Annual School Report 2012 - Sussex Inlet Public School


Annual School Report 2012 - Sussex Inlet Public School
Sussex Inlet Public School
Annual School Report
Sussex Inlet Public School continues to provide a
importance of fairness, inclusivity, safety and
The P&C has been actively involved with the
transition to school program by hosting morning
tea for the parents of our 2013 Kindergarten
students. Each Kindergarten student received a
school hat and a library bag, a tri-grip pencil pack,
colouring pictures and an information pack that
included canteen information. The total cost for
this program was $525.
Strong partnerships with parents, carers and the
community ensure we maintain a friendly, caring
and safe environment, focused on student
learning, where parents are welcomed and
encouraged to participate in their children’s
A tradition at SIPS is for the P&C to be involved in
Year 6 end of year activities and to present each
Year 6 student with an engraved pen at the Year
6 Final Assembly. The P&C assisted with the Year
6 dinner and dance. These activities cost the P&C
Our motto, “Effort is the Line of Success”, guides
us as we encourage, engage, challenge and
motivate our students to value education as a
life-long journey.
The P&C operated the Scholastic Bookclub,
collating, submitting and distributing orders. The
value of orders this year was $4530. This is a
service provided to our families and no profit is
Principal’s message
We have worked very hard during the 2012
school year and we are beginning to see the
results of our efforts. Throughout 2012 our
challenge was to sustain the improvements and
changes that were made as a result of our
involvement in the National Partnerships
program. We believe that we have been able to
do this as a result of focusing our efforts on
improving the quality of teaching occurring in our
classrooms and providing many opportunities for
all students to be involved in exciting, extracurricular activities as well.
Three P&C representatives were on a committee
to commence planning of Stage 2 of the
playground equipment.
The SIPS Snack Shack (our canteen) is operated
by the P&C. We thank all the volunteers who
have helped in 2012. A small profit from this year
will be carried forward to 2013.
Other activities of the P&C in 2012 included:
Pancake Day, Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day
stalls for the students;
I certify that the information in this report is the
result of a rigorous school self-evaluation process
and is a balanced and genuine account of the
the sale of Cancer Council sunscreen through
the school office and
catering for Staff training days and a Bay and
Basin Learning Community planning day.
David Horvat
A P&C representative was on the panels for the
engagement of our new principal and a classroom
teacher. This involved assisting in preparing and
submitting position advertisements, reading
applications, shortlisting applicants and then
interviewing suitable applicants.
Acting Principal
P & C message
This is a summary of the work and activities of
the Sussex Inlet Public School Parents & Citizens
Association during 2012.
2012 has been another very busy year and the
P&C executive thank you for your continued
support. Without the support of all the school
staff, the students and their families as well as
the wider community the P&C would not be able
to continue to provide support for the quality
education of all the students at SIPS.
The uniform shop sells uniform items at cost in
order to keep our uniform affordable. Total sales
for the uniform shop amounted to $10 655 in
22 additional students enrolled during the school
year and were each given a school hat, costing
the P&C $176.
SIPS P&C Executive
Student Leaders’ Message
School context
It seems like yesterday when we first started
kindergarten at Sussex Inlet Public School (SIPS).
We were clinging on to our mums and dads, tears
staining our cheeks, unsure why they were trying
to leave us in this scary place. We soon got over
our fears and began to form friendships.
Student information
It is a requirement that the reporting of information
for all students must be consistent with privacy and
personal information policies.
Student enrolment profile
We had our ups and downs over the years, but
our efforts together have led us to success. Here
we are at the end of our final year at SIPS,
starting to cry again. This time it is because we do
not want to leave.
Our leadership responsibilities began with
membership of the Student Representative
Council in our early years at SIPS. This helped us
mature and develop into the leaders we are
today. We had a lot of fun as SIPS leaders.
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
We took on the challenges which enabled us to
become better leaders now and maybe even
better future leaders. We attended a workshop at
Burrill Lake, organised by our partner high school,
Vincentia High School. There we participated in
activities involving trust, working together and
Conference, at Wollongong University, taught us
to be strawberries not watermelons. Strawberries
are the same on the inside and the outside unlike
watermelons. The message is, not to change how
you act if you have an important role, that you
should still be yourself.
Student attendance profile
Morning tea with Paul Green and Joanna Gash
was a meeting for all school leaders in our region
where we got together and shared our ideas and
experiences. We were reminded that being a
leader does not just require a badge and that
everyone can lead in their own unique way.
Management of non-attendance
In 2012, attendance rates matched those across
the state. The school continued to be proactive
by frequently reminding students and their
parents of the importance of daily, punctual
attendance in newsletters, meetings and notes.
The school will continue to focus on the
importance of regular attendance at school,
recognising and reinforcing with the parents and
carers that such attendance is essential if
students are to achieve their best.
Storm Toms, Kyle Jarrett (Captains), Lara Horvat,
Hayden Regent (Vice-Captains), Hannah
Goulding and Blake Lane (Prefects)
Kyle, Hayden, Hannah, Lara, Storm and Blake
Staff information
Date of financial summary
It is a requirement that the reporting of
information for all staff must be consistent with
privacy and personal information policies.
