fundació ctm centre tecnològic
fundació ctm centre tecnològic
Ó I C A D N U F M C I E T R C NT LÒG T R E O O C C N REP T E NUAL 2 1 0 2 AN INDEX Index 3 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT 5 WHO ARE we? 6 Organization and Governing Bodies What does Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic do? Areas of work 20 Area of Materials Technology AREA OF FORMING PROCESSES 32 Area OF SIMULATION AND INNOVATIVE DESIGN 50 Area OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY Área de sOportE a la innovacióN 61 79 Area OF energY Most outstanding projects Publications, congresses and PhD thesis 133 Headlines 2012 internacional ACTIVITY 157 Division of Bioengineering 163 AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS WITH PUBLIC ENTITIES 176 Economic report Clients 179 180 Future steps New building 183 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 19 26 84 107 152 2 Letter from the President Letter from the president Talent, investigation and innovation are the keys to growth Technology centres are one of the principal structures of intermediation between the sector of scientific investigation and private enterprise and constitute an essential element of support to innovation, both for SMEs and multinational entities. Catalonia, without the sustenance of natural resources, must look to talent, knowledge, innovation and progress in order to prosper and consolidate our wealth, thus becoming a leading example in the South of Europe with regards to investigation and technology. In the present situation, this must be the objective of a country that, more than ever, needs to promote technological innovation and to transform it into economic growth. It is fundamental to transform the talent of the country into competitive advantages for the companies, so as to be able to take advantage of the global opportunities that arise within those sectors with the greatest potential. The name of Catalonia must be clearly associated to high added value innovation and a key aspect will be the creation of further closer cooperation between science and the world of enterprise. In our case, this energy and capacity of leadership must come from entities such as the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic , a centre that is already a fundamental actor in the international ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 3 Letter from the President Letter from the president system of innovation, an institution closely identified with the region that has demonstrated and continues to demonstrate, the capacity to undertake projects of great importance all over the World, projects that strengthen the economy and permit significant advances. The commitment, the tenacity and the high level of qualification of the investigators and directors, continue to make possible a demonstrative growth of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic. I am convinced that the transfer to the new building in the Central Parc, that very soon will bew a reality, will widen the institution’s horizons and reinforce its standing on the international stage and in Catalonia whilst at the same time guaranteeing an even deeper relationship with Manresa and the county of Bages. With open and frank dialogue coupled with the accumulation of the energy and capacity of different companies, administrations, professional colleges, private sector organizations and universities, the centre is a key actor and leader in the process of the transition of the city, the region, the country towards the new global economy. This is what we seek and our principal objective is to further strengthen the economic capacity of the territory and to guarantee the future prosperity and welfare of people both here and abroad. Valentí Junyent i Torras The Mayr of Manresa and President of the Board of Directors of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 4 WHO ARE WE? Who are we? The Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic is a private, non-profit making organization that aims to contribute effectively to the improvement of the competitiveness and technological progress of industry by providing specialized services and carrying out R+D projects. The team at the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic works for companies, organisations and institutions in the field of Materials Technology, Simulation and Innovative Design, Forming Processes, Environmental Technology, Support to Innovation and Energy. The Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic forms part of the network of technology centres of the regional government, the Generalitat of Catalonia (XCT) identified with the registration number CT03/04 and is also recognised by the Ministry of Education and Science as an Office of Research Results Transfer (OTRI), with the number 158. Together with other centres in Catalonia, CTM has participated in the creation of the Association of Technology Centres, ACT in which it served as the first President. The Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic is a member of TECNIO, a brand created by ACC1Ó that brings together the leading experts in applied research and technology transfer in Catalonia. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 5 WHO ARE WE? Who are we? Organisation The activities of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic are divided into the following areas; Materials Technology, Simulation and Innovative Design, Forming Processes, Environmental Technology, Innovation Support and Energy. The Centre is organised in the following manner: DOWNLOAD ORGANITZATION CHART ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 6 WHO ARE WE? Who are we? Director General Dr. José M. Prado Director of the Area of Materials Technology Dr. Daniel Casellas Director of the Area of Simulation and Innovative Design Dra. Mª Dolors Riera Director of the Area of Forming Processes Dr. José Mª Cabrera Director of the Area of Environmental Technology Dr. Miquel Rovira Director of the Area of Energy Dr. Luis Romeral Director of the Area of Innovation Support Sr. Antoni Fargas ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 7 WHO ARE WE? Who are we? Comercial Director Sr. Jordi Martí Director of Internal Affairs Sr. Xavier Codinach Scientific Direction Dr. Jose M. Prado Dr. Joan de Pablo Governing Bodies The Board of Trustees President Ilmo. Sr. Valentí Junyent AYUNTAMIENTO DE MANRESA First Vice-President Rector Magfco. Sr. Antoni Giró ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 8 WHO ARE WE? Who are we? UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA Second Vice-President Sr. Manel Rosell Martí FUNDACIÓ CAIXA MANRESA Secretary Sr. Josep Alabern Valentí COLEGIO OFICIAL DE INGENIEROS INDUSTRIALES Board Members ACC1Ó AYUNTAMIENTO DE MANRESA CAMARA DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA DE MANRESA COLEGIO DE ARQUITECTOS DE CATALUÑA COLEGIO DE INGENIEROS TÉCNICOS INDUSTRIALES DE MANRESA COLEGIO OFICIAL DE INGENIEROS INDUSTRIALES CONSELL COMARCAL DEL BAGES FEDERACIÓ D’EMPRESARIS CATALUNYA CENTRAL ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 9 WHO ARE WE? Who are we? FUNDACIÓ CAIXA MANRESA FUNDACIÓ UNIVERSITÀRIA DEL BAGES MUTUA INTERCOMARCAL PIMEC UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATAL UNYA VILARDELL PURTÍ, S.A. The Executive Committee The Board of Trustees of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic designated the following representatives of companies and organisations to form part of the Executive Committee: President Sr. Manel Rosell FUNDACIO CAIXA MANRESA Secretary Sr. Josep Alabern COLEGIO OFICIAL DE INGENIEROS INDUSTRIALES ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 10 WHO ARE WE? Who are we? Members Sra. Silvia Gratacòs AYUNTAMIENTO DE MANRESA Sr. Enric Perramon AUSA CENTER, S.L. Sr. Pere Casals CAMARA DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA DE MANRESA Sr. Xavier Ferràs ACC1Ó Sr. Pablo de Lastres IBERPOTASH, S.A. Sr. Jaume Claramunt MAPRO SISTEMAS DE ENSAYO Sr. Francesc X. Gil UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 11 WHO ARE WE? Who are we? The Business Advisory Committee President Sr. Manel Rosell FUNDACIO CAIXA MANRESA AMPHOS 21 CONSULTING, S.L. AUSA CENTER, S.L. AUTOTECH ENGINEERING, AIE BODEGAS ROQUETA, S.A. CENTRE CORPORATI U INI6, S.L. CONSTRUCCIONES SOMIC, S.L. CONSTRUCCIONS COTS I CLARET, S.L. DENSO BARCELONA, S.A. EDICIONS INTERCOMARCALS, S.A. FUNDACIÓ PER L’ECONOMIA I EL MÀRQUETING FUNDERIA CONDALS, S.A. HAYE S LEMMERZ MANRESA, S.L.U. IBERPOTASH, S.A. INDÚSTRIAS PONSA, S.A. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 12 WHO ARE WE? Who are we? L. OLIVA TORRAS, S.A LEAR AUTOMOTIVE HOLDING SPAIN, S.L.U. MÚTUA INTERCOMARCAL PILAGEST, S.L. PUJOL MUNTALÀ, S.A. RECICLATGE , TRACTAMENT, DIPÒSIT S.L. SKIS ROSSIGNOL DE ESPAÑA, S.A. SUMMA, S.A. VILARDELL PURTÍ, S.A. The Scientific Committee Rector Magfco. Sr. Antoni Giró Roca UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA Dr. Ferran Laguarta Bertran CENTRE DE DESENVOLUPAMENT DE SENSORS, INSTRUMENTACIÓ I SISTEMES - CD6 Sra. Elena Guijarro CENTRO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO INDUSTRIAL - CDTI ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 13 WHO ARE WE? Who are we? Dr. Rafael Colás UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE NUEVA LEÓN Dr. Yvan Houbaert UNIVERSITEIT GENT - DEPARTMENT MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING The work teams of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic are composed of investigators and technicians with practical experience in industrial cases, dedicated professionals who guarantee total confidentiality regarding the work performed. The technicians and scientists enjoy a notable presence at national and international conferences and appear regularly in the most important scientific journals which guarantees that there exists direct access to knowledge of the latest tendencies and results in those fields in which we are involved. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 14 WHO ARE WE? Who are we? THE STAFF The team is composed of both company personnel and personnel related to the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC). This is due to the fact that CTM is a Type 1 related entity to the aforementioned institution. This connection means that Doctorate Researchers at the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic are considered researchers seconded from the university whilst the UPC personnel who carry out their work and research exclusively at CTM are considered to be connected to the centre. In 2012, the staff was composed of a total of 134 professionals with the following profiles: Evolution of the personnel La Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic has clearly placed emphasis on the generation of knowledge to be later transferred to industry and below we demonstrate the corresponding data related to the evolution of the personnel. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 15 WHO ARE WE? Who are we? Evolution of the personnel TOTAL 134 52 32 17 17 EVOLUTION OF THE PERSONNEL ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 16 DOCTORs HIGH. DEG. GRAD. TECH. SCHOL. 16 WHO ARE WE? Who are we? Evolution of the personnel 27 30 30 32 50 40 12 12 21 11 2009 50 16 21 14 17 20 17 2010 17 16 2011 EVOLUTION OF THE PERSONNEL ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 52 2012 DOCTORs HIGH. DEG. GRAD. TECH. SCHOL. 17 WHO ARE WE? Who are we? Evolution of the personnel 19 18 20 93 108 TOTAL TOTAL 2009 2010 111 127 19 113 115 TOTAL TOTAL 2011 2012 14 133 134 UPC CTM EVOLUTION OF THE PERSONNEL ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 18 What does Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic do? What does Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic do? The Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic works for companies, organisations and institutions in R+D/IT projects of their own or together with companies, in studies and technical support, in analysis and essays and in the support to innovation. Its activity revolves around six areas of work. Area of materials technology Area of forming processes Area of simulation and innovative design Area of environmental technology Area of support to innovation Area of energy ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 19 Area of Materials Technology Area of Materials Technology The Area of Materials Technology (ATM) is the area of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic which specializes in the evaluation of the mechanical behavior of anything ranging from laboratory samples to industrial components, streamlining this behavior with the microstructure and the forming process. ATM is structured into the following main units of activities: • Mechanical Behavior • Microstructure and behavior at service • Surface engineering • Tribology • Technological services ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 20 Area of Materials Technology Area of Materials Technology The main lines of work of the unit of Mechanical Behaviour are: • Materials for tools used in cold forming processes: • Micromechanical design • Determination of failure micromechanisms • Effect of the characteristics of the process on the properties of the component • Fatigue and fracture of structural materials: • High Strength Steels • Aluminium alloys • Castings • Copper alloys • Elastomers • Tests on industrial components • Evaluation of the mechanical requirements of industrial components ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 21 Area of Materials Technology Area of Materials Technology • Characterization of mechanical and forming properties of steel sheets and high strength steels: mechanical resistance, fatigue behaviour , impact resistance, formability curves and the evaluation of deformations in real pieces • Identification of failure mechanisms by acoustic emission • Micromechanical characterization of materials so as to evaluate the mechanical damage and for the characterization of multiphase materials The main lines of work of the unit of Microstructure and behaviour in service, are: • Determination of internal defects in structural pieces in light alloys casting • Microstructural and mechanical evaluation of hot work steels at high temperatures • Identification of thermomechanical damage in hot forming tools • Microstructural evaluation of iron and light alloy castings • Evaluation of the interaction with the environment: corrosion resistance, stress corrosion and fatigue corrosion ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 22 Area of Materials Technology Area of Materials Technology The main lines of work of the unit of Surface Technology are: • Study of technological coatings for functional decor applications • Study and development of coated systems and/or superficial modifications for forming tools • Development of metallic and non-metallic coatings over different substrates (metallic and non-metallic) by means of PVD technique • Mechanical and topographic characterization of surfaces and coatings The main lines of work within the unit of Tribology are: • Characterization of the surface damage micromechanism • Nondestructive inspection of the forming tools • Development of experimental methodologies for the evaluation of friction and wear in industrial systems with and without coatings • Evaluation of the behavior in fatigue by contact ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 23 Area of Materials Technology Area of Materials Technology The unit of Technological Services offers tests of chemical and micro-structural characterization as well as mechanical properties adapted if necessary to the specific requirements of different companies working in different sectors (automobiles and transport, metal mechanics, metals, mining, renewable energies biomedical, food, etc). As an infrastructure of support to the development of projects, ATM has at its disposal a stateof-the-art laboratory for the microstructural analysis and mechanical evaluation of materials: - Uniaxial tests (tensile compression, bending) with electromechanic machines of 200 and 250 kN in various environments (saline, neutral) and at different ranges of temperature (from -40ºC up to 1200 ºC). - Behavior under cyclic loads: servo-hydraulic machines from 150 and 250kN (with devices for amplifying loads up to 500 kN), resonance fatigue machine of 150kN (frequency of 250 Hz). - Evaluation of the toughness and crack propagation resistance for different kinds of materials. - Laboratory hydraulic press of double effect and 150 Tm of capacity with optical equipment capable of measuring deformations in samples at real time without contact for the determination of the formability of metal sheets and laminates. It counts with experimental facilities for the cutting of steel sheet in dies so as to evaluate the behavior of tools and the quality of the cut, as well as the effect of the trim edges on the mechanical behaviour ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 24 Area of Materials Technology Area of Materials Technology - Tribometers for the evaluation of the coefficients of friction and wear resistance, abrasive and adhesive, up to 900 ºC. - Nanoindenter for the evaluation of the mechanical properties of coatings and thin films and of multiphase materials at a nanometric scale - PVD reactor with pulsed filtered and non-filtered cathodic arc for the preparation of coatings with the possibility of applying nitruration treatments - Optical microscopes, a confocal microscope and an electronic microscope with field emission (FE-SEM) with EDX and EBSD - Emission spectrometry, LECO C-S - Saline fog camera and Kesternic - Potenciostat - Thermographic camera ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 25 AREA OF FORMING PROCESSES Forming processes Defining what a material is, the substance, is indeed a difficult task. Even though we all know what we mean by material, defining it is not as easy. Perhaps we can define material as all that which is not immaterial, ergo all that which is not the “soul” is “material”. Everything around us is “material”. However, materials by themselves are of no use. The true dimension of any material, of its utility, is reached when it is given a form, when it is formed. It is this binomial, material – form, that in the end has an application that serves to meet the needs of human beings. What happens is that on forming a material, we are altering its properties, its applications. There are innumerable ways of forming a material (there are almost more ways than materials) and in many cases they are formed according to the inherent and specific routes and ways of each material. At this point therefore, it becomes extremely important to know how the forming process will interact with the properties that it will produce on the material when the latter acquires its form. In the world of Materials Science and Engineering we manage this by controlling how the microstructure, frequently crystalline, changes and interferes in the forming process. And this is the great challenge of the Materials Forming Processes group of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic. Very much orientated towards Metallic materials and recently towards Polymer Matrix Composites, the area of Processes centres its activities on the development, research and optimization of forming processes but from the aspect of controlling their microstructure and thus controlling their properties and applications; all this with the aim of reaching the greatest ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 26 AREA OF FORMING PROCESSES Forming processes scientific-technologic excellence possible, aspiring to international relevance with their contributions to the field of materials forming. The group consists of 9 permanent members of staff (7 of whom are PhDs) who in the last 10 years have directed a dozen PhD theses, published more the one hundred articles in scientific journals, being worthy of mention in hundreds of examples of scientific literature. Their fundamental area of knowledge is orientated towards the hot formation of metals, paying special attention to the inherent physical metallurgy of hot deformation, including among others the description of the phenomenon of discontinuous or continuous dynamic recrystallization, the application of EBSD techniques in the follow-up of the restoration and recrystallization mechanisms and the development of descriptive, constitutive equations of hot deformation. Likewise, the area has developed projects to study the hot ductility and the prediction of microstructures of solidification with the determination of the interdendritic spacing and the effect of the chemical composition on steels obtained by continuous casting, simulation of the casting process and effect of the control variables. Materials such as carbon steels, micro-alloyed steels, ultra high elastic limit steels, steels for hot stamping, electric steels (high silicon), stainless steels, TWIP steels and QP steels, coppers and their alloys, Ni super-based alloys, aluminiums and their alloys, and low melting-point metals (Sn-Pb) have been the object of numerous studies carried out by the group. More recently, and with the advent of nanomaterials, the group has developed a line for obtaining ultra-fine and nanometric grain metals by means of cold forming by mechanical ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 27 AREA OF FORMING PROCESSES Forming processes milling and pressing in an Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP). We must mention here the success achieved in developing nanometric structures in materials such as copper and steel. It is also worth highlighting the field of cold deformation, the contributions of the measurements of the variation of the modulus of Elasticity with the inherent deformation, which makes more precise predictions possible of the problems in spring-back during sheet forming or stamping. In the same way and given the problems of oxidation that many steels have in normal atmospheric conditions, a part of the area of processes is a line orientated towards the optimisation of the processes of zinc galvanizing by means of adjusting the conditions of the process and the more or less complex chemical composition of zinc baths. The line of work referred to is also orientated towards a better understanding of the phenomena of steel oxidation. Finally, the area incorporates the strategic move made by the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic as regards Polymer Matrix Composite Materials reinforced with fibreglass or carbon. In this field, work is done with the precise prediction of the mechanical properties of the manufacturing process in question (number of layers, orientation of fibres, etc), in the development of automated inspection technology for the detection of manufacturing defects by means of conventional ultrasonic technology or ultrasound generated by laser pulses and lastly, dispose of the specific instruments and equipment needed for carrying out a correct determination of the mechanical properties of these materials that is so promising. The excellence of the group and of their investigation results is reflected not only in the quality of their publications, but also in the quality of the work carried out with and for companies. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 28 AREA OF FORMING PROCESSES Forming processes These are not only locally based (Catalonia and the rest of Spain) but also internationally. Proof of this are the different projects already completed and those under way with other European companies and technological centres (in Belgium, Holland, Italy, Germany and France) and in America (Canada and Mexico). Laboratory equipment specifically oriented towards the Area of Forming Processes. Dilatometer and hot deformation machine Unit for the study of phase transformations (TTC and CCT curves) suffered by materials during the heating and cooling cycles (with and without deformation); flow curves at constant temperature and speed, both in traction and compression; tests of relaxation of tensions or interrupted tests. All of these tests are essential for the knowledge of their behavior during the forming processes. Maximum working temperatures of 1500 ºC with capacity for heating at 4000K/s and cooling at 2500K/s. EBSD Advanced microstructural characterization by EBSD (Electron Back Scattering Diffraction) FESEM and TEM techniques; including second phase particles, microtextures, crystallography, dislocation density, recrystallization degree,... ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 29 AREA OF FORMING PROCESSES Forming processes Differential scanning calorimeter Capable of reaching temperatures of up to 1600 ºC. It is used for determining the phase transformation points of all sorts of materials as well as the associated activation energies. Microtopographical inspection (confocal) The Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic counts with a confocal microscopy unit (Sensofar PLµ2300) for the inspection of sheets of up to 300mm x 300mm of plastics strengthened with Carbone fiber (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer CFRP) or glass (Graphite Fiber Reinforced Polymer). The confocal microscopy can detect defects near to the surface, even if it is the apparently flat surface what was in contact with the cured mold. Laser ultrasounds LThe Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic together with CD6 carries out research work on the application of laser-generated ultrasounds. The Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic transfers this technology to companies which specialize in ultrasound inspection and collaborates in the simulation of the propagation of the transverse and longitudinal acoustic waves which generates the incident laser. The inspection with laser-generated ultrasounds (LU) is a technique which has the applications of a conventional ultrasound unit but that works without having contact with the inspected piece; this is so because it has two lasers, one for the generation of acoustic waves and the other, for the detection of superficial vibrations through interferometry. The direction of the propagation of these transverse and longitudinal waves is important for the determination of the physical properties of the material such as the elastic modulus, and it is necessary to ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 30 AREA OF FORMING PROCESSES Forming processes resort to simulation by finite elements so as to know where to position the other laser of the interferometry unit. Mechanical milling equipment High energy (SPEX type) planetary mills (Pulverisette type), and cryogenics are used in the obtaining of ceramic and metal powder with a nanometric microstructure within the line of research into the manufacturing of nanostructured materials, carrying out projects to reduce the size of calcium carbonate particles, or to refine the size of metals such as copper and steel. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 31 AREA OF SIMULATION AND INNOVATIVE DESIGN Simulation and innovative design The Area of Simulation and Innovative Design is the area of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic that specializes in numerical simulation, both in engineering and in research and it has the following missions: • Give service to all the projects of companies that may need numerical simulation in different fields of engineering • To design and develop tools and small machinery and to collaborate in the design of productive and experimental systems Simulation is a tool in constant development that makes it possible to efficiently analyze different physical phenomena. It has contributed significantly to the improvement of design in engineering and of the methodology of the design cycle of different industrial applications. It constitutes an essential technique in the development of new processes, mechanisms and phenomena in the field of materials and furthermore, it enables companies to generate their own products with high added value. At present, the main activities of the Area of Simulation and Innovative Design can be classified as shown in the following diagram: Simulation and Innovative Design works with commercial calculation programs by the finite elements method such as ABAQUS ANSYS and PROCAST; it counts with experience in simulation of mechanical and thermomechanical behaviour, static and dynamic calculations, heat transfer, stationary and transitory calculations, fluid dynamics, electromagnetism and ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 32 AREA OF SIMULATION AND INNOVATIVE DESIGN Simulation and innovative design multi-physical calculations (coupled fields). For the group, simulation has a double interest: to analyse systems and processes as well as, to achieve a deeper knowledge of the behaviour of materials. The main activities of the Area of Simulation and Innovative Design are: • Cold forming • Hot forming • Electromagnetic forming • Castings • Vibrations • Elastomers • Fluids. Optimisation of cooling systems • Innovative design • Ultrasounds ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 33 AREA OF SIMULATION AND INNOVATIVE DESIGN Simulation and innovative design Cold Forming The main lines of work within the unit of cold forming are the following: • Estimate of the elastic recuperation: The objectives of this field focus on the proposal of a methodology for the correct estimation of the elastic recovery (springback) as well as, on the compensation of the forming tools, so as to obtain pieces within the tolerances in the forming of sheets with high strength steels by studying the parameters which influence the process. For this reason, numerical simulation by finite elements is the tool most used, since it´s proven by a rigorous experimental validation. It has been proven that, so as to achieve a correct prediction of the elastic recovery, it is essential to have the knowledge of the variation of the modulus of elasticity depending on the plastic deformation and the cyclic behaviour of the AHSS under study. A method for the compensation of springback using Abaqus has been designed. This method makes it possible to obtain the geometry of compensated tools (punch, mould and pusher) in such a way, that the piece obtained after the elastic recovery coincides with the geometry originally designed. • Progressive forming The progressive forming processes are a set of forming techniques in which the preform ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 34 AREA OF SIMULATION AND INNOVATIVE DESIGN Simulation and innovative design is deformed locally until obtaining the final shape. This kind of process has the important advantage of reducing considerably the strength and size of the machinery needed so as to obtain certain final geometries. An important family of progressive forming processes is the one known as spinning. This family includes the traditional spinning and the conical and cylindrical laminations. In the first two processes, a circular preform of sheet goes around at great speed and is deformed by applying pressure with a tamper on an also revolving mould. With one or various passes, the preform achieves the desired shape. In the cylindrical lamination, a tube of a certain thickness spins around at great speed while a certain number of tampers, generally three, reduce locally its thickness. At the end of the process we obtain a tube with its thickness evenly reduced. The fine-tuning of the parameters of the spinning processes is still to this day, a matter of experience, trial and error. Computer simulation makes it possible to obtain not only a deeper knowledge of the process (because we have a complete image of the state of tensions and deformations of the material) but also, a tool for predicting the effect of the change of parameters of the process. Recently, the group has worked on the simulation of the cylindrical lamination process of steels with a high elastic limit. This work has included the characterisation of the materials for this kind ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 35 AREA OF SIMULATION AND INNOVATIVE DESIGN Simulation and innovative design of processes and the development of experimental techniques for validating the simulations. • Prediction of breaking At the same time that the development of new high strength steels grants many advantages, it also generates new inconvenients during their forming process. The complexity of the present geometries of work induces nonlinear deformation paths in multiple-step operations. The simulation methods used up to this moment for the prediction of possible fractures of the material during its forming process are way too conservative. The FLD (Failure Limit Diagram) criteria are a clear example. There are several criteria for the prediction of the fracture of sheets that have been, up till now, in phase of being validated and also an agreement by the scientific community. Among these stands out the Forming Limit Stress Diagram (FLSD). This method has been used by the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic obtaining very good results. The simulation by finite elements makes it possible to introduce the FLSD criterion for determining if the piece that has to be inlaid will present restriction or not. Finally, all this procedure makes it possible to greatly reduce the experimental tests, which in many occasions are difficult to carry out and mean a great initial cost (forming tools). The following figure shows the same piece experimentally inlaid and simulated by finite elements (FLSD criterion). • Wear The evolution of the materials being used in the steel forming industry has put die stamping ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 36 AREA OF SIMULATION AND INNOVATIVE DESIGN Simulation and innovative design tools under high mechanical requirements, which result in an important wear of these and in many cases in fractures that render them useless. Faced with these problems, the group of simulation and innovative design has worked on the development of simulation strategies capable of modelling the wear and failure of forming tools. These techniques consist in programming a script for post-processing the simulation results and in the modelling of tools with deformable elements. At present, the group has the capacity for carrying out the design of tools presenting calculations of the life span that make it possible to make a correct selection of the material and adjust the maintenance plans of the productive systems. Hot Forming The forming of sheets at high temperatures has gained prominence in recent years, especially in the car industry. It makes it possible to obtain pieces with high mechanical properties in relation to the weight and to reduce negative phenomena related to the cold forming process, such as springback. Numerical simulation using finite elements in this field is an essential tool for the adjustment of this kind of process, as well as for other processes such as forging, extrusion, lamination, etc. Numerical simulation using finite elements allows us to study, among others, the following aspects of the hot forming process: ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 37 AREA OF SIMULATION AND INNOVATIVE DESIGN Simulation and innovative design Thermomechanical study of the tools: • Distribution of temperatures and tensions in the tools during the forming cycles • Design and analysis of the cooling systems • Selection of materials • Stabilisation cycles of the process Thermomechanical study of the piece: • Study about the conformability and selection of the suitable format • Prediction of the distribution of temperature and final mechanical strength Research into new hot forming processes Electromagnetic forming The electromagnetic forming technique is based on the generation of high intensity transitory magnetic fields through a rapid discharge (20-150μs) of electric energy on a specially designed coil. The transitory magnetic field induces eddy currents on the piece (good electrical conductor); the interaction between the coil currents and the ones induced on the piece, generate forces of repulsion that accelerate the piece and make it deform. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 38 AREA OF SIMULATION AND INNOVATIVE DESIGN Simulation and innovative design This forming technique presents important advantages regarding conventional techniques; some of these advantages are: reduction of the elastic recovery and the speed of the process. The nature of the process in which electromagnetic, mechanical and thermal phenomena in transitory regime are developed, involves the need of using calculation tools by the finite elements method in the design stages of the process. Simulation makes it possible to evaluate the electromagnetic efficiency of the coil, obtaining the evolution of the electromagnetic fields and forces developed during the electrical discharge. This analysis, solved together with the thermal and mechanical analysis, makes it possible to determine the temporary evolution of the distribution of strains, temperatures and deformations of both the piece and the coil. The results obtained in the simulation together with the proper selection of materials, have allowed us to obtain a robust and suitable design of the forming tools and the final deformation and shape of the piece. Electromagnetismo e inducción In recent decades, the presence of automation in industrial processes has increased dramatically, largely due to advances and improvements in the field of mechatronics. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 39 AREA OF SIMULATION AND INNOVATIVE DESIGN Simulation and innovative design Innovations in electromechanical actuation systems, mostly in design changes and the introduction of new materials, have resulted in improved performance, weight and power consumption. The optimization of these and other electromechanical elements requires the joint simulation of electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical phenomena in order to obtain the time response. Other fields of application for electromagnetic simulation include the study of processes of induction heating, where the heating pattern is strongly linked to the design of the coil. It is in the design of the coil where the simulation proves itself to be an essential tool that allows one to integrate the current generator with the coil design and the part to be heated, obtaining the time evolution of the electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical response of the structure as a whole. With the results of simulation at one’s disposal, a controlled and robust heating process can be designed and produced which permits one to obtain the desired distribution and temperature value for the process. Casting In the last few years simulation has joined the workflow of the foundry companies helping to optimise the components and manufacturing processes while reducing the time and costs ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 40 AREA OF SIMULATION AND INNOVATIVE DESIGN Simulation and innovative design that characterise the test and error method. The Simulation department counts with a set of programs which make it possible to simulate a wide range of casting processes such as: • Casting by gravity • High Pressure Die Casting (HPDC) or Low Pressure Die Casting (LPDC) • Continuous casting With these tools the department can carry out a complete analysis of the casting process that includes: • Cast steel flow in the cavity until is full • Profile of temperatures and stresses on the pieces and the moulds during the process. • Evolution of the solidification front • Detection of the appearance of different kinds of defects • Determination of the microstructure of the component All these data make it possible to approach the design or improvement of a casting process without having to actually manufacture pieces until very advanced stages of the process. At ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 41 AREA OF SIMULATION AND INNOVATIVE DESIGN Simulation and innovative design the same time, the reasons for the appearance of defects in an already established industrial process can be detected quickly facilitating their correction and improvement. The tests carried out at the experimental facilities of Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic allow us to validate the predictions made by the simulations. Vibrations One can consider a vibration the temporary periodical variations of different magnitudes. In fact, a mechanical vibration is the movement of a body that oscillates around a point of equilibrium. The causes of mechanical vibrations are many but basically, they are closely related to mechanisation tolerances, calibration, relative movements between touching surfaces or the balance of rotating or oscillating parts. The phenomena we have just listed almost always produce a movement of the system from its point of stable equilibrium originating a mechanical vibration. The majority of the vibrations in machinery and structures are undesirable because they increase the strains and for the loss in energy that accompanies them. Furthermore, they are the source of the wearing down of materials, damage due to fatigue as well as of annoying movements and noises. Simulation by finite elements makes it possible to obtain the intrinsic modes of a structure, ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 42 AREA OF SIMULATION AND INNOVATIVE DESIGN Simulation and innovative design inother words, the intrinsic resonance frequencies of the structure with the representation of the deformation of the said frequencies (MODAL MODEL). The knowledge of the intrinsic modes of the structure enables the evaluation of its usage independently of its area of operation. Furthermore, the results of the modal analysis facilitate the definition of structural improvements on contributing a numeric and graphic model of mechanical behaviour. For the determination of the dynamic behaviour of a mechanical structure, there are 3 different model: · Spatial model: All structures can be modelled spatially by means of a set of mass systems, a shock absorber and an equivalent mould. For this purpose, we define a series of characteristic matrices of the system (matrix of the mass, matrix of the shock absorber, matrix of stiffness) that is under analysis.. · Modal model: given the said matrices, the modal analysis is limited to the resolution of a problem of autovalues. · Response model: Mathematical expression which, based on the modal model and the shock absorbency value, enables us to obtain the FRFs of a structure, in other words, what its behaviour is in relation to the excitation frequency. Fatigue of the components The application of loads or periodic movements on a component can lead it to fail at load levels that ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 43 AREA OF SIMULATION AND INNOVATIVE DESIGN Simulation and innovative design are much lower than it would be expected in a monotonic load situation. Predicting life under fatigue of a component can be dealt with using two very different strategies: · To reproduce the working conditions in the laboratory and cycle until the part fails. · To study the properties of the material under fatigue and estimate its life according to the loads it has to bear. In the study of behaviour under fatigue, simulation is a very effective tool given that it enables the determination of the states of tensions and deformations of the components in service under very different load states. These tensions and deformations can combine with the characterisation of the material and the existing theoretical models with the aim of obtaining a life under fatigue estimation of the component. This way, we can greatly reduce the experimental and economic expenses of the first strategy. Elastomers Characterisation and simulation of elastomeric components Elastomers are a family of polymers with very special mechanical properties that require specific lab tests and simulation techniques. In this field the results obtained through the ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 44 AREA OF SIMULATION AND INNOVATIVE DESIGN Simulation and innovative design simulation by finite elements are utterly dependent on the model used on characterising the material. The convenient method for defining a hyperelastic material is to feed the software the results of the necessary experimental tests according to the requirements to which the part being studied is submitted. The lab tests that can be adapted are the following: · Traction and uniaxial compression · Traction and equibiaxial compression · Traction and flat compression (pure shear) · Traction and volumetric compression The simulation group has experience in the characterisation of elastomeric materials and in the simulation of components manufactured with these materials. Likewise, the centre is equipped to carry out the necessary experimental tests. Fluid Mechanics Fluid mechanics is the science that governs the movement of a fluid and the forces that generate it. The detailed study of processes where there are fluids in motion requires an analysis of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The preparation of CFD simulation models that are suitable for every application requires a deep knowledge and experience in the field and, in some cases, the preparation of experimental equipment to validate different ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 45 AREA OF SIMULATION AND INNOVATIVE DESIGN Simulation and innovative design simulation strategies. The Navier-Stokes equations governing the behaviour of a fluid cannot be solved in most cases in an analytical way and, therefore, fluid dynamics are solved using numerical methods. Given the complexity of these systems the simulation of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is presented as a clever tool which allows one to determine a numerical solution to the study process. The group has made calculations of fluids of different types, some of which are described below:: · Simulation of air conditioning equipment. The design of air conditioning equipment in spaces where one seeks a uniform temperature is technically very complex. The simulation of fluid dynamics permits the analysis of the distribution of airflow and the temperature map in the chamber concerned and allows the analysis of different designs before building the actual living area. · Obtaining aerodynamic coefficients for different given geometries, calculating losses in pipes or valves, etc. · The simulation of cooling systems of equipment which has been hot formed or forged. The cooling circuits are critical elements in hot forming processes since a poor design leads to a reduced useful life or undesirable mechanical properties of the work piece. The CFD simulation ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 46 AREA OF SIMULATION AND INNOVATIVE DESIGN Simulation and innovative design in conjunction with thermo-mechanical simulation permits the corroboration of a cooling circuit design which ensures the smooth running of the process. · Obtaining the mechanical solicitations of a solid with relation to the passing of a fluid. The fluid structure interaction (FSI) permits one to define in detail the contour conditions that affect a solid, facilitating the design and optimization process for complex geometries. This process requires a fluid dynamics calculation and also another calculation with regards to finite elements, in order to determine the stress state of the solid in question. · Design and aerodynamic analysis of wind turbines and turbo machinery. Rotation characteristics simulation using the MRF (Multiple Reference Frame) and SMM (Sliding Mesh Method) techniques and the use of turbulence models k-ε, k-ω i LES, allow detailed analysis of the aerodynamic and hydraulic behaviour of rotary equipment. This analysis permits the improvement of the efficiency of the system, based on improvements in the geometry that reduce the formation of undesirable phenomena such as vortices, laminar transition bubbles, recirculation, etc. · Analysis and optimisation of physiochemical processes in water treatment systems. The multi-physic simulation of water treatment processes, especially in the settling tanks of water purification or water treatment plants, or in precipitation processes of salts or the separation of heavy metals in the chemical industry, involves the physical interaction of a liquid and solid phase, and even possible chemical reactions. The characterization of the suspended solids in the fluid medium and the proper selection of turbulence and sedimentation models enable ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 47 AREA OF SIMULATION AND INNOVATIVE DESIGN Simulation and innovative design the calculation of different designs in order to achieve more efficient treatment processes requiring less economic investment and lower plant maintenance costs. Innovative Design The department of innovative design comes up from the need to create customised tools, objects and small machinery. The integration of the calculating power of simulation by finite elements in the design makes it possible to obtain a product with less experimental load, optimised and with a shorter production time. Some of the projects in which we have worked are the following: · Water injection experimental equipment for the validation of numerical simulation · Hot stamping experimental equipment for adjusting the different critical parameters inherent to the process · Feasibility study about the innovative designs of cooking tools in collaboration with the foundation ALICIA Ultrasounds Initially the optical applications were the greater impact of lasers nevertheless, they have started to have more important contributions in the field of ultrasounds. Ultrasound inspection methods ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 48 AREA OF SIMULATION AND INNOVATIVE DESIGN Simulation and innovative design are routinely used in non destructive tests for structures and engineering materials; the diagnosis through ultrasounds is constantly used in medicine, while the measurement of movements and dimensions by this technique is widely used in industry. The combination of the laser and ultrasound techniques means a wide range of applications in many fields of engineering. The simulation by finite elements makes it possible to study the two most important phenomena that concur in the method of ultrasounds by laser: · Thermo-elastic generation · Ablative generation One of the many applications of this method is the determination of internal defects in materials without having to destroy the components. By way of illustration, we now present the results obtained in two aluminium test tubes, one of them with an internal notch. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 49 AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY Environmental technology The Area of Environmental Technology works with the objective of generating new products and processes that will make it possible to preserve the environmental quality so as to also make possible a sustainable industrial and social development. It counts with technological facilities at Manresa and Flix. The activities of the area are related with the value chain of environmental technology, in other words: engineering, consultancy, services as well as the design of new capital goods and processes. The area works with both private demands, like for example those related with companies that produce and later market their own products, as well as with public groups for which the Administration represents the demand requiring scientific and technological advances. The Area of Environmental Technology focuses a large part of its activity taking as a reference the needs and opportunities of industries and companies from the sectors that present interaction with the environment, channeling the work through the execution of R+D/IT projects and also offering advanced services. Broadly speaking, the main current environmental threats include the sustainable use of natural resources; maintenance and recovery, when necessary, of environmental quality; protection of human health and problems related with the global change. It is for this reason that the area focuses its activities on: the development of technology for the cycle of water; the protection of soils and groundwater and their recovery in case of contamination; the management of residues, including nuclear ones and methodologies for the evaluation of ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 50 AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY Environmental technology the environmental impact that include the analysis of the life cycle and on the other hand, the analysis of the risk for human health and ecosystems. The area posseses equipment for experimentation and environmental analysis as well as with pilot plants that make it possible to escalate the processes developed. In particular, the area has at its disposal high level technological tools among which we should highlight: • Induced Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) ・ • Induced Coupled Plasma - Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES) ・ • Atomic Absorption Spectometer (AA) ・ • Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) ・ • Ionic Chromatography ・ • High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) ・ • Continuous analyzer for nitrogen and phosphorus ・ • The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) ・ • Time Resolved Laser Fluorescence Spectrometer (TRLFS) ・ • Microwave Digestor ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 51 AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY Environmental technology ・ • Glove camera under inert purified gas ・ • Waste water respirometry ・ • Soil & Residues Respirometry ・ • Respirómetro de suelos y residuos ・ • Cross-flow units for experimenting with membranes at the laboratory ・ • Glove camera for working with modified and controlled atmospheres ・ • Carbonation reactor ・ • Pilot plant for materials carbonation ・ • Pilot plant for the treatment of waste waters ・ • Pilot plant for experimenting with membranes ・ • Pilot plant for nanofiltration / inverse osmosis The Area of Environmental Technology is divided into the following working units:: • Water technology ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 52 AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY Environmental technology • Evaluation of risks and impacts on the environment • Soils and subterranean water • Industrial Ecology • Actinides Water technology The research into technologies related to processes in the cycle of water such as desalinization, the obtaining of potable water and drainage, as well as the regeneration and reuse of water, is becoming more and more important and necessary. In the case of Mediterranean countries or those with similar characteristics, research is considered a priority because of their geographical and climatic context in which non-conventional sources of water must be made fundamental to mitigate the effects of the lack of water. The Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic uses advanced techniques to improve the effectiveness of these processes and contribute to close the cycle of water. These techniques are mainly based on microbiological processes, the membrane technology, as well as on ionic exchange resins and selective absorbents among others. The increase of water demand together with the decrease of its availability makes it necessary to search for non-conventional sources; in other words, from sources that come from some sort of anthropogenic production different from the natural hydrological sources of the cycle ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 53 AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY Environmental technology itself. It is possible to obtain these resources through processes such as desalinization, reuse or recovery of rainwater. The application of innovative techniques such as inverse osmosis, nanofiltration or reversible electrodialysis can enable to obtain drinking water from sea water and to greatly improve the quality of superficial water used for potabilization. Other technologies such as microfiltration or ultrafiltration make it possible to regenerate residual water and reuse it in other processes such as industrial refrigeration, recharge of aquifers or for watering gardens. This way increases the availibity of water for more sensitive uses. The Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic posseses the most advanced techniques for the characterization of the processes involved in all the stages of water treatment. The joint experimentation in laboratories and pilot plants enables to select the typology, dimensions and operation variables of the different stages that form a particular water treatment process. For example, the joint use of scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the analysis by energydispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) allows us to characterize the fouling of the membranes and propose modifications in the operation and cleaning mechanisms for optimizing performance. The analysis of risk and environmental impact Anthropogenic activities disperse many pollutant agents and stressors such as chemical organic and inorganic products, invader species or radiations that have an important impact on the environment and human health. Given the circumstances, it is important to evaluate the state of the environment, determine the mobility of the agents and the impact or risk that might come from it; as well as to determine the best management, what often involves the ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 54 AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY Environmental technology application of treatment methodologies and to carry out a follow up of their implantation. The research that is being carried out covers all these stages and is mainly focused on: · Analytical characterization (physical, chemical and microbiological) and follow up on the state of the affected environment. · Study of the interaction and transfer between pollutants and environmental vectors at different working scales, laboratory, pilot plant and natural environment, including the modeling of the processes. · Evaluation of the risk for determining the possibility of adverse effects on human health and ecosystems in contaminated locations and design recovery actions. · Evaluation of the impact indicators and modeling of the reactive transportation of pollutants such as in river basins, riverside forests, dumps and soils, among others. · Follow up studies of methodologies for the treatment and recovery at different scales; from laboratory to field (i.e. follow up on invader species, behavior of reactives used for the treatment, etc.). Soils and subterranean water The contamination of different environmental vectors such as soil, groundwater, surface water and sediments as a consequence of industrial, agricultural and livestock farming activities ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 55 AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY Environmental technology is one of the most important environmental problems that most countries have to face. In Catalonia alone, it is estimated that there are more than 2100 inventoried locations that can present signs of problems related with the subsoil and more than 1000 soils declared as potentially contaminated, which need and will need recovery projects in the next few years. The current legislation regarding contaminated locations gives priority to those recovery methods which apply the best available techniques, therefore, that make it possible to reduce contaminants in situ using low cost technologies that minimize the removal of the contaminated vector (soil, sediment, groundwater) to special waste sites. In this context, the area is working on the development and improvement of several recovery technologies that include treatments for contaminated soils, sediments and groundwater through biological methods (bioremediation, natural attenuation), physical treatments (vapor extraction, tensioactives) and chemical treatments (advanced oxidants, reactive barriers). These recovery methods are potentially very important, which is a fact to be taken into account and which makes them highly competitive and sustainable environmental technologies The most common typology of contaminants that are treated includes mineral oils, heavy metals, BTEX (benzene, toluene, etilbenzene and xylene), HAPs (aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons), chlorinated hydrocarbons (perchloroethylene, trichloroethylene and byproducts) and other compounds such as nitrates, different types of pesticides and cyanides. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 56 AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY Environmental technology Based on these alternatives, research and development of recovery technologies is being carried out in the laboratory so as to evaluate the best recovery alternatives at real scale. In order to carry out these studies, the area counts with instruments and equipment that make it possible characterize the contaminated environment and processes under study from a physical, chemical and microbiological point of view. The area also counts with tools for modeling the reactive transportation of contaminants for the design, optimization and validation of technologies. Industrial Ecology The different types of waste flows constitute a great loss of raw materials and energy, which should be minimized. In fact, so much that they can be considered resources out of place. Traditionally, R+D activities have been more concerned with the manufacture of products and the management of final waste materials than with the minimization of wastes and the prevention of contamination. On the other hand, the increase in manufacturing activities, the growing concern for the environment and the lack of resources force us to see waste materials as potential resources. In such a context, the area of Environmental Technology is working on the application of new technologies for the valorization of wastes or by-products, combining eco-efficiency and profitability. This makes it possible to keep on with the productive structures that are ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 57 AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY Environmental technology necessary for creating wealth while at the same time provide greater protection for the environment. Despite the fact that the production of wastes will never cease altogether, no matter how hard we try, the ATA also works in the study of the behavior of wastes and how to stabilize them. As well as that, they carry out activities related with the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of products and processes so as to evaluate their environmental impact. The LCA methodology consists basically of drawing up an inventory of the consumption (raw material and energy) and emissions (air, soil, water, residues) during each of the stages in the life cycle and of an evaluation of the Impacts that such consumption and emissions could have on the environment based on the objective and functional unit. From a broader perspective, the LCA evaluates the impacts from the extraction and processing of raw materials till the stage of the end of life, perspective called “from the cradle to the grave”. The LCA is also coordinated at times to the Cost Cycle Analysis (CCA) which permits the simultaneous study of environmental and economic aspects. Actinides The countries that use nuclear energy have to be able to manage the wastes that come from it. One of the areas of expertise of the Area of Environmental Technology is the study of the behavior of actinides; products of fission and activation produced in nuclear power stations under the expected conditions in the safety repositories of radioactive wastes. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 58 AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY Environmental technology Research is mainly focused on the behavior of nuclear fuel irradiated in a geological deep repository. The research group is developing theoretical models to predict radionuclide release resulting from the interaction between spent fuel and groundwater. It has also studied the uranium mineral dissolution used as a natural substitute for spent fuel as well as actinide and fission product migration in natural systems. In the mentioned studies different experimental techniques are used; some of these are: X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (EXAFS, XANES), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and of Atomic Force (AFM), Time-Resolved Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy (TRLFS) or mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). During the year 2012, the area renewed the agreement for studying the behavior of fuel irradiated in different conditions at the facilities of the German center ITU (Joint Research Centre, Karlsruhe) in collaboration with ENRESA. The area also works with INE (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Institute of Radiochemistry (Forschungszentrum, Rossendorf) and CEA (France). Transfer of technology and R+D+I together with companies By means of its own R+D lines, the area of Environmental Technology makes firm technological bids in the medium term and later on, once they have ripened, finalizes the corresponding transfer of technology. The constant contact that the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic has ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 59 AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY Environmental technology with the different companies and entities guarantees the approach of this R+D and that these technologies meet the strategic needs and requirements of the target sectors. Simultaneously, the Area of Environmental Technology of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic is recognised as a technological partner of reference for companies that need and wish to carry out R+D in similar areas. Thus, the area’s team of professionals with experience in the private sector and insights into their inherent values, works in the projects according to the customers’ needs, and proposes collaboration in a diverse and competitive working group company – Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic . By carrying out these research projects with companies, the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic endeavors to obtain financial backing whether state, autonomic or European. They also inform the customer of the deductions that are applicable in the case of R+D+I. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 60 AREA OF SUPPORT TO INNOVATION Support to innovation The Area of Support to Innovation (ASI) develops its activity in different fields that are considered to be crucial for those companies that want to take a step forward and get ahead their competitors: innovation, environment, technical advice in management and training. It is of paramount importance that the research work carried out by the different research centers reaches the business network. The Area of Support to Innovation lays the foundations so that this transfer of technology can be carried out efficiently, thus providing customer companies with a qualitative IMPROVEMENT of their capacities. With this aim, the center establishes a set of internal and external objectives: Internal objectives: • Create a product portfolio of specific and differential products with a high added value • Develop solutions for complex problems at a global level. External objectives: We want our customers to achieve, through this Area, the following objectives: • Generation of their own products • Improvement of their innovation process ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 61 AREA OF SUPPORT TO INNOVATION Support to innovation • Reduction of their environmental management costs • Improvement of their organizational systems These objectives are developed in different projects of support for companies, which have an eminently practical character and are directed to results. These projects are carried out taking into account the necessities of companies and in close Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic -company collaboration. The projects can be summed up in the following activities: • The generation of their own products, both internally and externally • Innovation and transfer of technology so as to increase the added value of our clients So as to perform these activities, the Area of Support to Innovation carried out in 2010 a structural reorganization; this way it will be able to achieve the objectives in a way that is more focused on the client: The Internal Ring is structured in the following Lines of Work that provide an answer, both to the internal and external objectives and which, the external ring, has to be able to take to the market: • Generation at the company of products of their own (i-PRODUCT) • Industrial Eco-innovation (ECO-i) ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 62 AREA OF SUPPORT TO INNOVATION Support to innovation • Creation of organizational models and ones for the management of innovation • Production of a company’s own product A high percentage of the manufacturing companies that form the business network have, as social objective, the transformation of materials so as to grant them certain characteristics with regards composition, shape or functions, according to the requirements set by a third party. In other words, their function is about executing a series of more or less complex operations so as to be able to provide their orders with the characteristics defined by another company, in a way that it will be the latter one who will carry out the development of the products. For this reason, companies act in fact as subcontractors, complying with the every time more demanding requirements of a third party, while competing with other companies for carrying this task in the most efficient manner, focusing all their efforts in the reduction of the lead time and the price. For this reason, none of these lines of work, that would otherwise seam essential at a short term, grant companies a solid position when facing the possible fact of the contractor deciding to externalize his services to a third party because of better economies or the logistic facilities, or even because of their own relocation. A possibility that together with the increase in the number of companies that are closing due to the present economic situation, will happen more often in the next few years. For this reason, in 2010 started this Line of Work, which is aware of the need that many companies have to incorporate to the market their own high added value products. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 63 AREA OF SUPPORT TO INNOVATION Support to innovation The objectives are: • To become a partner that offers support globally throughout the creation process of the product • To become a referent in the creation of their own products among the companies of Catalonia The following could be customer-companies: • Companies with little-differentiated products or with little added value • Companies that act as third party contractors. No products of their own • Companies with a turnover that concentrates in a small number of clients • Companies with a turnover that concentrates in a small number of clients • Industrial Eco-innovation (ECO-i) Projects focused towards innovation and the transfer of technology for solving problems and environmental challenges related to the processes and products of companies. These projects not only seek an environmental improvement of the processes and products but also a cost reduction for making possible an increase of competitiveness. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 64 AREA OF SUPPORT TO INNOVATION Support to innovation Fields of action: • Technological transfer and innovation in the treatment and valorization of wastes: minimization, reuse, recycle and valorization of wastes • Industrial symbiosis. New strategies for sustainable production • Development of technology and creation of environmental products of their own • Development of methods and implementation of solutions for the environmental optimization and cost reduction for companies • Strategic advice in environmental legislation • Environmental innovation projects, transfer of technology and sustainability Some examples of ECO-i projects are: • Project for the valorization of residual green molding sand that comes from the process of iron casting • Project for the valorization of the fine fraction of residual green molding sand that comes from the iron casting process in different industrial applications ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 65 AREA OF SUPPORT TO INNOVATION Support to innovation • Project for the valorization of the slag that comes from the iron casting process • Resolution of problems related to the minimization and valorization of different kinds of industrial wastes • Collaboration in the design of an innovative productive process based on sustainability criteria and kick off of a pilot plant for the production of biodiesel • Project for the synthesizing and industrialization of liquid copper-citrate for using it as an algaecide (CITCO) • Development of a method for the study and environmental improvement of industrial sites • Design and development of a pilot gasification module starting from biomass for the generation of electric and calorific energy at domestic level (MOGASBIO) • Advice on environmental legislation (REACH regulation, Environmental responsibility, etc.) International Collaborations: • Eco-Design for Eco-Innovation: the Green-Car case (Green-Car Eco-Design) ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 66 AREA OF SUPPORT TO INNOVATION Support to innovation ECO-DESIGN FOR ECO-INNOVATION: THE GREEN-CAR CASE (GREEN-CAR ECO-DESIGN) The ECO-i unit takes part in the project Green-Car Eco-Design, which is coordinated by the Centre Tecnològic Cartif and was approved by the Programa de Cooperación Territorial del Espacio Sudoeste Europeo (SUDOE) from 2010. This initiative for transnational cooperation has obtained a FEDER aid for the development of a study on the subject of eco-innovation about the new sustainable mobility paradigm: the electric vehicle. The development of the project involves the incorporation of the environmental variable in the design stage of the main components of the electric vehicle, in a way that we will obtain safer vehicles that are more respectful with the environment. The project is being developed in collaboration with partners from other regions of the SUDOE: Cartif (Castilla y León, Spain), Mondragón Goi Eskola Politeknikoa S.Coop. (País Vasco, Spain), IAT (Andalucia, Spain), ITA (Aragón, Spain), École Supérieure des Technologies Industrielles Avancées (Aquitània-France) and Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal (LisbonPortugal). COLLECTION SYSTEM OF USED COOKING OILS IN EDUCATIVE CENTERS AND BIODIESEL PRODUCTION TESTS WITH CAVITATION TECHNOLOGY (EDUCO). The ECO-i unit of the Area of Innovation Support leads the project “Collection system of used cooking oils in educative centers and biodiesel production test with cavitation technology ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 67 AREA OF SUPPORT TO INNOVATION Support to innovation (EDUCO)”. The EDUCO project has been approved by the LIFE + Programme of the European Commission in the 2011 edition, where it will feature the participation of Associació de l’Oli al Biodièsel (AOB), Inèdit Innovació S.L., Green Hel 2012 SL y CET Nou Verd SCC. The EDUCO project’s main objective is to design and build a pilot plant for the treatment of waste cooking oils to be collected and subsequently used in a pilot plant for the production of biodiesel by cavitation technology. The pilot plant, owned by one of the project partners will be adapted and optimsed in the course of the project to allow the use of waste oil as raw material. Waste oils will be collected in schools in nine counties of Catalonia.. • Creation of organizational models and models for innovation management. The objective of this line of activities is to provide companies with the concepts, methodologies and tools for improving their competitiveness through innovation allowing them to incorporate and improve the innovation management systems and the projects related with R&D&IT activities. The aim is to guide these activities towards developing processes and products that anticipate the current necessities and problems of companies and customers and situates them at the avantgarde of the market at a technological level. The field of action of this line of the area is very wide. From the start it has worked in numerous sectors and different geographical spaces providing the area with extensive experience in the field of innovation. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 68 AREA OF SUPPORT TO INNOVATION Support to innovation At present, the sorts of projects that are being carried out are mainly projects for the creation of methodologies that will help companies to systematize their innovation activities. The Area of Support to Innovation has extensive experience in advice and implementation of management systems, product development, services and technical support and therefore, it offers support in different fields such as: • Quality Control Management • Environmental Management • Risk Prevention Management • Management of Corporate Social Responsibility • Industrial Security • Technical information Work has been carried out in these fields for the implantation of reference norms, development and implantation of their own methodologies, design of computer applications in the fields of quality, environment, risk prevention and machine safety management, as well as for the design of specific references. These services allow companies to improve and optimize different parts of their processes such as: ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 69 AREA OF SUPPORT TO INNOVATION Support to innovation • Implantation of the norm UNE-EN ISO 9001: Advice on the implantation of a quality management system. • Implantation of the norm UNE-EN 9100: Advice on the implantation of a quality management system in the aerospace sector. • Implantation of the norm ISO/IEC 17025: Advice on the implantation of a management system for laboratories in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025. • Implantation of the norm EN-UNE 13816: Advice on the implantation of a quality management system of public transports in accordance with UNE-EN-UNE 13816. • Implantation of the norms BRC, IFS and ISO 22000: Advice on the implantation of management systems for food safety and food inocuity in accordance with regulations IFS, BRC and ISO22000. • Implantation of the norm ISO 14001:04 o EMAS: Advice on the implantation of environmental management systems in accordance with the ISO regulation 14001:04; elaboration of environmental licensees or environmental audits for evaluating the degree of fulfillment of the regulation. Study of the adequacy of the regulation to the company. • Risk prevention: The projects that have been carried out have been executed in several sectors. A management system based on the regulation OHSAS 18001:07 has been implanted. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 70 AREA OF SUPPORT TO INNOVATION Support to innovation • CE Marking: Support to companies in the CE marking of machines. • Environmental risk: Implantation of methodologies for the analysis and evaluation of the environmental risk (UNE 150008) Likewise, the area carries out audits on all these points of reference by request of the company. The integration of the processes of the management systems of companies in this field of work has been carried out with advanced characteristics by developing different methodologies and computer applications with the objective of optimizing these management systems; providing that way a new working approach eminently orientated towards processes. Projects carried out by the Department of Innovation Support in 2012 The Department of Innovation Support has a list of methodologies developed under various programs funded by the government and have been implemented and tested in a first phase in a number of companies in order to validate the methodologies. Currently, they are part of a portfolio of methodologies that can be implemented with the assistance of the technical staff of the area in the frame of a project in any company, regardless of the industry or its size. Below is a list with the description of the methodologies established in the year 2012: ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 71 AREA OF SUPPORT TO INNOVATION Support to innovation Global Innovation Is a project which proposes the introduction of a modular platform of global management. The function of this platform is the systematisation and optimisation of the process of obtaining information from different management systems of the company and of the resources used in this process. The implementation of this tool, improves the flow of information between the different management systems, minimising the resources used in the transmission of information and the risk of losing it. With this tool, the company will, at first, be given a guide to the implementation of the management system of R & D and technological surveillance and enforcement of the R & D, and secondly get optimal and efficient management of both its management system for R & D and technological surveillance. The main advantages are: • Implementation, management ease and structured management systems • Improving the flow and storage of information • Facilitating the creation and subsequent management of the R & D • Allocation to the company technological monitoring system • Guide the company in the management of their own R & D ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 72 AREA OF SUPPORT TO INNOVATION Support to innovation Ecoinnova It is a Project in the field of eco design for the design of industrial products where environment is taken into account at the moment of making decisions during the development process of products as an additional factor to the ones that have traditionally been considered (costs, quality, safety, ergonomics…). The aim is to reduce the environmental impact of the product throughout its life cycle, from the obtaining of raw materials and components, to its elimination once it has been rejected. This tool has the aim of promoting the development of the management of ecodesign, so as to improve competitiveness and to increase the innovation factor of companies. So as to achieve the objectives of this project, from the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic we have designed and developed a software support tool for ecodesign projects. Its implementation follows regulation UNE 150301:2003 of environmental management of the process of design and development - Ecodesign. Ambigest It is a project with the objective of improving the environmental management of companies through the monitoring and computerizing of their activities and environmental processes through a computer application. With this application companies will be able to collect, organize and control the data, documents and activities of a whole environmental management system. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 73 AREA OF SUPPORT TO INNOVATION Support to innovation This tool has the objective of improving the environmental management of companies by monitoring and computerizing its activities and environmental processes through a computer application. This application software follows regulation NORMA-UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2004. Among other advantages, we should mention: • Improvement of the environmental management of companies and of the performance of their activities. • Cost savings in the short/long term through the control and reduction of raw materials, energy, water, wastes, etc. • Image improvement and marketing possibilities. Ecotec This tool allows the automatic safety evaluation of a machine with a view to fulfilling the applicable legislation (machine directives 98/37/CE, 73/23/CEE low tension, 89/336/CEE electro-magnetic compatibility, 94/9/CE ATEX) with two basic aims: to carry out the CE marking through a standardized method and to be able to control the technical records of the machines. With this tool unnecessary costs can be avoided through the validation of prototypes during the design phase; we have access to the documentation; we control versions and drawings; ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 74 AREA OF SUPPORT TO INNOVATION Support to innovation it facilitates the realization of new machines built from modifications of other machines and it integrates in the design process, regulation UNE-EN ISO 9001:2008. Systems for the management of innovation During 2011 the center has developed a methodology for the management of the innovation activities carried out in the organization. This methodology systematizes the following activities: • Technological surveillance and creativity: The objective of this part is to establish a methodology for systematic production, observation and search for signs of change and novelties, focused towards the capture of information, selection and analysis, spreading and communication for turning it into knowledge. On the other hand, it also systematizes the generation of a suitable environment so as to facilitate the creativity of the people that form the organization. • Definition and analysis of project proposals: Starting from the ideas generated in the Technological Surveillance and Creativity process, the system that has to be followed is established by defining and analyzing the project proposals that will be used for the subsequent development of innovation projects. • Elaboration, planning and execution of innovation projects: The objective of this process is the definition, execution and evaluation of the innovation projects of the company ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 75 AREA OF SUPPORT TO INNOVATION Support to innovation that have emerged from the process of definition and analysis of project proposals. On the other hand, this process has the aim of regulating the planning, organization, assignment of resources, control and follow-up and closing and revision of the portfolio of projects of the company. • Protection and exploitation of results: This activity has the aim of systematizing the process of protection of the results of the company´s innovation process. On the other hand, it also systematizes the process for the transfer of the results of the innovation process, observing the possibility of acquiring knowledge outside the company. In the field of Technical advice in management: From the Area of Support to Innovation the center has carried out many projects for technical advice: • Quality Management: design of specific references and working methodologies. Quality SG: ISO 9001, EN 9100 (aerospace), TS 16949 (automotion), ISO 17025 (laboratories), etc. • Environmental Management: execution of diagnosis and internal audits. Permanent advice on environmental legislation and technical support. Development of environmental programs and implantations of management systems according to regulation ISO 14001 and EMAS regulation. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 76 AREA OF SUPPORT TO INNOVATION Support to innovation • Risk prevention management: Implantation and design of risk prevention management systems according to regulations OHSAS 18.001 and UNE 81.900 EX. • Corporate social responsibility management: Implantation of ethical management according to regulations SA8000 and SGE21. • Environmental risk: Implantation and design of methodologies for the analysis and evaluation of the environmental risk (UNE 150008). • Industrial safety: Advice on the certification and CE marking for machines to comply with machine regulations regarding mechanical and electrical security and electromagnetic compatibility. Adaptation of old machines as part of the production process. Advice and elaboration of safety cards for products. Advice on the correct storing of toxic, dangerous and inflammable products. • Projects execution: Support and advice on the execution of technical projects and on the development of management and organizational systems for the improvement of the existing quality management systems. Advice on the design phase of machines and processes of quality control systems. Development of design and R&D organization systems. • Technical information: Support to companies on issues regarding norms and standards, compliance of technical questions and ways to access finance programs for different kinds of projects: I+D/IT, FORCEM, CIRIT-CIDEM... ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 77 AREA OF SUPPORT TO INNOVATION Support to innovation • Health sector: support and advice on the CE marking of medical products and the implantation of quality management systems of the sector taking as a reference norm UNEEN ISO 13485:2004 • Energetic efficiency: a methodology for the implantation of energy management systems based on the norm UNE-EN ISO 50001. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 78 AREA OF ENERGY Energy The Area of Energy of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic has the objective of proposing and developing projects that have the aim of promoting social development and improving the competitiveness of companies, by understanding their needs, the transfer of technology and knowledge in the field of energy efficiency in industry and electric transport and renewable energies. The mission of the Area of Energy is: • To favor the integration of renewable energies in society and industry. • To work together with companies and institutions for the optimization of products and processes through the improvement of energy efficiency. The Area of Energy integrates knowledge in different fields such as electrical technology, electronic technology, thermo-energetic technology and computer science. The area has at its disposal high quality commercial simulation tools for working on the design and simulation of electrical, electronic and thermo-energetic systems and technicians, laboratories and the necessary equipment for the development of the systems and facilities. The lines of activity of the area are focused on the following subjects:: • Improvement of the energetic efficiency of components and systems ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 79 AREA OF ENERGY Energy • Application of power electronics, control and communications in the management of energy • Research and development of systems for the management of the energetic demand in buildings and industrial sites • Integral use of Energy and integration of distributed generation systems • Development and implementation of renewable energies • Conceptualization, design, control and supervision of Electric Distribution Micronets • Development and integration of technologies for electric vehicles • Supervision and control of energetic generation plants with renewable energies for the improvement of efficiency and maintenance The main activities carried out by the Area of Energy in 2012 are: • Development of algorithms for helping in the design of energetic systems and in the prediction of the demand • Conception of systems for energetic management in buildings and industrial sites ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 80 AREA OF ENERGY Energy • Design, control and supervision of electric distribution micronets • Integration of technologies for electric vehicles • Creation and design of hybrid energy generation plants Development of algorithms for helping in the design of energetic systems and in the prediction of the demand The activity of the new ESCO companies is linked to the conception, design, construction and exploitation of systems for the generation and consumption of electricity and energy. The computer tools for the prediction of the demand, design of plants and support for making decisions are essential for developing the activities of these companies. Conception of systems for energetic management in buildings and industrial sites The Energy Management Systems seek to improve the safety of energy supply and efficiency by the acquisition, processing and intelligible presentation of consumption data; development of tools for the global diagnosis of the system; automatic management of the consumption; adaptation of the consumption to the instantaneous conditions of the plant through automatic modeling of consumption rates and self-generation; expert systems; management of records by statistics and proposals for improvements of the facilities and the generation and notification of alarms. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 81 AREA OF ENERGY Energy Design, control and supervision of electric distribution micronets This line of work seeks to make progress in the study, knowledge, design and application of distributed generation Micronets by feeding resistive, inductive and harmonic loads present in buildings of the tertiary sector, groups of individual homes or small production plants, increasing this way the knowledge on the operation of these Micronets so as to facilitate their implantation in the market. The objectives include the determination of the methodologies for the conception, design and practical implementation of low power (lower than 5MW) Micronets with renewable distributed generation and loads with an arbitrary profile and the development of the control and maintenance algorithms of the Micronet for its application in residential environments. Integration of technologies for electric vehicles The Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic is working on the technologies that will allow the future integration of commercial Electric Vehicles and their introduction in the market. In this field, the Area of Energy of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic works on the integration of mechanical and electrical technologies, the conception and development of electric traction systems, load balancing systems for chemical batteries, development of the net of electric vehicles CAN and the study and conception of the new charging infrastructures in both, public environments and private homes. Creation and design of hybrid energy generation plants ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 82 AREA OF ENERGY Energy The generation of electric and thermo energy in hybrid plants produced with renewable and sustainable energies is now a reality. The concept, design, dimensioning and control of these plants constitutes a technological and innovative activity closely connected to the concept of a sustainable society. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 83 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects AEROSENS Investigation of the dynamic cables for floating wind turbines: fatigue behavior, and wireless sensing and connection to the platform The objective of this project is to investigate the behavior of dynamic cables, starting with their response to fatigue, the design of new stiffeners, the integration of optical fiber sensors and connecting the wind turbine to provide robust solutions that allow exporting energy from floating wind turbines. Participants: Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic, PRYSMIAN, ALSTOM-WIND, SABACAUCHO and TECNIPUL. AMORMOTO The project’s main objective is the development and implementation of new technologies for steel extrusions, to industrial scale, to manufacture shafts (or bars) for motorcycle shock absorbers. The project will also study the possibility of avoiding certain processing steps used to date, such as stretching, calibrating and rectifing (for shaping the damper shaft) with regards to up rightness, diameters and other parameters. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 84 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects AQUAREHAB: “Development of rehabilitation technologies and Approaches for multi pressured degraded waters and the integration of Their impact in river basin management” The objectives of this European project involving a large number of companies and research centers in Europe, is to develop a variety of innovative rehabilitation methods for representative types of pollution (source areas, pollution plumes, diffuse pollution) and compounds of concern in degraded water bodies (pesticides, nitrates, CAHs, BTEX). The AQUAREHAB project also aims to develop methods (viability testing), tools (numerical models) and guidelines for the design of rehabilitation technologies and to determine the long term, impact on local pollutant flows. The project will also develop a management tool “WATER PROTECT” that may be used by employees and managers of the water bodies to assess the ecological and economic impacts of various remedial measures in river basins, in addition it will also develop a method for linking the effects of rehabilitation technologies with this tool. Finally, the project will be disseminated for rehabilitation generic guidelines, approaches and tools applicable to other river basins with similar conditions. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 85 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects ATOMTOOL Development and manufacturing of tool steels made severe The aim of the project is the development and manufacture of new tool steels forming applications (metallurgical processes for the formation or part modeling) to industrial level, through powder metallurgy. The ultimate goal of the project is that the company, will become not only the first Spanish company that produces metal powder tool steels, but that it becomes a comprehensive metallurgical company where it will continue to develop their own materials, of metal powder, which consolidate and settle. All this will be a major industrial challenge with a solid scientific, technological and market base. BIO-K Planning, building and operating a generating plant / electricity cogeneration using biomass as fuel The BIO-K project’s main objective is the technical and economic evaluation of a hybrid plant between energy utilization technologies of biomass and solar thermal technology to generate electricity and heat in Syria. The points included in this project are: ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 86 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects • Biomass fuel use: types, supply, logistics and pretreatment • Process energy recovery from biomass and equipment available in the market • Most appropriate solar thermal technology • Type of hybrid plant • Definition of all effluent and waste products generated in the plant (mainly ash) and analysis of the industrial use of these • Evaluation of energy and economic results of the hybrid plant • Analysis of the regulatory state and future prospects • Analysis of project financing options and / or premium subsidies COMPOFIVI “Compounds made to reinforced polymers pultruded fiberglass” The objective of this project is to develop a structure made from an innovative composite material for the replacement of current metallic structures for static and dynamic support that are exposed to environments that are working under high demands of durability, with high maintenance and costs, to be replaced by others requiring less maintenance but with the same resistance. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 87 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects CPM Development of a knee rehabilitation device using continuous passive motion. The CPM project is an initiative of the Fundació CTM Technological Centre, together with the Foundation Altahia hospital and professional world of Physiotherapy. This project has allowed the design and manufacture of the first working prototype of a continuous passive motion device for the human knee. Tests have shown, both clinical and technical, that current devices of knee rehabilitation by passive movement do not demonstrate the correct physiological movement, forcing the joint and therefore leading to pain and possible damage . The new design also raises the possibility to be marketed as a “dockable kit” to the current device. This strategy enhances the ability to place the product on the entire fleet of devices in rehabilitation centers. The mechanism has been patented both at national (Spanish patent) and global (PCT) level. CUNA This Nucli (Catalan funding program) project aims at studying and developing new grades of copper alloys with high mechanical and electrical properties. In the CUNA project two concurrent paths are raised, first a careful selection of micro-alloying elements and the application techniques of Cold Severe Plastic Deformation, specifically ECAP (Equal ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 88 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects Channel Angular Pressing) for continuous and cold formation, of copper for nanometer or submicron structure. FICOTRIAD TERMOCEL Electrochemical cells of the type Pouch of a Battery pack of an electric vehicle tend to significantly increase their temperature during the charging and discharging processes. In order to maintain a suitable temperature range of the cells, the company wants to calculate and design an optimal cooling system to both extend the life of their cells and to reduce the cost and weight of the assembly. The following summarizes the most important tasks: - Determination of a model of thermal behavior of the cell to simulate heterogeneous heating. To develop this model, the Fundació CTM Technological Centre has several experimental thermography. - Performing an experimental system to determine the contact thermal resistance interface of different materials. These values are to be entered into the simulation models. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 89 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects - Study by CFD simulation from finite volume method, in different packaging configurations cells to determine the most optimal system in different conditions (fast loading, unloading at maximum power NEFZ cycle, etc..). FIRST NUCLIDES “Fast / Instant Release of Safety Relevant Radionuclides from Spent Nuclear Fuel” This is a collaborative research project funded by the European Commission from its EURATOM programme, which has the aim of providing a better understanding of the processes governing the release of radionuclides contained in spent nuclear fuel at high burn-up, and more specifically the fast release fraction or instant release Instant Release Fraction (IRF). Technically, the project involves a combination of experimentation and modeling for the integration of both the knowledge generated under the project and from previous investigations, in view of the subsequent implementation in the safety assessment exercises. The main issues addressed include speciation, retention of radionuclides or correlation between the release of fission gas and fission products as a function of initial enrichment and irradiation history. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 90 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects INNPLAGENO Innovation in manufacturing technologies and coatings for performance optimization of bipolar plates for fuel cells of hydrogen polymer membranes The INNPLAGENO project’s main objective is the development of new manufacturing technologies for metallic bipolar plates and protective coatings for the hydrogen fuel cells PEM polymer membrane. The bipolar plates are a key element of the hydrogen fuel cell as its durability and performance will determine, in large part, the final implementation of this technology in sectors such as the automotive sec tor. Participants: Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic and AJUSA. INNPLASTO New technologies for induction heating, PVD coatings and advanced steels in injection molds for the manufacture of plastic coated metals for components for the automotive industry The main objectives are: (A) The development, analysis and optimization, through numerical simulation techniques for modeling through injection using technologies such as electromagnetic induction ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 91 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects heating and resistance heating by high thermal conductivity of ceramic embedded in the mold. (B) Development and implementation of new steels for the construction of molds. (C) Development of alternative technologies and new coatings obtained by PVD techniques that increase the durability of the mold and preserve the high surface quality of the molded parts required. Participants: ZANINI, Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic and ROVALMA JOINOX The JOINOX project will study the corrosion resistance of the welds made using different techniques (MIG, TIG, laser, etc..) with different types of stainless steels (ferritic, austenitic and duplex). There will be a full investigation into the types of oxides formed at different solders and their role in the initiation of the corrosion process. Subsequently, different appraise post welding treatment processes and its effectiveness in eliminating the oxides formed and restore corrosion resistance of the welded joint. The corrosion resistance is evaluated at laboratory scale (in saline and sulfuric acid) and also at industrial level. Participants: Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic, KIMAB, OUTOKUMPU, SANDVIK and ITW. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 92 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects MOICT “Morocco Research Advance in ICT for Water” The MoICT project, funded by the European Commission Cooperation Programme has the main objective of establishing an innovative framework for collaboration between researchers and the private sector aimed at improving the research capabilities of Morocco in the field of information technology and communication (ICT ) applied to the management of water resources. In this case, the project is coordinated by the University of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah of Morocco while the Fundació CTM Centre for Technology is responsible for analyzing the main applications of ICT in the field of water management within the economic framework of Mor. MOSYCOUSIS The Mosycousis project is a project funded by the European Commissions Capacities programme whose main beneficiaries are SMEs. The project is intended to develop an intelligent diagnosis system based on acoustic emission detection, for monitoring and preventative maintenance of machinery. This predictive maintenance system will be developed by a new generation of wireless sensor networks installed in different parts of the machinery. When the materials are subjected to a high level of tension, prior to malformation ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 93 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects or breakdown, it generates a rapid release of strain energy by elastic waves which can be detected by these sensors on machines that want to control it. The sensor detects, identifies and diagnoses the cause of the anticipated fault, and sends an alarm signal to a central computer, for recording and analysis. NEWQP NEWQP is a European project funded by the RFCS programme which aims at developing the third generation of advanced high strength steels for application in the automotive sector. These new steels will improve the strength, ductility and strain hardening for improvement in terms of composition, treatments and properties such as formability, weldability and galvanization of these steels. This project will enable the development of production processes controlled and reproduced by these new materials. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 94 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects OILCA Improving competitiveness and reducing the carbon footprint of olive oil sector by optimizing waste management and the implementation of an eco-label Is a European project funded by the Interreg program under the second call for projects of territorial cooperation program (Interreg IV B SUDOE). With a total budget of € 900,000, the project, which began in early 2011 and will last 24 months, aims to improve the competitiveness of the olive sector in the SUDOE region by reducing the environmental impact of oil production by applying the principles of eco-efficiency. OiLCA will develop a specific methodological tool, which through the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of the production processes, including olive oil and environmental management, identify and value those actions which will reduce their carbon footprint. In addition, the tool offers the possibility to generate an environmental label that communicates to consumers the effort of the product and contribution of the sector to mitigate climate change. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 95 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects OPTIENER Optimizing energy efficiency in facilities The purpose of this project is to optimize the energy efficiency of facilities in the tertiary sector, which will enable improved energy efficiency in end-use energy, energy demand management and the promotion of renewable energy production. The overall objective of the project is the development and integration of technologies to offer products and energy optimization control of higher quality and performance that exist today, both from the point of view of system design, and its energy management during operation. This project also has the participation of the UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya). OPTIMA Increase efficiency and competitiveness by powder metallurgical process optimization and performance prediction of compaction and sizing tools Powder metallurgical processes is the production of parts by powder metal compaction (compacting step) and subsequent heating (sintering step) at temperatures below the melting point of the material. During the compaction step high pressures are required to plastically deform the metal powder by copying the shapes and dimensions of the matrix ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 96 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects where the compaction is done so that the mechanical stresses on the tools used are extremely high and its service life tends to be short. In this context, the OPTIMA project aims to study and understand the origin of failed mechanisms of these tools and to develop innovative methods of tool design, so that you can select the tool materials (steel and / or hard metals) more optimal for every application with reliable and accurate prediction of its production life. Participants: AMES and Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic. PERA “Palestine for European Palestine Research Area” The PERA project, funded by the European Commissions Cooperation Programme, looks at the specific characteristics of the region of Palestine with regards to water and energy. In this case, the Environmental Department at CTM works with the Palestine Technical UniversityKadoorie (PTUK) to improve their capacity in water management, renewable energy and other related areas, facilitating participation in European research initiatives and facilitating its inclusion in the European Research Area. Specifically, CTM researchers are responsible for defining the research priorities in the water sector to meet socio-economic needs of the region. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 97 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects PROJECTE PVV Prototype Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) with parallel architecture The PVV project aims at developing a prototype of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) to boost electric vehicle technology and facilitate its onset on the market, starting from concept studies to tests conducted during the CENIT VERDE project. The project consortium led by STC (Seat Technical Centre), will address end developments initiated from the VERDE project, and develop new components (eg. cooling) essential for the subsequent integration of the vehicle. The project is therefore a combined effort of a consortium participating from the leading designer and producer of vehicles (STC), to suppliers of systems and subsystems thereby integrating the entire value chain, from the sub to the final vehicle. The general objectives include predevelopment and manufacture of new components for PHEV, and specifically a Battery Pack with lithium ion cells with independent power control and reliable compressor variable electric speed compact design and internal ferrites to optimize costs, with the addition of new refrigerants parallel branch circuits. PULVIHOT The PULVIHOT project’s main objective is to develop new steel tools of high thermal conductivity, for hot stamping and to acquire new scientific and technological knowledge to ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 98 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects manufacture through powder metallurgy. The ultimate goal of the research proposed in this project can be described through an industrial objective in starting the implementation of a manufacturing plant to supply small amounts of steel and tailor-made products, specific to each particular client. SEDAGUA Development of advanced simulation methodologies and experimentation to design sedimentation systems in water treatment plants The main objective of the project is to optimize the design of water treatment tanks for water treatment, waste treatment and desalination. The project will use the calculations of computerized fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation, characterization and advanced experimental validation to suggest improvements in the design and operation of the tanks. During the execution of the project a pilot plant will be constructed to analyse the results in large real scale plants and verify the improvements made in the proposal. The ultimate goal is to have more efficient sedimentation processes, obtaining cleaner water with fewer economic, personnel and material resources. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 99 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects SMARTSTRIPPING Study of soil decontamination using minimal impact techniques for the environment The SmartStripping project focuses on the extraction of contaminants from soil and groundwater pollution without any pollutant releases to the environment. This is a project that is funded by the European Commission, led by the company LA152 SRLY which also involved the company Felsilab and Fundació CTM Centre for Technology. The technology developed by the project SmartStripping consists of a closed loop system that favors the volatilization air pollutants and extraction of these in a controlled manner without producing any emissions to the atmosphere. Thus, the treatment has a minimal impact on the environment. The SmartStripping technology features an innovative design of injection and extraction wells that minimize the costs of the treatment plant while decreasing energy consumption of the process. The effectiveness of the new technology also permits the reducing of the treatment time on site, making this type of treatment feasible with respect to the other current methods available in the market. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 100 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects TAILORTOOL Development of New Tool Materials with Tailored Thermomechanical Properties TailorTool is an R & D project, funded by the European Commissions Cooperation Programme, whose main objective is to develop a new generation of materials for forming tools, the thermomechanical properties of which vary gradually (ie Functionally Graded Materials, FGM). These materials make it possible to obtain car parts with a unique combination of mechanical properties that will reduce weight and increase vehicle safety. Participants: Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic, VW, GESTAMP-HARDTECH, OerlikonBALZERS, ROVALMA, TUM, Tecnalia, LTU i CROMEP ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 101 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects TEST TOOL The European project TEST TOOL aims to study the wear mechanisms operating in hot stamping tools of high strength steels for manufacturing automotive structural components with complex geometries. A laboratory apparatus will be constructed and a methodology developed to help study the tribological behavior, the interaction between the tool and the component under conditions thermomechanical processes of stamping, to carefully set the quality of components that can produce a tool. This will enable the efficiency to be increased for the production process and to evaluate and to optimize the different materials, tool steels such as high strength steels, for increasing productivity of the hot stamping process. Participants: Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic, VW, GESTAMP-HARDTECH, ROVALMA, ARCELOR-MITTAL, LTU, KASSEL UNIVERSITAT ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 102 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects TREVA (Technologies for recovery and recovery of nutrients in the water cycle). The main objective of the project is to develop new systems of nitrogen and phosphorus removal and recovery from wastewater so that it can be exploited for agriculture or gardening, either directly or after being treated. The project is funded by ACC1Ó, and has the participation, besides CTM, of 4 companies: INAGUA, ABMJG, MOIX and BIOMA. The project will address two issues related to environmental nutrient cycling. Firstly, to efficiently remove nutrients from the wastewater to minimise their release into the environment and to solve the problem of nitrate contamination in groundwater. Secondly, to reduce the problem of scarcity of natural resources from the reuse of these nutrients as fertilizers in agriculture and gardening. This dual objective of the project puts the project in a privileged position compared to competing technologies, addressing two problems at the same time. The new system aims to optimise the technical processes, both environmental and economic, thanks to the incorporation of environmental criteria. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 103 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects VELOW (Vehicle Electric LOW cost per carsharing) The VELOW project aims to develop technology for an all-electric city car, framed within the segment of powerful quads (up to 20HP) and specifically adapted for rental applications and urban mobility CarSharing. The project will use a vehicle structure that is currently available on the market to use it to test platform innovations that will be developed during the project. CTM will be responsible for the overall project management, the overall simulation of modeling of the vehicle and the development of a storage system, smartphone applications and integration. In a period of a year and a half it is expected to have the prototype ready for dynamic testing. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 104 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects VERDE The CENIT VERDE project is led by the Centre Tècnic SEAT and is administratively and technically coordinated by the Fundació CTM Centre for Technology. The project is dedicated to the study and development of technologies to enable the future integration and introduction of electric vehicles onto the Spanish market. The 7 project activities deal with studying the different types of electric vehicles and their drive chains to the interaction of the vehicle with the distribution network. The main project activities VERDE project are:. • To study and to define the mechanical and electrical technologies in an electric vehicle • To research and develop the energy storage systems (batteries) • To research and develop the electric drive systems for PHEV / EV (traction) • To design the control converters for charging and discharging batteries PHEV / EV (charger) • To design the local infrastructure systems for energy recharge PHEV and EV (infrastructure) • To Integrate the electric vehicle load on the electrical system: infrastructure, networks and services (networks) • To Integrate and validate the electric vehicle developed technologies: energy and environmental balances (integration) ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 105 Most outstanding projects Most outstanding projects ZINCOBOR The Zincobor project will explore the mechanisms of nucleation and propagation of cracks that occur during the hot stamping process of components in the automobile industry. These components which are manufactured from boron steel and are actively protected from corrosion by zinc-based coatings. Participants: Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic, KASSEL UNIVERSITAT, TATA STEEL and VOESTALPINE. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 106 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Articles 2012 J. J. Sidor, K. Verbeken, E. Gomes, J. Schneider, P. Rodriguez Calvillo, L.A.I. Kestens “Through process texture evolution and magnetic properties of high Si non-oriented electrical steels” “Materials Characterization” Vol. 71, pp 49-57, 2012ISSN: 1044-5803 L. Rancel, M. Gómez, J.M. Cabrera, S.F. Medina “Influence of chemical composition and tempering treatment on toughness of bainitic 38MnV7 steel”. Steel Research International, special issue “Metal Forming” pp 1171-1174, 2012ISSN 16113683 E.A. Cartaya, G. Varela, J.M. Cabrera, J.M. Prado “Thermomechanical behavior of a Nbmicroalloyed steel V” “TraterPress. Heat Treatment Magazine”, nº 29, pp 28-34, June 2012ISSN: 188-4423 P. Rodríguez-Calvillo, Y. Houbaert, R. Petrov, L. Kestens, R. Colás “High temperature deformation of silicon steel” “Materials Chemistry and Physics” Vol. 136 (2-3) , pp. 710-719, 2012ISSN: 0254-0584 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 107 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis S. M. Fatemi-Varzaneh, A. Zarei-Hanzaki, R. Vaghar, J.M. Cabrera “The origin of microstructure inhomogeneity in Mg-3Al-1Zn processed by severe plastic deformation” “Materials Science and Engineering A” Vol 551 pp 128-132, 2012ISSN: 0921-5093 H. Mirzadeh, J.M. Cabrera, A. Najafizadeh, P.R. Calvillo “EBSD study of a hot deformed austenitic stainless steel” “Materials Science and Engineering A” Vol. 538, pp 236–245, March 2012,ISSN: 0921-5093 F. González Cámara, K. Mostafa, R. Petrov, P. Rodríguez, E. De Grave, D. Segers, Y. Houbaert “Isochronalannealing of a deformed Fe-7.5 mass.%Si-steel” “International Journal of Materials Research”, vol. 103, núm. 12, pp 1440-1443, 2012ISSN: 1862 5282 F. Reyes, J. Calvo, J.M. Cabrera, I. Mejía “Effect of V on hot deformation characteristics of TWIP steels” “Steel Research International”, vol 83, pp 1-6, March, 2012ISSN 1611-3683 H. Mirzadeh, J.M. Cabrera, A. Najafizadeh “Modeling and prediction of hot deformation flow curves” “Metallurgical and Materials Transactions”, vol 43A, pp 108-123, January, 2012ISSN: 1073-5623/83 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 108 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis A. Mateo, D. Gutiérrez, A. Lara, A. Zapata, P. Rodriguez, G. Fargas, J. Calvo, D. Casellas “Comportamiento a fractura de aceros metaestables” Anales de mecánica de la fractura, vol. I, pp. 145-152, 2012ISSN: 0213-3725 N. Llorca-Isern, A. Escobar, A. Roca, J.M. Cabrera “Equal channel angular pressing of Cu-Al bimetallic rods” “Materials Science Forum” Vols. 706-709 pp 1811-1816, 2012ISSN: 0255-5476 G. Varela-Castro, J.M. Cabrera, J.M. Prado “On the onset of dynamicrecrystallization in steels” “Advanced Materials Research” Vol. 409, pp 431-436, 2012 ISSN: 1662 8985 J. Calvo, S. Shu, J.M. Cabrera “Characterization of precipitation kinetics of Inconel 718 superalloy by the stress relaxation technique” Materials Science Forum Vols. 706-709 pp 2393-2399, 2012 ISSN: 0255-5476 G. Altamirano, I. Mejía, J.M. Cabrera “Determination of the critical parameters for the onset of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) in advanced ultrahigh strength steels (A-UHSS) microalloyed with boron” “Computer Methods in Materials Science”, Vol. 12, Nº 3, pp 152-162, 2012.ISSN: 1641-8581 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 109 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis K.Nothhaft, J. Suh, M. Golle, I. D. Casellas, W. Volk “Shear cutting of press hardened steel: influence of punch chamfer on process forces, tool stresses and sheared edge qualities” Production Engineering Research and Development, 6 (2012) 413-420 N. Cuadrado, D. Casellas, M. Anglada, E. Jiménez-Piqué “Evaluation of fracture toughness of small volumes by means of cube-corner nanoindentation” ScriptaMaterialia, 66 (2012) 670-673 D.L. Oatley, L. Llenas, R. Pérez, P.M. Williams, X. Martínez-Lladó i M Rovira (2012) Review of the dielectric properties of nanofiltration membranes and verification of the single oriented layer approximation. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 173, 1–11. J. Torras, I. Buj. M. Rovira i J. de Pablo (2012) Chromium recovery from exhausted baths generated in plating processes and its reuse in the tanning industry. Journal of Hazardous Materials 209-210, 343-347. C. Valderrama, G. Ribera, N. Bahí, M. Rovira, T. Giménez, R. Nomen, S. Lluch, M. Yuste i X. Martinez-Lladó (2012) Winery wastewater treatment for water reuse purpose: Conventional activated sludge ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 110 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis versus membrane bioreactor (MBR) comparative case study. Desalination, 306, 1-7 J. Oliva, J. Cama, J.L. Cortina, C. Ayora i J. De Pablo (2012) Biogenic hydroxyapatite (Apatite IITM) dissolution kinetics and metal removal from acid mine drainage. Journal of Hazardous Materials 213– 214, 7- 18 J. Giménez, I. Casas, R. Sureda i J. de Pablo (2012) Kinetics of hydrogen peroxide consumption in aqueous phaseat different hydrogen partial pressures. RadiochimicaActa 100, 1-4 D. Serrano-Purroy, F. Clarens, E. González-Robles, J.P. Glatz, D.H. Wegen, J. de Pablo, I. Casas I J. Giménez, A. Martínez-Esparza (2012) Instant release fraction and matrix release of high burn-up UO2 spent nuclear fuel: Effect of high burn-up structure and leaching solution composition. Journal of Nuclear Materials 427, 249-258 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 111 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis International Conferences 2012 Title: “Efecto de la composición química sobre el comportamiento a fluencia en caliente de aceros al carbono” Authors: G. Varela, J.M. Cabrera Name of the congress: 19ª Conferencia de Laminación, 6ª Conferencia sobre Otros Usos del Acero Place of celebration: Rosario, Santa Fé, Argentina, Date of the congress: 6-8 November 2012 Kind of participation: Oral and written presentation. Title: “Propiedades mecánicas y físicas de cobre ETP nanoestructurado obtenido por extrusión en canal angular de sección constante” Authors: O.F. Higuera, J. M. Cabrera Name of the congress: 12º Congreso Binacional de Metalurgia y Materiales CONAMET/ SAM 2012 Place of celebration: Valparaíso, Chile. Date of the congress: 22-26 October 2012 Kind of participation: Oral and written presentation. Title: “Predicción de la microestructura de solidificación en una palanquilla de acero fabricada con el proceso de colada continua” ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 112 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Authors: J. L. Acevedo, J. M. Cabrera Name of the congress: 12º Congreso Binacional de Metalurgia y Materiales CONAMET/ SAM 2012 Place of celebration: Valparaíso, Chile Date of the congress: 22-26 October 2012 Kind of participation: Oral and written presentation. Title: “Effect of the chemical composition on the mechanical and microstructural evolution, thermal stability and electrical conductivity of copper processed by equal channel angular extrusion” Authors: O.F. Higuera, J.M. Cabrera Name of the congress: 5th Latin American Conference on Metastable and Nanostructured Materials NANOMAT 2012 Place of celebration: Sao Carlos, Brasil Date of the congress: 30 September – 2 October 2012 Kind of participation: Invited lecture. Oral Presentation. Title: “Evidence of strain-induced precipitation on ISO 5832-9 stainless steel biomaterial” Authors: M.B.R. Silva, J. Gallego, J.M. Cabrera, O. Balancin, A.M. Jorge Jr Name of the congress: 5th Latin American Conference on Metastable and Nanostructured Materials NANOMAT 2012 Place of celebration: Sao Carlos, Brasil ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 113 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Date of the congress: 30 September – 2 October 2012 Kind of participation: Poster. Title: “Influence of chemical composition and tempering treatment on toughness of bainitic 38MnV7 steel” Authors: L. Rancel, M. Gómez, J.M. Cabrera, S.F Medina Name of the congress: Metal Forming 14th International Conference Place of celebration: Cracovia, Polonia Date of the congress: 16-19 September 2012 Kind of participation: Oral and written presentation. Title: “Hot deformation characteristics of an 18Mn-0.8Si-0.55C-TWIP steel” Authors: J. Calvo, J.M. Cabrera, S. Yue, E. Essadiqi Name of the congress: 4th International Conference on Thermomechanical Processing of Steels (TMP2012) Place of celebration: Sheffield Date of the congress: 10-12 September 2012 Kind of participation: Oral and written presentation. Title: “Calorimetric analysis of a Mg-Zn-Zr alloy processed by eqaul cannel angular pressing via route A” Authors: F.D. Dumitru, B. Gibhan, J.M. Cabrera-Marrero, O.F, Higuera-Cobos, M. Marin ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 114 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Name of the congress: 5th International Conference “Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Medical Devices” BiomMedD’2012 Place of celebration: Constanta, Rumanía Date of the congress: 29 August – 1 September 2012 Kind of participation: Poster and written communication. Title: “Characterization of defects during the annealing of deformed FeSi alloys by positron annihilation lifetime technique” Authors: K. Mostafa, F. Gonzalez Camara, P. Rodriguez, E. De Grave, D. Segers, Y. Houbaert Name of the congress: 16th International Conference on Positron Annihilation Place of celebration: Bristol, UK Date of the congress: 19-24 August 2012. Kind of participation: Written and oral communication. Title: “Dynamically recrystallized austenitic grain in a low carbon advanced ultra-high strength steel (A-UHSS) microalloyed with boron under hot deformation conditions” Authors: I. Mejía, E. García-Mora, G. Altamirano, A. Bedolla-Jacuinde, J.M. Cabrera Name of the congress: XXI International Materials Research Congress Place of celebration: Cancun Date of the congress: 12-16 August 2012. Kind of participation: Poster and written communication. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 115 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Title: “Prediction of hot flow curves of construction steels by physically-based constitutive equations” Authors: G. Varela-Castro, J.M. Cabrera Name of the congress: XXI International Materials Research Congress Place of celebration: Cancun Date of the congress: 12-16 August 2012. Kind of participation: Invited talk. Written and oral communication. Title: “Effect of Boron on the continuous cooling transformation kinetics in a low carbon advanced ultra-high strength steel (A-UHSS)” Authors: G. Altamirano, I.Mejía, A. Hernández-Expósito, J.M. Cabrera Name of the congress: XXI International Materials Research Congress Place of celebration: Cancun Date of the congress: 12-16 August 2012. Kind of participation: Written and oral communication. Title: “Calorimetric analysis of ZK60 magnesium alloy processed by equal channel angular pressing” Authors: Florina-Diana Dumitru, BrândusaGhiban, José María Cabrera-Marrero, Oscar-Fabián Name of the congress: Higuera-Cobos, GheorgheGurau, NicolaeGhiban International simposiumonaircraftmaterials, ACMA 2012 Place of celebration: Fez, Morocco ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 116 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Date of the congress: 09-12 May, 2012. Kind of participation: Oral and written communication. Title: “EBSD texture analysis of an AlCuMg alloy for different solidification rates” Authors: D. Lopez-Galindo, A. Rodríguez, R. Colás, J.M. Cabrera, J. Talamantes-Silva Name of the congress: 70º Congreso Mundial de Fundición Place of celebration: Monterrey, Nuevo León, México Date of the congress: 23-27 April 2012. Kind of participation: Oral and written communication. Title: “Copper processed by ECAP” Authors: J.A. Muñoz, O.F. Higuera, J.M. Cabrera Name of the congress: First São Carlos School of Advanced Studies in Materials Science and Engineering, Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar Place of celebration: São Carlos – Brazil Date of the congress: 25-31 March 2012 Kind of participation: Poster. Title: “Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance in Hot Forming Tools” Authors: Gironès, S.Molas, M.D. Riera, D. Casellas Name of the congress: 9th International Tooling Conference Place of celebration: Leoben (Austria) ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 117 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Date of the congress: September 2012 Publicació: Proceedings of the 9th International Tooling Conference (ISBN 978-3-901384-52-3) Kind of participation: Poster. Title: “Effect of cooling rate on the mechanical properties of Al-Si alloys using high thermal conductivity tool steel” Authors: S.Molas, D. Casellas, A. Hamasaiid, I. Valls Name of the congress: 9th International Tooling Conference Place of celebration: Leoben (Austria) Date of the congress: September 2012 Publicació: Proceedings of the 9th International Tooling Conference (ISBN 978-3-901384-52-3) Kind of participation: Poster. Title: “New tool steel with very high levels of toughness for cutting of press hardened steel and other demanding applications” Authors: A. Inngebrand, I. Valls, S. Molas, I. Picas, D. Casellas Name of the congress: 9th International Tooling Conference Place of celebration: Leoben (Austria) Date of the congress: September 2012 Publicació: Proceedings of the 9th International Tooling Conference (ISBN 978-3-901384-52-3) Kind of participation: Oral presentation. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 118 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Title: “Toughness evaluation of high strength steels sheets by means of the essential work of fracture” Authors: D. Gutiérrez, Ll. Pérez, A. Lara, D. Casellas and J.M. Prado Name of the congress: ECF-19, 19th European Conference on Fracture Place of celebration: Kazan (Rusia) Date of the congress: August 2012 Publicació: Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Fracture (ISBN 978-5-905576-18-8) Kind of participation: Poster. Title: “Analysis of micro-mechanical damage in tool steels coupling fracture tests and acoustic emission” Authors: I. Picas, E. Martínez-González, D. Casellas, J. Romeu Name of the congress: ECF-19, 19th European Conference on Fracture Place of celebration: Kazan (Rusia) Date of the congress: August 2012 Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Fracture (ISBN 978-5-905576-18-8) Kind of participation: Oral participation. Title: “Characterization of abrasive wear in forming tools with polymeric replica profiles” Authors: G. Ramírez, M. Vilaseca, J. Pujante, D. Casellas Name of the congress: 15th Nordic Symposium on Tribology Place of celebration: Trondheim (Noruega) ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 119 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Date of the congress: June 2012 Kind of participation: Oral participation. Title: “Adhesive wear analysis of PVD coated and uncoated hot stamping tools” Authors: M. Vilaseca, J. Pujante, G. Ramírez, D. Casellas Name of the congress: 15th Nordic Symposium on Tribology Place of celebration: Trondheim (Noruega) Date of the congress: June 2012 Kind of participation: Poster. Title: “Investigations into Wear and Galling Mechanism of Aluminium Alloy-Tool Steel Tribopair at Different Temperatures” Authors: J Pujante, L Pelcastre, M Vilaseca, D Casellas, B Prakash Name of the congress: 15th Nordic Symposium on Tribology Place of celebration: Trondheim (Noruega) Date of the congress: June 2012 Title: “Sheet failure prediction during forming of advanced high strength steels” Authors: D. Gutiérrez, R. Hernández, A. Lara, D. Casellas, M.D. Riera, J.M. Prado Name of the congress: 5th Forming Technology Forum Place of celebration: Zurich (Switzerland) Date of the congress: June 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 120 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publicació: Proceedings of 5th Forming Technology Forum 2012. Advanced Failure Prediction Methods in sheet metal forming (ISBN 978-3-906031-06-1) Kind of participation: Oral participation. Title: “High thermal conductivity tool steels for die casting applications” Authors: A. Hamasaiid, I. Valls, H. Eibish, R. Heid, S. Molas, D. Casellas Name of the congress: High Tech Die Casting 2012 Place of celebration: Vicenza (Italy) Date of the congress: January 2012 Kind of participation: Oral participation. Title: (2012) SMART-STRIPPING® Emission free groundwater remediation technology. Authors: Caridei F., Pagano M., Mosangini C.B., R. Verri, Jubany I., Marti V. i M. Calderer Name of the congress: REMTECH 2012 Remediation Technologies, Saipem Place of celebration: September, 2012 Date of the congress: Ferrara (Italy). Kind of participation: Poster. Title: Study of groundwater denitrification in riparian zones by using soils from a wetland in the Ebro river basin. Authors: Rubalcaba A., García I., Martí V., Ruiz C., Jiménez P. J., Calderer M. Name of the congress: First European Symposium on Remediation Technologies and their ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 121 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Integration in Water Management, Place of celebration: Barcelona. Spain. Date of the congress: September 2012 Kind of participation: Poster. Authors: Guillaume Busset, Caroline Sablayrolles, MireilleVignoles, Frederic Clarens i José Jorge Espí. Name of the congress: WasteEng 2012: 4th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation Place of celebration: Barcelona. Porto, Portugal Date of the congress: 10 – 13 September 2012 Kind of participation: Oral presentation. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 122 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis National Conferences Title: “Modelado de la fluencia en caliente de aceros avanzados de ultra-alta resistencia (A-UHSS) microaleados con boro” Authors: G. Altamirano, I. Mejía, J.M. Cabrera Name of the congress: 9º Foro de Ingeniería e Investigación en Materiales, Instituto de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo Place of celebration: Morelia, México Date of the congress: 5-7 December 2012 Kind of participation: Oral and written communication. Title: “Análise da precipitação induzida por deformaçãovia microscopia eletrônica de transmissão no açoinoxidávelaustenítico ISO 5832-9 utilizado como biomaterial” Authors: M.B. Dos Reis, J. Gallego, J.M. Cabrera, O. Balancín, A. Moreira Name of the congress: INOX 2012 - 11º Seminario Brasileiro do AçoInoxidável Place of celebration: Sao Paulo Date of the congress: 23-25 October 2012 Kind of participation: Oral and written communication. Title: “Endurecimiento de chapa de acero TWIP durante ensayos cíclicos traccióncompresión” Authors: R. Cobo, J. A. Benito, J. Calvo y J. M. Cabrera ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 123 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Name of the congress: XIII Congreso Nacional Propiedades Mecánicas de Sólidos Place of celebration: Alcoy Date of the congress: 26-28 September 2012 Kind of participation: Oral and written communication. Title: “Efecto de la distribución bimodal de grano en la ductilidad de hierro nanoestructurado obtenido por proceso de molienda mecánica” Authors: C.Casas, J.A.Benito, J.M.Cabrera Name of the congress: XIII Congreso Nacional Propiedades Mecánicas de Sólidos Place of celebration: Alcoy Date of the congress: 26-28 September 2012 Kind of participation: Oral and written communication. Title: “Características de la deformación en caliente de aceros TWIP” Authors: J. Calvo, P. Rodríguez- Calvillo, A. M. Mateo, J.M. Cabrera Name of the congress: XIII Congreso Nacional Propiedades Mecánicas de Sólidos Place of celebration: Alcoy Date of the congress: 26-28 September 2012 Kind of participation: Oral and written communication. Title: “Aceros avanzados de ultra alto límite elástico empleados en el sector automotriz” Authors: J.M. Cabrera ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 124 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Name of the congress: 3ª Jornadas de Metalurgia y Materiales, UNAM Place of celebration: México Date of the congress: 22-23 August 2012. Kind of participation: Oral communication. Title: “Efecto de la distribución bimodal de grano en la ductilidad de hierro nanoestructurado obtenido por molienda mecánica” Authors: C. Casas, J.A. Benito, J.M. Cabrera Name of the congress: IV Congreso Nacional de Pulvimetalurgia Place of celebration: Sevilla Date of the congress: 20 June 2012 Kind of participation: Oral and written communication. Title: Comportamiento mecánico de una aleación Mg-Zn-Zr procesada por presión en canal angular de sección constante” Authors: Florina-Diana Dumitru, BrândusaGhiban, José-María Cabrera-Marrero, GheorgheGuräu, Mihai Marin Name of the congress: XII Congreso Nacional de materiales, Universidad de Alicante Place of celebration: Alicante Date of the congress: 30 - 31 May - 1 June 2012. Kind of participation: Oral and written communication. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 125 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Title: “Estudio de la cinética de recristalización estática en aceros de construcción mediante el método de relajación de tensiones” Authors: E. A. Cartaya, J. M. Cabrera, J. M. Prado Name of the congress: XII Congreso Nacional de materiales, Universidad de Alicante Place of celebration: Alicante Date of the congress: 30 - 31 May - 1 June 2012. Kind of participation: Oral and written communication. Title: “Conformabilidad de chapas de aceros metaestables” Authors: D. Gutierrez, A. Mateo, P. Rodríguez, G. Fargas, A. Lara, D. Casellas, J.M. Prado. Name of the congress: XII Congreso nacional de materiales, XII Congreso IBEROMAT: Universidad de Alicante Place of celebration: Alicante Date of the congress: 30 - 31 May - 1 June de 2012. Kind of participation: Oral and written communication. Title: “Tratamientos térmicos de reversión en un acero inoxidable metaestable” Authors: A. Mateo, A. Hernandez, A. Zapata, P. Rodríguez, G. Fargas, J. Calvo, D. Casellas. Name of the congress: XII Congreso nacional de materiales, XII Congreso IBEROMAT: Universidad de Alicante Place of celebration: Alicante Date of the congress: 30 - 31 May - 1 June 2012. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 126 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Kind of participation: Oral and written communication. Title: “Textura y comportamiento microestructural de cobre de grano ultrafino procesado por ECAP” Authors: O. F. Higuera, J.A Muñoz, J.M. Cabrera Name of the congress: XII Congreso Nacional de materiales. Universidad de Alicante Place of celebration: Alicante Date of the congress: 30 -31 May - 1 June 2012. Kind of participation: Oral and written communication. Title: “Fracture toughness evaluation by crack-opening displacement of cube-corner indeters” Authors: N. Cuadrado, D. Casellas, M. Anglada, F. Garcia Marro Name of the congress: CIEC13, 13th European Inter-Regional Conference on Ceramics Publicació: Proceedings of the CIEC13, 13th European Inter-Regional Conference on Ceramics (ISBN 978-84-615-9681-2) Place of celebration: Barcelona Date of the congress: September 2012 Kind of participation: Poster. Title: “Tratamientos térmicos de reversión en un acero inoxidable metaestable” Authors: A. Mateo, A. Hernández, A. Zapata, P. Rodríguez-Calvillo, G. Fargas, J. Calvo, D. Casellas ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 127 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Name of the congress: XII Congreso Nacional de Materiales / XII Congreso Iberoamericano Place of celebration: Alicante Date of the congress: May 2012 Publicació: Proceedings of XII Congreso Nacional de Materiales / XII Congreso Iberoamericano (ISBN 978-84-695-3316-1) Kind of participation: Oral participation. Title: “Conformabilidad de chapas de aceros metaestables” Authors: D. Gutiérrez, A. Mateo, P. Rodríguez-Calvillo, G. Fargas, A. Lara, D. Casellas, J.M. Prado Name of the congress: XII Congreso Nacional de Materiales / XII Congreso Iberoamericano de Materiales Place of celebration: Alicante Date of the congress: May 2012 Publicació: XII Congreso Nacional de Materiales / XII Congreso Iberoamericano de Materiales (2012) ISBN 978-84-695-3316-1 Kind of participation: Oral participation. Title: “Comportamiento a fractura de aceros metaestables” Authors: Mateo, D. Gutiérrez, Ll. Pérez, A. Lara, A. Zapata, P. Rodríguez-Calvillo, G. Fargas, J. Calvo, D. Casellas Name of the congress: XXIX Encuentro del grupo español de fractura ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 128 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Place of celebration: Bilbao Date of the congress: March 2012 Publicació: XXIX Encuentro del grupo español de fractura Vol. 1, pag 145-152 (2012) ISSN 0213-3725 Kind of participation: Oral participation. Title: “Lightweight design of structural components resistant to dynamic loading” Authors: D. Casellas Name of the congress: Efficient LigthweigthStrucutre Solutions, STA Conference Place of celebration: Barcelona Date of the congress: January 2012 Kind of participation: Oral participation. Title: Emission free Groundwater Remediation Technology (SmartStripping®) Authors: Jubany I., Caridei F., Pagano M., Calderer M., Martí V., Mosangini C.B. i R. Verri. Name of the congress: First European Symposium on Remediation Technologies and their Integration in Water Management, Place of celebration: Barcelona. Date of the congress: September 2012 Kind of participation: Poster Title: Atrazine biodegration in groundwater by using bioaugmentation with Pseudomonas ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 129 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis sp. strain ADP. Authors: Calderer M., Martí V., Peteiro R., Salcedo A., Rubalcaba A., Weisbrod N. i Ronen Z. Name of the congress: First European Symposium on Remediation Technologies and their Integration in Water Management Place of celebration: Barcelona. Barcelona. Date of the congress: September 2012 Kind of participation: Poster Title: Simulación del proceso de emisión acústica. Generación de ondas elásticas transitorias en un engranaje bajo tensión. Authors: R. Cobo, T. Resano, M.D. Riera, L. Romeral Name of the congress: Reunión de usuarios de SIMULIA. XVI Reunión de usuarios de SIMULIA Place of celebration: Madrid Date of the congress: November 2012 Kind of participation: Oral presentation. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 130 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Thesis 2012 Title: Disolución del combustible nuclear gastado en un almacenamiento geológico profundo. Efecto de los productos radiolíticos y de formación de fases secundarias. Candidate: Rosa Maria Sureda Pastor Title: Aplicación de criterios de conformabilidad en productos planos de aceros de alta resistencia Candidate: David Gutiérrez Castillo Directors: José M. Prado, Daniel Casellas University: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Date: 28-11-2012 Title: Mechanical behavior of tools for shearing Ultra High-Strength Steels: Influence of the microstructure on fracture and fatigue micro-mechanisms of tool steels and evaluation of micro-mechanical damage in tools Candidate: Ingrid Picas Anfruns Directors: Daniel Casellas, José M. Prado University: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Date: 10-12-2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 131 Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Publications, congresses and PhD thesis Awards 2012 Award: Premi AMES R+D+i Joan Antoni Bas al millor treball d’investigació “Mejora de la ductilidad en piezas de hierro con grano ultrafino consolidadas a partir de polvo obtenido por molienda mecánica” Authors: R. Rodríguez-Baracaldo, R. Tejedor, C. Casas, J.A. Benito y J.M. Cabrera. Place of celebration: Sevilla Date of the congress: 21 June 2012. Award: Esment especial en la 5ª Conferencia sobre Usos del Acero del IAS, Categoría Propiedades Mecánicas, al trabajo “Efecto de la composición química sobre el coeficiente de difusión de la austenita en aceros estructurales” Authors: G. Varela, J.M. Cabrera, J.M. Prado, Instituto Argentino de Siderurgia Place of celebration: Rosario Date of the congress: 5 November 2012. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 132 Headlines 2012 HEADLINES 2012 01 The Antena Tecnológica Tierras del Ebro Research Centre prepares its arrival in Amposta In 2012, the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic, the City Council of Amposta and the company, AmpostaTecnologics commenced the construction of the Antena Tecnológica Tierras del Ebro Centre, dedicated to research, development and innovation with among other objectives, the maritime and windpower sectors. On the 28th of February, in Amposta, the partners responsable for the Antena Tecnológica de las Tierras del Ebro Project held the founding assembly of the association in order to set out the development of the new research centre and approve the founding document. The initiative means the collaboration of three different sectors, the public, represented by the City Council, the prívate sector, in this case AmpostaTecnologics and the world of scientific research in the shape of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnológic. Now formally created, the next step for the association will be the construction of the Antena, which should commence in the September of 2013. The centre should open its doors in the Spring of 2014. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 133 Headlines 2012 HEADLINES 2012 01 The building which will be of approximately 900 m2 and will be located in the Oriola de Amposta technology park. The Project has the support of ACC10, which answers directly to the Department of Enterprise and Employment of the Generalitat de Catalonia, the Provincial Government of Tarragona and is financed with funds of FEDER (The European Regional Devlopment Fund). The total projected investment for the construction of the building and the acquiring of the necessary research equipment is 1,800,000 euros, of which 1 million is for the actual construction and the remaining 800,000 for the aforementioned specialized research equipment. It is predicted that in the short term, more stakeholders be they private or public will enter the association. The ultimate objective is that Antena Tecnològica becomes a cluster of companies representing various industrial sectors dedicated to the production of components made with composite materials. The Mayr of Amposta, Manel Ferré, thanked both the representatives of AmpostaTecnologics and the Fundación CTM Centro Tecnológico and stated that the beginning of the Project represented “ an opportunity for Amposta, the region of the Ebro and Catalonia as a whole.” José Manuel Prado, Director of the Fundación CTM Centro Tecnológico placed emphasis on the fact that “in Catalonia, there were only a few companies interested in the research into composites and that there was no better place to establish research centres than the province of Tarragona and the región of the Ebro.” ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 134 Headlines 2012 HEADLINES 2012 01 Francesc Farga, CEO of AmpostaTecnologics insisted that with the creation of the association, “we will have access to research and development and funding which would be imposible if one were to work alone.” A research centre for the maritime, aeronautic and wind power industries. The result is a unique business commitment in Catalonia, of which there is only one similar centre in Madrid. The Centre seeks excellence and has as its objectives the development of research, technological transfer, training and testing so that it becomes a point of reference both in the development of R&D and in the field of composite materials including carbon fibre, glass fibre and reinforced thermoplastics. The results obtained will be orientated towards the aeronautic, wind power and maritime sectors, developing applications for these materials in highly-sensitive components, studying new materials and applications. These are industrial sectors which require constant technological and scientific innovation with a high level of added value so as to create markets with an important growth potential in the coming years. The project and construction of Antena Tecnológica Tierras del Ebro thus involves the region in the technological development of a strategic sector, whilst the centre will be a member of the TECNIO network, specialized in the transfer of knowledge between science, business, universities and society in general. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 135 Headlines 2012 HEADLINES 2012 01 In conclusion the mission of the centre is that the knowledge generated by the investigated applied technologies is transferred to business and society in order to ensure that national industrial obtains a position on the cutting edge and a higher degree of competitiveness within the composites sector. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 136 Headlines 2012 HEADLINES 2012 02 1st CTM International Conference 2012 I+D+I= Employment The Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològica organized on March 22, 2012 the 1st CTM International Conference 2012 “I + D + I = Employment”. The event took place at the Mon Sant Benet Congress Centre in Sant Fruitós de Bages. The conference was attended by 140 representatives from the public and private sectors attending debates about creating jobs on a large scale as a result of product research, development and innovation in areas such as the environment, energy and materials. During the day several round tables were organized entitled, “Innovation and crisis. How to create wealth from knowledge”, “The responsibility of government in job creation” or “The industry of the imagination”. The public also heard a number of keynote speeches given by representatives of major companies and administrations. The event included speakers renowned in their areas of work such as Richard K. Lester, Head of the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Markus Mutter, Head of Business Development at EPEA Hamburg; Paul Fleming, of De Montfort University; Peter Betzer, former Dean of Marine Sciences at the University of South ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 137 Headlines 2012 HEADLINES 2012 02 Florida; Dominique Schemla, Vice President of Perpignan Mediterranée, Joan Josep Escobar, Director of External Relations for the ICAEN; Xavier Ferrás, Director of the Business Innovation Unit of ACC1Ó, Juan Miguel Rodriguez, Director of the Strategy, Planning and Resources Division of the REPSOLTechnology Centre, Jose Antonio Martinez Alamo ICL President and CEO Iberia IBERPOTASH, Pere Pedrosa ASTIC President, (The Association of International Road Transport), Francisco Rincon, Head of Corporate Strategy at Siemens Spain, among other relevent speakers. The event concluded with the special public recognition of the Fundació CTM for Professor Dr. Richard K. Lester, in recognition of his work and international influence in his field of expertise. Richard K.Lester commented on the importance of the role in creating jobs of the universities and their connection with research and development centres. As an example, he spoke of the alumni of the MIT (Massachussetts Institute of Technology), who were able to develop more than 25,000 active companies, a third of which had established their corporate bases in the vecinity of local investigation centres. In the opinion of Lester “R + D + I should not have as a unique goal the creation of patents and licenses, despite being important, but what is also vital is the possibility of the creation of companies which emerge from the university itself.” ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 138 Headlines 2012 HEADLINES 2012 02 Lester noted that for MIT students, advice, research, business collaboration and graduate recruitment is more important than the creation of patents or licences. Lester said that “there is a clear link between innovation and creating jobs, [...] and in a study of 25 universities to analyze the impact of the implementation of the R & D at a local level, the conclusion is this has always contributed very positively to job creation in the area “. Moreover, research centres are also a magnet for large companies, and cited as examples, Novartis and Pfizer who have set up research centres in the region where the MIT is located. During the course of the day other speakers such as Markus Mutter, Head of Business Development at EPEA Hamburg, stressed the importance of implementing R & D in waste management, and how this management allows the generation of qualified workplaces noting that we cannot delay any further our approach to environmental problems, we need to solve them from the outset. Currently we are delaying our reaction to these problems and we will continue to confront them in 20 or 30 years time. Pere Pedrosa, the President of the Association of International Road Transport, who participated in the roundtable, “Industry and imagination” stated that we must set great store on imagination and R + D + I, whilst stating that governments do not imagine or enter into dialogue but rather limit themselves to working and raising taxes. He went on to claim that administrations, must forget the European lobbying and strategic sectors that run the ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 139 Headlines 2012 HEADLINES 2012 02 markets. What is needed is the creation of new funding systems in order to invest in research whilst discontinuing the taxation which, for example, is being implemented in the transport sector. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 140 Headlines 2012 HEADLINES 2012 03 The Minister for Business and Employment, F. Xavier Mena, visits the future headquarters of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic The Minister for Business and Employment, F. Xavier Mena, visited on May 2, 2012 the future headquarters of the CTM Technological Centre Foundation which is being built in the Central Catalonia Technology Park. The host of the event was the Mayr of Manresa and President of the Fundació CTM Centre for Technology, Valenti Junyent and Mr. Manel Rosell, President of the Executive Board of the Fundació CTM Centre for Technology. The Director of Regional Services of Business and Employment in Central Catalonia, Ms. Barbarà Minoves and Mr. Xavier Ferràs, Director of the Business Innovation Unit of ACC1Ó, Generalitat de Catalunya also attended. The ceremony began at 11.00 am with a meeting where the different activities were explained and the existing facilities located in Avenida de les Bases de Manresa, 1 were visited. In the centre Mr. Mena met the Director General of the CTM, Mr. José ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 141 Headlines 2012 HEADLINES 2012 03 Manuel Prado, the Commercial Director Mr. Jordi Martí and the internal affairs Director, Mr. Xavier Codinach. After the visit to the current facilities, institutional representatives and the Executive Board of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic went to the Central Catalonia Technology Park where CTM is carrying out the construction of their future corporate building. The laying of the foundation stone took place last July 2011 and is expected to be completed in the summer of 2013. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 142 Headlines 2012 HEADLINES 2012 04 CTM presides a Conference in the European Commission about Water The Fundació CTM Centre for Technology participated as chairman and moderator of the conference “EIP Water and Agriculture” aimed at discussing European policy on water, within the framework of the “European Green Week”, at the Committee of Regions in Brussels. The European Green Week is the continent’s largest conference on the environment, and took place between the 24th and 27th of May in Brussels. The representatives of CTM presented their policy supporting municipalities and regions in order to ensure the consensus and continuity necessary guarantee a correct use of water, our most important natural resource. This presentation was given before political representatives, businessmen and academics from across Europe during the course of the conference presided by CTM. CTM, with the support of national and international institutions of great prestige, has created NETWERC H2O, an organisation which aims to improve, assist and support the implementation of good practices in water use in the cities and towns of Europe and beyond . The NETWERC H2O initiative has received public support from the European Commission, the OECD numerous international universities, private sector ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 143 Headlines 2012 HEADLINES 2012 04 representatives and the scientific world. It is estimated that by the end of 2013 this network will represent more than 1,500 local governments from all of the member countries of the European Union, as well as the Middle East and America. With this participation as president and moderator at a major conference on European policies on water, the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic has positioned itself as one of the leaders in water issues at a European level. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 144 Headlines 2012 HEADLINES 2012 05 The XII European Green Week 2012 This year, the problems we face in order to ensure access to water whilst confronted with climate change and population growth was considered. The theme for this year was “Water Challenges - every drop counts”, and was attended by some 3,000 people, among which were public authorities, NGOs, industrial representatives, and the European Commissioners for the Environment and Climate Action. To coincide with the event, there was an exhibition where companies and organizations demonstrated their best practices in relation to the environment. The European Awards for the Environment in Business were awarded and the III European Water Conference was held, in order to debate policies in the sector. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 145 Headlines 2012 HEADLINES 2012 06 AMES R+D+i Joan Antoni Bas Award On June the 21st, during the IV National Powder Metallurgy Congress held in Seville, the CTM and UPC investigators, R. Rodriguez-Barakaldo, R. Weaver, C. Casas, JA Benito and JM Cabrera received the AMES R & D + i Joan Antoni Bas Award for the best research work on “Improving ductility in iron pieces with consolidated ultrafine grain consolidated from powder obtained by mechanical milling”. The project has been led by Prof. Jose Antonio Benito, who accepted the award. At the same congress the following paper was presented: “The effect of bimodal distribution of grain in nanostructured iron ductility obtained by mechanical alloying “ C. Casas, J.A. Benito y J.M. Cabrera ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 146 Headlines 2012 HEADLINES 2012 07 The Sèquia Accessible Project The Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic, the Fundació Aigües of Manresa - Board of the Sèquia Park and the MBICI (the Bicycle Service of Manresa Ltd.), presented last July 24th, 2012, two new actions that are part of the project “ Sèquia Accessible “. The event was attended by the Member of Parliament of Catalonia, Mr. David Bonvehí, the Vice President of the Fundació Aigues de Manresa - Sèquia Board, Mr. Josep Alabern and the Director General of CTM, Mr José Manuel Prado. An application for the latest generation of mobile phones, the smartphones, was presented whereby interesting information for the tour of the park is provided for those with various types of sensory disabilities. Furthermore a wheelchair fully adapted for this type of terrain was also demonstrated La Sèquia application for smartphones Within the project “Sèquia Accessible”, an application for smartphones named The Sèquia, was developed in collaboration with the bioinformation technology company, Microart which allows users to have real-time information concerning the seven points of interest on the circuit. The moment a user approaches a point of interest with their phone, a screen automatically opens that offers videos and texts about where you are. The text may be reproduced in audio, both in Catalan and Castilian. The user can also ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 147 Headlines 2012 HEADLINES 2012 07 manually select the item they want information on. The application serves both as a guide for access to the site (informing you how to get from your current position to the first point of the route), as well as a map along the entire route of the visit. The mobile application is free to download and will be available soon in the “App Store” for Iphones and “Google Play” for phones with Android OS. The adapted wheelchair and hand bike The Sèquia Park features a lightweight wheelchair, bought from the Catalan company ATBACH, which consists of two elements, a wheelchair adapted for circulating on this type of terrain and front electric propulsion system of the “hand bike” type adapted for users with reduced hand mobility (model TETRA E-hand bike with TETRA with G & B control). The system has a range of 30 km. Both chair and chair + hand bike set have an on-line booking system for use throughout a whole morning, for which is paid a token amount to be determined destined for maintenance, transfer, tutoring , guidance and technical assistance. Reservations can be made on the website: By this means, it is intended that approximately 1,500 people a year enjoy ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 148 Headlines 2012 HEADLINES 2012 07 the natural spaces of Manresa’s green area without problems of mobility. This electric hand bike is the property of CTM and the cooperative bike whilst the MBICI is responsible for the management, maintenance and advice to users. The following phases of the Sèquia Accessible Project The project will continue with the architectural adaptation of the complete route of the Sèquia, in order to increase accessibility to the area. During this phase, which is scheduled for completion in late 2013, there will be specialist assessment and close collaboration with the Provincial Government of Barcelona and the five municipal councils of the area of the Sèquia: Balsareny, Manresa, Sallent, Sant Fruitós de Bages and Santpedor. About the Sèquia Accessible Project The Sèquia Accesible Project aims to make the Sèquia canal path accessible to people with different types of disabilities. The project that will benefit at least 1,500 people each year, is coordinated by CTM and is supported by the La Caixa Social Fund the cooperative bike service of Manresa, MBICI and the Fundació Aigues de Manresa - Board of the Sèquia Park. The project includes the installation of sensorial information panels, information devices for the latest generation of mobile phones (smartphones), wheelchairs adapted to the terrain surrounding the canal, architectural adaptation to improve accessibility to the area and so on. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 149 Headlines 2012 HEADLINES 2012 08 CTM and PIMEC sign an agreement of collaboration for the development of business in Central Catalonia The Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic and PIMEC signed on July 30th, 2012 an agreement with the purpose of promoting the development of business whilst supporting projects and activities that increase the competitiveness of the industrial estates. The main areas of action include the development of sustainable and efficient industrial areas, being foreseen collaborative actions with the aim of promoting the efficiency and sustainability of industrial estates in Catalonia. In this regard, CTM and PIMEC will identify and implement projects at a national and international level, holding conferences which will present good practices for companies and those responsible for the management of industrial estates. The agreement also provides for the increase in the internationalisation of R & D in SMEs and industrial estates, both in the national and international ambits, in areas in which CTM can offer advanced knowledge such as the environment, materials, energy and so on. In addition, the two entities ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 150 Headlines 2012 HEADLINES 2012 08 work in a coordinated manner so as to benefit the region by increasing its competitiveness and capacity for innovation. The scope of this agreement is limited basically to Catalonia and especially to Central Catalonia. The agreement was signed by Mr. Antoni Cañete Martos, Pimec Secretary General, Mr. Esteve Pintó Bascompte, President of Central Catalonia Pimec and in representation of CTM by Mr. Manel Rosell Martí, Executive Chairman and Dr. Jose Manuel Prado Pozuelo, the General Director.  ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 151 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITY Internacional activity The Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic clearly identified in its strategic plan the participation in international R+D projects as one of its priorities for the coming years. It is not merely a question of statistics but rather an essential strategy for the future; the participation in international consortium R+D projects with the aim of producing more and better knowledge, new technologies and promoting the idea among companies of generating their own products. The internationalization of R+D and the promotion of collaboration in the shape of alliances or consortium projects is the path, not compulsory but necessary, for achieving this maturity. All of this with only one objective; the spirit of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic; the spirit of providing a service with high added value for companies, customers and society in general and now, more than ever, with the aim of helping them to prosper in an ever more global and competitive environment. Thus the creation of the International Unit (IU) of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic was the answer to the necessity of executing high added value and high quality international projects. Since it was created, in the heart of the Commercial Area of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic, the IU has had the explicit support of the Management of the center constituting a firm, strategic bid for the future of the foundation. During the year 2012 the IU has continued to consolidate its work dynamics and the coordination mechanisms established during previous years, which have proved to be efficient for all the multidisciplinary teams involved in the international activities carried out by the centre. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 152 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITY Internacional activity For the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic, 2012 has been a year of consolidation in several international R+D collaboration programmes and cooperation programmes aimed at technological and innovation transfer. Within the 7th Framework Programme of the European Community (VII PM), the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic has kept up the hard work on ongoing projects, such as TailorTool, Recosy, Aquarehab, Pera, MoICT, CB-WR-MED, MOSYCOUSIS i First-Nuclides. To these must be added further projects such as WELL, the CSA INCO project with Libya in the field of water, with which the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic has established itself as a leading entity in the sector of water R+D in the region of the Southern Mediterranean. Furthermore, the NANOREM project, focused on the development of nanotechnologies with the purpose of recuperating contaminated sites has been added to the range of FP7 projects. In 2012 apart from the 7th Framework Programme, the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic also continued working on the Research Fund for Coal and Steel programme. 2012 was the year the new projects Zincobar and Joinox were approved to be added to TestTool and New Q&P which are already under way. Coordinated by the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic, the latter signified the centre’s introduction to a programme which has a tremendous thematic affinity with the centre, enabling quality research to be carried out side by side with important international centres and major companies in the world of steel. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 153 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITY Internacional activity During the course of 2012 the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic has continued working on the the CIP-EcoInnovation Smart-Stripping programme related to the remediation of contaminated soils. With regards to the environment, 2012 witnessed the implementation of the EDUCO project, the first LIFE+ to be led by the centre which seeks to demonstrate the efficiency of the new technologies in the production of biodiesel. Within the framework of the SUDOE program, the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic continued in 2012 with the execution of the projects OILCA and Green Car EcoDesign, approved in 2010. 2012 has seen the closing of the first stage of the groups Connect-EU Materials and Water, supported by ACC1Ó and Agaur. These two groups, the first coordinated by and the second co-directed by the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic , are structured in the same manner as the European technological platforms and represent the R+D interests of all the agents (companies, universities, technological centers, administrations, associations, etc.) in those sectors to which they refer. 2012 has been the year during which the strategic research agenda of each group has been promoted, especially before the European Commission and both formal and informal work channels so that the future R+D support calls gather the interests and meet the needs of the group. 2012 has also been the year in which Horizon 2020 has acquired a solid structure. The 7th Framework Programme follow up showed how numerous workshops and consultative processes have defined its future form. The Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic has been ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 154 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITY Internacional activity participating actively in these processes, which not only states the positioning of the centre in this programme, but also that of all the agents it represents through the Connect-EU Materials and Water. In the same way, the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic has actively involved itself in some of the European Innovation Partnership initiatives, which will determine the future R+D strategic and priority guidelines for Europe and consequently, the policies and specific support guidelines for these. With regards to this, it is worth highlighting the involvement of the centre in the EIP on Water, which has included the centre creating the platform NETWERC H2O, The Network for Water in European Regions and Cities. A global initiative led by CTM, it is an association for municipal and regional governments with the objective of promoting the development of sustainable practices in the management of water. In 2012, CTM continued working in the technological platforms in which it is a participant: Manufacture, ESTEP-PLATEA, Sustainable Chemistry, Rapid Manufacturing, Eumat, Sernet and Water Supply and Sanitation (WSSTP). It is worth highlighting the important role of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic in the latter platform, the WSSTP, in which it has participated very actively in the production of strategic documents regarding European positioning on the topic of R+D and has become co-chairman of the Water Reuse Task Force. Neither must one forget that in 2012 CTM became a member of Working Group, Transport, of the European Steel Technology Platform (ESTEP). The Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic has also continued to work hard to establish ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 155 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITY Internacional activity technological collaboration links with Latin America. On the basis of an ambitious strategy designed to bear fruit in the medium term, Mexico, Chile and Columbia have been initial targets selected and where specific actions have been carried out within the framework of environmental materials and energy technologies. During the year, 2013, the International Unit continues to progress in accordance with the strategic plan of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic, and will be intensifying its efforts in those areas of action described above. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 156 Division of Bioengineering Division of Bioengineering The Bio-engineering division is a strategic line that began in 2008. As a result of various unique projects in the health sector previously developed in the centre and the relationship with reference groups in this field, a working group has been created which permits the existing potential of the Fundació CTM Centre for Technology to be fully exploited, while allowing us to improve the offer of knowledge that we are able to place at the disposal of companies in the sector. The division is staffed by professionals from both the academic world and the private sector in bio-engineering. Furthermore and following the modus operandi of the centre, there exists a close collaboration with the various areas of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic. Lines of action A strategy has been defined that seeks to maximize the benefits of the centre’s know-how while taking into account the requirements of the sector. In this way, the following lines of work within the fields of biomechanics and biomaterials has been established: • Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies • Prostheses, Implants and Medical Devices • Study of tissue behavior (bone, cartilage, etc.) ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 157 Division of Bioengineering Division of Bioengineering With regards to Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies, there have been significant advances in the degree of specialisation in the implementation of virtual musculoskeletal models employing the “Anybody Modelling System” software. This new tool, acquired in collaborationwith the City of Manresa, is able to simulate and calculate the biomechanics of the human musculoskeletal system at in any condition, thus increasing our ability to design medical devices and the corresponding transformation into innovative products for companies and society as a whole (Figure 1). It is important to note in this regard, the biomechanics laboratory installation itself (Figure 2). The laboratory employs motion capture systems using infrared cameras and will be supplemented with additional technology depending on the requirements of future projects (dynamometry, electromyography, etc.). The fact that we have our own biomechanical functional assessment laboratory allows us on the one hand to develop more efficient models, whilst on the other hand it offers us the freedom to innovate in the Figura 1: Detailed musculoskeleteal models set in complex physical environment help us to design better rehabilitation and assistive devices. methodology employed. As has already been discussed, the installation of this laboratory has been conducted in collaboration with the Althaia Hospital, a fact that evolves into a number of possibilities for future projects. This action has been possible thanks to the financial contribution of ACC1Ó linked to the Action Plan devised by TECNIO agents. Employing these tools, work continues on the development of devices that improve standing exercises necessary in the rehabilitation after spinal injuries. A project has been developed ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 158 Division of Bioengineering Division of Bioengineering in collaboration with the Step by Step Foundation whereby the level of physical and social satisfaction with regards to the development of existing devices on the market has been assessed. Once the first phase of the study was completed, there began the design and manufacture of a new device that is at present, in the prototype stage. This development has been patented and a series of contacts have been initiated in order to find industrial partners interested in the manufacturing and / or distribution of the product. Meanwhile, through the Action Plan Incentive call for members of TECNIO (ACC1Ó) the development of a computational model of the musculoskeletal system of spinal cord injury (VSCI Project) has been initiated. Using data taken from the biomechanics laboratory within the AnybodySim simulation software it has been possible to implement different models depending on the level of the injury. These virtual models that have been developed in collaboration with the Step by Step Foundation serve as design tools for the Figura 2: The new biomechanical laboratory with infra-red cameras to capture movement future development of rehabilitation devices and technical aids (Figure 1). In collaboration with the Aigues de Manresa Foundation - Sèquia Board of Directors (The Sèquia Park) and MBICI (Bicycle Services of Manresa), the results of the project “Accessible Sèquia” were presented last July. The project consists of a state-of-the-art mobile phone application that provides information of interest on the tour of the park to people with various types of sensory decline and a wheelchair fully adapted for circulating on this type ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 159 Division of Bioengineering Division of Bioengineering of terrain (Batec Mobility). The project has received an economical contribution from the La Caixa Social Foundation after being selected as one of the four initiatives in Central Catalonia to benefit from its grant programme. Furthermore, within this line, work has continued on the development of a device to improve the current conditions in rehabilitation by Controlled Passive Motion (CPM). This is being carried out in collaboration with a specialist physiotherapist and with Althaia Hospital. The previously filed Spanish patent has been extended to a PCT and advanced towards a functional prototype. Future steps include clinical validation and the continuity of contacts with companies interested in manufacturing and / or distribution. Within the line of Prostheses, Implants and Medical devices, the industrial research project “Immediat-os” (ACCIÓ, ERDF) has been successfully completed. This project has been led by the dental implant company Klockner in collaboration with TM Comas and TT Carreras. Together with the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic, research groups at the UPC (BIBITE) and UB (CPT) have also participated. At the same time, the necessary technology has been developed to obtain an immediate dental implant that will allow the company to position itself in the world market with an innovative product. The Bioengineering Division has coordinated the project, working closely with the Area of Materials Technology and the Area of Simulation and Innovative Design of CTM. Deserving special mention is the project launched by the local company Tecnobionic with the aim of entering the sector by introducing to the market a new line of prosthetic leg. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 160 Division of Bioengineering Division of Bioengineering Thanks to partial funding received from ACC1Ó, CTM is already working alongside the company in the prototype and validation phase. Along similar lines in collaboration with the Areas of Materials Technology and Innovative Design and Simulation a number of actions to validate the fatigue behavior of dental implants according to ISO 14801have been executed. Finally, with regards to the behavioral study of tissues, there is progress in the creation of a protocol regarding the risk of osteoporotic fracture. The project entitled DSS Femur is partially funded by a PID of CDTI granted to the leader, Microart. Both CTM and the Althaia Hospital participate. Having completed the first phase of development, the first clinical assessment may now be carried out. Strategic Partners For the division it is vital to maintain strong partnerships with experienced groups in this field. Bearing this in mind, it continues to work closely with the CREB (UPC), specifically with the division of Biomaterials and the division of Biomechanics, with whom it has signed a collaboration agreement that governs the use of facilities and the search for joint projects. On the other hand, with the Fundació ALTHAIA Xarxa Asistencial an inter-agency assessment and project management commission has been created with the objective of promoting a synergy between the clinical capability of ALTHAIA and the ability of technology transfer of CTM. Similarly, CTM continues to actively participate in working sessions with other ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 161 Division of Bioengineering Division of Bioengineering technology centres in order to establish an ongoing collaboration that will result in a new Centre of Medical Technologies. One must highlight the support received for participation in local networks such as the Medical Technology Cluster of Catalonia driven by ACC1Ó and XISCAT the network of medical centres. Subjects of mutual interest and possible collaboration have also arisen with other local institutions involved in the sector such as the Fundació Universitària de Bages (FUB) and the Escuela Politécnica Superior de Ingeniería de Manresa.(EPSEM, UPC). ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 162 AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS WITH PUBLIC ENTITIES Agreements and contracts with public entities The confidentiality agreements that we have with a number of our customers impedes us from citing an exhaustive list of all agreements we currently have in force at Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic, but below we have named a few that were brought into force during the year 2012: AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS WITH PUBLIC ENTITIES • Collaboration agreement with the CITY OF Manresa for the development of projects to reinforce the business structure. • Collaboration agreement with the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) in order to coordinate the actions of the Fundació CTM Centre for Technology and XIT MCIA Center of Electronic Engineering Department of the UPC in training, scientific research, technological development and transfer of technology in the area of energy efficiency and optimization, renewable energy, industrial electronics and information technology, through specific agreements within the departments, institutes and universities. • Collaboration agreement with the PRACTICAL TRAINING CENTRE OF THE FOUNDATION Lacetània (PIC) for conducting various tests on the 5-axis machine and industrial design that is available at the PIC center. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 163 AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS WITH PUBLIC ENTITIES Agreements and contracts with public entities • Collaboration agreement with D’ENGINYERS SCHOOL UPPER TECNIA Aeronautics INDUSTRIALS I Terrassa (ETSEIAT) for sponsoring the Solar Endeavour. • Collaboration agreement with the Province of Tarragona to develop projects related to environmental initiatives on energy, water and sustainable mobility and funding sources thereof. • Collaboration agreement with the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) for the development of the project of the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union titled “Fast / Instant Release of Safety Relevant Radionuclides from Spent Nuclear Fuel (FIRST nuclides). • Partnership with the Association / College of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia to regulate the actions that the two parties have to carry out to Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic to obtain and exploit the conditions of the Empresa Adherida. • Collaboration agreement with the Polytechnic University of Catalonia - BIBITE for the achievement of the projects: “R & D BIBITE - CTM for Pure Tension Tests “ and “ R & D BIBITE-CTM for Pure Torsion Tests “and” R & D BIBITE -CTM for multiaxial fatigue tests combined traction-Rotation “. • Collaboration agreement with FOUNDATION BARCELONA MEDIA in order to establish the basic principles of cooperation for joint initiatives on prescription, recruitment and support of new clients and projects. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 164 AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS WITH PUBLIC ENTITIES Agreements and contracts with public entities • Collaboration agreement with TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION CENTER FOUNDATION OF COLOMBIA-CITIC INDUSTRIAL to establish a framework for collaboration in advocacy, dissemination, training, formulation of proposals and development of R & D and innovation in Colombia. • Collaboration agreement between Pymec, Small and Medium Enterprises of Catalonia with the aim of establishing a collaborative framework for the development of business and the promotion of projects and activities that promote the competitiveness of the industrial parks. COLLABORATIONS WITH PRIVATE COMPANIES • Collaboration agreement with BOSCH BRAKING SYSTEMS, SLU for the implementation of the project called “Project development and application of servo brakes”. • ENRESA collaboration agreement to carry out experiments in hot cells with spent nuclear fuel, together with the Karlsruhe Institute Transurànids (ITU). • Collaboration agreement with ROVALMA, SA, VOLKSWAGEN AG, ARMINES, Technische Universität München, METAKUS Anwendungszentrum Metallformgebung, OC Oelikon ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 165 AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS WITH PUBLIC ENTITIES Agreements and contracts with public entities Balzers AG, Gestamp HardTech AB, INASMET Foundation and Luleå University of Technology for undertaking the TAILOR TOOL European project “Development of New Tool Materials with Tailored Thermomechanical Properties “. • Collaboration agreement with Technologisch Onderzoek voor Vlaamse Instelling NV (VITO) and 18 entities, to carry out the AQUAREHAB European project “Development of technologies for multipressured Rehabilitations degraded waters and the integration of Their impact in river basin management”. • Collaboration agreement with ECOCAT, SL for advice on risk analysis for human health in contaminated soils. • Collaboration agreement for the realization of the European project “2Redox Phenomena Controlling Systems (CP-ReCosy)” within the VII PM. • Collaboration agreement with SGAB, ATLL, Amphos21, CETaqua, Fundació CTM Centre for Technology, Kemira Water Simpple and Levante, for the project OPTIMECA. • Collaboration agreement with the Center for Research and Development in Transport and Energy, FUNDACIÓ CIDAUT and Technological Institute for Footwear (INESCOP) for the project “Analysis and Modeling of Fatigue Phenomena in Elastomers (AMFFE)”. • Collaboration agreement with the company INFUN, SA development project called “Research for ductile iron crankshaft by vertical molding”. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 166 AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS WITH PUBLIC ENTITIES Agreements and contracts with public entities • Collaboration agreement with SERVAQUA companies, SAU, COASTAL ZONE, SL, D’ENGINYERIA I SERVEIS ABM CONSULTING, SL, REGIONAL BARCELONA, SA and FLUIDRA SERVICES, SAU for the development of research related to the project: “Development and integration of new sustainable technologies in Life Support Systems for Artificial Aquatic Ecosystems (ARTSEA)”. • Collaboration agreement with BLUE REED, SL to improve the finish of metal slitting textiles (TALLTEX). • Collaboration agreement with SEAT, SA for the project VERDE: “Investigation of technologies that enable the development of plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles” within the CENIT program. • Collaboration agreement with Klockner, SA, Cial. Heat Treatment, SA, Mechanical Workshops Comas, SL for the project IMMEDIAT-OS: “immediate loading dental implants with osteoinductive and sealing surfaces bio”. • Collaboration agreement with Rovalma, SA, Axial Maquinaria, SL, Tecmar 2000, SL and formin, S.A. for the project CONCRET. • Collaboration agreement with the Foundation Cartif, Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa S. Coop., Andalusian Institute of Technology Foundation, Aragón Institute of Technology, Ecole Supérieure des Technologies Industrielles Avancées and the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal for the project GREEN-CAR ECO- DESIGN. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 167 AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS WITH PUBLIC ENTITIES Agreements and contracts with public entities • Collaboration agreement with MAPRO Assay System, SA for the project PROSAVE2: “Research in advanced systems for eco-efficient aircraft” within the CENIT program. • Collaboration agreement with Mb Abrera, SA, Rovalma, SA, Mol-Matric, SCCL for the project CONFORMABO: “Research in forming processes for structural safety components with graded properties for the car.” • Collaboration agreement with Endesa, SA, the Association Nuclear Asco-Vandellos II, AIE, the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs of the Generalitat de Catalunya for the project ZEBRAREG: “Draft vulnerability assessment, control measurements and their effectiveness in preventing zebra mussel colonization irrigation network of the Ribera del Ebro”. • Collaboration agreement with the National Institute of Physical Education of Catalonia to undertake the project DPeu: Technical and commercial validation of a new device type bipedalor designed at the Fundació CTM Centre for Technology. • Collaboration agreement with ESADE BAN to promote entrepreneurship and investment through private investors (business angels). • Collaboration agreement with PRYSMIAN CABLES AND SYSTEMS, SA under the CENIT OCEAN LEADER: Leaders in marine renewable energy. • Collaboration agreement with La Forge Lacambra SAU Rovalma, SA and MAPRO Test Systems, Inc. for the project CuNa: Study and Industrial Research of CU’S NANOMETRICOS. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 168 AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS WITH PUBLIC ENTITIES Agreements and contracts with public entities • Collaboration agreement with ENGINEERING AUTOTECH AIE for the project NOFALLEU: “Fatigue Design: methodology for the predictions of fatigue components for automotion” • Collaboration agreement with GESTIÓ OF PROJECTES VALLBONA, SLU (GEDPRO) for the development of innovation projects. • Collaboration agreement with MEXICAN CORPORATION MATERIALS RESEARCH, SA de CV (COMIMSA) for the purpose of the interaction and exchange in science, education and culture. • Collaboration agreement with ELECTROMECÀNICA SOLER, SL, SOLER GLOBAL SERVICE, SL, ELECTRIC CLOP, SLU and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya for research in optimising energy efficiency in facilities (OPTIENER). • Collaboration agreement with SAS LORRAINE ET ATLNATIQUE ACERLORMITTAL, VOLKSWAGEN AG, ROVALMA, SA, GESTAMP HARDTECH AB, Tekniska LULEA UNIVERSITAET UNIVERSITET Kassel and in order to study the wear mechanisms operating in hot stamping tools of high strength steels for the manufacture of automotive structural components with complex geometries (TESTTOOL). • Collaboration agreement with FOUNDATION CITOLIVA, CVR-Valorização WASTE CENTRE, TOULOUSE POLYTECHNIQUE INSTITUT NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYIAT ANDALUCIAN and AOTAD - Associação de olive growers OF AFTER-OI-MONTES E ALTO Douro for the management and implementation of the project to improving ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 169 AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS WITH PUBLIC ENTITIES Agreements and contracts with public entities competitiveness and reducing the carbon footprint of the olive oil sector by optimizing the waste management and the implementation of an eco-label (OiLCA). • European collaboration agreement (FP7) for the project FIRST-nuclides for fast release / snapshot of spent nuclear fuel radionuclides relevant for the safety assessment. • Collaboration agreement with GEARBOX OF ART, SA for research in the increased durability of aluminum injection molds for application of new high performance steels (DURAMOL). • Collaboration agreement with AGUA, RESIDUOS Y MEDIO AMBIENTE, S.A., SERVAQUA, S.A., SANAJAMENT INTEL·LIGENT, S.L. and AREMA for the execution of the research project entitled “Compact and modular device for the regeneration of waste water through advanced control energy consumption and risk management (DRAAC)”. • Collaboration agreement with SITEX 45 SRL, Ardoran OU, PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO PRODUKCY Badawczo-JNE-LITE WIRE SENSORS LTD, ELECTROARGES SA, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK. NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya for the development of an intelligent diagnosis system based on acoustic emission detection, for monitoring and preventive maintenance of machineries them (MOUSYCOUSIS). • Collaboration agreement with the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo Leon (UANL) MONTERREY, MEXICO in order to coordinate scientific research, technological ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 170 AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS WITH PUBLIC ENTITIES Agreements and contracts with public entities development and technology transfer through specific agreements for the implementation of projects. • Collaboration agreement with STEP BY STEP FOUNDATION in order to establish a framework of cooperation in the field of assistive devices for spinal cord injury as well as to encourage and promote scientific research and innovation in the areas of mobility of disabled people. • Collaboration agreement with METALS SINTERIZADOS, SA and Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya for research on enhancing the efficiency and competitiveness of powder metallurgy processes by optimizing performance and prediction of compaction and calibrated tools (oPtiMA). • Collaboration agreement with TecnoConverting ENGINEERING, SL to develop a project called “Development of a new device for Foaming control in biological treatment systems (DEFOAM)” • Collaboration agreement with COMFORSA for the project “Reduction of thermomechanical stresses are in the process of forging tools (EXTRUFOR)”. • Collaboration agreement with the FOUNDATION LA CAIXA for the project Implementation for Accessible Tourism in the itinerary of The Sèquia of Manresa (Manresa irrigation channel). ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 171 AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS WITH PUBLIC ENTITIES Agreements and contracts with public entities • Collaboration agreement with ABM, INAGUA, AMBIOMA and MOIX for the project research and technological development for the recovery and enhancement of nutrients in the water cycle (TREVA). • Collaboration agreement with Onderzoekscentrum Aanwending voor van Staal - OCAS, ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG-TKSE, Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies in Materials - IMDEA, Universiteit Gent - UGENT, Centro Sviluppo Materiali-CSM and the Technische Universiteit Delft, TU DELFT to undertake the European project NEWQP. • Collaboration agreement with the company Modern Metal Manufacturing, SA for the realization of the project “Characterisation studies of material unions for the ozonator system, OXIGENA “. • Collaboration agreement with the Escola Industrial de Barcelona for the development of the project “Analysis of acoustic emission microfracture phenomena and steel gears” which is part of the task 2.2 and 2.3 of the European project Mosycousis project. • Infranor collaboration agreement with Spain, SLU, Rucker Lypsa, SL, Rabassa Innova, SL, Selba, Serveis Electrònics Bages. S. L. for research cooperation project “Electric Vehicle for CarSharing (VELOW). • Collaboration agreement to undertake the European project “Taking nanotechnological Remediation Processes from Lab Scale to End User Applications for the Restoration of a Clean Environment” (NANOREM). ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 172 AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS WITH PUBLIC ENTITIES Agreements and contracts with public entities • Collaboration agreement with Cloud9, Enric Ruiz Geli, design development and microwind energy. • Collaboration agreement with TC Technologies, Infranor and the Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexcio, to carry out the R & D project for the study and development of technologies for the electrification of vehicle platforms. • Collaboration agreement with ROVALMA, SA for the completion of a research project “powder metallurgy materials of high thermal conductivity for hot stamping tools (PULVIHOT). • Collaboration agreement with PRYSMIAN CABLES AND SYSTEMS, SA for the realisation of a project to study the Fatigue Behaviour of Cables and Components for Offshore Applications subject to its application to different sectors. • Collaboration agreement with the Innovation Centre Foundation of Agricultural Maquinària i dels Equips Industrials - MAQCENTRE, to carry out a study of acceptability of use of high strength steels in different components for agricultural machinery.. • Collaboration agreement with SEBIR, SA to carry out a project to study the optimisation of the application of phosphate-free lubricants in wire drawing operations. • Collaboration agreement with AUTO JUNTAS, S.A.U. ( AJUSA) for research on innovation in manufacturing technologies and coatings for performance optimisation of bipolar plates for ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 173 AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS WITH PUBLIC ENTITIES Agreements and contracts with public entities hydrogen polymer membrane fuel cells. • Collaboration Agreement with La Cooperativa Manresa de Serveis amb Bicicleta SCCL (MBICI) for the project under the Sèquia Accessible project and specifically to regulate the conditions under which the transfer is made for a device handbike to MBICI. • Collaboration agreement with QUIMICA DEL CINCA, S.L. for the realization of the project “Study of a new brine primary treatment process for the production of chlorine and sodium hydroxide through membrane cell treatment”. • Collaboration Agreement with EMPRESA NACIONAL DE RESIDUOS RADIACTIVOS, S.A. for the undertaking of services “Experimenting with Real Spent Fuel”. • Collaboration agreement with ASSOCIACIÓ DE L’OLI AL BIODIÈSEL, INÈDIT INNOVACIÓ, S.L., GREEN HEL 2012, S.L., CET NOU VERD, S.C.C.L., el Ayuntamiento de Puig-Reig and the Ayuntamiento de Santpedor for the project “Collection System of cooking oils used in educative centers and biodiesel productions cavitation tests with Technology “(EDUCO). • Collaboration agreement with the S UNIVERSITE SIDI MOHAMMED BEN ABDELLAH, RETE EUROPEA DELL’INNOVAZIONE SRL y CONSORTIUM UBIQUITOUS TECHNOLOGIES S.c.a.r.l. for the realization of the project “Research Advance in Morocco ICT for Water” (MoICT). • Collaboration agreement with GRUPO GENERAL CABLE SISTEMAS, S.A. for the realization ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 174 AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS WITH PUBLIC ENTITIES Agreements and contracts with public entities of the project “Development of high voltage cables with welded metal screen resistant plastic collapse”. • Collaboration agreement with ROVALMA, SA for the realization of the project “Development and manufacture of tools for severe forming” (AtomTool). ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 175 econOmic REPORT 2012 Economic report 2012 In this section the normal economic data of the year 2012 is presented together with that of the three previous years, thus allowing the evolution of the figures to be observed. The general economic situation has finally affected the results of CTM which have suffered a decline in terms of global income, approaching the levels last seen in 2010. During the year 2013, the situation is not expected to substantially improve and it is for this reason that the centre reaffirms its belief in its own products and the process of internationalization, seeking in the medium term, a stability that it cannot expect solely from a local market. Within this economic panorama, the centre has had to confront additional difficulties when charging for completed projects. The lack of solvency which exists in the private sector but above all in the public administrations has led to an increase in the length of the period of payment with the resulting financial tension which this provokes. Below we present in graphic form these and other aspects of the economic evolution of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic during the period 2009-2012. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 2 = 3 176 econOmic REPORT 2012 Economic report 2012 Economic evolution 2.431 K€ € 3.260 K€ 2.645 K€ 3.332 K€ 3.046 K€ 3.092 K€ 3.863 K€ 748 K€ 2.943 K€ 473 K€ 586,4 K€ 438 K€ 507 K€ TOTAL 570 K€ 337 K€ TOTAL 3218 K€ TOTAL TOTAL 6.331 K€ 7.368 K€ 7.952 K€ 6.943 K€ 2009 2010 2011 2012 EVOLUTION ECONOMIC ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC = R+D of the centre R+D under contract Consultancy and technological services Training, disclosure and others 2 3 177 econOmic REPORT 2012 Economic report 2012 Public Finance 50% 40% 49% 62% 39% 46% 27% 30% 4% 8% 2009 21% 24% 2010 2011 PUBLIC 2012 FINANCE ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC = Regional Administration National Administration International Programmes 1 2 3 178 CLIENTS Clients In the year 2012 the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic worked with 258 active companies. The different sectors for which we worked are the following: • Public administration • Food and agriculture • Automobile Industry • Railways • Mining • Construction • Bioengineering and Health • Waste Management and Environmental • Metal – mechanics Consultancy • Materials • Agricultural machinery • Production of equipment and machines • Maritime Industry • Treatment of water • Water Managers • Water Management • Naval • Engineering • Chemical Industry • Energy Most of these companies signed with the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic contracts related to technological services or R+D+I projects whilst others requested laboratory services. The transversality of the technologies of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic enable the centre to work with many different sectors and the intention is to continue working for companies from different sectors where the centre’s knowledge and experience can provide a differential value. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 179 FUTURE STEPS Future steps The main objective of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic is to foresee the technological necessities of companies so as to work on a specialized technological offer that can become a point of reference, not only in Catalonia but in the whole of Spain. The growth of the centre in recent years has led to a lack of physical space in the building where we are presently installed. Consequently, this is conditioning the growth of several areas. This situation has obliged the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic to start the construction of a new building in 2011 that would enable us to continue to grow. The new building is located in the future Parc Central de Manresa, where it must constitute a focal point, becoming a driving force and in years to come, one of the city’s main hubs of activity. It is for this reason that this is an extremely important challenge for us, as much for the social implications as for the economic consequences that will result from this project. We must now complete the construction of the new centre, so that in the middle of 2013 the new building can be inaugurated. All this is new and exceptional for us but nevertheless, we are really looking forward to taking on the challenge since the growth of the centre cannot be conditioned due to a lack of space. Furthermore, the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic has identified new objectives within the more traditional areas of activity. Some inherited from previous years, actions that were set in motion over the last few years that need to be consolidated, such as the activation ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 180 FUTURE STEPS Future steps of the Bioengineering Division, others that represent new technological challenges within the centre, such as making a bid for work on emergent forms of energy in the field of nondestructive tests, and some that require a certain amount of time and that are now to be materialised , such as the creation of the centre’s first Spin-off or the development of our own products in strategic areas for the centre. There also are some encouraging projects, such as the participation in the technological antenna of Amposta in which, the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic seeks a high-profile role in its creation, launching and above all, its scientific-technological excellence. In the medium term, the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic has the following objectives: • To complete the construction of the new facilities of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic. • To consolidate the Bioengineering Division with agreements and projects linked to relevant agents of the region, such as Althaia, FUB or EPSEM; or other important ones at a national and international level, such as IBEC, BIBITE or the Centre de Biomecánica del CREB (UPC). • To consolidate CTM’s collaboration with companies, technological centres and other research centres so as to carry out important R+D projects, be they Spanish or international. • To increase the development of our own technologies and products that will make it possible to create patents and to be actively involved in the licensing of such products ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 181 FUTURE STEPS Future steps • To participate in the creation of companies with a technological basis by helping new entrepreneurs and promoting the appearance of spin-offs from the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic. • To continue with the increasing internationalization of the activities of the center placing special emphasis on the European and Ibero American markets. The signing of an agreement of collaboration with the CTIC Colombia in order to work together in this country deserves special mention. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 182 THE NEW HEADQUARTERS The new headquarters 2012 has been the year of the construction of the new headquarters of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic, The buiding wil be fully completed by the summer of 2013, being fully operational by early September. This building will allow us to regroup all the activities of the centre under one roof which until now due to a lack of space have been distributed in different locations. The project opens a new era of optimism and above all is the key to a period of growth which will lead to the implementation of new projects. The new installation boasts 7,030 m2 of workspace. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 183 THE NEW HEADQUARTERS The new headquarters Laying of the foundation stone On July the 13th, 2011 the ceremony of the laying of the foundation stone of the new building of the Fundació CTM Centre for Technology took place. The event was opened by the Hon. Mr. Valenti Junyent Torras, Mayr of Manresa and President of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic. Speeches were also given by Mr. Manel Rosell Marti, President of Caixa Catalunya and Chairman of the Executive Board of the Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic, Mr. Francesc Xavier Gil Mur, Vice Chancellor of the UPC and Dr. José Manuel Prado Pozuelo, Director General of the Fundació CTM Centre for Technology. ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 184 THE NEW HEADQUARTERS The new headquarters The construction of the new Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FUNDACIÓ CTM CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC 185 LOCATION C-55 Lleida -Solso RONDA EXTER na IOR DE MAN RESA C-55 RC PA TE itó s .F St 16 c 16 RR ER C- CA c C- IC A RES AN EM RD RIO TE EX CA RR ER ru ÒG OL DA SA LLE NT CN RO N CA L EL ST AD RA CA RRE TER Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic Plaça de la Ciència, 2 08243 Manresa BCN Tel. (+34) 93 877 73 73 Fax. (+34) 93 877 73 74 [email protected] a C16 cB ar ce AD Ev IC lon L C-55 C-16c