Acquisition of Hipotecaria Nacional
Acquisition of Hipotecaria Nacional
Acquisition of Hipotecaria Nacional: A further step in a growing market September 2004 Disclaimer T h is d o c u m e n t is o n ly p r o v id e d fo r in fo r m a tio n p u r p o s e s a n d d o e s n o t c o n s titu te , n o r m u s t it b e in te r p r e te d a s , a n o f f e r to s e ll o r e x c h a n g e o r a c q u ir e , o r a n in v ita tio n f o r o ff e r s to b u y s e c u r itie s is s u e d b y a n y o f th e a fo r e m e n tio n e d c o m p a n ie s . A n y d e c is io n to b u y o r in v e s t in s e c u r itie s in r e la tio n to a s p e c if ic is s u e m u s t b e m a d e s o le ly a n d e x c lu s iv e ly o n th e b a s is o f th e in f o r m a tio n s e t o u t in th e p e r tin e n t p r o s p e c tu s f ile d b y th e c o m p a n y in r e la tio n to s u c h s p e c if ic is s u e . N o b o d y w h o b e c o m e s a w a r e o f th e in f o r m a tio n c o n ta in e d in th is r e p o r t m u s t r e g a r d it a s d e f in itiv e , b e c a u s e it is s u b je c t to c h a n g e s a n d m o d if ic a tio n s . T h is d o c u m e n t c o n ta in s o r m a y c o n ta in f o r w a r d lo o k in g s ta te m e n ts ( in th e u s u a l m e a n in g a n d w ith in th e m e a n in g o f th e U S P r iv a te S e c u r itie s L itig a tio n A c t o f 1 9 9 5 ) r e g a rd in g in te n tio n s , e x p e c ta tio n s o r p r o je c tio n s o f B B V A o r o f its m a n a g e m e n t o n th e d a te th e r e o f , th a t r e f e r to m is c e lla n e o u s a s p e c ts , in c lu d in g p r o je c tio n s a b o u t th e f u tu r e e a r n in g s o f th e b u s in e s s . T h e s ta te m e n ts c o n ta in e d h e r e in a r e b a s e d o n o u r c u rr e n t p r o je c tio n s , a lth o u g h th e s a id e a r n in g s m a y b e s u b s ta n tia lly m o d if ie d in th e f u tu r e b y c e r ta in r is k s , u n c e r ta in ty a n d o th e r s f a c to r s r e le v a n t th a t m a y c a u s e th e r e s u lts o r f in a l d e c is io n s to d if f e r f r o m s u c h in te n tio n s , p r o je c tio n s o r e s tim a te s . T h e s e f a c to r s in c lu d e , w ith o u t lim ita tio n , ( 1 ) th e m a r k e t s itu a tio n , m a c r o e c o n o m ic f a c to r s , r e g u la to r y , p o litic a l o r g o v e r n m e n t g u id e lin e s , ( 2 ) d o m e s tic a n d in te r n a tio n a l s to c k m a r k e t m o v e m e n ts , e x c h a n g e r a te s a n d in te r e s t r a te s , ( 3 ) c o m p e titiv e p r e s s u r e s , ( 4 ) te c h n o lo g ic a l c h a n g e s , ( 5 ) a lte r a tio n s in th e f in a n c ia l s itu a tio n , c r e d itw o r th in e s s o r s o lv e n c y o f o u r c u s to m e r s , d e b to r s o r c o u n te r p a r ts . T h e s e f a c to r s c o u ld c o n d itio n a n d r e s u lt in a c tu a l e v e n ts d iff e r in g f r o m th e in f o r m a tio n a n d in te n tio n s s ta te d , p r o je c te d o r f o r e c a s t in th is d o c u m e n t a n d o th e r p a s t o r f u tu r e d o c u m e n ts . B B V A d o e s n o t u n d e r ta k e to p u b lic ly r e v is e th e c o n te n ts o f th is o r a n y o th e r d o c u m e n t, e ith e r if th e e v e n ts a r e n o t e x a c tly a s d e s c r ib e d h e r e in , o r if s u c h e v e n ts le a d to c h a n g e s in th e s ta te d s tr a te g ie s a n d in te n tio n s . T h e c o n te n ts o f th is s ta te m e n t m u s t b e ta k e n in to a c c o u n t b y a n y p e r s o n s o r e n titie s th a t m a y h a v e to m a k e d e c is io n s o r p r e p a r e o r d is s e m in a te o p in io n s a b o u t s e c u r itie s is s u e d b y B B V A a n d , in p a rtic u la r , b y th e a n a ly