June 19, 2016 - St. Malachy Parish
June 19, 2016 - St. Malachy Parish
St. Malachy Catholic Church June 19, 2016 Mass Schedule For Week of June 20-June 26 Monday 8:15am, Tuesday 8:15am Communion Service/6pm No Mass, Wednesday 8:15am Communion Service/6pm No Mass, Thursday 8:15am No Mass/6pm, Friday 8:15am, Saturday 8:15am No Mass/No Confessions/5:30pm, Sunday 8am/10am/12noon Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 8:45am-10am or by appointment. ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH June 19, 2016 Ministry to the Sick If you experience an emergency, are hospitalized or are confined to your home, please call the Church Office (317-8523195) to arrange for visits or the sacraments. If you are calling after hours, please call the Church Office (317-852-3195) and press 5. Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are celebrated after 12noon Mass each weekend. Please call the Parish Office for more information. Parents having their first child are asked to attend the Baptism Preparation Class which is held the second Saturday of every even month at 10am in the St. Francis Room. Parents are required to be registered parishioners. Pastoral Staff 852-3195 9833 E County Road 750 N Brownsburg, IN www.stmalachy.org Fax: 852-8939 Email - first initial, last name @stmalachy.org unless otherwise noted Pastor - Rev Vince Lampert x7005 Assoc. Pastor - Rev Dave Marcotte x7104 Permanent Deacon - Daniel Collier Permanent Deacon - Richard Renzi Care Minister—Linda Pirau x7100 Business Manager - John Kiefer x7101 Bookkeeper - Denise Bullock x7105 Administrative Assistant - Jeanine Cooper x7004 Childcare - Sarah Riley Music Director - Lauren Lawson x7003 Director of Faith Formation and Evangelization - Marian Knueven x7108 Faith Formation Coordinator - Jean McCorkhill x7102 Parish Ministry Assistant - Mary Myers x7004 Communications/Volunteer CoordinatorStephanie Gutzweiler x7001 Principal - Angela Bostrom x7200 Asst. Principal - Saundra Kennison Facility Manager - Doug Tapscott New Parishioners Welcome to St. Malachy. You may register at the Church Office M-F from 8am-3:30pm. Interested in the Faith You are welcome to participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA); please call the Faith Formation Office, 852-3195 x7108. Bulletin Deadline St. Malachy Cemeteries For information concerning burial needs at St. Malachy North or West Cemetery call Joni Groover, 538-2957. Both St. Malachy Cemeteries are maintained/managed by Flanner Buchanan. Monday 12noon (6 days before publication) [email protected] Praying the Rosary We pray the rosary as a community before every noon Mass at 11:30am for the respect of all human life, 5pm before 5:30pm Saturday Mass, 7:30am before 8am Sunday Mass, 1st Friday of the month 6:30pm in front of Church near the pro-life garden. Eucharistic Adoration We celebrate Eucharistic Adoration every first Friday of the month after daily Mass. Eucharistic Adoration is celebrated before the 6pm Mass on Tuesday. Holy Orders Sacrament of Marriage Contact the priest 6 months in advance and be a registered parishioner. Those considering entering the Priesthood or Religious Life may contact our Pastor, Pastoral Associate or the Archdiocesan Vocation Office, 236-1490. THANK YOU: This bulletin is furnished to the Parish without charge. The advertisements that appear completely defray all publishing costs with which the church would otherwise be charged. Please patronize these sponsors as a thank you for their kind generosity. ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH June 19, 2016 Dear Parish Family, The coming weeks will be a time of transition for our parish. Fr. Dave has been named the administrator of Saint Martin's Parish in Martinsville effective July 6. His final weekend with us will be June 25 and 26. A reception in his honor will be held after the 10 o'clock Mass on Sunday, June 26. We will be sorry to see him go. However we also are excited for him since the Archbishop recognizes that he is prepared to guide and lead a parish community. Let us wish him well in this new endeavor. Fr. Jegan Peter has been assigned as our new associate pastor. He currently serves as the associate pastor at St. Luke's parish in Indianapolis. He will be arriving