February 28, 2016 - St. Augustine Catholic Church and Student Center
February 28, 2016 - St. Augustine Catholic Church and Student Center
1738 W. University Ave, Gainesville, FL 32603-1839 WEEK OF February 28, 2016 catholicgators.org | (352) 372-3533 | Fax (352) 378-9010 Parish Office Hours : M-F 10am-5pm Home of the The third Sunday of lent MASS TIMES Sunday 9:00am Family Mass 11:30am 1:30pm (Spanish) 5:30pm 7:30pm Mon.-Fri. 12:00pm | 5:30pm Saturday 5:30pm Vigil LITURGY OF THE HOURS Vespers: M-F 5:00pm Sun 4:45pm RECONCILIATION: M-F 4:30pm-5:20pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Monday Wednesday Friday 6:00-7:00pm 4:30-5:20pm 8:15-9:15am FIRST FRIDAY: 5:30pm Mass of the Sacred Heart and Eucharistic Adoration ROSARY: Monday-Friday 11:25am Welcome New Members: To be a member of our parish requires registration and participation in worship, sacraments, the life of the parish, and regular financial support of the parish. This is a basic consideration when requesting marriage, baptism, or to act as a godparent/sponsor. Register in the front office or on-line. On Sunday February 21, 2016 Pope Francis shared the following powerful words: Dear Brothers and Sisters, The international conference “For a world without the death penalty,” promoted by the Community of Sant’Egidio will take place in Rome tomorrow. I hope this symposium gives a renewed strength to efforts to abolish capital punishment. A sign of hope is the development of a growing opposition to the death penalty in public opinion, even as a social instrument of legitimate defense. Today modern societies have the opportunity to fight crime effectively without permanently removing the chance of redemption from those who have committed crimes. This issue has to be considered within the perspective of a penal justice which is more and more in compliance with human dignity and God’s plan for humanity and society. The commandment “You shall not kill,” has absolute value and applies to both the innocent and the guilty. The special Jubilee of Mercy is a propitious occasion to promote, throughout the world, ever more mature forms of respect for life and the dignity of every person. Even a criminal maintains an inviolable right to life, which is a gift of God. I appeal to the consciences of those who govern to reach an international consensus to abolish the death penalty. And I propose, to those among them who are Catholic, to make a courageous and exemplary gesture by seeking a moratorium on executions during this Holy Year of Mercy. All Christians and people of good will are called today to work not only for the abolition of the death penalty, but also to improve the conditions of life in prison, in respect of human dignity of persons deprived of liberty.” Excerpt from the Catholic Mobilizing Network (catholicsmobilizing.org) on Sunday, February 21, 2016. Mass Intentions AND SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF february 28, 2016 The Tabernacle Candle is being sponsored this week is in thanksgiving by Emma Labrador. Sunday, February 28 – Third Sunday of Lent 9:00am Children’s Liturgy of the Word 9:15am Women’s Book Group 10:15am Religious Education classes 2:30pm Cafecito 3:00pm Spanish RCIA 5:30pm RCIA 6:30pm St. John Paul II High School Ministry meeting The deceased are indicated by a cross in front of their names. Masses said for the living are for their special intentions. Sunday, February 28 - The Third Sunday of Lent Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15 | 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12 | Lk 13:1-9 Or, for Year A - Ex 17:3-7 | Rom 5:1-2, 5-8 | Jn 4:5-42 9:00am Daniel Conigliaro by the Staff 11:30am 1:30pm Marisol Chiriboga (for health) by Angela and Hugo Chiriboga 5:30pm For the Parish 7:30pm No Mass! Monday, February 29 - Lenten Weekday 2 Kgs 5:1-15ab | Lk 4:24-30 12:00pm Patrick Mooney by the Ehrman family 5:30pm Tuesday, March 1 - Lenten Weekday Dn 3:25, 34-43 | Mt 18:21-35 12:00pm 5:30pm Wednesday, March 2 - Lenten Weekday Dt 4:1, 5-9 | Mt 5:17-19 12:00pm Souls in purgatory by Freddy Rojas 5:30pm Thursday, March 3 - St. Katherine Drexel, Virgin Jer 7:23-28 | Lk 11:14-23 12:00pm 5:30pm Friday, March 4 - St. Casimir Hos 14:2-10 | Mk 12:28-34 12:00pm For Vocations 5:30pm No Mass! Saturday, March 