Sapphic ode
Sapphic ode
84701 SAPPHIC ODE (Sapphische Ode) LowinD .:a. JOHANNES BRAHMS Selected Songs with German and English Texts English Translations by Alice Mattullath Edited alld Revised by MAX HEINRICH SEIllBS MAINACHT (A Night in May).................. .J5 HIgh Voice In F: (S f809) II STEIG' AUF GELIEBTER SCHATTEN (App,ar, .30 Beloved Spirit) ...........•................ IIll:b Voice in },.. ni (8 f836--Low Voice io Eb m (8 4837) MEINE LIEBE 1ST GRON (My Young Lav, i, Gre('") Higb Voice In F1 (8 481(),}-Low Voice in D (8 4811) MINNELIED (Love Sang) ..•.....•.•.......... lllgil VoIce in. C (8 4812)-Low VoIce In Db (8:JOOO) MIT VIERZIG JAHREN (At Forty Y,ars) .35 TRENNUNG (Parting) Higb Volee :In .30 .35 High Voice in D m (8 4SIa)-Low Voice In D rn. {S 48H)I MONDENSCHEIN (Moonlight) .•................ 30 High Voice in Bb {S tS15)-Low Voice In G (8 (816) A~ (8' 30 483S-Low Voice in Ep (8 4839) VERGEBLICHES STANDCHEN (Th, Vain Suit) .30 VERRAT (Treacllery) ..........•........••...... lIi~h Volee in £1 m (8 f841)-Low Voice In B m (8 VON EWIGER LIEBE (Undying Lav,) iSC!) lllgb Voice In A (8 4SiO)-LOw Voice In G (8 5(61) .35 .35 High ,"oLee 10 C:r m (8 4SJ6)-Low Voice In B m (8 500:!) MUSS ES EINE TRENNUNG GEBEN? (Wloy Mlut Lovers E'er Be Parted!)...... .... .. .. ,.40 YORSCHNELLER SCHWUR (The Hasly Oath) .40 NACHKLANG (After tlo' Rain) .40 WENN UM DEN HOLLUNDER (Caressing 110, .40 .35 n (8 4849) WIE BIST DU MEINE KONIGIN (Thou Art My High Voke In G m (8 tSI7)-Low Voice in Em (8 481S) High Voice In F: m (8 fS19)-LOw Voice In D o In (8 4820) Onl)' J Could Find Agaiu) ,..... REGENLIED (Rain Sang) m (8 4S1:6)-Low Volee In BD (8 iSf1) Lilacs) . High Voice In D (8 4&:1S)-Low Voice In WOSST' ICH DOCH DEN WEG ZUROCK (If Higil VoIce In E (8 4821) lUgh Yoice in D .50 Queen) High Voice in Eb (8 tUIO)-Low Voice In D~ (8 .30 48:)() RUHE. SOSSLIEBCHEN (Slumber. My Su'utll,arl) .40 WIE FROH UND FRISCH MEIN SINN SICH HEBT (My Heart alld Soul are Ligllt and Gay) .40 SAND~[ANNCHEN WIE SOLL ICH DIE FREUDE. DIE WONNE High Voice In F; m (8 4823)-LOw Voice in D III (S 4S:!,a) Bigb Voice in Ab {S 4825)-Low Voice in }-: (8 ....S:!6) ..••..•..• .30 SAPPHISCHE ODE (SaNIo,c Od,) ...•••...... .25 SCHMIED (Th, Black.'mitl,) .30 (Little Sandman) Medium Voice in G (8:.J66) High ,"olce in F (8 4922)-Low Voice I.n D (8 .701) BiBb Voice In C (S 48'!7t-Low Voice In B~ (8-&828) SIND ES SCHMERZEN. SIND ES FREUDEN? (1s It Joy or Grief Awaking!) Bll'b Voice in Ab (8 4B:?9)-Low Voice In Gb (8 ,1830) SONNTAG (Sunda)') •..••.....•................ Low Voice In F (8 ol831) Une'lding) .50 .30 High Voice in A (8 4899)-Low Voice in G (8 .9(0) .60 WIEGENLIED (Lullab)·) ...........••....•...... .30 High Voice in F (8 ,I9~1)-Low Voice In E, (8 ,1853) High Voice in D m (5 i8M)-Low Voice In em) (8 ,18M) I1nfER LEISER WIRD MEIN SCHLUMMER (Sleep 10 Me No Rest Is Bringing) 35 High Voice 1n F m (5 52(3)-Low Voice in C# m (8 5367) KLAGE (Plaint) •...................•....•....... .30 .40 STANDCHEN (Serenad,) ..•.....• : ..••.........30 High Voice in G (5 f8:H)-Low Voice io E, (8 483:) DENN TRAGEN? (Can Rapture so BOllndless be Borne by tilt Living!) ...•..•....... WILLST DU DASS ICH GEH? (Must I Go Away) .35 SO WILLST DU DES ARMEN (Witll Kindn,ss High Voice in F (4832)-LOw Voice in D (8 4833) High Voice In G (8 ,I851)-LOw Voice in E (8 485:!) High Volc~ in A (8 5368)-Low Voice in F (8 G368) WIE MELODIEN ZIEHT ES MIR (Soft Strains of Music Drifting) High Volc~ In C (5 M70)-Low Voice in A (5 Mll) COOPER SQUARE, NEW YORK) Boaton - Chicago - Dallas - Los Ange.les .30 Superior Ed, 4701, Sapphic Ode. (Hans Schmidt.) " • -: ~d 1\ .II - : e. P ·· I -- • • .