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from - Monash University Research Repository
TESTING THE NEUROBIOLOGICAL MODEL OF EMOTION-ENHANCED MEMORY WITH EMOTION ELICITED BY MUSIC PhD Thesis by SHERILENE M. CARR Bachelor of Arts (Honours) MONASH UNIVERSITY School of Psychology and Psychiatry Melbourne, Australia April, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................................................... vii GENERAL DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. ix ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................................................ x LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................................ xi LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................................................... xii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................................ xiv 1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Aims and hypotheses .................................................................................................................. 3 1.2 Thesis overview ........................................................................................................................... 4 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 The neurobiological model of emotion-enhanced memory ....................................................... 6 2.1.1 Neurobiological modulation of memory in humans .................................................... 10 2.1.2 Psychophysiological changes associated with emotion-enhanced memory ............... 13 2.2 Cognitive processing and facilitated memory .......................................................................... 15 2.3 Differentiating encoding from consolidation effects on memory ............................................ 19 2.4 Evidence of emotion elicitation ................................................................................................ 25 2.4.1 Subjective feeling and peripheral efference ................................................................ 27 2.4.2 Cognitive ...................................................................................................................... 27 2.4.3 Motivation and motor expression ............................................................................... 30 2.5 Music as an emotion stimulus .................................................................................................. 32 2.5.1 Subjective feeling component ..................................................................................... 35 2.5.2 Peripheral efference and motor expression components ........................................... 38 2.5.3 Cognitive component ................................................................................................... 43 2.6 Music effects on memory encoding and consolidation ............................................................ 49 2.7 Individual differences................................................................................................................ 53 2.8 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 53 ii 3 GENERAL METHOD ........................................................................................................................... 56 3.1 Participants ............................................................................................................................... 56 3.2 Emotion elicitation .................................................................................................................... 57 3.3 Material to be remembered (MTBR) ........................................................................................ 59 3.4 Apparatus .................................................................................................................................. 59 3.5 Emotion Measures .................................................................................................................... 61 3.5.1 Subjective feeling ......................................................................................................... 63 3.5.2 Peripheral efference component ................................................................................. 65 3.5.3 Cognitive component ................................................................................................... 66 3.6 Memory measures .................................................................................................................... 68 3.7 Measures of individual differences........................................................................................... 70 4 EXPERIMENT ONE: Emotional story and emotional music effects on memory ............................... 71 4.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 71 4.2 Aims and hypotheses ................................................................................................................ 72 4.2.1 Non-music aims and hypotheses ................................................................................. 73 4.2.2 Music aims and hypotheses ......................................................................................... 73 4.3 Method ..................................................................................................................................... 74 4.3.1 Participants .................................................................................................................. 74 4.3.2 Emotion manipulation ................................................................................................. 74 4.3.3 Apparatus ..................................................................................................................... 77 4.3.4 Measures ...................................................................................................................... 78 4.3.5 Procedure ..................................................................................................................... 80 4.4 Results ....................................................................................................................................... 81 4.4.1 Continuous measurement of subjective emotion ....................................................... 81 4.4.2 Non-music manipulation .............................................................................................. 82 4.4.3 Emotional response ..................................................................................................... 86 4.4.4 Interim Discussion ........................................................................................................ 90 4.4.5 Music manipulation ..................................................................................................... 91 4.4.6 Emotional response ..................................................................................................... 95 4.4.7 Extraneous music variables .......................................................................................... 99 iii 4.4.8 Interim Discussion ...................................................................................................... 100 4.5 General Discussion .................................................................................................................. 101 5 4.5.1 Neurobiological modulation of memory.................................................................... 101 4.5.2 Music as a source of extrinsic emotional arousal ...................................................... 105 4.5.3 Limitations.................................................................................................................. 106 4.5.4 Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 107 EXPERIMENT TWO: Participant-selected music effects on emotional arousal and memory ......... 108 5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 108 5.2 Aims and hypotheses .............................................................................................................. 109 5.3 Method ................................................................................................................................... 110 5.3.1 Participants ................................................................................................................ 110 5.3.2 Emotion manipulation ............................................................................................... 110 5.3.3 Material to be remembered (MTBR) ......................................................................... 110 5.3.4 Apparatus ................................................................................................................... 113 5.3.5 Measures .................................................................................................................... 113 5.3.6 Participant music selection procedure ...................................................................... 115 5.3.7 Laboratory procedure ................................................................................................ 116 5.4 Results ..................................................................................................................................... 118 5.4.1 Data screening and manipulation checks .................................................................. 118 5.4.2 Emotional response ................................................................................................... 120 5.4.3 Music effects on memory .......................................................................................... 124 5.4.4 Mood-congruent memory ......................................................................................... 126 5.4.5 Individual differences ................................................................................................. 127 5.5 Discussion................................................................................................................................ 127 6 EXPERIMENT THREE: Post-learning music effects on long-term memory ..................................... 131 6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 131 6.2 Method ................................................................................................................................... 132 6.2.1 Participants ................................................................................................................ 132 6.2.2 Emotion manipulation ............................................................................................... 133 iv 6.2.3 Material to be remembered (MTBR) ......................................................................... 134 6.2.4 Apparatus ................................................................................................................... 134 6.2.5 Measures .................................................................................................................... 135 6.2.6 Procedure ................................................................................................................... 136 6.3 Results ..................................................................................................................................... 137 6.3.1 Data screening and treatment ................................................................................... 137 6.3.2 Emotional response ................................................................................................... 138 6.3.3 Memory ...................................................................................................................... 144 6.3.4 Individual differences ................................................................................................. 147 6.4 Discussion................................................................................................................................ 147 7 6.4.1 Emotion effect on memory ........................................................................................ 148 6.4.2 Emotion components of good and poor memory performance ............................... 149 6.4.3 Limitations.................................................................................................................. 151 6.4.4 Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 152 GENERAL DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................... 154 7.1 Emotion elicitation .................................................................................................................. 157 7.1.1 Effective control of the emotional response ............................................................. 160 7.1.2 Chills as a measure of music induced emotion .......................................................... 162 7.2 Neurobiological modulation of memory ................................................................................ 165 7.3 Free recall and recognition memory differences.................................................................... 167 7.4 Methodological considerations .............................................................................................. 168 7.5 Conclusions and future directions .......................................................................................... 171 8 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 177 9 APPENDICES .................................................................................................................................... 195 A. Definitions of information categories across studies ................................................................. 196 B. Summary of aims and hypotheses.............................................................................................. 202 C. Digital copy of Experimental Stimuli........................................................................................... 206 D. Exp. 1 Linguistic Properties of the Narratives ............................................................................ 207 v E. Exp. 1 Narrative Pilot Testing ...................................................................................................... 208 F. Exp. 2 Emotion variables Pearson’s Correlation Results............................................................. 210 G. Exp. 3 Music selection pilot ........................................................................................................ 212 H. Exp. 3 Equipment set-up ............................................................................................................ 214 I. Exp. 3 Correlation matrix for the memory and emotion measures ............................................ 215 J. Exp. 3 Good vs. poor memory performers .................................................................................. 216 K. Exp. 3 Good vs. Poor memory t-test results for each emotion measure and each group ......... 218 L. Supplementary investigation of individual differences .............................................................. 220 L.1 Method of analysis ..................................................................................................... 223 L.2 Results ........................................................................................................................ 224 L.3 Testing information processing speed mediation of arousal and memory ............... 229 L.4 Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 232 M. High versus low chills responder analysis ................................................................................. 233 vi ABSTRACT Extensive research has revealed that central and peripheral physiological mechanisms that act to assess and respond to negative and arousing emotional events also act to consolidate memory for the event. An area of research yet to be fully investigated is the effect of positive and arousing emotion on longterm memory. The paucity of research may be due to the difficulty in experimentally manipulating positive and arousing emotions in the research laboratory. A source of emotional arousal yet to be fully explored in this context is music. A number of studies now demonstrate that music a) elicits strong subjective feelings of emotion, b) activates limbic structures involved in emotion processing, and c) elicits physiological responses consistent with emotion. The aim of the current research project was to determine whether positive emotional arousal elicited by music could facilitate long-term declarative memory. Three experiments were conducted with a total of 127 participants ranging in age from 18 to 50 years (M = 28.10, SD = 10.05), 68% of which were female. Full exploration of the relationship between emotion elicited by music and non-music stimuli and memory was made possible with the use of a wide range of emotion measures and material to be remembered. The aims of Experiment 1 were to: a) replicate the emotion-enhanced memory effect reported by previous researchers using a three-phase slideshow paradigm; and b) determine whether the presentation of emotionally arousing background music further enhanced memory for the slideshow. The results revealed that relative to non-music and neutral music comparison conditions, the experimenter-selected music had no effect on emotional arousal, or on long-term declarative memory. Experiment 2 was designed to establish the emotion inducing properties of music with participant-selected positive and arousing music, and to determine whether emotion elicited in this way influenced memory. The results confirmed that participantselected music elicited subjective and physiological arousal responses that were consistent with positive and arousing emotions, and that this music facilitated the early stages of long-term memory. Experiment 3 tested the memory modulating effect of positive and arousing music on memory consolidation by presenting music soon after learning. Results revealed that after controlling for high baseline arousal levels and memory ability, music modulated memory consolidation processes. However, music tended to have an impairing effect on memory in this experiment. vii Conclusions drawn from this project were that music has the capacity to elicit positive emotion, and that this music induced emotion has the potential to both enhance and impair long-term memory. The time of music presentation, and participants’ choice in music utilized, may determine the direction of this effect. These conclusions must, however, be accepted with caution given the low sample size for many of the statistical analyses. The major contribution of this research project is the methodological rigor applied to understanding the conditions under which emotion elicited by music influences memory. Future research investigating the influence of music on cognitive functioning can thus proceed from a stronger base of empirical evidence. Under the Copyright Act 1968, this thesis must be used only under the normal conditions of scholarly fair dealing. In particular no results or conclusions should be extracted from it, nor should it be copied or closely paraphrased in whole or in part without the written consent of the author. Proper written acknowledgement should be made for any assistance obtained from this thesis. I certify that I have made all reasonable efforts to secure copyright permissions for third-party content included in this thesis and have not knowingly added copyright content to my work without the owner's permission. viii GENERAL DECLARATION I declare that this thesis contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any university or other institution. I affirm that to the best of my knowledge this thesis contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference is made in the text of the thesis. ……………………………………………………………………. …………………………………….. Sherilene Carr Date ix ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis was made possible with the support of my supervisor, Nikki Rickard, the people who volunteered their time to participate in these experiments, and to my family. Nikki’s mentoring has been invaluable in teaching me the discipline of the experimental method and the essential value of research rigour. It goes without saying that research volunteers are critical to furthering our understanding of the human mind. My deepest gratitude goes to my family, who have provided me with unwavering support in my quest to understand the power of music and how it influences our thinking and behaviour. x LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Post-encoding arousal effects on human memory ...................................................................22 Table 2.2 Component Process Model of emotion ....................................................................................26 Table 2.3 EEG activation in response to music .........................................................................................46 Table 3.1 Emotion elicitation across the three experiments ....................................................................58 Table 3.2 Apparatus utilised across experiments .....................................................................................60 Table 3.3 Emotion component measures utilised across experiments ....................................................62 Table 3.4 Memory measures and testing delay across experiments ........................................................68 Table 4.1 Exp. 1 IAPS images and narratives.............................................................................................75 Table 5.1 Exp. 2 Summary of emotion response results ........................................................................123 Table 5.2 Exp. 2 Multiple regression results ...........................................................................................126 Table 6.1 Exp. 3 Summary of subjective emotion response results .......................................................139 Table 6.2 Exp. 3 Summary of ANS response results ...............................................................................141 Table 6.3 Exp. 3 Summary of cortical activation results ........................................................................143 Table 6.4 Exp.3 Correlations between emotion component variables...................................................144 Table 6.5 Exp. 3 Memory results .............................................................................................................145 Table 7.1 Summary of variables tested and outcomes ..........................................................................156 Table 7.2 Predicted versus actual stimulus arousal and valence ............................................................158 Table 7.3 Summary of recommendations ..............................................................................................174 Table G1 Exp. 3 Music selections pilot tested .......................................................................................212 Table L1 Moderator matrices across experiments ...............................................................................225 xi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Neurobiological model of amygdala mediated emotion-enhanced memory ............................ 8 Figure 2.2 Parallel cognitive and autonomic emotional responses regulated by the amygdala ...............16 Figure 2.3 Neural Network Model ..............................................................................................................17 Figure 2.4 Hypothesised information processing effects on encoding and consolidation ........................20 Figure 2.5 Solution to isolate information processing effects on memory ...............................................21 Figure 2.6 The circumplex model of emotion ............................................................................................37 Figure 2.7 Summary of studies measuring physiological responses to music ...........................................41 Figure 2.8 Music effects on memory reported in previoius studies ..........................................................51 Figure 3.1 Affect grid used in Experiments Two and Three .......................................................................64 Figure 3.2 Positive and negative face line drawings ..................................................................................67 Figure 4.1 Continuous self-report of emotion ...........................................................................................78 Figure 4.2 Number of correct 4AFC recognition memory test items per phase (no music) .....................82 Figure 4.3 Number of participants to recall each slideshow image (no music) ........................................83 Figure 4.4 4AFC mean percentage correct for each image (no music) .....................................................84 Figure 4.5 Images freely recalled as a function of image valence (no music) ...........................................85 Figure 4.6 4AFC recognition correct as a function of image valence (no music) ......................................86 Figure 4.7 Non-music mood valence and arousal ratings ..........................................................................87 Figure 4.8 Non-music continuous changes in physiological response .......................................................88 Figure 4.9 Non-music recognition memory (4AFC) narrowing ..................................................................89 Figure 4.10 Number of participants to recall each slideshow image (music) .............................................92 Figure 4.11 4AFC mean percentage correct for each image (music) ..........................................................93 Figure 4.12 Images freely recalled as a function of image valence (music) ................................................94 Figure 4.13 4AFC recognition correct as a function of image valence (music) ............................................94 Figure 4.14 Music mood valence and arousal ratings ..................................................................................96 Figure 4.15 Music continuous changes in physiological response ...............................................................97 Figure 4.16 Music recognition memory narrowing ......................................................................................99 Figure 4.17 Memory comparison with previous studies using three-story-phase slideshow ...................102 Figure 5.1 Exp. 2 IAPS image collage ........................................................................................................112 Figure 5.2 Stimuli and tasks used in Exp. 2...............................................................................................118 xii Figure 5.3 Exp. 2 Subjective and physiological responses........................................................................121 Figure 5.4 Exp 2. Free recall .....................................................................................................................124 Figure 5.5 Exp 2. Valence free recall ........................................................................................................126 Figure 6.1 Exp 3. I-PANAS-SF adjective ratings.........................................................................................140 Figure 6.2 Exp 3. Music-Mix BVA change .................................................................................................142 Figure 6.3 Exp 3. Good and poor free recall performer RSP and Frontal Theta values ...........................146 Figure 6.4 Exp 3. Good and poor word recognition performer valence and IBI values ...........................147 Figure 6.5 Exp.3 Word list freel recall and recognition comparison with previous research ..................148 Figure 7.1 Emotion responses across experiments mapped onto two-dimensional emotion space ......159 Figure E1 Pilot study emotion statement agreement ratings .................................................................208 Figure E2 Pilot study 4AFC recognition memory .....................................................................................209 Figure L1 Influence of BIS/BAS sensitivity on the relationship between RT and free recall ...................227 Figure L2 Influence of music listening on the relationship between skin temp and free recall .............228 Figure L3 Influence of music enjoyment on the relationship between SCL/BVA and free recall ...........229 Figure L4 Testing RT mediation of the relationship between SCL and memory for low BAS scorers.....231 Figure L5 Testing RT mediation of the relationship between SCL and memory for high BAS scorers ...231 xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS %HF HRV °C 2DES 4AFC ACC ACh ANS BIS/BAS BLA BMEQ BVA CNS EEG EEM EMG EOG EPI FFT fMRI GABA HR HRV IAPS IBI IPIP LC ln LTM LTP MRA ms MTBR NAc NE NTS OsM proportion of high frequency components of heart rate variability degrees Celsius two-dimensional emotion space four-alternative forced choice anterior cingulate cortex acetylcholine autonomic nervous system behavioural inhibition and activation system basolateral amygdaloid complex brief music experience questionnaire blood volume amplitude central nervous system electroencephalography emotion-enhanced memory electromyography electro-occulargram epinephrine (adrenalin) fast Fourier transformation functional magnetic resonance imaging PA Music PET PFC PNS PsM Q1, Q2 Q3, Q4 RMS RSA RT RTln SCL SCR SEC SNS Temp μS y-aminobutyric acid heart rate heart rate variability international affective picture system interval between normal-to-normal beats International Personality Item Pool locus coeruleus natural log long-term memory long-term potentiation multiple regression analysis milliseconds material to be remembered nucleus accumbens norepineprhine (noradrenalin) nucleus tract solitaris other-selected music xiv positive and arousing music positron emission tomography prefrontal cortex peripheral nervous system Participant-selected music quadrant 1, quadrant 2 quadrant 3, quadrant 4 root mean square respiratory sinus arrhythmia response time response time natural log transformed skin conductance level skin conductance response stimulus evaluation check sympathetic nervous system skin temperature micro Siemens 1 INTRODUCTION The phenomenon of enhanced long-term declarative memory for emotional events is well documented. The memory is often vivid and encompasses the cause, context, subjective feelings, actions, and consequences of the event. These memories can be decades old yet remain as vivid as if they occurred relatively recently. Memory for emotionally powerful events, such as the 9/11 terrorist attack, confirm that people recall such events in more detail (though not necessarily with greater accuracy; see Neisser & Harsch, 1992) than less emotional events (Sharot, Martorella, Delgado, & Phelps, 2007; Talarico & Rubin, 2003a; Wolters & Goudsmit, 2005a). Furthermore, the phenomenon is sufficiently robust to be elicited by moderate emotional stimuli in research laboratories. Mechanisms postulated to cause such robust memory effects include emotion induced changes in brain chemicals that modulate permanent neural change in memory networks, and increased attention, rumination, and integration of salient information within the current knowledge store. The capacity to manipulate emotion-enhanced memory (EEM) in the research laboratory raises the possibility that the phenomenon could be used as a memory aid in everyday situations. This is an exciting proposition given memory is one of the most important functions of any living organism. The laboratory based research findings could have innumerable practical applications, such as the development of programs to enhance learning in schools and in the workplace, and to challenge memory decline in an increasingly aging population. One of the most empirically validated models of EEM, and thus the primary theoretical basis of this thesis, is founded upon the neurobiology of emotion. The neurobiological model posits that emotional stimuli activate the amygdala, a limbic structure involved in the generation of emotional responses, which then modulates a chain of biochemical responses in the autonomic and central nervous systems, leading to protein synthesis and dendritic growth in cortical structures that store longterm declarative memory. The principal focus of the neurobiological model is on the interaction between emotion-induced changes in the adrenal arousal hormones epinephrine (EPI), norepinephrine (NE), and glucocorticoids, and beta-adrenergic receptors within the basolateral amygdaloid complex (BLA). An alternative theory of memory formation that will be tested in this thesis is founded upon Hebbian principles and is more ‘top-down’ in nature. It has been postulated that EEM is caused by the interaction between primed goal related or schematic neural networks and incoming perceptual 1 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ___________________________________________________________________________________ information. The reduced firing thresholds in these primed neural networks would increase the probability that ‘bottom-up’ stimulus driven neural impulses will activate the network. Continued firing of the associated neurons during a post-encoding elaboration and rehearsal period would increase the probability of dendritic connection formation. Arousal elicited by the emotion stimulus would result in increased excitatory neurotransmitter activity (e.g., acetylcholine and glutamate) in the cortex that underlies efficient synaptic transmission, thus facilitating the formation of permanent dendritic connections (long-term potentiation). Research that simultaneously tests neurobiological and neural network models of EEM is therefore crucial to advance understanding of this complex phenomenon. The neurobiological model has provided significant insights into EEM in animals. Nevertheless, the contributions of memory-facilitating processes that may be unique to humans, such as postencoding elaboration upon unusual or interesting experimental stimuli, potentially confounds previous human research results. Furthermore, the stimuli used in human studies may be described as surprising or attention-capturing, thus eliciting an orienting reflex, which is qualitatively different to emotion. An orienting reflex is accompanied by an acute increase in central and peripheral activation, possibly mediated by the amygdala, which quickly dissipates. It is thus possible that amygdala activation is associated with facilitated memory for perceptually salient information in the absence of a true emotional response. This research project will therefore measure multiple components of emotion to determine whether facilitated memory can indeed be accounted for by emotion, as distinct from normal fluctuations in physiological arousal levels associated with abrupt or unusual information. An additional aspect of EEM yet to be fully explored is the effect of positive emotions on memory. This may be due in part to the effectiveness of negative stimuli to elicit the intended amygdala mediated arousal response. However, the choice of negative and arousing emotional stimuli limits our understanding of the full range of emotion effects on memory. For instance, negative and arousing emotional stimuli have been demonstrated to strengthen memory for central details of events while memory for peripheral information tends to be impaired. In contrast, according to ‘broaden and build’ theory of information processing, memory for positive emotional events may be less detailed but cover a broader range of information. This could mean that the elicitation of negative emotional states facilitates memory accuracy for a narrow range of information, while positive emotional states could benefit memory more generally. A greater understanding of variations in emotion valence effects on memory is required before attempting to apply the phenomenon in everyday contexts. 2 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ___________________________________________________________________________________ An effective emotion stimulus yet to be fully utilised in EEM research is music. Music has a number of attributes that make it a practical emotion-eliciting stimulus. Several studies now demonstrate that music is capable of: a) eliciting strong subjective feelings of emotion; b) activating brain regions involved in emotion processing; and c) eliciting physiological responses consistent with emotional arousal. Furthermore, music can elicit a range of emotions, from positive and arousing to negative and deactivated, thereby enabling comparison of differing emotion states on memory. An important and unique attribute of music is that its emotional meaning does not rely on the material to be remembered. It is thus possible to test whether an extrinsic source of emotional arousal, presented before, during, or after unrelated material to be remembered, can facilitate memory. Furthermore, the ease of application and non-invasive nature of music provides a more tolerable source of emotional arousal than the aversive emotion treatments commonly used within this research field (e.g. gruesome images, stressful psychological tests, or pharmacological interventions). Perhaps most importantly, music is already extensively used to regulate emotions, thereby making it an ecologically valid, increasingly portable, even enjoyable emotion source that could be applied in a variety of contexts to facilitate memory. These unique properties of music could ensure compliance with memory enhancement programs that may arise as a result of this line of research. 1.1 Aims and hypotheses The primary aim of this research project was to determine whether positive emotion elicited by music could be utilised to facilitate long-term memory (LTM) for unrelated information. To achieve this aim, multiple components of emotion were measured to validate the emotion inducing properties of music. The research commenced using a previously validated emotion-memory methodology (adapted to incorporate experimenter-selected background music as an emotion stimulus) to re-test the phenomenon. Further investigation of the emotion and memory-enhancing properties of music was then conducted in a second experiment utilizing participant-selected music, with the aim of validating music as an effective emotion stimulus. With the knowledge gained up to this point, the aim of the final experiment was to verify the neurobiological model of EEM. Emotionally arousing positive music was presented during the consolidation period (instead of prior to, or during, learning) with the aim of facilitating memory for previously presented neutral information. In this way, emotion effects on 3 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ___________________________________________________________________________________ information processing and encoding could be isolated from physiological arousal effects on memory consolidation, thus supporting the neurobiological model of EEM. Hypotheses were developed to test both neurobiological and neural network theories of EEM. In brief, it was hypothesised that: a) emotional music would elicit changes in multiple components of emotion, thus confirming the validity of music as an emotion stimulus; b) emotion elicited by music before, during, and after unrelated material to be remembered would facilitate memory relative to active listening non-emotional control conditions; and c) that the memory enhancing effect could be most parsimoniously accounted for by the neurobiological model of memory consolidation. 1.2 Thesis overview In the following chapters, the Literature Review will provide an overview of the neurobiological model of EEM. Particular attention will be paid to the interaction between BLA and brain stem structures and the hypothalamus to modulate an autonomic emotion response, and the effects of autonomic activation on the consolidation of declarative memory. The measurement of multiple components of emotion to determine the effectiveness of the emotion stimulus will then be discussed. From this review, it will be demonstrated that synchronised changes in two fundamental dimensions of emotion, valence and arousal, may act as proxy for amygdaloid activity, and that concomitant memory improvements relative to neutral controls would support the hypothesis that the amygdala modulates emotional memory. Alternative explanations for facilitated memory that are founded upon cognitive processing models will then be discussed. The emphasis here will be on the influence of emotional stimuli on attention and increased cortical activation that facilitates information processing. An argument will then be made for the use of music as a source of emotional arousal to investigate emotion effects on long-term declarative memory. The value of music will be described in terms of its activating effect on emotion structures in the brain (the limbic system, including the amygdala and associated areas) and the autonomic nervous system (ANS); and its ability to elicit positive and negative emotions of varying arousal intensity. Research investigating the effect of music on working memory and short-term memory will then be reviewed with a focus on identifying the strengths and weaknesses of music as an emotion source. 4 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ___________________________________________________________________________________ An overview of the methodology employed in this research project will be described in Chapter 3, while methodology unique to each experiment will be described in the relevant empirical chapters. Hypotheses were tested with three experiments. The first experiment (Chapter 4) was designed to replicate previous EEM research in humans and to extend the findings by testing whether emotionally powerful background music could facilitate memory. The second experiment (Chapter 5) was designed to fully exploit the emotional power of music by examining the effect of participant-selected enjoyed music on emotion components and the early stages of LTM. The third experiment (Chapter 6) utilised the knowledge gained from Experiment 1 and 2 to examine whether emotional arousal elicited by music during the consolidation period could facilitate memory. Chapter 7 is dedicated to integration of the results of the three experiments, their implications, and suggested pathways for future research. 5 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Events that induce an emotional response tend to have privileged status in autobiographical memory. This may be an evolutionary phenomenon in that survival and personal well-being are optimized when details surrounding emotionally significant, and therefore by definition personally salient events, are well remembered. The storage of information surrounding the emotion eliciting event, whether it is the achievement of reaching personal goals, frustration in not achieving those goals, or encounters with life threatening situations, enables the organism to make informed decisions should similar events be encountered in the future. There has been widespread investigation of emotionenhanced memory. For example, memory for emotionally powerful events, such as the 9/11 terrorist attack, confirm that people recall such events in more detail than less emotional events (Sharot et al., 2007; Talarico & Rubin, 2003b; Wolters & Goudsmit, 2005b). The relevance of emotional memory for eyewitness testimony also encouraged extensive research into the quality of this enhanced memory, and demonstrated that central events may be recalled intensely at the cost of peripheral details (see memory narrowing, the weapon-focus effect and the Easterbrook hypothesis reviewed by Christianson, 1992a, 1992b; Deffenbacher, Bornstein, Penrod, & McGorty, 2004; Kensinger, Garoff-Eaton, & Schacter, 2007b). There are a number of theories explaining emotion-enhanced memory. One theory that has gained particular empirical support, and thus is the focus of investigation in this dissertation, is founded upon the memory modulating effects of arousal hormones and neurotransmitters released during emotional experiences (McGaugh, 2004). 2.1 The neurobiological model of emotion-enhanced memory The neurobiological model of EEM involves the interaction between arousal hormones and many brain regions and circuits, the activation of which is argued to be initiated by amygdala response to emotional stimuli (Cahill & McGaugh, 1998; McGaugh, 2000; McGaugh, 2004). The amygdala is a limbic structure composed of distinct clusters of neurons responsible for processing and responding to emotional information (see Figure 2.1 for a diagram of the projections and functions of the major nuclei of the amygdala). Emotional percepts are received by the thalamus, which projects both directly to the dorsolateral amygdala and to sensory cortex where the information is processed at a more fine grained level (LeDoux & Phelps, 2000). The strength of the stimulation determines whether the signal is further 6 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ transmitted to the basal nucleus and/or the central nucleus. At this point, the stimulation must be sufficiently high to overcome the strong inhibitory network within the amygdala (see LeDoux, 2007 for a review of the structure and function of the amygdala). If sufficient stimulation occurs, central nucleus projections to brain stem structures lead to adaptive responses such as generalized cortical arousal, freezing, hypothalamic mediation of adrenal arousal hormone release, and changes in heart rate and blood pressure (Sah, Faber, Lopez De Armentia, & Power, 2003). Basal nuclei projections to prefrontal cortex (PFC), ventral striatum, and polymodal association cortex lead to monitoring and regulating responses, the initiation of instrumental behaviours, such as running to safety, and drawing on existing knowledge, such as object recognition and episodic memory, that aid decision making. Projections to the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex initiate anatomical changes in cell structure necessary for the consolidation of declarative memory, including long-term potentiation (LTP). LTP is a long-lasting change in synaptic efficiency believed to underlie long-term declarative memory (Squire & Kandel, 1999). 7 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ Adapted from Le Doux (2007) and McGaugh (2000) Figure 2.1 Inputs to and outputs from amygdala nuclei. Solid lines represent axon projections, dashed lines represent humoral projections. Labels: dark blue, cortical regions; light blue, brain stem structures; white, associated limbic structures; green, peripheral structures. Abbreviations: B, basal nucleus; Ce, central nucleus; itc, intercalated cells; La, lateral nucleus; M, medial nucleus; NE, norepinephrine; DA, dopamine; ACh, acetylcholine; 5HT, serotonin; and EPI, epinephrine. Note: Labels and projections have been added to the original model presented by Le Doux according to the review of amygdala anatomy and physiology by Sah, Faber, Lopez De Armentia and Power (2003); and label position is not intended to be anatomically correct. McGaugh’s neurobiological model (McGaugh, 2000; McGaugh & Roozendaal, 2002) focuses on the effect of the adrenal release of EPI and glucocorticoids (e.g. cortisol) on β-adrenergic receptors within the BLA. In the model, amygdala activation in response to an emotion stimulus leads to activation of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), resulting in physiological changes such as increased cardiac activity, vasoconstriction, pupil dilation, and EPI and NE secretion 8 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ from the adrenal medulla. The adrenal secretion of EPI activates β-adrenergic receptors on the ascending vagus nerve, which projects to the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) located in the brain stem. The NTS in turn has NE projections to the locus coeruleus (LC), which is a major site of NE projections throughout the brain, including the BLA. β-adrenergic receptor activation in the BLA reinforces amygdala projections throughout the cortex, including to memory structures such as the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex. These ‘waves’ of autonomic activity (Cahill & McGaugh, 1998) provide sufficient activation for the gene transcription and protein synthesis required for cell growth in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex (see Figure 2.1) and the consolidation of the memory trace. Additional waves of BLA stimulation arise from adrenal cortex release of glucocorticoids into the blood stream. The glucocorticoids cross the blood brain barrier to further reinforce BLA activity and memory consolidation. The role of noradrenergic receptors within the amygdala in memory consolidation has been demonstrated using inhibitory avoidance training and testing in many animal species (e.g. mice, Campolongo et al., 2009; day old chicks, Gibbs & Summers, 2002; and rats, Gold & McGaugh, 1975). For instance, rats are trained to lick from a water spout and then the behaviour is paired with a footshock. The latency to drink from the spout after a 24 hour delay is then used as a measure of memory retention (Gold & McGaugh, 1975). It has been revealed that rats with high footshock training have elevated plasma epinephrine concentrations and facilitated memory for the task. In addition, rats infused with epinephrine post-training show similar plasma epinephrine concentrations and memory performance as those who received high footshock training. Finally, an arousal dose-response effect has been demonstrated in that high footshock training combined with post-training infusion of epinephrine impairs memory (reviewed in McGaugh, 1989). This arousal dose-response effect has been replicated numerous times under different training paradigms with different species (Baldi & Bucherelli, 2005). The critical memory modulating role of noradrenergic receptors in the BLA has been demonstrated by impairing memory with infusions of β-adrenoceptor antagonists directly into the amygdala. Further confirmation of the memory modulating role NE has been demonstrated by reversing the memory impairing effect of β-adrenoceptor antagonists with administration of norepinephrine (McGaugh, 2004). 9 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2.1.1 Neurobiological modulation of memory in humans Support for the critical role of the amygdala and the β-adrenergic system in EEM in humans has been gathered from imaging and neuroendocrine studies. Imaging studies have revealed a relationship between amygdala activity during the encoding of emotional material and LTM. For example, Cahill et al. (1996) exposed study participants to 12 emotionally arousing films and 12 emotionally neutral films in two separate positron emission tomography (PET) sessions. They revealed that the emotionally arousing films were rated as subjectively more emotional than the neutral films. Memory for the films rated as emotional was also significantly higher than for the neutral films after a three week delay. Finally, amygdala activity during film encoding was highly correlated with LTM. Other investigations into the relationship between amygdala activity and memory for emotional material have yielded similar findings (Cahill, Uncapher, Kilpatrick, Alkire, & Turner, 2004b; Canli, Zhao, Brewer, Gabrieli, & Cahill, 2000; Hamann, Ely, Grafton, & Kilts, 1999). Further evidence of the critical role of the amygdala in mediating emotional memory has been revealed by studies of patients with amygdala damage caused by trauma or disease, in which amygdala damage attenuates emotional memory (Adolphs, Tranel, & Denburg, 2000; Hamann, Monarch, & Goldstein, 2002). The memory modulating effect of adrenal hormones in humans was initially demonstrated in a seminal paper by Cahill, Prins, Weber and McGaugh (1994). They revealed that long-term declarative memory for emotional events could be attenuated with propranolol hydrochloride, a substance that blocks the action of β-adrenergic receptors in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Their study demonstrated that blocking an adrenal stress response to an emotionally arousing story attenuated EEM compared to placebo controls, despite participants reporting an emotional response at the time. The memory modulating effect of the noradrenergic system has been replicated numerous times (reviewed by Chamberlain, Müller, Blackwell, Robbins, & Sahakian, 2006). For instance, using the same experimental materials as those used by Cahill et al., O’Carroll et al. (1999b) revealed that yohimbine hydrochloride, a noradrenergic agonist, facilitated LTM, and metoprolol, another β-adrenergic antagonist, impaired LTM relative to placebo. Furthermore, memory improvements were associated with increased heart rates during story viewing. Increased heart rate in yohimbine treated participants was related to higher memory scores, and lowered heart rate in metoprolol treated participants was related to lower memory scores. These results indicated that increases in heart rate, which is modulated by noradrenergic receptors in the ANS, indexed noradrenergic modulation of EEM. 10 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ A limitation of the use of β-adrenergic receptor antagonist propranolol and metoprolol to support the neurobiological model of EEM is that these drugs readily cross the blood-brain barrier. The unique contribution of the release of noradrenergic neuromodulators in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) on EEM has therefore yet to be unequivocally established in humans. This distinction is important for the neurobiological model, which posits that the adrenal release of arousal hormones in the PNS and subsequent vagal afferents is critical to the modulation of EEM (McGaugh & Roozendaal, 2002). If the βadrenergic receptor antagonists block NE transmission in both the central nervous system (CNS) and PNS, then attenuated EEM could be attributed to the blockade of β-adrenergic receptors in the amygdala and brain stem structures alone (e.g., the LC, see Figure 2.1), without the input of vagus nerve projections initiated by adrenal release of NE and EPI. This ‘site of action’ problem was addressed by van Stegeren, Everaerd, Cahill, McGaugh and Gooren (1998), who compared long-term memory between groups who received propranolol, which readily crosses the blood brain barrier, and nadolol, which does so to a lesser extent. Their study revealed that memory was attenuated with propranolol relative to placebo but not with nadolol, indicating that peripheral β-adrenergic receptor activation was not critical to EEM. This result raises the possibility that, contrary to the neurobiological animal model, adrenal release of arousal hormones in humans is not critical to the consolidation of emotional memories. That is, a life-preserving stress response (e.g., fight or flight) involving the release of adrenal arousal hormones may be critical to EEM in animals, but not in humans. What is critical to EEM in humans is activation of β-adrenergic receptors in the CNS, most likely in the BLA and LC. In other words, amygdala mediated EEM in humans may be supported by more central than peripheral mechanisms. An additional limitation to studies designed to manipulate EEM in humans is the variability in results. Many studies use a three phase slideshow of 12 still images accompanied by a one-sentence voiced narrative per image. Long-term memory is compared: within-subjects who viewed neutral phases (start and end) and an emotional phase (middle) of the slideshow; between-subjects who viewed an emotional or neutral version of the slideshow; and between-subjects who were administered a βadrenergic agonist, antagonist, or placebo. Inconsistencies arise in the reliability of β-adrenergic modulation of memory. For instance, attenuation of EEM with 40mg of propranolol in the van Stegeren et al. (1998) was not replicated in a study conducted by O’Carroll, Drysdale, Cahill, Shajahan and Ebmeier (1999a). The major difference between studies was sample size, with van Stegeren and colleagues recruiting 75 participants compared to 36 recruited by O’Carroll and colleagues. With an 11 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ increase in propranolol dosage (40mg to 80mg), Maheu, Joober, Beaulieu and Lupien (2004) demonstrated attenuation of EEM with a sample size of 42. The influence of sample size and dosage level on memory indicates that either a reliable methodology has yet to be developed to test EEM in humans, or that the underlying putative mechanism requires further clarification. There has been more empirical success demonstrating the facilitatory effect of the adrenal release of glucocorticoids on EEM in humans. Buchanan and Lovallo (2001) administered 20 mg of hydrocortisone or a placebo to participants before they viewed emotionally arousing (positive and negative) and neutral images. An incidental memory test1 conducted one week later revealed that when cortisol treatment increased salivary cortisol levels (consistent with psychological stress), there was greater recall of arousing images relative to the placebo controls. Arousal level was the key factor underlying facilitated memory as images were similarly recalled regardless of whether they were pleasant or aversive. A similar cortisol effect using a higher dose of hydrocortisone (30 mg) and similar methodology was demonstrated by Kuhlmann and Wolf (2006). EEM may thus be accounted for by the interaction between centrally mediated NE and peripherally mediated glucocorticoids in the BLA (see review by Roozendaal, 2002). Support for the interacting effect of glucocorticoids and NE within the human amygdala was revealed in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study conducted by van Stegeren et al. (2007). In this study, participants with high endogenous cortisol levels showed greater amygdala activity in response to emotionally arousing images compared to participants with low cortisol levels. Furthermore, amygdala activity in high cortisol participants could be attenuated with administration of a β-adrenergic receptor antagonist. The study conducted by van Stegeren et al. (2007) supported the neurobiological model by revealing an interaction between NE receptor activation and cortisol levels in the human amygdala. Nevertheless, there was no evidence that the interaction facilitated memory. The failure to detect a relationship between adrenal neuromodulation, amygdala activation, and memory may have been due to study methodology. Memory was tested by presenting the same and matched foil images to participants after a two week delay and requesting them to make ‘old’, ‘new’, or ‘not sure’ responses. As humans have an astounding ability to remember visual scenes (Standing, 1973), discrimination between old and new images may have been too easy, thus yielding a ceiling effect. Alternatively, forced choice responses may have led to higher variability due to guessing (Van Stegeren et al., 2005), 1 Participants were not informed of the delayed memory test so as to minimise the confounding influence of rehearsal or other memory strategies. 12 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ thereby reducing the power of inferential tests to detect differences between condition means. In a separate study using a similar methodology, Segal and Cahill (2009) revealed a significant relationship between endogenous cortisol levels and free recall memory. Image free recall is a more difficult method of memory testing than recognition as it requires participants to recall details of the event in the absence of cues. Reducing the margin for error by eliminating guessing (e.g., false positives or negatives) may have thus increased the sensitivity of the test and improved detection of memory differences. The inconsistent outcomes of these similar studies demonstrate the importance of selecting a reliable measure of memory. In summary, attenuation of EEM with β-adrenergic receptor antagonists that act both centrally and peripherally, but not with an agent that is selective to the PNS, indicates that NE modulation of memory in humans occurs in the CNS. Furthermore, low doses of β-adrenergic receptor antagonists, low sample sizes, or insensitive methods of memory testing can result in the failure to detect EEM, indicating that effects are mild and easily masked by random variation. Nevertheless, the interaction between endogenous cortisol levels and NE receptor activation in the human amygdala supports McGaugh’s neurobiological model of EEM. 2.1.2 Psychophysiological changes associated with emotion-enhanced memory According to McGaugh’s model of EEM, activation of the amygdala is critical to enduring memory of emotional information. The amygdala is activated when information or events are significant enough to threaten or enhance the well-being of the organism. The amygdala has projections to cortical and subcortical brain structures (illustrated in Figure 2.1) that regulate fright, flight or fight responses. A method of determining whether an emotion has been elicited, and by association that the amygdala has been activated, has therefore been to measure autonomic (e.g., heart rate and skin conductance) and neuroendocrine (e.g., EPI and NE) changes then test whether these changes are related to facilitated memory. The ANS can be monitored with relatively non-invasive methods compared to the neuroendocrine system, which requires saliva or blood sample assaying. Autonomic responses to emotional stimuli can be determined by increased sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity and decreased parasympathetic activity. Within the context of EEM research, heart rate and perspiration (determined by skin conductivity) have been most widely used to index SNS responses to emotion 13 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ stimuli. Monitoring SNS activation also enables measurement of the efficacy of β-adrenergic agents. As sympathetic control of the peripheral nervous system is supported by post-ganglionic noradrenergic receptors, receptor blockade results in decreased heart rate and blood pressure. Measuring these indices of sympathetic response therefore confirms the efficacy of the pharmacological intervention. Measuring tonic and phasic shifts in SNS activation enables evaluation of emotion (sustained increases in arousal) relative to orienting reflex (instantaneous and rapidly inhibited) effects on memory (Bradley, 2009). Studies that have measured autonomic indices of emotion response to stories, still images, and films reveal that tonic increases in heart rate and/or skin conductivity are associated with enhanced memory (Abercrombie, Chambers, Greischar, & Monticelli, 2008; Laney, Campbell, Heuer, & Reisberg, 2004; Vecchiato et al., 2010). Likewise, phasic physiological changes, such as heart rate deceleration and skin conductance peaks at the onset of emotional images and words, are associated with enhanced memory (Abercrombie et al., 2008; Buchanan, Etzel, Adolphs, & Tranel, 2006; Cahill & Alkire, 2003; Palomba, Angrilli, & Mini, 1997). These findings demonstrate that increased tonic and phasic sympathetic responses can act as ‘proxy’ measures of noradrenergic modulation of EEM (Abercrombie et al., 2008). In sum, testing of EEM in the research laboratory has demonstrated that emotional arousal facilitates memory. Subjective and sympathetic nervous system responses consistent with an emotion stress response have been elicited by emotionally arousing images, words and stories. These emotional responses predict better recall of the emotional stimuli relative to neutral comparison stimuli. Evidence of modulation of memory via emotional arousal has been most widely documented with subjective reporting of emotional responses and concomitant tonic and phasic physiological changes. The relationship between increased SNS activity and facilitated memory may therefore provide indirect evidence of noradrenergic modulation of the BLA and memory consolidation, as proposed by McGaugh. 