare and Scott LaBrecque Ann Lackey Stu Lacognata Andrew and Cynthia Laduke Bill Lago Ms Jennifer Lainey Carmen Laliberte Paul and Anne Laliberte Melissa J. Lamb Janine Lambert Donna and Russell Lamer Victoria and Roger Lamontagne Laura Lamparyk Michael and Carolyn Lane Amy-Feona Lane Ellen Langford Cathlyn Langston Joanne Lannin LaPointe-Lachance Albert and Janine Lappin Judith Laprade Stephen and Polly Larned Roxanne Larochelle Joe LaRose Todd and Cynthia Lasalle Steven and Joyce Lavoie Estelle A. Lavoie Margaret Lavoie Lynda Lawrence Rachel and Keith Lawrence Dianne Law Alice and George Leahy Dianna Lear June Leary Nancy Leavitt Kimberley LeBlanc Linda and William LeBlond Solange and Edward Leborgne Pamela Lederer and Michael Carmen Arthur and Doris Ledue Jeannine Lefevre Alison Leger Cindy Lemieux Jennifer Lemieux Philip and Glenda Lentz Leonardo’s Pizza Jerome Lessard Olga Levin Shari Lewchanin Frances Liautaud Elizabeth and Richard Libby Peter Lindberg Leslie and Carl Lindgren Martha Lippa 6WHSKHQ/LWFK¿HOG -DFLQWKH/LWWOH¿HOG &KULVWRSKHU/LWWOH¿HOG Marcia Livada C.S. and M.G. Lobikis Kathleen Locker Carrie Logan Lisa Longinetti Kimberly Lopes Marisa Lord Cynthia and Michael Loring Kate Lowry Callie Lubinski Alta and John Ludlam John Lufkin Joseph Luke, Jr. Debra Lyden Chris and Cari Lyford Sterling MacClean Maccrillis-Rousseau LAVFW 8835 Margaret MacDonald Erin Macey Kathryn Macgowan John MacGregor Alicia Machnitzky Donald and Christine MacKenzie Janice and William MacKenzie Waite Maclin Lisa Marie MacMillan Rebecca MacQuinn Jennifer Madden Danielle Maffei-O’Keefe Nancy Magadieu Dr. James and Louise Mahoney Maine Rock Gym Maine State Ballet Make Way for Ducklings Whitney Manning Christa Manning Marisa’s Salon Brenda Markee Cynthia Marsden David Marsden Joan Martay and Michael Brennan Alyson Martel Sarah Martin Bonnie Martinolich Carol Mason Flo Masse Deborah Maxcy Lisa Maxwell Roseann Mazjanis Brian Mazjanis James and Heather Mazjanis Kathleen and Peter McAleney Cristina McBreairty Brianna McCabe Margaret McCaffrey Katharine McCarthy Philip McCarthy Rebecca McClannahan Laura McConnell Debra McCormack Edith McCormick Christopher McCormick Alison McCue Donna McCusker Rebecca McDevitt Marion McDonald Matthew McDonald Elaine and Daniel McDougall Lorraine and Stephen McElwain Elizabeth McEvoy Shawn and Amy McEwen Mary McGillicuddy Tammy McGrath Mary Ann McLean Jessica McLeod Sheila and Daniel McNeil Alice Meagher Medical Case Management Randall Megow Sheila Menair Norma Merchant Jon Mermin Ann Merrill Danielle Merry Jennifer Meserve Brian and Sonja Mesley Lisa and Damon Meyer Linda Milbury Elizabeth Miller and David Body Mary Miller Annie Miller Susan and Alan Miller Katherine Milliken Eileen and Geoff Minte Mister Bagel Robert Clifford Mitchell Matt Monaghan Rita Moore Julie Morgan James Morin Janice and Richard Morrell Diane Morrison Marilyn Morse Kathleen Mortero Sherri and Jeffrey Moulton Carol A. Mulkern John Mullen Heahter Mullen Mary Mulligan Kristin Murak Polly Murphy Peter and Deborah Dunn Murray Janice Musacchio Paula Myers Maren Nagem Viann and Anthony Nappi Kristin Nason Carol and Brian Nason National Milk Bank Brown Sive Neilan Normand and Barbara Nelson Bruce and Patricia Nelson Mariah Nelson Linda and Glen Nerbak Mel and Lori Newcomb Sharon and Perry Newman Suzannah Nice James and Anna Nicholas Patricia and Lawrence Nickerson