itl ot tue freriDmt ot tur frilimin?t
itl ot tue freriDmt ot tur frilimin?t
file @[itl ot tue freriDmt ot tur frilimin?t MOVIE & TELEVISION REVIEW & CLASSIFICATION BOARD MTRCB Building, No. l8 Timog Avenue, Quezon City Tel. No. (02) 376-7380 Fax No. (02) 376-7379 Email: [email protected] MTRCB Accomplishment Report of Major Final Outputs (MFOB) and other Ptograms and Activitiee of the MTRCB ae of 30June 2016 Ptogtam/Ptoiect/ Activity Developmental Deecription a Activity " Mataliaoag Panonood Pata sa Pamilya at Lipunea nina tuan atJuanau The conduct of "Matalirotrg Panonood Para sa Panija at Upttan nitta Jmn al Juna" seminars, f.ota, and other information campaigns seeks to empower the viewing public and various stakeholdets on how to effectively use the MTRCB rating system. These activities are crucial in order to raise public awareness on the importance of propet discemment and self-regulation, and to disclose to the masses the dynamics of Phyeical Petfotmance As of 30 June 2016, the MTRCB has conducted 103 seminars, fora, and information campaign activities undet the batnet of "Matalinong Patonood Para u This progtam also aims to prot€ct the welfate of its stakeholdets, especially the vulnerable sectors of the society, e.g. the chil&eo, women, and persons ndth disabilities (P\(/Dr, and seniot citizens, through ageapptopriateness and audience sensitivity. Lipuan ru Jaan at Jrata" Jaauary : . Matalinong Panonood mini-seminar with thc Editors and llHters o of various newspaper tabloids and magazines held at MTRCB offices Matalinong Panonood forum with the students of Bulacan State Univenity, University of Manila and Pol,'technic University of the media literacy, a Pamil2a al o Philippines held at the MTRCB Offices Matalinong Panonood fomm vith the Voyager Boys Club held at Country Club, Valle Verde Pasig City February a Matalinong Panonood Meets l,cgal Ethics Seminat undet the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education program of the Joaquh Bemas Center fot Continuing Legal Education held at Ateneo de Manila Law School Matalinong Panonood Meets Legal Ethrcs 1 Ptogram/Project/ Activi Phyeical Performance Deecription Seminat under the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (I{CLE) program held at the UP Law Centet Matalinong Panonood in parmenhip with the Local Govemrnent of Paranaque City Hall successfi:llv conducted a Film Classics with Film Showing entided "Every Child is Spccial" sirnultaneously shourn in the cinemas of SM Bicutan, SM Sucat and SM BF in Paraiaque City. Students from various high school and €lemcntary schools attended the event Matalinong Panonood mini seminat with the Press,/Media of Cebu held at The Laguna Gatden Caf6, Ayala Centet, Cebu City N{atahnong Panonood in parmersh.ip with the Local Govemrnent of Paranaque City Hall conducted a Film Classics wrth Filrn Showing entided "Children of Heaven" simultaneously shown in the cinemas of SM Bicutan,, SM Sucat and SM BF Cinema in Paraiaque Gty. Students frotn vadous high school and elementary schools attended the event Information campargn thru Radio Guesting at Radio I{aria, Sunrise Subdiusion, Maliwalo,Tarlac City, Stakeholder Engagement with Monitoring and Inspection at Hi-Tech Cable TV, Inc., Sunrise Subdivision, Maliwalo, Tatlac City Information campaign thru Radio Guesting at Radio Corpotation Philippines at Broadcast Center, Mac Arthur Highway San Nicolas, Tadac 1 Ptogam/Ptoiect/ Activity Desctiption Physical Performance Information campaign thru Radio Guesting at ar:.d DTlfC AM, San Nicolas, Tarlac Gty Matalinong Panonood forum with Hlgh School Students at Diwa ng Tarlac, Romulo Boulevad, Tarlac Crty Matalinong ?anonood Fonrm with College Students at Diwa ng Tadac, Romulo Boulevard, Tatlac City Information campaign with monitoring and inspection at Siesta Bus Terminal, San Roque Tarlac City "Matalinong Panonood Meets Legal Ethics" Seminar undet the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (IICLE) progmm held at the DWXT FM Ateneo Law School Stakeholder Engagement with Cable Operators of Kalibo Cable and Aklan Cable Television, Kalibo, Aklan Information campaign thru