14 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2.2 Cognitive processing and facilitated memory The modulating influence of adrenal arousal hormones on the BLA and memory consolidation is one of many possible mechanisms that underlie strengthened memory. For instance, activation of the amygdala by the emotion stimulus also leads to efferent projections to frontal brain regions involved in cognitive processes2, such as contextualising information within current goals or activities (Barbas, Zikopoulos, & Timbie, 2011). An adaptive plan of action can then be programmed, and the event can be integrated with stored information for future reference (refer to the depth of processing model of learning proposed by Craik & Tulving, 1975). Amygdala regulation of cortical activation via monoaminergic (serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine) and acetylcholine (ACh) projections to widespread cortical areas (see Figure 2.1) would support information processing efficiency. As such, the amygdala may also mediate cognitive processes that establish a more robust memory trace. A model illustrating the influence of such cognitive processes on memory is presented in Figure 2.2. The model has been adapted from that presented by Cahill and McGaugh (1998, p. 295) to include a secondary pathway (dotted lines) that represents cognitive emotional effects on immediate coping behaviour and memory storage. 2 Cognitive processes are defined as mental processes, such as attention, pattern recognition, learning, and memory, that operate on knowledge structures (Haberlandt, 1997) 15 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 2.2 Parallel cognitive and autonomic emotional responses regulated by the amygdala. External or internal stimuli that are significant to the well-being of the organism activate the amygdala, which then projects to widespread cortical structures that support an adaptive response. The frontal cortex is one of the locations where information is interpreted and emotional responses are regulated. Parallel projections from the amygdala to the hypothalamus and brain stem structures also initiate an autonomic stress-hormone response. Pathways to frontal regions regulate the cognitive emotional response, and pathways from brain stem regions regulate the autonomic stress-hormone response. Both pathways have an immediate influence on coping behaviour, and both pathways can influence memory storage. The cognitive emotional response influences memory storage via greater depth of information processing, and the autonomic stress-hormone response influences memory storage via neuromodulation of BLA projections to medial temporal lobe memory structures. Memory binding could be explained by Associated Neural Network theory. Associationism, also known as connectionism, is founded on the Hebbian principle that when two neurons are simultaneously excited, there will be an increase in the strength of the connection between them (Hebb, 1949, cited in Baddeley, 2005). Several cognitive psychologists have contributed to the development of the associated network theory of learning (e.g. McClelland & Rumelhart, 1985). In simple terms, the model posits that information processing consists of input units, hidden units, and output units (see Figure 2.3). Input units represent sensory information, output units represent motor output, and hidden units represent all operations in between. Connections between units can be excitatory or inhibitory and have varying strengths, thereby explaining such cognitive processes as learning (strengthened 16 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ connections) and habituation (inhibition of connections). A unit could represent any construct, for example words, objects, memories, or moods. When a unit is activated, a mood state for instance, units associated with that mood are excited to sub-threshold level. When the sub-threshold associated units are further excited by additional input units, such as visual information congruent with the current mood, the activation threshold is reached more efficiently. Associated neurons that have simultaneously fired will therefore be more likely to form a connection. EEM could thus be accounted for by active neural networks ‘firing and wiring’ in response to incoming congruent information. Figure 2.3 Neural Network model consisting of input units (sensory neurons), hidden units (where knowledge is stored), and output units (motor neurons). Sourced from Garson (2010). Phenomena such as mood-congruent and schema consistent memory can be explained in terms of associated neural network activation (see Bower, 1981, for a description of associated network effects on memory). Support for the mood (or emotion3) effect on memory has been demonstrated by facilitating memory for information that is congruent with specific moods induced before learning (Bower, 1981; Eich & Forgas, 2003; Eich & Schooler, 2000; Kenealy, 1997). The mood-congruence effect on memory is also well documented in depression research, where depressed individuals pay more attention to, and remember, more negative environmental information than do non-depressed controls (e.g. Bouhuys, Geerts, & Gordijn, 1999; Watkins, Vache, Verney, Muller, & Mathews, 1996). 3 Emotion and mood tend to be used interchangeably in this theory. Emotion, however, is distinct from mood in that it usually occurs within a short time-frame and is accompanied by physiological, cognitive and behavioral changes that facilitate flexible responses to environmental challenge. Mood is typically a more stable state sustained over hours or longer. 17 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ Schemata could have a similar priming effect on memory. Schemata are stored concepts that represent our knowledge of the world and can be used to help interpret ambiguous situations (Baddeley, 1999). In doing so, attention will become selective to information that is consistent with the active schema and lead to memory bias. The influence of active schemata on memory bias was demonstrated by Boltz (2001). Music was chosen as the method of schema induction based on its prolific use to enhance the movie viewing experience. Boltz argued that schema are elicited when a movie viewer hears positive and uplifting music and subsequently expects, based on prior experience, positive and uplifting story elements. Likewise, when they hear suspenseful music, they are likely to expect negative story elements. Positive or negative music was therefore presented to participants whilst they viewed ambiguous film clips. Memory testing after a one week delay revealed that negative music led to recall of more negative than positive film details and positive music led to recall of more positive than negative film details. This finding indicates that music provided a schematic framework for interpreting ambiguous information which biased attention and memory. Mood-congruent memory and schema bias are therefore examples of cognitive processing influences on LTM. These cognitive processing theories may account for the memory effects observed in the neurobiological research previously described. A typical experiment involves informing participants that they will be viewing a slideshow with a story narrative and images that are pleasant, unpleasant, or basically neutral. This information is fairly ambiguous and may therefore have elicited schemas of pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral images. Incoming image information that was congruent with these active schemas could have provided sufficient excitation for the associated neurons to reach firing threshold and establish a memory trace. The observed difference in memory for the neutral relative to emotional versions of these slideshows could be explained by the emotional narrative enhancing the unpleasantness of the images, further increasing excitation of associated units and the strength of the memory trace. It is therefore possible that facilitated memory for the ‘emotional’ story could be attributed to schema bias. A final cognitive processing influence on memory yet to be fully explored is post-encoding rehearsal. Two of the basic principles of successful learning are repetition and rehearsal (Baddeley, 2005). As such, increasing the presentation frequency of the material to be remembered (MTBR) increases the probability that it will be retained (see the classic nonsense syllable learning study conducted by Ebbinghaus, cited in Baddeley, 2005). Likewise, rehearsing the MTBR increases the depth to which it is integrated into the memory store and thus retained (Craik & Tulving, 1975). With regard to 18 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ EEM, the definition of an emotional event is that it is significant to the well-being of the individual. Thus, an emotional event will more likely be thought about many times after the event has taken place compared to a neutral event. According to the repetition principle, every time the event is retrieved the memory would be strengthened. According to the rehearsal principle, the personal meaningfulness of the event will ensure that the information is more elaborated upon and thus more deeply encoded than a neutral event. Investigators of EEM have attempted to control these potential confounds of the neurobiological model by withholding information regarding memory testing from participants. The intention has been to minimise practice or rehearsal of the MTBR. This type of control is appropriate for experiments investigating memory processes underlying neutral material (e.g., word lists, nonsense syllables, or languages). However, the very nature of emotional stimuli increases the probability that it would be rehearsed relative to neutral comparison material. Thus, memory for the emotional event could be facilitated by post-encoding cognitive processes. A solution to this confound is difficult to find. It would be counterproductive to ask participants to refrain from thinking about the emotional material as this would more than likely increase post-encoding pondering. Post-encoding elaboration of emotional material is therefore a serious confounding variable of neurobiological explanations of EEM, thus warranting careful consideration when interpreting memory effects. 2.3 Differentiating encoding from consolidation effects on memory Neurobiological modulation of the consolidation of memory has been supported primarily with animal studies. Memory has been facilitated by administering neuromodulators systemically or directly into the brains of animals during the consolidation period (Gibbs & Summers, 2002; Gold, Hankins, Edwards, & McGaugh, 1975; McGaugh et al., 1993). There is empirical support for the same neurobiological mechanism to underlie memory consolidation in humans (e.g., Buchanan & Lovallo, 2001; Kuhlmann & Wolf, 2006). However, as described in the previous section, there are caveats to this assumption. First, emotion effects on cortical activation and strengthened encoding have not been excluded as causes of facilitated LTM, and second, the memory-strengthening effect of post-encoding elaboration of meaningful or interesting information has not been adequately controlled. Figure 2.4 illustrates how paradigms that present the emotion stimulus during encoding of the MTBR are subject to increased circulating arousal hormones and more efficient information processing (attention, appraisal, 19 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ integration of information according to goals or active schemas, and post-encoding elaboration) during the encoding and consolidation period. The effect of emotion stimuli (Figure 2.4A) relative to neutral stimuli (Figure 2.4B) on memory may therefore be caused by factors other than adrenal modulation of memory consolidation. Figure 2.4 Task paradigm illustrating the confounding influence of more efficient information processing on encoding and consolidation. Grey rectangles represent matched MTBR, solid red lines represent expected circulating arousal hormones, and dashed green lines represent expected level of information processing. (A) Blue arrow represents the emotion stimulus, and (B) white arrow represents the neutral stimulus. This confound of the arousal hypothesis has been recognised by a number of researchers (e.g., Cahill & Alkire, 2003; Cahill, Gorski, & Le, 2003; Preuss & Wolf, 2009). Consequently the methodological approach used in animal studies of administering the emotion or arousal stimulus after encoding, during the consolidation period, has been employed in humans. Figure 2.5 illustrates how presenting the emotion stimulus post-encoding is hypothesised to strengthen the consolidation of previously presented neutral material. In this paradigm, cognitive processes that influence learning are directed towards the post-learning emotion stimulus and not the previously presented neutral MTBR. Thus, when comparing emotional (Figure 2.5A) and neutral conditions (Figure 2.5B), strengthened memory caused by cognitive processes directed towards the emotion stimulus can be more readily isolated from neurobiological modulation of memory for the previously presented MTBR. 20 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 2.5 Solution to isolate the effects of emotion on memory A breadth of research studies has tested whether post-encoding emotional arousal facilitates the consolidation of memory in humans. Within this paradigm, several methods of arousal elicitation have been used and memory has been tested for a variety of information types. In general, there is consistent evidence that post-encoding emotional arousal facilitates LTM for the target MTBR (e. g. Anderson, Wais, & Gabrieli, 2006; Judde & Rickard, 2010; Nielson & Bryant, 2005; Nielson & Powless, 2007; Nielson, Yee, & Erickson, 2005; Soetens, Casaer, D'Hooge, & Hueting, 1995). A summary of studies investigating post-learning arousal effects on memory is presented in Table 2.1. 21 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 2.1 Post-encoding Arousal Effects on Human Memory (chronological order) Authors Year MTBR Soetens et al. 1995 10 lists of 20 words (1 per second) 240 words, 120 target and 120 distractor (4x60 word lists) 60 words Method of arousal elicitation EXP 1 & 2 oral amphetamine (1 hr delayed action) Controls DVs IV s Results placebo free recall memory after each list (FR)/after all lists(FFR)/1 hr delay (1HD)/ 24 hour delay (1DD) Oral amphetamine after learning too late to have effect on memory (1 hr delay of action). Sig effect of amphetamine on acquisition up to 1 hour post administration. EXP 3 & 4 intramuscular amphetamine immediately after word list learning EXP 5 intramuscular amphetamine immediately after word list learning placebo free recall memory FR/FFR 20 min after drug/1DD FFR not sig, 1DD sig. placebo recognition memory memory immediate/1 day/1 week No difference between placebo and amphetamine at immediate, trend at 1 day, sig effect at 1 week. oral cortisone (cortisol) 1 hr delayed action placebo memory recall and recognition; subjective stress ratings cortisol 1hr before acquisition/immediately after acquisition/1hr before retrieval; memory immediate/delayed (24hour) Sig memory impairing effect of cortisol on free retrieval but not recognition. No effect on acquisition or consolidation. No effect of cortisol on subjective stress ratings. Memory didn't differ between yohimbine and placebo. Yohimbine responders had higher mean memory scores than yohimbine non-responders. MHPG change predicted memory (linear regression), irrespective of yohimbine or placebo (but stronger effect for placebo). Correlation between yohimbine and memory not significant (n=14). Low numbers for regression analysis, could be random variation. EPI sig more recall for primacy slides than placebo. EPI 80 recalled more primacy slides than saline. No differences between conditions for recency slides. Faster HR for primacy than recency slides. Greater SCR for primacy than recency slides. De Quervain, Roozendaal, Nitsch, McGaugh, and Hock 2000 Southwick et al. 2002 12 slide arousing story (Cahill et al 1994) intravenous yohimbine 5 mins after slide. placebo LTM (7 days); MHPG MHPG: -30/15/+20/+60/+120min Cahill and Alkire 2003 intravenous injection of epinephrine saline HR; slide SC peak less slide baseline: first three averaged (primacy)/last three averaged (recency); EPI; free recall epinephrine dose: saline/40/80; primacy/recency; HR 1/2/3min Cahill et al. 2003 21 IAPS images low to moderate arousal pos, neg and neutral valence 21 IAPS images low to moderate arousal pos, neg and neutral valence cold pressor warm water salivary cortisol; pulse plethysmograph (HR ruse); subjective slide arousal; subjective slide valence; % of total (all participants) free recall of slides (written); % of total slide details cortisol t0 before slide viewing/t10 after water; arousal/neutral slides based on arousal median split 22 CPS after presentation of images enhanced memory for self-rated arousing images but not self-rated neutral images. No gender effect. CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Authors cont. Year MTBR Method of arousal elicitation $1 surprize reward or praise Controls DVs IV s Results Nielson and Bryant 2005 30 neutral words (110 distractors) nothing free recall, recognition (error corrected) reward, intrinsic (praise)/extrinsic (surprize reward)/nothing/posted (aware they would get a reward); memory, immediate/delay (1 week) Free recall and recognition significantly greater for extrinsic and posted groups than control. Nielson et al. 2005 30 neutral words (110 distractors) arousing video (oral surgery) neutral video (teeth brushing) free recall, recognition (error corrected); heart rate; subjective affect; skin conductance memory, 30min/24hr; physiol change, stimulus and post stimulus HR sig increase for arousal video compared to neutral. No SCL change. Mood sig more negative for arousal group. Memory for all three tests (30min, 24hr recall and recognition, controlling for initial differences in immediate free recall using ANCOVA), better for arousal group. Anderson et al. 2006 108 male and female neutral photos, 108 pictures of houses IAPS 72 negative (eg mutilation), 72 positive (eg erotica) IAPS 72 neutral error corrected recognition of test items and modulators (correct hits less proportion of false alarms) for face and house stimuli modulator delay short (4s)/long (9s); subjective arousal Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4 Modulator memory: pos and neg modulator images sig more arousing than neut. Memory greater for pos and neg scenes - degree of arousal rather than valence predicted memory. Quadratic arousal effect on recognition of modulator images. Test item memory: short delays (4s) between test and modulator enhanced memory, but not longer delays (9s). No gender differences. Nielson and Powless 2007 30 neutral words (110 distractors) positive (comedy) or negative (dental procedure) video no postlearning stimulus immediate free recall; delayed corrected recognition (1 week); subjective arousal; subjective mood time of video, none (control)/0/10/30/45min; good/poor learners Immediate free recall used as covariate for recognition memory analysis. Subjective arousal and mood sig change from baseline for all time groups and pos and neg videos (more for negative). Sig delayed recognition memory effect for all arousal delays except 45mins. Memory analysed by good/poor learners - no interaction with group, pattern of effect the same for good and poor learners irrespective of arousal conditions Smeets et al. 2008b simple motor actions cold pressor arm immersed in warm water reality monitoring (24 hr delay); reality monitoring is discrimination between internally vs externally generated memories; GC change from baseline; recognition % correct; correct performed; perform errors; Pr discrimination index; Br bias index performing simple motor acts/imagining simple motor acts; male/female; cortisol t0/t10/t20; low/high cortisol responders Faster GC response in females than males, but otherwise no gender effect. Stress group higher memory than non-stress group on all measures except response bias. No gender effects for memory. No difference between low and high cortisol responders. No correlation between GC and memory in the stress group. Smeets, Otgaar, Candel, and Wolf 2008a DeeseRoedigerMcDermott word list learning paradigm. Neutral and emotional versions. Cold pressor before encoding (1); during consolidation (after encoding) (2); before retrieval (3). not stressed (4) arm immersed in warm water Word list recognition (24 hours); GCs; sAA (measure of sympathetic activity) 23 Enhanced correct present (recognition) memory for stress during consolidation group. Stronger memory for emotional words. Effect related to cortisol and sAA. No effect of stress on false present (errors). Sig correlations between memory for neutral and emotional words and cort and sAA for the consolidation group but not for the encoding or no stress groups. CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Authors cont. Year MTBR Method of arousal elicitation Controls DVs IV s Results Liu, Graham, and Zorawski 2008 25 neg, 25 post and 25 neutral IAPS images (plus 45 matched foils for recognition testing) pleasant (the tonight show, comedy) or aversive (oral surgery) video neutral video (toothbrushing) incidental free recall memory (1 week); mood adjective check list (UWIST) condition: pos/neg/neutral film; images: pos/neg/neutral; gender; memory type: gist/detail; mood arousal after image viewing/after manipulation Free recall: neg and pos images better recalled than neutral. IAPS arousal rating correlated with recall. No memory differences between males and females at any level. More images recalled by those in pos and neg arousing video conditions compared to neutral condition and in these conditions, more positive and negative vs neutral images recalled. Slight advantage for neg images to be better recalled (not sig). Not many sig effects for recognition, no group effects. Nielson and Lorber 2009 60 ANEW words, 15 for each 2DES quadrant, randomly presented (80 foil words for recognition test) Jingleheimer Junction (comedy video) presented 10 minutes after MTBR documentary video words recognised, corrected for guessing; subjective mood valence and arousal; emotion regulation questionnaire (ERQ) suppression and reappraisal sub scales; arousal predisposition (APS) reappraisal, suppression and arousal (APS) median split hi/lo Word arousal ratings: hi APS scorers rated words more arousing than low APS scorers; high suppression had higher arousal ratings for neg high arousal words and lower ratings for pos low arousal words; hi reappraisal had lower ratings of neg high arousal words and higher ratings of pos low arousal words. Memory: low arousal neg less retained than other quads; low arousal pos better retained than high arousal neg; post-learning arousal group better memory; no group x primacy/recency interaction (no interaction with serial position of words). Individ diffs; high APS in arousal group had better memory; high reappraisers had less benefit of arousal induction than low reappraisers. Preuss and Wolf 2009 Trier Social Stress Test (TSST): Video taped oral presentation and an arithmetic test before a reserved panel (2 people) lasting 15 mins. oral presentation and arithmetic task but not in front of a panel or video taped. Picture and narrative immediate free recall; picture and narrative delayed free recall % retained (24 hours); picture and narrative delayed recognition (24 hours); gist/detail memory; PANAS (before stimuli, after stress, before 24hr recall test); subjective valence of stimuli; subjective arousal of stimuli; sAA; GCs gist/detail; stimuli positive/neutral/negative; treatment arousal/neutral; male/female Immediate free recall: negative images most, then positive, then neutral; delayed free recall: neutral most recall v negative and positive (possibly due to male results); recognition no effect of stress, sig effect of valence, negative more remembered than positive or neutral; gist vs detail no interactions with stress, main effect of gist (more remembered than detail); cortisol correlated with memory for neutral material for all participants and trend for negative (controlling for group with partial correlations) Judde and Rickard 2010 Neutral (5), positive arousing (5) and negative arousing (5) mostly IAPS pictures accompanied by a one sentence narrative unique to each picture (Buchanan et al) 30 words (110 distracters) Pos music (Beethoven S No 6, 3rd mvt), negative music (Mussorgsky Night on bare mountain) matched on arousal, familiarity and liking nothing (filler tasks) PANAS, music familiarity, liking; subjective valence and arousal; recognition memory (7 days); BIS/BAS; immediate free recall; time of arousal: 0/20/45min Sig 'time' memory effect for both music excerpts. 20 min delay higher memory than 45 min delay. Difference between 0min and 20min not reported. No music valence main effect. No music valence by time interaction. Positive music rated as neutral (1 sample t test compared to neutral score of 4). Negative music rated more arousing than neutral. Negative music not different to neutral score of 4, positive music rated as more positive than neutral. Both similar on familiarity and liking. BAS drive sig effect on memory at 20min, but not 0 and 45 min. 24 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ It has also been revealed that the arousal inducing properties of the encoded material can interact with post-learning arousal. For instance, Lieu et al. (2008) demonstrated that participants who viewed an arousing video (positive or negative) post-learning recalled more arousing than neutral images after a one-week delay. Similarly, Smeets et al.(2008a) revealed that a cold-pressor stress test after word list learning had a greater facilitatory effect on memory for emotional than neutral words when tested 24 hours later. This effect is consistent with the neurobiological model of ‘waves of activation’ discussed in Section 2.1 (see also the literature on memory tagging, e.g., Reymann & Frey, 2007; Richter-Levin & Akirav, 2003). Memory bias towards arousing material may therefore be explained in terms of the establishment of a memory trace that survives long enough to be modulated by the post-learning emotion treatment. In sum, these results indicate that memory strength is modulated by emotional arousal elicited during the consolidation period, and that the influence of cognitive processes on encoding is less useful in explaining facilitated memory. 2.4 Evidence of emotion elicitation The emotion stimuli used in many studies of EEM have had high sensory impact in that they could elicit acute reactions of shock or surprise. For instance, Heuer and colleagues (Burke, Heuer, & Reisberg, 1992; Heuer & Reisberg, 1990) and Cahill and colleagues (Cahill & McGaugh, 1995; Cahill et al., 1994) used images of exposed viscera and/or surgically reattached legs, Buchannan and colleagues used profanities or sexually explicit words (Buchanan et al., 2006), Kensinger and colleagues used images of snakes (Kensinger et al., 2007b), and Adolphs and colleagues used images of dead bodies (Adolphs, Denburg, & Tranel, 2001). The acute reactions to these stimuli may be considered emotional in nature. They may also be considered orienting reflexes that are devoid of the full breadth of central and peripheral responses that characterise emotion. Orienting reflexes (indexed as phasic autonomic changes) have been associated with enhanced memory (Abercrombie et al., 2008). Orienting has also been proposed as an explanation for the relationship between decreased heart rate and facilitated LTM revealed by Burke et al. (1992) and Heuer and Reisberg (1990). It is therefore possible that facilitated memory in the aforementioned studies was elicited by a stimulus driven orienting reflex that elicited neuromodulation of memory. Emotions, however, are more complex than the orienting reflex. Therefore, to consider the paradigm of facilitated memory discussed thus far as emotional in nature, it should be established that a 25 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ true emotion has been elicited. According to Scherer’s Component Process Model of emotion (2001), an emotion consists of the synchronisation of a number of cognitive and physical components that produce the most adaptive, situation specific, and well-being enhancing response. The process consists of the synchronisation of what Scherer argues to be five distinct emotion functions: appraisal or evaluation, subjective feelings, action tendencies, physiological responses to support action tendencies, and expressive behaviour (see Table 2.2 for a description of the various components and functions of the Component Process Model). The range of emotions is therefore not readily described by discrete labels, but by activation of multiple subjective, behavioural, cognitive, and physiological responses that support an adaptive response in various situations. For instance, a fast approaching ominous object would cause an organism to cease current activity, evaluate the object, subjectively feel a sense of danger, grimace and hunch or prepare to run, and undergo physiological changes such as increased secretion of arousal hormones, increased heart rate, perspiration and pupil dilation, to support the action. This synchronisation of multiple emotion components would traditionally be labelled as a fear response. Table 2.2 Component Process Model: the relationship between the functions and components of emotion and the subsystems that subserve them Emotion function Emotion component Organismic subsystem (and major substrata) Evaluation of objects and events Cognitive Information processing (CNS) System regulation Peripheral efference Support (CNS, NES, ANS) Preparation and direction of Motivational Executive (CNS) action Communication of reaction and Motor expression Action (SNS) behavioural intention Monitoring of internal state and Subjective feeling Monitor (CNS) organism-environment interaction CNS: central nervous system; NES: neuroendocrine system; ANS: autonomic nervous system; SNS: somatic nervous system. The organismic subsystems are theoretically postulated functional units or networks (Scherer, 2001, p. 93) 26 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2.4.1 Subjective feeling and peripheral efference Emotion-enhanced memory research reported to date at the minimum has measured emotion responses in terms of the subjective feeling component. According to Scherer’s model, subjective feelings of emotion reflect the conscious experience of changes in all emotion components by the emotion stimulus (Scherer, 2004). Subjective feelings have been measured in terms of ‘emotionality’ (e.g. Cahill & McGaugh, 1995; Cahill et al., 1994; Heuer & Reisberg, 1990; O'Carroll et al., 1999b; van Stegeren et al., 2007), or degree of subjective arousal levels and positive or negative valence (e.g. Buchanan, Denburg, Tranel, & Adolphs, 2001; Buchanan et al., 2006; de Quervain et al., 2007). A number of studies have also measured the peripheral efference component (e.g. Abercrombie et al., 2008; Adolphs & Damasio, 2001; Buchanan et al., 2006; Burke et al., 1992; Cahill & Alkire, 2003; Heuer & Reisberg, 1990). According to the component process model (Scherer, 2001, 2004), the peripheral efference component would be activated by a stimulus that (1) disturbed ongoing homeostatic regulation and smooth behavioural coordination, and (2) prepared the organism for an appropriate adaptive response. Peripheral efference would thus be indexed by increased SNS activity (skin conductance responses, increased heart rate, vasoconstriction, increased skin conductivity, pupil constriction, increased respiratory rate, and decreased salivation), increased CNS activity (EEG alpha desynchronisation), and neuroendocrine response (increased secretion of cortisol and epinephrine). Nevertheless, only a handful of studies have reported the synchronisation of two or more emotion components to confirm the emotion manipulation. For instance, facilitated memory for the emotion stimulus employed by Burke et al. (1992) and Heuer and Reisberg (1990) can be more readily attributed to emotion as subjective emotionality was correlated with skin conductance responses for the emotion stimulus, but not for the neutral stimulus. Likewise, Adolphs et al. (2001) revealed that aversive stimuli were rated as more negative and arousing than neutral stimuli, elicited higher and more frequent skin conductance responses, and the that skin conductance responses were correlated with subjective arousal ratings and memory. 2.4.2 Cognitive Scherer proposed that the function of the cognitive component of emotion was to appraise a situation for its significance to the well-being and goals of the organism, and to drive coordinated changes in the subjective, peripheral efference, motor expression, and motivational components of 27 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ emotion. Detection of changes in CNS activation with imaging techniques, particularly in emotion regulating structures such as the amygdala, anterior cingulate gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus, caudal orbitomedial prefrontal cortex, and anterior insula, can index the increased information processing required to appraise the emotion stimulus. CNS activation can also be determined by electroencephalography (EEG), in which global changes in surface cortical oscillations are recorded. The various frequencies and locations of these oscillations signify generalised information processing states. The slower oscillations (delta, 1 – 4 Hz; and theta, 4 – 8 Hz frequency range) signify drowsiness, sleep, meditation, or neurological pathology (reviewed by Pizzagalli, 2007). When theta oscillations are present in the frontal midline, they signify mental effort and sustained attention and are postulated to originate from the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). The presence of frontal midline theta may therefore signify emotion processing (Sammler, Grigutsch, Fritz, & Koelsch, 2007). The alpha rhythm (8 – 13 Hz) has been argued to be the normal resting rhythm of healthy awake and relaxed adults, with decreases in alpha rhythm associated with increased brain activity. The alpha rhythm in posterior regions has been associated with increased attention and vigilance, while asymmetry in frontal alpha has been associated with trait differences in motivation to withdraw from or approach emotionally salient objects or situations (Davidson, 1992), and with the direct effect of approach (joy, anger) and withdrawal (fear, sadness) emotions on frontal activation (reviewed by Coan & Allen, 2004). The higher frequency bands (beta, 13 – 30 Hz and gamma, 36 – 44 Hz) are associated with the cognitive processes of attention, perceptual processing, and cortical integration and synchronisation (Pizzagalli, 2007). Changes in CNS activity in response to emotional stimuli could thus act as an index of the cognitive component of emotion. Cognitive processes that underlie the appraisal of an emotion stimulus could also be determined by stimulus evaluation checks (SECs). SECs are evaluations that determine “the major families of emotional states” (Scherer, 2001, p. 94) and include appraisal of the stimulus relevance, its causal implications, the degree of coping potential required, and the internal (self) and external (social) normative significance of the emotional situation. The relevance of the stimulus is appraised in terms of its novelty, intrinsic pleasantness, and goal relevance. Information that is novel (i.e. sudden and intense), intrinsically pleasant or unpleasant (e.g., chocolate or spiders), and relevant to the goals or needs of the organism, will attract greater attention focus and information processing. Attention focus can be determined by the scope of memory accuracy (e.g. the Easterbrook hypothesis, reviewed by Christianson, 1992a; the Goal Relevance hypothesis proposed by Levine & Edelstein, 2009; and 28 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ 'memory narrowing', reviewed by Reisberg, 2006), thus operationalizing one aspect of the cognitive component of emotion. The use of intrinsically unpleasant emotional stimuli has been particularly successful in demonstrating cognitive processing effects on memory (reviewed by Levine & Edelstein, 2009; Reisberg & Heuer, 2004). Images of death and mutilation typically elicit greater memory accuracy for details relating to the central emotive content than for background or peripheral details. For instance, Adolphs, Denburg and Tranel (2001) revealed verbal and visual recall of the central features of aversive images, such as the location of a dead body, were enhanced while memory for peripheral details, such as the colour of the ground or the orientation of the body, were impaired. Similarly, Kensinger, Garoff-Eaton and Schacter (2007b) presented negative items (e.g. snakes) on neutral backgrounds (e.g. near a river) and found memory for negative items was enhanced while memory for neutral background details was impaired. This effect was not evident for neutral items (e.g. chipmunks) presented on neutral backgrounds. As these emotional stimuli were purposely designed to elicit an immediate and aversive response, they probably elicited stimulus driven attention capture (Reisberg, 2006), possibly mediated by the amygdala (Buchanan & Adolphs, 2004; Kensinger, 2009), leading to a narrowing of information encoding and retention. Intrinsically pleasant emotional stimuli tend to be less activating (Taylor, 1991) and therefore may not have the same attention capturing impact as unpleasant stimuli. Nevertheless, stimuli that elicit positive emotion tend to imbue information processing strategies that are distinct from negative emotion. For instance, taking from theories of positive affect on cognitive processing (e.g., Ashby, Isen, & Turken, 1999), positive affective states increase cognitive flexibility and creativity, elicit information processing strategies that use heuristics to decrease decision making time and effort, and broaden the scope of information processed (reviewd in full by Taylor, 1991). Appraisal of positive emotional stimuli could thus be determined by decision making speed and a broad and inclusive memory scope. Evaluating the type and scope of information retained may therefore assist in determining whether the cognitive component of emotion was activated by the emotion stimulus. Interestingly, memory narrowing is a phenomenon well documented in laboratory experiments, yet it appears that it is not as common in naturally occurring emotional events (with the exception of the witnessing of traumatic events such as violent crime, reviewed by Christianson, 1992b). Laney, Heuer and Reisberg (2003) demonstrated this point by revealing that descriptions of past emotional events did not always include reference to visually explicit information. They found that of the 29 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ memories described, on average 75% did not have a distinct visual focus. An example given was notification by telephone of the death of a family member. These ‘non-visual’ memories were described by the authors as thematic in nature. In a follow up study, Laney et al. (2004) elicited an emotional response in study participants with thematically induced emotion, defined as involvement and empathy with an unfolding event in the absence of visual emotional information, to test the effect on memory. Emotion was elicited by a narrative of a woman being attacked when out on her first date. A neutral comparison story told of a woman who went on an uneventful date. Both versions of the story were accompanied by neutral images. An emotion response to the attack story was confirmed by significantly higher ratings of subjective anger and a trend for increased heart rate compared to the neutral story. Of interest, the authors revealed that for both groups, both gist and central information was better recalled than peripheral information, indicating that generalised memory narrowing occurred even in the absence of attention capturing visual information. In terms of the neurobiological model of EEM, the failure to detect differences in memory narrowing, and to elicit heart rate increases greater than chance may have reflected a weak emotional response. Facilitated memory for the emotional story may therefore have been caused by cognitive processes. For instance, the emotional story may have been more cohesive than the neutral story, thus making it more memorable (Levine & Edelstein, 2009). Further investigation of memory narrowing for thematic emotional events, which may be more consistent with typical emotional experiences, is therefore warranted. This section has identified that the cognitive process of appraising emotional information may influence the type of information attended to and retained. Differences in the scope of information retention for emotional compared to neutral stimuli may therefore be a useful index of the cognitive component of emotion proposed by Scherer (2001). 2.4.3 Motivation and motor expression The remaining components of emotion that have yet to be fully explored in neurobiological paradigms of EEM are directional (motivational component), and communicative (motor expression component). The motivational component reflects the preparation of specific behaviours or action tendencies to cope with the emotion elicitor. The most readily defined action tendency is the approach/withdraw dichotomy, in which appetitive stimuli elicit approach behaviour and aversive stimuli elicit withdraw behaviour (Cacioppo & Gardner, 1999). Other action tendencies include moving 30 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ over (dominance), moving under (submission), brief gratuitous contacts (playful exuberance), and unfocussed attentional stance (receptive openness) (Frijda, 2009). The motivational component of emotion could be determined by controlling the moderating influence of trait approach/avoidance motivation on attention scope. For instance, Gable and HarmonJones (2008) argued that if an individual was predisposed to approach appetising or rewarding stimuli, measured with Carver and White’s (1994) behavioural inhibition and activation system (BIS/BAS) scales, then they would have greater attention narrowing for appetising and rewarding images than individuals who were not approach motivated. Their hypothesis was supported with regression analyses, which revealed that after viewing approach motivating images, attention narrowing was predicted by individuals with higher BAS scores but not with lower BAS scores. Attention scope, and by extension memory scope, may thus provide useful information about the motivation component of emotion. The final emotion component, motor expression, reflects the communication of emotion and adaptive responding. Emotion can be communicated by facial expression, vocal expression, gestures, or posture. The adaptive response may be to clench the teeth for biting in defence or attack, or to protrude the tongue to eliminate odorous food (disgust). Considerable research on the facial expression of emotion has identified facial muscle activity that corresponds with specific emotions. For instance, emotions that elicit feelings of pleasure correspond with eye and mouth opening, nostril dilation, and upturned corners of the lips, while emotions that are unpleasant correspond with lowered brows, eye and nostril closing and upper lip raising (Scherer, 2001). Measurement of facial muscle activity thus provides an additional index of complex emotional responding. Testing the relationship between Scherer’s emotion components and memory would further our understanding of the parameters of the memory effect. Detection of a relationship between facilitated memory and activation of the peripheral efference component, but not the cognitive component of emotion, would support an orienting reflex explanation of facilitated memory. That is, the attention capturing stimulus would elicit an interruption to homeostasis that supported information processing at a perceptual level, but not to great detail at an appraisal and evaluation level. Conversely, detection of a relationship between facilitated memory and activation of the cognitive component of emotion, but not the peripheral efference component, would support a non-neurobiological explanation of facilitated memory; rehearsal or elaboration for instance. Detection of a relationship between facilitated memory and the synchronisation of multiple components of emotion, ideally subjective feeling, peripheral efference, and cognitive would further support the neurobiological model of EEM. When considering 31 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ application of these research findings outside the research laboratory, knowing whether memory is modulated by an orienting reflex, by rehearsal or elaboration, or by emotional arousal would assist with the development of appropriate memory treatments. 2.5 Music as an emotion stimulus For an emotion to occur, the organism must feel that an event or object is relevant to its current needs, goals, values, or general well-being (Frijda & Scherer, 2010). It can be difficult to select ‘relevant’ emotional stimuli that can elicit these feelings in the experimental laboratory. Attempts have been made using stimuli such as highly evocative images, images combined with tragic stories, or films; or by psycho-social means, such as receiving an unexpected reward or preparation for public speaking. These methods have been effective, as demonstrated by subjective reports and physiological correlates of emotion. Nevertheless, the strength, reliability, and external validity of these methods remain questionable (Eich, Ng, Macaulay, Percy, & Grebneva, 2007). For instance, it is likely that emotion is only weakly elicited due to the low level of relevance of the stimuli. Furthermore, due to the nature of the stimuli (e.g., evocative images) or the complexity of delivering the emotion stimulus (e.g., surprising someone with a gift), it would be impractical to use these methods to manipulate emotion in applied settings (e.g., in school settings, or aged-care facilities) to enhance memory. Music as a source of emotional arousal has yet to be fully explored in neurobiological investigations of EEM. This is surprising given that music has been described as a powerful source of emotional experiences (Gabrielsson, 2001) and is used widely to regulate emotion (Juslin & Laukka, 2004; Juslin, Liljestrom, Vastfjall, Barradas, & Silva, 2008; North, Hargreaves, & Hargreaves, 2004). The emotional function of music may have even contributed to the evolution of language (Brown, 2000). For instance, words provide referential meaning in language while the prosody of language, the variation in musical qualities such as pitch, rhythm, tone, melodic contour, and stress provides emotional information (Fernald, 1993; Trainor, Austin, & Desjardins, 2000). Music can portray a wide range of emotions, most notably exemplified in opera, and elicit strong feelings of emotion in listeners. Gabrielsson and Lindstrom-Wik (2003) demonstrated this point when they asked 900 participants to describe their experience of music. Factor analysis of participant responses revealed a number of emotion components, such as physical reactions, changes in behaviour, feelings of emotion, and existential and transcendental feelings. These results are meaningful as they provide empirical support 32 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ for the common notion that music can elicit powerful responses in listeners. Additionally, categories of responses felt by these research participants were consistent with components of emotion (Scherer, 2010). One potential argument against the use of music to manipulate EEM is that it is not capable of eliciting adaptive emotions such as fear, anger, disgust, sadness, or happiness (see Koelsch, Siebel, & Fritz, 2010 for a review of the arguments for and against music as a source of real emotions). This is an important point when considering music as a source of emotional arousal to manipulate EEM. Music cognitivists such as Kivy (1990) and Konecni (2008) argue that music in itself may not have the capacity to elicit adaptive emotions, yet it may elicit a sense of emotion by way of learned and culture specific music features that portray emotions (e.g. in Western culture minor mode is perceived as sad and major mode is perceived as happy). They do not seek to minimize the subjective experience of emotion that can be instilled by music; their argument is that the experience is not derived from an adaptive response that supports survival, but rather an aesthetic appreciation of the music (aesthetic emotion) or musicinduced cognitive associations. As such, music induced aesthetic emotions may not initiate the full range of physiological and behavioural responses that would be expected from adaptive emotions. There are, however, a number of music theorists who propose that music emotion does have adaptive function (Ball, 2010; Huron, 2003; Levitin, 2008; Perlovsky, 2010). Two such functions are pleasure derived from music listening, and social facilitation. Pleasure is felt when goals have been achieved, when exploratory behaviour results in reward, when one receives an unexpected gift, and so on. The pleasure state then imbues an information processing style that is more open to new ideas, elaborative, creative, broad and inclusive, flexible, intuitive, and uses less cognitively demanding heuristics to make decisions (see Ashby et al., 1999; Taylor, 1991, for reviews of empirical studies testing positive affective states on information processing). Information processing in this way reflects an outward looking view of the world, an exploration of new possibilities, and a broadening of horizons (see Fredrickson’s (1998) ‘broaden and build’ theory of positive affect and Cacioppo & Gardner’s (1997) ‘positivity offset’ hypothesis), all of which could be considered adaptive. Pleasurable music may also allow people to feel positive and to maintain self-esteem and preservation of self-concept (the 'mood repair hypothesis' proposed by Isen (1984) and reviewed by Taylor, 1991). In contrast to the assertion that pleasure from music has no adaptive value (e.g., Pinker, 1997), it may be speculated that music can have a direct influence on adaptive cognitive processes and can elicit mood states that support emotional well-being, exploration, and hence survival. 33 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ On another level, music may have functions that facilitate social affiliation through coordinated movement, bonding (mediated by the release of oxytocin, Huron, 2003), and relief of the anxieties associated with living in social groups (Benzon, 2001; see also Thompson, 2009 for a review of the proposed adaptive functions of music). Perlovsky (2010) maintains that the purpose of music is to bridge the gap between knowledge of the world and the emotional self, thereby enabling individuals to maintain their sense of self and their meaning for existence in an ever changing social environment. This gap was created with the advent of language, which anatomically separated emotional vocalisation centred in ancient brain structures from communication of “specific and complicated knowledge”, (p. 7), rewired to temporal cortical structures. The effect of music is therefore argued to not only elicit pleasure in the individual, with its subsequent facilitatory effects on cognitive processing, but also have a cohesive effect on the functioning of society (see also Koelsch et al., 2010). One of the primary outcomes of music as a social cohesive may therefore be emotion regulation, in which individuals have access to a means of anxiety relief, to share emotions with others, and a safe medium for selfexploration. A recently developed theoretical framework describes several psychological mechanisms by which emotion can be evoked by music (Juslin, Liljestrom, Vastfjall, & Lundqvist, 2010; Juslin & Vastfjall, 2008). The authors have named the theoretical framework BRECVEM, with each letter corresponding to one of the following mechanisms: (1) Brain stem reflexes, where sudden changes in auditory sensations (e.g. loudness, tempo, and dissonance) directly activate brain stem structures like the reticular system in a reflexive way to produce changes in central and peripheral nervous systems; (2) Rhythmic entrainment, in which strong rhythmical patterns in music interact with internal body rhythms and become synchronised (e.g. respiratory or heart rate increases or decreases to match the music tempo), with the proprioceptive feedback leading to a feeling of emotion in the listener; (3) Evaluative conditioning, where certain music types that are repeatedly presented with positive or negative stimuli, consciously or unconsciously, become associated; (4) emotional Contagion, in which characteristics of emotion that can be expressed by music (e.g. minor mode and slow tempo generally expresses sadness, major mode and fast tempo generally express happiness, and musical instruments can mimic emotional vocal expressions) become internalised by the listener; (5) Visual imagery, by which certain music characteristics (e.g. increasing sound frequency elicits feelings of increasing height) can evoke mental images that enhance the music’s emotionality; (6) Episodic memory, in which music is associated with a previously experienced emotional event (e.g. the ‘their playing our song’ phenomenon) and when 34 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ heard, acts as an emotional cue4; and (7) Musical expectancy, related to knowledge of musical syntax, and surprise when that syntax is violated. The BRECVEM theoretical framework can be applied to empirical research to elucidate possible mechanisms that caused an emotional response to music (e.g. Blumstein, Bryant, & Kaye, 2012; Olsen & Stevens, 2013; Vuoskoski & Eerola, 2011). Given the continuing controversy over whether music elicits adaptive emotions, it is imperative that efforts are made to verify music as an emotion eliciting stimulus. To meet the emotion criteria, music must elicit synchronised changes in the emotion components proposed in Scherer’s Component Process Model. There are now numerous studies that demonstrate music has the capacity to elicit responses that are consistent with many of these emotion components. 2.5.1 Subjective feeling component Asking participants to listen to music then reflect upon and report their feelings is the most commonly used method to measure emotional responses to music. The results of studies measuring subjective emotional responses to music across a wide range of participants, listening contexts, and music genres has provided strong support for the hypothesis that music elicits emotions. However, there is some concern that participants often report the emotion expressed in the music, rather than the emotion they feel. Explicit instructions to participants to report the emotion they feel and not the emotion expressed by the music may address this potential confound (see Schubert, 2007). Subjective responses to music have been measured in a variety of ways, ranging from simple 5 point Likert scales presented after music listening to measure discrete emotional responses, to more sophisticated methods that measure fine grained continuous responses to music in two-dimensional emotion space (Nagel, Kopiez, Grewe, & Altenmuller, 2005; Schubert, 1999). Empirical evidence of subjective emotional responses to music in naturalistic settings has been provided by numerous researchers. For instance, Sloboda (1991) revealed that of a sample of 83 16-70 year old musicians and non-musicians, 85-90% reported shivers, laughter, a lump in the throat, and tears when listening to music. Sloboda and O’Neill (2001) asked eight non-musicians aged between 1840 years to report their music listening habits every two hours over a period of two weeks. They 4 Note that the episodic memory mechanism differs from the evaluative conditioning mechanism in terms of autobiographical memory (former) and conscious or unconscious paired associations (latter). 35 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ revealed that there was a 44% chance that music would be listened to in a 2 hour period (purposeful music listening occurred only 2% of the time), and that music was experienced during personal maintenance, personal travel, and active leisure. This music listening resulted in participants becoming more positive, more alert, and more focused on the present. Juslin and Laukka (2004) explored expression, perception, and induction of emotion in the context of ordinary listeners’ interactions with music in everyday life. In their study, 141 participants from the general population described basic emotions such as anger, sadness, joy and fear as being expressed by music more often than complex emotions such as jealousy and shame, and that emotion was induced about 50% of the time. Emotions felt in response to music were commonly positive, such as happy, relaxed or moved. Their study revealed that music not only expressed emotions, but also evoked emotions and was used to change mood, match mood, and vent emotions. In addition, the most reported motives for listening to music were to express, release and influence emotions, to relax, and for enjoyment, fun, and pleasure. All of these responses point to a specific and active use of music to manipulate emotion (see also Saarikallio, 2011; vanGoethem & Sloboda, 2011). In a study comparing music-induced emotion to non-musical emotion, Juslin et al. (2008) asked 32 college students to answer questions relating to music use at random times during the day (participants were notified by a personal electronic device). Responses revealed that music listening evoked feelings of happiness, elation, nostalgia and longing most frequently. These responses to music were in contrast to anger, irritation, boredom, indifference, anxiety, and fear reported most frequently for non-music emotions. Participants reported that their motive for listening to music was to relax, to evoke calmness or contentment, and to influence feelings of sadness or melancholy. With the aim of creating and validating a specific rating system for musical emotions, Zentner et al. (2008) surveyed a total of 1393 participant’s emotional responses to music over four separate studies. In the first two studies (n = 354), they revealed that techno and Latin American music was rated as activating and classical and jazz evoked feelings of amazement and peacefulness. These results indicate that purposeful music listening can influence emotion. Studies of subjective emotional responses to music in naturalistic settings demonstrate that, according to a wide range of music listeners in different listening contexts, music elicits feelings of emotion. A general characteristic of music is that it tends to elicit positive and activating affective states, irrespective of the emotion expressed by the music. Furthermore, some musical genres can be more activating than others. Subjective emotional responses to music are also well documented in 36 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ experimental laboratory contexts using both dimensional and discrete methods of emotion measurement. Dimensional models of emotion classify subjective feelings of emotion along the two primary axes of arousal and valence. A third dimension resembling emotional intensity has also been proposed. However, as there is a lack of consistency in defining this third dimension and measurement of three dimensions increases the complexity of the task, dimensional models are mostly presented in two dimensions. The circumplex model developed by Russell (1980) and illustrated in Figure 2.6 is a widely cited dimensional model of emotion. The model has been validated by numerous researchers using a broad range of stimuli, including music (Bigand, Vieillard, Madurell, Marozeau, & Dacquet, 2005; Nagel et al., 2005; North & Hargreaves, 1997; Nyklicek, Thayer, & Van Doornen, 1997; Schubert, 1999), and a variety of response measures (reviewed by Posner, Russell, & Peterson, 2005). Q2 Q1 Q3 Q4 Figure 2.6 The circumplex model of emotion (Russell, 1980, p. 1164). The horizontal axis reflects affective valence, from negative to positive. The vertical axis reflects arousal, from passive to active. Q1 = Quadrant 1, Q2 = Quadrant 2, Q3 = Quadrant 3, and Q4 = Quadrant 4 (Schubert, 1999). 