Structural Systems Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions


Structural Systems Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Art Pavilions in Public Parks
LONDON, 2000-12
[email protected]
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
1811-17: Dulwich Picture Gallery, London (Sir John Soane)
1897-98: Secession Building, Vienna (Joseph Maria Olbrich)
1908-09: Jakopič Pavilion, Ljubljana (Maks Fabiani)
1895-1995: Bienalle National Pavilions, Venice
2000-12: Serpentine Gallery Pavilions, London
2007, 2009, 2011, 2013: Trimo Urban Crash Competition, Ljubljana
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
London, 1811-17:
John Soane:
Dulwich Picture Gallery
ground floor plan
first public art gallery;
symmetrical ground floor plan;
façade without windows;
the sky lights illuminate the paintings indirectly;
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Latham, I., (1980): Joseph Maria Olbrich. Academy Editions, London: str 25.
Vienna, 1897-98:
Joseph Maria Olbrich:
Secession Building
ground floor plan
public art gallery for Secession artists;
symmetrical ground floor plan;
pure geometric forms;
linear façade ornament;
gold and white;
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Kos, J., (1993): Umetniški paviljon Riharda Jakopiča. V: Rihard Jakopič: To sem jaz, umetnik...,
Knjižnica Narodne galerije, Ljubljana, str.: 94.
Ljubljana, 1908-09:
Maks Fabiani:
Jakopič Pavilion
study of the entrance façade
Plestenjak, B., (2003): Vsi Jakopičevi ateljeji. V:, jun 03: str.: 12.
first public art gallery in Ljubljana (now destroyed);
façade without windows;
the sky lights illuminate the paintings indirectly;
linear façade ornament;
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Kurent, T., Marinko, J., (1985): Prostorske proporcije v Fabianijevi ljubljanski arhitekturi.
V: Zbornik ljubljanske šole za arhitekturo
Kos, J., (1993): Umetniški paviljon Riharda Jakopiča. V: Rihard Jakopič: To sem jaz, umetnik...,
Knjižnica Narodne galerije, Ljubljana, str.: 98.
Ljubljana, 1908-09:
Maks Fabiani:
Jakopič Pavilion
symmetrical ground floor plan;
pure geometric forms;
ground floor plan, entrance façade, cross section, plan
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
foto: L.S.
Venice 1895-1995:
Giardini: National Pavilions
Venice, 1955-56:
Alvar Aalto:
Finland Pavilion
prefabricated wood from Finnland;
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
foto: L.S.
foto: L.S.
Venice, 1962:
Sverre Fehn:
Nordic Pavilion
Sverre Fehn:
Nordic Pavilion
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
1934: Tea Pavilion near Serpentine Lake,
Kensington Gardens - (Hyde Park) London
1970: Serpentine Pavilion Gallery,
notable international modern and contemporary artists:
Henry Moore, Andy Warhol, Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons, …
2000: First Temporary Summer Art Pavilion
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
architecture and structure:
2000 - 2011
Temporary structures that are erected next to the Gallery itself for a three-month period;
a maximum of six months from invitation to the architect to finnish the construction.
Zaha Hadid 2000, Daniel Libeskind 2001, Toyo Ito 2002, Oscar Niemeyer 2003, MVRDV 2004*,
Álvaro Siza and Eduardo Souto de Moura 2005, Rem Koolhaas 2006, Frei Otto 2007*,
Olafur Eliasson and Kjetil Thorsen 2007, Frank Gehry 2008,
Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA 2009, Jean Nouvel 2010, Peter Zumthor 2011, …
… and biro Arup: Cecil Balmond
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion commission
architectural idea:
is an ongoing programme of temporary structures
by internationally acclaimed architects and designers.
