pobierz - Drewno
pobierz - Drewno
INSTYTUT TECHNOLOGII DREWNA WOOD TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE DREWNO PRACE NAUKOWE ● DONIESIENIA KOMUNIKATY WOOD RESEARCH PAPERS ● REPORTS ● ANNOUNCEMENTS Vol. 53 POZNAŃ 2010 Nr 184 Wydanie publikacji dofinansowane przez Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego The journal is financially supported by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Educations Recenzenci (Reviewers): dr inż. Mariusz Jóźwiak, dr inż. Robert Kłos, prof. dr hab. Krzysztof J. Krajewski, dr Zofia Krzoska-Adamczak, dr hab. inż. Jadwiga ZabielskaMatejuk, prof. ITD Publikacje indeksowane są w bazach danych (Publications are indexed in the databases): Science Citation Index Expanded – http://thomsonreuters.com, SCOPUS – http://www.scopus.com, BazTech – http://baztech.icm.edu.pl, DREWINF – http://www. itd.poznan.pl, The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities – http://cejsh.icm.edu.pl Artykuły polskojęzyczne zawierają streszczenia w języku angielskim, a obcojęzyczne – w języku polskim. Spisy treści, streszczenia i pełne teksty artykułów są dostępne na stronie www.itd.poznan.pl/pl/drewno Prace naukowe i doniesienia uzyskują 6 punktów według klasyfikacji MNiSW Polish language articles have summaries in English language, and foreign language articles have summaries in Polish language. Tables of contents, summaries, and full versions of the articles are available at www.itd.poznan.pl/en/wood Wydawca (Editorial Office): Instytut Technologii Drewna ul. Winiarska 1, 60-654 Poznań, Polska (Poland) Adres Redakcji (Publishers' address): Instytut Technologii Drewna ul. Winiarska 1, 60-654 Poznań tel. +48/61 849 24 01, +48/61 849 24 61, fax +48/61 822 43 72, e-mail: [email protected] © Copyright by Instytut Technologii Drewna w Poznaniu Poznań 2010 ISSN 1644-3985 Projekt okładki (Cover design): Piotr Gołębniak Redaktor (Editor): Edward Grześkowiak Skład komputerowy (Computer typesetting): BookArt Poznań Druk (Print): Studio Poligrafia, ul. Bułgarska 10, 60-321 Poznań, tel. 061 867 53 72 Nakład (Edition): 520 egz. SPIS TREŚCI – CONTENTS Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK: VII Sympozjum ,,Czwartorzędowe sole amoniowe i obszary ich zastosowania w gospodarce” (VII Sympozjum on „Quaternary ammonium salts and their application in the economy”) ..... 5 Prace naukowe – Research papers Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK, Juliusz PERNAK, Aleksandra KROPACZ, Mariusz KOT, Anna STANGIERSKA: Activity of new ammonium ionic liquids against fungi causing wood moulding (Aktywność nowych amoniowych cieczy jonowych wobec grzybów wywołujących pleśnienie drewna) .................... 11 Andrzej FOJUTOWSKI, Andrzej NOSKOWIAK, Mariusz KOT, Aleksandra KROPACZ, Anna STANGIERSKA: The assessment of mechanical properties of wood treated with ionic liquids (Ocena właściwości mechanicznych drewna zabezpieczonego cieczami jonowymi) ............................................ 21 Mariusz KOT, Grzegorz KOWALUK: Wood hydrophobization by ammonium ionic liquids (Hydrofobizacja drewna za pomocą amoniowych cieczy jonowych) ................................................................................................... 39 Dorota FUCZEK, Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK, Juliusz PERNAK, Weronika PRZYBYLSKA: Wettability of wood surfaces treated with ionic liquids (Badania zwilżalności drewna zabezpieczonego powierzchniowo cieczami jonowymi) .................................................................................................... 45 Iwona FRĄCKOWIAK, Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK, Dorota FUCZEK, Mariusz KOT: Application of ammonium ionic liquids in particleboard technology (Zastosowanie cieczy jonowych w technologii płyt wiórowych) 55 Mariusz OLEKSY, Maciej HENECZKOWSKI, Henryk GALINA, Katarzyna LECKA-SZLACHTA: The influence of bentonites modified with quaternary ammonium salts on biocidal properties of compositions of water-dilutable paints and lacquers, and mineral plasters (Wpływ bentonitów modyfikowanych czwartorzędowymi solami amoniowymi na właściwości biobójcze kompozycji farb i lakierów wodorozcieńczalnych oraz tynków mineralnych) ............................................................................................................ 65 Doniesienia – Reports Grzegorz KOWALUK, Dorota FUCZEK: Screw holding performance of panels made of fibrous chips (Zdolność utrzymywania wkręta płyt wytworzonych z wiórów włóknistych) ................................................................................ 77 Komunikaty – Announcements Grzegorz PAJCHROWSKI: 11. Światowa Konferencja Inżynierii Drewna (11th World Conference on Timber Engineering) ....................................... 83 Drewno. Pr. Nauk. Donies. Komunik. 2010, vol. 53, nr 184 Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK 1 VII SYMPOZJUM „CZWARTORZĘDOWE SOLE AMONIOWE I OBSZARY ICH ZASTOSOWANIA W GOSPODARCE” Przedstawiono program Sympozjum oraz omówiono wystąpienia specjalistów zajmujących się badaniami czwartorzędowych soli amoniowych z uwzględnieniem cieczy jonowych. Słowa kluczowe: sympozjum, czwartorzędowe sole amoniowe, ciecze jonowe W dniach 1–2 lipca 2010 w Centrum Kongresowym Instytutu Ochrony Roślin w Poznaniu odbyło się kolejne już, VII Sympozjum „Czwartorzędowe sole amoniowe i obszary ich zastosowania w gospodarce”. Organizatorami Sympozjum był Instytut Technologii Drewna w Poznaniu, Wydział Technologii Chemicznej Politechniki Poznańskiej, Instytut Ochrony Roślin oraz Instytut Chemii Przemysłowej. VII Sympozjum zostało objęte honorowym patronatem Wicepremiera, Ministra Gospodarki Waldemara Pawlaka i Minister Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego prof. Barbary Kudryckiej. Uczestnikami sympozjum byli specjaliści z wyższych uczelni, instytutów naukowo-badawczych oraz przedstawiciele przemysłu, zajmujący się chemią czwartorzędowych soli amoniowych, technologią ich uzyskiwania, aplikacją w przemyśle chemicznym i w drzewnictwie, mikrobiologią, biotechnologią , ochroną środowiska, toksykologią i konserwacją. W trakcie konferencji wygłoszono 16 referatów plenarnych oraz zaprezentowano 74 postery. Otwarcia Sympozjum dokonali prof. Juliusz Pernak i doc. dr Władysław Strykowski, dyrektor Instytutu Technologii Drewna, który odczytał adresy kierowane do uczestników od Wicepremiera W. Pawlaka, Minister B. Kudryckiej i Prezydenta Poznania R. Grobelnego. Słowa powitania i życzenia owocnych obrad skierował również dyrektor Instytutu Ochrony Roślin, prof. Marek Mrówczyński. Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK, Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, Poland e-mail: [email protected] 6 Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK Pierwszy prelegent, prof. Juliusz Pernak, zaprezentował ciecze jonowe jako związki wielofunkcyjne o bardzo wysokim potencjale aplikacyjnym. Zainteresowanie cieczami jonowymi narodziło się na przełomie wieku i trwa do dnia dzisiejszego. Związki te są intensywnie badane przez wiele ośrodków akademickich i przemysłowych na całym świecie. W ostatnim czasie ogłoszono już trzecią generację cieczy jonowych, w których kation lub anion, bądź jednocześnie kation i anion są aktywne biologicznie. Prelegent omówił nową grupę cieczy jonowych, opisaną jako herbicydowe ciecze jonowe, przedstawił sposoby wyznaczania właściwości fizykochemicznych, akceptowane przez międzynarodowe środowiska badawcze. Kolejny prelegent, prof. Tadeusz Praczyk (IOR), przedstawił aktywność biologiczną cieczy jonowych zawierających anion (4-chloro-2- metylofenoksy)octanowy i anion (2,4-dichlorofenoksy)octanowy. Stwierdził, że ciecze te cechowały się lepszym działaniem na chwasty niż znane obecnie preparaty w formie soli. Biologiczna aktywność herbicydowych cieczy jonowych była porównywalna do form estrowych MCPA i 2,4-D. Ważną zaletą cieczy jonowej jako herbicydu jest bardzo niska prężność par, niskie dawki i działanie wielofunkcyjne. Prof. Mirosław Szafran (UAM) zaprezentował syntezę i właściwości spektroskopowe betain – bipolarnych związków chemicznych, posiadających właściwości powierzchniowo czynne, które znalazły zastosowanie jako dodatki do szamponów, detergentów i dezodorantów. Betainy są szeroko stosowane w przędzeniu włókien, w przemyśle papierniczym ułatwiają proces drukowania oraz nadają połysk, również papierom fotograficznym, są dodawane do mikrobiocydów, środków antyseptycznych. Dr hab. Jadwiga Zabielska-Matejuk (ITD) omówiła ciecze jonowe jako skuteczne fungicydy do ochrony przed atakiem grzybów niszczących drewno, dobrze penetrujących i utrwalających się w materiale lignocelulozowym. Zwróciła uwagę na dobrą aktywność grzybobójczą herbicydowych cieczy jonowych, podkreślając wielofunkcyjność tych związków. Przedstawiła wpływ cieczy jonowych na zmniejszenie nasiąkliwości drewna, jak również kinetykę i izotermy adsorpcji tych związków na drewnie sosny. Badany mechanizm potwierdził chemiczny charakter adsorpcji. Tematem referatu dr Katarzyny Marteny (PP) była aktywność powierzchniowa cieczy jonowych. Amfifilowość cieczy jonowych jest bardzo istotnym zagadnieniem, gdyż właściwości powierzchniowe i międzyfazowe mają decydujący wpływ na obszar aplikacji. W roztworach wodnych ciecze jonowe tworzą agregaty w zależności od rodzaju stosowanego kationu czy anionu oraz stężenia. Wartości krytycznego stężenia micelowania (CMC) są zbliżone lub zdecydowanie niższe niż otrzymywane dla typowych kationowych surfaktantów, co wskazuje na większą tendencje do agregacji cząsteczek cieczy jonowych. VII Sympozjum ,,Czwartorzędowe sole amoniowe i obszary ich zastosowania w gospodarce” 7 Prof. Zofia Dega-Szafran (UAM) omówiła syntezę i właściwości fizykochemiczne czwartorzędowych soli 1,4- diazabicyklo-(2,2,2) oktanu. Podkreśliła kulistą budowę cząsteczek i ich przenikalność dielektryczną, wykorzystywaną w budowie kondensatorów. Kolejna prelegentka, dr Barbara Dmowska, przedstawiła sole N-Dglikozylo- i alditoliloamoniowe, ich syntezy i właściwości przeciwgrzybowe oraz wyniki badań cytotoksyczności i mutagenności. Badania wpływu czwartorzędowych soli amoniowych na działanie osadu czynnego z oczyszczalni ścieków omówiła prof. Elżbieta Grabińska-Sota (PŚ). Wytypowane w doświadczeniu ciecze jonowe są rozkładane przez mikroorganizmy osadu czynnego w powyżej 80 procentach dla roztworu o zawartości 10 mg/L cieczy. Wystąpienie dr Ewy Janos poruszało problematykę przydatności cieczy jonowych jako rozpuszczalników w reakcji Diesla-Aldera, dzięki którym można uzyskać czysty produkt reakcji. Prelegentka nakreśliła plany badawcze chiralnych cieczy jonowych. W drugim dniu obrad przedstawiono sześć referatów plenarnych. Bardzo interesująco była omówiona przez prof. Ryszarda Kaliszana (UG) możliwość aplikacji cieczy jonowych w chromatografii cienkowarstwowej, pozwalających na rozwinięcie chromatogramów i lepszy rozdział substancji analizowanych. Prof. Grzegorz Węgrzyn (UG) przedstawił wyniki badań wykrywania mutagenności związków chemicznych, w tym cieczy jonowych, mechanizm mutacji w budowie DNA oraz nowe testy biologiczne na bakteriach przydatne w badaniach mutagenności substancji chemicznych. Równowagi fazowe oraz właściwości ekstrakcyjne cieczy jonowych były przedmiotem wystąpienia prof. Urszuli Domańskiej-Żelaznej (PW). Ciecze jonowe mogą być stosowane do rozdziału podobnych rozpuszczalników aromatycznych i alifatycznych. Wyznaczono współczynniki aktywności w rozcieńczeniu nieskończenie wielkim. Zastosowanie cieczy jonowych – soli tetraalkiloamonowych w syntezie organicznej katalizowanej związkami palladu przedstawiła prof. Anna Trzeciak (UW). Podkreśliła, że ciecze jonowe mogą służyć również jako katalizatory, podnosząc wydajność reakcji nawet do kilkudziesięciu procent. Prof. Stefan Baj (PŚ) zreferował aplikacje cieczy jonowych w syntezie substancji nadtlenowych. Złoty jubileusz katalizy międzyfazowej był tematem wystąpienia prof. Michała Fedoryńskiego (PW). Ostatni prelegent, prof. Piotr Stepnowski (UG), omówił zastosowanie technik separacyjnych do rozdzieleń i analizy składników cieczy jonowych, oznaczania zanieczyszczenia i pozostałości. Tematem zaprezentowanych posterów był między innymi problem odkwaszania papieru. Ze względu na wielkie zniszczenia zbiorów bibliotecznych 8 Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK i archiwalnych rozpoczęto na całym świecie badania nad neutralizacją kwaśnego papieru. Przedstawione przez dr hab. Ewę Drzewińską i dr Agnieszkę Wysocką-Robak metody odkwaszania niestety nie spełniają do końca wszystkich parametrów, które decydują o skuteczności metody oraz bezpieczeństwie środowiska. Zastosowanie cieczy jonowych stwarza nową perspektywę w tej dziedzinie. Interesującym kierunkiem badań, zasygnalizowanym na konferencji, było wykorzystanie cieczy jonowych do ekstrakcji związków o charakterze grzybobójczym z kory Cinnamonium zeylanicum, porównanie z ekstrakcją za pomocą tradycyjnych rozpuszczalników organicznych oraz ocena działania otrzymanych ekstraktów w stosunku do różnorodnych patogenów grzybowych, powodujących choroby skóry człowieka, choroby roślin i pszczół, a także biodeteriorację materiałów technicznych. W celu ograniczenia rozwoju mikroorganizmów zarówno w procesie produkcji papieru, jak i w wyrobach gotowych, a także podczas przechowywania w bibliotekach, archiwach czy muzeach stosuje się różnego rodzaju biocydy. Wśród nich na uwagę zasługują coraz częściej wykorzystywane ciecze jonowe. W wyniku badań możliwości zastosowania azotanu benzalkoniowego i azotanu didecylodimetyloamoniowego w postaci kompleksów z solą sodową kwasu poliakrylowego oraz solą sodową karboksymetylocelulozy jako środków biocydowych w powłokach otrzymanych z lateksu kopolimeru etylenu z octanem winylu stwierdzono, że czwartorzędowe sole amoniowe złączone z anionowymi polimerami są stabilnymi funkcyjnymi dodatkami o charakterze biocydowym, selektywnie się uwalniającymi. W ten sposób funkcjonalizowane biocydy można wprowadzać do innych farb poprawiając ich stabilność, właściwości reologiczne i biocydowe. W ramach prezentacji posterowych przedstawiono badania dystrybucji cieczy jonowych w środowisku oraz ich sorpcji na powierzchni gleb i minerałów, oceny oddziaływania na organizmy glebowe oraz poruszono wiele innych interesujących kwestii związanych z aplikacją cieczy jonowych w różnych obszarach gospodarki. W podsumowaniu Sympozjum prof. J. Pernak podziękował wszystkim wykładowcom i uczestnikom za przedstawienie najnowszych osiągnięć w pracach nad czwartorzędowymi solami amoniowymi, podkreślił rangę tej tematyki badawczej zarówno w kraju, jak i w świecie, zapraszając wszystkich na kolejną konferencję. VII Sympozjum było współfinansowane z projektu rozwojowego realizowanego przez ITD nr POIG.01.03.01-30-74/08 pt. „Ciecze jonowe w innowacyjnych technologiach związanych z przetwarzaniem surowców lignocelulozowych”. W niniejszym numerze czasopisma „Drewno” opublikowano wyniki badań cieczy jonowych przedstawione w formie sześciu posterów podczas konferencji. VII Sympozjum ,,Czwartorzędowe sole amoniowe i obszary ich zastosowania w gospodarce” 9 VII SYMPOZJUM ON „QUATERNARY AMMONIUM SALTS AND THEIR APPLICATION IN THE ECONOMY” Summary The Symposium programme and the latest achievements of specialist in various scientific disciplines who deal with synthesis, physical chemistry, surface and biological activity, toxicology and analytical of quaternary ammonium salts were presented. The application of quaternary ammonium salts, as well as the ionic liquids for protection of wood, wood products and paper, for catalysis, separation processes, and biomass degradation were showed. Keywords: symposium, quaternary ammonium salts, ionic liquids Drewno. Pr. Nauk. Donies. Komunik. 2010, vol. 53, nr 184 PRACE NAUKOWE – RESEARCH PAPERS Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK, Juliusz PERNAK, Aleksandra KROPACZ, Mariusz KOT, Anna STANGIERSKA 1 ACTIVITY OF NEW AMMONIUM IONIC LIQUIDS AGAINST FUNGI CAUSING WOOD MOULDING The results of the tests of the effectiveness of the action of new, not yet described in the literature group of biocidal ionic liquids were synthesised and presented. Those ionic liquids are derivatives of the leading structure, i.e. didecyldimethylammonium nitrate, and demonstrate strong action against mould fungi. Natural quaternary ammonium salts, mainly extracts from coconut and soybean, and from vegetable fats, were the basis for syntheses. Mycological tests were carried out on the wood of pine Pinus sylvestris L. (sapwood) in accordance with the method assumed binding for the assessment of biocide efficacy. Keywords: ionic liquids, biocidal activity, wood, moulds Introduction and aim of the research Wood is very susceptible to depreciation and processes of biological degradation caused by microorganisms. Microorganisms present in air are undesirable Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK, Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, Poland e-mail: [email protected] Juliusz PERNAK, Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland e-mail: [email protected] Aleksandra KROPACZ, Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, Poland e-mail: [email protected] Mariusz KOT, Poznan University of Technology ,Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, Poland e-mail: [email protected] Anna STANGIERSKA, Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, Poland e-mail: [email protected] 12 Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK, Juliusz PERNAK, Aleksandra KROPACZ, Mariusz KOT, Anna STANGIERSKA biological factor which, if allowable concentrations assumed for a certain environment are exceeded, poses a threat to people. Mould fungi account for around 70% of the whole air micro flora. In residential buildings a few dozen species of bacteria, over 400 species of moulds and a dozen or so species of fungi causing decay of wood and wood-based materials [Barabasz, Pikulicka-Dziurman 2009] may be found. Microorganisms settling so-called “sick buildings” are isolated from air, walls, and from furniture as well. Wood, which still is one of the most common furniture maker’s and structural materials in construction industry, unfortunately is an excellent substratum for the growth of fungi, which is the reason why it becomes the main source of mould in indoor air. The main factor stimulating the growth of mould fungi in apartments is an elevated humidity of environment, i.e. above 60% of air relative humidity, although we know some species for which humidity of 30–40% is sufficient [Gutarowska, Jakubowska 2001]. Tests of microbiological contamination of usable rooms proved a high and diverse level of microbiological contamination in the tested air. The following moulds were identified: Rhizopus, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Cladosporium and Alternaria [Stach et al. 2004]. Moulding of wood is a process brought about by many species of fungi, most often growing on the surface. Usually moulding does not cause any stronger deterioration of physical