at Saint Malachy on July 15. Fr. Jegan is originally from India and has served in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis for the past four years. It will be a pleasure to welcome him to our faith community. This coming week all the priests of the archdiocese will gather with Archbishop Tobin at Saint Meinrad in southern Indiana for our annual convocation. This is a time for priestly fraternity. It is also the time to recognize the priests who are retiring, the newly ordained, and those celebrating special anniversaries in their priesthood. Please keep all of us in your thoughts and prayers during this time. God's blessings be with all of you during these summer months. Fr. Vince EUCHARISTIC ADORATION PILGRIMAGE TO ITALY Please consider joining Father Vince on a Eucharistic Adoration Pilgrimage to Italy May 23, 2017 through June 2, 2017. Final details are still in the early stages, but we will visit Florence, Siena, Assisi, Loretto, Lanciano, Subiaco, and of course Rome. In addition to celebrating daily Mass with Father Vince, we will visit and have an opportunity to pray at 3 locations where Eucharistic Miracles have occurred. The Franciscan Church in Siena where Consecrated Hosts are as fresh and sweet today as they were in 1730; the Sanctuary of the Eucharistic Miracle in Lanciano where the Host visibly changed to flesh and blood during a Mass in the 8th Century and is still preserved today; and the Cathedral of Orvieto. In 1263, drops of Precious Blood seeped from the Host and fell onto the Corporal during the Consecration. That Corporal, with the stains, is enshrined in the Cathedral. There will be adequate free time for some shopping or just enjoying the atmosphere, food, and people of Italy. More details will be forthcoming soon. In the meantime, if you have questions, please contact John Martin on 317-753-0394 or email [email protected]. St. Vincent De Paul is looking for drivers and warehouse workers between 7:30 am and 2:00 pm Saturday morning June 25th. If you can help, please join your fellow parishioners at the St. Vincent De Paul warehouse on Maryland St. Thank you in advance for your support. For more information you may contact Denny Edmonds at 994-5866. Save the Date! If you and your spouse will celebrate your 50th wedding anniversary in 2016, please see the following invitation: We invite you to celebrate your Golden Wedding Anniversary with us on August 14, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. at SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Indianapolis, IN. Watch for more information in the bulletin! Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 19, 2016 Zec 12:10-11; 13:1 Ps 63:2-6, 8-9 Gal 3:26-29 Lk 9:18-24 Meditation: Peter was the first disciple to profess that Jesus was the Christ, the Messiah. Even though he was impulsive and imperfect, Peter could still see clearly that Jesus was uniquely important. He denied that importance later, even denied his own friend. But rather than crumple and abandon his faith altogether, he renewed his commitment to Jesus and proclaimed to the world that Jesus was the Messiah. Our own faith is imperfect like Peter’s. We sin. We fail. Can we also summon the courage to begin again, to recommit ourselves to Christ, to remember who Jesus is? Sunday Missal Adult Question for Discussion: Which crosses in your life do you find especially heavy? What or who helps you bear them? Children’s Question for Discussion: When you have something hard to do, what or who helps you through it? ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH June 19, 2016 First Annual Country Fair Silent Auction September 16/17 Time, Talent, Treasure The Silent Auction will be held in the school rotunda on Friday, September 16, 2016 (4pm-11pm) and Saturday, September 17, 2016 (4pm-9pm.) We are accepting descriptions of items at this time. Below you will find a few suggestions: Antiques, Art Work, Vacation Home Usage, Used Vehicle, Farm Equipment, Boat, Motorcycle, Game Tickets, Sports Memorabilia, Racing Mementos, Coins, Jewelry, Local Goods and Services, Gift Certificates, Massage/Spa Day, Livestock, Golf Package, Hunting and Fishing Equipment, Horseback Riding, Quilts, Lawn Care, Home Canned Goods, Craft Items, Handiwork, Cash