Wellington District Licensing Agency Annual Report 2012/13
Wellington District Licensing Agency Annual Report 2012/13
Annual Report 2012–2013 Wellington District Licensing Agency CONTENTS Overview 2 Annual Report to Liquor Licensing Authority Agency initiatives 4 Wellington’s Liquor Licensing Policy 5 Enforcement and monitoring 6 Partnerships 8 Statistics 9 Appendices Annual return 13 Premises list 14 The following report is a summary of activities for the Wellington District Licensing Agency, pursuant to s.105 (1) of the Sale of Liquor Act 1989, for the financial year 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013. This report has been prepared by the Wellington District Licensing Agency for the Alcohol Regulatory Licensing Authority, with copies to Wellington City Council. Cr Leonie Gill Chair District Licensing Agency Wellington City Council Derek Fry for Secretary District Licensing Agency 1 OVERVIEW Agency structure Agency work flow District Licensing Agency (Regulatory Committee of Wellington City Council): The District Licensing Agency (DLA) received a total of 2116 applications in the 2012–2013 financial year, which is 34 more than the previous year. Chair: Cr Leonie Gill Mayor Celia Wade-Brown Cr Ngaire Best Joanne Burt, Mike Kemp and Raaj Govinda attended the New Zealand Institute of Liquor Licensing Inspectors Conference in Wellington in August 2012. Cr Andy Foster Cr Bryan Pepperell Cr John Morrison Cr Justin Lester Secretariat staff Kevin Lavery Conferences and training City Council Chief Executive Officer (Secretary of District Licensing Agency) Licensing inspectors attended a number of training sessions on the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. All inspectors attended the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act information workshop hosted by ACC, with joint agency attendance from council licensing inspectors, NZ Police, officers from Regional Public Health and the NZ Fire Service. Alison Curtis and Karen Binnie attended DLA training on the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act provided by Local Government NZ (LGNZ). Derek Fry City Services and Events Directorate Alison Curtis Public Health Manager Helen Jones Team Leader/Inspector Raaj Govinda Team Leader/Inspector Joanne Burt Inspector Mike Kemp Inspector Andrew Taylor Inspector Agency meetings and hearings Rita Manca Inspector There have been no hearings of the DLA this year. Catherine Dawson Inspector Kareema Yousif Inspector Leon Chen Inspector Gillian Stone Inspector Amber Pacheco Inspector Kay Woodford Inspector Mike Fisher Inspector Karen Binnie Approvals Officer The District Licensing Agency is a unit within the Public Health team of the Council’s Community Networks business unit. 2 Inspectors also attended a number of LGNZ webinars, on changes under the Act and the requirements for District Licensing Committees. A number of Wellington City Councillors have also attended webinars and training. 3 AGENCY INITIATIVES Hospitality Matters (new) The DLA produced two editions of a new e-newsletter entitled ‘Hospitality Matters’. These provided key messages for the hospitality industry, including developments in liquor legislation, and food and trade waste matters. Event management In conjunction with the Council’s City Safety team, the DLA gave a presentation to the hospitality industry about Council requirements when participating in major events. The presentation focused on proposed changes under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012, The Hobbit premiere and the Rugby Sevens tournament, and also covered special licence applications, food safety and outdoor seating. Tertiary education (ongoing) Licensing inspectors held four training sessions for students attending the Professional Bar School and Weltec. Key messages for students and staff were around host responsibility in relation to the Sale of Liquor Act 1989. T H G I R IX M THE 4 WELLINGTON’S LIQUOR LICENSING POLICY Wellington City Council has been guided by an alcohol licensing policy since 1993, most recently reviewed in 2003. In 2009, the Law Commission undertook a broad and comprehensive review of the role of alcohol in New Zealand. The Commission’s 2010 report to Parliament, ‘Alcohol in our Lives: Curbing the Harm’, signalled significant changes to the sale and supply of liquor. The Government responded with the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. Council officers have been working on the development of an Alcohol Management Strategy and Local Alcohol Policy since October 2012. Licensing inspectors in particular have been consulted and provided input as required under section 78(4) of the Act. This work represents an updated approach to alcohol management in Wellington City. It will provide guidance for decision-makers in applying the new Act and any amendments. The Council intends to have an operational policy in place by mid-2014. Until then, decision-makers will be guided by the criteria in the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012, and aspects of the current policy not inconsistent with the legislation. Finding a balance between the needs of the community and the entertainment/recreation market is not always easy. Wellington City is the main entertainment destination for the region, and the restaurants, bars and clubs provide life and vitality to many parts of the city. However, excessive alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm threaten residential amenities and economic benefits. In its role as the DLA (District Licensing Committee from 18 December 2013), the Council will act to protect the health of the community as required under the Act. 3930 PDWCC9 1 ing ll We Cit il nC ou yC n to THE THE RIGHT MIX T H G I R MIX Wellington City ohol alc d e s o p o on pr y a s r u ton City ve yo 5 CounCil 1 ENFORCEMENT AND MONITORING Agencies are responsible for monitoring licensed premises to ensure compliance with the Act. Wellington City Council works with NZ Police and Regional Public Health to ensure robust and effective monitoring of licensed premises in Wellington City. 25 percent (63) of high-risk premises during peak trading hours 25 percent (95) of medium-risk premises – category 2 (includes restaurants/BYO, conveyances, adult entertainment, clubs, theatres) A combined agency approach is undertaken towards monitoring and enforcement, where all parties are committed to: 100 percent of new premises. There was no target for low-risk premises – category 1 (includes hotels, function centres, auctioneers, gyms, off-licence caterers, mail order, tastings, hospitals, tourist houses, airports and universities). working together at the local level to reduce alcoholrelated harm enhancing collaborative relationships between regulatory agencies As at 30 June 2013, a total of 500 inspections of licensed premises had taken place. This total was made up of risk categories 1, 2 and 3, and new premises. ensuring that public messages from the agencies in relation to alcohol are consistent, complementary and supportive. Summary of liquor inspections completed Inspections Key issues identified during inspections were: not displaying signage, incorrect managers’ details, manager not on duty, no low-alcohol options, patrons drinking outside licensed area, food not available. As at 30 June 2013, there were 722 licensed premises operating within the DLA’s jurisdiction. As part of the Council’s annual plan measures, inspection targets were: Breaches around signage were noted and rectified. Other breaches were followed up by an inspector. 100 percent (250) of high-risk premises – category 3 (includes taverns, night clubs, bottle stores, grocery stores and supermarkets) Table 1: Summary of liquor inspections completed Risk CategoRy 1 (low) 6 NumbeR of pRemises iNspeCtioN taRget NumbeR iNspeCted 94 No target 20 2 (medium) 378 95 (25%) 136 3 (high) 250 250 (100%) 271 3 (peak trading) 250 63 (25%) 73 Monitoring of large events Controlled purchase operations Event monitoring was carried out during large events such as The Hobbit premiere, the Rugby Sevens tournament, the Jim Beam Homegrown festival and the Food Show. Monitoring was also undertaken at community events, including Newtown Festival, Wellington Night Market and Thorndon Fair. Five controlled purchase operations were conducted in the last year targeting a range of licensed premises. A total of 60 premises were visited (one held both an onand off-license). The results are shown below: Table 2: Controlled purchase operations pRemises visited 28 on-licensed 33 off-licensed pass fail 24 4 27 6 Graduated response model A graduated response model was used to address compliance issues and breaches of liquor licence conditions. Under this model, compliance can be achieved by talking to managers or owners of licensed premises, as well as through enforcement when breaches occur. Eleven graduated response meetings were held, five of which were carried out jointly by Police and licensing inspectors. The remaining six were carried out by the Police. outCome 2 voluntary suspensions for 1 week 2 formal warnings 4 voluntary suspensions for 1 week 2 applications for suspension to the Alcohol Regulatory Licensing Authority (ARLA) Three applications were made for suspension or cancellation of a licence: one was a result of a second failure by a licensed premises in a controlled purchase operation one was a result of a third failure by a licensed premises in a controlled purchase operation one was due to repeated incidents with patron intoxication, staff drinking on site later than allowed by the liquor licence, lack of food availability, and general conduct and suitability of the licensee to continue operating a licensed premises. 