s ts w h o h a n d le th is d o c u m e n t. T h is d o c u m e n t m a y c o n ta in s u m m a r is e d in f o r m a tio n o r in f o r m a tio n th a t h a s n o t b e e n a u d ite d , a n d its r e c ip ie n ts a r e in v ite d to c o n s u lt th e d o c u m e n ta tio n a n d p u b lic in fo r m a tio n f ile d b y B B V A w ith s to c k m a r k e t s u p e r v is o ry b o d ie s , in p a r tic u la r , th e p r o s p e c tu s e s a n d p e r io d ic a l in fo r m a tio n f ile d w ith th e S p a n is h S e c u r itie s E x c h a n g e C o m m is s io n ( C N M V ) a n d th e A n n u a l R e p o r t o n fo r m 2 0 - F a n d in f o r m a tio n o n fo r m 6 - K th a t a r e d is c lo s e d to th e U S S e c u r itie s a n d E x c h a n g e C o m m is s io n . D is tr ib u tio n o f th is d o c u m e n t in o th e r ju r is d ic tio n s m a y b e p ro h ib ite d , a n d r e c ip ie n ts in to w h o s e p o s s e s s io n th is d o c u m e n t c o m e s s h a ll b e s o le ly r e s p o n s ib le f o r in fo r m in g th e m s e lv e s a b o u t, a n d o b s e r v in g a n y s u c h r e s tr ic tio n s . B y a c c e p tin g th is d o c u m e n t y o u a g r e e to b e b o u n d b y th e f o r e g o in g re s tric tio n s . 2 Table of Contents Overview and economics of the transaction The Mexican mortgage business Drivers for housing demand Conclusions 3 Terms of the transaction Transaction structure Acquisition Acquisition of Hipotecaria Nacional (HN): Mexican “Sofol” Sofol”(1) specialised in mortgage business 100% 100% stock purchase paid in cash Purchase price US$ US$ 375 m Valuation 6,3 6,3 PER04e and 2,2 P/BV06/04 Financing Acquistion Acquistion will be financed through BBVA Bancomer Timetable Expected Expected closing: 1st Q. 2005 Required Required approvals: Mexican and Spanish regulators (1) Financial company limited 4 internal resources Hipotecaria Nacional: leading Sofol by market share and profitability Largest Mexican mortgage SOFOL: 29% market share Mortgage Mortgage loan portfolio: portfolio: US $2,150 m Shareholders Shareholders funds (2Q 04): US $ 170 m 2003 2003 Net Profit: Profit: US $48 m. (US $60 m 2004E) ROE ROE : 34%. ROA: 2.5% US$ m HIPOTECARIA NACIONAL SU CASITA CREDITO Y CASA CREDITO INMOBILIARIO METROFINANCIERA PATRIMONIO 5 MORTGAGE SOFOLes / December 2003 Loans M. Share NPL ratio NPL Cov. Capital Net profit 2,092 1,234 1,069 656 425 393 29.3% 17.3% 15.0% 9.0% 6.0% 5.5% 1.11% 2.35% 2.05% 3.01% 1.55% 2.23% 54% 50% 50% 40% 50% 41% 142 101 69 86 30 29 48 19 10 10 11 10 ROE 34% 19% 15% 12% 37% 35% Transaction Rationale BoltingBolting-on a new distribution channel with a successful business model Positioning BBVA Bancomer in a leadership position in the mortgage market Financing for individuals Financing for developers Lower funding costs for Hipotecaria Nacional CrossCross-selling potential of new customer segment Completing product offering for Mexican customers in USA 6 Financial impacts Financial Impacts(1) 04(e) 04(e) 05(e) 06(e) BBVA Group Net Attributable Profit(1) (€ m)(2) na. na. 49 59 BBVA Group EPS Impact(3) na. na. 1.6% 1.7% Earnings accreative from initial year Financed through BBVA Bancomer internal resources (1) Does not consider Goodwill amortization (International Accounting Standards) (2) MXN/EUR 13,695 (3) Based on BBVA IBES estimates 7 Table of Contents Overview and economics of the transaction The Mexican mortgage business Drivers for housing demand Conclusions 8 Mexico: Mexico: a sizeable economy entering a new growth phase GDP growth (1) (yoy %) GDP (BN USD) 650 4.0 637 3.8 403 0.9 Spain Mexico Emerging (1 ) Eur G10 ... with similar population (approx. 