Annual Report - Huron River Watershed Council
Annual Report - Huron River Watershed Council
Annual Report 2014-15 1 Photo and cover photo: John Lloyd This year HRWC celebrated our 50th anniversary with music, recreation, food and drink, and poetry. partners in taking actions to protect and restore the watershed. We will use that information to prioritize our outreach and education and other programs. Finally, we will inspire others to get to the river, enjoy the river, have a new experience, love it as much as we do, and care about its future. Thank you for marking this milestone with us. For the past 50 years, we’ve been working hard to improve our watershed and we are seeing great results. More people are enjoying the recreational opportunities that our river provides. Their experiences are possible because of the improvements we’ve made in clean water, access, fish and bird diversity, local, state, and regional protections and laws, strong master plans, enforcement, restoration, and parks in river towns! Some of the signs of a vibrant and healthy ‘shed are the busiest canoe livery in the state, thousands of acres of protected high quality natural areas, a reputation as the cleanest urban river, active trails and trail towns, a national Water Trail designation, phosphorus reductions and a statewide phosphorus ban on residential lawn fertilizers, and some forward-thinking stormwater protection ordinances and rules. We also have a few key opportunities we need to seize upon: 1. As more people engage with the river, we need to instill a river stewardship ethic and provide clear options for action; 2. In order to develop a collaborative environment that encourages different ideas, perspectives, and experiences, we need to attract and retain volunteers, members, and stewards that represent the diversity of socioeconomic, gender, race, religion, and sexual orientation that are representative of the watershed; and 3. We need to celebrate innovative and effective solutions that are coming from the bottom up and work to build strong local leadership in support of them. That’s not to say our work is done. We have a lot more to do and the HRWC board and staff have developed some guiding principles to get us there. As our accomplishments have shown, HRWC protects and restores the river for healthy and vibrant communities. Our vision is a future of clean and plentiful water for people and nature where citizens and government are effective and courageous champions for the Huron River and its watershed. To achieve that, we: work with a collaborative and inclusive spirit to give all partners the opportunity to become stewards; generate science-based, trustworthy information for decision makers to ensure reliable supplies of clean water and resilient natural systems; and passionately advocate for the health of the river and the lands around it. We have far-reaching goals and we need you to get them done. Please reflect on what inspires you to be a part of HRWC and where you can have an impact. And then join us as we all jump in to make the next 50 years as successful as the past 50. For the river, Laura Rubin, Executive Director So, what is next? We will be out in the watershed monitoring our river and streams and natural areas. We will use that information to engage stakeholders and 2 Photo: Stevi Kosloskey Program Success Stream Monitoring We are now in our 23rd year of the Adopt-a-Stream Program! This past year we had over 300 volunteers participate in our events, including the Winter Stonefly Search, two River Roundups, and Measuring & Mapping. These volunteers are our eyes on the river. They help us find immediate problems, and they also collect data that we use to track the long-term health of the Huron River and its tributaries. Our analysis of the data collected indicates that 66 percent of the watershed is near pristine or lightly impacted by human activities; 28 percent is moderately impacted; and 7 percent is highly impacted. Climate Resilient Communities Our Climate Resilience Communities work is improving the climate literacy of water resource managers and facilitating change that builds resilience to anticipated impacts of climate change. The project convened experts in four areas: natural areas protection and management, stormwater management, river flows and (most recently) hazard mitigation. Our data are also very important in directing management activities. For example, Measuring & Mapping data showed a lack of good habitat in the Huron River in Ypsilanti. For the past year we have studied this section more fully, raised funds, and in Fall 2015 we will implement a fish habitat restoration project along the river in the Ypsilanti city parks. After three years of facilitated discussions and strategy implementation, these teams have made significant strides toward a more resilient Huron. We now have a networked community of dam operators tackling issues such as dam safety and improved flow management. More accurate rainfall data is being used in several applications, like the Washtenaw County Stormwater Rules and Ann Arbor’s new stormwater model, that will make our watershed better prepared to handle larger, more intense rainfall events. We are sharing materials that teach natural areas managers how native tree species are expected to fair as temperatures increase and rainfall changes and emerging strategies for protecting our forests and urban canopy. Hazard mitigation and emergency response professionals are more aware of how weather events are expected to change and are considering how to prepare for more frequent and extreme natural hazards. Through our Creek Walking Program volunteers visit the same location several times over the course of a summer. We had six teams of 4-5 people walking sections of creeks like Honey Creek in Pinckney, Traver Creek in Ann Arbor, and Davis Creek in South Lyon. Their goal was to look for erosion problems and incoming water pollution, and pick up trash. The teams took pictures and recorded GPS coordinates of their observations. They explored beautiful areas like the upper sections of Boyden Creek. And they recorded interesting finds like an old car living in Portage Creek and a ten foot tall eroding bank in Millers Creek. Photo: John Lloyd Project participants reported having a better understanding of how climate change will affect the area, are comfortable sharing that knowledge with peers and management and are advocating for change. They are also interested in moving climate adaptation strategies forward and HRWC will continue to support these efforts. 