ICDP_SOSEC_Final Report 068-69
ICDP_SOSEC_Final Report 068-69
ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 Integrated Community Development Project Project Completion Report-068/069 Members of Jaganath CO, Salleri-7 had discussing with Joint Monitoring Team Submitted to: Poverty Alleviation Fund, Gyaneshwar Kathmandu Nepal Phone No.: 01-4410041 Fax No. :01-4442450 Public Audit program at Salleri-8 Paiti, Submitted by: Social Service Centre (SOSEC) Dailekh Bazaar Phone No.: 089-420187/420093 Email: [email protected]/[email protected] www.sosec.org.np 1 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 1. Introduction of Organization: 1.1 General Introduction : Social service centre (SOSEC), Dailekh is one of the non-political and non-profitable social organization which has been funded in 2054 B.S. with the goal of serving the backward people in the remote and undeveloped communities of Dailekh district. The organization tries to play the vital role in the social cultural and economic development of the community. SOSEC is the result of the ambition and enthusiasm some adventures Dailekh youth who are always dedicated in the prosperity of community. by analyzing the fact that only governmental offices cannot do all the of developmental work, and some efforts should be done by the civil society for the development of the community the organization has been performing different activities related to human right health, education, sanitation & agriculture with the partnership of different bilateral, Multilateral and other donor agencies that launch the program only for the disadvantage and back warded communities. SOSEC considers that the community should be active and cleaver for their development. The development of a community depends on the activeness of the community now there are 1 Dalit female, 4 dalit male, 2 Janajati female 3 other female and 1 other male all 11 together member in the executive committee of the organization. SOSEC has 62 General Member and 47 Life Member. 1.2 Legal status of the organization: SOSEC has been registered in DAO Dailekh with the registration No-59-054/055 on 11th Bhadra 2054 with in institutional organization registration Act. 2054. Similarly it has been affiliated in social welfare council with the affiliation no-6099-054/055 and registered in NGO Federation Dailekh write reg. no.-03. SOSEC has also been registered in PAN with no 300965292. 1.3 Vision: To constructed the equitable society with the establishment of empowered organization to play effectives & vital role in the integrated development of the community. 1.4 Mission: To improve the educational, health, economic and Right aspect of the women, Dalit, Janajaties, Children and poor with the help of social mobilization and peoples participation. 1.5 Goal: To improve the educational, health and economic condition of the target groups by centralizing the social inclusion. To access the people in the aspect of right who have no access in their right. To increase the institutional capacity of the organization by emphasis on human resource development. 1.6 Objectives: Increase income through mobilization of local fund. Development of agriculture & forestry, livestock and small enterprises for the welfare of society. Protection of environment, local resources and local indigenous knowledge. With the co-ordination of different line agencies, development of need based local infrastructures. Sustainable capacity building of human resources. Promote institutional development and raise public awareness among people for collective action & self help. Improvement of community health and reproductive health of rural people through mobile health camp, health campaign, training and public awareness programmes. Increase employment opportunities through enhancement of local skill and technical know-how. Support people that are suffer from conflict. Publication of leaflets, booklets and establishment of community radio. Aware the rural people about the present burning issues of HIV/AIDS, girl trafficking child labor, domestic violence etc. Networking with the CBOs/NGOs/INGOs. 1.7 Value & Norms o o o o Social Equality Peoples participation Transparency Neutrality 1.8 Target Group/Right holders SOSEC considers the following communities, the target communities o Women, Dalit, Janajati, Poor & Children 2 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 2. Program Background: Dailekh is one of the poor and back-warded districts in mid-western development region of Nepal. Major problems of the district are social beliefs, illiteracy, traditional farming system, low industrial and skill development. Social Service Centre (SOSEC), which is working in the community since 2054 got the opportunity to work in the poorest, back warded and remote VDCs, Salleri, Bindhyabasini, Peepalkot, Rakamkarnali and Singhsain of Dailekh district with the co-ordination to FAF, Nepal. Integrated Community Development Project (ICDP) is a project conducted by SOSEC with the financial support of PAF since Baishakh 2063 with following goals and objectives. 2.1 Goal: Poverty reduction of the target people of the proposed area through integrated community development project. 2.2 Objectives: Motivate target people for group formation which helps in income generation activities operation through saving and credit facilities. Provide access of the target people to the employment activities, service and facilities utilizing local resources through social mobilization for sustainable community development. Develop different networks like agricultural groups, cooperatives, saving and credit groups etc. Run community responsible support program based on community demand and priority for integrated community development. 2.3 Working Area: Five VDCs of Dailekh district Salleri Bindhyabasini Rakamkarnali Singhsain Peepalkot 2.4 Project Strategy: Social Mobilization: Social mobilization work will be conducted in the field of group formation of economic and social sector. Saving and credit groups, women and Janajati agricultural groups, skill oriented groups formation will be done as needed. Capacity building in terms of group strengthens: Training on groups' management, leadership, development, cooperative formation, accounting and record keeping and gender will be given, as per demand training on skill development, agriculture work and others will be given. Technical assistance as when needed (on the basis of demand): Technical assistance will be taken from District Domestic and Small Industry Development Committee, District Technical Office, District Agriculture Development Office, District Health Officer, District Drinking Water and Sanitation Office, Rural Energy Development Office, District Women Development Office. Prior to sub project proposal conducted to identity strength, weakness opportunity and threats of the project areas which will help on demand determination, Prioritization of demand and for feasibility study of the sup projects proposed by community as well as action work later. This PRA and group discussion with farmers will help on sup proposal preparation and there will be active facilitation of the social mobilizer of SOSEC on this work. Linkage & Coordination: Conduction interaction workshop, settlement, ward, village, VDC, DDC, DADO, DHO, DCO & PAF. 2.5 Social Inclusion: Social Inclusion is one of the major factors of Community Mobilization in this era, so our program ICDP has specially focused the excluded community with keeping the social harmony in the community. The communities who have been led behind since years must be led forward for the construction of equitable society. ICDP program's major social inclusion strategies are as below: The CO members (Target Community) are from poor, Dalits & Janajaties Community. At least 80 percent of CO members are Females. The Key Positions in the CO are hold by Dalits Janajaties & Females. 