5 – Lenten Weekday Hos 6:1-6 | Lk 18:9-14 5:30pm Monday, 7:30am 12:00pm 5:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm St. Augustine Church The Catholic Student Center Father Marek Dzien Parochial Vicar Father Anthony Eseke Seminarian Wilson Colmenares Administrative Assistant to the Pastor Gail Fitzsimmons RCIA & Young Adult Ministry Coordinator Sabrina Sy Liturgy & Music Director Doug Ghizzoni Religious Education Coordinator Anne Vieira Hispanic RCIA Coordinator Sr. Teresa Gomez, hmss Facilities & Operations Manager Mary T. Wise Bookkeeper Sara Geiser Parish Secretary, Bulletin Editor Julie Schilling Housekeeping Rosa Nakamatsu Director of the Catholic Student Center Father David Ruchinski February 29 – Spring Break Week! Men’s Book Group Noon Daily Mass 5:30pm Daily Mass Sacramental prep class Hispanic Charismatic Prayer Tuesday, March 1 12:00pm Noon Daily Mass 5:30pm 5:30pm Daily Mass Wednesday, March 2 12:00pm Noon Daily Mass 12:45pm Sacred Heart Devotion 4:30pm Confession and Exposition 5:30pm 5:30pm Daily Mass 6:15pm Adult Confirmation class 7:00pm Via Crucis 7:00pm Choir rehearsal 7:00pm Cursillo Thursday, March 3 12:00pm Noon Daily Mass 5:30pm 5:30pm Daily Mass 6:00pm Upper Room 7:00pm Spanish Bible Study 7:30pm Spanish Choir rehearsal Friday, March 4 8:15am Exposition and Holy Hour 12:00pm Noon Daily Mass 5:30pm NO 5:30pm Daily Mass 6:15pm Stations of the Cross 7:00pm Soup and Bread Supper Clergy & Staff Members Pastor Parish CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK Saturday, March 5 10:00am Baptism prep class 5:30pm Vigil Mass RCIA Contact Sabrina Sy at [email protected] SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Call the office for information on First Reconciliation/First Communion, High School Confirmation, & Adult Confirmation preparation. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Couples should meet with a priest at least eight (8) months prior to the wedding. We follow the requirements of the Diocese of St. Augustine in our marriage preparation program. Contact Gail Fitzsimmons at Ext. 113 or [email protected] Campus Ministers SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Ashley D’Emo | Sandra DeTeresa Baptism Preparation is required and both parents should attend our monthly preparation class and coordinate with the parish secretary. Please call the parish office to arrange for Baptism and preparation, preferably before the baby’s birth. Daniel Conigliaro, Campus Ministry Assistant FOCUS Missionaries (Fellowship of Catholic University Students} Katelyn Miller | Ariadna Ruiz | Nolan Schmidt | Joseph West 2 WEEK OF February 28, 2016 Around the parish From the liturgy team Knight’s Corner LENT SERIES: THE GRACES HE GIVES In the time of Lent, we are particularly called to recognize our need for repentance from bad habits and vices, and to daily conversion towards the heart of Christ. Evident in this weekend’s readings is the message of change towards God; but also clear is the way in which God calls us to Himself. With the patience of a Father, God makes clear to Moses that He will provide what Moses needs in order to do what is asked of him, even if the task seems daunting or impossible. Likewise in the Gospel, Jesus does not simply lay out the Truth of the people’s need for repentance, but instead shows through the parable of the fig tree that when one fails at doing what is asked, in His mercy and love, Jesus will spare no effort in providing for us. It is simply up to us to respond. The Knights of Columbus Council 13900 (Pope John Paul II at St. Augustine Catholic Church) thank all of you who participated in our Ash Wednesday Fish Fry. The proceeds for the events we host are gifted to our church, our student missions, and to charitable organizations throughout the Gainesville Community. Want to Join the Knights? Yes, St. A’s Parish has its own Knight of Columbus Council and you can become a member if you are a practicing Catholic male over 18 years old. Please contact our Grand Knight, Bradley Nartowt , at [email protected]. For whatever God asks of us, He provides the graces to accomplish the task. In Lent we are called to repentance and conversion, but in His love and mercy we are not asked to walk this path alone. Rather, Christ came to us that we may