and chemical properties; however it is responsible for depreciation of wood through change of its colour and making its surface pattern blurry, thus for depreciation of wood commercial value and its competitiveness in relation to other technical materials. Infected wood cannot be used in line with its intended use not only due to worsening of its aesthetics, but also because of allergenic properties of many of moulds found on it, which surely have a negative influence on health of people staying in rooms. Mould fungi and their secondary metabolites prove to be toxic to the organisms of people and animals. Numerous tests proved that they are directly responsible for many conditions of respiratory system and skin, part of cancerous diseases or numerous allergies. People who are exposed to mould infected materials for a longer period may have such symptoms of infections and allergies as: rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, alveolitis, conjunctivitis, dermatological lesions, reduction of immune system resistance, chronic fatigue syndrome, and in unusually extreme cases damage to immune system may lead to death [Grajewski, Twarużek 2004]. Bearing in mind that wood being one of more popular materials found in human nearest environment, is at the same time a good substratum for mould growth, it requires protection that would be simultaneously solid and harmless to human. With a view to achieve that, fungicides limiting possibilities of fungi attack on wood are introduced into wood [Pernak et al. 2004, 2006; Cybulski et al. 2008; Zabielska-Matejuk 2004; Zabielska-Matejuk et al. 2009]. Activity of new ammonium ionic liquids against fungi causing wood moulding 13 Diversity of species and the resistance of mould fungi to chemical preparations poses a problem when structures of effective active substances combating this group of imperfect fungi are being designed. This paper presents attempts to develop new, not yet described in the literature biocidal ionic liquids that are derivatives of the lead structure, i.e. didecyldimethylammonium nitrate, and demonstrate strong action against mould fungi. Natural quaternary ammonium salts, mainly extracts from coconut and soybean, and from vegetable fats, were the basis for the syntheses. The aim of the research was to develop a manner of synthesising new ionic liquids and determine their efficacy against species of mould fungi that overgrow wood and wood-based materials. Test materials and methods Syntheses New, not yet described in the literature biocidal ionic liquids with ammonium cation and organic herbicide anions were synthesised: [Ciech][1], [Ciech][3], [Rok][1], [Rok][2], [BA][Glif], as well as ionic liquids with natural cation and nitrate anion: [Eth C/12][NO3], [Arq1230][NO3] and [Arq C35][NO3] (table 1.) The synthesis of the above-mentioned ionic liquids consisted in replacement of halide anion with herbicide anion or nitrate(V) anion. The reactions were carried out in water environment with a little surplus of inorganic salt. By selecting adequate surpluses of inorganic salts participating in the synthesis and regulating the temperature and time of the ion exchange process, very pure ionic liquids, whose effectiveness not infrequently reached 98–99%, were obtained. In order to confirm the structure of the new ionic liquids, analyses using thin layer chromatography (TLC) and proton and carbon spectra of nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR and 13C NMR) were carried out, as well as elementary analyses. The content of ionic liquid in the product was determined using two phase titration method in chloroform-water system. The structures of ionic liquids are presented in Diagram 1 and the description is given in table 1. CH3 R2 N+ R1 X- CH3 R1, R2 – alkyl C8-C18, X – NO3, herbicide, 14 Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK, Juliusz PERNAK, Aleksandra KROPACZ, Mariusz KOT, Anna STANGIERSKA Table 1. Tested ionic liquids Tabela 1 . Badane ciecze jonowe Ionic liquid Ciecz jonowa [Ciech][1] Content of cation active substance [%] Zawartość substancji aktywnej [%] 88.0 [Ciech][3] 98.0 [Rok][1] 95.0 [Rok][2] 99.0 [BA][Glif] [Arq1230][NO3] [Arq C35] NO3] [EthC/12][NO3] 95.0 75.0 98.0 99.0 Solvent Description Rozpuszczalnik Opis isopropanol modified structure of CIECH group products izopropanol isopropanol izopropanol isopropanol/water 1:1 izopropanol/woda 1:1 isopropanol/water 1:1 izopropanol/woda 1:1 water woda water woda water woda water woda zmodyfikowana struktura produktów grupy CIECH modified structure of CIECH group products zmodyfikowana struktura produktów grupy CIECH synthesis from a market product of PCC Rokita S.A. Company synteza z produktu rynkowego firmy PCC Rokita S.A. synthesis from a market product of PCC Rokita S.A. Company synteza z produktu rynkowego firmy PCC Rokita S.A. ionic liquid with anion containing herbicide ciecz jonowa z anionem zawierającym herbicyd nitrate(V) with dodecyltrimethylammonium cation azotan(V) z kationem dodecylotrimetyloamoniowym nitrate(V) with cation obtained from coconut oil azotan(V) z kationem uzyskanym z oleju kokosowego nitrate(V) with cation obtained from natural vegetable products (coconut oil ethoxylates) azotan(V) z kationem uzyskanym z naturalnych produktów roślinnych (etoksylatów oleju kokosowego) Activity of new ammonium ionic liquids against fungi causing wood moulding 15 Method for testing wood resistance to mould fungi Mycological tests were carried out in accordance with the method assumed binding for the assessment of biocide efficacy against mould fungi and described in ITB Instruction 355/98 [Ochrona drewna ... 1998]. Water solutions, alcohol solutions (isopropanol) or water-alcohol solutions (isopropanol-water 1:1) of the tested ionic liquids were applied on the samples of pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L. (sapwood)) of the dimensions of 40 × 40 × 4 mm. The applied amount was 15, 25, 50, 100 and 150 g of pure active substance per 1 m2 of the wood surface. After conditioning the protected samples as well as the control samples were exposed to the action of two sets of fungi. The samples were placed on agar culture medium in Petri dishes and then infected by spraying them with spore water made from the following species of mould fungi: Set I – Aspergillus niger V. Tieghem, Penicillium funiculosum Thom, Paecilomyces varioti Rainier, Trichoderma viride Persoon ex Fries, Alternaria tenuis Link ex Fries, Set II – Chaetomium globosum Kunze. The test material was put for 4 weeks into an incubator where the temperature was 27±2°C and relative humidity 90%. Simultaneously the vitality of spores on the control dishes with agar culture medium was checked. Unprotected pine wood was used as reference material. The assessment of mycelium growth was carried out according to a 4-degree assessment scale: 0 – no visible under the microscope growth of fungi on a sample, 1 – trace growth of fungi on a sample, poorly visible to the naked eye, but well visible under the microscope, or visible to the naked eye growth limited only to the brims of a sample, 2 – visible to the naked eye growth of fungi on a sample, but less than 15% of the surface covered by fungus, 3 – over 15% of the surface covered by fungus visible to the naked eye. The final result of a sample coverage by mould was the arithmetic mean from the assessments of six test samples from each set. The control samples should demonstrate fungi growth on over 75% of the surface of each sample. Test results and discussion The results of determinations of the degree of wood coverage by the mould fungi are presented in tables 2 and 3 and in fig. 1. The degree of mould coverage of the wood protected with [Ciech][1], [BA][Glif] ionic liquids after 4-week action of the mould fungi mixture (set I) 16 Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK, Juliusz PERNAK, Aleksandra KROPACZ, Mariusz KOT, Anna STANGIERSKA and where the application was 25 g/m2 was 0, which proves very high activity of the compounds with herbicide anion against the mixture of test fungi. Table 2. The resistance of pine wood (sapwood) protected with the ionic liquids to the action of the mould fungi mixture – Set I Tabela 2. Odporność drewna sosny (biel) zabezpieczonego cieczami jonowymi na działanie mieszaniny grzybów pleśniowych – Zestaw I Ionic liquid application on the wood surface Ionic liquid Ciecz jonowa Naniesienie cieczy jonowej na powierzchnię drewna 15 [g/m2] 25 [g/m2] 50 [g/m2] 100 [g/m2] 150 [g/m2] Surface coverage degree Stopień porośnięcia powierzchni [Ciech][1] 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 [Ciech][3] 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.2 0.0 [Rok][1] 0.8 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.0 [Rok][2] 2.0 0.7 0.0 – – [BA][Glif] 1.8 0.0 0.0 – – [Arq1230][NO3] 1.8 0.7 0.3 – – [Arq C35][NO3] 2.3 0.7 0.0 – – [Eth C/12][NO3] 3.0 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 Table 3. The resistance of pine wood (sapwood) protected with the ionic liquids to the action of Chaetomium globosum fungus – Set II Tabela 3. Odporność drewna sosny (biel) zabezpieczonego cieczami jonowymi na działanie grzyba Chaetomium globosum – Zestaw II Ionic liquid application on the wood surface Ionic liquid Ciecz jonowa Naniesienie cieczy jonowej na powierzchnię drewna 15 [g/m2] 25 [g/m2] 50 [g/m2] 100 [g/m2] 150 [g/m2] Surface coverage degree Stopień porośnięcia powierzchni [Ciech][1] 0 0 0 0 0 [Ciech][3] 0.8 0.5 0 0 0 [Rok][1] 0.3 0.2 0 0 0 [Rok][2] 0 0 0 – – [BA][Glif] 0 0 0 – – [Arq1230][NO3] 0 0 0 – – [Arq C35][NO3] 0 0 0 – – [Eth C/12][NO3] 1.8 0.7 0 0 0 17 Activity of new ammonium ionic liquids against fungi causing wood moulding In the case of the rest of the ionic liquids with ammonium cation and organic herbicide anions ([Ciech][3], [Rok][1], [Rok][2]) and the samples protected with the ionic liquids with natural cation and nitrate anion ([Arq1230][NO3] [ArqC35][NO3]) already the application of 25 g/m2 resulted in the situation where the maximum coverage degree did not exceed 1. Such result allow classification of the protected wood as a material that is practically resistant to mould fungi (class 2). The fact that wood was well protected with [Ciech][1], [Ciech][3] and [Rok][1] liquids already at the application level of 15 g/m2 should be well noticed. The mean mould coverage degree ranged from 0.3 to 1.0. 0 [g/m2] 15 [g/m2] Średni stopień zapleśnienia Mean degree of mould coverage 3 2,5 25 [g/m2] 50 [g/m2] 100 [g/m2] 2 150 [g/m2] 1,5 1 0,5 0 [Ciech][1] [Ciech][3] [Rok][1] [Rok][2] [BA] [herb1] [Arq1230][NO3] [Arq C35][NO3] [Eth C/12][NO3] Control Ionic liquids Ciecze jonowe Fig. 1. The results of determination of the resistance of pine wood protected with the ionic liquids to the action of the mould fungi – Set I – Mixture Rys. 1. Wyniki oznaczania odporności drewna sosny zabezpieczonego cieczami jonowymi na działanie grzybów pleśniowych – Zestaw I – Mieszanina In the case of Chaetomium globosum fungus the degree of coverage was 0 for application level of 50 g/m2, which indicates exceptional efficacy of the tested ionic liquids against that species. The pine control wood demonstrated the 3. degree of coverage by mould as a result of the action of both sets of the test fungi. Conclusions 1. The seven tested ionic liquids demonstrated strong anti-mould action. In the case of Chaetomium globosum fungus (set II) already the lowest application (15 g/m2) was sufficient to protect the wood effectively. 18 Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK, Juliusz PERNAK, Aleksandra KROPACZ, Mariusz KOT, Anna STANGIERSKA 2. The ionic liquids with ammonium cation and organic herbicide anions ([Ciech][1], [BA][Glif]) demonstrated the strongest action against the mould fungi. Those ionic liquids completely inhibited the growth of the mould mixture (set I) on the surface of protected material already when the application was 25 g per m2 of wood. Acknowledgements This study was carried out with the financial support of the European Regional Development Found within the framework of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme in Poland, project number P016.01.03.01-30-074/08. References Barabasz W., Pikulicka-Dziurman A.[2009]: Grzyby toksynotwórcze w budownictwie mieszkaniowym, Mater. V Konf. Nauk. Rozkład i korozja mikrobiologiczna materiałów technicznych. Łódź 2009:114 Cybulski J., Wiśniewska A., Kulig-Adamiak a., Liwicka L., Cieniecka-Rosłonkiewicz A., Kita K., Fojutowski A., Nawrot J., Materna K., Pernak J. [2008]: Long-alkyl-chain quaternary ammonium lactate based ionic liquids. Chemistry – A Eur. J.14:9305 Chowdhury S., Mohad R.S., Dcott J.L.[2007]: Reactivity of ionic liquids. Tetrahedron 63:2363-2389 Grajewski J., Twarużek M. 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[2004]: Mikroflora powietrza wokół i wewnątrz budynków dydaktycznych wyższej uczelni w Poznaniu. Postępy Dermatologii i Alergologii, [21] 3:121–127 Zabielska-Matejuk J., Stangierska A., Skrzypczak A. [2009]: Ciecze jonowe w ochronie drewna budowlanego przed korozja biologiczną. Ochrona przed korozją – w druku Zabielska-Matejuk J. [2004]: Badania aktywności biologicznej nowych czwartorzędowych soli amoniowych metodą pożywkową i przyspieszoną metodą klockową. Drewno, [47] 172:21–36 Activity of new ammonium ionic liquids against fungi causing wood moulding 19 AKTYWOŚĆ NOWYCH AMONIOWYCH CIECZY JONOWYCH WOBEC GRZYBÓW WYWOŁUJĄCYCH PLEŚNIENIE DREWNA Streszczenie Drewno użytkowane w warunkach wysokiej wilgotności ulega deprecjacji i procesom destrukcji biologicznej wywołanej działaniem mikroorganizmów. Szczególnie jest podatne na atak grzybów pleśniowych, wywołujących powierzchniowe przebarwienia, co pogarsza estetykę drewna oraz obniża jego konkurencyjność w stosunku do innych materiałów technicznych. Różnorodność gatunkowa oraz oporność grzybów pleśniowych na preparaty chemiczne jest problemem przy opracowaniu struktur skutecznych substancji czynnych, zwalczających tę grupę grzybów niedoskonałych. Zsyntezowano nową, nieopisaną w literaturze, grupę biobójczych cieczy jonowych, pochodnych struktury wiodącej – azotanu didecylodimetyloamoniowego, wykazujących silne działanie w stosunku do grzybów-pleśni. Bazą dla syntez były czwartorzędowe sole amoniowe pochodzenia naturalnego, głównie ekstrakty z kokosa, soi oraz tłuszczów roślinnych. Badania mikologiczne wykonano na drewnie sosny Pinus sylvestris L.(biel), zgodnie z metodą przyjętą jako obowiązującą w ocenie skuteczności działania biocydów. Opracowane ciecze jonowe wykazały aktywność wobec gatunku Chaetomium globosum, oraz mieszaniny: Aspergillus niger, Penicillium funiculosum, Alternaria alternata, Paecylomyces varioti, Trichoderma viride. Jako najsilniej działające ciecze jonowe wymienić należy związki o kationach: didecylodimetyloamoniowym, benzalkoniowym, dodecylotrimetyloamoniowym i cocotrimetyloamoniowym oraz szeregu anionów organicznych i nieorganicznych (również o właściwościach herbicydowych). Słowa kluczowe: ciecze jonowe, aktywność grzybobójcza, drewno, pleśnienie Drewno. Pr. Nauk. Donies. Komunik. 2010, vol. 53, nr 184 Andrzej FOJUTOWSKI, Andrzej NOSKOWIAK, Mariusz KOT, Aleksandra KROPACZ, Anna STANGIERSKA 1 THE ASSESSMENT OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF WOOD TREATED WITH IONIC LIQUIDS The impregnation of wood with wood preservatives may have an influence on its physical and mechanical properties. The knowledge about the character of that influence is of great importance for characterisation of functional properties of wood and, as a consequence, determination of its use classes. The ionic liquids (ILs) of imidazolium tetrafluoroborates series, which for instance very well penetrate into Scots pine wood, are active against wood-destroying fungi and generally have a positive, although insignificant, influence on physical and mechanical properties of wood, especially on its resistance to colour change during exposure to light. However, various ILs may differ widely in that respect. Under POIG.01.03.01-30-074/08 project investigations were undertaken to clarify the influence of didecyldimethylammonium nitrite ([DDA][NO2]) and IL with didecyldimethylammonium cation and anion of herbicide character ([DDA][herbicide]) on selected physical and mechanical properties of Scots pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.). The miniature sapwood samples were subjected to sorption with the ILs by vacuum method. The properties of the treated wood were compared with those of control wood, i.e. untreated wood, using twin specimens. The average retention of ILs in wood was on the level of 3.6kg/m3, 7.4kg/m3, and 18.2kg/m3. The tested ILs had only a very small influence, from -0.5% to +1.6%, on the compression strength of wood along the grain when oven-dry wood was tested. However, at equilibrium moisture content the compression strength along the grain, bending strength, and modulus of elasticity at bending of wood treated Andrzej FOJUTOWSKI, Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, Poland e-mail: [email protected] Andrzej NOSKOWIAK, Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, Poland e-mail: [email protected] Mariusz KOT, Poznan University of Technology, Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, Poland e-mail: [email protected] Aleksandra KROPACZ, Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, Poland e-mail: [email protected] Anna STANGIERSKA, Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, Poland e-mail: [email protected] 22 Andrzej FOJUTOWSKI, Andrzej NOSKOWIAK, Mariusz KOT, Aleksandra KROPACZ, Anna STANGIERSKA with ILs were distinctly lower, i.e. by 10%, 20% and 15% respectively. The equilibrium moisture content of wood treated with ILs was greater by 2-3% than that of control wood, which may be the reason for deterioration of wood mechanical properties. However, this speculation requires further investigations. Keywords: ionic liquids, wood, Scots pine, compression strength, bending strength, equilibrium moisture Introduction Ionic liquids which belong to a special class of molten salts whose melting points are at the temperatures below 100oC, are considered as potential “green” and neoteric solvents [Li et al. 2004; Pernak et al. 2001; Pernak et al. 2004; Rogers, Seddon 2002; Wasserscheid, Welton 2002; Welton 1999]. The insignificant vapour pressure is a special advantage of ILs, because solvent emission to the atmosphere is very low. The synthesis, properties and application of ILs, for instance as potential wood preservatives, have been extensively studied recently [Cybulski et al. 2008; Kartal et al. 2005, 2006; Sheldon 2001; Rogers, Seddon 2002; Kubisa 2004; Pernak et al. 2004, 2005, 2006]. Some of ionic liquids, such as for example imidazolium tetrafluoroborate, lactate, pyridinium chlorides and acesulfamates, and many others, are active against wood-destroying fungi and penetrate deep into the pine wood structure [Pernak et al. 2004; ZabielskaMatejuk, Pernak 2009; Zabielska-Matejuk