3 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 2.6 Operational Modality ICDP Program's Operational modality is as bellow: Community Mobilization Social Assessment Selection of Cluster Community Organization Formation Sup- Project Proposal Preparation Demand Driven Approach Participatory Planning Bottom up Approach Direct Agreement between CO & PAF Capacity Development Income Generation Community Infrastructure Development Regular Monitoring & Evaluation 3 Social Mobilization: Integrated community development project conducted by SOSEC Dailekh with the financial support of poverty alleviation fund (PAF), Nepal with the goal of reducing poverty that is hidden in the rural areas. Integrated community development project covers the remote and backward VDCs of Dailekh, Salleri, Bindhyabasini (in the first Phase), Rakamkarnali, Singhsain and Peepalkot (in the second Phase). The project has aimed to reduce the poverty in the concerning VDCs by social mobilization, income generation and infrastructure development. 3.1 Human Resources Mobilization: Human Resources Mobilization is one of the main part of Social and mobilization and accomplishment of targeted achievements. Qualified and experienced human Resources have been mobilized in the working areas for the better implementation of the program and to provide qualitative services in the community to the target groups. The detail of the mobilized human resources is given below: S Permanent Name of the staffs Position Qualification Experience Duty Station Re. N Address 1. Mr. Dambar Bahadur Project B. A. 7 Years in Narayan 6, Project Area Karki Coordinator Comm. dev. Dailekh 2. Mr. Man Thapa Bahadur Supervisor I.Com. 13 years in comm. dev. Rawatkot Dailekh 1, Project Area 3. Mr. Rajendra Majhi Vet. JTA 10+2 with T.S.L.C (Vet) 3 year in comm. dev. Rakamkarnali -7, Dailekh Project Area and Rakamkarnali 4. Mr. Dilli Khanal Social Mobilizer B.Ed. Running 3 years in comm. dev. Singhsain, 8 Dailekh Singhsain 5. Mr. Santosh B.K. Social Mobilizer B.Ed. Running 4 years in comm. dev. Salleri-4, Dailekh Salleri Dalit 6. Mrs. Maya Rana Social Mobilizer B.Ed. Running 8 years in comm. dev. Dandaparajul, 6 Dailekh Bindhyabasin i Female. Janajati 7. Mr. Lokendra B.K. Social Mobilizer 10+2 with T.S.L.C. (Vet) 5 years in comm. dev. Sattala – 4, Dailekh Pipalkot Dalit 8. Mr. Ammar Nepali Sub-Overseer 10+2 with T.S.L.C. 6 years in infra work Kalbhairab-2, Dailekh Project area Dalit 4 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 3.2 Community Organization (CO) Formation Community Organizations (COs) can be called the backbone of our program. So it is necessary to form the CO in Local level. Community Organization has been considered as the institution in local level. All of the activities done in the working area must be done through CO. For the best implementation of the program CO facilitation is the most COs members are assisted in performing different activities as meeting conduction, revolving fund mobilization, saving collection and mobilization, livestock caring, agricultural promotion etc. by the staffs mobilized in the concerning duty station. After the VDC level and ward level interaction workshops we went to the settlement and interacted with the people from every household. Then we completed the social assessment form and analyzed it. After that we categorized the people in the community in to 4 groups and submitted the people having life standard "A, B, C" in our CO but we didn’t submit the people of D group in our CO. Among these people we prioritized the people of "A" group. Mainly women, dalit and janajaites have been enabled to take the responsible position in the CO. The detail of COs formation has been given below: 5 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 VDC: Bindhyabasini Social Categorization D 8 J 15 O 3 T 26 F 6 M 2 Sex Categorization J O F M F M 11 4 2 1 D SN Name of CO Rainadevi CO Bindyabasini-1/2 1 Economic Categorization T F 19 M 7 A 15 B 6 C 5 D 0 T 26 2 Mandali CO, Bindyabasini-1/2 1 24 0 25 0 1 21 3 0 0 21 4 16 5 4 0 25 3 Pipal Chautari CO, Bindyabasini-3 13 0 17 30 7 6 0 0 14 3 21 9 13 8 9 0 30 32 0 0 32 25 7 0 0 0 0 25 7 32 0 0 0 32 6 0 16 22 6 0 0 0 16 0 22 0 10 0 12 0 22 12 0 12 24 10 2 0 0 9 3 19 5 11 7 6 0 24 4 5 6 Mastathan CO, Bindyabasini-3 Ghodadauni CO, Bindyabasini-6 Chetashil CO, Bindyabasini-8/9 7 Barpipal CO, Bindyabasini-9 2 2 21 25 2 0 2 0 21 0 25 0 7 6 12 0 25 8 Maibhagawati CO , Bindyabasini-8/9 6 0 21 27 15 5 0 0 6 1 21 6 10 7 10 0 27 9 Jagnatha CO, Bindyabasini-7/8 13 0 13 26 12 1 0 0 9 4 21 5 18 5 3 0 26 10 Radeu CO, Bindyabasini-5 26 0 8 34 19 7 0 0 5 3 24 10 25 5 4 0 34 11 Paltapani CO, Bindyabasini-4 7 0 25 32 7 0 0 0 23 2 30 2 7 8 17 0 32 12 Phoolbari CO, Bindyabasini-9 1 7 12 20 0 1 7 0 12 0 19 1 9 4 7 0 20 13 Janasewa CO, Bindyabasini-4 3 0 25 28 3 0 0 0 23 2 26 2 6 9 13 0 28 14 Samajsudhar CO, Bindyabasini- 6 4 0 15 20 3 1 0 0 25 6 28 7 1 12 6 0 20 15 Pariwartanshil CO, Bindyabasini-7 5 0 31 35 4 1 0 0 10 5 14 6 6 15 14 0 35 16 Shrijanshil CO Bindhyabasini 3 14 0 4 18 10 3 0 0 5 0 15 3 16 2 0 0 18 17 Janachetana CO Bindhyabasin 6 2 155 0 48 21 244 23 447 2 131 0 37 0 41 0 7 21 201 0 30 23 373 0 74 6 208 0 0 23 447 F M A B C D T Total'A' 11 6 110 128 VDC: Salleri Social Categorization D J O T F M Sex Categorization J O F M F M D SN Name of CO Economic Categorization T 1 Pragatishil CO Salleri-2 9 9 5 23 6 3 8 1 3 2 17 6 14 4 5 0 23 2 Bhairabsthan CO Salleri 1 6 18 0 24 2 4 14 4 0 0 16 8 9 8 7 0 24 3 Laligurasha CO Salleri-3 2 28 0 30 2 0 27 1 0 0 29 1 10 15 5 0 30 6 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 4 Saraswati CO Salleri -2 0 1 26 27 0 0 1 0 23 3 24 3 8 11 8 0 27 5 Nava Sirjansil CO, salleri 4 2 28 15 45 2 0 27 1 9 6 38 7 16 17 12 0 45 6 Sirjansil CO Salleri- 4 20 5 27 52 18 2 5 0 27 0 50 2 10 18 24 0 52 7 Malika CO Salleri-5 10 2 22 34 9 1 2 1 21 0 32 2 13 11 10 0 34 8 Shivashakti CO Salleri 5 3 0 20 23 2 1 0 0 19 1 21 2 11 5 7 0 23 9 Lalkamal CO Salleri-6 0 0 27 27 0 0 0 0 23 4 23 4 6 19 2 0 27 10 Janasewa CO Salleri-7 6 0 16 22 6 0 0 0 15 1 21 1 10 7 5 0 22 11 Jagannath CO Salleri-7 4 0 25 29 2 2 0 0 17 8 19 10 10 19 0 0 29 12 Himalaya CO Salleri-8 18 14 7 39 13 5 3 11 7 0 23 16 24 14 1 0 39 13 Santoshi CO Salleri-9 6 24 1 31 3 3 18 6 1 0 22 9 19 8 4 0 31 14 Samajsudhar CO, Salleri-3 2 17 0 19 2 0 15 2 0 0 17 2 5 12 2 0 19 15 Panidhara CO, Salleri- 4 4 13 2 19 2 0 2 0 8 7 12 7 17 6 0 0 19 16 Pipaldanda CO, Salleri-8 28 0 7 35 23 5 0 0 3 4 28 7 13 20 2 0 35 17 Hariyali CO, Salleri-9 9 8 1 18 9 0 5 3 1 0 15 3 9 8 1 0 18 18 Dandagaun CO, Salleri-7 13 2 5 20 11 2 2 0 5 0 18 2 12 5 3 0 20 19 Samanta CO, Salleri-8 21 163 0 169 1 207 22 539 19 131 2 30 1 183 0 36 20 445 2 94 21 237 0 207 1 99 0 0 22 539 Total'B' VDC: Rakamkarnali Social Categorization 0 0 129 30 D J O T Sex Categorization Population D J O T F M F M F M F M 1 Ramnikatiya CO Rakamkarnali 4 31 0 1 32 28 3 0 0 1 0 29 3 18 12 2 0 32 2 Navasera CO Rakamkarnali 6 23 0 29 52 22 1 0 0 28 1 50 2 39 12 1 0 52 3 Kalika CO Rakamkarnali 1 0 0 22 22 0 0 0 0 18 4 18 4 9 10 3 0 22 4 Basundhara CO Rakamkarnali 2 25 0 16 41 25 0 0 0 14 2 39 2 27 10 4 0 41 5 Shivajee CO Rakamkarnali 3 10 0 20 30 9 1 0 0 17 3 26 4 15 13 2 0 30 6 Chetana CO Rakamkarnali 7 0 0 39 39 0 0 0 0 31 8 31 8 3 17 19 0 39 7 Pragatishil CO Rakamkarnali 5 7 0 22 29 3 1 0 0 23 2 26 3 8 18 3 0 29 SN Name of CO Economic Categorization A B C D T 7 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 8 Laliguransh CO Rakamkarnali 8 1 0 48 49 1 0 0 0 39 9 40 9 30 18 1 0 49 9 Sagaramatha CO Rakamkarnali 9 0 0 22 22 0 0 0 0 20 2 20 2 7 13 2 0 22 10 Dandakhal CO Rakamkarnali 1 & 2 9 0 21 30 9 0 0 0 20 1 29 1 18 9 3 0 30 11 Babaipani CO, Rakamkarnali-2 5 0 26 31 4 1 0 0 25 1 29 2 18 11 2 0 31 12 Barpeepal CO, Rakamkarnali-8 0 111 0 0 21 287 21 398 0 101 0 7 0 0 0 0 15 251 6 39 15 352 6 46 12 204 3 146 6 48 0 0 21 398 Total'C' VDC: Singhsain Social Categorization D J O T Sex Categorization Population D J O T F M F M F M F M 1 Mehelgaun CO Singhsain 4 47 0 4 51 45 2 0 0 4 0 49 2 48 3 0 0 51 2 Himalaya CO Singhsain 7 9 29 13 51 5 4 23 6 10 3 38 13 41 10 0 0 51 3 Raniba CO Singhsain 3 & 7 29 0 22 51 28 1 0 0 20 2 48 3 45 6 0 0 51 4 Ganesh CO Singsain 5 39 0 11 50 30 9 0 0 9 2 39 11 47 3 0 0 50 5 Bhairab CO Singhsain 8 37 0 13 50 30 7 0 0 10 3 40 10 43 7 0 0 50 6 Chautara CO Singhsain 9 33 8 8 49 24 9 7 1 5 3 36 13 39 10 0 0 49 7 Kalika CO Singhsain 6 17 0 26 43 12 5 0 0 22 4 34 9 25 14 4 0 43 8 Chandra Surya CO Singhsain 3 6 0 40 46 5 1 0 0 30 10 35 11 32 11 3 0 46 9 Sirjansil CO Singhsain 3 3 0 25 28 3 0 0 0 23 2 26 2 14 10 4 0 28 10 Bayaldhunga CO Singhsain 1 15 0 35 50 10 5 0 0 30 5 40 10 39 11 0 0 50 11 Bajthala CO Singasain 2 2 0 48 50 2 0 0 0 40 8 42 8 40 9 1 0 50 12 Samajyakata CO, Singasain-3 3 0 32 35 3 0 0 0 29 3 32 3 27 8 0 0 35 13 Hariyali CO, Singasain-3 0 0 27 27 0 0 0 0 24 3 24 3 18 9 0 0 27 14 Janakalyan CO, Singasain-9 18 0 19 37 15 4 0 0 16 3 30 7 22 11 4 0 37 15 Laganshil CO, Singasain-8 18 0 18 36 14 4 0 0 12 6 26 10 20 11 5 0 36 16 Sarswoti CO, Singasain-5 14 0 21 35 11 2 0 0 14 7 26 9 15 15 5 0 35 17 Malika CO, Singasain-1 4 0 31 35 0 4 0 0 25 6 25 10 15 12 8 0 35 18 Sagarmatha CO, Singasain- 7 3 0 27 30 0 3 0 0 19 8 19 11 10 13 7 0 30 19 Phoolbari CO, Singasain- 3 0 0 35 35 0 0 0 0 27 8 27 8 15 14 6 0 35 SN Name of CO Economic Categorization A B C D T 8 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 20 Shanti CO, Singasain-6 2 0 34 36 1 1 0 0 31 3 32 4 10 19 7 0 36 21 Ganesh CO Singasain- 2 0 0 35 35 0 0 0 0 28 7 28 7 14 14 7 0 35 22 Kalika CO, Singasain- 1&2 0 0 35 35 0 0 0 0 30 5 30 5 20 11 4 0 35 23 Barpeepal CO, Singasain 7 4 0 21 25 3 1 0 0 19 2 22 3 8 14 3 0 25 24 Yakikaran CO, Singasain 1 3 0 32 35 2 1 0 0 31 1 34 1 18 15 2 0 306 37 612 955 243 63 30 7 508 104 782 173 625 260 70 0 35 955 Total'D' VDC: Peepalkot Social Categorization SN Name of CO Sex Categorization Population J O T M F M F M F Economic Categorization M A B C D T D J O T D F 1 Laliguransh CO Peepalkot 1 14 13 13 40 13 1 10 3 10 3 33 7 15 17 8 0 40 2 Muldhara CO Peepalkot 2 39 4 1 44 32 7 4 0 1 0 37 7 22 22 0 0 44 3 Koldanda CO Peepalkot 3 9 19 9 37 8 1 13 6 6 3 27 10 8 14 15 0 37 4 Barpeepal CO Peepalokt 4 1 17 22 40 0 1 14 3 16 6 30 10 5 7 28 0 40 5 Batashedanda CO Peepalkot 5 4 33 2 39 1 3 29 4 1 1 31 8 15 17 7 0 39 6 Kharkhet CO Peepalkot 6 32 1 6 39 24 8 0 1 5 1 29 10 20 15 4 0 39 7 Pashupati CO Peepalkot 8 39 0 7 46 28 11 0 0 6 1 34 12 16 18 12 0 46 8 Himalaya CO Peepalkot 9 2 47 0 49 1 1 34 13 0 0 35 14 28 18 3 0 49 9 Malika CO Peepalkot 2 5 2 16 23 3 2 1 1 13 3 17 6 5 2 16 0 23 10 Panchadewal CO Peepalkot 7 2 0 37 39 2 0 0 0 28 9 30 9 4 12 23 0 39 11 Dharapani CO, Peepalkot-3 1 2 12 15 1 0 2 0 8 4 11 4 2 2 11 0 15 12 Naineldev CO, Peepalkot-8 4 152 887 0 138 392 28 153 1503 8 19 152 146 875 491 0 0 0 32 443 2782 Total'E' Grand Total (A+B+C+D+E) 32 0 4 0 0 26 2 26 6 443 113 39 107 31 120 33 340 103 2782 719 176 307 75 1263 242 2292 490 5 145 1419 9 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 3.3 Saving collection and Mobilization 10 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 In each COs each member of the CO saves the fixed amount of money as per the decision made by CO. The saving fund has been mobilized in any productive activities like agriculture promotion, livestock rising, trade ect. The details of the saving collection up to now have been mentioned below: VDC : Salleri SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Name Of CO Pragatishil CO Salleri-2 Total Members 23 Total Saving 12750 Investment 12750 Remaining in CO 0 Bhairabsthan CO Salleri 1 24 6830 6830 0 Laligurasha CO Salleri-3 30 11300 11300 0 Saraswati CO Salleri -2 27 16040 16040 0 Nava Sirjansil CO, salleri 4 45 24960 24950 10 Sirjansil CO Salleri- 4 52 13020 13020 0 Malika CO Salleri-5 34 15460 15460 0 Shivashakti CO Salleri 5 23 15780 15780 0 Lalkamal CO Salleri-6 27 9195 9150 45 Janasewa CO Salleri-7 22 10445 10400 45 Jagannath CO Salleri-7 29 10720 10720 0 Himalaya CO Salleri-8 39 9123 9120 3 Santoshi CO Salleri-9 31 14100 14100 0 Samajsudhara CO Salleri- 3 19 3840 3840 0 Panidhara CO Salleri- 6 19 6320 6320 0 Peepaldanda CO, Salleri-8 35 3137 3130 7 Hariyali CO Salleri-9 18 6280 6280 0 Dandagaun CO Salleri-7 19 690 690 0 Samanta CO Salleri-8 21 780 780 0 537 190770 190660 110 Name Of CO Rainadevi CO Bindyabasini-1/2 Total Members 26 Total Saving 21095 Investment 21095 Remaining in CO 0 Mandali CO, Bindyabasini-1/2 25 15160 15160 0 Pipal Chautari CO, Bindyabasini-3 30 18710 18710 0 Mastathan CO, Bindyabasini-3 32 18545 18545 0 Ghodadauni CO, Bindyabasini-6 22 16660 16660 0 Chetashil CO, Bindyabasini-8/9 24 17970 17970 0 Barpipal CO, Bindyabasini-9 25 20440 20440 0 MaibhagawatiCO, Bindyabasini-8/9 27 18090 18090 0 Jagnatha CO, Bindyabasini-7/8 26 18750 18750 0 Radeu CO, Bindyabasini-5 34 22680 22680 0 Paltapani CO, Bindyabasini-4 32 23415 23415 0 Phoolbari CO, Bindyabasini-9 20 15343 15343 0 Janasewa CO, Bindyabasini-4 28 22580 22580 0 Total'A' VDC : Bindhyabasini SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 Samajsudhar CO, Bindyabasini-6 35 5770 5770 0 Pariwartanshil CO, Bindyabasini-3&7 20 4860 4860 0 Shrijanshil CO, Bindhyabsini-3 18 4790 4790 0 Janchetana CO, Bindyabasini-6 23 3810 3810 0 447 268668 268668 0 Total Members 32 Total Saving 12435 Investment 12430 Remaining in CO 5 Navasera CO Rakamkarnali 6 52 15573 15500 73 Kalika CO Rakamkarnali 1 22 9524 9520 4 Basundhara CO Rakamkarnali 2 41 6488 6475 13 Shivajee CO Rakamkarnali 3 30 10845 10845 0 Chetana CO Rakamkarnali 7 39 11984 11975 9 Pragatishil CO Rakamkarnali 5 29 9125 9125 0 Laliguransh CO Rakamkarnali 8 49 11124 11100 24 Sagaramatha CO Rakamkarnali 9 22 8118 8100 18 Dandakhal CO Rakamkarnali 1 & 2 30 13611 13600 11 Babaipani CO, Rakamkarnali 2 31 7297 7280 17 Barpeepal CO, Rakamkarnali 8 21 4576 4575 1 Total'C' 398 120700 116525 175 Total Members 51 Total Saving 7020 Investment 7020 Remaining in CO 0 Himalaya CO Singhsain 7 51 6825 6800 25 Raniba CO Singhsain 3 & 7 51 7625 7625 0 Ganesh CO Singsain 5 50 7950 7950 0 5 Bhairab CO Singhsain 8 50 8345 8300 45 6 Chautara CO Singhsain 9 49 9370 9350 20 7 Kalika CO Singhsain 6 43 6945 6900 45 8 Chandra Surya CO Singhsain 3 46 9680 9650 30 9 Sirjansil CO Singhsain 3 28 5430 5400 30 Bayaldhunga CO Singhsain 1 50 6670 6600 70 Bajthala CO Singhsain-2 50 5780 13 Samajyakata CO Singhsain -1 35 6120 6100 20 14 Janakalyan CO, Singhsain-9 37 3885 3860 0 15 Laganshil CO, Singhsain-8 36 4985 4975 10 16 Sagarmatha CO, Singhsain-7 30 4260 4260 0 17 Shanti CO, Singhsain-6 36 3190 3140 50 18 Malika CO, Singhsain-1 35 2875 2875 0 19 Ganesh CO Singhsain-2 35 3355 3300 55 20 Kalika CO Singhsain 1&2 35 3305 3300 5 14 15 16 17 Total'B' VDC : Rakamkarnali SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Name Of CO Ramnikatiya CO Rakamkarnali 4 VDC : Singhsain SN 1 2 3 4 10 11 Name Of CO Mehelgaun CO Singhsain 4 5750 30 12 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 7555 55 21 Phoolbari CO, Singhsain-3 35 22 Sarswoti CO, Singhsain-5 35 23 Barpipal CO, Singhsain-7 26 1750 1750 0 24 Yakikarna CO, Singhsain-1&2 35 1650 1650 0 956 130840 130010 805 Total Members 40 Total Saving 8893 Investment 8893 Remaining in CO 0 Total 'D' 7500 5190 175 5015 VDC : Peepalkot SN 1 Name Of CO Laliguransh CO Peepalkot 1 2 Muldhara CO Peepalkot 2 44 11570 11570 0 3 Koldanda CO Peepalkot 3 37 8805 8805 0 Barpeepal CO Peepalokt 4 40 8367 8367 0 Batashedanda CO Peepalkot 5 39 7415 7415 0 6 Kharkhet CO Peepalkot 6 39 7871 7871 0 7 Pashupati CO Peepalkot 8 46 9150 9150 0 Himalaya CO Peepalkot 9 49 8100 8100 0 Malika CO Peepalkot 2 23 9610 9610 0 10 Panchadewal CO Peepalkot 7 39 8185 8185 0 11 Naineldev CO Peepalkot 8 32 8100 8100 0 Dharapani CO Peepalkot 3 15 3995 3995 0 Total 'E" 443 100061 100061 0 Total A+B+C+D+E 2781 811039 805924 5090 4 5 8 9 12 3.4 Status of Dalits, Females and Janajaties in the key Position of Community Organization: According to the goal and objectives of PAF Nepal, SOSEC and our program ICDP we have encouraged females, Dalits and Janajaties to be involved in the CO. According to the program norms dalits, janajaties and females must be encouraged to hold the key position in the CO, so females, Dalits and Janajaties have been encouraged to hold the key position of the COs as much as possible. The detail status of females, Dalits and Janajaties in the key position of each COs has been mentioned below: VDC : Salleri SN Posts Secretary F D J President F D J F Treasure D J 1 Name Of CO Bhairabsthan CO Salleri-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 Pragatishil CO Salleri-2 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 Laligurasha CO Salleri-3 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 Saraswati CO Salleri -2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 Sirjansil CO Salleri- 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 Malika CO Salleri-5 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7 Lalkamal CO Salleri-6 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 8 Santoshi CO Salleri-9 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 9 Himalaya CO Salleri-8 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 10 Janasewa CO Salleri-7 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 Jagannath CO Salleri-7 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12 Shivashakti CO Salleri 5 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 13 Nava Sirjansil CO Salleri 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Remarks 13 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 14 Samajsudhar CO Salleri 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 15 Panidhara CO Salleri 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 Hariyali CO Salleri 9 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 17 Pipaldanda CO Salleri 8 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 18 Dandagaun CO Salleri 7 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 19 Samanta CO Salleri 8 1 19 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 4 0 6 1 15 0 0 0 2 Total'A' VDC : Bindhyabasini SN 1 Name Of CO Rainadevi CO Bindyabasini-1/2 President F D J 1 0 0 Posts Secretary F D J 0 0 1 Treasure F D J 1 0 0 2 Mandali CO, Bindyabasini-1/2 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 Pipal Chautari CO, Bindyabasini-3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 4 Mastathan CO, Bindyabasini-3 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 5 Ghodadauni CO, Bindyabasini-6 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 Chetashil CO, Bindyabasini-8/9 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 7 Barpipal CO, Bindyabasini-9 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 8 MaibhagawatiCO,Bindyabasini-8/9 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 9 Jagnatha CO, Bindyabasini-7/8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 10 Radeu CO, Bindyabasini-5 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 11 12 Paltapani CO, Bindyabasini-4 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 13 Phoolbari CO, Bindyabasini-9 Janasewa CO, Bindyabasini-4 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 14 Samajsudhara CO, Bindyabasini 6 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 15 Pariwartanshil CO, Bindyabasini 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 16 Janachetana CO, Bindhyabasini 6 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 17 Shrijanshil CO, Bindhyabasini 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 17 0 0 9 5 2 14 3 0 Total'B' VDC : Rakamkarnali SN 1 2 3 Name Of CO Ramnikatiya Co Rakamkarnali 4 Navasera CO Rakamkarnali 6 Posts Secretary F D J President F D J F Treasure D J 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 Shivaji CO Rakamkarnali 3 Basundhara CO Rakamkarnali 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 Laliguransh CO Rakamkarnali 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 Kalika Co Rakamkarnali 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7 Pragatishil CO Rakamkarnali 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 Chetansil CO Rakamkarnali 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 9 Sagaramatha CO Rakamkarnali 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 10 Dandakhal CO Rakamkarnali 1 & 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 11 Babaipani CO Rakamkarnali 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 12 Barpeepal CO Rakamkarnail 8 1 12 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 12 0 0 0 0 Total'C' VDC : Singhsain SN Name Of CO Posts Remarks Remarks Remarks 14 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 F President D J F Secretary D J F Treasure D J 1 Himalaya CO Singhsain 7 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 Mehelgaun CO Singhsain 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 Bhairab CO Singhsain 8 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 4 Ganesh CO Singhsain 5 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 5 Chautara CO Singhsain 9 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 6 Raniban CO Singhsain 3 & 7 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 7 Kalika CO Singhsain 6 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 8 Chandra Surya CO Singhsain 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 9 Sirjansil CO Singhsain 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 10 Bayaldhunga CO Singhsain 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 11 Bajthala CO Singhsain 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12 Hariyali CO Singhsain -3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 13 Samajyakata CO Singhsain-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 14 Janakalyana CO, Singhsain-9 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 15 Laganshil CO, Singhsain-8 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 16 Saraswati CO Singhsain-5 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 17 Sagarmatha CO, Singhsain-7 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 18 Phoolbari CO, Singhsain-3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 19 Shanti CO, Singhsain-6 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 20 Malika CO, Singhsain-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 21 Ganesh CO Singhsain-2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 22 Kalika CO, Singhsain-1&2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 23 Barpeepal CO Singhasain 7 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 24 Yakikaran CO Singhasain 1 1 24 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 5 0 1 0 23 1 1 0 0 Total'D' 0 VDC : Peepalkot SN Posts Secretary F D J President F D J 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 Himalaya CO Peepalkot 9 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 Laligurasha CO Peepalkot 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 Koldanda CO Peepalkot 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 5 Kharkhet CO Peepalkot 6 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 6 Pashupati CO Peepalkot 8 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 7 Barpeepal CO Peepalokt 4 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 8 Batashedanda CO Peepalkot 5 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 9 Malika Co Peepalkot 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 10 Panchadewal CO Peepalkot 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 11 Naineldev CO Peepalkot 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12 Dharapani CO Peepalkot 3 1 12 84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 24 0 3 17 0 4 13 0 11 75 0 0 4 0 0 2 Total'E' Total (A+B+C+D+E) F Treasure D J Name Of CO Muldhara CO Peepalkot 2 Remarks 15 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 3.5 a) AC Opening & CO registration in PAF (IG Sub-projects) After the formation of CO, the COs should be registered in PAF when they get full maturity. In this Year 2 COs from Salleri VDC has been registered. The details of AC Opening & CO Registration in PAF have been given below: Registration SN Name & Address of CO Date Reg. No. Operating AC Opening AC holders Name Position Remarks VDC : Salleri 1 Dandagaun CO Salleri 7 07/03/2069 4324 2 Samanta CO Salleri 8 07/03/2069 4325 Durga Chand Jwala B.K. Chandra Chand Batu B.K. Ratanakala B.K. Sita Singh President Treasure Secretary President Treasure Secretary b) AC Opening & CO Federation registration in PAF (Infra Sub-projects) After the formation of CO federations the CO federations should be registered in PAF when they get full maturity. In this Year 4 CO federation from project areas has been registered. The details of AC Opening & CO Registration in PAF have been given below: Registration SN Name & Address of CO Federation Date Reg. No. Operating 1 Shivashakti CO Federation Salleri-2 2068/11/30 4168 2 Shiva CO Federation Singasain-9 2068/11/29 4167 Kalyankhola CO Federation Rakam-2 2069/3/8 3 4310 4 Aagregaira CO Federation Pipalkot-8 2069/3/8 F 4330 AC Opening AC holders Name Prema Basnet Debu Gurung Padam Nepali Dipa B.K. Dalli Puri Bipana Yogi Chandra Shahi Paru B.K. Ganga Baduwal Jaikala Bhandara Aausi B.K. Jaikala Jaisi Position President Treasure Secretary President Treasure Secretary President Treasure Secretary President Treasure Secretary Remarks 16 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 3.6 Agri/Vet LRP Conference in District Level On the Falgun 3 & 4, 2068 Agriculture/Vet LRP conference had been organized in Dailekh Bazaar at DDC Hall. 4 Social Assessment Total HHs & Population in ICDP Area Social Assessment is one of the important factors for ICDP program Implementation. After the Program Orientation Workshops our social team has moved in the community and made social assessment by filling the Social Assessment Form Provided by PAF Nepal & using other different PRA tools. The Detail of Social Assessment is given below: VDC: Bindhyabasini SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ward No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total'A' VDC: Salleri Ward SN No. 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 Total'B' HHs Population Economic Categorization D J O T D J O T A B C D T 0 20 3 23 0 168 14 182 14 5 4 0 23 11 27 3 41 61 233 13 307 24 10 6 1 41 70 0 43 113 375 0 344 719 69 19 20 5 113 13 2 67 82 80 10 355 445 14 22 40 6 82 28 0 17 45 192 0 99 291 27 6 10 2 45 20 0 53 73 98 0 376 474 22 9 37 5 73 20 0 34 54 128 0 196 324 25 15 9 5 54 33 0 34 67 220 0 204 424 23 19 24 1 67 6 9 62 77 31 65 425 521 25 14 34 4 77 201 58 316 575 1185 476 2026 3687 243 119 184 29 575 D J HHs O T D T A 5 32 3 40 34 308 18 360 12 17 7 4 40 11 14 55 80 78 103 387 568 29 18 23 10 80 3 41 0 44 15 378 0 393 16 18 8 2 44 29 44 80 153 229 348 507 1084 66 58 23 6 153 14 1 57 72 89 0 283 372 27 21 19 5 72 1 0 28 29 7 0 150 157 6 21 2 0 29 18 1 51 70 124 12 281 417 33 29 7 1 70 53 20 11 84 309 181 102 592 56 22 6 0 84 14 47 2 63 97 386 21 504 35 16 12 0 63 148 200 287 635 982 1716 1749 4447 280 220 107 28 635 T A VDC: Rakamkarnali Ward SN No. D 1 1 2 2 2 42 3 3 12 Population J O Economic Categorization B C D T J HHs O T D Population J O Economic Categorization B C D T 0 34 36 10 0 237 247 10 15 9 2 36 0 41 83 218 0 277 495 52 24 5 2 83 0 25 37 71 0 153 224 15 19 2 1 37 17 Re. Re. Re. ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total'C' 31 0 1 32 171 0 12 183 18 12 2 0 32 4 0 25 29 36 0 155 191 7 10 5 7 29 27 0 36 63 171 0 233 404 34 19 8 2 63 0 0 33 33 0 0 111 111 3 16 14 0 33 1 0 74 75 9 0 395 404 34 26 12 3 75 0 0 19 19 0 0 139 139 4 13 2 0 19 119 0 288 407 686 0 1712 2398 177 154 59 17 407 T A VDC: Peepalkot Ward SN No. D 1 1 15 2 2 48 3 3 9 4 4 1 5 5 2 6 6 32 7 7 4 8 8 39 9 9 2 Total'D' 152 VDC: Singhsain Ward SN No. D 1 1 22 2 2 4 3 3 19 4 4 50 5 5 67 6 6 21 7 7 33 8 8 65 9 9 53 Total'E' Grand Total J HHs O T D Population J O 13 14 42 97 87 103 287 16 17 9 0 42 6 16 70 214 30 95 339 30 29 8 3 70 19 29 57 51 144 181 376 6 14 29 8 57 16 24 41 4 111 170 285 1 4 30 6 41 34 6 42 6 206 36 248 3 8 23 8 42 1 22 55 129 11 113 253 20 21 14 0 55 0 40 44 29 0 247 276 6 16 22 0 44 0 41 80 197 0 251 448 15 21 31 13 80 48 1 51 18 286 4 308 29 19 3 0 51 137 193 482 745 875 1200 2820 126 149 169 38 482 T D T A J HHs O Population J O Economic Categorization B C D T Economic Categorization B C D T 0 136 158 107 0 762 869 98 51 7 2 158 0 101 105 26 0 568 594 61 33 9 2 105 0 161 180 109 0 978 1087 99 64 13 4 180 0 31 81 263 0 176 439 72 7 2 0 81 0 48 115 374 0 276 650 81 25 9 0 115 0 71 92 104 0 433 537 43 29 12 8 92 39 83 155 185 237 532 954 89 46 15 5 155 0 63 128 351 0 334 685 68 32 27 1 128 34 29 116 341 219 207 767 69 34 9 4 116 334 73 723 1130 1860 456 4266 6582 680 321 103 26 1130 954 468 1807 3229 5458 3523 10953 19934 1506 963 622 138 3229 18 Re. Re. ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 E c o n o m ic C a t e g o r iz a t io n o f H H s in IC D P A r e a C D , 4% 19% A , 47% B , 30% H H s in IC D P A r e a D a lit 3 0 % O th e r 5 6 % J a n a ja tie s 14% P o p in IC D P A r e a D a lit , 2 7 % O t h e rs 5 6 % J a n a ja t ie s 17% 5 Income Generation Activities Conduction ICDP program mainly focused on Social Mobilization, Capacity Building, Income Generation & Community Infrastructure Development. In the process of program Implementation Income Generation Activities are prioritized in the poor community as well as Infrastructure. Sub-Project Proposal Preparation and Agreement with PAF For the IGA & Infra participatory Planning has been done in the community Level. Bottom Up Approach As well as Demand Driven Approach has been applied during the planning process. Community has been facilitated in the planning and prioritization of the demand collection by mobilized human resources. Similarly community has been assisted in preparing the community proposal. The detail of Sub-Project proposal Preparation, Agreement with PAF & Total Fund Mobilization is Given Below: SN Name & Address of CO Date Agreed Amount PAF CO Total Remarks VDC: Salleri 1 Dandagaun CO Salleri 7 2069.3.8 516560 51500 568060 2 Samanta CO Salleri 8 2069.3.8 539125 1055685 54000 105500 593125 Total 1161185 19 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 Fund Mobilized in ICDP Working Area 10% PAF Contribution CO Contribution 90% SN 1 2 3 4 Infra Sub-project Name Shivashakit School Building Shiva Primary School Building Mandali DWSS Date 2068.11.30 2068.11.30 2068.11.30 Kalyankhola DWSS 2069.3.8 Agreed Amount PAF VDC CO Total 2054117 0 519040 2573158 2064635 15000 514250 2593886 1017508 25000 259648 1302156 1588753 15000 388532 1977285 480027 2420441 382237 2543734 1920515 5 Aagregaira DWSS 2069.3.9 1940414 0 6 Raghurahe DWSS 2069.3.9 1538279 10203706 0 Total 55000 Re 12787441 Revolving Fund Mobilization by categorization In community Level Revolving fund is mobilized in 3 different aspects. Most priority has been given in Income Generation Activities; similarly revolving fund has also been mobilized in Capacity Building & Administration (Monitoring Management) of Community Organization. The detail of fund Mobilization has been given below: Fund Allocation SN Name & Address of CO IGA Capacity Building Monitoring Management Total Dandagaun CO Salleri 7 463500 36910 16150 516560 Samanta CO Salleri 8 486000 29525 23600 539125 949500 66435 39750 1055685 Remarks VDC: Salleri 1 2 Total (A) 20 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 Status of Community Contribution According to the norms of PAF Nepal, community should bare some amount of the fund that has been mobilized in the community, which shows the readiness of the community for the program. In IGA program community should bare the 10% amount of total cost. The detail of community contribution in the program launched COs has been given below: Contribution Community SN Name & Address of CO PAF Total Total Contribution made upto now Remaining Contribution Total VDC: Salleri 1 Dandagaun CO Salleri 7 516560 51500 30900 0 568060 2 Samanta CO Salleri 8 539125 1055685 54000 105500 32400 63300 0 0 593125 Total (A) 1161185 5.4 Beneficiaries Population with IGA within ICDP IGA activities have been conducting in agreement made 49 COs. The Details of the population covered by the COs are given below: VDC: Bindhyabasini Dalits SN 1 Janajaties Other Total Handicapped Name of CO Rainadevi CO Bindyabasini-1/2 Re F M F M F M F M F M T 30 31 64 67 10 14 104 112 0 0 0 2 3 Mandali CO, Bindyabasini-1/2 Pipal Chautari CO, Bindyabasini-3 3 36 1 36 82 0 93 0 0 57 0 57 85 93 94 93 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Mastathan CO, Bindyabasini-3 Ghodadauni CO, Bindyabasini-6 102 90 0 0 0 0 102 90 0 0 0 20 22 0 0 49 49 69 71 0 0 0 48 59 0 0 51 41 99 100 0 0 0 8 6 10 11 82 73 100 90 1 0 1 61 64 0 0 22 32 83 96 0 0 0 38 47 0 0 42 41 80 88 0 0 0 76 86 0 0 24 18 100 104 3 5 8 18 21 0 0 73 68 91 89 0 0 0 2 3 23 21 41 31 66 55 0 0 0 11 9 0 0 79 71 90 80 0 0 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Chetashil CO, Bindyabasini-8/9 Barpipal CO, Bindyabasini-9 Maibhagawati CO , Bindyabasini8/9 Jagnatha CO, Bindyabasini-7/8 Radeu CO, Bindyabasini-5 Paltapani CO, Bindyabasini-4 Phoolbari CO, Bindyabasini-9 Janasewa CO, Bindyabasini-4 21 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 14 15 16 17 Samajsudhar CO, Bindhyabasini-6 Pariwartanshil CO, Bindhyabasini-3 Janachetana CO, Bindhyabasini-6 Shrijanshil CO, Bindhyabasini-3 Total'A' 5 8 59 64 0 0 64 72 0 0 0 16 14 5 4 45 38 66 56 0 0 0 6 7 0 0 67 67 73 74 0 0 0 35 34 0 0 10 13 45 47 0 0 0 515 538 243 260 652 613 1410 1411 4 5 9 VDC: Salleri Dalits SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Janajaties Other Total Handicapped Name of CO Pragatishil CO Salleri-2 Bhairabsthan CO Salleri 1 Laligurasha CO Salleri-3 Saraswati CO Salleri -2 Nava Sirjansil CO, salleri 4 Sirjansil CO Salleri- 4 Malika CO Salleri-5 Shivashakti CO Salleri 5 Lalkamal CO Salleri-6 Janasewa CO Salleri-7 Jagannath CO Salleri-7 Himalaya CO Salleri-8 Santoshi CO Salleri-9 Samajsudhar CO, Salleri-3 Panidhara CO, Salleri-4 Pipaldanda CO, Salleri-8 Hariyali CO, Salleri-9 Dandagaun CO, Salleri-7 Samanta CO, Salleri-8 Total'B' F M F M F M F M F M T 19 26 29 31 3 2 51 59 0 0 0 16 17 99 109 0 0 115 126 0 0 0 5 5 123 107 0 0 128 112 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 99 93 105 99 0 0 0 11 12 103 109 43 49 157 170 0 0 0 86 79 26 19 83 105 195 203 0 0 0 32 36 3 3 73 64 108 103 0 0 0 7 9 0 0 68 57 75 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 72 77 72 0 0 0 15 25 0 0 63 62 78 87 0 0 0 9 10 3 1 83 83 95 94 0 0 0 82 81 49 53 29 33 160 167 0 0 0 22 26 101 95 10 11 133 132 0 0 0 5 8 59 64 0 0 64 72 0 0 0 16 14 5 4 45 38 66 56 0 0 0 106 106 0 0 21 22 127 128 0 0 0 26 28 23 23 1 4 50 55 0 0 0 47 40 6 6 15 17 68 63 0 0 0 71 69 0 0 3 2 74 71 0 0 0 575 591 635 630 716 714 1926 1935 0 0 0 Rem arks VDC: Rakamkarnali Dalits SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Janajaties Other Total Handicapped Name of CO Ramnikatiya CO Rakamkarnali 4 Navasera CO Rakamkarnali 6 Kalika CO Rakamkarnali 1 Shivajee CO Rakamkarnali 3 Laliguransh CO Rakamkarnali 8 Sagarmatha CO, Rakamkarnali-9 Basundhara CO, Rakamkarnali-2 F M F M F M F M F M T 92 79 0 0 6 6 98 85 0 0 0 78 80 0 0 85 80 163 160 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68 65 68 65 0 0 0 34 37 0 0 49 67 83 104 0 0 0 5 4 0 0 134 140 139 144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 75 64 75 0 0 0 69 68 0 0 37 41 106 109 0 0 0 22 Rem arks ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 8 9 10 11 12 Dandakhal CO Rakamkarnali-1&2 Babaipani CO, Rakamkarnali-2 Pargatishil CO, Rakamkarnali-5 Chetana CO, Rakamkarnali-7 Barpeepal CO, Rakamkarnali-8 Total'C' 23 24 0 0 72 80 95 104 0 0 0 15 15 0 0 66 82 81 97 0 0 0 19 14 0 0 55 54 74 68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 119 123 119 123 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 45 37 45 0 0 0 335 321 0 0 792 858 1127 1179 0 0 0 VDC: Singhsain Dalits SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Janajaties Other Total Handicapped Name of CO Mehelgaun CO Singhsain 4 Himalaya CO Singhsain 7 Raniban CO Singhsain 3 & 7 Ganesh CO Singsain 5 Bhairab CO Singhsain 8 Chautara CO Singhsain 9 Chandrasury CO, Singhsain-3 Bayaldunga CO Singhsain-2 Bajthala CO, Singhsain-2 Shrijanshil CO, Singhsain-3 Ganesh CO Singhsain-2 Hariyali CO, Singhsain-3 Kalika CO, Singhsain-1 Phoolbari CO, Singhsain-3 Sagarmatha CO, Singhsain-7 Shanti CO, Singhsain-6 Samajyakata CO, Singhsain-3 Malika CO, Sighsain-1 Janakalyan CO, Singhsain-9 Laganshil CO, Sighsain-8 Sarswoti CO, Sighsain-5 Kalika CO, Singhsain-6 Barpeepal CO, Sighsain-7 Yakikaran CO, Sighsain-1 Total'D' F M F M F M F M F M T 119 135 0 0 9 14 128 149 0 3 3 30 23 96 80 37 49 163 152 2 2 4 77 87 0 0 54 64 131 151 0 1 1 119 124 0 0 20 32 139 156 5 1 6 92 117 0 0 37 34 129 151 2 2 4 107 93 24 19 26 26 157 138 0 3 3 18 18 0 0 124 135 142 153 0 0 0 36 53 0 0 96 103 132 156 0 0 0 5 7 0 0 145 141 150 148 0 0 0 8 13 0 0 94 86 102 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 113 100 113 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 87 89 87 89 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 101 111 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 109 117 109 117 0 0 0 14 11 0 0 90 80 104 91 0 0 0 4 5 0 0 87 100 91 105 0 0 0 6 7 0 0 104 99 110 106 0 0 0 7 10 0 0 85 124 92 134 0 0 0 60 62 0 0 63 75 123 137 0 0 0 53 61 0 0 54 45 107 106 0 0 0 34 41 0 0 62 63 96 104 0 0 0 44 54 0 0 90 78 134 132 0 0 0 7 9 0 0 64 85 71 94 0 0 0 5 8 0 0 76 97 81 105 0 0 0 845 938 120 99 1824 1950 2789 2987 9 12 21 Rem arks VDC: Peepalkot Dalits SN 1 Janajaties Other Total Handicapped Name of CO Laliguransh CO Peepalkot 1 F M F M F M F M F M T 47 38 36 41 52 42 135 121 0 0 0 23 Rem arks ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 Himalaya COPeepalkot 9 11 7 125 151 0 0 136 158 0 1 1 109 86 9 12 3 2 121 100 0 4 4 28 23 55 63 30 27 113 113 0 0 0 76 65 8 3 17 14 101 82 0 0 0 94 105 0 0 21 16 115 121 0 0 0 7 11 109 98 4 3 120 112 0 0 0 1 3 74 56 66 78 141 137 0 0 0 23 17 8 4 44 49 75 70 0 0 0 3 3 5 5 47 46 55 54 0 0 0 10 5 0 0 109 125 119 130 0 0 0 15 13 0 0 93 90 108 103 0 0 0 Total'E' 424 376 429 433 486 492 1339 1301 0 5 5 Grand Total (A+B+C+D+E) 2694 2764 1427 1422 4470 4627 7464 8813 13 22 35 Muldhara CO Peepalkot 2 Koldanda CO, Peepalkot-3 Kharkhet CO, Peepalkot-6 Pashupati CO, Peepalkot-8 Bantansedanda CO, Peepalkot-5 Barpeepal CO, Peepalkot-4 Malika CO, Peepalkot-2 Dharapani CO, Peepalkot-3 Panchadewol CO, Peepalkot-7 Naineldev CO, Peepalkot-8 Technical Assistance Design of School Buildings In the sector of technical assistance to the community, on the basis of community demand two School Buildings & 4 Drinking water Supply sub-projects were registered and made agreement with Cos federation by PAF, Nepal for the construction of the school buildings & DWSS. The total budget made agreement between PAF, Nepal and Cos federation is as below: SN 1 2 3 4 Infra Sub-project Name Shivashakit School Building Shiva Primary School Building Mandali DWSS Date 2068.11.30 2068.11.30 2068.11.30 Kalyankhola DWSS 2069.3.8 Agreed Amount PAF VDC CO Total 2054117 0 519040 2573158 2064635 15000 514250 2593886 1017508 25000 259648 1302156 1588753 15000 388532 1977285 480027 2420441 382237 2543734 1920515 5 Aagregaira DWSS 2069.3.9 1940414 0 6 Raghurahe DWSS 2069.3.9 1538279 10203706 0 Total 55000 Remarks 12787441 24 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 In the sector of technical assistance to the community on the basis of community demands following Infra sub-projects details engineering design & estimates are submission at PAF, for approval. Sno Name of CO Name of Sub-project Address 1 Navashera CO Navashera Irrigation Project Rakam-6 2 Ramnikatiya CO Ramnikatiya Irrigation Project Rakam-4 3 Paltapani CO Paltapani Pipe Irrigation Project Bindhyabasini-4 4 Jansewa & Janchetana CO Tripani School Building Bindhyabasini-4 5 Maibhagawati & Chetanshil CO Badabhairav School Building Bindhyabasini-8 6 Bhairavsthan CO Goganpani Primary School Salleri-1 7 Navashrijanshil CO Janta Primary School Salleri-4 8 Laliguransh CO Malika Primary School Pipalkot-1 9 Phoolbari CO Lamatada Irrigation Project Bindhyabasini-9 10 Pragatishil CO Baldanda DWSS Salleri-2 11 Jaganath CO Deuli DWSS Salleri-7 12 Barpipal CO Bheltadi DWSS Rakam-8 7 Capacity Building: Capacity Development is one of the major pillars of ICDP Program. Capacity Development of the community is necessary for providing qualitative services in the Community & capacity Development of the Community is needed for the better implementation of the program as well as achieving the goal of the program. In this program different training, workshops, seminars, sharing meetings etc are conducted for the capacity development of the community as well as ICDP Staffs 25 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 Training Conducted in CO Level In this year different trainings in CO level have been conducted for the improvement of the occupation of the community. Different Vocational Trainings have been conducted as per the agreement made between the CO & PAF Nepal. The detail of the training is given below: Duration SN Name of the Training Paritcipation Venue Dalit Since Livestock Raising Training Singasain Other Total Facilitation Coordination With JTA ASC To 3 Days in 2 COs in different Times 1 Janajaties Total M F M F M F M F 5 21 0 0 7 25 12 46 5 21 0 0 7 25 12 46 Remark Training Conduction in Community Level by the organization In this year different trainings in community Level by the organization have been conducted for the capacity development of the community & better implementation of the program. Different Capacity building Trainings have been conducted as per the agreement made between the PO & PAF Nepal. The detail of the training is given below: Duration SN Name of the Training Participation Venue Dalit Since Janajaties Other Total Facilitation To M F M F M F M F Coordination With Remark Salleri Leadership & Group mgmt. training 1 2 3 4 Book Keeping, Saving/Credit & Revolving Fund Management Training 7 days river beach cultivation training Exposure Visit to Marginalize comm. 2069/2/22 2069/2/24 1 4 0 0 0 5 5 5 ICDP Staffs 2069/2/25 2069/2/27 1 4 0 0 0 5 5 5 ICDP Staffs 2068/10/14 2068/10/20 1 11 0 0 2 11 3 22 2068/9/22 2068/9/26 1 3 0 0 1 0 1 4 4 22 0 0 3 21 14 36 Salleri Rakam Bardiya Total 26 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 Training Conduction in District Level In this year different trainings in District Level have been conducted for the capacity development of ICDP Staffs. Different Capacity building Trainings have been conducted as per the agreement made between the PO & PAF Nepal. The detail of the training is given below: Duration SN 1 2 3 4 Name of the Training Paritcipation Venue 7 days PRA training 7 days Social Mobilization ToT DDC Hall KTC Kathmandu 1 days LRP conference DDC Hall 5 days Revolving fund mgmt. residential training Kishor Hotel Total Dalit Janajaties Other Total Since To 2068/10/4 2068/10/10 M 1 F 0 M 1 F 1 M 0 F 2 M 4 F 1 2068/12/1 2068/12/7 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2068/11/3 2068/11/4 0 0 3 0 0 8 0 11 2069/2/14 2069/2/18 2 0 4 0 13 6 19 6 3 0 8 1 14 16 24 18 Facilitation Coordinatio n With Consultant 5 POs Re. 27 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 8 Coordination Coordination with different stakeholders and line agencies is the most important factor for the better implementation of the program. Necessary coordination has been made with PAF Nepal, VDC, DDC, Community and other line agencies. Regular coordination has been made with other POs in Dailekh. In the community Level every activities within ICDP has been conducted with the coordination of Local Level political Parties, local leaders Scholars etc. Coordination with District Agriculture Development Office and District Livestock Service Office has beenn made for the registration of COs as potential groups for pocket area development. CO under ICDP, which are registered at DADO and DLSO included in main achievements in this quarter. Regular coordination has been made with other POs in Dailekh. In the community Level every activities within ICDP has been conducted with the coordination of Local Level political Parties, local leaders Scholars etc. Other hands, coordination with Care Nepal Community Support Program COs of Rakamkarnali ward no. 2 Basundhara, Dandakhal & Babaipani demanded to construction of School building. As per the demand of COs we coordinate with Care CSP and made agreement for construction Shree Himalaya Primary School Building with Nrs. 6,00,000/. With good coordination to Kathamdu Training Centre (KTC), we had conducted 7 days Participatory Rural Appraisal Training for ICDP staffs with other PAF POs of Dailekh district as well as 7 days Social Mobilization ToT also for Program Coordinator. We had made regular coordination with VDCs of ICDP, so that, Village Council allocated certain amount for the 6 Infra sub-project and release Nrs. 208000/. In other hand, we had made regular coordination with WARM-P, Helvetas, Nepal at Pipalkot VDC, and WARM-P ready to coordination with PAF, Nepal, PO (SOSEC) for the ongoing both Infra sub-projects structures as well as sanitation. We had made coordination with Pro-public for public hearing of obstructed work of Shree N.R.L.S.S. Dandagaun paiti, Dailekh. With the some effort of working staffs 17 COs of Salleri VDC had been constructed thresh roofing meeting house. With the coordination to DADO, Barpeepal CO of Bindhyabasini 9, had got 200 plants of mango and plantation for develop Mango Pocket Area. Review Agreement made between PAF, Nepal and PO yearly progress, weakness, opportunities and threat are sharing on District level review program organized by entire PAF's PO in Dailekh. Similarly at the half yearly review of PO (SOSEC), progress, weakness, opportunities and threat of ICDP has been shared. 9 Monitoring Regular monitoring is one of the major factors of the better implementation of the program. In this year Monitoring has been made by PO, Program Coordinator and Supervisor as well as other stakeholders in the related field. The details of the monitoring have been given below: Monitoring by PAF Nepal Regular Monitoring has been conducted by PAF Nepal, time to time for the improvements of the program, release of I Installment, II Installment of CO as well as Appraisal of COs in both (IG and Infrastructure) Proposal for agreement between PAF & CO. Frequently, PM has been visited filed. Jointly Monitoring by Major Stakeholders Jointly monitoring by the District Level Major Stakeholders (Political Parties, Journalists, DDC Members &PO Members), in Salleri & Bindhyabasini VDC of ICDP Area has been done since 4 - 6 Ashad 2069 by Following Persons: Mr. Samsher Bahadur Shahi DDC Program Officer Mr. Suresh Thapa DADO, Officer Mr. Bishnu Sharma Journalist, Nepal Television reporter Mr. Om Bahadur Rawal RJM, Political party representative Mr. Hira Singh Thapa President of SOSEC Mr. Rajesh Shoni Executive Director, SOSEC Mr. Man Bahadur Thapa Program Supervisor, SOSEC Mrs. Maya Rana SM, SOSEC Mr. Santosh B.K. SM, SOSEC Following matters have been monitored in the community: 28 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 Participation of target groups in CO. Conduction of COs monthly Meeting. Saving collection. Investment of saving. Mobilization of Revolving Fund provided by PAF, Nepal. Status of Activities conducted by COs (Goat Farming, Vegetable Cultivation, Pig Keeping, Poultry Farming, Business conduction, Buffalo Keeping etc.) Status of Revolving of the loan mobilization in the community. Institutional Development in the Community. Ownership towards the program. Major findings after Monitoring: Maximum target groups have been involved in the COs. Key Positions in the COs have been held by women, Dalits and Janajaties. Regular conduction of monthly meeting and effective decision making process. Regular saving collection and mobilization. The saving has not been invested in productive field. It has been mobilized only in households' affairs. The fund provided by PAF has been mobilized in proper field. The status of activities conducted by COs is satisfactory. Community seems to have done income with the conducted activities and improved their well being status. A more institutional development in the CO Level is necessary. Community has the feeling of ownership towards the program. 10 Main Achievements During this Year: Major Achievements of ICDP in this Year are as below: Qualified & Experienced Human Resources Mobilization: Qualified & experienced 8 human resources have been mobilized in the ICDP working area for the better implementation of the program including old Staffs, a VET/JTA and Sub-overseer for Infrastructure. Institutional Development in Community Level: Community Organizations (COs) have been formed in the grass root level of the community including the target groups. In this year as per the plan we have formed 2 COs in Salleri VDC & 4 COs federation. At ICDP working areas 5 VDC level CO networks have been made functioning as per umbrella union of COs under VDC. These networks have been made coordination with VDC for registration for their institutional development. Formation of Local Fund: The COs formed in the ICDP Area saves some amount of their earnings as local Fund. Community has collected NRs 811039/- & mobilized NRs 805924/- in different types of productive activities. (Including 5 VDCs) Capacity Development of Community & ICDP Staffs: Different Trainings in Community Level as well as in District level has been conducted within ICDP in this year for the capacity Development of the community as well as the ICDP Staffs. CO Registration & Agreement with PAF: 2 COs & 4 COs federations have been formed. Among them, 2 COs & 4 COs federations have been registered in PAF and made agreement. Revolving Fund Mobilization: The fund provided by PAF has been mobilized in the community through COs in different IG Activities, Infrastructure construction, as well as Capacity Development of the community. NRs. 5101853 has been contributed by PAF, Nepal for the construction of 6 Infra sub-projects. Income Level Increment of the poor in the Community After the implementation of ICDP program by SOSEC Dailekh in the financial support of the PAF Nepal, in the project working VDCs, the Income level of the community has been increased. The poor HHs involved in the IGA program within ICDP started different IG Activities, as per the result of the activities they started to 29 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 earn money then the people who did not have food for 3 months now they get food for 6/9/12 months & send their children in the schools. Social Inclusion: Social Inclusion Strategy has been mostly applied in this program. In the program there is the participation of 32% Dalits, 14% Janajaties, 54% Ultra Poor (A) & 82% Females in the COs. The key positions of the COs have been held by Dalits, Janajaties & Female. Technical Assistance: In the sector of technical assistance to the community, on the basis of community demand to 2 School Buildings & 4 Infra Sub-projects were made agreement between CO & CO federations and PAF Nepal for construction of both School buildings & 4 DWSS. Among them, both School buildings & 1 DWSS-P construction work has been ongoing. Increase in Social Unity: Reduction in unproductive expenditure, unbeliefness, domestic violence & high interest rate in community level of ICDP working areas and increase in social unity on the basis of cast, gender, religion and race. 11 Major Problems Community Cash contribution in IGA program is one of the major problem that hampered in the sound implementation of the program. We have to go to the poorest community so the community can't collect the 10% contribution that may cause the risk of taking loan from the richer in the community. Due to the difficult geographical structure & remoteness of the working area the rapid communication is impossible so the sent message reaches late in the community which has hampered in the implementation of the program in time. The goats of the farmers provided by our program are dying, community is disappointed in this matter and the community is still in the confuse state of Livestock Insurance. During the formation of the CO, Dalits, Janajaties, Females & DAGs were encouraged to hold the key positions, so now it has become more difficult to manage the financial transaction of the CO. Community is expecting for the infrastructure works, but the process is lengthy. 12 Learning Community Demand based program is necessary to get the result in time. To implement the program the leadership of the program should be provided to the community. In every programs and activities we let the people to decide everything, we only played the role of facilitator so we could get clear and true information. So we learnt that to please the people and get the true information we should let the people to participate in decision making. Regular staffs meeting & program orientation can bring input. Public hearing & Social audit program can bring transparency on projects. 13 Threat Due to the lack of clear rules and regulation to future manage of provided fund by PAF, Nepal to CO as a Revolving fund. 14 Unsuccessful With the financial support of PAF, Nepal, at Rakamkarnali VDC lunched river beach cultivation pilot project. Due to the sand torrent (storm) river beach cultivation had been fully covered and damaged. 15 Conclusion & Recommendation: Integrated Community Development Program (ICDP) implemented by SOSEC Dailekh with the financial support of PAF Nepal, since 1st Baishakh 2063 in the remote & back warded DVCs of Dailekh, is one of the model programs in the sector of poverty reduction. The strategies applied by the program are unique, that are fully dedicated in the prosperity of the community. The program now covers the 5 VDCs of Dailekh; Salleri, Bindhyabasini, Rakamkarnali, Peepalkot & Sinhasain. Different IGA & Capacity Development programs have 30 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 been conducting in the community. The community seems enthusiast & optimist to the program for the reduction of the poverty rooted in the community & upliftment of the community. It seems to be better to launch the Infrastructure program as soon as possible along with the IGA; similarly it would be better to manage the installment to release the CO as well as PO fund in time so that the tasks could be performed in time as per the action Plan. For the better implementation of the program following matters seems to be followed: It would be better to endeavor for the Livestock Insurance as soon as possible for the welfare of the farmers. It would be better to add the human resource for the PO to handle the all financial transaction of the COs as focal person or a more Supervisor. It would be better to start the Infrastructure works as soon as possible. If it is possible it would be better to provide the authority of AC holders changing of CO to the PO. It would be better to manage the fund quick & short release system & fund released as soon as possible. Members of Jaganath CO, Salleri-7 had discussing with Joint Monitoring Team Joint Monitoring Team at Salleri VDC Public Audit program at Salleri-8 Paiti, School Building of Salleri-8 Paiti, Dailekh 31 ICDP Project Completion Report -068/069 Meeting of New CO at Salleri-8, for Demand collection District level LRP conference at DDC Hall, Dailekh Program Orientation at Kishor Hotel, Dailekh Public hearing conducted at Salleri-8 Paiti, Dailekh 32
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