a guide to the rail staff travel facilities granted to


a guide to the rail staff travel facilities granted to
The information contained in this guide sets out the main travel facilities entitlements for Active/Retired
safeguarded staff and their eligible dependants (including widow/ers) and for TOC non-safeguarded
active staff and their eligible family members. If you need more information please contact the office
which administers your travel facilities on a day-to-day basis (see Contacts).
If a concession applies to some groups only, this will be colour-coded as indicated above, and usually
boxed in.
NB Since this document is presented as a pdf, it does not contain hyperlinks but words in blue refer to
the relevant pages or forms on www.atoc.org/rst .
Overview of entitlements, products (ie cards and passes) and rules
Travel on National Rail in Great Britain
Travel on other UK transport undertakings
Travel within London
International travel
Travel facilities for Active/Retired safeguarded staff and their eligible dependants (including widow/ers)
are covered by the Rail Staff Travel Scheme Facility Rules, of which this document is a user-friendly
Travel facilities for TOC non-safeguarded active staff and their eligible family members are underwritten
by a non-contractual arrangement which is reviewed annually by TOCs, and which may be withdrawn at
any time.
Final draft: due for publication 1.10.2011
Updated 01.01.2012
Updated 28.03.2012
Updated 08.05.2012
Updated 28.06.2012
Updated 15.08.2012
Updated 24.9.2012
Updated 01.02.2013
The purpose of this Guide is to provide an outline of the main travel facilities and concessions that are
available. It is not intended to provide comprehensive or up-to-the-minute details of all travel
concessions and should therefore not be regarded as definitive.
However, it does include as many as possible of the principles of the Rail Staff Travel Facility Rules, and
is intended therefore to be a user-friendly version of those Rules.
Any changes or useful information are posted regularly online; information on special offers is available
in News & Offers; and you can always get further information from the office which administers your
travel facilities (see Contacts)
If you are still employed by an organisation that was privatised by BR before it was privatised itself in
March 1996, the details contained in this guide may not apply to you in every respect.
If you retired from the service of earlier privatised railway organizations (eg NFC, Travellers Fare, BT
Hotels, Bombardier Transportation) you may also have slightly different entitlements.
Employees to whom travel facilities are issued for themselves and their families are responsible for their
proper use. The employee has absolute discretion as to whether they allow their eligible dependants to
enjoy these facilities. Any person who is found to use improperly a staff travel card or pass, transfers or
causes to be transferred such a card or pass, or attempts to do so, will be liable to prosecution,
withdrawal of travel facilities and, if an employee, to possible dismissal.
Throughout this guide, Q-rate means quarter rate of the full public fare, or 75% discount, also
sometimes called Priv rate or Privilege rate.
Use of travel facilities is subject at all times to the Conditions of Issue and Use, which are published and
regularly updated online; and also to the National Conditions of Carriage.
Finally, this Guide covers national and international concessions. There may be additional local
concessions available through specific TOC employers: these are outside the scope of this Guide.
As a general rule (though there are exceptions), these are the concessions available:
Active & Retired:
Up to 20 free journeys pa
Q-rate of full fare (Anytime) thereafter
Active only:
Free travel for up to 40 or 8 miles (based
on work location)
Q-rate of full fare thereafter (season ticket)
International Active:
One free journey pa per country
Typically half-rate thereafter
One free journey pa some countries only
Typically half-rate thereafter
Other UK
Generally, Q-rate
London (TfL) Q-rate
Active only:
Q-rate of full fare (Anytime)
Active only:
Q-rate of full fare (season ticket)
Active only, & only after one year’s service:
One free journey pa per country
Typically half-rate thereafter
Generally, Q-rate
Part-time staff generally receive pro-rated benefits, where these are divisible (eg no. of boxes)
Family members generally receive the same leisure-only benefits as the employee (not
necessarily on international services)
There can be further differences to entitlement depending on grade and/or length of service.
Products (ie cards and passes)
As a general rule (though there are exceptions), these are the products available:
Staff Travel Card
TOC Privilege Card
Residential Pass
Privilege Season Ticket
Reduced Rate Season Ticket
Status Pass (Active)
Status Pass (Retired)
International Reduced Rate
International Coupons
To whom
Safeguarded Active & Retired
TOC Non-Safeguarded active
Safeguarded Active
Safeguarded Active
TOC Non-Safeguarded active
Safeguarded Active
Safeguarded Retired
Safeguarded Active & Retired
TOC Non-Safeguarded active
Safeguarded Active & Retired
TOC Non-Safeguarded active
For what
Leisure (free & reduced rate)
Leisure (reduced rate)
Residential (free element)
Residential (reduced rate element)
Residential (reduced rate)
Leisure & Residential (unlimited free)
Leisure (unlimited free)
Leisure (reduced rate)
Leisure (free element)
Most cards and passes each have a specific use, though there may be some overlap. This will be
explained as we go along.
Staff Travel Cards and TOC Privilege Cards, Residential Passes, Privilege Season Tickets and Reduced Rate
Season Tickets must be accompanied by a Photo Identity Card. Status Passes include a photo.
This is a requirement for the following categories:
o All Active staff (Safeguarded and Non-Safeguarded), and all their entitled family
members aged 16 or over.
A Photo ID does not therefore need to be carried by:
o Any Retired Safeguarded staff, or any of their entitled family members; anyone aged 15
or under.
The photo ID as used by the general public is acceptable for use also by rail staff, and can be obtained
from most station booking offices, free of charge.
Family Members
As a general rule you can apply for travel facilities for the following family members:
one spouse or partner (or in very rare circumstances, a housekeeper);
plus all resident dependent children up to the age of 16;
plus resident dependent children between 16 and 25 in certain circumstances
plus resident dependent children aged 25+ in certain circumstances
More specific details about individual circumstances, categories, variations and entitlements can be
found in the relevant sections of the Conditions of Issue and Use online which can be consulted as
needed and are therefore not reproduced in full here.
You should remember though that it is up to you, the employee, to decide whether or not you want
your family members to be issued with cards and passes, and you are responsible for the correct use of
those cards and passes by your family. No family member is independently entitled to anything.
Facilities for a couple, both employed in the rail industry
There are so many possible combinations that it is difficult to generalize, and we recommend that you
approach your normal daily travel contact (or RSTL) for specific guidance. However as a general rule,
upon becoming an “employed couple”, you can opt for leisure travel in your own right, or as a
dependent. This must apply to both domestic and international leisure travel. You can however retain
residential travel separately as an employee, even if you take your leisure travel through your partner.