Melissa Noack Jonathan and Eliza Nolan Stephen and Jennifer Nolan Nonesuch River Golf Club John Noonan Joanne and Stanley Norbert Cynthia North Stephanie Norton Carol Ober Anne O’Brien Joseph Foley and Trish O’Carroll Ocean House Massage Barbara O’Connell Robert Odlin Marcia O’Donnell Michael O’Donnell Diane and John O’Kelly Alice Olcott ,UHQHDQG-HIIUH\2OG¿HOG Nicola Oliver Elizabeth Olivier Charles and Mary Olsen Staci Olson Christine and Joseph Olson Carol Olson O’Naturals, Inc. Gail O’Neil Anthony and Kathryn Ornatek Heather and Mitchell Orser Kate Osgood Beatrice Osgood Dr. Harold and Peggy Osher Joseph Ostwald Julie and Harold Otte Rita and Donald Ouellete Teri and Mark Ouellette Margaret Pachuta Catherine and Richard Paglio Geraldine Palamountain Carmela Palanda Alexander and Margaret Pallang Petra Palmer Donna and Steven Palmer Constance and Francis Palys Kevin Paquette Wallace Paquette Cathie Paradis Kacie Parker Gail Parker Betsy Parker Steve and Ann Parkhurst Susan Parr Linden Thigpen Pavloff Anne and Pays Payson Scott Pease Shiloh Peck Lisa Pelton Pemberton and Associates, Inc. Megan Pendergrass Pepper Club Restaurant J Perham Carrie and Darrell Perry Barbara Perry Priscilla Perry Forte Stephen Pesce Sharon Peters Roberta A. Peterson Laura Peterson Julie Peterson Heather and John Petrlik Deborah Pfeffer Kelly and Jay Phinney Teresa and Sam Pierce Barbara Pike Barbara Pillsbury Tami Pirini Barbara Piveronas James Pizzo and Mary Polito Lisa Plotkin Victoria Plummer Jane Plummer Arnold and Virginia Plummer Lisa and Randall Plummer Steve Plummer Sandra and Reginald Plummer Plummer-Motz School Stephen Podgajny Joan Pohlman Beth and James Poliquin Richard and Lizbeth Polkinghorn Charles and Tamera Pompea Ms Julie Pompeo Robert Pompeo Elyse Pomperoy Pond Cove Elementary Carlie and Liz Poole Portland Models and Talent Portland Sea Dogs Portland Stage Company Portland Symphony Orchestra Ms. Kathleen Potrepka Ms Renee Pottle Peggy Powers Julie Powers-Langella Charles and Mary-Jane Preble Joseph Prevost George and Harriet Price Properties Limited Liabilities Co. Steve Pufka Denise Pulcifur Jeffrey and Carolyn Putnam Steve and Nicky Quimby Elizabeth and Michael Quinlan Cynthia Quirk Frederic and Suzanne Rand Rand Stoneworks, Inc. Jean Rank Nancy Rankin Daniel Rapaport Mr. Michael RawlingsSekunda Katharine Raybin Neil and Wava Raymond Charles and Patricia Reade Amedeo and Anita Reali Claire Recker Coleen McCarthy Reid Henry and Sandra Richards James Richards JanAlicia Ricker John and Dolores Rimkunas Teresa Rimkunas Jennifer and Douglas Ritchie Kate Roberge Alan and Karen Roberge Linda Roberts Beth-Ann and Michael Roberts Michelle Roberts Michael and Debbie Robichaud Mary and Thomas Robillard Mr. and Ms. William J. Robinson Gary and Cathy Robinson Preston Robison Brian Rod Roman Catholic Bishop of Portland St. Andre’s Pari James Romer Patricia Rosi-Santucci Charles and Barbara Price Roth Evan Roth and Sara Page Eileen and Ted Rowland Nicole Rowles Lynn Roy Richard and Susan Ruhlin Ms Kimberly J. Russell Susan and Donald Russell Holly Russell Jessica Russell Marianne Russo Tara and Geoff Ryan Tammy Ryan and Kevin Rickett Frank Ryan Michael and Lynn Ryan Neil and Kimberly Ryan Erin Ryan Susan Ryberg and David Sharp Susan and Jeffrey Saffer, M.D. Elizabeth Samways Prinn Manganello Deb Sanborn Patricia and Dwight Sanborn Sanctuary Studio John J. Sanders