37 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ According to the circumplex model, emotions can be broadly categorised into four quadrants; positive and aroused or activated emotions such as joy and happiness would occupy Quadrant 1 (Q1, top right), negative and aroused or activated emotions such as fear would occupy Quadrant 2 (Q2, top left), negative and calm or deactivated emotions such as sadness would occupy Quadrant 3 (Q3, bottom left), and positive and calm or deactivated emotions such as contentment would occupy Quadrant 4 (Q4, bottom right). In a study testing the validity of a method of continuously measuring emotional responses to music, Schubert (1999) confirmed that participants spent longer in Q1 when reporting their response to positive and active music (Slavonic Dance, composed by Dvorkac) and more time in Q2 and Q3 when reporting their response to negative low arousal music (Morning, composed by Grieg). Similar effects of music on arousal and valence ratings have been reported by Gomez and Danuser (2004), Grewe, Nagel, Kopiez and Altenmuller (2007), and Witvliet and Vrana (2007). In sum, it can be concluded that music elicits subjective feelings of emotion. 2.5.2 Peripheral efference and motor expression components Activation of the peripheral efference and motor expression components of emotion have been widely investigated. Many of these studies focus on facial expression and ANS activity. In the primate, facial expressions communicate emotion to others (Ekman, 1992; Ekman, Levenson, & Friesen, 1983). Activation of facial muscles such as the corrugator supercilii, located on the upper central brow (frown), has been demonstrated to predict negative emotions, and the zygomaticus major, located on the cheek (smile), predicts positive emotions (see reviews by Bradley & Lang, 2000; Cacioppo, Berntson, Larsen, Poehlmann, & Ito, 2000). Meta-analyses of ANS activity studies (cardiac function, respiration, temperature, electrodermal activity, facial muscle activity, and movement) conducted by Cacioppo et al. (2000) revealed reliable differentiation of emotion could be obtained when emotion was categorised in terms of valence, for example how positive or negative it was. Their meta-analyses revealed increased cardiac function in response to negative compared to positive stimuli was a reliable predictor of emotion. A series of studies reported by Bradley and Lang (2000) revealed that skin conductance reactivity (or skin conductance response, SCR) was higher for negative and positive images and words compared to neutral comparisons, and that skin conductance reactivity was linearly related to subjective reports of arousal. There was, however, no difference in reactivity between positive and 38 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ negative stimuli, indicating the skin conductance response is a reliable measure of arousal, but does not differentiate the valence of the emotion. Cacioppo et al. (2000) and Bradley and Lang (2000) have proposed that physiological responses to emotional stimuli can be best explained in terms of the motivation to approach (positive) or avoid (negative) the stimulus, and the degree of urgency to which the motivational action is required (arousal). For instance, both positive and negative emotion stimuli elicit action tendencies (approach or withdraw) that require ANS support. Therefore, emotional stimuli that requires action increases physiological arousal levels, which can be mapped onto the arousal dimension of the circumplex model. Further, negative stimuli are more likely to pose immediate threat to survival or wellbeing, thus leading to greater ANS response than positive stimuli (Taylor, 1991). The degree of arousal could therefore differentiate positive and negative emotions, with higher levels of arousal more likely to index ‘negative and aroused’ emotions in Q2 of the two-dimensional space. Previous research has indicated that the valence of low arousal emotions, such as sadness and contentment, are difficult to differentiate based on their physiological correlates. Therefore the location of emotions that reduce physiological activity on the valence dimension (bottom half of the two-dimensional emotion space) is difficult to predict. The emotion categorisation framework described above will be used to summarise the findings from a selection of studies investigating music effects on emotion and the peripheral nervous system (Figure 2.7); see Hodges (2010) for a full review of studies investigating physiological responses to music dating back to the beginning of the 20th century. Each of the studies presented in Figure 2.7 has been assigned a number that corresponds to the author’s study. As the method of comparison between conditions across studies varies a great deal, for instance, reported comparisons included those that were between music that varied in valence, arousal, both valence and arousal, or to non-music listening conditions (such as viewing a musician without audio compared to hearing the musician without vision, Chapados & Levitin, 2008), the results summarised in Figure 2.7 have been marked with ‘Q1’, Q2’, ‘Q3’ or ‘Q4’ to clarify the results being compared. Therefore, a study number presented in Q1 of the emotion space with the superscripts Q2 and Q3 would represent a study that compared music from Q1 (positive and arousing) with music from Q2 (negative and arousing) and Q3 (negative and deactivating). The two graphs at the bottom of each quadrant represent the predicted5 (left graph) and actual (right graph) percentage of studies reporting increases, no change, and decreases in SNS response. The Q1 5 Predictions were based on subjective reports cited in music-emotion studies reviewed in section 2.5.1 and nonmusic studies of physiological emotion response reviewed in the current section. 39 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ prediction graph reflects prediction of the highest proportion of studies reporting SNS increases and the least reporting no change; Q2 reflects the prediction of increased SNS responses, however with a greater proportion of studies reporting no change (due to lower arousal levels elicited by positive emotions); and Q3 and Q4 reflect the prediction that in most instances (approximately 66%), low arousal music will reduce SNS levels and a large proportion (approximately 33%) will report not change. A few points should be noted when interpreting the contents of Figure 2.7. Some studies used multi-modal sources of emotional arousal, such as music varying in emotional valence and arousal whilst participants viewed films or images (Baumgartner, Esslen, & Jancke, 2006a; Ellis & Simons, 2005). Therefore, as physiological effects of music were of interest, only music main effects or conditions containing music and no other stimulus have been summarised. The chills response – the experience of goose bumps or thrills when listening to music – has been included as a physiological response due to research conducted by Eckart Altenmuller and colleagues (Grewe, Kopiez, & Altenmuller, 2009; Grewe, Nagel, Kopiez, & Altenmuller, 2005; Nagel, Kopiez, Grewe, & Altenmuller, 2008) demonstrating a strong relationship between chills, emotional responses to music, and skin conductance responses. Facial activity was not considered an SNS response therefore EMG results were excluded from the SNS graphs in each quadrant. Finally, participant-selected music was treated as positive and arousing, even if the music itself expressed negative emotion. 40 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ Q2 Negative Activated Increase No Change Decrease Q4 Chills Q1 10 +v Q2,Q4 10 13 HRR RR 2 13 Q3 Q3 Q3 1 3 5 SCL SCR Temp 5 8 Q1 1 Q2,Q4,Q3 Q3 2 Q1,Q4,Q3 Q4,Q3 2 13 Q1,Q3 Q1 Q4,Q3 1 5 9 Q1,Q4 10 Q3 13 Q1 Q1 Q1 1 3 5 Q1,Q4,Q3 9 Q4 10 Q3 1 Q3 Q3 Q1,Q4 1 5 10 BL Q3 Q4 3 5 8 Q1,Q4 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q3 13 Q1 9 7 13 -a Q3 BL Q2,Q3 4 5 6 9 NM 11 Q1 12 Q3 Q3 -a Q1 Q1 5 10 +v 2 Q1 Q1 Q4 1 5 8 25 + 0 0 % - 42 + Expected Increase Chills EMGf EMGs HR HRR RR SCL SCR Temp 0 Q3 BL 1 3 4 5 6 Q4,Q3 9 Q2,Q3 Q2,Q4 NM 5 10 11 -v Q3 2 7 Q2 Q2,Q3 1 5 60 21 - + Actual 0 2 7 Q2,Q1,Q4 Q2,Q4 2 13 Q1,Q3 Q1 Q2,Q3 1 7 9 Q2 13 Q2,Q3 9 Q1,Q4 2 13 Increase Q1 1 Q1 7 66 % 33 % 0 + 0 Expected - 27 + 35 0 11 48 % - + BL 6 5 2 Q2 8 - Actual 13 0 - Q2 10 13-v Q1 13 +a Q2 4 8 -v Q2,Q3 2 13 +a Q1 4 9 Q1 Q2 8 10 Q2 10 -v 48 40 Actual 10 Q2,Q1,Q3 2 Q2,Q1,Q3 Q2,Q3 2 13 Q2,Q1,Q3 Q2,Q1 9 10 Q4 13 BL Q2Q3 6 9 Q2,Q1 Q2,Q1 Q2,Q1 1 Q2,Q1 Q2 1 5 1Q2,Q3 7Q3 Q4 Positive Deactivated No Change Decrease Q1 Q1 Q2 2-v 13Q2,Q3 NM Expected 13 7 BL Q2,Q1 Q1 3 5 9 1 3 Q1 9 Q2,Q1 Q1 5 7 +v 2 Q1 5 Q2,Q4 1 10 0 Q2,Q1,Q4 Q1 13 Q3 40 % Q3 Negative Deactivated No Change Decrease +v +v 36 13-v 2 7 Q2,Q4,Q3 2 Q1,Q3 BL Q2 Q3 1 3 5 7 Q4 Q2,Q4 9 10 BL Q4 12 13 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q1 1 3 5 9 NM 11 Q2,Q4,Q3 75 % Decrease NM 11 Q1,Q4,Q3 EMGf EMGs HR +v 10 Q1 Positive Activated Increase No Change Q1 Q2,Q1 10 66 % 33 % 0 + 0 Expected - 40 50 0 - 10 + Actual Figure 2.7 Summary of studies measuring physiological responses to music. Horizontal axis represents valence (negative to positive), vertical axis represents activation (activated to deactivated). The left graph at the bottom of each quadrant represents predicted proportion (%) of studies reporting SNS increase (+), no change (0), and decrease (-). The right graph represents actual proportion. Measures: EMGf electromyogram frown (corrugator supercilii), EMGs electromyogram smile (zygomaticus major), HR heart rate, HRR heart rate response, RR respiratory rate, SCL skin conductance level, SCR skin conductance response, Temp finger temperature. Comparison Key: BL Baseline, NM neutral music, Q2 negative active, Q1 positive active, Q4 positive calm, Q3 negative calm, -a low arousal, +a high arousal, -v negative valence, +v positive valence. Study authors: (1) Baumgartner, Esslen, and Jancke (2006a), (2) Ellis and Simons (2005), (3) Etzel, Johnsen, Dickerson, Tranel, and Adolphs (2006), (4) Iwanaga and Moroki (1999), (5) Krumhansl (1997), (6) Lingham and Theorell (2009), (7) Lundqvist, Carlsson, Hilmersson, and Juslin (2009), (8) Nater, Abbruzzese, Krebs, and Ehlert (2006), (9) Nyklicek, et al. (1997), (10) Rickard (2004), (11) Salimpoor, Benovoy, Longo, Cooperstock, and Zatorre (2009), (12) Sammler, Grigutsch, Fritz, and Koelsch (2007), (13) Witvliet and Vrana (2007). 41 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ The consistency between expected and actual patterns of physiological responses to music in the studies summarised in Figure 2.7 makes it clear that music has the capacity to increase physiological arousal, although many studies also reported no change. It can be seen that there are more studies reporting increased SNS activity than decreased activity in response to arousing music (both negative and positive). Conversely, there are more studies reporting decreased SNS activity than increased activity in response to deactivating or calming music (negative or positive). These trends are consistent with those predicted for physiological responses to emotional stimuli. Interestingly, the most consistent increases in physiological arousal were elicited by positive and arousing music, which was in contrast to the prediction that negative and arousing music would elicit the highest physiological responses. This trend is consistent with the subjective reports of positive and activated feelings elicited by music (reviewed in Section 2.5.1). Nevertheless, there remain a substantial number of studies that report no music effect. The null results that are common in these studies may be due to a number of confounding factors. For instance, pleasure elicited from participants’ own music selections results in greater physiological responses than experimenter-selected arousing music (Rickard, 2004). Music preference, liking or familiarity also influences physiological activity, with highly familiar music polarising physiological responses (Witvliet & Vrana, 2007). Physiological responses also appear to depend on gender, with females responding with greater activation to negative and arousing music (Nater et al., 2006). These and many other confounding variables result in highly variable data, thus weakening the capacity of statistical tests to detect differences between conditions. However, overall there is evidence to support the hypothesis that emotionally arousing music activates the ANS, thus validating the use of music to manipulate emotion and facilitate memory. Studies of music effects on the neuroendocrine system are less prevalent than those on subjective or physiological responses. With the small number of studies conducted in this area comes even wider variability in the results. Of the studies conducted, there have been reports of music decreasing, increasing, or having no effect on neuroendocrine activity. Cortisol levels were reported to decrease after listening to music that was meditative (Mockel et al., 1994), relaxing (Khalfa, Dalla Bella, Roy, Peretz, & Lupien, 2003; Yamamoto, Naga, & Shimizu, 2007), or sung by a choir (Kreutz, Bongard, Rohrmann, Hodapp, & Grebe, 2004), and activating music has been reported to increase cortisol levels (Gerra et al., 1998; Vanderark & Ely, 1992; 1993, Music Major group). However, both relaxing and activating music has also been reported to have no effect on cortisol levels (Gerra et al., 1998; Knight & 42 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ Rickard, 2001; Mockel et al., 1994; Nater et al., 2006; Rickard, 2004; Stefano, Zhu, Cadet, Salamon, & Mantione, 2004; Vanderark & Ely, 1993, Biology Major group). The effects of music on plasma concentrations of NE, EPI, and ACTH have been investigated to a lesser extent, and the findings are similarly inconsistent. Gerra, et al. (1998) exposed participants to 30 minutes of positive relaxing classical music (60-100 bpm) and techno music (130-200 bpm), separated by three days. They revealed that techno music significantly increased plasma NE and ACTH whereas classical music had no effect. Hirokawa and Ohira (2003) reported a trend for uplifting music to increase NE levels. Yet Mockel et al. (1994) reported no effect of classical music on ACTH, NE or EPI, and Vanderark and Ely (1992, 1993) reported no effect of classical music on NE. There is therefore weak evidence for music to modulate the endocrine system. The inconsistency of the music effects demonstrates that various additional factors may need to be controlled to reduce variability. For instance, music effects have been found to be moderated by features of the music (e.g. moderate compared to fast tempo, Gerra et al., 1998), individual differences in musical instrument training (Vanderark & Ely, 1992, 1993), personality traits such as novelty-sensation seeking (Gerra et al., 1998), and gender (Nater et al., 2006). The stringent and intrusive methodology required for collection of neuroendocrine assays, combined with unreliable results, limits the practicality of measuring neuroendocrine changes to index emotional responses to music. 2.5.3 Cognitive component Increased central nervous system activation, particularly in the limbic system and orbitofrontal cortex, is an index of the increased cognitive processing required to appraise emotional stimuli. Using music as the emotion elicitor, researchers investigating the neural correlates of emotion have reported activation of a number of limbic structures involved in emotion processing (see review by Koelsch et al., 2010). In brief, various types of music (computer generated, naturalistic, consonant, dissonant, experimenter-selected, and participant-selected) modulate activity in the orbitofrontal cortex, amygdala, hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus, anterior cingulate gyrus, insula, and ventral striatum. Activation of these brain regions is consistent with cognitive appraisal of emotional information. In a PET study, Blood and Zatorre (2001) scanned musician’s brains while they listened to their own selections of intensely pleasurable music or another participants music. They revealed that the intensity of chills elicited by music, argued to be a reliable marker of pleasurable response to music, was 43 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ correlated with increased blood flow to ventral striatum, midbrain, thalamus, anterior cingulate, supplementary motor area, and cerebellum. Many of these structures, particularly a cluster of neurons in the ventral striatum called the nucleus accumbens (NAc), form part of the reward system (Spanagel & Weiss, 1999), a system inherently related to seeking behaviour and the experience of positive emotions upon goal attainment (Panksepp, 1998). Additionally, chills intensity was correlated with decreased blood flow to the amygdala, hippocampus, and ventral medial prefrontal cortex. The authors interpreted decreased activity in the amygdala and hippocampus as inhibition of negative emotion. Thus, pleasurable music was argued to not only activate the reward system, but also inhibit structures involved in negative emotion. Similar brain regions have been activated when participants passively listen to unfamiliar pleasant and arousing music (Brown, Martinez, & Parsons, 2004; Menon & Levitin, 2005), and self-selected intensely pleasurable music (Salimpoor, Benovoy, Larcher, Dagher, & Zatorre, 2011). In a different approach to understanding the neural correlates of emotion, Baumgartner et al. (2006b) combined emotional background music with emotional images taken from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS). Using fMRI, they revealed that relative to viewing a fixation point, viewing negative emotional images activated the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, indicating that the cognitive process of evaluation had occurred. Additional activity in limbic and paralimbic structures was elicited by negative emotional images combined with negative emotional music (fearful and sad classical music). Specifically, the amygdala was activated by combining negative images with negative music, but not by negative images presented alone. To further investigate whether the amygdala responds to positive in contrast to negative auditory stimuli, Koelsch et al. (2006) presented participants with both joyful dance tunes and digitally manipulated dissonant versions of the same tunes. Their results were consistent with those reported by Blood and Zatorre (2001) in that positive and pleasant music decreased activity in the amygdala. In addition, Koeslch et al. (2006) revealed that the dissonant and unpleasant music comparison increased amygdala activity. In sum, these studies demonstrate that positive music can both activate brain structures involved in reward and positive emotion, and inhibit those that are involved in negative emotion. Similarly, negative music (when combined with pictures) or music that is unpleasant can activate brain structures more commonly involved in negative emotion. The extant literature has demonstrated that increases in frontal midline theta, generalised decreases in alpha, and frontal asymmetry are correlated with emotion processing. The studies summarised in Table 2.3 demonstrate that music can also elicit such changes. Positive and arousing 44 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ music has been shown to increase frontal midline theta relative to unpleasant or negative low arousal comparisons in two studies (Lin, Duann, Chen, & Jung, 2010; Sammler et al., 2007), and to increased left frontal activation (indexed by reduced alpha power) relative to negative music or sounds in an additional four studies (Altenmuller, Schurmann, Lim, & Parlitz, 2002; Flores-Gutierrez et al., 2007; Kim, Yoon, Kim, Jho, & Lee, 2003; Schmidt & Trainor, 2001). Nevertheless, it should be noted that two studies did not detect any frontal asymmetry in response to positive or negative music (Iwaki, Hayashi, & Hori, 1997; Sammler et al., 2007). Music has also been reported to reduce alpha power relative to resting states (Iwaki et al., 1997). Interestingly, a number of the studies summarised in Table 2.3 measured a broad range of frequency bands and revealed that the alpha band was the most sensitive to the music manipulations. Additionally, females were reported to be more responsive to emotional music than males (Altenmuller et al., 2002). In contrast to these reports of brain activity in response to music that are consistent with emotional response, Baumgartner et al. (2006a) revealed that music alone relative to pictures alone or music combined with pictures had the least effect on brain activity. It is not clear from this report however whether the music nonetheless increased brain activity relative to baseline levels. 45 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 2.3 EEG activation in response to music Author/s Age (years) 12 - 15 Gender Baumgartner , Esslen, and Jancke (2006a) Mean 26.1, SD 5.3 FloresGutierrez et al. (2007) Iwaki, Hayashi, and Hori (1997) Altenmuller, Schurmann, Lim, and Parlitz (2002) Handed -ness Right Music Training Yes 22 F Right ? Mean 25.0, SD 3.05 11 M 8F Right No 21 – 28 5M 5F ? No 8M 8F Music stimuli 15 s excerpts 40 jazz 40 rock-pop 40 classical Half negative, half positive, matched on arousal. 3 x 70 s excerpts; fear, sadness, happiness. Classical genre. Presented alone or combined with images. 3 full pieces, pleasant and happy (1 soft, 1 vigorous), and 1 fearful. 2 x 3 min 40 s excerpts; Fear, calm. Classical genre. 46 Non-music stimuli 40 x 15 s environmental sounds 48 IAPS and other images; fear, sadness, happiness. Presented alone or combined with music. 30 s white noise alternating with 30 s music. 1 min resting baseline Electrodes Frequency Results 32, 10/20 system. dc – 30 Hz Positive music, ↑ L front activation. More for females. Negative music, bilateral activation. 30, 10/20 system collapsed to 4 clusters; anterior L and R, posterior L and R. 19, 10/20 system 8 – 13 Hz (alpha) Music alone least activating relative to pictures alone and music and pictures combined. 3 – 8 Hz, 8 – 10 Hz, 11 – 14 Hz, 14 – 25 Hz Positive music ↑ L activation, negative music bilateral activation. 12 7.6 – 15.4 Hz (alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, and beta). ↑ alpha-2 amplitude (cortical activation) at the start of both music excerpts relative to rest. Arousing but not calming music ↑ frontal coherence relative to rest. Calming music had similar coherence values to rest. CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Author/s cont. Particip ant age (years) Mean 24.6, SD 2.5 Gender Handed -ness Music Training Music stimuli 14 M 10 F Right No 30 s excerpts, movie soundtracks, positive arouse, negative arouse, positive calm, negative calm. Sammler et al.(2007) 20 – 30 8M 10 F Right No 10 x 1 min consonant joyful music tunes. 10 x 1 min dissonant manipulations of same tunes. 6 x 30 s baseline silence periods 63, 10/20 system Schmidt and Hanslmayr (2009) Mean 22, SD 2 8M 8F 13 Right 3 Left ? 3 x 2 min classical or rock music excerpts; positive, negative, neutral. 2 min resting baseline 61, equidistant whole head montage. Schmidt and Trainor (2001) 18 - 34 29 M 30 F Right ? 4 x 60 s classical music excerpts; intenseunpleasant, intense-pleasant, calm-pleasant, calm-unpleasant. Lin et al. (2010) 47 Non-music stimuli Electrodes Frequency Results 32 channel 10/20 system. 1 – 3 Hz (delta) 4 – 7 Hz (theta) 8 – 13 Hz (alpha) 14 – 30 Hz (beta) 31 – 50 Hz (gamma) Individual alpha frequency defined theta, lower alpha 1, lower alpha 2, upper alpha, beta. 8 – 12 Hz (alpha) 4 – 8 Hz (theta) 12 – 20 Hz (beta1) Positive valence and high arousal music related to ↑ midline theta. F3, F4, P3, P4, 10/20 system 8 – 13 Hz (alpha) ↑ frontal midline theta relative to baseline for music with high pleasant ratings. No change from baseline for music with high unpleasant ratings. No frontal asymmetry in the alpha bands detected. Alpha asymmetry; ↑ left baseline activity = ↑ positive ratings and ↑ enjoyment for all music compared to ↑ right baseline activity. Negative music enjoyed most by left active. No effect for the other frequency bands. Positive music ↑ left activity, negative music ↑ right activity. Positive music ↑ frontal activity relative to negative music. CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ The research on music effects on the neural correlates of emotion generally supports the claim that music is capable of stimulating the cognitive component of emotion, indexed by increased cortical activity in emotion processing brain regions. Music has therefore been found to activate brain structures involved in emotion processing and elicit valence specific changes in electrical brain activity that is consistent with emotional responding. This section has reviewed the effects of music on multiple components of emotion; subjective reports of emotion feeling, cognitive processes, and changes in the peripheral nervous system, somatic nervous system, and neuroendocrine system. In general, music has been subjectively reported as playing an important role in emotion regulation and for the elicitation of positive and activated mood states. Consistent with the subjective reports, music elicits brain activity (cognitive component) that is correlated with emotion processing in general, and positive emotion in response to rewarding stimuli. Additionally, negative and unpleasant music elicits activation of the amygdala, which is an important structure involved in modulating EEM. Physiological responses to music provide further evidence that music has the capacity to modulate the physical, ‘action tendency’ component of emotion. Nevertheless, the high variability in these responses indicates that music effects can be inconsistent and warrant strict control of moderating variables. Such variables include gender, musical features, music familiarity, and musical instrument training. A unique advantage of music, however, is that it can act as both an intrinsic and an extraneous source of emotional arousal. In terms of an intrinsic source of arousal, music can be the source of emotion and the target for memory testing, much like emotional images, words or stories. In this context, memory for emotionally arousing music could be compared to memory for neutral music (arousal intrinsic to the MTBR). The unique quality of music is that it can also be used as an extraneous source of arousal, applied in a similar way to other exogenous arousal treatments (e.g., administering cortisol or exposure to psychological stress) before, during or after presentation of unrelated MTBR. In terms of external validity, music as a source of extraneous arousal would clearly be more acceptable than existing psychological or pharmacological interventions designed to manipulate EEM. 48 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2.6 Music effects on memory encoding and consolidation Anecdotal evidence of music’s effect on memory includes the ‘they’re playing our song’ phenomenon, whereby certain music tracks can cue vivid recall of autobiographical memory (e.g., Janata, Tomic, & Rakowski, 2007). The emotional nature of the music may have therefore activated the neurobiological memory consolidation mechanism, thus strengthening memory for the event. Unfortunately, this proposition is difficult to test retrospectively as there is no means of measuring neurobiological activity during the encoding of the event. Nevertheless, the phenomenon is powerful and supports music as an emotional stimulus to facilitate LTM. Empirical evidence of the effect of music on short-term and/or working memory is more forthcoming. The background to many of these studies has been to investigate the effect of background auditory stimuli on phonological processing (e.g. Boyle & Coltheart, 1996; Salame & Baddeley, 1989) and learning (e.g. de Groot, 2006; Jancke & Sandmann, 2010), or as a means of inducing mood to test moodcongruent, mood-dependent, or context-dependent memory. In the phonological processing domain, various properties of the music and the task have been manipulated to increase or decrease the demands on information processing. The main findings are that when information processing demands are increased by increasing the tempo, loudness, complexity or familiarity of background music, or by including lyrics; memory performance declines (Cassidy & MacDonald, 2007; Iwanaga & Ito, 2002; Nittono, 1997; Salame & Baddeley, 1989; Sousou, 1997; Woo Ee & Kanachi, 2005). These impairing effects contrast with facilitatory effects of soft or simple instrumental background music (Hallam, Price, & Katsarou, 2002; Kiger, 1989). Studies have revealed that the effects of background music also depend on individual differences in extraversion and preference for background music while studying. Furnham and Allass (1999) revealed a classic cross-over interaction between music that differed in complexity (high and low) and participants that scored high or low on the extraversion scale of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. In the presence of complex background music, participants high on the extraversion scale performed better on an object memory task than their low scoring counterparts, and low scorers on the extraversion scale performed better in the presence of simple background music. Extraversion, introversion, and preference for background music while studying (related to extraversion) were also reported to moderate memory by Cassidy and MacDonald (2007) and Crawford and Strapp (1994). The results of these studies demonstrate that background music that increases demand on limited cognitive 49 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ processing capacity can impair short-term memory performance if the individual is overly sensitive to arousing stimuli (one of the primary characteristics of introverts, Strelau & Eysenck, 1987), while simple low demand background music can facilitate memory performance. The latter conclusion should be treated with caution however, given the low number of studies reporting facilitatory effects of music relative to those that report no effects or memory impairment. Of note, moderating variables identified in these studies include music familiarity, music complexity, and task complexity, but not gender (Hallam et al., 2002; Kiger, 1989). With the exception of gender, these memory moderating variables are consistent with the emotion moderating variables identified in Section 2.4. Mood-state or mood-dependent memory is the phenomenon of facilitated LTM for an event when current or induced mood at recall is congruent with mood during encoding. The mood state at recall is posited to activate a network of associated memory nodes, thereby making the memory trace more accessible to retrieval (Eich & Forgas, 2003). In this context, music has been used to induce mood before encoding and then again before recall to test mood-dependency, or to influence the affective tone of encoded information and then assess memory performance when the same music, mood incongruent music, or no music is presented during recall. Empirical work demonstrates the effectiveness of music for this purpose (Balch, Bowman, & Mohler, 1992; Balch & Lewis, 1996; Balch, Myers, & Papotto, 1999; Boltz, Schulkind, & Kantra, 1991; Boltz, 2001; de l'Etoile, 2002; Tesoriero & Rickard, 2011; Thaut & de l'Etoile, 1993), thus validating the use of music to manipulate mood. In general, background music impairs or has no effect on short-term or working memory if individual differences in arousal responsiveness are not controlled, but can act as a cue for the retrieval of LTM. Studies that have specifically investigated the effects of music before, during, or after encoding on long-term declarative memory have also generally failed to detect long-term facilitatory effects of music, relative to silence (Boltz, 2001; de Groot, 2006; de l'Etoile, 2002; Thaut & de l'Etoile, 1993). The studies conducted by de Groot, Boltz, and Thaut and de l’Etoile, presented music in the background while participants either viewed short films (Boltz), learnt foreign language words (de Groot), or created antonyms for words (Thaut & de l’Etoile). Although comparison of the various music conditions tested in these studies failed to reveal statistically significant facilitatory effects of background music, trends in the Thaut and de l’Etoile data suggest that music may have had some beneficial effect. More promising music effects on LTM were revealed by Judde and Rickard (2010), who presented music during the consolidation period. Figure 2.8 presents the mean percentage of total items recalled for each of the above cited studies, with the exception of de Groot, which presents the percentage of items retained 50 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ from learning (week one) to retrieval (week two). Note that the means for Boltz, and Judde and Rickard are approximations as values for these specific comparisons were not reported. 70 60 Percent 50 40 Music 30 Silence 20 10 0 Boltz de Groot de l'Etoile Judde & Rickard Thaut & de l'Etoile Figure 2.8 Mean percentage of item recall between participants exposed to music and to silence Similar trends for facilitatory effects of music relative to silence are apparent in the results reported by Judde and Rickard (2010), and de l’Etoile (2002). Judde and Rickard presented arousing music (based on pilot testing) immediately after word list learning or at a delay of twenty or forty five minutes. They revealed a significant increase in the number of words recalled after a one-week delay when positive or negative music was presented at the 20 minute interval relative to the 45 minute interval (which was comparable to a control silence group). Further analysis of the moderating effect of arousal responsiveness, measured with the BIS/BAS scale, revealed a significant facilitatory effect of music at the twenty minute interval over silence for participants high on the BAS drive subscale. Analysis of the subjective ratings of mood in response to the music revealed that the arousing and positive music (Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6, 3rd mvt.) elicited positive mood valence without being arousing, and arousing and negative music (Mussorgsky’s Night on Bald Mountain) was arousing without eliciting negative mood. Based on these subjective ratings, it may be surmised that both positive nonarousing music and valence-neutral arousing music modulated LTM. Alternatively, as suggested by the study authors, the subjective ratings may not have reflected changes in physiological arousal. As such, replication with measures of physiological arousal is required. Importantly, the significant effect of post- 51 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ encoding music on LTM is consistent with arousal modulation of memory consolidation. Additionally, the stronger memory effects for participants more responsive to arousing stimuli (high BAS drive scorers) adds further support to an arousal-based explanation of facilitated memory in this group. Turning to the effects of music presented before encoding on LTM, de l’Etoile (2002) induced positive mood by asking participants to listen to the first five minutes of Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto in A, Opus 107 before writing antonyms for a list of 40 words. Despite the trend in the data, free recall of the antonyms the next day failed to reveal an advantage of music over silence. Closer scrutiny of each of these studies indicates that arousal may not have been fully considered as a memory modulator (with the exception of Judde & Rickard, 2010), despite convincing evidence of the modulatory effect of arousal on the consolidation of memory (reviewed in Section 2.1). The failure to facilitate memory may therefore be due to the use of pleasant but not particularly arousing music (e. g. part of J. S. Bach’s Fourth Brandenburg Concerto and Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto in A), relative to the subjectively reported arousing music used by Judde and Rickard (Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6, 3rd mvt. and Mussorgsky’s, Night on Bald Mountain), or by not controlling for arousal differences between concurrently presented music excerpts. For instance, Boltz (2001) presented participants with three ambiguous film clips combined with either positive or negative music with various levels of arousal, or no music. Pre-testing confirmed that the positive and negative music selections were subjectively perceived as positive and negative. However, the arousal properties of the music were not controlled. Forced choice, old or new recognition memory testing of film objects after a one week delay revealed that positive items were more readily recalled for films presented with positive music, and that negative items were more readily recalled for films presented with negative music. Nevertheless, music had no additive effect on memory relative to no music. Thus, music influenced the encoding of information but did not increase the total number of items retained. Furthermore, three different music excerpts combined with ambiguous films were repeatedly presented to participants. It is therefore possible that arousal elicited by any one of the music tracks influenced encoding and consolidation of all films, thus decreasing mean memory differences between conditions after the one-week delay. The investigation of the effect of music on short-term and LTM has demonstrated that music can influence mood and modulate subjective experience of arousal. Nevertheless, it has yet to be clearly demonstrated that the mood and arousal changes elicited by music are powerful enough to modulate LTM. The findings that individuals who respond positively to arousing music, such as those who score highly on extraversion or BAS scales, also have higher memory scores indicates that music 52 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ induced arousal may indeed be modulating performance. At time of writing, there have been no reports of studies that monitor concomitant ANS responses to music to confirm definitively that music facilitated memory is modulated by emotional arousal. 2.7 Individual differences As has been demonstrated in this review, emotion and memory are complex constructs comprised of many interacting variables. The use of music as an emotion stimulus adds further complexity given the wide range of responses it can elicit in individuals. Variability that arises from testing such complex phenomena can be reduced to some degree by controlling known moderating variables. For instance, emotion effects on memory have been observed after controlling for individual differences in arousal responsiveness (Bloise & Johnson, 2007; Judde & Rickard, 2010; Nielson & Lorber, 2009). Gender differences have also been demonstrated to moderate memory performance (e.g. Bloise & Johnson, 2007; Cahill & van Stegeren, 2003). As individual differences in music experience can both influence emotional response to music (e.g. Steinbeis, Koelsch, & Sloboda, 2006) and have a direct influence on verbal memory (e.g. Chin & Rickard, 2010), it would seem likely that they would have a moderating influence on the relationship between emotion and memory. Likewise, familiar and/or enjoyed music can influence arousal, which can then influence memory. The familiarity and enjoyment of music, including music that is disliked or not enjoyed may also be distracting, thus impairing memory encoding. The control of individual differences is thus warranted when testing the complex relationship between emotion, music, and memory. 2.8 Conclusion Emotion-enhanced memory is a well-documented phenomenon that is amenable to experimental manipulation. The empirical studies reviewed in this chapter have provided insight into the mechanisms that underlie various aspects of memory, from perception of and attention to the target material, to the consolidation of the material into long-term declarative memory. The principal finding in both animal and human studies is that activation of the BLA is critical to EEM. The BLA is 53 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ sensitive to emotional stimuli and regulates responding by projecting to a number of brain structures that support action. The BLA also projects to brain structures that regulate gene transcription and synaptic growth required for permanent memory storage. Level of activation is an important property of this mechanism. Under normal circumstances, the amygdala is strongly inhibited. As such, the amygdala either requires highly activating stimuli to reach the threshold required for memory consolidation, or reinforced activation from feedback loops from the central and peripheral nervous systems. McGaugh and others have convincingly demonstrated that arousal hormones released from the adrenal medulla activate brain stem structures that in turn have noradrenergic projections to the BLA, and hormones released from the adrenal cortex cross the blood-brain barrier to activate the BLA directly. Concomitant autonomic activation provides the organism with the physiological support to act in response to the arousal stimulus. The detection of a positive relationship between ANS activity and LTM would thus support the neurobiological model of EEM. One of the limitations of research investigating arousal-modulated memory is the type of stimulus used. Human studies typically include highly arousing, often negative images or stories to elicit the required arousal response. As a consequence, there is a paucity of research testing the effects of positive emotional arousal on memory. An argument against comparing positive and negative emotions has been that arousal is the critical memory-modulating factor, therefore similar memory effects should apply to both positive and negative arousing stimuli. Nevertheless, the use of negative emotional stimuli to facilitate LTM may be limited in ecological settings as compliance rates and motivation to continue treatment may be compromised. The research field could therefore be extended by considering the lasting effect of both negative and positive emotions on memory. A source of positive emotional arousal yet to be comprehensively exploited in this context is music. The effect of music on subjective experience of emotion, brain activity, and physiological responses consistent with emotion has been validated in a number of studies. Furthermore, there are promising trends for music to effectively facilitate the consolidation of LTM, although at this point in the absence of evidence of ANS activation. These findings indicate that music could be a valid means of experimentally manipulating EEM. Furthermore, the flexibility of music delivery means that emotion elicited by music could be applied in almost any context (e.g. via portable music players) and for any MTBR (e.g. played before, during, or after encoding). Music applied in this way may therefore provide the link between facilitating memory in the research laboratory to facilitating memory in everyday settings, including clinical, educational, and occupational applications. 54 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ___________________________________________________________________________________ In sum, the source of facilitated memory in humans (i.e. orienting reflex rather than emotional response; or cognitive processes, such as encoding efficiency and post-encoding elaboration rather than adrenal neuromodulation) has yet to be unequivocally demonstrated. There is also a paucity of research investigating the effects of arousal elicited by positive emotions on memory consolidation. The controlled use of music as the emotion stimulus may allow for these gaps in the knowledge to be filled. There are many properties of music that make it appealing as an emotion stimulus: it is widely used in the community to regulate emotions; it can be physiologically activating or calming; it can elicit feelings of both positive and negative emotions; and most importantly, it can be used as an extraneous source of emotion applied before, during, or after the MTBR, thus lending flexibility to the type of information the emotion treatment can be applied to. Music may therefore be a novel method of facilitating memory for a diverse range of populations, in varying ecological contexts, and for a wide range of information. 55 3 GENERAL METHOD Three controlled experiments were conducted to test the hypotheses raised in this thesis. An overview of the methods used in each experiment and method details that were consistent across experiments will be provided in this section. Elaboration of methods specific to each experiment will be provided in the relevant empirical chapters. 3.1 Participants One hundred and twenty seven individuals participated in this research, 68% of whom were female. Participant age ranged from 18 to 50 years with a mean of 28.10 (SD = 10.05). The majority of participants were university students or staff members recruited through university newsletters or posters. Thirty eight percent were recruited through the university’s first year psychology research pool in exchange for course credit. The greater ratio of females reflects the cohort typically encountered in psychological research. Criteria for participation were: an age between 17 and 50 years; normal or corrected to normal vision and hearing; and an absence of blood pressure or mood stabilising medication. Age was set at a maximum of fifty years to minimise differences in memory quality due to agerelated encoding strategies. A number of differences in memory associated with increasing age have been observed, including positive bias (reviewed by Mather, 2004), faster decay (Charles, Mather, & Carstensen, 2003), and enhanced general (as distinct from visual) emotional memory (Kensinger, GaroffEaton, & Schacter, 2007a). Given the high variability in emotion responding and memory performance inherent in this research field, a maximum of 50 years was set for the current experiments to clearly discount age related memory biases as an explanation for EEM. Individuals taking blood pressure and/or mood stabilising medications were excluded from participation as these substances could attenuate EEM. Blood pressure medication includes βadrenergic blocking agents. As β-adrenergic receptor activation and attenuation in the amygdala has been demonstrated to modulate memory in animals and humans (see Section 2.1), participants taking these medications may be immune to the experimental manipulation of EEM (e.g. see the seminal paper by Cahill et al., 1994). Mood stabilising medications, such as a class of drug called Benzodiazepines, have anxiolytic properties by binding to GABA receptors and depressing the central nervous system. 56 CHAPTER 3. GENERAL METHOD ___________________________________________________________________________________ The action of these drugs may therefore attenuate the intended experimental manipulation of increasing CNS activity with emotionally arousing stimuli. Participants were asked to refrain from taking caffeinated beverages before the experiments in an attempt to minimise extraneous sources of arousal (caffeine is a CNS stimulant). Adherence to this rule, however, was not strict given the adverse effect caffeine withdrawal can have on concentration and mood. All testing occurred between the hours of 9am and 5pm. Participants of multiple session experiments were tested at the same time of day for each session. It is possible that endogenous arousal levels varied at different times of the day as cortisol, which is an arousal hormone that can modulate memory, generally peaks in the morning (Touitou & Haus, 2000). Nevertheless, controlling this variable by conducting all testing within a narrow timeframe (e.g. in the morning) would have been overly restrictive. Likewise, the stage of the female menstrual was not controlled despite the possible influence on endogenous arousal levels. Potential participants were provided with a document containing an overview of the purpose and possible benefits of the study, participant exclusion criteria, and what the study involved. Within the document, participants were informed they could withdraw from the study at any time, that arrival at the research laboratory implied informed consent to participate, and that their data could not be identified (only aggregate data would be reported). All participants thus gave their informed consent before commencement of the experiments. The experiments were approved by the university’s Standing Committee on Ethics in Research Involving Humans. 3.2 Emotion elicitation Emotion was manipulated with a negative story with or without emotionally powerful and negative background music in Experiment 1, and emotional music alone in Experiments Two and Three. To delineate the unique effect of music induced emotional arousal on memory, particular emphasis was placed on the inclusion of valid auditory control conditions. The emotion manipulations and control conditions for each experiment are presented in Table 3.1. 57 CHAPTER 3. GENERAL METHOD ___________________________________________________________________________________ Table 3.1 Emotion elicitation across the three experiments Emotion Controls Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Participant-selected positive Experimenter-selected positive Non-music Experimenter-selected negative Negative narrative Music Low arousal Random music mix Non-music Neutral narrative Other participant’s music self-rated as neutral Radio interview Music Radio interview All music excluded lyrics to reduce the influence of language processing on encoding and recall. All experimenter-selected excerpts were chosen based on studies reporting significant self-report and physiological increases in arousal. The primary criterion for participant selections was that their music be intensely enjoyed (emotion treatment) while at the same time being relatively neutral for other participants (others’ neutral music control condition). The emotion manipulation occurred during learning in Experiment 1, before learning in Experiment 2, and after learning in Experiment 3. The emotional music was intended to elicit negative arousal in Experiment 1, and positive arousal in Experiments 2 and 3. The only emotional stimulus that was not musical in nature was in Experiment 1. As this experiment was a partial replication of the methodology employed by Cahill and colleagues, a non-music emotional narrative was presented to participants. The emotion manipulation for each experiment will be described in full in the empirical chapters. Adequate music control conditions are imperative for making reliable conclusions about the unique effects of music. For example, it has been claimed that music listening before performing cognitive tasks facilitates performance (e.g. Rauscher, Shaw, & Ky, 1995). However, more rigorous testing of the effect using appropriate non-music listening controls, such as listening to a narrated story rather than sitting in silence, eliminates the music effect (Nantais & Schellenberg, 1999a). It would therefore be equally valid to conclude that the experimental effect was due to reduced arousal in the control condition (boredom, de-activation) compared to normal arousal in the treatment condition 58 CHAPTER 3. GENERAL METHOD ___________________________________________________________________________________ (monitoring). To control for this possible confound, any arousal manipulation should include active listening non-music controls rather than passive sitting in silence. Control conditions in Experiment 1 included a neutral narrative matched to an emotional narrative on word count, word frequency and word imagability, and arousing and negative background music was compared to pleasant and non-arousing music. In Experiments Two and Three, the control conditions included active listening to an Australian radio interview (similar to the non-music control method employed by Schellenberg & Hallam, 2005). Experiment 3 included the additional control condition of a random mix of the music used in the music arousal condition (similar to the music control method employed by Menon & Levitin, 2005). All controls were thus active in nature, in that they engaged attention and information processing. Differences between conditions could therefore be more readily attributed to the emotion manipulation. 3.3 Material to be remembered (MTBR) In all three experiments, the target MTBR was visual in nature. IAPS images were used in Experiments One and Two, with arousal, valence, and the semantic categories of images controlled. Images that were deemed overly attention capturing, such as erotica and mutilation, were not included. The complexity of image memory allowed for the detection of cognitive processes, such as moodcongruent memory and valence bias (Eich & Forgas, 2003). The MTBR in Experiment 3 was simplified to the same target and distractor word lists employed by Nielson and colleagues (Nielson & Bryant, 2005; Nielson & Powless, 2007; Nielson et al., 2005), and Judde and Rickard (2010), as the influence of cognitive processes on memory were of less relevance. Full details of the MTBR are provided in the relevant empirical chapters. 3.4 Apparatus Visual stimuli were presented to all participants on a high resolution 19” LCD color monitor. Auditory stimuli were presented through Sennheiser closed headphones via a Kenwood midi hi-fi system with volume adjusted to a comfortable level for each participant. A range of apparatus to support software and hardware stimulus presentation and data collection methods were employed across the 59 CHAPTER 3. GENERAL METHOD ___________________________________________________________________________________ three experiments, a summary of which is presented in Table 3.2. Paper and pencil data collection methods will be described in the next section. Table 3.2 Apparatus utilised across experiments to present stimuli and collect emotion and memory data Experiment 1 Stimulus presentation Experiment 2 EMuJoy * E-Prime Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft PowerPoint Experiment 3 E-Prime ProShow Gold * Data collection Self-report Physiological EMuJoy * On-line survey * Bioview Reaction time Recognition memory Bioview Nexus-10 E-Prime E-Prime E-Prime E-Prime * Described in Chapter 4 The timing of the procedures for Experiments 1 and 2 were controlled using similar Microsoft PowerPoint slideshows to cue each step. Stimuli were presented with ProShow Gold in Experiment 1, PowerPoint in Experiment 2, and E-Prime in Experiment 3 depending on the requirements of each experiment. Physiological responses were collected with Bioview V2.11 Series IV (Zencor, 1998), Nexus10 and BioTrace+ (MindMedia, 2004), and reaction times and forced choice ‘old’ or ‘new’ recognition memory data were collected with E-Prime 2® (Schneider, Eschman, & Zuccolotto, 2002). Bioview contains four recording channels, each digitised at an output rate of 2 Hz. Heart pulse was detected by a light-dependent resistor attached to the left ear lobe. A clip anchoring the HR lead to the participant’s clothing reduced movement artefact. Activity of the left corrugator supercilii (frown) muscle was detected by taping disposable 3M Red Dot Ag/AgCl electrodes above the middle and inner most point of the left brow. The reference electrode was taped to the centre of the forehead near the hairline. Skin conductance changes were detected by two electrodes attached by Velcro straps to the second and 60 CHAPTER 3. GENERAL METHOD ___________________________________________________________________________________ third distal phalanges of the non-dominant hand. Skin temperature was detected by a sensor placed under the Velcro strap on the second distal phalange. Physiological data in Experiment 3 were collected with a Nexus-10 wireless data acquisition system and BioTrace software. The Nexus-10 contains 10 recording channels, four of which acquired electrophysiological signals through built-in DC amplifiers, referenced to a ground electrode. These channels had a sample rate of 2048 Hz, thus allowing alpha and theta frequency recording. A further four channels with a sample rate of 128 Hz suitable for recording ANS activity were used. Electrode cables were carbon coated with active shielding to reduce movement artefact and mains interference. The EEG data were acquired via two dual channel cables, each providing four standard snap-on connectors for two bi-polar inputs. Cardiac activity was recorded from a photoplethysmograph sensor clipped to the distal phalanx of the third finger of the non-dominant hand, and skin conductivity was recorded from electrodes attached to the distal phalanx of the second and fourth fingers. Respiratory rate was recorded from an expansion sensor placed over clothing and around the diaphragm. All electrodes were Ag-AgCl. E-Prime software was used to present the stimuli in Experiment 3, and record reaction time and recognition memory data in Experiments Two and Three. E-Prime enabled the precise timing of stimulus presentation in the auditory and visual modalities, the precise measurement of reaction times to such stimuli, and for the recording of categorical decisions. The procedure for Experiment 3 was simplified by using E-Prime to replace PowerPoint as the sole method of stimuli presentation. 3.5 Emotion Measures As Scherer’s multiple component model of emotion was utilised as the theoretical framework of emotion in this project, emotion measurement was structured in terms of the cognitive component, which relates to the evaluation of objects and events; peripheral efference, relating to physiological responses to support action; motivation, related to preparation and direction of action (approach or withdraw); motor expression, related to communication of emotion; and subjective feeling, related to monitoring of internal state. Cognitive, self-report and peripheral efference components were measured in all three experiments, but not motor expression and motivation due to resource and time limits. Details pertaining to the motor expression and motivational components of emotion will be 61 CHAPTER 3. GENERAL METHOD ___________________________________________________________________________________ described in full in the relevant empirical chapters. Table 3.3 summarises how the emotion components were measured in each experiment. The measurement of more than one emotion component enabled the testing of synchronisation across emotion components, which is rare in EEM research. Such testing would provide further confirmation that the experimental stimuli elicited emotion enhanced memory and not orienting reflex enhanced memory. Furthermore, the multi-component approach is novel in that it does not rely solely on self-report to confirm the elicitation of an emotional response. One of the limitations of self-report of emotion is that emotion can occur without conscious awareness and is therefore not available for self-report (Davis & Thaut, 1989; Rickard, 2004). Table 3.3 Emotion component measures utilised across the three experiments Emotion component Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Subjective feeling EMuJoy* Arousal Valence Affect Grids Affect Grids Peripheral efference IBI SCL SCR Max TEMP Chills IBI IBIsd SCL SCR Min TEMP %HF HRV BVA Chills IBI RSP SCR Min Motivational EEG alpha asymmetry Motor expression Facial EMG Cognitive Memory narrowing Mood-congruent memory Memory narrowing Valence judgement reaction time EEG (alpha and theta) Note. %HF HRV = percentage of high frequency heart rate variability; BVA = blood volume amplitude; EMG = electromyography; IBI = inter-beat interval mean; IBIsd = inter-beat interval standard deviation; RSP = respiratory rate; SCL = skin conductance level; SCR Max = maximum skin conductance response amplitude; SCR Min = frequency of skin conductance responses in a minute; TEMP = skin temperature. * Described in Chapter 4. 62 CHAPTER 3. GENERAL METHOD ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3.5.1 Subjective feeling The two-dimensional emotion space (2DES) approach to emotion report (Russell, 1980) was preferred over discrete or other models due to its sensitivity to the two factors of primary interest in this dissertation; arousal and valence. The dimensional approach has been criticised for oversimplifying a complex construct (Scherer, 2009), and participants may prefer using categorical emotion scales when rating their responses to music (Zentner et al., 2008). Nevertheless, the overwhelming advantage of scales representing 2DES is that they are quick and intuitive (Scherer, 2004; Schubert, 1999) and not dependent on verbal capacity, thereby allowing for a greater number of reports without overly taxing participants. Furthermore, high interrater agreement of music-induced emotion using 2DES was revealed by Zentner, et al. (2008). Cronbach’s alphas were greater than 0.95 for emotions that fit within the negative and aroused, positive and aroused, and pleasant and calm quadrants. High interrater agreement demonstrates that 2DES is adequate for capturing these emotions. Inadequacy in the 2DES approach was found for music-induced emotions that fit within the negative-deactivated quadrant (Cronbach’s alpha less than 0.95). This is not surprising given that music generally elicits positive and activated affective states (reviewed in Section 2.5.1). The use of 2DES to capture emotional responses to music may therefore be considered reliable for most emotions except those that are negative and deactivating, for example sadness. As manipulation of high arousal and/or positive emotions was the primary focus in this project, the poorer reliability of the low arousal negative quadrant was deemed inconsequential. Two-dimensional emotion space was presented to participants in Experiment 1 as two separate 11 point scales representing mood, ranging from ‘negative’ (-5), to ‘positive’ (5); and arousal, ranging from ‘calm’ (1), to ‘aroused’ (11). Grid format of the two dimensions was presented to participants in Experiment 2 and 3 (Figure 3.1). Arousal was presented on the vertical axis and ranged from ‘calm’ (-5) to aroused (5). Valence was presented on the horizontal axis and ranged from negative (-5) to positive (5). Zero on both axes represented a neutral affective state (neither calm nor aroused, and neither positive nor negative). 