Donations, other _______________________________________. Please circle your item with its estimated value, Please deposit in the collection basket at Mass or email/text Rich Radez at [email protected]/317-418-5846. Name: ________________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:_________________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ____________________________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________________ Item(s) Description/Approximate Value: _______________________________________ We want you! The Catholic Churches of Hendricks County will be represented this year at the Hendricks County 4H Fair. The fair runs from Sunday, July 17-Saturday, July 23. Our partner parishes are joining together in the spirit of EVANGELIZATION. If you’re interested in volunteering to staff this booth in the exhibition hall, please contact your parish contact below. Mary, Queen of Peace Anna Wray [email protected] St. Susanna Jackie Arnett [email protected] St. Malachy Stephanie Gutzweiler [email protected] Watch for big changes coming to our parish bulletin! ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH Please Pray for Our Parishioners - June 19, 2016 Please Pray for Our Military - Email [email protected] or call the Parish Office at 852-3195 with new prayer requests. Tom Becher Nancy Bishop Liz Bunn Joan Cleary Kathy Dant Ray Engelman Stephanie Evans Kathleen Fierek Linda Francisco Sandy Frankovich Dennis Gillun John Gray Ari Halderman Gene Hemelgarn Betty Hession Laurel Kerr Peggy Kiefer Joshua Lehman Mary Lindauer Jodi MacDonald Mollee McDaniels Josh McKay Tom Miskowiec Anna Mohr Jeanne Mohr Judy Meyers Andy Nichols Angela Parelius Bob Rinderknecht Mike Ripberger Bill Schapker Robert Michael Schmieman Mary Sherman Rita Snoddy Larry Stevens Jim Stone Robert Stuppy Don Surber Beverly Viehe Jimmy Wagner Maria West Kerri Wolfrum Defenders of Freedom CPL Jacob Carr PFC Steven Bauer SPC Ryan Radez SPC John M Young IV Mass Intentions for the Week Monday, June 20 8:15am - Louie Loviseck, Jr. by Kay Lekse Tuesday, June 21 8:15am - No Mass - Communion Service 6:00pm- No Mass Wednesday, June 22 8:15am - No Mass - Communion Service 6pm - No Mass Thursday, June 23 8:15am - No Mass 6pm - †Frances Lawson by Lauren Lawson Friday, June 24 8:15am - †Isabella LaCivita by Elizabeth Mattingly Saturday, June 25 8:15am - No Mass - No Confessions 5:30pm - †Terry Lee Woodburn by Kathy Woodburn Sunday, June 26 8am - †Addilynn Jo Pleak by Debbie Birk 10am - †Raymond Saksa by Diane Stefani 12noon - Our Parish Family Greg Garrison St. Malachy is approaching our next Family Promise Host Week, which will run from June 26th through July 3rd. Our Overnight Hosts are all lined up and our Meal Coordinators may be reaching out to you in the near future for assistance with the food items we will need to feed our temporarily homeless families. As always, please know how grateful we are to you for your assistance and compassion. For more information please contact Mike Nygra at [email protected] Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 26, 2016 1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21 Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11 Gal 5:1, 13-18 Lk 9:51-62 Elisha is summoned to follow the prophet Elijah and to succeed him. Jesus insists that those who follow him must abandon all material or psychological securities, walking ever forward without looking back. It is the Lord alone who is to hold fast our lot. Paul distinguishes between true freedom and license. Adult Question for Discussion: Whom does your Christian faith call you to forgive right now? How hard will this be for you? Children’s Question for Discussion: When is it hard for you to forgive someone who has hurt you? What can help you forgive? Cathedral Soup Kitchen Volunteers June 24, 2016 Team 1 Mary Schopper*, Teresa Harvey, Jill Houston, Cathy Flood, Tom Kearns, Mary Pat Torback, Jennine Hill, Mike Tolley, Jacqui Huber, Carol Crawn ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH June 19, 2016 Peter’s Pence Collection - June 25/26 Next week, our Archdiocese will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection, which provides Pope Francis with the funds he needs to