Sixth Sunday of Easter May 1st, 2016
Sixth Sunday of Easter May 1st, 2016
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” Sixth Sunday of Easter May 1st, 2016 PA R I S H C A L E N D A R Sun, May 1st 9am-12pm Coffee & Doughnuts (PC) 6pm SURGE (PC) Mon, May 2nd 9am-3pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (WC) Tues, May 3rd 10am-2pm Thrift Shoppe (CH) Wed, May 4th 9:30am Biblical Series (PC) Thurs, May 5th 7pm Men’s Club Meeting (PC) Fri, May 6th 10am-2pm Thrift Shoppe (CH) Sat, May 7th 10am-2pm Thrift Shoppe (CH) Sun, May 8th 9am-12pm Men’s Club Breakfast (PC) C — Main Church; PC — Parish Center; YR — Youth Room; WC — Welcome Center (Parish Office); CH — Caulfield House PRIESTS Reverend Roland Nadeau, M.S. Pastor Reverend William J. Slight, M.S. Associate Pastor Reverend Robert Susann, M.S. Airport Chaplain (In Residence) Reverend Jim Henault M.S. In Residence PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Mr. José González Deacon Rev. Mr. Miguel Pagán Deacon Rev. Mr. Manny Garcia Deacon Br. Ron Lafleche, M.S. Sacristan Dawn Wilson Administrative Bookkeeper Carlos Bernard Faith Formation Coordinator Brandie Akos Youth Ministry Coordinator Cheryl Haney Director of Liturgy & Music Araceli Cruz Secretary/Pastoral Assistant Susan Abouchacra Parish Projects Coordinator Yliana Soto Faith Formation Assistant Nelson Rodriguez Maintenance Coordinator Turner Flynn Media Specialist PARISH OFFICE 4545 Anderson Road Orlando, Florida 32812 Office Hours: Monday—Friday 8am to 4:30pm Parish Office: 407-277-1702 Fax: 407-277-1973 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Our parish is staffed by the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette, Province of Mary Mother of Americas, along with our sister church, Good Shepherd Parish in Orlando. May 1st, 2016 SCRIPTURE READINGS AND INTENTIONS Monday, May 2nd, 2016 8:30am—Altanacia Maldonado † Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016 8:30am— Roland Bouvier † 1 Cor 15:1-8/Jn 14:6-14 Wednesday, May 4th, 2016 8:30am—Rachel Collard † Thursday, May 5th, 2016 8:30am—Janyce Fortier † Acts 17:15, 22—18:1/ Jn 16:12-15 Acts 18:1-8/Jn 16:16-20 Friday, May 6th, 2016 8:30am—Liz Bjurmark † Saturday, May 7th, 2016 8:30am—Lynn Gorman † 5:00pm—Maria Vilches † Acts 16:11-15/ Jn 15:26—16:4a Acts 18:9-18/Jn 16:20-23 Acts 18:23-28/Jn 16:23b-28 Sunday, May 8th, 2016 Acts 1:1-11/Eph 1:17-23/Lk 24:46-53 8:00am—John Ruckstuhl † 10:00am—Rick Giordano † 12:00pm—Yury Luz Sanchez † 5:00pm—Minerva Fernandez † MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm (English) Sunday: 8:00am (English), 10:00am (English), 12:00pm (Spanish), 5:00pm (English) Monday — Saturday: 8:30am in the Welcome Center Rosary (Monday through Saturday): 8:00am RECONCILIATION Monday through Saturday: after 8:30am Mass Saturday: 4:00pm-4:30pm in Main Church Sunday: 11:15am-11:45am (Spanish) Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — Page 2 “Let Your Light Shine” WEEK BY WEEK THROUGH THE YEAR OF MERCY Sixth Sunday of Easter (Readings: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29 — Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23 — John 14:23-29) In formal documents, presentations, and homilies outlining the purpose of this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis explains that compassion and understanding for those in difficult situations is not only our individual responsibility, but something the whole Church officially needs to manifest. Today’s Acts of the Apostles reading presents a moving example of the early church doing precisely that. Prayerful openness to the Holy Spirit assures the assembly that they have not acted alone in discerning the correct resolution: “It is the decision of the Holy Spirit and of us.” And they have chosen the compassionate response: “not to place on you any burden beyond these necessities” (Acts 15:28). Yet how daringly creative—the Jewish majority sets aside lifelong rituals that establish spiritual identity and express covenant fidelity. How radically trustful—the church affirms universally valid principles while respecting uniquely local and personal situations. Exactly the grace Pope Francis prays this Jubilee Year will renew in today’s Church! Sacrificial Giving Fostering Stewardship as a way of life for Blessed Trinity Catholic Church Weekend of April 23rd & 24th, 2016 Offertory: $12,796 Debt Red: $0 EFT: $1,748.57 EFT: $293.85 In today’s Gospel we listen to some of the last words Jesus spoke on the night before his death, but they are words that prepared his disciples for his physical