Amy Sanders and Paul Dobbins Suellyn Santiago Cynthia Sargent Margaret Sawtelle Darlene Scamman Christine Scammell Angie Scangas Eleanor Scanlon Scarborough Middle School Bradley Schaeffer Diane Schinella Brenda Schneider Brenda and Robert Schneider Alan and Fran Schneit Michael Schweyer Seacoast Fun Park Leslie Searfoss Bette Seaver Sembler Company Karen Sesto Clifford and Colleen Seymour Jon and Sally Shannon Kelley Shannon and John Goodwin Leslie Shapiro Angela Sharp Kathryn and Michael Sheehan Susan and Thomas Shortall Shucks! freswater pearls Siam Restaurant Ann Siefring Catherine Siegel Julie Silverman Doris and Norman Simard Priscilla and James Simmons Christine Simons Linda Simonsen Norma Simpson Jill Simpson Ms Jill Simpson Cathy Sirois Ann Skelton Ludwig Skillin’s Greenhouses Jeanne Sloan Betty and David Small Patricia Small Sandra Smart Carrington and Bette Smart Kenneth and Josephine Smith Stephanie Smith Jennifer and Michael Smith Ms Heather Smith Kristy Smith Barbara and Mason Smith David Smith Herb Smith Belinda and Christopher Snell Karen Sorabella Norman and Carol Soucie Derek Soule Janice Sparks Melanie Sparks Ide Cathy Spear, LICSW Leanne Lentz and George Gary Spencer Chris Spencer Sarah Sprogell Sean St. Louis-Farrelly Bruce St. Thomas and Peggy Fallon Bruce St. Thomas and Peggy Fallon Diana Stafford Catherine Stankard Jessie Staples David and Charlene Stearns Lili Stearns Patricia Stein Karl and Juliette Steinbach Dale Stephenson Katherine Stetson-Reed Donna Stevens Judith Stevens Robert Stewart Jeffrey Stewart Stonewall Kitchen Pamela Storer Jonathan and Maureen Stormont Doris Stout Ann Stowell Street and Company Susan Stride Cheryl Stubbs Suzanne Succane Wendy Suehrstedt John Sullivan Brian Sweeney Ruth Sylmor Gladys Szabo Danielle Tabor Connie Taggart Dolores and Robert Talbot James and Sally Tammaro TarotWorks Marianne Tarraza Missy Tasker Mr. Ivan Tate Tavecchia James and Elizabeth Taylor Beth Taylor Cindy Taylor Cynthia and Robert Taylor TD Banknorth Charitable Foundation Teasdale Thorp Ralph and Marilyn Tedesco Patricia Teehan Linda Tetrault Lynne Tetreault Frederick and Alalia Kempner Thaler Stephan and Jody Thayer The Cheese Iron The D’errico Agency LLC The Olive Garden Lindsey Theriault Anne Theriault Patrick Theriault Diane Therrin Mark and Diane Therrin Patricia and Philip Thibault Renee Thibodeau Tim Thomas Kelly Thomas Alistair Raymond and Lisa Thomas Timothy and Marcia Thomas Andrew Thomits John and Peggy Thompson Sherma Ryzmek-Thorne Diane Thorton Chandler Norma Jean Thurber Crystal Thurlow Diane Tierney Suzanne Tierney Nancy Timberlake Nancy Tindal Jennifer Tingle Colleen Tobin Mr. David Tompkins Alissa Tomson Ramey W. Tomson Virginia Toner George and Ann Towns Robert Traill Jay and Karen Lentz Traunig Treehouse Toys Richard and Nora Tryon Tammy Turcotte Hillary Turner Donna Turner Luanne M. Turner Shawn and Deborah Tuttle Maida Uhlig United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut Uno Chicago Grill Michael Urbanski, Ed.D. Nate Vail Val Halla Golf and Recreation Priscilla Vandermast Sharon Vares Verizon (Employees) Barbara and David Vickers James and Phyllis Victoria Mrs. Eleanor Vincent Spencer and Jessica Violette Terry and William Violette Diane and Kenneth Volk Douglas and Gail Volk Rhoda Vosmus Ann and Thomas Waecker Ervin and Nancy Walker Mary Wall David and Susan Wallace Eliazabeth