Radio Interriew/Guesting of BM Eric Mallonga at RGMA, Roxas Avenue, Kalibo Aklan Information campaign thru a Radio Interview/Guesting at RIvII{ Radio, Garcia Building Lasera Street, Kalibo Aklan Matalinong Panonood Forum at Regional Science High School, Bachaw Sut, Kalibo, Aklan Matalinong Panonood Forum with College and High School students held at Santo NGo Major Seminary, Sto. Nirlo Poblacion Numancia, Aklan 3 Ptogam/Ptoiect/ Activity Deecription Physical Performance Matalinong Panonood with Filrn Showing "Evcry Child is Special at Sto. Niio Conferencc Hall, Poblacion, Numancia Aklan Match Information campaign thil Inten'iew/Guesting of Chaitperson Radio Eugenio H. Villareai at RGMA DYRU Supcr Radyo, Gatcia Bldg., Lacem Steeq Roxas Avenue, a a Kalibo Aklan iv{atalinong Panonood Forum Pan 1 with the teachers, sn:dents and aspiring film makets held at San Brrtolome High School in Quezon City Madinong Panonood Fotum with the teachers and college sudents of Romblon State University held at MTRCB Offices Matalinong Penonood Forum Part 2 with thc teachers and college students and aspring frlm makers held at San Bartolomc High School in Quezon City. Matalinong Panonood Forum with Film Showing of the movie entidcd 'tsarbet's Talcs" with the a&iscts and scholar students of Balara High School. The event was made possible through partnership and coordination with the volunteers of "SINAG," a socid action arm of the Sta. NIaria della Sttada Parish Cooperative, hcld at IfTRCB Offices Matalinong Panonood Fonrm with the faculty 4 Ptogtam/Project/ Activity Descdption Physical Perfomrance a a a members and college smdents of the Umversity of Asia and the Pacifrc, held at Celestino Dizon Auditorium UA&P, Pe arl Ddve Orugas Centcr, Pasig City Matalinong Panonood Forum with the college students of Romblon State University hdd at MTRCB Offices Media Uteracy Seminar on the Image of Womcn in FiIm and Television held at MIRCB Office Matalinong Panonood Meets Legal Ethics" Seminat under the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (1\{CLE) progam hdd at the Ateneo Law School Information Campaign : Posting of Paunawa Advisory Stickers that only films sted "G" should be exhibited in Public Utility Vehicles pUVs) in the following bus terminals: Araneta Bus Terminal and Baliwag Bug Tcrminal in Cubao, Quezon City, South \i7est Integrated Terninal in Coastal Road ?amfraque; and Flodda Bus Terminal in Lacson, Manila Information Campaign: Chairpenon Eugenio Villareal led the conduct of Bus Inspection vith Mini Matalinong Panonood vith the &ivcts, conductors and commuters at Amneta Center Bus Terrninal in Cubao, Quezon City April a Matalilong Panonood with the employees of various departrnents of City Govemment of 5 Ptogam/Ptoiect/ Physical Performance Description Actlvi with MOU Signing berween MTRCB reptesented by Chairpetson Eugenio H. Villareal and City Government of Calamba Calamba, Laguna a represented by Mayor Justin Chipeco Information campaign thru Radio Guesting on DZJy 1458 khz AM Station, Brgy. Parian, Calamba, Laguna Matalinong Panonood Forum at the City College of Calamba, Laguna. School Vicc President Ronald Gonzales and President of Students Council were also plesent during the ev€nt a with the of6cen and employecs with Special Topic on the MTRCB Matalinong Panonood Rulcs and Regulations and Compliance of by Monitodng and of SM Cinemas rn Calamba, Cincmas followed Inspection Laguna a Information campargn with posting of Paunawa Stickem and Tarpaulins at Saint Rose Terminal and Cinema Monitoring and Inspection at Lianas Cinernas in Calamba, Laguna Matalinong Panonood Meets Legal Ethics Seminar (lfedia & the Legal Profession) undcr the Mandatory Continuing kgal Education O{Cr F) c/o UP Law Center, PECABAR Law, Vemida IV Bldg., Salcedo Village, Makati City Matalinong Panonood Fomm at Mindanao State University, Muawi City Information thru Radio Guestin at 6 Ptogam/Proiect/ Activity Descdption Physical Petformance DXSK AM and FM Radio Station, Marawi City a Matalinong Panonood film & TV Ratings and Media Literacy) Altemative Class Program (ACP) under MOA urith the Ateneo de Manila Law School