TM Tamlite Lighting, USA W e p r id e ou r s e lv e s o n q u a l i t y , s e r v i c e a n d o ur a bilit y t o unde r st a nd ou r cu s t om er s ’ n e e d s i n a v e r y d e m a n d i n g m ar ke t pla c e . We ope r a t e many d iv is ion s of l u mi n a i r e m a n u f a c t u r i n g fa c ilit ie s t ha t ship a ll of the i r p ro d u c t s f ro m o n e w a r e h o u s e u n i t . This makes for a cost effectiv e op er a tion , a n d a t t h e s a m e t i m e a l s o prov ide s t he c ust ome r w ith m ax im u m flex ib i l i t y . So me y e a r s ago, Ta m l i t e L i g h t i n g a r r i v e d i n P or t St . Luc ie , Flor ida , USA, an d b u ilt a 50 ,0 0 0 s q u a r e f o o t f a c t o r y wit h a spe c ia l pur pose in mind . Th is m ov e p ro v i d e d t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o inv e st in a ne w st a t e of the a r t p ro d u c t i o n f a c i l i t y . T h i s i n s u r e s t hat our manufacturing p ro ces s w ill alw a y s a l l o w Ta m l i t e L i g h t i n g t o m a int a in a fle xible w or king en viron m e n t w ith a c o m p e t i t i v e e d g e t o c o m p e t e in t he US ma r ke t . W ith m or e t h a n 10 y e a r s o f ma n u f a c t u r i n g e xp er ie nc e in t he USA, w e h ave grow n to b e c om e a c e n t e r o f e xc e l l e n c e i n t he light ing c ommunit y . O u r fa c ility in c lu d e s t h e l a t e s t t e c h n o l o g y i n f a br ic a t ion, ma c hine r y , p ow d er c oa t p a in tin g s y st e ms, mo l d i n g , a sse mbly e quipme nt , a nd compute r aid ed d es i g n . A l s o , d e v e l o p me n t o f our sy st e ms suc h a s ord er e n tr y, m a n u fa c t u r i n g , st o c k c o n t ro l a nd de dic a t e d dispa t c h compute r s con t in u e t o e v o l v e . Q u ality c on trol s yst e ms a n d p ro c e sse s o p e r at e w it hin t he Ta mlit e L igh ting or ga n iz a tio n , h o we v e r t h e mo st i m p o r t a nt a r e a of inv e st me nt is in t h e p e op le th a t wo r k f o r Ta m l i t e . T h e y e nsur e t ha t w e a r e prepar e d f o r t h e f u t u r e , t h u s p ro v i d i n g e ff e c t i ve and efficient control over a ll p roc e s s e s r e su l t i n g i n a h e i g h t e n e d l e v e l of c ust ome r se r v ic e an d cus tom er s at is f a c t i o n . Wi t h a n i n c r e a s e d produc t de ma nd w it hin the lig h tin g m a r k et , o u r c o n t i n u e d c o mmi t m e nt t o qua lit y , r e lia bilit y , an d o u r r e p u ta tion h a s e n s u r e d t h a t o u r p ro d uc t s me e t w it h t he e v e r ch an gin g in d u s tr y s t a n d a r d s a n d r e q u i r e m e n t s . We c ont inue t o pur sue individ u a l p ro d u c t a p p ro v a l i n l i n e w i t h t h e r e quirements of national stand ar d s . W e cont i n u e t o i n v e st i n n e w e q uipme nt t o e nsur e w e have t h e p ro d u c t s a n d t e c h n o l o g y t o m e e t f u t ure requirements in this h igh ly com p e titiv e m a r k e t wh i c h i s a l wa y s d e m a nding mor e e ffe c t iv e ligh t sou r ces an d fixt u r e s. Th e o v e r all s u cces s o f t h e c o mp a n y h a s b e e n a c hie v e d in a numbe r of w ay s to d at e . Th e se i n c l u d e i t s d e d i c a t i o n t o produc t r e lia bilit y a nd contin u i t y , c o m p e t i t i v e p r i c i n g , c o m m i t m e n t t o quality, investment in techn ology an d e n su r i n g t h a t t h e p ro d u c t s a r e a v a ila ble a nd in st oc k w h en r eq u ir e d . Tr aini n g o f a l l o f o u r s t a ff h a s pla y e d a v e r y big pa r t in ou r grow th an d fu tu r e e xp a n si o n o f o u r c o m p a ny . Th e m os t im p or t a n t o b j e c t i v e h a s b e e n s e c u r i ng long t e r m c ust ome r satisfact ion . W e w ill c o n t i n u e t o wo r k o n t h i s a c hie v e me nt a nd e nde a v or to main t a in t h e s ta n d a r d s t h a t we h a v e s e t . Our suc c e ss is a c hie v e d b y com m u n ic a tion a n d l i st e n i n g t o t h e n e e d s of our c ust ome r s t oda y an d fo r th e fu t u r e. O u r c u st o m e r s a r e # 1 a n d a lw a y s w ill be ! TM 6 6 0 NW Pe a c oc k B lv d. P o r t St . Luc ie , FL 34986 T : 7 72.878.4944 F : 7 72.878.5558 www.t a mlit e usa .c om Co n te n ts S trip S e rie s St a nda r d St r ips ..................... . . . . . . . . . 5 Na r row St r ips........................ . . . . . . . . . 9 I ndust r ia l St a nda r d St r ips ....... . . . . . . . 13 St a gge r e d St r ips................... . . . . . . . . 15 Side Mount ........................... . . . . . . . 19 Summit ................................ . . . . . . . 25 Wrap arou n d St a nda r d Wr a ps.................... . . . . . . . . 31 Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 Wa ll B r a c ke t ......................... . . . . . . . 35 A rc h ite c tu ral F lu orescent UR Se r ie s ............................. . . . . . . . 39 PG Se r ie s ............................. . . . . . . . 41 G e minix ............................... . . . . . . . . 43 En c lose d & G aske te d TE G .................................... . . . . . . . . 47 Ballast E me r ge nc y B a lla st ................. . . . . . . . 49 I nde x ................................... . . . . . . . 50 Sample Matrix* Series: CL - Cloud GEM - Geminix IND - Industrial PG - PG Series SLN - Narrow Strip SLW - Standard Strip SMS - Side Mount SSL - Staggered Strip SUM - Summit TEG - Enclosed & Gasketed UR - UR Series WBC - Wall Bracket (Clear Lens) WBM - Wall Bracket (Milk Lens) WL - Wraparound Lamp Qty: 1 - 1 Lamp 2 - 2 Lamp 3 - 3 Lamp 4 - 4 Lamp *Matrix for reference purpose only. For products not listed, consult factory. Voltage: A - 120Volts B - 277Volts D - Multi-volt Wattage: 6 - 6 WATT (T5) 8 - 8 WATT (T5) 14 - 14 WATT (T5) 17 - 17 WATT (T8) 21 - 21 WATT (T5) 25 - 25 WATT (T5) 28 - 28 WATT (T5) 32 - 32 WATT (T8) 35 - 35 WATT (T5) 54 - 54 WATT (T5) 59 - 59 WATT (T8) 110 - 110 WATT (T12) Length: 2 - 2' 3 - 3' 4 - 4' 8 - 8' Strips T amlite Fluorescent strips are used in a wide variety of applications. They are perfect as general lighting luminaires in closets, storage rooms, under canopies and garages. They can also be used in cove areas to provide an indirect light source. This section covers all configurations of strip lights in both T8 & T5 lamp styles. Standard Wide Strip (SLW) Operating Voltage Description Suitable for general purpose lighting In a wide variety of environments. Optional symmetrical and asymmetrical reflectors provide versatility for optimal performance. Features • Cold rolled steel body for exceptional strength and durability • Post fabrication white powder coated enamel finish for safe handling and further corrosion resistance • Most fixtures use polycarbonate lamp holders that have a twist lock mechanism for secure lamp retention. Fixtures that use 8' lamps utilize single pin spring loaded lamp holders for secure lamp retention • Provided end caps can be used to join strips for end to end installation • Fixture may be surface mounted or suspended (mounting hardware not included) • Standard fixture may be provided with a 120, 277 or multi volt ballast • Tamlite strip fixtures are U.L. listed for use in dry or damp location Operating Voltage