7 PARTNERSHIPS Wellington Liquor Liaison Group Joint initiatives The group, whose membership includes representatives from the Police, the DLA, the Fire Service, Regional Public Health, ALAC and Hospitality NZ, continues to work well together to address alcohol issues in the city. The group has met five times during the year. Joint compliance inspections Licensing inspectors carried out monthly compliance visits jointly with the Police and Regional Public Health. The combined agency approach focused on working in partnership with the hospitality industry to ensure compliance and reducing alcohol-related harm. Controlled purchase operations Wellington Police, Wellington DLA and Regional Public Health. 8 STATISTICS The DLA accepted 2116 applications during the financial year of 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013. The table below shows a comparison with previous years. Please note that these figures include renewal and endorsed licence applications. Number of applications received appliCatioN type 2009 –2010 2010 –2011 2011–2012 2012–2013 On-licence 244 241 231 215 Off-licence 68 70 70 65 Club licence 39 10 26 31 Temporary authority 104 98 62 55 Manager’s certificate 1215 1319 1267 1376 512 468 426 374 2182 2206 2082 2116 Special licence TOTAL Income Liquor fees collected during the period from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 compared with previous years are shown below. liquoR fees ColleCted (gst iNClusive) On-, off- and club licence, special licence, manager’s certificate and temporary authority Fees paid to the Liquor Licensing Authority 2009 –2010 2010 –2011 2011–2012 2012–2013 $466,504 $466,325 $456,925 $455,967.27 $67,082 $67,505 $67,178 $67,701.60 Number of licences in force The liquor licences in force during the period 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 are shown in the table below, with a comparison from previous years. liCeNCes iN foRCe On-licence 2009 –2010 2010 –2011 2011–2012 2012–2013 454 461 468 478 On-licence BYO 12 10 11 10 On-licence conveyance 18 19 18 18 139 135 130 132 25 26 22 23 1 1 1 1 71 71 70 68 720 723 720 728 Off-licence Off-licence caterer Off-licence auctioneer Club licence TOTAL 9 Applications determined by the DLA 1000 800 600 400 200 0 New manager 2009–2010 10 Temporary authority 2010–2011 2011–2012 Special licence 2012–2013 Uncontested renewal Licences in force 500 400 300 200 100 0 Onlicence 2009–2010 Onlicence BYO Onlicence conveyance 2010–2011 Offlicence 2011–2012 Offlicence caterer Offlicence auctioneer Club licence 2012–2013 11 Applications received 1500 1200 900 600 300 0 Onlicence 2009–2010 12 Offlicence 2010–2011 Club licence Temporary authority 2011–2012 Manager’s certificate 2012–2013 Special licence Appendices Annual return NumbeR of appliCatioNs ReCeived NumbeR of appliCatioNs deteRmiNed NumbeR of New liCeNsed pRemises 62 50 18 $49,180.88 $7859.12 On-licence variation 1 2 0 $793.24 $126.76 On-licence renewal 152 146 0 $119,914.17 $19,162.23 16 16 6 $10,716.91 $1712.29 Off-licence variation 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 Off-licence renewal 49 41 0 $33,602.28 $5368.92 Club licence new 2 1 0 $1586.48 $253.52 Club licence variation 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 Cub licence renewal 29 41 0 $23,003.96 $3676.04 General manager’s certificate new 652 619 $87,974.36 $13998.44 General manager’s certificate renewal 693 614 $93,505.41 $14878.71 6 8 $809.58 $128.82 25 25 $3373.25 $536.75 $424,460.52 $67,701.60 CategoRy On-licence new Off-licence new Club manager’s certificate new Club manager’s certificate renewal Subtotal Special licence Temporary authority Total dla ReveNue total fee paid to aRla (gst iNCl) 374 340 $24,085.60 $0.00 55 54 $7421.15 $0.00 $455,967.27 $67,701.60 13 Premises list TRADinG nAME STREET ADDRESS LiCEnCE nuMBER PREMiSES TYPE LiCEnCE ExPiRY DATE 1841 Bar and Restaurant 109 Johnsonville Road 049/ON/137/2012 Tavern 1/07/2015 3C Bar and Restaurant 56 Victoria Street 049/ON/60/2012 Tavern 3/04/2015 Aaina 251 Cuba Street 049/ON/46/2011 Restaurant 7/12/2013 Abel Tasman Hotel 169 Willis Street 049/ON/161/2011 Hotel 10/09/2014 After 5 Charters Chaffers Marina 049/ON/196/2010 Conveyance 6/11/2013 Air New Zealand Koru Lounge Stewart Duff Drive 049/ON/158/2010 Airport 8/10/2013 Airport Motor Lodge 369 Broadway 049/ON/140/2012 Tourist House 4/09/2013 Amora Hotel 150 Wakefield Street 049/ON/61/2013 Hotel 15/05/2016 Ancestral 31 Courtenay Place 049/ON/84/2012 Tavern 12/05/2015 Arabica Café 1 Grey Street 049/ON/110/2013 Restaurant 10/06/2016 Arahura Mobile Liquor Licences 049/ON/130/2012 Conveyance 23/09/2015 Arashi Kushi Yaki Bar 41 Courtenay Place 049/ON/157/2011 Restaurant 15/10/2014 Aratere Mobile Liquor Licences 049/ON/17/2012 Conveyance 5/02/2015 Arbitrageur Wine Room 125 Featherston Street 049/ON/207/2011 Restaurant 26/02/2014 Aro St Café 90 Aro Street 049/ON/135/2010 Restaurant 9/08/2013 Arthur’s 270 Cuba Street 049/ON/13/2013 Restaurant 5/12/2015 ASB Sports Centre 72 Kemp Street 049/ON/91/2013 Restaurant 7/05/2016 Asian Food Specialist 102 Rongotai Road 049/OFF/20/2011 Grocery Store 14/06/2014 Asian Kitchen 101 Victoria Street 049/ON/126/2012 Restaurant 8/08/2015 Atlanta 105 The Terrace 049/ON/195/2012 Tavern 31/10/2015 Aubergine Café 322 Tinakori Road 049/ON/174/2010 Restaurant 24/10/2013 Avatar Estate Ltd 47 Nalanda Crescent 049/OFF/50/2010 Mail Order 22/12/2013 Avida 128–138 Featherston Street 049/ON/196/2011 Tavern 27/11/2014 Backbencher Pub and Café 34 Molesworth Street 049/ON/148/2010 Tavern 5/09/2013 Backbencher Pub and Café and Cellar-Vate 40 Molesworth Street 049/OFF/32/2011 Bottle Store 8/07/2014 Ballroom Billiards Saloon 68 Courtenay Place 049/ON/195/2011 Sports Pool/Snooker 6/11/2014 Ban Mai Thai Café 111 Vivian Street 049/ON/212/2010 Restaurant 24/11/2013 Bangalore Polo Club 63 Courtenay Place 049/ON/18/2013 Tavern 30/01/2016 Baobab Café 152 Riddiford Street 049/ON/139/2012 Restaurant 28/09/2014 Bar Bodega 109 Ghuznee Street 049/ON/18/2010 Tavern 11/08/2015 Bar Edward 167 Riddiford Street 049/ON/63/2012 Tavern 18/03/2015 Bar Medusa 150 Vivian Street 049/ON/45/2011 Tavern 8/03/2014 Base Backpackers 22 Cambridge Terrace 049/ON/24/2011 Hotel 28/11/2013 Bats Theatre 1 Kent Terrace 049/ON/95/2011 Theatre 18/06/2014 Bay 66 66 Bay Road 049/ON/185/2012 Tavern 11/10/2015 Bay Plaza Hotel 40 Oriental Parade 049/ON/193/2010 Hotel 15/12/2013 Beach Babylon 232 Oriental Parade 049/ON/77/2013 Restaurant 19/03/2016 Beautiful Baskets and Expressions Florists 250 Lambton Quay 049/OFF/41/2011 Complementary 6/08/2014 Bebemos 88 Riddiford Street 049/ON/209/2012 Restaurant 30/11/2013 14 TRADinG nAME STREET ADDRESS LiCEnCE nuMBER PREMiSES TYPE LiCEnCE ExPiRY DATE Beehive Café 80 Molesworth Street 049/ON/221/2011 22/01/2015 Restaurant Beijing Restaurant 164 Riddiford Street 049/ON/125/2010 Restaurant 8/08/2013 Ben Roe Catering Ltd 32 Brooklyn Road 049/ON/155/2012 Restaurant 29/07/2015 Best of the Bunch 45 Pipitea Street 049/OFF/12/2013 Complementary 21/03/2016 Bettys 32 Blair Street 049/ON/146/2011 Tavern 27/08/2013 Big Bad Wolf 262 Wakefield Street 049/ON/174/2012 Restaurant 19/10/2013 Big Barrel Newtown 34 Constable Street 049/OFF/21/2013 Bottle Store 29/05/2014 Big Dogs on Blair 9 Blair Street 049/ON/117/2012 Restaurant 27/07/2015 Big Thumb Restaurant 9 Allen Street 049/ON/36/2013 Restaurant 21/03/2014 Black Dog Brewery 19 Blair Street 049/ON/208/2012 Tavern 30/11/2013 Black Dog Brewery 19 Blair Street 049/OFF/50/2012 Tavern 30/11/2013 Bolton Apartment Hotel 12 Bolton Street 049/ON/53/2012 Hotel 25/01/2015 Boogie Wonderland & Alice Cocktail Lounge 25 Courtenay Place 049/ON/129/2012 Tavern 30/08/2013 Boomrock Lodge Ltd 292 Boom Rock Road 049/ON/167/2010 Function Centre 17/10/2013 Bordeaux Bakery Ltd 220 Thorndon Quay 049/ON/78/2013 Restaurant 11/05/2016 Boston on Blair 24 Blair Street 049/ON/190/2012 Tavern 16/09/2015 Boulcott St Bistro 99 Boulcott Street 049/ON/130/2010 Restaurant 5/08/2013 Brentwood Hotel 16 Kemp Street 049/ON/74/2012 Hotel 9/05/2015 Brooklyn Bar and Bistro 55 Cleveland