departure from them forty days a er his resurrec on. Jesus speaks of coming back with his Father so that they can make their home in the disciples who love them. Our no on of the Triune God is one who is prepared to come and live within each of us. But God waits pa ently to be invited into our hearts; our inner space. God is neither demanding nor intrusive. How do we make our hearts the home where Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit dwell? How do we welcome this sacred presence? May 1st, 2016 Ministry Opportunities FINANCIAL COUNCIL Chair: Robert Clunan — [email protected] Pat Knipe — [email protected] Tanya Burns — [email protected] Karl Palvisak — [email protected] Chris Singleton — [email protected] Shawn Casey — scasey@sacaseyconstruc Raymond Farrell — [email protected] Kathleen McNamara — [email protected] Our Ministries are listed on a four-week cycle. If you don’t see the ministry you are looking for this week, please call our Parish Office. Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — Page 3 BLESSED TRINITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Vacation Bible School 2016 Registration is now open!! th June 20 – June 24th from 9:00 am – 12:15 pm Participants: Ages 3 – 5th Grade Lots of space still open! Questions? Call Kim Aldinger at 407-249-9512 Time Flies! WOW! Can you believe it? Blessed Trinity 50th Anniversary has already been one year in the making! Sunday May 22nd, 2016 is The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. Our Bishop Noonan will be celebrating the 10:00 AM Mass with us. At 11:00 AM Blessed Trinity Youth and Young Adults are hosting a delicious Breakfast. Featuring pancakes, bacon, potatoes, made to order omelets, fruit cup, and drinks. All this for the mere price of $7.00! Tickets are available for sale now in the Parish Office. Enjoy the food and fun as we celebrate “Blessed Trinity: A Look Forward” OUR PRAYER INTENTIONS Please pray for/Oremos por: Carol Wysocki — Maria Pagara — Ilia Matos — Frank Sokol — Kim Kolback — Shirley Smith — Debbie Smith — John Talaske — Vikki Talaske — Rose Harbeck — Lloyd Carr — Honorable Paul John Carr — William Whigton — Lucia Correa — Maria Head — Christopher Papke — Marlene Smith — Anne Cope — Rubén Villanueva Alvarado — Kaye Feldmeyer — Kique Ortiz — Lourdes Rodriguez & Family — Efrain & Esther Velásquez — John Saez & Family — Miguel Colon — Machi Rodriguez — Hazel Rodriguez & Family — Tina Shurman — Atela Mercado — Millie Rivera — JR Rivera & family — Destiny Colon — Barb Hierholzer — Trevor Scheerer — Bill Sullivan — John Fitzpatrick Jr — Laura McAdams and Baby — Thomas Campbell — Mary Dyer — Gregor Alexander — Carlos Camacho — Laura Foss — Linda Foss —Roger Foss —Jean Foss —Raymond Foss — Garry Gucwa — LaVerne Rivard — Dianne & Joe Zdrodowski — Iris Bisbal — Fabian Canales — J.D. O’Brien — Frank Carbo — Judy Jones — Mathew Sleur — Betty Murray — Trevor Scheerer — Ana Lebron — Teresita Hernandez — Janet Bertan — Don & Marie Martin — Jim & Eulita Williams — Debbie Raymond — Laura Schiper — Patricia Losh — Loretta Losh — Roger Lee Spoor Yury Luz Sanches — April 10th, 2016 Please pray for those who have entered eternal life. Por favor oren por aquellos que han pasado a la vida eterna. May 1st, 2016 If you or a member of your family would like to be on the prayer list, please call the office. Si usted o algún miembro de su familia desea estar en la lista de oración, favor de llamar a la oficina. Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — Page 4 BLESSED TRINITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Parish Golf Tournament Blessed Trinity Catholic Church is sponsoring its 23rd Annual Charity Golf Tournament on Saturday, May 14, 2016 at Stoneybrook East Golf Club. The tournament will begin at 8:00am. We encourage all golfers ( Men & Women) no matter what your handicap to come out and play. This is a scramble format (4 person teams) so everyone gets a chance to hit the ball from the best location. Yes, we do sell mulligans to give you that extra shot if you need it. The cost to play is $75.00 which includes all fees, plus range balls, and lunch. You will also be eligible for many great prizes just for participating. Come out and join the fun! If you want to help we are looking for hole sponsors. We have Platinum , Gold, Silver and Bronze Sponsor packages available. Please let us know if you know of a business or individual who would like to be a sponsor or someone who wants to donate a prize for our silent auction. All proceeds from this tournament will be used to support