The Catholic - Diocese of Victoria


The Catholic - Diocese of Victoria
The Catholic
The cradle of Texas Immigration
VOL. 29, NO. 3
In This
Issue . . .
• Pg. 3
Seminary Burses
• Pg. 6
3 Instituted as
• Pg. 7
Camp David/
Conference for
Catechesis and
• Pg. 8
Sunday Readings/
Ministries and
Ongoing Activities
• Pg. 9
Meet a Catholic
School Principal
• Pg. 11
U.S. Catholic leaders laud Pope
Francis for encyclical
by Catholic News Service
WASHINGTON (CNS)- U.S. Catholic leaders lauded Pope Francis
for his encyclical, Laudato Si’, on Care for
Our Common Home, for calling all to be
good stewards, for putting ‘a human face’ on
environmental issues, and for starting ‘a new
conversation’ on the urgent need to protect
all of creation.
Dominican Sr. Donna Markham, president of Catholic Charities USA, said she
hopes the encyclical's message will "inform,
inspire, and influence discussion about
how our obligation to care for creation is
as essential as our responsibility to care for
See U.S. Catholic leaders laud Pope, pg. 10
Welcome to our diocese,
newly ordained
priests and deacon!
July 2015
Most. Rev.
Brendan J. Cahill,
ordained as
Bishop of the
Diocese of Victoria
On June 29, 2015 at Our Lady of Victory Cathedral, Victoria, the
Diocese of Victoria welcomed the episcopal ordination and installation
of the Most Rev. Brendan John Cahill.
The Most Rev. Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, Archbishop of GalvestonHouston, served as consecrator. The Most Rev. Joseph Fiorenza,
Archbishop Emeritus of Galveston-Houston, and the Most Rev. David
Fellhauer, Bishop Emeritus of Victoria served as co-consecrators.
There were hundreds in attendance. Thousands watched live coverage
on EWTN and via live streaming. Eyes were filled with tears, hearts
were filled with joy, and there was a sense of excitement in the cathedral as the choir performed beautifully. The showing of the Apostolic
Letter to the College of Consultors was done in the presence of Fr.
Gary Janak, diocesan administrator and chancellor. The readings were
read in Spanish and Vietnamese. The Gospel was read in English.
Bishop-Elect Cahill was presented to Daniel Cardinal DiNardo
requesting he be ordained to the responsibility of the Episcopate for the
See Most Rev. Brendan J. Cahill ordained, pg. 9
More ordination coverage and more about our third diocesan bishop, Bishop
Cahill, will be featured in the July special edition... look for it soon!
Laying on of hands by Bishop Brendan Cahill, Msgr. Casey
Jarzombek, and Msgr. Gerard Cernoch
The Diocese of Victoria receives four newly ordained priests and a
deacon! As the day was warm, people’s hearts were filled with warmth
too as all in attendance welcomed and accepted those newly ordained
into the diocese.
Ministers of the celebration included Bishop Emeritus David Fellhauer as main celebrant as well as Bishop-Elect Brendan Cahill and
priests of the Diocese of Victoria as concelebrants. For Fr. Kristopher
Fuchs, the presentation of the chasuble and stole were by Kevon Fuchs
and Lynette Butler. The vesting ministers were Fr. James Ramsey and
Fr. Charles Banks. For Fr. Scott Hill, the presentation of the chasuble
Priests prostrate before the altar during the Litany of the
Saints as the congregation joins in singing the repsonse to the
ancient prayer of intercesion
See Welcome to our diocese, pgs. 6 and 12
Set the Diocese of Victoria as your homepage: View TCL online!
The Catholic Lighthouse
Page 2 — July 2015
Seminary Burses
The Most Rev.
Brendan J. Cahill
Allison Hybner
[email protected]
Regina Matus-Janak
[email protected]
The Diocese of Victoria is comprised of
more than 50 parishes in 69 communities.
Estimated Catholic population: 107,000.
The Catholic Lighthouse
USPS-001015 (ISSN 0894-7740)
is published monthly at
1505 E. Mesquite Lane
in Victoria, TX 77901.
Subscription rates are
$7 per year within the diocese.
$10 outside the diocese.
E-mail local stories, photos or
festival announcements to
[email protected].
(361) 573-0828
(361) 573-5725 FAX
Send address changes to
The Catholic Lighthouse,
P.O. Box 4070,
Victoria, TX 77903.
The Catholic Lighthouse cannot be held liable,
or in any way responsible for the content of any
advertisement appearing within these pages.
All claims, offers, guarantees, statements, etc.,
made by The Catholic Lighthouse advertisers
are solely the responsibility of the advertiser.
Deceptive or misleading advertising is never
knowingly accepted. Complaints regarding advertising should be made directly to the advertiser
or the Better Business Bureau.
Seminary burses are a permanent fund used for the education of future priests for the Diocese of Victoria. The goal of each burse is
$15,000. The interest from this amount is applied yearly to the education of seminarians. The burses are in memory of or in honor of
an individual priest or lay persons, living or deceased. Publication of the burses will appear periodically when new contributions are
received. Those wishing to begin a burse or to contribute to an existing seminary burse may do so by sending their contributions
with the appropriate burse designation to: DIOCESE OF VICTORIA • SEMINARY BURSES • P. O. BOX 4070 •
Clarence and Linda Ruether
Delton and Janet Hollmann
As of June 30, 2015
Darry and Barbara Meyer
Dodie and Angie Dungen
Paul and Cathy Michalsky
— General Seminary Burse
and Molly
Previously reported
Kathleen and Ernie Noska
— Rev. Charles Kolek, OSB &
In memory of Julia Krenek by Ryan and
In honor of Kenneth and Patsy
John and Mary Kolek
Vicki Simper
Warschak’s wedding anniversary by
Previously reported
Bill and Carolyn Schuette
In memory of Rev. Charles Kolek by the
In memory of Leonard Buxkemper by
Charles and Mary Kozel
— Most Rev. David E. Fellhauer /
Clarence and Linda Ruether
Family Reunion
Catholic Life Insurance Nada,
In honor of James Dvorak’s graduation
Moulton-Flatonia, Hallettsville, El
by Darry and Barbara Meyer 25.00
Campo, and Edna-Ganado Branches
In honor of Rev. Philip Brune’s
— Rev. Dan Morales Burse in Honor of
Burse #2
1st ordination anniversary to the
his Work for Vocations
Previously reported
priesthood by
Previously reported
In thanksgiving to Most Rev. David E.