63 CHAPTER 3. GENERAL METHOD ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2DES GRID 5 4 3 AROUSAL 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 VALENCE very aroused/energised and very negative (anger, fear, anxiety) very aroused/energised and very positive (joy, happiness, excitement) very deactivated/sleepy and very negative (melancholy, sadness) very deactivated/sleepy and very positive (meditative, contented) Figure 3.1 Affect grid used in Experiments Two and Three. The cross indicates a rating of moderately positive mood valence (2) and moderate arousal (3). The location of the cross within 2DES indicates the emotion felt would be one of joy or happiness. The face icons act as visual cues for the type of emotion represented in each of the four quadrants. The icon descriptions were presented at the bottom of the page for each affect grid. The reporting of emotional responses to music can vary depending on whether the instructions are to report the actual (or felt) emotions induced by music, or to evaluate the emotion intended by the music creators/performers (often referred to as expressed emotion, Schubert, 2007). There is therefore some concern that participants who are not aware of this distinction may report the emotion expressed in the music, rather than the emotion they feel. To address this potential confound, participants were explicitly informed of the distinction, and instructed to report how the music made them feel. 64 CHAPTER 3. GENERAL METHOD ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3.5.2 Peripheral efference component Sweating is primarily a thermoregulatory function innervated by the SNS (Low, 2004) that is detected by electrophysiological measurement of skin conductivity. Skin conductivity was measured in all three experiments. Tonic skin conductance levels (SCL) were derived from the mean, in micro Siemens (μS), of the total listening duration in Experiment 1 and 2. Mean skin conductance levels were not recorded in Experiment 3 due to inherent drift typically observed in skin conductance levels confounding interpretation of differences between conditions with differing durations. Skin conductance responses (SCR) provide an index of attention to emotionally salient or novel stimuli (Bradley, 2009; Dawson, Schell, & Filion, 2007). There were two skin conductance response (SCR) measures. In Experiment 1, SCR Max reflected the maximum amplitude of the SCR within the experimental manipulation (all conditions of the same duration). To account for the differences in duration of the music excerpts in Experiments 2 and 3, the number of SCRs per minute was calculated. Values were derived from peaks greater than .05 μS for successive 10 second epochs (Duncko, Cornwell, Cui, Merikangas, & Grillon, 2007). Skin conductance was recorded from sensors attached to the distal phalanx of the second and fourth fingers of the non-dominant hand. Grewe, Kopiez, and Altenmuller (2009) have demonstrated that the subjective experience of chills (or thrills, goose pumps, shivers, etc.) are correlated with increased skin conductance levels. Thus, the number of chills experienced during music (and control) listening conditions was captured immediately after presentation in Experiment 2 and 3 by self-report. Chills were not recorded in Experiment 1, in which the music was played during presentation of the MTBR, to minimise encoding interference. Increased sympathetic control of cardiac function is reflected by increased heart rhythm and vasoconstriction (Hamill & Shapiro, 2004), decreased blood volume amplitude (BVA; MindMedia, 2004), and decreased parasympathetic control of heart rhythm (Berntson, Quigley, & Lozano, 2007). Decreased parasympathetic control of heart rhythm can be inferred from decreases in the proportion of high frequency components of heart rate variability (%HF HRV; Berntson et al., 2007). Heart rhythm, indexed as the interval, in milliseconds (ms) between normal-to-normal beats (IBI), was monitored in all three experiments. Limitations to the Experiment 1 and 2 electrophysiological recording equipment precluded measurement of BVA and %HF HRV. The standard deviation of IBI was therefore used as a 65 CHAPTER 3. GENERAL METHOD ___________________________________________________________________________________ rudimentary measure of heart rhythm variability. The unit of measure for BVA was the root mean square (RMS) of peak-to-peak micro Volts (µV pk-pk). In Experiment 3, IBI and BVA were recorded from a photoplethysmograph sensor attached to the distal phalanx of the third finger of the non-dominant hand at a sample rate of 128 Hz. Manual checks for ectopic beats were conducted and the corresponding data were removed. Automatic IBI artefact rejection criteria were set at intervals between beats greater than 1500 ms (less than 40 beats per minute) and less than 500 ms (greater than 120 beats per minute), or beats greater than 25% of the preceding interval. All removed beats were replaced with interpolated values using the formula: IBI [n] = (IBI [n-1] + IBI) / 2 The heart rate variability (%HF HRV) measure was derived from the artifact corrected IBI recordings and was calculated with the BioTrace+ software as the high frequency proportion of very low frequency power (0.0033 to 0.04 Hz) plus low frequency power (0.04 to 0.15 Hz) plus high frequency power (0.15 to 0.4 Hz). Decreased skin temperature reflects sympathetically mediated vasoconstriction in the distal extremities (Kihara, Sugenoya, & Low, 2004). Vasoconstriction in the extremities, e.g. hands and feet, redirects blood to deep veins and vital organs. Additionally, blood flow in the extremities is a major source of heat loss, thus vasoconstriction preserves core temperature. Skin temperature in Experiment 1 and 2 was measured in degrees Celsius (°C) from the distal phalanx of the second finger of the nondominant hand. Due to equipment malfunction, skin temperature was not recorded in Experiment 3. RSP in Experiment 3 was recorded at a sample rate of 32 Hz from a sensor placed over clothing and around the diaphragm. 3.5.3 Cognitive component Memory narrowing, the time taken to judge whether objects are positive or negative, and the degree of cortical alpha and theta desynchronisation can index cognitive processing of emotional stimuli. Increased memory for specific types of information, such as information central to an emotional event, reflects appraisal processes. Decreases in the time taken to make judgements, and 66 CHAPTER 3. GENERAL METHOD ___________________________________________________________________________________ desynchronisation of alpha and theta brain oscillations, reflects increased cortical activation and concomitant increases in information processing efficiency. Judgement speed was measured in Experiment 2 with a modification of Bouhuys, Bloem, and Groothuis’s (1995) face valence judgement reaction time task. Participants were instructed to respond as quickly and accurately as possible to line drawing of positive and negative faces (illustrated in Figure 3.2). Activation of the cognitive component of emotion was implied by decreases in valence judgement response times. Figure 3.2 Positive and negative line drawings of faces used for the face valence judgement task. Images were modified versions of those created by Bouhuys et al. (1995). The faces differed in terms of mouth shape (turned up or down) and eyebrow position (high or low), such that in the above, figures represent two variations of positive faces, and two variations of negative faces. Cortical activation was determined by desynchronisation of oscillations in the alpha and theta frequency bands. EEG was employed in Experiment 3 to record alpha and theta rhythms from three scalp locations; the left and right frontal poles and a central parietal site. Electrodes were placed according to the international 10/20 system in the corresponding scalp locations; Fp1, Fp2, and Pz (Jasper, 1958). Placement of electrodes at these sites allowed for determination of frontal alpha asymmetry (the difference between Fp1 and Fp2), frontal relative to posterior theta desynchronisation (the mean of Fp1 and Fp2 relative to Pz), and generalised cortical activation (alpha and theta desynchronisation at all sites). 67 CHAPTER 3. GENERAL METHOD ___________________________________________________________________________________ Eye movement was detected with electrooculargram (EOG), collected from the external canthus of the left eye, for off-line detection and removal of lateral eye movement artefact (vertical eye movement was not monitored as eyes were closed for all periods of interest). Electrode offset was monitored continuously throughout data acquisition to ensure it remained within an acceptable input range. Artefact free data, band pass filtered at 1-64 Hz, were then extracted using a Hamming window of 2 s width with 75% overlap for fast Fourier Transformation (FFT). Frequency power (µV pk-pk2) in the theta (4.0-8.0 Hz) and alpha (8.0-12.0 Hz) range was derived from the FFT. To normalize the distribution of the data, all power values were natural log (ln) transformed. 3.6 Memory measures The approach to memory measurement varied across the three experiments (see Table 3.4). An overview of the memory measures will be described in this section, with full details provided in the relevant empirical chapter. Table 3.4 Memory measures and testing delay across the three experiments Memory measures Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Free recall 1 week delayed free and cued recall of 9 images 5-60 minute delayed written recall of 120 images Immediate and 1 week delayed written recall of 30 words Recognition 1 week delayed 72 item 4 alternative forced choice written questions 30 minute delayed 240 item old/new forced choice 1 week delayed 120 item old/new forced choice As Experiment 1 was a partial replication of Cahill and colleague’s studies (Cahill & McGaugh, 1995; Cahill et al., 1994), a similar approach to the measurement of memory was taken. To reduce the likelihood of rehearsal, participants were not informed that the study was investigating memory. Instead, they were told that the study aim was to determine the effect of music on physiology. To ensure memory consolidation was being tested, a delay of one week elapsed before memory testing occurred. At this time free recall was tested first, then recognition memory in the form of a four 68 CHAPTER 3. GENERAL METHOD ___________________________________________________________________________________ alternative forced choice memory test. The MTBR and the memory test were purposefully designed to differentiate visual from thematic details, and central from peripheral details. Long-term memory could therefore be compared between conditions that varied in the emotion manipulation, and within each condition to determine whether the quality of memory varied with emotional valence. Free recall and recognition memory was tested in Experiment 2 after an average delay of 30 minutes. The purpose of memory testing was to determine whether emotional music facilitated the early stages of LTM, and whether emotional valence influenced the quality of information encoded. In contrast to Experiment 1, participants were informed that the purpose of the study was to investigate memory. Knowledge of the memory test thus ensured participants fully attended to the MTBR. Knowledge of the experimental aim was not deemed a concern due to the absence of any substantial delay between the task and the memory test. Furthermore, the repeated measures nature of the task and the inter-condition distracter tasks (described in Chapter 5) meant that participants had little opportunity for rehearsal. Memory testing involved free recall of the MTBR, followed by a forced choice, ‘old’ or ‘new’ recognition memory test. Free recall memory for material presented in Experiment 3 was tested immediately and then again after a delay of one week. Participants were informed on their first visit that their memory would be tested. To prevent rehearsal, they were not informed of the delayed memory test. An index of retention that controlled for individual differences in memory strategies and ability was obtained by calculating the percentage of words retained between immediate and delayed testing. Recognition memory was tested after a one week delay with a forced choice, ‘old’ or ‘new’ recognition memory test. Free recall and recognition memory testing are sensitive to different aspects of memory. Free recall is more demanding than recognition testing as the entire memory is reconstructed in the absence of cues. The scope of memory freely recalled is therefore not confined to the limits of the cues provided in the test. Information that was salient to the individual when the event was encoded would therefore be detectable with free recall. Such influences could include mood-congruent learning or use of schemata to interpret ambiguous situations (reviewed in Section 2.2). One of the limitations of free recall testing, however, is the increased possibility of floor effects. As incidental memory is tested in most cases, the event to be remembered may not be purposefully encoded, leading to the loss of many details. The nature of recognition memory testing is to provide a cue and then ask the respondent to decide whether the cue represented a previously presented item or not. The cue may thus activate a 69 CHAPTER 3. GENERAL METHOD ___________________________________________________________________________________ memory trace previously unavailable for recall, making recognition memory a more sensitive measure of weakly encoded information. Memory quality, which can be influenced by cognitive processes associated with mood valence and currently active schemas or goals, was measured in Experiments 1 and 2. As the emotion manipulation occurred after the MTBR in Experiment 3, the influence of cognitive processes on memory encoding were not tested. The operationalisation of memory quality differed between Experiment 1 and 2. In Experiment 1, the memory test was designed to detect memory narrowing in response to a negative emotional stimulus (described in more detail in Chapter 4). In Experiment 2, the MTBR was designed to detect broad memory scope in response to positive stimuli (described in more detail in Chapter 5). 3.7 Measures of individual differences A selection of measures of individual difference was included across experiments. Arousal sensitivity was measured in Experiment 1 with the Extraversion scale of the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) Big 5 Personality Questionnaire (Goldberg et al., 2006), and with the BIS/BAS scales in Experiments 2 and 3. Gender was recorded from a demographic survey in each experiment. Music experience was measured in Experiment 1 with the Brief Music Experience Questionnaire (BMEQ; Werner, Swope, & Heide, 2006), and in Experiment 2 and 3 with music performance and nonperformance based questions developed by Chin and Rickard (2010). Music distraction, enjoyment, and familiarity, was recorded from Likert type scales across experiments. Full details of all measures of individual differences are provided in Appendix L. 70 4 EXPERIMENT ONE: Emotional story and emotional music effects on memory 4.1 Introduction Successful manipulation of LTM with music as a source of extrinsic emotional arousal would improve the generalisability of EEM. The purpose of the first experiment was thus to test whether emotionally arousing background music could facilitate memory for unrelated and non-arousing visual information. For continuity, the study methodology was similar to an established methodology used in human EEM researchers (Burke et al., 1992; Cahill et al., 1994; Christianson, 1984; Heuer & Reisberg, 1990; described in Section 2.1.1). The aim was to replicate the EEM effect with a refined methodology that: measured multiple components of emotion and their relationship with memory; excluded visually aversive, thus attention capturing images; added emotionally powerful background music as an extrinsic source of emotional arousal; measured cognitive processing influences on memory; and controlled linguistic anomalies that may influence memory. Multiple components of emotion (Scherer, 2001; reviewed in Section 2.4) were measured to confirm that an emotion had indeed been elicited as intended. Facilitated LTM that was associated with synchronised changes in multiple emotion components would thus support the emotional arousal hypothesis of EEM. Of particular interest were autonomic changes suggesting noradrenergic modulation of memory. For instance, an increase in cardiac activity indicates that the noradrenergic system has been activated, and may also index acetylcholine innervation of the adrenal medulla and secretion of NE and EPI into the blood stream. Localised circulating NE innervates the vagus nerve, with subsequent activation of brain stem structures involved in noradrenergic modulation of BLA dependent memory (McGaugh, 2000; reviewed in Section 2.1). Detection of a relationship between cardiac activity and enhanced LTM would thus provide indirect support for neurobiological modulation of memory in humans. Visually aversive images were removed from the methodology to reduce or eliminate an amygdala mediated orienting reflex explanation for enhanced memory (see Section 2.1). The distinction between orienting and emotion is important when considering the generalisation of this research, as orienting reflexes are easier to elicit than emotions. For instance, emotions, in the adaptive sense, are more complex and thus more difficult to elicit reliably than an orienting reflex. An emotion response can depend on factors such as the goals/needs of the individual and the context in which the emotional stimulus is encountered, which are more difficult to control. In 71 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ contrast, an orienting reflex can be reliably elicited by a stimulus as simple as a sudden and loud noise. Memory enhancement programs could then simply intersperse the MTBR with novel stimuli to enhance memory. It is therefore important to test whether EEM is eliminated with the removal of novel stimuli, such as traumatic images. As visually aversive information was removed from the stimuli, emotion was elicited mostly thematically with a negative narrative (e. g., Laney et al., 2004; reviewed in Section 2.2). Memory narrowing was measured to determine whether emotional appraisal processes were active during the encoding of the MTBR. However, defining what information is central and peripheral for the purpose of detecting memory narrowing has been made difficult by ambiguity in the research field. For instance, Bower (1992) described central information as the central idea; Adolphs et al. (2001); Buchanan, Karafin, and Adolphs (2003); Burke et al. (1992); and Laney et al. (2004), described it as gist; Christianson, Loftus, Hoffman, and Loftus (1991) described it as the topic of relevance; and Kensinger et al. (2007b) as the central visual item (see Appendix A for a more complete list of information category definitions). Memory test questions were thus created based on predetermined categorisation of central and peripheral image details by independent judges. The addition of emotional background music to the methodology enabled testing of extrinsic emotion effects on LTM. Music, unlike alternative sources of extrinsic arousal (e.g., exercise, glucose administration, arousal hormone administration), is an emotion stimulus that can be accessed by a wide range of populations. Music can thus be effortlessly applied in a number of learning environments, increasing the generalizability of the EEM phenomenon (see section 2.5). To determine whether non-neurobiological processes explained EEM, the methodology was adapted to control the emotional valence of the MTBR. In this way, the influence on memory of active cognitive processes, such as lowered firing thresholds in networks associated with current mood (e.g. mood-congruent memory, reviewed in Section 2.2) could be measured. Further modifications were made to the verbal narratives of the slideshows to control linguistic anomalies that may influence memory, (e.g., story cohesiveness, word distinctiveness, and word count). 4.2 Aims and hypotheses The overall aims in Experiment 1 were to replicate previous research by facilitating memory with non-music emotional stimuli, and to extend previous research by facilitating memory with emotional background music. 72 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ 4.2.1 Non-music aims and hypotheses Aim 1 was to determine whether the newly developed materials replicated the intrinsic emotion-memory effects reported by previous researchers. It was hypothesised that (1a) emotion elicited by a negative narrative in Phase 2 of a three-phase slideshow would facilitate one week delayed free recall and recognition of Phase 2 slideshow images relative to Phase 1 and Phase 3, and (1b) that the increase in Phase 2 memory would account for greater total memory scores for the negative slideshow relative to the neutral slideshow. Aim 2 was to determine whether any observed EEM elicited by the narrative could be accounted for by emotional arousal or by mood-congruence effects on encoding. It was hypothesised that (2a) for emotional arousal to be the underlying mechanism, any increase in memory caused by the Phase 2 negative narrative would be associated with reports of increased subjective arousal, increased skin conductivity, increased skin conductance responses, decreased skin temperature, increased heart rate, increased frown muscle activity, and increased memory narrowing. For mood-congruence to be responsible for facilitated memory, it was hypothesised that (2b) greater memory for the negative slideshow would be attributed to more negative image details retained relative to the neutral slideshow. 4.2.2 Music aims and hypotheses Aim 3 was to determine whether extrinsic arousal elicited by emotionally powerful background music facilitated memory for a neutral slideshow. It was hypothesised that (3a) emotion elicited by arousing music played continuously in the background of a neutral story would facilitate one-week delayed free recall and recognition of all slideshow images relative to the neutral music and no music conditions. Aim 4 was to determine whether any observed EEM elicited by music was best explained by emotion or mood-congruence effects on encoding. It was hypothesised that (4a) for emotion to be the underlying mechanism, any increase in memory caused by the emotional music would be associated with reports of increased subjective arousal, increased skin conductivity, increased skin conductance responses, decreased skin temperature, increased heart rate, increased frown muscle activity, and increased memory narrowing. For mood-congruence to be responsible for facilitated memory, it was hypothesised that (4b) greater memory for the slideshow with emotional background music would be attributed to more negative image details retained relative to the no-music or neutral music conditions. A summary of aims and hypotheses is presented in Appendix B. 73 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ 4.3 Method 4.3.1 Participants Forty seven females and 22 males (N = 69) with a mean age of 25.01 (SD = 8.40, range 17 to 48 years) participated. Participants were largely first year psychology students who received course credit for their participation. University staff and students and individuals recruited from the general population made up the remainder of the pool. Each participant was randomly allocated to one of the four experimental conditions in a between-subjects experimental design. 4.3.2 Emotion manipulation Stimuli were four, three minute slideshows consisting of 12 IAPS images (Lang, Bradley, & Cuthbert, 2005), the details of which were the target MTBR (a copy of the slideshows can be found on the data disc in Appendix C). Images were presented for 15 seconds each and accompanied by a three phase narrative. The narrative in Phase 1 and Phase 3 was identical in the neutral and emotional versions of the slideshows. The emotion manipulation occurred in Phase 2, in which a neutral or negative version of the story was presented. The negative narrative presented in Phase 2 thus formed the thematically elicited emotion manipulation that was intrinsic to the MTBR. Extrinsic emotion was manipulated with negative and arousing background music and a neutral music control. To control emotional narrative effects on memory, only the neutral narrative slideshow condition was presented with background music. Even though the narrative of the music conditions was neutral across the three story phases, three phase analyses were conducted to be consistent with the non-music intrinsic (3 phase) emotion comparisons. The neutral music control condition was included to account for memory differences caused by background sound. Image sequence was the same across the four slideshows (illustrated in Table 4.1). Story phases were separated by an abstract image of neutral valence and arousal presented for 15 seconds, thereby allowing clear demarcation between each phase for physiological and memory comparisons. 74 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ Table 4.1 IAPS Images by Phase with Accompanying Narrative and IAPS Details Phase Image Narrative No. One Two Buffer Slide 7161 2.98 4.98 A man used to work at a busy port as a shipping container administrator. 7036 3.32 4.88 He often went to a restaurant for lunch before it burnt down. 9471 4.48 3.16 His wife is the primary carer of their two school aged children. 2598 3.73 7.19 Buffer Slide 7179 2.88 5.06 2722 3.52 3.47 5220 3.91 7.01 7242 3.83 5.28 7160 3.07 5.02 Some time later a woman finds the daughter’s jumper near her country house. 5779 3.57 7.33 The jumper is labeled with the family details so the woman contacts the mother. 2516 3.50 4.90 After a long delay they meet while the mother is visiting the cemetery. 9001 3.47 3.10 He takes his children to visit his brother who is in jail for fine evasion. He is in jail for beating his wife and plots his revenge on her. On the way they go walking in a park and the father drops the daughter’s jumper. When he gets out the father collects his children and takes them into dense bush. When they return home the mother wants to wash the jumper but can’t find it. When they don’t return home the mother becomes frantic with concern for her children. Buffer Slide Three IAPS details Arousal Valence Note. Each slide was presented for 15 seconds, each phase for one minute. Emotional narrative is in italics. IAPS normative ratings range from 1 to 9 (Lang et al., 2005). 75 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ The slideshow images were selected based on psychometrically validated ratings of neutral arousal (4 on a scale ranging from 1 – 9), thereby reducing potential orienting reflexes to arousing images. Each phase of the slideshows contained three images that were negative, positive, or neutral and that depicted people, buildings, or scenes; the order of which was counterbalanced. Image valence varied across phases to allow testing of emotion-congruent memory bias. The semantic content of the images varied to maintain interest. Counterbalancing across each phase ensured memory for image valence or semantic content was not confounded by primacy or recency effects. The narratives were created to match the presentation order of the selected images and were recorded by a male professional actor who spoke in a clear and neutral voice. Slideshows of the images combined with the narratives were then created, with each sentence timed to commence two seconds after image onset. To control for memorability differences due to differences in linguistic properties between the two narratives, care was taken to ensure that each sentence was matched on word count, word frequency, imaginability, and concreteness (full details described in Appendix D). Pilot testing of the narratives with two groups of undergraduate students (neutral narrative, n = 22; negative narrative, n = 23) revealed that the negative narrative elicited agreement with the statement that the story was sad and disagreement with the statement that the story was happy. These ratings were relative to the neutral story, in which there was general disagreement with various emotion statements. Students in both conditions disagreed with the statement that the story was complex. There was, however, a small (non-significant) difference in how understandable the stories were, with agreement that the neutral story was easily understood, but neither agreement nor disagreement that the negative story was easily understood. The emotional and neutral stories had similar ratings of emotional intensity, indicating that even though the emotional story was perceived as emotional, it may have elicited relatively mild emotional responses (see Appendix E for a detailed description of the narrative pilot test results). Extrinsic emotional arousal was manipulated with an excerpt from Holst’s Mars, the Bringer of War played in the background throughout the slideshow. Previous studies indicate this music elicits subjective and physiological reactions consistent with negative and aroused emotion (Baumgartner et al., 2006a; Krumhansl, 1997). An orchestral recording of Gymnopedies No. 1, composed by Erik Satie, was used as a neutral background music control. The orchestral recording of Gymnopedies was chosen over a single instrument recitation (piano or guitar) to minimize differences in responses across conditions due to sound complexity. Background music was phased in and out at the beginning and end of the slideshows and played at a volume that allowed the narrative to be clearly heard. Volume was set to a comfortable level by each participant. 76 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ 4.3.3 Apparatus A Microsoft PowerPoint presentation was used to display instructions and practice trials to participants. The experimental procedure was presented via a purpose-built website. The slideshow stimuli were created using ProShow Gold (PhotodexCorporation, 2004) allowing for the 15s presentation of each slide accompanied by the neutral or emotional narrative, and the neutral or emotional music. Slideshow files were saved to MPEG-1 format and embedded in the on-line procedure. Physiological reactions were measured with the Bioview physiological data acquisition system (described in full in Chapter 3). Changes in subjective emotion during slideshow presentation were continuously measured with EMuJoy software (Nagel, Kopiez, Grewe, & Altenmuller, 2007; EMuJoy was developed to measure ongoing changes in subjective emotional response to visual and/or auditory stimuli. Due to the dynamic nature of music and listener response as they unfold over time, continuous as compared to static, post-listening measurement of emotional response to music, was considered more ecologically valid (Schubert, 1999). EMuJoy was programmed to initiate the onset and timing of visual and auditory stimuli. Emotional responses were recorded by tracking the location of cursor movements within the two dimensions of valence (horizontal axis, negative to positive) and arousal (vertical axis, calming to arousing). The two dimensions were presented as light grey vertical and horizontal lines that overlay images presented on a computer monitor. The emotions represented by each quadrant were described to participants and they were instructed to move a cursor around the screen to reflect their emotions as they occur. Visual feedback of emotion ratings was provided to participants by a worm shaped cursor, the face of which changed to reflect the emotion represented by its location in the two dimensional emotion space. Acquired data were time and X:Y coordinates at a sampling rate of 2 Hz, transmitted in real time via the intranet to a remote computer. A visual representation of the cursor trace for one participant is presented in Figure 4.1. 77 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ A B 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 -1 -0.5 0 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -0.5 -0.5 -1 -1 Figure 4.1 Visual representation of continuous self-report of emotion for a participant viewing the (A) negative narrative slideshow, and (B) neutral slideshow. Horizontal axis represents valence, negative (-1) to positive (+1). Vertical axis represents arousal, calm (-1) to aroused (1). The visual component of all tasks and stimuli were presented on a computer monitor and the auditory component of the slideshows was presented through closed headphones. Participants were seated approximately 1.5 m from the computer monitor (height and distance adjusted according to preference) in a firm armchair. Three computers were used; the first for presentation of digital media to participants, the second to collect physiological data, and the third to operate the EMuJoy software. The second and third computers were located in a room adjacent to the testing room to minimise disturbance to the participant during testing. EMuJoy data were collected from the positioning of a wireless optical mouse and were transmitted to the experimenter computer via the university intranet. 4.3.4 Measures Memory After a one-week delay, memory was measured by first asking participants to freely recall as many visual details of the slideshow as they could. Slide details were recorded with a voice recorder and later transcribed. One score was awarded for the description of a unique recognizable element within an image that could not be attributable to the other images. An element was defined as the description of an object, a color, a relevant association, or a visual perspective. Due to low levels of ambiguous ratings by judges of element classification in previous studies (Cahill & McGaugh, 1995; 78 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ van Stegeren et al., 2002), element classification was determined by one judge (SC) blind to the experimental conditions. Recall of elements relating to the narratives was not scored. A 72 item four-alternative forced-choice (4AFC) memory test contained eight questions per image, four questions relating to central details and four questions relating to peripheral details (random presentation order). To eliminate differences in recall due to differences in the narratives, questions related to visual details of the images only. One question from slide one was answered correctly by all participants. Otherwise, there was no evidence of ceiling or floor effects. Central details were defined as information that immediately stood out or attracted attention. For example, the second image in the story was of a burnt building and a central detail question was: ‘The building had several windows that … a) were being painted; b) displayed items for sale; c) were being dismantled; or d) had broken glass’. Peripheral details were defined as information that would only become obvious after detailed visual scrutiny. For example, for the same image, a peripheral detail question was: ‘The sheet of corrugated iron in the image was located … a) on the ground to the right of the image; b) on the ground to the left of the image; c) hanging from the top of the building; or d) hanging from one of the windows’. Categorization of the central peripheral distinction was confirmed by six independent judges. There was an average consensus of 64% for the central item distinction, and 68% for the peripheral item distinction. Memory scores were converted to percent correct (4AFC % correct). Emotional response Subjective mood and arousal was recorded before and after the slideshow on two, eleven point sliding scales; valence, ranging from negative (-5), to positive (5); and arousal, calm (-5), to aroused (5). Scales were centered on neither negative nor positive, and arousing nor calming (0). Continuous subjective ratings of emotional responses were recorded using the two axes presented in EMuJoy; negative (-1) to positive (1), and arousing (1) to calming (-1). The central point on both scales represented neither negative nor positive and neither arousing nor calming (0). Psychophysiological measures were skin conductance level (SCL), maximum amplitude of skin conductance response in each slide (SCR Max), skin temperature (TEMP), corrugator supercilii electromyographic response (EMG), and inter-beat interval (IBI). IBI is the inverse of heart rate, with high IBIs indicating low heart rate (beats per minute). See the Chapter 3 for a full description of the Bioview software and measurement parameters. Mean activity for each 15 second slide was calculated and then subtracted from the buffer slide introduced at the beginning of the slideshow, yielding a moving change-by-slide index for each measure. 79 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ Cognitive processing of emotional information was indexed by memory narrowing, a process by which salient emotional information is attended to and retained more effectively than peripheral information. An index of memory narrowing was created by subtracting the proportion of peripheral 4AFC items correct from the proportion of central 4AFC items correct6. Positive values therefore reflected memory for more central than peripheral image details and negative values reflected memory for more peripheral than central image details. Free recall elements were not categorised due to the time required to classify the responses and to ensure the classifications were unambiguous and consistently agreed upon. To determine whether music distraction influenced memory, music distraction, familiarity and enjoyment was measured (enjoyed and familiar music can also be distracting). Music distraction was rated on a five point scale ranging from none of the time (1) to 100% of the time (100) in 25 unit intervals. Music enjoyment and familiarity was rated on two separate five point scales ranging from disliked it very much, not familiar at all (1) to liked it very much, very familiar (5), respectively (the scales also included a there was no music (0) option). Individual difference measures of musicianship, music commitment, and extraversion are described in Appendix L. 4.3.5 Procedure Participants were tested individually in two sessions held one week apart. Testing occurred in a sound attenuated room with low lighting and participants were seated alone during presentation of the experimental conditions. In the first session, participants were informed that the purpose of the experiment was to investigate the emotional and physiological effects of slideshows that may be unpleasant or basically neutral. Participants were then connected to the physiological recording equipment and completed a training module on how to rate their emotional response on EMuJoy. Instructions were given on how to initiate the on-line experimental procedure, in which the slideshow would be presented. Participants were asked to attend to the slideshow as they would a television show or film, and to signal the experimenter when the slideshow had finished. The experimenter then left the room. The experiment commenced when participants initiated the automated on-line preslideshow questionnaire by mouse clicking on the on-screen ‘start’ button. The on-line procedure collected information on gender, mood, and arousal, followed by a two minute settling period. During this time, participants read an on-line excerpt from Oliver Sacks’ The Power of Music (Sacks, 6 4AFC recognition memory test items were created based on independent judgements of what constituted central and peripheral image details. 80 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ 2006). The slideshow was then presented. At the end of the slideshow, participants signaled the experimenter, who re-entered the room to initiate the automated on-line post-slideshow questionnaire. The post-slideshow questionnaire recorded mood and arousal ratings, music distraction, familiarity, and enjoyment, and responses to the Brief Music Experience Questionnaire (BMEQ) and Big 5 personality questionnaire (refer to Appendix L for supplementary analyses of music experience and personality effects on memory). Once completed, the physiological recording equipment was disconnected. Confirmation of the appointment for the second session, in which participants were told would be similar to the one just completed, was confirmed before participants left. In the second session, participants were informed that the true aim of the study was to test whether emotional stories and music had an effect on LTM. They were then asked to recall the slideshow presented one week previously. All participants were naïve to this aim and agreed to the memory tests. First, free recall of the slideshow was tested. Participants were encouraged to remember as many details of the slides as possible. They were then given a cue for each of the nine slides (e.g., slide one was a ship docked at a wharf) and open ended questions relating to the slide were asked (e.g., what angle was the photo taken from?). After recall was exhausted, recognition memory was tested using the 72 item 4AFC memory test. Participants were given 30 minutes to complete the test and were asked to answer all questions, even if guessing. At the completion of memory testing participants were debriefed. 4.4 Results 4.4.1 Continuous measurement of subjective emotion During the course of data collection, it became evident that the task of attending to slideshow content while at the same time continuously monitoring and reporting feelings of emotion was difficult for participants to perform. A preliminary memory data check of the conditions without music7 (neutral narrative n = 5, emotional narrative n = 7) revealed that Phase 2 of the emotional slideshow was impairing memory relative to Phase 2 of the neutral slideshow (illustrated in Figure 4.2). The observed pattern of memory performance was the inverse of those revealed in the narrative pilot test (see Appendix E). Ad-hoc interviews with participants suggested that the competing task demands of continuously monitoring and recording emotional responses whilst also attending to the content of the slideshow placed too much demand on cognitive resources. The 7 There were insufficient data in the remaining conditions for interpretation. 81 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ decision was therefore made to discontinue continuous measurement of emotion and the procedure was modified accordingly. Recognition 4AFC Items Correct 16 Neutral Narrative Negative Narrative 14 12 10 8 6 1 2 3 Phase Figure 4.2 Mean number of correct 4AFC recognition memory test items for each phase of the slideshow. Error bars represent standard error. The detrimental effect of the continuous emotion reporting task on LTM was subsequently confirmed by an independent samples t-test using data collected from a further 18 participants (no EMuJoy reporting). Participants who continuously reported their emotional responses to the slideshow recalled less image details (M = 34.16, SD = 6.04) than those who did not use EMuJoy (M = 39.55, SD = 3.50), the difference of which was significant, t (28) = -3.10, p < .01, d = 1.13. Due to the change in task and the subsequent effect on the main variable of interest, LTM, all further analyses were performed only on participants who did not continuously report emotion. Resulting sample size was N = 36 (nine per condition). 4.4.2 Non-music manipulation Intrinsic emotion effect on memory Inspection of the number of slides freely recalled by each participant (presented in Figure 4.3) indicated that the image of the father in a jail cell (Slide 4, Phase 2) was more memorable for the emotional narrative group than for the neutral narrative group. However, analysis of the mean number of slides recalled in each story phase (within-subjects) for each narrative (between-subjects) 82 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ with a mixed ANOVA8 revealed that free recall in each phase did not differ according to story narrative (phase x narrative interaction not significant, F (2,32) = 0.07, p = .93). The main effect of story phase was also not significant (F (2,32) = 0.02, p = .98), as was the main effect of narrative (F (1,16) = 0.00, p = 1.00). Free Recall 9 Number of participants 8 7 6 5 4 Neutral narrative 3 Negative narrative 2 1 0 1 2 Phase 1 3 4 5 6 7 Phase 2 8 9 Phase 3 Figure 4.3 Total number of participants in the neutral and emotional groups that recalled each slideshow image. Inspection of the recognition memory data presented in Figure 4.4 indicated that the image of the family (Slide 3, Phase 1), the father in a jail cell (Slide 4, Phase 2), and the country cottage (Slide 7, Phase 3) were more accurately recognised by participants in the emotional narrative group than those in the neutral group. As with the free recall data, analysis of the recognition memory scores revealed that memory for each phase did not differ according to story narrative (phase x narrative interaction not significant, F (2,32) = 0.14, p = .86). However, the main effect of story phase was significant (F (2,32) = 6.76, p < .01, ηp2 = .30) with post-hoc tests revealing that more image details were recognised in Phase 1 (M = 62.50, SD = 11.52) than Phase 2 (M = 51.85, SD = 8.48, p < .05, d = 1.08), and Phase 3 (M = 50.46, SD = 9.24, p < .01, d = 1.16) while the difference between Phase 2 and Phase 3 was not significant (p = 1.0). There was also a significant main effect of story narrative, with recognition memory accuracy significantly higher for the emotional narrative group 8 Despite the apparent influence of one slide on free recall, a phase by narrative mixed ANOVA was used to maintain consistency with previous researchers using this three phase methodology. 83 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ (M = 57.87, SD = 2.94) relative to the neutral narrative group (M = 52.00, SD = 4.71), F (1,16) = 10.01, p < .01, ηp2 = .38. Despite the apparent emotion-memory effect in Slides 3, 4, and 7; between subjects t-tests revealed that the differences failed to reach statistical significance (Slide 3, t(16) = 1.21, p = .24; Slide 4, t(16) = 2.06, p = .06; and Slide 7, t(16) = 1.73, p = .10). Recognition 85 4AFC % Correct 75 65 55 Neutral narrative Negative narrative 45 35 25 1 2 3 4 Phase 1 5 6 Phase 2 7 8 9 Phase 3 Figure 4.4 4AFC mean percentage correct for each image in the neutral and emotional conditions. Mood-congruence effect on memory Inspection of the mean number of images freely recalled presented in Figure 4.5 indicated that more negative images were recalled when accompanied by a negative relative to a neutral narrative. The apparent difference between conditions was tested with a narrative (2) by image valence (neutral, positive, and negative; within-subjects) mixed ANOVA, which failed to detect a main effect of valence (F (2,32) = 0.10, p = .91) or narrative (F (1,16) = 0.01, p = .91), or an interaction between image valence and narrative (F (2,32) = 1.25, p = .30). 84 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ Free Recall Number of images 3 Neutral Narrative Negative Narrative 2 1 0 Neutral Positive Negative Image valence Figure 4.5 Mean number images freely recalled as a function of image valence for the slideshows with a neutral or negative narrative. Error bars represent standard error. The only trend in the data to be consistent between free recall and recognition memory was the tendency for more negative image details to be recognised by participants in the emotional narrative group, illustrated in Figure 4.6. Positively valenced images also appeared to be more accurately recognised. A mixed ANOVA revealed that differences in mean recognition memory scores between neutral, positive, and negative images were at the predetermined chance level, F (2,32) = 3.21, p = .05, ηp2 = .17. The interaction between image valence and condition was not significant (F (2,32) = 1.25, p = .30). The observed difference between narrative groups was tested with between subjects t-tests. The tests confirmed that for the negative narrative condition, memory for the negative images was significantly higher than for the neutral narrative condition, t (16) = 2.16, p < .05, d = 1.02, whereas the difference between conditions for positive images was not significant t (16) = 2.00, p = .07, d = 0.94. 85 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ Recognition * 4AFC % Correct 70 Neutral Narrative Negative Narrative 60 50 40 0 Neutral Positive Negative Image Valence Figure 4.6 Mean proportion of correct 4AFC recognition memory test items as a function of slide valence for the neutral narrative slideshow and negative narrative slideshow. Error bars represent standard error. Pearson’s correlations were conducted to test the relationship between image valence recognition scores and post-encoding mood valence scores. All three correlations failed to reach statistical significance (neutral images, r = -.13, n = 18, p = .60, R2 = .02; positive images, r = -.13, n = 18, p = .06, R2 = .02; and negative images, r = -.44, n = 18, p = .07, R2 = .19). 4.4.3 Emotional response Subjective feelings Inspection of group means indicated that mood valence ratings from before to after both slideshows became more negative, while arousal ratings remained relatively stable (illustrated in Figure 4.7). Narrative (2) by time (before vs. after, within-subjects) mixed ANOVAs confirmed that the reductions in mood valence ratings were significant for both slideshows, F (1,16) = 56.50, p < .001, ηp2 = .78, and that mood valence ratings were more positive for the neutral slideshow, F (1,16) = 5.20, p < .05, ηp2 = .24. The near significant interaction between narrative and time, F (1,16) = 4.11, p = .06, ηp2 = .20, was due to greater mood valence decreases for the negative narrative (M = -4.44, SD = 2.07) relative to the neutral narrative slideshow (M = -2.55, SD = 1.88). The ANOVA testing arousal changes confirmed that subjective reports of arousal did not vary from before to after the slideshows, F (1,16) = 0.51, p = .49. There was a main effect of narrative, with arousal ratings being higher both before and after the emotional slideshow, F (1,16) = 7.58, p < 86 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ .05, ηp2 = .32. The interaction between time and narrative was not significant, F (1,16) = 0.00, p = 1.00. Figure 4.7 Group mean of mood valence (V, horizontal axis) and arousal (A, vertical axis) ratings for the: (a) neutral narrative and (b) negative narrative slideshows. Arrows denote direction of change. The possible confounding effect of baseline subjective arousal levels between groups was further explored with ANCOVA. Memory data were re-analysed after partialling out the influence of pre-slideshow arousal levels. Assumptions of normality, homogeneity of regression slopes, linearity, and homogeneity of variance were met. A separate ANCOVA for the free recall and recognition memory data revealed that pre-slideshow arousal levels were not related to memory (free recall, F (1,15) = 0.21, p = .65; recognition, F (1,15) = 0.12, p = .73), and that memory difference between conditions remained non-significant for free recall, F (1,15) = 0.03, p = .95; and significant for recognition, F (1,15) = 8.35, p < .05, ηp2 = .36. Peripheral efference and motor expression Data were lost for four participants in the negative narrative group (case 1, all measures; case 2, SCR Max; case 3, EMG; and case 4, IBI) and three participants in the neutral narrative group (cases 1 and 2, all measures; case 3, SCL, SCR Max, and EMG). IBI data were lost due to high artefact, and SCL, SCR Max, and EMG data were lost due to poor sensor connectivity to the corrugator supercilii muscle (loose connection interfering with resistance of the SCL sensor). High baseline SCL for one participant in the emotional narrative condition was normalised by replacing each SCL value with the group mean plus two standard deviations. In this way, SCL values for this participant would remain high whilst satisfying the assumption of parametric tests of being within a normal distribution. There were moderate violations of the assumption of normality, particularly for the 87 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ negative narrative condition. No further action was taken to normalise the distributions as ANOVA is deemed to be robust to violation of this assumption (Howell, 2002). Inspection of the means for each of the physiological measures (illustrated in Figure 4.8) revealed a possible autonomic response. For the emotional narrative, there was attenuation of the downward trend in SCL at slide five (Figure 4.8a), and of skin temperature increases in the final phase of the slideshow (Figure 4.8d). Otherwise, apart from greater variability in the SCR Max and IBI data for participants in the emotional condition, there was little differentiation between the two (a) (b) 1 1.0 SCR (max. S) Change from Buffer 1 SCL (S) Change from Buffer 1 groups. 0 -1 -2 Neutral Narrative Negative Narrative 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -3 1 2 3 B 4 5 6 B 7 8 1 9 2 3 B (c) 5 6 B 7 (d) Temperature (C) Change from Buffer 1 60 IBI (ms) Change from Buffer 1 4 8 9 Slide (phase) Slide (phase) 40 20 0 -20 Neutral Narrative Negative Narrative 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -40 -0.4 1 2 3 B 4 5 6 B 7 8 9 1 2 3 B 4 5 6 B 7 8 9 Slide (phase) Slide (phase) (e) Neutral Narrative Negative Narrative EMG (V) Change from Buffer 1 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 1 2 3 B 4 5 6 B 7 8 9 Slide (phase) Figure 4.8 Continuous changes in: (a) SCL, (b) SCR Max, (c) IBI, (d) Temp, and (e) EMG from the start to the end of each of the neutral and negative slideshows. The mean of the first buffer slide was subtracted from the mean of each subsequent slide. Numbered slides were accompanied by a neutral narrative and B represents inter-phase buffer slides. Error bars represent standard errors. 88 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ Data were analysed with a separate narrative (2) by slide (11, within-subjects) mixed ANOVA for each of the physiological measures. The SCL slide main effect was the only effect to reach statistical significance (F (4.25, 50.99) = 16.33, p < .001, ηp2 = .57, Huynh-Feldt ε = .42, p < .001). Post-hoc tests revealed that the effect was due to progressive SCL decreases from the first to the last slide in both conditions9. The apparent interaction between narrative type and slide for SCL and TEMP failed to reach statistical significance (SCL, F (4.25, 50.99) = 1.41, p = .18; TEMP, F (1.97, 27.56) = 0.44, p = .92, Huynh-Feldt ε = .20, p < .001). Cognitive appraisal Inspection of mean differences between groups (illustrated in Figure 4.9) indicated that memory narrowing in the emotional phase (2) of the story did not occur. Interestingly, the difference between central and peripheral detail memory was similar between the two groups in Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the slideshow (more central than peripheral details recognised). However, a change occurred in the final third of the neutral slideshow, where memory was relatively similar for central and peripheral details (scores approaching zero). Recognition Central less Peripheral 4AFC % Correct 30 * Neutral Narrative Negative Narrative 20 10 0 -10 1 2 3 Phase Figure 4.9 Recognition memory (4AFC) proportion of total central detail questions correct less proportion of peripheral detail questions correct for each story phase (horizontal axis). Error bars represent standard error. * p < .05. 9 The main effect of slide reflected downward drift usually observed in SCL data (Dawson et al., 2007). The data were not corrected as it was assumed that the drift would be present for both groups, therefore any differences between groups would be relative to comparable levels of SCL drift. 89 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ A narrative (2) by phase (3) mixed ANOVA revealed a trend for the interaction between narrative and phase to be significant, F (2,32) = 2.90, p = .07, ηp2 = .15. Post-hoc independent samples t-tests comparing the two groups at each level of phase revealed that the trend was due to a significant difference between groups at Phase 3 (t(16) = 2.20, p < .05, d = 1.07) that was not present in Phase 1 (t(16) = 0.52, p = .61) or Phase 2 (t(16) = 0.57, p = .58). 4.4.4 Interim Discussion A slideshow designed to elicit intrinsic emotion thematically with an emotional story narrative, was more memorable than a closely matched control. On average, participants who viewed a slideshow with a negative narrative recognized 11% more image details than those who viewed a similar slideshow with a neutral narrative. It was predicted that memory would be most accurate for Phase 2 of the story which contained the negative emotion manipulation. However, memory performance was facilitated for all three phases of the slideshow. The failure to detect an interaction between narrative and story phase indicated that facilitated memory was not specific to details surrounding the Phase 2 emotion manipulation. The failure to detect an interaction between narrative and story phase may be attributed to the absence of visually aversive images in Phase 2 of the slideshows. The memory pattern revealed in this study reflects engagement with the story as a whole, and thus more effective encoding of story details. For instance, the emotional component of the story may have elicited post-encoding elaboration upon the image of the mother and children, which was presented before the emotion manipulation, and more detailed scrutiny of the cottage, which was presented after the emotion manipulation, in a search for clues to the fate of key story characters. There was some evidence of a mood-congruence effect on memory. The near significant interaction between narrative and pre and post-slideshow mood valence, combined with greater memory for negative images for those who viewed the emotional story, indicated that facilitated memory could be accounted for by negative mood elicited by the emotional narrative increasing encoding efficiency of negative information (a mood-congruence effect). Partial support for this apparent relationship was provided by a weak correlation between post-encoding mood and memory for negative images. Facilitated memory for the negative slideshow may therefore also be partially explained by mood effects on associated neural networks and strengthened memory for mood-congruent information. 90 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ Investigation of the multiple components of emotion measured failed to detect change in subjective arousal, peripheral efference (SCL, SCR, IBI, and Temp) or motor expression (facial EMG). There was, however, evidence that the emotional slideshow decreased mood valence (see above) and increased cognitive appraisal (indexed by memory narrowing). There were differences between groups in the last phase of the slideshow, in which memory narrowing continued for the emotion group, and broadened for the neutral group. The pattern of memory scope across story phases indicated a general tendency to attend to and encode more central than peripheral visual details, irrespective of the negative narrative emotion manipulation in Phase 2. The broadening of memory in Phase 3 of the neutral slideshow reflected a return to ‘normal’ attention focus, thus diminished appraisal. There was therefore some support for activation of the cognitive component of emotion by the emotional narrative, albeit in Phase 3 of the slideshow, and not Phase 2 as predicted. The results of this EEM manipulation indicate that facilitated memory can be accounted for by increased cognitive processing in response to the emotional slideshow, indexed by story engagement, mood-congruent memory, and appraisal processes. The failure to detect autonomic or subjective change in arousal levels precludes interpretation of the memory effect in terms of neurobiological modulation of memory. It is proposed that increases in negative mood valence elicited by the emotional slideshow lowered firing thresholds in associated neural networks, leading to more efficient encoding of mood-congruent negative images, while increased appraisal of the emotional story led to greater integration of the information within memory networks. Postencoding elaboration of the emotional story relative to the neutral story would have prevented decay of the newly connected networks. 4.4.5 Music manipulation Extrinsic emotion effect on memory The effect of extrinsic music-induced emotional arousal on memory for unrelated material was tested. The effect of an emotionally powerful music selection on emotion components and memory was compared to neutral background music or no music. Analysis of the data according to story phase was retained, even though there was no emotion manipulation in Phase 2, for consistency with the previous studies. Inspection of the number of participants that recalled each image (illustrated in Figure 4.10) indicated that the images of the father in jail (Slide 4), the block of apartments (Slide 6) and the cemetery (Slide 9) were recalled by all nine participants who viewed the slideshow accompanied by emotional background music. By comparison, the maximum number of participants to recall various slides in the neutral music and no music conditions was seven. 