Balance brought forward
Global funds
Tied funds
School & community sources
Trust receipts
Total income
Teaching & learning
Key learning areas
Extracurricular dissections
Training & development
Tied funds
Casual relief teachers
Administration & office
School-operated canteen
Trust accounts
Capital programs
Total expenditure
Balance carried forward
Staff establishment
Assistant Principal(s)
Classroom Teachers
Teacher Librarian
School Learning Support Teacher
Teacher of Reading Recovery
School Administrative & Support Staff
The National Education Agreement requires
schools to report on Indigenous composition of
their workforce.
The school currently has no indigenous staff
Staff retention
In early December 2012 Mrs Chris McLean retired
from her role as Principal, ending a long career in
public education, with six years spent at SIPS.
A full copy of the school’s 2012 financial
statement is tabled at the annual general
meetings of the School Council and/or the parent
body. Further details concerning the statement
can be obtained by contacting the school.
In September 2012 Mr Gordon Hickman retired
from teaching, ending a long career in education,
with twenty-five years spent at SIPS.
Due to a reduction in executive entitlement, Mr
David Horvat was nominated for transfer in 2012
effective from 2013. Mr Horvat spent eight years
as an Assistant Principal at SIPS.
School performance 2012
Teacher qualifications
Performing Arts
All teaching staff meet the professional
requirements for teaching in NSW public schools.
Degree or Diploma
Southern Stars
SIPS participated in the regional performing arts
spectacular, Southern Stars, in 2012. Ms Peters
accompanied the 19 students who participated in
the dance section of the event. The group was
supported by 15 school community members
who prepared costumes and by 10 parents during
the performance week in Wollongong.
Involvement in an event such as this requires the
support of the whole school community and is
something that SIPS takes great pride in.
% of staff
Financial summary
This summary covers funds for operating costs
and does not involve expenditure areas such as
permanent salaries, building and major
Bay and Basin Has Talent
Our community of schools came together to
celebrate public education through the Bay and
Basin Has Talent showcase in 2012. The
performance incorporated musicians, singers and
dancers, alongside a visual arts display of works
from students in the local schools. This
performance was an exciting step in the building
of strong partnerships between the schools of the
Bay and Basin Learning Community.
Glee Club in full voice
Talent Quest
Each year the talent at SIPS continues to grow.
This year our SRC Talent Quest showcased the
performance skills of students from Kindergarten
to Year Six, allowing creativity to shine and
confidence to grow. Students danced, sang,
rapped, recited poetry, played instruments and
provided comic relief. It is always a delight to
witness the high level of entertainment that our
students bring to the stage every year.
Bay and Basin Has Talent SIPS Performers
In 2012 the SIPS choir moved ahead in leaps and
bounds with Mrs Michele Green as its
motivational leader. The 43 students rehearsed
every Friday with passion and dedication. They
performed at special assemblies at school, on
ANZAC Day and in Education Week, and in the
community, on ANZAC Day and at three
Christmas concerts in Sussex Inlet and Milton.
The choir has become recognised for enthusiasm,
commitment and beautiful sound and has helped
to enhance the school’s good reputation within
the local and wider community.
A wide range of sporting activities were
undertaken in 2012.
School carnivals in Swimming, Cross Country and
Athletics were conducted. Strong house
competition resulted in Barracuda winning the
swimming, Marlin the cross country and Wahoo
the athletics carnivals.
Hollie Miles and Nathan Harris were the district
junior swimming champions and SIPS was the
champion school winning both the outright and
aggregate trophies. Eight students represented
South Shoalhaven at the regional carnival.
Seven students represented the district at the
regional Cross Country carnival. Hollie Miles
represented our school, district and region at the
NSW Cross Country Championships.
Seventeen SIPS students represented the South
Shoalhaven district at the regional athletics
carnival in Canberra. Charlotte Thompson went
on to compete in the State Athletics Carnival in
shot put.
Friday rehearsal with Mrs Green
In addition to her work with the choir Mrs Green
has established a Glee group, comprising a small
number of students who have exhibited a special
interest and potential as singers. This group
environment in which they can extend their skills
and gain recognition for them.
Kyle Jarrett represented SIPS as captain of the
South Coast cricket team, travelling to Armidale
for the state carnival late in 2012. Kyle was then
selected to take part in a talent development
All Stage 2 and 3 students participated in four
junior and four senior South Shoalhaven PSSA
Gala Days. These included AFL, Football, Dragon
Tag and Netball. In addition to the Gala Days SIPS
students were selected to attend trials for district
and/or regional teams in football, rugby league,
AFL, touch football, cricket, tennis and netball.
Public Speaking and Debating
A whole school public speaking workshop in
second term focused on impromptu speeches
and resulted in some great speeches being
delivered by students of all ages. An adjudicator
from the DEC Arts Unit presented a beginners
workshop for Stage 2 students in term three.
SIPS entered the State Knockout competition in
netball in 2012 with some success in the early
rounds. Mrs Kerry Ingram and Mrs Bronwyn
Hedger trained the girls three to four times a
week in the lead up to the competition.
Debating competition is run at class, community
of schools and Premier’s Debating Challenge
levels at SIPS. Two teams, The Persuaders and the
Wise Owls, competed at the local level of The
Premier’s Debating Challenge. The Wise Owls,
being undefeated local champions contested the
regional finals at the ISER Debating Camp held in
Batemans Bay.
SIPS Netball Superstars
A number of new sports have been added to the
Stage 3 school sports program in recent years,
including in 2012. These are tennis, softball, golf
and swimming and they have considerably
broadened options for our students to become
more active in their leisure time.