Walsh Walter’s Restaurant Catherine Walz Seth Warner Janet Warner Domenica Cipollone and Henry Warren Jacob and Kristine Watson Scott and Rae Webber Denny Webber Jennifer and George Weber Peter Webster William Wegman and Christine Burgin Majorie Werner and Ann Palmer Michael Werrell Sharman West Mary Jo Wetherbee Joanne Wheeler Whimsy Pamela and Robert Whitehead Leska Whitmarsh Doreen and Philip Whitney Jennifer Wiessner Beverly Willey Glyn and Martha Williams Jill Williams Richard and Elizabeth Williams Frank and Leonora Williamson Rita Willis Ann Wilmot Wilsondale Coutnry Care Andrea Winson Amelia and Richard Wise Lori Witham Gail Witherill Debra Wolfe Peter and Mary Wood Eva Wood Clare Woodman Tim and Christine Woolworth Patricia Wright Joseph Wright Yarmouth Elementary School Greg Zehner John Zinn Zwirner Insurance and Financial Services In Honor Of: Geoff Allen Deborah Maxcy Ken & Eve Barrett Jeff & Wendy Barrett Terry Byrnes Sylvie Fadrhonc Mary Beth Caron Julie & Ken Ray Center Staff Katharina Hartman Liz Colburn & Dan Porter Teresa & Sam Pierce Joe Davock George O. Jones, Jr Disability RMS Pam Sirois Seth Peter Kavaliauskas Dixon Pam Erickson Robert & Janice Guenther Carol Ober Mary Dombrowski Diane Dombrowski Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Long The staff of Joseph Long DDS Mr. & Mrs. Harry Dumont Douglas and Gail Volk Fred & Marilyn Durst Gail and Peter Cinelli Patricia Ellen Maine Medical Center Tom & Betsy Elliman Margaret & Edward King Jennifer Madden Katharine Raybin Judy & Stanley Elowitch Diane & Kenneth Volk Mrs. Tierney’s First Grade 2007 Suzanne Tierney Kristen Fitts Sallyann Bassett Lynn Foley /LWFK¿HOG7RZHU&RUS Chris Gould Toby and Joanne Cook Ann & Michael Grant Christopher Cavanaugh Marijo & Joe Hamilton Cynthia & Michael Loring Alta & John Ludlam Steve Maxcy Jessica Allen Lois Murphy Anne Funderburk Gwen Perry Catherine Walz Emily Pirone Lonnie and Mary Floyd Dorothy Regan Tracy Greenwood Mesa Robinos Christopher Behan Lucy Stanovick Beth Elicker & Charles Ott Tom & Linda Wein Jill Williams Kayleigh York Leska Whitmarsh In Memory Of: Ilus Ackerman Ramey W. Tomson Linda Kelly ASU Prevention Research Center Dale Marie Clark %HQMDPLQ$O¿HUR Leo and Jane Amato Peter Angis Leslie Cook Marion Hopkins Lisa Kostopoulos Helen MacGowan Kathleen & Peter McAleney Edith McCormick Nova Seafood Donna & Steven Palmer Pond Cove Elementary Amedeo & Anita Reali Silver Street Management Joanne Larman Marie Almy Charles & Debbie Hascall Corey Hascall The Hyatt Family Frances Liautaud Brian & Elin Doyle Sara A. Almy Constance Asdourian Jessie Abrams Richard & Ellen Asdourian Dana Asdourian and Penny Whitney Martin Asdourian Anne & David Asdourian Hilda & Steven Assarian Catherine Bayley Claudia Boucher Richard and Kimberly Brooks Edward & Rose Brooks Joan Carleton Angela & Michael Carleton Miriam and Christopher Collins Leo & Betty Connolly Arlene Davis Rachel R. Deans George & Diane Deans Frank Didonato Deborah and Denis Dinsmore Fraternal Order of Eagles 565 Violette Giroux Goodwin Motor Group Daniel Hayes Perley Hood Susan & Scott Janosik Diane & Rick Kimball Mary Lou Kimball Donna & Mike Libby Elizabeth & Richard Libby Joseph Luke, Jr. Elaine & Daniel McDougall Normand & Barbara Nelson Mel & Lori Newcomb James & Anna Nicholas Marcia O’Donnell Alexander & Margaret Pallang Sharon Peters Arnold & Virginia Plummer