- CPR and ECC

Transcription - CPR and ECC
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©2015 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use prohibited. KJ-0991 04/15
t a
l o g
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I n t
n a
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P r o d
Helping Save Lives Through Research,
Training and Education
Founded in 1924, the American Heart Association (AHA) is one of the largest voluntary
health organizations dedicated to building healthier lives free of cardiovascular diseases
and stroke. The AHA has funded $3.5 billion (USD) in research since 1949,
supporting many breakthroughs that have impacted health worldwide.
Global Science Consensus
The AHA is a founding member of the International Liaison Committee on
Resuscitation (ILCOR) which includes the world’s leading resuscitation organizations.
ILCOR continually reviews and evaluates the latest resuscitation research from
around the world and publishes the International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation (CPR) and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) Science with
Treatment Recommendations, which provides the scientific basis for the American
Heart Association Guidelines for CPR and ECC, updated every five years. These
evidence-based guidelines are used in lifesaving ECC protocols globally and form the
foundation of all AHA first aid, CPR and ECC courses.
Lifesaving Courses
For over 50 years the AHA has developed lifesaving first aid, CPR and advanced ECC
courses designed to increase survival and positively impact the chain of survival
in our communities. From experienced healthcare providers to new parents, from
corporate employees to school children, AHA courses address a wide variety of
lifesaving skills at varying levels of expertise.
AHA courses are developed with leading-edge instructional design to improve retention
and confidence to act when called upon in a medical emergency. This includes an
emphasis on skill practice, development and testing.
An AHA card, earned by students who successfully showcase skill mastery to a
specially-trained AHA instructor, is accepted around the world.
Lifesaving Training Around The World
AHA lifesaving courses are translated and localized in more than 10 languages
and delivered by 400,000 AHA instructors and 4,000 AHA Authorized Training
Centers around the world. Together, we train 16 million people each year in more
than 80 countries.
If you are interested in becoming an authorized AHA Training Center,
go to for more information.
ECC Training Courses
The American Heart Association (AHA) is committed to providing the best possible educational materials and courses
for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) device, first aid and emergency
cardiovascular care (ECC). In addition to offering a wide variety of courses, all of which are based on the latest scientific
research, the AHA is continuously growing its portfolio of translated products to meet the needs of its global market.
ECC Reference Materials
Highlights of the 2010 American Heart Association Guidelines for
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care
The Highlights of the 2010 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC provides an in-depth summary by topic of the changes to
science and treatment recommendations published in the 2010 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC.
This essential guide to the changes has been translated into 12 languages for international use and is
available online at at no charge.
2010 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care
2010 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC is based on a systematic, evidence-based review
of resuscitation science. They are updated every five years, with additional Scientific Statements
released when necessary. The 2010 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC is based on the scientific
consensus of leaders in international resuscitation science.
The 2010 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC reflects the AHA’s continued commitment to save lives
by updating resuscitation science, training and education and to improve the quality of care given by
healthcare providers, first responders and lay rescuers.
2010 Handbook of Emergency Cardiovascular Care for Healthcare Providers
The AHA’s 2010 Handbook of ECC for Healthcare Providers is a quick reference tool and comprehensive guide for treating
patients who need CPR or emergency cardiovascular care. This pocket-sized tool is a vital reference for healthcare
professionals when providing CPR and emergency cardiovascular care to patients.
The 2010 Handbook of ECC for Healthcare Providers features include:
• Information about BLS, ACLS, newborn resuscitation and PALS
• Simple, easy-to-use algorithms and drug treatment information
• Step-by-step guides and checklists to help providers perform
accurate steps for quality care
ECC Classroom Courses
Family & Friends® CPR
The American Heart Association’s Family & Friends CPR Course teaches adult
Hands-Only™ CPR, adult AED use, child CPR and AED use and infant CPR.
It also teaches how to relieve choking in an adult, child or infant.
Skills are taught by using the AHA’s research-proven practice-while-watching
technique, which allows students to practice skills while watching consistent,
accurate modeling of skills performance on the course video. Adult, child and
infant skills are presented in three separate modules for added flexibility.
Family & Friends Primary Audience
The Family & Friends CPR Course is for individuals who want to learn CPR but do
not need a course completion card in CPR for their job. This course is ideal for schools and students, new parents,
grandparents, babysitters and others interested in learning how to save a life.