The Wise Owls debating team
Kyle Jarrett was selected as a member of the ISER
Debating squad to train for the Public Schools
State Debating Competition.
Success in the Multicultural Perspectives Public
Speaking Competition continued in 2012. Each
year that SIPS students have entered the MCPPS
Competition one of our students has won the
local competition and gone on to compete at
regional level. This year Charlotte Walker was our
performance at the regional finals.
A number of sporting bodies visited our school to
demonstrate and showcase the skills involved in
each of their sports. This included Australian
Rules Football, Rugby League, Surf Life Saving,
NSW Cricket and Little Athletics.
Year Two and Three students participated in the
annual school swim scheme with 86% of
participants learning to swim more than six
metres during the series of lessons.
An eight week intensive professional gymnastics
program was offered to all Kindergarten – Year 2
students with the majority taking part in 2012.
SIPS 2012 representatives; Hollie Miles, Kyle
Jarrett and Charlotte Walker
Recognition for High Achievers
Kyle Jarrett was elected as the school captain for
2012 by his peers. He fulfilled the role with
distinction, carrying out his duties and
committing himself fully to his roles as a student
leader, scholar and sportsperson.
Mrs Bronwyn Hedger was presented with an
award for Excellent Contribution to Education by
a Parent or Community Member at the Illawarra
South East Region’s Awards ceremony conducted
at Jerrabomberra Public School in Education
Week this year.
Kyle’s dedication to his education and pride in his
school showed in his work ethic and
representation at school, district, regional and
state level in both academic and sporting fields.
Kyle represented the school in academic
competitions and challenges including the
International Competitions and Assessment for
Schools in Mathematics and Spelling, the
Premier’s Reading, Spelling and Debating
Challenges and the Multicultural Perspectives
Public Speaking Competition. Following the
regional debating camp Kyle was selected to join
a train on squad for the state debating team.
Bronwyn has been a long term member of the
school’s Parents and Citizens Association and its
President since 2006. She has been extremely
supportive of all the students, families and staff
of the school and an outstanding advocate for
public education for many years.
She was a very worthy recipient of this award.
Kyle’s leadership and presentation skills grew
throughout the year and he was the first student
to ever be invited by the RSL Sub Branch to lead
part of the local community Anzac Day service.
Kyle carried out this duty with distinction.
Kyle has achieved school, district, zone and
regional representation in athletics, rugby league
and cricket. He captained the South Coast cricket
team at the state championships and was then
selected to participate in a talent development
camp. He was awarded a Helen Fuller/Mal Mow
Award for his outstanding contribution to
primary school sport by the South Coast School
Sports Association.
Mrs Kerry Ingram was recognised at the local Bay
and Basin Learning Community Awards for her
contributions to the life of SIPS over many years.
Kerry takes great pride in the appearance of our
school and supports teachers and students on a
daily basis. In 2012 she has been a valued VIP
tutor and netball coach.
At the SIPS Presentation Assembly in December
2012 Kyle was presented with the school’s
Citizenship, Public Speaking and Debating and
Sportsperson of the Year awards.
Kyle was a worthy recipient of each honour and
award he received as he was an outstanding
student at SIPS in 2012.
Numeracy – NAPLAN Year 3
In the National Assessment Program, the results
across the Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 literacy and
numeracy assessments are reported on a scale
from Band 1 to Band 10.
Percentage in bands:
Year 3 Numeracy
Percentage of students
The achievement scale represents increasing
levels of skills and understandings demonstrated
in these assessments.
Yr 3: from Band 1 (lowest) to Band 6 (highest for
Year 3)
Yr 5: from Band 3 (lowest) to Band 8 (highest for
Year 5)
Yr 7: from Band 4 (lowest) to Band 9 (highest for
Year 7)
Yr 9: from Band 5 (lowest) to Band 10 (highest for
Year 9
Percentage in Bands
School Average 2008-2012
SSG % in Bands 2012
State DEC % in Bands 2012
Reading – NAPLAN Year 3
Percentage in bands:
Year 3 Reading
A focus on achieving improved results in Band 5
and 6 was included in our plans for 2012 with
very pleasing results.
Percentage of students
Reading – NAPLAN Year 5
Percentage in bands:
Year 5 Reading
Percentage of students
Percentage in Bands
School Average 2008-2012
SSG % in Bands 2012
State DEC % in Bands 2012
The high percentage of students in Bands 5 and 6
is evidence that our focus on “moving the middle
towards the top” in the years 2012 – 2014 is
having the desired effect.
Percentage in Bands
School Average 2008-2012
SSG % in Bands 2012
State DEC % in Bands 2012
No students were below the minimum standard
in 2012 so the focus for 2013 – 14 will be on
maintaining this and supporting those students in
Band 2, through personalised learning and quality
teaching programs, to achieve their personal best
in their Year 5 NAPLAN.
We will continue to work towards increasing the
percentage of students in Bands 7 and 8 and
reducing the percentage of students performing
in Band 3 through differentiating programs to
meet student needs.
Numeracy – NAPLAN Year 5
Progress in numeracy
Percentage in bands:
Year 5 Numeracy
Average progress in Numeracy between
Year 3 and 5
Percentage of students
Percentage in Bands
School Average 2008-2012
SSG % in Bands 2012
State DEC % in Bands 2012
Minimum Standards
Percentage of Year 3 students achieving at or
above minimum standard (exempt students
Reducing the percentage of students in Band 3
and increasing the percentage in Band 8 will be
the focus for 2013 planning in Numeracy.