never have to walk the path of eternity alone. With diligence the gardener ensures that we have every opportunity and every grace necessary to remain in the Masters orchard, but it is up to us to respond and accept these graces. St. A’s + Burkina Faso WE’LL PACKAGE 10,000 MEALS, APRIL 9 Helping Hands, a program sponsored by Catholic Relief Services and Stop Hunger Now, aims not only to ease suffering by providing food to the people of Burkina Faso but also to teach them to support themselves for the long term. On April 9 our parish will participate in this exciting program. You can help in any of three ways: Lourdes Furnells Please follow the Liturgy Team on Facebook at facebook.com/StALitMin 1. 2. 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE HAS ARRIVED! 3. Join Fr. Michael Gaitley and the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception in saving the world - we need your help to share this consecration to Divine Mercy with everyone you know. A world-wide Divine Mercy Consecration begins on March 1, 2016 with a consecration on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 3, 2016. Follow the Consecration live on EWTN. Volunteer to package the food from 10 a.m. until noon on Saturday, April 9, in the church lounge, Donate funds to pay for the food and development programs, such as teaching innovative farming methods, cloth making, and poultry raising, Join our support team to set up and clean up for the April 9 event (8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.). Contact Bill or Maureen at [email protected] or 3784946 to set up and clean up. To register or donate go to: crs.donordrive.com/ event/staug. You can also donate by dropping a check off at the office or in the collection during Mass, payable to the parish and with “Helping Hands” in the memo line at the bottom of the check. See helpinghands.crs.org for more information on this event. To order your book use this special link: http://www.marian.org/merciful/?em=mmdm or call 1.800.462.7426 and use promotional code “MMDM.” Bulletin deadlines Bulletin submissions are due by Monday at 12:00 p.m. noon. Please email your requests to [email protected]. 3 Stewardship third Sunday of lent Stewardship Masses on February 20-21, 2016 Second Sunday of Lent Offertory from baskets: $8,602.53 Offertory from Parish Pay: $486.17 E-Giving: $940.00 Poor Box: $107.63 Catholic Student Center (CSC): $562.07 Sanctuary Renovation: $160.00 Specified Donations: $200.00 Catholic Schools: Graphic courtesy of: sacredhearteureka.org $5.00 STEWARDSHIP SPOTLIGHT - THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT On this third Sunday of Lent, the three readings all call us to action and tell us what happens if we fail to heed the call. In the first reading Moses is called by God to lead the Israelites out of slavery from the Egyptians. As we know, Moses did what God told him to do, and the rest is history. In the second reading Paul continues the story in retrospect telling how the Israelites wandered and died in the desert because they did not stay faithful to the God who saved them. Those who were unfaithful failed to reach their final home - the Promised Land. Paul says that their plight is an example to Christians, not that we are looking for a physical Promised Land, but a Promised Land in Heaven. Are we paying attention? The gospel reading speaks to me at two levels. Regarding the relationship with the first two readings, Jesus is saying that people who don't heed God's call to action are destined for bad things. Perhaps not necessarily in this life, I suppose, because he points out that misfortune that happened to people in his time was not the result of their bad deeds. The example that he gives is the parable of the fig tree. It failed to yield fruit and so was being considered for destruction. The bright side of that parable is that the gardener is lobbying the owner for more time to let the fig tree bear fruit. Are we yielding fruit in the Kingdom of God? Are we putting off doing God's will in our lives hoping that we will have more time later? The second way this gospel speaks to me is related to the so-called prosperity gospel, in which some people claim that God wills for us to have abundant life in the form of material prosperity. The