91 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ However, a phase (3) by music (3) mixed ANOVA failed to detect differences in free recall memory between music conditions, F (2,24) = 0.69, p = .51, at any level of phase (phase by music interaction F (4,48) = 0.97, p = .43). There were also no differences in slide free recall between phases, F (2,48) = 2.05, p = .14. Free Recall 9 Number of particiapnts 8 7 6 5 No music 4 Neutral music 3 Emotional music 2 1 0 1 2 Phase 1 3 4 5 6 7 Phase 2 8 9 Phase 3 Figure 4.10 Total number of participants in the no music, neutral music, and emotional music conditions that recalled each slideshow image. Inspection of the recognition scores presented in Figure 4.11 indicated that memory was generally more accurate across all slides for the neutral and emotional music conditions. This trend was surprising given that the neutral-music condition was expected to elicit the same memory effect as the no-music condition. Differences between conditions at each level of phase were tested with a mixed ANOVA, which revealed that the differences in recognition scores between music conditions was not significant, F (2,24) = 1.96, p = .16, at any level of phase (phase by music interaction F (4,48) = 0.79, p = .54). There were also no differences in recognition scores between phases, F (2,48) = 1.44, p = .25. The trend for more accurate recognition memory in the music conditions was tested with planned comparisons, which revealed that the difference between the neutral music and no music conditions approached significance, p = .06, d = 1.09. The difference between the emotional music and no music conditions was not significant, p = .41, d = 0.42. 92 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ Recognition 90 4AFC % Correct 80 70 60 None 50 Neutral 40 Emotional 30 20 1 2 Phase 1 3 4 5 6 7 Phase 2 8 9 Phase 3 Figure 4.11 4AFC mean percentage correct for each image in the neutral and emotional conditions. Mood-congruence effect on memory Inspection of the mean number images freely recalled (Figure 4.12) indicated that emotional background music elicited greater neutral and negative image recall than neutral music or no music. The apparent image valence memory effect was tested with a music (3) by image valence (neutral, positive, and negative; within-subjects) mixed ANOVA. The ANOVA failed to detect an image valence effect (F (2,48) = 1.82, p = .26) or an interaction between image valence and music condition (F (4,48) = 1.40, p = .25). 93 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ Free Recall Number of images 3 No music Neutral music Emotional music 2 1 0 Neutral Positive Negative Image valence Figure 4.12 Mean number images freely recalled as a function of image valence for the neutral narrative slideshow accompanied by neutral or emotional background music, or no music. Error bars represent standard error. There was no effect of music condition on recognition memory (Figure 4.13). A mixed ANOVA revealed that the mean difference in recognition memory scores for neutral, positive, and negative images was not significant, F (2,48) = 1.48, p = .24, nor was the interaction between image valence and condition (F (4,48) = 0.84, p = .52). Recognition No music Neutral music Emotional music 4AFC % Correct 70 60 50 40 0 Neutral Positive Negative Image valence Figure 4.13 Mean proportion of correct 4AFC recognition memory test items as a function of image valence for the neutral narrative slideshow accompanied by neutral or emotional background music, or no music. Error bars represent standard error. 94 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ Pearson’s correlations were conducted to test the relationship between image valence recognition scores for all participants and post-encoding mood valence. All three correlations failed to reach statistical significance (neutral images, r = .17, n = 27, p = .39, R2 = .03; positive images, r = .16, n = 27, p = .42, R2 = .03; and negative images, r = .07, n = 27, p = .73, R2 < .01). 4.4.6 Emotional response Subjective feelings Emotion responses were explored to determine whether the failure to facilitate memory with music was attributed to the failure to manipulate emotion. For the subjective feeling component of emotion, mood valence ratings from before to after slideshows with no music, neutral music, and emotional music became more negative. Subjective arousal decreased slightly after viewing the slideshow accompanied by neutral background music, and increased after viewing slideshows accompanied by emotional music or no music (illustrated in Figure 4.14). Music (3) by time (before vs. after, within-subjects) mixed ANOVAs confirmed that the decreases in mood valence across all music conditions was significant, F (1,24) = 32.41, p < .001, ηp2 = .57. However, mood valence change did not vary according to the music manipulation, F (2,24) = 0.06, p = .94, and the interaction between time and music manipulation was not significant, F (2,24) = 0.55, p = .58). Reports of subjective arousal did not vary from before to after the slideshow, F (1,24) = 0.03, p = .85, nor did they differ between music conditions, F (2,24) = 1.63, p = .22, and the interaction between time and music condition was not significant, F (2,24) = 0.56, p = .58. 95 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 4.14 Group mean of the mood valence (V, horizontal axis) and arousal (A, vertical axis) ratings for: (a) no music, (b) neutral background music, and (c) emotional background music. Arrows denote the direction of the change. Physiological and motor expression response Data were lost for three participants in the no-music group (cases 1 and 2, all measures; case 3, SCL, SCR Max, and EMG), IBI for one participant in the emotional music group was excluded due to high artefact, and high EMG values for another participant were normalised. There was no missing data for the neutral music group. Inspection of the means for each of the physiological measures (illustrated in Figure 4.15) indicated that there was very little difference between conditions for SCL, SCR Max, IBI, and TEMP. There was attenuation of skin temperature increases for both music conditions in the final phase of the slideshow (Figure 4.15d), and the EMG data revealed a possible negative valence response to the emotional music, indexed by higher frown muscle activity (Figure 4.15e). 96 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ (a) SCL (b) None Neutral Emotional 1.0 SCR (max. S) Change from Buffer 1 SCL (S) Change from Buffer 1 1 SCRmax 0 -1 -2 -3 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 1 2 3 B 4 5 6 B 7 8 9 1 2 3 B 4 Slide (c) IBI (d) Temperature (C) Change from Buffer 1 IBI (ms) Change from Buffer 1 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 1 2 3 B 4 5 6 B 7 B 7 8 9 8 None Neutral Emotional Temperature 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 1 9 2 3 B 4 5 6 B 7 8 9 Slide None Neutral Emotional EMG 1.0 EMG (V) Change from Buffer 1 6 0.6 Slide (e) 5 Slide ** ** * 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 1 2 3 B 4 5 6 B 7 8 9 Slide Figure 4.15 Continuous changes in SCL (a), SCR Max (b), IBI (c), Temp (d), and EMG (e) from the start to the end of each of the three slideshows. The mean of the first buffer slide was subtracted from the mean of each subsequent slide. Numbered slides were accompanied by a neutral narrative and B represents a buffer slide. Error bars represent standard errors. * p < .05. ** p < .01. Data were analysed with narrative (2) by slide (11, within-subjects) mixed ANOVAs for each of the physiological measures. The ANOVAs confirmed that there were no significant differences between conditions for any measure. There were slide main effects for SCL (F (1.35, 28.49) = 15.58, 97 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ p < .001, ηp2 = .43, Huynh-Feldt ε = .14, p < .001), SCR Max (F (3.44, 72.35) = 5.10, p < .001, ηp2 = .19, Huynh-Feldt ε = .34, p < .001), and TEMP (F (2.01, 44.36) = 3.33, p < .001, ηp2 = .13, Huynh-Feldt ε = .20, p < .001). Post-hoc tests revealed that the SCL main effect was due to progressively greater SCL decreases from the first slide to the last slide across all three conditions. However, pairwise comparisons failed to detect significant SCR Max or TEMP differences between slides. Slide main effects were not significant for the IBI and EMG data. The interaction between slide and condition was significant only for the EMG measure (F (4,42) = 5.04, p < .01, ηp2 = .32, Huynh-Feldt ε = 1.0, p = .47). The EMG interaction was decomposed with one-way between subjects ANOVAs and post-hoc pairwise comparisons (Bonferroni). The ANOVAs revealed that differences in EMG activity between conditions was significant for the last three slides only, (Slide 7, F (2,21) = 8.17, p < .01, ηp2 = .44; Slide 8, F (2,21) = 6.08, p < .01, ηp2 = .37; and Slide 9, F (2,21) = 4.61, p < .05, ηp2 = .30), with the differences being due to increased EMG activity for the emotional music and decreased EMG for the neutral music (Slide 7, p < .01; Slide 8, p < .01; and Slide 9 p < .05). EMG differences between the non-music control and the neutral and emotional music conditions were not significant. Cognitive appraisal Inspection of mean differences between groups (illustrated in Figure 4.16) indicated that for all three conditions, more central than peripheral image details were recognised in the first two phases of the story. In the final third of the story, memory was relatively similar for central and peripheral details (scores approaching zero). A music (3) by phase (3, within subjects) mixed ANOVA revealed that the only effect to reach statistical significance was the main effect of phase, F (2,48) = 17.38, p < .001, ηp2 = .42. Post-hoc pairwise comparisons revealed that the main effect was due to more central than peripheral details recognised in Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the story than Phase 3 (Phase 1 vs. Phase 3, p < .01, d = 0.95; Phase 2 vs. Phase 3, p < .001, d = 1.38). The difference between Phase 1 and Phase 2 was not significant (p = .29). 98 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ Recognition No Music Neutral Music Emotional Music Central less Peripheral 4AFC % Correct 30 20 10 0 -10 1 2 3 Phase Figure 4.16 Recognition memory (4AFC) proportion of total central detail questions correct less proportion of peripheral detail questions correct for each story phase (horizontal axis). Error bars represent standard error. 4.4.7 Extraneous music variables Music distraction, familiarity, and enjoyment were recorded to test whether they influenced memory. A between subjects t-test revealed that music distraction ratings were similar between the neutral and emotional music conditions (neutral music M = 38.89, SD = 28.26, emotional music M = 50.00, SD = 21.65, t(16) = .93, p = .36). Similarly, music familiarity ratings were similar between the two music conditions (neutral music M = 2.89, SD = 1.53, emotional music M = 3.66, SD = 1.00, t(16) = 1.27, p = .22). There were, however, significantly higher enjoyment ratings for the neutral relative to the emotional music (neutral music M = 4.55, SD = 0.53, emotional music M = 3.44, SD = 1.01, t(16) = 2.91, p < .05, d = 1.44). Pearson’s correlations were conducted to determine whether these music variables were associated with free recall and recognition memory. The results revealed that for the 18 participants who viewed the slideshow with background music, none of the extraneous music variables were correlated with memory scores (Free recall: music distraction r = -.33, n = 18, p = .23; music enjoyment r = -.22, n = 18, p = .24; and music familiarity r = -.08, n = 18, p = .74. Recognition: music distraction r = .13, n = 18, p = .62; music enjoyment r = .29, n = 18, p = .24; and music familiarity r = .11, n = 18, p = .66). 99 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ The analysis of individual differences failed to detect any moderators of the relationship between emotion and memory. Refer to Appendix L for a complete report of the individual differences analyses. 4.4.8 Interim Discussion The results for Aim 3 of this study revealed that emotionally powerful music was ineffective as an extrinsic source of emotion to facilitate memory for neutral material. Unexpectedly, neutral music selected as a non-arousing music control had a mild facilitatory effect on memory for all phases of the slideshow. On average, participants who viewed the neutral slideshow containing neutral background music recognized 12% more image details than those who viewed the same slideshow without music. Mood congruent memory could not explain the memory effect as memory for all images, regardless of their emotional valence, was higher for the neutral music condition. Investigation of the mechanisms that may explain the neutral relative to no-music memory effect revealed that the only emotion measure to differ between the two conditions was subjective arousal, for which there were slight decreases for the neutral music condition relative to slight increases for no music (both non-significant). Of the remaining measures of emotion, there were no differences in autonomic response between conditions. The only physiological measure to differ was facial muscle activity, which increased towards the end of the slideshow presented with emotional music. This may have been caused by an emotional response. However, it was more likely that, in the absence of any other emotion component activity, that the observed increase in frowning was due to some non-specific characteristic such as the increasing volume and intensity of the music towards the end of the slideshow. Alternatively, increased frowning may have been caused by the incongruent nature of the negative background music and the neutral story narrative. For the cognitive component of emotion, there was no memory narrowing differences between conditions. These results indicate that the music manipulation had no effect on the peripheral efference or cognitive components of emotion. Checks of music distraction, familiarity, and enjoyment between the neutral and emotional music conditions revealed that the neutral music was more enjoyed than the emotional music. Nevertheless, correlational analysis failed to reveal a relationship between music enjoyment and memory. The mild facilitatory effect of neutral music on memory may be attributed to the anxiolytic effect of the music, and/or to increased engagement with a slideshow containing music that was 100 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ congruent with the neutral nature of the story. Reductions in arousal in the neutral music condition may have been due to the calming influence of the music, thereby improving engagement with and attention to all slideshow elements. The congruence of the neutral background music and neutral story may have increased the cohesiveness of the slideshow, thus making it more memorable than the same story without background music. Combined with the failure to detect any evidence of emotion, these results indicate that cognitive processes that underlie normal memory formation most parsimoniously account for the neutral music effect on memory. 4.5 General Discussion A slideshow containing a negative emotional story that was intrinsic to the MTBR facilitated LTM. Participants who viewed the emotional slideshow recognized more image details than those who viewed a closely matched neutral control. The effect of the experimental manipulation thus confirmed that memory could be facilitated with a modified version of the three-story-phase experimental paradigm used in previous human EEM research. There were, however, a number of divergences in how the experimental manipulation influenced memory. First, memory enhancement across all phases of the emotional slideshow indicated that the effect was not narrowed to details surrounding the negative narrative in Phase 2. Second, the failure to detect increases in autonomic or subjective arousal excluded the neurobiological account of EEM. Third, moderate mood-congruence effects on memory and memory narrowing in Phase 3 of the emotional story indicated that cognitive processes accounted for facilitated memory. When testing the effect of extrinsic emotional arousal on memory, there was no evidence that negative music influenced emotion or memory. The mild facilitatory effect of neutral background music on memory was most parsimoniously accounted for by cognitive processes that underlie normal memory formation. 4.5.1 Neurobiological modulation of memory Comparison of the results reported by Cahill et al. (1994) (Figure 4.17a) and Cahill and McGaugh (1995) (Figure 4.17b) to those of Aim 1 of the current study (Figure 4.17c) indicate that mean recognition memory scores were similar (Cahill et al. mean scores ranged from approximately 47% to 69% correct, and the current study scores range from 47% to 66% correct). There were, however, some clear differences. More details from Phase 2 of both 1994 neutral and emotional 101 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ slideshows were recognized relative to the neutral phases (P1 and P3; see Figure 4.17a, solid lines). Furthermore, when taking into account generally higher memory accuracy across all three phases of the emotional story, there appeared to be only slightly higher memory accuracy for the Phase 2 emotional story relative to the neutral story. There is a more distinct Phase 2 emotional story effect in the 1995 study (Figure 4.17b). When comparing the 1994 and 1995 studies with the current study, there is no consistency in the memory pattern across phases. In the current study, Phase 1 of both the neutral and emotional slideshows were more memorable, with somewhat more details retained in Phase 3 of the emotional slideshow relative to the neutral slideshow. The only consistency observed across the three studies was therefore higher mean memory scores for the emotional slideshows. Figure 4.17 Mean proportion of correct recognition memory scores across story phases from (a) Cahill et al. (1994), (b) Cahill and McGaugh (1995), and (c) the current study. A/BB and N/BB = arousal and neutral story (consecutively) viewed after administration of a beta blocker. Note that the 1994 and 1995 study values are approximates obtained from the published figures. The inconsistency in results across studies using a similar experimental paradigm suggests that extraneous factors may have influenced memory. Taking a placebo or beta blocker before viewing the slideshow in the 1994 study, and participant expectation in the current study (discussed further in the next section) may have elevated baseline arousal levels. Elevated arousal levels in the 1994 study may have increased the probability of the image of a boy’s amputated and reattached legs eliciting an orienting reflex in both versions of the slideshow. The orienting reflex is related to memory and is potentially mediated by the amygdala (reviewed in Section 2.1), thus explaining attenuation of memory for the emotional slideshow with a drug that blocks amygdala activation. The slightly higher memory scores for Phase 2 of the emotional story may have been caused by the 102 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ negative narrative intensifying the orienting reflex. Increased arousal elicited by the experimental procedure combined with an orienting reflex may thus explain facilitated memory in the 1994 study. As there was no pharmacological intervention in the 1995 study, general arousal levels may have been lower and an orienting reflex to the aversive image in the neutral story may not have been elicited, thus explaining similar memory performance across all three phases of the neutral story. It is proposed that an orienting reflex can affect memory via a similar amygdala mediated mechanism as that proposed by McGaugh (e.g. 2000). As reviewed in Section 2.1, and illustrated in Figure 2.1, the amygdala is a highly inhibited brain structure that receives inputs from the sensory thalamus and sensory cortex. Activation of the amygdala by strong sensory input leads to orienting and evaluation via interaction with widespread cortical regions. If the stimulus has little relevance to the organism, cortical feedback will be weak and the amygdala returns to the inhibited state. If the stimulus is relevant, for example has survival value, there will be greater cortical feedback, with the strength of the feedback determining the strength of further amygdala activation. For strong cortical feedback, the central nucleus of the amygdala mediates autonomic activation and hormone secretion to enable the organism to respond to the emotion elicitor (approach, retreat, attack or defend). The central nucleus of the amygdala also projects to brain stem structures that modulate cortical arousal, including the nucleus of the solitary tract and locus coeruleus. These same brain stem structures have been identified by McGaugh and colleagues to modulate the BLA, which in turn modulates the consolidation of hippocampus dependent memory. The failure to elicit a phase effect with thematically induced emotion indicates that an orienting reflex is necessary for EEM. However, even though the orienting reflex may be part of the emotion response, it is questionable whether it could be considered an emotion in Scherer’s terms (e.g., eliciting multiple mental and physical components that support adaptation to the environment to enhance well-being). Perhaps orienting-enhanced memory is a more accurate description of the memory effect observed in previous studies. If so, the research could be extended by specifically testing orienting-reflex effects on LTM. In terms of ecological validity, this line of research may lead to a less complex, relative to emotion elicitation, means of facilitating memory in learning environments. In an educational context, for example, an orienting reflex could be elicited in students by random exposure to unexpected and novel information, such as unexpected classroom visitors, halts to normal activity to view humorous or aversive YouTube videos, to listen to eclectic music, or from the blast of a loud horn. The amygdala mediated orienting reflex may be sufficient to modulate adrenal-BLA-hippocampal interactions and LTM formation. However, the influence of such unexpected experiences on anxiety levels and subjective wellbeing would need to be carefully considered, as would the requirement that stimuli were constantly novel and surprising. Factors 103 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ such as orienting reflex effects on memory scope and retrograde and anterograde memory would also be interesting avenues of investigation. In the 1995 study, Phase 2 of the emotional slideshow was clearly more memorable than Phase 2 of the neutral slideshow, thus facilitated memory could be attributed to differences between the emotional and neutral narration. Nevertheless, in the absence of clear evidence of an emotional10 response, memory could have been facilitated by greater engagement with the more interesting emotional story. Greater story engagement would have led to stronger encoding of the story details and to greater levels of post encoding elaboration. It is therefore not clear whether facilitated memory could be attributed to emotion induced arousal hormones modulating memory consolidation, to general elevated arousal levels intensifying an amygdala mediated orienting reflex and stronger encoding of the story, or to greater engagement with the emotional story and strengthened encoding and post-encoding elaboration. In the current study, multiple components of emotion were measured, revealing that the emotional story was not arousing. There was, however, evidence that the emotional story elicited a negatively valent low arousal emotion. Mood ratings were more negative for participants who viewed the negative slideshow and there were greater levels of memory narrowing, an index of cognitive appraisal elicited by negative mood states. Improved memory for the negative narrative may therefore have been caused by mood-congruence effects on network activation. Furthermore, given that the most memorable images were those that were associated with the context, cause, effect, and consequences of the actions of the story characters (the family, the father, and the country house), participants may have attended to and more deeply processed the information presented in these images than those in the neutral slideshow group. The emotionality of the story may have also made it more interesting, thus increasing post-encoding elaboration and strengthening of the memory trace. This interpretation could be applied to the Cahill and McGaugh’s 1995 (Exp. 2) free recall results to explain why details relating to a central story character in Phase 1 of their emotional slideshow, which was identical to their neutral slideshow, were more accurately recalled. The general conclusion drawn from these observations is that the modification to the threestory-phase experimental paradigm has demonstrated that complex processes are involved in memory formation. The failure to elicit increased autonomic activity by the more memorable 10 Participants were asked to rate how emotional they found the story on a single 11 point self-report scale ranging from 0 (not emotional) to 10 (highly emotional). The use of this type of subjective measure could have led to participant reactivity, in that the wording of the question led them to rate their response as emotional, not otherwise. Other non-emotional responses, such as interest or engagement, may have yielded similar scores using this type of scale. 104 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ emotional story excludes the adrenal-arousal hypothesis of memory consolidation as a causal mechanism. Facilitated memory for the emotional story was therefore most parsimoniously accounted for by cognitive processes that underlie encoding strength and post-encoding elaboration. 4.5.2 Music as a source of extrinsic emotional arousal Background music was added to the three-story-phase experimental paradigm to test the effect of extrinsic emotional arousal on memory. Despite previous research reporting the emotional properties of the selected music selection (Holst, the Bringer of War), the music failed to elicit an emotional response, and failed to facilitate memory. The music selection was therefore not an effective emotion stimulus to test the neurobiological model of EEM. It is speculated that the music was ineffective because of the context in which it was presented. In the current experiment, participants were asked to focus on the slideshow as if it were a television drama or movie. Attention would thus have been distributed over multiple modes of perceptual information, rather than specifically on the music. The level of attention to the music stimulus would therefore have varied from previous studies, in which music was the sole source of focus, and the current study, in which music was one component of a complex set of information. Giving participants the opportunity to focus entirely on the music may have changed the emotional response. For instance, dedicated listening to Mars, the Bringer of War may have evoked a number of BRECVEM mechanisms (reviewed in Section 2.5). The sudden changes in loudness and tempo and the dissonant aspects of this piece may have evoked brain stem reflexes; long excerpts with a definite rhythm may have elicited rhythmic entrainment; the military style of the piece may have elicited evaluative conditioning; the mode in which it was played and the instruments used may have elicited emotional contagion; the music excerpt may have been associated with previous experiences of negative events, therefore cuing episodic memory; sudden changes in the expected progression of the excerpt may have violated musical expectancy. The context in which the music was presented may therefore have diminished the influence of these mechanisms on the emotional response. An alternative explanation for the failure to elicit EEM with music is that the emotion needs to be intrinsically related to the MTBR (e.g., Cahill & Alkire, 2003). It may be argued that music becomes intrinsically related to all manner of concurrently presented information, a classic example being movie soundtracks (Cohen, 2001). Not surprisingly, the proposed mechanism for this music affect infusion (Forgas, 1995) is cognitive in nature, in that knowledge of the emotional meaning of 105 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ certain genres or characteristics of music infuse concomitantly presented information to give it more emotional meaning (for empirical examples see Grady, Hongwanishkul, Keightley, & Lee, 2007; Tan, Spackman, & Bezdek, 2007). Nevertheless, the degree of noradrenergic arousal elicited by emotional background music, even if, by association, it does become intrinsically related to the MTBR, may simply be insufficient to modulate amygdala mediated memory consolidation. It is therefore possible that any attempt to facilitate memory for neutral material with an extrinsic and concurrent source of emotion will fail. Fortunately, emotion can also be elicited after the MTBR to test neurobiological accounts of EEM (reviewed in Section 2.3). 4.5.3 Limitations An unforseen limitation to this study was that an expectation of an arousing emotional event may have inadvertently been elicited in participants prior to exposure to the stimuli. This expectation could have been elicited by phrases in the research explanatory statement, such as “It is possible that some participants may find some of the stories distressing” and “should you become distressed or upset while partaking in this study, you are free to discontinue”. The warnings were included in the description of the study to ensure compliance with ethical requirements. The expectation of a potentially distressing story may have heightened baseline arousal levels, which would have had a confounding effect on the physiological data, and led to disappointment or annoyance after viewing the slideshows, which in reality were rather mild. Unfulfilled participant expectation would explain the significant decrease in subjective mood ratings across all conditions. Higher memory scores for the first phase of the slideshows, in which arousal levels would have been elevated, supports this interpretation. A possible resolution to this confound would be to remove the negative narrative from the MTBR and elicit emotion solely with music. However, in the current study at least, experimenter-selected music was found to be an ineffective source of emotional arousal. To ensure an arousal response occurs, participant-selected arousing music could be used, thus improving the probability of an emotion response. Any potential distracting effects of participant-selected arousing music could be eliminated by presenting the music before learning. Limiting memory testing to visual details may have also limited detection of the full scope of memory (images and narrative). This decision was made to eliminate interpretation of memory effects in terms of differences in the linguistic properties of the two narratives. Furthermore, testing was limited to visual elements of the slideshow to eliminate ambiguity in the classifications of central and peripheral narrative details. The inclusion of a narrative in the MTBR, when memory is tested for visual elements only, thus brings into question the requirement for a narrative at all. 106 CHAPTER 4. EXPERIMENT ONE ________________________________________________________________________________ Perhaps a slideshow of images combined with a story narrative is more consistent with everyday events, hence the widespread use of the slideshow paradigm in previous research. Nevertheless, the complexity of the slideshow stimulus restricts clear interpretation of emotion effects on memory, particularly for central versus peripheral narrative elements. Simplifying the MTBR by testing memory for images only would improve interpretation of emotional valence effects on attention (e.g. attention narrowing) and memory. A final consideration is the nature of the non-emotion comparison condition. In this and many previous experiments, memory performance has been compared between emotional stimuli that by nature are interesting, engaging, or unusual; or neutral stimuli, which tends to be bland, boring, or disengaging. It would therefore be equally valid to interpret the results of the experimental manipulation as attenuated memory for ‘boring’ stimuli (see Schellenberg, 2012, for methodological limitations that could account for observed differences in cognitive performance). Greater control of the properties of the comparison condition would reduce the influence of this potentially confounding variable. One method of control would be to use a repeated measures design. Participants would thus act as their own control and memory differences could be more confidently attributed to the emotion manipulation. 4.5.4 Conclusion The results of this study have demonstrated that an emotional story facilitated LTM, whereas music intended to be emotionally powerful had little effect on emotion or memory, and music selected to be emotionally neutral had a facilitatory effect on memory. As there was no evidence that the music and non-music emotional stimuli elicited a noradrenergic modulated autonomic response, the neurobiological model of EEM was not tested. Cognitive processes such as mood-congruence, associated neural network activation, and post-encoding elaboration were thus the most plausible explanations for facilitated memory. The next experiment in the current research project was designed to shift the music-emotion manipulation to before the MTBR, thus allowing participants to fully attend to and emotionally engage with the music stimuli. 107 5 EXPERIMENT TWO: Participant-selected music effects on emotional arousal and memory 5.1 Introduction Researchers interested in the effect of music on cognitive tasks (Husain, Forde Thompson, & Schellenberg, 2002; Nantais & Schellenberg, 1999a; Rauscher, Shaw, & Ky, 1993; Schellenberg & Hallam, 2005; Thompson, Schellenberg, & Husain, 2001) have demonstrated a robust effect of music on spatialtemporal reasoning when music is presented up to 15 minutes prior to the task. In these studies, the most effective music was enjoyed, preferred, and/or liked. As these positive feelings are related to optimum arousal (Hargreaves & North, 2010), arousal elicited by enjoyed music has been posited to explain facilitated performance within this paradigm (Jones, West, & Estell, 2006). Presenting emotional music before the MTBR, during which time participants can devote their full attention to music listening, may thus be an effective means of eliciting a noradrenergic modulated emotional arousal response that facilitates memory. Emotion elicited by music prior to the MTBR could increase circulating arousal hormones, leading to neurobiological modulation of LTM for information presentation in close temporal proximity. The emotion-inducing properties of music have been effectively demonstrated with an experimental protocol designed by Salimpoor, Benovoy, Longo, Cooperstock, & Zatorre (2009). In this paradigm, participant selected intensely pleasurable music acts as an emotion stimulus for one participant, and a control stimulus for another participant that rated the same music as neutral. Arousal and affective valence differences between two participants who heard the same music could therefore be more confidently attributed to the emotion eliciting properties of the music. The use of this experimental paradigm both increases the probability of a music-induced emotion response (being participant-selected, not experimenter-selected music), and accounts for structural elements of the music excerpts that may in themselves elicit feelings of emotion (e.g., tempo-arousal, mode-valence). Salimpoor et al. (2009) also demonstrated that chills experienced while listening to music was a reliable index of music induced autonomic arousal (reviewed in Section 2.4.1). As such, the chills response could act as a simple measure of the peripheral efference component of emotion elicited by music. The cognitive component of emotion could be measured with a speeded response task, with 108 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENT TWO ___________________________________________________________________________________ faster response times (RT in ms) indexing higher cortical arousal levels (Surwillo, 1963), and music induced mood valence effects on information processing, such as mood-congruent memory (see Section 2.2). The combination of these measures of emotion components would further clarify the mechanism, neurobiological or cognitive processing in nature, that underlies music-emotion effects on memory. The use of enjoyed music selected by participants also allows for the testing of positive emotion effects on attention and memory. It has previously been theorised that positive emotions imbue a broadening of attention focus (reviewed in Section 2.4.2). At time of writing, there were no published studies reporting the influence of positive emotion elicited by music on the scope of attention and memory. The current research is therefore novel in that it aims to clarify whether positive emotion elicited by music broadens the scope of information attended to and retained. 5.2 Aims and hypotheses The primary aim of this experiment was to determine whether participant-selected enjoyed music elicited multiple components of emotion and facilitated memory. Confirmation of music effects on the various components of emotion and on memory would thus provide the rationale for further testing of music as a source of extrinsic emotional arousal to facilitate the consolidation of LTM. It was hypothesised (1) that relative to non-music and neutral music controls, participant-selected music (PsM) would elicit multiple components of emotion, indexed by more positive and higher self-reported arousal ratings (subjective component); greater chills frequency, higher skin conductance levels and responses, faster heart rate, reduced heart rate variability, and reduced skin temperature (peripheral efference component); and decreased judgement response times and increased attention scope (cognitive component). Support for these hypotheses would confirm that PsM was a valid source of emotional arousal. It was further hypothesised that relative to non-music and neutral music controls, PsM would elicit: (2) the highest memory scores; (3) if emotional arousal was the causal mechanism, then any observed facilitated memory effect would be predicted by increases in autonomic activity; and (4) if mood-congruence was responsible for facilitated memory, then any observed facilitated memory effect would be explained by greater memory for images congruent with self-reported mood. See Appendix B for a summary of the aims and hypotheses. 109 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENT TWO ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5.3 Method 5.3.1 Participants Fifteen males and 22 females aged between 18-50 years (M = 35.03, SD = 9.76) were recruited through University newsletters and posters or by convenience sampling. Participation was voluntary with no reward or incentive provided. Sixty two per cent had played a musical instrument (48% of which had played within the last year) and 92% had completed tertiary education. 5.3.2 Emotion manipulation Participant-selected music was used as the emotion manipulation as it is a reliable means of inducing arousal (Blood & Zatorre, 2001; Rickard, 2004; Salimpoor et al., 2009). PsM also enabled testing of positive emotion effects on memory. To control for the effect that different music features may have on arousal (i.e., tempo is associated with arousal, Husain et al., 2002; Peretz, Gagnon, & Bouchard, 1998a; Schubert, 2004) and mood (i.e., mode is associated with mood valence, Husain et al., 2002; Peretz et al., 1998a), participants were assigned two music tracks from a pool of other participants’ selections (other-selected music, OsM) to act as music controls. These music tracks were selected in a pre-experiment phase of the study, the selection criteria of which are detailed in Section 5.3.6. A five minute excerpt from a national radio science show was used as the non-music active listening control (Control). Replacement of a silence control with an active listening non-music control reduces interpretation of effects in terms of reduced arousal caused by inactivity or boredom while sitting in silence (refer to Schellenberg, 2012, for a review). A data disc containing a sample of participant selected music and the non-music control can be found in Appendix C. The radio excerpt was selected to engage attention without being overly stimulating or boring. Differences between the control and music could therefore be more readily attributed to the unique effect of music. To maximise music emotion effects, participants were left alone and instructed to listen intensely to the music or control selections with their eyes closed. 5.3.3 Material to be remembered (MTBR) The memory task was simplified by presenting participants with visual information only (a series of IAPS image collages) after the emotion manipulation. The task required participants to attend to the 110 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENT TWO ___________________________________________________________________________________ image collages with the knowledge that memory of the images would be tested at the end of the session. The IAPS image collages allowed testing of cognitive processing effects on memory, such as mood effects on attention locus (memory narrowing), and mood-congruent memory bias. The image collages also enabled testing of attention locus by analysing the mean number of image details recalled per image. High detail per image scores would thereby reflect memory narrowing. This method eliminated the requirement for a priori categorisation of central and peripheral detail. Varying the valence of the images in each collage allowed the testing of mood-congruent bias towards neutral, positive, and negative images within the collages. To reduce the risk of a ceiling effect (Standing, 1973), 120 images of moderate arousal (based on normative values provided by Lang et al., 2005) were used, thereby minimizing image-induced arousal as a potential confound. Images were reduced to 3.13cm by 4.17cm and collated to create five separate six wide by four high 24 image collages (see Figure 5.1). Collages comprised an equal number of positive, negative and neutral images from the semantic categories of animals, buildings, objects, people, and scenes. The location of each image in the collage was randomized. 111 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENT TWO ___________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 5.1 One of the five 6 x 4 IAPS image collages used in the experimental procedure. The image collages were complex visual stimuli designed to test detailed memory and attention locus. Images were sized to allow recognition of general content (e.g., a bird, a woman, or a car) without difficulty, and to enable focussed analysis of the details within each image. In this way, a broad locus of attention would be characterised by recall of few details for many of the 24 images within the collage. In contrast, a narrow locus of attention would be characterised by recall of many details for fewer images in the collage. Approximately two minutes were allowed for collage viewing. To minimize test anxiety, no official timer was used, however most participants indicated that they had viewed each collage for long enough within the two minute time-frame. 112 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENT TWO ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5.3.4 Apparatus Instructions and stimuli were presented using Microsoft PowerPoint software on a 19” adjustable screen. Participants sat in a firm armchair with the screen adjusted to a distance of 100 cm and centred at eye level. The five music selections (including the radio excerpt) were digitized and presented through closed headphones at a consistent and comfortable volume. Response time and recognition memory test responses were recorded with E-Prime, and continuous physiological responses were captured with a Bioview data acquisition system. Full apparatus details are provided in the Method chapter. 5.3.5 Measures Emotional response To confirm an emotion response occurred, subjective dimensions of emotion (arousal and valence), were recorded immediately after each listening condition on two dimensional affect grids. The arousal axis was anchored by -5 (very deactivated) to 5 (very activated) and valence axis was anchored by -5 (very negative) to 5 (very positive), both of which were expected to differ between conditions. The frequency of chills (thrills or goose bumps) was also recorded. A second affect grid was completed at the end of the task set to confirm that subjective affective states had returned to comparable baseline levels across conditions. That is, it was expected that they would not differ between conditions. The peripheral efference component of emotion was indexed by changes in skin conductance level (SCL), skin conductance responses per minute (SCR Min), mean inter-beat interval (IBIm), the standard deviation of IBI (IBIsd), and skin temperature (TEMP) during the music/control listening part of the procedure (see the Method chapter for a full description of the Bioview software and measurement parameters). Physiological data submitted for analysis included the period from 5 seconds after stimulus onset to 5 seconds before stimulus offset. The cognitive component of emotion was indexed by face valence judgement RT, controlled with E-Prime, and attention locus. For the RT task, participants were instructed to decide as quickly and accurately as possible whether a line drawing of a face was negative (pressing the number 1 on the number keypad with their index finger) or positive (pressing the number 2 on the number keypad with 113 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENT TWO ___________________________________________________________________________________ their middle finger). Before commencement of the experimental procedure, a RT task to judge whether on-screen arrows were pointing left or right was conducted to control for psychomotor response differences between the index and middle fingers. This task enabled the subtraction of RT differences between the index and middle finger caused by psychomotor response bias. All judgement RTs greater than 2 s were removed, as were incorrect responses. Skewed face judgement RT data were then normalised with a natural log transform to create the psychomotor speed and skew corrected RT variable (RTln). Attention locus was calculated separately for each collage by dividing the number of details freely recalled by the number images recalled, thus giving a mean detail per image value. Higher values indexed greater memory narrowing (more details per image recalled) relative to lower values (minimum of 1). To test what influence participation in the experiment had on subjective feelings of positive and negative affect, the short form of the International Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (I-PANAS-SF) developed by Thompson (2007) was administered before commencement of the experimental procedure and again on completion. The I-PANAS-SF is comprised of five positive and five negative affect adjectives (e.g., inspired, determined, ashamed, and nervous). Participants were instructed to rate their level of agreement with the adjectives at the current time on a scale ranging from 1 (never) to 5 (always). Summation of the five positive adjective scores yields a positive affect index ranging from 5 to 25, and summation of the five negative adjective scores yields a negative affect index ranging from 5 to 25. Individual difference measures of music enjoyment, hours per day spent purposefully listening to music (a measure of music engagement), gender, and BIS/BAS are described in Appendix L. Memory Participants were informed at the commencement of the procedure that their memory for the collage images would be tested, thus ensuring full attention to the task. Memory for the five image collages was tested after presentation of all five experimental blocks. The delay between encoding and memory testing ranged from 10 to 90 minutes, depending on individual differences in task completion and rest times. A difficult distracter task presented after each collage and the multi-task nature of the procedure inhibited rehearsal and maintenance of the images in short-term memory, thus ensuring that the memory data represented the early stages of LTM consolidation (McGaugh, 2000; Squire & Kandel, 1999). Free recall of the image collages was tested first. Participants were given A4 response sheets containing 50 blank boxes, five boxes per sheet, and asked to write a detailed description of as many 114 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENT TWO ___________________________________________________________________________________ images as they could recall; one image per box. Extra blank sheets were provided should participants recall more than 50 of the 120 images. Participants were asked to provide enough detail to be able to distinguish images from each other, and informed that the order of image recall was not important, nor was correctness of spelling. Each detail correctly recalled received a score of one. Recall responses were scored by two independent judges with high inter-rater reliability (r = .96). Recognition memory for the collage images was tested with a forced choice old/new response task. Each image was randomly presented using E-Prime presentation software. For each collage, there was a foil matched on valence, arousal, and semantic category. Participants were instructed that they were to respond ‘yes’ or ‘no’ with assigned keystrokes if they did, or did not recognise the image. To allow a rest period, images were presented in two blocks of 120. 5.3.6 Participant music selection procedure Part One: Participant music selection After agreeing to participate in the study, participants were instructed to select two enjoyed music tracks in preparation for the experiment. Tracks were chosen based on the criteria that they were intensely and consistently enjoyed, preferably ‘unusual’ or ‘eclectic’ (to reduce the emotional impact on other participants), between two and five minutes in duration, contained no lyrics unless in an unfamiliar language (to avoid linguistic interference or mnemonic cues), preferably induced chills, shivers or goose bumps, were not associated with significant past events, and were of similar energy/activation levels. Each track was rated on the subjective valence, arousal, and chills scales described above. A description of the difference between emotions intended by the music composer/performer and emotions felt by the listener was also given by the researcher, and participants were instructed to report the emotion they felt (see Salimpoor et al., 2009, for a discussion of the importance of measuring felt rather than percieved emotion). Participants also rated how much they enjoyed their music selections on a scale ranging from 1, not enjoyed at all, to 7, enjoyed very much. The middle point was 4, neither enjoyed nor not enjoyed. Participants provided the time-frame of their most enjoyed one-minute excerpt of each track to allow compilation of one-minute excerpts for Part Two of the music selection procedure. Participants recorded their music selections onto a compact disc (CD) and returned them by post to the experimenter along with the subjective rating scales, a 115 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENT TWO ___________________________________________________________________________________ demographic questionnaire, and the BIS/BAS scales prior to the laboratory session. (All materials and postage costs were provided for by the university.) This part of the procedure took from one day to approximately two weeks to complete. Participants that took longer than two weeks to respond were excluded from the remainder of the study. Part Two: Control music selection On return of music selections from groups of 10 participants, one-minute excerpts of each track were burnt to CD. CDs comprising 18 one-minute tracks (20 tracks from 10 group members less the respondents own selections) were then posted back to participants for rating. In this part of the procedure, participants rated the 18 one-minute tracks on the scales of valence, arousal, enjoyment, chills frequency, and familiarity. The familiarity rating scale was 7 point anchored by 1, not familiar at all and 7, very familiar, with 4 representing ‘somewhat familiar’. Rating scales were then returned to the experimenter. Completion of this part of the procedure took from 1 day to two weeks. For each participant, two music control tracks were chosen based on the criteria of enjoyment ratings of around ‘4’ (neither enjoyed nor not enjoyed). In this way, music enjoyment and music indifference was the main differentiator of music condition. This method allowed all music selections within the pool to act as either participant selected enjoyed music (PsM) or as an others’ selected music (OsM) control (Salimpoor et al., 2009). The mean OsM1 enjoyment rating across the 37 participants was 3.76 (SD = 1.06), and the OsM2 mean was 3.70 (SD = 1.07). 5.3.7 Laboratory procedure Emotion manipulation and memory testing occurred in the one testing session as emotion appears to facilitate memory in a similar way regardless of time of test (albeit with generalised lower memory performance with delays; Burke et al., 1992, Exp 1). This enabled truncation of the lengthy procedure which involved participant directed music selection, control music selection, experimental emotion manipulation, and memory testing. On arrival at the laboratory, participants were given an overview of the experimental tasks, connected to the physiological recording equipment, and given an opportunity to ask questions (a timeline for the procedure is illustrated in Figure 5.2). Instructions for affect rating (with emphasis on 116 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENT TWO ___________________________________________________________________________________ rating current feelings), chills, and enjoyment were given. Participants then completed practice trials for the left/right arrow RT task and the face valence judgement task. The experiment proper was then initiated, with five task-sets containing music or control listening, followed by affect, chills, and enjoyment ratings, the face-valence RT task, image collage viewing, a semantic fluency task, and a second affect rating. After viewing each image collage, participants were given 60 seconds to name as many items as they could from one of the five categories of; things to wear, things that get you from place to place, animals, things in the kitchen, and fruits and vegetables (semantic fluency task). Responses were voice recorded and scored as a percentage of the total items described from each category. The semantic fluency task acted as a filler to prevent rehearsal of the previously presented collage and to normalise affect before commencement of the next condition. A second affect rating was recorded after the semantic fluency task to confirm that valence and arousal had returned to comparable levels across conditions. The order of the five experimental conditions was presented so that the two PsM tracks were presented together as a block, and the two OsM tracks were presented together as a block. The order of the PsM block, OsM block, and non-music control was quasi-randomised so that the control, OsM, and PsM were presented equally in the first and second position order, thus ensuring a primacy effect could not account for facilitated memory. Completion of the five task-sets took approximately 60 minutes, after which the physiological recording equipment was removed and participants were given the opportunity to take a short break (approximately 5 min). Participants were then instructed they had 20 minutes to write down as many details from the five image collages as possible. To reduce test anxiety, participants were assured that they were not expected to recall all 120 images. They were, however, encouraged to do their best. Response sheets were numbered to 50 to indicate the expected number of images to be recalled. The procedure for recognition memory testing was then explained to participants and they were given the opportunity to practice, after which recognition memory was tested (approximately 10 min). Time to complete the full procedure was between 90 and 120 minutes. The average delay between learning the collages and memory testing was 30 minutes. 117 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENT TWO ___________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 5.2 Stimuli and tasks used in the experimental procedure. PsM = participant selected music, OsM = others’ selected music, Con = non-music control. Music or control listening (a) was followed by post music affective, chills, and enjoyment ratings (b), a reaction time task (c), 4 x 6 IAPS image collage viewing (d), a semantic fluency filler task to prevent rehearsal (e), and post task affective rating (f). The stimuli and tasks were presented five times, followed by a short break, then memory testing. The numbers preceding each letter denote condition number (1 and 2 of 5). 5.4 Results 5.4.1 Data screening and manipulation checks Data were screened for outliers and missing values. If data for any of the variables were missing from one of the five conditions, they were replaced with the participant’s grand mean for that variable. Outliers with values M ± 2SD were treated similarly. Due to equipment malfunction, all physiological 118 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENT TWO ___________________________________________________________________________________ data were lost for two participants. IBI data were lost for five additional participants due to high movement artefact. Final sample size was n = 35 for SCL and SCR Min, n = 32 for IBIm and IBIsd, and n = 37 for TEMP. Valence, arousal, and enjoyment data were negatively skewed for PsM, reflecting effects expected for highly enjoyed music. SCR Min data were negatively skewed for all conditions, reflecting low response for approximately 50% of participants (less than one skin conductance peak greater than 10 ohms per minute). TEMP and IBI data for the control condition were not normally distributed. As ANOVA remains a robust test when the assumption of normality is violated and sample sizes are equal (Howell, 2002), ANOVAs were used to test differences between conditions for all variables. Analysis of the subjective music enjoyment ratings revealed that both PsM music tracks were more enjoyed (PsM1 M = 6.59, SD = 0.80; PsM2 M = 6.32, SD = 1.03) than the OsM tracks (OsM1 M = 4.97, SD = 1.36; OsM2 M = 4.46, SD = 1.34) and the non-music control (M = 4.35, SD = 1.23). However, it should be noted that mean OsM enjoyment ratings had increased by approximately 1 scale point from the Part 2 control selection procedure (OsM1 M = 3.76, SD = 1.06; OsM2 M = 3.70, SD = 1.07) to the laboratory procedure. Some enjoyment of music previously rated as neutral was therefore experienced by participants. Nevertheless, a one-way repeated measures ANOVA revealed that mean enjoyment ratings varied significantly between own and others’ music excerpts, and to the non-music control, F (4,144) = 30.28, p < .001, ηp2 = .46. Post-hoc Bonferroni adjusted pairwise comparisons revealed that the differences between PsM and OsM, and PsM and Control were significant (p < .001 for all comparisons), and that there were no differences in enjoyment ratings between PsM1 and PsM2 (p = 1.00), between OsM1 and OsM2 (p = 1.00), or between OsM1 and OsM2 and the non-music control (p = .55 and p = 1.00, respectively). These results confirmed that PsM had comparable enjoyment effects, and that OsM and the non-music control had comparable enjoyment effects. Analysis of subjective valence and arousal ratings after completing the semantic fluency distracter task (Figure 5.2, 1f) was conducted to test whether valence and arousal levels had returned to a relative baseline levels prior to the next music listening task (Figure 5.2, 2a). A one-way repeated measures ANOVA on the mood valence ratings confirmed that there was no music condition effect on subjective mood after completing the semantic fluency distracter task, F (2,70) = 1.31, p = .27. Significant effects of music condition where, however, revealed for post-semantic fluency task arousal ratings, F (2,70) = 3.39, p < .05, ηp2 = .09. Post-hoc tests revealed significantly higher arousal ratings for the PsM conditions (M = 2.07, SD = 1.52) relative to the OsM conditions (M = 1.37, SD = 1.49), p = .01, d = 0.46. No other comparisons were significant. These results confirmed that mood valence returned to 119 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENT TWO ___________________________________________________________________________________ comparable baseline levels at the completion of each task-set prior to commencing the next music listening task. Subjective arousal levels, however, were elevated in the task-sets that involved listening to PsM, indicating a possible influence of arousal elicited by PsM conditions on the following OsM or control conditions. To test whether condition order had any systematic effects on memory, a one-way between subjects ANOVA was conducted on the collage free recall data. The four levels of condition order were 2 x PsM – Control – 2 x OsM, 2 x OsM – Control – 2 x PsM, Control – 2 x PsM – 2 x OsM, and Control – 2 x OsM – 2 x PsM. The results confirmed that memory scores were not affected by condition order, F (3,33) = 0.50, p = .68. As enjoyment ratings were similar for the two participant selected music tracks, and for the two (relatively) neutral control music tracks, and condition order did not influence memory performance, the averages of the two PsM and the two OsM tracks were calculated for all variables. Doing so reduced variability in the data, thus improving the parametric quality of the distributions and the ability to detect meaningful differences between conditions. Analysis of the I-PANAS-SF data with a time (before vs. after) by affect (positive vs. negative) by condition order (4) mixed ANOVA revealed that participants generally felt more positive (M = 14.40, SD = 3.89) than negative (M = 6.45, SD = 1.29) at the commencement of the experiment, F (1,31) = 166.30, p < .001, ηp2 = .84. No other main effects or interactions were significant. These results confirmed that the more positive affective states at the commencement of the experimental procedure remained constant and were thus not influenced by the experimental tasks. 