et al. 2010]. Ionic liquids (ILs) of imidazolium tetrafluoroborates series generally have positive, although insignificant, influence on physical and mechanical properties of wood, especially on its resistance to colour change during exposure to light [Fojutowski et al. 2007]. However, various different ILs may differ widely in that respect. For example 1-butyl-3-methylimdazolium chloride dissolves cellulose from pulp [Swatloski et al. 2002] and some imidazolium-based derivates are capable of wood liquefaction [Honglu, Tiejun 2006]. The impregnation of wood with wood preservatives may have an influence on physical and mechanical properties of wood. The knowledge about the character of that influence is of great importance for characterisation of functional properties of wood and, as a consequence, determination of its use classes presented in EN 335. Under POIG.01.03.01-30-074/08 project investigations were undertaken to clarify the influence of didecyldimethylammonium nitrite ([DDA][NO2]) and IL with didecyldimethylammonium cation and anion of herbicide character ([DDA][herbicide]) on selected physical and mechanical properties of Scots pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.). The above-mentioned ILs were used in the investigation as very interesting compounds for wood protection, because of their strong effectiveness against wood-attacking fungi [Zabielska-Matejuk et al. 2010]. The assessment of mechanical properties of wood treated with ionic liquids 23 Materials and experiment methods Wood used in the tests The Scots pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) came from fresh coniferous class III forest stands of the Wielkopolsko-Pomorski (III) natural forest region. Only sapwood of the wood was used. The defect-free wood, e.g. without sapstain, rot, worm holes, was gently artificially dried below 60°C before further treatment. The quality of the sapwood samples was in line with PN-EN 113 requirements. Identical (twin) samples of sapwood were cut from selected boards and used for the tests. Ionic liquids (ILs) The ILs used in the tests were prepared in the Poznan University of Technology laboratory, according to the described method [Zabielska-Matejuk et al. 2010]. The main substances used in the tests were didecyldimethylammonium nitrite ([DDA][NO2]) and IL with didecyldimethylammonium cation and anion of herbicide character ([DDA][herbicide]). The concentration of each of the tested ILs was 91–97% and they were easy dissolved in propanol-2 and water-propan2-ol mixture. Investigated wood properties and method of their determination The following wood properties were investigated: − compression strength along the grain was measured in two variants according to PN-D-04102 and in accordance with ISO 3787 using a computerised “Instron” apparatus with the force load range up to 50 kN and 5 mm/min rate of head movement: a) using 6 twin pairs (a pair: control specimens – specimens treated with ILs solution of individual concentration) of specimens 20 × 20 × 30 mm artificially dried before the test at 103±2°C and tested oven-dry according to PN-72/C-04907, or b) using for each test series (control or treated with ILs solution of individual concentration) 30 specimens 20 × 20 × 30 mm conditioned in 65±5% relative humidity and 20±2°C to equilibrium moisture, − bending strength was measured according to PN-D-04103 and modulus of elasticity (MOE) according to PN-D-04117 in accordance with ISO 3133 using 36 specimens of 20 × 20 × 300 mm for each test series; Before the test specimens were conditioned in 65±5% relative humidity and 20±2°C to equilibrium moisture. An computerised “Instron” apparatus with a force load 24 Andrzej FOJUTOWSKI, Andrzej NOSKOWIAK, Mariusz KOT, Aleksandra KROPACZ, Anna STANGIERSKA range up to 50 kN and 5mm/min rate of head movement was used for the tests. MOE was determined from the linear part of the force displacement curve using a standard procedure [Dias de Moraes et al. 2004], − moisture content of wood according to PN-EN 13183-1. Preparation of wood specimens To minimise the effect of wood heterogeneity on the test results a special procedure for specimen collection was used. Seven specimens were cut along the grain one by one from one strip. 36 strips were used for tests of wood bending strength and modulus of elasticity at bending and 30 for tests of compression strength along the grain at equilibrium moisture content. To achieve good comparability of the test results the specimens were specially arranged: the first specimen from each strip was intended for the test with 0.5% [DDA][NO2] concentration, the second – with 1.0% [DDA][NO2], the third – with 2.5% [DDA][NO2], the forth (central) was the control (not impregnated), the fifth – with 2.5% [DDA][herbicide], the sixth – with 1.0% [DDA][herbicide], and the seventh – with 0.5% [DDA][herbicide]. The specimens for compression strength determination on oven-dry wood were cut in pairs along the grain. In each pair one sapwood sample was then treated with IL solution, while the other was used as the control (not impregnated). 12 specimens were cut from one strip for each kind of ILs and each solution concentration. Treatment of wood with IL and preparation to the tests At the room temperature [DDA][NO2] and [DDA][herbicide] are highly viscous, semi-solid substances, hence their solutions were prepared to treat the wood. ILs solutions of the following concentrations were used for wood impregnation: 0.5%; 1.0% and 2.5% in water-propan-2-ol mixture (10:1). The wood specimens were impregnated with ILs solutions by vacuum-pressure method according to the procedure described in PN-EN 113. The ILs retention in wood was determined by weighing the wood samples before and after the treatment and was expressed in kg/m3. Before the treatment the wood specimens were dried to oven-dry mass at 103±2°C. After the treatment wood specimens were conditioned to constant mass in a conditioning chamber at 20oC and 65% relative humidity, except the specimens intended for determination of compression strength along the grain in oven-dry wood which were dried to oven-dry mass at 103±2°C. Control wood was conditioned or dried in the same way as the wood specimens treated with ILs. 25 The assessment of mechanical properties of wood treated with ionic liquids Expression of results The absolute values of the properties were determined for individual samples. Those numbers were then used to calculate relative values (∆r) according to eq. 1: (1) ∆r=[(Wf – Wc)/Wc] ⋅ 100 [%] where: Wf represented the value for treated wood, Wc represented the value for control sample. The values recorded are average, minimum and maximum values with standard deviation and coefficient of variability. The assessment of significance of changes in wood properties is based on statistical test data according to ISO 2854, PN-N-01052/03 item 3.4: Comparison of means in two populations assuming the confidence level of 95% (significance level of α = 0.05). Results and discussion Ionic liquids retention in wood specimens The results of wood impregnation with the solutions of ionic liquids [DDA][NO2] and [DDA][herbicide] presented in table 1 show very even retention of the ILs in wood. The retention of ILs in wood for both ILs used and both dimensions of the wood specimens is at three levels: about 3.6 kg/m3, 7.5 kg/m3 Table 1. Retention of ionic liquids in Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris L.) Tabela 1. Retencja cieczy jonowych w bielu drewna sosny zwyczajnej (Pinus sylvestris L.) [DDA][NO2] [DDA][herbicide] Concentration of solution [%] Ionic liquids Ciecze jonowe Stężenie roztworu [%] 2.5 Specimens for Próbki do 1.0 0.5 2.5 1.0 0.5 Retention of ionic liquids in wood specimens [kg/m3] Retencja cieczy jonowych w próbkach drewna [kg/m3] 2 Bending Strength + MOE1 Zginanie statyczne+MOE 1 Compression strength Wytrzymałość na ściskanie 1 18.7 17.33 15.74 20.2 18.9 18.2 7.7 7.1 6.4 8.3 7.6 7.3 3.8 3.6 3.3 4.2 3.8 3.7 Modulus of elasticity at bending / Moduł sprężystości przy zginaniu Maximum / Maksimum 3 Average / Średnia 4 Minimum / Minimum 2 19.6 17.5 15.9 20.4 18.9 18.4 7.7 7.1 6.4 8.3 7.8 6.9 3.7 3.5 3.0 4.2 3.8 3.6 26 Andrzej FOJUTOWSKI, Andrzej NOSKOWIAK, Mariusz KOT, Aleksandra KROPACZ, Anna STANGIERSKA and 18 kg/m3 according to the ILs solutions used: 0.5%; 1.0% and 2.5%, respectively. The wood was easily saturated with the ILs solutions by vacuum-pressure method without using high-pressure, but only by changing the pressure from vacuum to atmospheric. Compression strength along the grain of oven-dry wood The values of compression strength along the grain (table 2) for the control samples ranged from 90.4 to 103.1 N · mm-2 and for the samples impregnated with the ILs the strength ranged from 88.7 to 105.8 N · mm-2. The variability coeffiTable 2. Compression strength along the grain of oven-dry Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris L.) control specimens and specimens impregnated with ionic liquids Tabela 2. Wytrzymałość na ściskanie wzdłuż włókien w stanie zupełnie suchym próbek bielu drewna sosny zwyczajnej (Pinus sylvestris L.) nasyconych cieczami jonowymi i kontrolnych Specimens description Opis próbek Values Twin pairs Twin pairs Twin pairs Twin pairs Twin pairs Twin pairs Pary bliźniacze Pary bliźniacze Pary bliźniacze Pary bliźniacze Pary bliźniacze Pary bliźniacze C1 N22.5% C Wartości H1.0% C H0.5% Average [N ⋅ mm-2] 95.3 94.8 99.8 101.4 98.1 97.8 97.5 98.6 98.4 97.5 96.1 97.1 Minimum [N ⋅ mm-2] 90.4 93.1 99.1 93.1 95.1 94.1 91.5 88.7 93.3 95.4 Maximum [N ⋅ mm-2] 101.1 97.2 101.7 104.9 103.1 102.2 100.6 102.9 102.8 105.8 98.5 99.0 Standard deviation [N ⋅ mm-2] 3.5 1.4 1.1 2.2 3.6 3.7 1.9 3.6 4.2 6.3 2.0 1.6 3.7 1.5 1.1 2.2 3.7 3.8 2.0 3.7 4.2 6.5 2.0 1.6 Średnia [N ⋅ mm-2] Minimum [N ⋅ mm-2] Maksimum [N ⋅ mm-2] Odchylenie standardowe [N ⋅ mm-2] Variation coefficient [%] Współczynnik zmienności [%] 1 N1.0% C N0.5% C H32.5% C Compression strength along the grain Wytrzymałość na ściskanie wzdłuż włókien 99.0 93.4 Control, Not impregnated / Kontrola, Nienasycone Impregnated with [DDA][NO2] solutions / Nasycone roztworami [DDA][NO2] 3 Impregnated with [DDA][herbicide] solutions / Nasycone roztworami [DDA][herbicyd] 2 27 The assessment of mechanical properties of wood treated with ionic liquids cients of the control and impregnated test pieces (for all tested IL retention levels) were between 1.1 and 4.2% and about 1.5–6.5%, respectively, pointing to a little scatter of results. The values of compression strength along the grain were very close for the treated and control samples. Therefore, for the pairs of twin samples at the confidence level of 95% the mean relative differences in compression strength along the grain of about minus 0.31% to +1.60% between the samples impregnated with the ILs (on every retention level) and the control samples (table 3) proved not to have been statistically significant. It demonstrates that compression strength along the grain of oven-dry wood containing to about 19 kg/m3 of [DDA][NO2] or [DDA][herbicide] may be at the same level as that of control, not impregnated wood. Table 3. Relative changes of compression strength along grain of Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris L.) control specimens and specimens treated with ionic liquids, dried to 0% moisture content Tabela 3. Względne zmiany wytrzymałości na ściskanie wzdłuż włókien próbek bielu drewna sosny zwyczajnej (Pinus sylvestris L.) kontrolnych i nasyconych cieczami jonowymi, wysuszonych do wilgotności 0% Ionic liquids Ciecze jonowe [DDA][NO2] [DDA][herbicide] Ionic liquid concentration [%] Stężenie cieczy jonowej [%] 2.5 1.0 0.5 2.5 1.0 Relative changes of compression strength along grain [%] 0.5 Względne zmiany wytrzymałości na ściskanie [%] -0.52 1.60 -0.31 1.12 -0.91 1.04 Compression strength along the grain of wood in equilibrium moisture condition The values of compression strength along the grain (table 4 and fig. 1) for the control samples ranged from 44.7 to 66.7 N · mm-2 and for the samples impregnated with the ILs from 30.3 to 61.7 N · mm-2. The variability coefficients of the control and impregnated test pieces (for all tested IL retention levels) were about 9.3% and between 9.2 and 14.2%, respectively, pointing to a relatively little scatter of results. The values of compression strength along the grain were lower by about 10% (in the range from 7.7% to 13.6%) for the wood samples impregnated with [DDA][NO2] or [DDA][herbicide] than for the control samples. The level of the mean relative difference in compression strength along the grain between the impregnated and control samples at the confidence level of 95% proved to have been statistically significant. The compression strength along the 28 Andrzej FOJUTOWSKI, Andrzej NOSKOWIAK, Mariusz KOT, Aleksandra KROPACZ, Anna STANGIERSKA grain of the impregnated and control wood in equilibrium moisture condition was distinctly smaller than that of the oven-dry wood, which had been expected. However, the equilibrium moisture of the wood impregnated with the ILs was by 2–3% greater than the equilibrium moisture content of the control wood, which might have been the reason for less compression strength along the grain of the impregnated wood than of the control wood. Table 4. Compression strength along the grain of Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris L.) control specimens and specimens impregnated with ionic liquids, tested at equilibrium moisture Tabela 4. Wytrzymałość na ściskanie wzdłuż włókien w stanie wilgotności równowagowej próbek bielu drewna sosny zwyczajnej (Pinus sylvestris L.) nasyconych cieczami jonowymi i kontrolnych Specimens description Impregnated with Not 2 1 [DDA][NO2] solutions [%] Opis próbek impregnated1 Nasycone roztworami Nienasycone Control Values Kontrola 2.5 1.0 0.5 Wytrzymałość na ściskanie wzdłuż włókien 53.7 52.5 50.6 53.9 50.3 51.7 Minimum [N ⋅ mm-2] Minimum [N ⋅ mm-2] 44.7 39.3 38.8 30,3 40.3 39.5 39.5 66.7 61.7 60.9 60.3 61.0 56.8 59.6 5.4 5.3 5.4 7.2 5.0 4.9 4.7 9.3 9.9 10.4 14.2 9.3 9.8 9.2 Variation coefficient [%] Współczynnik zmienności [%] 2 0.5 58.2 Odchylenie standardowe [N ⋅ mm-2] 2 1.0 Average [N ⋅ mm-2] Średnia [N ⋅ mm-2] Maximum [N ⋅ mm-2] Maksimum [N ⋅ mm-2] Standard deviation [N ⋅ mm-2] 1 2.5 Nasycone roztworami [DDA][herbicyd]2 [%] Compression strength along the grain Wartości 1 [DDA][NO2]2 [%] Impregnated with [DDA][herbicide] solutions2 [%] Equilibrium moisture: 10.1% Wilgotność równowagowa: 10.1% Equilibrium moisture in normal conditions (65% R.H., 20°C) of wood impregnated with the solution of: – [DDA][NO2]: 2.5%–12.6%; 1.0%–13.2%; 0.5%–13.0%, or – [DDA][herbicide]: 2.5%–12.6%; 1.0%–12.9%; 0.5%–13.0% Wilgotność równowagowa dla klimatu normalnego (65% wilgotności względnej, 20°C) drewna nasyconego roztworem: – [DDA][NO2]: 2.5%–12.6%; 1.0%–13.2%; 0.5%–13.0%, lub – [DDA][herbicyd]: 2.5%–12.6%; 1.0%–12.9%; 0.5%–13.0% The assessment of mechanical properties of wood treated with ionic liquids 29 [DDA][herbicide] / [DDA][herbicyd] Fig. 1. Compression strength along the grain of Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris L.) specimens impregnated with ionic liquids and control specimens tested at equilibrium moisture1 as a function of type and concentration of ionic liquids Rys. 1. Wytrzymałość na ściskanie wzdłuż włókien w stanie wilgotności równowagowej1 próbek bielu drewna sosny zwyczajnej (Pinus sylvestris L.) nasyconych cieczami jonowymi i kontrolnych w zależności od rodzaju i stężenia cieczy jonowych 1 1 Equilibrium moisture see legend to table 4 Wilgotność równowagowa w legendzie do tabeli 4 Bending strength and modulus of elasticity of wood in equilibrium moisture condition The mean bending strength of treated wood containing to about 17.5 kg/m3 of the IL was smaller than that of the control sample. The respective mean value was 107.5 N · mm-2 for the control wood and for the test pieces impregnated with the ILs the respective values were in the range from 81.1 to 87.8 N · mm-2 (table 5 and fig. 2). The mean relative difference for each of the tested ILs was 30 Andrzej FOJUTOWSKI, Andrzej NOSKOWIAK, Mariusz KOT, Aleksandra KROPACZ, Anna STANGIERSKA of about minus 20% (between 18.3 and 24.6%). Similar results were obtained for modulus of elasticity for the control and impregnated samples. The mean value was 11604 and ranged from 9618 to 10239 N · mm-2, respectively, (table 6 and fig. 3). The mean values of relative differences between modulus of elasticity for the impregnated and control samples were minus 14.3% for wood with Table 5. Bending strength of Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris L.) specimens at equilibrium moisture Tabela 5. Wytrzymałość próbek bielu drewna sosny zwyczajnej (Pinus sylvestris L.) na zginanie statyczne przy wilgotności równowagowej Specimens description Impregnated with Not 2 1 [DDA][NO2] solutions [%] impregnated Opis próbek Nasycone roztworami 1 Nienasycone Control Values Kontrola 2.5 1.0 0.5 Wytrzymałość na zginanie statyczne 86.2 81.1 87.8 86.6 82.6 Minimum [N ⋅ mm-2] Minimum [N ⋅ mm-2] 83.8 64.7 68.1 55.2 64.8 60.5 57.2 Maximum [N ⋅ mm-2] Maksimum [N ⋅ mm-2] 134.4 102.5 105.6 103.4 114.7 105.8 102.3 11.5 9.6 9.4 12.6 11.6 11.2 13.2 10.7 11.1 10.9 15.5 13.2 12.9 16.0 Variation coefficient [%] Współczynnik zmienności [%] 2 0.5 86.4 Odchylenie standardowe [N ⋅ mm-2] 1 1.0 107.5 Standard deviation [N ⋅ mm-2] 1 2.5 Nasycone roztworami [DDA][herbicyd]2 [%] Bending strength Wartości Average [N ⋅ mm-2] Średnia [N ⋅ mm-2] [DDA][NO2]2 [%] Impregnated with [DDA][herbicide] solutions2 [%] Equilibrium moisture: 10.6% Wilgotność równowagowa: 10.6% Equilibrium moisture in normal conditions (65% R.H., 20°C) of wood impregnated with the solution of: – [DDA][NO2]: 2.5%–12.7%; 1.0%–12.5%; 0.5%–12.5%, or – [DDA][herbicide]: 2.5%–12.5%; 1.0%–12.7%; 0.5%–12.6% 2 Wilgotność równowagowa dla klimatu normalnego (65% wilgotności względnej, 20°C) drewna nasyconego roztworem: – [DDA][NO2]: 2.5%–12.7%; 1.0%–12.5%; 0.5%–12.5%, lub – [DDA][herbicyd]: 2.5%–12.5%; 1.0%–12.7%; 0.5%–12.6% The assessment of mechanical properties of wood treated with ionic liquids 31 [DDA][NO2] and minus 14.0% for wood with [DDA][herbicide]. The differences were statistically significant at the confidence level of 95%. The equilibrium moisture level of the wood containing the ILs was about 2% greater than the equilibrium moisture of the control wood, similar to the equilibrium moisture of the wood tested for compression strength along the grain. [DDA][herbicide] / [DDA][herbicyd] Fig 2. Bending strength of Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris L.) specimens at equilibrium moisture1 as a function of type and concentration of ionic liquids Rys.2. Wytrzymałość próbek bielu drewna sosny zwyczajnej (Pinus sylvestris L.) na zginanie statyczne przy wilgotności równowagowej1 w zależności od rodzaju i stężenia cieczy jonowych 1 1 Equilibrium moisture see legend to table 5 Wilgotność równowagowa w legendzie do tabeli 5 32 Andrzej FOJUTOWSKI, Andrzej NOSKOWIAK, Mariusz KOT, Aleksandra KROPACZ, Anna STANGIERSKA Table 6. Modulus of elasticity at bending of Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris L.) specimens at equilibrium moisture1 Tabela 6. Moduł sprężystości przy zginaniu statycznym próbek bielu drewna sosny zwyczajnej (Pinus sylvestris L.) przy wilgotności równowagowej1 Specimens description Impregnated with Not 1 [DDA][NO2] solutions [%] Opis próbek impregnated1 Nasycone roztworami Nienasycone Control Values Kontrola Minimum [N ⋅ mm-2] Minimum [N ⋅ mm-2] Maximum [N ⋅ mm2 ] Maksimum [N ⋅ mm-2] Standard deviation [N ⋅ mm-2] Odchylenie standardowe [N ⋅ mm-2] Variation coefficient [%] Współczynnik zmienności [%] 1 1 2.5 1.0 0.5 Nasycone roztworami [DDA][herbicyd] [%] 2.5 1.0 0.5 Modulus of elasticity at bending Wartości Average [N ⋅ mm-2] Średnia [N ⋅ mm-2] [DDA][NO2] [%] Impregnated with [DDA][herbicide] solutions [%] Moduł sprężystości przy zginaniu statycznym 11604 10056 10109 9679 10239 10066 9618 9212 7736 7700 6243 8188 8309 6994 13167 11252 12520 12184 13578 12736 11750 997 1042 1098 1407 1201 1135 1445 10.9 14.5 11.7 11.3 15.0 8.6 10.4 Equilibrium moisture see legend to table 5 Wilgotność równowagowa w legendzie do tabeli 5 The assessment of mechanical properties of wood treated with ionic liquids 33 [DDA][herbicide] / [DDA][herbicyd] Fig. 3. Modulus of elasticity at bending of Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris L.) specimens at equilibrium moisture1 as a function of type and concentration of ionic liquids Rys. 3. Moduł sprężystości przy zginaniu statycznym próbek bielu drewna sosny zwyczajnej (Pinus sylvestris L.) przy wilgotności równowagowej1 w zależności od rodzaju i stężenia cieczy jonowych 1 1 Equilibrium moisture see legend to table 5 Wilgotność równowagowa w legendzie do tabeli 5 Conclusions 1. As a result of the tests carried out on identical wood specimens it was observed that impregnation of Scots pine sapwood with ionic liquids [DDA][NO2] and [DDA][herbicide] in the amount ranging from 3.5 to 19.0 kg/m3: − had no effect on the compression strength parallel to grain tested according to PN-C-04907:1972 standard on oven-dry wood (change in the 34 Andrzej FOJUTOWSKI, Andrzej NOSKOWIAK, Mariusz KOT, Aleksandra KROPACZ, Anna STANGIERSKA compression strength of wood above minus 5%, from -0,5% to +1,6%, not statistically significant at the confidence level of 95%), − resulted in a 2–3% increase in the equilibrium moisture content of wood under standard conditions (RH 65%/20°C), − decreased bending strength, compression strength parallel to grain, and modulus of elasticity in the state of equilibrium moisture content under standard conditions (RH 65%/20°C) by around 20%, 10% and 15%, respectively. 