corollary to this is that people who are suffering must not be good. There are hundreds of millions of good Christians in this world who live in poverty, through no fault of their own other than circumstance. They are not being punished for being evil. There are also many very rich yet apparently bad people. I believe that material wealth is not a reward for good behavior, but is an obligation to be used in the Kingdom of God. As Jesus said (Lk 12:48), "To those who have been given much, much will be required." For those of us who have been materially fortunate, are we heeding this call? Paul Gulig, Chair of Stewardship Committee 4 Catholic student center, diocese and parish WEEK OF February 28, 2016 HEY ALUMS! From the Office for Vocations Are you a Catholic Gators alumnus or alumna, either visiting or having returned to Gainesville? Welcome back! Thank you for all you did for the Catholic Gators during your time here. Whether it was in a big or small way, your presence made a difference to this community. February 28, 2016 - Third Sunday of Lent Moses heard God’s call from a burning bush. What is your passion, your burning bush? Take time to know what God is sending you to do and be. (Exodus: 3:18, 13-15). If you have a question about a vocation to the priesthood or religious life, contact Father David Ruchinski, Vocation Director, at (904) 262-3200 ext. 101, or email [email protected]. As you may know, our mission at St. Augustine’s is to bring Christ to the community and the community to Christ. We invite you to prayerfully consider joining our Mission and supporting the Church and Catholic Student Center through a financial contribution. Thank you for your generosity! To make a donation, please stop by the office or visit our website: http://www.catholicgators.org/make-a-donation From the Justice and Peace Commission "Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured unto you." - Luke 6:38 “The Christian lives under the interior law of liberty, which is a permanent call to us to turn away from self -sufficiency to confidence in God and from concern for self to a sincere love of neighbor.” - World Synod of Catholic Bishops 1971 , Justice in the World, 33 SPRING ALPHA PHOTO HIGHLIGHTS Renew Your Heart Florida Eucharistic Congress Friday, March 11– Saturday, March 12, 2016 Prime Osborn Convention Center 1000 Water Street, Jacksonville, FL For information visit dosafl.com. 5 Miinisterio hispano third Sunday of lent Equipo de liturgia Cursillo de Cristiandad Cursillo, en espanol quiere decir “curso pequeno” o “corto.” Es de tres días para hombres y mujeres de cualquier edad. Deseas tener un encuentro real con Cristo? Es una experiencia maravillosa. Deseas ser parte de una comunidad Cristiana comenzando desde tu propio hogar? SERIE CUARESMAL: LAS GRACIAS QUE NOS DA Durante la Cuaresma, estamos llamados en particular a reconocer nuestra necesidad de arrepentirnos de nuestras malas costumbres y vicios, y convertirnos al Corazon de Cristo. Es evidente en las lecturas de este fin de semana, es el mensaje de cambiar hacia Dios; pero tambien clarificado es la manera en que Dios nos llama a El mismo. Con la paciencia de un padre, Dios lo hace claro a Moises que El va a darle lo que necesita para hacer lo que le pida, aunque el trabajo suene desmoralizante o imposible. Igualmente en el evangelio, Jesus no simplemente les presenta la Verdad en la necesidad del arrepentimiento, pero tambien ensene con la parabola del arbol de higo que cuando uno falla en haciendo lo que Dios nos pide, en Su misericordia y amor, Jesus no va sin dar de todo en proveer por nosotros. Solamente tenemos que responder. Los cursillo seran en espanol. HOMBRES: Febrero 11 al 14, 2016 #117 MUJERES: Febrero 18 al 21, 2016 #116 No olviden de Reservar en su calendario la fecha del Encuentro Regional que es: Abril 22 y 23 del 2016 y esta Diocesis es la coordinadora de este evento. Y los proximos Cursillos de este ano son: Octubre 13 al 16 Hombres 2016 #119 Octubre 20 al 23 Mujeres 2016 #118 Por cualquier cosa que Dios nos pide, El proveera las gracias para cumplir el trabajo. En la Cuaresma estamos llamados a arrepentirnos y convertirnos, pero en Su amor y misericordia, Dios no nos pide andar solos. En vez de eso, Cristo vino para asegurar que nunca tendríamos