3 Carbon Footprint of Water This past year HRWC calculated how much energy is used and carbon is emitted through the different stages of the domestic water cycle in the watershed. The Carbon Footprint of Water report is complete and we learned: Energy used to produce drinking water in the watershed is about 10 percent higher than national averages. Energy used to treat wastewater in the watershed is 57-76 percent higher than national averages depending on treatment type. Energy used in homes for water use was lower than national averages but by far the most energy intense phase of the cycle in the watershed. Nearly 89,000 tons of carbon dioxide are emitted annually associated with our water use. Equivalent to the annual emissions from nearly 17,000 passenger vehicles, it would take more than 66,000 acres of forest one year to sequester this much carbon; more than double the combined areas of Southeast Michigan’s Pinckney and Waterloo Recreation Areas. The full report is at Photos: John Lloyd Bioreserve Project HRWC partnered with the SEMIWILD collaborative, a group of Southeast Michigan land conservancies, to focus preservation efforts in the Huron River watershed. HRWC provided field assessments on properties the conservancies have targeted to pursue for protection, working with them to reach out and share findings and information with property owners. 4 Green Infrastructure Planning Green Infrastructure is the network of forests, wetlands, grasslands, and waterways that make up our natural infrastructure. These natural areas provide ecosystem services like filtering pollution, slowing runoff, and keeping our streams running clear and cool. HRWC’s green infrastructure for local governments program engages residents, planners, and decision -makers to map out and describe important, intact natural areas, links between them, and other smaller important natural features. The data is used to help plan for incoming development in a way that maintains those ecosystems and enact policies to protect them. Photo: John Lloyd In the past year HRWC created Green Infrastructure plans and maps for Webster and Salem Townships and worked to implement previously developed plans with Dexter, Unadilla, and Lyndon Townships. Webster Township is updating their master plan with the map and goals for natural features protection Dexter, Unadilla, and Lyndon have included riparian buffer protections in their local ordinances Lyndon Township consulted their map in evaluating development proposals Stormwater Management HRWC continues to help watershed municipalities in four counties improve their stormwater management programs through collaborative efforts. Highlights from 2014-15 include: A growing water quality monitoring program with sites sampled across thee counties and a record effort; Monitoring results that show nutrient reduction in the face of higher intensity storms and declining bacterial contamination trends in Washtenaw County, but broad (though stable) impaired waters in Wayne County; Preparing municipalities for new stormwater permit requirements by helping them develop new educational initiatives and improve stormwater management standards; Expanding education efforts and initiating new projects in Wayne County; and Completing a watershed management plan for Honey Creek which has high bacterial contamination. Education and Outreach The Huron River Watershed Community Calendar marked its twelfth year in 2014-15. 275,000 calendars featuring watershed information and pollution prevention tips have been provided to residents. The Alliance of Downriver Watershed communities distributed 25,000 calendars featuring ADW-specific information. An ADW pet waste campaign shared tips with pet owners through 150 veterinarians and pet supply retailers. HRWC and community partners also distributed 6,000 copies of Waterfront Wisdom, a 12-page booklet featuring techniques for shoreline property owners to keep waterways healthy. 5 Last year marked the fourth year of RiverUp!, our publicprivate renaissance for the Huron River corridor. We are well on the way to making the river a premier destination in Michigan with an ever-growing group of partners, funders, and participants. CleanUp! Improve River Health More than 7,600 ft of the river in Ypsilanti are being restored for the benefit of the native fishery, angling, and freshwater education. Completion is slated for Fall 2015. Trash removal and woody debris management improved safety and aesthetics on the river. Four clean-ups occurred last year and five river miles were made navigable for non-motorized watercraft. FixUp! Invest in River Recreation Following a nine-month review, the Huron River Water Trail was designated the 18th National Water Trail by the National Park Service. This distinction makes the trail part of a network of national exemplary water trails. The benefits of designation include an elevated national profile for the trail and access to resources and best practices. Outfitters on the river tell us they have seen an increase in queries from out-of-state customers as a result. To date, four construction projects are completed at portages and access points. The most recent projects were the new floating dock at Peninsular Park in Ypsilanti and the Barton Dam boat slide in Ann Arbor. The boat slide is a unique design created by SmithGroupJJR that allows for canoes and kayaks to move up or down the steep portage. Our trail markers and waterproof maps are guiding trail users and improving their experience. The first edition of the Paddler’s Companion sold 1,500 copies. We completed an expanded and updated second edition in 2015. The book is emulated by other trails in Michigan and around the country. Most of the water trail signs are installed along the 104 river miles to guide trail users as well as emergency personnel. Photo: Mark Rowe BuildUp! Turn Our Communities to Face the River A Trail Town is a destination where trail users can venture off the trail to enjoy the scenery, services, heritage and character of a nearby community. HRWC facilitated Trail Town teams in Milford, Dexter, Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and Flat Rock and supported their efforts to become trail-ready. Photo: Mark Rowe In 2014-15 we created three mini-documentaries that tell stories of RiverUp! through film. “Fly Fishing the Huron” was the first release and features small business owner Mike Schultz, a successful outfitter in Ypsilanti and a catalyst for the vibrant community of small mouth bass anglers and river enthusiasts. The second film, “The Making of Mill Creek Park” celebrates the restoration of Mill Creek from a stagnant pond into a free-flowing stream thanks to a dam removal. “Paddling the Huron River Water Trail” highlights the different personalities of the Huron River that await paddlers - from the “up north” feel to