The series is unique worldwide and presents the work of
an international architect or design team who has not completed
a building in England at the time of the Gallery’s invitation.
similar to other works of choosen architect ;
functuion of architecture:
exhibitions, lectures, film screenings, talks, the BBC proms and café;
no doors and no windows, ..;
up to 250,000 visitors each summer
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Eliasson, O., Thorsen, K., 2007: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007. Serpentine Gallery in Lars Müller
Publishers, London in Baden, str.: 8
London, 2000:
Zaha Hadid:
Serpentine Pavilion 2000
architectural idea: tent
the 30th anniversary of the gallery temporary summer pavilion;
structure made with steel columns;
textile fabric;
triangular surface
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Zaha Hadid:
Serpentine Pavilion 2000
Zaha Hadid, 2000:
ground floor 25×25 m;
600 m2 - seats for 400 visitors;
straight forms, but interweaved;
the illusion of solidity;
different interior space
Structural Systems
Eliasson, O., Thorsen, K., 2007: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007. Serpentine Gallery in Lars Müller
Publishers, London in Baden, str.: 8
London, 2001:
Daniel Libeskind and Arup:
Serpentine Pavilion 2001
architectural idea: origami - “Eighteen Turns”
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
flexible and dynamic form;
structure as 18th surfaces - origami;
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Daniel Libeskind and Arup:
Serpentine Pavilion 2001
construction dates:
21.5.2001 – wooden floors,
4.6.2001 – aluminum panels,
9.6.2001 – build pavilion;
model of 18th turns;
length 35 m, width 18 m, high 7 m;
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)[email protected]
Daniel Libeskind and Arup:
Serpentine Pavilion 2001
explicit un-orthogonal form;
architecture = structure;
re-built in Cork, Ireland
structure made of ribbed Aluminum elements;
1 mm thin Aluminum surface;
Al from Norway
Structural Systems
Eliasson, O., Thorsen, K., 2007: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007. Serpentine Gallery in Lars Müller
Publishers, London in Baden, str.: 9
London, 2002:
Toyo Ito and Arup:
Serpentine Pavilion 2002
architectural idea: structure without columns
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
three-dimensional façade without columns;
geometry of the façade: algorithm of spin of square;
openings empty - full;
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Eliasson, O., Thorsen, K., 2007: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007. Serpentine Gallery in Lars Müller
Publishers, London in Baden, str.: 9
Toyo Ito and Arup:
Serpentine Pavilion 2002
diagonal columns and roof beams 5-10 tons;
ply-wood floor;
made in factory and composed in building site;
joints: screw and weld construction;
typology of a box, high = 5.3 m;
walls 20 m × 4.5 m;
4 entrances;
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Eliasson, O., Thorsen, K., 2007: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007. Serpentine Gallery in Lars Müller
Publishers, London in Baden, str.: 9
Toyo Ito and Arup:
Serpentine Pavilion 2002
profile: 12-50 mm, high 55 cm;
380 plates made by Al and glass;
painted in white,
3D wall;
protection from overheated: ventilation
steel structure:
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
London, 2003:
Oscar Niemeyer:
Serpentine Pavilion 2003
differently, emptiness
cantilever platform;
tent roof;
architectural idea: tent and cantilever
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Oscar Niemeyer:
Serpentine Pavilion 2003
structure made by concrete and steel;
beauty instead structure logic;
white structure – red accent – yellow furniture;
float pavilion: 1 m above the grass;
small building, small interior;
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Oscar Niemeyer:
Serpentine Pavilion 2003
window – enlargement of the interior space;
sensual and sculptural;
straight lines separates architecture from nature.
idea of Niemeyer‘s architectural opus:
use of concrete, some foundations and supports, and bearers
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Eliasson, O., Thorsen, K., 2007: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007. Serpentine Gallery in Lars Müller
Publishers, London in Baden, str.: 10
London, 2004:
Serpentine Pavilion 2004
architectural idea: hill in the park
façade – view – cross section;
high 18 meters;
without realization.
Structural Systems
Eliasson, O., Thorsen, K., 2007: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007. Serpentine Gallery in Lars Müller
Publishers, London in Baden, str.: 10
London, 2005:
Alvaro Siza and Eduardo Souto de Moura,
Cecil Balmond - Arup:
Serpentine Pavilion 2005
architectural idea: animal skeleton in wood
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
contemporary design and traditional structure;
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Eliasson, O., Thorsen, K., 2007: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007. Serpentine Gallery in Lars Müller
Publishers, London in Baden, str.: 10
Alvaro Siza and Eduardo Souto de Moura,
Cecil Balmond - Arup:
Serpentine Pavilion 2005
roof without columns in-between;
22 m × 17m - 380 m2: the biggest pavilion since Hadid 2000;
high 5,4 meters;
427 wood beams - span 17 m;
structural grid made of glued wood;
rectangular ground floor;
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Eliasson, O., Thorsen, K., 2007: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007. Serpentine Gallery in Lars Müller
Publishers, London in Baden, str.: 10
Alvaro Siza and Eduardo Souto de Moura,
Cecil Balmond - Arup:
Serpentine Pavilion 2005
timber beam: glued wood (Finland pine);
each peace of wood is different in form: length and position;
248 roof panels of polycarbonate are different:
5 mm thin, automatically solar-powered light in the center of each panel;
like a dinosaur in the park.
