Digital Ignition ZDG3 for HONDA CB450/CL450


Digital Ignition ZDG3 for HONDA CB450/CL450
Digital Ignition ZDG3
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for HONDA CB/CL450
Electrical connection
Volker Sachse • Lerchenweg 12 • D32312 Lübbecke • 0049 5741/61188 • [email protected]
[german version]
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 (HONDA CB/CL450)
1. Desciption - 2. Fitting - 3. Electrical connection - 4.Adjustment - 5. General
The digital ignition ZDG3 consists of the following components:
- light-barrier printed circuit board
- light disk
- the ignition box
and replaces the original breaker points plate and centrifugal governor.
Function: per revolution of the crankshaft starting from TDC, the momentary peripheral speed is determined
and by this means, the time up to ignition is calculated. Because the peripheral speed varies substantially
during acceleration, this long measurement is selected in order to determine a relatively exact measurement.
The following computation of ignition timing is divided into 4 ranges:
1. 0-400 rpm
2. 400-1000 rpm
3. 1000-6200 rpm
4. 6200-10000 rpm
Starting range, ignition always at TDC
Idling range, 2° or 7° advanced ignition
Partial load range, the spark advance adjustment occurs here
maximum load range, constant 32° - 39° advanced ignition, depending on
curve selection
As opposed to the original ignition system, ignition now takes place at each revolution of the crankshaft, thus
also during the exhaust stroke. That is because of the fact that this ignition system is used also in other
motorcycle types, where the light barriers are directly mounted at the crankshaft. That has however no
influence on the engine run, thereby the adjustment becomes easier.
ignition box
light disk and light barrier PCB
Why measure by means of a light-barrier? Because as opposed to magnetic pickups which merely give
impulses which vary according to RPM and therefore demand a more complicated computation, light-barriers
on the give a static output signal.
Unlike other ignition systems, here each cylinder has a self-sufficient ignition, i.e. two micro-controllers for
two cylinders, thus two light-barriers. This has the advantage that the advanced ignition is precisely
computed for each cylinder.
If the engine stops, the ignition current will be switched off after 3 sec. to protect the ignition coils.
Seven ignition curves are available:
ignition curves
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 (HONDA CB/CL450)
1. Description - 2.Fitting - 3. Electrical connection - 4. Adjustment - 5. General
First remove the original breaker points plate and centrifugal
governor plate. Remove springs and cam ring from the
gonernor and push it again onto the camshaft axle.
Fasten it with the original
screw, but take a smaller
Then put the pickup-PCB
together with the light disk
onto the governor axle. Fasten
the PCB but not the disk.
Push the connection cable of
the PCB through the rear
The fixing of the ignition box takes place e.g. on the top of the battery by hook-and-loop tape.
Technical minimum requirement of the
The original ignition coils can be used.
ignition coils:
For using other coils, following restrictions:
Primary resistance
Except for coils from a 2-stroke engine and CDI types,
(measured between the connections):
nearly all types of new or used ignition coils can be used,
3-8 ohms
which corresponds to the electrical conditions:
Secondary resistance
(measured between high voltage connection and
one of the two different):
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 (HONDA CB/CL450)
1. Describtion - 2. Fitting - 3. Electrical Connections - 4. Adjustments - 5. General
For the wiring the tank must be removed. Remove the cables from the breaker points plate, also the
capacitors connections must be removed from the double sockets. Into these sockets now put the brown
and violet cable of the provided harness, brown to blue and violet to yellow. A black cable of one of the
ignition coils must be connected with the red cable of the harness, and the plug of that red cable moves into
the free socket . The connection at the box takes place as shown in the wiring diagram. The earth cable can
be attached directly at the battery.
Connection allocation of the system plug
brown, right ignition coil
ground, earth
(Make sure of a good contact to the frame
or battery!!)
brown, ground (Pickup)
green, light barrier (Pickup)
yellow, light barrier (Pickup)
white, +5V (Pickup)
tachometer output
+12V (Supply voltage from the ignition switch)
ground, earth
violet, left ignition coil
The conductor cross-section of
the earth cable should amount
to 1,5-2,5 mm2 and schould be
kept as short as possible.
The conductor cross-section of
the other cables should not be
below 0,75 mm2.
Always use end splices!
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 (HONDA CB/CL 450)
1. Describtion - 2. Fitting - 3. Electrical connections - 4. Adjustments - 5. General
Attention! Remove the sparking plug cap before
adjusting the light disc!
First the left piston must be brought on TDC.
Therefore remove the generator cover (put a
cup under the engine, because it leaks some
oil) and bring the TDC markings (LT) into
Now rotate the light disk into the position as
shown in the picture (Which two cutting does
not matter). The position is correct when the
LED (yellow circle) toggles. Ensure that the
light disk is in the centre of the light-barrier!
Now tighten the grub screws evenly and
replace the spark plug caps. The bike is
ready to start.
The switches can be found at the front of the ignition box:
switch adjustment
rotary switch
dip switch
(curve selectionl)
overspeed protection at 7900 rpm
curves 1-7
(switch down)
or at 9800 rpm (switch up)
rev. counter frequency
no function, test mode
(switch up >> fout =crankshaft
switch down >> fout=camshaft )
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 (HONDA CB/CL450)
1. Description - 2.Fitting - 3. Electrical connection - 4. Adjustment - 5. General
Only use interference-free caps for the spark plugs!
(recommended NGK caps with 5kOhm internal resistance)
Malfunction sources :
Does not start:
If the engine should not start, or the starting procedure is suddenly strangled, then the ignition coils are
reversed. If so, swap the ignition cables which lead to the sparking plugs or reconnect the external ignition
Unscrew the spark plugs, put them again into the caps and connect them to ground. With attached
stroboscope lamp and turning on the starter you can easy check the iginition timing.
If the engine should not start with slowly turning starter, probably the battery voltage falls under the minimum
supply voltage of the ignition (approx. 7V).
Irregular engine cutouts:
If sometimes the engine suspends while driving for 2-3 seconds and keeps running thereafter completely
normally that means that the ignition has been reset. The cause for it can be a defective cap or a loose
ignition cable in the coil or cap. But in most cases a bad contact in the operating voltage supply (starter lock,
fuse holder etc.) causes tis effect. For a test you can put a cable directly from the ignition coils and the
ignition box to the positive terminal of the battery. Also put a second cable from the negative terminal of the
battery to the ignition box (secure ground connection). If the engine is running well now you can assume an
error in the wiring harness.
With contact brakers such a bad contact is not noticeable, because a short break for a few milliseconds of
the supply voltage does't matter, electronics in contrast are more sensitively.
Volker Sachse
Electronic development and manufacturing
Lerchenweg 12
32312 Luebbecke
Tel. 0049 5741/61188
Mobil: 0049 160/9414 2224
[email protected]
Volker Sachse
Lerchenweg 12
32312 Luebbecke
+49 5741 61188
+49 160 94142224
Fax +49 5741 600930
Classic motorcycle electronic
digital ignition
My aim is, to complement or replace weak points in the classical motorcycle electrical equipment by functional
electronics .
rectifier for
Moto Guzzi
By the continuously increasing evolution of the microcontrollers there are also in this field many
possibilities to use these reasonably. But also the analogous technique keeps on being used in
generator controllers and other devices.
The digital ignition which is currently used in different motorcycle models is very successful.The
system is so flexibly laid out, that it can be used at almost every four-stroke engine, not only at
A further emphasis is the wiring harness. This will be produced and mounted either completely
original or according to customer preferences.
flasher unit
If you have comments, corrections, questions or suggestions, please
feel free to contact me.
Now also the 6V-Version is available.
By the employment of the 3V-technology also older motorcycle models with 6V-supply voltage
can be equipped with the electronic ignition.
Call or email for more information.
Digitale Zündung ZDG3
Anbauanleitung digitale Zündung ZDG3 für Honda CB450/CL450
Elektrischer Anschluss
Volker Sachse • Lerchenweg 12 • D32312 Lübbecke • 0049 5741/61188 • [email protected]
Volker Sachse
Lerchenweg 12
D32312 Lübbecke
+49 5741 61188
+49 160 94142224
Fax +49 5741 600930
Elektronik für klassische Motorräder
Meine Zielsetzung ist es, die Schwachstellen in der klassischen Motorradelektrik durch funktionale Elektronik zu
ergänzen oder ersetzen. Durch die stetig fortschreitende Entwicklung der Microcontroller gibt es auch in diesem
Zündung ZDG3 Bereich viele Möglichkeiten, die kleinen Helferlein sinnvoll einzusetzen.
Aber auch die Analogtechnik hat noch nicht ausgedient und findet z.B. in Lichtmaschinenreglern ihre
Sehr erfolgreich ist die digitale Zündung, die derzeit in verschiedenen Motorradtypen eingesetzt wird. Dabei ist
das Sytem so flexibel ausgelegt, das es bei fast jedem Viertakter eingesetzt werden kann, nicht nur bei
für Moto Guzzi Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist der Kabelbaum. Dieser wird entweder vollkommen original oder nach
Kundenwünschen neu gefertigt und auch montiert.
Haben sie Wünsche oder Anregungen? Dann nehmen Sie doch einfach Kontakt zu mir auf.
Jetzt ist auch die 6V-Version lieferbar.
Durch den Einsatz der 3V-Technologie lassen sich auch ältere Motorradmodelle mit 6VBordnetz auf elektronische Zündung umrüsten.
Anruf oder Email für mehr Infos.
ZDG3 für
Yamaha XS650
ZDG3 für Honda CB450/CL450
Volker Sachse
Lerchenweg 12
32312 Luebbecke
+49 5741 61188
+49 160 94142224
Fax +49 5741 600930
Moto Guzzi
Moto Guzzi V7
Digital ignition ZDG3
Moto Morini
Honda CB450
Many experiences and feedbacks of the customers have influenced the development of the ZDG3, so that
the result is not only a very compact device, but it is also equipped with more functions whithin the
fundamental functions of the ZDG2.
Also special current controled igniting output driver of STMicroelectronics, which permit a still larger selection
of ignition coils, are new.
The sensors (light barriers and disk) are working very easy and so no change is necessary.
Only with the Morini the method to ignite also in the exhaust stroke has been changed.
The key points of the new ZDG3:
- 7 ignition curves, two of them for double ignition or Norton/BSA
- minimum loading time of the ignition coils (dynamic dwell angle)
- easy electrical connection by a large combination plug
- output for electronic rev. counter (selectable output frequency )
- Mindestaufladezeit der Zündspulen (dynam. Schliesswinkel)
- simply to fit
- easy adjustment
- no special ignition coils
- high working reliability to 10000 rpm
- automatic coil current switch off when the engine stops
ignition curves
ignition curves - double ignition
Please don't confuse this ignition system with a performance ignition. The only common is the using of
microcontrollers. A performance ignition still considers many other influences such as knocking sensors,
temperature, injection amounts etc..
What does the advantage of an electronic ignition consist in?