Street 049/ON/87/2013 Tavern 27/10/2015 Brooklyn Food Market 55 Cleveland Street 049/OFF/27/2013 Grocery Store 10/03/2016 Bruhaus 22 Willeston Street 049/ON/28/2012 Tavern 20/12/2014 Bruhaus 22 Willeston Street 049/OFF/38/2012 Tavern 6/05/2015 Bucket Tree Lodge 1 Boscobel Lane, Tawa 049/ON/54/2012 Hotel 25/03/2015 Buenos Aires Tango Bistro 27 Left Bank 049/ON/82/2011 Restaurant 5/05/2014 Bull and Bear Plimmers Steps 049/ON/231/2011 Tavern 5/02/2015 Bull and Bear Plimmers Steps 049/OFF/69/2011 Tavern 5/02/2015 CGR Merchant & Co 46 Courtenay Place 049/ON/84/2013 Tavern 8/05/2016 Café 162 156 Karori Road 049/ON/58/2011 Tavern 2/04/2014 Café 93 Ltd 85 Molesworth Street 049/ON/3/2011 Restaurant 14/02/2014 Café Baba 46 Courtenay Place 049/ON/60/2010 Restaurant 28/05/2013 Café Breton 20 Brandon Street 049/ON/163/2012 Restaurant 20/09/2015 Café Classic 15 Murphy Street 049/ON/181/2012 Restaurant 2/09/2015 Café Istanbul 154 Cuba Street 049/ON/116/2012 Restaurant 4/08/2015 Café Leuven 135 Featherston Street 049/ON/95/2013 Tavern 28/06/2016 Café Neo 132 Willis Street 049/ON/200/2012 Restaurant 15/11/2015 Café Pasha 44 Dixon Street 049/ON/161/2010 Restaurant 7/10/2013 Café Polo 82 Rotherham Terrace 049/ON/105/2011 Restaurant 31/07/2014 Café Saint Paul Ltd 45 Pipitea Street 049/ON/152/2010 Restaurant 17/09/2013 Café Thyme 238 Middleton Road 049/ON/71/2011 Restaurant 23/03/2014 Café Vanilla 19 Mulgrave Street 049/ON/22/2011 Restaurant 3/02/2014 15 TRADinG nAME STREET ADDRESS LiCEnCE nuMBER PREMiSES TYPE LiCEnCE ExPiRY DATE Café Villa 61 Ottawa Road 049/ON/89/2013 Restaurant 9/06/2016 Cafés Roti Chenai Ltd 120 Victoria Street 049/ON/225/2011 Restaurant 5/12/2014 Caffe Astoria 159 Lambton Quay 049/ON/2/2012 Restaurant 18/01/2015 Caffe Bellagio 3c Moxham Avenue 049/ON/60/2011 Restaurant 12/04/2014 Caffe Italia 465 Adelaide Road 049/ON/177/2011 Restaurant 2/11/2014 Caffe L’affare 27 College Street 049/ON/201/2010 Restaurant 16/11/2013 Cambridge Hotel 28 Cambridge Terrace 049/ON/1/2012 Hotel 27/01/2015 Capital Connection Mobile Liquor Licences 049/ON/144/2012 Conveyance 12/08/2015 Capital Gateway Motor Inn 1 Newlands Road 049/ON/198/2010 Hotel 23/11/2013 Capital Liquor 107 Manners Street 049/OFF/7/2013 Bottle Store 15/02/2014 Capitol 9 Kent Terrace 049/ON/44/2013 Restaurant 20/12/2015 Capitol Catering 90 Dixon Street 049/OFF/43/2010 Caterer 9/11/2013 Capri Bar and Eatery 150 Featherston Street 049/ON/31/2013 Tavern 22/11/2015 Carlton Café 43 Coutts Street 049/ON/175/2010 Restaurant 1/09/2013 Casablanca 15 Cambridge Terrace 049/ON/113/2013 Restaurant 10/07/2016 Catch Sushi Bar 48 Courtenay Place 049/ON/82/2013 Restaurant 23/05/2016 Central City Apartment Hotel 130 Victoria Street 049/ON/160/2011 Hotel 24/08/2014 Centre City Wines and Spirits 12 Customhouse Quay 049/OFF/40/2011 Bottle Store 7/09/2014 Centre City Wines and Spirits 12 Customhouse Quay 049/ON/199/2012 Tavern 18/11/2015 Chalk Café & Bistro 22 Herd Street 049/ON/94/2013 Restaurant 9/05/2016 Charlie Bill – Fine Food Bistro 241 Tinakori Road 049/ON/64/2012 Restaurant 16/04/2015 Charlotte Steakhouse & Grill 201 Cuba Street 049/ON/226/2012 Restaurant 19/12/2013 Charter Train Mobile Liquor Licences 049/ON/143/2012 Conveyance 12/08/2015 Chicago Sports Café 4 Queens Wharf 049/ON/176/2012 Tavern 2/02/2014 Chilis Indian Restaurant 9 McMillan Court 049/ON/186/2012 Restaurant 21/10/2015 Chill @ Barista 156 Willis Street 049/ON/5/2011 Restaurant 16/12/2013 Chocolate Fish Café 276 Shelly Bay Road 049/ON/12/2013 Restaurant 3/12/2013 Chow and The Library 45 Tory Street 049/ON/171/2012 Tavern 29/09/2015 Chow Woodward 97 The Terrace 049/ON/107/2011 Restaurant 7/05/2014 Chris Boswell Fine Catering 470 Adelaide Road 049/OFF/52/2011 Caterer 28/10/2014 Churton Park New World 69 Lakewood Avenue 049/OFF/49/2012 Supermarket 20/11/2013 Cinta Malaysian Kitchen 119 Manners Street 049/ON/116/2011 Restaurant 27/07/2014 Circa Theatre Inc 1 Taranaki Street 049/ON/61/2011 Theatre 11/04/2014 City Cat Mobile Liquor Licences 049/ON/149/2010 Conveyance 20/09/2013 Citylife Wellington 298 Lambton Quay 049/ON/185/2010 Hotel 21/10/2013 Clive’s Foodmarket 103 Newlands Road 049/OFF/2/2010 Grocery Store 30/01/2013 Clockwork Gold 191 Main Road, Tawa 049/ON/33/2012 Tavern 16/03/2015 Club Garibaldi 118 Tory Street 049/CL/1/2012 Social Club 12/01/2015 Club K 71 Cuba Street 049/ON/99/2013 Nightclub 29/05/2016 Coastal Pacific Mobile Liquor Licences 049/ON/146/2012 Conveyance 12/08/2015 Cobar Cat Mobile Liquor Licences 049/ON/147/2012 Conveyance 9/09/2015 16 TRADinG nAME STREET ADDRESS LiCEnCE nuMBER PREMiSES TYPE LiCEnCE ExPiRY DATE Commonsense Organics 260 Wakefield Street 049/OFF/2/2013 Grocery Store 23/12/2015 Commonsense Organics Kilbirnie 7 Bay Road 049/OFF/53/2010 Grocery Store 24/11/2013 Concrete Bar 276 Lambton Quay 049/ON/89/2012 Tavern 24/05/2015 Cook Strait Bar Stewart Duff Drive 049/OFF/22/2012 Complementary 25/06/2015 Copthorne Hotel Oriental Bay 73 Roxburgh Street 049/ON/90/2012 Hotel 26/06/2015 Cosa Nostra Italian Trattoria 324 Tinakori Road 049/ON/178/2011 Restaurant 8/10/2014 Coucou 94 Karori Road 049/ON/113/2011 Restaurant 28/04/2014 Countdown Churchill Drive 124 Churchill Drive 049/OFF/8/2013 Supermarket 11/12/2015 Countdown Johnsonville 91 Johnsonville Road 049/OFF/24/2010 Supermarket 26/06/2013 Countdown Johnsonville Mall 23 Moorefield Road 049/OFF/31/2011 Supermarket 15/05/2014 Countdown Karori 236 Karori Road 049/OFF/11/2011 Supermarket 11/02/2014 Countdown Kilbirnie 43 Bay Road 049/OFF/39/2010 Supermarket 8/12/2013 Countdown Newtown 3 John Street 049/OFF/51/2012 Supermarket 4/12/2013 Countdown Tawa 5 William Earp Place 049/OFF/4/2013 Supermarket 24/01/2014 Courtenay Taj Restaurant 25 Courtenay Place 049/ON/206/2011 Restaurant 28/10/2014 Crazyhorse The Steakhouse 129 Willis Street 049/ON/120/2013 Restaurant 23/07/2016 Creative Hospitality 63 Wallace Street 049/OFF/6/2012 Caterer 8/02/2015 Creswick Foodmarket 59 Northland Road 049/OFF/14/2011 Grocery Store 11/05/2014 Croatian Cultural Society (Wellington) Inc 32 Hania Street 049/CL/6/2012 Cultural Club 25/07/2015 Cuba Liquor World 145 Cuba Street 049/OFF/5/2012 Bottle Store 30/04/2015 Cuba Street Superette Ltd 301 Cuba Street 049/OFF/15/2013 Grocery Store 14/01/2016 Cubita 101 Courtenay Place 049/ON/232/2011 Restaurant 13/12/2014 Cuckoos 57 Customhouse Quay 049/ON/128/2011 Tavern 15/07/2014 Cue Room 120 Courtenay Place 049/ON/186/2011 Sports Pool/Snooker 26/11/2014 Curry Heaven 136 Riddiford Street 049/ON/43/2012 BYO 7/04/2015 Curry Pot 2 Riddiford Street 049/ON/114/2012 Restaurant 9/06/2015 D4 on Featherston 143 Featherston Street 049/ON/216/2011 Tavern 20/11/2014 Daawat 128 Johnsonville Road 049/ON/176/2010 Restaurant 17/08/2013 Daawat 88 Manners Street 049/ON/208/2010 Restaurant 2/11/2013 Daddy O’s 90 Manners Street 049/ON/21/2013 Restaurant 30/01/2014 Dahra Korean Bistro 8 Bond Street 049/ON/192/2011 Restaurant 28/10/2014 Darlington Bottle Shop 127 Darlington Road 049/OFF/56/2006 Bottle Store 12/08/2013 Deccan Metropolitan 144 Cuba Street 049/ON/30/2013 Restaurant 22/02/2014 Denny’s Family Restaurant 222 Willis Street 049/ON/135/2012 Restaurant 12/09/2015 Discount Liquor Centre 94 Dixon Street 049/OFF/38/2010 Bottle Store 10/11/2013 Dockside Restaurant and Bar 5 Queens Wharf 049/ON/83/2013 Tavern 14/05/2016 Downstage Theatre Trust 12 Cambridge Terrace 049/ON/145/2010 Theatre 26/07/2013 Downtown Backpackers NZ Ltd 31 Waterloo Quay 049/ON/164/2011 Hotel 2/09/2014 Dragonfly 72 Courtenay Place 049/ON/14/2013 Restaurant 27/01/2016 Dragons Chinese Restaurant 25 Tory Street 049/ON/88/2011 Restaurant 15/06/2014 17 TRADinG nAME STREET ADDRESS LiCEnCE nuMBER PREMiSES TYPE LiCEnCE ExPiRY DATE Dransfield House 335 Willis Street 049/ON/15/2013 Restaurant 27/09/2015 Dreamgirls 37 Dixon Street 049/ON/195/2010 Brothel/Strip Club 3/11/2013 DSL Liquor 154 The Terrace 049/OFF/24/2012 Bottle Store 12/07/2015 Duke Carvell’s Swan Lane Emporium 3 Swan Lane 049/ON/96/2012 Tavern 12/06/2015 Dunbar Sloane Ltd 7 Maginnity Street 049/OFF/37/2011 Auctioneer 16/08/2014 East Square 22 Herd Street 049/ON/151/2012 Restaurant 18/09/2013 Eat East Restaurant Ltd 48 Rongotai Road 049/ON/185/2011 BYO 16/11/2014 Eateria de Manon 167 Riddiford Street 049/ON/48/2010 Restaurant 6/04/2011 Edison’s 21 Blair Street 049/ON/107/2012 Tavern 21/06/2013 El Horno 30 Courtenay Place 049/ON/167/2012 Tavern 22/08/2015 El Matador 196 Cuba Street 049/ON/122/2012 Restaurant 17/07/2013 Electric Avenue 132 Courtenay Place 049/ON/170/2010 Tavern 18/08/2013 Elements Café 144 Onepu Road 049/ON/168/2012 Restaurant 6/09/2015 Elements Cooking School 147 Onepu Road 049/ON/207/2012 Restaurant 28/11/2013 Embassy Theatre 9 Kent Terrace 049/ON/222/2011 Theatre 15/03/2014 Emerald Café 101 Cuba Street 049/ON/107/2013 Restaurant 10/07/2014 Empire Cinema and Café 214 The Parade 049/ON/223/2012 Theatre 23/09/2015 Enigma Café 128 Courtenay Place 049/ON/119/2013 Restaurant 