2. The differences between average values of the bending strength, compression strength and modulus of elasticity at bending of the control samples and the samples impregnated with the ionic liquids were statistically significant (at the confidence level of 95%). 3. The differences between average values of the bending strength, compression strength and modulus of elasticity at bending of the samples impregnated with the ionic liquids of various concentrations (different retention degrees) were statistically insignificant (at the confidence level of 95%). 4. Further studies should be conducted to check whether the decrease in the strength and modulus of elasticity observed at the wood moisture content equivalent to the equilibrium moisture content under standard conditions is a result of higher equilibrium moisture content of the wood impregnated with the tested liquids or an effect those liquids have on the wood tissue. 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[53] 184: 5–13 List of standards ISO 2854:1976 Statistical interpretation of data – Techniques of estimation and tests relating to means and variances ISO 3133:1975 Wood – Determination of ultimate strength in static bending ISO 3787:1976 Wood – Test methods – Determination of ultimate stress in compression parallel to grain PN-79/D-04102 Drewno - Oznaczanie wytrzymałości na ściskanie wzdłuż włókien PN-77/D-04103 Drewno - Oznaczanie wytrzymałości na zginanie statyczne PN-63/D-04117 Fizyczne i mechaniczne własności drewna – Oznaczanie współczynnika sprężystości przy zginaniu statycznym PN-72/C-04907 Środki ochrony drewna – Oznaczanie wpływu na wytrzymałość drewna 36 Andrzej FOJUTOWSKI, Andrzej NOSKOWIAK, Mariusz KOT, Aleksandra KROPACZ, Anna STANGIERSKA PN-EN 113:2000/A1:2004 Środki ochrony drewna – Metoda badania do oznaczania skuteczności zabezpieczania przeciwko podstawczakom rozkładającym drewno – Oznaczanie wartości grzybobójczych PN-EN 335-1:2007 Trwałość drewna i materiałów drewnopochodnych – Definicja klas użytkowania – Część 1: Postanowienia ogólne PN-EN 335-2:2007 Trwałość drewna i materiałów drewnopochodnych – Definicja klas użytkowania – Część 2: Zastosowanie do drewna litego PN-EN 13183-1:2004 Wilgotność sztuki tarcicy – Część 1: Oznaczanie wilgotności metodą suszarkowo-wagową PN-N-1052–03:1984 p.3.4 Statystyka matematyczna – Badania statystyczne – Porównywanie wartości średnich w dwóch populacjach OCENA WŁAŚCIWOŚCI MECHANICZNYCH DREWNA ZABEZPIECZONEGO CIECZAMI JONOWYMI Streszczenie Impregnacja drewna środkami ochrony drewna może wpływać na jego fizyczne, mechaniczne i biologiczne właściwości. Wiedza o charakterze tego wpływu ma istotne znaczenie dla ustalenia klas użytkowania drewna. W badaniach drewna sosny (Pinus sylvestris L.) zabezpieczonego cieczą jonową: tetrafluoroboranem 3-heptyoloksymetylo-1-metyloimidazoliowym, stwierdzono pozytywny jej wpływ na właściwości fizycznomechaniczne drewna, m.in. na zwiększenie trwałości barwy. Różne ciecze jonowe mogą mieć różny wpływ na właściwości drewna, chociaż nie można wykluczyć podobieństw wpływu związków o zbliżonej budowie. W ramach projektu badawczego POIG.01.03.01-30-074/08 podjęto badania oddziaływania dwóch cieczy jonowych: azotynu didecylodimetyloamoniowego [DDA][NO2] i cieczy z kationem didecylodimetyloamoniowym i anionem o charakterze herbicydu [DDA][herbicyd], wprowadzonych w roztworach wodno-alkoholowych do drewna metodą próżniowo-ciśnieniową, na jego wytrzymałość. Retencje cieczy jonowych w drewnie zróżnicowano przez zastosowanie trzech różnych ich stężeń w roztworach. Badania wykonano na bielu drewna sosny (Pinus sylvestris L.), jako drewnie modelowym. Podstawowej oceny wpływu cieczy jonowych na wytrzymałość drewna dokonano przez zbadanie wytrzymałości na ściskanie wzdłuż włókien (zgodnie z PN-C-04907:1972) po wysuszeniu nasycanych cieczami jonowymi próbek do stanu zupełnie suchego. Następnie dokonano oznaczeń wytrzymałości na ściskanie wzdłuż włókien metodą według PN-D-04102:1979 oraz wytrzymałości i modułu sprężystości przy zginaniu drewna metodami: według PN-D-04103:1977 i PN-D-04117:1963. Oznaczenia te wykonano stosując drewno o równowagowym stanie wilgotności w klimacie normalnym (wilgotność powietrza 65%/20°C). The assessment of mechanical properties of wood treated with ionic liquids 37 W rezultacie badań wykonanych na bliźniaczych próbkach drewna stwierdzono, że nasycanie bielu drewna sosny zwyczajnej cieczami jonowymi [DDA][NO2] i [DDA] [herbicyd] w ilości 3,5 do 19,0 kg/m3: – nie wpływa na wytrzymałość na ściskanie wzdłuż włókien badaną zgodnie z normą PN-C-04907:1972 w stanie zupełnie suchego drewna (zmiany w zakresie od –0,5% do +1,6% kwalifikowane są według normy jako brak zmian), – powoduje zwiększenie wilgotności równowagowej drewna w klimacie normalnym (65%/20°C) o 2–3%, – zmniejsza wytrzymałość na zginanie statyczne, wytrzymałość na ściskanie wzdłuż włókien oraz moduł sprężystości drewna w stanie wilgotności równowagowej, dla klimatu normalnego (65%, 20°C), odpowiednio o około: 20%, 10% i 15%. Różnice pomiędzy wartościami średnimi wytrzymałości na zginanie, wytrzymałości na ściskanie i modułu sprężystości przy zginaniu próbek kontrolnych i próbek nasycanych cieczami jonowymi są statystycznie istotne (przy poziomie ufności 95%). Różnice pomiędzy wartościami średnimi wytrzymałości na zginanie, wytrzymałości na ściskanie i modułu sprężystości przy zginaniu próbek nasycanych cieczami jonowymi o różnych stężeniach (różne stopnie retencji) są statystycznie nieistotne (przy poziomie ufności 95%). Dalszych badań wymaga sprawdzenie czy obniżenie wytrzymałości i modułu sprężystości przy wilgotności drewna odpowiadającej wilgotności równowagowej dla klimatu normalnego jest wynikiem wyższej wilgotności równowagowej drewna nasycanego testowanymi cieczami, czy oddziaływania tych cieczy na tkankę drzewną. Słowa kluczowe: ciecze jonowe, drewno, sosna, wytrzymałość na ściskanie, zginanie, wilgotność równowagowa Drewno. Pr. Nauk. Donies. Komunik. 2010, vol. 53, nr 184 Mariusz KOT, Grzegorz KOWALUK1 WOOD HYDROPHOBIZATION BY AMMONIUM IONIC LIQUIDS Strongly hydrophobic ammonium ionic liquids penetrating the wood structure and protecting solid wood from water absorption were developed. By covering the surface of wood with ammonium ionic liquid the wood is hydrophobically and antiseptically protected for a long time. As it was mentioned above, swelling and water absorption of protected wood is several times less compared to unprotected wood. The dimensional stability is also improved. Keywords: wood, ionic liquid, hydrophobization, swelling, water absorption Introduction Ionic liquids (IL's) are a class of chemical compounds composed of organic cations and organic or inorganic anions with melting points below 100°C [Welton 1999; Wasserscheid, Keim 2000; Wasserscheid, Welton 2008; Deetlefs, Seddon 2010; Dupont et al. 2002; Kichner 2009]. Typically IL's have broad liquid ranges, low vapour pressures, are thermally stable, and may be noncoordinating as well. They have attracted significant attention due to their potential application in wood preservation [Pernak et al. 2008; Stasiewicz et al. 2008; Pernak et al. 2004, 2005; Zabielska-Matejuk et al. 2004, 2008]. In this study the properties of one of the ammonium ionic liquids, i.e. didecyldimethylammonium dodecylbenzenesulfonate [DDA][ABS], are presented. The above-mentioned ionic liquid has been successfully synthesised in high yields by exchange reaction. The halide anion was replaced by new dodecylbenzenesulfonate anion. The new ionic liquid is solid in the room temperature, but in 55 degree Celsius it melts and becomes a highly hydrophobic oil. In this form it can be applied on wood surface. Mariusz KOT, Poznan University of Technology, Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, Poland e-mail: [email protected] Grzegorz KOWALUK, Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, Poland e-mail: [email protected] 40 Mariusz KOT, Grzegorz KOWALUK N+ 8 8 11 - O3S Fig. 1. Didecyldimethylammonium dodecylbenzenesulfonate [DDA][ABS] Rys. 1. Dodecylobenzenosulfonian didecylodimetyloamoniowy [DDA][ABS] The aim of the investigation was to verify the possibilities of wood hydrophobization using the ammonium ionic liquid. The investigation included measurement of water absorption by and swelling of solid wood impregnated with the above-mentioned liquid. Materials and methods Didecyldimethylammonium dodecylbenzenesulfonate used in the investigation is a solid substance when stored in the room temperature and changes to the liquid state when warmed up to a temperature of 70–90 deg. C in water bath. Beech wood was used in the tests. 20 samples of the dimensions as in fig. 2 were prepared. The above-mentioned ionic liquid was applied on half of the samples by immersion. The excess of the liquid was mechanically removed. The average surface covering was about 80 g/m2. On covering the samples with the ionic liquid all of them were conditioned at normal conditions (20 deg. C, 65% R.H.) for 18 hours. Depth of soaking Głębokość moczenia Ionic liquid covering level Poziom pokrycia cieczą jonową Fig. 2. The sample used for swelling and water absorption tests Rys. 2. Próbka do badań spęcznienia i nasiąkliwości Wood hydrophobization by ammonium ionic liquids 41 Fig. 3. The samples during soaking in water (unprotected samples at the front) Rys. 3. Próbki podczas moczenia w wodzie (z przodu próbki niezabezpieczone) The samples were soaked in water at the temperature of 20 deg. C for total time of 168 hours. During that time successive measurements of the dimensions and weight were made. The measurement of the dimensions was taken at the 25. mm of the sample length from the immersed end. The measurements were taken after 10 min, 30 min, 2 h, 6 h, 24 h, 72 h and 168 h since the immersion was started. The samples were immersed in water to the depth of 50 mm (fig. 3). Results and discussion The visual differences between the water absorption of the uncovered (unprotected) samples and the samples covered (protected) with the ammonium ionic liquid are shown in fig. 4. As it can be seen the most dynamic water uptake can be observed after the first 10–30 min from the beginning of the test. After 6 h from the test start the unprotected samples absorbed about 18% mass of water with the reference to the initial sample weight. At the same time the samples covered with the ionic liquid took less than 5% mass of water. After about 70–72 42 Mariusz KOT, Grzegorz KOWALUK hours of soaking of the uncovered samples the intensity of the water absorption process got weaker. In the case of samples covered with the ionic liquid the dynamics of the water uptake was more regular and no changes similar to those which occurred in the case of unprotected samples were observed. After 7 days of soaking the total water uptake was over 60% in the case of unprotected samples and about 30% in the case of samples protected with the ionic liquid. 180 25 160 20 water absorption Water absorption [%] [%] Nasiąkliwość [%] [%] nasiąkliwość 140 120 15 protected Protected 10 unprotected Unprotected 100 5 80 0 Zabezpieczone zabezpieczone Niezabezpieczone niezabezpieczone 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 60 40 20 0 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 Soaking time time [h] soaking [h] Czas moczenia [h] czas moczenia [h] Fig. 4. The water absorption of the unprotected samples and the samples protected with the ionic liquid Rys. 4. Nasiąkliwość próbek zabezpieczonych i niezabezpieczonych cieczą jonową The swelling of the uncovered samples and the samples covered with the ammonium ionic liquid when soaked in water is presented in fig. 5. In comparison with the water absorption dynamics the biggest intensity of the swelling process could be observed during 2 initial hours of the test. The biggest differences between the intensity of swelling of both types of the samples were observed after 2 h of the test elapsed. Interestingly, in the case of unprotected samples the intensity of swelling decreased asymptotically after about 70–72 hours of the test, thus at the same time when water absorption decreased as well. After 7 days of soaking the swelling of all the samples (uncovered and covered with the ionic liquid) was almost the same. It can be pointed out, that the ammonium ionic liquid reduces water absorption by wood and, what was proved above, minimises the intensity of swelling of wood. 43 Wood hydrophobization by ammonium ionic liquids 12 Protected protected zabezpieczone Zabezpieczone unprotected Unprotected Swelling [%][%] swelling Spęcznienie [%][%] spęcznienie 10 niezabezpieczone Niezabezpieczone 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 4 2 0 1 2 84 96 108 3 4 120 132 5 6 7 0 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 144 156 168 180 Soaking time soaking time[h][h] Czas moczenia [h] czas moczenia [h] Fig. 5. The swelling of the unprotected samples and the samples protected with the ionic liquid Rys. 5. Spęcznienie próbek zabezpieczonych i niezabezpieczonych cieczą jonową Conclusions The research has shown that the investigated ammonium ionic liquid ([DDA][ABS]) significantly minimises water absorption by wood. During the initial phase of soaking (i.e. after 10 minutes) the absorption by wood impregnated with the above-mentioned ionic liquid was over 6 times less in comparison with the untreated wood. That difference was getting smaller as the soaking time lengthened and after 7 days was about 2 times higher to the advantage of wood protected with the ionic liquid. The biggest difference (over 2.5 times bigger) between swelling of protected and unprotected wood was observed after about 2 hours of soaking. With time that difference was decreasing asymptotically. After the whole test (7 days) the swelling of protected and unprotected samples was almost equal. Acknowledgements This study was carried out with the financial support of the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme in Poland in the years 2007–2013, project number POIG.01.03.01-30-074/08 “Ionic liquids in innovative technologies connected with processing of lignocellulosic raw materials”. 44 Mariusz KOT, Grzegorz KOWALUK References Deetlefs M., Seddon K. [2010]: Assessing the greenness of some typical laboratory ionic liquid preparations. Green Chem. 12: 17–30 Dupont J., de Souza R.F., Suarez P. A. Z. [2002]: Ionic liquid (molten salt) phase organometallic catalysis. Chem. Rev. 102: 3667–3691 Kichner B. (vol. ed) [2009]: Ionic Liquids, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg Pernak J., Goc I., Fojutowski A. [2005]: Protic ionic liquids with organic anion as wood preservative. Holzforschung 59: 473–475 Pernak J., Jankowska N., Walkiewicz F., Jankowska A. [2008]: The use of ionic liquids in strategies for saving and preserving cultural artifacts. Polish J. Chem. 82: 2227–2230 Pernak J., Zabielska-Matejuk J., Kropacz A., Foksowicz-Flaczyk J. [2004]: Ionic liquids in wood preservation. Holzforschung 58: 286–291 Stasiewicz M., Fojutowski A., Kropacz A., Pernak J. [2008]: 1-Alkoxymethyl-X-dimethylaminopyridinium-base ionic liquids in wood preservation. Holzforschung 62: 309– 317 Wasserscheid P., Keim W. [2000]: Selective trimerization of α-olefins with triazacyclohexane complexes of chromium as catalysts. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 39: 3772–3789 Wasserscheid P., Welton T. [2008]: Ionic Liquids in Synthesis, Wiley-VCH Welton T. [1999]: Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids. Chem. Rev. 99: 2071–2084 Zabielska-Matejuk J., Stangierska A., Skrzypczak A. [2008]: Badania aktywności hydrofilowych i hydrofobowych cieczy jonowych w stosunku do grzybów rozkładu szarego oraz procesów ich sorpcji na glebie. DREWNO-WOOD 2008 [51]179: 5–28 Zabielska-Matejuk J., Urbanik E., Pernak J. [2004]: New bis-quaternary ammonium and bis-imidazolium chloride wood preservatives. Holzforschung 58: 292–299 HYDROFOBIZACJA DREWNA ZA POMOCĄ AMONIOWYCH CIECZY JONOWYCH Streszczenie Opracowano ciecze jonowe, o charakterze bardzo silnie hydrofobowym, które przenikając do struktury drewna zabezpieczają ją przed wnikaniem wody. Poprzez powierzchniowe naniesienie cieczy jonowej uzyskuje się drewno odporne przez długi czas na działanie wody oraz posiadające powierzchnię antyseptyczną. Drewno zabezpieczone w opisany sposób charakteryzuje się kilkakrotnie mniejszą nasiąkliwością i spęcznieniem, jak również mniejszymi odkształceniami, w porównaniu z drewnem niezabezpieczonym. Słowa kluczowe: drewno, ciecz jonowa, hydrofobizacja, pęcznienie, nasiąkliwość Drewno. Pr. Nauk. Donies. Komunik. 