First in the maintenance-free operation, because no wear of mechanical components affects the
adjustments. And then there is still the constant ignition coil loading of approx. 4mS, which guarantees an
evenly strong spark in each speed range. With a mechanical governor the dwell angle always remains the
same, with the consequence that at low speed unnecessarily long time current flows through the coils and at
increasing speed the loading time of the coils becomes increasingly shorter and thus also the spark becomes
increasingly weaker.
Pickups for other motorcycles can be provided at any time, I only need for it the exact design features ((e.g.
the breaker plate and centrifugal governor, the engine or the motorcycle).
An oscilloscope with approx.. 3700 rpm.
Desires with the ignition curves can be considered at any time.
Automatic alternator controller for Moto Guzzi with Bosch alternator
This automatic controller and electric rectifier unit is installed directly onto the alternator. The
old electric rectifier and automatic controller are dropped completely.
The electric rectifier is constructed in Schottky technology , unfortunately more costintensively, however has a substantially better efficiency. Therefore heatsinks can be left,,
also the charging voltage for the battery is reached earlier (approx.. 800-1000 U/min).
Optionally with the light barriers for the digital ignition. Very easy fitting , the only complicacy
are 3 soldered connections
The electrical connection consists only of two wires, the connection to the battery and the
generator control lamp.
The circuit is protected against moist by a special silicone lacquer.
Automatic controller without Pickup for digital
189,- Euro
Automatic controller with Pickup for ZDG2/
ZDG3 (incl. return of the existing pickup)
209,- Euro
Automatic controller with the digital ignition
(complete set)
459,- Euro
all prices inclusive VAT.
fitting instructions
Electronic flasher unit
During a ride it often happens that the indicator is not reset which results in very dangerous situations,
e.g. if a traffic member at the road junction on the right thinks that you also intend to turn there... For
this reason I designed a flashing relay which switches off automatically after an adjustable time of 10 to
40 seconds. The practical test showed that a time of 20 seconds will work very well in almost every
situation. The size of this circuit corresponds to a normal flashing relay and has also the same
connections (49, 49a, 30) and can be exchanged 1:1.
If the indicator switch is moved in one direction, the adjusted flashing time elapses and the
indicator turns itself off. The switch (because forgotten) remains in the flashing position. A
further flashing procedure is released simply by resetting and switching back on again.
In position ' 0 ' of the switch the circuit functions like a normal flasher unit.
The circuit is short proof and moisture repellent.
Flashing time and frequency are always kept accurately by a Micrcontroller.
Connection diagram
Price: 69, - Euro incl. VAT
Additional you can order the suitable ralay-socket.
Volker Sachse
Lerchenweg 12
32312 Luebbecke
+49 5741 61188
+49 160 94142224
Fax +49 5741 600930
Wiring Harness
Indicator Relay
The main activity is motorcycle electronics, particularly for classical motorcycles from the mid sixties into the
This comprises of course the digital ignition as well as the making and installation of complete wiring
Volker Sachse
Lerchenweg 12
32312 Luebbecke
+49 5741 61188
+49 160 94142224
Fax +49 5741 600930
The feedback of the customers for new ideas
Mostly there are only little things, which annoying and with the sentence 'just have a
look...' a project often is born.
Current new developments at present are:
An electronic switching center, which minimizes the wiring harness.
- electronic relays with short circuit detection and indication
- integrated flasher
A further version of the ZDG3 for the direct assembly on the Moto Guzzi
generator (Bosch, Saprisa, Ducati).
The ZDG3 as three-channel version for the 6-Cyl.-Benelli or 1000d
Laverda (currently in testing)
A dig. Ignition, which uses existing inductive (= coils) pickups. For all
engines with no possibility to fit an optical system.
The ZDG3 as 6V-Version for the older motorcycles. By the employment
of 3.3Volt-technology secure working is also ensured by only 6Volt
power-supply voltage.
Volker Sachse
Lerchenweg 12
32312 Luebbecke
For orders or inquiries you can use the contact form...
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E-Mail address
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...or send an Email.
+49 5741 61188
+49 160 94142224
Fax +49 5741 600930
Volker Sachse
Lerchenweg 12
32312 Luebbecke
+49 5741 61188
+49 160 94142224
Fax +49 5741 600930
General Terms
& Conditions
Volker Sachse
Lerchenweg 12
32312 Luebbecke
Telephone: +49 5741 6188
Fax: +49 5741 600930
Mobil: +49 160 9414 2224
E-Mail: [email protected]
Value added tax identification number in accordance with § 27 A value added tax law:
DE 241720076
Contentwise responsible person in accordance with § 10 paragraph 3 MDStV:
Volker Sachse
Installation instructions
Moto Guzzi
Moto Guzzi V7
Laverda 750
Moto Morini
Benelli Tornado 650
Honda CB350-750
Honda CB450, CL450
BMW R-Types
ZDG2 - Instructions
Indicator Relay
Alternator/Rectifier for Moto Guzzi
Anbauanleitung digitale Zündung ZDG3 (Honda CB/CL450)
1. Beschreibung - 2. Montage - 3. Elektrischer Anschluss - 4. Einstellung - 5. Allgemeines
Die digitale Zündung ZDG3 besteht aus folgenden Bausteinen:
- Lichschrankenleiterplatte
- Streuscheibe
- Die Zündungsbox
und ersetzt die Kontakte und Fliehkraftregler.
Funktionsweise: pro Umdrehung der Kurbelwelle wird ab dem OT während 300° die momentane
Umfangsgeschwindigkeit ermittelt und daraus die Zeit bis zum Zündzeitpunkt errechnet. Da sich die
Umfangsgeschwindigkeit während einer Umdrehung bei der Beschleunigung erheblich ändert, wurde dieser
lange Messwinkel gewählt, um dadurch das Messergebniss zu mitteln. Die darauf folgende Berechnung der
Frühzündung wurde in 4 Bereiche aufgeteilt:
0-400 U/min
400-1000 U/min
1000-6200 U/min
6200-10000 U/min
Startbereich, Zündung immer im OT
Leerlaufbereich, 2-oder 7° Frühzündung, je nach Einstellung
Teillastbereich, hier findet die Frühzündungsverstellung statt
Vollastbereich, konstante 32-39° Frühzündung, je nach Einstellung
Im Gegensatz zur originalen Zündung wird jetzt bei jeder Kurbelwellenumdrehung gezündet, also auch im
Ausstosstakt. Das liegt daran, dass dieses Zündsystem auch in anderen Motorradtypen eingesetzt wird, wo
sich die Lichtschranken direkt an der Kurbelwelle befinden. Das hat aber keinen Einfluss auf den
Motorenlauf, auch die Einstellung wird dadurch einfacher.
Lichtscheibe und Lichtschrankenleiterplatte
Warum die Messwertaufnahme mit Lichtschranken? Weil nur Lichtschranken ein statisches Ausgangssignal
liefern, magnetische Aufnehmer dagegen nur Impulse, deren Form auch noch drehzahlabhängig ist. Das
hätte dann eine wesentlich kompliziertere Berechnung zur Folge.
Anders als bei anderen Zündsystemen hat hier jeder Zylinder seine eigene autarke Zündung, d.h. zwei
Microcontroller für zwei Zylinder, deshalb auch zwei Lichtschranken. Das hat den Vorteil, dass die
Frühzündung für jeden Zylinder separat genau berechnet wird.
Bei stehenden Motor wird nach ca. 3 Sek. der Zündstrom zum Schutz der Spulen abgeschaltet.
Es stehen sieben Zündkurven zur Verfügung:
Anbauanleitung digitale Zündung ZDG3 (Honda CB/CL450)
1. Beschreibung - 2. Montage - 3. Elektrischer Anschluss - 4. Einstellung - 5. Allgemeines
Die originale Kontaktplatte und den Fliehkraftregler auf der
rechten Seite ausbauen und den Regler komplett zerlegen,
so daß nur noch die Grundplatte mit der Welle übrig bleibt.
Diese wird wieder eingesetzt
und mit der Schraube und
einer kleineren Scheibe
gesichert. Dann wird die
Leiterplatte zusammen mit der
Lichtscheibe eingesetzt und
mit den beiden Schrauben
befestigt. Die
Madenschrauben in der
Lichtscheibe noch nicht
Das Anschlußkabel wird
anstelle der alten Kontaktleitungen durch die hintere Öffnung
Die Befestigung der Zündbox erfolgt z.B. per mitgeliefertem Klettband auf der Batterie
Es können die originalen Zündspulen verwendet werden,
sollen aber neue Zündspulen verbaut werden, kann alles
verwendet werden, was den elektrischen
Vorraussetzungen entspricht:
Technische Mindestvorraussetzung der
Primärer Widerstand
(gemessen zwischen den Anschlüssen):
3-8 Ohm
Sekundärer Widerstand
(gemessen zwischen Hochspannungsanschluss
und einem der beiden anderen):
Anbauanleitung digitale Zündung ZDG3 (Honda CB/CL450)
1. Beschreibung - 2. Montage - 3. Elektrischer Anschluss - 4. Einstellung - 5. Allgemeines
Zur Verkabelung muß der Tank abgenommen werden. Die Kabel zum alten Verteiler werden entfernt, auch
die Kondensatoranschlüsse müssen aus dem Doppelbuchsen entfernt werden. In die Buchsen werden nun
das braune und violette Kabel vom mitgelieferten Kabelsatz gesteckt, braun zu blau und violett zu gelb. Ein
schwarzes Kabel von einer Zündspule wird mit dem roten Kabel verbunden, und der Stecker am roten Kabel
wandert in die frei gewordene Buchse. Der Anschluß an der Box erfolgt wie auf dem Bild.
Das Massekabel kann direkt an der Batterie angeschlossen werden.
Anschlussbelegung des Systemsteckers
braun, Zündspule rechts
Masse (auf gute Verbindung zum Rahmen achten!)
Masse (Pickup)
grün, Lichtschranke(Pickup)
gelb, Lichtschranke (Pickup)
weiss, +5V (Pickup)
Der Mindestquerschnitt der
Leitungen sollte 0,75 mm2 nicht
Der Anschluss der Kabel im
Stecker NUR mit Aderendhülsen!
Ausgang für elektr. Drehzahlmesser
+12V (Über das Zündschloss geschaltete 12V )
schwarz, Masse
violett, Zündspule links
Anbauanleitung digitale Zündung ZDG3 (Honda CB/CL450)
1. Beschreibung - 2. Montage - 3. Elektrischer Anschluss - 4. Einstellung - 5. Allgemeines
Achtung!! Zur Einstellung der Lichtscheibe die
Zünkerzenstecker abziehen!
Zuerst muss der linke Kolben auf OT
gebracht werden. Dazu den
Lichtmaschinendeckel auf der linken
Motorseite abnehmen (Behältnis unterstellen,
da ein wenig Öl austritt) und die Kurbelwelle
mit Hilfe des Sechskantkopfes auf die
Markierung LT stellen
Nun die Lichtscheibe genau in die Position
wie auf dem Bild drehen (welcher der beiden
Ausschnitte ist egal). Die richtige Position ist
erreicht, wenn die LED (gelber Kreis) gerade
an- bzw. ausgeht. Unbedingt darauf achten,
daß sich die Lichtscheibe höhenmäßig in der
Mitte des Lichtschrankenausschnitts befindet.