the city experience to the Great Lake Erie. 6 Photos: John Lloyd Statement of Activities REVENUE HURON RIVER WATERSHED COUNCIL STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES Fiscal Year April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015 Membership Dues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 138,553 Government Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122, 321 Contracted Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .287,793 Foundation and Corporate Grants . . . . . . .715,750 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43,633 Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76,098 10% 9% 21% 52% 3% 5% TOTAL REVENUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,384,149 100% EXPENSES Program Service Costs Watershed Planning & Management Education Stewardship Management & General Fundraising 390,181 188,225 555,071 108,426 141,895 28% 14% 40% 8% 10% TOTAL EXPENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,383,798 100% CHANGE IN NET ASSETS Net Assets, beginning of year Net Assets, end of year 7 351 572,309 572,660 Members, donors and volunteers for FY 2014-15 What we could never do alone, we accomplish working together with our dedicated volunteers and donors. It is through their efforts that HRWC’s stewardship work has gained so much attention and acclaim. THANK YOU for making our programs possible. Individual Members Alfred and Ruth Beeton Donald and Carol Afflerbaugh Ronald Bender Peter and Sally Allen John E. Allison and Julia V. Miller Rae Ann Anderson Weymouth Christine Anderson Mary Anderson Ruth Anderson Norman and Sandy Andresen Anonymous Deaver Daves Armstrong Allison A. and L. David Arscott Bruce E. Artz and Martha Claus Brian T. Athey and Deborah Walker Eric M. and Nancy Ann Aupperle Margaret Axon Shirley K. Axon Robert Ayotte and Jennifer Ekstrom Catherine Bach and Brian Hazlett Mary and Bill Bajcz Brenda J. Baker Rebecca W. and Brian Ball Noemi Barabas and Peter T. Jung Gerri Barr and Tom Egel Wanda and Bob Bartlett Brad and Lydia Bates Graham and Alison Battersby Margery Beardsley and Kurt Sonen Allan R. and Dorothy Beaudoin Judith O. Becker Michael and Rita Benham Mark R. Berg and Frances Lewy Berg Nancy Brucken Charles P. Compton Marilyn Downey Susan Bryan Ralph and Joann Cook Lynn Drickamer Sally and Ian Bund Ellen Bunting Lance Burghardt Caryl and Lawrence Berlin and Michael Burke Jean McPhail Eunice Burns Andrew H. Berry Daniel Burrows Lee Berry and Susanne Kocsis Jack Billi and Sheryl Hirsch Joan A. Binkow Howard and Anne Cooper Robert Droppleman and Julie P. Weatherbee Richard D. Corpron David Drouillard Douglas R. Coskey Arun and Jennifer D'Souza Aline Cotel Paul Courant and Marta Manildi Lee Burton and Roberta ShawReeves Robert J. Courdway Paul and Patricia Cousins Anthony D. and Jane E. Burton Edward and Marilyn Couture John Callewaert and Joan Kellenberg Heidi Cowing Joel D. and Herrell and Jon and Cynthia L. Blum Stephen Herrell Frances Carlson Lynn W. and Charlotte R. Cowles Kenneth L. and Joan C. Blunt and Michael H. Jean M. Casey Belzer Janis Ann Bobrin Jennifer and and Michael Julie Craves Peter Casler Allemang Jim Crowfoot and Linda Bobrin-Plotkin Kenneth and Ruth Carey Gail Baker Castle and Joel Plotkin Steve Crowley Kathleen Bonds and Jack Cederquist Rane L. Curl and Mark Mau John R. and Alice Rolfes-Curl Marsha Chamberlin Kim and Daniel S. Cutler Dan Bonenberger Anandhi Chandran and Hiren Bhatt Eric S. and Meghan and Kathryn A. Dahlberg Carl Bonfiglio Constance Chang and Andrew Tai Wesley Daining and Duane J. and Margaret E. Gnegy Ann C. Bonvallet Dan Chapman Dave and George E. Borel Sharon FallotJudy Darling Chapman Charles and Martha D. and Linda Borgsdorf Sue H. and Carl Davis Richard E. Chase Kathryn M. Bowring Andrea V. and Paul T. Reid Barbara and DeAgostino and Gabe Cherem Vernon Boyajian James Leonard Smith Edward and George Brach and Rebecca Chudacoff Mark E. Delaney Kevin Sharp Michael and Enoch and Norma B. Dentler Monica Cialek Elizabeth Brater Ben and Gary Cifaldi Andrew and Denise Derocher Karen E. Brenner Jackie A. and David Dickinson and Rachel Brett Harley Mary Jane Clark Jeannine LaPrad David Blochwitz Colin Brooks and Margaret Weiss Alice S. Cohen David and Sharon Brooks Carol M. Collins Emily and Jim Brown Steve Brown Lois Jean Dickenson Peter Cokinos Steve and Judy Dobson Pam Dodt Carolyn F. and Robert P. Collins John Donley Lois and Fernando Colon Jillian Downey 8 Carole F. Dubritsky Elizabeth Duell Mary DuffSilverman Joyce and Rick Dunkin Steve and Janine Easter Carol E. and Robert W. Fletcher Pamela Flick and Kevin Guthrie Karen L. and Fidel M. Flores Carrie Floyd John W. Ford Rebecca Foster and Bob Weisenberger Richard O. Fowler Helen Fox and James S. Koopman Mary L. and Renny T. Franceschi Steven Francoeur Stanley J. and Janis C. Eckermann Paul L. and Judith A. Freedman Charles Edmonson and Karen Land Tom A. and Catherine M. Freeman Morgan H. and Sally Edwards James H. Emerick Eric Engel William D. and Karen A. Ensminger Judith Erb Paul M. and Carolyn Ernzen Rebecca and Peter Esselman Rob and Nancy French Jason Frenzel James A. Frey and Lisa Brush Pat Frey and Larry Deck Belinda Friis Jerrold A. and Nancy Frost Julie F. and Daniel J. Ezekiel and Jack Frost Martina Harmon Ezekiel Jerome and Mary Fulton James and Rhonda Fackert Otto and Lourdes Gago Ron Fadoir Albert E. and David L. Fanslow Karen K. Gallup and Joann F. Cavaletto Ron Gamble Cheryl C. Farmer Margaret and John Faulkner Jennifer Fike and Jon Cioffi Peter Fink Sally C. Fink Robert and Jan Finn Gwynne Fisher Janet M. Fisher Joe and Beth Fitzsimmons John and Susan Gannon Mary and Hugh Garton Florence Y. Gasdick Sidney Gendin and Joellen Vinyard Leonore Gerstein Dennis and Judith Gillis Steve Gilzow Thomas and Ann Gladwin Paul and Anne Glendon Philip and Janet Harrison Emily and Frank Gobright Richard Harrison James Goebel Edward and Mona Goldman Irwin Goldstein and Martha Mayo Sally Hart Petersen Lee W. Hartmann Mary Hathaway Jane A. and Daniel F. Hayes Mark and Suely Irish Paul Evanoff Donald Jacobson Timothy and Roberta Knittle Mary Lewis James Stewart Knoepp Thomas A. and Sandra B. Jameson John R. Knott and Anne Percy Knott Owen C. and Jane R. Jansson Ronald J. and Rosalie J. Koenig Eugene and Nancy Jaworski Stevi Kosloskey Laura Lee Hayes and Robert C. Brill Linda C. Jeffries and Jesse E. and David M. Brawn Judith E. Heady Anitra Gordon Steven V. and Kenneth Gottschlich Lucia Heinold Margaret P. Jensen and Martha Pollack Esther C. and Barry and ames B. Heitler Michael Gowing Leslie A. Johnson Joan Hellmann Christopher L. and Frank and Jack Goodnoe Elaine Graham Julie Grand Daniel and Norma Green Joann and Thomas Green William and