Darry and Barbara Meyer
In honor of Rev. Dan Morales’ birthday
Fellhauer by Deacon and Mrs.
In honor of Rev. Scott Hill’s
celebration by
Milburn Kram
1st ordination anniversary to the
M/M Pete Moralez
priesthood by
Daryl and Joan Hill
Darry and Barbara Meyer
In honor of Rev. Dan Morales by
— Rev. Wayne Flagg and
Kathleen Noska
Paz and Andrea Morales
Rev. Philip Brune
Previously reported
Donation by Catholic Life Insurance
— Rev. Kristopher L. Fuchs
— Rev. Msgr. John C. Peters Burse #7
Frelsburg Branch #11
Previously reported
Previously reported
In honor of Ernest and Eudene Richter,
In honor of Rev. Kristopher L. Fuchs’
In memory of Andres and Annie Bludau
Jr.’s 50th wedding anniversary by
1st ordination to the priesthood
by family members
by M/M Leon Kristynik
In honor of Rev. Msgr. John Peters in
TCL advertising
thanksgiving for all your support by
Sacred Heart Catholic School faculty,
We are updating our ads for
— Rev. Scott Joseph Hill
staff, and students
consistency, clarity, and more up-toPreviously reported
In thanksgiving for Rev. Msgr.
date look. If you have advertised with
In honor of Rev. Scott Hill’s
John C. Peters by
us in the past, please know ads may be
1st ordination to the priesthood
Ned and Pam Havel Moser 200.00
updated, refreshed, or recreated. A $10
by Wanda Alexander
In memory of Emma Wick by Charles
fee may also be assessed. We thank you
and Geralyn Klimitchek
for your patience and assistance during
Diocesan directory
this process. Advertising requirements
Magdalen Steffek
for TCL include:
In memory of Eleanor Huser by Bernard
The official Diocese of Victoria
•Appealing, eye-catching design
See Seminary Burses, pg. 3
purchase•Consistent punctuation throughout:
get yours today!
a.m., p.m. drive-thru, to-go-plates,
include: Mass times,
TCL deadlines
dine-in, etc.
Catholic schools,
•Crisp, clear, artwork (preferably
See page 11 or visit
diocesan services, education services,
not clip art) and
•Updated/refreshed fonts
download the pdf of 2015 dates
clergy assignments, women religious,
•Created and/or recreated in InDeunder TCL tab!
sign format; no scans or faxes
•Required: date, time, cost, location,
if picked up at the Chancery; $12 if
contact information
DSA update
mailed. To order a full directory, with
Ad space is available! Position your
the diocesan binder, cost is $8 if picked
organization as a key business in the
2015 Diocesan Services Appeal
up at the Chancery and $17 if mailed.
Catholic publishing community and
Diocesan Goal:
$ 1,826,700.00
A free pdf is also available.
throughout the Diocese of Victoria. AdParish
$ 678,229.10
For more information, call (361)
vertising with TCL is an effective way
$ 573,360.44
573-0828 or visit www.victoriadioto promote your local event, charity or
Parish under the Parishes tab.
business. Advertise with us!
Families Participating:
what we can do for you!
The Diocese of Victoria
offers several
ministry programs:
- Catechetical Ministry
-Family Ministries
-Library and Media Center
-Pastoral Institute
-Prison Ministry
-Youth and Young Adult
The Diocese of Victoria
also provides
many services:
-Business Office
-Catholic Cemeteries Office
-Catholic Schools Office
-Office of Vocations
-Safe Environment Office
-Spiritual Renewal Center
-The Catholic Lighthouse...
and more!
1505 E. Mesquite Lane
Victoria, TX 77901
(361) 573-0828
Oregon’s Natural Wonders:
Sept. 20-26, 2015
Fall Vermont Tour:
Oct. 16-24, 2015
Only 4 spaces available!
Cruise from Venice
Croatia - Athens - Ephesus
June 11-18, 2016
Cabins are bookingdon’t miss your choice!
Seminary Burses
Continued from page 1
and Mary Grahmann
Magdalen Steffek
In honor of August and Cecilia Janak’s
wedding celebration by
John and Charlene Pillow
In memory of Lydia Matusek by Vernon
and Marilyn Matusek
In memory of Pat Bollom by
Pat Mladenka
In memory of Leo Christ by
Magdalen Steffek
In memory of Irene J. Christen by
Pat Mladenka
— St. Anthony of Padua Catholic
Church, Palacios
Previously reported
(361) 552.2695 or (361) 920.3216
Donations by parishioners of St. Anthony
Church, Palacios
— St. John the Baptist Catholic
Church, Koerth
In memory of Emma Wick and
Terry Wick by Emma Raska
For more information, visit
— Rev. Joe Vrana, in honor of his
Golden Jubilee Year
In honor of Rev. Joe Vrana in
thanksgiving for his chaplaincy of the
Christopher Columbus 4th Degree
Donation in honor of Rev. Joe Vrana by
Kurt and Shara Sunderman
Inside of Sts. Cyril & Methodius
Catholic Church, Dubina
Kenneth J. French, Sr.
1501 E Mockingbird,
Ste 102
Victoria, TX 77901
(361) 576-0178
Last month, the first Summer Fun Days was held at the Library Media/Center located at the Chancery. A faith-based movie, Jesus Grows Up, What He said and What
He Did, was shown to the children in attendance. They also participated in an activity,
and enjoyed a healthy snack! Seated, above, right: Fr. Gary Janak, diocesan adminstrator, chancellor, and pastor of Our Lady of Victory, Victoria, stopped by to
wish the children a fun-filled time and to consider the possibility of becoming
a priest or nun.