15/06/2016 Espressoholic Café 136 Cuba Street 049/ON/124/2010 Restaurant 27/08/2013 Evans Bay Yacht and Motor Boat Club Inc 447 Evans Bay Parade 049/CL/3/2011 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 21/07/2014 Fast Eddie’s Poolhall 125 Manners Street 049/ON/54/2011 Sports Pool/Snooker 22/03/2014 Felix 126 Wakefield Street 049/ON/35/2012 Restaurant 23/03/2015 Fidel’s Café 234 Cuba Street 049/ON/137/2011 Restaurant 17/07/2014 Finc Dining Room 124 Wakefield Street 049/ON/126/2011 Restaurant 7/07/2014 Fishermans Table Restaurant and Bar 245 Oriental Parade 049/ON/21/2011 Restaurant 26/01/2014 Flavour’s 153 Karori Road 049/ON/204/2011 Restaurant 21/01/2015 Floridita’s 163 Cuba Street 049/ON/105/2012 Restaurant 29/06/2015 Floyd’s 130 The Parade 049/ON/71/2012 Restaurant 22/03/2015 Foxglove and Foxtail 57 Customhouse Quay 049/ON/202/2010 Tavern 9/12/2013 Franco’s Trattoria 29 Dundas Street 049/ON/160/2012 Restaurant 5/10/2013 Fratelli 13 Blair Street 049/ON/42/2013 Restaurant 13/02/2016 Fujiyama Teppanyaki Japanese Restaurant Ltd 36 Taranaki Street 049/ON/81/2011 Restaurant 5/05/2014 Gather Café and Bar 120 The Terrace 049/ON/125/2012 Restaurant 28/06/2015 Gipsy Kitchen 4 Glamis Avenue 049/ON/159/2011 Restaurant 24/08/2014 Glengarry Thorndon Quay 232 Thorndon Quay 049/OFF/38/2011 Bottle Store 22/09/2014 Glengarry Wines 25 Courtenay Place 049/OFF/7/2012 Bottle Store 15/03/2014 Glengarry Wines 85 Upland Road 049/OFF/8/2011 Bottle Store 19/03/2014 Golding’s Free Dive 14 Leeds Street 049/ON/54/2013 Tavern 12/04/2014 Good Luck Bar 126 Cuba Street 049/ON/113/2012 Tavern 1/07/2015 Gotham 50 Victoria Street 049/ON/11/2013 Restaurant 15/01/2014 18 TRADinG nAME Gourmet Stay and Frederick Stn Deli and Coffee Bar STREET ADDRESS 25 Frederick Street LiCEnCE nuMBER PREMiSES TYPE 049/ON/148/2012 Hotel LiCEnCE ExPiRY DATE 18/08/2015 Grand Century Licensed Chinese Restaurant and Bar 84 Tory Street 049/ON/34/2013 Restaurant 29/01/2016 Great India Restaurant 141 Manners Street 049/ON/72/2013 Restaurant 18/05/2016 Green Parrot Café 16 Taranaki Street 049/ON/155/2010 Restaurant 6/09/2013 Greta Café 326 Evans Bay Parade 049/ON/172/2011 Restaurant 12/10/2014 H.K. Barbecue & Tea 14 Kent Terrace 049/ON/43/2013 Restaurant 04/04/2014 Haeremai 152 Victoria Street 049/OFF/51/2011 Bottle Store 5/10/2014 Haewai Meadery 236 Houghton Bay Road 049/OFF/26/2013 Bottle Store 17/07/2016 Hashigo Zake 25 Taranaki Street 049/ON/10/2011 Tavern 15/12/2013 Hashigo Zake 25 Taranaki Street 049/OFF/9/2011 Tavern 4/02/2014 Hataitai Bowling Club 159 Hataitai Road 049/CL/26/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 25/07/2015 Hataitai Four Square 1 Moxham Avenue 049/OFF/40/2012 Grocery Store 19/09/2013 Havana Bar 32a Wigan Street 049/ON/19/2013 Tavern 23/01/2016 Hawthorn Lounge 82 Tory Street 049/ON/116/2010 Tavern 23/08/2013 Haya Café and Delicatessen 89 Aro Street 049/ON/166/2012 BYO 6/10/2015 Hazel Restaurant 4 Roxburgh Street 049/ON/153/2011 Restaurant 30/07/2014 Heaven Woodfire Pizza 247 Cuba Street 049/ON/62/2013 Restaurant 23/05/2014 Hede Café and Bar 41 Cuba Street 049/ON/31/2012 Restaurant 2/03/2015 Hina’s Foodmarket 343 Adelaide Road 049/OFF/71/2008 Grocery Store 3/10/2014 Holiday KTV Entertainment Ltd 125 Manners Street 049/ON/99/2012 Tavern 20/09/2015 Honeymeisters 40 Mercer Street 049/OFF/13/2012 Complementary 5/04/2015 Hope Bros 31 Dixon Street 049/ON/116/2013 Tavern 25/05/2016 Hotel Bristol 131–133 Cuba Street 049/ON/153/2012 Tavern 13/09/2015 Hotel Ibis Wellington 153 Featherston Street 049/ON/80/2012 Hotel 27/04/2015 Hummingbird 20–22 Courtenay Place 049/ON/150/2010 Tavern 26/10/2013 ICA Wellington Indoor Sports 11 Hutchison Road 049/ON/205/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 5/12/2015 Il Bordello 146 Vivian Street 049/ON/204/2012 Brothel 30/11/2015 In House Catering 64 Kenmore Street 049/OFF/41/2012 Caterer 25/09/2015 Indus Bistro and Tandoor 230 Tinakori Road 049/ON/16/2012 Restaurant 30/01/2015 Innkeeper of Newlands 15 Batchelor Street 049/ON/211/2011 Tavern 17/01/2015 Innkeeper of Newlands 15 Batchelor Street 049/OFF/57/2011 Tavern 17/01/2015 InterContinental Wellington 2 Grey Street 049/ON/221/2012 Hotel 8/12/2015 InterContinental Wellington 2 Grey Street 049/OFF/53/2012 Hotel 8/12/2015 Island Bay Bar 134 The Parade 049/ON/75/2013 Tavern 4/05/2016 Island Bay Bowling Club 276 The Parade 049/CL/11/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 25/07/2015 Island Bay Lawn Tennis and Squash Club 2 The Parade 049/CL/22/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 9/08/2015 Island Bay New World Supermarket 8 Medway Street 049/OFF/41/2010 Supermarket 19/11/2013 19 TRADinG nAME STREET ADDRESS LiCEnCE nuMBER PREMiSES TYPE LiCEnCE ExPiRY DATE Island Bay Services Club Inc 2 The Parade 049/CL/10/2013 Chartered Club 20/04/2016 Island Bay Softball Club 572 Adelaide Road 049/CL/10/2011 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 22/10/2014 Island Bay United Association Football 572 Adelaide Road Club Inc 049/CL/4/2013 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 24/01/2016 Istana Malaysia Ltd 1–5 Allen Street 049/ON/73/2013 Restaurant 1/05/2016 Italian on Cuba 221 Cuba Street 049/ON/203/2012 Restaurant 15/11/2015 Ivy 49 Cuba Street 049/ON/17/2013 Nightclub 18/01/2014 Izakaya Kazu 13 Tory Street 049/ON/5/2013 Restaurant 22/01/2016 J’Aime Bordeaux 55 The Terrace 049/ON/121/2012 Restaurant 11/07/2015 Jala’s Store (1984) Ltd 28 Wallace Street 049/OFF/32/2010 Grocery Store 24/09/2013 James Cook Hotel Grand Chancellor 147 The Terrace 049/ON/76/2012 Hotel 17/05/2015 Japan Store 13 Tory Street 049/OFF/19/2012 Caterer 24/05/2015 Japan Store 13 Tory Street 049/OFF/20/2012 Mail Order 24/05/2015 Jasmin Licensed Chinese Restaurant 294 Lambton Quay 049/ON/14/2012 Restaurant 20/12/2014 JJ Murphy and Co 119 Cuba Street 049/ON/77/2012 Tavern 7/04/2015 JK Liquor 62 Haumia Street 049/OFF/29/2013 Bottle Store 22/05/2016 Joe’s Garage 5 Tory Street 049/ON/134/2010 Restaurant 7/08/2013 Johnsonville and Districts RSA Inc 139–141 Johnsonville Road 049/CL/8/2010 Social Club 13/07/2013 Johnsonville Club Inc 1 Norman Lane 049/CL/14/2012 Chartered Club 23/07/2015 Johnsonville Club Inc 1 Norman Lane 049/OFF/31/2012 Chartered Club 23/07/2015 Johnsonville Cricket Club Inc Bannister Avenue 049/CL/31/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 31/08/2015 Johnsonville Rugby Football Club Inc 70 Helston Road 049/CL/8/2011 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 31/07/2014 Johnsonville Softball Club Inc 50 Phillip Street 049/CL/14/2013 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 27/07/2016 JR Duty Free 28 Stewart Duff Drive 049/OFF/25/2012 Bottle Store 10/02/2014 Juniper Restaurant 142 Featherston Street 049/ON/144/2010 Tavern 31/07/2013 K & S Café 165–177 Lambton Quay 049/ON/129/2010 Restaurant 19/08/2013 Kadai Junction 216 Main Road Tawa 049/ON/123/2012 Restaurant 15/07/2015 Kaitaki Mobile Liquor Licences 049/ON/131/2012 Conveyance 19/08/2015 Kapai New Zealand Ltd 7 Courtenay Place 049/ON/118/2011 Restaurant 18/03/2014 Karaka Café 15 Jervois Quay 049/OFF/32/2013 Caterer 8/07/2014 Karaka Café 15 Jervois Quay 049/ON/103/2013 Restaurant 8/07/2014 Karori Bowling Club Inc 10 Lewer Street 049/CL/7/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 25/07/2015 Karori Bridge Club Inc 274 Karori Road 049/CL/8/2013 Social Club 17/03/2016 Karori Four Square Lotto 147 Karori Road 049/OFF/59/2011 Grocery Store 2/12/2014 Karori Golf Club Inc 280 South Makara Road 049/CL/7/2013 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 8/03/2016 Karori New World 236 Karori Road 049/OFF/48/2012 Supermarket 11/11/2015 Karori Park Sports Club 400 Karori Road 049/CL/11/2013 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 6/11/2014 20 TRADinG nAME STREET ADDRESS LiCEnCE nuMBER PREMiSES TYPE LiCEnCE ExPiRY DATE KAZU Yakitori Bar 43 Courtenay Place 049/ON/7/2013 Tavern 16/12/2015 Kelburn Four Square Discount 97a Upland Road 049/OFF/50/2011 Grocery Store 14/09/2014 Kelburn Park Pavilion 65 Salamanca Road 049/CL/13/2013 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 18/05/2016 Kelburn Village Pub 87 Upland Road 049/ON/67/2011 Restaurant 6/04/2014 Kensington 291 Willis Street 049/ON/25/2012 Brothel 10/02/2015 Khandallah Bowling Club Inc 24 Woodmancote Road 049/CL/10/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 25/07/2015 Khandallah New World Supermarket 26 Ganges Road 049/OFF/24/2013 Supermarket 28/04/2016 Khandallah Tennis and Squash Club Inc 55 Delhi Crescent 049/CL/3/2013 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 15/01/2016 Khandallah Trading Co 5 Ganges Road 049/ON/128/2012 Tavern 20/10/2013 Khmer Satay Noodle House 80 Courtenay Place 049/ON/140/2011 Restaurant 16/08/2014 Kilbirnie Liquor Centre 57 Bay Road 049/OFF/18/2012 Bottle Store 26/05/2015 Kilbirnie Park Sports Pavilion 55 Kilbirnie Crescent 049/CL/20/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 