Unless your circumstances change, having made your choice you can swap to a different status once
European (FIP) travel should also align with TOC-national, as opposed to TOC-specific, entitlements.
Restrictions on Travel
The use of all staff travel cards and passes is subject to restrictions on certain rail and shipping services,
details of which are circulated from time to time (typically in May and December annually). Details can
be found in Staff Travel Restrictions.
Loss & Replacement of Staff Travel Cards or Passes
If any cards or passes are lost, mutilated or dilapidated, you can replace them though a fee is generally
payable. Charges may be waived, however, if loss is the result of theft, robbery or fire, subject to
evidence of the facts being produced from the relevant police or fire service authorities. The current
charges are given in the Conditions of Issue and Use, online. Postal losses notified beyond 3 months of
the start date of any card or pass will not be replaced free of charge, but must be paid for as if lost by
the holder. This is to support fraud prevention.
For Active and Retired Safeguarded staff, the first time in a travel year that you request a replacement
Staff Travel Card, the unused occasions of free travel are re-allocated on a pro rata basis. How the
calculation applies to your specific case will be explained when the loss is reported. However for a
second replacement in the same travel year, no free travel is re-allocated, ie all the boxes will be crossed
through and the replacement card will only allow privilege rate travel .
To request any replacement card or pass, apply on Form 1210. A reward may be paid to the finder of a
lost card or pass, at the station to which it is handed in.
Travel Irregularities
If any holder of any staff travel card or pass (SG or NSG) attempts to use it fraudulently, this is classed as
a Travel Irregularity, and the Scheme sets out what penalties should be applied. Generally, if a prime
cardholder transgresses, the whole family loses their cards; if a family member is at fault, just that
individual is subject to penalty. More details online.
Your entitlement to continued staff travel after you leave railway employment depends on your status
when you were working, and the reason for leaving.
Generally speaking, though, for Safeguarded Active staff the following holds true:
Death in Service:
Retired by Ill-Health:
Keep, provided also entitled immediately to receive a company pension
Keep (for family members already in receipt)
Keep, provided also entitled immediately to receive a company pension
There can however be exceptions, owing to personal circumstances, so feel free to ask RSTL about your
own situation in confidence, if you wish. More details online.
For TOC Non-Safeguarded Active staff, there are no national or international facilities allowed after
leaving, irrespective of circumstances.
For Safeguarded Active staff, in some circumstances it is possible to move between employers and
retain travel entitlements. More details online.
Returning to work after retirement/redundancy
For Safeguarded Active staff, in some circumstances it is possible to return to work in the industry and
receive active travel entitlements again. More details online.
Privilege Travel in general: How to buy a Priv ticket, and what to do if this is not possible
Just as for the general public, you must have a valid ticket before you start a journey.
If you wish to travel using a privilege rate (Q-rate) ticket, you must buy that ticket from a ticket office.
At present it is not possible to buy them online, by phone, or from ticket machines.
If the ticket office is closed and it is therefore not possible to purchase the privilege rate ticket to which
you are entitled, there are two option, depending on the station at which your journey commences:
1. If the station is in a Penalty Fare Zone (this will be clearly indicated by posters) then you must
buy a Permit to Travel from a PERTIS machine. The fee/fare paid at the machine will then be
deducted from the eventual privilege rate fare that you pay either on the train or at your
2. If the station is not in a Penalty Fare Zone, you must have your fare ready and offer to pay it at
the first available opportunity: on entry to the platform, on the train, or when exiting at your
destination. By doing so, ie offering to pay, there can be no question that you are trying to travel
without paying. If you don’t offer to pay, then you could be accused of fare avoidance.
3.1 Safeguarded Active & Retired Staff, Leisure Travel
Free and discounted leisure travel is delivered via the Staff Travel Card. If, depending on circumstances,
you are entitled to a certain number of free journeys, these are shown by a series of boxes on your Staff
Travel Card.
The annual quota of free travel granted to full-time Active/Retired employees for leisure purposes on
National Rail under standard conditions is as follows:
Retired but with less than 10 years' service at retirement:
▪ 10 boxes non-mgt, 14 boxes for MS1 equiv or above
Retired but with more than 10 years' service at retirement, or Active
▪ 16 boxes non-mgt, 20 boxes for MS1 equiv or above
The same quota of free travel is granted to entitled family members. Part-time employees (15 hours or
more per week) are granted free travel on a pro-rata basis.
Before commencing a free journey, you must enter the day and month of the journey in ink in the first
(or next available) box (which is divided into two sections on the card marked as “DAY” and “MTH”). Use
Arabic numerals, with zero in front of single digits ie 7 August should be written in as:
Each dated box allows free travel on that day, from 22h00 on the preceding day, and up to midnight on
the following day. In other words a card dated 7 August allows journeys from 22h00 on 6 August up to
24h00 on 8 August, 50 hours in total. During that 50-hour period, travel does not have to be continuous:
any number of broken journeys may be undertaken.
If you attempt to travel without dating a box, the ticket examiner/inspector will cross out the next
available box as a penalty and will instruct you to complete the next box following. If the card is wrongly
dated the same procedure will be followed. Alteration or overwriting of dates already inserted is not
permitted – this includes writing a date in pencil then going over it with pen, or erasing it and then reentering it. This information is clearly printed on the card.
Staff Travel Cards are valid from 1 April of one year until 30 June of the next year. New cards will be sent
out to via employers or directly to home addresses towards the end of March each year. If you wish to
use occasions of free travel between 1 April and 30 June, either the old or the new card can be used
(assuming there are unused boxes on the old card). Only the new card can be used after 30 June.
However, once the allocation of free journeys has been used up, you can continue to purchase unlimited
Q-rate journeys backed up by the Staff Travel Card.
Privilege rate travel facilities are available also on the London Underground and certain other railway
administrations (see Sections 5 and 6).
3.2 Safeguarded Active Staff, Residential Travel
NOTE: Retired Safeguarded staff are NOT entitled to Residential Travel (commuting to work).
If your work location is within the London and South East allowance area, you are granted up to 40
miles free residential rail travel. If your work locations is outside that area, the allowance is for 8 miles
free residential rail travel. A Residential Pass between specific stations is issued for this purpose. Apply
on Form 1201.