5.4.2 Emotional response The self-report results indicated that relative to the non-music control, PsM elicited greater subjective feelings of positive mood valence and arousal (illustrated in Figure 5.3a and b), greater physiological activity, indexed by more chills responses (Figure 5.3c), higher skin conductance levels (Figure 5.3d), lower skin temperatures (Figure 5.3e), and more efficient cognitive processing, indexed by shorter RTs (Figure 5.3f). PsM also elicited more positive mood valence ratings and chills than OsM. However, the data revealed that OsM also had an activating effect relative to the control, indexed by higher levels of subjective arousal, chills frequency, SCL, and shorter RTs. There were no clear trends in 120 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENT TWO ___________________________________________________________________________________ the SCR Min, IBIm, IBIsd, and attention scope data (see Table 5.1 for means and standard deviations for all measures). (b) 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 *** *** Con OsM Post-music arousal Post-music valence (a) PsM * OsM PsM (d) *** 4 ** 30 *** ** 25 * 3 SCL (S) Chills frequency *** Con (c) 2 20 15 10 1 5 0 0 Con OsM Con PsM (e) OsM PsM (f) 6.8 36 p = .06 Response time (ms ln) Skin temperature ( C) 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 34 32 30 28 26 Con OsM ** 6.6 6.4 6.2 6.0 PsM Con OsM PsM Figure 5.3 Mean (a) post-music listening subjective mood valence and (b) arousal, and music induced (c) chills frequency, (d) skin conductance level (SCL), (d) skin temperature (TEMP), and response time for the non-music control, OsM, PsM conditions. Error bars represent standard errors. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001. 121 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENT TWO ___________________________________________________________________________________ A series of one-way within-subjects ANOVAs confirmed that there were significant differences between conditions for all of the emotion measures except SCR Min, IBIm, IBIsd, and attention locus (ANOVA results are presented in Table 5.1). Post-hoc decomposition of the significant ANOVAs revealed that mood valence ratings for PsM were more positive than for the control (p < .001) and for OsM (p < .001), while similar for the control and OsM (p = 1.00). PsM elicited significantly greater subjective arousal responses (p < .001), chills (p < .001), SCLs (p < .01), a trend to significance for reduced skin temperature (p = .06), and decreased RTs (p = .01) relative to the non-music control. However, OsM also elicited significantly greater subjective arousal ratings (p < .05), chills (p < .01), and SCL (p < .05) than the control, and differences between OsM and PsM were not significant for subjective arousal (p = .09), SCL (p = .12), skin temperature (p = .17), and RT (p = .08). 122 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENT TWO ___________________________________________________________________________________ Table 5.1 Mean and Standard Deviation (SD), ANOVA F Statistic, Degrees of Freedom (df), and Effect Size (ηp2) for the Non-music Control, Others’ Music (PsM) and Participants’ Music (PsM) for each Emotion Measure Omnibus ANOVA Control Mean (SD) OsM Mean (SD) PsM Mean (SD) F (df) ηp2 1.11 (1.78) 1.11 (1.56) 2.62 (1.88) 13.47 (2,72) .27 *** -0.59 (2.31) 0.62 (1.89) 1.81 (2.46) 12.35 (2,72) .26 *** 0.00 (0.00) 0.63 (1.12) 2.75 (2.17) 45.34† (1.47,52.79) .56 *** SCL 17.51 (7.59) 19.92 (7.68) 20.90 (8.21) 11.81† (1.53, 52.02) .26 *** SCR Min 1.10 (0.68) 0.98 (0.66) 1.12 (0.61) 1.49 (2,68) .04 IBIm 819.33 (103.30) 818.33 (108.94) 816.77 (99.75) 0.10† (1.76, 51.14) .01 IBIsd 51.55 (17.96) 46.96 (17.82) 49.52 (16.65) 0.57 (2,58) .02 TEMP 31.70 (4.11) 31.84 (3.75) 30.51 (5.06) 3.88† (1.39,47.38) .10 * 4.75 (2.05) 4.78 (1.48) 4.73 (1.72) 0.02† (1.52,54.88) .00 6.45 (0.24) 6.41 (0.23) 6.36 (0.24) 6.60 (2,72) .15 ** Subjective report Valence Arousal Physiological Chills a Cognitive Attention scope Race RT (ln) Note. a No chills were reported for the Control condition. †Huynh-Feldt correction when the assumption of sphericity was violated. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001. 123 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENT TWO ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5.4.3 Music effects on memory Trends in the free recall data illustrated in Figure 5.4 indicated that PsM facilitated memory relative to the non-music control. The highest recall scores were for details of images presented after listening to self-selected enjoyed music. The higher recall scores for OsM relative to the control indicated that there was also a facilitatory effect of others’ music selections, even though they had minimal effects on enjoyment. The music conditions had minimal effect on recognition of collage images. A one-way between subjects ANOVA confirmed that the observed free recall differences were statistically significant, F (2,72) = 3.28, p <.05, ηp2 = .08. Post-hoc tests revealed that the difference between the control (M = 20.54, SD = 12.31) and PsM (M = 26.03, SD = 13.68) approached significance (p = .05, d = 0.42), while difference between the control and OsM (M = 24.40, SD = 12.52) was not significant (p = .23), as was the difference between OsM and PsM, p = 1.00). The recognition memory ANOVA revealed that differences between music conditions were not significant, F (2,70) = 0.91, p =.41. All further memory analyses were therefore conducted on the free recall data only. Free Recall * Details recalled 30 20 10 0 Control OsM PsM Figure 5.4 Mean number of correct details freely recalled from image collages presented after the nonmusic control, OsM, and PsM. Error bars represent standard error. * p = .05. 124 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENT TWO ___________________________________________________________________________________ Observation of the trends in the emotion measures presented in Figure 5.3 and free recall memory scores presented in Figure 5.4 indicated that memory scores increased with activation of the emotion components of subjective feeling, peripheral efference, and cognitive. Pearson’s correlations were conducted to test whether the relationship between the various indices of emotion and free recall in each condition were significant. The results revealed that increasing SCL was significantly correlated with increasing free recall scores for all three conditions (control, r = .37, n = 35, p < .05, R2 = .14; OsM, r = .42, n = 35, p < .05, R2 = .18; and PsM, r = .43, n = 35, p < .05, R2 = .18), as was decreasing IBIsd in the PsM condition (r = -.40, n = 30, p < .05, R2 = .16). There was a trend for the correlations between decreasing SCR Min and RT and increasing free recall scores to be significant (SCR Min r = -.33, n = 35, p = .05, R2 = .11; RT r = -.29, n = 37, p = .08, R2 = .09). A correlation matrix for each condition is presented in Appendix F. These results indicated that increased tonic arousal levels (indexed by increased SCL and decreased IBIsd, a measure of parasympathetic control of heart rate), increased cortical activation (indexed by faster RT), and decreased phasic arousal responses (indexed by decreased SCR) were related to increased memory performance. To further explore the extent to which these indices of arousal uniquely predicted memory, a standard multiple regression analysis (MRA, enter method) was performed for each condition. Free recall of collage details was the outcome variable, and SCL, and IBIsd, and RT were the predictor variables. SCR Min data were skewed and therefore excluded from the analysis. It should be noted however, that a sample size of 29 for a regression analysis with three predictor variables was small. Results should therefore be interpreted with caution. Otherwise, all assumptions of MRA were met. The MRA for the control condition revealed that SCL, IBIsd and RT accounted for 18% (adjusted R2 = .09) of free recall variance, yet failed to reach statistical significance, F (3,29) = 1.95, p = .15. Unstandardised (B) and standardised (β) regression coefficients, and squared semi-partial correlations (sr2) for SCL, IBIsd, and RT across the three regression models are presented in Table 5.2. For the OsM condition, SCL, IBIsd and RT accounted for 37% (adjusted R2 = .30) of free recall variance and was a reliable predictive model of free recall scores, F (3,29) = 5.18, p < .01. SCL, IBIsd and RT in response to PsM accounted for most variance in memory scores (44%, adjusted R2 = .38), F (3,31) = 7.70, p < .01. 125 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENT TWO ___________________________________________________________________________________ Table 5.2 Unstandardized (B) and Standardized (β) Regression Coefficients and Squared Semi-partial Correlations (sr2) for Regression Models Predicting Free Recall Memory from SCL, IBIsd, and RT During a Non-music Control, Others’ Music Selections (OsM), or Participants’ Music Selections (PsM) Control Variable SCL OsM sr2 B β 0.61* .40 13% B 0.52* β PsM sr2 B β sr2 .34 13% 0.60* .37 12% -0.37** -.45 20% -.28 7% IBIsd -0.11 -.12 3% -0.21 -.10 10% RT -5.20 -.10 2% -19.72* -.40 13% -16.15 Note. * < .05. ** p < .01 5.4.4 Mood-congruent memory Mood effects on memory were tested by comparing memory differences for neutral, positive, and negative images across conditions. Inspection of mean free recall scores (illustrated in Figure 5.5) indicated that negative images were more memorable than neutral images in the music conditions, and positive images were more memorable than neutral images in the control and PsM conditions. Interestingly, recall of positive images was similar to neutral images in the OsM condition. Details Recalled 12 Neutral Images Positive Images Negative Images 10 8 6 4 2 0 Control OsM PsM Condition Figure 5.5 Mean number of correct details freely recalled from neutral, positive, and, negative images in the control, OsM and PsM conditions. Error bars represent standard error. 126 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENT TWO ___________________________________________________________________________________ The image detail recall data were analysed with an image valence (3) by music condition (3) repeated measures ANOVA. Results revealed significant main effects of valence, F (1.79, 64.47) = 6.91, p < .01, ηp2 = .16 (Huynh-Feldt adjusted degrees of freedom) and condition, F (2,72) = 5.06, p < .01, ηp2 = .12. However, the interaction between valence and condition was not significant, F (4,144) = 1.54, p = .19. Post-hoc tests revealed that the valence effect was due to significantly more positive image details recalled (M = 8.02, SD = 3.66) than neutral image details (M = 6.43, SD = 3.45), p < .05, d = 0.45. Similarly, more negative image details were recalled (M = 8.90, SD = 4.88) than neutral image details, p < .01, d = 0.59. Recall differences between positive and negative images were not significant, p = .82. A similar analysis conducted on the recognition memory data revealed a consistent image valence effect, F (1.69, 60.98) = 4.20, p < .05, ηp2 = .10 (Huynh-Feldt adjusted degrees of freedom). However, post-hoc tests revealed that the only comparison to reach statistical significance was the difference between positive (M = 2.90, SD = 1.90) and neutral image recognition (M = 2.50, SD = 1.85), p < .05, d = 0.42. Recognition memory differences between negative (M = 2.74, SD = 1.68) and neutral images, and negative and positive images were not significant (p = .09 and p = 1.00 respectively). Differences between music conditions were not significant (F (1.95, 70.37) = 1.14, p = .32), nor was the interaction between image valence and music condition F (4.00, 144.00) = 0.24, p = .91). 5.4.5 Individual differences Hours of purposeful music listening and BAS sensitivity moderated the relationship between skin temperature and response times (respectively) on memory for control condition images. Furthermore, enjoyment of others’ music moderated the relationship between SCL and memory. These results indicated that individual differences in music engagement and arousal sensitivity influenced the emotion-memory relationship. See Appendix L for a full report of the individual differences results. 5.5 Discussion The results of this study supported the hypothesis that participant-selected enjoyed music elicited changes in several components of emotion. Relative to a non-music control, PsM elicited significantly higher subjective mood valence and arousal ratings, higher frequency of chills and higher skin conductance levels, a trend for significantly decreased skin temperature, and significantly shorter RTs. These responses reflect synchronised activation of the subjective feeling, peripheral efference, and 127 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENT TWO ___________________________________________________________________________________ cognitive components of emotion. When considering emotional responses to participants’ own music selections relative to other participants’ music selections, PsM elicited significantly higher subjective mood valence ratings and higher frequency of chills. However, the differences in subjective arousal, skin conductance levels, skin temperature, and RTs were not significant. These results revealed that others’ music and own music elicited arousal responses (top half of two-dimensional emotion space), but that only personally selected music elicited both increased arousal responses, and more importantly, greater positive valence responses (Q1 of 2DES). OsM was thus activating while PsM was emotional, determined by increases in both the arousal and valence dimensions of emotion. All three conditions were not differentiated by skin conductance responses, mean heart rhythm, heart rhythm variability, or attention focus. The hypothesis that PsM would elicit greater early LTM scores than the non-music control was supported, as was the hypothesis that increasing levels of emotional arousal would be associated with increasing memory scores. Memory scores were higher in the PsM condition than the non-music control, and memory scores were positively correlated with skin conductance levels, and negatively correlated with skin conductance response, heart rhythm variability, and weakly correlated with RT. A multiple regression analysis for each condition was conducted to discern which of these variables, excluding skin conductance response due to skew in the data, best accounted for the arousal-memory relationship. The results revealed that increased central and peripheral nervous system arousal, indexed by reaction time and skin conductance levels, reliably predicted memory for the OsM condition, and increased peripheral nervous system arousal, indexed by skin conductance levels and heart rhythm variability, reliably predicted memory for the PsM condition. The regression model for the non-music control was not significant. It should be observed however, that skin conductance levels accounted for similar levels of variability in recall scores in all three conditions, indicating that increased arousal, regardless of the experimental manipulation, was associated with increased memory. This result is consistent with an arousal dose-response effect on performance of a wide variety of cognitive tasks. There was weak evidence that mood-congruence influenced memory in the OsM condition. Although mood valence ratings were relatively neutral after listening to OsM, listening to others’ choices of eclectic music may have elicited a mildly negative response and less positive image details attended to and retained. However, as the interaction between music stimulus and image valence was not significant, this observation remains speculative. Facilitated memory for positive and negative images relative to neutral images was consistent with the well documented bias towards remembering 128 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENT TWO ___________________________________________________________________________________ emotional stimuli. The failure to detect differences in attention focus, one of the two measures of cognitive appraisal used in this study, may have been due to the insensitivity of the measure. In previous studies that test the influence of emotion on attention scope, response time to decide the global or local features of abstracted information, such as letters or shapes, has been used as the index of attention bias (e.g., Gable & Harmon-Jones, 2008b). In the current experiment, the operationalization of attention bias was intended to be more direct, in that attention to a narrow or broad range of information presented in the image collages would be reflected in free recall memory of the collages. This method of measuring attention scope was either ineffective, or, given the clear emotion inducing properties of PsM music, the proposal that emotion can influence attention scope is not valid. Further testing of music induced changes in the locus of attention are therefore required. The finding that for the OsM condition, shorter RTs predicted early LTM indicates that cortical activation elicited by others’ music was the mechanism underlying memory retention. The source of the cortical activation may be attributed to brain stem reflexes evoked by the music (reviewed in Section 2.5). When participants first heard others’ music selections, they were in their own environment and evaluating the music according to a broad range of criteria. Their general arousal levels may therefore have been lower, and their attention to the music may have been divided. The combination of these factors may have diminished the influence of the dynamics of the music (e.g. changes in loudness and tempo etc.) on emotion. When participants heard others’ music in the research laboratory, their baseline arousal levels may have been elevated due to the experimental context, and they were paying full attention to the music. Paying full attention to others’ music with elevated arousal levels may therefore have been sufficient to evoke brain stem reflexes that were absent on initial exposure. Interestingly, for PsM there was no relationship between RT and memory. Instead, decreases in heart rhythm variability predicted higher memory scores. The combination of increased SCL and shorter RTs predicting memory in the OsM model may reflect a cortically mediated ‘response readiness’ elicited by others’ music that improved information processing and memory. In the PsM model, the combination of increased SCL and decreased heart rhythm variability, which is an index of increased noradrenergic control of heart rhythm, predicted memory. PsM may therefore have elicited an amygdala response, leading to increased noradrenergic control of heart rhythm (and by association sympathetic control of the adrenal gland), increased circulating arousal hormones, and β-adrengeric receptor activation in the BLA, leading to synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus and LTM formation. It could thus be surmised that the memory gains elicited by PsM were permanent. This proposition, 129 CHAPTER 5. EXPERIMENT TWO ___________________________________________________________________________________ however, needs to be tested further using more direct measures of amgydala activation and peripheral noradrenergic activation. In conclusion, the results of this study demonstrate that self-selected enjoyed music elicited responses consistent with positive emotions. Furthermore, self-selected enjoyed music presented before encoding was the most effective method of facilitating memory for visual details, possibly due to the music effect on noradrenergic modulation of heart rhythm and memory consolidation. The successful elicitation of multiple components of emotion with music, combined with concurrent facilitation of early stage LTM, provides the rationale for further exploring the effects of positive emotionally powerful music on the consolidation of LTM. 130 6 EXPERIMENT THREE: Post-learning music effects on long-term memory 6.1 Introduction Experiment 2 confirmed that participant-selected music elicited multiple components of emotion, and that noradrenergic modulation of HRV elicited by this music predicted the early stages of LTM. Others’ music selections increased physiological arousal, possibly had a mildly negative effect on mood, and facilitated memory, although all to a lesser extent than that revealed for participant selected music. These emotional arousal effects on memory may have been caused by arousal modulation of the early stages of LTM consolidation. The memory effect may also have been caused by arousal effects on information processing speed and encoding efficiency. The current experiment was therefore designed to isolate encoding from consolidation by presenting the arousal treatment after learning. In this way, any facilitation of memory could be more confidently attributed to emotional arousal effects on memory consolidation, rather than on encoding. Post-learning emotion treatments have been successfully applied in studies testing EEM in humans (reviewed in Section 2.3). Presenting the emotion treatment after learning isolates emotion effects on cognitive processes that contribute to memory formation (e.g., mood-congruent memory, more efficient information processing at encoding, and post-encoding elaboration) from emotion induced arousal effects on memory consolidation. The emotion treatment has variously included postencoding cold-pressor tests or psychological stress tests to increase cortisol levels, oral cortisol treatments, aversive or humorous videos, unexpected rewards, or positive and negatively valent arousing music (see Table 2.1). One of the most consistently tested methodologies within this research paradigm is that designed by Nielson and colleagues (Nielson & Bryant, 2005; Nielson & Powless, 2007; Nielson et al., 2005), in which participants view a wordlist, are then exposed to the emotion treatment, and memory for the wordlist is tested immediately and again after a delay. The use of a wordlist as the MTBR has the advantage of simplicity. Nevertheless, this simplicity limits the detection of cognitive processes that underlie memory formation (Eich & Forgas, 2003). The wordlist learning paradigm is therefore most suited to testing neurobiological modulation of memory, in which the effect of postencoding arousal treatments on consolidation of the memory trace are of primary interest. 131 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENT THREE ___________________________________________________________________________________ The participant selected music in Experiment 2 was clearly more effective as an emotional arousal treatment than the experimenter-selected music in Experiment 1. However, the complicated and time consuming music selection procedure proved onerous. An alternative method of music selection that maintains sufficient control of extraneous confounding variables uses pilot testing. Music is pre-selected based on the outcomes of previous research, and individuals are requested to provide judgements of the emotionality of the music. Although potentially not as emotionally powerful as participant-selected music, this method has the advantage of simplifying the music selection procedure while maintaining good experimental control. Specific patterns of cortical activity, measured with EEG, have been proposed to index emotions (reviewed in Section 2.4.2). The direct measurement of cortical activation with EEG would thus increase confidence in the detection of the cognitive component of emotion. Synchronised changes in the CNS and PNS that were associated with facilitated memory would also index neurobiological modulation of memory. The aim of this third and final experiment was to determine whether arousal elicited by positive and arousing experimenter-selected music, presented after learning, strengthened the consolidation of LTM. It was hypothesized that relative to music and non-music control conditions: (1) PA music would activate the emotion components of subjective feeling (indexed by increased subjective valence and arousal ratings), peripheral efference (indexed by increased autonomic activity), and cognitive (indexed by increased EEG activity) components of emotion; and (2) post-learning emotional arousal elicited by PA music would facilitate long-term (one week) word list memory. 6.2 Method 6.2.1 Participants Forty five healthy volunteers were recruited through University notices or convenience sampling and gave their informed consent to participate. As incentive, all participants were offered the chance to win one of two $50 iTunes music vouchers. First year psychology students also received course credit for their participation. Thirteen males and 32 females aged between 18 and 47 years (M = 25.53, SD = 8.81) were randomly allocated to one of the three experimental conditions. Three participants were left hand dominant, 5 ambidextrous, and 37 right hand dominant, as determined by the Edinburgh 132 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENT THREE ___________________________________________________________________________________ Handedness survey (Oldfield, 1971). All participants were current or graduate university students, 36 had musical instrument training, and 23 had played within the previous 12 months. 6.2.2 Emotion manipulation Three types of sound stimuli were used; positive and arousing music (PA Music), a music control comprised of mixed excerpts of the PA music (Music Mix), and a digital recording of outdoor street sounds interspersed with a recording of science show radio interview (Traffic Mix). A data disk containing the sound stimuli can be found in Appendix C. The music mix was used as a music control, and the traffic mix was used as an active listening non-music control. Given the high variability in individual music preferences, three PA Music tracks were selected to maximize the probability of eliciting positive arousal. Life in Technicolor by Coldplay (2’33”), Also Sprach Zarathustra (1’40”) composed by Richard Strauss, and O Fortuna (2’48”) composed by Carl Orff were selected based on arousal and positive valence ratings from 17 pilot study participants (refer to Appendix G for a summary of music selection criteria and results). The three music tracks were presented in the order described above, with a silence interval of 5 s separating each track. The order of music presentation was held constant to allow subsequent analyses of real-time music structure changes on continuous psychophysiological responses (not reported in this dissertation). The duration of the PA Music stimulus was 7 minutes and 5 seconds. Music Mix was created by overlaying one music track on another with sound editing software (CD Architect, Sony). The music-based control was thus the same music as the PA Music. Also Sprach Zarathustra was overlaid on Life in Technicolor; at 1’45” Also Sprach Zarathustra faded out and O Fortuna faded in; at 2’30” Life in Technicolor faded out and Also Sprach Zarathustra faded in. To avoid startling participants, care was taken to ensure a smooth transition between music tracks. The resulting stimulus contained the structural elements of all three music tracks yet was a somewhat cacophonous and unpredictable listening experience. It was thus expected that the music mix would be an interesting auditory stimulus that did not elicit feelings of positive emotion, increase arousal, or be considered musical. The duration of the music mix was 4 minutes and twelve seconds. Traffic Mix was created using sound editing software to fade a science show radio interview (described in Chapter 5, Experiment 2) in and out of a digital recording of street sounds. The street sounds were comprised mostly of vehicles stopping and starting with occasional bird calls and 133 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENT THREE ___________________________________________________________________________________ pedestrian sounds. Sections of the radio interview were faded down to silence at random intervals throughout the recording, before returning to a volume no greater than the traffic sounds. The purpose of fading the radio interview in and out of a general auditory threshold was to ensure participants remained attentive to the stimulus. Total duration of the traffic mix was 5 minutes and 10 seconds. The CD Architect software was used to adjust volume to similar levels throughout all sound stimuli, thus minimising differences in arousal caused by differences in the loudness of the stimuli (Schubert, 2004). Each sound stimulus was saved as wave (‘wav’) files for presentation via stimulus presentation software. Music Mix and Traffic Mix duration was not matched to PA Music (7 min 5 s) to reduce eliciting negative affect caused by overexposure to these unusual stimuli. The difference in stimulus duration was considered more acceptable than reducing PA Music duration and failing to elicit positive and aroused affective states, or increasing Music Mix and Traffic Mix duration and risk eliciting negative affect. 6.2.3 Material to be remembered (MTBR) A word list previously used by Nielson et al (Nielson & Bryant, 2005; Nielson & Powless, 2007; Nielson et al., 2005), and Judde and Rickard (2010) was used as the target MTBR. This word list was chosen to allow for the comparison of results between the current and prior studies. The word list was comprised of thirty highly imaginable nouns of moderate valence and arousal, for example caterpillar, child, lobster, and ship. Each word (coloured white) was presented sequentially in the centre of a blue computer monitor in random order. Participants controlled the rate of word presentation. Word onset was initiated by a keypad press, at which time a white fixation cross appeared in the centre of the screen for five seconds, followed by the word. 6.2.4 Apparatus Participants were seated in a firm armchair located one meter from a computer monitor. A room divider was placed between the armchair and the rest of the room (see Appendix H for images of equipment set-up). All stimuli and instructions were presented on screen using E-Prime. EEG and autonomic nervous system data were acquired continuously and simultaneously using Nexus-10. Realtime psychophysiological data were continuously monitored by the experimenter on a second computer monitor located behind the room divider. Sound stimuli were delivered via closed headphones with 134 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENT THREE ___________________________________________________________________________________ volume adjusted to a comfortable level for each participant. Full details of the apparatus are provided in the Method chapter. 6.2.5 Measures Emotional response As with Experiment 2, the subjective component of emotion was measured using a twodimensional affect grid capturing subjective arousal (-5 to 5) and valence (-5 to 5) after each listening condition. At the same time, the frequency of chills was recorded, and the liking and familiarity of the stimulus was measured on Likert style scales ranging from 1 (extremely disliked/not at all familiar) to 7 (extremely liked/very familiar). The peripheral efference component of emotion was indexed by changes in mean heart rhythm (inter-beat intervals, or IBI) and the proportion of high frequency components of heart rate variability (%HF HRV), blood volume amplitude (BVA), respiratory rate (RSP), and spontaneous skin conductance responses per minute (SCR min) for each participant. Physiological data submitted for analysis included the average of the period from 5 seconds after stimulus onset to 5 seconds before stimulus offset. The cognitive component of emotion was indexed by changes in alpha and theta activity in two frontal locations (Fp1 and Fp2) and one parietal location (Pz). A full description of these measures is provided in the Method chapter. To control for basal differences in physiological levels, change from a two minute baseline was calculated for all physiological measures. Changes in subjective feelings of affect from before to after the experiment were measured with the I-PANAS-SF (described in the method section of Experiment 2). Memory Memory for the word list was tested immediately after presentation, and again after a delay of one week. At both times, participants were instructed to write down as many words from the list as they could recall. To control for individual differences in memory ability, particularly strategies used to encode the words, the percentage of words retained from immediate testing to one-week testing was calculated. Word recognition was also tested by asking participants to select the 30 target words from 110 matched randomly interspersed distracter words. Participants were instructed to respond by key 135 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENT THREE ___________________________________________________________________________________ press with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the question “Do you recognize this word from last week?”. Recognition scores were corrected for guessing using the formula reported by Nielson and Bryant (2005). 6.2.6 Procedure Week One Upon arrival at the research laboratory, participants were informed that the aim of the study was to determine the effect of music on brain activity, physiology, and memory. They were informed that in session one, EEG and physiological sensors would be used to measure their responses to various stimuli and a word list memory task, with similar activities occurring in session two one-week later. As such, unlike Experiment 1, participants were partly informed of the purpose of the study. Information relating to the LTM test in week two was withheld. The EEG and peripheral (skin conductance, heart rate, respiratory rate) recording sensors were connected to participants and they were seated in front of the computer monitor. Before commencement of the tasks, participants were informed that a two minute baseline was to be recorded, during which time they were to relax with their eyes closed, followed by the word list memory task, a listening condition, and then report of subjective responses to the listening condition. The sequence of these tasks and instructions were presented on the computer monitor and participants were asked to follow the instructions accordingly. The I-PANAS-SF was completed, after which headphones were set in place and the two minute baseline period was initiated. A low volume tone at the completion of the baseline period queued participants to open their eyes. At this time, participants were then given the keyboard commands and the instructions for the word list learning procedure. The procedure was initiated and paced by participants. On completion of the word list presentation, participants were given a sheet of paper with a table containing 30 blank cells and asked to write down as many of the 30 words as they could recall without concern for spelling errors. The recall task was not time limited and participants finished the task in two minutes to 10 minutes (M = 4.32). Free recall memory testing at this point thus satisfied the expectation of memory testing and prevented rehearsal during the one-week delay period. After completion of the first recall test, participants listened to one of the three sound conditions. Condition order was randomised. Participants were instructed that it was important that they listen with their eyes closed and that they pay attention to the drums (if PA Music or Music Mix) or 136 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENT THREE ___________________________________________________________________________________ the radio interview (if Traffic Mix), thus ensuring equal attention was paid to each condition and minimising further elaboration of the previously presented words. Subjective ratings were completed at the end of the listening period. Participants were then given demographic questionnaires to complete before their arrival at the second session in one week’s time. Week Two After collection of completed take-home questionnaires, participants were informed that the session involved further testing of memory for the words presented in the previous week. They were also informed that their subjective and physiological responses to two more sound stimuli (the second and third of the three experimental conditions, randomly presented) would be recorded.11 At this time, participants were asked whether they were aware that their memory for the same material would be tested. As per session one, participants were connected to the peripheral physiological recording sensors. After set-up, word free recall was tested using the same procedure as in session one, followed by recognition memory testing. Participants were informed that their task was to indicate which of the 140 words presented on the computer monitor (same font and colours as session one) were present in the word list they learnt in the previous week. Instructions were given to respond with a ‘1’ for ‘yes, I recognize the word from last week’, or ‘2’ for ‘no, I do not recognize the word’. Onset of each new word was initiated by key press and word presentation was randomized for each participant. Participants then listened to the remaining two sound conditions and subjective ratings were recorded. 6.3 Results 6.3.1 Data screening and treatment All data for one participant in the Traffic Mix group was removed due to knowledge of the oneweek delayed memory test. The remaining data were screened before analysing the effects of the experimental conditions on emotion and memory. For the Traffic Mix group, all autonomic data were removed for one participant due to high movement artefact, technical failure led to the loss of recognition memory data for a second participant, and theta and alpha data were not collected from 11 Physiological responses to the remaining two conditions was recorded to satisfy participant’s expectation of music exposure in this study. 137 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENT THREE ___________________________________________________________________________________ site Pz for a third participant due to poor scalp access at that location. Technical failure led to the loss of all physiological data for one participant in the PA Music group. Occurrence of movement artefact did not differ between the three conditions (Traffic Mix = 1.83%, Music Mix = 0.95%, PA Music = 1.09%). Eye movement was marked where signals were above or below 50 µV pk-pk and then removed from all channels. More data were removed from the Traffic Mix condition due to EOG artefact (8.45%) than the Music Mix (1.48%), and PA Music (2.27%) conditions. It was unclear why Traffic Mix should elicit greater eye movement than the music conditions, perhaps keeping one’s eyes closed during music listening was easier than for the no-music control. Regardless, as the Traffic Mix was longer, greater data loss did not interfere with overall interpretation. A test of the effect of the experimental conditions on brain hemispheric laterality at the Fp sites (right handed participants only12, N=34), failed to detect EEG differences between the three conditions. EEG data from the two frontal sites, Fp1 and Fp2, were therefore collapsed. 6.3.2 Emotional response Subjective feelings The self-report emotion measures indicated that subjective feelings of emotion were elicited by PA Music relative to Traffic Mix. Surprisingly, similar emotion responses were observed for the Music Mix. There were reports of higher subjective arousal and chills frequency for both music conditions relative to Traffic Mix. There were also reports of more positive mood valence and liking of both music conditions. Means and standard deviations for each condition and ANOVA results are presented in Table 6.1. 12 The laterality test was conducted on right handed participants only in order to control for the effect of hand preference on hemispheric dominance. 138 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENT THREE ___________________________________________________________________________________ Table 6.1 Self-report Means (M) and Standard Deviations (SD), ANOVA F Statistics, Degrees of Freedom (df), and Effect Sizes (ηp2) for Traffic Mix, Music Mix, and PA Music Traffic Mix n = 14 Music Mix n = 15 PA Music n = 15 Omnibus ANOVA ηp2 M SD M SD M SD F (df) Arousal 0.85 1.96 2.60 2.16 2.53 1.62 3.77 (2,41) .16 * Chills a 0.00 0.00 1.20 1.21 1.90 1.67 9.17 (2,42) .31 ** Valence -0.78 2.33 2.20 2.30 1.37 1.71 7.52 (2,41) .27 ** Liking 3.57 1.22 4.93 1.39 5.10 1.34 5.78 (2,41) .22 ** Variable Note. a No chills were reported for the Traffic Mix condition. * p < .05. ** p < .01. The ANOVAs confirmed that the differences between conditions were significant for all of the self-report measures. Post-hoc Bonferroni adjusted pair-wise comparisons revealed that relative to Traffic Mix, PA Music elicited more chills (p < .001, d = 2.27), more positive mood valence ratings (p < .05, d = 1.16), and was more liked (p < .05, d = 0.98). However, the higher arousal ratings for PA Music relative to Traffic Mix failed to reach statistical significance (p = .07). Mean differences between Traffic Mix and Music Mix were also significant for all of the self-report measures except arousal (p = .06; chills, p < .05, d = 1.98; valence, p < .01, d = 1.36; and liking, p < .05, d = 0.86), while differences between Music Mix and PA Music were not significant. Analysis of the I-PANAS-SF data with a time (before vs. after) by affect (positive vs. negative) by condition (3) mixed ANOVA revealed a significant interaction between all three factors, F (2,36) = 3.57, p = .04, ηp2 = .17. Post-hoc within-subjects t-tests comparing mean adjective ratings before to after the experimental procedure revealed that the interaction was due to decreases in positive adjective ratings after listening to the traffic mix (t (11) = 2.78, p < .05), and increases in positive adjective ratings after listening to PA music (t (12) = -2.92, p < .05). No such pattern of effect was evident for negative adjective ratings (illustrated in Figure 6.1). Higher ratings for positive 139 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENT THREE ___________________________________________________________________________________ than negative adjectives both before and after the experiment were also significant (F (1,36) = 161.58, p < .001, ηp2 = .82). Mean adjective rating 20 Before After * * 15 10 5 Traffic Mix Music Mix PA Music Traffic Mix Positive Affect Music Mix PA Music Negative Affect Figure 6.1 Mean I-PANAS-SF adjective ratings for each condition before and after the experiment. Error bars represent standard error. * p < .05. Autonomic response Inspection of the autonomic nervous system means (presented in Table 6.2) indicated that autonomic activity changed from baseline for all conditions. The experimental conditions reduced IBIs (increased heart rhythm), increased the proportion of high frequency HRV, reduced BVA (vasoconstriction), increased respiratory rate, and either reduced or increased SCRs. Differences between the conditions were apparent in the degree of change from baseline, with Traffic Mix eliciting the greatest IBI reductions and increases in high frequency HRV, and the Music Mix and PA Music conditions eliciting the greatest decreases in BVA and increases in respiration rate and SCRs. 140 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENT THREE ___________________________________________________________________________________ Table 6.2 Autonomic Nervous System Change from Baseline Mean (M) and Standard Deviation (SD) for Traffic Mix, Music Mix, and PA Music Variable Traffic Mix n = 13† M SD Music Mix n = 15 M SD PA Music n = 14 M SD IBI -26.96 35.11 -10.75 45.72 -11.41 28.80 %HF HRV 10.95 19.53 5.26 21.66 4.31 18.68 BVA 0.05 5.70 -4.41* 3.04 -2.92* 5.01 RSP 2.26 3.95 4.31 3.67 4.18 3.23 SCR Min -0.35 1.19 0.59 1.75 0.43 1.25 Note. † n = 13 in the Traffic Mix group for all measures except SCR Min (n = 14). * Difference from Traffic Mix, p < .05. Mixed ANOVAs with time (baseline vs. condition) as the within-subjects measure and condition (3) as the between-subjects measure revealed that the change from baseline was significant for IBI (F (1,39) = 7.98, p < .01, ηp2 = .17), %HF HRV (F (1,39) = 4.87, p < .05, ηp2 = .11), BVA (F (1,39) = 11.35, p < .01, ηp2 = .22), and RSP (F (1,39) = 40.97, p < .001, ηp2 = .51), but not for SCR Min (F (1,40) = 1.13, p = .29, ηp2 = .03). Mean differences between conditions were not significant for all measures. The interaction between time and condition was not significant for all measures except BVA, F (2,39) = 3.27, p < .05, ηp2 = .14 (illustrated in Figure 6.2). Post-hoc within-subjects t-tests revealed that the interaction was due to significant BVA decreases from baseline for the Music Mix (t (14) = 5.62, p < .001), and PA music (t (13) = 2.18, p < .05) that did not occur for the Traffic Mix (t (12) = -.03, p = .97). 141 Blood Volume Amplitude (RMS) CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENT THREE ___________________________________________________________________________________ 20 Traffic Mix Music Mix PA Music 15 10 5 Baseline Post-encoding Treatment Time Figure 6.2 Significant change in mean BVA from the two minute baseline to the post-encoding treatment period for Music Mix (p < .05) and PA music (p < .05). Error bars represent standard error. Cortical activation Inspection of the cortical activation means (presented in Table 6.3) indicated that cortical activity generally increased from baseline for all conditions, indexed by reduced theta and alpha oscillations in both frontal and parietal sites. Differences between the conditions were most apparent in the theta bandwidth, with the greatest descynchronisation occurring in the frontal sites for PA Music, then Music Mix. There was relatively little change from baseline for Traffic Mix. The pattern of desynchronisation was different for the parietal site, with the greatest and relatively equal theta decreases in the Traffic Mix and PA Music conditions relative to little change for the Music Mix. Cortical activation could not be differentiated by group in the alpha bandwidth. 142 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENT THREE ___________________________________________________________________________________ Table 6.3 Cortical Activation Change from Baseline Mean (M) and Standard Deviation (SD) for Traffic Mix, Music Mix, and PA Music Variable Traffic Mix n = 14 M SD Music Mix n = 15 M SD PA Music n = 14 M SD Theta Frontal -0.08 0.31 -0.32 0.11 -0.48 0.20 Parietal -0.22† 0.39 -0.12 0.15 -0.20 0.26 Frontal -0.10 0.21 -0.08 0.22 -0.14 0.30 Parietal -0.15† 0.34 -0.14 0.23 -0.18 0.26 Alpha Note. All EEG data were log transformed (ln). † n = 13. Mixed ANOVAs with time (baseline vs. condition) and EEG site (frontal vs. parietal) as the withinsubjects measures and condition (3) as the between-subjects measure revealed that the change from baseline was significant for both frequency bands (theta, F (1,39) = 13.65, p < .01, ηp2 = .26; alpha, F (1,39) = 14.05, p < .01, ηp2 = .26). There was also greater alpha desychronisation at the frontal sites (F (1,39) = 48.45, p < .001, ηp2 = .55). No other main effects or interactions were significant. Pearson’s correlations were conducted to test the strength of the relationships between variables within each emotion component (refer to Appendix I for a full correlation matrix). To simplify interpretation of the relationship between emotion component variables, mean baseline arousal levels were first subtracted from mean experimental arousal levels to yield a change index. Variables measuring the subjective component were correlated (+ve valence and liking), as were variables measuring the peripheral efference component (-ve %HF HRV and SCR Min) and the cognitive component (+ve frontal and parietal alpha, +ve frontal and parietal theta, +ve frontal alpha and theta, +ve parietal alpha and theta, and +ve frontal alpha and parietal theta). Significant correlations between emotion components were also revealed and are displayed in Table 6.4. The significant correlations between components indicated synchronisation of multiple components of emotion. Nevertheless, due 143 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENT THREE ___________________________________________________________________________________ to limitations in sample size, it was not possible to test whether the synchronisation differed according to experimental condition. Table 6.4 Significant Correlations Between Variables Within Each Emotion Component Emotion component Subjective feeling Peripheral efference Cognitive Subjective arousal and RSP r = .35, n = 42, p < .05 Subjective arousal and frontal theta r = .32, n = 43, p < .05 IBI and parietal alpha r = .55, N = 41, p < .01 IBI and parietal theta r = .41, n = 41, p < .01 Peripheral efference SCR Min and frontal theta r = .35, n = 43, p < .05 6.3.3 Memory Inspection of mean memory scores between conditions (presented in Table 6.5) indicated that PA Music had the greatest effect on the proportion of words retained (% of own words retained was calculated for each participant to account for individual differences in baseline memory ability) while the Music Mix had the greatest effect on word recognition. However, one-way between-subjects ANOVAs failed to reach statistical significance (% of words retained, F (2,41) = 0.92, p = .41; words recognised, error corrected, F (2,40) = 0.28, p = .76). 144 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENT THREE ___________________________________________________________________________________ Table 6.5 Mean (M) and Standard Deviation (SD) for Words Recalled at Week 1, and Words Recalled, Percentage of Own Words Retained, and Percentage of Words Recognised at Week 2 for the Traffic Mix, Music Mix, and PA Music Conditions Traffic Mix n = 14 Music Mix n = 15 PA Music n = 15 M SD M SD M SD Week 1 words recalled 17.14 4.20 18.80 4.46 19.00 5.31 Week 2 words recalled 8.86 4.93 10.13 4.56 11.67 6.34 Percentage of own words retained 49.37 16.82 52.58 18.24 58.35 19.11 Percentage of words recognised (error corrected) 61.61† 14.72 65.43 12.03 62.77 14.96 Note. † n = 13. Pearson’s correlations were conducted to test the significance of the relationship between each of the emotion measures and memory. The correlation was significant for subjective reports of emotional valence and words recognised (r = .31, n = 43, p < .05). No other emotion measures correlated with the memory measures (refer to Appendix I for a correlation matrix of memory and emotion variables). To further explore whether the experimental conditions moderated the relationship between emotion components and memory, the three groups were split according to good memory performers (above the median) or poor memory performers (below the median)13. To improve interpretation of experimental treatment effects on emotion, only synchronised emotion component variables were analysed (see Table 6.4). Subjective feelings of mood valence were also analysed due to the significant correlation with memory. Plots of good versus poor free recall and recognition performers for each of the emotion measures are presented in Appendix J. Between-subjects t-tests were conducted to test 13 The median was calculated to account for missing physiological data. 145 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENT THREE ___________________________________________________________________________________ whether differences in the emotion responses according to memory performance differed between conditions. The results of the tests are presented in Appendix K. When comparing free recall memory performers, differences failed to reach statistical significance across all measures for the Traffic Mix and Music Mix conditions. For the PA Music condition, there were trends towards significance for RSP (t (12) = 1.95, p = .07, d = 1.14 (Figure 6.3a) and Frontal Theta (t (12) = 2.14, p = .05, d = 1.15 (Figure 6.3b). When comparing good versus poor recognition performers, there was a significant difference in emotional valence in the Traffic Mix condition (t (11) = -2.73, p < .05, d = 1.53, Figure 6.4a), and IBI in the Music Mix condition (t (13) = 3.59, p < .01, d = 1.88, Figure 6.4b). Poor Recall Good Recall RSP p = .07 p = .05 0.2 2 ln) 8 Frontal Theta (b) Theta Power (µV pk-pk vs. baseline RSP (per minute) vs. baseline (a) 6 4 2 0 Traffic Mix Music Mix 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 Traffic Mix PA Music Music Mix PA Music Figure 6.3 Mean differences between good and poor free recall performers for (a) RSP and (b) frontal theta activity. Values represent change from baseline and errors bars represent standard error. 146 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENT THREE ___________________________________________________________________________________ Poor Recognition Good Recognition 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 IBI Valence (b) ** 60 IBI (ms) vs. baseline Subjective valence (a) * 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 Traffic Mix Music Mix Traffic Mix PA Music Music Mix PA Music Figure 6.4 Mean differences between good and poor word recognition performers for (a) subjective valence and (b) IBI. Values represent change from baseline and errors bars represent standard error. 6.3.4 Individual differences Music enjoyment and BIS sensitivity moderated the relationship between BVA and word free recall. These results indicated that individual differences in music engagement and arousal sensitivity influenced the emotion-memory relationship. See Appendix L for a full report of the individual differences results. 6.4 Discussion The aim of this experiment was to determine whether emotion elicited by positive and arousing music presented after learning a wordlist could modulate consolidation of memory for the wordlist. A first pass analysis of the memory results revealed that music had no unique effect on memory consolidation. Analysis of emotion component activation revealed that all three experimental conditions had similar activating effects on subjective, autonomic, and cortical arousal, but differed in emotional valence. The traffic-mix elicited negative valence ratings, and the music-mix and positive music elicited positive valence ratings. These results indicated that either memory was facilitated by 147 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENT THREE ___________________________________________________________________________________ emotional arousal elicited by all three conditions (i.e., EEM for all conditions), both negative and positive in valence, or that the post-encoding emotional arousal treatment was ineffective. 6.4.1 Emotion effect on memory In support of an EEM interpretation for all three conditions, memory scores in the current study were higher than those reported in previous experiments using the same word list learning procedure. It can be observed in Figure 6.5 that the percentage of words recalled after a one-week delay in the current study was greater for both the control (Traffic Mix) and arousal (PA Music) conditions than that obtained by Nielson and Bryant’s (2005) control (no reward post word list learning) and arousal ($1 reward post word list learning) conditions. Similarly, the percentage of words recognised (error corrected) for the control and arousal conditions was greater than that obtained by Nielson and Bryant (2005) and Nielson and Powless (2007, control, no intervention; arousal, comedy or dental surgery video after a 30 min delay). Although Judde and Rickard (2010) used the same word list learning procedure, comparisons could not be made with the current results as they did not test word free recall and the recognition data was not corrected for error. 70 Control Arousal % Correct 60 50 40 30 20 Free Recall Exp 3 N&P N&B Exp 3 N&B 10 Recognition (corrected for error) Figure 6.5 One-week delay percentage of a 30 item word list freely recalled and recognised (error corrected) for control (light bars) and post-learning arousal (dark bars) across previously reported studies and the current study (Exp 3). N & B = Nielson and Bryant (2005), N & P = Nielson and Powless (2007). Note that the Nielson et al values were approximations obtained from published figures. 148 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENT THREE ___________________________________________________________________________________ Further support for emotion to be the cause of the higher memory scores in the current study was obtained from the emotion component data. The activation of multiple emotion components was evidence of changes in both the arousal and valence dimensions of emotion in all three conditions. The stimuli were rated as subjectively arousing, and there were significant increases from baseline in the peripheral efference (IBI, %HF HRV, and RSP) and cognitive components (alpha and theta desynchronisation). The conditions differed in emotional valence and in one of the peripheral efference measures of arousal (BVA). Responses to the I-PANAS-SF revealed decreased positive affect from commencement to completion of the experiment for those exposed to the traffic-mix, and increased positive affect for those exposed to the positive and arousing music. The music-mix and positive music also elicited more post-listening positive valence ratings and chills (an index of music enjoyment) than the traffic-mix. Decreases in BVA from baseline levels were observed for the music-mix and positive music but not for the traffic-mix. As decreased BVA can be interpreted as noradrenergic modulation of vasoconstriction (Grote, Zou, Kraiczi, & Hedner, 2003), this result indicated that the music-mix and positive music may have activated neurobiological mechanisms that underlie EEM. However, the significant difference between conditions in this index of noradrenergic activation was not associated with enhanced memory performance. The failure to detect memory differences between conditions may have been due to insufficient levels of activation (i.e., an insufficient dose response, reviewed in Section 2.1). Alternatively, over-arousal elicited by the music-mix and positive music may have reduced memory performance to that of the traffic-mix condition. The latter interpretation is consistent with the inverted U arousal dose-response revealed in EEM research (see reviews by Baldi & Bucherelli, 2005; McGaugh, 2004). The higher memory scores in the current study relative to previous studies using the same word list learning paradigm, combined with the evidence that emotion was elicited in all three conditions, provides qualified support for an EEM interpretation of these results. 