19/07/2015 Kingsgate Hotel Wellington 9 Portland Crescent 049/ON/60/2013 Hotel 10/04/2016 Kingston Foodmarket 38 Quebec Street 049/OFF/39/2011 Grocery Store 2/06/2014 Kirkcaldie and Stains Ltd 165–177 Lambton Quay 049/OFF/23/2013 Complementary 6/10/2015 Kitty O’Shea’s Irish Bar 28 Courtenay Place 049/ON/73/2011 Tavern 28/04/2014 Kordia Social Club Inc 2 Manners Street 049/CL/2/2011 Social Club 23/02/2014 Kura Gallery 19 Allen Street 049/OFF/44/2010 Complementary 12/11/2013 La Boca Loca 17 Park Road 049/ON/75/2012 Restaurant 18/04/2015 La Casa Caffe 48–54 Cuba Street 049/ON/90/2013 Restaurant 17/06/2014 La Cloche 134 Hutt Road 049/OFF/30/2013 Caterer 29/06/2016 La Cloche 134 Hutt Road 049/ON/98/2013 Restaurant 29/06/2016 La Pizzeria 42 Constable Street 049/ON/13/2012 Restaurant 1/02/2015 Lady Julie Mobile Liquor Licences 049/ON/50/2012 Conveyance 22/03/2015 Lambton Goods 180 Lambton Quay 049/OFF/35/2012 Grocery Store 11/12/2013 Latitude 41 3 Queens Wharf 049/ON/19/2011 Restaurant 12/01/2014 Lazeeza Mediterranean 41 Dixon Street 049/ON/118/2013 Restaurant 29/07/2014 Le Canard 10 Murphy Street 049/ON/187/2011 Restaurant 3/10/2014 Le Marche Francais 262 Thorndon Quay 049/ON/24/2013 Restaurant 19/02/2016 Leafee Café 320 Tinakori Road 049/ON/104/2012 Restaurant 29/07/2015 Lido 81 Victoria Street 049/ON/37/2011 Restaurant 18/02/2014 Lighthouse Cuba 29 Wigan Street 049/ON/175/2012 Theatre 19/10/2013 Linden Food Market 11 Collins Avenue, Tawa 049/OFF/23/2012 Grocery Store 29/05/2015 Liquor King Kent Tce 28 Kent Terrace 049/OFF/47/2012 Bottle Store 20/10/2015 Liquorland Island Bay 138 The Parade 049/OFF/18/2013 Bottle Store 13/04/2016 Little Beer Quarter 6 Edward Street 049/ON/189/2012 Tavern 11/10/2015 Little India Bistro and Tandoor 8–20 Blair Street 049/ON/232/2010 Restaurant 23/12/2013 Little India Bistro and Tandoor 115 Cuba Street 049/ON/176/2011 Restaurant 31/10/2014 Logan Brown Restaurant 192 Cuba Street 049/ON/202/2012 Restaurant 13/12/2015 21 TRADinG nAME STREET ADDRESS LiCEnCE nuMBER PREMiSES TYPE LiCEnCE ExPiRY DATE Lone Star Café and Bar 66 Tory Street 049/ON/92/2011 Tavern 15/06/2014 Long Bar on Brandon 22 Brandon Street 049/ON/88/2013 Restaurant 25/06/2016 Longxiang Chinese Restaurant 98 Dixon Street 049/ON/215/2010 Restaurant 14/12/2013 Loong Fong Restaurant 386 Broadway 049/ON/233/2010 Restaurant 16/01/2014 Lotus Room 24 Courtenay Place 049/ON/221/2010 Tavern 1/12/2013 Lovelocks Sports Bar 12 Bond Street 049/ON/63/2011 Tavern 9/04/2014 Lyall Bay Bowling Club Inc 53 Apu Crescent 049/CL/5/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 25/07/2015 Lychee Café 27 Arthur Street 049/ON/117/2013 Restaurant 18/08/2016 MV Meridian 7 Queens Wharf 049/ON/184/2010 Conveyance 24/10/2013 Mac’s Brewery Bar & Restaurant 23 Cable Street 049/ON/212/2012 Tavern 5/12/2015 Mad Mex Lambton Square 87 The Terrace 049/ON/38/2013 Restaurant 20/03/2014 Majestic Cuisine 11a Courtenay Place 049/ON/32/2013 Restaurant 5/12/2015 Malthouse 48a Courtenay Place 049/ON/179/2010 Tavern 16/10/2013 Malthouse 48a Courtenay Place 049/OFF/37/2010 Tavern 11/11/2013 Maranui Café 5 Lyall Parade 049/ON/20/2013 Restaurant 14/12/2015 Maranui Caterers 476 Adelaide Road 049/OFF/48/2010 Caterer 10/11/2013 Margins 18 Garrett Street 049/ON/4/2011 Tavern 11/12/2013 Mariluca Ristoro 55 Mulgrave Street 049/ON/25/2013 Restaurant 24/01/2016 Marist St Pats Rugby Football Club 45 Ruahine Street 049/CL/23/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 31/07/2015 Martin Bosley’s Yacht Club Restaurant 103 Oriental Parade 049/OFF/17/2012 Caterer 3/06/2015 Martin Bosley’s Yacht Club Restaurant 103 Oriental Parade 049/ON/188/2010 Restaurant 24/10/2013 Masala Café and Bar 2 Allen Street 049/ON/100/2011 Restaurant 11/07/2014 Matterhorn 106 Cuba Street 049/ON/93/2011 Tavern 23/06/2014 Mediaplex 84 Taranaki Street 049/ON/127/2011 Function Centre 10/06/2014 Mediterranean Food Warehouse 42 Constable Street 049/OFF/42/2012 Complementary 30/09/2015 Mediterranean Foods La Pizzeria 89 Upland Road 049/ON/24/2012 Restaurant 15/02/2015 Mena’s Convenience Store 2 Mount Street 049/OFF/41/2010 Grocery Store 21/12/2013 Meow 159 Willis Street 049/ON/50/2011 Restaurant 28/04/2014 Mercure Hotel Wellington 345 The Terrace 049/ON/108/2011 Hotel 15/06/2014 Mercure Hotel Willis Street 355 Willis Street 049/ON/86/2011 Hotel 29/05/2014 Mermaid Bar 73 Courtenay Place 049/ON/99/2011 Strip Club 28/06/2014 Metro Liquor 11 Tauhinu Road 049/OFF/38/2013 Bottle Store 17/07/2014 Mexican Fusion Molesworth 95 Molesworth Street 049/ON/158/2012 Restaurant 4/10/2013 Mighty Mighty 104 Cuba Street 049/ON/197/2010 Tavern 10/11/2013 Milk and Honey 21 Kelburn Parade 049/ON/119/2012 University 1/07/2015 Minibar 24 Courtenay Place 049/ON/138/2010 Tavern 10/09/2013 Ministry of Food 34 Bowen Street 049/ON/169/2012 Restaurant 3/06/2015 Mint Indian and Malaysian Restaurant 18 Allen Street 049/ON/127/2012 Restaurant 22/09/2015 Miramar Bowling Club 049/CL/12/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 25/07/2015 22 75a Darlington Road TRADinG nAME STREET ADDRESS LiCEnCE nuMBER PREMiSES TYPE LiCEnCE ExPiRY DATE Miramar Golf Club Stewart Duff Drive 049/CL/5/2013 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 15/04/2016 Miramar Liquorland Unit 1, 3 Miramar Avenue 049/OFF/61/2011 Bottle Store 9/01/2015 Miramar Rangers Association Football Club Inc 150 Weka Street 049/CL/13/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 9/08/2015 Miramar Softball Club 22 Park Road 049/CL/32/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 31/08/2015 Mishmosh 30 Courtenay Place 049/ON/229/2011 Tavern 2/11/2014 Mitesh Foodmarket 66 Pirie Street 049/OFF/14/2013 Grocery Store 14/03/2016 Mixjah and The Shack 71 Cuba Street 049/ON/134/2011 Tavern 15/07/2014 Miyabi Sushi 142 Willis Street 049/ON/153/2011 Restaurant 21/05/2014 Mojo Bond Street 14 Bond Street 049/ON/228/2011 Restaurant 7/11/2014 Mojo Central 40 Willis Street 049/ON/120/2012 Restaurant 13/07/2013 Mojo Coffee 161 Willis Street 049/ON/197/2012 Restaurant 13/10/2015 Mojo Coffee Cartel – Shed 13 37 Customhouse Quay 049/ON/109/2010 Function Centre 25/08/2013 Mojo Featherston 9 Bunny Street 049/ON/234/2011 Restaurant 15/12/2014 Mojo Kumutoto 33 Customhouse Quay 049/ON/46/2012 Restaurant 14/01/2015 Mojo Pantry 14 Bond Street 049/OFF/39/2012 Caterer 21/09/2013 Mojo Superfino 181 Victoria Street 049/ON/180/2012 Restaurant 28/09/2015 Mojo The Summit 184 Molesworth Street 049/ON/210/2010 Restaurant 1/11/2013 Mojo The Terrace 226 Lambton Quay 049/ON/2/2013 Restaurant 9/12/2015 Mojo Vogel 9 Mulgrave Street 049/ON/29/2013 Restaurant 22/02/2014 Mojo Wellington Airport 28 Stewart Duff Drive 049/ON/22/2013 Restaurant 16/12/2015 Mojo Wellington Zoo 200 Daniell Street 049/ON/136/2011 Restaurant 8/06/2014 Molesworth Goods 100 Molesworth Street 049/OFF/9/2009 Grocery Store 19/04/2014 Molly Malones Bottlestore 134 Courtenay Place 049/OFF/45/2011 Bottle Store 10/08/2014 Molly Malones Irish Bar 134 Courtenay Place 049/ON/139/2011 Tavern 10/08/2014 Monsoon Poon 10 Blair Street 049/OFF/56/2011 Caterer 21/12/2014 Monsoon Poon 12 Blair Street 049/ON/210/2011 Restaurant 6/12/2014 Monterey 4 Rintoul Street 049/ON/191/2012 Restaurant 25/03/2014 Montys Cuba Food Market 140 Cuba Street 049/OFF/5/2011 Grocery Store 16/03/2014 Moore Wilson and Co Ltd 33 Lorne Street 049/OFF/42/2011 Bottle Store 29/09/2014 Moore Wilson Fresh 24 College Street 049/OFF/52/2012 Supermarket 3/12/2015 Mornington Golf Club 570 Adelaide Road 049/CL/5/2011 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 19/07/2014 Mornington Golf Club 80 Stanley Street 049/CL/34/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 7/11/2013 Motel Bar 45 Tory Street 049/ON/170/2012 Tavern 29/08/2015 Mount Cook Café 75 Wallace Street 049/ON/172/2010 Restaurant 7/10/2013 Moyses Greek Taverna 382 Broadway 049/ON/47/2013 Restaurant 9/03/2016 Mt Victoria Foodmarket 45 Brougham Street 049/OFF/28/2013 Grocery Store 3/06/2016 Mulberry Garden 149 Willis Street 049/ON/50/2013 Restaurant 20/03/2016 Murlidhar Food Mart 8 Collins Avenue, Tawa 049/OFF/16/2013 Grocery Store 8/05/2014 23 TRADinG nAME STREET ADDRESS LiCEnCE nuMBER PREMiSES TYPE LiCEnCE ExPiRY DATE Muse on Allen 18 Allen Street 049/ON/192/2012 Restaurant 15/11/2013 Museum Hotel 84–94 Cable Street 049/ON/57/2013 Hotel 22/12/2015 Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Board 11 Barnett Street 049/OFF/4/2011 Complementary 13/02/2014 Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Board 11 Barnett Street 049/ON/23/2011 Restaurant 13/02/2014 Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Board 55 Cable Street 049/OFF/29/2011 Caterer 17/06/2014 MV Monte Stello Mobile Liquor Licences 049/ON/205/2010 Conveyance 24/11/2013 MV Santa Regina Mobile Liquor Licences 049/ON/63/2013 Conveyance 7/04/2016 MV Straitsman Mobile Liquor Licences 049/ON/3/2012 Conveyance 9/12/2014 Naan Indian