carry out his charitable works around the world. The proceeds benefit our brothers and sisters on the margins of society, including victims of war, oppression, and disasters. Join our Holy Father as a witness of charity to those who are suffering. EFFECTIVE THE WEEKEND OF JULY 2/3, 2016, WE WILL OFFER LOW-GLUTEN HOSTS TO ANY PARISHIONERS NEEDING THEM. UNCONSECRATED LOW-GLUTEN HOSTS MAY BE FOUND ON THE GIFTS TABLE AT THE BACK OF CHURCH IN A SEPARATE, MARKED AND COVERED BOWL. USING TONGS, REMOVE THE LOW-GLUTEN HOST FROM THE MARKED BOWL AND PLACE IT IN THE SMALL GOLD CIBORIUM MARKED LOW-GLUTEN. THIS VESSEL WILL BE COVERED, AND TAKEN UP SEPARATELY, AS AN OFFERING, ALONG WITH THE OTHER HOSTS, WINE, AND THE COLLECTION AT THE OFFERTORY. THE CELEBRANT WILL HAVE THE CONSECRATED LOW-GLUTEN HOSTS AT COMMUNION. AT COMMUNION, APPROACH THE CELEBRANT AND INDICATE YOU WISH A LOW-GLUTEN HOST. HE WILL SWITCH HANDS AND PRESENT A LOW-GLUTEN HOST FOR YOU TO CONSUME. PLEASE CONSULT THE BULLETIN BOARD AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE PARISH OFFICE FOR THE CELEBRANTS COMMUNION LOCATION. IN ORDER FOR US TO KNOW HOW MANY LOW-GLUTEN HOSTS TO PLAN FOR, PLEASE CONTACT JOHN MARTIN VIA TELEPHONE CALL, TEXT, OR EMAIL, INDICATING WHICH MASS YOU NORMALLY ATTEND. JOHN CAN BE REACHED ON 317-753-0394 OR [email protected]. ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH Greetings from the St. Malachy Athletic Ministry Summer has just begun, but another CYO year will be upon us soon. Enclosed is important information about the 2016-17 St. Malachy CYO year. Please read this carefully, as there are some significant changes from last year. Please note, a late registration period of one (1) week will be available for each sport. A late registration fee of $25 will be assessed for EACH late registration. At the end of the late registration period, no registrations will be accepted without extenuating circumstances as determined by, and subject to the approval of, the athletic ministry. **CYO has added girls 3rd Grade Fall Kickball and boys 4th Grade Volleyball Here are the sports, deadlines and fees for the upcoming CYO year. Registration is now open for all FALL SPORTS. Girls Fall Kickball: ($63/$75 with shirt) Grades 3-8 Football: ($135) Grades 3-8 Co-ed Cross Country: ($55) Grades 3-8 Cheerleading: ($40) Grades 3-8 Registration deadline July 8. Late registration period July 9-15. Girls Basketball: ($100) Grades 4-8 Registration deadline July 22. Late registration period July 23-29 June 19, 2016 at www.cyoarchindy.org/ Athletics_ConcussionPolicyDocs.aspx. A copy of the receipt showing completion and a copy of a current athletic physical must be on file with the athletic ministry. The physical and concussion forms are only required prior to your child’s participation in their initial sport of the CYO year. ***Remember, your registration is not complete until payment in full, a concussion test acknowledgement receipt and a current physical have been received by the athletic ministry. No athlete will be placed on a team roster until all registration requirements are complete. After you register at www.cyoarchindy.org you can pay on the Parish website via PayPal (www.stmalachy.org), or you can a submit a check to the Parish or school office. Checks should be made payable to St Malachy Athletics and addressed Attn: Bobbie Hanny. Concussion forms and physicals should also be sent to Bobbie Hanny ([email protected]). The St. Malachy athletic ministry is dedicated to serving the children of St. Malachy parish. The current members for the 2016-17 term are Mike DeCesare, Teresa Harvey, Mark Henninger, Darin Odier, Mike Reynolds, Jason Roberts, Collen Sicuso, Brian Van Gheem, Kevin Vrabel and associate members Bobbie Hanny (Registrar), Jeanine Cooper (Scheduler) and Missy Roberts (Concession manager). If you are interested in joining our ministry, please contact one of us. If you have any questions about registration or the upcoming CYO athletic year, please contact Darin Odier at [email protected] or Bobbie Hanny at [email protected]. High School Girls Volleyball: ($100) Grades 9-12 Registration deadline Aug 5. Late registration period August 6-12. Have a wonderful summer, The St. Malachy Athletic Ministry All participants