100 mn.) 9 -0.3 2001 2002 1.3 2003 2004e 2005e Source: BBVA Economic Research (1)Emerg. Eur. G10: Group of 10 emerging countries in Eastern Europe, with 100 M inhabitants: inhabitants: Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia. Credit penetration is low, low, but there is a high growth potential Loans / GDP (%) 41.6 Tequila Crisis Profitability of current 20 million banked clients 27.3 Potential market estimated at 30 million 18.2 14.2 Integration of informal economy Stabilization of macro outlook for credit activity 1995 10 1998 2000 2003 The banks lost presence in the mortgage market in the aftermath of the “Tequila crisis” Mortgage loans granted (bn constant pesos) (1) 391 130.000 new mortgages 260 128 120 2 3 16.000 New mortgages 2 113 10 99 16 81 26 67 35 48 60 67 60 88 dec-94 dec-95 dec-96 dec-97 dec-98 dec-99 dec-00 dec-01 dec-02 dec-03 Banks 11 Source: Central Bank of Mexico (1) Excluding “fideicomisos UDIS e IPAB” Sofoles At present, present, public agencies have a predominant presence in the mortgage market Number of mortages 2003: market share Around 500,000 mortgages granted in 2003 and SHF & Sofoles 12% Fovisste 15% Principally social housing catered by public agencies Other 9% Banks 4% 575,000 expected in 2004 Infonavit 60% (+15%) The banks have a higher market share by portfolio (20%), due to larger average size 12 ... With the main focus in the low and middle income segments Housing segment structure Housing Segment “Economic” Economic” “Social” “Middle” Middle” Residential”” “Residential Monthly salary (US$) Lenders (1) Public < 564 FONHAPO 564 – 1,224 INFONAVIT & FOVISSTE 1,224 – 3,765 > 3,765 Private SOFOLes BANKS Mortgages 2004E 213,000 220,000 110,000 32,000 (1) FONHAPO: Trust fund that finances low income housing for families earnings less than four times the minimum Wage financing through tax and by World Bank INFONAVIT: INFONAVIT Mandated pension programme for private pension workers, funded by a 5% levy on wages FOVISSTE: FOVISSTE Mandated pension programme for public sector workers, funded by a 5% levy on public employee wages SOFOLes: SOFOLes Private companies, funded mainly by SHF (“Sociedad Hipotecaria Federal”, public entity) Source: Sedesol (Ministry of Social Develpment), INEGI (Statistic National Agency) 13 The “SOFOLes” SOFOLes” have taken advantage of low competition from the banks Number of mortgages financed by Sofoles (in thousands) thousands) 14% + : R CAG 67 58 46 Financial entities specialised in mortgage lending Lower regulatory requirements 50 Funded mainly by SHF Competitive and attractive positioning in the low and middle income segments Strong links with housing developers 2000 2001 2002 2003 SOFOLes mortgage portfolio is MXN 83.0bn (US $7.3 bn), bn), or 15% of total Mexican market 14 “SOFOLes”: SOFOLes”: leading institutions in private mortgage financing Significant growth and high business profitability driven by: (1) Withdrawal of banks from mortagage business Created after 1994 crisis, therefore not affected by high NPLs, NPLs, FOBAPROA contingencies, contingencies, etc Specialisation, Specialisation, sole object financial entities Government support (Sociedad Hipotecaria Federal): funding and loan guarantees However, However, financing constraints and renewed interest from banks represent future challenges for the sustainability of business model as it stands today 15 (1) First licenses in 1994 In this environment, environment, BBVA Bancomer is creating a solid mortgage franchise franchise... ... 