Dimensions 4 3/8 ” 2” 3 1/2 ” 3 1/2 ” Mounting Data 4 / ” 3 8 2” 2” 2ft 1 1/8 ” 1 3/8 ” 8 7/16 ” 3 1/2 ” / ” 11 16 2” Ballast Specify voltage (A=120, B=277 or D=Multi-volt) Options For fusing or emergency packs, consult factory. All reflectors and wire guards must be ordered separately. See page 7 & 8. Operating Voltage 1 / ” 1 3/8 ” 1 8 1 1/4 ” 3 13/16 ” 3ft 12 7/8 ” / ” 11 16 1 1/4 ” 1 1/4 ” 2 1/8 ” 3 1/4 ” 10 1/4 ” 1 3/16 ” 5 5/8 ” 4ft 11 1/2 ” 5 1/16 ” For T5 option see page 25 Pg 5 Tel: 772·878·4944 www.tamliteusa.com Standard Wide Strip (SLW) A SLW2432D 180 165 150 135 120 105 B 90 75 D C 60 See Dimensions Below 45 0 15 30 0 Deg. Plane 90 Deg. Plane *Full Photometrics available upon request. Ordering Information Part # Lamp Qty. Dimensions (in) Lamp type Amps THD. 0.18 13% Voltage Weight A B C D 120 4.35 lb 24” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” .96 277 4.35 lb 24” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” .99/.98 120/277 4.35 lb 24” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” .99 120 4.72 lb 36” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” 13% .99 277 4.72 lb 36” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” 0.23/0.11 7/9% .99/.97 120/277 4.72 lb 36” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” T8 0.31 10% .99 120 5.89 lb 48” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” 1 x 32w T8 0.14 13% .99 277 5.89 lb 48” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” SLW1432D 1 x 32w T8 0.30/0.13 5/8% .99/.98 120/277 5.89 lb 48” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” SLW18110D 1 x 110w T12 0.88/0.38 10/20% .95/.94 120/277 8.74 lb 96” 4 3/8” 2” 4 1/4” SLW2217A 2 x 17w T8 0.27 10% .99 120V 4.37 lb 24” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” SLW2217B 2 x 17w T8 0.12 10% .99 277 4.37 lb 24” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” SLW2217D 2 x 17w T8 0.26/0.12 6/9% .99/.98 120/277 4.37 lb 24” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” SLW2325A 2 x 25w T8 0.38 10% .99 120 4.74 lb 36” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” SLW2325B 2 x 25w T8 0.17 10% .99 277 4.74 lb 36” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” SLW2325D 2 x 25w T8 0.37/0.17 5/7% .99/.98 120/277 4.74 lb 36” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” SLW2432A 2 x 32w T8 0.49 10% .99 120 5.91 lb 48” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” SLW2432B 2 x 32w T8 0.22 10% .99 277 5.91 lb 48” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” SLW2432D 2 x 32w T8 0.48/0.20 4/9% .99/.98 120/277 5.91 lb 48” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” SLW28110D 2 x 110w T12 1.65/0.71 10/20% .99/.98 120/277 8.74 lb 96” 4 3/8” 2” 4 1/4” SLW2832A 2 x 32w T8 0.49 10% .99 120 10.54 lb 96” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” SLW2832B 2 x 32w T8 0.17 10% .99 277 10.54 lb 96” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” SLW2832D 2 x 32w T8 0.48/0.20 4/9% .99/.98 120/277 10.54 lb 96” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” SLW2859A 2 x 59w T8 0.96 10% .99 120 10.54 lb 96” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” SLW2859B 2 x 59w T8 0.41 10% .99 277 10.54 lb 96” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” SLW2859D 2 x 59w T8 1.01/0.40 10/10% .99/.98 120/277 10.54 lb 96” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” SLW4832A 4 x 32w T8 0.97 10% .99 120 10.85 lb 96” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” SLW4832B 4 x 32w T8 0.41 10% .99 277 10.85 lb 96” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” SLW4832D 4 x 32w T8 1.35/0.57 10/10% .99/.98 120/277 10.85 lb 96” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/2” SLW1217A 1 x 17w T8 SLW1217B 1 x 17w T8 0.08 16% SLW1217D 1 x 17w T8 0.17/0.08 8/14% SLW1325A 1 x 25w T8 0.25 10% SLW1325B 1 x 25w T8 0.12 SLW1325D 1 x 25w T8 SLW1432A 1 x 32w SLW1432B P.F. .99 For the complete offering of products, consult factory. www.tamliteusa.com Fax: 772·878·5558 Pg 6 Standard Wide Strip Accessories Industrial Reflector Ordering Information Part # Dimensions (in) Weight A B ACSLWI4 4.02 lb 12” 3 7/8” Length 48” ACSLWI8 8.04 lb 12” 3 7/8” 48” x 2 Dimensions Features • Quarter-turn fastener or screw attachment • Highly reflective painted finish B A Slotted Industrial Reflector Ordering Information Part # Weight Dimensions (in) A B Length ACSLWY4 3.54 lb 12” 3 1/2” 48” ACSLWY8 7.08 lb 12” 3 1/2” 48" x 2 Dimensions Features • Slotted reflector for 10% up-lite feature • Quarter-turn fastener or screw attachment • Highly reflective painted finish Symmetric Reflector B A Asymmetric Reflector Symmetric Asymmetric Ordering Information Part # Dimensions (in) Weight A B ACSLWX2 2.19 lb 7” 5” 24” ACSLWX3 2.97 lb 7” 5” 36” ACSLWX4 4.12 lb 7” 5” 48” ACSLWX8 ACSLWZ2 8.24 lb 1.97 lb 7” 5” 5” 48" x 2 24” ACSLWZ3 2.75 lb 5” 36” ACSLWZ4 3.90 lb 5” 48” ACSLWZ8 7.80 lb 5” 48" x 2 / 5 11/16” 5 11/16” 5 11/16” 5 11 16” Length Dimensions Features • Can be used on SLW T5/T8, 1 or 2 lamp strips • Highly reflective painted finish • Provides a directional light source B A B A For T5 option see pg 27 Pg 7 Tel: 772·878·4944 www.tamliteusa.com Standard Wide Strip Accessories High Lite Reflector Ordering Information Part # Dimensions (in) A B Length ACSLWV4 Weight 1.07 lb 9 1/2” 3 3/4” 48” ACSLWV8 2.14 lb 9 1/2” 3 3/4” 48” x 2 Dimensions Features • Reflectors are highly specular, providing a more efficient light output • Can be used on standard T5/T8, wide body strips B A Wireguard Ordering Information Part # Dimensions (in) Weight A B Length ACSLW4WG 0.95 lb 5 1/2” 6 1/4” 48” ACSLW8WG 1.90 lb 5 1/2” 6 1/4” 48” x 2 Dimensions Features • Tempered steel wire • Attaches using specially designed clips or clamps • Wire spacing is 2 1/2 ” x 2 1/8 ” B A Reflector Wireguard Ordering Information Part # Dimensions (in) Weight A B Length ACSLWX4WG 0.96 lb 12” 4 3/4” 48” ACSLWX8WG 1.92 lb 12” 4 3/4” 48” x 2 Dimensions Features • Tempered steel wire • Attaches using specially designed clips or clamps • Wire spacing is 2 1/2 ” x 2 1/8 ” • Can be used with an industrial or slotted industrial reflector www.tamliteusa.com Fax: 772·878·5558 B A Pg 8 Standard Narrow Strip (SLN) Operating Voltage Description Suitable for general purpose lighting in a wide variety of environments. Optional symmetrical and asymmetrical reflectors provide versatility for optimal level performance. Operating Voltage Operating Voltage Dimensions 2 7/8 ” 1 3/4 ” 3 1/2 ” Features • Cold rolled steel body for exceptional strength and durability • Post fabrication white powder coat enamel finish for safe handling and further corriosion resistance • Polycarbonate tombstones for durability with a twist lock mechanism for secure lamp retention • Provided end caps can be used to join strips for end to end installation • Fixture may be surface mounted or suspended (mounting hardware not included) • Standard fixture may be provided with a 120, 277 or multi volt ballast • Tamlite Strip fixtures are U.L. listed for use in damp or dry locations Mounting Data 1 1/16 ” 2 3/4 ” 2ft 12 3/4 ” 1 7/8 ” 3ft 17 1/2 ” 2 3/4 ” Ballast Specify voltage (A=120, B=277 or D=Multi-volt) Options For fusing or emergency packs, consult factory. All reflectors must be ordered separately. See page 11. 