Sn-rdent Council with Fikn Showing and Q & A featuting'tsarber's Tales" with Film DirectorJun Lana Matalinong Panonood Meets Legal Ethics Seminat under the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education program of the Joaquin Bemas Center for Continuing Legal Education held at Ateneo de Manila Law School a Informatioo Campaiga rlrfi Theater Monitoring and Inspection at Robinsons Wodd Cinemas, Roxas City a a a a Matalinong Panonood Forum at Mapandi, Mcmotial College, Marawi City Information campaign thru Radio Guesting at DYK-AM 801 Radyo Totoo Station, Aotique Information campaign thru Radio Guesting at Hot FM, Hamtic Station, Antique Matalinong Panonood conducted by Mini-Seminat Chairperson Eugenio H. Villareal with Special Topic on Admhistative Law with the Ateneo Law Students held at MTRCB Offices Mataliaong Panonood Talk entided "Basic Principles in the Rating System" conducted by Chairpetson Eugenio H. Villareal at the Philippine Cable Telefision Associatjon @CTA) held at Maffiot Hotel, Ncwport 7 Ptogtam/Ptoiect/ Activity Description Physical Performance Bouevatd, Newport City Complex , Pasay City, Manila Matalinong Panonood Forum with the New Era University Students ftom College of Law Comrnunication held at the Ptofessional School Building, New Era and Mass a University Matalinong Panonood Mini Seminat with the "Kapuluan Fathet & Son Club" with Fikn Showing of the movie 'Barber's Tale" held at MTRCB Offices Matalinong Panonood Mini-Seminar with Deputies Recommendcd by Mr. Butch Raquel held at Uezl Martinez Conference Hall, MTRCB, Quezon Citv Matalinong Panonood and Compliance Seminar with SM Iloilo Cinema manager and employees at SM Iloilo Matalinong Panonood and Compliance Seminar with Bacolod Cinema managers and employees of SM Cinemas, Robinsons Cinernas and Gaisano Cinemas held at SM Bacolod City Information Campaign thru Nfonitoring and Inspection of SM Cinemas and Ceres Bus Termrnal in Bacolod City May The MTRCB through its l-egal Counsel Atty. Jonathan Presquito de[vered a Matalinong Panonood talk entided "Media Lav/' at the 8 Prcgtam/Ptoiect/ Description Physical Performance Daughtets of St. Paul, Malibay, Pasay City a The MTRCB led by Chairyerson Eugenio H. Villateal conducted an infornation drive and on-the-spot inspection of public utiliq' vehicles ptIVs) cruising along EDSA The MTRCB led by Chairperson Eugenio H. Villareal conducted an information drive and on-the-spot monitodng and inspection of Vista Theater, Dilson Theater, Hollywood a Thcater and Isetann Cin*na in Recto, Manila The MTRCB conducted a public information campaign with monitoring and inspection of theaters in Stat Mall, SM Megamall and Centruy Mall Information campaign thru Radio Guesting at Bombo Radyo in Bonuan, Dagupan, Pangasinan Matalinong Panonood Forum with the KBP Mernbets Pangasinan held at the PIA Office, Dagupan People's Asttodome, Dagupan, Pangasinan Information campaign thru TV Guesting at K17 Kabaleyan Channel at CSI Sadia Lucao, Dagupan, Pangasinan Mataiinong Panonood Forum with Daycare wotkers of Lingayen held at Consuelo Hotel, Lingayen Pangasinan a Information Drive with lvlonitoring and Inspection of Public Utility Vehicles (?UVs) at the Victory Liner Terminal in Lingayen, Pangasinan a N'Iatalinon Panonood and ance 9 Ptogtam/Ptoiect/ Activity Descdption Physical Performance seminar with the of6cers and employees of Wega Bus Transport Corporation held at MTRCB offices June: a Matalinong Panonood Forum with the University of Macau, Hon Lam Research and Educational Association held at @ Uezl Martine z Hall, MTRCB Matalinong Panonood forum at Bukidnon State Univetsity, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon Information campaign thru Radio Guesting at Happy FM DXGG 107.1 Mhz, Malaybalay, Bukidnon Matalinong Panonood Forum with the Local Govemment Unit employees and officials of Valencia City Hall, Valencia City Bukidnon, followed by Bus Terminal and Inspection at Valencia Bus Termrnal a Information Campaign thru Radio Guesting at Radyo Ukay, Valencia, Bukidnon Mataiinong Panonood Talk with the studeats of DFiLn Majors @ De La Salle-College of Saint