Susan Hermann Sean Hickey and Rita Combest Barbara Higman John Kotre James Kralik David E. and Martha E. Krehbiel Paul J. Kress and Suzanne C. Collins Faith and Ralph Krug Lisa Johnson Scott and Mimi Joling Robert A. and Melony K. Hollen Dunrie A. Greiling and David B. Higbie Kathryn Holmes Cindy Greutman Sally L. Greve Mark W. and Susan S. Griffin Sabrina L. and Douglas B. Gross Iris M. and Frederick Gruhl Robert C. and Leah M. Gunn The Hamp Family Janet N. and Phil Hampton Val Hancock and Mary Jo Comiskey Frederick R. and Sandra L. Hanert Bernice Morse Linda Lombardini and Sandi Smith David G. and Manette A. London Michael D. Long Barry Lonik Pat Lorandos Dean and Gwendolyn Louis Joan Lowenstein and Jonathan Trobe Barbara B. and David R. Lucas Kevin Joseph Susan S. Morse Dan and Mim Munzel Ruth Munzel Barbara Murphy Stephen and Sarah Hess Musko Rob Myllyoja Corrie Navis Shifrah Nenner and Jeff Ogden Larry and Sarah Nooden Margaret and Robert Northrup Richard Norton and Patricia Koman George Kunkle Patricia Lyndale Ann M. Novak and Joe Krajcik Pam Labadie and Karim Motawi Carolyn J. Mahalak Linda Novitski Susan A. Lackey and Steve Daut Patricia Ann Mahony Diane O'Connell and James R. Miller Bruce and Joanne S. Manny Elsie L. Orb Matthew LaFleur Charles and Kathleen S. Kanelos Dennis and Leslie Lampron George Hornberger Gerald W. and Dorothy W. Kangas Carol Landsberg Jennie and Mike Marenghi Andrew and Catherine Horning Rachel and Stephen Kaplan Margaret B. Lansing Rick Martin John G . Lapp David Mason Rebecca S. Horvath H. Peter and Carol A. Kappus Gayle Larson Edith Maynard Myra Larson Elizabeth Maynard James Ottaviani and Katrina Hagedorn Richard Kato Linore Latham Patti McCall McGuire Ronald and Mary Jo Paler John McCauley and Virginia Weingate Jeannine Palms and Dale Petty David McColl Arthur and Mona Pancioli Tim Horn Robert W. and Beth Hospadaruk James S. House and C. W. and Wendy Fisher House Carol Ann Kauffman Dria S. Howlett Dohn and Sally Hoyle Richard G . Keller John A. and Kathleen M. Kelley Kathleen and Gary Huffnagle Ray Kelley Aaron Hula Eric E. Kennedy and Lynn M. Hensley Joanne J. Hansen Dale and Helaine Roberta Hunscher George Lavoie Wendy W. and Douglas S. Kelbaugh Theodore S. and Kathleen Nolan Lawrence Patrick Lee and Margaret Hudson Ann D. Hungerman Leslie Kellman Marie Hunter Vanschoten Dave and Anne Harrell Craig A. Hupy and Marie C. Lemmer Joan M. Harris and Edward W. Sarath Edith Hurst William and Mary Kinley Susan Hutton and Michael Byers Susan and Peter Klaas Gary A. and Lilija Ibershoff Ilona Klein R. Griffith and Patricia McDonald Laura Lein and Benjamin Kuipers Harvey Michaels and Gloria Helfand John Lenters Matt Mikesell and Chris DohertyMikesell Michael R. and Patricia R. Levine Sheldon and Mary Levy David and Martha Kershaw Graham E. Lewis Jessica Fogel and Laury Weiner Robert W. and Judith A. Marans Ric Lawson and Kathryn A. Stocking David Lerner Larry W. Kerber Jeff and Amy Harms S. Brett Harris and Lynn Carson Harris Chuck and Mary Lofy Janet Kahan Agnes Hannahs John Hansen Andrew D. and Marie C. Morrill Marjory S. Luther Robert Krzewinski and Sally Allen Lunn David and Louise Lutton Peter Kujawa and Marilyn Cataline Frances Lyman Judy Judd William Hillegas and Judith and Kathleen BransonTom and Charles Judge Hillegas Ruth B. Green Barb and Katy Greenwald and Cynthia Hodges Lenny Kafka Brandon Groff Kathleen Hoff Neil Kagan Helen L. and William A. Gregory Lennart H. and Betty Lofstrom Cheryl M. and Josef F. Miller Josh Miller Roger and Katherine Mills Eloise Liddicoat and Daniel W. Minock Dawson Bell Vera Jean and Nancy Marie Lindner Oscar Montez Mary Lirones Dallas Moore and Judith Lehman John Lloyd and Sue Budin Thomas E. and Eleanor S. Moore Andrea Kline and 9 Michael R. and Katherine Ann O'Rear Mark B. and Susan M. Orringer Camille L. Orso and Edward A. Morin Neil D. and Anita J. Paolella Panos Papalambros James and Lynne Pauer Jerry and Vicki Paulissen M. G. Pavach and Lee Martin Pavach Joey Pawyl Joyce Peck Plummer Mary and John Pedley Craig Penrose Sandra Perkins Lisa D. and Max Perschke Maurita Peterson Holland Frederick and Anne Remley Leslie C. and Susan E. Pettis Kathleen Reus Carolyn B. Schultz Inger and William Schultz James and Sybil and Bill Phelps Ligia Reynolds Jeanie H. and Robert A. Schultz Bill Phillips Ruth M. and Thomas Reynolds Fred P. and Jane K. Schwarz Heather and Shawn Rice David Scobey and Denise Thal Sophia Ridha Keith Scott Ruth M. Riegel Richard A. Scott Elizabeth and Christopher Riggs William L. Secrest and Misty Callies Kathleen Phillips Margaret Phillips Matthew Phillips John W. and Armella A. Pierce Bertram and Elaine Pitt Raymond Pittman Tony and Melanie Pitts Henry and Lana Pollack David Polley and Janis Miller Thomas S. Porter Jeffrey and Joanna Post Jennifer R. Poteat and Michael B. Staebler John M. and John Seeley Marilyn A. Rintamaki Joanna J. and Raymond Rion Michael F. Semanske Catherine Riseng and Earl Goddin Erik H. and Carol M. Serr Bob Robertson Grace and Bruce and Stanley Shackman Laura Robinson Patricia Jean and Ann and Robert Shaw Patrick Rodgers Harry and John Martin Rogers Mary Beth Sheehan Phil Roos Ingrid and Ethel K. Potts Valerie W. and Victor Rosenberg Clifford Sheldon Ralph R. and Barbara Powell Donald V. and Karla E. Rottiers Thomas J. Powell John and Mary Rowntree Susan E. Shink and Tom Hatch Steve and Jayne Powers Esther Rubin Brian M. and Jennifer Prather John and Annmarie Rubin Evan Pratt and Ann Taylor Pratt Laura Rubin and John Lofy Ruth and Charles Pratt Roberta Rubin William B. and Diana V. Pratt Judith A. and Michael F. Preville Mollie Ruth Sally Rutzky Amy Sample and Jim Azim Karen Prochnow and Adam and Amy Samples Mark Stranahan Kathryn A. Sargeant Amanda Pugh and Thomas E. Raymond J. and Chettleburgh Melissa J. Rabidoux Richard N. and Virgil M. and Norma J. Sarns Carolyn Ramey Etta G. Saxe Ulrich and Mary Ann Schaefer Carolyn Raschke Peter and Joseph E. Rathbun Mindi Schappach Timothy and Brian and Patricia Redmond Sara Schneidewind Harry J. and David and Gene Regenstreif Karyn Schoem David F. Reid Donald and Gwen Schrader Nancy Shiffler Gary Stelzer and Nancy Frushour Scott and Ruth Wade Paul L. and Eulalia M. Stewart Tim and Laurie Wadhams John W. and Beryl Stimson Kim Waldo Nancy Stokes Veit and Tony Veit Carol and John Strahler Kay E. Stremler and Ron Sell Jon C. Strempek Lynn Suits Lamkin Alan and Lori Summer Kyle Walworth Arthur and Renata Wasserman Walter J. Weber, Jr. Family Walter Weber Kathie K. Weinmann Erika, Clarke, and Megan Taylor Hermann F. Weiss Thomas F. and Nancy E. Taylor William and Villabeth Taylor Margaret W. and Graham L. Teall Marjorie M. Terry McRoberts Kathleen Wurster Roger Wykes Steven Yaffee