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Eliasson, O., Thorsen, K., 2007: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007. Serpentine Gallery in Lars Müller
Publishers, London in Baden, str.: 11
London, 2006:
Rem Koolhaas and Cecil Balmond, Arup:
Serpentine Pavilion 2006
architectural idea: dome
dome – big space egg;
glowing at night;
translucent pavilion
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Eliasson, O., Thorsen, K., 2007: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007. Serpentine Gallery in Lars Müller
Publishers, London in Baden, str.: 11
Rem Koolhaas and Cecil Balmond, Arup:
Serpentine Pavilion 2006
dome – fill with He 6000 m3;
double wall, made of polycarbonate panels:
distance 1.6 m, high 6 m; 300 visitors
dome made of translucent polyester with PVC top coat;
interior side is finished with translucent foil;
interior seems larger;
diameter 21 m, high from 20 m to 24 m;
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Eliasson, O., Thorsen, K., 2007: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007. Serpentine Gallery in Lars Müller
Publishers, London in Baden, str.: 11
Rem Koolhaas and Cecil Balmond, Arup:
Serpentine Pavilion 2006
raise and lower the dome;
nice weather = high dome;
low pressure = low dome;
dome fixed on the floor with 4 electric winches;
light structure;
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
London, 2007:
Frei Otto:
Serpentine Pavilion 2007
construction of the pavilion delayed;
never realized idea.
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
London, 2007:
Zaha Hadid Architects:
Serpentine Pre-pavilion 2007
three identical lilas – each stand on one column;
textile over steel structure;
high 5.5 m.
architectural idea: lilas
Structural Systems
Eliasson, O., Thorsen, K., 2007: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007. Serpentine Gallery in Lars Müller
Publishers, London in Baden, str.: 8
London, 2007:
Olafur Eliasson in Kjetil Thorsen:
Serpentine Pavilion 2007
architectural idea: high – third dimension
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
cantilever footpath;
view across the park at the top of the pavilion;
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Eliasson, O., Thorsen, K., 2007: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007. Serpentine Gallery in Lars Müller
Publishers, London in Baden, str.: 29
Eliasson, O., Thorsen, K., 2007: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007. Serpentine Gallery in Lars Müller
Publishers, London in Baden, str.: 119
Olafur Eliasson in Kjetil Thorsen:
Serpentine Pavilion 2007
steel structure, fill with plywood panels;
roof opening;
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Eliasson, O., Thorsen, K., 2007: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007. Serpentine Gallery in Lars Müller
Publishers, London in Baden, str.: 118
Eliasson, O., Thorsen, K., 2007: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007. Serpentine Gallery in Lars Müller
Publishers, London in Baden, str.: 51
Olafur Eliasson in Kjetil Thorsen:
Serpentine Pavilion 2007
amphitheater: concerts and lectures;
wooden slope outside pavilion;
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
London, 2008:
Frank Gehry:
Serpentine Pavilion 2008
structure: 4 massive steel columns;
hidden behind wood;
timber beams;
architectural idea: catapult by Leonardo da Vinci
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Frank Gehry:
Serpentine Pavilion 2008
secondary roof structure: timber small beams;
glass panels;
roof structure put together on floor;
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Frank Gehry:
Serpentine Pavilion 2008
multidimensional space of amphitheater - promenade;
acoustic, lightning, fire safety, …
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
R. Gregory, Serpentine Pavilion. V: The Architectural Review, št. 1350, str. 82, 2009.
London, 2009:
Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA:
Serpentine Pavilion 2009
architectural idea: metal cloud
aluminum between the trees;
columns as thin as possible;
simple surface connections;
without details and endings;
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
R. Gregory, Serpentine Pavilion. V: The Architectural Review, št. 1350, str. 85, 2009.
Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA:
Serpentine Pavilion 2009
foundations and ground floor: concrete;
560 m2 roof – Aluminum plates;
115 columns: stainless steel;
diameter 6 cm, random raster;
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA:
Serpentine Pavilion 2009
roof: Al plates
polished and shiny roof.