If your residential journey exceeds these limits, you may apply for and purchase instead a Privilege
Season Ticket at one quarter of the standard rate, less a further financial allowance for the relevant free
travel element as mentioned above. Apply on Form 1201.
Residential Travel on London Underground can also be included on a Privilege Season Ticket.
Residential Travel is also allowed for travel to educational establishments in some circumstances.
Residential passes and privilege season tickets may be used also for leisure travel on the route specified.
3.3 Other additional facilities for more senior Active/Retired Safeguarded Staff (ie Status
Passes etc)
If you are classed at the former BR grade of MS2 or MS3 (or equivalent), you may be granted an
unlimited mileage Residential Pass (standard class) from your residential station to your place of work,
regardless of the mileage involved in the journey. Apply on Form 1201.
If you are graded at MS4 (or equivalent) or above, you may be granted unlimited first class travel in the
form of a Status Pass (also known as an All Stations National Rail Pass).
Even if you are entitled to 1st class travel by reason of grade equivalent (or salary level), a status pass
cannot be issued unless there is a spare within an employer’s quota.
Status passes allow unlimited free leisure and residential (but not duty) travel, in 1st class, either across
the network or on a regional basis only. There are 3 levels: Gold, Silver and Blue. The separate quotas of
Gold and Silver Active passes to which each Scheme Employer (including TOCs) is entitled was set at
privatisation, and cannot be exceeded. Blue passes are the regional ones and may have been issued at
1st or STD class depending on qualification date. These are not quota-controlled, but no new ones may
be issued.
Status Passes for Active Safeguarded staff may be used for Leisure and Residential purposes (indicated
in green on the pass). Retired Safeguarded staff, and family members of Active Safeguarded Staff, may
only use the Status Pass for Leisure purposes (indicated in red).
The level of Active Status Pass held at retirement will normally be maintained for the Retired Status
Pass. Photos for Status Passes can be uploaded online.
Retired Status Passes do not count against an employer’s quota.
Gold passes provide unlimited free leisure and residential (but not duty) travel on:
 National rail network
 Some interavailable TfL rail services
 Sleeping berths
Gold passes may be granted to:
 Active or Retired staff graded EG4 or above,
 Spouses/partners, or widow(ers) or children
Silver passes provide unlimited free leisure and residential (but not duty) travel on:
 National rail network
 Some interavailable TfL rail services
Silver passes may be granted to:
 Active or Retired staff graded MS4 to EG3 (or equivalent) working > 29 hours/wk
 Spouses/partners, or widow(ers) or children of staff graded EG1-to EG3 working > 29 hours/wk
Blue passes provide unlimited free leisure and residential travel on:
 National rail services in the region for which the pass is issued and in the class shown
 Some interavailable TfL rail services in the region for which the pass is issued
See also Section 5 (London) for information about travel in London using TfL’s Oyster products.
Blue Pass Regions
As well as the availability detailed below, Blue passes are available on through services which operate
from a station within their own Region, into a neighbouring Region and then back into their own Region,
on condition that the holder does not alight at any point within the neighbouring Region in question.
Eastern Region
Between all stations on the former Eastern and Anglia Regions and on Tyne and Wear Metro Services
(unless specified otherwise). The boundary stations are:
With the former London Midland Region:
Carlisle, Skipton, Burnley Manchester Road (via Hebden Bridge only), Manchester (via Hebden Bridge,
Marsden or Dore only), Chesterfield, Nottingham (via Mansfield only), Newark Castle, Aslockton,
Stamford, Crouch Hill, Wapping.
With the former Scottish Region:
Berwick-upon-Tweed, Carlisle.
Available also on the following LU services:
Metropolitan and District Lines:
Moorgate to Kings Cross.
Tower Hill to Upminster, but not to alight/board between Tower Hill and Bow Road.
Northern Line:
Kings Cross to Mill Hill East or High Barnet via Archway, but not to alight/board between Kings Cross and
Central Line:
Liverpool Street to Epping or Hainault, via Woodford or Newbury Park, but not to alight/board between
Liverpool Street and Stratford.
Piccadilly Line:
Finsbury Park to Kings Cross but not for alighting/boarding in between.
Victoria Line:
Finsbury Park or Highbury & Islington to Kings Cross.
Docklands Light Railway:
Tower Gateway to Limehouse.
London Midland Region
Between all stations on the former London Midland Region. The boundary stations are:
With the former Eastern and Anglia Regions:
Carlisle, Skipton, Halifax (via Hebden Br only), Huddersfield (via Marsden only), Sheffield (via Dore only),
Chesterfield, Worksop (via Mansfield only), Newark Castle, Aslockton, Stamford, Crouch Hill, Wapping.
With the former Scottish Region:
With the former Western Region:
Craven Arms, Worcester (via Hartlebury or Barnt Green only), Banbury, Kensington Olympia.
With the former Southern Region:
Kensington Olympia, Farringdon, South Acton.
Available also on the former Southern Region between Gunnersbury and Richmond, and on Chiltern Line
services if specified.
Available also on the following TfL LU services:
Metropolitan and District Lines:
Moorgate to Kings Cross.
If endorsed for Chiltern availability available between Baker Street and Watford,
Chesham or Amersham, but not to alight/board between Baker Street and Harrow-on-the-Hill.
Earl’s Court to Kensington Olympia.
Bakerloo Line:
Paddington to Harrow & Wealdstone.
Scottish Region
Between all stations on the former Scottish Region and on the Caledonian MacBrayne Ltd. Clyde Services
listed in 7.1.2. (if specified). The boundary stations are:
With the former Eastern and Anglia Regions:
Berwick-upon-Tweed, Carlisle.
With the former London Midland Region:
Southern Region
Between all stations on the former Southern Region. The boundary stations are:
With the former Western Region:
Reading, Westbury (via Warminster only), Yeovil Junction (via Sherborne only), Kensington Olympia,
Dorchester West.
With the former London Midland Region:
Kensington Olympia, Farringdon, South Acton.
Available also on the following LOROL services:
To Dalston Junction (replacing the former Metropolitan & District LU services between
Shoreditch and New Cross/New Cross Gate
Available also on the following TfL LU services:
Metropolitan and District Lines:
Putney Bridge to Wimbledon.
Turnham Green to Richmond.
Waterloo and City Line:
Waterloo to Bank.