There are several course options for students within the American Heart Association’s Heartsaver product line allowing
students to choose which curriculum best suits their needs*:
• Heartsaver® CPR AED
• Heartsaver® First Aid
• Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED
* Please check with your local authorized AHA
Training Center for the course offered in your area.
All AHA Heartsaver courses teach students critical skills and knowledge
needed to respond to and manage emergencies in the first few minutes
until emergency medical services (first responders) arrive. Depending
on the Heartsaver class students take, students will learn topics such as
• First aid basics
• Medical emergencies
• Injury emergencies
• Environmental emergencies
• Adult CPR and AED use
• Optional modules in child CPR and AED use and infant CPR
Upon successful completion of a Heartsaver course, students receive a Heartsaver course completion card,
valid for (2) two years.
Heartsaver Primary Audience
These courses are for individuals with limited or no medical training who need a course completion card in first aid,
CPR and AED use to meet job, regulatory or other requirements.
For information about ECC international courses or to find an AHA Distributor, go to
ECC Classroom Courses
Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Providers
The American Heart Association’s BLS for Healthcare Providers Course
is cutting-edge, not only in terms of its evidence-based content but in its
use of a well-tested methodology that can dramatically improve both the
learning and retention of lifesaving skills. This course trains students to
promptly recognize several life-threatening emergencies, give high-quality
chest compressions, deliver appropriate ventilations and provide early use
of an AED.
BLS for Healthcare Providers Course Features
• Critical concepts of high-quality CPR
• The AHA Chain of Survival
• 1-rescuer CPR and AED for adults, children and infants
• 2-rescuer CPR and AED for adults, children and infants
• Differences among adult, child and infant rescue techniques
• Bag-mask techniques for adults, children and infants
• Rescue breathing for adults, children and infants
• Relief of choking for adults, children and infants
• CPR with an advanced airway*
*This is an introduction to the compression/ventilation rate and ratio for a patient who has an advanced airway in place.
BLS for Healthcare Providers
Primary Audience
This course is for healthcare professionals who need
to know how to perform CPR, as well as other
lifesaving skills, in a wide variety of in-hospital and
out-of-hospital settings.
Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS)
The American Heart Association’s ACLS Course builds on the foundation of lifesaving BLS for Healthcare Providers skills,
emphasizing the importance of continuous, high-quality CPR. This advanced, Instructor-led classroom course highlights
the importance of team dynamics and communication,
systems of care and immediate post–cardiac arrest care.
Successful course completion includes demonstrating
skills competency in all learning stations and passing
a CPR and AED skills test, a bag-mask ventilation skills
test, a Megacode test and a written exam. Upon
successful completion, students receive an ACLS
Provider card, valid for two years.
ACLS Course Features
• Recognition and early management of respiratory and cardiac arrest
• Recognition and early management of periarrest conditions such as symptomatic bradycardia
• Airway management
• Related pharmacology
• Management of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) and stroke
• Effective communication as a member and leader of a resuscitation team
ACLS Primary Audience
This ACLS Course is designed for healthcare professionals who either direct or participate in the management of
cardiopulmonary arrest and other cardiovascular emergencies. This audience includes personnel in emergency response,
emergency medicine, intensive care and critical care units.
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
The American Heart Association’s PALS Course enhances healthcare providers’ skills in the treatment of pediatric arrest and
periarrest patients. The goal of the PALS Course is to improve the quality of care provided to seriously ill or injured children,
resulting in improved outcomes. The course uses a series of simulated pediatric emergencies to teach and reinforce
the important concepts of a systematic approach to pediatric assessment, basic life support, PALS treatment algorithms,
effective resuscitation and team dynamics.
PALS Course Features
• 1- and 2-rescuer child CPR and AED use
• 1- and 2-rescuer infant CPR
• Management of respiratory emergencies
• Rhythm disturbances and electrical therapy
• Vascular access
• Resuscitation team concept
• Cardiac, respiratory and shock case discussions and simulations
• Systematic approach to pediatric assessment
PALS Primary Audience
The PALS Course is for healthcare providers who respond to
emergencies in infants and children. This audience includes
personnel in emergency response, emergency medicine,
intensive care and critical care units, such as physicians,
nurses, paramedics and others who need a PALS course
completion card for job or other requirements.
If you are interested in becoming an authorized AHA Training Center,
go to for more information.
International Version English (IVE)
International Version English (IVE)
International Version of English Student and Provider Manuals are adapted for
audiences outside of the US and Canada. If you are an instructor of an IVE
class, you will order the US course DVDs and Instructor Manuals and your
students will order IVE Manuals. (Reference product numbers on this page
when ordering.)