Jetzt noch die Madenschrauben
gleichmässig anziehen, Kerzenstecker
wieder aufstecken, Lichtmaschinendeckel
wieder befestigen und die Maschine ist
Auf der anderen Seite der Box befinden sich die
Einstellmöglichkeiten der Zündung:
Einstellung der Schalter
Kurve 1-7
Kurve 1-2, Doppelzündung
(nicht für Honda)
keine Funktion, Testbetrieb
Begrenzung bei 7900 U/min
(Schalter unten)
oder 9800 U/min (Schalter oben)
(Schalter oben >> fout =Kurbelwelle
Schalter unten >>
fout=Nockenwelle )
Anbauanleitung digitale Zündung ZDG3 (Honda CB/CL450)
1. Beschreibung - 2. Montage - 3. Elektrischer Anschluss - 4. Einstellungen - 5. Allgemeines
Nur entstörte Kerzenstecker verwenden!
Nicht entstörte Stecker verursachen heftige Störstrahlung, die die Elektronik empfindlich stören.
Sehr gut sind NGK-Stecker mit internem 5kOhm-Widerstand geeignet.
Startet nicht:
Sollte der Motor nicht starten, sondern im Gegenteil der Startvorgang schlagartig abgewürgt wird, dann sind
die Zündspulen vertauscht. In diesem Fall die Zündkabel oder die Anschlüsse der Spulen tauschen.
Zur Kontrolle, ob die Zündung überhaupt funktioniert und einigermaßen richtig eingestellt ist, beide Kerzen
herausschrauben, wieder in die Stecker stecken und auf den Zylinder legen. Wenn jetzt mit angeschlossener
Stroboskoplampe der Anlasser betätigt wird, lässt sich bei funktionierender Zündung der Zündzeitpunkt sehr
gut erkennen.
Sollte der Motor bei langsam drehenden Anlasser nicht starten, fällt die die Batteriespannung
wahrscheinlich unter die minimale Versorgungsspannung der Zündung (ca. 7V). In diesem Fall Batterie laden
oder ankicken.
Unregelmäßige Aussetzer :
Setzt der Motor während der Fahrt manchmal für 2-3 Sekunden aus und läuft danach ganz normal weiter,
bedeutet das, daß die Zündung zurückgesetzt wird. Die Ursache dafür können defekte Kerzenstecker oder
ein loses Zündkabel in Spule oder Stecker sein. Aber in den meisten Fällen ist ein Wackelkontakt in der
Betriebsspannungszufuhr der Verursacher (Zündschloß, Sicherungshalter, Steckkontakte). Zum Test kann
man eine direkte Leitung von den Zündspulen und der Zündungsbox zum Pluspol der Batterie legen.
Ebenso sollte die Masseverbindung zum Rahmen sorgfältig überprüft werden, aber falls defekt, fallen Fehler
hier schon beim Anlassen auf. Sind die Aussetzer jetzt weg, kann man davon ausgehen, daß der Fehler
irgendwo im Kabelbaum liegt. Bei Kontakten fällt so ein Wackelkontakt seltener auf, da spielen ein paar
Millisekunden Spannungsunterbrechung keine Rolle, Elektronik reagiert da schon empfindlicher.
Volker Sachse
Lerchenweg 12
D 32312 Luebbecke
Tel. 0049 5741/61188
Mobil: 0049 160/9414 2224
[email protected]
Volker Sachse
Lerchenweg 12
D32312 Lübbecke
+49 5741 61188
+49 160 94142224
Fax +49 5741 600930
Moto Guzzi
Moto Guzzi V7
Digitale Zündung ZDG3
Moto Morini
Honda CB450
In die Entwicklung der ZDG3 sind viele Erfahrungen und auch Feedbacks der Kunden geflossen, so daß
nicht nur ein sehr kompaktes Gerät entstanden, sondern dieses auch mit mehr Funktionen ausgestattet ist,
wobei die grundsätzlichen Funktionen der ZDG2 weitgehend übernommen worden sind. Neu sind auch
spezielle stromgesteuerte Zünd-Endstufen von STMicroelectronics, die eine noch größere Auswahl an
Zündspulen zulassen.
Die Sensorik (Lichtschranken und Lichtscheibe) hat sich bewährt und wird unverändert beibehalten. Allein
bei der Morini ist die Methode, auch im Auslasstakt zu zünden, wieder geändert worden.
Die Eckpunkte der neuen ZDG3:
- 7 Zündkurven, zwei davon für Doppelzündung oder Norton/BSA
- Mindestaufladezeit der Zündspulen (dynam. Schliesswinkel)
- einfacher elektrischer Anschluß durch einen großen Kombistecker
- Drehzalmesserausgang für elektronische DZM (wählbare Ausgangsfrequenz )
- einfach zu montieren
- leichte Einstellung
- keine Spezialzündspulen
- hohe Betriebssicherheit bis 12000 U/min
Dieses Zündsystem bitte nicht mit einer Kennfeldzündung verwechseln. Die einzige Gemeinsamkeit besteht
darin, dass ein Mikrokontroller eingesetzt wird. Eine Kennfeldzündung berücksichtigt noch viele andere
Einflüsse wie Klopfsensoren, Umgebungstemperatur, Einspritzmengen usw.
Worin besteht also der Vorteil einer elektronischen Zündung?
Erst einmal in der Wartungsfreiheit, denn kein Verschleiss mechanischer Komponenten beeinflusst
langfristig die Einstellungen. Und dann wäre noch die konstante Zündspulenaufladung von ca. 5mS, die in
jedem Drehzahlbereich einen gleichmässig starken Zündfunken garantiert. Bei einem mechanischen
Fliehkraftregler bleibt der Schliesswinkel immer gleich, was zur Folge hat, dass in den unteren
Drehzahlbereichen viel zuviel Strom in den Zündspulen 'verbraten' wird und bei zunehmender Drehzahl die
Aufladezeit der Zündspulen immer kürzer und damit auch der Zündfunken immer schwächer wird.
Pickups für andere Motorräder können jederzeit erstellt werden, nur brauche ich dafür die genauen
Konstruktionsmerkmale (z.B. die Unterbrecherplatte und Fliehkraftregler, den Motor oder das Motorrad).
Ein Oszilloskop im Betrieb bei ca. 3700
Wünsche bei den Kurvenformen können jederzeit berücksichtigt werden.
Lichtmaschinenregler für Moto Guzzi mit Bosch Lichtmaschine
Diese Regler- und Gleichrichtereinheit wird direkt auf die Lichtmaschine montiert. Der alte
Gleichrichter und Regler in den Rahmendreiecken entfallen dadurch vollständig.
Der Gleichrichter ist in Schottky-Technologie aufgebaut, leider etwas kostenintensiver, hat
aber einen wesentlich besseren Wirkungsgrad. Dadurch kann grösstenteils auf Kühlkörper
verzichtet werden, auch die Ladespannung für die Batterie wird früher erreicht (ab ca. 8001000 U/min).
Optional vorgesehen sind auch schon die Lichtschranken für die digitale Zündung.
Die Montage gestaltet sich sehr einfach, die einzige Hürde sind 3 Lötstellen, und die sollten
sehr sorgfältig ausgeführt werden, denn hier fliesst im Betrieb der Lade- bzw.
Der elektrische Anschluss besteht lediglich aus zwei Leitungen, der Ladeanschluss zur
Batterie und die Ladekontrollleuchte.
Die Schaltung ist durch einen speziellen Silikonlack gegen Feuchtigkeit geschützt.
Preise :
Regler ohne Pickup für Digitalzündung:
189,- Euro
Regler mit Pickup für ZDG2/ZDG3
(incl. Rücknahme des vorhandenen Pickups)
Regler mit der Digitalzündung als komplettes
alle Preise incl. MwSt.
209,- Euro
459,- Euro
Elektronischer Blinker
Daß der Fahrtrichtungsanzeige nicht kilometerweit weiterblinkt, falls man die Rückstellung vergisst,
schaltet sich dieses Blinkrelais nach einer einstellbaren Zeit von 15-40 Sek. automatisch wieder aus.
Der praktische Test hat gezeigt, dass man mit 20 sec. in fast allen Situationen sehr gut klarkommt.
Die Grösse dieser Schaltung entspricht einem normalen Blinkerrelais und hat auch die gleichen
Anschlüsse (49, 49a, 30) und kann 1:1 ausgetauscht werden.
Die Schaltung eignet sich auch besonders für Einzelblinker ('Ochsenaugen'), da die Funktionalität
schon ab ca. 10W Lampenleistung gegeben ist.
Wird der Blinkerschalter in eine Richtung bewegt, läuft die eingestellt Blinkzeit ab und der
Blinker stellt sich wieder aus. Der Schalter (weil ja vergessen) bleibt in der Blinkstellung. Ein
weiterer Blinkvorgang wird einfach durch Rückstellung und erneutes Einschalten ausgelöst.
In der Stellung '0' des Schalters funktioniert die Schaltung wie ein normales Blinkrelais
Die Schaltung ist kurzschlussfest und zum Schutz gegen Feuchtigkeit in Kunststoff
Durch einen Mikrokontroller werden Blinkzeit und Frequenz immer exakt eingehalten.
Preis : 69,- Euro incl. MwSt
Als Zubehör kann noch ein passender Sockel mitbestellt werden.
Digitale Zündung für YAMAHA XS650
Die Montage:
Fliehkraftreglerplatte und Kontaktplatte werden durch einen
Wellenverbinder, Mitnehmer, Lichtscheibe und einer
Leiterplatte ersetzt.
Die Einstellung :
zuerst werden die Kolben in OT gebracht, dann die
Lichtscheibe so positionieren wie auf dem Bild. Die
Leuchtdiode auf der Pickupplatine muss in dieser Position
gerade an-bzw. ausgehen. Die Madenschrauben in der
Lichtscheibe festziehen und der Motor ist startbereit.
Einstellung der Lichtscheibe
Mitnehmer montiert
komplett montiert
Preis: 319,- Euro incl. MwSt
Zündungsbox unterhalb der
Sitzbank montiert
Volker Sachse
Lerchenweg 12
D32312 Lübbecke
+49 5741 61188
+49 160 94142224
Fax +49 5741 600930
Die Haupttätigkeit liegt im Bereich Motorradelektronik und Elektrik, speziell klassische Motorräder von Mitte
Sechziger bis in die Neunziger Jahre.
Das umfasst natürlich die digitale Zündung, wie auch Neuanfertigung und Einbau von kompletten
Eine Neuentwicklung ist der kompakte Lichtmaschinenregler für Moto-Guzzi mit Bosch Lichtmaschine.
Volker Sachse
Lerchenweg 12
D32312 Lübbecke
+49 5741 61188
+49 160 94142224
Fax +49 5741 600930
Das Feedback der Kunden für neue Ideen
Meistens sind es nur Kleinigkeiten, die einen ärgern
und mit dem Satz 'Man könnte ja mal...' wird oft ein Projekt geboren.