must complete a Baseline Concussion Test after July 1st, 2016. The test can be found School Ministry Upcoming Events Shamrock Summertime continues June 20—June 24 Shamrock Summertime Camps “The Great Outdoors” June 27—July 1 Shamrock Summertime Camps “All Sports of Fun” July 5—July 8 Shamrock Summertime Camps “Wacky Water Week” Principal— Angela Bostrom x7200 Vice Principal— Saundra Kennison x7208 St. Malachy School Spot “Learning, Loving and Living with Christ” June 19, 2016 ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH June 25, 5:30 PM June 19, 2016 June 26, 8:00 AM June 26, 10:00 AM June 26,12noon Gordon Becker Jerry Bessler Janet Clements Elaine Harrity Bridget McGill Jan Mullen John Mullen Brian / Laura Petraits Faith Sadtler Fritz Sadtler Mary Sloan Leonard Swope Joan Swope Brent Stutzman - Set-up Jayme Adelsperger Carol Alvernaz Kim Austill Tammy Czerniakowski Maryann Goedde Anita Graves Richard Graves Teresa Harvey Dawn Hostetler Diana Jacob Jennifer Martin Mindy Miller Alli O'Leary Natalie Odier Rachael Rasp Lori VanNoy Connie Wagner Marilyn Webb Melissa Yetter Valerie Huber - Set-up Cathy Brinkerhoff Carol Callis Regina Centers Jeanine Cooper Kevin Hinkle Judy Meyer Mary Myers George Reid Dolores Scardine Kyle/Melinda Schilling Kathryn Woods Vicki Young Sheila Zielinski Rich Lively - Set-up Adam Jasiak (1) Ray Vallillo (2) Mark Slisz (1) Angie Cullin (2) Bryce Dixon (1) Kevin Czerniakowski (2) Francine Breckler (1) Cathy Strole (2) Jacob Boberg Ralph Boberg Jim Diagostino Julia Diagostino Tony Jones Dan Ruse Jeffrey Scott William Scott Larry Bollman Sue Kelly Catherine Miller Sarah Reaves Caeleigh Reaves Anthony Branson Dave DeSutter Bob Kasnak Dermot Nolan Terry Sangl Lou Stumpp Jack Adams Adam Armstrong Edward Armstrong Ed Lampa Joseph Lanie Roger Lanie Marilyn Carmony Debra Northard Caitie Tune Carri Zuzzio Tony Zuzzio Brooke Dixon Richard Dixon Alberta Dunbar Robert Mark Matthew Mark Michael Mark Chad Minch Xander Minch Jill Clouser Michael Clouser Ramona Miller Jeff Miller Angela Newberry Music Ministers Matthew Boberg Jason Burks Anne Waters Jack Lindner - MC Michael Jasiak, Chris Roberts, and Rene Behrend Fabricio Arteaga William Tune Patrick VanGheem Megan VanGheem - MC Lauren Lawson Will Copeland Jack Copeland Ben Sanders Josh Renzi - MC Lauren Lawson Anne Marie King Collin Skiba Jonas Skiba Emily Lanie - MC Kathy Holmes, Lauren Lawson Nicole Bernhardt, and Steve Marcou Childcare Sarah Riley and Stephanie Williams Ida Andres Wallace Blue Mark Brouwer Debbie Davis Mike Doades Shannon Gruber Jacqui Huber Daniel Huber Charri Vorndran Jones Eucharistic Maria Kippenbrock Reid Kippenbrock Minister Joe Knueven Marian Knueven Steven Koch Andrea Rader Rick Rader Katie Waters Linda Waters Mike Waters Bill Coan - Set-up Lector Usher Greeter Altar Server Serra Club – Praying for Religious Vocations heargodscall.com This week, please pray for: VINNY GILLMORE from St. Monica Parish in Indianapolis And SR. ARIANNE WHITTAKER, Temporary Professed as a Sister of Providence at St. Mary of the Woods Kerry Cates Jennifer Lively Monica Lively Kathleen Ouellette Kathryn Woods Stephanie Williams and Sarah Woodruff CONGRATULATIONS! George Scott Bowen was ordained a Deacon in the Diocese of Colorado Springs, CO on June 11, 2016. Scotty and Cathie were parishioners of St. Malachy for many years. Notes of congratulations can be mailed to them at 1655 Moveen Heights, Monument, CO 80132 Faith Formation ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH June 19, 2016 Current and Upcoming Events June 22-No Ezekiel Bible Study June 27-30 VBS July 12 RCIA Inquiry Gathering August 12-13 and 26-27 Christ Renews His Parish men’s and women’s retreats August 16-November or January 15– April RCIA and RCIC October 8-11 Parish Mission with retired Benedictine Archabbot Lambert Reilly, OSB as presenter Contact Information: Marian Knueven [email protected] 852-3195 x7108 Jean McCorkhill [email protected] 852-3195 x7102 Web: stmalachy.org/church/ growing-in-the-faith Ezekiel Bible Study Ezekiel will not occur June 22nd. Father Vince’s Bible Study on Ezekiel will resume on Wednesday, June 29th. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Christ Renews His Parish During the summer months we invite anyone interested in learning more about the Catholic Church to join us for one of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Inquiry Gatherings at 7 PM in church on any or all of the following dates: July 12, Tuesday in the Holy Family Room August 12, Friday in the Holy Family Room To meet you and your schedule, you have the opportunity to participate in the RCIA process by choosing either one of the following options: Starting on Tuesday, August 16 and continuing through November, we shall meet weekly on Tuesdays from 6:458:15 pm in the St. Malachy School Shamrock Café. Those who continue the journey will celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation on Saturday, November 19. Beginning on Sunday, January 15, 2017 and continuing through April, we shall meet weekly on Sundays from 10:0011:30 am in the St. Malachy Church Holy Family Room. Those who continue the journey will celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil Mass on April 15. If you have questions, please contact the Faith Formation Office at your convenience. ALL are welcome! retreat team members are in formation in preparation for the following retreats: Men’s Retreat on August 12-13; Women’s Retreat on August 26-27. You are invited to participate in the respective retreat at no cost! Please discern how Jesus may be calling you by name to grow closer to Him through quiet time, communal prayer, Reconciliation and Eucharist. As individuals and community, please join in praying the following prayer for the renewal of St. Malachy Parish: Gracious and caring Father, we thank you for the gift of St. Malachy Parish. READY us for renewal of our personal faith and community through Christ Renews His Parish. OPEN our hearts and minds to Your Holy Spirit; SPEAK to us Your life-giving Word; SET AFLAME the love in our hearts; FREE us to respond to Your call; EMPOWER us to respond to Your call, to trust and to act. You continue to reveal Yourself to us in new and wonderful ways. Keep us alert to your presence in our lives by the gift of Your Spirit. God of our journey, we offer joy-filled praise for the faithfulness of Your love, through Christ our Lord. Amen. ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH June 19, 2016 2016 Summer Religious Education is complete - thank you to the many volunteer catechists that worked to bring the Gospel to life for our children! Thank you also to the families who donated school supplies to the Hendricks County FastTrack Program (school supplies are given to those students who are in need).! The children donated over 150 items to this program. St. Malachy Catholic Church’s Parish Mission will take place October 8-11 with retired Archabbot Lambert Reilly, O.S.B. of Saint Meinrad Archabbey, and one of Pope Francis’ “missionaries of mercy”, serving as presenter by focusing on MERCY: Explore; Explain; and Experience. MISSION: The National Council of Catholic Women acts through its members to support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service. NCCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world. NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN (NCCW) NCCW was founded by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). NCCW has representation at the Catholic Social Ministry Gathering which advocates Catholic views to Congress. NCCW is a founding member and participant with the Religious Alliance Against Pornography. NCCW is a participant in partnerships and collaborations with other Catholic groups such as Catholic Relief Services, Cross Catholic Outreach, Center for Missing and Exploited Children and Catholic Climate Covenant. NCCW National Convention 2016 will be here in Indianapolis this year. Would you like to attend and join with hundreds of women from around the U.S.? WHEN: September 7 – 10, 2016 at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown, 350 West Maryland Street, Indianapolis, IN 46225 There will be Mass offered daily by various Catholic bishops (on Thursday by our own Archbishop Tobin), rosary on the canal, meditation rooms, exhibitors, speakers, auctions, raffles, and breakfasts and lunches. Speakers include: -Judy Hehr: Judy’s story will expand your self-awareness, enrich your attitude, rekindle your love for