2010, vol. 53, nr 184 Dorota FUCZEK, Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK, Juliusz PERNAK, Weronika PRZYBYLSKA ∗ WETTABILITY OF WOOD SURFACES TREATED WITH IONIC LIQUIDS The aim of the research was to measure the wettability of wood surface protected with three ionic liquids differing in terms of cation and anion structure as well as fungicidal properties. Herbicidal ionic liquids with functional anion, nitrate(V) with cation derived from natural coconut oil and ionic liquid with dodecylbenzenesulfonate anion were tested. The investigation was carried out on pine wood Pinus sylvestris L. The presented results indicate that the ionic liquids containing 12-carbon hydrophobic alkyl chain in their structure, i.e. [DDA][ABS] and [ArqC35][NO3], worsened wood wettability, thus improved the protection of wood against water. Keywords: wettability, contact angle, ionic liquids, wood Introduction Microbiological destruction processes of wood caused not only by fungi, but also by algae, bacteria, insects or marine organisms, can be sufficiently inhibited or eliminated thanks to preservation of wood with chemicals often aided by physical treatment, e.g. high temperature processing. Current wood protection, having no negative consequences for the environment, prefers replacement of classic preservatives with biodegradable components. Heat treatment of wood, leading to elimination of nutrients for fungi, increases wood natural resistance to Dorota FUCZEK, Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, Poland e-mail: [email protected] Jadwiga ZABIELSKA - MATEJUK, Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, Poland e-mail: [email protected] Juliusz PERNAK, Poznan University of Technology, Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, Poland e-mail: [email protected] Weronika PRZYBYLSKA, Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, Poland e-mail: [email protected] 46 Dorota FUCZEK, Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK, Juliusz PERNAK, Weronika PRZYBYLSKA microbiological decomposition and simultaneously decreases its susceptibility to damping [Hakkou et al. 2005; Noskowiak 2007]. The hydrophobization effect together with improved durability can be achieved through modification of wood with organosilicon compounds [Tinggaut et al. 2005; Gosh et al. 2008; Sèbe, Brook 2001], synthetic resins [Bach et al. 2005] and other hydrophobic agents. Fungistatic and fungicidal properties of quaternary ammonium salts and then ionic liquids have opened those compounds the door to application in wood preservation [Pernak et al. 2004, 2005; Zabielska-Matejuk 2005]. The consequence of the amphiphilic character of those compounds is their adsorption on the surface of microorganism cells, which is especially visible in the case of chemotrophic bacteria that are constituents of water biocenosis and soil. It can cause their elimination from the environment. The possibility of ionic liquid structure modification is one of the most precious features of those organic compounds. They facilitate matching of a biologically active structure to a microorganism species and, in the case of an increase in resistance, exchange of the functional group for a more efficient. The introduction of the hydrophobic alkyl chain (relatively specific anions) into the ionic liquid structure makes it possible to obtain multifunctional compounds that are biocidal and able to protect a lignocellulosic conglomerate, such as wood, against water. This property of ionic liquids makes the process of wood preservation easier, because they lower wettability, hygroscopicity and impregnability of wood, thus inhibiting colonisation of wood by microorganisms and their growth in it. The investigation of changes in wettability of wood surface before and after the treatment with ionic liquids can be a confirmation of the hydrophobic character of protection with those chemicals. The assessment of wood surface wettability can be made on the basis of the measurement of contact angles, calculation of free surface energy, work of adhesion, and critical surface tension of wetting [Gray 1962; Gunnells et al. 1994; Liptakowa, Paprzycki 1984; Lis, Proszyk 2001]. In this study wettability (contact angle) of wood surface protected with three ionic liquids differing in terms of cation and anion structure as well as fungicidal properties was investigated. Herbicidal ionic liquids with functional anion, nitrate(V) with cation derived from natural coconut oil and ionic liquid with dodecylbenzenesulfonate anion were tested. Materials and methods The ionic liquids were developed and synthesised in the Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering of the Poznan University of Technology by M. Kot [Pernak et al. 2009]. Structures of the synthesised compounds were confirmed by the analysis of 1 H NMR and 13C NMR spectra (Varian 300 VT type spectroscope). The prepared compounds had the form of wax. Wettability of wood surfaces treated with ionic liquids 47 For the research the following compounds were taken into consideration: − [Ciech][1] – ionic liquid with didecyldimethylammonium cation and herbicidal anion, − [DDA][ABS] – didecyldimethylammonium dodecylbenzenesulfonate, − [ArqC35][NO3] – nitrate(V) with cation derived from natural coconut oil [Zabielska-Matejuk, Pernak 2009]. The investigation was carried out on Scots pine sapwood Pinus sylvestris L. of the density of 480–520 kg/m3. The samples’ dimensions were 100 × 50 × 10 mm (the longer edges were parallel to the fibers). The measurements of contact angle were performed on samples conditioned at a temperature of 20±1°C and humidity of 65±2% to a moisture content of 12±1%. The isopropanol solution of [Ciech][1] and [DDA][ABS] and water solution of [ArqC35][NO3] in the amount of 50 g pure active substance on m2 of wood were applied using a paint brush on the sanded surfaces (100 × 50 mm) of tangential and radial section of the samples. Then the samples were conditioned for 4 weeks in the dishes over a saturated solution of ammonium nitrate with a moisture content of 12±1%. The average angle measured between the covered surface and the water drop remaining on it, called the contact angle, was determined on the basis of a 10-measurement set (5 measurements on early wood and 5 measurements on late wood). The average contact angle was determined every second for 60, 180 or 240 seconds (depending on the preservative type and section of wood). For the purpose of comparison the contact angle for uncovered wood (control samples) was also measured. For each drop around 5µl of redistilled water of a temperature of 23±1°C was used. The measurements were taken using a KSV CAM 101 apparatus. Results and discussion The highest value of the contact angle was determined for wood with didecyldimethylammonium dodecylbenzenesulfonate. The contact angles of samples protected with [DDA][ABS] remained around the level of 50 deg for over 4 minutes. Wood treated with that ionic liquid demonstrated much better water repellency than in the case of untreated wood and wood treated with other preservatives. Better resistance to water, in comparison with untreated wood, was obtained also for nitrate(V) with cation derived from natural coconut oil treatment. In the case of [Ciech][1] the water drop applied on the wood surface spilt and soaked into it immediately. As it is illustrated in fig. the water drop was absorbed into the protected surface after 2 seconds of measurements. 48 Dorota FUCZEK, Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK, Juliusz PERNAK, Weronika PRZYBYLSKA 80 [DDA] [ABS] [ArqC35][NO3] [Ciech] [1] Control sample/Próbka kontrolna 70 Kąt zwilżenia Contact angle 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Time [s] Czas [s] Fig. 1. Contact angles determined on the wood radial section Rys. 1. Kąty zwilżania wyznaczone na przekroju promieniowym 80 Control sample, early wood/Próbka kontrolna, drewno wczesne Control sample, late wood/Próbka kontrolna, drewno późne [DDA] [ABS] early wood/[DDA] [ABS] drewno wczesne [DDA] [ABC] late wood/[DDA] [ABC] drewno późne [Arq C35][NO3] early wood/[Arq C35][NO3] drewno wczesne [Arq C35][NO3] late wood/[Arq C35][NO3] drewno późne 70 Kąt zwilżenia Contact angle 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time [s] Czas [s] Fig. 2. Contact angles determined on the tangent section of the control samples and the samples treated with [DDA][ABS] and [ArqC35][NO3] Rys. 2. Kąty zwilżania wyznaczone na przekroju stycznym dla próbki kontrolnej oraz dla próbek zabezpieczonych [DDA][ABS] i [ArqC35][NO3] Wettability of wood surfaces treated with ionic liquids 70 Control sample, early wood/Próbka kontrolna, drewno wczesne Control sample, late wood/Próbka kontrolna, drewno późne 60 [Ciech] [1] early wood/[Ciech] [1 ] drewno wczesne [Ciech] [1] late wood/ [Ciech] [1] drewno późne Kąt zwilżenia 50 Contact angle 49 40 30 20 10 0 0 50 Time [s] 100 Czas [s] Fig. 3. Contact angles determined on the tangent section of the control samples and the samples treated with [Ciech] [1] Rys. 3. Kąty zwilżania wyznaczone na przekroju stycznym dla próbki kontrolnej oraz dla próbki zabezpieczonej [Ciech] [1] The tested ionic liquids behaved differently depending on whether early or late wood was concerned. The results presented in fig 4 and fig 5 indicate that early wood treated with [DDA][ABS] and [ArqC35][NO3] demonstrated better water repellency than late wood. However, this difference is much bigger in the case of the tangential section of wood treated with nitrate(V) with cation derived from natural coconut oil. Unlike behaviour was observed in the case of unprotected wood, where water repellency of early wood was smaller than that of late wood on the tangential section. According to Herczeg [1965] it is hard to draw unequivocal conclusions whether this phenomenon is a consequence of greater roughness or the differences in chemical composition of early wood and late wood, such as the content of extractives. However, it can be assumed that better penetration of the above-mentioned ionic liquids into early wood can cause its better protection against water. Even though both ionic liquids [DDA][ABS] and [ArqC35][NO3] improved water repellency of wood, the application of the latter can be limited. This limitation is caused by the white marks which occurred after water absorption of the wood samples. The explanation of this phenomenon can be that nitrate(V) with cation derived from natural coconut oil is soluble in water. 50 Dorota FUCZEK, Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK, Juliusz PERNAK, Weronika PRZYBYLSKA 80 70 40 Kąt zwilżenia Contact angle 50 30 [DDA] [ABS] early wood – tangent section [DDA] [ABS] drewno wczesne – przekrój styczny [DDA] [ABS] late wood – tangent section 20 [DDA] [ABS] drewno późne – przekrój styczny [DDA] [ABS] early wood – radial section [DDA] [ABS] drewno wczesne – przekrój promieniowy 10 [DDA] [ABS] late wood – radial section [DDA] [ABS] drewno późne – przekrój promieniowy 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time [s] Czas [s] Fig. 4. The contact angles of early wood and late wood protected with [DDA] [ABS] depending on the wood section Rys. 4. Kąty zwilżania drewna wczesnego i późnego zabezpieczonego [DDA][ABS] w zależności od przekroju 70 [Arq C35][NO3] early wood – tangent section [Arq C35][NO3] drewno wczesne – przekrój styczny [Arq C35][NO3] late wood – tangent section 60 [Arq C35][NO3] drewno późne – przekrój styczny [Arq C35][NO3] early wood – radial section Kąt zwilżenia Contact angle 50 [Arq C35][NO3] drewno wczesne – przekrój promieniowy [Arq C35][NO3] late wood – radial section [Arq C35][NO3] drewno późne – przekrój promieniowy 40 30 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time [s] Czas [s] Fig. 4. The contact angles of early wood and late wood protected with [Arq C35] [NO3] depending on the wood section Rys. 4. Kąty zwilżania drewna wczesnego i późnego zabezpieczonego [Arq C35 [NO3] w zależności od przekroju Wettability of wood surfaces treated with ionic liquids 51 Fig. 5. The average contact angles determined on the radial section Rys. 5. Średnie kąty zwilżania wyznaczone na przekroju promieniowym The contact angle, determined by drawing a tangent to the drop at the contact point between the liquid and the solid intersection, is the most direct indicator of wettability. From the practical point of view, this parameter can be very useful for selection of a proper method for finishing of wood or unfinished panels. Chemical treatment of wood by different compounds with reactive groups, especially with polymer, can lead to an increase in the hydrophobic character of wood, both on its surface and inside it [Bach et al. 2005]. This study demonstrates a possibility of quick assessment of the influence of ionic liquids on wood wettability using the contact angle measurement. The presented results indicate the potential of ionic liquids for protection of wood 52 Dorota FUCZEK, Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK, Juliusz PERNAK, Weronika PRZYBYLSKA against water, especially of didecyldimethylammonium dodecylbenzenesulfonate which significantly decreases the absorption of water by wood. The contact angle of wood protected with ionic liquids depends on the length of the hydrocarbon chain in their structure. The compounds with a hydrophobic dodecyl alkyl substituent in the anion of [DDA][ABS] were the most effective in terms of decreasing the wetting of the treated Scots pine sapwood. The compound developed from coconut oil [ArqC35][NO3], containing a mixture of hydrocarbon chain ranging from C8 to C14, demonstrated lower wood hydrophobization ability. The introduction of herbicidal anion into the structure ionic liquids with didecyldimethylammonium cation caused an increase in the treated wood wettability in comparison with the control wood. Conclusions The results presented above lead to the following conclusions: − the two out of the three tested ionic liquids, i.e. [DDA][ABS] and [ArqC35][NO3] containing the long hydrocarbon chain, worsened the wettability of wood, thus improved the protection of wood against water, − the wood treated with [Ciech][1] had higher wettability than the untreated wood, − in the case of wood treated with [DDA][ABS] and [ArqC35][NO3] significant differences in terms of early wood and late wood wettability on the tangential section were observed. Acknowledgements This study was carried out with the financial support of the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme in Poland in the years 2007–2013, project number POIG.01.03.01-30-074/08 “Ionic liquids in innovative technologies connected with processing of lignocellulosic raw materials”. References Bach S., Belgacem N. M., Gandini A. [2005]: Hydrophobisation and densification of wood by different chemical treatments. Holzforschung 59: 389–396 Ghosh C. S., Militz H., Mai C. [2008] : Decay resistance of treated wood with functionalised commercial silicones. BioResources [3]4: 1303–1314 Gray V.R. [1962]: The wettability of wood. Forest Products Journal. September: 452–461 Gunnells D. W., Gardner D. J., Wolcott M.P. [1994]: Temperature dependence of wood surface energy. Wood and Fiber Science [26]4: 447–455 Wettability of wood surfaces treated with ionic liquids 53 Hakkou M., Pètrissans M., Bakali E., I., Gèrardin P., Zoulalian A., [2005] : Wettability changes and mass loss during heat treatment of wood. Holzforschung 59: 35–37 Herczeg A. [1965]: Wettability of wood. Forest Product Journal. November: 449–505 Liptakowa E., Paprzycki O. [1984]: Badania adhezji międzywarstwowej powłok lakierowych na drewnie. Polimery-tworzywa wielkocząsteczkowe: 22–24 Lis B., Proszyk S. [2001]: Badania swobodnej energii powierzchniowej klejów zestalonych na drewnie sosny zaimpregnowanej Boramonem. W: Czwartorzędowe sole amoniowe i obszary ich zastosowania w gospodarce. Wyd. ITD: 325–328 Noskowiak A. [2007]: Modyfikacja drewna. Technologia drewna, wczoraj, dziś, jutro. Studia i Szkice na Jubileusz Profesora Ryszarda Babickiego. Wyd. ITD: 107–114 Pernak J., Zabielska – Matejuk J., Kropacz A., Foksowicz-Flaczyk J. [2004]: Ionic liquids in wood preservation. Holzforschung 58: 286–291 Pernak J., Goc I., Fojutowski A. [2005]: Protic ionic liquids with organic anion as wood preservative. Holzforschung 59: 473–475 Pernak J., Zabielska-Matejuk J., Stangierska A., Kropacz A., Kot M. [2009]: Ammonium ionic liquids in wood preservation. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Science 69: 178–182 Sèbe G., Brook M. A. [2001]: Hydrophobization of wood surfaces: covalent grafting of silicone polymers. Wood Science and Technology 35: 269–282 Tingaut P., Weigenand O., Militz H., Jèso B., Sèbe G. [2005]: Functionalisation of wood by reaction with 3-isocyanatopropyltriethoxysilane: Grafting and hydrolysis of the triethoxysilane and groups. Holzforschung 59: 397–404 Zabielska-Matejuk J. [2005]: Antifungal properties of new quaternary ammonium compounds in relation to their surface activity. Wood Science and Technology [39]3: 235– 243, Zabielska-Matejuk J., Pernak J. [2009]: Mycological study of ammonium ionic liquids. Drewno-Wood [52]182:115–121 BADANIA ZWILŻALNOŚCI DREWNA ZABEZPIECZONEGO POWIERZCHNIOWO CIECZAMI JONOWYMI Streszczenie Przedstawiono badania zwilżalności drewna zabezpieczonego powierzchniowo trzema cieczami jonowymi, o zróżnicowanej strukturze zarówno kationu, jak i anionu oraz skuteczności działania grzybobójczego. Zbadano „herbicydowe ciecze jonowe” z funkcyjnym anionem, azotan(V) z kationem pochodzenia naturalnego z oleju kokosowego oraz ciecz jonową z anionem dodecylobenzosulfonowym. Badania wykonano na drewnie sosny Pinus sylvestris L. Wykazano, iż ciecze jonowe zawierające w strukturze 12-weglowy, hydrofobowy łańcuch alkilowy [DDA][ABS] oraz [ArqC35][NO3], wprowadzone do drewna wpływają na pogorszenie jego zwilżalności, a tym samym na zwiększenie jego odporności na działanie wody. Słowa kluczowe: zwilżalność, kąt zwilżania, ciecze jonowe, drewno Drewno. Pr. Nauk. Donies. Komunik. 