Aktuelle Neuentwicklungen zur Zeit sind:
Eine vollelektronische Schaltzentrale, die den Kabelbaum minimiert.
- elektronische Schaltrelais mit Kurzschlusserkennung und Anzeige
- integriertem Blinker
Eine weitere Version der ZDG3 zur direkten Montage auf die
Lichtmaschine für Moto Guzzi.
Die ZDG3 als dreikanalige Version für die 6-Zyl.-Benelli oder 1000er
(z.Z. in der Erprobung)
Eine dig. Zündung, die vorhandene induktive (=Spulen) Pickups nutzt.
Für alle Motoren, bei denen für ein optisches System keine Möglichkeit
Die ZDG3 als 6V-Version für die älteren Motorräder. Durch den Einsatz
von 3,3Volt-Technologie ist auch bei nur 6Volt Bordspannung
Betriebssicherheit gewährleistet.
Volker Sachse
Lerchenweg 12
D32312 Lübbecke
+49 5741 61188
+49 160 94142224
Fax +49 5741 600930
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...oder mir eine Email schreiben.
Volker Sachse
Lerchenweg 12
D32312 Lübbecke
+49 5741 61188
+49 160 94142224
Fax +49 5741 600930
Volker Sachse
Lerchenweg 12
32312 Lübbecke
Telefon: +49 5741 6188
Telefax: +49 5741 600930
Mobil: +49 160 9414 2224
[email protected]
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
DE 241720076
Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß § 10 Absatz 3 MDStV:
Volker Sachse
Haftungshinweis: Trotz sorgfältiger inhaltlicher Kontrolle übernehmen wir keine Haftung für die
Inhalte externer Links. Für den Inhalt der verlinkten Seiten sind ausschließlich deren Betreiber
Moto Guzzi
Moto Guzzi V7
Laverda 750
Moto Morini
Benelli Tornado 650
Honda CB350-750
Honda CB450
BMW R-Modelle
Yamaha XS650
ZDG2 - Anleitungen
Regler/Gleichrichtereinheit für Moto Guzzi
Digitale Zündung für Honda CB450/CL450
Bei der Honda CB450/CL450 entfällt die gesamte Kontaktplatte und wird durch die PickupLeiterplatte ersetzt. Der Fliehkraftregler wird zerlegt, d.h. Nocke und Federn werden entfernt und der
verbleibende Rest wird wieder aufgesteckt.
Die Montage der Pickupplatine erfolgt auf den
originalen Befestigungspunkten der alten
Unterbrecherplatte, die Lichtscheibe wird auf der
Achse der alten Fliehkraftregelung befestigt und
kann problemlos eingestellt werden. Als
Einstellhilfe dient eine Leuchtdiode auf der Platine,
weitere Einstellungen sind nicht notwendig.
Jedes Zylinderpaar hat seine eigene autarke
Zündung, d.h. zwei Microcontroller für je zwei
Zylinder, deshalb auch zwei Lichtschranken. Das
hat den Vorteil, dass die Frühzündung für jedes
Zylinderpaar separat genau berechnet wird.
Preis: 299,- Euro incl. MwSt
Digital ignition ZDG3
Many experiences and feedbacks of the customers have influenced the development of the ZDG3, so that
the result is not only a very compact device, but it is also equipped with more functions whithin the
fundamental functions of the ZDG2.
Also special current controled igniting output driver of STMicroelectronics, which permit a still larger selection
of ignition coils, are new.
The sensors (light barriers and disk) are working very easy and so no change is necessary.
Only with the Morini the method to ignite also in the exhaust stroke has been changed.
The key points of the new ZDG3:
- 7 ignition curves, two of them for double ignition or Norton/BSA
- minimum loading time of the ignition coils (dynamic dwell angle)
- easy electrical connection by a large combination plug
- output for electronic rev. counter (selectable output frequency )
- Mindestaufladezeit der Zündspulen (dynam. Schliesswinkel)
- simply to fit
- easy adjustment
- no special ignition coils
- high working reliability to 10000 rpm
- automatic coil current switch off when the engine stops
ignition curves
ignition curves - double ignition
Please don't confuse this ignition system with a performance ignition. The only common is the using of
microcontrollers. A performance ignition still considers many other influences such as knocking sensors,
temperature, injection amounts etc..
What does the advantage of an electronic ignition consist in?
First in the maintenance-free operation, because no wear of mechanical components affects the
adjustments. And then there is still the constant ignition coil loading of approx. 4mS, which guarantees an
evenly strong spark in each speed range. With a mechanical governor the dwell angle always remains the
same, with the consequence that at low speed unnecessarily long time current flows through the coils and at
increasing speed the loading time of the coils becomes increasingly shorter and thus also the spark becomes
increasingly weaker.
Pickups for other motorcycles can be provided at any time, I only need for it the exact design features ((e.g.
the breaker plate and centrifugal governor, the engine or the motorcycle).
An oscilloscope with approx.. 3700 rpm.
Desires with the ignition curves can be considered at any time.
Digital ignition for Moto Guzzi
The Moto Guzzi two cylinder engine has got an angular ignition spacing between the cylinders of
270°. Since each cylinder should get an indipendant digital ignition channel, two light barriers in an
angle distance of 270° (or 90°) are necessary. This can only be realized with a printed circuit board.
The following picture shows the fitting on a Bosch generator.
The light disk consists of two
parts, the tappet at the
crankshaft front and the lens
disc, which is fastened with
clamping screws at the tappet.
This allows an easy and
accurate adjustment of the disk.
The installation is very easy:
Remove the central srew of the generator and
fasten it again with the tappet.
Replace the two screws before and behind the
Y-connection of the stator with threaded rods
and fasten it with threaded bolts.
Finally fasten the light disc and the PCB.
Electrically the light barriers, supply voltage
and ignition coils are attached to the box by a
system plug.
Zündungsbox ZDG3
For adjustment put the right cylinder on TDC (D on the flywheel), then turn the lens until the end of
the cutout (in the crankshaft rotation direction) is located in the upper light barrier ( picture before
last ). A small LED on the light barrier PCB serves as help, toggling in that position.
At last fasten the set screws in the light disc - that's all!
The system is also available for Saprisa and Ducati generators.
Please specify the type of generator for the order. With the Ducati generator additionally the thread
width of the central attaching nut (M12x1,25 or M16x1,5).
Price: 299, - Euro inclusive VAT.
Price: 257, - Euro without VAT. (outside EG)
Digital Ignition for Moto Guzzi V7
On the early Guzzi V-engines a strap disk is installed in front of the crankshaft, and this disk is
manufactured too inaccurately to attach a sensor at this place. However the biggest problem would
be the drive belt abrasion, which would fast tie up an optical system.
The most obvious thing is to take up the ignition signals at or in the distributor. The cramped space
conditions in the distributor and thereby the tiny light disk and the complicated mechanical structure
unfortunately make the retention of the original optic nearly impossible.
The original distributor is modified in such a way
that the electronics can be fitted in there problemfree. In addition the distributor housing must be
adapted in such a way that a larger housing can be
fastened on it. The distributor modification is
contained in the price ( the distributor must be sent
to me) .
Because the actual distributor was dropped now
completely , an additional second ignition coil must
be inserted. All ignition coils with an input
impedance of 3 Ohm (e.g. Honda CB 250, Guzzi
V35 etc., or a second original V7-coil) can be used.
The backlash of the toothed wheels between
camshaft and distributor does not affect the function,
only during the adjustment of the light disk it has to
be taken care that the toothed wheels of distributor
shaft and camshaft have to be in mesh.
Price: 465, -Euro incl. VAT
(in case of self production of the housing: 299, -Euro, designs are available)
Digital Ignition for Laverda 750
At the 750er Laverda engine light disc and tappet replaces the centrifugal advance regulation.
Remove the contact breaker plate and the centrifugal
advance regulation and fix the driving plate for it.
Then fasten the light barrier PCB and push the light disk
onto the tappet of the driving plate.
For keeping the old ignition coils, the ignition box can be
mounted in the toolbox, or when using a double ignition coil,
the box can be mounted instead of the second ignition coil.
Adjustment :
First put the pistons on TDC (marking 1 on the free-wheel),
then put the light disc in the position shown on the picture.
The LED near the light barrier must toggle in this position.
At last fasten the set screws and after the electrical
connections are done the engine is ready to start.
driving plate
mounted plate
Adjustment of the slit disc
complete mounted
Price: 299, - Euro inclusive VAT
ignition box
Digital ignition for Benelli Tornado 650
With the 650 Benelli Tornado the optical pickup system replaces the whole centrifugal advance
The assembly:
Remove the centrifugal governor and the contact breaker
plate, push the new driver onto the axle and fasten it with the
set-screws. Then install the printed circuit board and push
the light disc onto the driver.
The adjustment:
First bring the pistons into TDC (with the Benelli this is only
accurately possible with a TDC- Finder). Then adjust the light
disk as shown on the picture. The LED on the PCB must
toggle in this position. At last tighten the set-screws in the
disk and the engine is ready to start.
adjustment of the light disk
driver installed
ignition box
complete assembly
Price: 299, - Euro incl. VAT
Digital Ignition for Moto Morini 350/500
The Morini engine already has an electronic ignition system from Ducati (Ducati had its own electrical
manufacturing). This however has some weak points like many electronics circuits from the
beginnings: bad starting characteristics, lousy idling operation and generally bad engine run. That
does not apply to all ignitions, but the manufacturing dispersion was enormous. The advantage was
that this ignition system functions also without battery, because it has its own power supply realized
by an extra coil in the generator. However with decreasing magnetic field of the generator stator
kickingstarting of the engine becomes a farce, because the produced voltage is not sufficient for the
ignition to function properly. Mounting the digital ignition these problems belong to the past.
The change is however a little more complex, because the original ignition boxes cannot be re-used.
Two normal ignition coils must be installed instead. The ignition system now is a battery-ignitionsystem and depends on the battery. But the consumption of the digital ignition is very small (approx.
10W) and does not put too much strain on the generator.
With the Morini engine the assembly at the
crankshaft would be much more difficult and
more complex. I therefore accept the camshaft
running less smooth, caused by the tooth belt
(has no disadvantages in practice however).
Because of the battery ignition the electrical
connection must be changed. You can use
every ignition coil you can easily get. On the
picture you can see two Motoplat coils from a
Guzzi-V35, also the coils of a Honda CB..
(twin) are very well suitable .
The only precondition for an ignition coil
3-10 ohms primary resistance.
The adjustment is very easy: the front cylinder
on TDC (PMS1-marking), then turn the light
disc so that the ' rear ' LED on the PCB begins
to toggle and fasten the set-screws in the disc.
However what exactly is the advantage of a
digital ignition?
The first advantage is of course the good
idling operation! No more dying engine at the
traffic lights! Many problems, which you put
down to the carburettors disappear. Another
advantage is a guaranteed spark advance up
to 34°, uninfluenced by temperature, and a
smooth RPM indication.
The change to mechanical tachometers now
becomes unnecessary.