Heartsaver ®
90-2805TRHeartsaver® First Aid CPR AED Student Workbook
90-1029Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED Instructor Manual
90-1028Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED DVD Set
90-2800TR BLS for Healthcare Providers Student Manual
BLS for Healthcare Providers Instructor Manual
BLS for Healthcare Providers DVDs
90-2802TR ACLS Provider Manual
ACLS Instructor Manual
For information about ECC international courses or to find an AHA Distributor, go to
‫®‪ Heartsaver‬اإلسعافات األولية واإلنعاش القلبي الرئوي ومزيل الرجفان الخارجي اآللي (‪)AED‬‬
‫كتيب تمارين الطالب‬
‫‪Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED Student Workbook‬‬
‫®‪ Heartsaver‬اإلسعافات األولية واإلنعاش القلبي الرئوي واستخدام مزيل الرجفان الخارجي اآللي (‪)AED‬‬
‫دليل المدرب على قرص ‪CD‬‬
‫‪Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED Instructor Manual CD‬‬
‫®‪ Heartsaver‬اإلسعافات األولية واإلنعاش القلبي الرئوي واستخدام مزيل الرجفان الخارجي اآللي (‪)AED‬‬
‫مجموعة أقراص ‪DVD‬‬
‫‪Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED DVD Set‬‬
‫دعم الحياة األساسي لمقدمي الرعاية الصحية‬
‫دليل الطالب‬
‫‪BLS for Healthcare Providers Student Manual‬‬
‫قرص خاص بدعم الحياة األساسي لمقدمي الرعاية الصحية‬
‫‪BLS for Healthcare Providers DVD‬‬
‫دعم الحياة األساسي لمقدمي الرعاية الصحية‬
‫دليل المدرب على قرص مضغوط‬
‫‪BLS for Healthcare Providers Instructor Manual on CD‬‬
‫لمزيد من المعلومات حول الدورات التعليمية العالمية الخاصة بالرعاية القلبية الوعائية أو للعثور على موزع لجمعية القلب األمريكية‪ ،‬انتقل إلى ‪‬‬
90-1300TR 2010 Handbuch der kardiovaskulären Notfallmedizin für medizinisches Fachpersonal
2010 Handbook of Emergency Cardiovascular Care for Healthcare Providers
90-1313TRHeartsaver® Erste Hilfe und HLW/AED – Schulungshandbuch für Kursteilnehmer
Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED Student Workbook
90-1312TRHeartsaver® Erste Hilfe und HLW/AED – Instruktorenhandbuch auf CD
Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED Instructor Manual CD
90-1311TRHeartsaver® Erste Hilfe und HLW/AED – DVD Set
Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED DVD Set
90-1303TR BLS für medizinisches Fachpersonal – Schulungshandbuch
BLS for Healthcare Providers Student Manual
90-1301TR BLS für medizinisches Fachpersonal – DVD
BLS for Healthcare Providers DVD
90-1302TR BLS für medizinisches Fachpersonal – Instruktorenhandbuch auf CD
BLS for Healthcare Providers Instructor Manual CD
90-1305TR Erweiterte Maßnahmen der kardiovaskulären Reanimation (ACLS) – Schulungshandbuch
ACLS Provider Manual
90-1307TR Erweiterte Maßnahmen der kardiovaskulären Reanimation (ACLS) – Instruktorenhandbuch auf CD
ACLS Instructor Manual CD
90-1306TR Erweiterte Maßnahmen der kardiovaskulären Reanimation (ACLS) – DVD
90-1318TR Erweiterte Maßnahmen der Reanimation bei Kindern – Schulungshandbuch*
PALS Provider Manual*
*PALS-Instruktoren: Wenn Sie einen PALS-Kurs leiten, bestellen Sie englischsprachige (US) Kurs-DVDs und Instruktorenhandbücher. Die Kursteilnehmer bestellen übersetzte Schulungshandbücher.
*PALS Instructors: If you are an instructor of a PALS class, you will order the English (US) course DVDs and Instructor Manuals for your class. Your students will order the translated
PALS Provider Manuals.