1 1/16 ” 4ft 23 3/4 ” 3 5/8 ” 2 3/4 ” Pg 9 1 1/16 ” Tel: 772·878·4944 www.tamliteusa.com Standard Narrow Strip (SLN) SLN1432D A 180 165 150 135 120 B 105 90 100 75 DC 200 60 See Dimensions Below 300 400 45 0 15 30 0 Deg. Plane 90 Deg. Plane *Full Photometrics available upon request. Ordering Information Part # Lamp Qty. Dimensions (in) Lamp type Amps THD. P.F. Voltage Weight A B C D 0.18 13% .99 120 3.39 lb 24” 2 7/8” 1 3/4” 3 1/2” .96 277 3.39 lb 24” 2 7/8” 1 3/4” 3 1/2” .99/.98 120/277 3.39 lb 24” 2 7/8” 1 3/4” 3 1/2” .99 120 3.94 lb 36” 2 7/8” 1 3/4” 3 1/2” 13% .97 277 3.94 lb 36” 2 7/8” 1 3/4” 3 1/2” 0.23/0.11 7/9% .99/.97 120/277 3.94 lb 36” 2 7/8” 1 3/4” 3 1/2” T8 0.31 10% .99 120 5.23 lb 48” 2 7/8” 1 3/4” 3 1/2” 1 x 32w T8 0.14 13% .99 277 5.23 lb 48” 2 7/8” 1 3/4” 3 1/2” 1 x 32w T8 0.30/0.13 5/8% .99/.98 120/277 5.23 lb 48” 2 7/8” 1 3/4” 3 1/2” SLN1217A 1 x 17w T8 SLN1217B 1 x 17w T8 0.08 16% SLN1217D 1 x 17w T8 0.17/0.08 8/14% SLN1325A 1 x 25w T8 0.25 10% SLN1325B 1 x 25w T8 0.12 SLN1325D 1 x 25w T8 SLN1432A 1 x 32w SLN1432B SLN1432D For the complete offering of products, consult factory. www.tamliteusa.com Fax: 772·878·5558 Pg 10 Standard Narrow Strip Accessories Symmetric Reflector Ordering Information Part # Dimensions (in) Weight A B ACSLNX2 1.71 lb 6 5/8” 3 7/8” Length 24” ACSLNX3 1.99 lb 6 5/8” 3 7/8” 36” ACSLNX4 3.01 lb 6 5/8” 3 7/8” 48” Dimensions B Features • Can be used on SLN T5/T8, 1 lamp strips • Quarter-turn fastener or screw attachment • Highly reflective painted finish • Available in 2’,3’,and 4’ lengths A Asymmetric Reflector Ordering Information Part # Dimensions (in) Weight A B Length ACSLNZ2 1.25 lb 4 5/8” 3 7/8” 24” ACSLNZ3 1.86 lb 4 5/8” 3 7/8” 36” ACSLNZ4 2.59 lb 4 5/8” 3 7/8” 48” Dimensions Features • Can be used on SLN T5/T8, 1 lamp strips • Highly reflective painted finish • Provides a directional light source • Available in 2’,3’,and 4’ lengths B A Wall Wash Ordering Information Part # Dimensions (in) Weight A B Length ACSLNJ2 1.25 lb 3 1/2” 6 1/2” 24” ACSLNJ3 1.86 lb 3 1/2” 6 1/2” 36” ACSLNJ4 2.59 lb 3 1/2” 6 1/2” 48” Dimensions Features • Can be used on SLN T5/T8, 1 lamp strips • Highly reflective painted finish • Provides a directional wall wash light source. • Available in 2’,3’,and 4’ lengths B A Pg 11 Tel: 772·878·4944 www.tamliteusa.com www.tamliteusa.com Fax: 772·878·5558 Industrial Standard Strip (IND) Operating Voltage Description Suitable for general purpose lighting in a wide variety of environments. Incorporated industrial reflector provides directional lighting. Features • Cold rolled steel body for exceptional strength and durability • Post fabrication white powder coated enamel finish for safe handling and further corrosion resistance • Most fixtures use polycarbonate lamp holders that have a twist lock mechanism for secure lamp retention. Fixtures that use 8' lamps utilize single pin spring loaded lamp holders for secure lamp retention • Provided end caps can be used to join strips for end to end installation • Fixture may be surface mounted or suspended (mounting hardware not included) • Standard fixture may be provided with a 120, 277 or multi volt ballast • Tamlite strip fixtures are U.L. listed for use in dry or damp location Operating Voltage Operating Voltage Dimensions 4 3/8 ” 2” 3 1/2 ” 12” 4 3/8 ” 2” 3 1/2 ” 12 ” Mounting Data 4ft 1 1/4 ” 2 1/8 ” 11 1/2 ” Ballast Specify voltage (A=120, B=277 or D=Multi-volt) Options For fusing or emergency packs, consult factory. All wire guards must be ordered separately. see pg 8 Pg 13 3 1/4 ” 1 3/16 ” Tel: 772·878·4944 5 5/8 ” 5 1/16 ” www.tamliteusa.com Industrial Standard Strip (IND) INDI2432D A 180 165 150 135 120 105 B 90 300 75 600 DC 60 900 See Dimensions Below 1200 1500 45 0 15 30 0 Deg. Plane 90 Deg. Plane *Full Photometrics available upon request. Ordering Information Part # Lamp Qty. Dimensions (in) Lamp type Amps THD. P.F. Voltage Weight A B C D .31 10% .99 120 9.91 lb 48” 12” 2” 3 1/2” .99 277 9.91 lb 48” 12” 2” 3 1/2” .99/.98 120/277 9.91 lb 48” 12” 2” 3 1/2” .95/.94 120/277 18.59 lb 96” 12” 2” 4 1/4” 10% .99 120 9.93 lb 48” 12” 2” 3 1/2” 0.22 10% .99 277 9.93 lb 48” 12” 2” 3 1/2” T8 0.48/0.20 4/9% .99/.98 120/277 9.93 lb 48” 12” 2” 3 1/2” 2 x 110w T12 1.65/0.71 10/20% .99/.98 120/277 18.59 lb 96” 12” 2” 4 1/4” INDI2832A 2 x 32w T8 0.49 10% .99 120 18.59 lb 96” 12” 2” 3 1/2” INDI2832B 2 x 32w T8 0.17 10% .99 277 18.59 lb 96” 12” 2” 3 1/2” INDI2832D 2 x 32w T8 0.48/0.20 4/9% .99/.98 120/277 18.59 lb 96” 12” 2” 3 1/2” INDI2859A 2 x 59w T8 0.96 10% .99 120 18.59 lb 96” 12” 2” 3 1/2” INDI2859B 2 x 59w T8 0.41 10% .99 277 18.59 lb 96” 12” 2” 3 1/2” INDI2859D 2 x 59w T8 1.01/0.40 10/10% .99/.98 120/277 18.59 lb 96” 12” 2” 3 1/2” INDI4832A 4 x 32w T8 0.97 10% .99 120 18.90 lb 96” 12” 2” 3 1/2” INDI4832B 4 x 32w T8 0.41 10% .99 277 18.90 lb 96” 12” 2” 3 1/2” INDI4832D 4 x 32w T8 1.35/0.57 10/10% .99/.98 120/277 18.90 lb 96” 12” 2” 3 1/2” INDI1432A 1 x 32w T8 INDI1432B 1 x 32w T8 0.14 13% INDI1432D 1 x 32w T8 0.30/0.13 5/8% INDI18110D 1 x 110w T12 0.88/0.38 10/20% INDI2432A 2 x 32w T8 0.49 INDI2432B 2 x 32w T8 INDI2432D 2 x 32w INDI28110D For the complete offering of products, consult factory. www.tamliteusa.com Fax: 772·878·5558 Pg 14 1 Lamp Staggered Strip (SSL) Operating Voltage Description Constructed with a 3" stagger providing shadow free continuous lighting. An excellent choice for applications where fixtures are hidden from view. Features • Cold rolled steel body for exceptional strength and durability • Polycarbonate tombstones for durability with a twist lock mechanism for secure lamp retention • Post fabrication white powder coat enamel finish for safe handling and further corrosion resistance • Standard fixture may be provided with a 120, 277 or multi volt ballast Operating Voltage Operating Voltage Dimensions 2 1/16 ” 2 1/16 ” 1 7/8 ” 3 3/8 ” 4 1/8 ” Mounting Data Ballast Specify voltage (A=120, B=277 or D=Multi-volt) 5” 1 1/2 ” Options For fusing or emergency packs, please consult the factory. 1” 2” 2 1/2 ” 3ft 10 1/2 ” 1 1/2 ” 4” 2” 2 1/2 ” 4ft 18 1/2 ” 1 1/2 ” Pg 15 2ft 2” Tel: 772·878·4944 4” 2 1/2 ” www.tamliteusa.com 1 Lamp Staggered Strip (SSL) A B C D See Dimensions Below SSL1432D 120 135 150 165 180 165 150 135 120 105 105 90 90 100 75 75 200 60 60 300 400 45 45 500 30 180 Deg. Plane 15 0 270 Deg. Plane 15 30 0 Deg. Plane 90 Deg. Plane *Full Photometrics available upon request. Ordering Information Part # Lamp Qty. Dimensions (in) Lamp type Amps THD. P.F. Voltage Weight A B C D 0.18 13% .99 120 4.16 lb 24” 4 1/8” 3” 3 3/8” .96 277 4.16 lb 24” 4 1/8” 3” 3 3/8” .99/.98 120V/277 4.16 lb 24” 4 1/8” 3” 3 3/8” .99 120 5.55 lb 36” 4 1/8” 3” 3 3/8” 13% .97 277 5.55 lb 36” 4 1/8” 3” 3 3/8” 0.23/0.11 7/9% .99/.98 120V/277 5.55 lb 36” 4 1/8” 3” 3 3/8” T8 0.31 10% .99 120 6.95 lb 48” 4 1/8” 3” 3 3/8” 1 x 32w T8 0.14 13% .99 277 6.95 lb 48” 4 1/8” 3” 3 3/8” 1 x 32w T8 0.30/0.13 5/8% .99/.98 120V/277 6.95 lb 48” 4 1/8” 3” 3 3/8” SSL1217A 1 x 17w T8 SSL1217B 1 x 17w T8 0.08 16% SSL1217D 1 x 17w T8 0.17/0.08 8/14% SSL1325A 1 x 25w T8 0.25 10% SSL1325B 1 x 25w T8 0.12 SSL1325D 1 x 25w T8 SSL1432A 1 x 32w SSL1432B SSL1432D For the complete offering of products, consult factory. www.tamliteusa.com Fax: 772·878·5558 Pg 16 2 Lamp Staggered Strip (SSL) Operating Voltage Description Constructed with a 3" stagger providing shadow free coninuous lighting. An excellent choice for applications where fixtures are hidden from view. Features • Cold rolled steel body for exceptional strength and durability • Polycarbonate tombstones for durability with a twist lock mechanism for secure lamp retention • Post fabrication white powder coat enamel finish for safe handling and further corrosion resistance • Standard fixture may be provided with a 120, 277 or multi volt ballast Operating Voltage Operating Voltage Dimensions 2 1/8 ” 2 1/8 ” 1 7/8 ” 3 3/8 ” 3 1/2 ” 4 1/8 ” Mounting Data 2” 2ft 2” Ballast Specify voltage (A=120, B=277 or D=Multi-volt) 2 1/2 ” Options For fusing or emergency packs, please consult the factory. 