Christ, and encourage your own personal relationship with God. -Maria Morera Johnson is a CatholicMom.com blogger and cohost of SPQN’s Catholic Weekend. -Sister Donna Markham, President and CEO of Catholic Charities USA. -Katariina Rosenblatt has a personal story of human trafficking from the time she was just 13 years of age to 17. You can view the full schedule and accommodations, and register, at NCCW.org. Early-bird registration is due by June 30, 2016. The deadline to register is August 23, 2016. Youth Youth Ministry Ministry Upcoming Events Father’s Day June 19, 2016 Missionary Disciples Institute July 11-16 Marian University [email protected] 317-955-6136 ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH June 19, 2016 E-mail from the National Conference of Catholic Youth Ministry (NCCYM) Join Us for 2016 NCCYM Plan now for the 2016 the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry and faith formation for the young church in San Jose on December 1-3, 2016. Beggars for the Poor July 30 St. Vincent de Paul National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry December 1-3 San Jose, CA Registration Information Conference registration opens in mid-June. Featuring Visit the Conference Website Contact Information: Mary Myers Parish Ministry Assistant [email protected] 852-3195 x7107 Twitter: @StMalachyYM Facebook: St.MalachyYM Web: stmalachy.org/church/ growing-in-the-faith/youth For more information, including the draft schedule and the promo video, visit www.nccym.info. ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH June 19, 2016 We are beginning to plan for St. Malachy’s participation in the local summertime parades. If you have ideas or have interest in helping plan/coordinate, please email Stephanie Gutzweiler at [email protected]. (In the past, St. Malachy’s participated in the Brownsburg’s Lion’s Club 4th of July Parade with the Knights of Columbus—all of our parishioners are invited to walk with us!) Coming soon! Lighthouse Catholic Media St. Malachy proudly presents: "Parachute with the Angels” Vacation Bible School (VBS). VBS will occur June 2730th from 6-8pm. Come join us as we learn what roles the angels play in our lives. You may register online at: http://www.stmalachy.org /faith-formationregistration-form20162017/ or drop by the office. For more information please contact Jean McCorkhill. Fr. Vince Challenges Us… This upcoming fiscal year, we are budgeted to address several capital intensive maintenance projects. An example being, repairs to the church parking lot. Fr. Vince is challenging all St. Malachy families to increase their tithing by 3%. This would give us the financial resources to fund these maintenance projects, while keeping our ministries healthy. Please prayerfully consider your tithe for this upcoming fiscal year and fill out the tithing commitment form to the right. After you’ve completed the form, please return to the parish office by June 30th. Thank you! Details coming soon! Name ___________________________ Address ___________________________ City/Zip ___________________________ Email ___________________________ Tithing Challenge: In Thanksgiving for the Lord’s gifts to us, we are asked to give according to our means. Below is a guide illustrating a 3% increase based on the Biblical Tithe: Monthly Tithe: $50 $100 $500 $1000 Monthly Tithe with 3% Increase: $51.50 $103 $515 $1030 My family plans to annually tithe $_____________ starting July 1st with our new fiscal year. ST. MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH This Week at St. Malachy: Sunday, June 19 12noon Youth Mass 7pm CRHP Men’s Team 11 Monday, June 20 7am Summertime Shamrock Day Camp The Great Outdoors! M-F 3pm Shepherds of Christ Prayer Group 7pm K of C Social Meeting Tuesday, June 21 7am Finance Committee Meeting HFR* 9:30am Women’s Spirituality SF* 6:45pm Country Fair Meeting June 19, 2016 Wednesday, June 22 No Fr. Vince’s Ezekial Bible Study Thursday, June 23 7:30pm CRHP Women’s Team 11 - School Friday, June 24 Saturday, June 25 7:30am St. Vincent DePaul - Warehouse Workers Sunday, June 26 11am Fr. Dave Marcotte’s Farewell Reception 7pm CRHP Men’s Team 11 *HFR-Holy Family Room and SF-St. Francis Room
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