Restaurant and Bar 12 Majoribanks Street 049/ON/70/2012 Restaurant 18/04/2013 Nakhon Thai 23 Waitoa Road 049/ON/3/2013 BYO 7/02/2016 Nam Restaurant 148 Willis Street 049/ON/80/2011 Restaurant 4/05/2014 Namastey India Restaurant 71–81 Cuba Street 049/ON/212/2011 Restaurant 8/09/2014 Nando’s 120 Courtenay Place 049/ON/197/2011 Restaurant 20/10/2014 National Hockey Stadium 1 Mt Albert Road 049/ON/142/2010 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 30/08/2013 National Library of NZ 58 Molesworth Street 049/ON/206/2012 Restaurant 9/03/2015 New Genghis Khan Restaurant 25–27 Majoribanks Street 049/ON/6/2013 Restaurant 7/11/2015 New World Metro on Willis 70 Willis Street 049/OFF/11/2012 Supermarket 18/03/2015 New World Supermarket Miramar 54 Miramar Avenue 049/OFF/28/2012 Supermarket 12/07/2015 New World Tawa 35 Oxford Street Tawa 049/OFF/1/2013 Supermarket 10/11/2015 New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants 50 Customhouse Quay 049/ON/45/2012 Function Centre 23/02/2015 Newkor 95 Dixon Street 049/ON/108/2013 Restaurant 27/07/2016 Newlands New World 227 Newlands Road 049/OFF/42/2013 Supermarket 13/08/2016 Newtown Bowling Club 303 Mansfield Street 049/CL/16/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 8/08/2015 Newtown Four Square 7 Riddiford Street 049/OFF/53/2011 Grocery Store 5/11/2014 Newtown New World 195 Riddiford Street 049/OFF/9/2012 Supermarket 4/04/2015 Newtown Sports Bar 34 Constable Street 049/ON/70/2013 Tavern 29/05/2014 Ngaio Discount Liquor 1 Khandallah Road 049/OFF/67/2011 Bottle Store 9/07/2014 Nicolini’s Café Bar Bistro 26 Courtenay Place 049/ON/213/2010 Restaurant 11/11/2013 Nikau Gallery Café 101 Wakefield Street 049/ON/110/2011 Restaurant 1/07/2014 Nomads Capital 120 Wakefield Street 049/ON/88/2012 Hotel 7/06/2015 North City Cricket Club Inc 11 Gee Street Tawa 049/CL/6/2011 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 2/02/2014 Northland Cafe & Bistro 66 Northland Road 049/ON/194/2012 Restaurant 19/10/2015 Nosh 9 Ganges Road 049/OFF/13/2013 Caterer 24/05/2016 Novotel Wellington 256 Lambton Quay 049/ON/67/2012 Hotel 27/04/2015 Office Café and Bar 124 Riddiford Street 049/ON/135/2011 Tavern 29/09/2014 Ohariu Farm – The Woolshed 184 Takarau Gorge Road 049/ON/80/2013 Function Centre 3/05/2016 24 TRADinG nAME STREET ADDRESS LiCEnCE nuMBER PREMiSES TYPE LiCEnCE ExPiRY DATE Ohariu Valley Golf Club Inc 714 Ohariu Valley Road 049/CL/2/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 25/07/2015 Ohtel 66 Oriental Parade 049/ON/32/2012 Hotel 20/03/2015 Olive 168 Cuba Street 049/ON/109/2012 Restaurant 22/06/2013 Ombra 199 Cuba Street 049/ON/41/2013 Tavern 28/03/2014 One Red Dog Waterfront 57 Customhouse Quay 049/ON/51/2013 Restaurant 9/03/2016 Onslow Cricket Club Inc 102 Cockayne Road 049/CL/13/2010 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 30/01/2014 Oriental Kingdom Café 112a Cuba Street 049/ON/42/2012 Restaurant 27/03/2015 Oriental Rongotai Football Club Inc 22 Park Road 049/CL/6/2013 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 8/03/2016 Oriental Thai Restaurant 58 Cambridge Terrace 049/ON/18/2012 Restaurant 4/02/2015 Original Thai Restaurant 155 The Parade 049/ON/140/2010 BYO 4/09/2013 Ortega Fish Shack and Bar 16 Majoribanks Street 049/ON/194/2010 Restaurant 20/11/2013 Osteria Del Toro 60 Tory Street 049/ON/201/2012 Restaurant 6/11/2015 Ozeki Café and Bar 159 Tory Street 049/ON/38/2012 Restaurant 9/03/2015 Pak’n Save Kilbirnie 78 Rongotai Road 049/OFF/36/2012 Supermarket 18/10/2015 Pan de Muerto 82 Tory Street 049/ON/224/2012 Tavern 13/12/2013 Pandan Asian Cuisine 166 Main Road Tawa 049/ON/177/2012 Restaurant 25/10/2013 Paparangi Foodmarket 11 Mark Avenue 049/OFF/18/2011 Grocery Store 10/06/2014 Parade Café 165 Oriental Parade 049/ON/49/2012 Restaurant 21/03/2015 Paramount Theatre 25 Courtenay Place 049/ON/93/2013 Theatre 5/02/2016 Park Grocery 344 Tinakori Road 049/OFF/64/2011 Grocery Store 12/12/2012 Parrotdog Brewery 29 Vivian Street 049/OFF/37/2013 Bottle Store 29/06/2016 Patel Superette 2000 Ltd 103 Aro Street 049/OFF/33/2013 Grocery Store 26/06/2016 Peking House Restaurant 15 Kent Terrace 049/ON/114/2010 Restaurant 26/07/2013 Penthouse Cinema 205 Ohiro Road 049/ON/205/2011 Theatre 27/11/2014 Perrett’s Corner 2 Manners Street 049/ON/224/2011 Tavern 7/11/2014 PHO 68 219 Willis Street 049/ON/40/2013 Restaurant 21/03/2014 Phoenician Cuisine 241 Cuba Street 049/ON/179/2012 Restaurant 25/08/2015 Phong Vu Vietnamese Restaurant 27 Left Bank 049/ON/112/2013 Restaurant 10/05/2016 Phuthai Esarn Restaurant 35 Cambridge Terrace 049/ON/69/2011 Restaurant 15/04/2014 Phuthai Lanna Restaurant 39 Vivian Street 049/ON/62/2012 Restaurant 3/03/2015 Piccolo 248 Willis Street 049/ON/74/2013 Restaurant 29/05/2014 Piccolo Trattoria 103 Vivian Street 049/ON/178/2012 Restaurant 3/07/2015 Picnic 2c Upland Road 049/ON/189/2011 Restaurant 20/11/2014 Pizzeria Napoli 30 Courtenay Place 049/ON/138/2012 Restaurant 10/06/2015 Planet Spice 128 Riddiford Street 049/ON/81/2013 Restaurant 21/06/2016 Plaza Pizzeria and Café 22 Bay Road 049/ON/94/2012 Restaurant 22/06/2015 Plum Café 101 Cuba Street 049/ON/223/2010 Restaurant 9/12/2013 Pollux 109 Manners Street 049/ON/64/2011 Tavern 12/04/2014 Ponderosa 28 Blair Street 049/ON/39/2012 Tavern 10/02/2015 25 TRADinG nAME STREET ADDRESS LiCEnCE nuMBER PREMiSES TYPE LiCEnCE ExPiRY DATE Poneke Football Club Inc 49 Kilbirnie Crescent 049/CL/11/2010 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 24/07/2013 Poquito 11 Tory Street 049/ON/220/2012 Tavern 12/12/2013 Portofino Restaurant 33 Customhouse Quay 049/ON/133/2010 Restaurant 14/08/2013 Pravda Café 107 Customhouse Quay 049/ON/22/2012 Restaurant 12/12/2014 PreFab 70 Vivian Street 049/ON/10/2013 Restaurant 14/01/2014 Preston’s Master Butchers 6 Arlington Street 049/OFF/65/2011 Complementary 5/12/2014 Public 52 Courtenay Place 049/ON/219/2010 Tavern 27/11/2013 Puppies 118 Tory Street 049/ON/227/2012 Tavern 21/12/2013 Quality Hotel 203 Cuba Street 049/ON/21/2012 Hotel 7/02/2015 Queue Café 33 Johnsonville Road 049/ON/222/2010 Restaurant 23/01/2014 Railway Metro New World 2 Bunny Street 049/OFF/49/2010 Supermarket 4/12/2013 Rain 74 Courtenay Place 049/ON/33/2013 Tavern 26/02/2016 Raj Food Market 63 Hobart Street 049/OFF/37/2008 Grocery Store 25/06/2015 Rams Restaurant 171 Cuba Street 049/ON/143/2010 Restaurant 10/09/2013 Rasa Malaysian Restaurant 196 Cuba Street 049/ON/92/2013 Restaurant 23/01/2016 Rata Café – Zealandia 53 Waiapu Road 049/ON/56/2011 Restaurant 29/03/2014 Raukawa Street Foodmarket 75 Raukawa Street 049/OFF/30/2008 Grocery Store 14/05/2014 Reading Cinemas Courtenay Central Ltd 80 Courtenay Place 049/ON/68/2012 Theatre 20/03/2015 Realm Bar and Grill 5 Moxham Avenue 049/ON/203/2011 Tavern 26/10/2014 Recovery Room 16 Riddiford Street 049/ON/70/2010 Restaurant 18/05/2013 Red Hill 119 Manners Street 049/ON/102/2013 Restaurant 29/05/2016 Red Square 24 Blair Street 049/ON/193/2011 Tavern 19/10/2014 Regal Chinese Restaurant 7 Courtenay Place 049/ON/145/2011 Restaurant 16/08/2014 Regional Wines and Spirits Ltd 15 Ellice Street 049/OFF/22/2013 Bottle Store 14/05/2016 Regional Wines and Spirits Ltd 15 Ellice Street 049/ON/4/2013 Complementary 2/12/2015 Restaurant 88 88 Tory Street 049/ON/101/2012 Restaurant 24/06/2015 Restaurant Siem Reap 99 Dixon Street 049/ON/217/2012 Restaurant 12/12/2015 Rise Café 90 The Terrace 049/ON/153/2010 Restaurant 15/09/2013 Rockyard Restaurant 18 Allen Street 049/ON/101/2013 Restaurant 9/03/2016 Rosa Café 10 Ganges Road 049/ON/213/2012 Restaurant 10/11/2015 Roti Corner 145 The Parade 049/ON/124/2012 BYO 12/09/2015 Roxy Café 203 Cuba Street 049/ON/129/2011 Restaurant 26/07/2014 Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club 103 Oriental Parade 049/CL/8/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 31/07/2015 Rydges Wellington 75 Featherston Street 049/ON/102/2012 Hotel 30/06/2015 S and M’s Scotty and Mal’s Cocktail Lounge Bar 176 Cuba Street 049/ON/141/2010 Tavern 25/08/2013 S & S Patel Superette 231–233 Cuba Street 049/OFF/43/2012 Grocery Store 7/11/2015 Sahara Café 39 Courtenay Place 049/ON/59/2013 Restaurant 29/04/2014 Saigon Taste 17 Majoribanks Street 049/ON/67/2013 Restaurant 29/06/2016 Sakura Restaurant 20–26 Ballance Street 049/ON/74/2011 Restaurant 20/05/2014 26 TRADinG nAME STREET ADDRESS LiCEnCE nuMBER PREMiSES TYPE LiCEnCE ExPiRY DATE San Francisco Bath House 171 Cuba Street 049/ON/101/2011 Nightclub 22/05/2014 Santa Croce Wine Company 218 Willis Street 049/OFF/4/2012 Mail Order 10/02/2015 Sarah Searancke Catering 1 Collins Avenue, Tawa 049/OFF/43/2011 Caterer 10/08/2014 Satay Kajang 39 Dixon Street 049/ON/88/2010 Restaurant 14/07/2013 Satay Village 58b Ghuznee Street 049/ON/110/2010 BYO 8/07/2013 Sawasdee Thai Restaurant 114 Johnsonville Road 049/ON/149/2012 BYO 2/08/2015 Scarlet Events 166 Willis Street 049/OFF/47/2009 Caterer 05/11/2012 Scopa Caffe Cucina 141 Cuba