3 1/2 ” 3ft 13 ” 2” 2 1/2 ” 1” 2” 3 1/2 ” 4ft 19 ” 2 1/2 ” Pg 17 1 3/8 ” Tel: 772·878·4944 1” 3 1/2 ” www.tamliteusa.com 2 Lamp Staggered Strip (SSL) A SSL2432D 180 165 150 135 120 105 B C 90 220 D 75 440 60 See Dimensions Below 660 880 45 1100 0 15 30 0 Deg. Plane 90 Deg. Plane *Full Photometrics available upon request. Ordering Information Part # Lamp Qty. Dimensions (in) Lamp type Amps THD. 0.27 10% Voltage Weight A B C D 120 4.01 lb 24” 4 1/8” 3” 3 3/8” .99 277 4.01 lb 24” 4 1/8” 3” 3 3/8” .99/.98 120/277 4.01 lb 24” 4 1/8” 3” 3 3/8” .99 120 5.18 lb 36” 4 1/8” 3” 3 3/8” 10% .99 277 5.18 lb 36” 4 1/8” 3” 3 3/8” 0.37/0.17 5/7% .99/.98 120/277 5.18 lb 36” 4 1/8” 3” 3 3/8” T8 0.49 10% .99 120 6.97 lb 48” 4 1/8” 3” 3 3/8” 2 x 32w T8 0.22 10% .99 277 6.97 lb 48” 4 1/8” 3” 3 3/8” 2 x 32w T8 0.48/0.20 4/9% .99/.98 120/277 6.97 lb 48” 4 1/8” 3” 3 3/8” SSL2217A 2 x 17w T8 SSL2217B 2 x 17w T8 0.12 12% SSL2217D 2 x 17w T8 0.26/0.12 6/9% SSL2325A 2 x 25w T8 0.38 10% SSL2325B 2 x 25w T8 0.17 SSL2325D 2 x 25w T8 SSL2432A 2 x 32w SSL2432B SSL2432D P.F. .99 For the complete offering of products, consult factory. www.tamliteusa.com Fax: 772·878·5558 Pg 18 1 Lamp Side Mount Strip (SMS) Operating Voltage Description Single lamp strip with lamp mounted on the side. Ideal for applications where fixture height is a concern such as indirect or display lighting. Features • Cold rolled steel body for exceptional strength and durability • Multiple knockouts for convenient installation • Available in T8 or T5 • Post fabrication white powder coat enamel finish for safe handling and further corrosion resistance • Polycarbonate tombstones for durability with a twist lock mechanism for secure lamp retention on all T8 fixtures • Standard fixture may be provided with a 120, 277 or multi volt ballast Operating Voltage Operating Voltage Dimensions 4 1/4 ” 1 3/4 ” 2 5/8 ” Mounting Data 1 1/2 ” 1 5/16 ” Ballast Specify voltage (A=120, B=277 or D=Multi-volt) 1 7/8 ” Options For fusing or emergency packs, please consult the factory. 15 1/4 ” 2ft 10 7/8 ” 8 7/16 ” 3ft / ” 7 8 2 3/4 ” 20 5/8 ” 4ft Tel: 772·878·4944 www.tamliteusa.com / ” 7 8 Pg 19 1 Lamp Side Mount Strip (SMS) A B C See Dimensions Below SMS1432D 150 135 165 180 165 150 135 320 120 120 240 160 105 105 80 90 90 75 75 60 60 45 30 180 Deg. Plane 15 0 15 270 Deg. Plane 30 45 0 Deg. Plane 90 Deg. Plane *Full Photometrics available upon request. Ordering Information Part # Lamp Qty. Dimensions (in) Lamp type Amps THD. 0.18 13% Voltage Weight A B C 120 3.25 lb 24” 4 1/4” 1 3/4” .96 277 3.25 lb 24” 4 1/4” 1 3/4” .99/.98 120/277 3.25 lb 24” 4 1/4” 1 3/4” .99 120 4.19 lb 36” 4 1/4” 1 3/4” 13% .97 277 4.19 lb 36” 4 1/4” 1 3/4” 0.23/0.11 7/9% .99/.98 120/277 4.19 lb 36” 4 1/4” 1 3/4” T8 0.31 10% .99 120 5.14 lb 48” 4 1/4” 1 3/4” 1 x 32w T8 0.14 13% .99 277 5.14 lb 48” 4 1/4” 1 3/4” 1 x 32w T8 0.30/0.13 5/8% .99/.98 120/277 5.14 lb 48” 4 1/4” 1 3/4” SMS1217A 1 x 17w T8 SMS1217B 1 x 17w T8 0.08 16% SMS1217D 1 x 17w T8 0.17/0.08 8/14% SMS1325A 1 x 25w T8 0.25 10% SMS1325B 1 x 25w T8 0.12 SMS1325D 1 x 25w T8 SMS1432A 1 x 32w SMS1432B SMS1432D P.F. .99 For the complete offering of products, consult factory. www.tamliteusa.com Fax: 772·878·5558 Pg 20 2 Lamp Side Mount Strip (SMS) Operating Voltage Description Two lamp strip with lamps mounted on the sides. Ideal for applications where fixture height is a concern such as indirect or display lighting. Features • Cold rolled steel body for exceptional strength and durability • Multiple knockouts for convenient installation • Available in T8 or T5 • Post fabrication white powder coat enamel finish for safe handling and further corrosion resistance • Polycarbonate tombstones for durability with a twist lock mechanism for secure lamp retention on all T8 fixtures • Standard fixture may be provided with a 120, 277 or multi volt ballast Operating Voltage Operating Voltage Dimensions 5 3/8 ” 1 3/4 ” 2 5/8 ” Mounting Data 2ft 1 1/2 ” 1 5/16 ” Ballast Specify voltage (A=120, B=277 or D=Multi-volt) 1 7/8 ” Options For fusing or emergency packs, please consult the factory. 15 1/4 ” 10 7/8 ” 8 7/16 ” 3ft / ” 7 8 2 3/4 ” 20 5/8 ” 4ft Tel: 772·878·4944 www.tamliteusa.com / ” 7 8 Pg 21 2 Lamp Side Mount Strip (SMS) A SMS2432D 180 165 150 135 B 120 105 C 90 See Dimensions Below 140 75 280 420 560 60 700 0 15 30 0 Deg. Plane 45 90 Deg. Plane *Full Photometrics available upon request. Ordering Information Part # Lamp Qty. Dimensions (in) Lamp type Amps THD. 0.27 10% Voltage Weight A B C 120 3.27 lb 24” 5 3/8” 1 3/4” .99 277 3.27 lb 24” 5 3/8” 1 3/4” .99/.98 120/277 3.27 lb 24” 5 3/8” 1 3/4” .99 120 4.21 lb 36” 5 3/8” 1 3/4” 10% .99 277 4.21 lb 36” 5 3/8” 1 3/4” 0.37/0.17 5/7% .99/.98 120/277 4.21 lb 36” 5 3/8” 1 3/4” T8 0.49 10% .99 120 5.16 lb 48” 5 3/8” 1 3/4” 2 x 32w T8 0.22 10% .99 277 5.16 lb 48” 5 3/8” 1 3/4” 2 x 32w T8 0.48/0.20 4/9% .99/.98 120/277 5.16 lb 48” 5 3/8” 1 3/4” SMS2217A 2 x 17w T8 SMS2217B 2 x 17w T8 0.12 12% SMS2217D 2 x 17w T8 0.26/0.12 6/9% SMS2325A 2 x 25w T8 0.38 10% SMS2325B 2 x 25w T8 0.17 SMS2325D 2 x 25w T8 SMS2432A 2 x 32w SMS2432B SMS2432D P.F. .99 For the complete offering of products, consult factory. www.tamliteusa.com Fax: 772·878·5558 Pg 22 3 Lamp Side Mount Strip (SMS) Operating Voltage Description Three lamp strip with lamps mounted on the top and sides. Ideal for applications where fixture height is a concern such as indirect or display lighting. Operating Voltage Operating Voltage Dimensions 5 3/8 ” 1 3/4 ” 3 1/4 ” Features • Cold rolled steel body for exceptional strength and durability • Multiple knockouts for convenient installation • Available in T8 or T5 • Post fabrication white powder coat enamel finish for safe handling and further corrosion resistance • Polycarbonate tombstones for durability with a twist lock mechanism for secure lamp retention on all T8 fixtures • Standard fixture may be provided with a 120, 277 or multi volt ballast 2 5/8 ” Mounting Data 1 1/2 ” 1 5/16 ” Ballast Specify voltage (A=120, B=277 or D=Multi-volt) 1 7/8 ” Options For fusing or emergency packs, please consult the factory. 