2010, vol. 53, nr 184 Iwona FRĄCKOWIAK, Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK, Dorota FUCZEK, Mariusz KOT∗ APPLICATION OF AMMONIUM IONIC LIQUIDS IN PARTICLEBOARD TECHNOLOGY Within the framework of Project no. POIG.01.03.01-30/074/08 “Ionic liquids in innovative technologies connected with processing of lignocellulosic raw materials” the Wood Based Panels and Glues Department of the Wood Technology Institute in Poznan carried out research aiming at application of ionic liquids in particleboard technology. The objective of the research was application of [DDA][NO3] and [BA][NO3] ionic liquids in preservation technology of panels resistant to biotic factors. The method for application of ionic liquids to particleboards, the type and amount of chosen ionic liquids, as well as their influence on standard parameters of the panels were investigated. In the tests the amine resin available on the domestic market and particles obtained from debarked Scots pine chips were used. The results of the research demonstrated that ionic liquids worsened parameters of the panels, but improved their resistance to decay fungi. Keywords: particleboard, ionic liquids, decay fungi, mould fungi Introduction The term “ionic liquids” refers to salts composed entirely of ions. The most characteristic features of those salts are: melting point below 100°C, low vapour pressure, and chemical and thermal stability. Depending on the end use the Iwona FRĄCKOWIAK, Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, Poland e-mail: [email protected] Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK, Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, Poland e-mail: [email protected] Dorota FUCZEK, Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, Poland e-mail: [email protected] Mariusz KOT, Poznan University of Technology Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, Poland, e-mail :[email protected] 56 Iwona FRĄCKOWIAK, Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK, Dorota FUCZEK, Mariusz KOT properties of ionic liquids can be adjusted accordingly by altering their anions and cations. Recently the interest in application of ionic liquids in wood related industries has been growing. Ionic liquids are considered to be new generation of solvents which emit no volatile organic compounds. Extensive research on wood dissolution in ionic liquids and extraction of cellulose from wood waste using ionic liquids has been carried out [Libert, Heinze 2008]. Kilpelainen et al. [2007] investigated the details of dissolution of wood-based lignocellulosic materials with ionic liquids. Xie et al. [2007] described effective homogenous chemical modification of wood in ionic liquids. Another interesting application of ionic liquids can be wood preservation [Pernak et al. 2004, 2005; Zabielska-Matejuk 2005, 2008; Han et al. 2009]. According to Zabielska-Matejuk [2008] some ionic liquids demonstrated good penetration into wood and effective wood protection against decay, stain or mould fungi. The possibility of modification of the structure of ionic liquids facilitates design of compounds with specific properties such as for example biocidal activity and the ability to protect wood [ZabielskaMatejuk, Pernak 2009]. Recent developments in the above-mentioned field show great potential of ionic liquids and might lead to improvement of performance of both wood and wood composites. Particleboards in common with wood intended mostly for building industry must be protected from biotic and degradation factors to ensure their long-term performance. Currently used wood preservatives might be environmentally unfriendly and harmful to human health. Introduction of ionic liquids into wood-based panels technology is aimed at improvement of biological durability of those materials. The important issue is finding such preservatives which have not only good fungicidal parameters but also insignificant influence on glue curing time and board parameters. The aim of the research was to study the influence of the type, amount and the method of application of ionic liquids on standard parameters of panels. The produced panels were also tested for their resistance to Coniophora puteana fungus after 16 weeks of incubation and to mould fungi. The study involved the use of [DDA][NO3] and [BA][NO3] ionic liquids. Materials and methods During the research two types of ionic liquids were selected: − [DDA][NO3] – didecyldimethylammonium nitrate(V), − [BA][NO3] – benzalkonium nitrate(V). The ionic liquids were developed and synthesized in the Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering of the Poznan University of Technology. Two methods for application of ionic liquids to particleboards were proposed. The first method consisted in dissolution of ionic liquid in water and 57 Application of ammonium ionic liquids in particleboard technology pouring of that solution into the particleboard laboratory blender before gluing of chips. The second method consisted in dissolution of ionic liquid directly in glue. One-layer particleboards of the dimensions of 700×500×16 mm were produced from particles made of peeled, pine chips in laboratory conditions. The nominal density of the panels was 680 kg/m3. As a binding agent ureaformaldehyde resin (molar ratio of formaldehyde to urea 1.10) was used. All the produced panels were tested for bending strength [PN-EN 310] and internal bond strength perpendicular to the plane of the board [PN-EN 319]. Table 1. Research variant Tabela 1. Wariant badań Sample Type of ionic liquid added Amount of ionic liquid added [kg/m3] Próbka Rodzaj dodanej cieczy jonowej Ilość dodanej cieczy jonowej [kg/m3] 0 – – A1.1 [DDA][NO3] 4.5 A1.2 [DDA][NO3] 4.5 A2.1 [DDA][NO3] 4.5 A2.2 [DDA][NO3] 9.0 B1.1 [BA][NO3] 4.5 B1.2 [BA][NO3] 4.5 B2.1 [BA][NO3] 9.0 B2.2 [BA][NO3] 9.0 Method of ionic liquid addition to particleboard Metoda dodania cieczy jonowej do płyty wiórowej – in water solution w roztworze wodnym in glue w kleju in water solution w roztworze wodnym in glue w kleju in water solution w roztworze wodnym in glue w kleju in water solution w roztworze wodnym in glue w kleju The resistance to mould fungi was tested using a method based on Building Research Institute Instruction No. 355/98 [1998]. The tested specimens of particleboards protected with the ionic liquids were of the dimensions of 50 × 50 thickness mm. On reaching the moisture content of 12±1% the samples were exposed to the action of a mixture of pure cultures of the following fungi: Aspergillus niger v. Tieghem, Penicillum funiculosum Thom, Pecilomyces varioti Bainer, Trichoderma viride Persoon ex Fries, Alternaria tenuis Link ex Fries (mixture), or to the action of a pure culture of Chaetomium globosum Kunzefor 58 Iwona FRĄCKOWIAK, Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK, Dorota FUCZEK, Mariusz KOT fungus for 4 weeks. The growth of mycelium on the surface of samples was measured after 4 weeks of incubation at the temperature of 27±1oC and 90% relativity humidity using the following scale in accordance with the abovementioned instruction: 0 – no visible under the microscope growth of fungi on the sample, 1 – trace growth of fungi on the sample hardly visible to the naked eye but well visible under the microscope or visible to the naked eye growth limited to the edge of the sample, 2 – visible to the naked eye growth of the fungi on the sample, but less than 15% of the surface is covered with fungus, 3 – over 15% of the surface is covered with fungi visible to the naked eye. To compare the degree of mould coverage, control boards and the samples of Scots pine sapwood were tested. The resistance of tested materials to wood-decaying fungi was defined by determination of mass loss of the tested samples due to brown rot fungi action, according to methods based on PN-EN 113 and PN –ENV 12 083 (Basidiomycotina). The particleboard samples of the dimensions of 50 × 30 thickness mm protected with ionic liquids were sterilised with steam in an autoclave. Then the samples were exposed to the action of a pure culture of Coniophora puteana (Schum. ex Fr.) Karst fungus for 16 weeks and mass loss of specimens was determined. It was compared with the mass loss of Scots pine sapwood to calculate the DSI (Decay Susceptibility Index) expressed as: DSI = T × 100/S (1) where: T – mean loss in board mass [%], S – mean loss in the mass of the appropriate set of specimens of Scots pine sapwood [%]. The DSI values of 100 indicate the same decay resistance as that of pine wood, lower DSI values for particleboards protected with the ionic liquids meant they proved more resistant to the attack of the fungus. Results and discussion The results of the internal bond and bending strength measurements done for the particleboard with the additives of [DDA][NO3] and [BA][NO3] ionic liquids are presented in fig. 1. Both mentioned ionic liquids worsened the parameters of particleboards. The bending strength dropped about 44 in relation to the control board marked “0” when 4.5 kg/m3 of [DDA][NO3] ionic liquid in water solution was added. Double amount of that ionic liquid also applied in water solution did not cause further fall in the bending strength. When the same ionic liquid was added in the amounts of 4.5 and 9 kg/m3 directly to the glue, a smaller but still 59 Application of ammonium ionic liquids in particleboard technology significant fall in the bending strength was observed. A similar situation was observed for [BA][NO3], but in that case the ionic liquid decreased the bending strength by about 30% independently of the application method and the additive amount. However, the method for [DDA][NO3] application influenced the internal bond of the panels. In that case addition of the ionic liquid directly to glue was a more preferable method. The way of application of the second ionic liquid, i.e. [BA][NO3], did not cause as much differences between the values of the internal bond of the panels. During particleboard production different preservatives can be added to glue, but chips can be treated before gluing as well. From the practical point of view, according to Drouet [1992], application of preservatives separately is more beneficial, because it facilitates fast shifting of production. However, Basturk [2008] draws attention to the fact that the method of applying chemical solution directly to the dried particles before or after glue application also has its limitations. The researcher suggests that, due to the moisture content of adhesive, only 5 to 7% of chemical solution should be used for treatment, otherwise an excessive increase in the moisture content can cause blisters and delamination during pressing. The results of mechanical tests presented in fig. 1 and fig. 2 demonstrate clear influence of ionic liquids selected for this research on the particleboards’ parameters. However, it can be pointed out that, in comparison with didecyldimethylammonium nitrate (V), benzalkonium nitrate (V) affected mechanical properties of the panels to a smaller extent. 20 Internal bond /Wytrzymałość na rozciąganie 18 Bending strength/Wytrzymałość na zginanie statyczne 16 0,7 14 0,6 12 0,5 10 0,4 8 0,3 6 0,2 4 0,1 2 2 0,8 Bending strength [N/ mm ] 0,9 0 0 0 A1.1 A1.2 A2.1 A2.2 B1.1 B1.2 B2.1 B2.2 Tested panels Badane płyty Fig. 1. Bending strength and internal bond of the tested particleboards Rys. 1. Wytrzymałość na zginanie oraz rozciąganie badanych płyt wiórowych Wytrzymałość na zginanie statyczne [N/mm2] 2 Internal bond [N/mm ] Wytrzymałość na rozciąganie [N/mm2] 1 60 2 Modulus of elasticity [N/mm ] Moduł sprężystości przy zginaniu statycznym [N/mm2] Iwona FRĄCKOWIAK, Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK, Dorota FUCZEK, Mariusz KOT 3000 2700 2400 2100 1800 1500 1200 900 600 300 0 0 A1.1 A1.2 A2.1 A2.2 B1.1 B1.2 B2.1 B2.2 Tested panels Badane płyty Fig. 2. Modulus of elasticity of the tested particleboards Rys. 2. Moduł sprężystości badanych płyt wiórowych Table 2 presents the resistance of the tested materials to wood-decaying fungi and the mixture of moulds. Independently of the application method (in water or in glue), the particleboards protected with [DDA][NO3] ionic liquids in the amount of 9 kg of dry mass per m3 of the panel demonstrated the highest resistance to brown rot Coniophora puteana. The decay susceptibility index (DSI) was 45.6 and 51.8. In the case of application of the same amount of benzalkonium nitrate(V), i.e. [BA][NO3], the worst protection effect was obtained. The mass loss caused by the test fungi ranged from 28.3 to 31.5%. (DSI was from 91.6 to 101.9). After applying a smaller amount of the ionic liquids to the glue (4.5 kg/m3) the protection against destruction by microorganisms was not achieved. The control samples degradation during the test was about 40.7%. The degree of mould coverage of the surface indicates various resistances of the particleboards with the ionic liquid to the mixture of mould fungi and to Chaetomium globosum. The method of application and the amount of ionic liquids introduced into the particleboards did not resulted in complete protection of their surface against the growth of mould fungi. Tabela 2. Odporność płyt wiórowych zabezpieczonych cieczami jonowymi na działanie Coniophora puteana po 16 tygodniach inkubacji oraz na działanie grzybów pleśniowych Table 2. Resistance of particleboards protected with the ionic liquids to Coniophora puteana after 16 weeks of incubation and to mould fungi Application of ammonium ionic liquids in particleboard technology 61 62 Iwona FRĄCKOWIAK, Jadwiga ZABIELSKA-MATEJUK, Dorota FUCZEK, Mariusz KOT Conclusions On the basis of the obtained results the following conclusions can be drawn: − Both ionic liquids applied significantly lowered mechanical properties of the panels. However, in comparison with didecyldimethylammonium nitrate(V), benzalkonium nitrate(V) affected the panels’ mechanical properties to a smaller extent. − The method of application of [DDA][NO3] ionic liquids had essential influence on the internal bond. In that case, a more preferable method was addition of the ionic liquid directly to glue. The method of [BA][NO3] application did not cause as much difference between the values of the internal bond of the panels as it did in the above-mentioned case. − There were no significance differences in mechanical properties of the panels depending on the amount of the ionic liquids applied. A greater amount of the ionic liquids in particleboards can lead to better protection against fungi without causing further fall in the internal bond and bending strength of the panels. − Independently of the application method (in water or in glue), [DDA][NO3] ionic liquids in the amount of 9 kg of dry mass per m3 of the panel demonstrated the highest resistance to brown rot fungi. Acknowledgements This study was carried out with the financial support of the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme in Poland in the years 2007–2013, project number POIG.01.03.01-30-074/08 “Ionic liquids in innovative technologies connected with processing of lignocellulosic raw materials”. References Bastürk A., M. [2008]: Treatment of the wood-based particie type panels to protect against degradation and fire. KSU Journal of Science and Engineering [11]2: 111–118 Drouet T. [1992]: Technologia płyt wiórowych. Wyd. SGGW, Warszawa Liebert T., Heinze T. [2008]: Interaction of ionic liquids with polysaccharides. 5 Solvents and reaction media for the modification of cellulose. Bioresources [3]2: 576–601 Pernak J., Goc I., Fojutowski A. [2005]: Protic ionic liquids with organic anion as wood preservative. Holzforschung 59: 473–475 Pernak J., Zabielska – Matejuk J., Kropacz A., Foksowicz-Flaczyk J. [2004]: Ionic liquids in wood preservation. Holzforschung 58: 286–291 Han S. H., Li J., Zhu S., Chen R., Wu Y., Zhang X., Yu Z. [2009]: Potential application of ionic liquids in wood related industries. Bioresources [4]2: 825–834 Application of ammonium ionic liquids in particleboard technology 63 Kilpelainen I., Xie H. B., King A., Granstrom M., Argyropoulos D. S. [2007]: Dissolution of Wood in Ionic Liquids, J. Agric. Food Chem. [55]22: 9142–9148 Xie H., King A., Kilpelainen I., Granstrom M., Argyropoulos D. S. [2007]: Thorough Chemical Modification of Wood-Based Lignocellulosic Materials in Ionic Liquids. Biomacromolecules 8: 3740–3748 Zabielska – Matejuk J., Pernak J. [2009]: Mycological study of ammonium ionic liquids. Drewno. Pr. Nauk. Donies. Komunik. [52] 182: 115–122 Zabielska-Matejuk J. [2008]: Przedłużanie trwałości drewna i materiałów drewnopochodnych. Gazeta Przemysłu Drzewnego nr 2/12 Zabielska-Matejuk J. [2005]: Antifungal properties of new quaternary ammonium compounds in relation to their surface activity. Wood Science and Technology [39]3: 235–243 List of standards PN-EN 312 Particleboards– Specifications PN-EN 310 Wood – based panels – Determination of modulus of elasticity in bending and of bending strength PN-EN 319 Particleboards and fiberboards – Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to the plane of the board ZASTOSOWANIE CIECZY JONOWYCH W TECHNOLOGII PŁYT WIÓROWYCH Streszczenie W Zakładzie Materiałów Drewnopochodnych i Klejów w ramach Projektu nr POIG.01.03.01-30/074/08 „Ciecze jonowe w innowacyjnych technologiach związanych z przetwarzaniem surowców lignocelulozowych” realizowane są badania zmierzające do zastosowania cieczy jonowych w technologii płyt wiórowych. Celem badań jest wykorzystanie cieczy jonowych w technologiach zabezpieczania płyt na działanie czynników biotycznych. Dotychczasowe badania obejmowały opracowanie sposobu wprowadzania cieczy do wiórów przeznaczonych do wytwarzania płyt, poznanie wpływu rodzaju i ilości wybranych cieczy jonowych – [DDA]NO3], [BA][NO3] – na standardowe właściwości. Stosowano klejową żywicę aminową dostępną na rynku krajowym i wióry pozyskane z korowanych zrębków sosnowych. Badania wykazały, że zastosowane ciecze jonowe obniżają właściwości mechaniczne płyt, poprawiają natomiast ich odporność na grzyby rozkładu brunatnego. Słowa kluczowe: płyta wiórowa, ciecze jonowe, grzyby rozkładu brunatnego, grzyby pleśniowe Drewno. Pr. Nauk. Donies. Komunik. 