Benildc, School of Design & Arts Cinema, held at 12lF, SDA Building, Taft Avenue, Mdate, Manila Matalinong Panonood Meets Legal Ethics Seminat : Topic "Media and the Legal Profession" under the UP Mandatory Continuing Lcgal Education (-lvICLE) held at MERALCO Pasis l0 Ptogam/Ptoiect/ Activity Description Physical Performance I I Matalinong Panonood : Children's Classics showing of the filrn entided "Chil&en Of Heaven" held at County Inn, Kalibo, Aklan. Participants came from Regional Science High School-Region 1, Linabuan Integrated School, STI College Kalibo, NVC High School and College students, Lezo Integmted School, Numancia Integrated School, Infant Jesus Academy Kalibo, ANHSAT and Aklan Catholic College. Matalinong Panonood : Children's Classics \rith 6kn showing of the 6lm entided "Every Child Is Special" held at County Inn, Kalibo, Aklan. Participants came from Aguioaldo Repieded High School, New Washington Comptehensive High School, Sto Niio Seminary, ACC Senior High School, APC, Garcia College of Technolog;r, St. Gabriel College, Infant Jesus School and Daughtets of vrth filrn a Mary Immaculate pMI) Matalinong Panonood : Chil&cn's Classics q/ith film showing of the film entided 'Not One l-,ess" held at Country Inn, Kalibo, Aklan. Participants came from Dela Cruz Institute of Business & Industries, St. Gabdel Senior High School, Aklan State Univetsity College of Industrial Technology, St. Anne Montessori, Wadefotd School, StarGlow, Regional Science High School, Akian Police Provincial Office, Kalibo, Aklan, Department of Education Values Teachers, Kababaihan sa Kelibo Otganization Aklan Valley Hrgh School, I Ptogram/Ptoiect/ Activity Desctiption Physical Pe rformance InfantJesus Kalibo o o o . . *MTRCB Urrcut sa Radyo Inquiref' Information Campaign thnr Radio Guesting at Bombo Radyo, Laoag City Matalinong Panonood Forum at Northwesteff Univetsity, Laoag City followed by Cable TV Monitoring at Sunshine Cable TV Information Campaign with Bus Inspection and posting of "Paunawa" stickers at Partas Bus Tetminal, Fadnas Bus Tetminal and Maria De Leon Bus Terminal, Ilocos Nortc Matalinong Panonood Forum at Ilocos Norte National High School, Ilocos Norte 04lanuxy 2016 Topic: MTRCB's Partnerships and Alliances (NIOU/MOA) with Govemment Agencies of 'Matahottg Panonood Para u Pani!1a at U?uan na Jrun at Juana" ar,d t\lso, under the umbrella to futther make itself televant in the lives of every Juan and Juana, the Movie and Television Review and Classification (Board) recently partnered with Radyo Inquirer to air its weekly program tided "MTRCB Uflcut sa Radyo Inquiret." The radio program airs every Monday from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ovet Radyo Inquiret DZIQ 990. It is hosted by MTRCB Chairperson Eugenio Information campatgn thru Radio Guesting at DZJC Aksyon Radyo and DWFB Radyo ng Bayan Laoag City and Local Govemment Units a 11 - Part 1 Jaouary 2016 Topic MTRCB's Pattnerships and A.lliances $4OU/MOA) with Govemment Agencies and Local Govetnment Units -Part 2 Jznary 2016 Topic: MTRCBT Partnership and Alliances with Educational Institutions 25lennry 2076 18 a 12 Program/Ptoject/ Deecription Physical "Toto" Villareal and Dooabelle Dominguez of Radyo Inquiret together vrith select Boatd vith Media Institutions/Media Industry Membes. Stakcholders Topic: MTRCB's Partnership and Alliances 01 Fcbruary 2016 Topic: MTRCB's Partnership and Alliances llvIOU/MOA with NGOs) a 08 Fcbruary 2016 Topic: MTRCB's Parmership and AlLianccs 0,IOU/MOA) with Faith-Based Institutions l5 February 2016 Topic MTRCB's Ovenriew and Irnpact of Matalinong Panonood MTRCB Uncut sa Radyo Ioquirer Topic: MTRCB's Over:niew and Impact of Matalinong Panooood 07 March 2016 Topic: lvfIRCB and its Progtams/Advocacy fot Persons with Disabilities @WDs) t 14 March 2016 Topic : Gender and Development Ptograms/Activities of the MTRCB 21 March 2016 Topic : The MTRCB Review Process of Films and Television Programs 28 March 2016 Topic MTRCB's Matalinong Panonood Update & Overview on Recendy Conducted MPs in Mrch 2016 13 Ptogtam/Prciect/ Activiw Description Physical Performance a 04 April 2016 Topic: Matalinong Panonood Empowetment Campaign in Calamba Gty, Laguna a l1 April 2016 Topic: Matalinong Panonood Empowerment Campaign in Marawi City, Lanao Del Sut 18 March 2016 Topic Process of Screening and Approvd of Advertisements a 25 April2016 Topic: "The Role of KBP with Regard to the TV Industry and MTRCB-K3P Parmership a 02May 2016 Topic: 'The Role of Patents v'ith Regard to Children's Media Viewing a 16 May 2016 Topic: "On Mothethood and being a former Chairperson of Ms. tr{a. Consoliza P. Laguardia" 23 May 2016 Topic: "0n Motherhood and bcing Cclebdty" a a 30 May 2016 Topic: 'tsus and Theater Inspection" conducted in the Metopolis a 06 June 2016 Topic: On Beine a Fathethood of 14 Ptogam/Prciect/ Description Phyeical Pcrformaoce Activity Chairperson Eugenio H. Villareal and Matalinong Prnonood activities in Pangasinan 13 June 2016 Topic: On Bcing a Fatherhood and a Cclebrity of movie and tel€,vision actor Tirso Cruz a III 20 Junc 2016 Topic: "The Rolc and Importance of Patcnting @athethood) With Rcgard to thc Media Viewing of Chil&en" a 27 Jlune 2076 Topic: Emporvetmelt Campaign in Ilocos Norte" Memotandum of Undetetanding (MOUo) and Other Arangem€ntr of Coopetation with Allied Govemment Agenciee and Volunteer Otganizatione January to fune 2016 The MTRCB has fostered collabotation and parmership with various goverffnent agencies, private sectols, faith-bascd organizations and various institutions. Thesc partnerships with the concemed agencies and organizations strengthened the cooperation in brhging about public awarcness and support in the a&ocacics of the concemed agencies through the conduct education campaigns. of public information and o r o o o r o o Municipal Govemment of Kalibo, Aklan EWfN & De I-a Salle-College of Saint Benilde Ateneo Law School Municipal Govemment of Calamba, Laguna Cinema and Television Nerworks (Aidng of the 2016 Infomercial) Commission on Elections (COMELEC) Energlr Regulatory Commission (ERC) National Gdd Corporation of the Philippines Q{GCP) 15 Ptogtam/Ptoject/ Activitv Descdption Physical Performance a a "MTRCB UNCUT' o National Telecomrnunications Commission Q.JTC) Maoila Ecclesiastical Ptovince Schools Association (1{aPSA) (MTRCB Uncut' is a one (1) hour weekly The televisioo show is hosted by Boatd Membets television progtam which aits over Net 25 Bobby An&ews, Jackie Aquino-Gavino, Gladys aimed at empowering the otdinary Filipino Reyes-Sommeteux aad Keats 1\Iusngi. family to undetstand and apply the MTRCB's tating and classification system. a MTRCB Uncut featutes diffeteot segrnents such as 'Kta Kcatr,' 'Pmngkaban," 'Kik" and "banorg Mo Ka1 Chain" the MTRCB Uncut was identified as Agency's Support to Opetations (STO) because the TV ptogtam sewes as a venue to 14 February 2016 Episode Topic: Romantic Comedy inform the public, on a wider scale, of the functions, initiatives and polices of the Agency. The different segments of the show 21 February 2016 Episode Topic: EDSA,/Socio-Political Films featutes discussions and interactions with diffetent personalities and the public on 28 February 2016 Episode vadous MTRCB and media telated issues. Topic: Stylists/The Glam Team 06 Match 2016 Episode Topic: Social Media 13 Match 2016 E ode 16 Deecription Phyeical Pcrfomrance Topic: Cooking Show 20 Match 2076 Episode Topic: Stand-up Comedians on Television 27 March 2016 Episode Topic: FemaleDirectots 03 Apdl 2016 Episode Topic: Musical scoting 10 April 2016 Episode Topic: Supethetoes 17 Apdl 2016 Episode Topic: Entertainmefl t Press 24 Aptt20l6Episode Topic: Stat Nfakets/Talent Managers 01 May 2016Episode Topic: Ttavel Show 08 May 2016 Episode Topic: Iconic TV Shows 15 lvlay 2016 Episode Topic: Spotts to Showbiz 22 Ma 20168 ode t7 Progam/Ptoiect/ Activity Descdption Physical Performance Topic: MMFF/Season Jhree (3) Ender Regulatory Services Claeaification and Registtatiou "Ieeuance of value-based and age-apptopdate claeeifi cation tatinge for 6lms, televieion ptogtame, plugs and trailerc, optical media materials and othet publicity materiale Monitodng Activity The MTRCB pursuant to Section 3 of Presidential Decree No. 1986 is mandated with the powet to review