15 1/4 ” 2ft 10 7/8 ” 8 7/16 ” 3ft / ” 7 8 2 3/4 ” 20 5/8 ” 4ft Tel: 772·878·4944 www.tamliteusa.com / ” 7 8 Pg 23 3 Lamp Side Mount Strip (SMS) A 180 165 150 135 120 105 B 90 Photometrics available upon request 320 D C 640 See Dimensions Below 75 60 960 1280 45 1600 0 15 30 0 Deg. Plane Ordering Information Part # Lamp Qty. 90 Deg. Plane Dimensions (in) Lamp type Amps THD. P.F. 0.41 10% .99 Weight A B C D 120 3.29 lb 24” 5 3/8” 1 3/4” 3 1/4” .99 277 3.29 lb 24” 5 3/8” 1 3/4” 3 1/4” .99/.97 120/277 3.29 lb 24” 5 3/8” 1 3/4” 3 1/4” .99 120 4.23 lb 36” 5 3/8” 1 3/4” 3 1/4” 10% .99 277 4.23 lb 36” 5 3/8” 1 3/4” 3 1/4” 0.75/0.33 10/10% .99/.98 120/277 4.23 lb 36” 5 3/8” 1 3/4” 3 1/4” T8 0.73 10% .99 120 5.18 lb 48” 5 3/8” 1 3/4” 3 1/4” 3 x 32w T8 0.31 10% .99 277 5.18 lb 48” 5 3/8” 1 3/4” 3 1/4” 3 x 32w T8 0.91/0.39 10/10% .99/.98 120/277 5.18 lb 48” 5 3/8” 1 3/4” 3 1/4” SMS3217A 3 x 17w T8 SMS3217B 3 x 17w T8 0.17 12% SMS3217D 3 x 17w T8 0.52/0.24 10/10% SMS3325A 3 x 25w T8 0.58 10% SMS3325B 3 x 25w T8 0.24 SMS3325D 3 x 25w T8 SMS3432A 3 x 32w SMS3432B SMS3432D Voltage For the complete offering of products, consult factory. www.tamliteusa.com Fax: 772·878·5558 Pg 24 Summit T5 Strip (SUM) Operating Voltage Description Suitable for general purpose lighting in a wide variety of environments. Optional industrial reflectors provide versatility for optimal level performance. Utilizes energy efficient T5 lamps for minimum power consumption with more light output. Features • Cold rolled steel body for exceptional strength and durability • Post fabrication white powder coated enamel finish for safe handling and further corrosion resistance • Polycarbonate tombstones for durability with a mechanism for secure lamp retention on all T5 fixtures • Provided end caps can be used to join strips for end to end installation • Fixture may be surface mounted or suspended (mounting hardware not included) • Standard fixture is provided with a multi volt ballast • Tamlite strip fixtures are U.L. listed for use in dry or damp location Dimensions 4 3/8 ” 2” 3 1/4 ” 3 1/2 ” 1 1/8 ” 1 3/8 ” 2ft 8 7/16 ” 3 1/4 ” / ” 11 16 2” 1 1/8 ” 1 3/8 ” 1 1/4 ” 3 13/16 ” 3ft 12 7/8 ” / ” 11 16 1 1/4 ” 10 1/4 ” 1 1/4 ” 2 1/8 ” 3 1/4 ” Pg 25 2” 2” Ballast Specify voltage (D=Multi-volt) Options For fusing or emergency packs, consult factory. All reflectors and wire guards must be ordered separately. See page 27. Mounting Data 4 3/8 ” 1 3/16 ” Tel: 772·878·4944 5 5/8 ” 4ft 11 1/2 ” 5 1/16 ” www.tamliteusa.com Summit T5 Strip (SUM) A SUMT5N1454D 180 165 150 135 120 B 320 DC 640 960 See Dimensions Below 1280 1600 0 15 30 90 Deg. Plane *Full Photometrics available upon request. Ordering Information Part # Lamp Qty. Dimensions (in) Amps THD. P.F. Voltage Weight A B C D SUMT5N1214D 1 x 14w Lamp type T5 0.15/0.07 10/15% .98/.90 120/277 3.39 lb 24” 2 7/8” 2” 3 1/4” SUMT5N1321D 1 x 21w T5 0.21/0.10 10/15% .98/.95 120/277 3.94 lb 36” 2 7/8” 2” 3 1/4” SUMT5N1428D 1 x 28w T5 0.28/0.12 10/10% .98/.95 120/277 5.23 lb 48” 2 7/8” 2” 3 1/4” SUMT5N1454D 1 x 54w T5 0.69/0.35 12/14% .99/.81 120/277 5.23 lb 48” 2 7/8” 2” 3 1/4” SUMT5W2214D 2 x 14w T5 0.28/0.13 10/10% .98/.95 120/277 4.37 lb 24” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/4” SUMT5W2321D 2 x 21w T5 0.41/0.18 10/10% .98/.95 120/277 4.74 lb 36” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/4” SUMT5W2428D 2 x 28w T5 0.55/0.23 8/10% .99/.98 120/277 5.91 lb 48” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/4” SUMT5W2454D 2 x 54w T5 1.02/0.49 8/12% .99/.98 120/277 5.91 lb 48” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/4” SUMT5W3454D 3 x 54w T5 1.58/0.69 7/6% .99/.97 120/277 5.95 lb 48” 4 3/8” 2” 3 1/4” For the complete offering of products, consult factory. www.tamliteusa.com Fax: 772·878·5558 Pg 26 Standard Wide Strip Accessories Industrial Reflector Ordering Information Part # Dimensions (in) Weight A ACSLWI4 4.02 lb 12” 3 7/8” B Length 48” ACSLWI8 8.04 lb 12” 3 7/8” 48” x 2 Dimensions Features • Quarter-turn fastener or screw attachment • Highly reflective painted finish B A Slotted Industrial Reflector Ordering Information Part # Dimensions (in) Weight A B Length ACSLWY4 3.54 lb 12” 3 1/2” 48” ACSLWY8 7.08 lb 12” 3 1/2” 48 x 2” Dimensions Features • Slotted reflector for 10% up-lite feature • Quarter-turn fastener or screw attachment • Highly reflective painted finish B A Wireguard Ordering Information Part # Dimensions (in) Weight A ACSLW4WG 0.95 lb 5 1/2” 6 1/4” B Length 48” ACSLW8WG 1.90 lb 5 1/2” 6 1/4” 48” x 2 Dimensions Features • Tempered steel wire • Attaches using specially designed clips or clamps • Wire spacing is 2 1/2 ” x 2 1/8 ” B A For T8 option see pg 7 Pg 27 Tel: 772·878·4944 www.tamliteusa.com www.tamliteusa.com Fax: 772·878·5558 Pg 28 Wraparound T amlite Fluorescent provides a wide variety of wraparound style fixtures that can be used in many different applications. They provide a great economical & energy efficient light source. This section covers both standard wraparounds & decorative style fixtures. Wraparound (WL) Operating Voltage Description A low profile luminaire available in several configurations and provides an attractive and efficient light source for both residential and commercial environments. Features • Cold-rolled steel body making for exceptional strength and durability • Powder coat finish provides safe handling and corrosion protection • Self extinguishing acrylic lens provides good light dispersion • Polycarbonate twist lock tombstones for secure lamp retention • Snap on ballast cover makes for easy maintenance • Standard fixture may be provided with a 120, 277 or multi volt ballast • U.L. listed for direct mounting on low density ceilings Operating Voltage Operating Voltage Dimensions 12 15/16 ” 2 5/8 ” 15 7/8 ” 3 3/8 ” Mounting Data 7 3/4 ” 2 5/8 ” Ballast Specify voltage (A=120, B=277 or D=Multi-volt) Options For fusing or emergency packs, please consult the factory. Pg 31 4 3/8 ” 1 5/16 ” 4 3/8 ” 1 7/8 ” Tel: 772·878·4944 2ft 12 1/4 ” 2 5/8 ” 24 1/8 ” 4ft 3 11/16 ” www.tamliteusa.com Wraparound (WL) A WL3432D 180 165 150 135 120 105 B 90 480 C 75 960 60 1440 See Dimensions Below 1920 45 2400 0 15 30 0 Deg. Plane 90 Deg. Plane *Full Photometrics available upon request. Ordering Information Part # Lamp Qty. Dimensions (in) Lamp type Amps THD. P.F. 10% .99 Voltage Weight A B C 120 5.36 lb 24” 7 3/4” 2 5/8” .99 277 5.36 lb 24” 7 3/4” 2 5/8” 99/.98 120/277 5.36 lb 24” 7 3/4” 2 5/8” .99 120 8.17 lb 48” 7 3/4” 2 5/8” 10% .99 277 8.17 lb 48” 7 3/4” 2 5/8” 0.48/0.20 4/9% .99/.98 120/277 8.17 lb 48” 7 3/4” 2 5/8” T8 0.73 10% .99 120 15.31 lb 48” 15 7/8” 3 3/8” 3 x 32w T8 0.31 10% .99 277 15.31 lb 48” 15 7/8” 3 3/8” WL3432D 3 x 32w T8 0.73/0.32 10/10% .99/.98 120/277 15.31 lb 48” 15 7/8” 3 3/8” WL4432A 4 x 32w T8 0.97 10% .99 120 11.76 lb 48” 2 5/8” WL4432B 4 x 32w T8 0.41 10% .99 277 11.76 lb 48” WL4432D 4 x 32w T8 1.35/0.57 10/10% .99/.98 120/277 11.76 lb 48” / 12 15/16” 12 15/16” WL2217A 2 x 17w T8 WL2217B 2 x 17w T8 0.12 12% WL2217D 2 x 17w T8 0.26/0.12 6/9% WL2432A 2 x 32w T8 0.49 10% WL2432B 2 x 32w T8 0.22 WL2432D 2 x 32w T8 WL3432A 3 x 32w WL3432B 0.27 12 15 16” 2 5/8” 2 5/8” For the complete offering of products, consult factory. www.tamliteusa.com Fax: 772·878·5558 Pg 32 CLOUD (CL) Operating Voltage Description A soft profile luminaire available in several configurations that provides an efficient light source for both residential and commercial environments. Features • Cold-rolled steel body making for exceptional strength and durability • Powder coat finish provides safe handling and corrosion protection • White cloud lens • Glare-free illumination • Available in T8 or T5 • Polycarbonate twist lock tombstones for secure lamp retention • Snap on ballast cover makes for easy maintenance • Standard fixture may be provided with a 120, 277 or multi volt ballast Operating Voltage Operating Voltage Dimensions 13 7/8 ” 4 1/4 ” 11 3/8 ” 4 1/4 ” Mounting Data 3 9/16 ” 9 9/16 ” 20 7/16 ” 4ft Ballast Specify voltage (A=120, B=277 or D=Multi-volt) Options For fusing or emergency packs, please consult the factory. 