2010, vol. 53, nr 184 Mariusz OLEKSY, Maciej HENECZKOWSKI, Henryk GALINA, Katarzyna LECKA-SZLACHTA ∗ THE INFLUENCE OF BENTONITES MODIFIED WITH QUATERNARY AMMONIUM SALTS ON BIOCIDAL PROPERTIES OF COMPOSITIONS OF WATER-DILUTABLE PAINTS AND LACQUERS, AND MINERAL PLASTERS The research led to the obtainment of compositions of water-dilutable paints and lacquers as well as mineral plaster with the additive of nanofiller called Nanobent® (bentonite modified with quaternary ammonium salt) which is a commercial product of ZGM Zębiec near Starachowice. The resistance of the abovementioned substances to mould fungi Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum was tested. The best results were obtained for the composition with 3% additive of Nanobent ZR2 filler which practically completely inhibited the growth of mould fungi, even in the presence of whole culture medium containing glucose. Keywords: acrylic emulsion paint, acrylic lacquer, mineral plaster, bentonite, quaternary ammonium salt, Nanobent ZR and ZR2, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium chrysogenum, fungicidal properties Introduction Paints, lacquers, mineral plasters and other water-dilutable products are exposed to the attack of bacteria, yeast, and fungi. An environment of high humidity is perfect for growth of those microorganisms. Fungi grow well in conditions of lower humidity and usually attack the surface of a coating, which phenomenon was described by [Spychaj, Spychaj 1996]. Coating-making materials containing proteins (lecithin, casein or polysaccharides) often used as condensing Mariusz OLEKSY, Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland e-mail: [email protected] Maciej HENECZKOWSKI, Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland Henryk GALINA, Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland Katarzyna LECKA-SZLACHTA, Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland 66 Mariusz OLEKSY, Maciej HENECZKOWSKI, Henryk GALINA, Katarzyna LECKA-SZLACHTA agents described in the German patent [1990] are especially susceptible to microorganism attack. Those compositions can be protected by additive of biocidal agents – bactericides and fungicides. Bactericides are preservatives which prevent undesired changes in liquid paints, and fungicides deter destruction of dry coating by microorganisms from fungi group. Bacteria may penetrate into paints during production, filling up and emptying of containers, and during transport or storage, which was described by [Edge M. et al. 2001; D’Arcy 2001]. Gobbert et al. [2002] observed that in order not only to counteract microorganism action in finished product but also to protect coating made of that product, biological contamination that may occur in technological process should be eliminated. The aim of this research was enrich the compositions of emulsion paint, acrylic lacquer and mineral plaster with bentonite modified with quaternary ammonium salt of multi-functional action, i.e. simultaneously acting as a tixotropic agent, condensing agent and fungicidal agent. Experimental part Testing of the resistance to microorganisms of the compositions of emulsion paint, acrylic lacquer and mineral plaster with an additive of modified bentonites were carried out in accordance with methodology described in line with recommendations of Polish standard PN-EN ISO 846. The following materials were used in the tests: 1. Salt-agar culture medium without glucose, 2. Salt-agar culture medium with glucose added, 3. Solution of mineral salts, 4. Mould fungus Aspergillus Niger ATCC 16404, 5. Mould fungus Penicillium chrysogenum ATCC 10106, (materials 1–5 are produced by MERCK Company, Germany) 6. Emulsion paint, 7. Acrylic lacquer, 8. Mineral plaster, (materials 6–8 are produced by “Śnieżka” Company, seated in Pustynia near Dębica, they are “raw” products without any tixotropic and biocidal agents added) 9. Nanofiller Nanobent® ZR1, 10. Nanofiller Nanobent® ZR2, (materials 9–10 are produced by ZGM “Zębiec” Company in Zębiec near Starachowice) 11. Finishing plaster by “Nowa Doliny Nidy” Company, Pińczów. The influence of bentonites modified with quaternary ammonium salts on biocidal properties... 67 The test consisted in exposure of the compositions of emulsion paint, acrylic lacquer and mineral plasters with the additive of Nanobent (bentonite modified with quaternary ammonium salt) to mould fungi. The samples were applied on gypsum discs and exposed to the suspension of mixture of fungal spores in the presence of whole or deficient culture medium and incubated for a defined time in specified conditions of temperature and humidity. Each inhibition of growth on the gypsum disc as well as on the culture medium indicates fungicidal action of the coating-making substance additive. After the exposure of a sample finished, the sample was assessed visually in accordance with the scale given in table 1. In order to test the resistance of the compositions of paints, water-dilutable lacquers and mineral plasters to mould fungi, previously prepared gypsum discs of the diameter of 3 cm and the thickness of 2–3 mm were used. To obtain an impenetrable surface the discs were twice covered with the adequate tested composition with one-day interval. Two groups of samples were prepared: − group 0: control samples inoculated with microorganisms without modified bentonite added, − group I: samples inoculated with microorganisms and incubated with the additive of modified bentonite. At least five samples from each composition were prepared for visual assessment. Previously prepared gypsum disc was placed on a sterile Petri dish and the dish was then filled with culture medium up to the height of about 5 mm. 5 ml of a solution of mineral salt and wetting agent was added to each sample with culture. The surface of spores’ culture was gently scraped off with a sterile inoculating loop in order to obtain the water suspension of spores. The operation was repeated three times with the same test tube. Then the suspension of spores of each culture was mixed with a glass rod and filtered through a thin layer of sterile cotton wool in order to remove fragments of mycelium. Two sterile Petri dishes were filled with culture medium and inoculated with one drop taken from each suspension of spores. Incubation was carried out in the temperature of 24ºC ±1ºC in an incubator for 3–4 days. Using a Pasteur pipette a drop of the spores’ suspension was evenly applied on the surface of each sample from group I and on agar. The samples were incubated for 4 weeks in an incubator in the temperature of 29ºC±1ºC and humidity of 95%. If the mycelium growth was visible to the naked eye during the 4-week incubation period, the test was finished. If the result was not positive, the time of the test was extended. 68 Mariusz OLEKSY, Maciej HENECZKOWSKI, Henryk GALINA, Katarzyna LECKA-SZLACHTA Table 1. The results of the tests of the resistance of the compositions of emulsion paint, acrylic lacquer and mineral plaster to the action of mould fungi P. chrysogenum and A. niger after 28 days of incubation (Grades: 0–1 very good result, 2–4 some infected areas occurred, 5–6 negative result) Tabela 1. Wyniki badań odporności kompozycji farby emulsyjnej, lakieru akrylowego, tynku mineralnego na działanie grzybów pleśniowych P. chrysogenum i A.niger po 28 dniach inkubacji (Oceny: 0–1 bardzo dobry wynik, 2–4 – istnieją obszary zakażone, 5–6negatywny wynik) Fungi growth assessment Ocena wzrostu grzybów No. Type of coating used Lp. Rodzaj zastosowanej powłoki On individual samples min max 6 6 6 6,6,6,6,6,6 6 6 6 3,3,3,2,2,2 2 3 2.5 6,6,6,6,6,6 6 6 6 3,3,2,2,2,2 2 3 2.3 6,6,6,6,6,6 6 6 6 3,3,2,2,2,2 2 3 2.3 2,2,1,1,1,1 1 2 1.3 1,1,1,0/1,0/1, 0 1 0.75 0/1,1,1,1,1,1 0 1 0.83 0/1,0/1,0/1,0/1,0/1,0/1 0 0 0 6,6,6,6,6,6,6 6 6 6 1,1,1,1,1,1,1 1 1 1 Na poszczególnych próbkach 1 Gypsum 6,6,6,6,6,6 Gips Average of 6 samples Średnia z 6 prób With the additive of glucose Z dodatkiem glukozy 2 3 4 5 6 7 Paint without additives Farba bez dodatków Paint with 3% Nanobent ZR2 Farba z 3% Nanobent ZR2 Lacquer without additives Lakier bez dodatków Lacquer with 3% Nanobent ZR2Lakier z 3% Nanobent ZR2 Plaster without additives Tynk bez dodatków Plaster with 3% Nanobent ZR2 Tynk z 3% Nanobent ZR2 Without the additive of glucose Bez dodatku glukozy 8 9 10 11 12 13 Paint without additives Farba bez dodatków Paint with 3% Nanobent ZR2 Farba z 3% Nanobent ZR2 Lacquer without additives Lakier bez dodatków Lacquer with 3% Nanobent ZR2 Lakier z 3% Nanobent ZR2 Plaster without additives Tynk bez dodatków Plaster with 3% Nanobent ZR2 Tynk z 3% Nanobent ZR2 In the first place the growth of mould fungi was assessed with the naked eye, and then, if there was such need, it was verified under the microscope (magnification of 40×). The record of visual assessment results contains photographical The influence of bentonites modified with quaternary ammonium salts on biocidal properties... 69 documentation. If the results of visual assessment of the samples in one group differed by more than two scale intervals, the determinations were repeated using new samples. Analysis and discussion of results In the first stage of research the resistance of emulsion paint, acrylic lacquer and mineral plaster without any nanofillers added to mould fungi Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum was tested. Then tests of the compositions with the additive of Nanobent ZR1 filler were conducted. The resistance of a substratum (gypsum discs) to mould fungi was tested as well. The time of fungi incubation on the tested samples was 28 days on deficient salt-agar culture medium without glucose and on whole culture medium with glucose added. The obtained test results are presented in photo 1–7. As it can be seen in photo 1 (attached) the whole surface of the gypsum disc was covered by mould fungus Aspergillus niger. In those conditions the gypsum disc proved to have been a perfect material for fast and effective growth of the mould fungus. It should be mentioned here, that gypsum absorbs and accumulates humidity well, which results in good comparability of fungi growth in laboratory conditions with the conditions present in practice, which was one of the reasons why we have decided to use gypsum disc as a substratum. Subsequently tests of resistance of the composition of emulsion paint without any additive of filler (so-called control sample – comparative sample) to mould fungus Aspergillus niger were carried out. As it could have been expected, the lack of fungicidal additives in the emulsion paint contributed to fast growth of the mould fungus. The whole surface of the gypsum disc with the layer of applied paint was covered by the fungus (photo 1). The following stage of the tests allowed determination whether introduction of Nanobent ZR1 into the tested compositions effectively inhibited the growth of mould fungi. The nanofillers were added to the compositions of emulsion paint, acrylic lacquer and mineral plaster in the amounts of 1.5% or 3% of the weights. Photo 2a presents a gypsum disc with emulsion paint containing filler applied on it. The disc was exposed to mould fungus Aspergillus niger. As it can be seen that disc was covered by the mould fungus in 90%, which might have been a result of either penetrable surface of the coating or weak biocidal properties of the modified bentonite used, and also of conditions created by whole culture medium which were favourable to the growth of the mould fungus. In photo 2b, which illustrates the result of incubation for the composition in which the content of Nanobent ZR1 additive was 3%, it was observed that the addition of the above-mentioned bentonite had a clear influence on the improvement of biocidal properties. Around 40% of the disc surface was not infected by the mould fungus. 70 Mariusz OLEKSY, Maciej HENECZKOWSKI, Henryk GALINA, Katarzyna LECKA-SZLACHTA Photo 1. The appearance of: a – gypsum disc, b – emulsion paint without any Nanobent added exposed to mould fungus Aspergillus niger on whole culture medium Fot. 1. Wygląd: a – krążka gipsowego, b – farby emulsyjnej bez dodatku Nanobentu, w wyniku działania grzyba pleśniowego Aspergillus niger na pożywce pełnowartościowej Photo 2. The appearance of emulsion paint with 1.5% (a and c) and 3% (b and d) additive of Nanobent ZR1 on whole culture medium (a and b) and deficient culture medium (c and d) resulting from exposure to mould fungus Aspergillus niger Fot. 2. Wygląd farby emulsyjnej z 1,5% (a i c) i 3% (b i d) dodatkiem Nanobentu ZR1 na pożywce pełnowartościowej (a i b) i niepełnowartościowej (c i d) w wyniku działania grzyba pleśniowego – Aspergillus niger The influence of bentonites modified with quaternary ammonium salts on biocidal properties... 71 In the case of emulsion paint composition, in the presence of deficient culture medium (photo 2 c–d), much better biocidal effect of Nanobent ZR 1 additive against mould fungus Aspergillus niger was observed, even when the concentration was lower (1.5%). Around 94% of the disc surface was not infected by mould fungus Aspergillus niger. Only small clusters of the fungus were visible on the sides and fringes of the disc with the paint coating applied. It might have been due to penetrable surface resulting from shrinkage cracks occurred during drying of the composition. Then the resistance of acrylic lacquer composition to Aspergillus niger fungus was tested on whole and deficient culture medium. At the start a test of resistance of the control sample (a disc coated with acrylic lacquer without additives – photo 3a) was carried out, and then the resistance of the composition with an additive of Nanobent ZR1 (photo 3b–c) was tested. As it might have been expected, the lacquer coating without the additive of modified bentonite was not much resistant to the attack of microorganisms and the whole surface was covered by the growth of the mould fungus. Based on the test results presented in photos 3b and 3c it was observed that the resistance to mould fungus Aspergillus niger in the case of acrylic lacquer composition with a 1.5% additive of Nanobent ZR1 (photo 3b) on whole culture medium was unsatisfactory – around 70% of the disc surface was covered by the mould fungus. A significant improvement of those properties was observed in the case of composition with a 3% content of Nanobent ZR1 additive (photo 3c), where areas infected with the mould fungus were present on the surface of the painted disc only in the amount of ~30%. In the case of testing the acrylic lacquer composition resistance to mould fungus growth in the presence of deficient culture medium (photo 4.) the growth of that mould fungus was assessed in accordance with standard to have been 1.3 in the case of a 1.5% additive of Nanobent ZR1 (photo 4a) and 0.5 in the case of a 3% content of Nanobent ZR1 agent (photo 4b), which was a very good result proving good biocidal properties of the additive used. In the following stage of research a control test of resistance of mineral plaster (without any additive of nanofillers) to the mould fungi action was carried out. As it could have been expected, the test was unsuccessful. The whole surface of the gypsum disc with the plaster applied was covered by the fungus (photo 5a). Then the tests of the disc coated with the composition of mineral plaster with a 2% and a 4% additive of Nanobent ZR1 filler were carried out (photo 5 b, c and photo 6 a, b). 72 Mariusz OLEKSY, Maciej HENECZKOWSKI, Henryk GALINA, Katarzyna LECKA-SZLACHTA Photo 3. The appearance of: a – acrylic lacquer without the additive of, and b – with a 1.5% and c – with a 3% additive of Nanobent ZR1 filler as a result of the action of mould fungus Aspergillus niger on whole culture medium Fot. 3. Wygląd: a – lakieru akrylowego bez dodatku oraz b – z 1,5% i c – z 3% dodatkiem napełniacza Nanobent ZR1, jako skutek działania grzyba pleśniowego – Aspergillus niger na pożywce pełnowartościowej Photo 4. The appearance of acrylic lacquer with a 1.5% (a) and with a 3% (b) additive of Nanobent ZR1 agent as a result of the action of mould fungus Aspergillus Niger on deficient culture medium. Fot. 4. Wygląd lakieru akrylowego z 1,5% (a) i 3% (b) dodatkiem środka Nanobent ZR1 na pożywce niepełnowartościowej, jako skutek działania grzyba pleśniowego Aspergillus Niger Based on the obtained test results presented in photos 5 and 6 it was observed that the additive of Nanobent ZR1 agent had clear effect on inhibition of the growth of the mould fungi. A 1.5% additive of that product (photo 5b) was the reason why the bigger part of the surface, on which the composition was applied, was not covered by the fungus. In the case where a 3% additive of the tested Nanobent filler was added to the mineral plaster composition, a clear increase in inhibition of the fungus growth on the disc surface was visible. In that The influence of bentonites modified with quaternary ammonium salts on biocidal properties... 73 case only small areas infected with mould fungus Aspergillus niger occurred. Probably it was a result of local leakiness in the coating applied on the disc. Photo 5. The appearance of: a – mineral plaster without the additive of, b – with a 1.5% and c – with a 3% additive of nanofiller Nanobent ZR1 as a result of the action of mould fungus Aspergillus niger on whole culture medium Fot. 5. Wygląd: a – tynku mineralnego bez dodatku, b – z 1,5% i c – 3% dodatkiem nanonapełniacza Nanobent ZR1, jako skutek działania grzyba pleśniowego – Aspergillus niger na pożywce pełnowartościowej During the tests of the resistance of mineral plaster to the mould fungus on deficient culture medium (photo 6) a clear inhibition of the mould fungus growth resulting from addition of Nanobent ZR1 nanofillers to the tested plaster was observed, and it may be considered a satisfactory result. Photo 6. The appearance of mineral plaster with a 1.5% (a) and a 3% (b) additive of Nanobent ZR1 agent as a result of the action of mould fungus Aspergillus niger on deficient culture medium Fot. 6. Wygląd tynku mineralnego z 1,5% (a) i 3% (b) dodatkiem środka Nanobent ZR1 na pożywce niepełnowartościowej w wyniku działania grzyba pleśniowego – Aspergillus niger 74 Mariusz OLEKSY, Maciej HENECZKOWSKI, Henryk GALINA, Katarzyna LECKA-SZLACHTA Photo 7. The appearance of coating made of acrylic lacquer (a), emulsion paint (b) and mineral plaster (c) with a 3% additive of Nanobent ZR2 nanofiller after incubation of mould fungus Aspergillus niger on whole culture medium Fot. 7. Wygląd powłoki wykonanej z lakieru akrylowego (a), farby emulsyjnej (b) i tynku mineralnego (c) z 3% dodatkiem nanonapełniaczy Nanobent ZR2 po inkubacji grzyba pleśniowego – Aspergillus niger na pożywce pełnowartościowej The second part of the experiments was devoted to testing of the resistance of selected compositions to the other mould fungus species, i.e. Penicillum chryzogenum. Based on the obtained test results it was observed that the results of those tests were identical with the above-described results obtained for the compositions exposed to mould fungus Aspergillus N. To recapitulate, it may be stated that the results of the tests of the resistance of the tested compositions containing bentonite Nanobent ZR1 to mould fungi Aspergillus niger and Penicillum chryzogenum did not allow an unambiguous confirmation that the additive of that modified aluminosilicate influenced inhibition of the mould fungi growth. Thereby another type of modified bentonite called Nanobent ZR2, also produced by ZGM Zębiec, seated in Zębiec near Starachowice, was selected for tests. Due to the fact that the best results were obtained for a 3% additive of Nanobent ZR1 agent, the same concentration of the second of the nanofillers was used in further tests. The test results are given in table 1. Based on the obtained results it was observed that the additive of Nanobent ZR2 nanofiller to emulsion paint, acrylic lacquer and mineral plaster has a clear effect on improvement of the tested compositions’ resistance to fungi. Chosen results are presented in photo 7, in which it can be seen that the whole surface of the gypsum disc on which coatings of acrylic lacquer, emulsion paint and mineral plaster containing the additive of Nanobent ZR2 agent were applied, practically was free from infection with the mould fungus. That resistance was observed even in conditions as favourable to fungus growth, as they can be on whole culture medium with the additive of glucose. It should be mentioned here, that in the case of all samples, where emulsion paint, acrylic lacquer and mineral plaster containing the additive of Nanobentu The influence of bentonites modified with quaternary ammonium salts on biocidal properties... 