Unfortunately there is one:
as I already mentioned the digital ignition is a
battery dependent system, i.e. if your battery
is too weak (e.g. with the lights on), then
nothing will work. The only thing todo then is:
turn off the lights and push ( but that applies to
nearly all motorcycles ).
299,- Euro incl. VAT
257,- Euro outside EG
Digital Ignition for Honda CB750 (350, 450)
With the Honda CB750 the entire contact breaker plate is replaced by the Pickup PCB. The
centrifugal governor is disassembled, i.e. cam and springs are removed and the remaining driver is
put on again.
The installation of the pickup PCB takes place on
the original fastening spots of the original contact
breaker plate, the light disc is fastened with the
help of a driver on the crankshaft stump. Thereby it
can be easily adjusted. As an additional adjustment
help a LED near the light barrier indicates the right
position, further adjustments are not necessary.
Each pair of cylinders has its own independent
ignition, i.e. two microcontrollers for two cylinder
pairs, therefore also two light barriers. The
advantage is the separately exactly computed
spark advance for each separate pair of cylinders.
Price: 299,- Euro incl. VAT
Digital Ignition for Honda CB450/CL450
The assembly:
With the Honda CB450 the entire contact breaker plate is replaced by the Pickup PCB. The
centrifugal governor is disassembled, i.e. cam and springs are removed and the remaining driver is
put on again.
The installation of the pickup PCB takes place on
the original fastening spots of the original contact
breaker plate, the light disc is fastened with the
help of a driver on the camshaft stump. Thereby it
can be easily adjusted. As an additional adjustment
help a LED near the light barrier indicates the right
position, further adjustments are not necessary.
Each pair of cylinders has its own independent
ignition, i.e. two microcontrollers for two cylinder
pairs, therefore also two light barriers. The
advantage is the separately exactly computed
spark advance for each separate pair of cylinders.
fitting instruction
Price: 299,- Euro incl. VAT
(257,- Euro outside EG)
Digital ignition for YAMAHA XS650
The assembly:
Centrifugal governor plate and contact plate are replaced by
a shaft connector, a driver, light disk and a printed circuit
The adjustment:
first bring the pistons into TDC, then position the light disk as
shown on the picture. A small LED on the light barrier PCB
serves as help, toggling in that position. At last fasten the set
screws in the light disc - that's all, the machine is ready to
shaft connector
disk driver
adjustment of the disk
complete assembly
Ignition box
Price: 319, - euro inclusive. VAT
ignition box underneath the seat
other models
The ignition module is universally applicable on nearly all four stroke engines. Often simply the breaker
points plate is exchanged by a printed circuit board with the light barriers. For designing this PCB I need
the breaker plate and the mechanical advance as sample.
The best of course is the fitting of the sensor technology at the crankshaft, but unfortunately there is often
not enough space to fasten PCB and light disk.
The following projects bave been realized according to this method:
Aermacchi 350ccm, sensors at the camshaft
Ducati single cylinder Mach1, sensors at the camshaft
VW-Beetle, sensors in the modified distributor
Benelli Sei 750ccm, 6 cylinders (with special ignition box ZDG3.3), sensors at the crankshaft
Zündapp racing moped (with a special two-stroke ignition curve), sensors at the crankshaft
Even if you have interest in such a solution, please contact me.
Fitting instructions for automatic alternator controller
for Moto Guzzi with Bosch alternator
1. alternator modification - 2. Fitting
First remove the connector block of the
alterator coils and the Y-connection. Don't cut
the wires at the connector block, only
unsolder them! With the Y-connection also
the screw has to be removed. Also unscrew
the terminal lugs at D and DF.
Then put the printed circuit board onto the
alternator and fix it with two nuts at D and DF.
At the ground connection put a 6mm nut as a
spacer between the printed circuit board and
the alternator housing.
Secure the all srews and nuts with toothed
washers and coat all contact areas and
screws (also the 6mm nut) with battery
pole fat!
Finally solder the
generator wires to
the terminal pins
very accurately and
fasten the Yconnection to the
terminal with the
4mm screw.
Wiring harnesses
Many wire harnesses from the seventies have survived the times not completely undamaged,owing to the substantial
improvements by previous owners, they are often only an accumulation of lustre terminals and various pieces of wire.
I adapt the new wiring harness directly to the condition of the respective motorcycle, so that all functions are given - no
more, no less. The famous ' 'minimum wiring harness' does not exist, because every electrical equipment that is fitted to
the motorcycle, must also function.
These functions should always be present:
Ignition lock + ignition supply
High- low beam with switch and indicator
Parking light
Stop light (front and rear brake)
Flasher and indicators (not for 'bull eyes')
All important current paths are fused
Tail light
Starter + switches (if necessary)
Further functions (only if the construction units are present):
Charge control indicator
Oil pressure indicator
Idling light
Tank indicator
Low beam indicator
Flasher indicator for both sides
Headlamp flasher switch
Heating grasps
ext. 12V-socket
... and further fittings.
For connecting the junctions I use the AMP plug system Mate N-Lok,
or if requested, also direct connections are used. This saves further
space, but the disadvantage is that nothing can be easily dismounted
(e.g. armature switch).
These points and further customer requests are agreed before work
starts. Under normal conditions the price amounts from 350,- to
400,- which includes all cables, connectors, fuse holder and the
complete assembly, however does not include switches, indicators
and other attachments.
The assembly takes approx.. 14 days and the motorcycle also has to
be delivered.
Moto Guzzi
Moto Guzzi
Volker Sachse
Lerchenweg 12
32312 Luebbecke
Telephone: +49 5741 6188
Fax: +49 5741 600930
Mobil: +49 160 9414 2224
E-Mail: [email protected]
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Volker Sachse
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If a clause should be ineffective, the remaining regulations remain effective. In place of the
ineffective clause the laws apply.
Digital Ignition ZDG3
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Moto Guzzi
available for Bosch, Ducati or Saprisa generators
Electrical connection
Volker Sachse • Lerchenweg 12 • D32312 Lübbecke • 0049 5741/61188 • [email protected]
Digital Ignition ZDG3
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Moto Guzzi
available for Bosch, Ducati or Saprisa generators
Electrical connection
Volker Sachse • Lerchenweg 12 • D32312 Lübbecke • 0049 5741/61188 • [email protected]
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Moto Guzzi
1. Desciption - 2. Fitting - 3. Electrical connection - 4.Adjustment - 5. General
The digital ignition ZDG3 consists of three components:
- light-barrier printed circuit board
- corresponding mechanical components
- the ignition box
and replaces the original Motoplat pickup coils and ignition boxes.
Function: per revolution of the crankshaft starting from TDC, the momentary peripheral speed is determined
and by this means, the time up to ignition is calculated. Because the peripheral speed varies substantially
during acceleration, this long measurement is selected in order to determine a relatively exact measurement.
The following computation of ignition timing is divided into 4 ranges:
1. 0-400 rpm
2. 400-1000 rpm
3. 1000-6200 rpm
4. 6200-10000 rpm
Starting range, ignition always at TDC
Idling range, 2° to 8° advanced ignition, depending on curve selection
Partial load range, the spark advance adjustment occurs here
maximum load range, constant 30° to 34° advanced ignition, depending
on curve selection
As opposed to the original ignition system, ignition now takes place at each revolution of the crankshaft, thus
also during the exhaust stroke. That is because of the fact that at the crankshaft between work and exhaust
stroke cannot be differentiated.
ignition box
light disc and tappet
light-barrier printed circuit board
Why measure by means of a light-barrier? Because as opposed to magnetic pickups which merely give
impulses which vary according to RPM and therefore demand a more complicated computation, light-barriers
on the give a static output signal.
Unlike other ignition systems, here each cylinder has a self-sufficient ignition, i.e. two micro-controllers for
two cylinders, thus two light-barriers. This has the advantage that the advanced ignition is precisely
computed for each cylinder.
Thus, this ignition can also be used with one-cylinder models, by leaving one channel unconnected.
If the engine stops, the ignition current will be switched off after 3 sec. to protect the ignition coils.
There is a choice of seven curves, including two for double ignition:
ignition curves
ignition-curves (double
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Moto Guzzi
1. Description - 2.Fitting - 3. Electrical connection - 4. Adjustment - 5. General
Firstly, remove the dynamo cover and the bottom and left-hand (when
forward facing) stator screw and replace with the headless bolt ………..
.and secure with the thread
bolt and two washers.
Next, remove the middle screw of the rotor. If necessary block
the sprocket by placing a large screwdriver through the ignition
inspection opening of the gearbox.
Then fit the light disc
onto the shaft. The
grub nut should not yet
be tightened.
Finally, fit the pickup PCB (printed circuit board) to the spacing bolt
by means of the two M5 screws. Ensure that the light disc is
midway between the light-barrier, by perhaps illuminating it with a
torch from behind.
The PCB can also be fitted to Sprisa and Ducati motorcycles
with a corresponding tappet.
An additional groove must be made next to the rubber grommet
for the pickup-cable seal-ring on the generator cover.
When fitting the generator cover, two 6mm washers must be
placed on each of the four screws between the cover and ring to
ensure that the light disc does not scrape the cover. Usually only
one is necessary, but this is should be checked in each
individual case.
Tip: this distance can be tested by placing a little plasticine or
putty on the light disc.
fitting to a SAPRISA generator
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Moto Guzzi
1. Description - 2. Fitting - 3. Electrical connection - 4. Adjustment - 5. General
Ignition circuit diagram, Motoplat replacement
The conductor crosssection of the ground
wire should amount
to 1,5-2,5 mm2 and
schould be kept as
short as possible.
The conductor crosssection of the other
cables should not be
below 0,75 mm2.
Always use end
Ignition circuit diagram, contact replacement
Connection allocation of the system plug
ignition coil for left-hand cylinder
ground (ensure good contact to the frame!)
brown, ground (Pickup)
green, barrier P2 (l.h. cylinder) (Pickup)
yellow, barrier P1 (r.h. cylinder) (Pickup)
white, +5V (Pickup)
connector for the electronic rev. counter (if used)
Technical minimum
requirements of the ignition
coils (in case of an exchange):
primary resistance:
(measured between the connectors):
3-8 Ohm
secundary resistance:
(measured between high-voltage
output and one of the 2 other
+12V (12V supply voltage from the ignition switch, e.g. ignition coil 15 or +)
ignition coil for right-hand cylinder
4,5 - 15 kOhm
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Moto Guzzi
1. Description - 2. Fitting - 3. Electrical connection - 4. Adjustment - 5. General
Attention! Remove the sparking plug cap before
adjusting the light disc!
First, bring the right-hand cylinder to TDC (D marking on the flywheel).
Now rotate the light disc precisely into position as shown in the picture.
The position is correct when the LED (red circle) toggles. Now tighten the
grub screws evenly and replace the spark plug caps. The bike is ready to
Finally, check the ignition timing with a strobe and if necessary, correct
the position of the light disc.