7 5/8 ” Pg 33 Tel: 772·878·4944 3 1/4 ” www.tamliteusa.com CLOUD (CL) A 180 165 150 135 120 105 90 B Photometrics available upon request 320 640 C 75 60 960 See Dimensions Below 1280 45 1600 0 15 30 0 Deg. Plane Ordering Information Part # Lamp Qty. 90 Deg. Plane Dimensions (in) Lamp type Amps THD. P.F. Voltage Weight A 0.49 10% .99 120 8.23 lb 48” 11 3/8” 4 1/4” .99 277 8.23 lb 48” 11 3/8” 4 1/4” .99/.98 120/277 8.23 lb 48” 11 3/8” 4 1/4” .99 120 12.04 lb 48” 13 7/8” 4 1/4” 10% .99 277 12.04 lb 48” 13 7/8” 4 1/4” 10/10% .99/.98 120/277 12.04 lb 48” 13 7/8” 4 1/4” CL2432A 2 x 32w T8 CL2432B 2 x 32w T8 0.22 10% CL2432D 2 x 32w T8 0.48/0.20 4/9% CL4432A 4 x 32w T8 0.97 10% CL4432B 4 x 32w T8 0.41 CL4432D 4 x 32w T8 1.35/0.57 B C For the complete offering of products, consult factory. www.tamliteusa.com Fax: 772·878·5558 Pg 34 Wall Bracket (WB) Milk Lens Prismatic Lens Operating Voltage Description A compact luminaire available in one or two lamp versions and with lens options. Versatile enough to fill many lighting needs in both commercial and residential applications. Operating Voltage Operating Voltage Dimensions 4 3/8 ” Features • Heavy duty channel of cold rolled die formed steel • Contemporary styling • Choice of clear prismatic or milk white acrylic lens • Offers 180 degree uniform light distribution • Slide-on end caps • Available in 2 & 4 ft lengths in both 1 or 2 lamp configurations • Standard fixture may be provided with a 120, 277 or multi volt ballast 4 3/8 ” 4 3/8 ” Mounting Data 4 11/16 ” 1 ” 1 1/16 ” 5/8 ” 4 3/8 ” 2ft Ballast Specify voltage (A=120, B=277 or D=Multi-volt) 2 9/16 ” Options For fusing or emergency packs, please consult the factory. 19 1/16 ” 1” / ”1 13/16 ” 2 1/16 ” 3 4 18 7/16 ” 4ft WBM= Milk White Lens WBC= Clear Prismatic Lens 3 1/2 ” Pg 35 / ” 1 5/8 ” 15 16 Tel: 772·878·4944 2 5/8 ” www.tamliteusa.com Wall Bracket (WB) A WBC2217D 180 165 150 135 120 105 B 90 60 75 C 120 60 180 See Dimensions Below 240 45 300 0 15 30 0 Deg. Plane 90 Deg. Plane *Full Photometrics available upon request. Ordering Information Part # Lamp Qty. Dimensions (in) Lamp type Amps THD. P.F. Voltage Weight A B C 0.18 13% .99 120 4.78 lb 4 3/8” 4 3/8” .96 277 4.78 lb 24 3/8” 4 3/8” 4 3/8” 120/277 4.78 lb 24 3/8” .99/.98 4 3/8” 4 3/8” .99 120 7.32 lb 24 3/8” 4 3/8” 4 3/8” 13% .99 277 7.32 lb 48 3/8” 4 3/8” 4 3/8” 0.30/0.13 5/8% .99/.98 120/277 7.32 lb 48 3/8” 4 3/8” 4 3/8” T8 0.27 10% .99 120 4.78 lb 48 3/8” 4 3/8” 4 3/8” 2 x 17w T8 0.12 12% .99 277 4.78 lb 24 3/8” 4 3/8” 4 3/8” WBC2217D 2 x 17w T8 0.26/0.12 6/9% .99/.98 120/277 4.78 lb 24 3/8” 4 3/8” 4 3/8” WBC2432A 2 x 32w T8 0.49 10% .99 120 7.32 lb 24 3/8” 4 3/8” 4 3/8” WBC2432B 2 x 32w T8 0.22 10% .99 277 7.32 lb 48 3/8” 4 3/8” 4 3/8” WBC2432D 2 x 32w T8 0.48/0.20 4/9% .99/.98 120/277 7.32 lb 48 3/8” 4 3/8” 4 3/8” WBM1217A 1 x 17w T8 0.18 13% .99 120 4.78 lb 48 3/8” 4 3/8” 4 3/8” WBM1217B 1 x 17w T8 0.08 16% .96 277 4.78 lb 24 3/8” 4 3/8” 4 3/8” WBM1217D 1 x 17w T8 0.17/0.08 8/14% .99/.98 120/277 4.78 lb 24 3/8” 4 3/8” 4 3/8” WBM1432A 1 x 32w T8 0.27 10% .99 120 8.83 lb 24 3/8” 4 3/8” 4 3/8” WBM1432B 1 x 32w T8 0.12 13% .99 277 8.83 lb 48 3/8” 4 3/8” 4 3/8” WBM1432D 1 x 32w T8 0.26/0.12 5/8% .99/.98 120/277 8.83 lb 48 3/8” 4 3/8” 4 3/8” WBM2217A 2 x 17w T8 0.27 10% .99 120 4.78 lb 48 3/8” 4 3/8” 4 3/8” WBM2217B 2 x 17w T8 0.14 12% .99 277 4.78 lb 24 3/8” 4 3/8” 4 3/8” WBM2217D 2 x 17w T8 0.30/0.13 6/9% .99/.98 120/277 4.78 lb 24 3/8” 4 3/8” 4 3/8” WBM2432A 2 x 32w T8 0.49 10% .99 120 7.32 lb 24 3/8” 4 3/8” 4 3/8” WBM2432B 2 x 32w T8 0.22 10% .99 277 7.32 lb 48 3/8” 4 3/8” 4 3/8” WBM2432D 2 x 32w T8 0.48/0.20 4/9% .99/.98 120/277 7.32 lb 48 3/8” 48 3/8” 4 3/8” 4 3/8” WBC1217A 1 x 17w T8 WBC1217B 1 x 17w T8 0.08 16% WBC1217D 1 x 17w T8 0.17/0.08 8/14% WBC1432A 1 x 32w T8 0.31 10% WBC1432B 1 x 32w T8 0.14 WBC1432D 1 x 32w T8 WBC2217A 2 x 17w WBC2217B WBM= Milk White Lens / WBC= Clear Prismatic Lens For the complete offering of products, consult factory. www.tamliteusa.com Fax: 772·878·5558 Pg 36 Architectural Fluorescent T amlite’s Architectural Fluorescents have been designed to give a stylish tailored look to many different applications. They distinguish themselves from standard fixtures with their modern design, versatile features, and energy-efficient light sources. UR Series (UR) Perf Lens Operating Voltage Description Suitable for areas where balanced direct/ indirect lighting is preferred. Creates a contemporary, bold look for a comfortable atmosphere. Features • Cold rolled steel body for exceptional strength and durability • Reflector gives a slight up-light appearance • Perforated center lens • Available in T8 or T5 • Fixture is suitable for individual, row, surface, or suspension mounting • Quarter turn latches secure channel cover for easy wireway access • Standard fixture may be provided with a 120, 277 or multi volt ballast • U.L. listed for direct mounting on low density ceilings Ballast Specify voltage (A=120, B=277 or D=Multi-volt) Operating Voltage Operating Voltage Dimensions 4 3/8 ” 2” 5 1/4 ” 13 3/4 ” 4 3/8 ” 2” 5 1/4 ” 13 3/4 ” Mounting Data 2 1/8 ” 1 1/4 ” 4ft 11 1/2 ” Options For fusing or emergency packs, please consult the factory. 3 1/4 ” Pg 39 1 3/16 ” 5 5/8 ” Tel: 772·878·4944 5 1/16 ” www.tamliteusa.com UR Series (UR) A UR2432D 180 165 150 135 120 105 B 90 200 D 75 400 C 60 600 See Dimensions Below 45 800 0 15 30 0 Deg. Plane 90 Deg. Plane *Full Photometrics available upon request. Ordering Information Part # Lamp Qty. Dimensions (in) Lamp type Amps THD. P.F. Voltage Weight A C D 0.31 10% .99 120 12.06 lb 48” 13 3/4” 2” 5 1/4” .99 277 12.06 lb 48” 13 3/4” 2” 5 1/4” .99/.98 120/277 12.06 lb 48” 13 3/4” 2” 5 1/4” .99 120 12.08 lb 48” 3 4” 13 / 2” 5 1/4” 10% .99 277 12.08 lb 48” 13 3/4” 2” 5 1/4” 4/9% .99/.98 120/277 12.08 lb 48” 13 / 2” 5 1/4” UR1432A 1 x 32w T8 UR1432B 1 x 32w T8 0.14 13% UR1432D 1 x 32w T8 0.30/0.13 5/8% UR2432A 2 x 32w T8 0.49 10% UR2432B 2 x 32w T8 0.22 UR2432D 2 x 32w T8 0.48/0.20 B 3 4” For the complete offering of products, consult factory. www.tamliteusa.com Fax: 772·878·5558 Pg 40 PG Series (PG) Perf Lens Operating Voltage Description Provides primary indirect lighting with minimal direct illumination. Creates a contemporary, bold look for a comfortable atmosphere. Features • Cold rolled steel body for exceptional strength and durability • Perforated center lens • Available in T8 or T5 • Fixture is suitable for individual, row, surface, or suspension mounting • Quarter turn latches secure channel cover for easy wireway access • Standard fixture may be provided with a 120, 277 or multi volt ballast • U.L. listed for direct mounting on low density ceilings Operating Voltage Operating Voltage Dimensions 4 3/8 ” 