75 ZR2 were used, the results of the tests of the resistance to the action of the above-mentioned mould fungi were identical. Conclusions 1. The presence of modified Nanobent nanofillers adds biocidal properties to the compositions of water-dilutable paints and lacquers, and mineral plasters in comparison with the above-mentioned compositions without the additive of modified Nanobent nanofillers. 2. The additive of a product of the trade name Nanobent ZR2 to the compositions of water-dilutable paints and lacquers, and mineral plasters had clearly better effect on inhibition of the mould fungi growth than the additive of Nanobent ZR1 product. References D’Arcy N. [2001]: Plast. Additives Compoudinng, 12: 95 Edge M., Allen N.S., Turner D., Robinson J., Seal K. [2001]: Prog. Org. Coat. 43: 10 Gobbert Ch., Schichtel M., Nonninger R. [2002]: Farbe u. Lack, 7: 20 Patent niemiecki [1990]: DE 4, 226, 222 Spychaj T., Spychaj S. [1996]: Farby i kleje wodorozcieńczalne. WNT, Warszawa WPŁYW BENTONITÓW MODYFIKOWANYCH CZWARTORZĘDOWYMI SOLAMI AMONIOWYMI NA WŁAŚCIWOŚCI BIOBÓJCZE KOMPOZYCJI FARB I LAKIERÓW WODOROZCIEŃCZALNYCH ORAZ TYNKÓW MINERALNYCH Streszczenie Celem niniejszej pracy było otrzymanie kompozycji farb i lakierów akrylowych oraz tynków mineralnych z 1,5 i 3,0 % dodatkiem bentonitów Nanobent ZR1 i ZR2 (bentonitów modyfikowanych dwiema różnymi IV-rz. solami amoniowymi), które zostały wdrożone do produkcji w ZGM Zębiec w ramach grantu celowego nr 03933/C ZR7-6/2007. Powłoki uzyskane z użyciem tych kompozycji zbadano pod kątem odporności na działanie grzybów pleśniowych Aspergillus niger i Penicillium chrysogenum zgodnie z zaleceniami polskiej normy PN-EN ISO 846. 76 Mariusz OLEKSY, Maciej HENECZKOWSKI, Henryk GALINA, Katarzyna LECKA-SZLACHTA Zbadano odporność farby emulsyjnej (fot. 1), lakieru akrylowego oraz tynku mineralnego bez dodatku modyfikowanych bentonitów na działanie grzybów pleśniowych: Aspergillus niger oraz Penicillium chrysogenum. Następnie przeprowadzono badania wpływu dodatku środka Nanobent ZR1 na zahamowanie wzrostu grzybów pleśniowych w kompozycjach z farbą i lakierem akrylowym oraz tynkiem mineralnym (fot. 2–6). Zbadano również odporność podłoża (krążków gipsowych) na działanie grzybów pleśniowych (fot. 1). Ponieważ najlepsze rezultaty uzyskano dla 3% dodatku nanonapełniacza Nanobent ZR1 (fot. 2–6), stąd w dalszych badaniach biobójczej skuteczności środka Nanobent ZR2 stosowano takie samo stężenie. Otrzymane wyniki badań zestawiono w tabeli 2 i na fot. 7. Na ich podstawie stwierdzono, że najlepsze rezultaty uzyskano dla kompozycji z 3% dodatkiem produktu Nanobent ZR2, gdzie praktycznie nie zaobserwowano wzrostu grzybów pleśni pleśniowych, nawet w obecności pożywki pełnowartościowej (z glukozą). Słowa kluczowe: farba emulsyjna akrylowa, lakier akrylowy, tynk mineralny, czwartorzędowe sole amoniowe, właściwości biobójcze, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium chrysogenum Drewno. Pr. Nauk. Donies. Komunik. 2010, vol. 53, nr 184 DONIESIENIA – REPORTS Grzegorz KOWALUK,1 Dorota FUCZEK SCREW HOLDING PERFORMANCE OF PANELS MADE OF FIBROUS CHIPS The aim of the research was to investigate the face screw withdrawal resistance of panels produced from fibrous chips of willow Salix Viminalis L. and black locust Robinia Pseudoacacia L. A series of laboratory 3-layer panels were produced from fibrous chips as well as from industrial particles. The results were compared to commercial industrial panel performance. The investigation shows that the panels from black locust have lower screw withdrawal resistance in comparison with the industrial panel. In the case of higher density willow panel the screw withdrawal resistance was better than that of the industrial panel. Keywords: particleboard, fibrous chips, screw, withdrawal resistance, SWR, willow, black locust Introduction A lot of research on screw, nail and other joints withdrawal resistance from wood has been conducted [Eckelman 1975; Aytekin 2008; Taj et al. 2009]. Some of it aim to find the correlation between chosen features of wood and the screw withdrawal resistance, and other to confirm the validity of those correlations and/or to apply them to other materials. According to Fakopp Enterprise the bending strength of wooden beams can be determined on the basis of the screw withdrawal force as well. The correlation coefficient between the screw withdrawal force and the bending strength (modulus of rupture – MOR) is 0.72, and between the screw withdrawal force and shear modulus it is 0.86. Grzegorz KOWALUK, Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, Poland e-mail: [email protected] Dorota FUCZEK, Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, Poland e-mail: [email protected] 78 Grzegorz KOWALUK,1 Dorota FUCZEK The literature on determination of the screw withdrawal resistance of particleboards is not so numerous. The fundamental work of Eckelman [1975] proposes the package of formulas on the basis of which the average screw holding strength of particleboard can be predicted. Because particleboards made of fibrous chips are rather new and uncommon type of panels, standard mechanical features of those panels were investigated, as well as the influence of changes in panel production parameters on the final product properties [Kowaluk 2009; Kowaluk et al. 2010]. Thus far there have been no investigations on the screw withdrawal resistance of panels produced from fibrous chips. The aim of the research was to investigate the face screw withdrawal resistance of panels produced from fibrous chips of willow Salix Viminalis L. and black locust Robinia Pseudoacacia L. Materials and methods The following materials were used in the investigations: − commercially available 3-layer 16 mm thick particleboards of the density of 645 kg/m3 (hereinafter called: i), − 3-layer 16 mm thick particleboards of two densities (600 and 660 kg/m3) produced in laboratory conditions from industrial particles (hereinafter called: ip600 and ip660), − 3-layer 16 mm thick particleboards of two densities (600 and 660 kg/m3) produced in laboratory conditions from fibrous chips of willow Salix Viminalis L. (hereinafter called: w600 and w660), − 3-layer 16 mm thick particleboards of two densities (600 and 660 kg/m3) produced in laboratory conditions from fibrous chips of black locust Robinia Pseudoacacia L. (hereinafter called: r600 and r660). The parameters of the production of fibrous chips and panels as well as the density profiles and main strength features (bending strength, internal bond and modulus of elasticity) of the produced panels were set according to Kowaluk et al. [2010]. The direction of the screw axis/load was perpendicular to the panel’s face layer. The main dimensions of the screw intended for wood and wood-based materials used in those investigations were as follows: thread part diameter 4 mm and thread part length 45 mm. The screws were driven through the panel. The tests were carried out on a testing machine registering the maximum force. The ANOVA test was performed to investigate statistical significance of the differences of the results obtained. The assumed significance level was 0.05. 79 Screw holding performance of panels made of fibrous chips Results and discussion As it is clearly visible in fig. 1, among the investigated panels made of fibrous chips w660 panel is characterised by the highest SWR. The resistance of w660 panel to screw withdrawal is higher than the SWR of the industrial i panel. The low value of the screw withdrawal resistance of r660 and r600 panels can be connected with the low values of the internal bond [Kowaluk et al. 2010] in those panels. This observation is in accordance with the observation of Semple and Smith [2006] who found a correlation (r2 > 0.7) between the screw withdrawal resistance and the internal bond. In the case of panels produced from fibrous chips (i.e. r660, r600, w660 and w600) the dependence between the SWR and the panel density can be observed: the SWR increases as the panel density increases. That observation confirms the conclusion of Eckelman [1975] that the specific gravity of particleboards is a useful predictor of the joints holding. Another important observation should be pointed out, namely that the type of particles can influence the SWR. In the case of industrial particles (ip660 and ip600) the SWR is independent of the panel density, and there are important differences between the SWRs of panels produced in the same way from fibrous chips. 1400 1200 Siła [N] Force [N] 1000 800 600 400 200 0 i ip660 ip600 r660 r600 Panel type Rodzaj płyty Fig. 1. The screw withdrawal resistance of the investigated panels Rys. 1. Wytrzymałość badanych płyt na wyciąganie wkręta w660 w600 80 Grzegorz KOWALUK,1 Dorota FUCZEK Table 1. Statistical significance of the differences of the SWR mean values Tabela 1. Statystyczna istotność różnic średnich wartości wytrzymałości na wyciąganie wkręta w600 0.00068 0.08282 0.14130 0.50838 0.02307 w660 0.28260 0.16202 0.06993 0.00411 7.25E-06 r600 0.00066 0.02194 0.01942 0.02996 r660 0.00082 0.05726 0.04408 ip600 0.06190 0.82186 ip660 0.10384 i ip660 ip600 r660 r600 0.00101 w660 In comparison with the results achieved by Joščák et al. [2009] concerning chipboards and joints for excenters, the investigated panels made of fibrous chips, even those panels of lower density, are characterised by comparable SWR. According to table 1 significant differences of the mean values of the SWR obtained for the investigated panels can be observed between r600 and the rest of the panels, i and w600 and r660, ip600 and r660, w660 and r660, w600 and w660, and the strongest difference can be observed between w660 and r600. Conclusions On the basis of the above-mentioned results the following conclusions can be drawn and remarks made: 1. The screw withdrawal resistance of panels produced from fibrous chips of black locust Robinia Pseudoacacia L. is lower than in the case of the industrial panel, even when the density of the black locust panel is higher than that of the industrial panel. 2. There is a significant interrelation between the density of fibrous chip panel and the screw withdrawal resistance, i.e. the screw withdrawal resistance increases as the panel density increases. 3. There is no significant influence of the panel density on the screw withdrawal resistance in the case of panels produced from industrial particles. Acknowledgements This research was carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland in the years 2007–2010, project number N 309 1068 33. Screw holding performance of panels made of fibrous chips 81 References Aytekin A. [2008]: Determination of screw and nail withdrawal resistance of some important wood species. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 9: 626–637 Eckelman C. A. [1975]: Screwholding performance in hardwoods and particleboard. For. Prod. Journal [25] 6: 30–35 Joščák P., Murár R., Katin S. [2009]: Withdrawal strength of fastening means from wooden materials. Ann. WULS - SGGW, For. and Wood Technol. 68: 339–344 Kowaluk G. [2009]: Influence of the method of milling on the geometry of fibrous chips and bending strength of produced particleboards. Proc. 3rd Int. Sc. Conf. Woodworking Techniques. Zalesina, Croatia: 323–331 Kowaluk G., Zbieć M., Beer P. [2010]: The quality of milling of the particleboards produced from fibrous chips. Ann. WULS-SGGW, For and Wood Technol. 71 Kowaluk G., Pałubicki B., Pohl P. [2010]: Investigation on drilling of the particleboards produced from fibrous chips. Proc. of 7th Int. Sc. Conf. Chip and Chipless Woodworking Processes, Terchová, Slovakia: 111–116 Screw withdrawal resistance meter – users guide. Fakopp Enterprise, www.fakopp.com, http://www.fakopp.com/site/downloads/Screw_Withdrawal.pdf, opening 05.10.2010 Semple K. E., Smith G. D. [2006]: Prediction of internal bond strength in particleboard from screw withdrawal resistance models. Wood and Fiber Science [38] 2: 256–267 Taj M. A., Najafi S. K., Ebrahimi G. [2009]: Withdrawal and lateral resistance of wood screw in beech, hornbeam and poplar. Eur. J. Wood Prod. 67: 135–140 ZDOLNOŚĆ UTRZYMYWANIA WKRĘTA PŁYT WYTWORZONYCH Z WIÓRÓW WŁÓKNISTYCH Streszczenie Przedstawiono wyniki badań zdolności utrzymywania wkręta płyt wytworzonych z nietypowych cząstek drzewnych – wiórów włóknistych. W warunkach laboratoryjnych wykonano serię trójwarstwowych płyt o różnych gęstościach, z dwóch rodzajów wiórów włóknistych. Surowcem do produkcji wiórów włóknistych była wierzba Salix Viminalis L. oraz robinia Robinia Pseudoacacia L. Wykonano również płyty z wiórów przemysłowych. Wyniki zostały porównane z badaniami płyty przemysłowej. Badania wykazały niższą wytrzymałość na wyciąganie wkręta płyt wytworzonych z wiórów włóknistych z robinii, w porównaniu do płyty przemysłowej. Płyty o wyższej gęstości z wierzby charakteryzowała istotnie wyższa wytrzymałość na wyciąganie wkręta niż płyty komercyjne. Słowa kluczowe: płyta wiórowa, wióry włókniste, wkręt, wytrzymałość na wyrywanie, wierzba, robinia Drewno. Pr. Nauk. Donies. Komunik. 2010, vol. 53, nr 184 KOMUNIKATY – ANNOUNCEMENTS Grzegorz PAJCHROWSKI1 11. ŚWIATOWA KONFERENCJA INŻYNIERII DREWNA W czerwcu 2010 roku we Włoszech odbyła się międzynarodowa konferencja poświęcona inżynierii drewna, w której udział wzięło ponad 650 uczestników z całego świata. Liczne referaty oraz postery prezentowały szeroki zakres prac teoretycznych i eksperymentalnych związanych z drewnianymi elementami konstrukcyjnymi, połączeniami, a także całymi konstrukcjami i budowlami. Słowa kluczowe: inżynieria drewna, łączniki, drewno konstrukcyjne, klasyfikacja, konferencja W dniach 20–24 czerwca 2010 roku w miejscowości Riva del Garda we Włoszech odbyła się konferencja poświęcona inżynierii drewna pod nazwą World Conference on Timber Engineering (http://www.wcte2010.org). W wydarzeniu tym udział wzięło ponad 650 uczestników z całego świata. Większość z nich pochodziła z krajów europejskich, natomiast najliczniejszą grupę narodowościową stanowili Japończycy. Wśród uczestników byli architekci, inżynierowie, naukowcy i inni specjaliści zajmujący się drewnem inżynierskim. Polska była reprezentowana przez specjalistów Politechniki Wrocławskiej oraz Instytutu Technologii Drewna w Poznaniu. W konferencji uczestniczyło również kilkoro Polaków pracujących w zagranicznych jednostkach badawczych. Delegacja Politechniki Wrocławskiej przedstawiła własne dokonania w zakresie stosowania numerycznych analiz drewnianych belek zbrojonych polimeGrzegorz PAJCHROWSKI, Instytut Technologii Drewna, Poznań, Polska e-mail: [email protected] 84 Grzegorz PAJCHROWSKI rami wzmocnionymi włóknem węglowym (CFRP), a także w zakresie wyznaczania parametrów drgań swobodnych belek z różnych gatunków drewna. Delegacja Instytutu Technologii Drewna omówiła dotychczasowe działania podejmowane przez Instytut w zakresie klasyfikacji drewna konstrukcyjnego, dzięki którym polskim klasom sortowania wizualnego przyporządkowano europejskie klasy wytrzymałościowe według normy EN 338. Prezentowane podczas sesji tematycznych referaty oraz postery obejmowały bardzo szeroki zakres zagadnień. Najczęściej poruszane tematy były związane z takimi zagadnieniami jak: łączniki, klasyfikacja drewna konstrukcyjnego, połączenia klinowe i drewno klejone warstwowo oraz konstrukcje drewniane w rejonach sejsmicznych. Ze względu na fakt, iż połączenia elementów drewnianych są najsłabszymi punktami powstających konstrukcji, łącznikom i ich właściwościom wytrzymałościowym poświęcono najwięcej uwagi. Wystąpienia prelegentów dotyczyły przede wszystkim badań wytrzymałości różnego rodzaju połączeń, poszukiwań nowych rozwiązań oraz wzmocnień i modyfikacji połączeń obecnie stosowanych. Odrębną grupę tematyczną stanowiły połączenia klinowe i drewno klejone warstwowo. Również w tej dziedzinie poszukuje się nowych rozwiązań w celu poprawy właściwości wytrzymałościowych. Kilka wystąpień nawiązujących do klasyfikacji drewna konstrukcyjnego dotyczyło różnych aspektów badań wytrzymałościowych konkretnych gatunków pochodzących z określonego obszaru wzrostu. Ponadto dokonano analizy metod sortowania drewna zawartych w obowiązujących normach (nie tylko europejskich) i zaproponowano ulepszenia oraz nowe modele pozwalające na uzyskanie większej ilości sortowanego materiału w wyższych klasach wytrzymałościowych. Z racji licznego uczestnictwa Japończyków, sporo prezentacji dotyczyło stosowania konstrukcji drewnianych w rejonach sejsmicznych. Były to zarówno wyniki badań czysto teoretycznych, jaki i analizy skutków rzeczywistych trzęsień ziemi. Podobne omówienia dotyczyły konstrukcji drewnianych w rejonach narażonych na działanie huraganów. Ważnym aspektem badań w obszarach różnych zastosowań drewna staje się szeroko pojęte oddziaływanie na środowisko. Tak jak w wielu innych dziedzinach, obok uwarunkowań ekonomicznych, coraz większą uwagę zwraca się na aspekty środowiskowe związane z powstawaniem, eksploatacją i późniejszym zagospodarowaniem odpadów dla drewnianych elementów, konstrukcji i całych budowli. Jako jeden z przykładów przedstawiono porównawcze badania środowiskowej oceny cyklu życia dla elementów konstrukcyjnych wykonanych w różnych technologiach. Bardzo interesujące prezentacje znalazły się w grupie tematycznej dotyczącej dróg i konstrukcji hydrotechnicznych. Uczestnicy konferencji mieli możli- 11. Światowa Konferencja Inżynierii Drewna 85 wość poznania konstrukcji mostów zbudowanych w technologii łączenia drewna z betonem, gdzie elementy drewniane stanowią część konstrukcyjną mostu, natomiast elementy betonowe część nawierzchniową. Wśród uczestników konferencji nie brakowało również osób, których badania dotyczyły zagadnień związanych z bezpieczeństwem pożarowym, architekturą i projektowaniem, a także dziedzictwem kulturowym w postaci zabytkowych budowli drewnianych. Konferencja była znakomitym miejscem wymiany doświadczeń i dyskusji, a także prezentacji wyników badań naukowych oraz najnowszych osiągnięć technicznych i konstrukcyjnych. Kolejna konferencja z tego cyklu odbędzie się w lipcu 2012 roku w Auckland, w Nowej Zelandii (http://www.wcte2012.com). 11th WORLD CONFERENCE ON TIMBER ENGINEERING Summary 11th World Conference on Timber Engineering was held in Riva del Garda in Italy in June 2010. The conference was attended by over 650 participants from around the world. Poland was represented by Wroclaw University of Technology and Wood Technology Institute in Poznan. Numerous papers and posters presented a very wide range of theoretical and experimental work related to the wooden structural elements, joints, and the whole structures and buildings. Keywords: timber engineering, joints, structural timber, grading, conference