charitable projects sponsored by the parish. For more info contact: Dick Aldinger (407) 859-7436 — Jim Deflippo (407) 851-2765 Allen Beck (305) 772-4598 — Lou Murgia (407) 381-5370 Congratula ons Class of 2016 Anyone Celebra ng a Gradua on from High School, College, Tech School, etc… Come celebrate in a Baccalaureate Mass to honor your achievements. Sunday June 5th, 2015 Recep on at 9am followed by 10am mass Please bring your CAP & GOWN with you. RSVP to Brandie Akos in the youth office by Tuesday May 31st. When you RSVP be prepared with school gradua ng from and plans for the fall please. [email protected] May 1st, 2016 Thank You From Catholic Charities Catholic Charities of Central Florida extends their sincere gratitude to the people of Blessed Trinity for their generosity and support towards those in need. A combined total of 1,008lbs. of assorted food goods was collected over the months of March & April. These goods will help provide assistance to those seeking help from Catholic Charities while experiencing a crisis in their lives. May God bless abundantly! Blessed Trinity Men’s Club cordially invites all Mothers to a free breakfast next Sunday, May 8th a er the 8am & 10am Masses!! All mothers will also Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — receive a special Mother’s Day gi ! Page 5 SAINTS ALIVE May 1st, 2016 Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — Page 6 MIDDLE SCHOOL MISSION CAMP Open to all middle school youth including incoming 6th grade and graduating 8th grade students. Location is at St. James Cathedral to gather for service, games, meals and fellowship. Guest speakers and much more. Thursday & Friday 8:30-3pm Saturday 8:30-Closing with Mass at 4pm Registration is open now and space is limited. Register by Monday May 30th. Please email the youth office at [email protected] for more information. May 1st, 2016 Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — Page 7 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2016 This year for Vacation Bible School, our theme is “Cave Quest: Following Jesus, the Light of the World”. In order for us to offer VBS at such a reasonable price, we need your help to gather supplies for our amazing week. We would GREATLY appreciate if you are able to either donate OR let us borrow any of the following items. If you share an item that you would like returned, please be sure to put your name on it! Items can be dropped off in the church office. Thank you so much for your help! ~The VBS Team ANY CAVE EXPLORING OR MINING hand held UV light (2) pairs latex gloves GEAR! brown grocery bags (the more the better) (3) 10 oz. bottle, acetone lanterns 12 x 18 inch sheet of white felt glow in the dark paint (1) box letter sized envelopes (2) packs dried beans any cardboard, the bigger the better hard hats (with or without lights) 3 ft. x 3 ft. foam board Rope (24) 1 pound boxes of cornstarch (4) Hershey candy bars (not bite sized/ (2) boxes gluten free, unsalted crackers regular) (3) boxes, light butter, salted popcorn (4) backpack (1) pack brown or black bird feathers (3) bags, milk chocolate Hershey’s kisses (2) regular disposable aluminum pans (3 in. (4) (15) glow sticks deep) aluminum foil May 1st, 2016 Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — Page 8 CH — Iglesia; PC — Centro Parroquial; DR — Salón de Despedida; WC — Centro de Bienvenida (Oficina Parroquial); PC — Salón de Reuniones; YR — Salón Juvenil; TS — Tienda de Segunda Mano Domingo, 1 de mayo Clases de Educación Religiosa (PC) Lunes, 2 de mayo Adoración al Santísimo 9am-3pm (WC) Martes, 3 de mayo Tienda de Segunda Mano 10am-2pm (TS) Miércoles, 4 de mayo Practica Coro 7pm (WC) Jueves, 5 de mayo Clase Bíblica 7pm(PC) Viernes, 6 de mayo Circulo de Oración 7pm (WC) Sábado, 7 de mayo Tienda de Segunda Mano 10am—2pm (TS) Domingo, 8 de mayo Lecturas de la Semana Lunes, Mayo 2, 2016 Hch 16:11-15/Jn 15:26—16:4a Martes, Mayo 3, 2016 1 Cor 15:1-8/Jn 14:6-14 Miércoles, Mayo 4, 2016 Hch 17:15, 22—18:1/Jn 16:12-15 Jueves, Mayo 5, 2016 Hch 18:1-8/Jn 16:16-20 Viernes, Mayo 6, 2016 Hch 18:9-18/Jn 16:20-23 Sábado, Mayo 7, 2016 Hch 18:23-28/Jn 16:23b-28 Domingo, Mayo 8, 2016 Acts 1:1-11/Eph 1:17-23/Lk 24:46-53 MINISTERIOS DE EDUCACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN Educación Religiosa (Grados PreK-5) Carlos Bernard: 407-277-1702 ext. 103 Preparación Matrimonial Araceli Cruz: 407-277-1702 ext. 101 RICA — Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos Nora Ortiz: 407-277-1702 Ministerio de Jóvenes (Grados 6-12) y Jóvenes Adultos Brandie Akos: 407-277-1702 