Western Region
Between all stations on the former Western Region. The boundary stations are:
With the former London Midland Region:
Craven Arms, Birmingham New Street (via Barnt Green/ Hartlebury only), Banbury, Kensington Olympia.
With the former Southern Region:
Reading, Salisbury (via Warminster or Sherborne only), Kensington Olympia, Weymouth (via Dorchester
West only).
Available also on the following TfL LU services:
Metropolitan, Hammersmith & City and District & Circle Lines:
Paddington to Notting Hill Gate - Circle Line, for through journeys between Paddington
and East Acton or westwards but not to alight/board in between or at Notting Hill Gate.
Paddington (Suburban) to Hammersmith (H&C).
Earl’s Court to Kensington Olympia.
Baker Street to Watford, Chesham or Amersham, but not for alighting/boarding between
Baker Street and Harrow-on-the-Hill.
Central Line:
Ealing Broadway or West Ruislip to White City and in the case of through journeys between East Acton or
westwards and Paddington; also between White City and Notting Hill Gate, but not to alight/board
between White City and Notting Hill Gate or at Notting Hill Gate.
3.4 Other additional facilities for long-serving Active/Retired Safeguarded Staff
Joined prior to 1.1.1971
You may also travel on Caledonian MacBrayne’s Clyde Services. This entitlement will be indicated on a
Status Pass and/or Staff Travel Card.
Joined prior to 11.8.1980
You may also travel on Tyne & Wear Metro Services. This entitlement will be indicated on a Status Pass
and/or Staff Travel Card.
3.5 TOC Non-Safeguarded Active Staff, Leisure Travel
This is delivered via the TOC Privilege Card, which is issued upon completion of one month’s service (but
6 months for Southeastern) with a TOC. You can use it to purchase unlimited privilege-rate (quarterrate, or 75% discount on the Anytime fare) national rail journeys.
You may also purchase tickets which include a TfL rail/underground journey but only when travelling
THROUGH London between two national rail stations on either side of London.
The agreement underwriting this non-contractual arrangement is reviewed annually by TOCs, and
may be withdrawn at any time.
3.6 TOC Non-Safeguarded Active Staff, Residential Travel
This is delivered via a Reduced Rate Season Ticket, available immediately upon commencing
employment with a TOC. You can use it to purchase a Q-rate season ticket.
Reduced Rate Season Tickets may also be used for leisure travel. Reduced Rate Season Tickets DO NOT
include any element of London travel (LU, DLR, buses).
The agreement underwriting this non-contractual arrangement is reviewed annually by TOCs, and
may be withdrawn at any time.
3.7 Sleeper Services
Active/Retired safeguarded staff and their eligible dependants (including widow/ers) and TOC nonsafeguarded active staff and their eligible family members are entitled to the following:
First ScotRail’s Caledonian Sleepers from Euston
75% discount off the public fare (single only), inclusive of travel and berth accommodation, on
presentation of a Staff Travel Card (no need to date a box) or a TOC Privilege Card.
Reduced fares are subject to availability and must be booked in advance.
First Great Western Sleepers from Paddington/Reading
75% discount off the most expensive Advance-Inclusive package in each type of accommodation (solo or
twin) on presentation of a Staff Travel Card (no need to date a box) or a TOC Privilege Card.
However this availability is quota controlled. If no privilege-rate advance package tickets are left, you
will need to:
Either purchase a privilege rate ticket and pay the sleeper supplement
Or date a box on your Staff Travel Card and pay the sleeper supplement
Travel facilities are granted to Active/Retired Safeguarded staff, and Active TOC Non-Safeguarded Staff,
on some other UK transport undertakings as indicated below. Unless otherwise stated, reduced rate
travel only is available, and for leisure use only.
Generally speaking if an undertaking separated from BR before privatisation, its services will only be
available to Safeguarded Active and Retired staff. If separation was at privatisation, or the company in
question has agreed, its services will also be available for TOC Non-Safeguarded Active staff. This is
made clear by continued colour coding throughout the list.
4.1 Rail
Bala Lake Railway
Bodmin & Wenford Railway
Brecon Mountain Railway (including Vale of Rheidol)
Bure Valley Railway
Colne Valley Railway
Crich Tramway Village - Home of the National Tramway Museum
East Lancashire Railway
Embsay Steam Railway
Eurostar Services (operated jointly by Eurostar International Ltd, SNCF and SNCB)
o Special rate tickets are available on Eurostar between London/Ashford and
Lille/Paris/Brussels/Avignon. Tickets and reservations are obtainable via an International
Reduced Rate Card or dated Staff Travel Card (with the appropriate endorsement),
which should be carried with you on the journey. However since the STC may not be
recognized in France/Belgium should you need to change your return journey, it might
be better to use your FIP card.
o Although tickets can be purchased on the day of travel at the stations served, it is better
to obtain tickets in advance – apply on Form 1213 or tel 08444 997171.
o The charges made for these tickets are to cover the Eurotunnel Toll, the reservation
administration fee and (in the case of first class travel) the cost of 'at seat' refreshments.
o Reservations on Eurostar services are compulsory.
o Normally only those staff entitled to first class travel facilities can use this class of travel
on Eurostar services but holders of standard/second class staff travel can under certain
circumstances upgrade to first class. This cannot be done at the time of making a
reservation but may be requested on the day of travel at Eurostar stations, or on board.,
and is subject to availability.
o Staff who upgrade in this way are not guaranteed any refreshments and may have to
move if a late booking means that their new seat is required by a first class non-staff
paying customer.
Ffestiniog Railway (includes Welsh Highland Railway, Caernarfon)
o The issue of privilege tickets is subject to accommodation being available (eg during
special events). In place of 2nd class accommodation, the Railway provides 3rd class.
Great Central Railway – based in Loughborough. Not to be confused with Grand Central.
Heathrow Express
Privilege tickets may be purchased from the Heathrow Express booking offices at
Heathrow and Paddington.
Isle of Wight Railway
Kent and East Sussex Railway
Lakeside and Haverthwaite Railway
Llanberis Lake Railway
London Tramlink (formerly Croydon Tramlink)
o Unlimited free leisure travel is granted on all London Tramlink services. Show your Staff
Travel Card (no need to date a box) or TOC Privilege Card
Mid-Hants Railway (Watercress Line)
North Norfolk Railway
North Yorkshire Moors Railway
Paignton & Dartmouth Steam Railway
Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway
o Privilege tickets are issued only at Ravenglass Booking Office, are not available on Bank
Holidays, and are always subject to accommodation being available.
Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Light Railway
o Privilege rate tickets are only issued if purchasing a RomneyRover and are not available
for use on special event days (see the RHDR timetable and guide - www.rhdr.org.uk)
Severn Valley Railway
Snowdon Mountain Railway
o Privilege rate tickets are issued for return journeys only.
South Devon Railway
Strathspey Railway
Swanage Railway
Talyllyn Railway
Tyne & Wear Metro (Safeguarded Active & Retired Staff only
o Free travel is granted and privilege tickets are issued only to staff who entered
employment prior to 11 August 1980. If you cease to be eligible for Tyne &
Wear Metro facilities on leaving the service, you cannot have these reinstated if
you re-enter employment with an Eligible Employer unless there is no gap
between leaving the first Eligible Employer and joining the second.
o To obtain free travel, use your appropriately dated Staff Travel Card. Only
SINGLE privilege tickets are available and to obtain these, you should press the
CHILD fare button on ticket issuing machines.
o When travelling you should carry you Staff Travel Card (or Status Pass if held) to
support the ticket.
o On Tyne & Wear Metro's Heworth to Sunderland service the same ticketing
arrangements apply. However, exceptionally, they apply also to Active or
Retired safeguarded staff who entered employment on or after 11 August 1980.
West Coast Railway Company
o Steam-hauled main line charter trains operate a daily return service between Fort
William and Mallaig from June to September. You can travel on these services at a
privilege rate of a quarter of the published price. Tel 01524 737751 or 737753.
West Somerset Railway
4.2 Shipping
4.2.1 P&O Ferries (Dover-Calais & Hull-Zeebrugge/Rotterdam)
Staff Travel Cards and TOC Privilege Cards issued to staff and their dependants are recognised on services
operated by P&O Ferries (Dover-Calais and Hull-Zeebrugge/Rotterdam).
A discount is available for travel on any of the Dover-Calais, Hull-Zeebrugge (new), and Hull-Rotterdam
(new) routes. This discount will be given on the standard fares for any duration available through the P&O
Ferries website www.poferries.com or the P&O Ferries call centre.
In addition, Travel on the Dover-Calais route as a Foot Passenger (without a vehicle) is free except for the
port taxes charged.
To take advantage of these special concessions you must purchase your ticket in advance. The discounted
fares are available to book on line through www.POferries.com/ATOC or the P&O Ferries Customer
Services Team on 0871 664 8005 or email [email protected] . Please note that
telephone bookings attract an additional charge of approximately £5. The Port Tax tickets for travel as a
Foot Passenger are not yet available to book on-line. For these simply ring P&O Ferries Customer Services
Team on 0871 664 8005 – the usual telephone booking charge will not be applied to these bookings since
they cannot be booked on line. You can also use Form 90020.
Please remember that you must present your Staff Travel Card/TOC Privilege Card and Photo Identity Card
at the port when you check-in for travel. Failure to do so will result in being refused travel.
4.2.2 Stena Line Irish Services
Staff Travel Cards (no need to date a box) and TOC Privilege Cards issued to staff and their dependants are
recognised on services operated by Stena Line for free travel on its services to the Republic of Ireland and
Northern Ireland.
Port Tax tickets must be obtained in advance and must be presented at the embarkation port. To obtain a
port tax ticket and to make a booking, telephone Stena Line's Central Concession Team on 0844 847 1471.
This office will ask you to fax a photocopy of the Staff Travel Card/TOC Privilege Card and Photo Identity
Card (where held) to 01407 606811 as confirmation of eligibility. Port Tax tickets are not required for
children under 4 years of age.
Stena Line also offers a concessionary arrangement for the conveyance of vehicles. Currently the offer is
50% off the normal brochure prices for return trips of 5 days or more OR 25% off the price of trips of a
shorter duration. Booking arrangements are as set out above.
4.2.3 Irish Ferries (Safeguarded Active & Retired Staff only)
Irish Ferries operate services between Pembroke Dock and Rosslare, and between Holyhead and Dublin.
Active full time salaried Safeguarded Employees who are eligible for National Rail travel facilities are
granted free travel on two occasions a year for themselves, their legally married spouses/civil partners
and all dependent children. Apply 8 weeks in advance on Form 1209 giving full details of the specific
journeys (date and sailing time) required.
These free facilities are not issued to part-time Safeguarded Employees, housekeepers, Retired
Safeguarded Employees (and their families) or to widow(er)s. You can however travel at privilege rates.
Privilege tickets for dependants are issued only to children, and to legally married spouses or civil
partners, ie not common law partners.
Privilege tickets must be obtained at the Company’s offices before travel.
4.2.4 Caledonian MacBrayne (Safeguarded Active & Retired Staff only)
Available only to staff who entered service prior to 1 January 1971 and only on routes listed below.
On routes 1–10 free travel is granted, a maximum of twice per annum, only to eligible Active full time
salaried staff, their legally married spouses/civil partners and up to two dependent children. Apply on
Form RSTL 7108-6 giving 10 days’ notice. Individual tickets will then be issued for specific journeys.
These tickets are valid only with a Staff Travel Card (no need to date a box). Free travel, obtained by use
of a dated Staff Travel Card (or Status Pass), is granted to all eligible Active and Retired staff, their
legally married spouses/civil partners and dependent children on routes 11–13 only.
Reduced rate travel is available to all eligible Active and Retired staff, their legally married spouses/civil
partners and dependent children upon presentation of a valid undated Staff Travel Card at the
Company’s booking offices.
Ullapool – Stornoway
Uig – Tarbert
Uig – Lochmaddy
Mallaig – Armadale
Oban – Craignure
Oban – Castlebay/Lochboisdale
Oban – Coll – Tiree
Oban – Colonsay
Kennacraig – Port Askaig – Colonsay
Kennacraig – Port Ellen – Port Askaig
Ardrossan – Brodick
Wemyss Bay – Rothesay
Gourock – Dunoon (actually operated by Argyll, a CalMac subsidiary)
4.2.5 Isle of Man Steam Packet Company (Safeguarded Active & Retired Staff only)
The Isle of Man Steam Packet Company operates services between Heysham/Liverpool and Douglas; and
between Douglas and Dublin/Belfast.
Free travel is granted by the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company on its services on two occasions per
year to full time Active salaried Safeguarded Employees for yourself only. Apply on Form 1209 giving 6
weeks’ notice. Individual tickets are then issued for specific journeys.