Grammar & Punctuation
Moving the middle (Bands 5 and 6) towards the
top will continue to be a school goal.
Progress in reading
Average progress in Reading between
Year 3 and 5
Percentage of Year 5 students achieving at or
above minimum standard (exempt students
State DEC
Our students have continued to make great gains
in numeracy between Year 3 and Year 5 and their
rate of progress is far greater than that of their
cohorts in either the SSG or across the state.
Grammar & Punctuation
State DEC
A school focus on grammar and punctuation
should lead to improved results for all students in
this aspect of literacy development.
SIPS students have consistently achieved much
better growth in reading than students in our
statistically similar group (SSG) or across the state
since 2009.
The My School website provides detailed
information and data for national literacy and
numeracy testing (NAPLAN).
Continuing to support students at their point of
need, through a range of personalized programs,
will ensure such growth continues.
Click on the link
and enter the school name in the Find a school
and select GO.
All staff participated in professional learning for
Aboriginal Education by completing the first two
modules on the No Gap: No Excuse program.
These were the Moral Imperatives and
Relationship Building and Aboriginal History
modules. We maintained strong links with our
local Bays and Basin Aboriginal Education
Consultative Group, through increased staff
membership and liaison.
Significant programs and initiatives
Positive Behaviours for Success (PBS)
PBS is a program of recognition and support for
all students based around our agreed school
values of fairness, inclusivity, safety and honesty.
Students are acknowledged and rewarded for
positive attitudes, behaviours and achievements.
Support programs for those who need extra
guidance, direction and self management
strategies are also provided.
Aboriginal education is delivered to all SIPS
students through literacy, numeracy, HSIE and
creative arts programs - Aboriginal perspectives
are included throughout the curriculum.
PBS programs include peer support sessions,
social skills training, Ship to Shore and On the
Beach check in and debrief sessions, parent
communications and consultations and other
agencies support programs.
As a special event the school Peer Support
leaders organised and ran Yulunga Traditional
Indigenous Games to celebrate NAIDOC Week
2012. Students participated in their peer support
groups, encouraging students from Kindergarten
to Year Five to socialise and interact inclusively
and for the Year Six students to demonstrate
leadership and organisational skills. Students
reflected on the comparisons between the
traditional Yulunga games and modern day sport
and paid respect to the traditional owners of the
land on which we played these games.
A playground program continued to operate with
success throughout 2012 by identifying students
and assisting them to develop more positive
social and communication skills.
Students who achieved the highest award in our
system, the Kingfish Award, were treated to a
very special activity to acknowledge and
celebrate their achievement. They were invited
to play indoor bowls with RSL Bowling Club
volunteers, followed by a fish and chips lunch.
This activity was supported by our generous RSL
Club. There were 62 Kingfish Award recipients in
Multicultural education
Multicultural education promotes a shared vision
of Australia based on cultural understanding and
community harmony.
In 2012 SIPS integrated multicultural education
into a number of special programs and activities
in addition to its inclusion in the COGS units of
In March we celebrated Harmony Day with its
ongoing message that Everyone Belongs.
Harmony Day is also about community
participation, inclusiveness and respect –
celebrating the different cultures that make
Australia a great place to live. This Olympic year
there was a special key message of Play, Engage,
Inspire and so we celebrated the important role
sport plays in bringing Australians from all walks
of life together to share in a common passion.
Sharing knowledge and skills
Aboriginal education
In July SIPS celebrated the opening of the London
2012 Olympic Games with Around the World Day.
SIPS students travelled around the world with
Year Six leaders as the captains, flying their peer
support groups to Italy, Canada, Mexico, Fiji,
China and India.
Building partnerships with our Aboriginal
community, increasing the cultural awareness of
staff and students and improving the learning
outcomes of our Aboriginal students were
priorities in 2012.
Around the World Day was a celebration of world
culture and was another fun way to connect our
students to the world around them.
Ms Patty Morgan spent time every Monday with
an enthusiastic bunch of young SIPS knitters. The
students knitted beanies and caps for use in the
oncology wards of NSW Children’s Hospitals.
These students have learned a great life skill and
also something about being good citizens.
Links with our community
RSL Sub Branch and Club
We have developed positive and respectful
relationships with the members of our local RSL
Sub Branch who attend special school occasions
and share their understandings and experiences
with our students in both formal and informal
Inlet Cinema
Peter and Jan Cotter of the Inlet Cinema
supported Creative Arts and PBS programs in
2012. They provided movie tickets as rewards,
supported fundraising efforts to establish an Out
Of School Hours Care program and presented
Creative Arts Awards at the Annual Presentation
Assembly in December.
Stamp Club
Each month members of the local philatelic club
visit the school to operate a stamp club for
student collectors. The students engage with
these senior members of our community to learn
about stamp collecting, design and history.
Dragon Boat Club and Lions Country Fair
Storm, Lara and Hannah sharing morning tea
Members of the RSL Bowling Club have
volunteered their time to enable our students to
learn not just the game of indoor bowls but also
about life in our community.
The school was able to support both of these
groups in 2012 by creating posters and
advertisements for their community charity
fundraising activities.
The board of the RSL Club has supported the
school both financially and culturally with
invitations to concerts and other appropriate
events being organised.