ext. 102 MINISTERIOS DE HOSPITALIDAD Y CONSUELO Ministros de Consuelo: Teresa Ahumada: 407-781-9865 Ministros de los Enfermos: Francisco Murillo: 407-766-9045 Rosario Divina Misericordia El grupo de la Divina Misericordia se reúne cada domingo después de misa en el salón al lado del altar para rezar el Rosario. Estan todos invitados a acompañarnos y participar de este lindo regalo que nos regalo el Señor. Cualquier cosa de comunicarse con Rubén Marcano (407) 446-4224 Clases Bíblicas Las clases bíblicas con el Sr. Rogelio Manrique son los jueves a la 7:00pm en los salones 7 y 8 del salón parEl Círculo de Oración Paz y Gozo roquial. Los invita a compartir con ellos todos los viernes a las 7:00pm empezando con el rosario en el Centro Sagrada Familia de Bienvenida. Acompáñenos cantar, orar, alabar Si desea que la imagen de la Sagrada Fay recibir bendiciones. ¡Los esperamos! milia los visite en su casa por una semana Cualquier cosa de llamar a por favor de comunicarse con el Señor Eduardo Cintron (321)947-2920 Jose Linares (407) 591-0731 May 1st, 2016 Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — Page 9 Reflexión…. Año Jubilar de la Misericordia Sexto Domingo de Pascua Hch 15:1-2, 22-29/Ap 21:10-14, 22-23/ Jn 14:23-29 En documentos oficiales, presentaciones y homilías que delinean el propósito del Año Jubilar de la Misericordia, el Papa Francisco explica que la compasión y la comprensión por aquellas personas en situaciones difíciles no es solamente nuestra responsabilidad personal, sino algo que toda la Iglesia oficialmente necesita manifestarse. Hoy el texto de los Hechos de los Apóstoles presenta un ejemplo conmovedor de la Iglesia de los primeros siglos haciendo precisamente eso. El comienzo de una oración al Espíritu Santo asegura a la asamblea que ellos no actuaron solos discerniendo la decisión correcta: "Porque pareció bien al Espíritu Santo y a nosotros". Y ellos ya eligieron una respuesta compasiva: "no imponerles mayor carga que estas cosas esenciales" (Hechos 15:28). Sin embargo, que creativamente, la mayoría judía puso a un lado los rituales establecidos de toda la vida que establecían identidad y expresaban fidelidad a la alianza. Que confianza tan fundamental, la comunidad afirma principios validos universalmente y al mismo tiempo respeta situaciones personales y particulares. ¡Exactamente la gracia por la que el Papa Francisco ora que este Año Jubilar renueve a la Iglesia de hoy! ¡Reserva El Día! Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones - Junio 20 al 24, 2016 Por favor, póngase en contacto con [email protected] o en la oficina parroquial si está interesado en que su niño participe o ser voluntario para esta emocionante semana llena de diversion. May 1st, 2016 Recuerden FORMED es gratis para todos los parroquianos que lo quieran utilizar. Solo tienen que ir a y firmar o sigan la conexión que se encuentra en la página de internet de la Iglesia. Use el código de acceso 4VFGXQ y empiecen a experimentar de esta bonita experiencia Católica. Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — Page 10 ¡ENTERESE! MAYO Las Ventanas en el Año de la Misericordia 5: Que la VIRGEN MARÍA te ayude Por: Javier Leoz Ventura | Fuente: Que la VIRGEN MARÍA te ayude a despojarte de todo aquello que obstaculiza el ser barro en manos de Dios. Muchas de las cosas que no se llevan a feliz término en la vida cristiana es porque, tal vez, nos miramos demasiado a nosotros mismos y olvidamos el entorno que nos interpela. ¿Sabías que…? Tus obsequios a Nuestro Llamado Católico renuevan el espíritu humano. Atendido por frailes franciscanos y ubicado en 485 acres de bosques y pantanos bajo protección, el Centro de Retiro San Pedro es un lugar reservado para desarrollo humano, intelectual, espiritual y pastoral. Este santuario ofrece el ambiente adecuado para la renovación espiritual a través de su Cursillo, un fin de semana de encuentro matrimonial o un campamento de verano sobre las escrituras. Como un ministerio de la Diócesis de Orlando, San Pedro se financia parcialmente con sus obsequios a Nuestro Llamado Católico. Gracias a su generoso apoyo, personas y familias de nuestra diócesis tienen acceso a una variedad de programas, retiros y talleres, o también a un lugar tranquilo para reflexionar con el Señor. Por favor visítanos en para más información sobre el Centro de Retiro San Pedro. Para hacer un ofrecimiento por la red electrónica, por favor visita May 1st, 2016 Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — Page 11 ¡ENTERESE! May 1st, 2016 Blessed Trinity Catholic Church — Page 12