Pennsylvania Forest Fire Warden
Pennsylvania Forest Fire Warden
We Need Your Help! Have you ever imagined yourself as a wildland reghter? Would you like to be the go-to person when wildres or wildre issues arise in your area? For More Information: For more information, please contact your local forest district ofce. Pennsylvania Forest Fire Warden A listing is available at: Would you like to be able to help recruit and train wildland reghters for your area? Would you like to be part of a wildland reghter crew traveling to aid in reghting efforts nationwide? Forest Districts in Pennsylvania If you answered YES to any of the above questions, keep on reading! In each of Pennsylvania’s 20 forest districts, the District Forest Fire Warden determines the need and supervises the work of local Forest Fire Wardens. The District Forest Fire Warden can assist interested individuals in obtaining the training and experience necessary to become a local Forest Fire Warden or crew member. Protecting Pennsylvania’s forests for over 100 years A Strong History... A Bright Future Spurred by rampant wildres following unregulated logging in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, visionary leaders like Gifford Pinchot and Joseph Rothrock lobbied for laws to protect our streams and forests. Forest re Wardens perform the following duties under the direction of a District Forest Fire Warden: Detecting, extinguishing, reporting and investigating wildres. Assembling, leading, and training a crew of wildland reghters. Promoting wildre prevention and conducting re prevention programs. Attending and assisting with training as needed. Performing wildre patrol or lookout duties during periods of high re danger. These efforts led to the creation of a system of volunteer Forest Fire Wardens in Pennsylvania in 1915. Wildre Prevention One of the essential functions of a Forest Fire Warden is to educate the public concerning the benets of wildre prevention. Pennsylvania Forest Fire Wardens conduct over a thousand re prevention programs annually, reaching over one million citizens. These programs are a vital part of our wildre prevention efforts and can make a big difference in the protection of life, property and natural resources from damage by wildre. Gifford Pinchot A Forest Fire Warden and crew keeping watch on a wildre Joseph Rothrock Smokey Bear often partners with local Forest Fire Wardens