Informationen zu internationalen Kursen für kardiovaskuläre Notfallmedizin oder zu AHA-Vertriebspartnern finden
Sie unter
ECC(救急心血管治療)ハンドブック 2010
2010 Handbook of Emergency Cardiovascular Care for Healthcare Providers
90-2102JP アメリカ心臓協会 心肺蘇生と救急心血管治療のためのガイドライン 2010
2010 American Heart Association Guidelines for CPR and ECC
90-2120JP ファミリー & フレンズ CPR 受講者マニュアル 日本語版
Family & Friends® CPR Student Manual
ファミリー & フレンズ CPR ファシリテーターガイド 日本語版 DVD 付き
Family & Friends® CPR DVD with Facilitator Guide
90-2116JP ハートセイバー・ファーストエイド CPR AED 受講者ワークブック
Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED Student Workbook
90-2115JP ハートセイバー・ファーストエイド CPR AED インストラクターマニュアル
Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED Instructor Manual
90-2114JP ハートセイバー・ファーストエイド CPR AED DVD セット
Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED DVD Set
90-2106JPBLS ヘルスケアプロバイダー 受講者マニュアル
BLS for Healthcare Providers Student Manual
90-2104JPBLS ヘルスケアプロバイダー DVD
BLS for Healthcare Providers DVD
90-2105JPBLS ヘルスケアプロバイダー インストラクターマニュアル
BLS for Healthcare Providers Instructor Manual
90-2109JPACLS プロバイダーマニュアル
ACLS Provider Manual
90-2110JPACLS インストラクターマニュアル
ACLS Instructor Manual
90-2108JPACLS 二次救命処置 DVD
90-2121JPPALS プロバイダーマニュアル*
PALS Provider Manual
90-2123JPPALS インストラクターマニュアル
PALS Instructor Manual
90-2124JP PALS DVD セット
ECC インターナショナルコースの詳細,または AHA 代理店については, をご覧ください。 9
90-2200BR 2010 Manual de Atendimento Cardiovascular de Emergência/Urgência para Profissionais de Saúde
2010 Handbook of Emergency Cardiovascular Care for Healthcare Providers
90-2218BR Manual do Aluno de RCP Family & Friends®
Family & Friends® CPR Student Manual
90-2216BR DVD de RCP Family & Friends® com Guia do Facilitador
Family & Friends® CPR DVD with Facilitator Guide
90-2214BR Caderno de Exercícios do Aluno do Curso de Primeiros Socorros e RCP com
DEA/DAE do Salva-Corações
Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED Student Workbook
90-2213BR CD do Manual do Instrutor do Curso de Primeiros Socorros e RCP com
DEA/DAE do Salva-Corações
Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED Instructor Manual CD
90-2212BR Conjunto de DVDs do Curso de Primeiros Socorros e RCP com DEA/DAE do Salva-Corações
Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED DVD Set
90-2204BR Manual do Aluno de SBV para Profissionais de Saúde
BLS for Healthcare Providers Student Manual
90-2202BR DVD de SBV para Profissionais de Saúde
BLS for Healthcare Providers DVD
90-2203BR CD do Manual do Instrutor de SBV para Profissionais de Saúde
BLS for Healthcare Providers Instructor Manual CD
90-2208BR Manual de Suporte Avançado de Vida Cardiovascular para Profissionais de Saúde
ACLS Provider Manual
90-2207BR CD do Manual do Instrutor de Suporte Avançado Vida Cardiovascular
ACLS Instructor Manual CD
90-2206BR DVD do Suporte Avançado de Vida Cardiovascular
90-2227BR Manual de Suporte Avançado de Vida em Pediatria para Profissionais de Saúde
PALS Provider Manual
90-2229BR CD do Manual do Instrutor de Suporte Avançado de Vida em Pediatria
PALS Instructor Manual CD
90-2230BRConjunto de DVDs do Suporte Avançado de Vida em Pediatria
Para obter informações sobre os cursos internacionais de ACE ou para localizar um distribuidor da AHA, visite
Libro de bolsillo de atención cardiovascular de emergencia para profesionales de la salud de 2010
2010 Handbook of Emergency Cardiovascular Care for Healthcare Providers
Edición en español del Libro del alumno de Familiares y Amigos RCP
Family & Friends® CPR Student Manual
DVD de Familiares y Amigos RCP con guía del facilitador
Family & Friends® CPR DVD with Facilitator Guide
Libro del estudiante de Heartsaver® primeros auxilios con RCP y DEA
Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED Student Workbook
Libro del instructor de Heartsaver® primeros auxilios con RCP y DEA en CD
Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED Instructor Manual CD
DVD de Heartsaver® primeros auxilios con RCP y DEA
Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED DVD Set
Libro del estudiante SVB/BLS para professionales de la salud
