subject*: SFlinA`^+!tBH!3`-XiKBHD (,DcB)
subject*: SFlinA`^+!tBH!3`-XiKBHD (,DcB)
E"JF'SA TWAT*AY,#I.A GeneralAnnouncement PENANGon CORPORATE Initiated by CS_BOARDROOM SERVICES 06:06:34PM 04/08/2009 PENANGon CORPORATE SERVICES Submitted by CS_BOARDROOM 04108/2009 06:25:11PM ReferenceNo CC-090804-651 94 FormVersion SUbmitted C o mp a nyI nf or m at ion Main MarketCompany New Announcement Submitting Investment BanUAdvisor (if applicable) BOARDROOMCORPORATESERVICES(PENANG)SDN BHD Submitting SecretarialFirm (if applicable) * company name BHD DREAMGATECORPORATION * Stock name DGATE * Stock code 0037 * Contact person LAM VOON KEAN * Designation * Contact number JOINTCOMPANYSECRETARY E-mailaddress mcsvpg@boardroomlimited'com 04-2294390 Type' Announcement subject*: (,DcB) SFlinA'^+!tBH!3'-XiKBHD ISSUED OFTHEEXISTING OFUPTO1O% PLACEMENT PROPOSED PRIVATE PRIVATE PLACEMENT) OFDCB('PROPOSED ANDPAID-UP SHARE CAPITAL in the contentsand enter pleasesummarizethe announcement is a long announcement, Note:lf the announcement as in the Announcement Detailsor attachedthe full detailsof the announcement the detailsof the announcement attachment. Contents_*:(Thisfieldis to be usedfor the summaryof the announcement) i equity bCB is Dleasedto announcethatlhe SecuritiesCommission("SC")vide its letterdaled 3 August2009 had waivedall Bumiputera conditionsimposedonto DCB as statedin theirlettersdated21 October2008and 12 June 2009 sincethey are no longerapplicable. The waiverfrom SC is in linewith the announcementmadeby the PrimeMinisterof Malaysia,YAB Dato'SerilMohdNajibTun Abdul for publiclistedcompanies. Razakon 30 June2009 in relationto Bumiputeraequityrequirements is dated4 August2009. This announcement AnnouncementDetails:(This field is for the details of the announcement, if applicable) Attachmentlsl:- (please attach the attachments here) - No AttachementFound Tables Section - This section is to be used to create and insert tables. Please make the aoprooriate reference to the table(s) in the Contents of the Announcement: