Packet - City of Cuero
Packet - City of Cuero
CITY OF CUERO COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA JANUARY 27, 2015 Notice is here by given for a meeting of the City Council of the City of Cuero to be held on January 27, 2015 at 5:45 p.m. located at: City Hall Council Chambers, 212 E. Main Street, Cuero, for the purpose of considering the following agenda items. The City Council of the City of Cuero will meet, consider, deliberate and may take action on all agenda items. 1. Call To Order And Announce A Quorum Is Present 2. Invocation Led by James K.Crain, III 3. Pledge Of Allegiance to the American Flag and the Texas Flag Led by W.T. "Tony" Allen. Documents: US and Texas Pledge.pdf 4. Presentation And Recognitions 4.1. Introduction Of New Police Officer Ryan Taylor. 4.2. Recognition Of Councilmembers Attendance For Year 2014 4.3. Traffic Study Update For CISD New Construction Projects Presented By Tom Schmidt With Urban Engineers 4.4. Drainage Study Update On The Southwest Area Of The City Of Cuero Presented By Tom Schmidt With Urban Engineers 5. Council Consideration And Action Items 5.1. Discuss/Consider And Possible Action On The Elevation Drawings For The Proposed New Library By Michael Legg. (Lynn Mixon, Librarian & Robert Stoddard Building Dept Supervisor) 5.2. Discuss/Consider And Possible Action On Improvements To The Storm Drain Between Esplanade And Gonzales Street, East Of Heaton Street. 5.3. Discuss/Consider And Possible Action On Annexation Areas For 2015 5.4. Discuss/Consider And Possible Action On Utility Deposits. Documents: Copy of Utility Deposit Summary 2.pdf 5.5. Discuss/Consider And Possible Action To Request RFP's For Solid Waste Pickup And Disposal. 5.6. Discuss/Consider And Possible Action To Renew The Interlocal Agreement With DeWitt County Drainage District No. 1. Documents: 2015 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Drainage District Weeds.pdf 6. Ordinances - Emergency Reading 6.1. Discuss/Consider Ordinance No. 2015 -01, Calling For May 9, 2015 General Election To 5.6. Discuss/Consider And Possible Action To Renew The Interlocal Agreement With DeWitt County Drainage District No. 1. Documents: 2015 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Drainage District Weeds.pdf 6. Ordinances - Emergency Reading 6.1. Discuss/Consider Ordinance No. 2015 -01, Calling For May 9, 2015 General Election To Elect A Councilmember For Districts 1 & 4 And Two At Large Position For The City Of Cuero Council Documents: General Election 2015 Ordinance.pdf 7. First Reading Of An Ordinance 7.1. Discuss/Consider And Possible Action On Ordinance No. 2015 -01, Repealing Parts Of Title XV, Chapters 150, 152, 154,156, And 158, Changing Fees For The Building Department. Documents: Fee Ordinance 01132015 1st draft(2nd Revision 1 26 2015).pdf 7.2. Discuss/Consider And Possible Action On Ordinance No. 2015 -02, Amending TITLE III, CHAPTER 32, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND DEPARTMENTS, SECTION 32.02 PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD AND SECTION 32.31(E) BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES. Documents: Building.pdf 2015 -02 Board Committe Term Date Change Zoning and 7.3. Discuss/Consider And Possible Action On Ordinance No 2015 -03 Amending TITLE XV, CHAPTER 158, ZONING, SECTION 158.051 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES Documents: 2015 -03 Board of Adjustment Term Change.pdf 8. Resolutions 8.1. Discuss/Consider And Possible Action OnResolution No. 2015 -01 Awarding The Bid For The City Of Cuero Wayfinding Sign Master Plan Documents: Council Recommendation Wayfinding.pdf, RESOLUTION NO 2015-01 Wayfinding Bid Approval.pdf 8.2. Discuss/Consider And Possible Action On Resolution No. 2015 -02, Awarding Of Bid For The New Irrigation Pumping System For The Municipal Golf Course. Documents: RESOLUTION NO 2015 -02 Golf Course Irrigation bid.pdf 8.3. Discuss/Consider And Possible Action On Resolution No. 2015 -03 For Task Order #38 From Urban Engineers For TxCDBG Grant Application. Documents: Task Order 38.pdf, RESOLUTION NO 2015-03 Task order 38.pdf 8.4. Discuss/Consider And Possible Action On Resolution No. 2015 -04, Task Order #39 From Urban Engineers For Design And Realignment Of Park Heights And Fain McDougal Intersection At Broadway Street. Documents: Task Order 39.pdf, RESOLUTION NO 2015-04 Task order 39.pdf 8.5. Discuss/Consider And Possible Action On Resolution No. 2015 -05 Texas Gas Service's Rate Adjustment To Become Effctive 45 Days After February 2, 2015. Documents: doc00495820150113101847.pdf, RESOLUTION 2015-05.docx 8.6. Discuss/Consider And Possible Action On Resolution No. 2015 -06 Authorizing The Submission Of A Texas Community Development Block Grant Program Application To The Texas Department Of Agriculture For The Community Development Fund; And Authorizing The Mayor And/Or The City Manager To Act As The City’ s Executive Officers And Authorized Representatives In All Matters Pertaining To The City’s Participation In The Texas Community Development Block Grant Program. Documents: RESOLUTION 2015-06 012715.pdf, Cuero 2015 Grant Map.pdf, Cuero 2015 Table 2.pdf 8.7. Discuss/Consider And Possible Action On Resolution No. 2015 -07 To Renew The Memorandum With Pet Adoption Of Cuero. Officers And Authorized Representatives In All Matters Pertaining To The City’s Participation In The Texas Community Development Block Grant Program. Documents: RESOLUTION 2015-06 012715.pdf, Cuero 2015 Grant Map.pdf, Cuero 2015 Table 2.pdf 8.7. Discuss/Consider And Possible Action On Resolution No. 2015 -07 To Renew The Memorandum With Pet Adoption Of Cuero. Documents: 2015 -07 Pet Adoptions Resolution 2012.pdf, 2015 AGREEMENT WITH PET ADOPTIONS INC 2015.pdf 8.8. Discuss/Consider And Possible Action On Resolution No. 2015 -08 Approving The Application To The Office Of The Governor, Criminal Division For Implementation Of The City Of Cuero Police Department Body Camera Project. Documents: RESOLUTION NO 2015 -08 Body Camera.pdf 9. Consent Agenda 9.1. Accept Recommendation From The Cuero Development Corporation, And Appoint, Three Members To Serve Terms Of February, 2015 – January, 2017 On The Cuero Development Corporation Board Of Directors. Re- appoint Dennis Jemelka and Charles Papacek Appoint Randy Jochim to replace Charles Tounley 9.2. Appointments And Re-Appointments To City Boards And Commissions Re- Appoint Carl Krueger to Fireman's Pension Board President Appoint Beth Chang to Building and Standards Commission Appoint Jason Andrews to Planning And Zoning Commission Move Larry Lucas to alternate position of Planning and Zoning Commission 9.3. Appoint Frank Burns To The Main Street Advisory Board To Replace David Scott 9.4. Abolish Committees/Boards That Are No Longer Needed For The City. Prohibition of Plastic Bags Ordinance Review Committee Cemetery Committee Economic Steering Committee 9.5. Cuero Development Corporation 15 Month Report Documents: CDC 15 Month report.pdf 9.6. City Council Minutes For 12/9/2014, 12/15/2014 Documents: 12 -9-2014 Council Meeting Minutes.pdf, 12 -15-2014 Council Meeting Minutes.pdf 9.7. Building And Standards Committee Quarterly Report Documents: BSC Quarterly Report 01 27 15.pdf 9.8. Municipal Court December Collection Report Documents: Municipal Court December Report.pdf 9.9. December Building Permit Report Documents: BP Valuation Report - 5672.pdf 9.10. December Library Minutes And Patron Usage Report Documents: December Minutes for Library Board.pdf, December Library Statistics Report.pdf 9.11. Christmas In The Park 2014 Report Documents: Christmas in the Park Report.pdf 9.12. City Of Cuero Quarterly Financial Report Documents: COC Quarterly Report.pdf 9.13. Surplus Inventory List For .Gov Documents: Surplus Inventory List to Council Jan 2015.docx 9.12. City Of Cuero Quarterly Financial Report Documents: COC Quarterly Report.pdf 9.13. Surplus Inventory List For .Gov Documents: Surplus Inventory List to Council Jan 2015.docx 10. Public Comments An opportunity for the public to address Council on agenda items or concerns not on the agenda (limited to two minutes). 11. Adjourn The City Council may convene into executive (closed) session in accordance with the Texas Government Code when necessary and legally justified. Any item on this agenda may be discussed in executive session if authorized by Texas Law regardless of whether it is listed under “Executive Session” of this agenda, and regardless of any past or current practice of the City Council. Executive sessions herein are closed meetings, and may include the consideration of any item otherwise listed on the agenda plus any subject matter specified in the executive session notice, and may include items under the Texas Government Code as follows: Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney regarding contemplated or pending litigation, a settlement offer or administrative hearing); Section 551.072 (Deliberation regarding real property); Section 551.073 (Deliberation about gifts and donations); Section 551.074 (Personnel Matters); Section 551.076 (Deliberation about Security Devices); Section 551.086(Deliberation regarding Municipally Owned Utility); and Section 551.087 (Deliberation regarding Economic Development Negotiation). In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Cuero will provide reasonable accommodations for persons attending City Council meetings. To better serve you, requests should be received 24 hours prior to the meetings. Please contact Jennifer Zufelt, City Secretary, at 361 -275- 6114. CERTIFICATION I certify that a copy of the January 27, 2015 agenda of items to be considered by the City of Cuero Council was posted on the City Hall bulletin board on Friday, January 23, 2015 before 5:00 PM. ___________________________________ Jennifer Zufelt, City Secretary City of Cuero Utility Deposit Analysis Res Accts 3041 ICL/OCL $750.00 148 $600.00 3 $500.00 78 $450.00 38 $400.00 2 $375.00 41 $300.00 23 $250.00 70 $250.00 8 $225.00 1 $200.00 9 $180.00 1 $150.00 14 $125.00 4 $100.00 783 $75.00 1 $50.00 9 $45.00 1 $40.00 2 $35.00 25 $30.00 3 $25.00 15 $20.00 3 $10.00 24 $5.00 2 $3.00 1 $1732 Total: 3041 Deposits before 2013: No deposit required: Minimum deposit: Deposit X 2 Deposit X 3 Total: % 4.87% 0.10% 2.56% 1.25% 0.07% 1.35% 0.76% 2.30% 0.26% 0.03% 0.30% 0.03% 0.46% 0.13% 25.75% 0.03% 0.30% 0.03% 0.07% 0.82% 0.10% 0.49% 0.10% 0.79% 0.07% 0.03% 56.95% 100.00% % 2.83% 56.95% 28.97% 4.90% 6.35% 100.00% Deposit Requirements: Electric Water/Sewer Garbage Total: # of accounts 86 1732 881 149 193 3041 $125.00 $100.00 $25.00 $250.00 All Services: 1 2 3 $250.00 $500.00 $750.00 Electric Only: 1 2 3 $125.00 $250.00 $375.00 Water Only: 1 2 3 $50.00 $100.00 $150.00 Water/Sewer Only: 1 2 3 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 Electric, Water and Sewer Only: 1 2 3 $225.00 $450.00 $675.00 Electric, Sewer and Garbage: 1 2 3 $200.00 $400.00 $600.00 Electric/Garbage: 1 2 3 $150.00 $300.00 $450.00 Garbage Only: 1 2 3 $25.00 $50.00 $75.00 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 1 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 2 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 3 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 4 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 5 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 6 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 7 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 8 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 9 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 10 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 11 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 12 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 13 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 14 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 15 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 16 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 17 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 18 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 19 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 20 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 21 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 22 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 23 Prepared by Caroline Hawes 1/27/2015 Page 24 City of Cuero Bad Debt Monthly Summary - 2013/2014 Month January February March April May June July August September October Year 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 Payments $3,792.29 $8,122.83 $3,122.15 $2,518.07 $9,130.37 $914.16 $2,033.77 $2,031.85 $934.56 $1,476.60 Bad Debt $9,222.71 $2,234.18 $7,976.57 $5,237.22 $3,430.80 $7,004.20 $5,752.32 $11,369.10 $5,695.61 $11,507.25 Month January February March April May June July August September October Year 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Payments Bad Debt $2,331.93 $4,350.37 $2,703.07 $8,325.64 $1,323.25 $4,855.11 $1,692.63 $3,132.46 $2,987.08 $4,446.18 $3,196.95 $1,769.92 $1,518.28 $4,063.63 $2,435.35 $4,412.45 $5,841.79 $8,721.09 $1,329.15 $3,360.37 09-0490-04 02-0310-10 02-0340-02 02-0360-05 02-0580-15 02-0645-06 02-1640-21 02-2770-06 03-0440-16 03-0710-02 03-0735-02 03-1720-03 03-1920-08 03-2140-07 03-2300-09 03-2330-07 03-2390-16 03-2400-09 03-2630-11 03-3130-22 03-3221-09 04-0320-10 04-0490-04 04-0530-15 04-0635-01 04-0726-02 04-0749-02 04-0790-02 04-0870-01 04-0900-08 04-1030-06 04-1190-02 04-1240-03 04-1640-07 05-0230-06 05-1230-13 05-1250-22 05-1315-17 05-1660-21 05-2543-03 05-2610-30 05-2750-11 05-2840-15 05-2910-05 05-3170-11 06-0440-01 06-0460-11 06-0800-17 06-1960-13 06-2430-08 06-2650-16 06-2723-10 06-2870-08 06-3160-14 07-0400-21 4 7 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 7 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 5 9 4 4 4 4 4 6 5 4 6 4 8 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 STODDARD, ROBERT SIMMONS, CRYSTAL MONZINGO, WHITNEY REMMERS, MISTY SMITH, MARION C PHILLIPS, JENNIFER L GARIBAY, MICHELE A ROPER, JEFFREY G MONCADA, LAURA J WATSON, DONALD GARIBAY, RUBEN HART, LINDA G BROWN, CHARLIE MEJIAS, JOHN BUEHRING, BRIAN PEREZ, JESUS M EDWARDS, EARL E PIWETZ, NANCY QUINTERRO, HILDA M CORONADO, YSIDO HATTER, ANDRE D EVANS, RODNEY L MIGURA, PATSY GALVAN, VERONICA JOHNSON, LAVERA WESLEY, WILLIE M STEVENS, AHLIA WILLIAMS, JARVIS MACK, BLANCA B GONZALES, JAMES DESJARDIN, RICHARD D VILLARREAL, CHRISTINA BROOKS, CHRISTOPHER RODRIGUEZ, ROCKY A SHERMAN, SCOTT S HERNANDEZ, CYNTHIA HINOJO, MARIA ZELINGER, JUANITA MOR YBARRA, LESLIE D SIMMONS, LEANN M MAYFIELD, SHA'NEAL WHITE, AUTUMN PEREZ, ROBERT MORELAND, STACIE PADILLA, APRIL M ANCARROW, NATHAN WEGHORST, GEMEY K MOORE, ARTHUR J GONZALES, RAMIRO SQUYRES, JOE JR CECIL, CHRISTOPHER A HOPKINS, JAMES K KOENIG, ASHLI B FRIEDRICHS, MATTHEW BASS, JONNY 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 010-WATER 040-SEWER 030-GARBAGE 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 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07-1500-24 07-1550-24 07-2080-05 07-2210-16 07-2230-26 07-2760-10 07-2810-02 08-1020-06 08-1041-01 09-0840-17 09-0860-06 09-0930-06 09-1690-07 09-2100-02 09-2350-05 09-2470-05 09-2562-01 10-0210-09 10-0330-25 10-0470-15 10-0775-24 10-0840-14 10-1480-14 10-2280-02 10-2500-01 10-2940-33 10-2950-14 10-3240-28 11-0050-06 11-0560-08 11-0700-23 11-0760-24 11-0770-11 11-1060-90 11-1090-11 11-1340-18 11-2365-19 12-0460-09 12-0510-11 12-2360-18 12-2820-24 13-0100-13 13-0110-04 13-0830-18 13-0970-08 13-1020-17 13-1230-04 13-1667-30 4 4 10 4 8 4 4 4 4 5 6 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 6 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 7 7 4 5 4 4 4 4 10 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 8 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 WALK, ASHLEY M GARZA, ISMAEL CROMEY, NICOLE J CRABILL, TROY OSMAN, SANDRA BARKER, MICHELLE VARELA, RICHARD JR EMERY, MELISSA PARR, APRIL F DELANE, RANDY A JR BUCHANAN, CHRISTINA MORTON, LAUREN E BECK, MELISSA G WARD, BELINDA K BOCK, LEIGH ANN MCKAINE, TIERNEY S NAVARRO, LORENA KOENING, ANDREW C JR NICHOLS, NATALIE E CASTILLO, ESTHER JAMES, ELISHA S WAGNER, SHANNON GALINDO, MICHAEL A RAMIREZ, JESSE JR PEREZ, ROBERT KESELING, EDWARD L CAIN, BRIAN D CASTRO, FERNANDO RODRIGUEZ, MARTIN H ORSAK, BRIAN S BLANTON, OLIVIA B HOUGH, MICHAEL W SANCHEZ, MARY ANN SANCHEZ, MARIA E MAINKA, BRANDON W LAWWILL, CHRISTOPHER EBARRA, NICOLE L GONZALES, CASEY S BRANCH, JOHN E HESS, SAMUEL W HARWELL, KEIFFER JR DASILVA, BRANDY C MAULDIN, APRIL N EDDS, KAREN PANJWANII, AZEEM LIENEMANN, HALEY J CHEEKS, SUSAN L TAYLOR, GYPSY M BANUELOS, JERRY JR BARTER, STEPHANIE MARTINEZ, JOE L VASQUEZ, STELLA NOELL, DAVID RICHARDSON, SHERI WILLIAMS, ASHLEY N 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 010-WATER 030-GARBAGE 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 030-GARBAGE 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 030-GARBAGE 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 030-GARBAGE 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 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M CHILDRESS, BRADY D REGAN, CATHERINE STOUTE, SAMSON L SEIBERT, JORDAN MCHORSE, SHANNON P DEROUEN, CHARLES ESPINO, OTILIA DAMIAN, KRYSTOPHER T COURREGES, LAUREN A CONDRA, WESLEY MCCABE, MELVIN KITCHENS, TIMOTHY D SERTUCHE, DANIEL ANZALDUA, MATEO G TREUDE, LOUISE BONNETTE, ROBIN DENMAN, WILLIE HANG, DANNY Q ARAUJO, LUZ A CARDENAS, LUIS FRIEDEL, KEITH R PAPACEK, JASON THOMAS, KELLY GUATHREAUX, COREY HOLLE, ASHLEY BRADEN, NORMAN DANIEL, BO M WOOLEY, LACEY N STOUTE, SAMSON L GOHLKE, MARIETTA TINDOL, ROBBIE K VARELA, REUBEN R RICKMAN, BETTY JO GARCIA, CRYSTAL H CALK, MARY K TONEY, JASON M CADDELL, CINDY GONZALEZ, MARIA GLOR HEIL, STEPHANIE SALDANA, MARIA G THOMPSON, JENNIFER CORBIN, DENISE FLORES, TINA ORSAK, AMBER HELMUTH, ANN MARKS, HEATHER BROWN, AMANDA T DANIELS, TRACY J MENDOZ, KIMBERLY A 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 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WARD, STANLEY GUAJARDO, CRYSTAL BOULDING, ALAN SOLIS, ROLANDO AKERS, JEANNIE VALLES, CHRISTOPHER LAWWILL, K C CHALER, CHARLES SMITH, KATY HERNANDEZ, SOPHIE H CADDELL, CHRISSY HERNANDEZ, LILAH RIZO, ALMA CHANEY, JUDY LEIVA, MARGRITA FERGUSON, ROBERT R HIGHTS, KRISNA D MCKAINE, LAJOY M STRAIT, D'METRA GARZA, JENNIFER M HERRERA, JASON P LEE, CORNELL III ELLIOTT, MEAGEN GARCIA, GRACIE M ZARCO, GUSTAVO SALINAS, PRISCILLA F 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 040-SEWER 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 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ZENGERLE, MATTHEW BUENDEL, GLORIA L 1709 SINGLETON AVE LL O'MALLEY, TIMOTHY WINK, BARBARA FRANKLIN, STEPHEN E TREECE, KENDALL E COOK, DAN WARE, RHAWNIE 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 040-SEWER 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 010-WATER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 010-WATER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 3/20/2014 10/8/2013 3/4/2014 3/14/2014 11/14/2013 5/24/2013 10/2/2014 11/25/2014 6/30/2014 1/9/2014 7/28/2014 7/15/2014 3/5/2014 6/2/2014 9/24/2013 10/1/2014 6/11/2014 8/28/2014 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GALINDO, MARY ALICE CHAVEZ, JESUS CARRILLO, ANTONIO R GRANGER, TRACIE L LESLIE, TED LESLIE, JOAN CHANG, BETH A ESPARZA, ISRAEL P SULLIVAN, SUSAN L ANDREWS, JASON D 040-SEWER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 8/13/2014 10/4/2013 11/3/1994 11/10/2014 4/5/2011 8/5/2013 6/17/1999 10/31/2012 7/24/1990 10/22/2014 10/28/2014 9/25/1981 12/4/2014 4/23/2013 5/16/2014 12/1/2014 8/2/2013 9/24/2014 7/2/2014 11/7/2014 7/2/2014 4/28/2014 3/20/2012 3/24/2014 10/30/2014 12/1/2014 10/22/2013 4/10/2013 8/29/2014 11/10/2014 4/10/2014 3/13/1992 11/5/1993 2/2/2004 3/19/2013 3/14/2013 6/22/1984 2/21/2012 12/14/2010 2/27/2013 10/23/2012 9/16/2004 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 $50.00 $100.00 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $200.00 $125.00 $5.00 $150.00 $150.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 $150.00 $25.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 225.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 187.50 180.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $$$$$$$$$$$187.50 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 02-0430-08 02-0435-03 02-0440-01 02-0480-01 02-0500-07 02-0520-05 02-0540-20 02-0570-02 02-0600-03 02-0640-07 02-0660-09 02-0670-05 02-0740-02 02-0760-08 02-0890-08 02-1045-12 02-1190-16 02-1460-01 02-1510-04 02-1520-14 02-1560-03 02-1730-06 02-1760-01 02-1770-10 02-1910-08 02-1970-01 02-2000-06 02-2020-03 02-2050-10 02-2160-16 02-2190-16 02-2270-18 02-2353-00 02-2355-07 02-2530-10 02-2580-04 02-2640-03 02-2750-08 02-2790-20 03-0010-01 03-0070-04 03-0100-02 03-0110-02 03-0150-02 03-0240-01 03-0320-06 03-0390-08 03-0420-09 03-0425-00 03-0450-08 03-0635-00 03-0660-07 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ELLIOTT, RON F REITZ, KOBY NETARDUS, JENNIFER KNOX, WILLIAM E VILLARREAL, BETHANY A MCKAINE, REVERA E RICKMAN, JENNIFER STUBBS, KYLE SALINAS, RAY SHARRON, ANNE MARIE SINGLETON LLC ARNOLD, KELLY ROY, LAWRENCE G PAULTON, HARVEY L JUDD, WILSON C CAMPOS, JOLETT F ARRIAGA, SHAY C KNOX, MICHAEL MALONE, ERIN J EGGEBEEN, ANTON M MONTIEL, MIGUEL D DAVIS, DIANNE TREVINO, NORMA L CLAY, STEPHANIE MITCHELL, GLODEANE MOORE, STEPHANIE C KNOX, LAURA J SMITH, ELIZABETH GONZALES, HILDA M MONTERROSO, JUAN C PEREZ, ERNEST JR SHANKLIN, GARLAND R RHOADES, CHRISTOPHE SMOCK, MAXINE T MITCHELL, CAMILLE W MCNINCH, RENITA D DROZD, KIM WESTMORELAND, LESLI GEA, MARCOS TREVINO, IRENE EL BUEN CHURCH PARS DURUISSEAU, JESSIE A RODRIGUEZ, ROSE MAR ALANIZ, ISABEL R GUERRA, NOEMI SANDERS, JAMES W GARIBAY, RICKY NESMITH, ERNESTO WILLIAMS, RENATA V CARMONA, RUTH ANN BLACKWELL, GLADYS P. VILLA, GENEVA 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 6/6/2005 10/12/2012 7/24/1997 5/30/2012 11/17/2011 2/6/2009 2/1/2012 12/9/2010 4/7/2003 3/26/1996 8/29/2012 10/3/2007 8/12/1993 11/6/2007 7/28/2009 1/3/2013 9/16/2008 11/24/1986 3/2/2009 3/4/2013 2/22/2013 6/30/2000 2/28/2007 11/8/2004 3/6/1995 4/29/2011 12/8/2011 11/5/2012 10/6/2009 9/13/2012 9/9/2008 4/3/2009 9/18/2000 5/29/1998 2/28/2013 9/6/2000 5/16/1995 8/5/2011 12/19/2003 7/26/1985 3/16/2004 5/7/1997 4/25/1986 6/20/2008 7/15/2013 12/28/2000 10/21/2008 9/10/2012 8/17/1993 10/27/2006 7/11/1997 1/14/2013 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 03-0720-01 03-0770-03 03-0800-04 03-0820-05 03-0940-06 03-0950-12 03-0980-02 03-0985-01 03-1010-03 03-1020-03 03-1090-02 03-1100-25 03-1105-00 03-1120-01 03-1135-00 03-1223-03 03-1250-07 03-1310-04 03-1430-08 03-1440-01 03-1445-00 03-1450-01 03-1500-06 03-1520-07 03-1529-00 03-1590-01 03-1620-01 03-1630-03 03-1650-01 03-1670-09 03-1680-11 03-1710-00 03-1790-00 03-1795-08 03-1810-00 03-1835-03 03-1840-11 03-1910-07 03-1945-08 03-1950-00 03-2030-14 03-2090-04 03-2108-01 03-2120-03 03-2130-01 03-2270-17 03-2310-02 03-2320-01 03-2520-02 03-2590-01 03-2639-05 03-2720-09 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 CROTHERS, TAMARA POMPA, REBECCA A. SALAS, NATIVIDAD WADE, YVONNE Y PEREZ, MARCUS VARELA, HENRY JR ARMSTRONG, SHAMIKA GARZA, ROBERTO G FRANKLIN, CASSANDRA THOMAS, BRANDI R YBARRA, RAYMOND JR RAMOS, REY RUIZ JR PEREZ, JESUS M DELEON, JOAN V ROSS, PATRICIA P ROCHA, MONICA A WILLIAMS, LUCILLE SEGURA, ROSA R YBARRA, CRYSTAL L WASHINGTON, JAMES ENOCH, KENNETH R HERNANDEZ, HERLINDA POMPA, JOEL GUAJARDO, BRIANNA M HERNANDEZ, CHRIS L GALINDO, DAVID D PETTIS, JAMIE J HERNANDEZ, JOSHUA L MILLER, DAYLON M HERNANDEZ, TINA A HOWELL, STEVEN D WALKER, PAULINE W. OLGUIN, EDDIE JOHNSON, REBECCA L JOHNSON, WILLIE E GONZALES, GEORGIA O POMPA, JOLINDA BARNETT, GARY M. RAMOS, EDUARDO OLGUIN, RICHARD MEJIA, IRMALINDA GARIBAY, SHANE ROBINSON, RAMONICA L HOWARD, CHERYL C BLACKWELL, FRANCES WILKINS, JOANNE HILLIARD, VICKIE A ROBINSON, MELVINER P HERRON, JAMES D GARCIA, ALBERT WHITEN, CASSANDRA E TORRES, CARRIE C 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 12/13/2005 10/17/1994 2/15/2002 3/14/2002 11/4/2008 7/15/2011 10/29/2010 9/23/2011 12/27/2010 5/18/2004 8/26/2009 1/7/2013 8/16/1991 10/26/2011 11/4/1991 10/20/2006 8/1/2012 8/10/2009 11/16/1998 9/24/1986 4/15/1998 11/3/2004 7/6/2001 11/20/2012 4/27/1999 4/4/2012 6/17/2005 8/24/2012 1/20/1999 1/3/2013 6/3/2011 5/31/1991 5/27/1992 7/14/2010 3/11/1996 1/29/2013 3/16/2007 2/19/2003 1/8/2013 1/19/1999 6/13/2006 9/11/1990 10/8/2010 9/21/2000 2/4/1988 3/11/2010 11/12/2009 3/18/2013 4/18/2012 10/16/1984 9/23/2008 4/12/1999 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $65.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $60.00 $100.00 $100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 03-3000-01 03-3060-09 03-3061-05 03-3160-01 03-3180-08 03-3191-03 03-3240-14 03-3250-06 04-0020-01 04-0038-00 04-0039-06 04-0070-01 04-0210-03 04-0309-00 04-0325-04 04-0330-01 04-0360-00 04-0390-03 04-0410-00 04-0420-01 04-0475-01 04-0575-00 04-0630-00 04-0667-07 04-0685-06 04-0690-01 04-0720-04 04-0722-00 04-0730-01 04-0750-01 04-0760-01 04-0800-00 04-0850-12 04-0895-05 04-0950-01 04-0975-01 04-1000-00 04-1120-04 04-1141-06 04-1165-00 04-1230-06 04-1250-31 04-1360-02 04-1363-02 04-1420-03 04-1450-03 04-1460-02 04-1470-06 04-1481-00 04-1530-09 04-1555-03 04-1570-08 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RODRIGUEZ, RALPH JR LOZANO, JORGE S MOORE, AMANDA M WILLIAMS, MORRIS III MEJIA, JOHN M JR TAYLOR, ALICE M GONZALES, MIGUEL G GARCIA, THERESA V MATHIS, LILLIAN PEREZ, MARGARET D LEWIS, ERVIN E BRYANT, HERBY CAMPBELL, CULBERSON GARZA, MARIA T PADILLA, JOSE A HARDY, MARGARET P GARCIA, TIODORA T DIAZ, PATRICIA A ELDRIDGE, JOHN/DEVON KING, DENNIS C WEATHERS, DON L PRICE, HERBERT L. BURDEN, LAURA BELL LEDWIK, LEIGHANN HILSCHER, JEREMY J SPELLS, TAMMY WIMBISH, DEBRA R GRANT, GAIL G BURTON, PEARLENE WRIGHT, MARTHA C BLACKWELL, EMMITT LOTT, PATRICK L ROMERO, IRENE S MACK, BRIAN T GARZA, BONNIE VARELA, CYNTHIA A PICKENS, DON M. ARMSTRONG, DEBORAH LEMON, MICHAEL D JUAREZ, SHANNON M. VILLA, STEPHANIE JOHNSON, KERMIKA V DENSON, ERIC D WILLIAMS, SAMUEL GAMEZ, BRANDY NICOLE MITCHELL, ANDREW D MATHIS, JAMES A CARDENAS, JOE MUNGIA, CHRISTIAN MATHIS, JAMES D PEREZ, DIANE BROOKS, KENNY RAY 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 5/11/2011 10/26/2009 8/4/2009 1/19/1990 2/1/2001 3/22/2013 10/7/2008 8/5/1985 5/4/1999 3/3/2011 5/17/2012 4/20/1999 1/26/2004 11/5/2008 12/26/2012 12/9/2008 5/26/1993 4/20/1994 6/13/1994 2/13/2012 11/9/2012 8/21/1998 12/28/2012 3/14/2013 8/13/2008 2/26/1999 6/11/2002 2/22/1999 10/16/1987 4/4/2002 2/1/2007 12/23/1985 10/2/2012 12/5/2003 2/5/1999 10/4/2011 5/26/1999 10/4/2012 4/15/2009 3/26/1999 7/7/2009 12/21/2011 10/10/2007 3/4/1993 9/8/2000 9/14/2007 10/29/2012 12/16/2009 6/1/2000 11/30/2012 6/15/1994 6/20/2001 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $65.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $90.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 04-1650-08 04-1670-09 05-0070-01 05-0260-03 05-0270-02 05-0280-04 05-0380-11 05-0390-02 05-0430-01 05-0470-03 05-0650-07 05-0670-03 05-0690-17 05-0730-16 05-0740-17 05-0790-12 05-0840-33 05-0890-11 05-0900-10 05-0910-10 05-0920-19 05-0980-15 05-0990-03 05-1040-12 05-1060-23 05-1100-03 05-1110-15 05-1120-02 05-1140-05 05-1270-10 05-1300-07 05-1310-03 05-1320-06 05-1400-02 05-1430-05 05-1440-00 05-1450-06 05-1550-13 05-1650-35 05-1690-21 05-1780-14 05-1820-17 05-1830-25 05-2000-45 05-2020-29 05-2050-24 05-2130-26 05-2140-30 05-2170-24 05-2180-17 05-2230-18 05-2400-04 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 WILLIAMS, NORMA SUE WILLIAMS, THOMAS R BOMBA, DARLENE CROSS, PAMELA CROSS, PAMELA SANCHEZ, OPHELIA A BARBONTIN, CARMELITA CLARK, CLINT D COOLEY, DEBORAH P. LIENDO, JOSEPH TAYLOR, MARY E GARNER, ERMA JACKSON, HEATHER YOUNG, LINDA L YORK, SU-TWOYNE S TORRES, JOHNNY SR GARCIA, NELDA BARNETT, GENIVIEVE BEDFORD, LEKISHA S FRYER, LADAWN SQUYRES, JOE D SR TAYLOR, ARNITRA M HARRIS, BRIDAY TAYLOR, KELLY VASQUEZ, LEONIDES J CASTILLO, KRIS TORRES, AMANDA DELAMURE, CHRISTOPH GONZALES, FRANCISCA MONTEJANO, JULIO C TERRAZAS, LETICIA M EARP, SUSAN LIENDO, CAROLINA SIXTOS, VICKIE WALKER, JOE F YOUNG, ROBERT G BODY, TROY ZAPATA, RICHARD E JR ARRASMITH, JASMINE C DIMAS, JOE SHEFFEILD, BARBARA N WADE, ALBERT III WILLIAMS, PAMELA J CHOATE, MICHELLE M RAPIER, LISA FRANKLIN, SHAVON WOODS, JESSICA STARTZ, GWENDOLYN I WHITFIELD, CHARLES LIENDO, JENNIFER R RUSSELL, SHANNON MICHAUD, JAMES 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 7/14/1992 5/2/2007 6/30/1986 4/12/2011 6/22/2011 9/14/2010 3/31/2009 9/1/1994 5/10/2000 5/26/1992 10/1/2004 11/12/1986 4/7/2011 12/21/2000 12/18/2012 9/10/1991 8/10/2010 7/20/2006 2/27/2012 12/27/2001 11/20/2012 5/18/2011 11/1/2005 1/16/2002 7/17/2007 12/22/1989 5/31/2006 1/29/2010 12/16/2009 12/18/2000 10/11/2012 1/26/2011 2/25/2002 12/9/1993 10/7/2010 1/22/1988 9/3/1985 12/2/2002 6/4/2012 12/1/2009 2/5/2008 5/1/2002 3/19/2013 8/21/2009 7/31/2012 10/1/2009 2/12/2004 11/26/2012 3/5/2013 10/13/2011 8/6/2012 6/15/2012 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 05-2470-17 05-2540-05 05-2550-05 05-2560-24 05-2590-11 05-2660-16 05-2665-01 05-2685-04 05-2720-06 05-2721-00 05-2740-01 05-2810-01 05-2870-06 05-2880-12 05-2930-05 05-2950-13 05-3090-11 05-3140-16 05-3160-03 05-3180-14 06-0250-01 06-0260-15 06-0380-01 06-0420-04 06-0455-01 06-0480-05 06-0520-03 06-0530-03 06-0580-04 06-0623-01 06-0670-12 06-0875-00 06-1290-23 06-1320-27 06-1380-03 06-1440-06 06-1740-02 06-1850-09 06-1900-01 06-1990-11 06-2060-02 06-2080-19 06-2230-02 06-2310-12 06-2320-15 06-2360-08 06-2470-12 06-2525-02 06-2660-08 06-2680-10 06-2705-12 06-2706-02 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HEISKELL, AARON A CHOATE, CHARLES C SMITH, CARY D STAATS, LEE R ENRIQUEZ, JEFFERY J VALLE, EMERALDA R ROSAS, GUILLERMO O VARELA, MARY C HERNANDEZ, MARTI R GONZALES, PRENTICE S NICHOLS, JAMES M BROOKS, JANIE ROZNOVSKY, ANGELA C WOYTEK, AUDREY M KORANEK, SHAWN MCCLOUD, LOMA F RODRIGUEZ, JON ERIC CHESTNUT, MELINDA S BARNETT, BENITA Z BURKS, CHRISTINA RICKMAN, LISA HOWARD, ESTHER BAROS, CHADLYN W WHITE, RUSSELL SCHORRE, STEFANIE WEST, BETH HEDRICK, SHAWN ELIZA BATEMAN, DIANNA WASHINGTON, HILLARY TAYLOR, ELPIDIA O ALBRECHT, DONALD R URBANO, MIGUEL ZAPATA, CHRISTOPHER JUNGMAN, ANNETTE R KITCHEN, EARNESTINE NAVA, JOE JR WILKERSON, WANDA M WASHINGTON, EVA L MCLEOD, MICHAEL R. SANTA CRUZ, THOMAS STEVENS, ANNA R DIAZ, MARIA T WOMACK, GEORGE W HILL, MARY T WILLIAMS, SHEENA S DE LOS SANTOS, MONIC MARTINEZ, JESSE G. JUAREZ, JOEY JR APODACKIS, MATTHEW J SCHLINKE, MICHAEL C RACKLEY, LYDIA F NAVARRO, DAMIAN 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 1/23/2013 5/15/2003 10/31/2007 5/4/2011 10/24/2003 5/23/2005 6/13/2007 2/12/2013 6/24/2004 7/5/2012 11/4/1996 1/28/1994 8/24/2009 2/1/2012 8/31/2012 12/20/2001 5/28/2010 4/8/2010 12/9/2009 2/27/2013 1/27/1992 7/1/2010 2/11/2013 11/10/2011 4/8/2011 2/29/1988 8/24/2000 8/18/2008 8/4/2003 8/25/2000 2/4/2013 4/25/2000 11/28/2012 1/2/2013 9/25/1986 12/29/2008 1/15/2010 1/8/2007 4/30/1999 5/25/2010 2/27/2007 8/4/2005 3/12/2013 2/22/2011 7/31/2012 9/15/2009 5/14/1996 3/30/2004 2/6/2009 9/2/2010 9/22/2009 11/8/2012 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 06-2740-03 06-2800-09 06-2840-01 06-2940-09 06-2950-01 06-3130-32 07-0010-05 07-0030-01 07-0060-03 07-0250-04 07-0430-16 07-0560-11 07-0650-01 07-0660-12 07-0740-04 07-0870-03 07-0990-09 07-1000-12 07-1030-08 07-1070-10 07-1110-07 07-1220-09 07-1260-02 07-1338-06 07-1350-01 07-1390-01 07-1440-01 07-1460-06 07-1510-10 07-1590-12 07-1660-06 07-1750-01 07-1910-04 07-1934-07 07-1960-22 07-1980-24 07-2190-12 07-2240-26 07-2390-06 07-2530-02 07-2620-07 07-2630-06 07-2670-08 07-2750-09 07-2780-03 07-2790-03 07-2900-16 07-2910-17 07-2920-10 07-2980-16 08-0080-03 08-0120-04 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LIRA, ESTELLA RODRIGUEZ, MAGGIE L RABKE, RUSSELL EDWA KEY, MONTY W RIDYOLPH, ORLON RAY TARIN, NAOMI J BUNJES, JOYCE M. CLOUGH, STEVEN M HOLCOMB, CYNTHIA M TREVINO, PRISCILLA A MENDEZ, ALBERT R GENTLE, BEVERLY A HERNANDEZ, APRIL D SAUCEDO, ROMIE FINNEY, WILLIAM R HILL, ANNA HILBURN, TIFANI N HILBURN, TIFANI N SIERRA, ERMA L CARDENAS, LORRAINE GARZA, STEPHANIE T MANSFIELD, MICHAEL W ZAIONTZ, THERESA O CASTILLO, DANA A JONES, ROBERT ALLEN MCHORSE, SHANNON P HICKEY, BILL RAY II MANSFIELD, LILLIE B MERZBACHER, KELLIE J WESLEY, LATONYA V MEZA, JANIE L METTING, MEREDITH A SWEET, CHERYL C LOPEZ, JEFFERY A WARDY, KIMBERLY R KLAVEMANN, CHARLES GONZALEZ, MONCITA V MARTINEZ, ROSALINDA Z SERRANO, CYNTHIA HADAMEK, ALBERT JR. EVANS, JAMES M EVANS, JAMES M BROUGHTON, GINGER L EARWOOD, ANTHONY D FLORES, ROBIN H DROMGOOLE, TONYA MATHIS, WILLARD D DAVIS, EDDIE R FLORES, MARIA D HERNANDEZ, SANTOS MATHIS SANCHEZ , SAN MATHIS, RODNEY O'NEA 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 1/29/1998 9/9/2002 2/26/1998 6/2/2004 10/19/1999 7/2/2012 3/24/1997 3/26/2013 3/27/2013 6/30/2006 1/27/2004 3/11/2013 8/14/2009 3/4/2013 7/31/2006 11/14/1988 2/4/2005 7/15/2009 12/1/2009 5/28/2004 12/6/1995 7/16/2009 3/29/2007 6/20/2005 9/1/1999 5/7/2007 3/10/2000 7/9/2010 10/11/2012 11/8/2011 2/24/2005 11/5/2008 6/21/2002 12/4/2003 6/23/2011 2/20/2013 11/16/2006 2/22/2013 10/5/2000 4/15/1998 2/19/2010 3/1/2010 2/17/2012 5/31/2011 9/26/2000 8/7/1986 9/27/2012 11/2/2011 12/29/2008 1/7/2013 10/17/1994 9/6/2001 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $65.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 08-0270-07 08-0405-10 08-0440-02 08-0450-09 08-0500-02 08-0510-03 08-0520-04 08-0630-03 08-0660-02 08-0765-08 08-0870-06 08-0890-00 08-1040-05 08-1060-03 08-1095-00 08-1110-04 08-1170-01 08-1190-02 08-1260-02 08-1280-10 08-1320-12 08-1380-03 08-1410-10 08-1450-02 08-1525-01 08-1590-02 08-1600-04 08-1610-01 08-1630-07 08-1790-07 08-1800-03 08-1870-01 08-1885-00 08-1890-04 08-1940-14 08-2450-03 08-2455-03 09-0050-16 09-0245-00 09-0250-00 09-0360-07 09-0380-09 09-0390-15 09-0410-09 09-0430-08 09-0433-01 09-0435-07 09-0460-05 09-0500-03 09-0561-00 09-0615-02 09-0620-06 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PEREZ, BENJAMIN X PEREZ, JAVIER L EDWARDS, JOHN L MISIANO, DISHA R GREEN, RONALD R TUCKER, LEONARD JR GONZALES, GLORIA A VILLA, LYDIA GRIFFIN, CHARLES R BOLDT, SAMANTHA J RICARDEZ, IRVING S DIMAS, SOPHIE B. PLEASANTS, MRS WILLIA SALDANA, JOSEPH A ORTIZ, CATHERINE G CROMER, AMBER L SALDANA, DEBRA B CARDENAS, JOHN GAMEZ, JESUS "JESSE" WILLIAMS, LARRY PATTON, ISABEL R MCCORD, DOMINGA "LUP LECON, JOHN GARCIA, LEON M MENDIOLA, DIANE V SERNA, TRAVIS WAYNE TREVINO, DIANA ROCHA, ANDREW TREVINO, EMILIO SERNA, LUIS DANISH, DAVID E JR WADE, ADLAIDA TURNER, NANCY H. NEWMAN, VICTOR SALINAS, DIANA C FRANKLIN, TYRA K BOWLES, CANDY GUAJARDO, AGAPITO JR CANAS, ROSA MARIA ORDONEZ, PETE IBARRA, ARACELY O NAVARRO, RICHARD R HAMMER, ASHLEY A PRICE, LUCILLE C DE LOS SANTOS, ERNES FLORES, MARY ANN AMADOR, FLORENTINO II GARCIA, JOHN R SCURLOCK, JULIA B MENDEZ, DIANE TAYLOR, CRYSTAL L GARCIA, MARIA T 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 2/13/2013 4/9/2012 10/13/2006 9/28/2007 3/31/2006 11/2/2007 2/23/2010 1/5/2007 3/23/2010 3/24/1997 5/29/2007 9/8/1984 2/3/1992 8/15/2011 3/27/2000 11/4/2002 3/30/2011 8/25/2006 10/21/2008 2/21/2012 12/26/2008 1/10/2013 6/2/2003 3/3/1995 10/21/2011 7/11/2012 5/11/1992 4/21/1999 2/22/1999 2/2/2009 2/2/2011 6/27/1997 1/22/1999 6/26/1989 3/5/2010 8/4/2005 11/1/2010 10/26/2009 5/28/1987 6/4/1997 1/13/2006 8/11/1988 2/20/2013 3/26/2012 2/8/2011 4/22/1994 12/28/2007 11/22/2005 6/7/2004 10/12/2011 9/21/2011 5/24/2012 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 09-0631-01 09-0640-06 09-0650-05 09-0700-05 09-0720-05 09-0730-04 09-0770-11 09-0780-20 09-0825-02 09-0850-05 09-0870-12 09-0910-07 09-0940-01 09-0950-07 09-0970-03 09-1000-06 09-1030-05 09-1040-02 09-1051-07 09-1100-13 09-1160-08 09-1260-04 09-1261-02 09-1265-03 09-1320-01 09-1350-08 09-1410-07 09-1430-21 09-1440-02 09-1485-00 09-1550-08 09-1560-03 09-1630-06 09-1650-06 09-1710-05 09-1785-00 09-1787-01 09-1800-09 09-1820-12 09-1875-00 09-1880-11 09-1890-01 09-2060-02 09-2200-07 09-2230-12 09-2460-02 09-2560-14 09-2650-02 10-0020-01 10-0030-01 10-0080-10 10-0090-03 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GONZALES, COURTNEY TREVINO, MYRA B EDWARDS, MARQUIS L BELL, TOMMY L PEREZ, ROSIE GAMEZ, FRANCISCO FONSECA, JOSE A ADDICOTT, DAVID BARFIELD, MELISSA D LIENDO, GLORIA M KOENIG, CYNTHIA C STRAIT, ROBERT V SANCHEZ, ADELA M SALLES, WOODROW PRATER, EARL S. JOHNSON, ELVIN H JR GALINDO, LUPE G LEWIS, EARL S. JR. GARZA, ANGELITA L RODRIGUEZ, NINA A DE LOS SANTOS, NATHA GONZALES, MANUEL H. CLYNE, SHANNON M MALDONADO, LAURIE A RUIZ, LISA A GUERRERO, JUDY B MALDONADO, DAVID MAGILL, GUY WILLIAMS, LA SHRON T GREEN, KATHRYN GLOVER, LISA M GLOVER, MARLENE ECHAVARRIA, ALMARETT GRAY, DONELL JR BARFIELD, MARY C ROGERS, BILLY WAYNE VILLARREAL, DEANA J ANZUALDA, JOSE ELLIOTT, WESLEY D BERMEA, ROBERT M TORRES, ROSA M HERNANDEZ, SANDRA F SPEARS, AARON HENKES, HENRY TAYLOR, VELENCIA C SINAST, JAMES K WASHINGTON, SHAWN M MENDEZ, ELVA S TREVINO, DAVID WAYNE GARCIA, COURTNEY M VARELA, ISMAEL JOHNSON, ORA 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 7/9/2009 2/20/2007 12/8/2009 1/9/2013 4/13/2012 11/12/2002 7/15/2009 11/7/2012 11/8/2005 8/27/2008 12/6/2010 7/23/2010 10/1/2012 11/21/1988 3/15/2000 10/16/2007 5/17/2004 3/20/1990 11/21/2005 7/5/2006 9/1/2010 10/27/1999 11/5/2009 5/4/2006 3/30/2001 11/4/2003 5/27/2008 5/31/2011 6/19/1997 3/2/1999 8/16/1989 6/8/1993 3/16/2009 5/8/2012 2/15/1988 9/15/2000 2/20/2013 11/5/1998 9/6/2012 10/18/2000 2/26/2001 6/25/2009 5/6/1999 3/22/1985 4/22/2005 7/8/2009 8/19/2005 9/1/1995 6/25/2001 7/7/2010 12/8/1998 5/29/2001 $100.00 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 10-0100-04 10-0170-19 10-0280-04 10-0370-12 10-0450-09 10-0485-04 10-0550-14 10-0630-25 10-0680-06 10-0740-01 10-0845-01 10-0860-05 10-0865-00 10-0870-25 10-1080-03 10-1200-38 10-1210-01 10-1250-18 10-1270-15 10-1310-12 10-1320-03 10-1370-03 10-1390-09 10-1560-04 10-1600-10 10-1630-10 10-1640-05 10-1670-02 10-1750-04 10-1820-14 10-1870-13 10-1910-06 10-1930-08 10-1960-02 10-1970-07 10-1995-00 10-2060-10 10-2090-06 10-2100-02 10-2150-06 10-2190-02 10-2210-00 10-2230-00 10-2270-02 10-2370-14 10-2470-22 10-2510-06 10-2550-04 10-2640-15 10-2670-04 10-2725-06 10-2780-12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ESPARZA, EDWARD NAN SALAZAR, SAMANTHA L GUAJARDO, DEANNA A JONES, WILLIAM R CAMPBELL, MENDY A RUIZ, MIRANDA E PHILLIPS, BRANDI O ORDONEZ, PAUL ZAPATA, CYNTHIA MOBLEY, BARBARA C. VILLA, BECKY L CUNNINGHAM, DONALD J WHITE, RAY CHARLES PADRON, MARIA B CISNEROS, CATHY A REBELES, JENNIFER DANISH, GLEN EVANS, PHILIP HERNANDEZ, ESPERANZ BIXENMANN, PORSCHE VARELA, ROSEANN BANDA, BOBBY R BAUTISTA, JULIA P VELA, BRIANA L GAMEZ, MONICA M PEREZ, JONATHON ANZALDUA, YOLANDA C RODRIGUEZ, MARTIN H LAPP, BENJAMIN C SANDERS, CRISTAL J. CLEVELAND, ANNA C ARGUELLEZ, ABUNDIO KOENIG, TIFFANY T CRAWLEY, MARK E SCHWARZ, VICTORIA J SERECE, CHRISTINE BOCK, JAMES D. WILLIAMS, CHESLEY PHILLIPS, BOBBY ALCAZAR, LAURA R GAMEZ, EUGENE R GONZALES, AUGUSTIN LOPEZ, GLORIA WILLIAMSON, NANNETTE GOMEZ, JOSE PERSON, PATRICK J OLSON, CATHERINE A SIMMONDS, KYLA L DUBOSE, JAMAL A CORONA, LAURIE M. CONSTABLE, JOLETT F ESTRADA, BENITO JR 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 8/6/2001 6/12/2009 9/14/2005 2/21/2007 11/27/2012 8/2/2006 2/12/2013 7/18/2012 6/22/1990 3/4/1993 3/23/2010 9/14/1987 3/15/2002 9/13/2011 6/16/2006 3/2/2009 5/28/1986 11/1/2012 11/14/2006 3/24/2011 5/5/1993 11/19/2007 5/13/2010 9/6/2012 8/23/2012 10/15/2012 3/28/2013 8/23/1993 2/12/2013 6/4/2001 5/1/2009 8/27/2012 10/31/2002 9/15/2008 8/2/2012 12/6/2002 11/30/1998 6/18/2001 10/31/1988 9/14/2010 4/17/1998 4/25/1994 6/12/1995 5/2/2007 7/29/2009 7/13/2011 3/9/2012 7/27/2012 3/21/2013 3/9/1995 9/8/2009 1/19/2006 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 10-2870-00 10-2880-11 10-3000-05 10-3040-23 10-3090-17 10-3100-04 10-3150-07 10-8100-02 11-0069-01 11-0075-05 11-0080-03 11-0100-03 11-0470-05 11-0510-15 11-0530-20 11-0565-03 11-0620-00 11-0650-17 11-0670-21 11-0715-02 11-0910-04 11-1050-15 11-1100-03 11-1140-02 11-1180-02 11-1320-16 11-1580-19 11-1590-23 11-1730-23 11-1940-15 11-2010-16 11-2080-26 11-2140-30 11-2180-30 11-2220-16 11-2310-16 11-2320-14 11-2340-23 11-2344-24 11-2381-17 11-2383-18 11-2430-08 11-2440-28 11-2464-21 11-2475-17 11-2485-11 11-2487-26 11-2500-21 11-3801-01 12-0230-02 12-0240-10 12-0290-03 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 WILLIAMS, JAMES D JR CHANDLER, SANDRA S CARAWAY, GARY W GALINDO, KIMBERLY R PEREZ, LISA S ALVAREZ, GERARDO CARTWRIGHT, EVA F O'BRIEN, RAYMOND N ANZUALDA, ROBERTO CAMPBELL, MENDY A DANISH, BELINDA YBARR BRYAN, LAYNE NORRIS, KIMBERLIE R TREMBLAY, HEATHER R IVES, JENNIFER L RIEMENSCHNEIDER, DAV BLANK, SHERRI BERMEA, PATRICIA ORDONEZ, RUDY JR ROMO, ANA M THOMAS, LARRY JAMES WATSON, TEODARA BOOTH, MELISSA A MCCARTHY, KENNETH D. SALAZAR, TRACEE M MOSES, JACK G BARRON, VIDAL TURNER, PAMELA G ORTIZ, SYLVIA G CERVANTES, NOEMI G COX, KAY CUELLAR, STACEY TAMEZ, CATHERINE E NOBLES, BRENDA R JONES, SHATOYA D ESPARZA, JOSE S CRUZ, ANA M RIVAS, LOLA WARREN, CHRISTOPHER BEARD, FRED M LOPEZ, NICOLAS R EAKIN, ALLEN METTING, LACIE L SIMPSON, BRANDY L TAYLOR, MELVIN T BATTLES, RICKY A. GRAHMANN, MICAH D GOMEZ, JUAN J. LOPEZ HANKE, MORRIS A III HERNANDEZ, ANGELITA EBROM, ALVIN J ALCAZAR, JOSE V 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 9/1/1989 7/27/2010 3/10/2011 10/10/2012 9/25/2009 11/4/2005 11/3/1999 4/27/2010 7/21/2011 11/28/2012 3/5/1990 1/3/2012 9/10/2003 3/5/2013 12/20/2012 1/11/2013 11/7/1994 6/4/2007 6/3/2011 9/25/2006 2/24/1995 1/13/2009 4/30/2012 10/25/2002 12/4/2006 4/5/2012 6/23/2010 8/4/2011 12/11/2008 1/8/2013 3/19/2007 1/20/2011 3/26/2010 1/20/2010 5/15/2006 11/21/2012 10/11/2012 2/1/2012 7/5/2012 10/17/2008 11/21/2012 3/12/2002 8/6/2012 6/22/2010 6/1/2012 11/12/2002 1/16/2013 2/3/2012 4/4/2013 1/29/2013 4/4/2012 6/21/2004 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 12-0340-09 12-0420-11 12-0461-01 12-0470-05 12-0520-01 12-0540-10 12-0550-21 12-0580-06 12-0610-03 12-0620-04 12-0650-02 12-0660-01 12-0720-01 12-0800-02 12-0830-01 12-1000-01 12-1021-00 12-1060-03 12-1100-01 12-1170-01 12-1200-03 12-1210-10 12-1320-03 12-1560-03 12-1630-04 12-1640-03 12-1950-01 12-1970-04 12-1975-00 12-1981-00 12-2180-03 12-2190-06 12-2330-20 12-2400-04 12-2460-05 12-2510-06 12-2710-29 12-2750-17 12-2845-00 13-0031-01 13-0035-00 13-0060-10 13-0070-05 13-0200-20 13-0210-10 13-0240-08 13-0250-13 13-0300-21 13-0310-19 13-0330-10 13-0380-13 13-0460-21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VILLA, GUADALUPE N BODY, KESIA A HE, SHEN FU TAYLOR, DUSTI L PEREZ, JULIAN JR. CARDENAS, LISA CUELL HERNANDEZ, JORGE TIMPONE, LYNNDSAY K TARIUS, MELISSA E DELEON, PATRICIA K GONZALES, LEO JAMES SALAZAR, DANIEL JR VERNOR, TAD K RATH, ERWIN A JR ANDRADO, LEANDRO A SAENZ, NORMAN BLACKWELL, WILLIAM A CRAIN, CHRISTOPHER M. GALLAWAY, MICHAEL PIONEER NATURAL RES CUELLAR, ERNESTO J JR HATAWAY, JORDAN ARROYO, ADAM MARTINEZ, JEFFERY SAENZ, NATALIE A THAMM, MICHAEL SCHULZE, MARY M DENSON, ROGER " JOHN PULLIN, KENDRIC D HARVEY, YOLANDA R SMITH, RICHARD SMITH, JOHN H BELCHER, PATRICIA H BARBONTIN, GLORIA G SALDANA, MARGARET WESLEY, GERALDINE BOONE, JESUS GREEN, TANJA C DELGADO, THERESA DAVIS, PETE NICHOLS, JON W JR GALINDO, JOSEPHINE SAUNDERS, MARILYN B VASQUEZ, JESSICA MARTINEZ, MARIA V ROBINSON, FELICIA L ROBERTS, DEBBIE J MEANS, GORDON W JACKSON, TERRI L GARZA, MELISSA A MURPHY, LATARA D TAYLOR, QUIANNA D 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 9/21/2007 9/1/2004 8/21/2012 6/28/2011 5/15/2003 9/9/1998 10/4/2010 12/8/2010 4/16/2010 6/30/2009 12/30/1999 7/10/2008 12/22/2008 8/4/2005 11/19/2012 3/8/2007 11/6/2012 4/11/2000 3/3/1989 12/13/2011 12/2/2005 7/3/2012 3/1/2012 4/7/2010 9/7/2006 2/12/1991 11/30/2012 10/31/2012 8/7/2003 4/23/2008 11/19/1993 12/14/2000 1/4/2013 4/3/1985 6/25/2007 3/11/2010 10/19/2011 6/10/2003 3/30/2005 4/2/2003 8/11/2003 4/17/1998 6/11/2004 8/22/2011 1/18/2008 2/29/2008 10/29/2010 5/12/2008 2/23/2010 2/19/2013 2/8/2011 2/14/2006 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $65.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 13-0470-17 13-0540-24 13-0600-15 13-0640-17 13-0660-18 13-0730-08 13-0740-11 13-0760-02 13-0780-01 13-0810-05 13-0850-07 13-0865-01 13-0885-02 13-0930-01 13-1030-03 13-1070-11 13-1091-00 13-1120-02 13-1210-08 13-1220-07 13-1379-01 13-1669-01 13-1680-09 13-1690-13 13-1700-02 13-1720-10 13-1770-15 13-1970-05 13-2025-00 13-2070-13 13-2100-08 13-2110-01 13-2140-06 13-2220-05 13-2230-03 13-2300-05 13-2310-06 13-2340-21 13-2350-08 13-2400-00 13-2413-01 13-2530-04 13-2570-01 13-2640-03 13-2650-12 13-2795-06 13-2800-20 13-2860-01 13-2918-12 13-3090-03 13-3153-06 13-3155-04 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RIOJAS, DEBBIE MARTINEZ, KRISTAL LYN IVEY, LISA L CESSOR, ANN D RAMIREZ, ELIZABETH WANJURA, CHRISTINA E MUNGIA, ROSEMARY O ROGERS, MARY FRANCIS, ESTHER L HAQUE, MOKAMMEL PEREZ, MARY P ZAMORA, ALICIA R GRANT, CHARLES A SEARCY, KIMBERLY A. VERNO, STEVEN M PARTIDA, AMANDA RENE HARVEY, MICHAL B BROCKWELL, OPHELIA N EDMUNDS, CUMA SAENZ, RANDY LANTZ, CLIFFORD REMMERS, LOIS SMART FLORES, MARTIN SR BARRERA, EVANGELINA JONES, STARLET B MEITZEN, RONNIE COTTLE, ASHLEY N MAYHALL, TOMMY E SAMMONS, RICHARD ALL OLSOVSKY, JAMES E BARBONTIN, PAUL JR AGUAYO, MONICA MARIE MUNIZ, VANGIE M REYES, PABLO MRAZ, KATHY LEE, VERALDINE M. RAMIREZ, ELDA REYES, ADRIENNE J SALAZAR, MARIA E RODRIGUEZ, BILLY ANZALDUA, ISHMAEL HUNNAM, ADDISON PEREZ, ALFREDO M BRANDT, M. F. JR HENSON, SHANON&MAR BARRERA, ARTHUR TAYLOR, PATRICIA R TRUSTY, BECKY J TREVINO, ERIC J MUNOZ, ANDREW G AMADOR, MARY A GARIBAY, JOSEFITA F 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 12/16/2008 12/18/2012 10/15/2009 10/3/2005 11/2/2009 12/18/2009 3/7/2012 5/28/1986 6/28/2005 10/20/2011 9/24/2008 9/19/1997 7/15/1993 4/13/1999 12/22/2008 6/29/2012 11/26/2012 12/5/2011 3/8/2004 6/29/2012 3/27/2009 5/8/2000 11/5/2007 7/9/2003 12/24/1991 5/12/1989 1/26/2010 1/4/2005 4/2/2002 10/15/2010 10/2/2000 4/24/1998 12/19/2003 3/19/2009 12/17/1990 10/7/2002 8/23/2002 3/1/2012 4/20/2011 5/16/1994 6/11/2001 7/2/2007 8/7/2008 5/1/1984 11/12/2003 11/5/2008 3/19/2012 11/27/2006 2/6/2012 2/14/2013 12/3/2010 3/3/2006 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $65.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 13-3156-04 13-3159-07 13-3170-06 13-3180-15 13-3210-04 13-3241-06 13-3250-01 13-3330-02 13-3370-00 13-3374-01 13-3405-02 13-3407-00 13-3530-05 13-3540-05 13-3590-07 13-3610-05 13-3740-05 13-3760-04 13-3765-01 13-3767-04 13-3769-01 13-3784-00 13-3790-03 13-3810-02 13-3830-02 13-3890-14 13-3900-22 13-4600-05 13-5000-18 13-5200-08 13-6100-11 13-6300-05 13-6500-18 13-6800-23 14-0030-06 14-0040-01 14-0070-05 14-0330-06 14-0410-11 14-0420-05 14-0560-07 14-0570-03 14-0820-03 14-0860-02 14-0940-05 14-1081-01 14-1141-01 14-1220-01 14-1325-03 14-1350-01 14-1450-02 14-1640-05 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DUBOSE, LATOSHA HOPKINS, PAULA RODRIGUEZ, KIMBERLY RODRIGUEZ, MALINDA ZAIONTZ, MARVIN M JR ALANIS, JOE OELBERG, PATRICIA GARZA, SANTIAGO RESSMAN, DENNIS LORD, BRENDA G SCOTT, DENNIS DREYER, SUSIE STOCK, STEPHEN D SMITH, GREGORY DIAZ, GONZALO&VERCO LANTZ, ERON ANGERSTEIN, LAURIE B. LAAS, TESSA L MATHIS, EULA B ROSE, BRENDA D BAUER, JENNIFER OLGUIN, RENE VASQUEZ, VICTOR JR ARNOLD, DEBBIE L CARMONA, JOSEFINA M. GARCIA, MONICA MARIE RICARDEZ, IRVING S KVALE, GINA LUNA, SOILA WILLIAMS, PENNY SOTO, ADRIANA T BRAZZEAL, ANDRIA S RAMOS/ROBY, JOSEPH / CARRILLO, CESAR R WHITFIELD, BRITNEY LY IRVIN, CRYSTAL R. HAMILTON, HOLLY B QUINN, JOSEPH VILLA, DIANA GUEL, YSRVAEL HARVEY, CLEMON L RESSMAN, RAE L OEHLKE, MELVIN F HERNANDEZ, KRYSTAL A PATEK, LAURA HALEY, JAMES R LESKE, KAILEY R KOHLER, LAWRENCE E ROSSETT, JERALD J HUNNAM, JORDAN M ANZALDUA, LINDA M STUEVE, LACEY L 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 5/17/2005 9/19/2001 9/4/2008 2/22/2013 4/8/2011 5/5/2011 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COURTNEY LADWIG, BRIAN L MARTINEZ, CYNTHIA C MARTINEZ, JUAN GRAHMANN, CHRISTOPH SALAZAR, DIANA C TIPTON, RAY BELVIN, DWAYNE A JALUFKA, DAVID JALUFKA, AVIS GRIGSBY, JIM C JR ORTIZ, WAYNE SHEFFIELD, CHARLES L BLACKWELL, ANISSA L BLACKWELL, FINLEY N LUCAS, DIANA MARTINEZ, SAM JR VILLARREAL, ANGELITA VILLARREAL, HELEN WILKE, RENEE P SERRANO, ROBERTO ROBINSON, GOLDIA M WASHINGTON, JENNIFER HERNANDEZ, GUILLERM GAMEZ, DELIA GALINDO, ISMAEL JR DELEON, JULIAN A JR VARELA, JUANITA G VILLA, DANNY FRYER, BRENDA J PEREZ, ERNEST V GUERRERO, MATTHEW A ARZATE, RAMONA GARNER, NELDA N LICON, MATTHEW B GIBBS, ROBERT JACKSON, JAMES E JACKSON, JOHN GALINDO, ROMANA EGGINS, DON R VASQUEZ, SANDRA V VILLA, AMANDO BATTLES, RUTHIE T RODRIGUEZ, CHRISTINA OLGUIN, NOEMI GAMEZ, GUADALUPE JR ARIZA, JUAN WHITTINGTON, QUINCY WASHINGTON, KATIE SANCHEZ, JOE C S W BELL CO. 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 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3/7/2013 4/24/1984 8/9/2012 5/27/2014 10/19/1993 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $65.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $5.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 17-1560-10 17-1580-01 17-1610-18 17-1620-14 17-1690-06 18-0420-02 19-0080-14 19-0100-18 19-0150-19 19-0210-17 19-0250-14 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WILLIAMS, CALLIE AMADOR, DAPHNE B SALAS, MARYANN ARGUELLEZ, DELINDA JONES, BRITTNEY N HILLARD, LAKESHA R JACKSON, CARLENE SERNA, CHRISTINA O'NEAL, SAMANTHA I JOHNSON, SHUMURA CROMER, JASMINE G CASTILLO, CRYSTAL M WILLIAMS, DIANE PATTON, CASEY R JACKSON, KYRA HOFFMAN, DINA DELEON, TAYLOR R LANG, KIMBERLY A TIMPONE, SONYA SAENZ, JILL SWEET, DANIEL R LANTZ, CLAYTON ALVAREZ, LURAH A HOWELL, MISTY G MAINKA, DUSTIN SEVILLA, JUAN SAENZ, HELEN S SERRANO, ENRIQUE GAMEZ, BENITA GLOVER, ISAIAH JALUFKA, GABE 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 010-WATER 10/3/2012 4/7/2006 9/17/2012 11/28/2012 10/25/1993 2/20/2004 9/26/2012 4/4/2008 9/1/2010 3/5/1986 7/30/1990 10/12/2011 11/12/2009 12/12/2008 2/6/2012 8/16/2012 10/1/2010 3/11/2013 5/18/2005 1/10/1992 2/18/1993 1/12/2010 10/4/2011 9/15/2009 7/13/2004 8/13/2009 7/26/2006 7/13/2011 8/13/2009 11/1/2012 1/18/2013 3/27/2012 7/2/2012 8/28/1995 6/5/2012 10/5/2010 4/29/1997 3/17/2008 11/28/2007 8/9/2004 12/17/2012 3/8/2013 10/5/2010 11/30/2012 9/23/2004 8/7/2014 10/16/2014 4/11/2006 4/18/2011 2/24/1983 2/25/2014 4/17/2013 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $75.00 $62.50 $50.00 $50.00 $5.00 $50.00 $50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 75.00 62.50 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 09-1180-01 12-2109-00 13-1509-00 17-1160-01 03-1690-05 02-1540-01 04-1390-02 10-0410-03 15-0080-01 16-0340-00 02-1800-02 02-2040-02 03-1160-00 03-1220-09 03-1530-01 03-2860-01 03-2910-02 05-0160-02 06-0940-02 07-1790-00 07-1810-02 07-2540-01 07-2800-01 08-0610-00 08-0860-04 08-1220-02 10-1380-02 10-2200-01 10-2720-09 10-2930-02 12-1900-00 12-2380-01 13-3240-02 15-2230-01 16-0250-02 16-0980-00 04-0660-00 09-1830-00 16-0300-00 02-2390-00 02-2470-00 03-1760-00 04-0670-00 05-0560-01 09-2260-00 09-2500-03 10-0710-00 10-1700-00 12-0740-01 12-2290-00 13-1472-00 14-1230-05 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 PINEDA, VIVIAN NYEGAARD, JESS D FAHRIG, CHARLES W. MOELLER, ALLEN J TAYLOR, ARNOLD ALEMAN, FERNANDO B. MEJIA, MANUEL PARAMO, HOPE BINZ, RONALD SAENZ, HERALIO E FRANKLIN, JOSEPHINE CARRISALEZ, THOMAS MORALES, ANNA ROCHA, DANIEL HERNANDEZ, MARY TORRES, ADELA SALAZAR, GREGORY JR GLOVER, CALLIE HUNTER, JANIE ORTIZ, SYLVIA N JONES, ROBERT D FERNANDEZ, SYLVESTE TORRES, GLORIA BATTLES, DEBORAH P RANSOM, BEVERLY T GREEN, JOHNNIE V BAUTISTA, PAULINO SCHORRE, REX COCHRAN, NORMA VILLA, GUADALUPE JR PULLIN, BERNE VILLA, SAMMY ALDIS, MARY HELEN MALDONADO, RAYMOND PENA, ROBERT VILLA, RICKY MAYFIELD, NORMA LOPEZ, ANTONIA T BARNETT, PATRICIA SAENZ, HELEN S MAY, RONDA RAMIREZ, BENITA O PEREZ, JESUS M POLK, MABLE B OLGUIN, ROSIE A KUECKER, DONALD SANCHEZ, MARTHA ZUNIGA, WANDA BARNES, A. C. BATTLES, DOROTHY HAFERKAMP, MACIE DUGI, DR. DANIEL JR. 010-WATER 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 7/12/2012 5/28/2014 8/15/2001 2/1/1990 3/23/1982 10/26/1981 10/21/1981 1/22/1982 11/25/1975 6/19/1978 3/10/1983 9/25/1981 10/18/1982 5/9/1983 1/16/1984 6/7/1976 6/29/1981 6/20/1975 3/13/1981 2/12/1974 2/5/1974 10/21/1977 8/18/1980 10/20/1981 12/17/1981 4/4/1983 6/11/1982 11/13/1980 8/17/1982 7/23/1999 1/19/1984 11/14/1979 1/19/1982 11/4/1975 6/21/1983 4/20/1981 5/22/1981 6/22/1979 12/27/1952 12/28/1973 4/29/1977 6/29/1979 8/24/1983 2/9/1972 5/7/1971 7/5/1983 6/24/1975 10/31/1979 7/19/1982 4/10/1954 10/29/2014 11/17/1983 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $35.00 $5.00 $5.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $5.00 $5.00 $20.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 45.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 15-1391-00 15-1820-01 16-0520-00 03-0610-00 13-3781-00 14-1520-00 16-0240-00 02-0160-00 02-1690-00 02-1710-05 03-1050-00 03-2280-00 03-2851-00 04-0810-00 04-0820-00 04-1330-00 05-0570-00 07-2870-06 08-0320-00 08-0830-02 08-1440-00 09-1271-00 09-2340-01 10-1170-00 11-0970-00 12-0710-00 13-1730-00 13-3782-00 15-0470-00 16-1050-00 16-1370-00 16-1400-00 04-0220-01 12-2520-09 11-2070-21 19-1860-23 01-0280-23 01-0280-23 01-0280-23 01-0680-20 01-0680-20 01-0680-20 02-0160-00 02-0170-02 02-0170-02 02-0170-02 02-0270-08 02-0270-08 02-0270-08 02-0310-10 02-0310-10 02-0310-10 1 1 1 3 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 3 4 5 GANDY, ANTHONY SCHLENKER, TOMMY GARDNER, JOSEPHINE ZAPATA, JOSIE HOLMAN, JOHNAL L DIETZE, MRS. LAWRENC CARTER, WILLIE JR RESSMAN, HENRY SOLIS, JIMMY VARELA, RICHARD H BATTLES, LEE ANN CUNNINGHAM, DONALD RUIZ, ROBERTO ROSS, JOSEPH J. ROSS, JOSEPH J WESLEY, WILLIAM PREISS, FRANKIE BUSTOS, MANUEL HERNANDEZ, TRAIL ANT CERVANTES, YNEZ SERVANTES, ANITA TAYLOR, DOROTHY GUENTHER, MRS. HENR BLACKWELL, DORIS LUT HAHN, MELBA S KATZMARK, RAY STIRNEMAN, MARY WIMBISH, DAVID SALAZAR, GREGORIO GALINDO, ISMAEL SANCHEZ, DELIA A VILLARREAL, LONGORIO BOWLES, WILLIE TREVINO, TILLIE S. ESPARZA, MARTIN L HAYNES, TYCE LIENDO, CAROLINA LIENDO, CAROLINA LIENDO, CAROLINA ZENGERLE, MATTHEW ZENGERLE, MATTHEW ZENGERLE, MATTHEW RESSMAN, HENRY METTING, STACY METTING, STACY METTING, STACY PADRO, JAMES H PADRO, JAMES H PADRO, JAMES H SIMMONS, CRYSTAL SIMMONS, CRYSTAL SIMMONS, CRYSTAL 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 6/28/2013 1/30/1980 12/5/1975 12/23/1976 4/30/1971 1/27/1944 2/26/1981 4/9/1952 6/13/1966 11/26/1951 2/3/1959 8/12/1952 6/16/1961 6/13/1966 9/19/1950 5/13/1968 8/28/1967 12/4/1950 1/2/1953 12/8/1970 11/14/1966 7/10/1963 10/10/1960 6/6/1962 11/14/1950 8/16/1949 11/6/1968 10/19/1962 5/17/1968 8/17/1961 1/19/1957 1/29/1965 11/5/1943 1/30/1945 1/31/2014 2/3/2014 10/13/2014 10/13/2014 10/13/2014 2/19/2014 2/19/2014 2/19/2014 10/9/1941 9/22/2014 9/22/2014 9/22/2014 12/31/2013 12/31/2013 12/31/2013 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 11/24/2014 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $5.00 $20.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $5.00 $5.00 $50.00 $150.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $5.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $375.00 $25.00 $50.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 0.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 02-0310-10 02-0340-02 02-0340-02 02-0340-02 02-0360-05 02-0360-05 02-0360-05 02-0560-03 02-0560-03 02-0560-03 02-0580-15 02-0580-15 02-0580-15 02-0645-06 02-0645-06 02-0645-06 02-0680-10 02-0680-10 02-0680-10 02-0720-06 02-0720-06 02-0720-06 02-0730-18 02-0730-18 02-0730-18 02-0900-19 02-0910-03 02-0910-03 02-0910-03 02-0920-20 02-1040-07 02-1040-07 02-1040-07 02-1500-02 02-1501-02 02-1540-01 02-1640-21 02-1640-21 02-1640-21 02-1865-14 02-1865-14 02-1865-14 02-2010-13 02-2010-13 02-2010-13 02-2130-14 02-2130-14 02-2130-14 02-2140-23 02-2140-23 02-2140-23 02-2240-06 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 SIMMONS, CRYSTAL MONZINGO, WHITNEY MONZINGO, WHITNEY MONZINGO, WHITNEY REMMERS, MISTY REMMERS, MISTY REMMERS, MISTY HOLMAN, J'KALEN R HOLMAN, J'KALEN R HOLMAN, J'KALEN R SMITH, MARION C SMITH, MARION C SMITH, MARION C PHILLIPS, JENNIFER L PHILLIPS, JENNIFER L PHILLIPS, JENNIFER L BUENDEL, GLORIA L BUENDEL, GLORIA L BUENDEL, GLORIA L MAYO, HEATHER MAYO, HEATHER MAYO, HEATHER 1709 SINGLETON AVE LL 1709 SINGLETON AVE LL 1709 SINGLETON AVE LL MARTINEZ, MARIA O'MALLEY, TIMOTHY O'MALLEY, TIMOTHY O'MALLEY, TIMOTHY PRIGGE, HARRIS L WINK, BARBARA WINK, BARBARA WINK, BARBARA FRANKLIN, STEPHEN E FRANKLIN, STEPHEN E ALEMAN, FERNANDO B. GARIBAY, MICHELE A GARIBAY, MICHELE A GARIBAY, MICHELE A GALINDO, WEATHER GALINDO, WEATHER GALINDO, WEATHER REYES, ISMAEL REYES, ISMAEL REYES, ISMAEL TREECE, KENDALL E TREECE, KENDALL E TREECE, KENDALL E BERNAL, AGUSTIN BERNAL, AGUSTIN BERNAL, AGUSTIN COOK, DAN 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 11/24/2014 7/18/2013 7/18/2013 7/18/2013 4/30/2014 4/30/2014 4/30/2014 11/20/2014 11/20/2014 11/20/2014 6/7/2013 6/7/2013 6/7/2013 5/10/2013 5/10/2013 5/10/2013 6/13/2014 6/13/2014 6/13/2014 10/23/2014 10/23/2014 10/23/2014 5/22/2013 5/22/2013 5/22/2013 3/19/2014 11/21/2014 11/21/2014 11/21/2014 9/1/2011 11/13/2013 11/13/2013 11/13/2013 8/21/2006 8/30/2006 10/8/1976 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 11/20/2013 11/20/2013 11/20/2013 9/2/2014 9/2/2014 9/2/2014 8/16/2013 8/16/2013 8/16/2013 3/3/2014 3/19/2014 3/19/2014 4/23/2014 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $250.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 $25.00 $125.00 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 $35.00 $375.00 $150.00 $75.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $250.00 $100.00 $100.00 $125.00 $$$$$$$$125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 02-2240-06 02-2240-06 02-2310-09 02-2310-09 02-2310-09 02-2500-17 02-2500-17 02-2500-17 02-2770-06 02-2770-06 02-2770-06 03-0040-12 03-0040-12 03-0040-12 03-0440-16 03-0440-16 03-0440-16 03-0440-16 03-0490-05 03-0490-05 03-0490-05 03-0520-04 03-0520-04 03-0520-04 03-0610-00 03-0610-00 03-0710-02 03-0710-02 03-0710-02 03-0735-02 03-0735-02 03-0735-02 03-1690-05 03-1690-05 03-1720-03 03-1720-03 03-1720-03 03-1720-03 03-1720-03 03-1820-16 03-1820-16 03-1820-16 03-1920-08 03-1920-08 03-1920-08 03-1920-08 03-2130-01 03-2140-07 03-2140-07 03-2140-07 03-2140-07 03-2250-05 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 1 COOK, DAN COOK, DAN WARE, RHAWNIE WARE, RHAWNIE WARE, RHAWNIE VILLARREAL, BILLY VILLARREAL, BILLY VILLARREAL, BILLY ROPER, JEFFREY G ROPER, JEFFREY G ROPER, JEFFREY G MIZE, TARA L MIZE, TARA L MIZE, TARA L MONCADA, LAURA J MONCADA, LAURA J MONCADA, LAURA J MONCADA, LAURA J MIRANDA, GUADALUPE MIRANDA, GUADALUPE MIRANDA, GUADALUPE MUNOZ, EUGENIA MUNOZ, EUGENIA MUNOZ, EUGENIA ZAPATA, JOSIE ZAPATA, JOSIE WATSON, DONALD WATSON, DONALD WATSON, DONALD GARIBAY, RUBEN GARIBAY, RUBEN GARIBAY, RUBEN TAYLOR, ARNOLD TAYLOR, ARNOLD HART, LINDA G HART, LINDA G HART, LINDA G HART, LINDA G HART, LINDA G PAULTON, LAREDO PAULTON, LAREDO PAULTON, LAREDO BROWN, CHARLIE BROWN, CHARLIE BROWN, CHARLIE BROWN, CHARLIE BLACKWELL, FRANCES MEJIAS, JOHN MEJIAS, JOHN MEJIAS, JOHN MEJIAS, JOHN WILLIAMS, TOMMIE A 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 4/23/2014 4/23/2014 5/19/2014 5/19/2014 5/19/2014 6/20/2013 6/20/2013 6/20/2013 1/27/2014 2/7/2014 2/7/2014 9/17/2014 9/17/2014 9/17/2014 7/17/2014 7/17/2014 7/17/2014 7/17/2014 8/2/2013 9/3/2013 9/3/2013 4/14/2014 4/14/2014 4/14/2014 10/19/1961 12/22/1976 8/18/2014 8/18/2014 8/18/2014 6/20/2014 6/20/2014 6/20/2014 2/17/1978 9/23/1981 8/2/2013 8/23/2013 8/23/2013 9/6/2013 9/6/2013 10/1/2014 10/1/2014 10/1/2014 9/18/2014 10/28/2014 10/28/2014 10/28/2014 2/1/1982 7/23/2014 7/23/2014 7/31/2014 7/31/2014 4/5/2013 $25.00 $50.00 $125.00 $75.00 $25.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $75.00 $75.00 $150.00 $150.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $10.00 $5.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $35.00 $5.00 $250.00 $150.00 $100.00 $125.00 $50.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $250.00 $125.00 $75.00 $150.00 $35.00 $375.00 $5.00 $70.00 $150.00 $250.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 03-2250-05 03-2250-05 03-2300-09 03-2300-09 03-2300-09 03-2330-07 03-2330-07 03-2330-07 03-2390-16 03-2390-16 03-2390-16 03-2400-09 03-2400-09 03-2400-09 03-2590-01 03-2590-01 03-2590-01 03-2590-01 03-2630-11 03-2630-11 03-2630-11 03-2680-04 03-2680-04 03-3130-22 03-3130-22 03-3130-22 03-3221-09 03-3221-09 03-3221-09 04-0320-10 04-0320-10 04-0320-10 04-0320-10 04-0320-10 04-0320-10 04-0490-04 04-0490-04 04-0490-04 04-0490-04 04-0530-15 04-0530-15 04-0530-15 04-0530-15 04-0530-15 04-0530-15 04-0530-15 04-0530-15 04-0635-01 04-0635-01 04-0635-01 04-0660-00 04-0726-02 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 1 1 WILLIAMS, TOMMIE A WILLIAMS, TOMMIE A BUEHRING, BRIAN BUEHRING, BRIAN BUEHRING, BRIAN PEREZ, JESUS M PEREZ, JESUS M PEREZ, JESUS M EDWARDS, EARL E EDWARDS, EARL E EDWARDS, EARL E PIWETZ, NANCY PIWETZ, NANCY PIWETZ, NANCY GARCIA, ALBERT GARCIA, ALBERT GARCIA, ALBERT GARCIA, ALBERT QUINTERRO, HILDA M QUINTERRO, HILDA M QUINTERRO, HILDA M BENTZ, GREGORY BENTZ, GREGORY CORONADO, YSIDO CORONADO, YSIDO CORONADO, YSIDO HATTER, ANDRE D HATTER, ANDRE D HATTER, ANDRE D EVANS, RODNEY L EVANS, RODNEY L EVANS, RODNEY L EVANS, RODNEY L EVANS, RODNEY L EVANS, RODNEY L MIGURA, PATSY MIGURA, PATSY MIGURA, PATSY MIGURA, PATSY GALVAN, VERONICA GALVAN, VERONICA GALVAN, VERONICA GALVAN, VERONICA GALVAN, VERONICA GALVAN, VERONICA GALVAN, VERONICA GALVAN, VERONICA JOHNSON, LAVERA JOHNSON, LAVERA JOHNSON, LAVERA MAYFIELD, NORMA WESLEY, WILLIE M 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 040-SEWER 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 10/31/2013 10/31/2013 10/31/2013 12/10/2014 12/10/2014 12/10/2014 6/25/2014 6/25/2014 6/25/2014 5/29/2014 5/29/2014 5/29/2014 8/23/1983 10/26/1982 3/22/1979 11/14/1978 6/2/2014 6/2/2014 6/2/2014 10/4/2013 10/4/2013 6/23/2014 6/23/2014 6/23/2014 9/16/2014 9/16/2014 9/16/2014 4/4/2014 4/4/2014 4/16/2014 4/21/2014 4/21/2014 4/21/2014 8/1/2014 8/4/2014 8/4/2014 8/4/2014 7/3/2013 7/3/2013 7/3/2013 7/3/2013 7/15/2013 7/15/2013 7/15/2013 7/15/2013 11/19/2014 11/19/2014 11/19/2014 8/13/1976 7/18/2014 $50.00 $100.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $187.50 $37.50 $75.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $150.00 $150.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $25.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $125.00 $25.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $50.00 $100.00 $140.00 $25.00 $50.00 $300.00 $75.00 $75.00 $150.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 $187.50 $37.50 $75.00 $25.00 $375.00 $$$$$$187.50 $37.50 $75.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$187.50 $37.50 $75.00 $$- 04-0726-02 04-0726-02 04-0749-02 04-0749-02 04-0749-02 04-0790-02 04-0790-02 04-0790-02 04-0800-00 04-0870-01 04-0870-01 04-0870-01 04-0900-08 04-0900-08 04-0900-08 04-0900-08 04-0900-08 04-1030-06 04-1030-06 04-1030-06 04-1030-06 04-1190-02 04-1190-02 04-1190-02 04-1240-03 04-1240-03 04-1240-03 04-1240-03 04-1240-03 04-1363-02 04-1390-02 04-1490-01 04-1490-01 04-1490-01 04-1490-01 04-1640-07 04-1640-07 04-1640-07 05-0150-11 05-0150-11 05-0150-11 05-0190-07 05-0190-07 05-0190-07 05-0230-06 05-0230-06 05-0230-06 05-0230-06 05-0230-06 05-0230-06 05-0230-06 05-0700-15 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 WESLEY, WILLIE M WESLEY, WILLIE M STEVENS, AHLIA STEVENS, AHLIA STEVENS, AHLIA WILLIAMS, JARVIS WILLIAMS, JARVIS WILLIAMS, JARVIS LOTT, PATRICK L MACK, BLANCA B MACK, BLANCA B MACK, BLANCA B GONZALES, JAMES GONZALES, JAMES GONZALES, JAMES GONZALES, JAMES GONZALES, JAMES DESJARDIN, RICHARD D DESJARDIN, RICHARD D DESJARDIN, RICHARD D DESJARDIN, RICHARD D VILLARREAL, CHRISTINA VILLARREAL, CHRISTINA VILLARREAL, CHRISTINA BROOKS, CHRISTOPHER BROOKS, CHRISTOPHER BROOKS, CHRISTOPHER BROOKS, CHRISTOPHER BROOKS, CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS, SAMUEL MEJIA, MANUEL GREEN, ROY GREEN, ROY GREEN, ROY GREEN, ROY RODRIGUEZ, ROCKY A RODRIGUEZ, ROCKY A RODRIGUEZ, ROCKY A EMMOTT, CATHARINE L EMMOTT, CATHARINE L EMMOTT, CATHARINE L DUGI, BLI DUGI, BLI DUGI, BLI SHERMAN, SCOTT S SHERMAN, SCOTT S SHERMAN, SCOTT S SHERMAN, SCOTT S SHERMAN, SCOTT S SHERMAN, SCOTT S SHERMAN, SCOTT S BROWN, AMANDA T 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 040-SEWER 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 040-SEWER 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 7/18/2014 7/18/2014 7/30/2014 7/30/2014 7/30/2014 12/11/2014 12/11/2014 12/11/2014 9/7/1978 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 2/14/2014 3/17/2014 3/17/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 10/10/2013 10/10/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/2/2014 10/2/2014 10/2/2014 7/18/2014 7/18/2014 7/18/2014 7/18/2014 10/30/2014 5/11/1950 4/19/1978 3/3/2014 3/21/2014 3/21/2014 3/21/2014 10/1/2014 10/1/2014 10/1/2014 9/2/2014 9/2/2014 9/2/2014 12/19/2013 12/19/2013 12/19/2013 7/3/2014 7/3/2014 7/3/2014 7/3/2014 7/7/2014 7/7/2014 7/7/2014 8/23/2013 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $35.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $250.00 $125.00 $125.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $25.00 $50.00 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $50.00 $100.00 $150.00 $50.00 $10.00 $35.00 $200.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $225.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 05-0700-15 05-0800-15 05-1230-13 05-1230-13 05-1230-13 05-1230-13 05-1250-22 05-1250-22 05-1250-22 05-1315-17 05-1315-17 05-1315-17 05-1315-17 05-1530-25 05-1660-21 05-1660-21 05-1660-21 05-1980-19 05-2090-30 05-2270-05 05-2390-02 05-2467-03 05-2467-03 05-2467-03 05-2543-03 05-2543-03 05-2543-03 05-2610-30 05-2610-30 05-2610-30 05-2640-18 05-2640-18 05-2640-18 05-2750-11 05-2750-11 05-2750-11 05-2760-14 05-2760-14 05-2760-14 05-2840-15 05-2840-15 05-2840-15 05-2910-05 05-2910-05 05-2910-05 05-2980-15 05-2980-15 05-2980-15 05-3170-11 05-3170-11 05-3170-11 06-0245-04 2 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 BROWN, AMANDA T CADDELL, CHRISSY HERNANDEZ, CYNTHIA HERNANDEZ, CYNTHIA HERNANDEZ, CYNTHIA HERNANDEZ, CYNTHIA HINOJO, MARIA HINOJO, MARIA HINOJO, MARIA ZELINGER, JUANITA MOR ZELINGER, JUANITA MOR ZELINGER, JUANITA MOR ZELINGER, JUANITA MOR LEIVA, MARGRITA YBARRA, LESLIE D YBARRA, LESLIE D YBARRA, LESLIE D REYES, ENRIQUE GARCIA, GRACIE M SHEFFIELD, MELISSA G SALINAS, PRISCILLA F WELCH, WESLEY C WELCH, WESLEY C WELCH, WESLEY C SIMMONS, LEANN M SIMMONS, LEANN M SIMMONS, LEANN M MAYFIELD, SHA'NEAL MAYFIELD, SHA'NEAL MAYFIELD, SHA'NEAL WALTON, LEXY WALTON, LEXY WALTON, LEXY WHITE, AUTUMN WHITE, AUTUMN WHITE, AUTUMN SPENCER, RONALD SPENCER, RONALD SPENCER, RONALD PEREZ, ROBERT PEREZ, ROBERT PEREZ, ROBERT MORELAND, STACIE MORELAND, STACIE MORELAND, STACIE BRIDGES, MIKE BRIDGES, MIKE BRIDGES, MIKE PADILLA, APRIL M PADILLA, APRIL M PADILLA, APRIL M TAYLOR, CHARLES 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 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$100.00 $250.00 $100.00 $62.50 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $250.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$75.00 $150.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 06-0245-04 06-0245-04 06-0440-01 06-0440-01 06-0440-01 06-0440-01 06-0460-11 06-0460-11 06-0460-11 06-0490-01 06-0490-01 06-0490-01 06-0590-05 06-0590-05 06-0590-05 06-0750-08 06-0750-08 06-0750-08 06-0800-17 06-0800-17 06-0800-17 06-0800-17 06-0850-07 06-0850-07 06-0850-07 06-0880-09 06-0880-09 06-0880-09 06-0910-14 06-0910-14 06-0910-14 06-1610-12 06-1610-12 06-1610-12 06-1640-11 06-1640-11 06-1840-25 06-1840-25 06-1840-25 06-1960-13 06-1960-13 06-1960-13 06-1960-13 06-2060-02 06-2060-02 06-2190-21 06-2190-21 06-2190-21 06-2300-22 06-2300-22 06-2300-22 06-2300-22 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 TAYLOR, CHARLES TAYLOR, CHARLES ANCARROW, NATHAN ANCARROW, NATHAN ANCARROW, NATHAN ANCARROW, NATHAN WEGHORST, GEMEY K WEGHORST, GEMEY K WEGHORST, GEMEY K OLIVER, BILLY D OLIVER, BILLY D OLIVER, BILLY D HOWE, RANDY HOWE, RANDY HOWE, RANDY KIRKPATRICK, DONNA KIRKPATRICK, DONNA KIRKPATRICK, DONNA MOORE, ARTHUR J MOORE, ARTHUR J MOORE, ARTHUR J MOORE, ARTHUR J HARRELL, KEVIN D HARRELL, KEVIN D HARRELL, KEVIN D DAVIS, JAMES A DAVIS, JAMES A DAVIS, JAMES A BRANDES, JUELL BRANDES, JUELL BRANDES, JUELL RATLIFF, DELORES M RATLIFF, DELORES M RATLIFF, DELORES M DANIELS, TRACY J DANIELS, TRACY J CHILDRESS, BRADY D CHILDRESS, BRADY D CHILDRESS, BRADY D GONZALES, RAMIRO GONZALES, RAMIRO GONZALES, RAMIRO GONZALES, RAMIRO STEVENS, ANNA R STEVENS, ANNA R LIND, HENRY A LIND, HENRY A LIND, HENRY A REGAN, CATHERINE REGAN, CATHERINE REGAN, CATHERINE REGAN, CATHERINE 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 040-SEWER 9/25/2014 9/25/2014 9/12/2014 9/12/2014 9/12/2014 9/12/2014 4/4/2014 4/4/2014 4/4/2014 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/20/2013 8/27/2014 8/27/2014 8/27/2014 6/30/2014 6/30/2014 6/30/2014 10/23/2014 10/28/2014 10/28/2014 10/28/2014 10/31/2013 10/31/2013 10/31/2013 3/28/2014 3/28/2014 3/28/2014 5/2/2014 5/2/2014 5/2/2014 7/3/2013 7/3/2013 7/3/2013 4/17/2014 4/17/2014 8/5/2013 8/5/2013 8/5/2013 6/27/2014 7/1/2014 7/1/2014 7/1/2014 7/15/1980 3/23/1981 2/18/2014 2/18/2014 2/18/2014 9/6/2013 9/6/2013 9/6/2013 9/6/2013 $50.00 $100.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $50.00 $375.00 $150.00 $75.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $62.50 $62.50 $15.00 $30.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $125.00 $50.00 $25.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $300.00 $75.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $62.89 $312.11 $75.00 $150.00 $10.00 $40.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$250.00 $60.00 $120.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 06-2300-22 06-2300-22 06-2430-08 06-2430-08 06-2430-08 06-2600-04 06-2600-04 06-2600-04 06-2650-16 06-2650-16 06-2650-16 06-2720-14 06-2723-10 06-2723-10 06-2723-10 06-2870-08 06-2870-08 06-2870-08 06-2920-05 06-2920-05 06-2920-05 06-3050-06 06-3050-06 06-3050-06 06-3160-14 06-3160-14 06-3160-14 07-0140-02 07-0140-02 07-0140-02 07-0170-04 07-0170-04 07-0170-04 07-0200-19 07-0200-19 07-0400-21 07-0400-21 07-0400-21 07-0400-21 07-0530-07 07-0530-07 07-0530-07 07-0540-04 07-0540-04 07-0540-04 07-0580-05 07-0580-05 07-0580-05 07-0610-01 07-0610-01 07-0610-01 07-0610-01 6 7 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 REGAN, CATHERINE REGAN, CATHERINE SQUYRES, JOE JR SQUYRES, JOE JR SQUYRES, JOE JR STOUTE, SAMSON L STOUTE, SAMSON L STOUTE, SAMSON L CECIL, CHRISTOPHER A CECIL, CHRISTOPHER A CECIL, CHRISTOPHER A MENDOZ, KIMBERLY A HOPKINS, JAMES K HOPKINS, JAMES K HOPKINS, JAMES K KOENIG, ASHLI B KOENIG, ASHLI B KOENIG, ASHLI B BLINKA, DUSTIN J BLINKA, DUSTIN J BLINKA, DUSTIN J HAHN, SANDRA E HAHN, SANDRA E HAHN, SANDRA E FRIEDRICHS, MATTHEW FRIEDRICHS, MATTHEW FRIEDRICHS, MATTHEW SEIBERT, JORDAN SEIBERT, JORDAN SEIBERT, JORDAN MCHORSE, SHANNON P MCHORSE, SHANNON P MCHORSE, SHANNON P J FIELDS & SONS J FIELDS & SONS BASS, JONNY BASS, JONNY BASS, JONNY BASS, JONNY WALK, ASHLEY M WALK, ASHLEY M WALK, ASHLEY M DEROUEN, CHARLES DEROUEN, CHARLES DEROUEN, CHARLES GARZA, ISMAEL GARZA, ISMAEL GARZA, ISMAEL CROMEY, NICOLE J CROMEY, NICOLE J CROMEY, NICOLE J CROMEY, NICOLE J 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 10/1/2013 10/1/2013 4/28/2014 4/28/2014 4/28/2014 7/3/2013 7/3/2013 7/3/2013 1/10/2014 1/10/2014 1/10/2014 9/11/2013 4/22/2013 4/22/2013 4/22/2013 8/15/2013 8/15/2013 8/15/2013 7/22/2013 7/22/2013 7/22/2013 10/14/2014 10/14/2014 10/14/2014 7/18/2013 7/18/2013 7/18/2013 1/13/2014 1/13/2014 1/13/2014 3/24/2014 3/24/2014 3/24/2014 11/10/2014 11/10/2014 11/25/2013 11/25/2013 11/25/2013 12/3/2013 4/28/2014 4/28/2014 4/28/2014 8/4/2014 8/4/2014 8/4/2014 6/27/2014 6/27/2014 6/27/2014 8/9/2013 8/15/2013 8/15/2013 8/27/2013 $50.00 $100.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $125.00 $25.00 $375.00 $75.00 $50.00 $100.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $170.00 $25.00 $25.00 $110.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 07-0610-01 07-0610-01 07-0610-01 07-0610-01 07-0610-01 07-0921-03 07-0921-03 07-0921-03 07-0980-08 07-0980-08 07-0980-08 07-1060-14 07-1060-14 07-1060-14 07-1060-14 07-1060-14 07-1060-14 07-1060-14 07-1120-08 07-1120-08 07-1120-08 07-1270-20 07-1270-20 07-1270-20 07-1320-24 07-1320-24 07-1320-24 07-1340-12 07-1340-12 07-1340-12 07-1450-07 07-1450-07 07-1450-07 07-1460-06 07-1500-24 07-1500-24 07-1500-24 07-1550-24 07-1550-24 07-1550-24 07-1580-06 07-1580-06 07-1580-06 07-1610-13 07-1610-13 07-1610-13 07-1670-06 07-1670-06 07-1670-06 07-2080-05 07-2080-05 07-2080-05 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 CROMEY, NICOLE J CROMEY, NICOLE J CROMEY, NICOLE J CROMEY, NICOLE J CROMEY, NICOLE J CRABILL, TROY CRABILL, TROY CRABILL, TROY ESPINO, OTILIA ESPINO, OTILIA ESPINO, OTILIA OSMAN, SANDRA OSMAN, SANDRA OSMAN, SANDRA OSMAN, SANDRA OSMAN, SANDRA OSMAN, SANDRA OSMAN, SANDRA WAUSON, DENIS WAUSON, DENIS WAUSON, DENIS DAMIAN, KRYSTOPHER T DAMIAN, KRYSTOPHER T DAMIAN, KRYSTOPHER T BARKER, MICHELLE BARKER, MICHELLE BARKER, MICHELLE VARELA, RICHARD JR VARELA, RICHARD JR VARELA, RICHARD JR COURREGES, LAUREN A COURREGES, LAUREN A COURREGES, LAUREN A MANSFIELD, LILLIE B EMERY, MELISSA EMERY, MELISSA EMERY, MELISSA PARR, APRIL F PARR, APRIL F PARR, APRIL F HUNTER, ARTHUR JR HUNTER, ARTHUR JR HUNTER, ARTHUR JR CONDRA, WESLEY CONDRA, WESLEY CONDRA, WESLEY BROWN, DANIEL L BROWN, DANIEL L BROWN, DANIEL L DELANE, RANDY A JR DELANE, RANDY A JR DELANE, RANDY A JR 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 040-SEWER 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 8/27/2013 9/23/2013 9/23/2013 9/23/2013 9/23/2013 8/4/2014 8/4/2014 8/4/2014 7/3/2014 7/3/2014 7/3/2014 5/2/2014 5/2/2014 5/2/2014 5/2/2014 5/16/2014 5/16/2014 5/16/2014 11/12/2014 11/12/2014 11/12/2014 5/3/2013 5/3/2013 5/3/2013 10/7/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 6/13/2014 6/13/2014 6/13/2014 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 6/25/2013 8/3/1982 6/12/2014 6/12/2014 6/12/2014 8/26/2014 8/26/2014 8/26/2014 11/7/2014 11/7/2014 11/7/2014 8/5/2014 8/5/2014 8/5/2014 9/16/2014 9/16/2014 9/16/2014 7/25/2014 7/28/2014 7/28/2014 $130.00 $5.00 $20.00 $150.00 $75.00 $375.00 $150.00 $150.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $187.50 $37.50 $75.00 $75.00 $187.50 $37.50 $75.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $375.00 $150.00 $75.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $35.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $150.00 $150.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $125.00 $50.00 $50.00 $250.00 $125.00 $75.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 07-2080-05 07-2090-02 07-2090-02 07-2090-02 07-2210-16 07-2210-16 07-2210-16 07-2210-16 07-2230-26 07-2230-26 07-2230-26 07-2760-10 07-2760-10 07-2760-10 07-2810-02 07-2810-02 07-2810-02 08-0020-14 08-0020-14 08-0020-14 08-0700-00 08-0700-00 08-0700-00 08-0840-03 08-1020-06 08-1020-06 08-1020-06 08-1020-06 08-1020-06 08-1020-06 08-1020-06 08-1041-01 08-1041-01 08-1041-01 08-1650-21 08-1650-21 08-1650-21 09-0170-22 09-0170-22 09-0170-22 09-0170-22 09-0170-22 09-0350-06 09-0350-06 09-0350-06 09-0350-06 09-0350-06 09-0350-06 09-0350-06 09-0393-17 09-0490-04 09-0490-04 4 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 2 DELANE, RANDY A JR GRIFFIN, BRIDGOTTE GRIFFIN, BRIDGOTTE GRIFFIN, BRIDGOTTE BUCHANAN, CHRISTINA BUCHANAN, CHRISTINA BUCHANAN, CHRISTINA BUCHANAN, CHRISTINA MORTON, LAUREN E MORTON, LAUREN E MORTON, LAUREN E BECK, MELISSA G BECK, MELISSA G BECK, MELISSA G WARD, BELINDA K WARD, BELINDA K WARD, BELINDA K ORTIZ, RUSSELL D ORTIZ, RUSSELL D ORTIZ, RUSSELL D GAMEZ, BENITA GAMEZ, BENITA GAMEZ, BENITA DIAZ, RUBY A BOCK, LEIGH ANN BOCK, LEIGH ANN BOCK, LEIGH ANN BOCK, LEIGH ANN BOCK, LEIGH ANN BOCK, LEIGH ANN BOCK, LEIGH ANN MCKAINE, TIERNEY S MCKAINE, TIERNEY S MCKAINE, TIERNEY S MCCABE, MELVIN MCCABE, MELVIN MCCABE, MELVIN NUNEZ, CRISTYLEE NUNEZ, CRISTYLEE NUNEZ, CRISTYLEE NUNEZ, CRISTYLEE NUNEZ, CRISTYLEE HARGROVE, STEFON HARGROVE, STEFON HARGROVE, STEFON HARGROVE, STEFON HARGROVE, STEFON HARGROVE, STEFON HARGROVE, STEFON LAWWILL, K C STODDARD, ROBERT STODDARD, ROBERT 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 040-SEWER 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 7/28/2014 10/29/2014 10/29/2014 10/29/2014 4/15/2014 4/16/2014 4/16/2014 4/16/2014 2/18/2014 2/18/2014 2/18/2014 6/19/2014 6/19/2014 6/19/2014 4/21/2014 4/21/2014 4/21/2014 9/19/2013 9/19/2013 9/19/2013 9/11/1981 8/23/1983 10/24/1983 12/14/2010 4/8/2014 4/8/2014 4/8/2014 4/8/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 11/21/2013 12/5/2013 12/5/2013 9/12/2014 9/12/2014 9/12/2014 6/28/2013 7/8/2013 7/8/2013 7/24/2013 7/24/2013 5/22/2014 6/3/2014 6/3/2014 6/3/2014 6/16/2014 6/16/2014 6/16/2014 9/22/2014 5/30/2014 5/30/2014 $150.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $250.00 $125.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $35.00 $5.00 $5.00 $100.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 $150.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 $250.00 $125.00 $62.50 $62.50 $25.00 $87.50 $87.50 $375.00 $375.00 $75.01 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 09-0490-04 09-0640-06 09-0840-17 09-0840-17 09-0840-17 09-0860-06 09-0860-06 09-0860-06 09-0930-06 09-0930-06 09-0930-06 09-0930-06 09-0930-06 09-1230-01 09-1230-01 09-1400-01 09-1400-01 09-1480-15 09-1480-15 09-1480-15 09-1690-07 09-1690-07 09-1690-07 09-1730-08 09-1730-08 09-1730-08 09-1780-13 09-1780-13 09-1780-13 09-1830-00 09-1830-00 09-2100-02 09-2100-02 09-2100-02 09-2225-04 09-2225-04 09-2225-04 09-2350-05 09-2350-05 09-2350-05 09-2350-05 09-2470-05 09-2470-05 09-2470-05 09-2550-02 09-2550-02 09-2550-02 09-2562-01 09-2562-01 09-2562-01 09-2640-01 09-2640-01 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 STODDARD, ROBERT TREVINO, MYRA B NAVARRO, LORENA NAVARRO, LORENA NAVARRO, LORENA KOENING, ANDREW C JR KOENING, ANDREW C JR KOENING, ANDREW C JR NICHOLS, NATALIE E NICHOLS, NATALIE E NICHOLS, NATALIE E NICHOLS, NATALIE E NICHOLS, NATALIE E LITTLES, ALFRED LEE LITTLES, ALFRED LEE PICKENS, LILLIA PICKENS, LILLIA KITCHENS, TIMOTHY D KITCHENS, TIMOTHY D KITCHENS, TIMOTHY D CASTILLO, ESTHER CASTILLO, ESTHER CASTILLO, ESTHER SERTUCHE, DANIEL SERTUCHE, DANIEL SERTUCHE, DANIEL ANZALDUA, MATEO G ANZALDUA, MATEO G ANZALDUA, MATEO G LOPEZ, ANTONIA T LOPEZ, ANTONIA T JAMES, ELISHA S JAMES, ELISHA S JAMES, ELISHA S SMITH, KATY SMITH, KATY SMITH, KATY WAGNER, SHANNON WAGNER, SHANNON WAGNER, SHANNON WAGNER, SHANNON GALINDO, MICHAEL A GALINDO, MICHAEL A GALINDO, MICHAEL A TREUDE, LOUISE TREUDE, LOUISE TREUDE, LOUISE RAMIREZ, JESSE JR RAMIREZ, JESSE JR RAMIREZ, JESSE JR BONNETTE, ROBIN BONNETTE, ROBIN 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 040-SEWER 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 5/30/2014 3/23/2005 2/3/2014 2/18/2014 2/18/2014 5/16/2014 5/16/2014 5/16/2014 7/8/2014 7/8/2014 7/9/2014 7/9/2014 7/9/2014 7/5/1988 8/14/1978 8/13/2014 8/13/2014 2/20/2014 2/20/2014 2/20/2014 11/27/2013 12/20/2013 12/20/2013 8/29/2014 8/29/2014 8/29/2014 5/20/2014 5/20/2014 5/20/2014 3/31/1970 3/28/1978 11/13/2013 12/2/2013 12/2/2013 11/18/2014 11/18/2014 11/18/2014 8/1/2013 8/16/2013 8/16/2013 8/16/2013 10/10/2013 10/22/2013 10/22/2013 10/22/2014 10/22/2014 10/22/2014 8/21/2014 8/21/2014 8/21/2014 10/9/2014 10/9/2014 $150.00 $50.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $200.00 $50.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 $75.00 $125.00 $50.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $375.00 $150.00 $75.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $20.00 $5.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $3.43 $$250.00 $125.00 $150.00 $150.00 $375.00 $150.00 $150.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $250.00 $50.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$71.57 $150.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 09-2640-01 10-0210-09 10-0210-09 10-0210-09 10-0330-25 10-0330-25 10-0330-25 10-0410-03 10-0470-15 10-0470-15 10-0470-15 10-0470-15 10-0530-05 10-0530-05 10-0530-05 10-0700-09 10-0700-09 10-0700-09 10-0700-09 10-0700-09 10-0700-09 10-0700-09 10-0775-24 10-0775-24 10-0775-24 10-0840-14 10-0840-14 10-0840-14 10-0925-07 10-1295-04 10-1295-04 10-1295-04 10-1435-04 10-1435-04 10-1435-04 10-1480-14 10-1480-14 10-1480-14 10-1500-02 10-1500-02 10-1500-02 10-1520-24 10-1520-24 10-1520-24 10-1659-01 10-1660-20 10-1661-02 10-1661-02 10-1661-02 10-1990-23 10-1990-23 10-1990-23 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 BONNETTE, ROBIN PEREZ, ROBERT PEREZ, ROBERT PEREZ, ROBERT KESELING, EDWARD L KESELING, EDWARD L KESELING, EDWARD L PARAMO, HOPE CAIN, BRIAN D CAIN, BRIAN D CAIN, BRIAN D CAIN, BRIAN D DENMAN, WILLIE DENMAN, WILLIE DENMAN, WILLIE GARIBAY, LOUIS R GARIBAY, LOUIS R GARIBAY, LOUIS R GARIBAY, LOUIS R GARIBAY, LOUIS R GARIBAY, LOUIS R 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$50.00 $100.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$20.00 $40.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 10-2195-03 10-2195-03 10-2195-03 10-2220-05 10-2220-05 10-2220-05 10-2280-02 10-2280-02 10-2280-02 10-2280-02 10-2280-02 10-2280-02 10-2390-04 10-2390-04 10-2390-04 10-2500-01 10-2500-01 10-2500-01 10-2500-01 10-2500-01 10-2500-01 10-2570-16 10-2570-16 10-2570-16 10-2600-12 10-2940-33 10-2940-33 10-2940-33 10-2950-14 10-2950-14 10-2950-14 10-2950-14 10-3240-28 10-3240-28 10-3240-28 11-0050-06 11-0050-06 11-0050-06 11-0250-03 11-0250-03 11-0250-03 11-0320-01 11-0320-01 11-0320-01 11-0360-03 11-0550-25 11-0550-25 11-0550-25 11-0560-08 11-0560-08 11-0560-08 11-0570-09 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 HAHN, LAWRENCE JR HAHN, LAWRENCE JR HAHN, LAWRENCE JR PAPACEK, JASON PAPACEK, JASON PAPACEK, JASON BLANTON, OLIVIA B BLANTON, OLIVIA B BLANTON, OLIVIA B BLANTON, OLIVIA B BLANTON, OLIVIA B BLANTON, OLIVIA B THOMAS, KELLY THOMAS, KELLY THOMAS, KELLY HOUGH, MICHAEL W HOUGH, MICHAEL W HOUGH, MICHAEL W HOUGH, MICHAEL W HOUGH, MICHAEL W HOUGH, MICHAEL W GUATHREAUX, COREY GUATHREAUX, COREY GUATHREAUX, COREY CHANDLER, TIFFANY SANCHEZ, MARY ANN SANCHEZ, MARY ANN SANCHEZ, MARY ANN SANCHEZ, MARIA E SANCHEZ, MARIA E SANCHEZ, MARIA E SANCHEZ, MARIA E MAINKA, BRANDON W MAINKA, BRANDON W MAINKA, BRANDON W LAWWILL, CHRISTOPHER LAWWILL, CHRISTOPHER LAWWILL, CHRISTOPHER FOULDS, BRYNN FOULDS, BRYNN FOULDS, BRYNN SETHNESS, DOUG SETHNESS, DOUG SETHNESS, DOUG GOMEZ, JESSIE FISCHER, BRANDON FISCHER, BRANDON FISCHER, BRANDON EBARRA, NICOLE L EBARRA, NICOLE L EBARRA, NICOLE L FLORES, JESUS M JR 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 040-SEWER 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 040-SEWER 010-WATER 030-GARBAGE 040-SEWER 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 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CASTILLO, STEPHANIE M GONZALES, CASEY S GONZALES, CASEY S GONZALES, CASEY S BRANCH, JOHN E BRANCH, JOHN E BRANCH, JOHN E BRANCH, JOHN E BRANCH, JOHN E BRANCH, JOHN E BRANCH, JOHN E BRANCH, JOHN E BRANCH, JOHN E HESS, SAMUEL W HESS, SAMUEL W HESS, SAMUEL W VENEGAS, ANDREW VENEGAS, ANDREW VENEGAS, ANDREW HARWELL, KEIFFER JR HARWELL, KEIFFER JR HARWELL, KEIFFER JR WEST, DAVID J WEST, DAVID J WEST, DAVID J DASILVA, BRANDY C DASILVA, BRANDY C DASILVA, BRANDY C DASILVA, BRANDY C VALLES, CHRISTOPHER HERNANDEZ, CHRISTOP MAULDIN, APRIL N MAULDIN, APRIL N MAULDIN, APRIL N BRADEN, NORMAN BRADEN, NORMAN BRADEN, NORMAN SMITH, CHRISTOPHER MARCOM, ROBERT R ALVARADO, HILDEBERTO ROYSTON, LAURA N ROYSTON, LAURA N ROYSTON, LAURA N GREEN, WESLEY J FIELDS & SONS LLC J FIELDS & SONS LLC J FIELDS & SONS LLC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 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13-0010-04 13-0010-04 13-0010-04 13-0100-13 13-0100-13 13-0100-13 13-0110-04 13-0110-04 13-0110-04 13-0390-21 13-0440-13 13-0480-11 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 PANJWANII, AZEEM LIENEMANN, HALEY J LIENEMANN, HALEY J LIENEMANN, HALEY J KUECKER, BEVERLY B BLACKWELL, JOHN D BLACKWELL, JOHN D BLACKWELL, JOHN D CHALER, CHARLES CHALER, CHARLES DAVIS, KIMBERLY B DAVIS, KIMBERLY B DAVIS, KIMBERLY B SANDERS, MICHAEL D DANIEL, BO M DANIEL, BO M DANIEL, BO M CHEEKS, SUSAN L CHEEKS, SUSAN L CHEEKS, SUSAN L CHEEKS, SUSAN L CHEEKS, SUSAN L CHEEKS, SUSAN L CHEEKS, SUSAN L BARBONTIN, GLORIA G LONGBINE, JOEL LONGBINE, JOEL STANDIFER, RICHARD J STANDIFER, RICHARD J STANDIFER, RICHARD J VASQUEZ, DOMITILA D VASQUEZ, DOMITILA D VASQUEZ, DOMITILA D TAYLOR, GYPSY M TAYLOR, GYPSY M TAYLOR, GYPSY M TAYLOR, GYPSY M WOOLEY, LACEY N WOOLEY, LACEY N WOOLEY, LACEY N STOUTE, SAMSON L STOUTE, SAMSON L STOUTE, SAMSON L BANUELOS, JERRY JR BANUELOS, JERRY JR BANUELOS, JERRY JR BARTER, STEPHANIE BARTER, STEPHANIE BARTER, STEPHANIE WILLIAMS, BRIANA DELANE, CYNTHIA R WARD, KATIE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 12/2/2014 2/13/2014 2/13/2014 2/13/2014 3/13/2012 5/30/2013 5/30/2013 5/30/2013 11/13/2014 11/13/2014 1/14/2014 1/14/2014 1/14/2014 3/24/2014 8/23/2013 9/5/2013 9/5/2013 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 5/1/2013 5/31/2013 7/1/2013 2/12/1979 6/9/2014 6/9/2014 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 1/22/2014 1/22/2014 1/22/2014 8/9/2013 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 8/28/2013 11/1/2013 11/1/2013 11/1/2013 8/27/2013 8/27/2013 8/27/2013 6/27/2014 6/27/2014 6/27/2014 8/15/2014 8/15/2014 8/15/2014 2/18/2014 1/3/2014 7/10/2014 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $100.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $250.00 $50.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $125.00 $250.00 $100.00 $100.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 $200.00 $150.00 $75.00 $35.00 $375.00 $150.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $200.00 $75.00 $150.00 $150.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $375.00 $150.00 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $125.00 $270.00 $250.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 13-0760-02 13-0830-18 13-0830-18 13-0830-18 13-0970-08 13-0970-08 13-0970-08 13-1020-17 13-1020-17 13-1020-17 13-1230-04 13-1230-04 13-1230-04 13-1667-30 13-1667-30 13-1667-30 13-1760-02 13-1760-02 13-1760-02 13-1805-19 13-1805-19 13-1805-19 13-2096-08 13-2096-08 13-2096-08 13-2240-05 13-2240-05 13-2240-05 13-2240-05 13-2240-05 13-2240-05 13-2240-05 13-2351-02 13-2351-02 13-2351-02 13-2440-03 13-2440-03 13-2440-03 13-2450-06 13-2450-06 13-2450-06 13-2780-28 13-2780-28 13-2780-28 13-3110-06 13-3110-06 13-3110-06 13-3249-01 13-3249-01 13-3249-01 13-3480-03 13-3480-03 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 ROGERS, MARY MARTINEZ, JOE L MARTINEZ, JOE L MARTINEZ, JOE L VASQUEZ, STELLA VASQUEZ, STELLA VASQUEZ, STELLA NOELL, DAVID NOELL, DAVID NOELL, DAVID RICHARDSON, SHERI RICHARDSON, SHERI RICHARDSON, SHERI WILLIAMS, ASHLEY N WILLIAMS, ASHLEY N WILLIAMS, ASHLEY N GOHLKE, MARIETTA GOHLKE, MARIETTA GOHLKE, MARIETTA SALVAOR, TERESITA D SALVAOR, TERESITA D SALVAOR, TERESITA D GUERRA, MARTINA E GUERRA, MARTINA E GUERRA, MARTINA E MORALES, SANTIAGO MORALES, SANTIAGO MORALES, SANTIAGO MORALES, SANTIAGO MORALES, SANTIAGO MORALES, SANTIAGO MORALES, SANTIAGO LUJAN, DAMARIS LUJAN, DAMARIS LUJAN, DAMARIS MARTENSSON, MARIA C MARTENSSON, MARIA C MARTENSSON, MARIA C TINDOL, ROBBIE K TINDOL, ROBBIE K TINDOL, ROBBIE K VARELA, REUBEN R VARELA, REUBEN R VARELA, REUBEN R RICKMAN, BETTY JO RICKMAN, BETTY JO RICKMAN, BETTY JO FELDER, LANA F FELDER, LANA F FELDER, LANA F BRANDT, JASON BRANDT, JASON 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 030-GARBAGE 040-SEWER 010-WATER 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 9/8/1978 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 9/25/2014 9/25/2014 9/25/2014 4/4/2014 4/4/2014 4/4/2014 5/30/2014 5/30/2014 5/30/2014 5/28/2014 5/28/2014 5/28/2014 10/29/2014 10/29/2014 10/29/2014 9/4/2014 9/4/2014 9/4/2014 5/9/2014 5/9/2014 5/9/2014 8/16/2013 9/20/2013 9/20/2013 9/20/2013 9/20/2013 10/18/2013 10/18/2013 10/30/2013 10/30/2013 10/30/2013 7/15/2013 7/15/2013 7/15/2013 7/31/2013 7/31/2013 7/31/2013 7/3/2013 7/3/2013 7/3/2013 9/17/2014 9/17/2014 9/17/2014 5/31/2013 5/31/2013 5/31/2013 6/30/2014 6/30/2014 $35.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $150.00 $75.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $150.00 $150.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $250.00 $125.00 $50.00 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 $50.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $250.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 13-3480-03 13-3481-01 13-3481-01 13-3481-01 13-3520-09 13-3520-09 13-3520-09 13-3759-02 13-3759-02 13-3759-02 13-4100-18 13-4200-22 13-4400-19 13-4800-15 13-4900-14 13-4900-14 13-5100-22 13-5300-17 13-5400-25 13-5600-12 13-5600-12 13-5600-12 13-5801-19 13-5801-19 13-5900-12 13-6200-21 13-6400-17 13-6600-06 13-6600-06 13-6600-06 13-6700-15 13-6700-15 13-6700-15 13-6900-09 14-0010-04 14-0010-04 14-0010-04 14-0060-17 14-0060-17 14-0060-17 14-0240-06 14-0240-06 14-0240-06 14-0370-01 14-0370-01 14-0370-01 14-0510-03 14-0540-04 14-0540-04 14-0540-04 14-0620-01 14-0620-01 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 BRANDT, JASON NOTATO, LAURA NOTATO, LAURA NOTATO, LAURA SABINE OIL & GAS SABINE OIL & GAS SABINE OIL & GAS MARTIN, JAMES R MARTIN, JAMES R MARTIN, JAMES R AGUILIAR, DUANE BLACK, BRIAN KING, PATRICK T HYPHEN CONSTRUCTIO DOTSON, GREG L DOTSON, GREG L VILLANUEVA, IGNACIO NESLONEY, KEVIN CASTILLO, BERDAY A LUTRICK, DANETTE LUTRICK, DANETTE LUTRICK, DANETTE PENA, DAISY D PENA, DAISY D CLEMENS, BRANDON M ORNELAS, JUAN MARTIN THOMPSON, MICHAEL H RODRIGUEZ, PATRICIA A RODRIGUEZ, PATRICIA A RODRIGUEZ, PATRICIA A JONES, DARYL JONES, DARYL JONES, DARYL CARLSON, ANDREW GARCIA, CRYSTAL H GARCIA, CRYSTAL H GARCIA, CRYSTAL H ANZALDUA, ERIN E ANZALDUA, ERIN E ANZALDUA, ERIN E CALK, MARY K CALK, MARY K CALK, MARY K SALYER, MELISSA SALYER, MELISSA SALYER, MELISSA GRAY, HARRISON TONEY, JASON M TONEY, JASON M TONEY, JASON M URBANOVSKY, CHRISTO URBANOVSKY, CHRISTO 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 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$75.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 14-0620-01 14-0620-01 14-0700-03 14-0700-03 14-0700-03 14-1420-02 14-1420-02 14-1421-00 14-1421-00 14-1421-00 14-1520-00 14-1750-04 14-1750-04 14-2001-03 14-2001-03 14-2001-03 14-2020-05 14-2030-05 14-2085-01 14-2120-01 14-2120-01 15-0080-01 15-0170-12 15-0170-12 15-0501-00 15-0900-17 15-0920-22 15-1110-04 15-1150-08 15-1150-08 15-1150-08 15-1570-02 15-1600-05 15-2150-01 15-2300-03 16-0230-02 16-0240-00 16-0240-00 16-0300-00 16-0340-00 16-0550-13 16-0550-13 16-0550-13 16-0659-11 16-0659-11 16-0659-11 16-0659-11 16-0680-06 16-0680-06 16-0680-06 16-0705-17 16-0705-17 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 URBANOVSKY, CHRISTO URBANOVSKY, CHRISTO NEWMAN, KENNETH JR NEWMAN, KENNETH JR NEWMAN, KENNETH JR JORDAN, BILLY JR JORDAN, BILLY JR NATHO, RONNIE JR NATHO, RONNIE JR NATHO, RONNIE JR DIETZE, MRS. LAWRENC SCHLENKER, MICHAEL H SCHLENKER, MICHAEL H MARTIN, KENNETH MARTIN, KENNETH MARTIN, KENNETH LESTER, THOMAS W GOMEZ, MONICA CERVANTES, DANIEL OGLESBY, KRISTINE OGLESBY, KRISTINE BINZ, RONALD WARD, STANLEY WARD, STANLEY GUAJARDO, CRYSTAL BOULDING, ALAN SOLIS, ROLANDO HANG, DANNY Q HANG, DANNY Q HANG, DANNY Q HANG, DANNY Q POWERS, KYLE BARTH, KACI L SMITH, DAVID DIAMOND K SERVICES GAMEZ, DELIA CARTER, WILLIE JR CARTER, WILLIE JR BARNETT, PATRICIA SAENZ, HERALIO E CARDENAS, CAROLINE M CARDENAS, CAROLINE M CARDENAS, CAROLINE M MATHIS, TIFFANY MATHIS, TIFFANY MATHIS, TIFFANY MATHIS, TIFFANY CARDENAS, JAMIE CARDENAS, JAMIE CARDENAS, JAMIE PEREZ, JESUS M PEREZ, JESUS M 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 040-SEWER 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 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$35.00 $225.00 $150.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $100.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $250.00 $100.00 $125.00 $300.00 $35.00 $5.00 $5.00 $10.00 $35.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $250.00 $125.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- 16-0705-17 16-0740-01 16-0740-01 16-0778-08 16-0778-08 16-0778-08 16-0870-13 16-1040-02 16-1040-02 16-1040-02 17-1400-08 19-0170-09 19-0170-09 19-0170-09 19-0170-09 19-0170-09 19-0170-09 19-0170-09 19-0170-09 19-0190-10 19-0190-10 19-0190-10 19-0260-11 19-0260-11 19-0260-11 19-0410-15 19-0410-15 19-0410-15 19-0500-24 19-0500-24 19-0500-24 19-0500-24 19-0500-24 19-0500-24 19-0620-13 19-0620-13 19-0620-13 19-0640-13 19-0640-13 19-0640-13 19-0640-13 19-0640-13 19-0660-11 19-0660-11 19-0660-11 19-0720-26 19-0720-26 19-0720-26 19-0750-16 19-0750-16 19-0750-16 19-0770-09 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 PEREZ, JESUS M GIBBS, ROBERT GIBBS, ROBERT GUTIERREZ-HERNA, MAR GUTIERREZ-HERNA, MAR GUTIERREZ-HERNA, MAR ANZALDUA, CANDELARIO GALINDO, ADAM GALINDO, ADAM GALINDO, ADAM AKERS, JEANNIE KUECKER, PATSY T KUECKER, PATSY T KUECKER, PATSY T KUECKER, PATSY T KUECKER, PATSY T KUECKER, PATSY T KUECKER, PATSY T KUECKER, PATSY T CADDELL, CINDY CADDELL, CINDY CADDELL, CINDY GONZALEZ, MARIA GLOR GONZALEZ, MARIA GLOR GONZALEZ, MARIA GLOR BEINHAUER, ALBERT J BEINHAUER, ALBERT J BEINHAUER, ALBERT J JONES, MARSHA JONES, MARSHA JONES, MARSHA JONES, MARSHA JONES, MARSHA JONES, MARSHA PARTIDA, JIMMY PARTIDA, JIMMY PARTIDA, JIMMY WILLIAMS, ROSIE WILLIAMS, ROSIE WILLIAMS, ROSIE WILLIAMS, ROSIE WILLIAMS, ROSIE MARTINEZ, RAY MARTINEZ, RAY MARTINEZ, RAY HEIL, STEPHANIE HEIL, STEPHANIE HEIL, STEPHANIE SALDANA, MARIA G SALDANA, MARIA G SALDANA, MARIA G ALDIS, MELISSA 010-WATER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 010-WATER 040-SEWER 020-ELECTRIC 020-ELECTRIC 030-GARBAGE 010-WATER 040-SEWER 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2/13/2014 2/13/2014 1/2/2014 2/3/2014 9/17/2014 10/28/2014 10/28/2014 10/28/2014 11/25/2013 11/25/2013 11/25/2013 1/23/2014 1/23/2014 1/23/2014 4/22/2013 4/22/2013 4/22/2013 6/23/2014 6/23/2014 6/23/2014 $150.00 $75.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $75.00 $300.00 $150.00 $75.00 $375.00 $75.00 $325.00 $50.00 $75.00 $150.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $250.00 $50.00 $100.00 $125.00 $25.00 $50.00 $375.00 $75.00 $150.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$- INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN DEWITT COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND CITY OF CUERO, TEXAS This Interlocal Agreement made and entered into pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperation Act; Government Code Title 7; Chapter 791 by and between and DeWitt County Drainage District No. 1 (“District”) and the City of Cuero, Texas (“City”). WHEREAS, the District, a taxing entity whose board of directors is comprised of three Commissioners, is supported through monetary contributions from the tax base of the District; WHEREAS, the District is in need of weed control for its ditches and desires such weed control to be performed by the City. Such weed control shall be defined as mowing and spraying of weeds in and along ditches under the control of the District. WHEREAS, the District agrees to pay the City a total annual amount of $50,000.00, in advance, payable in either in one(1) lump sum upon the execution of this contract or quarterly in the amount of $12,500.00, being payable on the following dates: October 10, 2014, January 10, 2015; April 10, 2015 and July 10, 2015. NOW THEREFORE, for the mutual covenants and considerations as expressed herein, the District and City agree as follows: 1. District and City warrant that both possess adequate legal authority to enter into this interlocal agreement. The District and City’s local governing bodies have authorized its signatory official to enter into this agreement and to bind the local governments to the terms of this agreement and any subsequent amendments hereto. 2. City and District agree to conduct all activities under this contract in accordance with all applicable rules, regulations, ordinances and law in effect or promulgated during the term of this contract. 3. This Interlocal agreement and any attachments, as provided herein, constitute the complete agreement between the parties hereto, and supersede any and all oral and written agreements between the parties relating to matter herein. Except as otherwise provided herein, this contract cannot be modified without the written consent of the parties. 4. In return for the payments as described herein, the City agrees to mow and spray weeds in and along those ditches under the control of the District. 5. The District agrees to pay the City a total amount of $50,000.00, in advance, to be paid in one(1) lump sum upon the execution of this agreement or, at the option of the District, payable in quarterly installments of $12,500.00 each, payable on the following dates: October 10, 2014, January 10, 2015, April 10, 2015 and July 10, 2015. 6. To the extent permitted by law, each party hereto waives all claims against the other party hereto for compensation for any loss, damage, personal injury, or death occurring as a consequence for use of equipment, personnel and/or facilities contemplated by this agreement. No party waives or relinquishes any immunity or defense with respect to any third party on behalf of itself, its officers, employees and agents as a result of the foregoing sentence or its execution of this Agreement and the performance of the covenants contained herein. 7. The term of this Agreement is for a period of one(1) year to commence on October 1, 2014 and shall terminate on September 30, 2015. 8. Either party may cancel or terminate this agreement at any time during the term of this agreement, with or without cause, upon 30 days written notice to the other party. Signed and entered into this ________ day of ______________________, 2015, but effective on October 1, 2014. THIS INSTRUMENT HAS BEEN EXECUTED IN TWO(2) ORIGINALS BY THE PARTIES HERETO AS FOLLOWS: DEWITT COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT No. 1 CITY OF CUERO, TEXAS __________________________ By: Gus Leck Its: CHAIRMAN ____________________________ By: RAYMIE ZELLA Its: CITY MANAGER Attest _________________________ Attest ___________________________ (Page 2 of 2 – Interlocal Agreement between DeWitt County Drainage District No. 1 and the City of Cuero) ORDINANCE NO. 2015 - 01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO, TEXAS, ORDERING AN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON MAY 9, 2015, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING ACCORDING TO LAW ONE COUNCILMEMBER FOR SINGLE-MEMBER DISTRICT ONE, ONE COUNCILMEMBER FOR SINGLE-MEMBER DISTRICT FOUR, AND FOR TWO MEMBERS AT LARGE; ORDERING THAT SUCH ELECTION SHALL BE HELD FOR RESIDENTS OF DISTRICTS NOS. 1, 2, 3, AND 4 AT THE DEWITT COUNTY ANNEX LOCATED AT 115 NORTH GONZALES STREET IN CUERO, TEXAS(SINGLE POLLING PLACE); APPROVING AND APPOINTING AN ELECTIONS ADMINSTRATOR TO CONDUCT THE ELECTION; APPOINTING ELECTION OFFICIALS; PROVIDING FOR THE SHARING OF EXPENSES WITH OTHER POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS HOLDING AN ELECTION UTILIZING THE SAME ELECTION ADMINSTRATOR AND SAME POLLING PLACE; APPROVING AND APPOINTING AN ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR AS EARLY VOTING CLERK AND ESTABLISHING THE DATES AND TIMES FOR EARLY VOTING; APPOINTING AN EARLY VOTING BALLOT BOARD; ORDERING THE POSTING AND PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF SAID ELECTION AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, this City Council does hereby call an election be held in the City of Cuero, in DeWitt County, Texas, on the 9th day of May 2015, being the second Saturday in May, for the purpose of electing according to law the following officers of said City, to-wit: One Councilmember for Position 1 (single-member District No.1) One Councilmember for Position 4 (single-member District No. 4) Two at- large positions WHEREAS, due to newly passed legislation affecting the holding of municipal elections, it is necessary that this election be conducted as a Joint Election with other political subdivisions holding an election on the same day with the same polling place pursuant to Chapter 271 of the Texas Election Code; and WHEREAS, it further necessary for the City to utilize the services of a the election administrator that has been approved and appointed by the County Commissioner of the County of DeWitt, in the State of Texas to conduct the said City election; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO, TEXAS: SECTION ONE. That an election be held in the City of Cuero, in DeWitt County, Texas, on the 9th day of May 2015, being the second Saturday in May, for the purpose of electing according to law the following officers of said City, to-wit: One Councilmember for Position 1 (single-member District No.1) One Councilmember for Position 4 (single-member District No. 4) Two at- large positions SECTION TWO. Said election shall be held at DeWitt County Annex, 115 North Gonzales, Cuero, DeWitt County, Texas (single polling place), for all voters who reside in single-member Districts Nos. One (1), Two (2), Three (3) and (4). Voters who reside in single-member District No. One (1) may vote for one councilmember position to represent District No. One (1) and for one or two at-large positions. Voters who reside in single-member District No. two (2) may vote for one or two candidates for at-large positions. All voters who reside in singlemember District No. Three (3) may vote for one or two candidates for at-large positions. All voters who reside in single-member District No. Four (4) may vote for one councilmember position to represent District No. Four (4) and for one or two candidates for at-large positions. The ballots for at-large positions shall state that in such races the voter may vote for one or two candidates (por uno o dos candidatos). Ordinance No. 2015-01 General Election Ordinance Page 1 SECTION THREE. The following are hereby appointed election judges for said election, to-wit: DISTRICTS ONE (1), TWO (2), THREE (3) AND FOUR (4) AT DEWITT COUNTY ANNEX: Presiding Judge: To be determined by DeWitt County Elections Clerk Alternate Presiding Judge: To be determined by DeWitt County Elections Clerk The compensation for election judges and clerks is hereby fixed at $10.00 per hour. It is further ORDERED that the officers of said election shall make due return of all votes cast at said election as provided by law. SECTION FOUR It is ORDERED that the Elections Administrator approved and appointed by the County Commissioners for the County of DeWitt in the State of Texas to conduct the DeWitt County Elections is APPROVED and APPOINTED to conduct the said City of Cuero’s Municipal Election to be held on May 9, 2015, and that said appointment is subject to terms an contract for election services and joint election agreement to be approved by this City Council. SECTION FIVE It is ordered that all political subdivisions utilizing the services of the said Elections Administrator for their respective elections with the same polling place shall share in the cost of such elections as agreed pursuant to the terms of a joint election agreement pursuant to Chapter 271 of the Texas Elections Code. SECTION SIX. It is ORDERED that the Elections Administrator approved by the County Commissioners of DeWitt County, in the State of Texas shall serve as early voting clerk in accordance with law and that the regular dates and hours that early voting will be conducted are as follows: Monday, April 27, 2015 through Tuesday, May 5, 2015 from 8:00 o’clock a.m. until 12:00 o’clock noon and from 1:00 o’clock p.m. until 5:00 o’clock p.m. Monday, April 27, 2015 and Tuesday, April 28, 2015, from 7:00 o’clock a.m. until 7:00 o’clock p.m. and terminating May 5, 2015. The main early voting polling place for personal appearance shall be at the Elections Administrator’s interim location at the DeWitt County Annex at 115 N. Gonzales Street, Cuero, DeWitt County, Texas. Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: Elections Administrator, P.O. Box 169, Cuero, Texas 77954. The early voting clerk will order early voting on Saturday or Sunday by written order determining the hours during which voting is to be conducted. If so the early voting clerk shall post notice for such election stating the hours that early voting on Saturday or Sunday is ordered. SECTION SEVEN An Early Voting Ballot Board is hereby appointed consisting of a Presiding Judge and two members. SECTION EIGHT. Proper notice of said election shall be posted not later than the 21st day before such election at the City Hall of the City of Cuero on the Bulletin Board used for posting notices of the meetings of City Council and by publishing such notice at least once, not earlier than the 30th or later than the 10th day before such election day in the Cuero Record, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Cuero. SECTION NINE. In order that candidates for office in said election may file in a timely manner and that the said election may be held in a timely manner it is necessary that this Ordinance be adopted immediately. Such facts constitute an emergency for the preservation of the public health, safety, and business demanding that the Rule which requires ordinances to be read at more than one meeting of the City Council be and the same is hereby suspended and this Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon and after its passage on first reading. UPON MOTION OF COUNCILMEMBER _____________, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER _______________, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED. AYES: _____ NAYES: ______ MOTION CARRIED THIS 27th DAY OF JANUARY 2015. ATTEST: ________________________________________ SARA POST MEYER MAYOR _______________________________ JENNIFER ZUFELT CITY SECRETARY Ordinance No. 2015-01 General Election Ordinance Page 2 ORDINANCE NO. 2015 - 01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO, TEXAS, ADDING, AMENDING, OR REPEALING PARTS OF TITLE XV, CHAPTERS 150, 152, 154, 156, AND 158 OF THE CITY OF CUERO CODE OF ORDINANCES; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PRESCRIBING AN EFFECITIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cuero has adopted Codes establishing land use regulations; and WHEREAS, these Codes provides for the collection of fees; and WHEREAS, this Council finds that the collection of fees is necessary for the benefit of citizens and applicants alike; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cuero can compel the payment of said fees; and WHEREAS, the failure to pay the required fees is detrimental and harmful to the Inspection Department of the City of Cuero and makes it difficult to carry out its required functions; and WHEREAS, any additional costs to carry out any duties of the City shall be borne by the citizens of the City of Cuero; and NOW THEREFORE, BE ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO, TEXAS; SECTION ONE: That Title XV, Chapter 150, §150.15, §150.25, §150.31 and §150.32 are hereby repealed, added, deleted, or amended in the said City of Cuero Code of Ordinances and shall read as follows: § 150.15 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE. (B) Every contractor or builder who is required to obtain a permit by the applicable provisions in the International Building Codes to pay a license fee or post a bond shall pay an annual license fee of $75 $100 and post a bond in the amount of $5,000 or provide proof of general liability insurance no less than $300,000 unless exempted by State Law. (C) To suspend or revoke licenses as provided in this Code the Building Official shall cause a hearing before the Zoning Board of Adjustment to give the licensee an opportunity to provide testimony and witnesses. Upon action of the board after the hearing the determination shall be made in writing and forwarded to the licensee. Any person aggrieved by the action of the Board may appeal the same to the City Council by giving notice of appeal to the City Secretary within ten days after the date of such action. In the event of such appeal, the same shall be placed on the agenda of the first regular meeting of the City Council occurring not less than ten days after the date of such notice of appeal. The ruling of the City Council shall be final. § 150.25 BUILDING, PLUMBING, HVAC, AND ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES. (A) Failure to obtain permit. Double the amount of permit fee or a $150.00 administrative fee, whichever is greater, if work is started but not complete or double the amount of permit fee plus a $150.00 administrative fee if work is complete (B) Building permits fees: Includes Manufactured Home Placement Total valuation a. Up to $500.00 b. $500.00 to $1000.00 c. $1,000.00 to $50,000.00 additional 1,000.00 to 50,000.00 d. $50,000.00 to $100,000.00 additional 1,000.00 to 100,000.00 e. $100,000.00 to $500,000.00 additional 1,000.00 to 500,000.00 f. $500,000.00 and up 1,000.00 thereof 15.00 25.00 25.00 for the first 1,000.00, plus 5.00 for each 270.00 for the first 50,000.00, plus 4.00 for each 470.00 for the first 100,000.00, plus 3.00 for each 1,670.00 for the first 500,000.00, plus 2.00 for each Demolition fees; building moving fees 100.00 Swimming pool, fence and sign permit fees See Building Permit Fees Driveway and paving permit fees See Building Permit Fees Plan review fees: Includes remodels, additions, swimming pools, fences, signs, and driveway/paving plans if plans are submitted for review. One- and two-family dwelling 25.00 Multifamily and nonresidential construction 1/3 permit fee (If plans need to be sent for outside review, the amount of cost for that review will be charged along with 1/3 permit fee) (C) MEP permits fees: Permit fee schedule (one inspection per phase included in price of permit): Permit fees shall be as follows: permit issuance $35.00, plus $10.00 per $1,000.00 of valuation (D) Re-inspection fee $25.00 (E) Certificate of Occupancy fee $50 (F) Site plan review fee $150 (G) All permit types shall be valid for one year after issuance. With written request an unexpired permit may be extended for periods of ninety days. The Building Official shall collect fees for said extension based on the length of extension as follows: 90 Day Extension – $35.00 180 Day Extension --$60.00 § 150.31 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT; PERMIT FEE. (B) The applicant shall sign and swear to the correctness of the statements contained in the application before an officer authorized to take acknowledgments and jurats in Texas, and shall deposit with the City Clerk, the application and $10 set forth in Southern Standard Building Code as a fee for the permit set forth in § 150.25, if same is granted. § 150.32 AMOUNT AND CONDITIONS OF INSURANCE OR BOND. The Building Official, as a condition precedent to the issuance of the permit, shall require general liability insurance no less than $300,000 or a bond to be executed by the person desiring the removal permit, with corporate surety to his satisfaction. The bond shall be made payable to city and for the amount as the Building Official describes. It shall indemnify the city against any damage caused by the moving of the building to streets, curbs, sidewalks, shade trees, highways and any other property which may be affected by the moving of a building. The surety bond shall also be conditioned upon and liable for strict compliance with the terms of the permit, as to route to be taken and limit of time in which to effect the removal and to repair or compensate for the repair and to pay the city as liquidated damages an amount not exceeding $50 to be prescribed by the Building Official for each and every day's delay in completing the removal or in repairing any damage to property or public improvement or in clearing all public streets, alleys or highways of all debris occasioned thereby. SECTION TWO: That Title XV, Chapter 152, §152.02 is hereby repealed, added, deleted, or amended in the said City of Cuero Code of Ordinances and shall read as follows: § 152.02 APPLICATION FEE. Each application for a mobile home permit shall be accompanied by an application fee in the amount of $10 set forth in § 150.25 which shall be paid at the time the application is filed and which shall be credited to the General Fund of the city to help defray the expense of enforcing this chapter. SECTION THREE: That Title XV, Chapter 154, §154.60, §154.61 and §154.62 are hereby repealed, added, deleted, or amended in the said City of Cuero Code of Ordinances and shall read as follows: § 154.60 FILING FEES. The following schedule of fees and charges shall be collected by the city when any preliminary map or plat is tendered to the City Council. Each of the fees and charges provided for herein shall be paid in advance, and no action of the Council or any other board or agency shall be valid until the fee shall have been paid the city. (A) Preliminary plats — $25 $200.00 plus $1/lot. (B) Final plats — $50 $200.00 plus $1/lot. (C) Public Notices ---- $50 (or actual cost if it exceeds $50 for notifications) § 154.61 ZONING CHANGE FEES. The following schedule of fees and charges shall be collected by the city when any zoning change is tendered to the City. Each of the fees and charges provided for herein shall be paid in advance, and no action of the Council or any other board or agency shall be valid until the fee shall have been paid the city. (A) Application ---- $200 (B) Conditional Use ---- $200 (C) Public Notices ---- $50 (or actual cost if it exceeds $50 for notifications) § 154.62 VARIANCE/APPEALS FEES. The following schedule of fees and charges shall be collected by the city when any variance/appeal is tendered to the City. Each of the fees and charges provided for herein shall be paid in advance, and no action of the Council or any other board or agency shall be valid until the fee shall have been paid the city. (A) Application ---- $200 (B) Public Notices ---- $50 (or actual cost if it exceeds $50 for notifications) SECTION FOUR: That Title XV, Chapter 156, §156.03, §156.05, § 156.06 and § 156.08 are hereby repealed, added, deleted, or amended in the said City of Cuero Code of Ordinances and shall read as follows: § 156.03 EXAMINING AND SUPERVISING BOARD OF ELECTRICIANS. (A) There is hereby created an Examining and Supervising Board of Electricians, composed of three members, two of whom shall be master electricians who do work within the city, and the other of whom shall be the City Electric Superintendent. The two master electricians shall be appointed by the City Council; they shall not be members of the same firm. (B) The City Electrical Inspector shall serve as an ex officio member of the Board; he shall serve as Secretary of the Board and shall attend all meetings of the board, but he shall not be entitled to vote on any matters which come before the Board. (C) The first master electrician appointed to the Board under this Code shall be appointed for a one-year term, and the other shall be appointed to a two-year term. Thereafter, all master electricians appointed shall serve two-year terms. Any member of the Board may be removed by a majority vote of the City Council. Vacancies on the Board shall be filled by appointment of the City Council for the remainder of the unexpired term. (D) Members of the Board shall receive no compensation for their services other than such fees as the City Council may from time to time allow them for administering examinations to applicants for licenses. (E) A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and the concurring vote of a majority of the members of the Board present and voting shall be necessary to constitute official action of the Board. (F) The Board shall have the following powers and duties: (1) To adopt procedural rules and regulations for conducting its business. (2) To determine before administering any licensing examination that the applicant is qualified under this Code to take the examination and received a license if he successfully passes the examination. (3) To administer examinations for licenses as provided in this Code. (4) To authorize the issuance of licenses as provided in this Code. (5) To suspend or revoke licenses as provided in this Code. (6) On appeal by a permit holder from any ruling of the City Electrical Inspector, to decide all disputed questions pertaining to the installation of electrical wiring, devices, and equipment. § 156.05 EXAMINATION AND LICENSING OF ELECTRICIANS. (A) Except as otherwise provided in this Code, it shall be unlawful for any person to do any electrical work in the city or on conductors or equipment connected to the city electric distribution system unless such a person: (1) Holds a proper license under the Texas Electrical Safety and Licensing Act (§§ 1305 et seq.) of the Texas Occupations Code; (2) Is a master electrician licensed under the provisions hereof, or a journey-man or apprentice electrician licensed under the provisions hereof; or (3) A journey-man or apprentice electrician licenses hereunder who does such electrical work under the supervision, direction and control of a master electrician. (B) Any person who holds a valid master electrician's license under this Code need not procure a journeyman's or apprentice's license, and any person holding a valid journeyman's electrician's license under this Code need not obtain an apprentice's license. (C) The following work may be done by persons who are not licensed electricians: (1) Electrical work performed by a homeowner with his own hands in dwelling premises owned by him and claimed on the tax rolls as his homestead. Such homeowner shall be required to obtain a permit and to pay the prescribed permit and inspection fees. Any person who obtains a homeowner's permit and who pays or promises to pay any money or thing of value to another person to perform any electrical work under such permit shall be in violation of this Code. The Inspector shall require any person assisting the homeowner in such work to sign an affidavit that he has received and will receive no money or valuable thing for such services. (2) The replacement of lamps, fuses, light switches, and connection of portable devices to suitable receptacles which have been permanently installed. (3) The installation, alteration, or repairing of any wiring, device, or equipment for the operation of a signal or transmission of messages, where such wiring, devices, appliances, or equipment operates at a voltage not exceeding 32 volts between conductors and does not include generating or transformer equipment. (4) The installation, alteration, or repair of electric wiring, appliances, and equipment installed by or for the electric department of the city, or for or by a public utility corporation operating under a franchise from the city to generate, transmit, distribute, or meter electrical energy, or for the use of such a corporation in the operation of signals or the transmission of messages. (5) Any work involved in the manufacture or test of electrical materials, devices, appliances, or apparatuses, but not including any installation of wiring other than that required for testing purposes, if such equipment as completed is approved by the Chief Electrical Inspector before it is installed or used within the city, under a permit covering such installation. (D) The following classes of licenses may be issued and the requirements for each such class of license shall be as herein set out: (1) Master electrician. An applicant for a master's electrician license must have had 48 months experience as defined in this Code. He must successfully pass a written master electrician's examination with a grade of not less than 70. (2) Journeyman electrician. An applicant for a journeyman electrician's license must have had 24 months of experience as defined in this Code. He must successfully pass a written journeyman electrician's examination with a grade of not less than 70. (3) Apprentice electrician. An applicant for an apprentice electrician's license must be employed under the direct supervision of a licensed master or journeyman electrician. No examination is required for an apprentice license. (E) (1) Any person desiring to obtain a license under this Code shall first file his application for a license with the Electrical Inspector. Such application shall contain the following information: (a) Applicant's name, address, telephone number, and social security number. (b) Type of license sought. (c) Applicant's date of birth. (d) Whether the applicant is now or has heretofore been licensed as a master, journeyman, or apprentice electrician, and if so, when and by what jurisdiction and whether such license has ever been suspended or revoked. (e) The applicant's experience, including the name, address, and telephone number of each person for whom or under whose immediate supervision the applicant has performed electrical work, the applicant's job description in such employment, the dates of such employment, and the number of hours per week worked by the applicant in such employment. (f) Whether the applicant holds a degree in electrical engineering and, if so, the name and location of the college granting such degree, the date of such degree, and the dates of attendance at such college. (g) Such other information as the Electrical Inspector or the Examining and Supervising Board of Electricians may from time to time require. (2) Each such application shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant and shall be accompanied by the application fee prescribed by this Code. Such application may not be considered until the same is completely filled out, signed, and returned to the Inspector with the appropriate fee. (F) (1) It shall be the duty of the Board to examine each application and to determine from such application and from the references under this Code to take the examination for the type of license applied for. If the Board determines that the applicant is not so qualified, they shall notify the applicant of such determination, and the applicant shall have the right to furnish in writing additional employment information to support his claim of right to take such examination. The Board shall investigate such additional information and then rule on the applicant's qualifications. If the Board determines that the applicant is not qualified, it shall so notify him in writing. The applicant shall have the right to appeal such decision to the City Council by filing written notice of such appeal with the City Secretary not later than ten days after such final ruling by the Board. Such appeal shall be placed on the agenda of the first meeting of the City Council occurring not less than ten days after the date of giving such notice of appeal. The applicant shall have the right to be represented by counsel in connection with such appeal and to present such witnesses as he may desire to support his claim of qualification under this Code. The ruling of the City Council shall be final. (2) No applicant shall be required to take an examination if that person holds the appropriate license issued under §§ 1305 et seq. of the Texas Electrical Safety and Licensing Act and is working within the scope of that license. (G) (1) The Board shall approve every applicant for a master or journeyman electrician's license whom the Board has determined to be qualified under the provisions of this Code; and (a) Has been tested and passed the Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. examination services (SBCCI); or (b) Has tested and passed a local written examination given by the Board as described below. (2) If the Board administers a written examination, as described in division (G)(1) of this section, to an applicant for a Master, Journeyman, or Maintenance Electrician's License whom the Board has determined to be qualified under the provisions of this Code then the Board shall prepare not less than five sets of examinations for each license for which an examination is required. Such sets of examinations shall be kept locked in a safe place. When a qualified applicant has applied for the examination, the Board shall select an examination at random to be administered to the applicant. The Board may adopt new sets of examinations only at a time when no application is pending before them. The local testing requirements shall conform to SBCCI's examination program. The city shall recognize and accept the SBCCI's Texas standard electrical examination scores back to and including the August 25, 1990, administration. The scope of each examination shall be as follows: (a) The examination for a master electrician's license shall be of such nature as to test the applicant's knowledge of the National Electric Code and his ability to correctly diagram and instruct others in the making of practical electrical installations with correct sizes and values or required materials and devices. (b) The examination for a journeyman electrician's license shall be of such nature as to test the applicant's ability to follow written and oral instruction and his knowledge of the National Electrical Code. (3) If the applicant fails to pass the examination with a grade of at least 75, he shall not be eligible to apply for or take another examination until the expiration of three months from the date of such examination. If the applicant twice fails to pass the examination, he shall not be eligible to apply for or to take the examination again until the expiration of one year from the date of such second examination. The Board shall grade such examination within seven days after same is administered to the applicant and shall thereupon notify the applicant in writing of the result of the examination. The Board shall retain each such examination until the time for appeal has expired. If an applicant who has twice failed the examination believes that the Board was in error in failing to give him a passing grade, he may appeal the Board's action to the City Council by giving written notice to the City Secretary within ten days after the board has notified him of the result of the second examination. Such appeal shall be placed on the agenda of the first regular meeting of the City Council occurring not less than ten days after the date of such notice of appeal. The applicant shall have the right to be represented by counsel in connection with such appeal and to present such evidence as be may desire to support his claim that he should have received a passing grade on such examination. The decision of the City Council shall be final. (H) (1) All applicants shall be required to pay the appropriate fees as set out below. All licenses shall be issued with an expiration date of December 31 of the year of issuance. A successful applicant for a license shall not be required to pay an annual fee for the current year. All licensees shall thereafter be required to pay an annual fee as set out below. All licensees may renew their licenses by paying the annual fee not later than January 31 of the year following the December 31 expiration date. If a licensee fails to pay such annual fee by January 31, a monetary penalty of $50, in addition to the annual fee, will be assessed against the licensee when he or she renews same for 30 days after January 31. If a licensee fails to pay such annual fee within 30 days of January 31 deadline, but does pay prior to the expiration of one year from the January 31 deadline, then he or she shall pay a monetary penalty of $100 in addition to the annual fee. If the licensee fails to pay his or her annual fee within one year after it is due, then his or her license shall be deemed to have lapsed and of no further force and effect, and he or she shall not again work as an electrician until he or she shall have applied and qualified for such license by passing the SBCCI test and paying the required fees. (2) The following application and annual fees are prescribed for each class of license as follows: License Application Fee ($) Annual Fee ($) Master electrician 75 75 Journeyman electrician 50 50 Apprentice electrician 10 10 (I) Every licensee shall keep his or her license in his or her immediate possession at all times when doing any electrical work and shall exhibit the same upon demand to any peace officer, electrical inspector, or owner of the premises where the licensee is working or offering to work or has worked. A person charged with violation of this section may produce in court a license which was valid at the time such demand was made authorizing the licensee to do the kind of electrical work done or offered to be done by him or her and the production of such license in court shall be a defense to prosecution hereunder. (J) Whenever any licensee moves, or when the name of such licensee is changed, or when the employment of such licensee is changed he or she shall immediately notify the Electrical Inspector in writing of such change, giving the Inspector his license number. Licenses lost or destroyed during the year for which they were issued shall be reissued upon satisfactory evidence of such loss or destruction and the payment to the city of a fee of $5 for each such duplicate license. (K) It shall be unlawful for any person to lend, rent, or transfer his or her license or any right under this code to any other person, and it shall be unlawful for any person to use another's license or right under this code. (L) It shall be unlawful for any person other than the Electrical Inspector acting at the direction of the Board to alter or amend in any manner any license issued under this code. (M) It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse to surrender on demand any license which has been lawfully suspended, canceled, or revoked. No refund shall be made for the unexpired portion of the annual fee paid for any license which is revoked. No master electrician's license shall be issued to any previous holder of a license which has been revoked except upon a new application, examination, and payment of the required fees. (N) All master and journeyman electrician's licenses lawfully issued by the city in effect on the effective date of this code shall remain in effect and may be renewed as provided in this code without further examination. (O) Each master electrician shall, as a prerequisite to issuance or renewal of his or her license, provide proof of general liability insurance in the amount of at least $300,000 and have on file with the city. § 156.06 SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF LICENSES. (A) The board shall have the power to suspend or revoke the license of any electrician who is found guilty of: (1) Any fraud or deceit in obtaining such license. (2) Obtaining electrical permits in such electrician's name and by virtue of his or her license and then permitting a person without a license to do the work. (3) Gross negligence, incompetence, or misconduct in the performance of electrical work within the jurisdiction of the city under this code. (4) A licensee who fails to practice his or her profession within the city for two consecutive years shall not be eligible for renewal of his or her license, but a person may at any later date requalify by taking the examination required under this code. (B) In determining such charges, the Board shall proceed upon sworn written information furnished it by the Electrical Inspector or by some person aggrieved by the action of the licensee in the performance of electrical work for which a permit is required by this code. The Board, if it deems the information sufficient to support further action on its part, shall make an order setting the charges contained in such complaint for hearing at a time and place specified by it, and the Secretary of the Board shall cause a copy of the information and of such order to be served upon the licensee by certified mail at least 30 days before the date set for the hearing. The licensee may appear in person and by counsel at such hearing. If the licensee admits the charges, or if upon a hearing the Board determines the same to be true, the Board may enter an order suspending or revoking the license of such electrician. The Board shall cause a record of its decision to be made and filed with the City Secretary and a certified copy thereof to be forwarded to the electrician. It shall be unlawful for any person whose license has been suspended or revoked to do electrical work for which a permit is required under this code. The Board shall make provisions for reinstatement upon written notice by the Board at the expiration of a specified period or by the suspended person's satisfactory passing of an examination for the same grade of license from which he or she was suspended. Any person aggrieved by the action of the Board may appeal the same to the City Council by giving notice of appeal to the City Secretary within ten days after the date of such action. In the event of such appeal, the same shall be placed on the agenda of the first regular meeting of the City Council occurring not less than ten days after the date of such notice of appeal. The ruling of the City Council shall be final. § 156.08 PERMITS. (B) (2) Where an electrical installation is commenced before a permit is obtained, the permit fee shall be increased by the amount of $10. (3) (2) Applications for permits will only be accepted when presented during normal working hours of the inspection department. Applications must be presented in person. (E) The permit and inspection fees provided for in this code shall be paid to the city before the issuance of a permit and before any work is begun. Unless otherwise stated, all such fees shall be delivered to the office of the electrical inspector. The following fees set forth in § 150.25 shall be paid for all new electrical work, repairs, renewals, and additions. (1) Minimum permit fee $10.00 Services up to 175 amps $5.00 Services 200 - 400 amps (2) $10.00 Services 425 amp or larger $20.00 Fee includes any and all work performed up to main disconnect. Additional circuit to existing service (3) 0 to 5 circuits 6 or more circuits $5.00 $10.00 (4) New home Up to 400 amp service, flat fee Includes temporary pole Utility use expense not included. $40.00 (5) Commercial buildings Cost of electrical construction $2.50 per $1,000 (6) Miscellaneous electrical construction Swimming pool - includes lights, pumps, motors, bonding and grounding $25.00 (7) Signs – marquees $20.00 SECTION FIVE: That Title XV, Chapter 158, §158.003 is hereby repealed, added, deleted, or amended in the said City of Cuero Code of Ordinances and shall read as follows: § 158.003 ADMINISTRATION, ENFORCEMENT AND FEES. (E) Fees. The City Council shall, by resolution, establish a schedule of fees, charges, and expenses and a collection procedure for the administration, permits, certificates of occupancy, zoning change requests, Zoning Board of Adjustment appeals and other matters pertaining to this chapter. The schedule of fees shall be posted in the office of the zoning administrative official, and may be altered or amended only by action of the City Council. Until all applicable fees, charges, and expenses have been paid in full, no action shall be taken on any application or appeal. SECTION SIX. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby REPEALED. SECTION SEVEN. If any provision of this ordinance, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances, shall be held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions, or application thereof, of this ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. SECTION EIGHT. That it is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this ordinance is passed was open to the public as required and that public notice of the time, place, and purpose of said meeting was given as required by the Open Meetings Act, Chapter. 551, Loc. Gov't. Code. SECTION NINE. The City Secretary of the City is hereby directed to engross and enroll this ordinance by copying the caption, penalty clause (if any), publication clause and effective date clause in the minutes of the City Council and filing the ordinance in the ordinance records of the City. SECTION TEN. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force immediately from and after the date of its passage after the required two(2) readings and publications, as provided by the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas and the Home Rule Charter of the City of Cuero, Texas. UPON MOTION OF COUNCILMEMBER ________________________, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER _______________________, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED: AYES: ______ NAYES: ______ MOTION CARRIED THIS _______ DAY OF __________________, 2015. UPON MOTION OF COUNCILMEMBER ________________________, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER _______________________, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED: AYES: ______ NAYES: ______ MOTION CARRIED THIS _______ DAY OF __________________, 2015. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO, TEXAS, THIS _______________ DAY OF ____________, 2015. _____________________________ SARA POST MEYER MAYOR ATTEST: ______________________________ JENNIFER ZUFELT CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO LEGALITY: ______________________________ JAMES K. CRAIN, III CITY ATTORNEY ORDINANCE NO. 2015-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO AMENDING TITLE III, CHAPTER 32, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND DEPARTMENTS, SECTION 32.02 PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD AND SECTION 32.31(E) BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, PROVIDING FOR THE MEMBERSHIP, TERM, TIME FOR APPOINTMENT; PROVIDING FOR RELATED MATTERS; REPEALING ALL OR PARTS OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the city council may create such boards, committees, commissions and departments as it determines to be in the best interest of the city and its inhabitants; and WHEREAS, the city council wishes to provide consistency through organizations in the timing of appointments; and WHEREAS, city council shall provide consistency between Title III, Chapter 32 of the City Code of Ordinances and the City Charter; WHEREAS, city council desires to provide that the time for the appointment of members to the Planning and Zoning Board as regulated by Article VII of the City Charter and Title III, Chapter 32 of the City Code of Ordinances and general laws; and WHEREAS, the city council desires to provide that the time for the appointment of members to the Building and Standards Commission as regulated by Title III, Chapter 32 of the City Code of Ordinances and general laws; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Adoption of Findings of Fact. The foregoing recitals are hereby found to be true and correct and are hereby adopted by the City Council and made a part hereof for all purposes as findings of fact. Section 2. Amendment of Title III, Chapter 32, Section 32.02. Title III, Chapter 32, Boards, Commissions and Departments, Article 32.02, Planning and Zoning Board, Membership, Terms and Organization of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: § 32.02 MEMBERSHIP; TERMS; AND ORGANIZATION That (A) the City Planning and Zoning Board shall of not less than five(5) nor more than seven(7) members who shall be residents of and/or own real property in the City, and shall serve without compensation as same is provided by Section 7.01 of the City Charter. Said Board shall be appointed by the city council. The city council will consider for appointment to the commission 1 only those persons who have demonstrated their civic interest, general knowledge of the community, independent judgment, interest in planning and zoning, and availability to prepare for and attend meetings. It is the intent of the city council that members shall, by reason of diversity of their occupational backgrounds, constitute a commission which is broadly representative of the community. (B) Each member shall be appointed by the City Council for a three(3) year term with onethird(1/3) of the members to be appointed each year, with each respective term ending on January 31. Each member shall hold office from the first day of appointment. Members may be removed at any time by a majority vote of the city council for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office. Vacancies (C) occurring in the commission shall be filled within thirty(30) days by the city council for the remainder of the unexpired term. Membership shall be accompanied by active participation in the activities of the commission, and any member, who is absent three(3) consecutive regular meetings, shall automatically be dropped from the membership and the commission shall immediately notify the city council that a vacancy exists as provided in Section 7.03 of the City Charter. When the term of (D) office for a member expires, the member shall continue to serve until a new member is appointed to the m e place. m Vacancies b shall e ber filled’ for unexpired s terms, but no member shall be appointed for a term in excess of three(3) years. Newly appointed members shall be installed at the first regular board meeting after their appointment. (E) This ordinance shall be in addition to those provisions as provided in the City Charter, applicable to the Planning and Zoning Commission. In the event of conflict, the City Charter shall control and prevail over any city ordinance. Section 3. Amendment of Title III, Chapter 32, Section 32.31(E). Title III, Chapter 32, Boards, Commissions and Departments, Article 32.31(E), Building and Standards Commission of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: §32.31 ENACTMENT OF COMMISSION (E) Members of the Commission in the odd-numbered places and alternate(A) shall serve terms expiring January 31 of odd-numbered years. The first term of members in odd-numbered places and alternate(A) shall expire January 31, 2017. Members of the Commission in the evennumbered places and alternate(B) shall serve terms expiring January 31 of the even-numbered years. The first term of members in even numbered places and alternate (B) shall expire January 31, 2016. When the term of office for a member expires, the member shall continue to serve until a new member is appointed to the member’s place. Section 4. Amendment of Conflicting Ordnances. Title III, Chapter 32, Boards, Commissions and Departments of the Cuero Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as provided 2 herein. All ordinances, orders, or resolutions heretofore passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Cuero, Texas, are hereby repealed to the extent that said ordinances, orders, or resolutions, or parts thereof, are in conflict herewith. Section 5. Severability. If any section, subsection, clause, phrase, or provision of this Ordinance, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall to any extent be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unconstitutional, the remaining sections, subsections, clauses, phrases, and provisions of this Ordinance, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated. Section 6. Open Meetings. That it is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this ordinance is passed was open to the public as required and that public notice of the time, place, and purpose of said meeting was given as required by the Open Meetings Act, Chapt. 551, Loc. Gov't. Code. Section 7. Enrollment. The City Secretary of the City is hereby directed to engross and enroll this ordinance by copying the caption, penalty clause (if any), publication clause and effective date clause in the minutes of the City Council and filing the ordinance in the ordinance records of the City. Section 8. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force immediately from and after the date of its passage after the required two(2) readings and publications, as provided by the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas and the Home Rule Charter of the City of Cuero, Texas. UPON MOTION OF COUNCILMEMBER ________________________, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER _______________________, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED: AYES: ______ NAYES: ______ MOTION CARRIED THIS _______ DAY OF __________________, 2015. UPON MOTION OF COUNCILMEMBER ________________________, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER _______________________, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED: AYES: ______ NAYES: ______ MOTION CARRIED THIS _______ DAY OF __________________, 2015. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO, TEXAS, THIS _______________ DAY OF ____________, 2015. _____________________________ SARA POST MEYER MAYOR 3 ATTEST: ______________________________ JENNIFER ZUFELT CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO LEGALITY: ______________________________ JAMES K. CRAIN, III CITY ATTORNEY 4 ORDINANCE NO. 2015-3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO AMENDING TITLE XV, CHAPTER 158, ZONING, SECTION 158.051 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, PROVIDING FOR THE MEMBERSHIP, TERM, TIME FOR APPOINTMENT; PROVIDING FOR RELATED MATTERS; REPEALING ALL OR PARTS OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the city council may create such boards, committees, commissions and departments as it determines to be in the best interest of the city and its inhabitants; and WHEREAS, the city council wishes to provide consistency through organizations in the timing of appointments; and WHEREAS, city council desires to provide that the time for the appointment of members to the Board of Adjustment as regulated by Title XV, Chapter 158 of the City Code of Ordinances and general laws; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Adoption of Findings of Fact. The foregoing recitals are hereby found to be true and correct and are hereby adopted by the City Council and made a part hereof for all purposes as findings of fact. Section 2. Amendment of Title XV, Chapter 158, Section 158.051(A)(4). Title XV, Chapter 158, Zoning, Section 158.01(A)(4), Board of Adjustment of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: § 158.051(A)(4) ORGANIZATION OF BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (A)(4) The term of members and alternate members of the Board shall end on January 31 of each year as applicable in (A)(2) and (A)(3) above. Newly appointed members and alternate members shall be installed at the first regular Board meeting after their appointment. If there is a sitting Board, they shall continue to serve. Section 3. Amendment of Conflicting Ordnances. Title III, Chapter 32, Boards, Commissions and Departments of the Cuero Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as provided herein. All ordinances, orders, or resolutions heretofore passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Cuero, Texas, are hereby repealed to the extent that said ordinances, orders, or resolutions, or parts thereof, are in conflict herewith. 1 Section 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, clause, phrase, or provision of this Ordinance, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall to any extent be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unconstitutional, the remaining sections, subsections, clauses, phrases, and provisions of this Ordinance, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated. Section 5. Open Meetings. That it is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this ordinance is passed was open to the public as required and that public notice of the time, place, and purpose of said meeting was given as required by the Open Meetings Act, Chapt. 551, Loc. Gov't. Code. Section 6. Enrollment. The City Secretary of the City is hereby directed to engross and enroll this ordinance by copying the caption, penalty clause (if any), publication clause and effective date clause in the minutes of the City Council and filing the ordinance in the ordinance records of the City. Section 7. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force immediately from and after the date of its passage after the required two(2) readings and publications, as provided by the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas and the Home Rule Charter of the City of Cuero, Texas. UPON MOTION OF COUNCILMEMBER ________________________, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER _______________________, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED: AYES: ______ NAYES: ______ MOTION CARRIED THIS _______ DAY OF __________________, 2015. UPON MOTION OF COUNCILMEMBER ________________________, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER _______________________, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED: AYES: ______ NAYES: ______ MOTION CARRIED THIS _______ DAY OF __________________, 2015. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO, TEXAS, THIS _______________ DAY OF ____________, 2015. _____________________________ SARA POST MEYER MAYOR ATTEST: 2 ______________________________ JENNIFER ZUFELT CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO LEGALITY: ______________________________ JAMES K. CRAIN, III CITY ATTORNEY 3 January 8, 2014 Dear City of Cuero Council Members, The Executive Directors of the Cuero Chamber of Commerce, Cuero Main Street, and Cuero Development Corporation have considered the proposals submitted for the City of Cuero’s Wayfinding RFP. The companies which submitted by the deadline of November 12, 2014 were: fd2s, Austin, TX M2L Associates, Inc., Houston, TX National Sign Plazas, Inc. (NSP), Houston, TX Priority was given to companies which have done similar projects with Texas municipalities and those which are considered ‘turn-key’ operations. The proposed budgets were also considered. As a committee, we submit our recommendation that the Council select National Sign Plazas, Inc. for the Wayfinding project. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Bridgette Bise , Executive Director, Cuero Main Street Patrick Kennedy , Executive Director, Cuero Development Corporation Sherry Nefford-Esse , Executive Director, Cuero Chamber of Commerce RESOLUTION NO 2015-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO, TEXAS APPROVING, ACCEPTING AND AWARDING THE BID FOR THE CITY OF CUERO WAYFINDING SIGN MASTER PLAN TO NATIONAL SIGN PLAZAS, INC. WHEAREAS, the City of Cuero (“City”) placed out for bids for Wayfinding Signage within the City’s Historical Downtown area. WHEARAS, the City has acted in accordance with the requirement of all applicable law procuring said bids for said project. WHEARAS, the City finds that the bid should be awarded to National Sign Plazas, Inc. as per bid submitted. WHEAREAS, the governing body of the City does hereby authorize awarding the bid for the Wayfinding Sign Master Plan to National Sign Plazas, Inc. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO THAT: This City Council does find that it has fully complied with all applicable laws regarding the procurement of the bids for Wayfinding Sign Master Plan. That the governing body of the City of Cuero does hereby approve and accept the bid for the Wayfinding Sign Master Plan. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 27TH DAY OF JANUARY 2015 ________________________________ SARA POST MEYER, MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________________ JENNIFER ZUFELT, CITY SECRETARY Resolution No. 2015-01 Wayfinding bid approval Page 1 RESOLUTION NO 2015-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO, TEXAS APPROVING, ACCEPTING AND AWARDING THE BID FOR THE CITY OF CUERO MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE IRRIGATION SYSTEM PROJECT WHEREAS, the City of Cuero (“City”) placed out for bids for Cuero Municipal Golf Course Irrigation System. WHEREAS, the City has acted in accordance with the requirement of all applicable law procuring said bids for said project. WHEREAS, the City finds that the bid should be awarded to Heritage Links as per bid submitted. WHEREAS, the governing body of the City does hereby authorize awarding the bid for the City of Cuero Municipal Golf Course Irrigation System Project to Heritage Links. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO THAT: This City Council does find that it has fully complied with all applicable laws regarding the procurement of the bids for the Cuero Municipal Golf Course Irrigation System project. That the governing body of the City of Cuero does hereby approve and accept the bid for the Cuero Municipal Golf Course Irrigation System project . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 27TH DAY OF JANUARY 2015 ________________________________ SARA POST MEYER, MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________________ JENNIFER ZUFELT, CITY SECRETARY Resolution No. 2015-01 Wayfinding bid approval Page 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO, TEXAS AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TASK ORDER NUMBER 38 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CUERO AND VICTORIA ENGINEERING, INC. DBA, URBAN ENGINEERING FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICE RELATING TO 2015 TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD GRANT PROGRAM APPLICATION. WHEARAS, the City of Cuero (“City”) desires to obtain professional engineering services for various projects within the City; WHEARAS, the City has acted in accordance with the requirements of section 2251.001 et. Seq., of the Texas Government Code, cited as the Professional Services Procurement Act, in selection the engineering firm of Victoria Engineering, Inc., DBA Urban Engineering. WHEARAS, Engineering Services are vital and essential for the operation of the City and the various projects needed for the City to operate efficiently. WHEARAS, the governing body of the City previously approved a Master Agreement, Task Order Edition which is hereby referred and incorporated herein and made a part of this agreement. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO, THAT: The governing body of the City of Cuero does herby approve Victoria Engineering, Inc., dba Urban Engineering as and Engineering firm to provide professional engineering services to the City. That the governing body of the City of Cuero does hereby approve the task order agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A, with attachments as agreed with Urban Engineering. The Mayor is authorized to execute the said agreements on behalf of the CITY with the City Secretary attesting to same. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 27TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2015 _______________________________ SARA POST MEYER, MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________ JENNIFER ZUFELT, CITY SECRETARY RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO, TEXAS AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TASK ORDER NUMBER 39 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CUERO AND VICTORIA ENGINEERING, INC. DBA, URBAN ENGINEERING FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICE RELATING TO DESIGN PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND BID DOCUMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE ALIGNMENT OF PARK HEIGHTS DRIVE AND FAMIN MC DOUGAL DRIVE INTERSETION AT E. BROADWAY STREET AND COORDINATE THE PROJECT PLANS WITH ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS, AND TXDOT. WHEARAS, the City of Cuero (“City”) desires to obtain professional engineering services for various projects within the City; WHEARAS, the City has acted in accordance with the requirements of section 2251.001 et. Seq., of the Texas Government Code, cited as the Professional Services Procurement Act, in selection the engineering firm of Victoria Engineering, Inc., DBA Urban Engineering. WHEARAS, Engineering Services are vital and essential for the operation of the City and the various projects needed for the City to operate efficiently. WHEARAS, the governing body of the City previously approved a Master Agreement, Task Order Edition which is hereby referred and incorporated herein and made a part of this agreement. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO, THAT: The governing body of the City of Cuero does herby approve Victoria Engineering, Inc., dba Urban Engineering as and Engineering firm to provide professional engineering services to the City. That the governing body of the City of Cuero does hereby approve the task order agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A, with attachments as agreed with Urban Engineering. The Mayor is authorized to execute the said agreements on behalf of the CITY with the City Secretary attesting to same. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 27TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2015 _______________________________ SARA POST MEYER, MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________ JENNIFER ZUFELT, CITY SECRETARY RESOLUTION 2015-05 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY OF CUERO, TEXAS SUSPENDING THE FEBRUARY 2, 2015, EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE PROPOSED INTERIM GRIP RATE ADJUSTMENT FILED ON DECEMBER 4, 2014, BY TEXAS GAS SERVICE COMPANY, A DIVISION OF ONE GAS FOR RATE ADJUSTMENTS FOR GAS UTILITY INVESTMENTS MADE FROM JANUARY 1, 2013 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2013, AND REQUIRING DELIVERY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE COMPANY AND LEGAL COUNSEL. WHEREAS, the City of Cuero, Texas, (“City”) is a gas utility customer in the South Texas Service Area of Texas Gas Service Company, a division of One Gas (“TGS” or “the company”) and a regulatory authority with an interest in the rates and charges of TGS; and WHEREAS, on December 4, 2014, TGS made filings with the City and the Railroad Commission of Texas (“Railroad Commission”), proposing to implement interim rate adjustments (“GRIP Rate Increases”) pursuant to Texas Utilities Code Sections 104.301, on all customers in TGS’s South Texas Service area, effective February 2, 2015; and WHEREAS, it is incumbent upon the City, as a regulatory authority, to examine the GRIP Rate Increases to determine its compliance with the Texas Utilities Code. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO, TEXAS, THAT: 1. The February 2, 2015, effective date of the GRIP Rate Increases proposed by TGS is hereby suspended for 45 days, the maximum period allowed by Texas Utilities Code § 104.301 (a) to permit adequate time to review the proposed increases, analyze all necessary information, and take appropriate action related to the proposed increases. 2. The new effective date is hereby extended through March 19, 2015, or until adoption by the City Council of a final ordinance addressing the implementation of the GRIP, whichever shall first occur. 3. A copy of this Resolution shall be sent to TGS, care of Larry Graham, at Texas Gas Service, 1301 S. MoPac Expressway, Suite 400, Austin, TX 78746 and, James Crain, III, Cuero City Attorney, 212 E. Main Street Cuero, Texas 77954. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of January, 2015. ________________________ Sara Post Meyer, Mayor City of Cuero, Texas ATTEST: ______________________________ Jennifer Zufelt, City Secretary RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF A TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM APPLICATION TO THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRIUCLTURE FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND/OR THE CITY MANAGER TO ACT AS THE CITY'S EXECUTIVE OFFICERS AND AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES IN ALL MATTERS PERTAINING TO THE CITY’S PARTICIPATION IN THE TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cuero desires to develop a viable community, including decent housing and a suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low-to-moderate income; and WHEREAS, certain conditions exist which represent a threat to the public health and safety; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and in the best interests of the City of Cuero to apply for funding under the Texas Community Development Block Grant Program; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO, TEXAS: 1. That a Texas Community Development Block Grant Program application for the Community Development Fund is hereby authorized to be filed on behalf of the City with the Texas Department of Agriculture. 2. That the City’s application be placed in competition for funding under the Community Development Fund. 3. That the application be for $275,000.00 of grant funds to provide wastewater system improvement services. 4. That the City Council directs and designates the Mayor and/or the City Manager as the City’s Chief Executive Officers and Authorized Representatives to act in all matters in connection with this application and the City’s participation in the Texas Community Development Block Grant Program. 5. That all funds will be used in accordance with all applicable federal, state, local and programmatic requirements including but not limited to procurement, environmental review, labor standards, real property acquisition, and civil rights requirements. 6. That it further be stated that the City of Cuero is committing $126,000.00 from its wastewater fund as a cash contribution toward the construction and engineering activities of this wastewater system improvements project. Passed and approved this 27th day of January, 2015. ______________________________________ Sara Post Meyer, Mayor City of Cuero, Texas ____________________________________ Jennifer Zufelt, City Secretary City of Cuero, Texas RESOLUTION NO. 2015-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO, TEXAS AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR THE ASSISTANCE OF PET ADOPTIONS AND RELATED SERVICES AT THE CITY OF CUERO’S ANIMAL CONTROL SHELTER BETWEEN THE CITY OF CUERO AND PET ADOPTIONS OF CUERO, INC. AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR’S EXECUTION OF THE AGREEMENT. WHEARAS, PET ADOPTIONS OF CUERO, INC. is a Texas nonprofit organization formed to work with the CITY in operating the new Animal Control Shelter(“Shelter”) located at 1797 FM 766 in DeWitt County, Texas and assisting in the adoption of animals; and WHEARAS, Pet Adoptions of Cuero, Inc. has requested an agreement from the City to allow it to provide services to the CITY and to promote and handle the adoption of abandoned animals located in the Shelter; and WHEREAS, Pet Adoptions of Cuero, Inc. and its members will volunteer services to the CITY and its Animal Control Department and shall serve at the will and pleasure of the Supervisor of Animal Control Department for the CITY; and WHEREAS, the Animal Control Facility shall be operated at all times in accordance with the provisions of City of Cuero Animal Control Ordinances; and WHEREAS, the City of Cuero(“City”) desires to have this assistance at the animal control shelter located at 1797 FM 766 in DeWitt County, Texas; and WHEREAS, the City has acted in accordance with all legal requirements in entering into this agreement with Pet Adoptions of Cuero, Inc.; and WHEREAS, Animal Control and its related services are vital and essential for the community and is needed by the City of Cuero; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the City after careful consideration does hereby approve the Agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit “A” with its attached Exhibits; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the City does hereby authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement on behalf of the City and all associated documents. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO, THAT: Resolution 2015-07 Pet Adoption of Cuero Page 1 That this City Council does find that it has fully complied with law alls applicable regarding the approval of an agreement for pet adoptions and related services with Pet Adoptions of Cuero, Inc. That the governing body of the City of Cuero hereby does approve the agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit “A”. That the Mayor is authorized to execute the said agreement and any associated documents on behalf of the CITY with the City Secretary attesting to same. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 27th DAY OF JANUARY, 2015. __________________________________ SARA POST MEYER MAYOR ATTEST: __________________________ JENNIFER ZUFELT CITY SECRETARY Resolution 2015-07 Pet Adoption of Cuero Page 2 AGREEMENT-BETWEEN THE CITY OF CUERO AND PET ADOPTIONS OF CUERO, INC. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DEWITT : : The AGREEMENT made and entered into this 27th day of January, 2015, by and between the CITY OF CUERO, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called “CITY,” and the PET ADOPTIONS OF CUERO, INC., a Texas Non-Profit corporation, hereinafter called “ADOPTIONS”, each acting herein by and through its duly authorized officials; WHEREAS, ADOPTIONS is a Texas nonprofit organization formed to work with the CITY in operating the new Animal Control Shelter(“Shelter”) located off FM 766 in DeWitt County, Texas and assisting in the adoption of animals; and WHEREAS, ADOPTIONS has requested this agreement from the City to allow it to provide services to the CITY and to promote and handle the adoption of abandoned animals located in the Shelter; and WHEREAS, ADOPTIONS and its members will volunteer services to the CITY and its Animal Control Department and shall serve at the will and pleasure of the Supervisor of Animal Control Department for the CITY; WHEREAS , the Animal Control Facility shall be operated at all times in accordance with the provisions of City of Cuero Animal Control Ordinances; and NOW THEREFORE , for and in consideration of shared use of the premises and the further consideration of the faithful performance by all parties hereto of the covenants, terms and conditions herein set forth, the City of Cuero, Texas, acting by and through its Mayor, has AGREED with PET ADOPTIONS OF CUERO, INC. for assistance services associated with the new Animal Control Shelter located in DeWitt County, Texas. This Agreement is made upon the following expressed terms and conditions: 1. It is understood and agreed that any unclaimed animals held by the CITY in the shelter may be made available for adoption through ADOPTIONS only after the time limit (five days) as specified in City of Cuero Animal Control Ordinance. Animals that remain un-adopted after 25 days following the five day time limit may be transferred to an appropriate rescue organization. Animals not adopted after maximum of 30 days on premises may be humanely euthanized by CITY. 2. ADOPTIONS agrees to assist in the adoption of seized animals. No aggressive breed dogs including but not limited to Pitt Bull, Doberman, Rottweiler or any other breed or animal deemed to be “dangerous” will be adopted from Cuero Animal Control Facility. The decision as to whether or not a dog is aggressive or dangerous shall rest solely at the discussion discretion of the CITY. The CITY reserves the exclusive right to determine whether or not a dog may be put up for adoption and any decision of the CITY is final. 3. At the City’s option, aggressive breed animals may be surrendered to a sanctioned animal rescue organization at no cost to the organization or to the City. Such animals may also be surrendered to Texas Department of Criminal Justice for their use. Aggressive animals not Page | 1 surrendered to a sanctioned rescue organization may be euthanized in a humane fashion currently in practice by the City. The CITY reserves the exclusive right to determine whether or not a dog will be euthanized and any decision of the CITY is final. 4. All Ferrell animals, to include but not limited to hogs, pigs, sheep, goats, cattle, horses and the like shall NOT be adopted or surrendered to an animal rescue facility within 50 miles of the City of Cuero. 5. No temporary or permanent structures or kennels may be constructed at new Animal Control Facility by ADOPTIONS without prior approval of Department Head and City Manager. 6. ADOPTIONS shall be allowed to construct an “exercise yard” at no cost to the City at a location and in a manor to be approved by the City Manager of the City of Cuero. 7. ADOPTIONS shall be allowed to add a portable building of sufficient size and climate controlled to be used as a “cat house” at no cost to the City. City has agreed to ADOPTION’S initial purchase of the building with donation reimbursement by members of ADOPTIONS. Modifications to said building shall be at the expense of ADOPTIONS or its members with prior approval of City. Said building becomes the property of the City upon termination of this agreement. 8. The Animal Control Facility shall not be used for storage of unused equipment belonging to the ADOPTIONS. 9. This agreement provides for sufficient retention of control by the City over animal control and that there is no improper delegation of municipal power; and 10. ADOPTIONS may not make any alteration to CITY property without the approval, in advance, of the CITY. Any alterations or additions to the said premises and any permanent attachments or fixtures thereto shall be deemed a part of the real estate and shall belong to CITY. 11. Volunteers from ADOPTIONS will may, at discretion of Animal Control Supervisor, be present to man the office at specified times, to be determined, during the day and week for adoption purposes. 12. ADOPTIONS shall not collect impound fees, boarding fees and any other fees related to the City of Cuero Animal Control Ordinance. ADOPTIONS will contact Animal Control Officer to collect fees related to City of Cuero Animal Control Ordinance. 13. City of Cuero Animal Control Officer will maintain a log of animals impounded, boarded and disposed of in accordance with the Cuero Animal Control Ordinance and provide a copy of said log to ADOPTIONS. 14. The CITY may terminate this agreement at any time prior to its expiration with or without cause, with 10 days written notice to the ADOPTIONS. 15. ADOPTIONS AND ITS AGENTS AND ASSIGNS SHALL INDEMNIFY, PROTECT AND HOLD HARMLESS THE CITY OF CUERO AND ITS AGENTS, OFFICERS, ELECTED OFFICIALS, EMPLOYEES AND ASSIGNS FROM ANY DAMAGES OR LIABILITIES FROM ANY ACCIDENT OR INJURY TO PARTICIPANTS OF ANY ACTIVITIES OCCURING ON THE CITY PREMISES SPONSORED BY ADOPTIONS . THE CITY SHALL NOT BE LIABLE Page | 2 TO ADOPTIONS OR ITS AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, OFFICERS, LICENSEES, INVITEES, CLIENTS OR ANY OTHER PERSONS USING THE SAID PREMISES FOR DAMAGES SUSTAINED EITHER TO PERSON OR PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE CONDITION OR USE OF THE SAID PREMISES AND ADOPTIONS SHALL SAVE AND HOLD CITY HARMLESS FROM EVERY CLAIM, DEMAND, LIABLITY, DAMAGE (PERSONAL AND PROPERTY) OR CAUSE OF ACTION ARISING OUT OF ANY SUCH INJURY OR DAMAGE. ADOPTIONS WAIVES ALL CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY AND RELEASES THE CITY FROM ANY LIABILITY, BASED ON ANY INJURY TO OR DEATH OF ANY PERSON OR DAMAGE TO OR LOSS OF ANY PROPERTY BELONGING TO ADOPTIONS OR ANY THIRD PERSON. THIS PROVISION SHALL INCLUDE BUT IS NOT LIMTED TO ANY INJURY FROM ANY ANIMAL BITE OR ATTACK. 16. ADOPTIONS shall maintain the insurance coverage described in Exhibit “A”, Insurance Addendum. 17. The term of this agreement is TWO (2) years commencing _________________, 2015, and terminating_______________, 2017. EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE ORIGINALS the ______ day of _______________________, 2015. CITY OF CUERO PET ADOPTIONS OF CUERO, INC B Y: Sara Post Meyer, Mayor THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DEWITT BY : IT S: : : : This instrument was acknowledged before me on the _______ day of _______________, 2015, by Sara Post Meyer, Mayor of the CITY OF CUERO, on behalf of said City. __________________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DEWITT : : : This instrument was acknowledged before me on the _______ day of ____________, 2015, by _____________________________,______________________ for the PET ADOPTIONS OF CUERO, INC., on behalf of said non-profit corporation. __________________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS Page | 3 EXHIBIT A INSURANCE ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT Maintain the property and/or liability insurance policies required below (mark applicable boxes) and such other insurance coverages and/or higher policy limits as may be required by the City during the Term and any period before or after the Term when ADOPTIONS is present on the Premises: Type of Insurance or Endorsement Minimum Policy or Endorsement Limit General Liability Insurance Policies Required of ADOPTIONS: X Commercial general liability (occurrence basis) Per occurrence: General aggregate: $_1,000,000____ $_2,000,000____ Required Endorsements to Friend’s General Liability or Business Owner’s Policy: Designated location(s) general aggregate limit $____________ $____________ ________________________________ Property Insurance Policy Required of ADOPTIONS: Causes of loss—special form 100 percent of replacement cost of (a) all items included in the definition of ADOPTIONS’s Rebuilding Obligations and (b) all of ADOPTIONS’s furniture, fixtures, equipment, and other business personal property located in the Premises Or Business owner’s policy 2. 100 percent of replacement cost of (a) all items included in the definition of ADOPTIONS’s Rebuilding Obligations and (b) all of ADOPTIONS’s furniture, fixtures, equipment, and other business personal property located in the Premises Comply with the following additional insurance requirements: a. The commercial general liability (or business owner’s property policy) must be endorsed to name City as “additional insured” and must not be endorsed to exclude the sole negligence of the City from the definition of “insured contract.” Page | 4 b. Additional insured endorsements must not exclude coverage for the sole or contributory ordinary negligence of the City. c. Property insurance policies must contain waivers of subrogation of claims against City. d. Certificates of insurance and copies of any additional insured and waiver of subrogation endorsements must be delivered by ADOPTIONS to City before entering the Premises and thereafter at least ten days before the expiration of the policies. 3. Obtain the approval of City with respect to the following: the forms of City’s insurance policies, endorsements and certificates, and other evidence of City’s Insurance; the amounts of any deductibles or self-insured retentions amounts under City’s Insurance; and the creditworthiness and ratings of the insurance companies issuing City’s Insurance. Page | 5 RESOLUTION 2015-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUERO, TEXAS AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING THE INPLEMENTATION OF THE CUERO POLICE DEPARTMENT BODY CAMERA PROJECT FOR THE 2015-2016 FISCAL YEAR AND BEYOND AND AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF THE GRANT APPLICATION FOR THE CUERO POLICE DEPARTMENT BODY CAMERA IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT TO THE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR, CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION. WHEREAS, The Cuero City Council finds it in the best interest of the citizens of Cuero that the Cuero Police Department Body Camera Implementation Project be operated for the 2015/2016 Fiscal Year and beyond; and WHEREAS, Cuero City Council finds that no matching funds are for the said project as required by the Officer of the Governor Criminal Justice Division grant application; and WHEREAS, Cuero City Council agrees that in the event of loss or misuse of the Criminal Justice Division funds, Cuero City Council assures that the funds will be returned to the Criminal Justice Division in full. WHEREAS, Cuero City Council designates the City Manager as the grantee’s authorized official. The authorized official is given the power to apply for, accept, reject, alter or terminate the grant on behalf of the applicant agency. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Cuero City Council approves submission of the grant application for the Cuero Police Department Body Camera Implementation Project to the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division. Passed and Approved this ____ of February, 2015 ATTEST: ________________________ Sara Post Meyer, Mayor ________________________ Jennifer Zufelt, City Secretary Grant/App: 2861701 CITY OF CUERO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 9, 2014 5:45 P.M. 1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present: Mayor Meyer called the meeting to order at 5:45. Members Present: Mayor Sara Post Meyer, Mayor Pro Tem Matthys, Councilmembers John Fuqua, Tony Allen, Terry Glover, Brad Hedrick. Staff Present: City Manager Raymie Zella, Fire Marshall Buddy Harwell, Warehouse Supervisor Rhonda Stastny, City Attorney, James Crain, Financial Manager Connie Hawes, Administrative Secretary Amber Fitts, Police Chief Jay Lewis, Parks Supervisor David Danish, Environmental Supervisor Cheryl Merzbacher and City Secretary Jennifer Zufelt. 2. Public Hearing 2.1. Public Hearing for a Preliminary and Final Plat of 1.271 acres, located at 104 E. Broadway. Applicant is Jack Hoover – McDonalds USA, LLC, Becky Carroll, P.E.-PapeDawson Engineers, Inc., as agent. Public hearing opened at 5:45 and closed at 5:47 3. First Reading of an Ordinance 3.1 Discuss/Consider and possible action on the first reading of an ordinance on the request for a Preliminary and Final Plat of 1.271 acres located at 104 E. Broadway. Applicant is Jack Hoover – McDonalds USA, LLC, Becky Carroll, P.E.-PapeDawson Engineers, Inc., as agent. Motion made by Councilmember Allen, seconded by Councilmember Johnson to approve the first reading on the Preliminary and Final Plat of 1.271 acres located at 104 E. Broadway. The motion was approved unanimously. 3.2. Discuss/consider and possible action on Chapter 130, Offenses against City Regulations, Section 130.55 Curfew, Ordinance No. 2006-08. Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Matthys, seconded by Councilmember Allen to approve Ordinance 2014-53. The motion was approved unanimously. 12/9/2014 Council Meeting Minutes Page 1 4. Second Reading of an Ordinance 4.1. Discuss/consider and possible action on the second and final reading of Ordinance No.2014-50 establishing requirements and rules of operation for the City of Cuero Recycling Center. Motion made by Councilmember Fuqua, seconded by Councilmember Glover to approve Ordinance No. 2014-50. The motion was approved unanimously. New flyers will be made regarding what is recyclable. 5. Resolutions 5.1. Discuss/consider and possible action an agreement with TSG Architect for services for the renovations and additions to the Boys and Girls Club, Friar Ag Center and other City properties, and authorizing the City Manager to sign. Motion made by Councilmember Allen, seconded by Councilmember Hedrick to approve Resolution No. 2014-35. The motion was approved unanimously. 6. Council Consideration and Action Items 6.1. Discuss/consider and possible action on report of received engineering proposals for the 2014 TX Community Development Block Grant Program Water and Wastewater Contract #7214110 and authorize the City Manager to negotiate a contract in accordance with the guidelines outlined in the TxCDBGP Implementation Manual. Motion made by Councilmember Johnson, seconded by Councilmember Allen to hire Urban Engineering and authorize the City Manager to negotiate a contract in accordance with the guidelines outlined in the TxCDBGP Implementation Manual. The motion was approved unanimously. 6.2. Discuss/consider and possible action on the City of Cuero departmental utility accounts. Councilmembers discussed this issue at length and it was decided to get more information for the upcoming year and then contact the school regarding their budget for the baseball/softball fields. 7. Consent Agenda: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Matthys, seconded by Councilmember Allen to approve all items on the consent agenda. The motion was approved unanimously. 7.1. City Council Meeting Minutes, 11/20/14 and 11/25/2014 7.2. Municipal Court November fees collected 7.3. November Building Department Permit Fee Report 7.4. November Library report and meeting minutes 12/9/2014 Council Meeting Minutes Page 2 7.5. DeWitt County Appraisal District Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 8. Reports 8.1. City Manager update on new wastewater treatment plant and lakefront project in park, City Manager, Raymie Zella reported that the water Treatment plant construction was running behind schedule due to the concrete shortage and will delay the opening until maybe February. Lakefront project underway, canopies down, concrete pads removed. New designated parking, BBQ pits, lighting, concrete and trees are planned. 8.2. City Manager update on relocation of Fain McDougle and Park Heights intersection. City Manager has spoken with TDECU about taking some of their property for the relocation and they would like some compensation and their signed moved by the City. 8.3. City Manager Update on proposed annexation areas. City Manager presented seven different areas for possible annexation. Councilmembers want to annex areas that are going to be developed such as 183N & S and 87E. City manager will get the cost estimate and bring back to Council in January. 9. Public Comments No public comments 10. Adjourn: Mayor Meyer adjourned the meeting at 7:04 P.M. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 27TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2015 ____________________________ Sara Post Meyer, Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ Jennifer Zufelt, City Secretary 12/9/2014 Council Meeting Minutes Page 3 CITY OF CUERO SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 15, 2014 Members Present: Mayor Sara Post Meyer, Mayor Pro Tem Bill Matthys, Council Members W.T. “Tony” Allen, At Large, and Terry Glover, District 2 Members Absent: John Fuqua, District 1, Brad Hedrick, District 3 and Roy Johnson, District 4 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM IS PRESENT Mayor Meyer Called the meeting to order at 12:00 P.M. 2. Discuss/Consider and Possible Action on the TXDOT Layout for New Signal Lights and Crosswalks along Esplanade in the City of Cuero’s City Limits. Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Matthys, seconded by Allen to approve the TXDOT layout for New Signal Lights and Crosswalks along Esplanade in the City of Cuero’s City Limits. The motion was approved unanimously Second Reading of an Ordinance 3.1. Discuss/Consider And Possible Action On Final Reading Of Ordinance No. 2014 -52 For A Preliminary And Final Plat Of 1.271 Acres, Located At 104 E. Broadway. Applicant Is Jack Hoover – McDonalds USA, LLC, Becky Carroll, P.E.-Pape-Dawson Engineers, Inc., As Agent. Motion made by Councilmember Allen, seconded by Councilmember Glover to approve Ordinance 2014-52 for a Preliminary and Final Plat of 1.271 Acres for McDonalds USA, LLC, Becky Carroll, P.E.-Pape-Dawson Engineers, Inc., as agent. The motion was approved unanimously 3.2 Discuss/Consider and Possible Action on Second and Final Reading of Chapter 130, Offenses against City Regulations, Section 130.55 Curfew, Ordinance No. 2014 -53 Motion made by Councilmember Glover, seconded by Councilmember Allen to approve Ordinance2014-53 for the renewal of Chapter 130, Offenses Against City Regulations, Section 130.55 Curfew. The motion was approved unanimously. Mayor Meyer adjourned the meeting at 12:35 P.M. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 27TH DAY OF JANUARY 2015. 12/15/2014 Council Meeting Minutes Page 1 ________________________________ SARA POST MEYER, MAYOR ATTEST: ______________________________________ JENNIFER ZUFELT, CITY SECRETARY 12/15/2014 Council Meeting Minutes Page 2 CITY OF CUERO · · 212 E. Main CUERO, TEXAS 77954 (361) 275-3476 · FAX (361) 275-6265 · [email protected] CITY COUNCIL Building & Standards Commission – QUARTERLY REPORT Meeting date: September 18, 2014 DISTRICT 1 Address Owner District Evers and Dorothy 213 Miltenberger Ray DeLeon - 504 Stayton, Victoria TX 77901 1 1 Date of Case 08/24/2011 11/28/2011 814-816 West End Crain Street 200 Evers South Indianola Cimarron International Inc./Gilbert Ramirez – 4874 FM 236, Cuero TX 77954 Anastacia G. Rodriguez – 16203 Wild Oak Lane, Conroe TX 77302 Leslie Thomas – 304 Cambridge, Victoria TX 77905 Gerhardt Mueller – 908 Stockdale, Cuero TX 77954 1 1 1 1 03/14/2012 07/19/2012 07/19/2012 03/07/2013 302 E. Thomas Kathy Lacina – 1216 Montezuma #3058, Columbus TX 78934 1 03/07/2013 301 St. Charles Jose Rodriguez – 301 St. Charles, Cuero TX 77954 1 03/07/2013 204 Togo Robert Garcia – 3013 Burning Oak, Austin TX 78704 1 03/07/2013 207 Dorothy Johnny Cardenas – 517 S. Indianola, Cuero TX 77954 1 07/18/2013 09/18/2014 New Owners/Juan Ariza & Bobby R. Pompa – 110 St. Charles, Cuero TX 77954 (Fire damaged structure) 1 Building and Standards Commission – City Council Quarterly Report – September | December 2014 Disposition Demolished by owner Demolition incomplete by owner City to demolish - Letter sent: 12/29/2014 Demolished by owner Demolished by owner Demolished by owner Demolished by City, no lien filed No invoices provided Demolished by City Lien filed: $3,392.09 - 08/22/2014 Demolished by City Lien filed: $2,520.00 - 05/07/2014 Lien released/paid - 07/01/2014 Structure to be demolished by the City; Lien to be filed Property owner obtained a building permit for repairs. Valid from 09/19/2014 - 09/19/2015 705 Crain Adela Sanchez – 707 Crain, Cuero TX 77954 1 07/18/2013 09/18/2014 Repairs made and structure is secured DISTRICT 1 Address Owner District Disposition Joe Willie Edwards Est & Dolores c/o Howard Nobles 227 Lawton, San Antonio TX 78237 1 Date of Case 07/18/2013 09/18/2014 Owner District Disposition 2 405 W. Morgan Robert and Gloria Shaw – 201 South Joe Wilson Road 1617, Cedar Hill TX 75104 Henry Uresti – 205 E. Newman, Cuero TX 77954 Date of Case 08/24/2011 2 11/28/2011 912 McArthur Lee R. Wanjura – 232 Lake Ridge Drive, Seguin TX 78155 2 03/07/2013 Kathryn Almeater Deboest Est. c/o A.B. Deboest Heir–2007 Cline St., Lake Charles LA 70601 Nazario Garza c/o Emil Carlos Garza Sr., 911 W. Sarah, Cuero TX 77954 JuanitaVarela – 211 Palmie, Cuero TX 77954 2 03/07/2013 2 2 07/18/2013 07/18/2013 2 408 S. Indianola Hernandez Antonio & H Ests. c/o Linda Garcia 213 Woodland Way, Victoria TX 77905 Eric Ubaldo Pena – 601 E. Bailey, Cuero TX 77954 07/18/2013 09/18/2014 07/18/2013 09/18/2014 DISTRICT 3 Address Owner District 108 W. Texas 208 W. Park 505 E. Lacy Gloria & Farrell Kuecker – 1019 North San Patrico St., Goliad TX 77963 Mario & Lydia Salazar – P.O. Box 363, Yoakum TX 77995 Elizabeth Guzman – 1211 Huck Street, Cuero TX 77954 3 3 3 206 E. Broadway The Dollhouse Rossett Enterprises – P.O. Box 672, Yorktown TX 78614 3 07/18/2013 09/18/2014 1605 N. Esplanade Don Bravos Bravado Enterprises LLC – 703 N. Gonzales, Cuero TX 77954 3 07/18/2013 09/18/2014 114 Pacific DISTRICT 2 Address 203 Henry 416 Bruce 313 Hill 410 W. Cross 2 2 Date of Case 03/14/2012 07/18/2013 07/18/2013 Building and Standards Commission – City Council Quarterly Report – September | December 2014 Repairs made; dwelling has current tenants and utilities Demolished by City Lien filed: $6,480.00 - 05/07/2014 Structure to be demolished by the City; Lien to be filed Structure to be demolished by the City; Lien to be filed Structure to be demolished by the City; Lien to be filed Demolished by owner Demolished by City Lien filed: $3,392.09 - 05/07/2014 Lien released/paid - 06/30/2014 Structure secured; Property Maintenance letter sent for overgrown condition Tabled item; new property owner. Requested appearance for status report Disposition Demolished by owner Demolished by owner Structure to be demolished by the City; Lien to be filed Property secured; removed from BSC list. Follow-up letter for intended progress to be sent prior to 03/25/15 meeting Property secured; removed from BSC list. Follow-up letter for intended progress to be sent prior to 03/25/15 meeting DISTRICT 4 Address Owner District Date of Case 07/20/2010 03/14/2012 Disposition Disposition 602 E. Clayton Ernest & Sulema Gomez - P.O. Box 701283, Houston TX 77270 Meeting date: December 601 E. Newman Robert W.16, and2014 Wanda Stirneman – 405 W. French 4 4 DISTRICT 1 Address Owner District 204 Togo Robert Garcia – 3013 Burning Oak, Austin TX 78704 1 Date of Case 03/07/2013 402 Bridge 301 Crain Augustine Sims Houston – 23948 Lone Pine Drive, Moreno CA 92557 SK Irrevocable Trust – 1781 US 77A North, Cuero TX 77954 1 1 12/16/2014 12/16/2014 DISTRICT 2 Address Owner District 405 W. Morgan Henry Uresti – 205 E. Newman, Cuero TX 77954 2 Date of Case 11/28/2011 912 McArthur Lee R. Wanjura – 232 Lake Ridge Drive, Seguin TX 78155 2 03/07/2013 Kathryn 2 03/07/2013 402 Clarence 309 Hill Almeater Deboest Est. c/o A.B. Deboest Heir–2007 Cline St., Lake Charles LA 70601 Glenn Palmer and Andrea Mathis – 402 Clarence, Cuero TX 77954 Mat D. Offe – 1388 Old Goliad, Victoria TX 77905 2 2 12/16/2014 07/19/2012 12/16/2014 408 S. Indianola Eric Ubaldo Pena – 601 E. Bailey, Cuero TX 77954 2 505 S. Indianola Joseph 202 W. Main Roy Hopkins – 2818 Alameda Plaza Drive, Houston TX 77045 Edward Nathan Est & Jesse – 6221 Diamond Court, Texas City TX 77591 Harold N. Dreyer – P.O. Box 984, Cuero TX 77954 2 2 2 07/18/2013 09/18/2014 12/16/2014 12/16/2014 12/16/2014 12/16/2014 408 W. Newman Jamison Funeral Shirley Mitchell et al – 4306 Dragonwick Drive, Houston TX 77045 3 03/07/2013 12/16/2014 Building and Standards Commission – City Council Quarterly Report – September | December 2014 Demolished by owner Demolished by owner Demolished by City Lien filed: $2,500.00 - 10/03/2014 Demolition order for January 15, 2015 Property owner obtained a permit for demolition. Valid from 12/08/2014 - 12/08/2015 Disposition Demolished by City Lien filed: $4,500.00 - 10/03/2014 Demolished by City Lien filed: $8,102.00 - 12/10/2014 Demolished by City Lien filed: $4,500.00 - 10/03/2014 Demolition order for January 15, 2015 Tabled to 03/25/2015 meeting for property owner to demolish structures and bring site into compliance for sale Tabled to 03/25/2015 meeting for property owner to move structure to a new location Demolition order for January 15, 2015 Demolition order for January 15, 2015 Tabled to 03/25/2015 meeting for property owner to provide a status update on the removal of personal items and pending demolition/sale for site compliance Demolition order for January 15, 2015 Home DISTRICT 3 Address Owner District 505 E. Lacy Elizabeth Guzman – 1211 Huck Street, Cuero TX 77954 3 DISTRICT 4 Address Owner District 503 E. Newman Ray and Gaverlyn Parr – 501 E. Newman, Cuero TX 77954 4 4 Date of Case 07/18/2013 Disposition Date of Case 12/16/2014 Disposition Building and Standards Commission – City Council Quarterly Report – September | December 2014 Demolished by City Lien filed: $4,500.00 - 10/03/2014 Demolition order for January 15, 2015 01/05/2015 2:25 PM PROJECT VALUATION AND FEE REPORT PAGE: 1 PROJECTS: All APPLIED DATES: 12/01/2014 THRU 12/31/2014 ISSUED DATES: 0/00/0000 THRU 99/99/9999 EXPIRE DATES: 0/00/0000 THRU 99/99/9999 STATUS: ALL PROJECT ISSUE DATE NAME LOCATION CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION PROJ TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2280 12/02/2014 GOLDEN CRESCENT CONSTRUCTIO 704 N ESPLANADE GOLDEN 16'X96'X14' METALBLD16'X40' NCC 2285 12/04/2014 AUGUST WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTIO 502 E PRAIRIE AUGUST WIL REMODEL INSIDE&OUT OF HOME REM RES 2288 12/05/2014 GREG 709 W CHURCH GREG ADD GARAGE WITH APARTMENT NRC 2293 12/08/2014 MARCUS PEREZ 301 CRAIN MARCUS DEMOLISH & CLEAN PROPERTY DEM 2295 12/10/2014 HESCO 102 E BROADWAY HESCO DEMOLISH METAL BLDG, REMOVE DEM 2301 12/12/2014 WEAVER & 920 E BROADWAY (NEW HS) ACA WEAVER & J HIGH SCHOOL ADD ON&RENOVATI NCC 2307 12/18/2014 M&M CONTRACTING, LTD 909 E BROADWAY M&M DEMO OLD GVEC BLD DEM 2308 12/18/2014 FRANK MESA 206 E NEWMAN OWNER ADD BEDROOM & BATHROOM REM RES 2309 12/18/2014 FRANK MESA 206 E NEWMAN FRANK MESA DEMOLISH 2ND 1/2 STORY OF H DEM 2314 12/23/2014 DASILVA CONSTRUCTION 408 W MAIN DASILVA CO DEMOLISH BUILDING DEM 2320 12/29/2014 HE-LIOS CONSTRUCTION 114 S ESPLANADE HE-LIOS PAINT, REMOVE AWNING, OPEN REM RES VALUATION: 23,658,750.00 49,270.00 *** TOTALS *** SALAZAR JACOBS CONSTRUCTI NUMBER OF PROJECTS: 11 FEES: 01/05/2015 2:25 PM PROJECT VALUATION AND FEE REPORT PAGE: PROJECTS: All APPLIED DATES: 12/01/2014 THRU 12/31/2014 ISSUED DATES: 0/00/0000 THRU 99/99/9999 EXPIRE DATES: 0/00/0000 THRU 99/99/9999 STATUS: ALL *** SEGMENT RECAP *** PROJECT SEGMENT - DESCRIPTION # OF SEGMENTS VALUATION FEE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------DEM - DEMOLITION 5 0.00 400.00 ELE - ELECTRICAL 3 0.00 30.00 MEC - MECHANICAL 3 0.00 157.50 NCC - NEW COMMERCIAL CONST 2 23,533,750.00 47,840.00 NRC - NEW RESIDENTIAL CONST 1 25,000.00 142.50 PLB - PLUMBING 3 0.00 30.00 REM - RESIDENTIAL REMODEL 3 100,000.00 670.00 20 23,658,750.00 49,270.00 *** TOTALS *** 2 01/05/2015 2:25 PM PROJECT VALUATION AND FEE REPORT PAGE: PROJECTS: All APPLIED DATES: 12/01/2014 THRU 12/31/2014 ISSUED DATES: 0/00/0000 THRU 99/99/9999 EXPIRE DATES: 0/00/0000 THRU 99/99/9999 STATUS: ALL *** BUILDING CODE RECAP *** BUILDING CODE - DESCRIPTION # OF PROJECTS # OF SEGMENTS VALUATION FEES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*BLANK* - *BLANK* 0 6 0.00 145.00 326 - SCHOOLS & EDUCATION 1 4 23,500,000.00 47,732.50 327 - STORES & MERCANTILE 1 1 33,750.00 180.00 439 - RES REPAIRS 1 1 60,000.00 300.00 440 - COM REPAIRS 1 1 30,000.00 235.00 441 - OTHER 3 3 35,000.00 377.50 645 - MOVE/DEMO SINGLE FAM BLDG 3 3 0.00 175.00 648 - MOVE/DEMO TWO/MORE BLDG 1 1 0.00 125.00 11 20 23,658,750.00 49,270.00 *** TOTALS *** 3 01/05/2015 2:25 PM PROJECT VALUATION AND FEE REPORT PAGE: 4 SELECTION CRITERIA -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REPORT SELECTION PROJECT RANGE FROM: THROUGH ZZZZZZZZZZ PROJECT STATUS: All CONTRACTOR: All PROJECT TYPE: Include: NCC, NRC, DEM, REM RES, REM COM SEGMENT: All VALUATION RANGE FROM: 0.00 THROUGH 999,999,999.99 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PROJECT DATES APPLIED RANGE FROM: 12/01/2014 THROUGH 12/31/2014 ISSUED RANGE FROM: 00/00/0000 THROUGH 99/99/9999 USE SEGMENT DATES: NO EXPIRE RANGE FROM: 00/00/0000 THROUGH 99/99/9999 USE SEGMENT DATES: NO -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PRINT OPTIONS TOTALS ONLY: NO INCLUDE SEGMENTS: NO COMMENT CODES: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *** END OF REPORT *** December 04, 2014 Cuero Municipal Library - 4:15 REGULAR MEETING OF THE LIBRARY BOARD PRESENT: Kathy Morrow, Chairman, Jasper Quinterro, Larry Nuckles, Kathleen Leske, Vicki Coppedge, Cynthia Aleman Jill Crain ABSENT: Jasper Quinterro Kathleen Leske Jill Crain 13-15 13-15 14-16 14-16 14-16 14-16 13-15 CHAIRMAN: Kathy Morrow called the meeting to order at 4:25 MOTION was made by Board member Kathy Morrow to adopt the minutes from the meeting of November 06, 2014 and were approved as read. Under the Librarian’s Report, Circulation and Donation reports were provided for the Library Boards review. The November Book Report showed 1244 books, 862 paperback’s, 31 audio books, 93 CD’s, 229 DVD’s, 42 VHS, 40 Large Print Books, $602.75 Book Sales for the Month, Books were checked out. There were 12 ILL requests to libraries with 8 received. The library received 10 ILL requests from other libraries with 7 filled, 13 cards were issued to new patrons. 2182 patrons visited the library during November and there were 683 computer users. 32 children and 26 adults attended Toddler Story Time for the month of November 2014. The Library Board was informed of the decision by the City Council to move forward with Michael Legg’s design plan and have approved the preliminary drawing submitted by the architect. Lynn called Dianna Bartosh with the Shutterbug Club and confirmed that they would provide the refreshments for the April Speaker. They will also be displaying their photography in the main lobby of the Cuero Public Library. Lynn again submitted Kevin Manning’s name as the presenter for the April Speaker presentation. Everyone on the Library Board has expressed approval . Lynn e-mailed him and confirmed the date with him for April 16, 2015 @ 7:00 p.m.9:00 p.m. Amber Fitts made a wonderful flyer to pass out to schools and the community. Lynn Mixon gave a report on the Digitization Project for a grant from the Tocker Foundation and informed the Library Board that Tocker would be making their decisions for either rejection or acceptance of our grant proposal in March of 2015. The next meeting was set for Thursday, January 08, 2015 at 4:15 p.m. in the Cuero Public Library. There being no further business the meeting adjourned upon motion by Board member Larry Nuckles and seconded by Board member Jasper Quinterro at 4:55 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. _______________________________ Kathy Morrow, Chairman Cuero Municipal Library ATTEST: ______________________________ Lynn Mixon, In lieu of Cynthia Aleman, Secretary Monthly Library Statistics Report December , 2014 Checkouts 1244---Books 862----Honor Paperbacks 31----Audio Books 93----CD’s 229----DVD’s 42----VHS $602.75---Book Sale Total from Aug-Dec. 40----Large Print 10--ILL requests to other libraries with 8 received 10----ILL requests from other libraries with 7 filled 13--Library cards issued to new patrons 2182--Visited the library 683--Computer Users 32 children and 26 adults attended Toddler Story Time for December, 2014. Item Description SURPLUS INVENTORY LIST FOR CITY COUNCIL 01/27/2015 Dept. Quantity Condition of Item(s) Operable Value File Cabinets from old city hall building in PD warehouse Admin Numerou s Fair Yes Unknown Old Shelves from old city hall building in PD warehouse Admin 3-5 Fair Yes Unknown Chairs from Main Street Conference Room (maroon) Wheeler Building 8-10 Fair/Good Yes Unknown 45 3 Copier from Admin Office Admin 1 Fair/Good Yes Unknown 45 4 Metal Desks Library 2 Fair Yes Unknown 45 5 Fixtures in Old City Hall Building Admin ALL Good Yes Unknown 45 6 Various electric tools from Parks Dept. Parks 3 Poor No Unknown 45 7 Small Canon Copier Warehouse 1 Poor Quality Print Yes Unknown 45 0 45 1 45 2 45 8 45 9 46 0 46 1 46 2 46 3 46 4 46 5