Svstem Control
Svstem Control
SuggestedRetailPrices for the UnitedStates only EflectiveFebruary1 '1999 Suggested Fetail prccessing prcamp. DolbyPro-Logic, THX,LOGIC 7,andMusic compuiBr l]villlbulll.inD/Aconvedef, andviileosw,the. $2,4S5.0C DohyDigilal,DobyPro.Logic,THX,LOG|CT,andrvlusicprccessngcompulerl1ihbullllnD/Arenveder,preanp $3,435.0C HomeTheaterProducts Dc-2THX DC-2dls dls,DolbyDighlDobyPro-Logic,THX,LoGIC7,andMuscprccessngcompulerwillrbul-nD/Aconvenet,ptean $3,9Str00 MC-l pocessing cnnputet withbuittiaD/ANn\etlet,prcMp nt, drs,DolbyDgh , DobyPro{ogic,THX,LoGC7,and^.lusic klenal dtskh kil ideo swltchet. lhdudes LDD.1 Laser Disc Ao.3RF demod ularor. conveds Ac'3/F Fsgnals looolby Digh birsl€am sandauro'swirches berve€n Ac' 3/BF anddoilainoLls. dtsFanKil latapuaticn inanbienttenperctues upta35de7rces Clg5degftesF). lt TneDC-1dls,andDC2drsae designed k eniMnentswthpaatve.ihtian,werccnnnend nstallalian ol kis la, killa lutuetventlalelhedls hevaE opented $60.00 DC.liDC-2 FMK MC,lNMK LDOI RMK hatdwate) DCr or DC.2BactMounlKi (ric/udesnounthg l\,1orBackMounl Kt ( ncudes mounling iadwa€) $35.0[ $35.0( 935.0[ $s,9s5.0( $699.0{ Mounl Kil(lncludes mounting ialdMl€l LDDIFacK DOI Base> AG3Kit DC-lBase> dtsKh DCt THX> AC.3Kir DC-lTHX> dt6Kit oc"f AC"3 > dt6Kit' oCl AC3v.3Xit 0C-2THX> dts Kil > dtsrct' DG2AC-3 carvons Dc.2Ac3taDc2dts 0c-2THX>AC-3Kit s2.000.0c $.000.0( 91.500.0c $600.0( stm.0t $300.0( $'1,000.0( 3sottuare upgrsd€s Dc-lAcnb vo|sion andrcnobmnfo, ljpgnd$ 0C-1dls io vEl6ion3 solflete ahdenatEcontol. 0C"2 THX lo 0C-2AC-3 Convod3 ConvsdsDG2THXlo DC.2diE DC"1 dtsv.3 Kit . s1.500.0t ACn,rtn{.3solwae a.dGroleclntol Conv€ns DCnBas€ roDC.1 conv€r'ts Dcr Easelo Dc.] dlswihv.3sollware ande'noleconlrcl. andrcnotecanta| Conv€ds DCr TNXfoDCr AC'3witt v.3satwarc convens Dn1 fHx toDc1 dEnth v,3solMa€andEnatecantol, andrcnatecontol. ConveftDO1AO3toDG1dtswlhv.3soltwaE sl500.rx $500.00 SvstemControl )ogrammable /0{XBundle lR$€ten ftnote@ntotEtsik enkan&dgaphics.Bequtes LetiDnw3 totptogaNrhg buci.scre?n r00l.BFandTCM-3 rcM.3 BFad lF rcceivertor700r. lncludes hdusrystandad hald-Mr€ lEauFutandinglt,2NwerscnsatinpuE, andSbult+t 701'HR '' Producl you'iis€'ler'.l pdchg €qu"s prograrrng Conbcl NT SeriesTHXPowerAmplifiers 212-17 26lbs IHXPoi{erAridiner'TN,o d'annels ol 120(zu)$'atshlo 8(4)ohmsor400satb monoinro8 ohmE- shipping $1,695 ,12'17 - Tn@cnamels rHXPower AtrDliner ol 120(200) lvaisinlo8{4)ohmsoronechannal ol400l]valls iio I ohmssndo'redame or I20l2o0) satb inro8(4)ohms- $iDDino 38bs rHXPower Anpliier- Fiverio! ularchannels oi 120(200) sals hlo 8(4)ohns' shbping 65lbs lr?ns mx Pow$tunpliierTvlochann€ls ol 250(.40q ido8(4)ohnsor800wansmonoinlD8 ohns- shbping 45lbs e,{95 is,n5 512-17 225.17 3 OakPark.Bedford.MA 01730-1441 . Phone:(781)280'0300 . s2195 Fax: (781)280-0490 . www.l€ ll A Haman IntemationalConpany |501-17 ' Onecllanneloi A$pLiier s00(800) {,allsmono inb8(4)ohns- shipping 49lbs ITHXPower I GustomShopfor Guitar tllPxt MPX.G2 MPXR1 Signature 284 s8210 s2,39sl Suggested Retail SieeoMulti-Efects Processor. FulslrengdFevebalhelmewih!plo5elieclsaton@ Reve,b, Ptchsnift Delay, Choius, EQ $1,299 200Dfoorams andModuialion. XLFand1/.,balanced anaoo/0 SPDFdiotall/0. orocessor p€.gaineffedsanddiqilalposlgaineffecls.FullstrenqhReveiD Sl€eoMulli'Eij! iorGuiiar.Analog a drer mewfi up $1,499 atoi Reveb,Inlel|iqeil Pitchshih,oelav, EQ Modulaion andmole250p.oorams. to6 efieds Chorus, wlhconlinuouscontol€rpedalforMPXi,MPXG2andolherMlDlconlrcllabhdevices. 4.slalerclaylorampiier $500 MIDPedalBoard cnann€ swdching. Tour-g€de @nslructon Two-waycommun€uonswlh MPX1(rcqunes MPX1$flwa€1.1orhighe4 andMPX l$s AalllubeSlereo GuilarBecording Amplilier andGua Direct Box.]lree watlsperchanne . Spil Baflle dLrar0c osed baclsrereo spealercabinel. $1,099 $499 PerformanceSeriesDigitalSignalProcessors MPXt00 MPX.l MPX81 - Sl€rco,14.1kHz proc€ssof,240 Pmc€ssor muili€fi8cls PrcgEmsincuding Anbence, Pllch DualChann€ 5hflingand5 7 second $299 Deay,20bilA,06 D/A.wilhS/PDFdiglarolhul. P.ocessor Fullstrengb Fevedalltlelimeslh Feved, Pilchshin, Sl€re!MulliEfiecls uplo5elleclsal!ncB. Dehy, Chorus, EO $1,299 2ooprolEms. XLFand1/4'ba anced i/0. SPDIF andModulafan. analoq dqila/0. M D I P € d a B o a d w i l h c o n l i n u o u s c o n t o l l e r p e d a l o r M P X l , M P X G 2 a n d o l h e r [ , ! D c o n l r o l h b e d e v i c $500 as.4-slalerelaytor swltching. Iou.gEd€constucton. lwo.way wilhMPX1(requircsIVPX 1 sonware 1.10fhighed channel communicalions andMPX StudioSeriesDigitalSignalProcessors PCM-81 ,r/ Baan!€dAnalog/0, AES/EBU Prccessor DigihlEfsctSyslsm.SlersoDgllalEfiects andS/PDr Dgila l/O PitchFXandVoca qnamicPaLhn9,andPCMCIA 300pesels. 20Seconds neliory. DyiancMlD@, Cad9lor. FlxAlgoihriCadslBsidenl. delay PCM-91 Analog /0, AES/EBU andS/PD FDigila/0. ouaRvbAkortln] DigilalEevet. Sler€o Digk nevsoProcesslr d Baanced Card $2,995 residenl. 4s0orEs€ts. Dvnamlc MID@. Dnamic Prlchino andPCMCIACad Slot. PCCardloflhePCM.S]/S0.Anadditona25combf,alionlevedandslleclsagodhms.250prcsels.DynamicFXord€ring $24r modules. conlnuouslv vaiablelromseialhrcuohoalallelIn@o€ndenl rcvet and€fiecisDrccesslno - foalure PCCardlorhe PC]V 8l/80.100PoslPrcducion andSound Desion oEsslslron S.ol1Maiii Gershin UlrTr s.und€ttecls $199 DualFXCard PostFXCard MusicFXCard PCftr! PitchFXCard lorhe PCI\4.8j /80.100l\,lusic Pedornanca andPrcduclion Dressls fom 'HiredGunlGvboafd sf DavidBosenhal. pilchsh PCCardlorhe PCM€o. 5 Pibnshifl ahon.hms. 3{cla!