que andar el camino de la eternidad solos. Con diligencia el jardinero asegura que tenemos toda la oportunidad y toda la gracia necesaria para quedarnos en el huerto del Maestro, pero nosotros tenemos que ser los que respondemos y aceptemos esas gracias. Para mayor informacion comunicarse con: Awilda Merced (787) 448-7968 o Angela Chiriboga (352) 331-7616. Cantar es Orar Dos Veces Nuestro coro - sigue creciendo y otorgando a la Misa en espanol la musica que mas nos acerca a Dios. Siempre se buscan y desean nuevos miembros. Si quiere unirse al coro, por favor comuníquese con Doug Ghizzoni. El coro ensaya a las 12:30 p.m. cada domingo en la biblioteca de la iglesia. Lourdes Furnells Por favor siga el Equipo Litúrgico por Facebook en facebook.com/StALitMin Cafecito y dulces Se les invita a pasar al salon de la iglesia cada domingo despues de la Misa de la 1:30 p.m. para compartir amistad y cafecito. Vengan y conozcan mejor a sus hermanos en Cristo. Si desean, pueden traer donaciones de galletas o bebidas. Círculo de Oración Carismática El Círculo de Oracion Carismatica en espanol se reune todos los lunes a las 7 p.m. en la iglesia para orar, leer la biblia, y alabar al Senor con canticos. No necesitan inscribirse. Los esperamos. Para mayor informacion, llamen a Wilson Colmenares (561) 2603422. Adoración del Santisimo Adoracion esta ofrecido el tercer jueves de cada mes en la parroquía. 6 WEEK OF February 28, 2016 Catholic Schools and greater Gainesville The 3rd Annual Clint Lacinak Shamrock 5K Walk/Run is scheduled for March 19, 2016. Online registration is now open and sign up early to get the best prices for t-shirts as well registration price. Walk, run or roll through the beautiful Duck Pond neighborhood starting at 9:00 a.m. from St. Patrick Interparish School. 100% of the proceeds benefit the school and lots of food, music and fun along with great prizes make this an event you don't want to miss! Go to our website clintlacinak.org or call 352-562-2824 for more information. the St. Vincent de Paul Society February 28 – Third Sunday of Lent Lent is a call not just to “give up something” but more importantly to “give something for the poor.” Wherever you live in the parish, there are poor families within walking distance of your home. When in need, they ring the rectory bell. They are, in effect, ringing your doorbell. Last month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul assisted families by providing 318 pound of food and helping with utility and rent bills. Thank you! For more information, call Betty Spears at 352-378-3583. The Women's Help Center is holding their 10th annual fundraising Gala for Life on Thursday, April 21st at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. with the dinner and program running from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The keynote speaker is Lila Rose, an internationally-acclaimed speaker and pro-life activist. When Ms. Rose was only 15 years old, she founded Live Action, an organization committed to inspiring the nation to take action to end abortion through news media. Lila and her dedicated team lead undercover investigations into America’s most notorious abortion facilities, shining a light on the greatest human rights abuse of our time through national media campaigns. Live Action runs stealth education programs, targeted at changing hearts and minds about abortion thought, overseeing the largest pro-life social media platform on the web, including over one million Facebook fans and over 58,000 followers on Twitter. Live Action also hosts Live Action News, a widely read pro-life news site. This will be an evening of inspiration AND a call to action. Seats fill quickly for this muchanticipated annual Gala for Life so make your reservations today! For more information and to register for this fundraising event contact Becky Damato at 904-398-5143, email at [email protected] or register on-line at www.whcjax.com. The Gala for Life is a free event (there is an $8 parking fee required) but registration is required. An opportunity to make a financial contribution will be extended. 7
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Abril 22 y 23 del 2016 y esta Diocesis es la coordinadora de este evento.
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