For all other Safeguarded categories, privilege tickets are issued for return journeys only at the ordinary
single fare valid three months for outward and return journeys. Privilege tickets must be obtained at the
Company’s office at the port of embarkation.
4.2.6 Windermere Lake Cruises
Unlimited free travel is granted to all Active and Retired Safeguarded staff, and TOC Non-Safeguarded
active staff, and their dependants.
Before boarding, a Boarding Pass must be obtained by producing a valid Staff Travel Card (no need to date
a box) or TOC Privilege Card at the Company’s booking offices at Ambleside, Bowness or Lakeside.
4.2.7 Wightlink Services (Safeguarded Active & Retired Staff only)
Travel facilities are available only to staff who entered the service prior to 1 April 1985 and only on
the services between Portsmouth Harbour and Ryde ; and between Lymington and Yarmouth.
Reduced rate travel is available to all eligible Active and Retired staff and their dependants upon
presentation of a valid undated Staff Travel Card.
Free travel can be obtained by use of a dated Staff Travel Card (but NOT a Status Pass).
Residential travel is also granted to staff on Wightlink services and for this purpose, the shipping
company will honour Residential Passes as long as these are endorsed “via Wightlink services” if part of
a through journey, or specifically (eg Portsmouth Harbour to Ryde) if that is the extent of the residential
journey sought.
Wightlink also grants eligible staff a 50% reduction on the standard vehicle and driver tariff which
applies on the Portsmouth to Fishbourne service to single, day return and return tickets, although this is
not available for commercial vehicles, caravans or trailers. All other passengers in the vehicle are able
to travel free or at privilege rate (if eligible) or at the appropriate full fare. You must make a reservation
in advance by phoning 08713 761000.
There are no restrictions on foot passenger services but Wightlink do not offer the concessionary vehicle
arrangements during the peak summer holiday period (roughly mid July to late August) on Saturdays on
sailings departing between 07.35 and 19.50 hours.
Transport for London’s Services (Safeguarded Active & Retired Staff only)
Although the entitlement for travel within London can seem complicated, it is actually quite logical:
 The more senior you are, the greater the travel benefits (so in the table below, the benefits are
 As usual, Retired staff and family members are not entitled to residential travel
 Widow(ers) receive the same benefits as did the staff member
 The most economical method of travelling around London is with an Oyster card, so TfL facilities
are described in Oyster terms where appropriate
 The “interavailable routes” mentioned in the table are listed in full below it
 Break of journey is not allowed at LU stations ie a broken journey counts as two separate ones
Level of benefit
For whom
1. On the Interavailable routes ONLY:
SG Active
limited free travel
SG Retired
Family members of the above
Senior SG Active
unlimited free travel
Senior SG Retired
Family members of the above
SG Active
limited free travel BUT
with exceptions noted below***
Senior SG Active
unlimited free travel
How obtained
Staff Travel Card (dated)
Gold/Silver Status Pass OR
Blue Status Pass if region
Residential Pass OR
Included on a Privilege Season
Gold/Silver Status Pass OR
Blue Status Pass if region
2. On the Interavailable routes AND on TfL’s rail only services (ie LU, DLR)
SG Active
Pre-Pay Privilege Oyster Card (or
unlimited privilege rate travel
SG Retired
single/return privilege rate
Family members of the above
tickets purchased with Staff
Travel Card)
SG Active up to/incl MS4
Included on a Privilege Season
unlimited priv rate travel
3. On the Interavailable routes AND on ALL TfL’s rail and bus services
Leisure only:
Spouse of SG Active graded EGU Privilege Oyster for spouse
Unlimited free travel
Leisure & Residential:
SG Active graded MS5 or above
Oyster Status Pass
Unlimited free travel
and based in London OR
Graded EG4 or above and based
There are separate rules governing the acquisition, registration and use of Oyster cards, full details of
which are contained on the application forms Form 5001 Active and Form 5002 Retired. However, a
brief overview of what to do follows:
How to use your facilities in London
The reciprocal exchange of travel facilities with Transport for London (TfL) allows holders of Staff Travel
Cards to purchase tickets for leisure travel on London Underground (LUL) services at Q rate. Just present
your Staff Travel Card at an LUL ticket office to obtain the reduced fare. If your Staff Travel Card has an
endorsement of 9, 10 or 11 on the face of the card (see reverse of card for key to endorsement) you are
not entitled to privilege rate travel on LUL services. This endorsement was fixed at the point of
retirement and therefore cannot be changed to permit eligibility, now or in the future.
Oyster fares are considerably cheaper than cash fares. Therefore regular leisure travellers on LUL
services will find it cheaper and more convenient to have a Pre-pay Privilege Rate Oyster Card, which
when topped up with money either online or at a machine located on an LUL station may be used to
travel at a quarter of the public Oyster fare. To use your Oyster Card you touch it on the yellow card
reader located on the ticket barrier at the start and end of your journey, and the applicable privilege
rate Oyster fare will be taken from the amount of credit you have on the card. Please note that if you do
not touch in and out at either end of your journey the maximum Oyster fare will be taken and you may
be liable for a penalty fare or prosecution.
Your Pre-pay Privilege Rate Oyster Card may also be used to travel on TfL bus services. However, this will
be at the full public Oyster fare.
To obtain a card complete an application form Form 5001 Active or Form 5002 Retired. Once
completed and authorised take the form together with your Staff Travel Card to an LUL station ticket
office. You will be required to pay a refundable deposit (currently £5) at the time the card is issued.
To continue to receive the benefit of the privilege rate Oyster fare you will need to update your card
with your new Staff Travel Card details each year by 30 June. Just take your new Staff Travel Card to a
London Underground ticket office, and your Oyster Card will be updated.
Please note that if you do not update your Oyster Card by 30 June you will find that any use of the card
from 1 July will result in the full Oyster fare being deducted instead of the privilege rate Oyster fare.
TOC Non-Safeguarded active staff
For the avoidance of doubt, TOC Non-Safeguarded active staff, and their dependants, are NOT entitled to
any concessionary travel within London on TfL services.
The only exception to this rule is the purchase of nationally-based Q-rate leisure journey that
necessitates crossing London (eg Leeds to Brighton). In this case the through ticket allows you to
transfer between London mainline terminals.