Street 049/ON/182/2012 Restaurant 3/10/2015 Scorch O Rama 497 Karaka Bay Road 049/ON/90/2011 Restaurant 22/06/2014 Seasoned and Dressed 88 Willis Street 049/OFF/36/2010 Caterer 29/09/2013 Seatoun Association Football Club Inc 56 Ludlam Street 049/CL/2/2013 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 24/01/2016 Seatoun Café and Bar 24 Dundas Street 049/ON/154/2011 Restaurant 10/09/2014 Seatoun Four Square Discount 35 Falkirk Avenue 049/OFF/37/2012 Grocery Store 29/06/2015 Seatoun Returned and Services Association Inc 12 Dundas Street 049/CL/33/2012 Social Club 7/11/2015 Seoul House Restaurant 68 Dixon Street 049/ON/155/2009 Restaurant 5/11/2012 Shalimar Mini Market 308–312 Willis Street 049/OFF/1/2012 Grocery Store 17/02/2015 Shanghai Restaurant 119 Manners Street 049/ON/183/2012 Restaurant 16/10/2015 Shed 5 Restaurant and Bar 1 Queens Wharf 049/ON/55/2011 Tavern 24/02/2014 Shepherds Arms Hotel Speights Ale House 281 Tinakori Road 049/ON/6/2011 Hotel 23/11/2013 Siam Thai Restaurant Wellington 64 Kilbirnie Crescent 049/ON/202/2011 BYO 17/11/2014 Silveroaks Hotel on Thorndon 18–20 Glenmore Street 049/ON/150/2012 Hotel 15/07/2015 Simmer 69 Lakewood Avenue 049/ON/106/2013 Restaurant 10/07/2014 Simply Food 29 Hutt Road 049/OFF/29/2010 Caterer 17/08/2013 Simply Paris 181 Cuba Street 049/ON/134/2011 Restaurant 1/05/2014 Singapura 100 Tory Street 049/ON/159/2012 Restaurant 4/10/2013 Six Barrel Soda Co 31 Dixon Street 049/ON/157/2012 Restaurant 25/09/2013 Soho Brown’s 126 Cuba Street 049/ON/37/2013 Restaurant 20/03/2014 Soho Brown’s 157 Lambton Quay 049/ON/154/2012 Restaurant 2/09/2015 Soho Café and Bar 72 Taranaki Street 049/ON/16/2013 Restaurant 28/09/2015 Soi Café and Bar 329 Evans Bay Parade 049/ON/206/2010 Restaurant 14/12/2013 Southern Cross Garden Bar and Restaurant 39 Abel Smith Street 049/OFF/45/2012 Tavern 19/09/2015 Southern Cross Tavern 39 Abel Smith Street 049/ON/93/2012 Tavern 9/05/2015 Splash Club 73 Courtenay Place 049/ON/98/2011 Brothel 13/06/2014 Sprig and Fern 342 Tinakori Road 049/ON/39/2013 Tavern 6/03/2016 Sprig and Fern 342 Tinakori Road 049/OFF/10/2013 Tavern 6/03/2016 St George Softball Club Inc 6 Taurima Street 049/CL/11/2011 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 19/11/2014 St James Theatre Charitable Trust 83 Courtenay Place 049/ON/134/2012 Theatre 10/08/2015 St John’s Heineken Hotel 5 Cable Street 049/ON/56/2013 Tavern 1/03/2014 27 TRADinG nAME STREET ADDRESS LiCEnCE nuMBER PREMiSES TYPE LiCEnCE ExPiRY DATE Stadium Bar 29 Waterloo Quay 049/ON/12/2012 Tavern 11/01/2015 Steamworx & Rush 5–9 Wigan Street 049/ON/121/2013 Social Club 30/07/2014 Steer & Beer 80 Courtenay Place 049/ON/219/2012 Restaurant 12/12/2013 Strathmore Foodmarket 502 Broadway 049/OFF/34/2013 Grocery Store 8/12/2015 Strathmore Local 3 Strathmore Avenue 049/OFF/34/2011 Tavern 17/07/2014 Strawberry Fare Restaurant 25 Kent Terrace 049/ON/130/2011 Restaurant 9/07/2014 Student Union Complex – VUW Kelburn Parade 049/OFF/13/2010 Caterer 7/04/2013 Super Liquor Johnsonville 139 Johnsonville Road 049/OFF/39/2013 Bottle Store 25/07/2016 Super Liquor Karori 5 Parkvale Road 049/OFF/1/2011 Bottle Store 3/02/2014 Super Liquor Tawa 80 Main Road, Tawa 049/OFF/19/2011 Bottle Store 6/05/2014 Supreme Store 80 Wallace Street 049/OFF/2/2012 Grocery Store 25/01/2013 Sweet Georgia Cruising Mobile Liquor Licences 049/ON/49/2013 Conveyance 16/02/2016 Sweet Mother’s Kitchen 5 Courtenay Place 049/ON/100/2013 Restaurant 31/07/2016 Tandoori Cuisine 21 Coutts Street 049/ON/72/2012 Restaurant 26/04/2015 Tandoori Cuisine Restaurant 504 Broadway 049/ON/97/2013 Restaurant 6/07/2016 Taste 2 Ganges Road 049/ON/71/2013 Restaurant 14/05/2016 Taste Of Korea 148 Willis Street 049/ON/115/2011 Tavern 22/06/2014 Tatsushi 99 Victoria Street 049/ON/141/2012 Restaurant 12/09/2013 Tawa Association Football Club Redwood Avenue, Tawa 049/CL/36/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 4/12/2015 Tawa Bowling Club 13 Davies Street, Tawa 049/CL/4/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 15/07/2015 Tawa RSA 89 Oxford Street, Tawa 049/CL/4/2011 Chartered Club 15/06/2014 Tawa Rugby Club 23a Lyndhurst Road, Tawa 049/CL/24/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 25/07/2015 Tawa Softball and Sports Club Inc 69 Redwood Avenue, Tawa 049/CL/28/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 14/08/2015 Tawa Squash Club 67 Main Road, Tawa 049/CL/29/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 14/08/2015 Tawa Superette 122 Main Road, Tawa 049/OFF/65/2008 Grocery Store 8/10/2014 Te Whaea: National Dance and Drama Centre 11 Hutchison Road 049/ON/47/2011 Theatre 10/02/2014 Te Wharewaka O Poneke/Karaka Café 15 Jervois Quay 049/OFF/16/2012 Caterer 17/06/2015 Te Wharewaka O Poneke/Karaka Café 15 Jervois Quay 049/ON/27/2012 Restaurant 4/02/2015 Team Fierce Social Club Inc 69 Tory Street 049/CL/9/2011 Social Club 27/10/2014 Temptation Restaurant and Bar 191a Riddiford Street 049/ON/216/2012 Restaurant 11/12/2013 Tequila Joe’s 43 Vivian Street 049/ON/104/2013 Tavern 10/07/2014 Terawhiti Bowling Club 424 Karori Road 049/CL/9/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 27/07/2015 Thai Canium 1 Park Road 049/ON/207/2010 Restaurant 19/11/2013 Thai Chef’s Restaurant 1 Blair Street 049/ON/184/2012 Restaurant 5/09/2015 Thai Country Café 124 Main Road, Tawa 049/ON/41/2011 Restaurant 15/02/2014 Thai House 124 Cuba Street 049/ON/164/2012 Restaurant 12/09/2015 Thai on Tory 100 Tory Street 049/ON/225/2012 Restaurant 19/12/2013 28 TRADinG nAME STREET ADDRESS LiCEnCE nuMBER PREMiSES TYPE LiCEnCE ExPiRY DATE The Apartment 25 Allen Street 049/ON/89/2011 Tavern 3/06/2014 The Art of Giving Ltd 243 Thorndon Quay 049/OFF/12/2011 Complementary 24/03/2014 The Bach Café 410 The Esplanade 049/ON/161/2012 Restaurant 8/09/2015 The Ballroom Café 9 Riddiford Street 049/ON/96/2011 Restaurant 20/05/2014 The Balti House 78 Victoria Street 049/ON/166/2010 Restaurant 01/10/2013 The Big Kumara 80 Cuba Street 049/ON/230/2010 Tavern 21/12/2013 The Catering Studio 12 Holland Street 049/OFF/43/2013 Caterer 23/07/2016 The Cavern Club 18 Allen Street 049/ON/215/2012 Tavern 16/09/2015 The Cellar Room Brooklyn 55 Cleveland Street 049/OFF/2/2011 Bottle Store 3/02/2014 The Cellar Room Johnsonville 4 Broderick Road 049/OFF/29/2012 Bottle Store 29/08/2015 The Cellar Room Karori 99 Karori Road 049/OFF/68/2011 Bottle Store 4/12/2014 The Cheeky Pipi 163 The Parade 049/ON/15/2012 Restaurant 4/02/2015 The Copper Chalice Bar 26 Allen Street 049/ON/68/2013 Tavern 21/05/2014 The Corner Bar and Café 38 Rongotai Road 049/ON/79/2013 Tavern 28/05/2016 The Cornerstore 13 Todman Street 049/ON/76/2013 Tavern 28/02/2016 The Courtenay Establishment 16 Courtenay Place 049/ON/107/2010 Tavern 3/08/2013 The Cutting Sports Café 32 Miramar Avenue 049/ON/164/2010 Tavern 27/09/2013 The Eating House 202 Lambton Quay 049/ON/179/2011 Restaurant 27/09/2014 The Feathers 131 Featherston Street 049/ON/86/2012 Tavern 16/05/2015 The Flying Burrito Brothers 176–182 Cuba Street 049/ON/28/2013 Restaurant 13/12/2015 The Fork and Brewer 14 Bond Street 049/ON/187/2012 Tavern 9/09/2015 The Fork and Brewer 14 Bond Street 049/OFF/46/2012 Tavern 9/09/2015 The Four Kings 7 Dixon Street 049/ON/196/2012 Tavern 10/10/2015 The Fringe Bar 191 Cuba Street 049/ON/114/2013 Tavern 10/02/2016 The Front Room 3 Hania Street 049/ON/233/2011 Tavern 17/11/2014 The Garage Project 68 Aro Street 049/OFF/5/2013 Bottle Store 12/02/2014 The Gasworks 11 Tauhinu Road 049/ON/156/2012 Tavern 29/09/2015 The General Practitioner 88 Willis Street 049/ON/78/2011 Tavern 23/04/2014 The Golden Lotus 199 Ohiro Road 049/ON/55/2012 Restaurant 23/02/2015 The Grand 67 Courtenay Place 049/ON/230/2011 Tavern 15/12/2014 The Green Man Pub 15 Willeston Street 049/ON/193/2012 Tavern 10/12/2015 The Hangar 171 Willis Street 049/ON/65/2013 Tavern 13/05/2014 The Hop Garden 13 Pirie Street 049/ON/6/2012 Tavern 21/01/2015 The Hunter Lounge 21 Kelburn Parade 049/ON/103/2012 University 1/07/2015 The Innkeeper Johnsonville 11 Broderick Road 049/ON/112/2012 Tavern 20/07/2015 The Johnsonville Bowling Club Inc 34 Frankmoore Avenue 049/CL/17/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 25/07/2015 The Lanes 234 Wakefield Street 049/ON/187/2010 Sports 10 Pin Bowling 26/10/2013 The Larder 133 Darlington Road 049/ON/220/2010 Restaurant 30/09/2013 The Liquor House 4 McMillan Court 049/OFF/11/2013 Bottle Store 4/04/2014 The Local Bar 3 Strathmore Avenue 049/OFF/34/2012 Caterer 30/08/2013 The Local Bar 3 Strathmore Avenue 049/ON/48/2013 Tavern 17/03/2016 29 TRADinG nAME STREET ADDRESS LiCEnCE nuMBER PREMiSES TYPE LiCEnCE ExPiRY DATE The Lodge @ Shelly Bay 276 Shelly Bay Road 049/ON/7/2012 Function Centre 14/01/2015 The Loft Café and Bar 312 Lambton Quay 049/ON/87/2012 Restaurant 6/05/2015 The Mill 233 Victoria Street 049/OFF/41/2013 Bottle Store 1/08/2014 The North Wellington AFC 50 Phillip Street 