Tour Poland, Germany,
& Czech Republic
The Great Europe Trip
August 11-23, 2015
TICKETS: $9.00
Serving begins at 10:30 A.M.
Drive-thru or dine-in!
Spain’s Coasta del Sol & Portugal
Nov. 10-22, 2016
Pathways ~with Patti
334 Jurek Road
Port Lavaca, TX 77979
The Catholic Lighthouse
Page 3 — July 2015
*Cheese & poppyseed roll pyramid
*Arts & crafts
*Antique furniture
*and many more items!
Raffle Prizes!
Total value:
Homemade tamales
available in the afternoon!
Stew will also be for sale.
Soft drinks & refreshments
Pa ace
Berlin, WWII & Cold War History,
Gdansk, Warsaw, Krakow, Wadowice,
Childhood home of St. Pope Paul II,
Frenstat, home to 85% Texas Czechs
& Prague
11 tickets left!
Book by July 8th!
(361) 578-0828 • [email protected]
The Catholic Lighthouse
Page 4 — July 2015
Becoming Catholic
10-year old, Cole Kubicek was received into the
Catholic Church at Sacred Heart, Hallettsville, on
May 1, 2015. Left to right: David Smolik, former
school principal, Sr. Emiliana Grafe, IWBS, Cody
and Ashley Kubicek, great grandmother, Irma
Kubicek, and Msgr. John Peters, pastor of Scared
Heart, Hallettsville. Cole is in the forefront.
William Cole Kubicek, has attended Sacred Heart
Catholic School since 1st grade. He wanted to know
everything about God and the Catholic faith. He told his
parents he wanted be become Catholic. Last October, his
mother told Sr. Emiliana about his dream and desire. After school, once a week, he prepared for the sacraments of
reconciliation and the Eucharist. He occasionally mused
with a smile on his face, "I wonder why Jesus wants me
to be a Catholic?" This question held the answer; Cole
heard this as a call from God. On May 1, at school Mass,
Msgr. John Peters called Cole forth to make his declaration of faith, which he read before his parents, great
grandmother, other relatives, and all his school mates. A
short time later, he received Jesus in the Eucharist for
the first time- but Cole was not finished. After Mass, he
surprised everyone as he went to the microphone and
thanked all those who had supported him on his journey.
were compared. Jennifer Pilat, 4th grade teacher, said, “In the
end, all the students come away with a better understanding of
how businesses operate and how much work goes into being a
business owner.”
4th graders at Shiner Catholic School embarked
on becoming entrepreneurs during the last 3 weeks
of school- all to build the big, digital lemonade stand
project, The Economic Fair.
This year’s 4th graders opened an array of store
fronts: massage spa, movie theatre, sports card trading
store, crafting store, snack shack, arcade, taste booth, and
art gallery. Monies were totaled. Expenses and profits
Knights of Columbus Council #4307, Blessing, presented
senior scholarships and Bibles to 4 recipients for the academic
year of 2014-2015. Front row, left to right: Joshua Kitterman,
Rafael Sustaita, Abagail Frick, and Eric Hickl. Behind the
recipients with Fr. Peter Yeboah-Amanfo, council chaplain
and pastor of St. Peter Church, Blessing, are some of the
council members.
3rd Annual Fishers of Men
Saltwater Fishing Tournament
MASS: Sunday 10:00 A.M.
DINNER: 11:00 A.M.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Elks Lodge • El Campo, TX
Entry fee: $200 per team (4 persons max)
5 optional side-pot entry fees
$20 each category •100% side-pot payout
Tournament prizes will be given for
1st, 2nd, & 3rd place.
5 fish heavy stringer (2 red & 3 trout)
A meal will be provided after the weigh-in for those who have entered the
tournament by August 14th. Additional meal tickets may be purchased for
$8 p/p when the team entry is sent in or at weigh-in.
You may register at the mandatory Captain’s Meeting at the Elks Lodge on
Friday, August 28th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
For more information, contact
Kyle Chandler at
(979) 541-9833 or [email protected].
Entry fees benefit the El Campo Deanery ACTS.
Drive-thru & plates-to-go: 10:30 A.M.-12:30 P.M.
12:00 P.M. Noon
Hamburgers, refreshments, and entertainment on the
Moravia Parish Picnic Grounds!
ion a
Auct ities
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the p
draw ze
7:00 ing:
Left to right: Kathryn Ormsby, regent of CDA Court St. Ann #369, Victoria;
Garret Guerrero, Robert Whitworth III, Zachary Ballard, Maci Endelmohr, Taylor
Janak, Madeline Schaar, Susana Moya, scholarship chair, and Sandra Genoway
accepting a scholarship award for Jordan Mueller.
Susana Moya introduced each recipient, his/her CDA sponsor, and parents. Garret
Guerrero received the State Court Scholarship of $500. Robert Whitworth III, Zachary
Ballard, Maci Engelmohr, Taylor Janak, Madeline Schaar and Jordan Mueller received
educational scholarships totaling $2,500.
The Catholic Lighthouse
Page 5 — July 2015
Left to right: Fr. Roger Hawes, pastor of Holy Cross Church, Yorktown; Cindy
DuBose, CDA Education Contest sponsor; Stephanie Mattox, awards recipient;
and Janice Tiemann, regent of CDA Court #1598.
Stephanie Mattox of Holy Cross Church, Yorktown, won 3 State Education Awards,
as announced at the state CDA convention held in Austin. She won 1st place in Computer
Art, 1st place in Poetry, and 3rd place in the Art contest, for her division. Stephanie was
altar serving at an evening Mass when she was greatly surprised to hear Janice Tiemann
announce the news to the congregation. Janice was joined by Cindy DuBose as they
presented Stephanie with her cash prize from the State Court. Stephanie will be a junior
at Yorktown High School this fall and is active in sports and church activities. She is
the daughter of Charles Mattox, Jr. and Angela Stepanski, bookkeeper for Holy Cross
Church and active member of CDA Court #1598.