1. An integral mortgage strategy 2. Entering the Public Market: Market: “Infonavit” Infonavit” 3. Private Market: Market: nonnon-organic approach 16 ReRe-launch in April 2003 Development of business model Segmented product offering, with attractive promotions and pricing Innovative strategic alliance Infonavit”” and co“Apoyo Infonavit co-financing Infonavit Targetting a new customer base, with potential for crosscross-selling Acquisition of the Sofol “Hipotecaria Nacional”” Nacional Market leadership Consolidating the position of the bank in all market segments Table of Contents Overview and economics of the transaction The Mexican mortgage business Drivers for housing demand Conclusions 17 Drivers for housing demand 1. Positive demographic profile 2. Unsatisfied demand (significant housing deficit) deficit) 3. Increasing average income of Mexican households 4. Improvement of the affordability ratio Ample room to grow for the Mexican mortgage business 18 1 The demographic profile is growing in segments driving the housing sector... Population by age group in millions >70 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 0-14 19 2.1 1.7 2.2 2.6 3.4 4.1 5.2 6.4 31 million Mexicans between 25 y 50 years 7.1 8.2 9.1 31% of population 10.0 32,5 ... high rate of household formation in 2525-50 years age bracket Household formation by age groups (%) 55 >65 71 60-64 76 55-59 79 50-54 82 45-49 40-44 83 35-39 83 79 30-34 68 25-29 43 20-24 11 15-19 '12-14 20 0 Source: Population and Housing Census 2 High level of unsatisfied housing demand Demand and financing of houses 2003 (in thousands) thousands) 1,065 333 Housing deficit 31% housing deficit en 2003 Construction/ Construction/ Self construction Only 46% of the total demand and 67% of the construction was financed 732 489 Demand Mortgages granted Housing deficit estimated at 7.5 million 21 ... and the trend will continue due to the expected growth in population Household formation (E) 20042004-2006 (in thousands) thousands) +2.2% 1,088 2004 22 +2.3% 1,112 2005 1,138 2006 3 Average income of Mexican households is rising ... Household quarterly income by decile (thousand pesos of 2000) 180 160 140 1992 1996 2000 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 23 Average 1 3 5 8 10 Average household income has increased 25% in the period 1992 to 2000, with all deciles improving 4 ...and ...and the affordabilty ratio has improved Affordability Ratio 100 25% Defined as Affordability Boundary 86% 63% 75 (1) 63% 62% 50 45% 39% 25 28% 20% 02A 03A 0 96A 97A 98A 99A 00A 01A Affordability Boundary: 25% of Household Income (1) % of household income to pay the mortgage (medium segment residential) A mortgage is today more accessible: accessible: higher salaries, lower interest rates, rates, longer maturities and tax deductions 24 Source: Merrill Lynch Table of Contents Overview and economics of the transaction The Mexican mortgage business Drivers for housing demand Conclusions 25 Conclusions BBVA BBVA Bancomer achieves a leading position in the private mortgage business in Mexico Significant Significant synergies from lower cost of funding Earnings Earnings accretion from initial year Positive Positive economic outlook, outlook, excellent demographic factors and improved affordability imply that the mortgage market has ample room to grow 26 The acquisition of Hipotecaria Nacional is a decisive step in the expansion of BBVA Bancomer mortgage business BBVA Bancomer mortgage portfolio (Bn Pesos) Non-manageable(2) HN portfolio Manageable(1) 24.9 stock of market mortgages of BBVA Bancomer 28.5 approximately 26% for the 36.4 10.1 JunJun-03 (1) (2) 27 (3) 11.6 JunJun-04 The combined market share stands at 24.8 24.9 HN doubles the current private market 11.6 JunJun-04 Proforma Portfolio in pesos mainly residential mortgages Udis portfolio (“Punto Final scheme”) Banks +Sofoles (3) Presence in all key mortgage segments
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