049/CL/19/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 31/07/2015 The Northern Explorer Mobile Liquor Licences 049/ON/142/2012 Conveyance 12/08/2015 The Occidental 99 Lambton Quay 049/ON/194/2011 Tavern 19/11/2014 The Opera House Theatre 109 Manners Street 049/ON/136/2012 Theatre 28/07/2015 The Overlander 1 Mobile Liquor Licences 049/ON/182/2009 Conveyance 12/08/2012 The Park Bowling Club 600 Evans Bay Parade 049/CL/12/2013 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 25/07/2015 The Pickle Jar 5 Parkvale Road 049/ON/85/2013 Tavern 23/05/2016 The Pines Ltd 50 The Esplanade 049/OFF/25/2013 Caterer 10/06/2016 The Pines Ltd 50 The Esplanade 049/ON/91/2012 Function Centre 16/07/2015 The Port 22 Herd Street 049/ON/65/2011 Restaurant 12/04/2014 The Professional Bar and Restaurant School 104 Dixon Street 049/ON/27/2013 University 21/12/2015 The Pub 202 Lambton Quay 049/ON/188/2012 Tavern 1/11/2013 The Realm Bottlestore 12 Moxham Avenue 049/OFF/13/2011 Bottle Store 12/03/2014 The Roseneath Deli and Café 21f Maida Vale Road 049/ON/46/2013 Restaurant 15/03/2016 The Roundabout 99 Main Road, Tawa 049/ON/169/2011 Tavern 14/10/2014 The Roxy 5 Park Road 049/ON/44/2012 Theatre 31/03/2015 The Royal 126 Lambton Quay 049/ON/121/2011 Tavern 18/08/2014 The Skipping Bull 205 Main Road Tawa 049/ON/199/2010 Tavern 2/11/2013 The Tap Haus 125 Victoria Street 049/ON/162/2012 Tavern 30/08/2015 The Tasting Room 2 Courtenay Place 049/ON/45/2013 Tavern 7/02/2016 The Tavern 15 Cambridge Terrace 049/ON/01/2013 Tavern 12/01/2016 The Thistle Inn Hotel 7 Mulgrave Street 049/ON/26/2013 Tavern 15/01/2016 The Thistle Inn Hotel 7 Mulgrave Street 049/OFF/6/2013 Tavern 15/01/2016 The Tranz Alpine Mobile Liquor Licences 049/ON/145/2012 Conveyance 12/08/2015 The Village Café 124 Churchill Drive 049/ON/27/2011 Tavern 14/02/2014 The Waterloo Bar and Grill 29 Waterloo Quay 049/ON/18/2011 Tavern 15/02/2014 The White House Restaurant 232 Oriental Parade 049/ON/173/2012 Restaurant 11/08/2015 Thirsty Liquor Cambridge Terrace 63 Cambridge Terrace 049/OFF/9/2013 Bottle Store 21/03/2014 Thirsty Liquor Ngaio 2 Khandallah Road 049/OFF/17/2013 Bottle Store 19/04/2016 Thorndon New World 41 Murphy Street 049/OFF/44/2011 Supermarket 23/10/2014 Thorndon Tennis and Squash Club 4 Katherine Avenue 049/CL/30/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 25/07/2015 Thunderbird 154 Featherston Street 049/ON/41/2012 Restaurant 25/01/2015 Ti Kouka Café 76a Willis Street 049/ON/65/2012 Restaurant 22/03/2015 Tinakori Bistro 328 Tinakori Road 049/ON/66/2013 Restaurant 14/05/2016 Tinakori Fine Wines and Spirits 348 Tinakori Road 049/OFF/20/2013 Bottle Store 30/05/2016 30 TRADinG nAME STREET ADDRESS LiCEnCE nuMBER PREMiSES TYPE LiCEnCE ExPiRY DATE TJ Katsu and Udon 97 Courtenay Place 049/ON/152/2012 Restaurant 21/07/2015 Toops Liquor Merchants 11 McCormack Place 049/OFF/46/2011 Supermarket 26/08/2014 Top End Food Store 201 Rintoul Street 049/OFF/66/2011 Grocery Store 23/08/2014 Trade Kitchen 10 Customhouse Quay 049/ON/151/2011 Restaurant 31/08/2014 Travelodge Wellington 2 Gilmer Terrace 049/ON/132/2012 Hotel 8/08/2015 Trax Bar and Café 2 Bunny Street 049/ON/35/2013 Tavern 8/02/2016 Tres Bon 22 Rama Crescent 049/OFF/30/2012 Mail Order 3/09/2015 Trinity Hotel 166 Willis Street 049/ON/85/2012 Hotel 27/05/2015 Truffle Fine Wines 22 Garrett Street 049/OFF/28/2011 Bottle Store 17/05/2014 TSB Arena 4 Queens Wharf 049/ON/183/2010 Function Centre 16/10/2013 Tulsi Contemporary Cuisine Cuba St 135 Cuba Street 049/ON/133/2012 Restaurant 31/08/2013 Tulsi Contemporary Cuisine Johnsonville 33 Johnsonville Road 049/ON/68/2011 Restaurant 14/04/2014 Tulsi Contemporary Cuisine Miramar 11 Tauhinu Road 049/ON/111/2013 Restaurant 21/06/2016 Turbo Bar 20 Rongotai Road 049/ON/98/2012 Tavern 8/06/2015 Tussock 63 Wallace Street 049/ON/198/2012 University 18/11/2015 Two Souls Bistro 290 Wakefield Street 049/ON/167/2011 Restaurant 15/06/2014 Verve Café 250 Lambton Quay 049/ON/172/2012 Restaurant 22/09/2015 Vespa Lounge 7–21 Allen Street 049/ON/132/2010 Tavern 19/07/2013 Victoria Bowling Club Inc 125 Pirie Street 049/CL/1/2013 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 5/12/2015 Victoria Street Café 98 Victoria Street 049/ON/111/2011 Restaurant 3/07/2014 Vista Café 104 Oriental Parade 049/ON/219/2011 Restaurant 5/06/2014 Viva Mexico 68 Ghuznee Street 049/ON/73/2012 Restaurant 5/05/2015 Vivo Wine Bar and Dining 19 Edward Street 049/ON/39/2011 Tavern 23/02/2014 Vogelmorn Bowling Club 93 Mornington Road 049/CL/27/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 14/08/2015 Wagamama Queens Wharf 33 Customhouse Quay 049/ON/8/2013 Restaurant 20/06/2015 Wasabi 171 Cuba Street 049/ON/222/2012 Restaurant 4/11/2015 WBC (Wholesale Boot Company) 107 Victoria Street 049/ON/109/2013 Restaurant 11/07/2014 Wellesley Boutique Hotel 2 Maginnity Street 049/ON/72/2011 Hotel 3/02/2014 Wellington Badminton Association Ruahine Street 049/CL/1/2011 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 10/02/2014 Wellington Bridge Club 17 Tinakori Road 049/CL/35/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 15/11/2015 Wellington City Market 22 Herd Street 049/OFF/58/2011 Bottle Store 17/11/2014 Wellington City New World 279 Wakefield Street 049/OFF/10/2012 Supermarket 4/04/2015 Wellington Collegians Cricket Club Inc 1 Glenmore Street 049/CL/21/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 31/08/2015 Wellington Convention Centre 101 Wakefield Street 049/ON/218/2012 Function Centre 19/12/2015 Wellington Football Club 41 Ruahine Street 049/CL/14/2010 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 11/11/2013 Wellington International Airport Stewart Duff Drive 049/ON/100/2012 Airport 24/05/2015 31 TRADinG nAME STREET ADDRESS LiCEnCE nuMBER PREMiSES TYPE LiCEnCE ExPiRY DATE Wellington Irish Society Inc 10 Fifeshire Avenue 049/CL/15/2012 Cultural Club 14/08/2015 Wellington Jewish Community Centre 80 Webb Street 049/OFF/15/2012 Bottle Store 7/04/2015 Wellington Olympic AFC 572 Adelaide Road 049/CL/15/2013 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 24/07/2014 Wellington Regional Council 142–146 Wakefield Street 049/CL/12/2010 Social Club 10/11/2013 Wellington United AFC Roy Street 049/9/CL/2013 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 12/08/2015 Wellywood Backpackers 58 Tory Street 049/ON/64/2013 Tavern 9/05/2014 Welsh Dragon Bar 10a Kent Terrace 049/ON/117/2011 Tavern 4/06/2014 WelTec School of Hospitality 73 Manners Street 049/ON/165/2012 Restaurant 12/10/2013 West Plaza Hotel 110–116 Wakefield Street 049/ON/51/2012 Hotel 15/04/2015 Western Suburbs Rugby Football Club Inc 81 Curtis Street 049/CL/18/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 8/08/2015 Westpac Stadium 105 Waterloo Quay 049/OFF/3/2013 Caterer 4/12/2015 Westpac Stadium 105 Waterloo Quay 049/ON/9/2013 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 4/12/2015 Wholly Bagels Thorndon 41 Murphy Street 049/ON/106/2012 Restaurant 10/06/2015 Willis Street Foodmarket 294 Willis Street 049/OFF/19/2013 Grocery Store 30/10/2015 Willis Street Superette 219 Willis Street 049/OFF/31/2013 Grocery Store 1/06/2016 Wilton Bowling Club Inc 122 Wilton Road 049/CL/3/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 25/07/2015 Wine Loft 160 Lambton Quay 049/ON/199/2011 Tavern 27/11/2014 Wine Loft 160 Lambton Quay 049/OFF/48/2011 Tavern 27/11/2014 Winemaster Ltd 141 Karori Road 049/OFF/54/2011 Mail Order 4/10/2014 Wineseeker 86 Victoria Street 049/OFF/10/2011 Bottle Store 23/03/2014 Wing On Chang Foodmarket 25 Cleveland Street 049/OFF/51/2010 Grocery Store 15/03/2014 Wishbone Wellington Airport Stewart Duff Drive 049/ON/157/2010 Restaurant 25/09/2013 Word of Mouth Catering 100 Molesworth Street 049/OFF/36/2011 Complementary 21/07/2014 Word of Mouth Catering 100 Molesworth Street 049/ON/23/2013 Restaurant 23/11/2015 Workingmen’s Bowling Club Inc 177 Owen Street 049/CL/25/2012 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 31/08/2015 Worser Bay Boating Club 202 Marine Parade 049/CL/7/2011 Sports Indoor/ Outdoor 26/09/2014 Yellow Chilli Indian Restaurant 92 Upland Road 049/ON/5/2012 Restaurant 21/01/2015 Yum Yum House 124 Main Road Tawa 049/ON/4/2012 Restaurant 18/01/2015 Yum Yum House (Johnsonville) 70 Johnsonville Road 049/ON/96/2013 BYO 1/05/2016 Zaika 160 Willis Street 049/ON/105/2013 Restaurant 10/07/2014 Zampelles 34 Johnsonville Road 049/ON/215/2011 Restaurant 3/12/2014 Zeta Restaurant 70 Tory Street 049/ON/55/2013 Restaurant 12/04/2014 Zibibbo Restaurant and Bar 25 Taranaki Street 049/ON/203/2010 Tavern 22/11/2013 Zico Cucina and Bar 8 Courtenay Place 049/ON/53/2013 Restaurant 1/12/2015 Zoo Bar 227 Riddiford Street 049/ON/10/2012 Tavern 11/01/2015 32 PDWCC94702 0813
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* Permanent covers are available in Black, Navy Blue, Burgundy,
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* 48” Diameter x 24”H