Pray for vocations
For more information,
Left to right: Kathryn Ormsby, regent; Katie Timmins, Reed Rivera, William
Wright, Sarah Ybarra, Andrew Barton, Donna Moeller, and Sr. Louise Marie
Jones, IWBS, spiritual advisor. Not pictured are Lauren Pena and Richard Heard.
Also, CDA Court St. Ann #369, Victoria, recently awarded certificates to the State
Education Contest Award winners. Geraldine Jurica was the CDA Education Contest
chair. Recipients included: Div. I, 4-5 grades- William Wright, 3rd place, Poetry; Sarah
Ybarra, 3rd place, Computer Art. Div. II, 6-8 grades- Andrew Barton, 2nd in Essay; Reed
Rivera, 1st in Computer Art (advanced to National); Lauren Pena, 3rd in Photography.
Div. III, High School- Richard Heard, 3rd place in Computer Art; Katie Timmins, 3rd
place in Photography. Adult Div.- Donna Moeller, 2nd in Photography. Receiving 3 awards
at the State Convention were: Sue Schaefer- 2nd place, Scrapbook; Donna Moeller- 1st
place, Legislation; Joan Schramek- 2nd place, Newsletter.
If you or someone you know has been sexually
abused by a member of the clergy or other church
personnel, you can register a complaint.
• Call the bishop or the chancellor at the Chancery at (361) 573-0828; or
• Call Fr. Gary Janak (361) 575-4741 or Sr. Emilie Eilers (361) 575-7111, Coordinators of Pastoral Care and Outreach; or
• Mark your letter “Personal and Confidential”. Write to:
Most Rev. Brendan J. Cahill, Diocese of Victoria, P.O. Box 4070,
Victoria, TX 77903
We will also help you bring your concerns to Church officials outside the diocese
if the abuse occurred elsewhere and you now reside in the Diocese of Victoria.
If you are unsure about bringing forth a complaint or need more information,
please contact: Fr. Gary Janak at (361) 575-4741.
Reporting Child Abuse Hotline • 1 (800) 252-5400
If you know or suspect a child or person has been abused or mistreated,
you are required to report it to the Texas Department of Protective and
Regulatory Services or to a law enforcement agency within 48 hours.
If the person is in immediate danger, call 911.
The Catholic Lighthouse
Page 6 — July 2015
Welcome to our diocese,
newly ordained
priests and deacon!
Continued from page 1
Newly ordained perform first priestly blessings
with Bishop Emeritus David E. Fellhauer
Left to right: Edward Huse, Anthony Hensley,
Bishop Emeritus Fellhauer, and Michael Tankersley
On Pentecost Sunday, May 24, 2015, at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Moulton,
Bishop Emeritus David Fellhauer presided over Mass during which 3 men preparing for
the Office of Permanent Diaconate were installed as acolytes.
Anthony Hensley, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church, Ganado;
Edward Huse, Holy Family of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus Catholic Church, Victoria; and
Michael Tankersley, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Hallettsville, were vested in albs
signifying their readiness to attend to the service at the altar assisting the deacon and the
priest in liturgical celebrations. During the institution, the Fr. Gabriel Maison, pastor of
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church and director of the diaconate formation, called forward the
candidates and presented them to the bishop.
The bishop handed each candidate a paten with the bread to be consecrated instructing
them, “Take this vessel with the bread for the celebration of the Eucharist. Make your
life worthy of the service at the table of the Lord and of His Church.” Each candidate
responded “Amen.” Having been installed as acolytes, the men are preparing themselves
for ordination as permanent deacons.
The bishop offered words of encouragement to the newly installed acolytes and
thanked their families for their commitment to serve the diocese.
Fr. Kristopher Fuchs
Fr. Scott Hill
Fr. Jacob Koether
Fr. Francis Nguyen III
~Priestly assignments~
For more information about the Permanent Diaconate Program,
call (361) 596-4674
or write to
The Director Formation, P.O. Box 399, Moulton, TX 77975.
Deacon Max Landman will be taking Theology IV at Pontifical College
Josephinum in Columbus, OH.
Please pray for
and support our
priests, deacons, clergy,
sisters, and women religious
of the Lord!
Newly ordained priests at the June 6th ordination at
Holy Family Catholic Church, Victoria
Fr. Scott Hill
Our Lady of the Gulf,
Port Lavaca
Fr. Kristopher Fuchs
Our Lady of Victory,
Fr. Francis Nguyen III
St. Philip the Apostle,
El Campo
Fr. Jacob Koether
Holy Family, Victoria
See Welcome to our diocese, pg. 12
Bishop Emeritus Fellhauer
celebrates Mass at
Camp David 2015
The Catholic Lighthouse
Page 7 — July 2015
Despite the rainy weather, the sessions were enjoyed by all youth in attendance!
It was an enriching and spiritual time. The retreat was offered for junior high youth,
for students entering 6th grade or finishing 8th grade as well as elementary students,
3rd through 5th grades. A trained staff and supervision by qualified adults provided
care and guidance during the retreat. Several teambuilding activities in small groups
and large were held. There was time for prayer, reflection, and learning more about
the sacraments. Outdoor activities included volleyball, races, and water fun!
Fr. Michael Rother
celebrates Mass at
Camp David 2015
Youth at Camp David 2015; (A) Session I, (B)
Session II, and (C) Elementary Session
Outdoor activity at Camp David 2015
Wendy Eggert, director • Ryan Leos, associate director
(361) 573-0828 • [email protected]
Team building activity at
Camp David 2015
The Diocese of Victoria
XXVIII Annual Conference
for Catechesis and Ministry
Team building activity at
Camp David 2015
World Youth Day 2016
July 25-Aug. 1
October 24, 2015
Holy Family Catholic Church • Wharton, TX
Waterworld slip-and-slide at
Camp David 2015
your ad
be in color?