~ .. gath-ered be-neath the moons pale ray; -- ~ ~ · ..... '*----..-'. Li.' ,~. per-fumeilian eer_ by sii -sser kaucMen Ouft sie, al.~ je _ t ::-.. ~~ ~ ,. 11 11 11 ~ like streu- ten ram 11 11 - be - u·eg - . ten I' --. -- dock 'ver - --= .de dew - - drops m - ste .-----~ I It.! / 3 , COPlIright MCMXY by Carl Fiscker,New 'fOrk. InternatIOnal COpyrIght secured. o - ---- .'t l' ....... flow - ers 6.-------=::...::=-=--.:-==:: --....... =- 17261-2 and there crest / . . . ~ 11 11 I .II . ',.. ge.~ !. from the fra - grant rez'ch die 11 _ Ta ... , -- =- lf 1 o .. f~ll r ge; I day;...· =- ji' -I .II am • II- -== 1 - -r·---C!f" rt dim. I sweeter far their Ha .- - 1Jle:ua roce oJQ 1\ Edited by Ma::c He"'~iCh. llo - sen brack ~'ck l\lwMs mir. am dunlclen ---. ---. strict rll1/thm ~ 1\ 9~, No.~. J.l Ros -es I ~ (z'iBm l'toIdangsam,)~ tJ Piono JOHANNES BRAHMS, Op. Original Kev. I 1 R athe r sow. Voice. ~hF Sapphische Ode,. English, ersiun by ALIGE MATTULLATH. " Low Voice. Tau 0 l'I dcr mick 3 Jr1 P __ /~ " , - ."!- / 0 - Sweet-er bliss at - 4 night o'er my soul was - Aueh der Kiis -se .ouft miehwie nie ..--. be -:teal - ( - - ing rue1e_~-:.-~tec.,_ _?<~ E.. ----....--. p · ~ 11 11 f '\ I O~I ~ - when thy lips in .~·If --...-/ - , I - kiss - es toy love were re - veal - ing: die ie}, Miehts vom Strauch dei-ner Lip - pen pftuek - ~ 'l--Il t ,,~ == i. ~ #~ __ t te: .-- . .---" .I - O'er thy .ooth aueh ---. Il~~ ~~-"--'~ ~ OJ·1~.~f!f-~.~. l~ · 11 1\ 1 .,.;1....,. 1 ......-.-, » ~ " II 7 ~ If... 11 " I ------- - cheek,like ros- es in moon -light d~'r, 1\ ~ ~ ~ gteieh .-be - .wegt . im Ge - miit ---..... •• " "" " ' ~~ - oj • , ., t~ ~ -#~ ~ Jin':; ~~"-' _ ent tears were .-;J. si gow - mg, ie 11 m.: nen, • L ~ -............ 1'\ --- 11 , Ifj __11 I 'j , ~ #i b.. ·· ....... ~~ ::;j '--' ~ :z ~ ... ~ e • ~ fl;)\v-Tra~ ·· ... ....oj .. ~ - ,~ - ~ - ing. ftCn. ~ no rt"t. ...--... r---,I V-- ,I ·· 17261-2 ~ :::; -- -i ?t ?: ::::: ?: , ~ ~ pp :n: - • r,o., ·· · SONGS SONGS FOR VOI(;E AND PIANO Songs Which Have Been Used-or Are Suitable to Use-On Contest Programs NOTE on rang. indicIlUona: Small letters indicate notel above or below the staff. Capital letters. notes within the stafL Two Rosea Gilberte Very effective use of the refrain. "Sing soft, sing sweet, sing low." The minor key gives it a richly poignant quality. I High in Gm (c~) Med. in Fm (b-F) Low in Dm (g#---d) .SO Sonnet _. . . . . . . Fergusson English and old French words. Charles d'Orleans, a me<haeval French ~t wrote the poem of this delightful love sonnet and the composer has coptured their charming spmt. Moo. in F Ic-g) Song of the Brook BurleIgh A frolicsome song, light and jaunty in character, set to the poem of Alfred Tennyson. A favorite of Galli·Curel• High in B, Id,-g) Low in G (b'-E) When Chloris Sleeps __ Samuels Dedicated to and sung by Mme. Gdili.curci. WIth proper artistry dnd expression this song C<Jn be done With great effect. High in Em (d-b or g) Med. in Dm (c-a or F) Dream Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warford .60 A lovely song In the mmor Itey, With a plano ctccompammenl. High in Am (d-a) Med. in Gm (c-q) Low In Em (a-E) Song of the Wind. . Bahr A touclung song,sHul and melancholy. Low in Bl:» (a~- ;0) 'Neath My Window Ledge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Bruch .50 A bnght, spring so 9 With an attractive plano dccompamment. High in G IE-g .SO MAX BRUCH FIVE ~ONG$ YOI<' VOICE ",.