and Julia Wondolleck Martha Walker and Mark F. Hauptschein Patricia B. and Charles F. Yocum Victoria Walls and Drew YoungeDyke Bill Copenhaver Melissa Zaksek Kari and Claire Sylvain Keith and Faith Taylor Laura E. Woolley Jim and Kathy Welch Jason and Margaret Zawacki Philip Zazove Rudy Ziehl Individual Donors Yuni Aaron James and Ashley Adox Peter and Michael P. Wellman Sally Allen and Erika F. Homann David Amamoto Bill and Christine Anderson Cheryl Wells Lilian Anderson Susan and Peter Westerman Mary Anderson Kirk Westphal Ruth Anderson Barry and Cathy White Jane AndersonMoore and Jill and Robert F. and Marina Robert Moore David E. Thacher Thomas C. and V. N. Whitman Anonymous Jean T. Shope Cathy Theisen Dave F. and Ingrid Apel William J. and James R. and Mary Ellen Wible Mark Apelman Sheila I. Sikkenga Carol A. Thiry David J. Wible Deaver Daves Jennifer Slajus Susan Thompson James O. and Armstrong John Sloat Jim and Mary Ann Wilkes Ken Arthurs Mary Lynn Thomson Adam and Guerin Wilkinson Bruce E. Artz and Theresa A. Smith Paul K. and and Mary Waldron Martha Claus Barbara G. Trojan Charles Smith and Charles H. and Courtney Piotrowski Carrie Turner and Angela M. Williams Timothy Athan Erin Trame Brian T. Athey and Edwin and Jay E. and Deborah Walker Shirley Smith Matt and Sherry L. Williams Jackie Turner Rosemary Austgen Jana Smith John A. and Nub and Jan Turner Christa A. Williams Richard and Lynette Smith Jennifer Bacolor Anita and Nancy P. Williams Marguerite H. Smith Mike Twardesky Robert and David J. and Donna and Marcia Bailey Karen and Martha M. Wilson Stuart Snyder David Ufer Thomas and Mark Wilson Jonas L. Snyder and Ben and Sarah Baird Elsie Dyke Paul Winder Bonnie Upton Mary and Bill Bajcz William and Beth and Lynn Vaccaro and Pat and Reg Baker Lois A. Solomon Tony Winkler Jason Demers Marty Baldwin Kenneth G. and Alan and Norma Kay Jennifer and Antoinette Spears Eric Wolf Van Kerckhove Michael and Mary C. Stadel Gloria Stapp David Stead Paul and Kellie Steen Joyce Van Ochten Joan K. Vangel Charlotte A. Wolfe Carol Barnhart Deborah L. and Klaus Wolter Gerri Barr and Tom Egel Pieter D. Vreede and Susan O. and Naomi L. Gilbert Jon K. Wooley 10 Brad and Lydia Bates Graham and Alison Battersby David Cahill and Sabra Briere Sarah Clark Davis and Lane Davis Martha and Thomas Friedlander Kyle Baumgartner Mary B. and John R. Caldwell Daniel Delzoppo Peter Friedman Charles and Jodie Lee Dennison Belinda Friis Margery Beardsley and Kurt Sonen Jacqueline M. Beaudry Alfred and Ruth Beeton Christopher D. Benedict Jeff Bentley Barbara Levin Bergman Eugene F. and Kay W. Berrodin Jeffrey Bigelman Jack Billi and Sheryl Hirsch Joan A. Binkow Elizabeth Bishop Susan and Oliver Cameron Mark Campbell Susan Campbell Joanne Cantoni Anita and Bob Caplan Jon and Frances Carlson Susan Carter Jack Cederquist John R. and Marsha Chamberlin Constance Chang and Andrew Tai Dan Chapman Robert Black Sue H. and Richard E. Chase Rosanne and Tom Bloomer Beverly and Morton Chethik Douglas Blue Pat Chillik Janis Ann Bobrin and Michael Allemang Gerald Chilson Norma B. Dentler Jerrold A. and Nancy Frost J. Michael and Linda Dibble Julie F. and Jack Frost Cathy Dyer Gordon Ebbitt and Janice Hendrick John A. and Katherine K. Edgren Michele Eickholt and Lee Green Jackie A. and Mary Jane Clark Gary and Elizabeth Elling Meghan and Carl Bonfiglio Kathleen Clark and Michael Anglin Matt Erny Claudia M. Borders and Nancy Lohr Karen Clary Fredda Clisham Andrew and Karen E. Brenner Peter Cokinos Janice and Robert M. Brimacombe Tony Collings James and Rhonda Fackert Frank Commiskey John Farah Francis Connolly Cheryl C. Farmer Ralph and Joann Cook Joyce A. and Joseph E. Fennell Jill Cooper Michael P. and Robin S. Brooks Chris and Nicole Eubank Randall and Nancy Faber Catherine Brown Richard D. Corpron Jennifer Fike and Jon Cioffi Marina and Dick Brown Douglas R. Coskey Peter Fink Nancy Brucken Thomas A. and Sally B. Brush Linda L. Coughenour Lydia H. Fischer Gwynne Fisher Paul Courant and Marta Manildi Laura Florence Robert J. Courdway Carrie Floyd Ellen Bunting Paul and Patricia Cousins Julie Fogarty Lance Burghardt Clan Crawford Erin Burkett Rebecca Foster and Bob Weisenberger Anne Curzan Eunice Burns Steven Francoeur Daniel S. Cutler Tamara Burns and Dennis McGowan Wesley Daining and Margaret E. Gnegy Paul L. and Judith A. Freedman Harold and Kathy Buttermore James C. D'Amour Sally and Ian Bund Carol Buttrum Cheryl and David Darnton The Hamp Family Scott and Mimi Joling Frederick R. and Sandra L. Hanert Mary Hathaway Allen Duncan Tom A. and Catherine M. Freeman Mary and Hugh Garton Alice Gaujanian Gerson and Beverley Geltner Beth Genne Agnes Hannahs James W. Hansen Naomi and Theodore Harrison Sally Hart Petersen Lee W. Hartmann Vicky Henry and John Kerr Bruce and Sara Gibb Martha Hill James Goebel Edward and Mona Goldman Irwin Goldstein and Martha Mayo Nancy Jo and Laurence A. Goldstein Jesse E. and Anitra Gordon Lee Gorman and Mark Ritz Christopher L. and Elaine Graham Tony and Angela Grant Carol Gray Lloyd Green 11 Barb and Lenny Kafka Neil Kagan Gordon and Lois Kane Charles and Kathleen S. Kanelos Rachael Kasper Larry W. Kerber David and Martha Kershaw Jessica Fogel and Laury Weiner Michele Hill Robyn and Laurence King William Hillegas and Kathleen BransonWilliam and Hillegas Mary Kinley Peter Hinman and Karen Snyder Andrea Kline and Paul Evanoff Jonathan and Laura Hoard Jean B. and Arnold G. Kluge Mary Hoffman Stewart Knoepp Howdy and Carol Holmes John R. Knott and Anne Percy Knott Tim Horn Janet and David Knowlton Robert W. and Beth Hospadaruk Bridget Knyal James S. House and Joan Kooistra Brush Wendy Fisher House and Andrew Brush Kenneth T. and Carol A. Hovey Raburn L. Howland and Katherine Kurtz Robert A. Green and Ann D. Hungerman Martha SullivanCraig A. Hupy and Green Marie C. Lemmer Sue and Arthur Kathryn and Greenlee James Huss Robert and Susan Hutton and Susan Grese Michael Byers Sabrina L. and Mark and Suely Irish Douglas B. Gross Jack Jarrell Ingrid Gunderson Robert C. and Leah M. Gunn Harold Juran Richard Kato Laura Lee Hayes and Kenneth Keeler Robert C. Brill Pat and Joe Kelly Tamara Hayes Julia A. Kennel Wendel and Nancy Heers Shawn Keough Phillip Frederick and John R. and Marilyn Jean Geyer Martha K. Hicks Paul and Anne Glendon Bob Johnson Frank and Lisa Johnson David Drouillard Jay and Gywn Gardner Barry and Leslie A. Johnson Stephanie Hale and Pete Siers Lindsay Hanna Gary Cifaldi Colin Brooks and Margaret Weiss Ruth and Neil Haldeman David Dickinson and John Fyfe Jeannine LaPrad Dawn M. Fyrciak Steve and Judith Gage Brown Judy Dobson Albert E. and Dee Drake Karen K. Gallup Robert Droppleman Paul J Gambka and Julie P. Weatherbee Ron Gamble Catherine