The day-long conference will feature keynote presentations,
including one by Bishop Oscar Cantú of the
Diocese of Las Cruces, NM,
and a variety of workshops in English and Spanish
by clergy, religious, and lay persons.
Everyone is invited to attend this one-day diocesan event!
Conference attendees will also have the opportunity
to shop for Catholic articles, materials, and resources
from many vendor exhibits!
For more information, contact:
The Office of Catechetical Ministry
(361) 573-0828 x2224
[email protected]
The Catholic Lighthouse
Page 8 — July 2015
Sunday Readings
from July 12 to Aug. 2, 2015
July 12- 15th Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Amos 7:12-15
Psalms 85:9-14
Ephesians 1:3-14
Mark 6:7-13
July 19- 16th Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Jeremiah 23:1-6
Psalms 23:1-6
Ephesians 2:13-18
Mark 6:30-34
July 26- 17th Sunday
in Ordinary Time
2 Kings 4:42-44
Psalms 145:10-11, 15-18
Ministries • Ongoing Activities
Ephesians 4:1-6
John 6:1-15
Aug. 2- 18th Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15
Psalms 78:3-4, 23-25, 54
Ephesians 4:17, 20-24
John 6:24-35
For daily and Sunday readings,
as well as a daily
reflection video, visit Brought to you by:
To Love as God Loves–This marriage
preparation program is for couples 40 and
over, couples seeking convalidation, and
couples seeking a second marriage and
beyond. Upcoming date: Sept. 27. For more
information, brochure, or registration form,
Presidio La Bahia (PLB) Museum and Visitor Center
Visit the 19th Centrury! See living historians, artisans, and more!
The Presidio, located in Goliad, is the only Spanish fort in the possession of the
Catholic church in North America and is a National Historic Landmark.
The museum is open 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. and is closed on major holidays.
For more information, call (361) 645-3752 or visit
AUGUST 2, 2015
Holy Mass - 8:45 A.M.
(coffee & pastries served after Mass)
Served at
11:00 A.M.
Meal: $10 large $6 small • Drive-thru & plates-to-go: $10
(Hamburgers, nachos, & snacks available after 3:00 P.M.
1:00 P.M.
inside air conditioned hall
Quilts, Handmade items,
Antiques, Home-canned foods,
Plants, Pastries,
plus many more unique items!
For more information, call
(979) 732-3430 or (979) 732-0257.
Central Texas Sounds
Noon4:00 P.M.
the hall,
after the
Catholic Family Services–To find Catholic organizations which focus on family, visit
the Catholic Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers at
Courage–Ministers to persons with same-sex attractions and their loved ones. The ministry
also has an outreach, EnCourage, which ministers to relatives, spouses, and friends of
persons with same-sex attractions. It is a Roman Catholic Apostolate endorsed by the
Pontifical Council for the Family. For more information, visit
Engaged Encounter–Aug. 28-30 and Oct. 16-18. Registrations are on a first come, first
serve basis. Fee must accompany registration form. For more information, call (361)
573-0828 x2230 or visit
Gabriel Project–Helps women experiencing a crisis pregnancy- an alternative to abortion.
Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at 101 W. Convent. Light
supper included. For angel workshop/training dates, contact Barbara at (361) 6491612 or [email protected]. Holy Family, Wharton, meetings are the 4th
Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Sts. Peter and Paul, Meyersville, meetings are the
3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. For more information, call (979) 532-3593,
M-F, 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. or visit
Grief Ministry–Meetings are the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
in conference/brides’ room at Holy Family Church, Victoria. Before attending, call
Sharon at (361) 578-7572.
Hospice of South Texas–Volunteer to provide continuity of inpatient care, home care,
and bereavement services. Free grief support group meetings are the 2nd Monday of
each month at 10:00 a.m. in Victoria and the 4th Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
in Hallettsville. For more information, call 1(800) 874–6908, (361) 572-4300, or visit
Incarnate Word Prayer Group–Praise and worship on Mondays 7:30-9:00 p.m. in the
Auditorium at Incarnate Word Convent, 1101 N.E. Water Street. For more information,
contact Sr. Louise Marie Jones at (361) 575-7111 or [email protected].
Marriage Encounter–This program is no longer offered in the Diocese of Victoria.
Replacing it is Retrouvaille (see below). To find a Marriage Encounter weekend outside
of the diocese, visit
Natural Family Planning–NFP is the only church-approved form of family planning. To
learn about the sympto-thermal method in the Victoria area and NFP class schedules,
contact David and Annie Coffey at [email protected]. In Wharton,
contact Susanne Koch at (505) 710-0903 or [email protected].
Raphael’s Refuge–RR’s mission is to build and maintain a memorial in honor of babies,
born and unborn. It is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located in Flatonia. Peer
counseling and spiritual direction are available for those suffering a loss of a baby
due to miscarriage, stillbirth, infant death, or abortion. For more information, contact
Midge Elam at (361) 865-3021, (361) 258-1514, or visit
Retrouvaille–Retrouvaille, meaning rediscovery, is a marriage-healing ministry offered
in the diocese to couples in difficult marriages. Contact John and Jennifer Vincent
at [email protected] or (361) 580-2770; call (800) 470-2230; or visit www. or See ad below.
St. Francis and St. Clare Fraternity/Secular Franciscans–For dates, contact Mary
Ann LeBlanc at (361) 575-1858 or visit
...a Lifeline For Troubled Marriages ™
August 14-16, 2015
Diocese of Victoria Spiritual Renewal Center
• Anxious about their marriage relationship.
• Alone or distant from their partner.
• Disillusioned or bored in their marriage.
• Without the time or desire to communicate.
• Experiencing coldness or conflict.
• Frustrated, hurt or angry with their spouse
• Unable to see how to change their situation.