~ ..,..... " ......~.?:'~..,...'.."'..T .. ,.,.,~~ ". .. -...._v" . ~, ~~~2:F':'·~·" ...::.... ..... ~ . _-~ . Shadrack (Shadrachl MacGtmsey This song presents the Bible story of Shddrach. Meshach and Abed· nego, "in the fiery furnl!ce," delivered in the Neqro manner and style. Sung by Nelson Eddy, Thomas L. Thomas and featured on the air by Frank Black., Gus Haenschen and many others. Medium Vmca in AlJ (c-El:> (qc.) ) When my near One Com Bruch A very singable, appealing melody from the Spanish. 1938 is this famous composer's centenary year. This is one of 0. group that Bruch gave Carl Fischer shortly before his death and we have just "re-discovered" them. Mod. in A, (E,-F) To My Mother MacGimsey Written in a nostalgic mcxxf, this simple 50ng is tn reality a prayer of gratitude. Its smooth, flowing melody is well sustained by a moving accompaniment. Sung by Flagstad, Thomos and Tibbett. H,gh in B, (F-F) "Moo. in A. (EO-E.) Low in F (e---Q ·V~l Orch., ,50 Corne Along and Dance Pennington The rhythm of thiS song is ot Spanish (bolero) character. The melody trips alonq at 0. rapid pace and expresses 4 highly fesbve mood. High in Om (d-a or g) Mad. in em (c-q or F) Low in B"m Ib;-F or E,) .50 Camel Bela Hipkins Not just another "song of the desert." but an exotic composition of r<'He original charm in the spirit that the title suggests. Mod. in E, (E, or di!-F) .50 Autumn Dungan With true autumMI coloring, this new song is brimful of mellowing dtmosphere and glowing warmth. Attractive melfXhc line. High in G IE-a) .50 # \ ••• .50 .50 .50 .SO ~€€TGRASS RANG€ .50 A Parting Prayer Brahe .50 The lyriC of this beautiful, simple song is really a "parbnq invoca· ticn" and its muslcdl setting is in keepmq with its direct appeal. Dignihed ann chord-like accompaniment. Low in B, (b,-E,) Moo. in C (e-F) H,gh in E, IE'-<l') Love is Such a Gentle Thing _. Klemm An outstanding vocal novelty. Charming vocolline, set to a quaint lfric of Eliz"bethan savor. High in A (E-F;:) Low in F ((."'-D) .40 Little River. . . . . .. . Dungan A ndive and charming song, 'WIth graceful and Simple rhythm. Wholesome, relreshmg, appealing. Moo. in C IE-E) .50 Sweet Little Jesus Boy MacGimsey A song thdt is olive with sincerity and simplicity. Its simple and illelodic line IS admirably suited to the texl. Sung by some of Am&rica's firs! singers. Mod. in F iF-F) Low in D Cd-D) .50 Y·l [ .50 Printed In Going Down to London. . . . .. .. . . .. . Colby .SO A merry song whose llvely rhythmiC :'Wtnq will carryover to the audience. The words are easy to pUI "cross clOd have a wry tW1St to them. High Voice in G (d-q) Sweetgraaa Range. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Warren .50 Sung With the proper feehng, thiS song is capable of 0. tremendous impression. It has appeered on the programs of Lawrence Tibbett. High in D (F'~F~ or a) Low in B7 (d;lO-D., or F) To Apollo Thatcher .50 Based on the oldest muslcal malluscnpt In eXlstence--a Grecian hymn in 5-8. Stately in character but very melodious. Moo. inG I~) There is a Ladye _. . . . . . . Bury .SO The simpliclly of bolh lync and music have made thiS song a claSSIC, though the composer is contemporary. John McCormack uses this selting. . High in G (E~) Low in E (c::;:-E) Red. Red Rose ······ Cottenet .65 Robed Burns' poem is given an appropriately joyous setting that has found favor with leadlOq singers. It is easy to learn and easy to sing. High In G (d-b\:t) Medium in F (C-dl;,) Low in El;, (bl;,-glo) LI S. 1\
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