2” 5” 15 1/4 ” 4 3/8 ” 2” 5” 15 1/4 ” Ballast Specify voltage (A=120, B=277 or D=Multi-volt) Options For fusing or emergency packs, please consult the factory. Mounting Data 3 1/4 ” Pg 41 1 1/4 ” 2 1/8 ” 1 3/16 ” 5 5/8 ” Tel: 772·878·4944 4ft 11 1/2 ” 5 1/16 ” www.tamliteusa.com PG Series (PG) A PG2432D 180 165 150 135 120 105 B 90 120 D C 75 400 60 600 See Dimensions Below 800 45 0 15 30 0 Deg. Plane 90 Deg. Plane *Full Photometrics available upon request. Ordering Information Part # Lamp Qty. Dimensions (in) Lamp type Amps THD. P.F. Voltage Weight A B C D 0.31 10% .99 120 10.59 lb 48” 15 1/4” 2” 5” .99 277 10.59 lb 48” 15 1/4” 2” 5” .99/.98 120/277 10.59 lb 48” 15 1/4” 2” 5” .99 120 10.61 lb 48” 15 1/4” 2” 5” 10% .99 277 10.61 lb 48” 15 1/4” 2” 5” 4/9% .99/.98 120/277 10.61 lb 48” 15 1/4” 2” 5” PG1432A 1 x 32w T8 PG1432B 1 x 32w T8 0.14 13% PG1432D 1 x 32w T8 0.30/0.13 5/8% PG2432A 2 x 32w T8 0.49 10% PG2432B 2 x 32w T8 0.22 PG2432D 2 x 32w T8 0.48/0.20 For the complete offering of products, consult factory. www.tamliteusa.com Fax: 772·878·5558 Pg 42 Geminix (GEM) Description Basic construction, ideal for installation in confined spaces. Linkable design for ease of use. T5 light source available in a variety of colors. (See accessories) Features • Built-in state of the art electronic ballast Less than 10% total harmonic distortion providing a sophisticated lighting source • Great alternative to low-voltage systems • High lumen output T5 with 30% more efficiency than traditional T8 fixtures • Easy-to-install snap in mounting brackets • Low profile aluminum extruded body • Linkable up to 300 watts • 3-prong wire system with ground • ETL listed for U.S. and Canada Dimensions 1 5/8 ” Mounting Data / ” 7 8 Ballast Built-in electronic 120V Pg 43 Tel: 772·878·4944 www.tamliteusa.com Geminix (GEM) A B C See Dimensions Below Ordering Information Part # GEMT506W41 GEMT508W41 GEMT514W27 GEMT514W41 GEMT521W27 GEMT521W41 GEMT528W41 GEMT535W41 Dimensions (in) Lamp Qty. Lamp type 1 x 6w 1 x 8w 1 x 14w 1 x 14w 1 x 21w 1 x 21w 1 x 28w 1 x 35w Amps THD. P.F. Voltage Weight A B C T5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.22 lb 10” 7 8” 1 5/8” T5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.33 lb 13” T5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.60 lb 23” T5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.60 lb 23” T5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.86 lb 35” T5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.86 lb 35” T5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.08 lb 47” T5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.33 lb 58” / 7/8” 7/8” 7/8” 7/8” 7/8” 7/8” 7/8” 1 5/8” 1 5/8” 1 5/8” 1 5/8” 1 5/8” 1 5/8” 1 5/8” Accessories GEM3LC02 GEM3PC3 GEM3PT36 GEM21WT5BLU Geminix 2” Link Cord with Connectors Geminix 3’ Power Cord with Plug Geminix 36” Hard Wire Cord with 1 Connector Geminix 21W T5 Blue Lamp GEM3LC06 GEM3PC6 GEMMBS GEM21WT5RED Geminix 6” Link Cord with Connectors Geminix 6’ Power Cord with Plug Geminix Mounting Bracket with Screws Geminix 21W T5 Red Lamp GEM3LC12 GEM3PC6SW GEMOGMC GEM21WT5GRN Geminix 12” Link Cord with Connectors Geminix 6’ Power Cord with Plug & Switch Geminix Modular Connector for Fixture Geminix 21W T5 Green Lamp GEM3LC24 GEM3PC12 GEMOGSW1 GEM21WT5BLK Geminix 24” Link Cord with Connectors Geminix 12’ Power Cord with Plug Geminix Interlinking On/Off Switch Unit Geminix 21W T5 Black Lamp GEM3LC36 GEMPC12SW GEM8WT541K GEM21WT5ORG Geminix 36” Link Cord with Connectors Geminix 12’ Power Cord with Plug & Switch Geminix 8W T5 4100°K Lamp Geminix 21W T5 Orange Lamp GEM3LC72 GEM3PT18 GEM21WT5WHT Geminix 72” Link Cord with Connectors Geminix 18” Hard Wire Cord with 1 Connector Geminix 21W T5 White Lamp Power Chord Link Chord Power Switch For the complete offering of products, consult factory. www.tamliteusa.com Fax: 772·878·5558 Pg 44 Enclosed & Gasketed T amlite’s Fluorescent enclosed & gasketed fixtures are an ideal light source for outdoor applications. Enclosed / Gasketed (TEG) Operating Voltage Description Ideal for harsh environments where humidity or moisture is present. Widely used in refrigerated areas and food processing, where weathering is a factor. Features • Polycarbonate, high impact, self extinguishing lens • Cam action latches • Closed-cell neoprene gasket that is bonded to the impact resistant, one piece molded, fiberglass reinforced, polyester housing • Most fixtures use polycarbonate lamp holders that have a twist lock mechanism for secure lamp retention. Fixtures that use 8' lamps utilize single pin spring loaded lamp holders for secure lamp retention • Standard fixture may be provided with a 120, 277 or multi volt ballast • End plug that can be removed for installation of 1/2” conduit for end to end connection • Offered in 2’, 4’, & 8’ lengths • U.L. listed for damp location Ballast Specify voltage (A=120, B=277 or D=Multi-volt) Options For fusing or emergency packs, please consult the factory. Pg 47 Operating Voltage Operating Voltage Dimensions 7 5/8 ” 4 5/8 ” 6” Mounting Data 7 5/8 ” 3 1/4 ” 4 5/8 ” 6” Replacements EG240LENSHI 4ft High impact lens EG296LENSHI 8ft High impact lens EGCLIP Plastic clip Accessories TEG4EGSL Tel: 772·878·4944 Stainless steel clip www.tamliteusa.com Enclosed / Gasketed (TEG) TEG2217D A 180 165 150 135 120 105 B 90 100 C 75 200 60 300 See Dimensions Below 400 45 0 15 30 0 Deg. Plane 90 Deg. Plane *Full Photometrics available upon request. Ordering Information Part # Lamp Qty. Dimensions (in) Lamp type Amps THD. P.F. 13% .99 Weight A B C 120 6.90 lb 26” 7 5/8” 4 5/8” .99 277 6.90 lb 26” 7 5/8” 4 5/8” .99/.98 120/277 6.90 lb 26” 7 5/8” 4 5/8” .99 120 10.78 lb 50” 7 5/8” 4 5/8” 13% .99 277 10.78 lb 50” 7 5/8” 4 5/8” 0.30/0.13 5/8% .99/.98 120/277 10.78 lb 50” 7 5/8” 4 5/8” T8 0.27 10% .99 120 6.92 lb 26” 7 5/8” 4 5/8” 2 x 17w T8 0.12 12% .99 277 6.92 lb 26” 7 5/8” 4 5/8” TEG2217D 2 x 17w T8 0.26/0.12 6/9% .99/.98 120/277 6.92 lb 26” 7 5/8” 4 5/8” TEG2432A 2 x 32w T8 0.49 10% .99 120 10.80 lb 50” 7 5/8” 4 5/8” TEG2432B 2 x 32w T8 0.22 10% .99 277 10.80 lb 50” 7 5/8” 4 5/8” TEG2432D 2 x 32w T8 0.48/0.20 4/9% .99/.98 120/277 10.80 lb 50” 7 5/8 ” 4 5/8” TEG2832A 2 x 32w T8 0.49 10% .99 120 20.22 lb 98” 7 5/8” 4 5/8” TEG2832B 2 x 32w T8 0.17 10% .99 277 20.22 lb 98” 7 5/8” 4 5/8” TEG2832D 2 x 32w T8 0.48/0.20 4/9% .99/.98 120/277 20.22 lb 98” 7 5/8” 4 5/8” TEG2859A 2 x 59w T8 0.96 10% .99 120 20.22 lb 98” 7 5/8” 4 5/8” TEG2859B 2 x 59w T8 0.41 10% .99 277 20.22 lb 98” 7 5/8” 4 5/8” TEG2859D 2 x 59w T8 1.01/0.40 10/10% .99/.98 120/277 20.22 lb 98” 7 5/8” 4 5/8” TEG4832A 4 x 32w T8 0.97 10% .99 120 20.53 lb 98” 7 5/8” 4 5/8” TEG4832B 4 x 32w T8 0.41 10% .99 277 20.53 lb 98” 7 5/8” 4 5/8” TEG4832D 4 x 32w 1.35/0.57 10/10% .99/.98 120/277 20.53 lb 98” 7 5/8” 4 5/8” TEG1428D 1 x 28w T8 T5 0.28/0.12 10/10% .98/.95 120/277 10.78 lb 50” 7 5/8” 4 5/8” TEG2428D 2 x 28w T5 0.55/0.23 10/10% .95/.98 120/277 10.80 lb 50” 7 5/8” 4 5/8” TEG1217A 1 x 17w T8 TEG1217B 1 x 17w T8 0.08 16% TEG1217D 1 x 17w T8 0.17/0.08 8/14% TEG1432A 1 x 32w T8 0.31 10% TEG1432B 1 x 32w T8 0.14 TEG1432D 1 x 32w T8 TEG2217A 2 x 17w TEG2217B Standard - EGCLIP 0.18 Voltage Optional - TEG4EGSL For the complete offering of products, consult