3 m×1,5 m plates, thickness 2,5 cm
(3 mm Al + 1,9 mm plywood + 3 mm Al)
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA:
Serpentine Pavilion 2009
roof: Al plates
polished and shiny roof.
3 m×1,5 m plates, thickness 2,5 cm
(3 mm Al + 1,9 mm plywood + 3 mm Al)
Structural Systems
London, 2010:
Jean Nouvel:
Serpentine Pavilion 2010
red sun pavilion
architectural idea: red sun pavilion
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
red (as London color)
lightweight materials;
metal cantilever structures;
12 m high wall
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Jean Nouvel:
Serpentine Pavilion 2010
public space,
flexible auditorium;
outdoor table tennis tables
glass, polycarbonate and fabric structures;
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Jean Nouvel:
Serpentine Pavilion 2010
red (as London color)
lightweight materials;
metal cantilever structures;
12 m high wall
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
London, 2011:
Peter Zumthor:
Serpentine Pavilion 2011
idea: hortus conclusus = enclosed garden
a contemplative room, yard;
a garden within a garden.
Zumthor architecture: the sensory and spiritual aspects
of the architectural experience,
from the precise yet simple composition and
‘presence’ of the materials,
to the handling of scale and the effect of light.
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Peter Zumthor:
Serpentine Pavilion 2011
public space,
timber structure;
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Peter Zumthor:
Serpentine Pavilion 2011
a place abstracted from the world
of noise and traffic and the smells of London –
an interior space within which to sit, to walk, to observe the flowers
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Peter Zumthor:
Serpentine Pavilion 2011
specially created garden
by the influential Dutch designer Piet Oudolf
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
London, 2012:
Herzog & de Meuron and Ai Weiwei:
Serpentine Pavilion 2012
idea: previous 11 pavilions
11 + 1 columns
each colunm represents one pavilion
archaeological approach:
- inspire visitors to look beneath the surface of the park,
- back in time across the ghosts of the earlier structures
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Herzog & de Meuron and Ai Weiwei:
Serpentine Pavilion 2012
floating platform roof 1,5 m above the ground
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Herzog & de Meuron and Ai Weiwei:
Serpentine Pavilion 2012
water / pool at the top of the pavilion
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Herzog & de Meuron and Ai Weiwei:
Serpentine Pavilion 2012
interior: cork (echo)
cladding & chairs
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Architecture = Structure = Design
unusual forms
without windows and doors
there is no difference between inner and outer space
experiments with the space (2000-2012) – top level form
21 century: the work of architect and structural engineer are interweaved
collaboration between branches
light engineers, acoustic engineers
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Architecture = Structure = Design
unusual forms
without windows and doors
there is no difference between inner and outer space
experiments with the space
only condition: only Trimo elements
Structural Systems
Ljubljana, 2007:
Jelena Grujić:
Relaxation Wall, competition winner
Trimo Urban Crash 07
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
only condition: only Trimo elements
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
foto. L.S.
Ljubljana, 2007:
Rok Grdiša:
Pavilion, second place
Trimo Urban Crash 07
Ljubljana, 2010:
Rok Grdiša:
rebuild pavilion
only condition: only Trimo elements (steel)
now on different location
Structural Systems
Ljubljana, 2009:
Jan Ledwoń in Alicja Choła:
White Dancer, competition winner
Trimo Urban Crash 09
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
only condition: only Trimo elements (steel)
Structural Systems
Ljubljana, 2011:
Wojciech Nowak, Martynika Bielawska:
A Life Stand, competition winner
Trimo Urban Crash 2011
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
only condition: only Trimo elements (steel)
Structural Systems
Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilions (2000-12)
Ljubljana, 2013:
Trimo Urban Crash 2013
task: self-sufficient Bike Base designed as a sustainable building
consisting of a maximum of three Trimo modular units

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