6.4.2 Emotion components of good and poor memory performance To further explore whether memory performance in each condition could be differentiated by the various emotion components, the memory data were split into good and poor performers. The analyses revealed that poor recognition performers in the traffic-mix condition were characterised by 149 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENT THREE ___________________________________________________________________________________ negative mood valence compared to positive mood valence for good performers; that poor free recall performers in the music-mix condition were characterised by decreases from baseline heart rate levels compared to increases for good performers; and that poor free recall performers in the positive music condition were characterised by increased frontal theta oscillations compared to decreases for good performers. Supplementary correlational analyses elucidated the possible mechanisms underlying these differences between conditions. A positive correlation between emotional valence and recognition memory indicated that as post-learning mood valence ratings became more positive, memory performance improved. This relationship was explicit in the traffic-mix condition. Good performers had relatively neutral valence responses to the traffic-mix, whereas poor performers had negative responses. The aversive nature of the traffic-mix in this sub-group of memory performers may therefore have interfered with the ongoing processing of the wordlist, thus attenuating the facilitatory effects of arousal on memory. The effect of the music-mix on memory may be explained by reductions in pre-existing arousal levels. There were positive correlations between heart beat intervals and parietal alpha and theta oscillations, indicating that decreases in heart rhythm were associated with decreased cortical activity. Concomitant changes in both autonomic and cortical indices of arousal thus improved the confidence in which heart period reductions could be attributed to reductions in emotional arousal. As heart period is regulated by the noradrenergic system, heart period decreases for poor memory performers in the music-mix condition were interpreted as the music-mix decreasing emotional arousal, thus attenuating EEM. The music-mix memory attenuating effect was consistent with studies that reveal attenuation of EEM with drugs that block β-adrenergic receptors in the central and peripheral nervous systems (Cahill et al., 1994; O'Carroll et al., 1999b; van Stegeren et al., 1998), and more recently by anxiolytic music (Rickard, Wong, & Velik, 2012). In the current study, autonomic and cortical arousal levels were generally higher than baseline levels across the three conditions. When the music-mix reduced arousal during the consolidation period, memory performance was impaired. The memory attenuating effect of the anxiolytic music-mix was thus consistent with neurobiological modulation of EEM. The increased frontal theta response to positive music for poor performers was consistent with cognitive processing of emotional information interfering with consolidation. Frontal theta was positively correlated with subjective and phasic arousal (SCR Min) levels. The concomitant increase in frontal theta and phasic arousal is consistent with focused attention, effective information processing, 150 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENT THREE ___________________________________________________________________________________ and emotion responding (Dawson et al., 2007; Pizzagalli, 2007; Sammler et al., 2007). The frontal theta increase for poor memory performers in the positive music condition could therefore be interpreted as increased concentration and emotion processing elicited by the positive music interfering with the ongoing processing of the wordlist. Thus, as with the traffic-mix, post-encoding interference may have attenuated the facilitatory effects of emotional arousal on memory; much like a distractor presented after a working memory task prevents ongoing rehearsal. These conclusions should, however, be considered with caution given the weak effect sizes and low participant numbers in each cell. It is therefore imperative that further testing of the effects of post-encoding positive, negative, and neutral stimuli on memory consolidation be conducted. 6.4.3 Limitations The finding that the traffic-mix and music-mix had similar effects on arousal and memory as positive and arousing music was unexpected. The traffic-mix was designed to be a non-music control that required participants to actively listen for the random placement of certain elements within the stimulus. Memory differences between traffic-mix and positive and arousing music caused by decreased levels of attention could therefore be more readily excluded. The music-mix was designed to have the same sound qualities as the positive and arousing music without being considered particularly ‘musical’. Indeed, in some parts of the mix, the sounds were quite chaotic. The traffic-mix was a recording of traffic sounds and a radio interview, sounds that would not normally be considered emotional. The unique nature of these comparison stimuli relative to the somewhat familiar positive and arousing music may partly explain the failure to detect emotion and memory difference between conditions. Perhaps the unpredictable and attention demanding nature of the two control conditions evoked the brain stem reflex mechanism of music induced emotion (described in Section 2.5), and in the case of the traffic-mix, non-music induced emotion, thus increasing arousal levels. Subjective reports indicated that the traffic-mix was appraised as negative, and the music-mix was appraised as positive, thus eliciting responses on the arousal and valence dimensions of emotion. Furthermore, the chaotic musical features of the music-mix may have evoked the musical expectancy mechanism, in which interfering with the normal progression of familiar music (particularly Also Sprach Zarathustra and O Fortuna) violated expectancy and elicited surprise. Based on the subjective valence reports, this 151 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENT THREE ___________________________________________________________________________________ surprise was appraised as positive. If this interpretation is correct, then presentation of any unique or unpredictable stimulus after learning could modulate memory consolidation. Alternatively, facilitated memory across all three conditions relative to previous studies using the same word list learning task may be explained by the context in which the experiment was conducted, and/or to participant reactivity14 to the wordlist learning task and short-term memory test. A well known example of participant reactivity is the Hawthorne effect, where it was observed that participant behaviour was changed by being involved in research and not by the experimental manipulation (changing the lighting conditions of the work environment). Considering first the experimental context; testing participants alone and with complicated physiological recording equipment may have had the effect of elevating baseline arousal levels, which in turn would have increased the efficiency in which the wordlist was encoded (see also Section 4.5.1 for the interpretation of differences between Cahill and colleagues memory results and the Exp. 1 memory results). Longterm memory would therefore have been strengthened for participants who were reactive to the experimental context. Participants were also aware that their memory for the word list would be tested immediately after the listening condition. This may have prompted them to exert more effort on memorising the word list, and thus improved long-term retention. The combination of elevated baseline arousal levels with knowledge of the short-term wordlist memory test may have compounded participant reactivity. Observation of heart rhythm increases during the wordlist encoding task supports this explanation15. Nevertheless, these explanations do not account for the decrement to memory with the post-encoding presentation of the music-mix. Future research that attempts to manipulate emotion should therefore carefully consider contextual factors that can influence the intended emotional outcome. 6.4.4 Conclusion Positive and arousing music presented after learning a word list had similar effects on LTM as music and non-music controls. Activation of multiple components of emotion with all three 14 Participant reactivity is defined as the phenomenon were participants “react to features of an experiment so that the process of making observations can change observations” (Haslam & McGarty, 2000, p. 75). 15 Due to movement artefact caused by the use of a finger plethysmograph to record heart rhythm, the data were not submitted to parametric testing. Researchers interested in measuring physiological reactivity to experimental tasks may wish to consider using electrocardiogram (ECG) as a more stable alternative to plethysmography. 152 CHAPTER 6. EXPERIMENT THREE ___________________________________________________________________________________ experimental stimuli indicated that emotions had been elicited. Furthermore, memory scores were generally higher than previous studies using the same word list learning procedure. The relationship between these two factors tends to support an emotion-enhanced memory interpretation of the results. However, care must be taken with this interpretation as the difference from previous research may also be explained by differences in participant motivation. The subtle difference in the emotion profiles of good and poor memory performers indicated the potential for post-encoding emotion treatments to interfere with memory consolidation, either by placing more demand on cognitive resources to appraise the emotion stimulus (positive and arousing music and the traffic-mix condition), or by attenuating noradrenergic modulation of memory consolidation (the music-mix condition). The unpredicted results of this study have illustrated the complexity of emotion and memory phenomena. It is recommended that future research considers controlling not only the neurobiological and cognitive variables that may influence EEM, but also contextual variables that may influence the intensity of the emotion response. 153 7 GENERAL DISCUSSION Research lead by James McGaugh and colleagues has demonstrated that arousal hormones and neuromodulators released during an emotional event can strengthen consolidation of a memory trace. The current research project set out to investigate whether emotional arousal elicited by music yielded the same memory strengthening properties. Specifically, the aim was to determine whether emotionally arousing music could strengthen the consolidation of unrelated information. Successful facilitation of memory with music in the research laboratory would pave the way for generalisation of EEM to the population at large. The anticipated complexity of the results was reduced by applying stringent control to the experimental design, while the implementation of a broad range of measures enabled testing of alternative explanations of music effects on memory. Theories from the domains of emotion, neurobiology, and cognitive processing were drawn upon to determine the extent of the emotion response elicited by positive and negative experimental stimuli, to test McGaugh’s adrenalarousal hypothesis of EEM, and to determine the extent to which cognitive processes independent of the adrenal response accounted for facilitated memory. The effect of music on memory varied widely across the three experiments. In Experiment 1, experimenter-selected negative background music had no effect on emotion or memory. In Experiment 2, participant-selected enjoyed music presented before learning elicited multiple components of emotion and facilitated the early stages of LTM. In Experiment 3, experimenter-selected positive music presented after learning elicited multiple components of emotion, but had similar effects on memory as music and non-music controls. Further investigation of the music-induced emotion effect on memory in this study revealed that emotion elicited by the music impaired LTM. The music-induced memory effect observed in Experiment 2 was consistent with increased noradrenergic control of heart rhythm. The memory mechanism was therefore attributed to increased arousal as proposed by McGaugh and colleagues. In contrast, the memory attenuating influence of positive and arousing music in Experiment 3 was attributed to cognitive processes that interfered with consolidation of the memory trace. The non-music effects on memory revealed in this project were also noteworthy. In Experiment 1, modification of a widely used methodology to test EEM in humans yielded memory enhancement that was most parsimoniously explained by cognitive processes that were independent of an adrenal arousal response. Indeed, there was no evidence of increases in autonomic activity, argued to be an indirect index of the amygdala-mediated, adrenergic modulation of synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus, to account for the observed memory enhancement. This raises the possibility that previous research 154 CHAPTER 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION ___________________________________________________________________________________ investigating EEM failed to adequately distinguish between purely arousal-based mechanisms and the influence of cognitive processes on memory, such as associated neural network activation and moodcongruence, more efficient encoding of an engaging story, or post-encoding elaboration. In Experiment 3, positive and arousing music had similar enhancing effects on memory as a random mixed-up version of the same music, and a non-music control. There was, however, more direct support for McGaugh’s model of EEM in this study. When the mixed version of music reduced heart rhythm, which is modulated by noradrenergic receptors, there were concomitant decreases in memory scores. This type of memory-arousal relationship has been revealed in studies that block noradrenergic receptors with beta-blockers (e.g., propranolol), and has been interpreted as attenuation of neurobiological modulation of EEM. The music-mix thus manipulated EEM, although in the direction opposite to expected (attenuated rather than facilitated). A summary of the variables tested in each experiment and the outcomes is presented in Table 7.1. The influence of positive and arousing music on memory in Experiment 2 supports the hypothesis that positive emotions can modulate memory. Due to the failure to differentiate broad from narrow memory bias in Experiment 2, it was not possible to determine the extent to which positive emotions influenced memory scope. The influence of positive emotions on the range of information retained therefore remains unresolved. A comprehensive analysis of moderator variables (presented in Appendix L) revealed that individual differences in arousal responsiveness moderated the relationship between various indices of arousal and memory. However, the memory moderating effects of individual differences were not consistent across experiments, nor were they consistent across multiple indices of physiological arousal. Given the sporadic nature of the moderators, theses data were not presented in the body of the thesis. It is recommended that future research considers their investigation with larger sample sizes. 155 CHAPTER 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION ___________________________________________________________________________________ Table 7.1 Summary of Tested Variables and Outcomes for the Three Experiments Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Timing of music exposure Music selected by During Before After Experimenter Participant Experimenter Emotion stimulus Negative music Enjoyed music a b c Positive and arousing music a b c Radio interview Radio/traffic mixa b c Others' musica b Music mixa b c MTBR Neutral storyno music Neutral storyneutral music Images Images Words Participant naivety Complete None Partial Test delay 1 week 10 - 60 minutes 1 week Memory modulated Recognition Free recall Recognition and free recall Strength of memory modulation Memory predictors ↑ 11%d ↑ 27%e ↑ 35%f Negative mood Increased SCL Negative valence (traffic-mix) Memory narrowing Decreased SCR Min Decreased HR (music-mix) None Approach motivation Increased RSP and frontal theta (PA music) None Cognitive processing Arousal modulation of memory consolidation Arousal modulation of memory consolidation and cognitive processing interference Negative story Controls Emotion/memory moderators Proposed mechanism ab Note. Emotion components activated by the emotional or control stimuli are denoted by a = subjective, b = peripheral efference, and c = cognitive. Comparisons for the strength of memory modulation are denoted by d = negative narrative compared to a neutral narrative, e = participant selected music compared to a radio interview, and f = Experiment 3 grand mean compared to Nielson and Bryant (2005) and Nielson and Powless (2007) grand mean. 156 CHAPTER 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION ___________________________________________________________________________________ 7.1 Emotion elicitation Multiple components of emotion were successfully activated by a variety of musical and nonmusical stimuli in this project. A negative story without music presented in Experiment 1 elicited emotions that were negatively valent and low in arousal. Music that participants selected themselves elicited the highest post-listening positive mood valence ratings across experiments, the highest frequency of chills16, and was the only music stimulus that simultaneously activated more emotion components than the controls. There were, however, inconsistencies between predicted and actual emotional responses to some of the stimuli (summarised in Table 7.2). There was no evidence of an emotional response to background experimenter-selected music in Experiment 1, and the response to experimenter-selected positive music in Experiment 3 was similar to a randomly mixed version of the same music. Nevertheless, experimenter-selected positive music presented in its original form, or in mixed form, elicited changes in multiple components of emotion that were consistent with a positive and aroused emotional state. Relative to the non-music control, both versions of experimenter-selected music elicited feelings of positive valence, induced chills, and increased vasoconstriction. It should be noted, however, that the original form of positive and arousing music elicited longer lasting effects on positive mood valence, indexed by positive adjective ratings at the end of the experimental procedure, relative to the same music randomly mixed. It should also be noted that the traffic mix control elicited lasting effects on negative mood valence, indexed by negative adjective ratings at the end of the experimental procedure. It is therefore concluded that music is an effective method of eliciting positive emotion, more so if the music is personally selected, and that experimenter-selected positive and arousing music elicited a positive and aroused affective state, while a sound recording of local street traffic mixed with a radio interview elicited a negative and aroused affective state. 16 Note that chills were not recorded in Experiment 1. 157 CHAPTER 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION ___________________________________________________________________________________ Table 7.2 Predicted Arousal and Valence and Actual Arousal and Valence for Control and Emotional Music and Non-Music Stimuli Used in Each Experiment Stimulus Control Exp. 1 Nonmusic Emotional Predicted arousal Actual arousal Predicted valence Actual valence 0 0 0 - ↑ 0 - - 0 0 0 - ↑ 0 + - Neutral narrative Negative narrative Music Gymnopedies #1 Mars, The Bringer of War Exp. 2 Nonmusic Radio interview 0 0 0 0 Music Others’ music rated as neutral 0 ↑ 0 0 ↑ ↑ + + Own music rated as enjoyed Exp. 3 Nonmusic Traffic-radio mix 0 ↑ 0 - Music Music-mix 0 ↑ 0 + ↑ ↑ + + 1. Cold Play 2. Also Sprach Zarathustra 3. O Fortuna 158 CHAPTER 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION ___________________________________________________________________________________ The location of each of the experimental stimuli in two-dimensional emotion space is presented Figure 7.1. The Experiment 1 negative story (Exp 1t) was negative and low in arousal, thus occupying Q3. Experiment 2 control music (Exp 2c) increased arousal but was neither negative nor positive, thus occupying a location in the top centre of the emotional space. The Experiment 2 enjoyed music (Exp 2t) was positive and arousing, thus occupying Q1. The Experiment 3 non-music control (Exp 3c1) was negative and arousing, thus occupying Q2, while both versions of the positive and arousing music, either randomly mixed (Exp 3c2) or in its original form (Exp 3t) were positive and arousing, thus occupying Q1. Figure 7.1 Two-dimension emotional space; valence (negative to positive), and arousal (deactivated to activated); and the four corresponding emotion quadrants: Q1 (e.g., joy and excitement), Q2 (e.g., distress and anger), Q3 (e.g., depression and sadness), and Q4 (e.g., contentment and tenderness). Exp 1t = negative story emotion treatment, Exp 2t = participant selected enjoyed music treatment, Exp 2c = music control, Exp 3t = positive and arousing music treatment; Exp 3c1 = non-music control, and Exp 3c2 = music control. Elicitation of synchronised changes in emotion components with participant-selected music in Experiment 2 lends support to the argument that music emotions are authentic. Further support can be inferred from the memory effects observed in this research project. Emotional events are more 159 CHAPTER 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION ___________________________________________________________________________________ memorable because it is adaptive for them to be so. Survival is enhanced if details surrounding a positive or negative event are remembered and sought out or avoided in the future. In Experiment 2, participant-selected music activated multiple components of emotion, while increases in the peripheral efference component predicted the early stage of LTM. The observed memory effect indicates that music-emotion may influence memory, and thus may be argued to have adaptive value. 7.1.1 Effective control of the emotional response Predicted versus actual effects of some of the stimuli used in this research project varied somewhat. In Experiment 1, background music was expected to enhance the emotionality of the slideshow. However, valence and arousal ratings for all four conditions were similar irrespective of the presence of background music (see Table 7.2). It was proposed that the failure to elicit emotion with music was due to the dispersion of attention across visual and auditory modalities, thus decreasing focus on the music and diminishing the influence of music-emotion evoking mechanisms. The small memory advantage for those who viewed a neutral slideshow combined with neutral music was attributed to the congruence of the two stimuli increasing engagement with the story, thus improving its memorability. In Experiment 2, actual valence and arousal responses were in the predicted direction for the non-music control and participant selected music. However, there was an unexpected increase in arousal for others’ music that was previously rated as neutral. This unexpected increase in arousal after listening to music previously rated as neither arousing nor calming was proposed to be caused primarily by the experimental context. Again, attention focus may have influenced the mechanisms that underlie music-evoked emotions. In this experiment, participants’ attention may have been divided when first exposed to others’ music (in their own environment), and more focussed when in the experimental setting, thus increasing the influence of music-emotion evoking mechanisms, particularly brain stem reflexes. In Experiment 3, the emotional response to the two control conditions was more problematic. The absence of a non-emotion control condition constrained interpretation of emotion effects on memory. This was overcome to a certain degree by comparing good and poor memory performers in each condition. However, given the small sample size in these analyses, the results need to be interpreted with caution. The control conditions were deemed emotional according to Scherer’s 160 CHAPTER 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION ___________________________________________________________________________________ component process model of emotion (2001). Emotion was confirmed when the stimuli elicited synchronised changes in subjective feeling (encompassing the conscious experience of changes in arousal and mood valence), peripheral efference (encompassing changes in the central and autonomic nervous systems to support an appropriate adaptive response), and cognitive processing (encompassing the evaluation of the stimulus and its potential to threaten or benefit well-being and goal attainment, and increased cortical activation leading to more efficient information processing). The component process model accounts for the arousal (subjective and peripheral efference) and valence (subjective and cognitive processing) dimensions of emotion. Experiment 3 participants presented with the controls experienced increased central and autonomic activity, with those presented with the non-music control experiencing negative subjective mood valence and those presented with the music control experiencing positive subjective mood valence. The emotion response to the non-music control, which was a sound recording of local street traffic with a radio interview randomly fading in and out, illustrated the difficulty in manipulating emotion for the purpose of experimentation. Pre-testing of the sound recording during the design of the experiment indicated that the stimulus was relatively innocuous, thus suitable as a non-music emotionally neutral control. The innocuous nature of the stimulus clearly changed in the experimental context. Given the nature of the experimental task and the measurement of brain and body responses (as described in the Explanatory Statement), participants would have been cognisant that their memory ability was being evaluated. This may have influenced the way they reacted to the sound recording. As such, sounds that were of little consequence to listeners in the pre-experimental design stage, when no monitoring was taking place, may have become emotionally activating during the experimental stage, when the listener was under full observation and their ability to perform on certain tasks was being tested. Confusion arising from the sound recording, which was purposely designed to be random to ensure participants continued to pay attention, may therefore have had no emotional impact on the pre-experiment listener, while eliciting aversive feelings in the evaluated listener. The participant reactivity to the control condition in this experiment thus highlights the importance of accounting for the context of the experimental manipulation when researching emotion. The design of the music control, consisting of three music tracks played in unison two at a time, was inspired by the music control designed by Menon and Levitin (2005). The use of the experimental music to create the control thus controlled differences in pitch and loudness. The music control differed from that of Menon and Levitin’s in the time fragments used and the source of the music ambiguity. 161 CHAPTER 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION ___________________________________________________________________________________ Menon and Levitin introduced ambiguity by presenting 350 ms randomly placed excerpts of the experimental music continuously, whereas ambiguity in the Experiment 3 music control was introduced by dividing each experimental music track into three excerpts, then playing two excerpts concurrently until all tracks had been presented in full. Although similar in principle, the major difference between these music controls was the duration of the excerpts. It is speculated that the music control in Experiment 3 elicited an emotional response because the temporal structure of the tracks remained relatively intact, thus the unpredictable nature of two excerpts played in unison and the change from excerpt to excerpt violated musical expectations (Juslin & Vastfjall, 2008). Violation of musical expectations has been cited as a significant contributor to pleasure elicited by music (Huron, 2006). In future, it is recommended that excerpts used in this type of music control are short enough to eliminate recognisable structural progressions. Valence has been defined as a fundamental dimension of emotion experience (Russell, 1980). The relatively valence neutral effect of the music control in Experiment 2 (others’ music selections) indicated that although activating, with the absence of positive or negative feelings emotion was not elicited. Others’ music that was rated as ‘neither enjoyed nor not enjoyed’ thus acted as an effective music control. Using others’ music as the music control thus enabled control of structural elements of the experimental music, such as loudness, tempo, pitch, or melodic contour, which may have influenced arousal and memory. 7.1.2 Chills as a measure of music induced emotion A review of the music induced chills, thrills, and frisson literature conducted by Huron and Margulis (2010) indicates that the phenomenon is related to pleasure and autonomic nervous system activation. The chills response could thus potentially be a simple measure of music induced ANS activation in ecological settings. Given the theoretical importance of the autonomic nervous system in neurobiological modulation of LTM consolidation, the physiological correlates of chills were examined in the second and third experiments of the current project. Analysis of the chills data revealed that personally selected enjoyed music elicited the most chills, which were associated with enjoyment and subjective feelings of arousal. Chills were also experienced for positive and arousing experimenterselected music, played in its original form and when overlayed to create a random music mix, and 162 CHAPTER 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION ___________________________________________________________________________________ others’ enjoyed music. However, despite the frequency of chills reported, there was no evidence of chills-related increases in autonomic activity. Of note, chills experienced while listening to others’ music was not associated with music enjoyment. These results indicated that a) chills could be experienced while listening to music that was not necessarily enjoyed; and b) the chills experienced were not detected by the autonomic measures. The experience of chills in response to music without concomitant feelings of enjoyment may be explained by structural elements of the music. Huron and Margulis (2010) point to a number of musical features that can elicit chills17. For instance, chills can be elicited by unexpected changes in the progression of the music (abrupt change in tempo or rhythm or a new harmony), or by changes in energy (rapid increase in loudness or broadening of the frequency range). Chills experienced while listening to others’ music could therefore have been caused by the unpredictable/unexpected perceptual elements of the music. This non-emotional aspect of the chills response needs to be carefully considered when using music-induced chills as an index of emotion. The failure to detect a relationship between chills and autonomic nervous system activity may be due to the method of measurement used in the current study, and to the intensity of the chillsinducing music. Chills research using time-series analysis has consistently identified significant correlations between the chills inducing epochs within music excerpts and physiological responses (e.g. Grewe et al., 2007; Guhn, Hamm, & Zentner, 2007; Salimpoor et al., 2009). The analysis of means for the entire music excerpt in the current research may therefore have failed to detect fluctuations in physiological responses that accompanied specific chills sections of the music. Notwithstanding, detection of physiological change using means for full music excerpts has been demonstrated to be effective in previous research in our laboratory (Rickard, 2004). Chills intensity may have also been a factor that prevented detection of autonomic activation in the current research. Rickard (2004), for example, instructed participants to select one musical piece that was ‘emotionally powerful and moving, and personally meaningful’, with no other criteria for selection. Participants who provided their own music in the current research project were instructed to select two music tracks that were intensely and consistently enjoyed, preferably unusual or eclectic, 17 Note that the phenomenon is described by Huron and Margulis as frisson, experienced as thrills from music that are not associated with piloerection (gooseflesh or goosebumps). The phenomenon will be described as chills in this research project to be consistent with the majority of studies. 163 CHAPTER 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION ___________________________________________________________________________________ chills inducing, without lyrics, not associated with episodic memory, and similar in energy level. The selection criteria were therefore quite stringent compared to that set by Rickard, and may have prevented participants from selecting music that induced intense emotional responses. Informal feedback from study participants on the difficulty of the music selection task is consistent with this interpretation. The Experiment 2 music selections may have therefore been less intense than those elicited in Rickard’s study. Further analysis of the Experiment 2 and 3 chills data partially supports the chills intensity hypothesis. When the chills data were split into high and low chills frequency responders, there was a trend for high chills responders to experience faster heart rhythm and greater vasoconstriction relative to low responders (see Appendix M for the statistical test results). Based on previous reports of the positive relationship between chills and skin conductance responses (e.g. Grewe et al., 2007), it was expected that high chills responders would also experience more skin conductance responses than low chills responders. The data revealed effects opposite to those expected. Low chills responders to both personally selected music and others’ music experienced more skin conductance responses than high chills responders. This result implies that music that elicits intense chills reduces phasic arousal (mean decreases in SCR) while simultaneously increasing tonic arousal (mean increases in heart rhythm). It therefore appears that music that elicits a high chills response is physiologically activating without being startling. This could be a physiological profile that is unique to emotion elicited by music. The relationship between chills and noradrenergic modulation of heart rhythm and vasoconstriction indicates that chills music activates the mechanism that underlies EEM. Perhaps then, an effective emotion stimulus for memory enhancement is intense chills music. Some caveats should, however, be addressed. First, chills were also experienced by participants in this study while listening to music that was rated as neutral. Thus, the experience of chills does not always index emotional arousal. Second, to elicit sufficient ANS activation for EEM, the chills experience must be intense. The most effective method of eliciting intense chills responses is to ask participants to provide their own music (without restriction). This, however, raises the problem of experimental control as it is difficult to determine whether emotion is elicited by the music of itself, or other variables such as associated emotional memories or familiarity. In this case, music may not be unique as any stimulus that was associated with emotional memories or was familiar could be used (see for examples the research conducted by Thompson, Schellenberg and colleagues who demonstrate that non-music enjoyed stimuli can have similar effects as music on cognitive tasks). A final caveat is that musical chills are not 164 CHAPTER 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION ___________________________________________________________________________________ experienced by everyone, and when they are, they are more likely to be experienced by females (Huron & Margulis, 2010), thus limiting the generalizability of chills music as an emotion stimulus. Nevertheless, the influence of intense chills music on EEM for a restricted population may still be a fruitful avenue of future investigation. This section has demonstrated that the emotion stimuli used in this research project have effectively elicited subjective, autonomic, and cognitive processing responses that are consistent with emotion. The unexpected emotion response to the control stimuli in Experiment 3 was attributed to the qualitatively different experience of listening to a stimulus while behavioural responses were being closely monitored, and to pleasure elicited by violation of musical expectations. Chills were reliably elicited by participant-selected enjoyed music, and when sufficiently intense, elicited autonomic activity. Participant-selected enjoyed music was also the most effective emotion stimulus, indicating that chills music may be a valid emotion stimulus for future EEM research. 7.2 Neurobiological modulation of memory One of the aims of this research project was to determine whether emotional music enhanced memory consolidation via a physiological arousal mechanism. There was some evidence of noradrenergic modulation of memory in Experiments 2 and 3, indexed by changes in cardiac activity. In Experiment 2, reductions in heart rate variability predicted increasing early stage LTM scores, and in Experiment 3, reduced heart rate during the consolidation period was associated with attenuation of long-term EEM. The use of participant-selected enjoyed music in Experiment 2 was the most effective method of facilitating memory, and as noted in the previous section, also elicited the highest frequency of chills (an index of autonomic activation). Although the interval between encoding and memory testing was within 1 hour, the use of distractor tasks after each condition ensured that the pattern of memory performance could be attributed to the early stages of LTM consolidation, and not to maintenance of the MTBR in short-term memory. Participant-selected music was the only condition of the three used in this experiment to reveal a significant relationship between physiological arousal, indexed by reduced parasympathetic nervous system control of heart rate, and memory (refer to Appendix F). The observed relationship indicates that facilitated memory could be attributed to 165 CHAPTER 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION ___________________________________________________________________________________ McGaugh’s model of EEM. The results of Experiment 2 thus raise the possibility that participant-selected music can be used as an effective emotion treatment to facilitate memory consolidation. Nevertheless, cortical and autonomic activation elicited by other participants’ music (and previously rated with emotional indifference) also predicted memory. Cortical and autonomic activation devoid of emotional valence could therefore also account for facilitated early stage LTM. This finding may be explained by an attention mechanism, whereby interesting or novel information elicits an orienting reflex, perhaps regulated by the amygdala (see Section 2.1.2), leading to activation of brain stem structures that increase cortical arousal and facilitate stimulus processing. However, emotional arousal elicited by participant-selected music, indexed by increased autonomic arousal and positive mood valence, was more effective at enhancing memory than non-emotional increases in arousal. The long term effects of music induced general arousal (in contrast to emotional arousal) on memory are in need of further investigation. The Experiment 3 conditions yielded some interesting findings. When a stimulus presented soon after learning was emotional, indexed by increases in negative mood valence or increases in frontal theta activity, memory consolidation was impaired. This implies that post-encoding emotion processing can interfere with the labile memory trace. It may thus be pertinent to have a buffer period after learning to enable the memory trace to establish before attempting to strengthen its consolidation with an emotion treatment. For instance, Judde and Rickard (2010) found that post-encoding presentation of emotionally powerful positive and negative music immediately after wordlist learning had no influence on LTM, whereas memory benefits were observed when the music was presented after a 20 minute delay. Based on the results of Experiment 3 and results presented by Judde and Rickard (2010), there may be a critical period after learning that the emotion manipulation could occur. If the emotion manipulation occurs immediately after learning it may interfere with the labile memory trace, and if too delayed (30-45 minutes), the neuromodulation-sensitive phase of the memory trace may have decayed. The ideal post-encoding emotion treatment period may therefore be between 5 and 30 minutes. Arousal levels during the encoding period may also influence the effectiveness of the post-encoding emotion treatment. According to the neurobiological model of EEM presented in Section 2.1, emotional responses are regulated by the amygdala, which has projections to brain stem structures that regulate noradrenergic projections throughout the cortex, including the BLA, and the sympathetic nervous system (refer to Figure 2.1). Noradrenergic projections from the brain stem to the BLA strengthen 166 CHAPTER 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION ___________________________________________________________________________________ amygdala-hippocampus connections – which could be considered the ‘first wave’ of the emotional arousal response. A second wave of activation occurs when brain stem activation leads to the release of arousal hormones and neuromodulators from the adrenal gland, ultimately activating the BLA and further strengthening amygdala-hippocampus connections. If the initial memory trace was weak, as would be expected for everyday information which by necessity decays quickly, the second wave of arousal hormones elicited by the post-encoding emotion stimulus would have little or no memory trace to consolidate (see the memory tagging literature, e.g., Bergado, Lucas, & Richter-Levin, 2011; Cahill & Alkire, 2003). It is therefore recommended that there be some degree of arousal associated with the information to be remembered. The combined results of this research project and those of Judde and Rickard (2010) provide support for music induced neuromodulation of EEM. In the current research, memory changes were associated with music-induced physiological activity, thus supporting McGaugh’s neurobiological model. In Judde and Rickard’s study, LTM was successfully facilitated with a post-learning emotional music treatment. There is therefore promise for emotionally powerful music to be an effective LTM modulator. 7.3 Free recall and recognition memory differences Little consistency in free recall and recognition memory was observed across the three experiments. In Experiment 1, a recognition memory test was sensitive to changes in individual memory performance, whereas free recall was not. The reverse occurred in Experiment 2, and in Experiment 3, differences were observed in both types of memory test. The failure to detect differences in recognition memory in Experiment 2 was attributed to an image memory ceiling effect. One hundred and twenty images were presented in five separate image collages, and recognition of the images was tested within 60 minutes. Participants were presented with one matched foil per target image. It is possible that this method of memory testing was not challenging enough to differentiate good and poor memory performers. It is therefore recommended that image recognition memory tests either increase the ratio of foils to target images, or extend the delay period before testing. Recognition memory testing was more fruitful in Experiment 3, in which recognition for target words embedded within matched word foils was tested. Clear trends in the good versus poor memory data in this experiment included the relationship between heart rhythm and recognition memory, and 167 CHAPTER 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION ___________________________________________________________________________________ frontal cortical activation and free recall memory. These simple differences in memory type and physiological response provide some support for the argument that noradrenergic modulation of memory is best detected with recognition memory tests, while the influence of cognitive processes on memory are best detected with free recall tests (Eich & Forgas, 2003; Kenealy, 1997; Rimmele, Davachi, & Phelps, 2012). 7.4 Methodological considerations There were a number of statistical and methodological limitations across the three experiments that challenged interpretation of the outcomes (see Haslam & McGarty, 2000, for a description of statistical and methodological uncertainty). The single most influential contributor to statistical uncertainty was sample size. There were nine participants per condition in Experiment 1, and 15 per condition in Experiment 3, which reduced to seven after splitting the data according to good and poor memory performers. The power of the inferential tests to detect effects was thus low. Statistical power was improved in Experiment 2 by using a within-subjects design and larger sample (N = 36). Nevertheless, due to the nature of neurobiological modulation of EEM, the influence of circulating arousal hormones elicited by one condition on memory for subsequent conditions could not be entirely eliminated. Therefore, the increase in statistical certainty when using a within-subjects design was offset by the increase in methodological uncertainty caused by the potential confound of latent arousal hormone effects on memory. The obvious solution to this methodological limitation was to increase sample size. However, the sample size obtained was the maximum achievable given time and resource constraints. The current data should thus be considered pilot in nature. Methodological limitations identified across the three studies were sample population, study design intensity, participant reactivity, and artificiality. Study design intensity refers to the number of variables measured and controlled in each experiment. For instance, previous studies of EEM have at the minimum tested the effect of subjective feelings of emotion on memory, a sample of these have also tested physiological arousal effects, and others have tested the influence of cognitive processes on memory. It is rare to find studies that investigate all three constructs within the one experiment. Participant reactivity refers to the phenomenon of changes in behaviour elicited by involvement in an experiment that influence the construct under investigation (described in Section 6.4.3). Artificiality is 168 CHAPTER 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION ___________________________________________________________________________________ defined as the oversimplification of complex phenomena (e.g., emotional responses to music), thereby depriving them of their meaning and richness (Haslam & McGarty, 2000). The methodological limitations of population sample and design intensity were understood during the study design stage, whereas the effects of participant reactivity and artificiality on study outcomes were unexpected. With reference to the sample population, the participant pool was comprised mostly of female undergraduate psychology students. The nature of the study would have also attracted a higher proportion of individuals with an invested interest in music. Generalisation of the results of this research are therefore limited to younger, educated, mostly female individuals who are likely to have an interest in music. Further research is required using more representative samples from the general population, particularly at the level of music interest. The experiments conducted in this research project were more intensive than those previously conducted. There is an abundance of research investigating the relationship between music and emotion. Likewise, there is an abundance of research investigating the relationship between emotion elicited by stories and images, and memory. It is less common to find studies that investigate the combined effects of music and emotion on memory (Judde & Rickard, 2010; Rickard et al., 2012). Intensive study design was therefore necessary given the range of variables that can influence both emotional responses to music and memory performance. A wide range of emotion responses were thus measured across the three studies, the timing of the emotion treatment was varied, as was the type of information to be remembered and the delay interval before memory testing. Included in the design of each experiment were several measures of individual differences. The influence of individual differences on emotion and memory were scrutinised in detail (presented in the supplementary analysis in Appendix L), but failed to yield any consistent or meaningful results. Changing key variables across experiments allowed a logical development of the research, but compromised interpretation of the effects. As a result, the research may be considered more exploratory in nature. Nevertheless, trends in the research outcomes have been illuminating and could pave the way for further development of theories of emotional response to music and EEM. The methodological limitation of participant reactivity was unexpected. In Experiment 2 and 3, participants were informed that the research was designed to examine the relationship between music induced emotion and memory. Knowledge of memory testing may therefore have increased motivation and effort to perform well, thus decreasing our ability to detect effects elicited by the experimental stimuli. Increased motivation to perform well may also explain memory differences between 169 CHAPTER 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION ___________________________________________________________________________________ Experiment 3 and previous research using the same word-list learning procedure. It is therefore recommended that participants remain naïve to the memory aims of the research and are debriefed after memory testing has taken place. Another aspect of participant reactivity that was not expected was the emotional response to stimuli that were considered neutral during the study design stage. In Experiment 2, there was an arousal response to others’ music selections previously rated by the same participants as neutral, and in Experiment 3, there was an emotional response to the non-music and music controls. The emotional response may have been caused by the context in which the stimulus was presented. For instance, the experimental laboratory may have contributed to participants feeling nervous, uncertain, judged, watched, determined, curious, uncomfortable, or confused. Perhaps these feelings would be absent if participants were unaware or unconcerned with the response monitoring. A possible resolution to this difficult to resolve aspect of experimental design is to use the Experience-Sampling Method (ESM), in which individuals can be monitored without substantial interference in their normal lifestyles. ESM has already been used to great effect in the music-emotion research field (e.g., Juslin et al., 2008; Sloboda & O'Neill, 2001). The ESM could be complemented with ambulatory heart rate monitoring to determine whether memory for specific episodes was related to concurrent changes in autonomic activity. The experimental method also raises the problem of artificiality, in which reduction of the phenomenon under investigation to measurable components can render the phenomenon meaningless. The most obvious example of artificiality in the current research project was the emotional story used in Experiment 1. In an attempt to control visual and linguistic confounds of EEM, the emotional narrative became a shadow of its intended emotional intensity. In Experiment 3, control conditions designed to account for differences in attention, engagement, and music structure became emotionally arousing and may have facilitated memory. It has therefore proven to be difficult to find the right balance of experimental control and ecological realism to successfully manipulate emotion and memory in the research laboratory. In sum, the degree of statistical and methodological uncertainty in the findings of this research project was higher than expected. The power of the inferential tests was compromised by low participant numbers, and generalising the results to the general population is limited by the narrow demographic of the participant cohort. The aim of developing a methodology for facilitating memory with music as an emotional stimulus in the general population has therefore not been fully achieved. Despite these limitations, the intensive nature of the research resulted in identification of a broad range 170 CHAPTER 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION ___________________________________________________________________________________ of promising trends in the data which can be used for further theory development and hypothesis testing. These will be discussed in the next section. 7.5 Conclusions and future directions The primary aim of this research project was to explore whether positive emotion elicited by an emotionally powerful stimulus (music) could be utilized to facilitate long-term memory for unrelated material. The underlying motivation for this research was to extend previous research on EEM into a context that would have greater ecological application, such that practitioners could use emotional stimuli in an evidence-guided manner to promote enhanced consolidation of everyday events (for instance, in age-related impairment). A range of methodologies and theories were drawn upon to elucidate the causes of emotion effects on memory. A number of variables that could moderate the relationship between emotion and memory were also identified and controlled. With stringent methodology, the outcomes of this research revealed that even though music appeared to elicit authentic emotions, the effects of emotional music on LTM were inconsistent and could not be precisely defined. The clearest results were gained from Experiment 2, in which the emotion inducing properties of music were established, as defined by Scherer’s multiple component model of emotion (2001), with participant-selected emotional music enhancing memory for subsequently presented images. There were trends in the Experiment 3 data that suggested music presented during the consolidation period modulated memory. This result was consistent with studies in which neuromodulators administered after learning enhance or attenuate emotional memory. Across experiments, there were recurring trends in the physiological data to suggest that the noradrenergic system, indexed by increased cardiac activity, was associated with long-term memory. As the noradrenergic system has been strongly implicated in the neurobiological modulation of EEM, this outcome supports neurobiological modulation of memory consolidation in the current project. Nevertheless, the reliability of these music-induced noradrenergic-memory associations needs to be established with replication. During the course of this research project, some prevailing assumptions were challenged. The assumption of previous EEM in humans has been that a three-story-phase emotional slideshow depicting a boy who is critically injured elicited an emotion, which is regulated by the amygdala, and 171 CHAPTER 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION ___________________________________________________________________________________ resulted in ANS activation and adrenal release of arousal hormones necessary for neurobiological modulation of memory. The methodology was adapted in the current project to accommodate music, to control for an orienting reflex explanation of memory, and to apply stricter control on the linguistic properties of the stories. In doing so, the distinct narrowing of memory for the emotional phase of the slideshow was eliminated. It was therefore proposed that previous memory effects could have been caused by an amygdala mediated orienting reflex, rather than a full emotional response. As an orienting reflex can be argued to be a component of emotion, this proposal should be of little concern. However, when considering replication and generalisation of the findings, eliciting an orienting reflex may be a simpler and more reliable task than eliciting a full emotional response. It may therefore be worthwhile extending this avenue of research by controlling the intensity of the stimulus to determine the influence on LTM (refer to Table 7.2 for a summary of recommendations arising from this project). The same three-story-phase methodology developed in the current research also revealed that cognitive processes that were independent of increased physiological arousal could account for the observed memory improvement. This raises the possibility that memory improvements that have previously been attributed to the neurobiological model of EEM may not have fully accounted for the influence of cognitive processes on memory. One of the most promising results of this research project has been the consistent evidence of music effects on multiple components of emotion, especially noradrenergic modulation of cardiac activity. Of particular interest was the chills response. The reliable relationship between chills responses and autonomic activity reported in previous research, combined with evidence that intense chills were associated with increased cardiac activity in the current research, indicates that chills music may be a reliable source of emotional arousal to manipulate EEM. Future EEM research could thus limit the emotion stimulus to music that reliably induces a chills response. This will limit generalisation to a population that experience chills from music. Nevertheless, initial testing in this sub population may reduce the variability in music-induced emotional responding and improve the probability of detecting music-induced memory effects. Participant naivety was observed as being an important factor to consider when testing memory. It appeared that in this project, knowledge of memory testing had an adverse effect on responses to the experimental stimuli. Participants were made aware of the memory testing tasks in the second and third experiments to increase engagement with the task and as a method of controlling for differences in memory ability (the ‘memory test then re-test after a delay’ procedure). In this 172 CHAPTER 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION ___________________________________________________________________________________ context, naivety was not considered essential as rehearsal, and thus maintenance of material in shortterm memory, was prevented by other means. However, knowledge of the memory testing may have increased endogenous arousal levels and therefore influenced the manipulation of emotional arousal with the experimental stimuli. It is therefore recommended that participants remain naïve to the true memory aims of the study, even if rehearsal has been controlled. A final noteworthy observation was the memory-impairing influence of emotional stimuli presented soon after learning. In terms of neurobiological modulation of memory, it is possible that the newly acquired memory trace requires uninterrupted time to establish before it becomes available for strengthening by the post-encoding arousal treatments. The exact duration of this interval has yet to be established, although research conducted by Nielson and Lorber (2009) and Judde and Rickard (2010) implies that the window could be between 5 and 30 minutes post-encoding. The arousal-inducing properties of the remembered material should also be considered, given evidence that arousal elicited during encoding can interact with post-encoding arousal treatments (Cahill & Alkire, 2003). Future research could test the interaction between arousal elicited by the remembered material and the timing of the post-encoding arousal treatment to yield a more fine-grained temporal profile of the neurobiological memory effect. 173 CHAPTER 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION ___________________________________________________________________________________ Table 7.3 Summary of recommendations Recommendations for music use in experimental studies Music Emotion measurement Memory measurement Controls Design Context Enjoyable and chills inducing Valence expressed by the music can be positive or negative Use music induced chills as an index of ANS activation Measures state changes in affective valence with psychometrically validated scales (e.g., PANAS) Reduce noise in cardiac activity data by using ECG Confirm the effectiveness of the emotion manipulation with measures of multiple components of emotion, particularly those related to emotional valence Use free recall memory tests to measure top-down effects of emotion on memory To avoid memory ceiling effects, increase the ratio of foils to targets in recognition memory tests or extend the delay period before testing Use effective active listening non-music control conditions to establish that observed effects can be attributed to the unique properties of music Comprehensively pilot test control conditions to ensure they do not inadvertently elicit emotion responses during the experimental procedure Use a repeated measures design so that participants act as their own control Music that is restructured so that it can act as a music control should use excerpts that eliminate recognisable structural progressions Control individual differences in music enjoyment Ensure participants are naive to the intended emotion manipulation and to memory measurement Use large samples to enable examination of sub-samples that differ according to extraneous variables (e.g., memory ability, arousal sensitivity, and music engagement). To ensure participants can fully engage with and respond to the music, present music before or after the dependent variable Reduce extraneous arousal by allowing sufficient time for participants to familiarise themselves with the experimental environment Use ambulatory methods to measure emotional responses and memory in ecological settings (e.g., wireless hand held reporting devices, heart rate monitor) 174 CHAPTER 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION ___________________________________________________________________________________ Recommendations for music use to facilitate memory in practice To ensure the emotion treatment is sufficiently activating (arousal dose-response), consider using participant-selected enjoyed music Where possible, use music that reliably induces a chills response Allow individuals to fully attend to the music by presenting it before or after the information to be remembered. Recommendations for future research Manipulate the timing of the post-encoding emotion treatment to yield a more fine-grained temporal profile of the neurobiological memory effect Examine whether appraisal of emotional information presented immediately after learning interferes with memory consolidation Examine whether arousal during encoding is a necessary element of emotion-enhanced memory by varying the arousal of the remembered material and of the emotion manipulation Examine whether an orienting reflex is a sufficient element of emotion-enhanced memory by varying the perceptual intensity of the emotion stimulus Examine whether intense chills elicited by music predicts amygdala activation and long-term memory Develop an effective method of operationalizing memory scope to enable the testing of positive emotion on the breadth of information remembered Anecdotal reports indicate that music is widely used in everyday settings to improve cognitive processing performance. However, the evidence base to support the efficacy of music use in this way is still in its infancy and in need of validation. This research project has added to the evidence base by demonstrating that music does indeed have utility in enhancing performance of cognitive processes, but there is still much to be learnt. Despite the complex nature of emotion, further complicated by the experimental context in which it is manipulated, this research project has yielded some clear effects of music on emotion and memory. The commonly agreed upon notion that music elicits emotions was supported, thereby adding further empirical evidence of the emotion-inducing properties of music. 