Patricia Teehan Susan Towle Peter Webster Majorie Werner & Ann Palmer Hope Barnes Stephen Majercik and Faith Barnes Tamara Baron Alissa Tomson Helene Bent Catherine & Richard Paglio Lindsay Berghuis Mark and Martha Dunlap Ms. Sheila Peabody Frieda Boxer Douglas and Elisa Boxer Cook Elizabeth & Becky Bradeen David Bradeen Alice Brock Deborah Curtis History Department at :D\QÀHWH Natalie Burchstead Priscilla Pelletier Gary Buzzell Enefco USA Inc Ryan Caliendo Susan & Steven Coward Mary Theresa Cavanaugh Andrew & Andrea Grant Terrance Grindle Arline and Thaddeus Hyatt IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. Arline Curry $FDGLD%HQH¿WV,QF Thomas Craigs Naomi Curry & Beverly Bowie Richard and Janet Curry Robert & Laura Ellis Sally & Bruce Emery Valerie Farrell Deborah & Mark Fuller Phyllis Hall Robert Hasson Anne Jepson Gloria Kierstead Kathleen & Peter McAleney Carol & Brian Nason Constance and Francis Palys Priscilla Pelletier Clifford Ryan Stephanie Smith Kenneth & Josephine Smith Joseph & Yolette Sontag James & Sally Tammaro Ann & Thomas Waecker Glyn and Martha Williams Courtney Dewitt Alison Leger Paula Myers Ann Dubyak Pearce Jessica Brown Robert Cornett & Paula Klimek Patrick & Kris Curran Mike Churchill Jacqueline & Tod Alexander Daniel Reardon & Bernadette Demeter Woodcock Robert & Arleen Eckert Sally & Bruce Emery Carol Cohen Exxon Mobil Corporation Douglas and Gail Volk Randy Gelber Lloyd Hardy Peter Cooley Hurley Travel Experts Linda and William LeBlond Donna & Russell Lamer Ronald & Jane Maheu 6ORDQ&ULWFK¿HOG David Maxsimic Elizabeth and C. D. Michael and Jamie Morin Armstrong Reynolds James and Kelley Shimansky Irene Cronin Melissa Smith Maryaustin Dowd & George Regina & Michael Sommer Calvert Will Stiles and Hilary Rapkin Don Taylor William Currier Sheila and Don Taylor ,UHQH-HIIUH\2OG¿HOG John & Peggy Thompson Stacey Todd Wright Express -Technical Operations Wright Express Legal Department Arnold Dugmore Gail & Dave Crispin Audrey & Donald Dugmore George Lewald Doris Lewald Melissa & John O’Reilly June Dunn Michael and Mary Jean Major Marilyn Durst Sara A. Almy Paul Attardo Louise Blake Burrill & Corrine Bridge Janet Clough Wally & Judy Frank Jane and Donald Gralen Julie Ann Johnson & David St. Pierre Dianna Lear Christine Linnehan Carol Morrison Geraldine Palamountain Barbara Pike William and Sharon Reagan Clifford & Colleen Seymour Norman and Carol Soucie Bruce St. Thomas & Peggy Fallon Town Landing Market Robert Traill Eva Wood Thomas Fisher Jean Fisher Helen Flaherty Miriam and Christopher Collins Robert William Foley Deb Sanborn Isaac Joseph Fortin Karen Gersen & Donald Peterson Eric Frederick Beverly & Edward Caron Douglas and Gail Volk Charles Frederick Charles and Mary Olsen Jim Martin Kelly & Jay Phinney Thomas Freeman Noble Alan and Karen Roberge Sarah Wright Maxwell Jessica Chase & Timothy Mateosian Lawrence and Sheila Foley Catherine Frisk Kathy & Bob Crispin Charles Goy Charles and Mary Olsen Edward(Tim) McManus Douglas and Gail Volk Amanda Grant Anissa & Randall Grant Lois Murphy Alice Allen Heather & Stacy Knight Damien Hagerty Susan and Kenneth Sinker Alec Nelson Charles and Patricia Reade Dr. Stephen T. Haggan Berna Andrews-Haggan Tom Noll June Grocki Bill Hemmens Fred Demers and Barbara Swain Glenn and Jane Irish Lisa Novick Andrew Novick Ann & Dan Henry Deborah A. Henry Christopher Herrick John and