Axon Elder and Thomas Elder Kim and Dan Bonenberger Talbot and Jan Hack Lynn Jenkinson John David Kotre and Grace Helms Kotre Ruth Kraut and Michael Appel David E. and Martha E. Krehbiel Paul J. Kress and Suzanne C. Collins Richard Kwon Kathleen Kyndely Eugene K. and Laura H. Laporte Ann Larimore Michelle LaRose Jo Latimore and Ralph Kridner D. Patrick and Sandra I. Merkel Ric Lawson and Kathryn A. Stocking Kenneth Meyer Wendy Leigh Lawson Jerold and Judy Lax Ray Levos Graham E. Lewis Cheryl and John Lipan Diana Little Chuck and Mary Lofy Linda Lombardini and Sandi Smith Herb Loner Barry Lonik Bruce Loughry Joan Lowenstein and Jonathan Trobe Bobby J. and Andrea Ludwig John and Jane Lumm Jon D. and Sally L. Lusk Frances Lyman David Lynch Emma Maack Paula Meyer Matt Mikesell and Chris DohertyMikesell Thomas Miskovsky and Marilynn Simpson Bill Phillips Cheryl Saam Kathleen Phillips David Saffer Matthew Phillips Deborah Salem and Marc Zimmerman Richard Pierce Raymond Pittman Henry and Lana Pollack Patricia Pooley Michael C. Moran and Shartel Brown Jennifer R. Poteat and Michael B. Staebler Mark and Mary Mueting Steve and Jayne Powers Roy Muir Evan Pratt and Ann Taylor Pratt Dan and Mim Munzel Erica A. Munzel Ruth Munzel Wayne and Dolores Murphy Rob Myllyoja Myrthe and Rod Naparstek Matt J. Naud and Mary E. Harrington Corrie Navis Elizabeth R. Neidhardt Eric Nelson John Magee Shifrah Nenner and Jeff Ogden Duncan J. and Marilynn J. Magoon Jan and Haskell Newman Laura Majewski Gerald D. Nordblom and Barbara Michniewicz Ruth and Charles Pratt Heather and Shawn Rice Cedric and Mori Richner Elizabeth and Christopher Riggs Nub and Jan Turner Marguerite H. Smith Karen and David Ufer Patti Smith and Ken Anderson Eric Samson Michael Socks Jeffrey SanchezBurks and Jennifer Burks Kenneth G. and Antoinette Spears Larissa Sano Richard N. and Norma J. Sarns Wayne Say Peter and Mindi Schappach Bruce Schlansker Douglas and Jennifer Selby Shawn Severance Grace and Stanley Shackman David G. and Elvera Shappirio Michael Sheppard John M. and Richard Sheridan Marilyn A. Rintamaki James and Richard Norton and Marlin and Tracey Marchyok Renee Mulcrone Patricia Koman Dorothy Ristenbatt Jennie and Nancy Shiffler Linda Novitski John A. and Mike Marenghi Susan E. Shink and Brian and Renee C. Robbins Marykay Marks and Valerie Oatley Tom Hatch Bob Robertson Mark Cynar KC Shonk and Diane O'Connell and Jay Robinson Maureen Martin and James R. Miller Paul Kimberly Mike Penskar John Martin Rogers Thomas C. and G. Elizabeth Ong David and Jean T. Shope Dietrich and Elsie L. Orb Marjorie Mastie Mary Ann Roloff Jennifer Sieracki Raymond A. Maturo Margarette OrlikPhil Roos Alyce K. Sigler and Ann T. Mulhern Walsh and Martin Walsh Nicholas Roumel William J. and Edith Maynard Sheila I. Sikkenga Kelly A. and John and Debra McCarthy Jeffrey S. Orringer Annmarie Rubin Mitchell Silverman Jill McDonough and Deborah Aviva Valerie Overholt Laura Rubin and Panush John Lofy Thomas A. and Glynda Oxender Lisa S. McKarns Carol S. and Roberta Rubin Donna Park Michael R. Simon David McMahon Stephen and James and Michael Simpson Merilynne Rush Peter G. Meier Lynne Pauer Grace Singleton Mollie Ruth Michael Mellor Joey Pawyl Luba Sitar Sally Rutzky Diane Mente Randolph Pepper Robert W. and Judith A. Marans Ernestine Smith Adam and Amy Samples Karen Prochnow and Susan Schooner Mark Stranahan Thomas and Raymond J. and Ann Schriber Melissa J. Rabidoux Inger and Stephen and William Schultz Ellen Ramsburgh John Schultz Lutgarde Raskin Richard A. Scott Frank A. and John Seeley Myung Raymond Christine Seguin David B. Rein Ruth M. and Thomas Reynolds Charles Smith and Matt and Courtney Piotrowski Jackie Turner 12 Cara Spindler Ann and David Staiger Mike and Eric Standing Jeannette Stawski David Stead Paul and Kellie Steen Steve and Kristin Lozon Susan Stevens Raymond Stocking Philip A. Stoffregen and Leslie R. Desmond Nancy Stokes Veit and Tony Veit John Stout Betty Stremich and Nancy Sojka Kay E. Stremler and Ron Sell David and Paula Strenski David Uhlmann and Virginia Murphy Carl and Suzanne Van Appledorn Annette van der Schalie Alan and Norma Kay Van Kerckhove Joyce Van Ochten Coy and Amy Vaughn Stuart and Christina Vedder Ryan and Ann Verhey-Henke Karen Vigmostad Scott and Ruth Wade Thomas and Mary Wakefield Bruce Wallace and Susie Cannell Dane and Donna Ward Charles Warpehoski and Nancy Jean Shore Walter J. Weber, Jr. Family Kathie K. Weinmann Allen Stuart Ingrid Weisz June and Rich Swartz Kirk Westphal Claire Sylvain James O. and Mary Ann Wilkes Barry and Elizabeth Sweet and Cathy White Scott Gerstenberger Theresa Wilkerson and Jim Lee Nancy Sweet F. Brian and Lee Talbot Grant Tally Caroline Taylor and Jeffrey McGrew Christopher Taylor and Eva Rosenwald Marilyn and Mike Taylor Jay E. and Sherry L. Williams John A. and Christa A. Williams Emily Wilson-Tobin Beth and Tony Winkler Charlotte A. Wolfe Margaret W. and Graham L. Teall Deborah L. and Klaus Wolter Mark TenBroek Sharon and Don Wortman Bruce Thelen and Kathryn Flood Rena and Rich Tishman Lisa Wozniak and Kenneth Simon Steven J. and Dayle K. Wright Kathleen Wurster Heart of the Lakes Afternoon Delight Pacific Rim by Kana Jennifer Wyckoff Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc. Allegra Print & Imaging Paesano Italian Restaurant InSite Design Studio, Inc Ann Arbor Film Festival People's Food Cooperative Jolly Pumpkin Café and Brewery Anonymous Plantwise, LLC Arbor Teas Purple Rose Theatre Mary and Bill Bajcz Real Seafood Carol and W.P. Cherry Bar at Braun Court Red Brick Kitchen Comerica Bank BGreen Today Schultz Outfitters LLC Walter J. Weber, Jr. Family John A. and Valerie K. Yodhes Larry and Mary Yonovitz Gladys Young Rudy Ziehl Organization Donors Ann Arbor Area Convention and Visitors Bureau Klave’s Marina Legacy Land Conservancy Lena LimnoTech, Inc. Masco Corporation Foundation Ann Arbor Area Trout Unlimited Meadowlark Builders Ann Arbor State Bank meijer Anonymous Arbor Research Collaborative for Health Charitable Match Program Arbor Teas Arch Environmental Group Inc. ASTI Environmental Michigan Association of Environmental Professionals, Inc. Midwestern Consulting, Inc. Milliken Realty Company Municipal Financial Consultants Biercamp Silvio's Organic Big City Small World Pizza Bakery Jana Smith George Brach and Kevin Sharp Margaret M. Smith Chelsea Milling Company Summit Sports Dexter's Pub Sweet Gem Confections Downtown Home and Garden Terry B's Restaurant & Bar eat ann arbor The Ark Jennifer Fike and Jon Cioffi The Common Grill Fox Hills Golf & Banquet Center Frita Batidos Joel Panozzo Frank Fejeran Tom Thompson Flowers Joseph and Mae Butko Tony and Melanie Pitts Ed and Mary Cady Henry and Lana Pollack Susan Carter