Interavailable routes
The “interavailable routes” (ie those where both national rail and TfL trains used to operate) are
between the following points and at intermediate stations unless otherwise stated:
Metropolitan, Hammersmith & City and District & Circle Lines:
Moorgate to Kings Cross;
Baker Street* to Watford, Chesham or Amersham, but not for alighting/boarding between
Baker Street and Harrow-on-the-Hill; (*Gold Status Passes additionally valid from Euston Square)
Paddington to Notting Hill Gate - Circle Line, for through journeys between Paddington and
East Acton or westwards but not for alighting/boarding in between or at Notting Hill Gate;
Paddington (Suburban) to Hammersmith (H&C);
Tower Hill to Upminster (except at Aldgate East);
Putney Bridge to Wimbledon;
Turnham Green to Richmond;
(vii )
Earl’s Court to Kensington (Olympia)
Northern Line:
Moorgate to Mill Hill East or High Barnet via Archway, but not for alighting/boarding between Kings
Cross and Highgate, except at Kentish Town
Central Line:
Liverpool Street to Epping or Hainault, via Woodford or Newbury Park.
Ealing Broadway or West Ruislip to White City and in the case of through journeys between
East Acton or westwards and Paddington; also between White City and Notting Hill Gate, but not for
alighting/boarding between White City and Notting Hill Gate or at Notting Hill Gate
Bakerloo Line:
Paddington to Harrow & Wealdstone
Jubilee Line:
Stratford to Canning Town
Piccadilly Line:
Finsbury Park to Kings Cross but not for alighting/boarding in between
Victoria Line:
Finsbury Park or Highbury & Islington to Kings Cross
Waterloo and City:
Waterloo to Bank
Docklands Light Railway:
Tower Gateway to Limehouse
***Safeguarded Active Staff only
Residential Passes (made out with appropriate availability) are also valid on the above lines BUT with the
exception of:
Hammersmith & City Line:
Valid only between Paddington (Suburban) and Westbourne Park and not valid at Royal Oak.
District Line
Valid between Tower Hill and Upminster but not for alighting/boarding between Tower Hill and Bow
Road, except at Aldgate East when shown on the pass.
Northern Line
Not valid between Moorgate and Kings Cross or at Kentish Town
Central Line
Not valid at Bethnal Green or Mile End or between Ealing Broadway and North Acton
6.1 European (FIP) Arrangements
This is generally made available by the International Reduced Rate Card (for unlimited reduced rate
travel), or by International Coupons (for limited free travel), as appropriate.
Who is entitled?
Reduced rate or free rail travel is granted to Active Safeguarded employees and to partners and
dependent children on the FIP carriers as indicated below.
After one year’s service, reduced rate or free rail travel is granted to TOC Active Non-Safeguarded
employees and to partners and dependent children on all the FIP carriers listed below.
For Retired Safeguarded employees to qualify for reduced rate or free rail travel, you must still be
eligible to receive domestic leisure travel facilities on the National Rail network and must also have
1. If retired before 1 January 1982:
a. At least 55 years old when retiring; or
b. Below 55 years of age and taking ill-health retirement or redundancy, but having
completed 20 years’ continuous service.
2. If retired after 1 January 1982:
a. Eligible for FIP facilities for at least 10 years of active service; or
b. Prematurely retired as a result of an accident at work, but eligible for FIP facilities at
that point.
Different qualifying criteria again apply to widow(ers). For information about your specific
circumstances, please check with RSTL.
In addition, if you retire after 1 January 1984 and are eligible for FIP facilities at that point, you may
apply for and use any coupons NOT already issued from your last annual allocation at any time up to 9
months beyond the date of retirement. These coupons must then be used within 3 months.
In further addition ie as well as coupons under the “9 month rule”, you can ALSO apply for and use one
free coupon on each participating FIP undertaking at any time up to 45 months beyond the date of
retirement. These coupons are valid for 3 months.
These two additional concessions are generally referred to as the 9 month rule and the 45 month rule.
Some general guidelines on getting the best out of travel in Europe can be found online
The class of travel allowed by European carriers is the same as that granted to an employee on National
Rail. Unlike travel on National Rail where upgrading is not permitted, this practice is allowed on FIP
journeys as long as the difference in the public fare between second and first class for the journey being
undertaken is paid for in advance. It is an offence for an employee entitled to second class facilities to
travel first class unless the difference in fare has been paid prior to travel. Any cases that are reported
may result in withdrawal of travel concessions.
Restrictions are imposed by FIP carriers from time to time and details are circulated and can be found in
Staff Travel Restrictions. Supplements are payable on many express services, particularly InterCity
Express (ICE) and Trains à Grande Vitesse (TGV). It is normally more expensive to purchase supplements
on trains as opposed to those obtained from the booking/travel office.
Free Travel Details
Free travel is granted usually once a year on most of the FIP carriers to all active staff and in some cases
to retired staff, and also to partners and dependent children (see table below for details). International
Free Coupons are issued for this purpose.
If a partner or child is issued with an International free coupon ticket to travel without the employee,
this counts against the employee’s quota.
International Free Coupons are valid for a maximum period of 3 months from date of issue. They are
only valid for travel use in conjunction with the Passport of the traveller.
For International Free Coupons, apply on Form 1209 and submit via your normal travel facilities
administration point (see Contacts) - 3 weeks’ notice required. We will try to process applications
received with less notice but cannot guarantee it, especially at busy holiday times.
International Free Coupon Tickets are issued as a batch for the journey requested. If a coupon has been
part- used on a railway adjoining or bordering the railway of issue, it may not be used again for any
further journeys on this railway after the return journey has been made to the issuing railway (ie in this
case, the UK). For the avoidance of doubt, adjoining railways are those which are linked to ATOC/GBPR
by another FIP member, including ferries and Eurostar. Therefore the adjoining railways are SNCF, SNCB,
NS, NIR, CIE (France, Belgium, Holland, N. Ireland, Republic of Ireland) but not Denmark or Norway.
Part-used coupons for non-adjoining countries may therefore still be used up. Unused coupons may still
be used for another journey, as long as their overall period of validity has not been exceeded.