For confidential inquires, call 1 (800) 470-2230 or
Meet a Catholic School Principal
(a TCL series)
I was born in Hallettsville, TX. My parents are Dennis and Gerardette Haas. I attended Sacred Heart Catholic School, Hallettsville, for grades K-12. I received all of my
sacraments in the Sacred Heart Catholic Church. I graduated from Sam Houston State in
1999. I attended Victoria College for a year and transferred to Tarleton State University,
where I graduated in 2004 with Bachelors degree and then again in 2006 with a Masters
degree in Agricultural Education.
I feel my education, work experience, and involvement in the community has prepared me to be a principal. My spiritual life is my leading force in taking the position as
a disciple for the school. My primary role, as principal, is to be a leader and motivator
for the faculty, staff, students,
and parents.
Sacred Heart has an awesome track record and a great
reputation of fostering the Catholic faith through education and
academics. It will be my job to
ensure we stay on that path and
encourage the spiritual, moral,
academic, physical, and social
growth according to the Catholic
tradition for the students. It is
also my responsibility to ensure
students are being challenged
in the classroom and allowed extracurricular activities so they
are prepared for real life experiences. As part of my position,
I am excited about working with
all aspects of the school system
which include direct
contact with students,
Kevin Haas
parents, faculty, staff,
and the community.
Sacred Heart Catholic School,
Being a principal is
certainly life changHallettsville
ing, not only for me, but
for my whole family.
As a family, we feel this
is where God is calling
us to serve. My involvement in the school and the position will assist and encourage
personal development on many different levels too. My wife, Lara, and I, have 4 children:
Lanie, 7; Macie, 5; Preslie, 2; and Karter, 1. The older two attend Sacred Heart Catholic
School. Lara is a physical therapist assistant. We stay very busy with our children along
with maintaining our small ranching operation raising cattle and horses. I enjoy outdoor
activities and assisting other ranchers working their cattle as well as breaking and training horses. Lara and I enjoy being involved in Church community events and in ACTS.
We are blessed to be a part of a great community and to be able to raise our children in
the Catholic school system.
Consecrated Life
Most. Rev.
Brendan J. Cahill,
ordained as
Bishop of the
Diocese of Victoria
Continued from page 1
Church of Victoria. His Excellency, the Most Rev. Carlo Maria Vigano, Apostolic Nuncio
to the U.S. was not present, but Msgr. Fermin Emilio Sosa Rodriguez, Charge’ d’ affaires
of the Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See in the U.S. located in Washington, D.C. read
the Apostolic Mandate. It will be inspected by the College of Consultors. It was shown
to the people and all in the congregation applauded. Daniel Cardinal DiNardo imparted
the homily. He spoke about how the day of June 29th is celebrated and remembered all
around the world as being the day of the Solemnity of the Apostles Peter and Paul and
how it is even a civil holiday in Rome. He wished Bishop Cahill well in his new home
of Victoria and reiterated how Catholicism is the one, true faith.
The Laying on of Hands was performed by numerous bishops in attendance. Bishop
Cahill’s head was anointed with a mixture of olive and fragrant balsam oils. After the
liturgy of the Eucharist and holy Communion, Bishop Cahill processed through the
congregation and blessed all who were present.
In communion with the order of bishops under the authority of the successor of the
holy Apostle Peter, Bishop Cahill humbly expressed his promise to carry out his office
in accord with the mind of Christ and of the Catholic Church. In his closing remarks, he
thanked his parents, family, priests, consecrated religious, and all who have helped him
in his life. He is looking forward to helping and praying for all in the diocese.
Liturgical participants included Fr. Tommy Chen, master of ceremonies; Fr. Gary Janak
and Fr. Dan Morales, chaplains for the Bishop-Elect; Deacon Steve Borowicz, Deacon
Dennis Kutach, and Deacon Max Landman, deacons of the Mass; Sr. Marie Therese Nga
Nguyen, OP and Mary Reyes, lectors; and seminarians of the diocese, servers.
Afterwards, a reception was held at Holy Family Catholic Church’s Parish Hall.
Meet Bishop Brendan Cahill,
the third bishop
of the Diocese of Victoria!
Receptions will be held:
July 10 • El Campo
7:00 p.m. • KC Hall
July 13 • Victoria
7:00 p.m. • Holy Family
July 15 • Hallettsville
7:00 p.m. • KC Hall
July 20 • Palacios
5:30 p.m. • Mass/reception at the
Vietnamese Apostolate
Shouldn’t your
(979) 543-6941
The Catholic Lighthouse
Page 9 — July 2015
be in this issue?
The Catholic Lighthouse
Page 10 — July 2015
Religious communities
receive $25 million
WASHINGTON- The National Religious Retirement Office (NRRO) distributed
$25 million in financial assistance to 394 religious communities across the country. The
funding was made possible by the Retirement Fund for Religious collection, an annual,
parish-based appeal benefitting more than 33,000 senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and
religious order priests. The latest collection was held in the majority of U.S. Catholic
parishes in December 2014 and raised $28.3 million. 11 dioceses and 3 archdioceses
had record-high donations.
“We are humbled and overwhelmed by the love and generosity Catholics across the
nation share with our senior religious each year,” said Precious Blood Sr. Janice Bader,
NRRO’s executive director. “We remain committed to ensuring the broadest and most
beneficial distribution of these donations.”
The U.S. bishops launched the Retirement Fund for Religious in 1988 to address
the profound deficit in retirement funding among U.S. religious communities. For more
information, visit
Texas Knights of Columbus
lead as organization
sets new charity record
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (CNS)- With Texas leading the way, the KCs set a new all-time
record in 2014 for charitable donations and service hours with $173,550,680 in donations
and more than 71.5 million hours of service. Texas Knights raised more than $9 million
and notched 4.5 million hours of service. Both numbers represented the highest totals of
Knights in any state in the U.S, and the dollar figure set the pace for Knights worldwide.