CDM Smith Chelsea State Bank County of Washtenaw Paul Courant and Marta Manildi Margaret Davis and Lou Marinaro Mary H. Dobson Steve and Judy Dobson Ecology Center Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc. Tracklements Smokery Bank of Ann Arbor OHM Inc. Gratzi Tuptim Thai Cuisine Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation Grizzly Peak Brewing Company University Musical Society Christopher L. and Elaine Graham Haab's Restaurant Westwind Communications Robert C. and Leah M. Gunn Zingerman's Community of Businesses David Stead Carol L. and Jennifer RiverUp Donors L. Kerber Deaver Daves Klave's Marina Armstrong Pam Labadie and Axe & Ecklund P.C. Karim Motawi Shirley K. Axon La Dolce Vita Mary Hoffman Howdy and Carol Holmes ITC Jack and Ginny Sinn Foundation Circle K Spicer Group Conservation Design Forum Stantec Consulting Michigan Inc. Cooper Design, Inc. University of Michigan Health System Logan Wade-Trim Mac's Acadian Seafood Shack Janis Ann Bobrin and Michael Allemang McFarland Tree Service, Inc. Charles and Linda Borgsdorf Maureen Martin and Mike Penskar Metro Delivery Jon and Kim Bowdler Edith Maynard DTE Energy Earth Share of Michigan Ecology Center Waste Management Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc. Ypsilanti Area Convention and Visitors Bureau Excelda Manufacturing, Inc. Frederick S. Upton Foundation Grizzly Peak Brewing Company Lena Barry Lonik Michigan Theater In-Kind Donors A-1 Rental, Inc. Adventures in Homebrewing Michigan Wildflower Farm Morgan and York Mike Mouradian Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales Gerri Barr and Tom Egel William and Mary Kinley Wilbur C. Bigelow Legacy Land Conservancy David and Sharon Brooks Thomas Buhr Eunice Burns Lennart H. and Betty Lofstrom Matt Mikesell and Chris DohertyMikesell Richard Norton and Patricia Koman Raymond Pittman 13 Phil Roos John and Annmarie Rubin Martha Darling and Gil Omenn Marguerite H. Smith Betty Stremich and Nancy Sojka Margaret W. and Graham L. Teall TOYOTA Marcia Van Fossen Steven and Terri Wild Grafaktri Pat and Joe Kelly Bob Robertson Tim and Laurie Wadhams NSF International Jolly Pumpkin Café and Brewery Cedric and Mori Richner Howard P. and Margaret W. Fox Axe & Ecklund P.C. Jerusalem Garden Pure Oakland Water Scott and Ruth Wade Atwell Barr Engineering Co. PEA Inc. Beckett & Raeder, Potential Sign Inc. Company Blue Tractor BBQ & Pure Oakland Water Brewery Rizzolo Brown Books By Chance Studio Carlisle Wortman Scott E. Munzel, P.C. Associates, Inc. Attorney at Law CDM Smith Six Rivers Regional Land Conservancy Charles Reinhart Company Realtors SmithGroup JJR Jeffrey and Joanna Post Excelda Manufacturing, Inc. Niswander Environmental Glacier Hills Inc. Porter Family Foundation Ypsilanti Area Convention and Visitors Bureau VOLUNTEERS Kristen Baumia Anna Croley Earl Goddin Ilona Klein Rick Martin Beth Baxter Shannon Culver Chris Godwin Jonah Klein Dylan Martin Shonnie Becker Connor Cunningham Diane Goff Rebekah Klein Alex Martin Peter Bejin Daniel Cutler Joshua Goodman Andrea Kline Bryn Martin David Balash Katie Beth Halloran C. Daniel Myers Preethi Gopal Jennifer Knight Adeline Martin Eric Christian Jamie Bettaso Charles Darr Sarah Gowell Sanjay Kondapalli Lily Martin Anna Croley Minali Bhatt Jake Grammatica Yen Kong Jeanni McAbee Grace Hilbert Nimeya Bhatt Deaver Daves Armstrong Danielle Gray Mitzi Koors Christine Gregg Stevi Kosloskey Patti McCall McGuire Elizabeth Gregory James Kralik Jan Grichor Rebecca Kralik Rajendra Gunda Jan Krause Prerana Gunda Nancy Krause George Hammond Grace Kuan Frederick Hanert Pritham Kura Toby Hartman Virginia Laetz Zachary Hayes Claire Laetz Judith Heady Kori Lane Joan Hellmann Kelley Langlois Rob Henderson Christine Lanser Magdalena Herkhof Nathan Larimore Grace Hilbert Marian Laughlin Fred Homburg Ric Lawson Kristine Homburg Katie Leginza Polina Hristova Dana Leigh Naomi Huntley Abigail Lemmon Maria Ilyukhina Alexandra Lepeschkin-Noel Administration Sima Ahadieh David Amamoto Megan McConnell Dawn Nelson Cheyenne Stewart Levi Syck William Turner Hiren Bhatt Bert Bissett Luther Blackburn Howard Borden Richelle Williams Lynn Bradley Yuka Yamanishi Bryan Briegel Max Bromley Adopt-A-Stream Colin Brooks Daniel Agudelo David Brooks Sarah Alexander Sharon Brooks David Amamoto Lillia Brooks Chris Anderson Susan Bryan Paul Anderson Eunice Burns Breanna Anderson Lee Burton Dominique Ang Rebecca Butcher Nate Antieau Kevin Cafarelli Danielle Antieau Ray Caleca Trip Apley James Carbone Deanna Arble Jennifer Carman Ryan Aridi Roberta Carr Mackenzie Arpi Anandhi Chandran Bruce Artz Richard Chase Lydia Austin Anna Chen Giorgia Auteri Janet Chodos Diana Bach Jody Chou Yunsheng Bai Eric Christian Katelyn Bailey Brittany Chunn Cynthia Bailey Ethan Chupp David Balash Betsy Cooper Noemi Barabas Dominick Cortez Rachel Barron Gabrielle Costello Eric Bassey Aline Cotel Graham Battersby Ignacio Covelo Alison Battersby Rodney Cox Bonnie Bauman Matthew Cox John Bauman Selena Creed Graham Crockford Jennifer Davis Daniel Davis Eleanor Davis Lisa Denys Claire Dijak Jeff Dillon Michael DiRamio Elizabeth Dorgay Chase Duncan Cathy Dyer Sharon Eagle Lauren Eaton Eric Engel Jaymes Evans Ronald Fadoir Brian Fennell Robert Finn Jan Finn Hank Firek Melissa Flannigan Earle Fox Samantha Fox Martha Friedlander Jan Ives Donald Jacobson Erica Johnson Ed McCarter David McColl Megan McConnell JoLisa McDay Joseph McElroy Michael McElroy Jenny McGuckin Tristan McKnight David McMahon Xander Memijie Isabel Merritt Ron Merritt Josh Miller Kate Mlinarich Peter Montero Jordan Montero Melina Moore Annika Moran Corrie Navis Emily Levine Alyssa Nelson Graham Lewis Dawn Nelson Yuyi Li Dylan Nelson Kevin Li Kyle Nowels Belinda Friis Leena Jongpaiboonkit Dawn Fyrciak Aba Jung Brandon List Daniel O'Donnell Jacquelyn Ganfield Kinga Jung John Lloyd Kristine Olsson John Gannon Zoltan Jung Leo Lofy Katrina Orcino Walter Gauthier Allison Kade Fox John Lofy Daniel Passmore Thomas Gebhardt Raj Kadiyala Abe Lofy Olivia Patercsak Peter Gergics Janet Kahan Herb Loner Daniel Gergics Chiara KalogjeraSackellares Rachel Long Richard Paul Manczak Lilla Gergics Devin Gill Scott Girardi Joseph Girgente Dave Girvan Zachery Gizicki Vishaal Kalwani Leslie Kellman Emma Kelly Larry Kerber Jennifer Kerber 14 Andrew Lukefahr Fangwei Luo Ariel Mallett David Mancini Ashlyn Mancini John Martin Jerry Paulissen Spencer Paulissen Bruce Peffers Russell Perigo Lisa Perschke Gianna Petito William Phillips Karen Pierce Richard Pierce Agnes Pinter Tony Pitts Hayden Pitts Ryan Pohl Amanda Prater White Renee Sherman Mulcrone Gabriela Shirkey Jacob Silver Jana Smith James Smith Lindsay Smith Naseeb Souweidane Erin Spanier David Quinn Kenneth Spears