Surf Life Saving
Men’s Shed
David Jones from the Men’s Shed spent Monday
afternoons showing Stage Three students
woodworking skills. He demonstrated patience
and dedication in teaching the students new
skills, how to work safely and that through
collaborative work a shared goal can be achieved.
All students learnt some important rules about
the flags, rips, sea creatures and sun safety when
the Surf Life Savers visited our school in 2012.
Student Leadership
Student Representative Council (SRC)
Leadership opportunities have given all Stage 3
students exposure to training in leadership skills
and capabilities and opportunities to experience
meaningful leadership roles within the school.
In 2012 the SRC was made up of 25 students,
elected by their peers, who met weekly to discuss
issues and to plan fundraising and special events.
Their opinions were sought on a number of issues
which were taken to the staff, P&C and Learning
Community meetings. Members presented
reports and made announcements at assemblies
and in the school newsletter throughout the year.
In late 2011 Year 5 students were involved in
leadership training days prior to the election of
student leaders for 2012. The program increased
their self esteem and confidence, enabling them
to reflect on their personal strengths and
weaknesses and their potential leadership styles
prior to the elections. Students learnt about the
qualities of good leaders and about the
responsibilities they would have if elected as a
leader for their final year of primary school.
All SRC members were passionate about helping
others and so they organised many successful
fundraising events such as Bandaged Bear, Crazy
Hair, Jeans for Genes and Bandanna Day.
In 2012 the elected student leaders have
demonstrated leadership qualities through taking
on meaningful roles, responsibilities and duties.
Students supporting others through fundraising
As an end of year celebration the SRC organised a
Fish Fest. Lego, craft, teddy and art displays,
games, activities and delicious foods were part of
the fun and fundraising. The P&C supported the
students and teachers on the day and a
significant donation was made to CareSouth at
the conclusion of the event.
School Captains leading a special assembly
UOW Impact Student Leadership Conference
National Partnership Programs
In May there was a leadership course held at the
University of Wollongong which 10 students
attended. The students came from Sussex Inlet
Public School in the south to Wollongong schools
in the north from both private and public schools.
Different activities took place throughout the day
that all focused on becoming a leader and
developing as a leader.
The three pillars of the National Partnership
program at SIPS are Literacy, Numeracy and
Student Engagement. In 2012 the school
implemented a range of programs to meet the
individual needs of each of our students.
Peer Support
All teachers participated in professional learning
through ten FoR workshops, with in-class
activities, between module tasks and professional
reading being completed as well.
Focus on Reading (FoR)
All Year 6 students have been involved in a peer
support program. Students took part in a school
based training workshop before being allocated a
group of Kinder – Year 5 students to lead. The
peer support program operated weekly over one
school term with all students in the school
involved in additional peer support activities
throughout the year on special occasions.
All staff members participated in workshops on
‘An introduction to the quality literacy teaching’,
the literacy continuum and catering for students
with special needs. The school executive
completed modules on leading literacy and
leadership for change.
As a result of participating in the FoR program
teachers have made changes in the way that they
personalise their teaching to meet the needs of
the students. They have grouped students
differently, changed lesson delivery styles and
how they collect evidence on students’
achievements. Teachers are now tracking student
achievement along the literacy continuum,
developing walls that teach and explicitly
teaching the super six comprehension strategies.
Riley, Kyle, Cody and Lara ready to spell
Making Up Lost Time in Literacy (MULTILIT)
Volunteer Intergenerational Program (VIP)
MULTILIT is implemented in Stages 2 and 3 for
students who need additional one to one
support. Ten students have had up to two terms
in this program in 2012, with all making gains of
between 8 and 20 reading levels.
In 2012 we had ten community reading
volunteers supporting SIPS students in need of
daily oral reading practice. Thirty-five students,
each one working on an individual learning plan,
took part in the program to improve phrasing and
fluency in their oral reading. This extra reading,
along with literacy work being done in the
classrooms has resulted in the majority of these
students making satisfactory progress in reading.
Meeting Initial Needs in Literacy (MINILIT)
MINILIT is for Stage 1 students needing intensive
support. Groups of four students have four
sessions of instruction each week. In 2012 the
students involved progressed an average of 11
levels on the program.
Count Me In Too (CMIT)
Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 teachers have been
using the principles of the Count Me in Too
program when planning and implementing
numeracy lessons. Kindergarten teachers have
used the Best Start numeracy assessment and the
teachers of Stage 1 have been using the Schedule
for Early Number Assessment 1 (SENA) to grade
and group students. By using the interactive
planning disc, CMIT website, Developing Efficient
Numeracy Strategies (DENS) activity book and the
online professional sharing community we have
been able to provide an engaging and effective
range of strategies and activities to move our
students along the numeracy continuum.
Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC)
138 students successfully completed the PRC in
2012 with 25 achieving a Gold Level Award for
having completed the challenge for four years.
Taking Off With Numeracy (TOWN)
PRC Gold Award recipients
In 2012 we have used the concepts from our
Phase 1 experiences of TOWN to identify and
strengthen critical concepts in students’
understanding of place value and the use of
mental strategies to solve problems. The use of
Newman’s Error Analysis and other classroom
assessments has driven improvements in
programming and informed the grouping of
students in Stages 2 and 3 for mathematics
2012 Premier’s Spelling Bee
All Stage 2 and 3 students participated in the
Premier’s Spelling Bee for the first time this year.