Sarah Dorsey Annie Jacobson Ginny Keegan Richard Kingsbury Dorothy Kingsbury Alison Kisch Bob Boothe Susan C. Laughlin Peter and Deborah Dunn Murray Ellen Libby Miriam and Christopher Collins Lorene Long Susan Krauss Loomis Caoimhe Lynch Mark and Martha Dunlap Paul Marsh Catherine & Richard Paglio Tucker Olmstead Ray of Hope Foundation Philip Paglio Catherine & Richard Paglio Stephen Palletta Miriam and Christopher Collins Paul Paradis Evelyn & Jerald Paradis Donald Peterson Roberta A. Peterson John Pyles Julie L. Howland Leroy Rand Lyndell and Mark Lavigne Carol Ratigan Zuigg Patricia Small Tyler Matthew Robinson Douglas and Gail Volk Tony & Gary Romasco Cindy & John Lemieux Kevin Ryan A.T. Clayton & Co., Inc. Anne Agger Sara A. Almy Ellen Augusta Ubaldine Loranger & Robert Bachand Kathleen & Francis Blasi William Bolinder & Heather English Cheryl Clifton Sylvia and Robyn Coombs Janet and Bill Cross Margaret and Robert Curry Richard and Janet Curry Raina Dennison Nick and Michelle Desiderio Timothy Donovan Eastman Kodak Company Eileen & Ron Epstein David and Carol Ertz Audrey Findlen Ed & Gloria Gallant Anne Gilpatrick Jerry and Susan Goldberg Brian & Connie Goldberg Paula Goodwin Stephanie Baccei & Christopher Gouveia Robert & Gail Hatem Maureen & David Haverty Olga Hountalas Maria Hurley Kathleen and Keith Jacques Neil Jamieson Jeffrey and Lucia Jones Mary Beth & Dave Karr Linda King L.L. Bean Ann Lackey Alice & George Leahy Arthur & Doris Ledue Constance Locke Make Way for Ducklings T.D. & J.K. McBrierty Viann & Anthony Nappi Patricia & Lawrence Nickerson Joanne & Stanley Norbert John and Diane O’Kelly Christine & Joseph Olson Bob & Susie Peixotto James Pizzo & Mary Polito Lisa & Randall Plummer Charles & Mary-Jane Preble Rand Stoneworks, Inc. Mary & Thomas Robillard Clifford Ryan Tammy Ryan & Kevin Rickett Connie & Edward Ryan Michael and Lynn Ryan Neil and Kimberly Ryan Patricia & Dwight Sanborn Margaret Sawtelle Eleanor Scanlon Scarborough Middle School SGC Jon and Sally Shannon Kelley Shannon & John Goodwin Karl & Juliette Steinbach Peter Sullivan Dolores & Robert Talbot The Mark B. Issacs Foundation, Inc. Virginia Toner Verizon Barbara & David Vickers Derek & Amy Volk David and Susan Wallace William Williamson Amelia & Richard Wise Jane Sanborn Lawrence & Jeana Bearce Rakovan J. Paul Scully Constance and Francis Palys Erik Sears Morse Street School Anne O’Brien Derek James Simmons Priscilla and James Simmons Henry H. Smith, Jr. Frances Bowne Katharine Smith Charles Solky Jessica Butzel Evans Spear Mary Gleason Amy St. Laurent Joseph Loughlin Timothy Thompson Robert Flynn Lisa Greuling Jean & John Keady Martha Walkenford Joan Pohlman Don Wells Cathy & Paul Carmichael Alfred & Joan Wentworth Beth Van Gorden M.T. Wholey Drew and Christine King Roger Williams III Doris A. Cook Barbara Wilson Lois Armstrong George Doughty Bev Engel & Paul Schrodt Frank and Eileen Frye Kathleen & Warren Giering Margaret McCaffrey John & Dolores Rimkunas Teresa Rimkunas Barbara & Mason Smith Nora Wood Moore George L. Shinn & Clara S. Shinn Fdn. David Wright Barbara Graham Every effort has been made to list our donors correctly. Please accept our sincerest apologies if we made any error or omission & please contact us at (207) 775-5216. 555 Forest Avenue Portland, ME 04101 (207) 775-5216 www.cgcmaine.org
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