and classify movie, telonsion materials and othet related publicity materids, to supervise, tegulate and grant, deny or cancel permits for impottation, exportation of films and television materials. pat of its powen and functions, t}re MTRCB Monitoring and Inspection Unit (IMIU) Agents coflduct daily monitoring of filrn and television matedals being exhibited in theaten and television, as well as inspect buses and ferdes to check compliance with tle MTRCB rules and regulations entities under the jurisdiction of the Boatd. The Boatd Members, in-house deputies Gtaf$, LRC volunteers and Deputies also assist the Board in the monitoring activity of the Boatd As 2016, the Boatd teviewed/ ptocessed 82,216 matedals composed of 6lms, television programs, optical media, publicity materids and import/export permits. As of 30 June As of 30 June 2016, the Monitoring and Inspection Unit (MII--) as well as the Board Nlembets, in-house deputy agents and deputy volunteers conducted 41 ,7 81 monitoring activities. This includes the monitoring of films, television progtarns, plugs and ttailets, publicity materials and inspection of entities such as theaters, public utility vehicles @uses and ferries) and othet entities under the MTRCBT iurisdiction. l8 Ptogram/Ptoiect/ Enforcement Deecription Physicd Perfomrance As of 30 June 2016, tlere wete thirty tluee (33) Under Enfotcement, the Board designated a cases refered to the Headng and Ad)udication committee known as the "Hearing and Committec. Out of the 33 cases frled, 26 werc Adiudication Committee." It is tasked to handle tesolved and decided through the conduct of Best and tesolve the complaints brought before the Pmctices Conferences with the stakeholdets Agency through the conduct of Best Pnctices concemed. Conferences or Altemative Dispute Resolutioo (ADR). The following ate the natute of vrolations committed by the industry stakeholders and other The Best Ptactices Confetences ot ADR entities undet the MTRCBT iudsdiction: encoutages the parties involved to tesolve the complaint by reconciliadon or compromise o Alleged improper use of poLce uniform in the setdement tatJrer than by a formal proceeding. TV episode . Opemting cable television without Certi6cate of Registtation e Airing of TV ptogtams without Petmit to Exhibit o Failute to supetimpose couect classification tating of the TV ptogtam o Alleged admission of minors to an R-16 film r Alleged failue to conspicuously display the film exhibition permit in the cinema r Exhibition of promotional aod publicity matedals witlout petrnit to exhibit o Non-posting of 'Paanava" Advisory Sticket and dleged use of unrated motion picture r Alleged airing of a TV ptogtam with strong content of and nudi t9 Ptogram/Ptoiect/ Activi Deecription Phyeical Performance r r o o Alleged use of unrated motion pictute Alleged noo-display of permit and wrong tating Alleged showing f m of movie trailet fot exptessway without permit to exhibit Alleged Unbecoming Behavior while in the Petfotmance of Monitodng Duties as MTRCB Deputy Revenue Collection Consistent with the Administtative Otder No. 31, of 2012, dated 01 Octobet 2012 as well as relevant implementing rules aod tegulations undet DOF-DBM-NEDA Joint Circulat No. 1Series As of 30 Jvte 2016, the agcncy's total revenue collection has teached Php72,072,028.10 as compared to Php 59,11,197.88 collection during the same period last yeat. 2013 dated 30 January 2073 and taking into accouot t}le cost of tegulation, socio-economic impact particulatly to the concetaed stakeholders, the MTRCB has implemented the Revised Schedule of Fees which took effect on 01 January 2014. Also, as per N{emotandum Circulat No. 10-2015 dated, 21 Octobet 2015, the MTRCB came up with a fair and reasonable tieted rcgisttation fee system fot the annual registration of cable television opemtorc and other limited audience distdbutors according to the income classification of cities and where these cable 20 Ptogam/Project/ Activitv Deecription Physical Performance television operatots aud othet limited audience distdbutots opetate. Cetified Cortect: Noted bv: ANN Oficer Apptoved I r H. VILLAREAL 2t