Riley Jarrett and Cody Peck from Stage 2 and Lara
Horvat and Kyle Jarrett from Stage 3 successfully
represented SIPS at the regional finals in Dapto.
Positive feedback from teachers, parents and
students means that this academic challenge will
be on our school calendar in 2013.
The program recognised the DET definitions of
extension as providing opportunities at a greater
level of challenge to the student and enrichment
as providing breadth to the curriculum at the
same level of challenge to the student. It also
provided an opportunity for us to show that
substantial gains in learning can be made when
gifted students are grouped together for learning.
Student Engagement
Enrichment and Extension
In 2012 an enrichment and extension program
was trialled, involving 18 students from Years 1 –
5 and one teacher. The program operated for
four sessions a week.
Students were identified through consultation
with the school Learning Support Team,
classroom teachers, parents and the students
themselves. Consideration was given to factors
such as intellectual capacity, motivation, peer
relationships, personality and the need to
maintain interest and engagement in learning.
The program took into account individual
learning styles and the needs of 21st Century
learners and involved students in both
collaborative and independent work.
For the first time at Sussex Inlet Public School,
students were involved in the University of
Wollongong initiative IN2UNI. Students were
encouraged to be excited, engaged and
empowered by the opportunities available to
them for their higher education.
China-The Year of the Dragon, Water-a Precious
Resource and Ancient Egypt were the major cross
curricular topics studied.
The operation and success of this program was
largely due to the partnerships established in
initial sharing sessions with parents and carers.
As part of the program students spent time at
school learning about themselves, building
confidence, setting goals for their future and
developing career aspirations. Students and
parents then spent a day immersed in university
life increasing their knowledge about higher
The audience for the students’ work went beyond
the school with one student’s sculptural work
winning an award at the Sea Change Art
Exhibition and a poem written in response to the
Dragon Unit receiving a high commendation at
the Milton Bush Poetry Competition. Students’
poems were entered in the Dorothea Mackellar
Poetry Competition, and other work was
displayed in the school library.
Some student comments:
I really enjoyed doing Law and seeing what
happens in a real court room. The Jack and Jill
mock trial was a great ‘taster session’. We had to
decide if Jill should or shouldn’t be punished for
hurting Jack, and discover if either Jack fell over
or Jill pushed him.
The structure of the group meant that students
of varying ages had opportunities to interact with
others of like abilities and interests each week in
a small group setting in which they were both
inclusive and respectful of one another.
It was a great opportunity for Year Six to go to
Uni. The ‘golden stethoscopes’ did nursing; I was
the only Sussex Inlet student in the group. We got
to learn how to resuscitate a person and we
practised on a fake body, in a fake hospital.
I had a fantastic day learning how it would feel to
be a Uni. Student. We learnt how to project our
voice on stage performing Opera.
I had an excellent day at Uni. seeing all the
different clubs and societies, and using the
different materials in the Visual Arts faculty. Holly
Erin Davis with her poetry award
I had a magnificent day learning about what’s in a
computer at the Informatics Faculty and how a
computer gets built and that computers aren’t
smart – it’s the people that tell the computers
what to do that are!
Students learnt about sustainable energy
practices of harvesting the power of the wind
and the sun. Students in Years 3 and 4 made
their own solar powered oven and
pasteuriser while those in Years 1 and 2 made
wind turbines and anemometers.
Growing Green Garden Project
“As children observe, reflect, record and share
nature’s patterns and rhythms, they are
participating in a process that promotes scientific
and ecological awareness, problem solving and
creativity.” This quote was the focus of this
project in 2012. We:
continued the gardening program for
students in Years 1 - 4 and maintained the
vegetable and herb garden, worm farm,
compost system, frog pond and boat garden,
participated in Clean Up School’s Day and
Planet Ark’s National Tree Day, this year
planting out the fruit orchard. Our goal is to
supply future students with fresh fruit,
enjoyed growing, harvesting and preparing
vegetables for Taste Our Harvest lunches as
well as learning to propagate plants and to
collect seeds to begin our own seed library,
Progress on 2012 targets
Target 1
Increased levels of literacy achievement for all
Our achievements include:
successful implementation of Focus on
Reading 3 – 6, Language, Learning and
Literacy MULTILIT and MiniLit programs
leading to improved student achievement,
enhanced use of SMART and Best Start Data
to inform and improve the quality of teaching
and learning in literacy,
successful implementation of whole school
planning processes to address aspects of
underperformance for individuals and
the use of the Literacy Continuum K-6 in all
school, stage and class planning processes,
analysis of school wide strengths and
weaknesses in spelling leading to quality,
developed and delivered and
successful initial participation in the Premier’s
Spelling Bee.
Target 2
Increased levels of numeracy achievement for all
Preparing delicious coleslaw to share
held working bees to re-establish safe
pathways to the abandoned Nature Trail in
readiness for the compilation of an
information booklet containing a map and
information about the local flora and fauna,
developed a sensory garden with Year 2
students, planting edible herbs, visually
interesting foliage and a variety of plants with
different textures to stimulate the senses and
participated in Origin’s Energy Savers Week
by conducting a classroom audit and
developing an energy saving checklist.
Our achievements include:
processes have enhanced the quality of
differentiated numeracy teaching and
learning programs across the school.
DEC initiatives in numeracy including Best
Start, Count Me In Too Online professional
learning and the use of the interactive
planning disc, website and DENS activity book
have led to improved knowledge and skills in
numeracy teaching in the early years.