€ rang€.Ult?.high.qualily fl. Slsloo,DualShinand4.voc. plLh g vocals, pr6s€ls. Pilch'Co'r€cl loraub.tunin MLDIcontol.10 speciay dasign€d VocalFixCard PCCardlorhe PCM.80. 10algoihrs ro'splilslercoat cascade Gverbs.Spsoalrarr{Lround a gorf m. 200prcsers. DualRvbCa.d PCCadlo,t'e PCM.90. M300 M300v3 DigilalEjlecbSysleri(Slereo Processor $, AES/EB!Digital [0, S/PDIF DigilalUO.Tmecode TrggeEbe ProganChanges and $2,995 $199 $249 $24S $24S $4,995 $200 DesktopSeriesComputerAudioProducts Suggested Retail LexiVerb T0[,1plug-in iorP.oloolsPCIsysEms. Lexivelotu fealu€s4 Bvedralgodhms andi 00prcse1s LDIl2T LDIlOT l/0inleriacelocore32witra6esrosrereobalanced20biuvD,0lAstercosPotFdtoiht/0.SchannetsADATloslink.sMprE $499 Timecode inleriace, RS422.WodClockin l/Oiil€dacetoCore321X.24bilA/D,D/A,, 8 cnani€s o' balanced giEt ana09t/O,+4,t 0 evets, SteEoSpDtFd i/0, S[,tpTE $7S9 PC90 LX3 System 12P PC buscadtu Pc andMaccomputels. over.hetop.lus Prcvides capabitity. 32.rcie24-biraudiot/OiorWaveandASo A;ptian pfogramslrcm SleinbeQ. Opmde. Emaa c and'nany othe6 p ug-in Dua-Sb€oLexi{hip hardwaE re!€dpmcessorior pre,*ls.and6 ago tlms Co€32!V1oo /0 Expander iorCore 32orCoe321X.A owsuplo3 LDlloTstobeconnecled tooneCote 32sertes card. coBE32,PC90andLDl12T bundle torPCcomputsE '-acoRE32 $699 $1,799 $39S StudioSeriesAdvancedProducts MSOOL prcg€nrChanges (ScEoPrccessorAEs€BUoigilall/O S/PD|F DigilalEfeclsSysteni Digirat t/0. Timecode TiggeEbte and $,99q (€eclicalkidenrical 3001RemoleConrrcr ro4801224X1 LABC) LARC3 Vercon 3.sSoffwarcand LARC ConlrolupgEde lol 300. 1s0 ProgEms incuding Cas€des, DuatMonoaid M3001V3.51 Singe.Beveib, Etreds $1,500 $250 ol3001,480L and224X1 LR4FrameLinkAllowsoneLAnClooonlrcuph lou.manfames. anycombinadon LARC ( ncLd$ V4.0sofllva€) Dlgital Efiecrs Sysr€nr M48014 s1,500 ClmDrcssion and[,las1€dna. Includes adaoter cabe andDower suoo]v M480LS $525 $9,899 DlgilalEfiecls Sy$6ni(singe mach neve.sonol.480L) $7,200 lvachine UpgEds 48015to4801) M480-HSP 1801S {conv€ds Class c 224 Sounds Cadfidg€ 224X1Conc€d Hai, RidlPtat€, 6.voiceChorus andEcho€s, 1/3Ocrave lvuti.Band 0eai€) M4801CC {lncludes V4.0(lncludes ovoryhing inProglam Packandnervalgorithms: tufte TimsLtt,PoNSAdiust, Freq.Dlaram M48OL cs,Frcq. SFT4 SoltwaG Dstassion, U[la Sna]lSpace!Te$Belecnce&nk,Custom Conlig uration, Binaulat Stmutslor,NewRandon Hatl,MtD SysEx ano M48OL NVM M48OL AES 4801NoftVolalil€ Msmory Caiddga Wth64€01Maintiafie.) {On6NVMCatidgeis nctuded AEsEBUionnal Digllall/OCadbyLen{ech.Requir€s modirrcaI'on ololder4Soiohrssis. Factotctdiilsavritable, contacl :ustomer s€Nic€ lormoGinlbmalon. s2.700 $699 $699 998 $l,995 Visit our websitewvrw.lexicon.comfor more information and prcduct specs 3 Oak Park,Bedford.MA 01730-1441 . Phone: 1) 280-0300 . Fax (781 280-04S0 . ll A HarmanlntemalionalCompany
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