175 CHAPTER 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION ___________________________________________________________________________________ Emotional music may therefore be a powerful stimulus for further understanding the characteristics of emotion. Music also had a modulating influence on memory. 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Definitions of information categories across studies Author/s Term Definition Stimuli Memory test Adolphs Denberg & Tranel (2001)* Gist Salient, general information of the scene that was sufficient to distinguish that particular stimulus from all the other stimuli and did not depend on remembering details of the scene. Images and single sentence narrative 24hr 4AFC (written questionnaire) for narrative and images Visual Detail Information that could only accessed from a detailed memory of the visual image. Gist * as per Adolphs et al., 2001 Background Visual Detail * as per Adolphs et al., 2001 ImplicitPerceptual Bottom-up, data driven. Adolphs, Tranel & Buchanan (2005) Arntz, de Groot & Kindt (2005) Images and single sentence narrative Cahill et al. (1994) narrative modified 196 Effect of Emotion Enhances 4AFC (images) for images Impairs 24 hr written 4Amultiple choice Enhances Written 4Amultiple choice Impairs 1 week, free recall, perceptual id, recognition, word stem completion Enhances APPENDIX A Author/s Buchanan, Karafin & Adolphs (2003) Burke, Heuer & Riesberg, (1992) Term Definition Explicitconceptual Meaning of the information processed. Gist Salient, general information about the stimulus that could not be changed or excluded without changing the basic story line. Visual Detail No definition provided. Plot relevant Items relevant to how the story unfolds. Gist Items that essentially define the story. 197 Stimuli Memory test Effect of Emotion No change * as per Adolphs et al., 2001 48 hr multiple choice Placebo group no change, negative vs. neutral Multiple choice Placebo group – impaired, negative vs. neutral Images and single sentence narrative 1 week 4AFC P1 weakly enhances; P2 enhances; P3 weakly enhances APPENDIX A Author/s Cahill et al, (2004) Term Definition Stimuli Basic level visual Broad description of what the slide showed. Plot irrelevant Items not relevant to how the story unfolds. Central details Plot irrelevant but spatially associated with plot relevant details. P1 no effect; P2 enhances; P3 weakly impairs. Peripheral Items truly in the background. Impairs Central Any information that cannot be removed or altered without changing the fundamental story line. Peripheral All other information. Images and single sentence narrative Memory test 1 week multiple choice Effect of Emotion P1 weakly enhances; P2 enhances; P3 weakly enhances Enhances (BEM males only). Enhances (BEM males and females) 198 APPENDIX A Author/s Term Definition Stimuli Memory test Cahill & van Stegeren, (2003) Central * as per Cahill et al, 2004 * as per Cahill et al (2004) * as per Cahill et al (2004) Peripheral * as per Cahill et al, 2004 Christianson & Loftus (1991) Enhances for women Central Images Immediate cued recall, 4AFC Peripheral Heuer & Reisberg (1990) Effect of Emotion Enhances for men Enhances Impairs Central Any fact or element pertaining to the “basic story” that could not be “changed or excluded” without changing the basic story line. Peripheral Anything below a ‘basic level of description’ (Rosch, 1978). 199 Images and single sentence narrative 2 weeks free recall, 4AFC, recognition memory for narrative Enhances Enhances APPENDIX A Author/s Term Definition Stimuli Memory test Kensinger, GaroffEaton, Schacter (2007b) Central Emotionally salient information. Images Immediate recognition (same, similar, new) Peripheral Information outside the focus of emotional attention. Impairs Gist General theme Conditional Detail Specific visual details Conditional Gist Elements in the story line, rather than the specific contents of the slides. Central details Visually close to likely focus of attention. Plot-irrelevant details that happened to be associated with plot-central objects or players within the slides. No change Peripheral details Far from likely focus. Details of objects truly in the background of the slide sequence. Enhances Laney et al (2004) 200 Nonarousing images and arousing narrative (thematic emotion induction) Immediate 4AFC Effect of Emotion Enhances Enhances APPENDIX A Author/s Term Definition Stimuli Memory test Libkuman, NicholsWhitehead, Griffith & Thomas (1999) Gist Gist (items that essentially define the story) and basic level visual information (broad description of what the slide showed). Images and single sentence narrative (Heuer & Reisberg, 1990, modified) Immediate cued recall, 4AFC Central detail Elements central to the story. Enhanced Background detail Details peripheral to the story. Enhanced Central Detail that was associated with the central characters. Detail that was not associated with the central characters. Information that is connected with the source of the emotional arousal. Libkuman, Stabler & Otani (2004) Background Wessel et al (2000) Gist and central details Peripheral Information that is irrelevant or spatially peripheral to the source of the emotional arousal. 201 Images (high arousal) Images Immediate cued recall Immediate free recall, cued recall, detailed cued recall Effect of Emotion No change (except exp 2, impaired, no statistical results provided) Enhanced Enhanced for positive images Exp 1 no effect Exp 2 enhanced Exp 1 no effect APPENDIX B B. Summary of aims and hypotheses Experiment 1 non-music aims and hypotheses Aim 1: Determine whether the newly developed materials replicated the intrinsic emotion-memory effects reported by previous researchers Hypothesis 1a 1b Emotion elicited by a negative narrative in Phase 2 of a three-phase slideshow would facilitate one week delayed free recall and recognition of Phase 2 slideshow images relative to Phase 1 and Phase 3. The increase in Phase 2 memory would account for greater total memory scores for the negative slideshow relative to the neutral slideshow. Supported NO NO Aim 2: Determine whether any observed emotion-enhanced memory elicited by the narrative could be accounted for by emotion or by mood-congruence effects on encoding. Hypothesis 2a Supported For emotion to be the underlying mechanism, any increase in memory caused by the Phase 2 negative narrative would be associated with activation of the emotion components of: Increased subjective arousal ratings Decreased mood valence ratings NO TREND Increased skin conductivity (SCL) Increased skin conductance responses (SCR) Decreased skin temperature (TEMP) Increased heart rate (decreased IBI) NO NO NO NO Increased frown muscle activity (EMG) NO Increased memory narrowing YES 202 APPENDIX B Experiment 1 music aims and hypotheses Aim 3: Determine whether extrinsic arousal elicited by emotionally powerful background music facilitated memory for a neutral slideshow. Hypothesis 3 Emotion elicited by arousing music played continuously in the background of a neutral story would facilitate one-week delayed free recall and recognition of all slideshow images relative to the neutral music and no music conditions. Supported NO Aim 4: Determine whether any observed emotion-enhanced memory elicited by music was best explained by emotion or mood-congruence effects on encoding. Hypothesis 4a 4b Supported For emotion to be the underlying mechanism, any increase in memory caused by the emotional music would be associated with activation of the emotion components of: Increased subjective arousal ratings Decreased mood valence ratings NO NO Increased skin conductivity (SCL) Increased skin conductance responses (SCR) Decreased skin temperature (TEMP) Increased heart rate (decreased IBI) NO NO NO NO Increased frown muscle activity (EMG) NO Increased memory narrowing NO For mood-congruence to be responsible for facilitated memory, greater memory for the slideshow with emotional background music would be attributed to more negative image details retained relative to the no-music or neutral music conditions. 203 NO APPENDIX B Experiment 2 Aim: Determine whether participant-selected enjoyed music (PsM) facilitated memory. Hypothesis 1 Supported Relative to non-music and neutral music controls, PsM would activate the emotion components of: SUBJECTIVE FEELING Increased subjective arousal ratings More positive mood valence ratings YES YES PERIPHERAL EFFERENCE Increased chills frequency Increased skin conductance levels (SCL) Increased skin conductance responses (SCR) Increased heart rate (decreased IBI) Decreased HRV (IBIsd) Decreased skin temperature (TEMP) YES PARTIAL NO NO NO PARTIAL COGNITIVE PROCESSES Change in attention scope Decreased judgment response times NO PARTIAL 2 PsM would elicit the highest memory scores. PARTIAL 3 If emotional arousal was the causal mechanism, then any observed facilitated memory effect would be predicted by increased autonomic activity. YES 4 If mood-congruence was responsible for facilitated memory, then any observed facilitated memory effect would be explained by greater memory for images congruent with self-reported mood. NO Note. Partial indicates that the comparison between PsM and control was significant while the comparison between PsM and OsM was not significant. 204 APPENDIX B Experiment 3 Aim: Determine whether arousal elicited by positive and arousing (PA) music presented after learning facilitated the consolidation of LTM. Hypothesis 1 Supported Relative to music and non-music active listening controls, PA music would activate the emotion components of: SUBJECTIVE FEELING Increased subjective arousal ratings More positive mood valence ratings NO PARTIAL PERIPHERAL EFFERENCE Increased chills frequency Increased skin conductance responses (SCR) Increased heart rate (decreased IBI) Decreased heart rate variability (%HF HRV) Decreased blood volume amplitude (BVA) Increased respiratory rate (RSP) PARTIAL NO NO NO NO NO COGNITIVE PROCESSES Increased frontal midline theta activity General decreases in alpha activity 2 Post-learning emotional arousal elicited by PA music would facilitate longterm (one week) word list memory relative to music and non-music active listening controls. NO NO NO Note. Partial indicates that the comparison between PA Music and Traffic Mix was significant while the comparison between PA Music and Music Mix was not significant. 205 APPENDIX C C. Digital copy of Experimental Stimuli Folder Exp1 Content 4 slideshows: - neutral narrative-no music - emotional narrative-no music - neutral narrative-neutral music - neutral narrative-emotional music Mouse click on the image to start the slideshow. Note that the first 15 seconds is silent. Exp2 PsM samples Radio interview control Exp3 PAMusic MusicMix TrafficMix CD located inside the back cover of the thesis. 206 APPENDIX D D. Exp. 1 Linguistic Properties of the Narratives Phase Neutral Narrative 1 A man used to work at a busy port as a shipping container administrator. (14) He often went to a restaurant for lunch before it burnt down. (12) His wife is the primary carer of their two school aged children. (12) He takes his children to visit his brother who is in jail for fine evasion. (15) On the way they go walking in a park and the father drops the daughter’s jumper. (16) Linguistic Properties F<M=5, >M=9 C<M=12, >M=2 I<M=11, >M=3 F<M=5, >M=7 C<M=10, >M=2 I<M=8, >M=4 F<M=4, >M=8 C<M=9, >M=3 I<M=9, >M=3 F<M=5, >M=10 C<M=12, >M=3 I<M=11, >M=4 F<M=5, >M=11 C<M=13, >M=3 I<M=13, >M=3 When they return home the mother wants to wash the jumper but can’t find it. (15) F<M=5, >M=10 C<M=13, >M=2 I<M=12, >M=3 Some time later a woman finds the daughter’s jumper near her country house. (13) The jumper is labeled with the family details so the woman contacts the mother. (14) After a long delay they meet while the mother is visiting the cemetery. (13) F<M6=, >M=7 C<M=10, >M=3 I<M=9, >M=4 F<M=6, >M=8 C<M=11, >M=3 I<M=11, >M=3 F<M=4, >M=9 C<M=12, >M=1 I<M=11, >M=2 2 3 Emotional Narrative Linguistic Properties (as per neutral) He is in jail for beating his wife and plots his revenge on her. (14) When he gets out the father collects his children and takes them into dense bush. (15) When they don’t return home the mother becomes frantic with concern for her children. (14) (as per neutral) F<M=5, >M=9 C<M=12, >M=2 I<M=10, >M=4 F<M=4, >M=11 C<M=12, >M=3 I<M=10, >M=5 F<M=5, >M=9 C<M=10, >M=4 I<M=10, >M=4 Note. Numbers in brackets equal word count. F = familiarity, C = concreteness, I = imaginability. <M and >M = number of words less than or greater than the mean for each word category (F, C, and I) (MRC Psycholinguistic Database ( 207 APPENDIX E E. Exp. 1 Narrative Pilot Testing A pilot test of the story narratives was conducted with two groups of undergraduate university students (neutral, n = 22, emotional, n = 23) as a class exercise. Participants viewed the slideshow containing the nine IAPS images combined with the neutral or negative narrative. One week later, a 72 item four-alternative forced-choice (4AFC) surprise memory test was administered. Differences in emotion ratings between the two groups revealed that, overall, students who heard the negative narrative were more likely to disagree with the statement that the story made them feel happy, and agree with the statement that the story made them feel sad (illustrated in Figure E1). A series of independent samples t-tests confirmed that these differences in the mean sadness ratings were significant. There were also significant differences in ratings of fear, anger, and disgust. Probably levels for each test are presented in the figure below. The two groups were similar in their ratings of story understanding (neutral M = 2.04, SD = 1.13, emotional M = 2.65, SD = 1.11), complexity (neutral M = 3.86, SD = 0.71, emotional M = 3.51, SD = 0.89), and emotional intensity (neutral M = 3.36, SD = 2.51, emotional M = 3.82, SD = 2.25). These ratings indicate that the stories were relatively similar in linguistic properties and that the emotional story was no more intense than the neutral story. A Mean Agreement Rating * ** * ** Disagree (4) Neither (3) Agree (2) C om pl ex nd ab le 10 Neutral Negative 8 6 4 2 0 Intensity U nd er s ta gu s te d ed D is ry Su rp ris A ng l fu Fe ar Sa d H ap py Strongly Agree (1) 0 = not intense, 10 = very intense B Strongly Disagree (5) Figure E1 Mean agreement ratings (A) for the statement ‘the story made me feel (insert emotion adjective)’,’ the story was easy to understand’, and ‘the story was complex’; and story intensity (B) for the neutral and negative slideshows. Error bars represent standard error of the mean. * = p < .05, ** = p < .01 208 APPENDIX E Memory testing revealed that slideshow images presented with the negative narrative in Phase 2 (M = 9.6, SD = 3.36) were more memorable than those in Phase 1 (M = 9.1, SD = 4.42) and Phase 3 (M = 7.3, SD = 2.59). This pattern of facilitated memory for Phase 2 images was not present for the neutral slideshow (Phase 1, M = 10.68, SD = 4.01; Phase 2, M = 8.81, SD = 3.70; and Phase 3, M = 8.68, SD = 2.43, see Figure E2). A narrative (neutral vs. negative) by phase (3) mixed ANOVA revealed that the trend for an interaction between narrative type and slideshow phase was not significant, F(2,80) = 2.58, p = .08, ηp2 = .06. Neutral Narrative Emotional Narrative 4AFC Items Correct 16 14 12 10 8 6 1 2 3 Phase Figure E2 Mean number of correct 4AFC recognition memory test items for each phase of the slideshow. Dashed blue lines represent the neutral narrative and solid red lines represent the emotional narrative. Error bars represent standard error. A possible explanation for the failure of the trends in the data to reach statistical significance was high variability caused by the testing environment. It was reported that a number of students had difficulty hearing or viewing the slideshows. Additional variation could have been caused by low incentive for the cohort of students to attend to the task. As the trends in the memory data were in the expected direction, the decision was made to continue using the slideshows and memory test. 209 APPENDIX F F. Exp. 2 Emotion variables Pearson’s Correlation Results CONTROL Enjoy Chills Valence Arousal FaceRT SCL SCRmin TEMP IBIm IBIsd Free recall r N r N r N r N r N r N r N r N r N r N OsM Enjoy Chills Valence Arousal FaceRT SCL SCRmin TEMP IBIm IBIsd r N r N r N r N r N r N r N r N r N r N Enjoy Chills Valence Arousal FaceRT .03 37 -.03 37 -.06 35 .14 35 -.20 35 -.13 30 -.14 30 -.17 37 -.01 35 -.05 35 -.02 35 .05 30 -.12 30 -.11 35 .26 35 -.16 35 -.23 30 -.12 30 Valence Arousal FaceRT .03 37 .16 37 -.44** 35 -.25 35 .12 35 -.20 30 -.13 30 .06 37 -.03 35 .14 35 -.16 35 -.28 30 -.40* 30 -.32 35 -.07 35 -.10 35 -.180 30 -.38* 30 SC SCRmin TEMP IBIm -.06 37 -.01 37 -.17 37 -.08 37 .37* 35 .15 35 -.08 35 -.17 30 -.09 30 .47** 37 .27 37 .04 37 -.17 35 .06 35 -.28 35 .09 30 -.29 30 Free recall Enjoy -.27 37 .21 37 -.15 37 -.03 37 -.26 37 .42* 35 .23 35 -.04 35 -.07 30 -.15 30 .19 37 .56*** 37 .45** 37 .35* 37 -.29 35 -.10 35 .04 35 -.39* 30 -.19 30 Chills .10 37 .19 37 -.13 37 -.13 35 -.27 35 .26 35 .30 30 .12 30 210 .17 35 -.07 35 .01 30 .15 30 SCL .39* 35 .09 35 .10 30 .10 30 .08 35 .14 30 .20 30 SCRmin .10 35 .06 30 -.02 30 .01 30 .02 30 TEMP .02 30 .15 30 .56** 30 IBIm .55** 30 APPENDIX F Free recall PsM Enjoy Chills Valence Arousal FaceRT SCL SCRmin TEMP IBIm IBIsd r N r N r N r N r N r N r N r N r N r N .16 37 .05 37 -.02 37 .17 37 -.29 37 .43* 35 -.33† 35 .03 35 -.01 30 -.40* 30 Enjoy .42** 37 .30 37 .02 37 -.01 37 -.05 35 -.45** 35 -.23 35 -.06 30 .10 30 Chills .15 37 .40* 37 -.07 37 .13 35 -.13 35 -.15 35 -.21 30 .16 30 Valence Arousal FaceRT .01 37 -.13 37 -.10 35 .01 35 .22 35 .09 30 .23 30 -.26 37 .04 35 -.07 35 .22 35 -.09 30 -.15 30 -.37* 35 .04 35 -.15 35 -.07 30 -.11 30 SCL .31 35 .08 35 -.01 30 .05 30 SCRmin .04 35 .27 30 .36† 30 TEMP .19 30 -.04 30 IBIm .28 30 Note. r = Pearson’s product moment coefficient. N = sample size. * p < .05. ** p < .01. *** p < .001. † p = .05. 211 APPENDIX G G. Exp. 3 Music selection pilot Purpose: To use an objective means of selecting three music tracks from a pool of six for use in the main study. Table G1 Music selections pilot tested Music track and composer Justification Life in Technicolor, Coldplay Experimenter-selected Also Sprach Zarathustra, Richard Strauss Previous studies The Mission, Ennio Morricone Exp 2, participant selected music with highest peer arousal ratings O Fortuna, Carl Orff Exp 2, participant selected music with highest peer arousal ratings Tuba Mirum, Wolfgang Armadeus Mozart Previous studies Ride of the Valkyries, Richard Wagner Experimenter-selected Parameters measured Arousal was the main parameter of interest and was measured by self-report of arousal, chills, and liking. The experience of chills has been reported to be associated with physiological arousal (detected by phasic skin conductance increases, Grewe et al., 2009). Liking has been reported to be association with arousal in an inverted U relationship, with liking ratings highest for moderately arousing music (Hargreaves & North, 2010). Familiarity may also be associated with liking (more familiar stimuli are more liked, Bornstein, 1989), and therefore indirectly related to arousal. Affective valence, whether participants responded positively or negatively to the music, was also measured. Differences in affective valence could potentially induce differential effects on cognitive processing, such as fast and broad processing strategies when in a positive mood, or slow and analytical strategies when in a negative mood (Levine & Pizarro, 2004). For consistency, valence was measured in order to select music that induced positive affect. 212 APPENDIX G Procedure Seventeen colleagues, friends, and family members listened to a compact disc recording of the six music tracks at their own convenience. Participants were instructed to rate how they felt after each track on scales of arousal, valence, liking, chills quantity, and familiarity. All rating scales were the same as those used in the main study. Arousal and valence scales were presented as two dimensional grids with axes ranging from -5 to 5. Liking and familiarity on Likert scales ranging from 1 to 7. Chills quantity was an open box. Results One-way repeated measures ANOVAs were used to analyse differences across music tracks (6) for each of the five rating scales. Mean differences between tracks were significant for all scales except arousal. Consequently, a process of selection was used based on (in order of importance), valence, chills, liking and familiarity. Tuba Mirum was excluded due to negative valence ratings compared to positive valence ratings for the remaining five tracks. O Fortuna was selected due to significantly higher chills ratings than the remaining four tracks. Ride of the Valkyries was excluded due to significantly lower liking ratings than the remaining four tracks. The Mission was excluded based on the lowest familiarity ratings of the remaining tracks. The remaining tracks were O Fortuna, Also Sprach Zarathustra, and Life in Technicolor. 213 APPENDIX H H. Exp. 3 Equipment set-up Nexus data acquisition system set-up Frontal EEG at sites Fp1 and Fp2, and Pz, and EOG sensors; skin conductivity, heart rhythm and blood volume amplitude recorded from the non-dominant hand; and respiratory rate recorded from below the ribcage (not visible in this image). All leads were connected to the receiver held by the participant and transmitted wirelessly to a computer hard drive. The experimenter was seated in front of two computer monitors, one controlling stimulus presentation, the other controlling and monitoring the physiological recordings. The participant was seated in front of a computer monitor and was separated from the rest of the room by the blue room divider. 214 APPENDIX I I. Exp. 3 Correlation matrix for the memory and emotion measures .41** 41 .26 41 -.10 41 .13 41 .18 42 .42** 42 .54** 42 .42** 42 .01 42 -.13 42 -.03 42 .21 42 .09 44 .18 43 -.05 42 .05 43 -.04 42 -.19 42 -.14 42 -.14 42 .35* 42 .23 44 .00 43 -.09 42 .32* 43 .01 42 .06 44 .42** 42 .05 43 .32* 43 .16 43 -.29 29 -.04 42 .01 42 -.06 42 -.26 29 .06 44 .72** 44 -.05 30 .26 44 -.20 30 Chills .09 42 -.10 42 .29 42 .08 42 .35* 43 .50** 43 .24 42 Liking .24 42 .54** 42 -.05 42 -.09 42 -.06 42 -.29 29 Arousal .50** 42 .50** 43 .42** 42 .18 43 .00 43 .13 43 -.23 29 Valence .23 43 .02 42 .35* 43 .18 42 .09 44 .23 44 .17 44 -.11 30 .55** 41 .04 41 .01 41 -.12 41 .02 42 .50** 42 ThetaPz .16 42 .08 42 -.12 41 .08 42 .13 41 .21 42 .35* 42 .22 42 .01 29 .30 42 -.14 42 .29 42 .08 42 .23 43 ThetaF -.13 42 -.02 42 .29 42 .01 41 .29 42 -.10 41 -.03 42 -.14 42 -.12 42 -.29 29 -.03 42 -.44** 42 -.02 42 .16 42 AlphaPz -.03 42 -.09 42 -.44** 42 -.14 42 .04 41 -.10 42 .26 41 -.13 42 -.14 42 -.25 42 .03 29 -.03 42 -.09 42 -.13 42 AlphaF -.11 42 -.03 42 SCR min .24 42 RSP .24 42 -.11 42 -.03 42 -.03 42 .30 42 .55** 41 .09 42 .41** 41 .01 42 -.19 42 -.07 42 -.13 29 BVA -.27 41 .07 41 .22 41 .02 41 -.03 43 -.03 42 -.09 41 .06 42 -.12 41 .31* 43 -.07 43 .04 43 -.20 30 HRV -.26 42 -.10 42 .09 42 -.16 42 .09 44 -.25 43 -.10 42 -.09 43 -.18 42 .11 44 .07 44 .02 44 -.10 30 IBI Recognition IBI N HRV N BVA N RSP N SCRmin N AlphaF N AlphaPz N ThetaF N ThetaPz N Valence N Arousal N Liking N Chills N Free Emotion element -.07 42 -.25 42 -.12 42 .22 42 .17 44 .13 43 -.06 42 .16 43 -.06 42 .72** 44 .26 44 .13 29 .03 29 -.29 29 .01 29 -.11 30 -.23 29 -.29 29 -.20 29 -.26 29 -.05 30 -.20 30 .08 30 .08 30 Note. Pearson’s correlations and N. Physiological values were change from baseline. EEG values were natural log transformed. Chills correlations exclude the Traffic Mix condition for which no chills were reported. * p < .05. ** p < .01. *** p < .001. 215 APPENDIX J J. Exp. 3 Good vs. poor memory performers FREE RECALL % WORDS RETAINED Self Report Music Mix Poor Free Recall Good Free Recall 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Subjective valence Subjective arousal 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Traffic Mix Valence (b) Arousal (a) Traffic Mix PA Music Music Mix PA Music PNS (e) IBI Blood Volume Amplitude (RMS) vs. baseline IBI (ms) vs. baseline 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 BVA (f) 5 RSP (per minute) vs. baseline (d) 60 0 -5 -10 Traffic Mix Music Mix PA Music Traffic Mix Music Mix RSP p = .07 Music Mix PA Music 8 6 4 2 0 PA Music Traffic Mix SCR/min (g) SCR/min vs. baseline 2 1 0 -1 -2 Traffic Mix Music Mix PA Music CNS Frontal Theta (h) (j) p = .05 0.2 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 ln) 2 Theta Power (µV pk-pk vs. baseline 2 Alpha Power (µV pk-pk vs. baseline 0.0 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 Music Mix PA Music 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.6 Traffic Mix Posterior Theta 0.2 ln) ln) 2 Theta Power (µV pk-pk vs. baseline (i) Posterior Alpha 0.2 Traffic Mix Music Mix 216 PA Music Traffic Mix Music Mix PA Music APPENDIX J RECOGNITION CORRECTLY IDENTIFIED AS PRESENT Self Report Subjective valence (d) 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 Traffic Mix (g) Traffic Mix Music Mix Music Mix (e) ** 60 * PA Music IBI Poor Recognition Good Recognition Valence 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 PA Music BVA (f) 4 RSP (per minute) vs. baseline PNS Music Mix Blood Volume Amplitude (RMS) vs. baseline Subjective arousal 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Traffic Mix IBI (ms) vs. baseline (b) Arousal (a) 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 PA Music Traffic Mix Music Mix PA Music RSP 8 6 4 2 0 Traffic Mix Music Mix PA Music SCR/min SCR/min vs. baseline 2 1 0 -1 -2 Traffic Mix Music Mix PA Music CNS (h) (i) Frontal Theta (j) Posterior Theta 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Traffic Mix Music Mix PA Music Posterior Alpha 0.2 Alpha Power (µV pk-pk 2 ln) vs. baseline Theta Power (µV pk-pk 2 ln) vs. baseline Theta Power (µV pk-pk 2 ln) vs. baseline 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 Traffic Mix Music Mix 217 PA Music Traffic Mix Music Mix PA Music APPENDIX K K. Exp. 3 Good vs. Poor memory t-test results for each emotion measure and each group FREE RECALL Arousal Valence IBI BVA RSP SCR AlphaPz ThetaF ThetaPz P G P G P G P G P G P G P G P G P G N 7 7 7 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 7 7 6 7 7 7 6 7 M 0.00 1.71 -0.86 -0.71 -32.52 -22.20 -1.43 1.32 1.08 3.28 -0.54 -0.15 -0.14 -0.16 -0.10 -0.06 -0.12 -0.30 Traffic Mix SD t 2.00 -1.77 1.60 2.54 -0.11 2.29 41.51 -0.51 31.19 5.06 -0.86 6.30 5.24 -1.00 2.42 1.50 -0.57 0.86 0.40 -0.08 0.32 0.38 -0.21 0.26 0.42 0.79 0.38 p .10 d 0.95 .91 0.06 .62 0.28 .41 0.48 .34 0.57 .56 0.33 .94 0.05 .84 0.12 .44 0.45 N 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 M 2.29 2.88 3.29 1.25 10.46 -29.30 -4.15 -4.65 5.39 3.36 0.24 0.89 -0.04 -0.23 0.00 -0.06 -0.07 -0.16 Music Mix SD t 1.80 -0.51 2.53 1.11 1.85 2.71 55.39 1.81 26.61 2.56 0.31 3.57 3.58 1.08 3.70 2.02 -0.70 1.55 0.25 1.73 0.17 0.12 0.92 0.11 0.16 1.28 0.14 p .62 d 0.27 .09 1.07 .09 0.97 .76 0.16 .30 0.56 .50 0.36 .11 0.90 .37 0.52 .22 0.60 N 7 8 7 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 M 3.00 2.13 0.57 2.06 -7.82 -14.99 -1.49 -4.34 5.71 2.65 0.90 0.02 -0.19 -0.17 0.06 -0.15 -0.10 -0.30 PA Music SD t 1.22 1.05 1.89 2.11 -1.81 0.94 29.19 0.45 30.25 5.76 1.07 4.08 3.86 1.95 1.51 0.91 1.42 1.41 0.23 -0.13 0.30 0.16 2.14 0.20 0.17 1.52 0.30 p .31 d 0.56 .09 0.98 .66 0.24 .31 0.58 .07 1.14 .18 0.76 .90 -0.07 .05 1.15 .15 0.84 Note. P = poor memory performer, G = good memory performer, N = number of participants in each cell, M = mean, SD = standard deviation, t = between-subjects t value, p = probability, and d = Cohen’s d. 218 APPENDIX K RECOGNITION Arousal Valence IBI BVA RSP SCR AlphaP ThetaF ThetaP P G P G P G P G P G P G P G P G P G N 7 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 M 1.00 0.67 -2.28 0.33 -32.62 -10.62 -0.48 0.30 1.41 2.73 -0.18 -0.70 -0.10 -0.11 0.03 -0.19 -0.16 -0.18 Traffic Mix SD t 1.82 0.28 2.42 1.98 -2.73 1.37 36.50 -1.28 21.15 4.88 -0.21 7.30 5.15 -0.54 2.98 0.50 0.77 1.74 0.42 0.01 0.20 0.20 1.23 0.41 0.53 0.11 0.11 p .78 d 0.15 .02 1.53 .23 0.76 .83 0.13 .60 0.32 .46 0.46 .99 0.03 .24 0.72 .91 0.06 N 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 M 2.57 2.63 2.28 2.12 22.58 -39.91 -3.74 -5.01 4.65 4.01 -0.06 1.16 -0.03 -0.23 -0.06 -0.01 -0.06 -0.17 Music Mix SD t 1.72 -0.05 2.62 2.14 0.13 2.59 41.61 3.59 24.80 2.98 0.80 3.17 3.80 0.32 3.78 1.83 -1.39 1.57 0.21 1.85 0.21 0.11 -0.78 0.12 0.16 1.30 0.14 p .96 d -0.02 .90 0.07 .00 1.88 .44 0.41 .75 0.17 .19 -0.72 .09 0.96 .45 -0.41 .22 0.67 N 7 8 7 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 M 2.64 2.44 0.78 1.87 -3.41 -19.41 -3.90 -1.93 4.05 4.32 0.84 0.07 -0.20 -0.15 -0.12 0.02 -0.11 -0.30 PA Music SD t 1.75 0.24 1.61 2.29 -1.25 0.88 26.04 1.04 31.14 6.14 -0.72 3.82 4.07 -0.15 2.45 0.92 1.22 1.44 0.25 -0.34 0.28 0.16 -1.35 0.23 0.17 1.37 0.31 p .82 d 0.12 .23 0.69 .32 0.56 .48 -0.40 .88 -0.08 .25 0.66 .74 -.018 .20 -0.74 .20 0.76 Note. P = poor memory performer, G = good memory performer, N = number of participants in each cell, M = mean, SD = standard deviation, t = between-subjects t value, p = probability, and d = Cohen’s d. 219 APPENDIX L L. Supplementary investigation of individual differences A variety of extraneous variables have been identified that could moderate the relationship between emotional arousal and memory. These variables, such as individual differences in arousal sensitivity, gender, and engagement with music, may contribute to the high variability endemic to emotional responses to music, and to memory performance. This supplementary analysis of individual differences was conducted to determine their impact on memory. The primary purpose was to control variation in emotional arousal caused by individual differences to determine whether they had a significant influence on memory performance. Arousal Sensitivity Individual differences in trait arousal and behavioural responses to arousing situations have been demonstrated to moderate emotional response, learning, and memory (reviewed in Chapter 2). Trait arousal was therefore measured in Experiment 1 using the Extraversion scale of the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) Big 5 Personality Questionnaire (Goldberg et al., 2006). Situation specific arousal response tendencies were measured in Experiments 2 and 3 using the Behavioural Inhibition System and Activation System scales (BIS/BAS) developed by Carver and White (1994). The Extraversion scale of the Big 5 Personality Questionnaire was selected to measure tonic arousal, which has been posited by Eysenck (1987) to be reflective of trait extraversion. According to Eysenck’s theory, extraverts have lower tonic cortical arousal levels than introverts, which manifests behaviourally as the seeking out of stimulating experiences. In contrast, introverts have higher cortical arousal levels, are overstimulated by sensory stimuli, and thus withdraw from stimulating experiences. The IPIP Big 5 Personality Questionnaire contains 50 items measuring the factors Surgency/Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, and Intellect/Imagination. To avoid interfering with the psychometric properties of the questionnaire, all items were administered to participants, however only the Surgency/Extraversion factor was analysed. Items included statements like “I am the life of the party” and “I keep in the background” with the response options of 1, very inaccurate to 5, very accurate, centred at 3, neither inaccurate nor accurate. Half of the items were reversed scored. High values therefore reflected high trait extraversion. Internal consistency for this factor was very good (Cronbach’s alpha =.87). The behavioural preference to approach or withdraw from arousing situations has been demonstrated to influence attention (Gable & Harmon-Jones, 2008a) and memory (Judde & Rickard, 220 APPENDIX L 2010). The BIS/BAS scales were utilised in Experiments 2 and 3 to detect behavioural arousal responses to specific situations (Carver & White, 1994), like those elicited by the experimental manipulations. The BIS/BAS scales thereby provide a more ecologically valid measure of behavioural motivation. The BIS/BAS scales measure an individual’s propensity to approach or withdraw from arousing situations. The behavioural inhibition system controls the experience of anxiety in response to anxiety-relevant cues (punishment, non-reward, and novelty) and inhibits movement towards goals. The behavioural activation system is sensitive to cues that signal reward, non-punishment, and escape from punishment, and increases movement towards goals (see review by Carver & White, 1994). In an experimental setting, it would be predicted that high BIS scoring individuals would exhibit higher arousal responses to negative emotional stimuli, and high BAS scoring individuals would exhibit higher arousal responses to positive emotional stimuli. BIS scale items included the statements “I worry about making mistakes” and “I have very few fears compared to my friends” (reverse scored). The BAS scale was comprised of the subscales; reward responsiveness, drive, and fun seeking. Examples of an item from each subscale are, in consecutive order; “It would excite me to win a contest”, “I go out of my way to get what I want’, and “I crave excitement and new sensations”. Response options were 1, very true for me to 4, very false for me. All but two items were reversed scored. High values therefore reflected high scores on each of the four scales. Internal reliability for the scales was acceptable (Cronbach’s alpha = .66 to .76). As the motivation to approach or withdraw was the main behaviour of interest, scores from the BAS subscales were summed. Gender Empirical studies have identified a multitude of gender differences that are relevant to emotion and memory. Males and females differ in the way they respond to emotional stimuli in terms of amygdala activity, reaction time, hemispheric asymmetry, physiological reactivity, hormonal reactivity, attention, and more. For instance, in a review of physiological studies of emotion, Bradley and Lang (2000) revealed that females had greater smile muscle activity than males, females were more facially expressive than males; and that males had greater SCR response than females. Emotion-memory studies have consistently found differences in memory performance between males and females (Cahill, Gorski, Belcher, & Huynh, 2004a; Cahill et al., 2004b; Cahill & van Stegeren, 2003; Gasbarri et al., 2006), which may have been caused by these differences in emotional responsiveness. 221 APPENDIX L Music Experience Music experience has been demonstrated to increase arousal responsiveness to music (Steinbeis et al., 2006; Vanderark & Ely, 1992, 1993). However, there are a number of studies that also report that there are no differences between musicians and non-musicians in their ability to detect or experience emotions in music (Bachorik et al., 2009; Bigand & Poulin-Charronnat, 2006), or to differ physiologically in response to emotional music (Bernardi, Porta, & Sleight, 2006; Vieillard, Roy, & Peretz, 2011). Given the theoretical significance of emotional arousal on memory, combined with the variable effects music experience can have on emotional responses, it was deemed prudent to measure and analyse the potential moderating effect of music experience on the relationship between arousal and memory. Music experience was measured in Experiment 1 using Werner, Swope, and Heide’s (2006) Brief Music Experience Questionnaire (BMEQ). The BMEQ consists of 53 items, derived from an original set of 141 that measure responses to music on the scales of commitment to music, innovative musical aptitude, social uplift, affective reactions, positive psychotropic effects, and reactive musical behaviour. Replication testing conducted by Werner et al. (2006) revealed that all scales except ‘social uplift’ had reasonable internal consistency (alpha coefficients ranged from .69 to .86), and retest reliability was acceptable for all scales (Pearson correlations ranged from .60 to .74). Two scales from the BMEQ were used in Experiment 1 to measure musicianship and musical engagement. Musicianship was derived from the ‘innovative musical aptitude’ scale, item number 1, “I can easily improvise on an instrument without having music in front of me”; and item number 28, “People have applauded my performance of music”, both measured on a 5-point scale from 1 (very untrue) to 5 (very true). The remaining four items of this scale were not used as they could equally have applied to non-musicians (e.g. item number 23, “Totally new tunes that I’ve never heard before, sometimes pop into my head”). The ‘commitment to music’ scale was used as an index of non-performance based musical engagement. Items included statements like “Music is the most important thing in my life”. All seven items from this scale were used. Music experience was measured more directly in Experiments 2 and 3 using the criteria set by Chin and Rickard (2010). One performance based and one non-performance based music variable was analysed. The performance based variable was time since last played a musical instrument (5 point scale ranging from ‘less than a week’ to ‘more than 10 years’). Data were split into less than or more than one year. The non-performance based variable was purposeful music listening (5 point scale ranging from ‘less than 1 hour’ to ‘more than 6 hours’). 222 APPENDIX L Music Characteristics Music distraction, enjoyment (or liking/preference) and familiarity are all interrelated, and in turn related to arousal and memory. For example, the more familiar the music is, the more likely it is to be liked (Peretz, Gaudreau, & Bonnel, 1998b). The more liked music is, the more it will be enjoyed and therefore improve mood. Music that is familiar, liked or enjoyed is more likely to be more preferred; and familiar, liked, enjoyed or preferred music can increase arousal (Thompson et al., 2001). Arousal during learning can be detrimental to memory, while arousal before or after learning can facilitate memory (reviewed in Chapter 2). Music familiarity, liking/enjoyment, and distraction were therefore measured in Likert type scale format, depending on the aims of each experiment. L.1 Method of analysis Moderator analyses were conducted according to the guidelines proposed by Frazier, Tix and Barron (2004) to examine the influence of individual differences on the relationship between emotional arousal and memory. Continuous variables were preserved by using hierarchical multiple regression. The analyses aimed to detect interaction effects of predictor (indices of emotion) and moderator (individual differences) variables on the outcome variable, in all cases memory. Continuous predictor and moderator variables were first standardised to simplify interpretation of interaction plots. Gender and music instrument use in the last 12 months were dichotomous variables coded as ‘-1’ for males and no music instrument use, and ‘1’ for females and yes, music instrument use. Interactions between the predictor and moderator variables were calculated by multiplying the predictor z-score by the moderator z-score or coded variable. The hierarchical multiple regression analysis was conducted in two steps. In step one, the memory variable of interest was entered as the outcome variable, and standardised predictor and moderator variables were entered as the predictor variables (enter method). Step one of the analysis determined the main effect of the emotion variable and individual difference variable on memory (t value of the coefficient). In step two, the predictor by moderator product variable was entered. A significant improvement in the ANOVA F value (F change) with the entry of the interaction variable indicated that an interaction between the predictor and moderator variables improved the predictive utility of the model. A measure of individual differences thus influenced the relationship between emotion and memory. Whether addition of the interaction term improved the 223 APPENDIX L predictive utility of the model beyond chance levels was determined by the omnibus ANOVA F value (p < .05) The data for Experiment 1 and Experiment 3 were pooled to enable sufficient sample size for conducting regression analyses. The categorical variable of sex was excluded from the Experiment 1 and 3 analyses due to unequal sample sizes (Exp. 1. 25% males, Exp. 3. 27% males), as was music instruments use in Experiment 2 (30% yes responses). The proportion of males in Experiment 2 was 41%, and the proportion of individuals who had played a musical instrument in the previous 12 months in Experiment 3 was 50%. Note that the sample size was low for regression analyses and results should be considered with caution. L.2 Results A summary of the multiple regression analyses across the three experiments is presented in Table L1. Highlighted values indicate that the addition of the interaction term in step two of the analysis improved the predictive utility of the model (omnibus ANOVA F value). In some models, the F change value of the interaction term was significant, yet chance level for the omnibus ANOVA was greater than .05. As such, interaction values are highlighted only when probability for the omnibus ANOVA is less than .05. 224 Table L1. Moderator matrices across the three experiments. Experiment 1 Music enjoy/like Music distraction Music familiarity Musicianship Music commitment Extraversion Arousal 3,14 3,14 3,14 3,32 3,32 3,32 df df df df df df Valence 3,14 3,14 3,14 3,32 3,32 3,32 SCRmax 3,14 a 3,14 a 3,14 3,27 a 3,27 a 3,27 Experiment 2 SCL 3,14 a 3,14 a 3,14 a 3,28 a 3,28 a 3,28 a Temp 3,14 3,14 3,14 3,30 3,30 3,30 IBI 3,13 3,13 3,13 3,28 3,28 3,28 EMG 3,14 3,14 3,14 3,27 3,27 3,27 Control Osm 3,32 3,32 3,30 3,25 3,25 3,32 3,33 3,26 3,26 df 3,33 3,33 3,26 3,26 3,31 3,33 axb 3,33 3,33 BIS 3,31 b 3,31 3,32 b 3,33 3,32 3,33 3,30 axb 3,31 3,32 df 3,33 3,33 3,33 BAS df 3,33 3,33 3,30 a, b 3,31 a, b 3,31 a 3,31 a 3,31 axb 3,26 axb 3,26 3,31 3,33 axb 3,33 3,33 3,33 Experiment 3 Arousal Valence ChillsQ SCRmin 3,33 IBI TEMP df RT Purposeful music listening Gender IBIsd 3,33 IBI 3,33 axb SCRmin ChillsQ 3,33 SCL Valence 3,33 ChillsQ Arousal 3,31 Valence RT 3,26 Arousal TEMP 3,26 RT IBIsd 3,31 TEMP IBI 3,31 a IBIsd SCRmin 3,33 IBI SCL 3,33 SCRmin Valence df SCL Arousal Music enjoy/ like PsM 3,31 a, axb 3,30 a, b 3,31 a 3,31 a 3,31 a 3,31 3,26 3,26 3,31 3,33 3,33 3,33 3,33 3,31 a 3,31 3,26 3,26 3,33 3,31 3,30 3,25 3,25 3,30 3,32 3,32 3,32 3,25 3,30 3,26 3,31 3,33 3,33 3,33 3,31 3,26 3,26 3,31 3,33 3,33 3,33 3,33 3,26 axb 3,26 3,33 3,31 3,31 a 3,31 3,25 a 3,26 3,32 3,26 3,31 3,26 3,26 3,31 3,33 3,33 3,33 axb 3,33 3,31 a 3,26 3,25 a 3,26 a 3,33 3,31 3,30 a 3,31 a 3,31 a 3,31 a 3,30 3,31 3,32 b 3,33 3,33 3,31 HFHRV BVA RSP AlphaF AlphaP ThetaF ThetaP Free Rec Free Rec Free Rec Free Rec Free Rec Free Rec Free Rec Free Rec Free Rec Free Rec Free Rec Free Rec 3,40 a 3,40 3,39 3,40 3,39 3,40 3,39 3,38 3,37 3,38 3,37 3,37 3,39 3,38 3,38 3,37 3,39 3,38 3,38 3,37 3,40 3,39 3,40 3,39 3,38 3,37 3,38 3,37 3,37 axb 3,37 3,38 3,39 3,38 axb 3,38 3,38 3,37 3,39 3,38 3,38 3,37 3,39 3,38 3,38 3,37 3,39 3,40 3,39 3,40 3,39 3,38 3,37 3,38 3,37 3,38 3,37 3,38 3,37 3,39 3,38 3,38 3,37 3,39 3,38 3,38 3,37 3,39 3,40 3,39 3,40 3,39 3,38 3,37 3,38 3,37 3,38 3,37 3,38 3,37 3,39 3,38 3,38 3,37 3,39 3,38 3,38 3,37 3,39 a 3,39 3,40 3,39 3,40 3,39 3,38 3,37 3,38 3,37 3,37 3,38 3,37 3,39 3,38 3,38 3,37 3,39 3,38 3,38 3,37 3,40 3,39 3,40 3,39 3,38 3,37 3,38 3,37 3,38 axb 3,38 3,37 3,38 3,37 3,39 3,38 3,38 3,37 3,39 3,38 3,38 3,37 Music enjoy/like df 3,40 3,39 Music familiarity df 3,40 3,39 Inst. use in 12 month df 3,40 3,39 Purposeful listening df 3,40 3,39 3,40 a 3,40 BIS df 3,40 3,39 3,40 BAS df 3,40 3,39 3,40 Note. df degrees of freedom from step two of the regression analysis. Highlighted cells indicate that the addition of the interaction term improved the predictive utility of the ANOVA model (omnibus ANOVA p < .05). a = significant prediction of memory by a standardised emotion measure (i.e. main effect of emotion). b = significant prediction of memory by a standardised moderator variable (i.e. main effect of individual differences). a x b = significant prediction of memory by the interaction between emotion and individual difference measures. 225 APPENDIX L Of all 266 possible emotion by individual difference interaction effects on memory across the three experiments, only five reached statistical significance. There were, however, several significant main effects that were consistent with an arousal-performance relationship. There were significant associations between increasing arousal levels and higher memory scores in Experiment 1 (SCRmax and SCL) and Experiment 2 (SCR, SCL, and IBIsd), but not in Experiment 3. The latter result may be due to lower variability in arousal levels in this cohort of participants relative to those in Experiment 1 (expectation of a disturbing film) and Experiment 2 (listening to personally selected music). Nevertheless, there was a positive association between valence ratings and memory in Experiment 3, indicating that as mood improved, so did memory performance. Associations between individual differences and memory were only observed in Experiment 2, with purposeful music listening having a positive association with memory for images presented after the control and others’ music conditions, and females recalling more control condition images than males. It is possible that this result was attributed to general motivation levels, both of musically engaged individuals given this was a musicbased experiment, and of females. Females tend to be more intrinsically motivated to learn than males (Severiens & Dam, 1994), which may have led to greater commitment to remember the control condition images. The moderating influence of individual differences on the relationship between emotion and memory was powerful enough to reach statistical significance in Experiment 2 and 3. In Experiment 2, hours of purposeful music listening and BAS sensitivity moderated the relationship between skin temperature and response times (respectively) on memory for control condition images. Furthermore, enjoyment of others’ music in Experiment 2 moderated the relationship between SCL and memory. In Experiment 3, both music enjoyment and BIS sensitivity moderated the relationship between BVA and free recall. Arousal Sensitivity For high BAS scorers in Experiment 2, increasing response times (an index of cortical deactivation) were associated with higher memory scores (illustrated in Figure L1A). The reverse pattern was observed for low BAS scorers. This result indicated that the motivation to approach arousing situations moderated the relationship between cortical arousal and memory. However, individuals that scored high in approach motivation and were cortically activated had lower memory scores than those who scored low in approach motivated and were cortically activated. It therefore 226 APPENDIX L appears that high BAS interfered with memory when arousal was high, and enhanced memory when arousal was low. This result was in contrast to that expected for behavioural arousal sensitivity effects on the arousal-memory relationship. Perhaps high BAS individuals were already at optimal baseline arousal levels and the increased arousal elicited by the non-music control interfered with memory. However, this seems unlikely given the neutral nature of the control stimulus. The moderating effect of BIS on the relationship between arousal and memory in Experiment 3 was also not as expected (illustrated in Figure L1B). For individuals who tended to avoid arousing situations (high BIS), increasing arousal levels (indexed by lower BVA) were associated with increasing memory scores. It therefore appears that increasing arousal levels benefited memory performance for these individuals. In contrast decreasing arousal levels benefited memory performance for those who scored low on the BIS scale. Both of these arousal sensitivity effects on memory were opposite to expected. Further testing is therefore warranted to confirm whether these results are reliable. B Exp. 2 BAS 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Free Recall % Retained Detail Free Recall A BAS Low (-1SD) BAS High (+1SD) Fast (-1SD) Slow (+1SD) Control RT Exp. 3 BIS 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 BIS Low (-1SD) BIS High (+1SD) Low (-1SD) High (+1SD) BVA Figure L1 (A) Influence of BAS sensitivity on the relationship between response time (RT) and non-music control image free recall. (B) Influence of BIS sensitivity on the relationship between blood volume amplitude (BVA) and word free recall. Music Experience Experiment 2 individuals who were more musically engaged, indexed by time spent purposefully listening to music each day, showed a positive relationship between skin temperature and memory for the non-music control images (illustrated in Figure L2). This result indicated that decreases in arousal levels (increased skin temperature) were associated with increases in memory performance. In contrast, there was a negative relationship between skin temperature and memory for those who were less inclined to music listening in this way. The latter result is consistent with an arousal-performance relationship, in which decreasing arousal levels are associated poorer memory performance. It is 227 APPENDIX L difficult to make any meaningful inferences from this result as it is unclear why the music engagement variable moderated memory for the non-music control condition and not for the music conditions. Perhaps musically engaged individuals were over-aroused and listening to the non-music control reduced arousal to optimum performance levels. The failure to detect a consistent memory moderating influence of music engagement across the three conditions in Experiment 2, or in Experiments 1 and 3 thus casts doubt on the reliability of this result. Detail Free Recall Exp. 2 Hours of Purposeful Music Listening per Day 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Hours Low (-1SD) Hours High (+1SD) Low (-1SD) High (+1SD) Control Temp Figure L2 Influence of hours of purposeful music listening each day on the relationship between skin temperature and free recall of the non-music control images. Music Characteristics The regression analyses revealed that music enjoyment in Experiment 2 and music liking in Experiment 3 moderated the relationship between physiological arousal and memory (illustrated in Figure L3). For individuals who had higher enjoyment or liking ratings, there was a positive relationship between arousal levels (indexed by increasing SCL in Exp. 2, Figure L3A; and decreasing BVA in Exp. 3, Figure L3B). In contrast, for those with lower music enjoyment ratings, there was either no evidence of a relationship (Exp. 2) or a negative relationship (Exp. 3) between arousal and memory. These results are consistent with those reported by Schellenberg, Thompson, Jones, and others (Jones et al., 2006; Nantais & Schellenberg, 1999b; Schellenberg & Hallam, 2005; Thompson et al., 2001), who demonstrated that positive affect elicited by music was a significant contributing factor to the relationship between arousal and cognitive performance. 228 APPENDIX L Exp. 2 Music Enjoyment 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 B Free Recall % Retained Detail Free Recall A Enjoy Low (-1SD) Enjoy High (+1SD) Low (-1SD) Exp. 3 Music Liking 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 Like Low (-1SD) Like High (+1SD) Low (-1SD) High (+1SD) High (+1SD) BVA OsM SCL Figure L3 (A) Influence of music enjoyment on the relationship between SCL and OsM condition image free recall. (B) Influence of music liking on the relationship between blood volume amplitude (BVA) and word free recall. L.3 Testing information processing speed mediation of arousal and memory Analysis of the Experiment 2 PsM effects on positive emotion reported in Section 6.3.2 revealed that as SCL increased, time to respond (RT) to the task of judging whether a line drawing of a face was positive or negative reduced. Correlational analysis revealed a significant correlation between SCL and RT, confirming that as SCL increased, RT decreased. There was also a weak association between decreasing RT and increasing memory scores. Further analysis of the relationship between the arousal measures and memory after controlling for individual differences (reported in the previous section) revealed that RT was significantly associated with memory after controlling for BAS sensitivity. The combination of these results raised the possibility that RT mediated the relationship between SCL and memory. The mechanism underlying increased SCL may have also improved information processing speed (indexed by RT). This distinction may be of some importance as SCL is a measure of PNS activation, and RT is a measure of CNS activation. Increased PNS activation may therefore have resulted in increased CNS activation, and CNS activation may account for increased memory performance. The possibility that RT mediated the relationship between SCL and memory was tested using a series of simultaneous regression models, with free recall of images in the collage presented after PsM the outcome variable. As the relationship between RT and memory was moderated by BAS in the control condition, two sets of mediation analyses were conducted, each on data split by high and low 229 APPENDIX L BAS scorers. The significant reduction in the relationship between SCL and memory after controlling for the relationship between RT and memory would confirm a mediation effect (Frazier et al., 2004). Beta values from the mediation analysis are presented in Figures L4 (low BAS) and L5 (high BAS). The ‘low BAS’ model revealed a weak trend for increases in SCL to predict increased memory scores (Figure L4A, Path c), SCL increases to significantly predict decreased RT (Figure L4B, Path a), and decreased RT to significantly predict increased memory scores after controlling for SCL (Figure L4B, Path b). There was a reduction in SCL prediction of memory (Figure L4A, Path c) after controlling for the relationship between RT and memory (Figure L4B, Path c’), thus demonstrating partial RT mediation of memory. However, Sobel’s test (Preacher & Hayes, 2004) revealed that the difference between the direct effect (Path c) and indirect effect (Path c’) failed to reach statistical significance, Z = 1.57, p = .11 (LL 95 CI = -.12, UL 95 CI = 1.07). The ‘high BAS’ model revealed that increases in SCL significantly predicted increased memory scores (refer to Figure L5A, Path c). However, SCL increases did not predict decreased RT (Figure L5B, Path a), nor did decreased RT predict increased memory scores after controlling for SCL (Figure L5B, Path b). Sobel’s test revealed that the small reduction in SCL prediction of memory (Figure L5A, Path c) after controlling for the relationship between RT and memory (Figure L5B, Path c’) failed to reach statistical significance, Z = -.08, p = .93 (LL 95 CI = -.20, UL 95 CI = .35). The results thus demonstrated partial RT mediation of the relationship between SCL and memory for low BAS scorers, and no RT mediation effect for high BAS scorers. 230 APPENDIX L Figure L4 Testing RT mediation of the relationship between SCL and memory for low BAS scorers. Figure L5 Testing RT mediation of the relationship between SCL and memory for high BAS scorers. The moderating effect of BAS sensitivity on arousal (indexed by shorter response times to judge faces as positive or negative) and collage recall further supported arousal mediation of memory. Increasing arousal levels for individuals low in BAS sensitivity were related to increasing memory scores, 231 APPENDIX L whereas increases in arousal levels for high BAS sensitive individuals had mildly negative associations with memory. The association between increasing arousal levels and memory scores for low BAS sensitive individuals may therefore be consistent with an inverted U-shaped relationship between arousal and performance. The mild and slightly negative association between arousal and memory for BAS sensitive individuals (higher BAS scorers) may have reflected an impairing effect of over-arousal on memory. Perhaps individuals high in BAS sensitivity were already operating at peak arousal levels. The increase in arousal levels elicited by the experimental conditions may therefore have had little additive effect on memory performance. In contrast, those who were low in BAS sensitivity, and therefore less susceptible to increased arousal elicited by extraneous factors, benefited from arousal elicited by the music conditions, leading to increased memory performance. L.4 Conclusion Individual differences in arousal sensitivity, music experience, and music characteristics moderated the relationship between arousal and memory. However, the effects were sparse and inconsistent (as illustrated Table L1). Furthermore, it was unclear why individual differences would moderate the relationship between arousal and memory in only one of the three Experiment 2 conditions, and why only one of the several indices of arousal where influenced at any one time. There was general support for the hypothesis that arousal sensitivity moderates the relationship between arousal and memory. However, the relationships were not always in the expected direction. The moderating effect of music enjoyment/liking on memory was consistent with previous music-cognitive performance research. It is thus recommended that future researchers measure enjoyment of the experimental stimuli. The potential influence of enjoyment on arousal and cognitive performance can thus be controlled and variability in the data reduced. 232 APPENDIX M ___________________________________________________________________________________ M. High versus low chills responder analysis OsM Chills Enjoy Valence Arousal FaceRT SCL SCRmin TEMP IBI IBIsd PsM Chills Enjoy Valence Arousal FaceRT SCL SCRmin TEMP IBI IBIsd Chills Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High N 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 9 Mean 0.00 1.45 5.05 5.00 0.85 1.90 1.95 0.40 6.42 6.35 19.42 16.73 1.18 0.64 30.88 32.83 791.45 872.23 49.56 56.12 SD 0.00 0.44 0.76 0.97 1.67 1.33 1.42 2.13 0.21 0.22 10.72 4.75 0.48 0.62 4.40 1.84 82.88 104.27 15.15 18.51 T -10.47 df 18 Sig .00 0.13 18 .90 -1.56 18 .14 1.91 18 .07 0.73 18 .47 0.73 18 .48 2.18 18 .04 -1.29 18 .21 -1.88 17 .08 -0.85 17 .41 Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 13 14 13 14 13 14 13 0.98 4.57 5.93 6.82 2.07 2.57 0.68 0.89 1.67 0.73 0.32 1.31 2.54 2.35 1.58 0.23 0.25 9.27 7.10 0.58 0.57 3.80 6.40 110.84 75.25 15.28 19.11 -7.08 26 .00 -4.20 26 .00 -0.65 26 .52 -3.45 26 .00 -0.07 26 .95 -0.37 25 .71 2.45 25 .02 1.11 25 .28 2.00 25 .06 0.28 25 .79 6.35 6.35 20.90 22.10 1.40 0.86 31.66 29.43 861.25 787.72 50.02 48.20 233 APPENDIX M ___________________________________________________________________________________ Music-Mix and PA Music Chills Chills Low High Liking Low High Valence Low High Arousal Low High SCRminChange Low High IBIchange Low High pcHFHRVchange Low High BVAchange Low High RSPchange Low High AlphaFrontLnChange Low High AlphaPzLnChange Low High ThetaFrontLnChange Low High ThetaPzLnChange Low High N 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 15 14 15 14 15 14 15 14 15 14 15 14 15 14 15 Mean SD 0.33 2.77 4.73 5.30 1.43 2.13 2.87 2.27 0.45 0.57 -4.11 -17.56 3.22 6.27 -1.72 -5.53 3.95 4.52 -0.06 -0.16 -0.08 -0.23 0.00 -0.08 -0.13 -0.19 0.52 1.03 1.51 1.13 2.08 2.01 1.25 2.36 1.39 1.64 37.32 38.40 18.89 21.39 3.70 3.69 2.78 3.98 0.20 0.30 0.19 0.26 0.18 0.14 0.18 0.24 t df Sig -8.14 28 .00 -1.16 28 .26 -0.94 28 .36 0.87 28 .39 -0.23 28 .82 0.96 27 .35 -0.41 27 .69 2.78 27 .01 -0.45 27 .66 1.08 27 .29 1.85 27 .08 1.29 27 .21 0.80 27 .43 Experiment 2 high and low chills responders were selected according to the medians for others’ music (OsM) and participant selected music (PsM). Attempts were made to ensure that the full set of physiological data was included in the two groups, therefore not all participant data were included. Experiment 3 high and low chills responders were selected according to the median for both the musicmix and positive and arousing music. The non-music control in both experiments was not analysed. 234 ERRATA ___________________________________________________________________________________ 235 ERRATA ___________________________________________________________________________________ 236 ERRATA ___________________________________________________________________________________ 237