Stage Leaders worked successfully with their
teams to identify, develop and monitor
personalized programs to address needs.
SIPS seeks to deliver quality leadership in order to
effect school improvement. We have used the
NSW DET Analytical Framework for effective
leadership and the School Map survey of
Leadership in our review.
The Quality Teaching Model has been used to
improve the planning and implementation of
all Numeracy programs.
Target 3
Findings and conclusions
Enhanced school culture that respects and
responds to every student’s learning potential.
SIPS school leaders build relationships based on
trust, collegiality and mutual respect. They
understand and address equity issues.
Our achievements include:
Implementation of MINILIT and MULTILIT has
been successful in raising both academic
outcomes and confidence levels of students.
Debating and public speaking has had an
increased profile and resourcing and is having
a very positive impact on our school through
successes at community, district and regional
Opportunities are provided for staff, parents and
students to take leadership roles within the
school and leadership skills are developed.
The allocation of staffing is always based on
student need according to student achievement
data collected at regular intervals.
Support staff work in a wide variety of ways to
assist the teachers and teaching as well the
students and learning.
An extension and enrichment program has
enabled eighteen students from Year 1 to
Year 5 to meet for two half days each week.
Displays of student work and feedback
sessions for parents and teachers have been
successful components of the program.
School leaders encourage students to take
responsibility for, and be actively involved in their
own learning.
The purchase of resources and equipment is
always linked to the school plan and is monitored
and reviewed annually.
environmental education program has been
highly successful in engaging students,
improving attendance rates and attainment
for targeted students.
School leaders and all staff members evaluate
and use student performance information to set
improvement priorities.
School leaders regularly engage in professional
learning as both a leader and a learner.
Music programs (instrumental and singing)
have proven highly successful in engaging
more students with the arts as both an
academic and a life skill.
School leaders regularly lead school-based
professional learning activities and guide
discussions about the transferability of the
knowledge to classroom practice.
SIPS joined the IN2UNI initiative in 2012.
Students and parents spent a day at UOW
and now realise that attending university is
something they can realistically strive for.
School leaders regularly share their expertise
with other schools through network or regional
A comprehensive calendar of sporting
opportunities, successfully encouraging active
participation by all students at all levels, has
been implemented.
All staff members participate actively in
professional learning discussions leading to
positive changes in teaching practices across the
Leadership is distributed across the school and
across our network of schools in the Bay and
Basin Learning Community.
School evaluation
NSW public schools conduct evaluation to
support the effective implementation of the
school plan. In 2012 our school carried out an
evaluation of Leadership.
Leadership opportunities are frequently made
available in response to staff interest, expertise
and professional needs.
The school leaders have a positive influence
on the school culture. The students believe
that the school leaders are good role models
as they are always at work early to get ready;
are polite and helpful in the office, on the
phone, in classrooms and the playground;
understand that learning is different for
everyone and use different strategies and
tasks as a result; aim to keep everyone safe
and healthy by having rules; show how to
work together by team teaching and organise
a lot of extra educational experiences like
sport, visits and big excursions, debating, art
competitions and music performances.
The school’s curriculum caters for the
learning needs of all students. The students
believe that the school caters for them all by
providing quality resources in classrooms and
the playground; having special reading,
maths and GAT programs; running lots of
carnivals and other sports activities; having
fun music programs – singing, choir, dancing,
piano lessons and other instruments and a
great garden and nature trail .
The school recognises and celebrates
achievements. The students believe they are
recognised and rewarded for their efforts and
achievements with FISH tickets, Merit
Awards, sporting ribbons and medals, reward
activities and treats and special awards (ICAS,
PRC, birthdays, the end of year Presentation
Assembly). They like to get awards at
assemblies and to see their names in the
Newsletter and the community Inletter for
special achievements.
The school is continually finding ways to
improve what it does. The students believe
that recent improvements including the new
buildings, playground, gardens, laptops and
other technologies, sports equipment,
signage, student leadership and music
programs have all made the school a better
place to be.
Staff members readily accept new roles and
responsibilities to enhance their knowledge, skills
and understandings.
A staff team with some community
representation undertakes the school selfevaluation and planning processes.
Future directions
All staff will be made aware of and able to
articulate the school’s goals and expectations as
outlined in the school plan.
All staff will be able to understand and appreciate
the need to align teaching programs with the
school’s goals and targets.
An increased number of parents and carers will
be encouraged and supported to become more
actively involved in a range of school programs
and practices.
In 2012 the school sought the opinions of
parents, students and teachers about the school.
Their responses are presented below.
All respondents are proud of their school.
Students mentioned the school environment,
uniform, choir, sports participation and
representation as making them especially proud.
All parent respondents believe that the staff
understands and responds to the context of the
community in which they work. Students believe
that the teachers are experts in their subjects,
friendly, supportive, understanding, keeping
them safe and that they make learning fun.
Greater than 95% of the respondents believe
Meeting the needs of students is the school’s
main priority. The students believe that
teachers meet their needs by encouraging
them to work independently and with others;
giving them extra time and support when
they need it; teaching them values; using
games and technology to make work fun;
teaching many different subjects like science,
gardening and art.
A small number of parent and staff respondents
were unsure if the school community recognises,
values and supports the contribution of all new
members to the culture of the school.
Based on this feedback we will seek to further
improve what we do by:
Welcoming and encouraging all parents to
participate in the important decision making
bodies of the school.