BLS for Healthcare Providers Student Manual
CD del Libro del instructor de SVB/BLS para profesionales de la salud
BLS for Healthcare Providers Instructor Manual CD
DVD de SVB/BLS para profesionales de la salud
BLS for Healthcare Providers DVD
Libro del proveedor de SVCA/ACLS
ACLS Provider Manual
CD del Libro del instructor de SVCA/ACLS
ACLS Instructor Manual CD
DVD de Soporte vital cardiovascular avanzado ACLS DVD
Libro del proveedor de SVAP/PALS
PALS Provider Manual
CD del Libro del instructor de SVAP/PALS
PALS Instructor Manual CD
DVD de Soporte vital avanzado pediátrico
Si desea obtener información sobre los cursos internacionales de ACE o encontrar un distribuidor de AHA,
vaya a
90-1904TR Manuale 2010 di trattamento delle emergenze cardiovascolari per operatori sanitari
2010 Handbook of Emergency Cardiovascular Care for Healthcare Providers
90-1905TRHeartsaver® RCP AED Manuale dello Studente
Heartsaver® CPR AED Student Workbook
90-1908TRHeartsaver® RCP AED Manuale Istruttori su CD
Heartsaver® CPR AED Instructor Manual CD
90-1909TRHeartsaver® RCP AED DVD
Heartsaver® CPR AED DVD
90-1910TR BLS per operatori sanitari Manuale dello Studente
BLS for Healthcare Providers Student Manual
90-1912TR BLS per operatori sanitari Manuale Istruttori su CD
BLS for Healthcare Providers Instructor Manual CD
90-1913TR BLS per operatori sanitari DVD
BLS for Healthcare Providers DVD
90-1914TR Supporto vitale cardiovascolare avanzato Manuale Provider
ACLS Provider Manual
90-1916TR Supporto vitale cardiovascolare avanzato Manuale Istruttori su CD
ACLS Instructor Manual CD
90-1917TR Supporto vitale cardiovascolare avanzato DVD
Per ulteriori informazioni sui corsi internazionali ECC o per trovare un distributore autorizzato AHA,
visitare il sito Web
90-2512TRHeartsaver® Pierwsza pomoc RKO AED Podręcznik uczestnika kursu
Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED Student Workbook
90-2511TRHeartsaver® Pierwsza pomoc RKO AED Podręcznik instruktora na płycie CD
Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED Instructor Manual CD
90-2510TR Płyta DVD z Heartsaver® Pierwsza pomoc RKO AED
Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED DVD Set
90-2502TR Podstawowe zabiegi resuscytacyjne BLS dla personelu medycznego Podręcznik uczestnika kursu
BLS for Healthcare Providers Student Manual
90-2500TR Płyta DVD z podstawowymi zabiegami resuscytacyjnymi BLS dla personelu medycznego
BLS for Healthcare Providers DVD
90-2501TR Podstawowe zabiegi resuscytacyjne BLS dla personelu medycznego Podręcznik instruktora na płycie CD
BLS for Healthcare Providers Instructor Manual CD
90-2506TR Zaawansowane zabiegi resuscytacyjne u osób dorosłych (ACLS) Podręcznik uczestnika kursu
ACLS Provider Manual
90-2505TR Zaawansowane zabiegi resuscytacyjne u osób dorosłych (ACLS) Podręcznik instruktora na płycie CD
ACLS Instructor Manual CD
90-2504TR Płyta DVD z zaawansowanymi zabiegami resuscytacyjnymi u osób dorosłych (ACLS)
Aby dowiedzieć się więcej o międzynarodowych szkoleniach ECC lub znaleźć dytrybutora AHA,
wejdź na stronę
AHA eBooks
AHA eBooks
Introducing AHA eBooks
American Heart Association’s new eBooks are a great choice for individuals seeking a convenient alternative to print materials
while taking an AHA classroom course. The AHA eBook store,, offers AHA AHA CPR, First Aid
and Emergency Cardiovascular Care books and tools in a digital and mobile format. Customers can purchase eBooks directly
from the website or from many of the AHA ECC Distributors found on Once
purchased, the AHA eBooks are viewable online, offline and through mobile devices*:
International Version English (IVE)
90-2800EB IVE BLS for Healthcare Providers Student Manual eBook
90-2802EB IVE ACLS Provider Manual eBook
90-1303EBBLS für medizinisches Fachpersonal – Schulungshandbuch für Kursteilnehmer
German BLS for Healthcare Providers Student Manual eBook
90-1305EBErweiterte Maßnahmen der kardiovaskulären Reanimation – Schulungshandbuch
German ACLS Provider Manual eBook