The switches can be found at the front of the ignition box:
switch adjustment
rotary switch
(curve selectionl)
curves 1-5
curves 1-2, double ignition
no function, test mode
overspeed protection at 7900 rpm
(switch down)
or at 9800 rpm (switch up)
rev. counter frequency
(switch up >> fout =crankshaft
switch down >> fout=camshaft )
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Moto Guzzi
1. Description - 2.Fitting - 3. Electrical connection - 4. Adjustment - 5. General
Only use interference-free spark plugs!
(recommended NGK caps with 5kOhm internal resistance)
Malfunction sources :
Unstable ignition timing :
At some stroboscope lamps the ignition point suddenly oscillates around 4-6°. In this case the lamp once
reacts to the ignition spark starting, another time to the burning end of the spark. If possible readjust the
sensitivity of the lamp.
Another possibility is to put an 0,1uF/400V-capacitor provisionally during the adjustment between the
connections of the respective ignition coil.
Doesn't start :
If the engine should not start, or the starting procedure is suddenly strangled, then the ignition coils are
mixed up. If so, swap the ignition cables which lead to the spark plugs or reconnect the external ignition
You can check the function of the ignition by unscrewing the spark plugs, leaving them in the plugs and
connect to ground. Now start the engine with an attached stroboscope and check the ignition timing.
Because of the missing spark plugs the engine runs fast enough to see a stable ignition at TDC.
Sporadic engine cutout :
If sometimes the engine suspends for 2-3 seconds while driving and keeps running thereafter normally that
means that the ignition has been reset. The causes of this malfunktion could be a broken spark plug
connector or a loose ignition cable.
But in most cases a bad connection to the operating voltage supply causes this effect (starter lock, fuse
holder etc.). For testing you can connect a wire directly from the ignition box power supply to the positive
terminal of the battery. If the ignition now runs perfect, you've got an malfunction in the wiring harness.
With points such a malfunction is not noticeable, because a short break of the power supply doesn't
matter. In contrast electronics are very sensitive to weak power supplies.
Volker Sachse
Electronic development and manufacturing
Lerchenweg 12
32312 Luebbecke
Tel. 0049 5741/61188
Mobil: 0049 160/9414 2224
[email protected]
Digital Ignition ZDG3
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Moto Guzzi V7
Fitting and electical connection
Volker Sachse • Lerchenweg 12 • D32312 Lübbecke • 0049 5741 61188 • [email protected]
[ german version ]
Digital Ignition ZDG3
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Moto Guzzi V7
Fitting and electical connection
Volker Sachse • Lerchenweg 12 • D32312 Lübbecke • 0049 5741 61188 • [email protected]
[ german version ]
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Moto Guzzi V7
1. Description - 2. Fitting and electrical connection - 3.Adjustment - 4. General
The digital ignition ZDG3 replaces the points, centrifugal governor and ignition distributor. At the V7-engine it
is very difficult to take up any signals from the crankshaft, therefore the signals have to be taken up from the
distributer. The original distributor is unfortunately too small to take up the optical sensor technology,
therefore it must be modified accordingly. The ignition distributor must be sent to me, so that I can change it
to the new system.
A change back of the distributor to the old function mode is not possible!
Further now two ignition coils are needed.
Function: per revolution of the crankshaft starting from TDC, the momentary peripheral speed is determined
and by this means, the time up to ignition is calculated. Because the peripheral speed varies substantially
during acceleration, this long measurement is selected in order to determine a relatively exact measurement.
The following computation of ignition timing is divided into 4 ranges:
Starting range, ignition always at TDC
1. 0-400 rpm
Idling range, 2° or 7° advanced ignition
2. 400-1000 rpm
Partial load range, the spark advance adjustment occurs here
3. 1000-6200 rpm
maximum load range, constant 32° or 34° advanced ignition, depending
4. 6200-10000 rpm
on curve selection
As opposed to the original ignition system, ignition now takes place at each revolution of the crankshaft, thus
also during the exhaust stroke. That has no influence on the engine run, also the adjustment becomes
simpler thereby.
ignition box
modified ignition distributer
Why measure by means of a light-barrier? Because as opposed to magnetic pickups which merely give
impulses which vary according to RPM and therefore demand a more complicated computation, light-barriers
on the give a static output signal.
Unlike other ignition systems, here each cylinder has a self-sufficient ignition, i.e. two micro-controllers for
two cylinders, thus two light-barriers. This has the advantage that the advanced ignition is precisely
computed for each cylinder.
Thus, this ignition can also be used with one-cylinder models, by leaving one channel unconnected.
If the engine stops, the ignition current will be switched off after 3 sec. to protect the ignition coils.
There is a choice of 7curves:
ignition curves
double ignition curves
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Moto Guzzi V7
1. Description - 2.Fitting and electrical connection - 3. Adjustment - 4. General
he fitting is accordingly simple: the modified
distributor moves again with new gasket to its
place. The tooth wheels position of camshaft
and ignition distributor doesn't matter,
because the ignition will be adjusted with the
light disk later.
plate with the
ignition coils
ignition coils you have several choices:
- leaving the original at it's place and fitting a
second one anywhere at the frame
- two new or used ones at an individual place
(e.g. with a mounting plate in place of the old
ignition coil)
The conductor cross-section of the ground wire should amount to 1,5-2,5 mm2 and schould be kept as short as possible.
The conductor cross-section of the other cables should not be below 0,75 mm2.
Always use end splices!
Connection allocation of the system plug
ignition coil for left-hand cylinder
ground (ensure good contact to the frame!)
brown, ground (Pickup)
green, barrier P2 (l.h. cylinder) (Pickup)
yellow, barrier P1 (r.h. cylinder) (Pickup)
white, +5V (Pickup)
connector for the electronic rev. counter (if used)
+12V (12V supply voltage from the ignition switch, e.g. ignition coil 15 or +)
ignition coil for right-hand cylinder
Technical minimum
requirements of the ignition
coils (in case of an exchange):
primary resistance:
(measured between the connectors):
3-8 Ohm
secundary resistance:
(measured between high-voltage
output and one of the 2 other
4,5 - 15 kOhm
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Moto Guzzi V7
1. Describtion - 2. Fitting and electrical connection - 3.Adjustment - 4. General
Warning: disconnect the sparking plug caps before
First the left cylinder must be
brought on TDC
(convergence marking B with
arrow A on the wheel).
Check the TDC by watching
the left piston through the
spark hole. Now turn the light
disk exactly into the position
as shown in the picture. The
position is correct when the
LED (yellow circle) toggles.
Ensure that the light disk is in
the centre of the light-barrier!
Now tighten the grub screws
evenly and replace the
sparking plugs and caps. The bike is ready to start.
Finally, check the ignition timing with a strobe and if necessary, correct
the position of the light disk. It is recommended to mark the light disk and
PCB, owing to the slightest movement or rotation of the light disc having
a significant impact on the ignition timing.
The switches can be found at the front of the ignition box:
switch adjustment
rotary switch
(curve selectionl)
overspeed protection at 7900 rpm
curves 1-5
curves 1-2, double ignition
(switch down)
or at 9800 rpm (switch up)
rev. counter frequency
no function, test mode
(switch up >> fout =crankshaft
switch down >> fout=camshaft )
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Moto Guzzi V7
1. Describtion - 2. Fitting and electrical connection - 3. Adjustments - 5. General
Only use radioshielding caps for the spark plugs!
(recommended NGK caps with 5kOhm internal resistance)
At some stroboscope lamps the ignition point suddenly oscillates around 4-6°. In this case the lamp once
reacts to the ignition spark starting, another time to the burning end of the spark. If possible readjust the
sensitivity of the lamp.
Another possibility is to put an 0,1uF/400V-capacitor provisionally during the adjustment over the connections
of the respective ignition coil.
In the case of the engine not starting, backfiring or the starting procedure is suddenly strangled, the external
ignition coils are reversed. If so, swap the ignition cables which lead to the sparking plugs or reconnect the
external ignition coils.
Volker Sachse
Electronic development and manufacturing
Lerchenweg 12
32312 Luebbecke
Tel. 0049 5741/61188
Mobil: 0049 160/9414 2224
[email protected]
Anbauanleitung digitale Zündung ZDG3 (Moto Guzzi V7)
1. Beschreibung - 2. Montage und elektrischer Anschluss - 3. Einstellung - 5. Allgemeines
Nur entstörte Kerzenstecker verwenden!
Nicht entstörte Stecker verursachen heftige Störstrahlung, die die Elektronik empfindlich stören.
Sehr gut sind NGK-Stecker mit internem 5kOhm-Widerstand geeignet.
Bei manchen Stroboskoplampen tritt der Effekt auf, dass der Zündzeitpunkt scheinbar schlagartig um 4-6°
hin- und herpendelt. Das liegt daran, dass die Lampe einmal auf das Starten des Zündfunkens und ein
anderes mal auf das Brennende des Funkens reagiert. In diesem Fall die Empfindlichkeit der Lampe (wenn
möglich) nachjustieren.
Eine andere Möglichkeit ist, einen 0,1uF/400V-Kondensator provisorisch für die Dauer der Einstellung über
die Anschlüsse der jeweiligen Zündspule zu schalten.
Sollte der Motor nicht starten, sondern im Gegenteil der Startvorgang schlagartig abgewürgt wird, dann sind
die Zündspulen vertauscht. In diesem Fall die Zündkabel oder die Anschlüsse der Spulen tauschen.
Volker Sachse
Elektrotechnische Entwicklung
& Vertrieb
Lerchenweg 12
D 32312 Luebbecke
Tel. 0049 5741/61188
[email protected]
Digital Ignition ZDG3
Instruction manual digital ignition for Laverda 750
Electrical connection
Volker Sachse • Lerchenweg 12 • D32312 Lübbecke • 0049 5741/61188 • [email protected]
[german version]
Digital Ignition ZDG3
Instruction manual digital ignition for Laverda 750
Electrical connection
Volker Sachse • Lerchenweg 12 • D32312 Lübbecke • 0049 5741/61188 • [email protected]
[german version]
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Laverda 750
1. Description - 2. Fitting - 3. Electrical connection - 4. Adjustment - 5. General
The digital ignition ZDG3 consists of three components
- Light-barrier printed circuit board
- and corresponding mechanical components
- The ignition box
- possibly double ignition coil (not included)
and replaces the contact breaker sets and the mechanical advance unit.
Function: per revolution of the crankshaft starting from TDC, the momentary peripheral speed is determined
and by this means, the time up to ignition is calculated. Because the peripheral speed varies substantially
during acceleration, this long measurement is selected in order to determine a relatively exact measurement.
The following computation of ignition timing is divided into 4 ranges
1. 0-400 rpm
2. 400-1000 rpm
3. 1000-6200 rpm
4. 6200-10000 rpm
Starting range, ignition always at TDC
Idling range, 2 - or 7° advanced ignition, depending upon curve selection
Partial load range, the spark advance adjustment occurs here.
Maximum load range, constant 32° or 34° advanced ignition, depending
on curve selection.
As opposed to the original ignition system, ignition now takes place at each revolution of the crankshaft, thus
also during the exhaust stroke. This is due to the fact that this ignition system is used also on other
motorcycle types where light-barriers are directly mounted at the crankshaft. That has no influence on the
engine run, also the adjustment becomes simpler thereby.