FIP carriers granting reduced rate travel (and free if so indicated) are as follows:
Attica Ferries
All eligible family members
All eligible family members
All eligible family members
Retired Employee only
All eligible family members
All eligible family members
Bern Lotschberg Simplon(BLS)
All eligible family members
Bosnia-Herzegovina (ZFBH/ZRS) All eligible family members
All eligible family members
Employee only free
Czech Republic(CD)
Employee only free
Employee only free
Employee only free
All eligible family members
Employee only free
All eligible family members
All eligible family members*
Gyor Sopron Ebenfurth(GYSEV)
Employee only free
Employee only free
All eligible family members
All eligible family members
Lake Constance Shipping (BSB)
Employee only free
All eligible family members
All eligible family members
Employee only free
Employee only free
All eligible family members
All eligible family members
Northern Ireland(NIR)
All eligible family members
All eligible family members
Employee only free
Employee only free
All eligible family members
All eligible family members
Republic of Ireland(CIE)
All eligible family members
All eligible family members
Employee only free
Employee only free
Employee only free
Employee only free
Employee only free
Stena Line BV(StL)
All eligible family members
2**** All eligible family members
Switzerland – Federal(CFF-SBB)
Employee only free
Switzerland – Private(SP)
Employee only free
* Does not apply to widow(ers) and their dependants
** Salaried staff are granted two coupons on these undertakings per annum
*** The FIP year runs from January to December. For travel in the forthcoming year up to 31 March,
applications need to be made prior to 21 December.
****Free travel for one return journey – present an FIP coupon + Port Tax ticket. Reduced rate tickets
available at ports only. Advance reservations always needed – phone 01255 243333.
Reduced rate travel details
International Reduced Rate Cards are valid for two years at a time. They are only valid for travel use in
conjunction with the Passport of the traveller.
For a new International Reduced Rate Card, apply on Form 1209 sending it via your normal travel
facilities administration point (see Contacts) (giving 3 weeks’ notice if possible ).
As well as the card, you will need to obtain journey-specific reduced rate tickets, and possibly seat,
couchette and sleeper reservations. All of these are handled by RSTL’s agent, DB-UK.
Journey enquiries or bookings can be made as early as 6 months, or as late as 14 days, prior to travel. In
all cases, to enquire or apply, please use the IPTIS booking Form 1213 sending it by post, fax or email to:
IPTIS, Deutsche Bahn UK Booking Centre, PO Box 687A, SURBITON, Surrey KT6 6UB
T: 0844 4 99 71 71
F: 08718 80 80 65
E: [email protected]
You can also make enquiries or bookings by telephone for journeys involving any of the following:
Eurostar – London to Lille/Paris/Brussels
Travel on SNCF trains within France and DB-AG trains within Germany using International
Coupons for free travel but additionally requiring reservations or TGV supplements, or using an FIP
card for discounted journeys
Lyria* TGV services between France and Switzerland
Thalys* services between France/Belgium and the Netherlands and Germany
Artesia* day and night services between France and Italy
Elipsos* trainhotel overnight services between France and Spain
AVE** internal services within Spain
TALGO* internal services within Spain and between Spain and Portugal
RENFE internal services within Spain and services between Spain and Portugal
ALLEO* services between Paris and cities in Germany
*operators grant FIP Leisure Fares which include travel ticket and seating/overnight accommodation.
However, International Coupon Tickets are not valid.
** special FIP Leisure Fares which include travel ticket and reservation are payable by holders of
International Coupon tickets and International Reduced Rate Cards.
To book, please call 08444 99 71 71. Have your International Reduced Rate Card and debit/credit card
details ready (no other method of payment can be used for telephone bookings).
6.2 Non- FIP European Arrangements (Safeguarded Active & Retired Staff only)
Free and/or reduced rate travel is granted on the following European undertakings subject additionally
to the following special conditions :Undertaking
Special Conditions
Arth-Rigi Railway
Active only: Free and half rate travel also granted to
spouses and dependent children.
See Matterhorn Gotthard Railway.
Gornergrat-Zermatt Railway)
Furka-Oberalp Railway
Gornergrat-Zermatt Railway
Matterhorn Gotthard Railway
(formerly Brig-Visp-Zermatt,
Gornergrat-Zermatt, and FurkaOberalp Railways)
Railways of the Jungfrau region
(formerly known as Bernese
Oberland/Bernois Railways)
See Matterhorn Gotthard Railway.
See Matterhorn Gotthard Railway.
No free travel granted, instead all Safeguarded Employees
(including retired Safeguarded Employees and widow(er)s
are granted half rate travel for themselves and their
eligible dependents upon presentation of an International
Reduced Rate Card.
Active only: No free travel granted, instead all Safeguarded
Employees, spouses and dependent children are granted
half rate travel.
6.3 Non-European Arrangements (Safeguarded Active & Retired Staff only)
Free and/or reduced rate travel is granted on a reciprocal basis on the following administrations to
Safeguarded Active and Retired Staff, their legally married spouses and dependent children provided they
have not taken up permanent residence in the country for which travel facilities are required. Unless
otherwise stated, these facilities are NOT granted to widow(ers) and their dependent children.
Australia (certain
State Railways only)
New Zealand
South Africa
All eligible family members
Active Safeguarded only
All eligible family members
All eligible family members
2 journeys ½ rate
½ rate
Active Safeguarded only
Employee only free
All eligible family members
Active Safeguarded only
All eligible family members
Active Safeguarded only
Employee only free
Active Safeguarded only
Employee only free
Active Safeguarded only
Employee only free
All eligible family members
Active Safeguarded only
All eligible family members
1 free journey then ½ rate
½ rate
½ rate, either 1st or 2nd class
½ rate
1 free journey then ½ rate
1 free journey then ½ rate
1 free journey then ½ rate
½ rate
No LoI needed; cheapest available
fare will be granted upon stating
that you are a UK rail employee.
½ rate
1 free journey then ½ rate
All eligible family members
Active Safeguarded only
Employee only free
All eligible family members
½ rate
Active Safeguarded only
1 free journey then ½ rate
Employee only free (husbands of
female employees not eligible)
All eligible family members
½ rate
The method of delivering the concession on these Non-European undertakings varies and may be a pass,
a ticket or a Letter of Introduction, and in most cases full journey details should be supplied. These
concessions are not always straightforward to obtain, so we usually ask for 10 weeks’ advance notice.
Apply on Form 1209.
In addition to the countries mentioned above, Letters of Introduction may be requested for ALL railways
except those in Albania, People’s Republic of China, former USSR and Japan. The actual level of
concession will vary widely; may not be that generous; and is often difficult to identify and obtain. RSTL
cannot therefore guarantee the success of any such application, though we will do our best.

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