90-1300EB 2010 Handbuch der kardiovaskulären Notfallmedizin für medizinisches Fachpersonal
German 2010 Handbook of Emergency Cardiovascular Care for Providers eBook
90-2106EB ヘ
ルスケアプロバイダー向け BLS 受講者マニュアル日本語版(PDF 形式)
Japanese BLS for Healthcare Providers Student Manual eBook*
二次救命処置(ACLS)プロバイダー向けマニュアル日本語版(PDF 形式)
Japanese ACLS Provider Manual eBook*
ヘルスケアプロバイダー向け救急心血管治療ハンドブック日本語版 2010(PDF 形式)
Japanese 2010 Handbook of Emergency Cardiovascular Care for Providers eBook*
90-2204EBManual do Aluno de SBV para Profissionais de Saúde em Português
Portuguese BLS for Healthcare Providers Student Manual eBook
90-2208EBLivro do Aluno de Suporte Avançado de Vida Cardiovascular em Português
Portuguese ACLS Provider Manual eBook
90-2200EBManual de Atendimento Cardiovascular de Emergência/Urgência para Profissionais de Saúde 2010 em Português
Portuguese 2010 Handbook of Emergency Cardiovascular Care for Providers eBook
90-2307EBLibro del proveedor de soporte vital cardiovascular avanzado en español
Spanish ACLS Provider Manual eBook
90-2303EBLibro del estudiante de SVB/BLS para profesionales de la salud en español
Spanish BLS for Healthcare Providers eBook
90-2326EBLibro del proveedor de soporte vital avanzado pediátrico en español
Spanish PALS Provider Manual eBook
90-2300EBLibro de bolsillo de atención cardiovascular de emergencia para profesionales de la salud de 2010 en español
Spanish 2010 Handbook of Emergency Cardiovascular Care for Providers eBook
90-2313EB Libro del estudiante de Heartsaver® primeros auxilios con RCP y DEA en español
Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED
90-1910EBManuale dello studente di BLS per operatori sanitari - italiano
Italian BLS for Healthcare Providers Student Manual eBook
90-1914EBManuale per operatori Supporto vitale cardiovascolare avanzato - italiano
Italian ACLS Provider Manual eBook
90-1904EBManuale 2010 di trattamento delle emergenze cardiovascolari per operatori sanitari – italiano
Italian 2010 Handbook of Emergency Cardiovascular Care for Providers eBook
*Please note at this time Japanese eBooks are only available in PDF format only and are not accessible on the AHA eBook ePub app.
For information about AHA eBooks go to or
ECC Online Courses
The American Heart Association’s ECC online courses are a great choice
for individuals seeking a convenient alternative to classroom-based
courses. Online courses allow Training Centers, healthcare and public
safety organizations and corporations to provide educational alternatives
to address the demands of busy student schedules. ECC’s online courses
offer the same core content as traditional ECC classroom courses.
Please reference the course descriptions provided in this catalog or at for details on the courses listed below.
Please note that at this time, courses offered by
are only available in English.
Basic and Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support
BLS for Healthcare Providers Online Part 1
HeartCode® ACLS Part 1
HeartCode® BLS Part 1
HeartCode® PALS Part 1
Learn:® Rapid STEMI ID
Learn:® Rhythm Adult
Learn:® Rhythm Pediatric
CPR AED and First Aid
Heartsaver® CPR AED Online Part 1
Heartsaver® First Aid Online Part 1
Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED Online Part 1
Heartsaver® Bloodborne Pathogens Online
Stroke Education
Acute Stroke Online
Stroke Prehospital Care Online
Training and Education
Structured and Supported Debriefing
For information about ECC international courses or to find an AHA Distributor, go to
Additional Languages
Additional Languages
AHA products are translated into Traditional and Simplified Chinese. These products are produced
and sold by AHA’s Alliance partner, Laerdal, and by GSSI.
Additional languages
The Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada offers AHA materials translated into French Canadian and
Canadian English. For more information on these products offered by the Heart & Stroke Foundation
of Canada go to
t a
l o g
e r
I n t
n a
u c
P r o
If you are interested in becoming an authorized AHA Training Center,
go to for more information.