Ignition box
light disc and tappet
light-barrier printed circuit board
Why measure by means of a light-barrier? Because as opposed to magnetic pickups which merely give
impulses which vary according to RPM therefore demanding a more complicated computation, light-barriers
give a static output signal.
Because Laverda has a synchronous run of both pistons only once a time the sparks must be produced per
revolution for both cylinders at the same time.
If the engine stops, the ignition current will be switched off after 3 sec. to protect the ignition coils.
Five ignition curves are available:
ignition curves
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Laverda 750
1. Description - 2. Fitting - 3. Electrical connection - 4. Adjustment - 5. General
Remove the contact breaker plate and the mechanical advance unit and fit the tappet. Then push the cable
through the supply hole and fasten the printed circuit board as shown on the picture. At last put the light disc
onto the tappet, but do not tight the set-screws yet.
Using the old ignition coils you can mount the ignition box in the tool box.
If a double ignition coil is used, you can mount the ignition box instead of the second ignition coil. In this case
one output of the box will be unconnected.
(On the pictures the old version is shown)
Except for coils from a 2-stroke engine and CDI types,
nearly all types of new or used ignition coils can be used,
which corresponds to the electrical conditions (applies also
to double ignition coils):
Technical minimum requirements of the
ignition coils:
resistance primary coil
(measured between the connectors):
3-8 Ohm
resistance secundary coil
(measured between high-voltage output and one of
the 2 other connectors):
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Laverda 750
1. Describtion - 2. Mounting - 3. Electrical connections - 4. Adjustment - 5. General
Schematic of the electrical connections
Connection allocation of the system plug
ignition coil right cylinder
ground (Make sure of a good contact to the frame!!)
brown, ground (Pickup)
green, light barrier (Pickup)
yellow, light barrier (Pickup)
white, +5V (Pickup)
tachometer output
+12V (Supply voltage from the ignition switch)
ignition coil left cylinder
The conductor cross-section of the
ground wire should amount to 1,52,5 mm2 and schould be kept as
short as possible.
The conductor cross-section of the
other cables should not be below
0,75 mm2.
Always use end splices!
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Laverda 750
1. Description - 2. Fitting - 3. Electrical connection - 4. Adjustment - 5. General
Disconnect the spark plug caps before adjusting!
First, bring the pistons to TDC. (1-marking on the
Now rotate the light disk into the position as shown on
the picture (Which two cutting does not matter). The
position is correct when the LED (yellow circle)
toggles. Ensure that the light disk is in the centre of
the light-barrier!
Now tighten the grub screws evenly and replace the
spark plug caps. The bike is ready to start.
Finally, check the ignition timing with a strobe and if necessary, correct the position of the light disk. It is
recommended to mark the light disk and tappet, owing to the slightest movement or rotation of the light disk
having a significant impact on the ignition timing.
The switches can be found at the front of the ignition box.
switch adjustment
rotary switch
dip switch
(curve selectionl)
curves 1-5
overspeed protection at 7900 rpm
curves 1-2, double ignition
no function, test mode
(switch down)
or at 9800 rpm (switch up)
rev. counter frequency
(switch up >> fout =crankshaft
switch down >> fout=camshaft )
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Laverda 750
1. Description - 2.Fitting - 3. Electrical connection - 4. Adjustment - 5. General
Only use interference-free caps for the spark plugs!
(recommended NGK caps with 5kOhm internal resistance)
At some stroboscope lamps the ignition point suddenly oscillates around 4-6°. In this case the lamp once
reacts to the ignition spark starting, another time to the burning end of the spark. If possible readjust the
sensitivity of the lamp.
Another possibility is to put an 0,1uF/400V-capacitor provisionally during the adjustment over the
connections of the respective ignition coil.
Volker Sachse
Electronic development and manufacturing
Lerchenweg 12
32312 Luebbecke
Tel. 0049 5741/61188
Mobil: 0049 160/9414 2224
[email protected]
Digital Ignition ZDG3
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Moto Morini 350/500
Electrical connection
Volker Sachse • Lerchenweg 12 • D32312 Lübbecke • 0049 5741/61188 • [email protected]
Digital Ignition ZDG3
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Moto Morini 350/500
Electrical connection
Volker Sachse • Lerchenweg 12 • D32312 Lübbecke • 0049 5741/61188 • [email protected]
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Moto Morini 350/500
1. Description - 2. Fitting - 3. Electrical connection - 4. Adjustment - 5. General
The digital ignition ZDG3 consists of three components
- Light-barrier printed circuit board and corresponding mechanical components
- The ignition box
- Ignition coils (not included)
and replaces the original Ducati pickup-coils and ignition boxes.
Function: per revolution of the crankshaft starting from TDC, the momentary peripheral speed is determined
and by this means, the time up to ignition is calculated. Because the peripheral speed varies substantially
during acceleration, this long measurement is selected in order to determine a relatively exact measurement.
The following computation of ignition timing is divided into 4 ranges
1. 0-400 rpm
2. 400-1000 rpm
3. 1000-6200 rpm
4. 6200-10000 rpm
Starting range, ignition always at TDC
Idling range, 2 - or 7° advanced ignition, depending upon curve selection
Partial load range, the spark advance adjustment occurs here.
Maximum load range, constant 32° or 34° advanced ignition, depending
on curve selection.
As opposed to the original ignition system, ignition now takes place at each revolution of the crankshaft, thus
also during the exhaust stroke. This is due to the fact that this ignition system is used also on other
motorcycle types where light-barriers are directly mounted at the crankshaft.
Ignition box
light disc, tappet and light-barrier printed circuit board
Why measure by means of a light-barrier? Because as opposed to magnetic pickups which merely give
impulses which vary according to RPM therefore demanding a more complicated computation, light-barriers
give a static output signal.
Unlike other ignition systems, here each cylinder has a self-sufficient ignition, i.e. two micro-controllers for
two cylinders, thus two light-barriers. This has the advantage that the advanced ignition is precisely
computed for each cylinder.
Thus, this ignition can also be used with one-cylinder models, in that one channel is left unconnected.
If the engine stops, the ignition current will be switched off after 3 sec. to protect the ignition coils.
Five curves can be selected:
ignition curves
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Moto Morini 350/500
1. Description - 2. Fitting - 3. Electrical connection - 4. Adjustment - 5. General
With some machines there has been an advance
difference between front and rear cylinder in
consequence of different compression of both
cylinders and mechanical friction inside the machine.
So a redesign of the pickup has been necessary.
Replace the original pickup parts,
put the driver onto the shaft and
secure it with the original M7 nut.
Then put the pickup-plate together with the light disk
onto the driver. Fasten the plate but not the disk.
Place the ignition box where space is found on the frame, for
example on the left of the battery. Shape a piece of aluminium
or other metal and fix it to the frame using cable ties. The
ignition box can now be mounted on this piece of metal.
Except for coils from a 2-stroke engine and CDI types, nearly
all types of new or used ignition coils can be used. The two
coils must of course be of the same type.
Technical minimum values of the ignition
resistance primary coil
(measured between the connectors):
2.5 - 8 Ohm
resistance secundary coil
(measured between high-voltage output and one of
the 2 other connectors):
4.5 - 15kOhm.
Mounting suggestion: small plates on the original
ignition boxes frame brackets.
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Moto Morini 350/500
1. Description - 2. Fitting - 3. Electrical connection - 4. Adjustment - 5. General
Circuit diagram
The conductor cross-section of the ground wire should amount to 1,5-2,5 mm2 and schould be kept
as short as possible.
The conductor cross-section of the other cables should not be below 0,75 mm2.
Always use end splices!
Connection allocation of the system plug
Ignition coil, rear cylinder
Ground (ensure good contact to the frame!)
brown, Ground (Pickup)
green, light barrier (Pickup)
yellow, light barrier (Pickup)
white, +5V (Pickup)
electronic tachometer output
+12V (Supply voltage from the ignition switch, fusebox - left
Ignition coil, front cylinder
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Moto Morini 350/500
1. Description - 2. Fitting - 3. Electrical connection - 4. Adjustment - 5. General
Warning: diskonnect the sparking plug caps before
First, bring the rear cylinder to TDC. (PMS2-marking on the
alternator flywheel, working stroke).
You can recognize the
working stroke by the
marking on the camshaft.
The marking indicates the
front exhaust stroke, but
rear TDC of a 3 1/2 engine
the rear working stroke is
right beside.
The markings at the 500-engine are different to the 3 1/2 engine.
Now rotate the light disk precisely into
position as shown in the picture. The
position is correct when the LED (yellow
circle) toggles. Ensure that the light disk is in
the centre of the light-barrier!
Now tighten the grub screws evenly and
replace the sparking plug caps. The bike is
ready to start.
Finally, check the ignition timing with a strobe at the
rear cylinder and if necessary, correct the position of
the light disk. It is recommended to mark light disk
and driver, owing to the slightest movement or
rotation of the light disk having a significant impact
on the ignition timing.
Then check the timing of the front cylinder and
correct a possible deviation by shifting the second
The switches can be found at the front of the ignition box.
switch adjustment
rotary switch
dip switch
(curve selectionl)
curves 1-5
overspeed protection at 7900 rpm
curves 1-2, double ignition
no function, test mode
(switch down)
or at 9800 rpm (switch up)
rev. counter frequency
(switch up >> fout =crankshaft
switch down >> fout=camshaft )
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Moto Morini 350/500
1. Description - 2.Fitting - 3. Electrical connection - 4. Adjustment - 5. General
In the case of the engine not starting, backfiring, or kick-start kicking back, the external ignition coils are
reversed. If so, swap the ignition cables which lead to the sparking plugs or reconnect the external ignition
Only use interference-free spark plug caps!
(recommended NGK caps with 5kOhm internal resistance)
At some stroboscope lamps the ignition point suddenly oscillates around 4-6°. In this case the lamp once
reacts to the ignition spark starting, another time to the burning end of the spark. If possible readjust the
sensitivity of the lamp.
Another possibility is to put an 0,1uF/400V-capacitor provisionally during the adjustment over the connections
of the respective ignition coil.
Volker Sachse
Electronic development and manufacturing
Lerchenweg 12
32312 Luebbecke
Tel. 0049 5741/61188
Mobil: 0049 160/9414 2224
[email protected]
Digital Ignition ZDG3
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Benelli Tornado 650
Electrical connection
Volker Sachse • Lerchenweg 12 • D32312 Lübbecke • 0049 5741/61188 • [email protected]
[german version]
Digital Ignition ZDG3
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Benelli Tornado 650
Electrical connection
Volker Sachse • Lerchenweg 12 • D32312 Lübbecke • 0049 5741/61188 • [email protected]
[german version]
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 (Benelli Tornado 650)
1. Desciption - 2. Fitting - 3. Electrical connection - 4.Adjustment - 5. General
The digital ignition ZDG3 consists of following components:
- light-barrier printed circuit board
- corresponding mechanical components
- the ignition box
and replaces the original breaker points plate and centrifugal governor.