Tammy Rabideau Amber Stedman Ellen Rambo Mason Steele Alison Rauss Dennis Stelzer Paul Reaume CarolynRose Stone Don Reef Phannita Suchaiya Truly Render Christopher Svinicki Jackie Richards Levi Syck Catherine Riseng Julie Szucs Summer Roberts Anne Tavalire Virginia Roberts Linda Teaman Sarah Roberts Manik Tetarbe Eric Robinson Veena Thamilselvan Bridgette Ronnisch Vijayalakshmi Thamilselvan Donald Rottiers Laura Rubin Mollie Ruth Constance Ruth Meg Ryan Noah Sadlier Dylan Sawyer Mark Schaller Larry Scheer Ashley Schilling Emily Schlansker Bruce Schlansker Jennifer Schlicht Alex Schmidt Jeremy Schmidt John Schroeter Jayden Scott Matthew Sehrsweeney Selvan Thamilselvan Brittany Thomas Susan Thompson Reid Tornquist Ryan Walquist David Blochwitz Matthew LaFleur Mike Twardesky Catherine Ward Kelsey Bowers Laura Laporte Jhena Vigrass Deborah Weiker Lynn Bradley Drew Lathin Emma Weichmann Kathie Weinmann Michael Brooks Mary LeDuc Barry White Dave Welser Anne Brown David Wilson Lauren Westerby Susan Bryan Alexandra Lepeschkin-Noel Paris Whitney Jared Whitney David Wilson Caleb Wilson Nani Wolf Susan Wooley Al Wooll Alexa Wutt Ziheng Xu Pranav Yajnik Yuka Yamanishi Shan Ye Shere Zehel Silas Zehnder Kendal Zemmin Zhongyuan Zhang RiverUp! John Torrance Mike Ryan Schultz Valerie Tourangeau Special Events & Festivals Jesse Tripp William Turner Karcher Tyler Otho Ulrich Chatura Vaidya Jaclyn VanGilder Ellen Veselenak Brandon Vick Tom Voiles Adil Shah Heather Wade Katy Shea Sam Wallace Sarah Sherburne Katy Wallander Carolyn Al-Qadi Maggie Long Halimah Al-Qadi Beverly Manko Ryan Aridi Olivia Chapman JoAnn Marcoux Mary Bajcz Becky Clive Alisa Maul Nimeya Bhatt Brenda Cooper Dallas Moore Minali Bhatt Paul Cousins Cindy Morgan Hiren Bhatt Kevin Cousins Aymil Motawi Luther Blackburn Anna Croley Karim Motawi Susan Bryan Dianne Curry Elliot Nelson Ashton Bullock Abby Dart Bill Nickels Joyce Burzan Lyn DeGroot Chris North Lisa Dorwin Richard Norton Theresa CarranzaFulmer Jennifer Ekstrom Elsie Orb Anandhi Chandran Frank Fejeran Joel Panozzo Eric Christian Mariah Fink Daniel Passmore Jorrie Davis Dirk Fischbach Lisa Perschke Lucas DiGia John Gannon Evan Pratt Lauren Eaton Robert Garcia Kevin Reid Jaymes Evans Karen Gladney Pamela Rice Ronald Fadoir Robby Griswold Cedric Richner Gwynne Fisher Cheryl Hammond Laura Rubin Pat Frey Judith Heady Karen Russcher Fred Fuqua Joshua Hemperly Ron Sell Jacquelyn Ganfield Julia Henshaw Kevin Sharp Catherine Garton Mary Hoffman Susan Shink Thomas Gebhardt Robert Hospadaruk Gabriela Shirkey Christopher Godwin Beth Hospadaruk Danielle Singler Danielle Gray Sydney Hutnik Mike Skinner Christine Gregg Mark Irish Kurt Sonen Prerana Gunda Robert Jack Kay Stremler Karlee Harding Allison Kade Fox Cole Stuart Brett Harris Janet Kahan Zak Suhar Judith Heady Danita King Evan Swedish Joshua Hemperly Stevi Kosloskey Blair Treglown Magdalena Herkhof Maggie Kratz William Turner Kenneth Hovey Misty Callies Thomas Gebhardt Lewis Tripp John Lofy Caroline Wilkinson Mike Williams Marcelino Akemann Jane Alexander Stefania Almazan Paul Anderson Mary Andersson Janis Ann Bobrin Deaver Armstrong Kate Bailey Mary Bajcz David Balash Gerri Barr Scott Beckerman Michele Blinder Xiajun Zhang Water Quality Monitoring Lauren Burns Patrick Williams Wenjuan Liu Melissa Zaksek John Lloyd Eunice Burns Tom Wieckowski Megan Torrance Dani Toussaint Skylar Burkhardt Peggy Liggit Josh CarnSafterstein 15 Lynn Jenkinson Amanda Sweetman Leslie Kellman Danielle Tanzer Alison King Anne Tavalire Jaclyn Klein Veena Thamilselvan Christine Knight Vijayalakshmi Thamilselvan Jennifer Knight Stevi Kosloskey James Kralik Alek Kreiger Pritham Kura Prasanna Kura Kimberly Lapworth Bill Lee Herb Loner Rachel Long Kayla Mathes Virginia Maturen Patti McCall McGuire Ed McCarter David McColl JoLisa McDay Jenny McGuckin Wenxuan Meng Brooke Meyers Stephanie Miller Josh Miller Rekha Motouri Daniel Myers Corrie Navis Dawn Nelson Kyle Nowels Niklas Povilunas Tammy Rabideau Selvan Thamilselvan Susan Thompson Otho Ulrich Brian Wait HRWC Staff We strive daily to be the ultimate “river thinkers.” Our passion, educational training and professional experience strengthen HRWC efforts. And with the support of many partners, including our members, donors and volunteers, we lead the initiatives, implement the programs and advance the shared vision of a healthy, thriving Huron River. Katy Wallander Kari Walworth Genevieve Wang Liz Whiddon Albert Wu Climate Resilience Mike Arens Laura Rubin Executive Director Anita Daley Marketing Specialist Rebecca Esselman Watershed Planner Rebecca Foster Membership Coordinator Jason Frenzel Stewardship Coordinator Jennifer Kangas Finance Manager Stevi Kosloskey Watershed Planning Assistant Pam Labadie Marketing Director Ric Lawson Watershed Planner Kris Olsson Watershed Ecologist Elizabeth Riggs Deputy Director Margaret Smith Development Director Paul Steen Watershed Ecologist Alison Rauss Raghav Reddy Renee Ringholz Summer Roberts Mark Schaller Larry Scheer Bruce Schlansker Emily Schlansker Jennifer Schlicht Sheila Schueller Haris Sohail 16 Photo: Anne Savage Board of Directors Executive Committee Chair Janis Bobrin, City of Ann Arbor Evan Pratt, Washtenaw County Paul Cousins, City of Dexter Vice-Chair Diane O’Connell, Ann Arbor Township Dick Norton, City of Ann Arbor Treasurer Mary Bajcz, Milford Township Gene Farber, West Bloomfield Township Michelle LaRose, Livingston County Chris Benedict, Oakland County Member Governments & Board of Directors City of Ann Arbor Janis Bobrin Eunice Burns Cheryl Darnton Dick Norton Molly Maciejewski Ann Arbor Township Diane O’Connell Barton Hills Village Cheryl MacKrell City of Belleville City of Brighton City of Chelsea Steven Wright Commerce Township Peter Schappach City of Dexter Paul Cousins Dexter Township Barry Lonik City of Flat Rock Jim Martin Genoa Township Green Oak Township Fred Hanert Hamburg Township Bob Demyanovich Huron Township Livingston County Scott Barb Michelle LaRose Village of Milford Pittsfield Township Putnam Township City of Rockwood Salem Township Sue Bejin Scio Township Gerry Kangas Village of South Rockwood Matt LaFleur Superior Township Curt Wolf Van Buren Township Dave Wilson Walled Lake Washtenaw County Photo: John Lloyd Evan Pratt Scott Munzel Steve Francoeur (alt.) Melissa Zaksek (alt.) Wayne County Webster Township West Bloomfield Township Gene Farber White Lake Township City of Wixom Village of Wolverine Lake City of Ypsilanti Sally Lusk Lisa Wozniak Photo: John Lloyd Ypsilanti Township Norm Andresen Mark Irish Milford Township Mary Bajcz Northfield Township Marlene Chockley Oakland County Chris Benedict Village of Pinckney Barry White 17
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