“Charity has been at the heart of the Knights’ mission for the past 133 years,” said
Carl Anderson, supreme knight. “In America, Pope Francis will find a Church that is
alive with the love of God and love of neighbor, and the KCs are excellent examples
of this reality.”
According to the K of C’s Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity for the year ending
Dec. 31, 2014, donations worldwide grew by more than $3.4 million over 2013, achieving an increase in giving for the 15th consecutive year.
The KCs were founded by Fr. Michael McGivney, a New Haven parish priest, in 1882.
The organization was formed to provide charitable outreach and care for the financial
well-being of Catholic families, focusing on the protection of widows and orphans, and
on strengthening the faith of its members. It has grown to include 1.8 million members
throughout North and Central America, the Philippines, the Caribbean, and Europe.
Summer Fun Days
U.S. Catholic leaders laud
Pope Francis for encyclical
Continued from page 1
each other." Bishop Peter A. Libasci of Manchester, New Hampshire, said the pope's
encyclical "envisions a world growing closer, rather than consumed by war and dissension, and stresses that there is a connection between care for the earth, justice for the
poor, commitment to society, and our own interior peace and that it is pointing the way
to happiness: not a happiness based on the continual accumulation of material goods,
but a true satisfaction and happiness in an environment that produces and sustains life."
Featured on the front page is the cover of the English edition of Pope Francis' encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si', on Care for Our Common Home. The long-anticipated encyclical was released at the Vatican last month. (CNS photo/courtesy USCCB)
The Fraternal 100 Project provided $100
from the state office to each society achieving a
platinum status for the year 2014. St. Zdislava
KJZT #53, Weid, acheived this status and donated their $100 to Sr. Stephana Marbach for
Sr. Rebecca Janacek’s mission work in Kenya,
Africa. Left to right: Margaret Dornak, society photographer and valued member;
Sr. Stephana Marbach, mother superior
at IWBS; and Katherine Kahanek, society
Catholic Union of Texas, The KJT Catholic
Education Grant earned by St. Augustine KJT
Society #129, Schulenburg, was presented to
St. Rose Catholic School, Schulenburg, in
recognization of the 125th anniversary of St.
Rose of Lima Catholic School. Left to right:
Rosanne Gallia, school principal and Matthew
Prihoda, society president.
Be informed on issues of importance to Catholics in our state- becoming a member
of the Texas Catholic Network is easy! For more information, visit,
Short Term Program
JULY 8, 2015
JULY 22, 2015
(Parent or Legal Guardian).
Summer is here! The kids are out of school... what will you do? Bring them to the
Library located on the 2nd floor at the Chancery at 1505 E. Mesquite Lane, Victoria,
TX, 77901! Office hours are Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. During July, children
can enjoy a faith-based movie, participate in an activity, and have a healthy snack for
FREE! Come, join us!
For more information, contact Margaret Pruett at (361) 573-0828 x2224, [email protected], or visit
Echoes of Faith 3.0 is being made available through funds from the Capital Campaign at NO COST to catechists and parish catechetical leaders in the Diocese of
Victoria. Register for a free one-year subscription at (home
page scroll down to the Echoes link). For more information, contact Christella Alvarez
at (361) 827-7171, [email protected] or Sherry Kainer at (361) 573-0828
x2223, [email protected].
Meals • Picnics and more
Moravia–Ascension Parish Picnic July 19. 10:00 a.m.
Mass. 11:00 a.m. Stew and kettle fried chicken. $9 p/p.
1:00 p.m. auction. 1:30 p.m. Bingo. See ad on pg. 4.
Port O’Connor–Holy Family KC Council #9088 Fishing
Tournament July 31 and Aug.1. See ad on pg. 5.
Victoria–The Knights of St. Gregory hosts the Bishop’s
Charity Banquet July 16 at the Victoria Country Club.
6:30 p.m. social. 7:15 p.m. dinner. $100 p/p. Proceeds
benefit Bishop Cahill’s special charities. Seating is
limited. For more information, contact Donald Naiser
at (979) 543 8412.
El Campo–Fishers of Men Saltwater Fishing Tournament
Aug. 29. Benefits ACTS. See ad on pg. 4.
Frelsburg–Sts. Peter & Paul Country Festival Aug. 2.
8:45 a.m. Mass. 11:00 a.m. Fried fish meal. $10 p/p
large. $6 p/p small. $10 p/p drive-thru and plates-to-go.
1:00 p.m. auction 4:00 p.m. Bingo. See ad on pg. 8.
Hallettsville–Serra Club holds Seminarian Cookout Aug.
11 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church.
Praha–Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Picnic
Aug. 15. 10:00 a.m. Mass. 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Stew
and fried chicken. $9 p/p. 1:00 p.m. auction. 1-5:00
p.m. and 6-10 p.m. Bingo. For more information, call
(361) 596- 4674 or visit
Weimar–St. Michael Harvest Feast Aug. 9. Fried chicken
and stew at the Veterans Hall. $9 p/p. Drive-thru and
plates to-go at the Family Center. There will be an
auction, music, and refreshments throughout the day
and evening.
Yoakum–St. Joseph Parish Picnic Aug. 2 at the Yoakum
Community Center. 10:30 a.m. Stew and sausage. $9
p/p. 12:30 p.m. auction. See ad on pg. 3.
The Catholic Lighthouse
Page 11 — July 2015
submission deadlines
January 2016
July 15
August 14
September 14
October 16
November 16
December 4
Yorktown–Holy Cross Centennial Celebration Sept.
13. 9:30 a.m. Mass. 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. BBQ beef,
sausage, and sides.
East Bernard–Holy Cross Bazaar Oct. 11.
El Campo–St. Robert Bellarmine Parish Festival Oct. 11
at the KC Hall.
Conferences • Masses • Retreats and more
Amarillo–Faith Formation Conference Aug. 1 at St.
Mary’s Cathedral. For more information, visit www.