Ensuring that we make all parents aware that
we value their help and interest.
solving to prevent, de-escalate, and safely
respond to disruptive or assaultive verbal and
physical student behaviours.
No Gap No Excuse Module One - Moral
Imperatives and Relationship Building:
Developing understandings about the nature
of the learner and the area in which they live.
Module Two - Aboriginal History: broadened
understandings of the historical relationships
between indigenous and non-indigenous
Keeping Them Safe: Child Protection, CPR,
emergency care and senior first aid updates.
Austswim teacher of swimming and water
safety – support for the annual school swim
scheme and further school programs.
Professional learning
In 2012 the main focus of professional learning
was our targets in literacy, numeracy and student
engagement leading to personalised learning for
all students.
Teaching and support staff took part in, and
shared with colleagues, a wide range of programs
including but not limited to:
Focus on Reading - school based facilitator
delivery of FoR for classroom teachers and
school leaders focused explicitly on
comprehension skills and strategies.
Language, Learning and Literacy (L3) Teacher
Training - transforming classroom practice for
beginning literacy education. Development of
personalised learning plans for students and
adjusting teaching strategies to suit needs.
All staff members will continue to be part of
strategic professional learning programs, with
clear goals and school based support to ensure
commitment to life-long learning.
Best Start Assessment training - using entry
to school data to inform teaching and
learning and to track and monitor student
progress in the early years.
School Learning and Support Program:
Understanding Dyslexia and Significant
Difficulties in Reading module.
ISER Reviewing Spelling - school based
facilitator supporting the review of existing
spelling practices and the implementation of
enhanced spelling programs in 2012.
All teachers and school learning support officers
engaged in professional learning which has had a
positive impact on their work in 2012.
School planning 2012—2014
The school planning policy provides direction for
the preparation and implementation of school
plans including the identification of priority areas,
intended outcomes and targets that are
consistent with the NSW State Plan and the
Department’s planning documents.
School priority 1
Outcome for 2012–2014
Increased levels of literacy achievement for all
Differentiating and Personalising the
Curriculum: engaging children in learning
through their preferred learning styles, by
developing thinking tools and by planning
cooperative learning activities.
Debating Training: adjudicating principles
and coaching for improved outcomes.
Switch On To Interactive Whiteboards: an
introduction for inexperienced teachers in
using the technology to support student
Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training - a
framework for decision making and problem
2013 Targets to achieve this outcome include:
Increased percentages of students in
proficient bands in reading and decreased
percentages of students at or below
minimum standards in NAPLAN.
Increased percentages of Yr 3 students in
proficient bands in reading from 55% to 65%
and Yr 5 students from 21% to 35%.
Decreased percentages of Yr 5 students at or
below NMS in reading from 36% to less than
18% and Yr 3 students from 23% to 12%.
Strategies to achieve these targets include:
Continue and extend current successful
strategies in Language, Learning and Literacy
(L3), Making Up Lost Time in Literacy
MULTILIT / Meeting Initial Needs in Literacy
(MiniLit) and Focus on Reading.
Enhanced use of the Literacy continuum K-6
to track achievement and differentiate
curriculum to meet student needs.
School priority 2
Outcome for 2012–2014
Reduced percentage of Yr 3 students
performing at or below NMS in numeracy
from 19% to 13% (2 students).
To maintain our focus on the importance of
regular attendance as a basis for
achievement of personal best results.
Increased integration of ICT into all teaching
and learning programs to enhance student
engagement and attainment.
Effective use of School Learning Support
implementation of individualised and
personalised learning plans.
In preparing this report, the self-evaluation
committee has gathered information from
evaluations conducted during the year and
analysed other information about the school's
practices and student learning outcomes. The
self-evaluation committee and school planning
committee have determined targets for the
school's future development.
2013 Targets to achieve this outcome include:
About this report
Increased levels of numeracy achievement for all
Increased percentage of Yr 5 students in the
proficient bands in numeracy to within state
average (from 16% to 32%) by focussing on
moving the middle to the top.
Enhanced school culture that respects and
responds to every student’s learning
Strategies to achieve these targets include:
More rigorous monitoring and supervision
practices to ensure high quality teaching and
support for all students and teachers.
Karen Coyle, Julie Hayek, Lauren Peters Assistant Principals
Strategies to achieve these targets include:
Val Williams - School Administration Manager
Implement the Targeting Early Numeracy
(TEN) intervention program.
Bronwyn Hedger - P&C President
Further develop a differentiated curriculum
approach to the teaching of Mathematics
using the numeracy continuum and
Newman’s error analysis along with Best Start
and NAPLAN data.
Student Leaders
Chris McLean - Principal (Retired)
David Horvat - Acting Principal
School contact information
Sussex Inlet Public School
Continued professional learning in and use of
the Best Start program, Count Me In Too
resources and strategies and the numeracy
continuum in all ES1 and S1 classrooms.
33 Thomson St, Sussex Inlet
Ph: 4441 2053
Fax: 4441 1729
Email: [email protected]
School priority 3
Outcome for 2012–2014
School Code: 3659
Engagement practices promoting student wellbeing and achievement.
Parents can find out more information about Annual
School Reports, how to interpret information in the
reports and have the opportunity to provide feedback
about these reports at:
2013 Targets to achieve this outcome include:
Strengthened relationships between schools
and our community to support all students.