Function: per revolution of the crankshaft starting from TDC, the momentary peripheral speed is determined
and by this means, the time up to ignition is calculated. Because the peripheral speed varies substantially
during acceleration, this long measurement is selected in order to determine a relatively exact measurement.
The following computation of ignition timing is divided into 4 ranges:
1. 0-400 rpm
2. 400-1000 rpm
3. 1000-6200 rpm
4. 6200-10000 rpm
Starting range, ignition always at TDC
Idling range, 2° or 7° advanced ignition
Partial load range, the spark advance adjustment occurs here
maximum load range, constant 32° or 34° advanced ignition, depending
on curve selection
As opposed to the original ignition system, ignition now takes place at each revolution of the crankshaft, thus
also during the exhaust stroke. That is because of the fact that this ignition system is used also in other
motorcycle types, where the light barriers are directly mounted at the crankshaft. That has however no
influence on the engine run, thereby the adjustment becomes easier.
ignition box
light disc and tappet
light-barrier printed circuit board
Why measure by means of a light-barrier? Because as opposed to magnetic pickups which merely give
impulses which vary according to RPM and therefore demand a more complicated computation, light-barriers
on the give a static output signal.
Because at the Benelli both pistons are going up and down at the same time both sparks for both cylinders
must be produced at the same time per revolution.
If the engine stops, the ignition current will be switched off after 3 sec. to protect the ignition coils.
Five ignition curves are available:
ignition curves
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 (Benelli Tornado 650)
1. Description - 2.Fitting - 3. Electrical connection - 4. Adjustment - 5. General
Remove the original breaker points plate and the centrifugal governor, push the driver onto the axle and tighten the
two set-screws. Then push the connection cable of the PCB through the original rubber plug and further through the
admission channel. Finally push the light disk onto the driver, but don't tighten the set-screws yet.
The fixing of the ignition box takes place e.g. at the
middle square profile of the frame by velcro fastener.
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 (Benelli Tornado 650)
1. Describtion - 2. Fitting - 3. Electrical Connections - 4. Adjustments - 5. General
Schematic of the electrical connections
The two cables, which are connected to the points, can
be attached directly to the system plug (term 2 and 3,
see below). The sequence right/left does not have to be
considered. The supply voltage can be taken from the
fuse holder:
The conductor cross-section of the ground wire
should amount to 1,5-2,5 mm2 and schould be kept
as short as possible.
The conductor cross-section of the other cables should
not be below 0,75 mm2.
1st connecting terminal from the right side
(seen in driving direction)
Always use end splices!
Connection allocation of the system plug
ignition coil right cylinder
ground (Make sure of a good contact to the frame!!)
brown, ground (Pickup)
green, light barrier (Pickup)
3-8 Ohm
yellow, light barrier (Pickup)
secundary resistance:
white, +5V (Pickup)
tachometer output
+12V (Supply voltage from the ignition switch)
ignition coil left cylinder
Technical minimum
requirements of the ignition
coils (in case of an exchange):
primary resistance:
(measured between the connectors):
(measured between high-voltage
output and one of the 2 other
4,5 - 15 kOhm
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 (Benelli Tornado 650)
1. Describtion - 2. Fitting - 3. Electrical connections - 4. Adjustments - 5. General
Attention! Remove the sparking plug cap before
adjusting the light disc!
First both cylinders must be brought on TDC, at the Benelli a problem, because there is no marking at all.
Best you can do is to find the TDC with a special tool (just as, although more inaccurately, also a soft staff
(felt-tip pen) is possible) through the spark hole.
You can move the crankshaft with a 6mm allen key at the central generator screw. For turning more easily
unscrew the parking plugs .
Now rotate the light disk precisely into position as
shown in the picture. The position is correct when the
LED (yellow circle) toggles. Now tighten the grub
screws evenly and replace the sparking plugs and
caps. The bike is ready to start.
Finally, check the ignition timing with a strobe and if
necessary, correct the position of the light disk.
The switches can be found at the front of the ignition box:
switch adjustment
rotary switch
dip switch
(curve selectionl)
curves 1-5
curves 1-2, double ignition
overspeed protection at 7900 rpm
(switch down)
or at 9800 rpm (switch up)
rev. counter frequency
no function, test mode
(switch up >> fout =crankshaft
switch down >> fout=camshaft )
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 (Benelli Tornado 650)
1. Beschreibung - 2. Montage - 3. Elektrischer Anschluss - 4. Einstellung - 5. Allgemeines
Only use interference-free caps for the spark plugs!
(recommended NGK caps with 5kOhm internal resistance)
At some stroboscope lamps the ignition point suddenly oscillates around 4-6°. In this case the lamp once
reacts to the ignition spark starting, another time to the burning end of the spark. If possible readjust the
sensitivity of the lamp.
Another possibility is to put an 0,1uF/400V-capacitor provisionally during the adjustment over the connections
of the respective ignition coil.
If the engine should not start with slowly turning starter, probably the battery voltage falls under the minimum
supply voltage of the ignition (approx. 7V). In this case charge the battery or check the bonding battery/
Volker Sachse
Electronic development and manufacturing
Lerchenweg 12
32312 Luebbecke
Tel. 0049 5741/61188
Mobil: 0049 160/9414 2224
[email protected]
Digital Ignition ZDG3
Instruction manual digital ignition for HONDA CB350-750
Electrical connection
Volker Sachse • Lerchenweg 12 • D32312 Lübbecke • 0049 5741/61188 • [email protected]
Digital Ignition ZDG3
Instruction manual digital ignition for HONDA CB350-750
Electrical connection
Volker Sachse • Lerchenweg 12 • D32312 Lübbecke • 0049 5741/61188 • [email protected]
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Honda CB350-750
1. Description - 2. Fitting - 3. Electrical connection - 4. Adjustment - 5. General
The digital ignition ZDG3 consists of three components
- Light-barrier printed circuit board
- and corresponding mechanical components
- The ignition box
- possibly double ignition coil (not included)
and replaces the contact breaker sets and the mechanical advance unit.
Function: per revolution of the crankshaft starting from TDC, the momentary peripheral speed is determined
and by this means, the time up to ignition is calculated. Because the peripheral speed varies substantially
during acceleration, this long measurement is selected in order to determine a relatively exact measurement.
The following computation of ignition timing is divided into 4 ranges
1. 0-400 rpm
2. 400-1000 rpm
3. 1000-6200 rpm
4. 6200-10000 rpm
ignition box
Starting range, ignition always at TDC
Idling range, 2 - or 7° advanced ignition, depending upon curve selection
Partial load range, the spark advance adjustment occurs here.
Maximum load range, constant 32° or 34° advanced ignition, depending
on curve selection.
pick-up PCB (printed circuit board) and disk
Why measure by means of a light-barrier? Because as opposed to magnetic pickups which merely give
impulses which vary according to RPM therefore demanding a more complicated computation, light-barriers
give a static output signal.
Unlike other ignition systems, here each pair of cylinders has a self-sufficient ignition, i.e. two microcontrollers for two pairs of cylinders, thus two light-barriers. This has the advantage that the advanced
ignition is precisely computed for each pair of cylinders.
Thus, this ignition can also be used with one-cylinder models, by leaving one channel unconnected.
If the engine stops, the ignition current will be switched off after 3 sec. to protect the ignition coils.
Five ignition curves are available:
ignition curves
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Honda CB350-750
1. Describtion - 2. Fitting - 3. Electrical connection - 4. Adjustment - 5. General
First remove contact plate and centrifugal governors. Remove
springs and cam ring from the gonernor and push it again onto the
crankshaft axle.
Next push the disk and the printed circuit board carefully together
onto the governor-axle.
(An individual assembly is
not possible, because the
disk cannot be inserted
Finally, fit the pickup PCB (printed circuit board) by three M5
screws. Ensure that the light disc is midway between the lightbarrier. At last tighten the central hexagonal element with the
M6-nut. The set-screws in the lens for later adjustment do not
tighten yet.
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Honda CB350-750
1. Describtion - 2. Fitting - 3. Electrical Connection - 4. Adjustment - 5. General
Ignition circuit diagram
Connection allocation of the system plug
ignition coil cylinder 2+3
ground (ensure good contact to the frame!)
ground (Pickup)
green, 'right' light barrier P2 (cyl. 2+3) (Pickup)
yellow,'left' light barrier P1 (cyl. 1+4)(Pickup)
white, +5V (Pickup)
tachometer output (for electronic rev counter)
+12V (12V supply voltage from the ignition switch, e.g. ignition coil 15 or +)
ignition coil c ylinder 1+4
The conductor cross-section
of the ground wire should
amount to 1,5-2,5 mm2 and
schould be kept as short as
The conductor cross-section of
the other cables should not be
below 0,75 mm2.
Always use end
Fitting instructions for digital ignition ZDG3 for Honda CB350-750
1. Describtion - 2. Fitting - 3. Electrical Connection - 4. Adjustment - 5. General
Attention! Remove the sparking plug cap before
adjusting the light disc!
First bring the outside pistons in TDC (TI F1-marking on the
governor). Now rotate the light disk precisely into position as
shown in the picture. The position is correct when the LED (yellow
circle) toggles. Now tighten the grub screws evenly and replace
the spark plug caps. The bike is ready to start.
Finally, check the ignition timing with a strobe and if necessary,
correct the position of the light disk. Keep the strobe not direct on
the hole, but so far above that the marking can be seen still good.
Otherwise the light barriers are influenced by lightning of the
The switches can be found at the front of the ignition box:
switch adjustment
rotary switch
dip switch
(curve selectionl)
curves 1-5
curves 1-2, double ignition
(only BMW, Guzzi)
overspeed protection at 7900 rpm
(switch down)
or at 9800 rpm (switch up)
rev. counter frequency
no function, test mode
(switch up >> fout =crankshaft
switch down >> fout=camshaft )
Anbauanleitung digitale Zündung ZDG3 (Honda CB350-750)
1. Describtion - 2. Fitting - 3. Electrical connection - 4. Adjustment - 5. General
In case of the engine not starting, backfiring or stalling, the ignition coils are mixed up. If so reconnect the
ignition coils.
The ignition box (here still the 2nd-Version) can
be fitted e.g. in the tool box under the seat.
Only use interference-free spark plugs!
(recommended NGK caps with 5kOhm internal resistance)
At some stroboscope lamps the ignition point suddenly oscillates around 4-6°. In this case the lamp once
reacts to the ignition spark starting, another time to the burning end of the spark. If possible readjust the
sensitivity of the lamp.
Another possibility is to put an 0,1uF/400V-capacitor provisionally during the adjustment over the connections
of the respective ignition coil.
Volker Sachse
Elektrotechnische Entwicklung
& Vertrieb
Lerchenweg 12
D 32312 Luebbecke
Tel. 0049 5741/61188
Mobil: 0049 160/9414 2224
[email protected]
Digital Ignition ZDG3
Instruction manual digital ignition for BMW
Electrical connection
Volker Sachse • Lerchenweg 12 • D32312 Lübbecke • 0049 5741/61188 • [email protected]