Beaumont–Summer Camp at the BISD Outdoor
Education Center. 1st session for students entering
4th-6th grade in the 2015-2016 school year is July 1217. 2nd session for students entering 7th-9th grade in
2015-2016 is July 19-24. For more information, visit
Corpus Christi–Teens Open Up to God’s Holiness Youth
Retreat July 24-26 at the Pax Christi Liturgical Retreat
Center for youth in grades 9-12. For more information,
World Meeting of Families
WMF Congress Meeting: Sept. 22-25
Papal Visit: Sept. 26-27
Philadelphia, PA
1 (855) WMF-2015
[email protected]
Houston–Become One Archdiocesan Youth Conference
July 31-Aug. 2 at the Hilton Americas Hotel. For more
information, visit
Orlando, FL–National Council of Catholic Women
(NCCW) Convention Sept. 10-12. For more
information, visit
San Antonio–Catholic Women’s Conference Aug. 2829 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. For
more information, call (210) 521-3377 or visit www.
San Antonio–St. John’s/Assumption Seminary
Centennial Celebration evening gathering for former
priests July 24 at 5:00 p.m. at Assumption Seminary.
Includes tour and reception. For more information,
contact Mike Davis at (210) 734-5137 x1414 or mike.
[email protected].
St. Louis, MO–Ignatian Silence: Heart of Mission Spirituality Conference July 16-19 at St. Louis University.
For more information, visit
Tivoli–Our Lady of Guadalupe Church celebrates the
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament the 1st Friday of
each month at 6:00 p.m. Mass begins at 7:00 p.m. at
501B William St. with Fr. Paulson Panakal. Mark your
calendars now for next month. For more information,
call (361) 237-3634.
Victoria–Amor Meus Spirituality Center’s Directed/
Private Overnight Retreat Aug. 7-9. For more
information, contact Sr. Emilie Eilers at (361)
575-7111, [email protected], or visit www.
Victoria–Our Lady of Lourdes holds Healing Mass and
Prayer the 1st Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m.
at 105 N. William St. with Fr. Phi Nguyen, chaplain
of IWBS Convent. Mark your calendars now for next
month. For more information, contact Sr. Louise Marie
Jones at [email protected].
Wharton–Safeguarding the Dignity of Every Human
Person Conference for Catechesis and Ministry Oct. 24
at Holy Family Catholic Church. For more information,
visit or see pg. 7.
Catholic War Veterans (CWV) National Convention
August 9-16, 2015
Sun Coast Hotel • 9090 Alta Drive • Las Vegas, Nevada
Bible & Books
Rosaries, Medals, & Statues
Baptism & Wedding Items
Inspirational Gifts for All Ages
Made you look!
Send an event to
[email protected]!
Journeys of Faith with Ceci
Upcoming Pilgrimages
Jewels of Eastern Europe
August 23-Sept. 3, 2015 • $3,595
Spiritual director: Fr. Gary Janak
Holy Land- Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus
November 10-21, 2015 • $3,395
Spiritual director: Fr. Pat Knippenberg
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe &
Shrines of Mexico
December 10-16, 2015 • $1,595
Spiritual director: Fr. Bob Knippenberg
Ceci Triska • (979) 543-8575 • [email protected]
The Catholic Lighthouse
Page 12 — July 2015
light of
the Gospel
guides all
who put themselves
at the service
of the civilization
of love.
~Pope Francis
Victoria represntatives recently attended a reception of the Equestrian Order
of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem in Houston. Bishop Cahill holds a cross, a
gift given to him by the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Left to right: Lieutenant Tom Standish, Lieutenant Southwest Lieutenancy Equestrian Order of
the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem; Lady Joyce Standish, LGCHS; Bishop Cahill
of the Diocese of Victoria; Lady Joyce B. Morris, LGCHS; Sir Joseph J. Morris,
Welcome to our diocese,
newly ordained
priests and deacon!
Continued from pages 1 & 6
and stole were by Allison Cox and Joanna Guggenmos. The vesting ministers were Fr.
Dan Morales and Fr. Wayne Flagg. For Fr. Jacob Koether, the presentation of the chasuble
and stole were by Lynn Koether and Jessica Koether. The vesting ministers were Msgr.
Casey Jarzombek and Msgr. Gerard Cernoch. For Fr. Francis Nguyen III, the presentation of the chasuble and stole were by Peter Tho Thong Nguyen and Maria Boi Nguyen.
The vesting ministers were Fr. Douglas Mosey and Fr. Joachim Hien. For Deacon Max
Landman, the presentation of the dalmatic and stole was by Elizabeth Toombs. The vesting ministers were Fr. Kristopher Fuchs and Deacon Daniel Swartz.
The master of ceremonies was Fr. Tommy Chen. The assistant master of ceremonies
was Jacob Mendoza. Deacon Joe Duplan was the Deacon of the Word. Deacon Max
Landman was the Deacon of the Altar. Deacons assisting Bishop Emeritus Fellhauer
were Deacon Larry Koether and Deacon Charles Glynn. Afterwards, a reception was
held in the Parish Hall at Holy Family Catholic Church, Victoria.
What shall I render to the
Lord for all his bounty to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and
call on the name of the Lord, I will pay my vows to the Lord
in the presence of all his people. ~Psalm 116:12-14
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Almighty and Merciful Father,
As we stand before you in awe and in thanksgiving for your call, we give you great
thanks also for the abundant blessings you have bestowed upon us. So great among
these are the people who have guided and prayed for us. Please poor out your continued
blessings upon Bishop-Elect Cahill, Bishop Emeritus Fellhauer, our families, benefactors, teachers, the clergy, and consecrated religious of our diocese and elsewhere, the
many who have given us words and gifts of encouragement, and all our friends. May
they have your peace and protection unto life everlasting. We ask all of this through
Christ, our Lord. Amen.
In gratitude,
Fr. Kristopher Fuchs
Fr. Scott Hill
Fr. Jacob Koether
Fr. Francis Nguyen III
Deacon Max Landman