factory. www.tamliteusa.com Fax: 772·878·5558 Pg 48 Emergency Ballasts I-32 The I-32, I-54, and I-320 fluorescent emergency ballasts allow the same fixture to be used for both normal and emergency operation. In the event of a power failure, the ballast switches to the emergency mode and operates the emergency powered lamps at reduced lumens for a 90 minute minimum. Each unit contains a battery, charger, and inverter circuit in a single can. I-54 Emergency Ballast Option can be added to most of our fluorescent fixtures. Consult factory for emergency ballast application before ordering. Features • 90 minute minimum emergency operation • 120-277 Multi-volt I-320 • Long - life high temperature recyclable Ni-Cad battery • I-320 and I-54 have a slim design to fit in smaller ballast compartments • U.L. and C.U.L. Listed Ballast I-32 I-54 Pg 49 # of Lamps 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lamp Type F17T8 F32T8 28WT5 Pentron (FP28) F20T12 F40T12 40W Biax 40W Circline 14WT5 21WT5 24WT5 28WT5 39WT5 54WT5 F17T8 F25T8 F32T8 F40T8 36W Long Compact 40W Long Compact 50W Long Compact 55W Long Compact Ballast I-320 Tel: 772·878·4944 # of Lamps 2 or 1 2 or 1 1 2 or 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lamp Type F17T8 F25T8 F28T12 F32T12 8' T8 (FO96) (59W) F20T12 F40T12 F48T12 8' T12 (F96T12) (60W) 14WT5 21WT5 24WT5 28WT5 39WT5 54WT5 20W Circline 40W Circline 57W PL CF Quad 4 Pin 70W PL CF Quad 4 Pin 36W Long Compact 40W Long Compact 50W Long Compact 55W Long Compact www.tamliteusa.com Index ACSLNX2 ACSLNX3 ACSLNX4 ACSLNZ2 ACSLNZ3 ACSLNZ4 ACSLNJ2 ACSLNJ3 ACSLNJ4 ACSLWI4 ACSLWI8 ACSLWY4 ACSLWY8 ACSLWX2 ACSLWX3 ACSLWX4 ACSLWX8 ACSLWZ2 ACSLWZ3 ACSLWZ4 ACSLWZ8 ACSLWV4 ACSLWV8 ACSLW4WG ACSLW8WG ACSLWX4WG ACSLWX8WG CL2432A CL2432B CL2432D CL4432A CL4432B CL4432D EG240LENSHI EG296LENSHI EGCLIP GEMT506W41 GEMT508W41 GEMT514W27 GEMT514W41 GEMT521W27 GEMT521W41 GEMT528W41 GEMT535W41 p.11 p.11 p.11 p.11 p.11 p.11 p.11 p.11 p.11 p.7 p.7 p.7 p.7 p.7 p.7 p.7 p.7 p.7 p.7 p.7 p.7 p.8 p.8 p.8 p.8 p.8 p.8 p.33 p.33 p.33 p.33 p.33 p.33 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.43 p.43 p.43 p.43 p.43 p.43 p.43 p.43 GEM3LC02 GEM3LC06 GEM3LC12 GEM3LC24 GEM3LC36 GEM3LC72 GEM3PC3 GEM3PC6 GEM3PC6SW GEM3PC12 GEMPC12SW GEM3PT18 GEM3PT36 GEMMBS GEMOGMC GEMOGSW1 GEM8WT541K GEM21WT5WHT GEM21WT5BLU GEM21WT5RED GEM21WT5GRN GEM21WT5BLK GEM21WT5ORG INDI1217A INDI1217B INDI1217D INDI1325A INDI1325B INDI1325D INDI1432A INDI1432B INDI1432D INDI18110D INDI2217A INDI2217B INDI2217D INDI2325A INDI2325B INDI2325D INDI2432A INDI2432B INDI2432D INDI28110D INDI2832A p.44 p.44 p.44 p.44 p.44 p.44 p.44 p.44 p.44 p.44 p.44 p.44 p.44 p.44 p.44 p.44 p.44 p.44 p.44 p.44 p.44 p.44 p.44 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 INDI2832B INDI2832D INDI2859A INDI2859B INDI2859D INDI4832A INDI4832B INDI4832D PG1432A PG1432B PG1432D PG2432A PG2432B PG2432D SLN1217A SLN1217B SLN1217D SLN1325A SLN1325B SLN1325D SLN1432A SLN1432B SLN1432D SLW1217A SLW1217B SLW1217D SLW1325A SLW1325B SLW1325D SLW1432A SLW1432B SLW1432D SLW18110D SLW2217A SLW2217B SLW2217D SLW2325A SLW2325B SLW2325D SLW2432A SLW2432B SLW2432D SLW28110D SLW2832A p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.41 p.41 p.41 p.41 p.41 p.41 p.9 p.9 p.9 p.9 p.9 p.9 p.9 p.9 p.9 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 SLW2832B SLW2832D SLW2859A SLW2859B SLW2859D SLW4832A SLW4832B SLW4832D SMS1217A SMS1217B SMS1217D SMS1325A SMS1325B SMS1325D SMS1432A SMS1432B SMS1432D SMS2217A SMS2217B SMS2217D SMS2325A SMS2325B SMS2325D SMS2432A SMS2432B SMS2432D SMS3217A SMS3217B SMS3217D SMS3325A SMS3325B SMS3325D SMS3432A SMS3432B SMS3432D SSL1217A SSL1217B SSL1217D SSL1325A SSL1325B SSL1325D SSL1432A SSL1432B SSL1432D p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.5 p.19 p.19 p.19 p.19 p.19 p.19 p.19 p.19 p.19 p.21 p.21 p.21 p.21 p.21 p.21 p.21 p.21 p.21 p.23 p.23 p.23 p.23 p.23 p.23 p.23 p.23 p.23 p.15 p.15 p.15 p.15 p.15 p.15 p.15 p.15 p.15 SSL2217A SSL2217B SSL2217D SSL2325A SSL2325B SSL2325D SSL2432A SSL2432B SUMT5N1214D SUMT5N1321D SUMT5N1428D SUMT5N1454D SUMT5W2214D SUMT5W2321D SUMT5W2428D SUMT5W2454D SUMT5W3454D TEG1217A TEG1217B TEG1217D TEG1432A TEG1432B TEG1432D TEG2217A TEG2217B TEG2217D TEG2432A TEG2432B TEG2432D TEG2832A TEG2832B TEG2832D TEG2859A TEG2859B TEG2859D TEG4832A TEG4832B TEG4832D TEG1428D TEG2428D TEG4EGSL UR1432A UR1432B UR1432D p.17 p.17 p.17 p.17 p.17 p.17 p.17 p.17 p.25 p.25 p.25 p.25 p.25 p.25 p.25 p.25 p.25 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.47 p.39 p.39 p.39 UR2432A UR2432B UR2432D WBC1217A WBC1217B WBC1217D WBC1432A WBC1432B WBC1432D WBC2217A WBC2217B WBC2217D WBC2432A WBC2432B WBC2432D WBM1217A WBM1217B WBM1217D WBM1432A WBM1432B WBM1432D WBM2217A WBM2217B WBM2217D WBM2432A WBM2432B WBM2432D WL2217A WL2217B WL2217D WL2432A WL2432B WL2432D WL3432A WL3432B WL3432D WL4432A WL4432B WL4432D p.39 p.39 p.39 p.35 p.35 p.35 p.35 p.35 p.35 p.35 p.35 p.35 p.35 p.35 p.35 p.35 p.35 p.35 p.35 p.35 p.35 p.35 p.35 p.35 p.35 p.35 p.35 p.31 p.31 p.31 p.31 p.31 p.31 p.31 p.31 p.31 p.31 p.31 p.31 Warranty & Fixtures Tamlite Lighting is proud of the products it manufactures and warrants all Fluorescent products to be free from defects in manufacturing under normal installation, storage and use for a period of (1) year from date of purchase. Our merchandise is carefully packed and electrically tested before leaving our factory. The carrier, upon acceptance of the shipment, assumes the responsibility for it's safe delivery. Any claims for loss or damage sustained in transit must therefore be made upon carrier. Any external evidence of loss or damage must be noted on the freight bill or express invoice and signed by the carrier’s agent. Failure to adequately describe such external evidence of loss or damage may result in the carriers refusing to honor a damage claim. The carrier will supply the form required to file such a claim. Concealed loss or damage means that which does not become apparent until the merchandise has been unpacked. The contents may be damaged in transit due to rough handling even though the carton may not show external damages. When the damage is uncovered during unpacking, make a written request for inspection within 15 days of the delivery date. It is the customers responsibility to file a claim with the carrier. Claims for defective ballasts found to be in warranty should be made directly with the ballast manufacturer. Our warranty liability extends to credit of said fixture only after Tamlite Lighting has given written authorization and the material has been returned, tested and proven defective by faulty manufacturing. We will not be held responsible for labor, material, or any other charges that do not have our written consent before such work is implemented. The warranty is void If the product is not stored, installed, and operated in accordance with NEC, UL, ANSI, and all other local and state codes. Warranty excludes products not manufactured by Tamlite, which have been installed and used in conjunction with Tamlite Lighting products. Tamlite assumes no responsibility for failures caused by existing sub-standard wiring or voltages. Warranties set forth herein are in lieu of any and all other warranties. In no event is Tamlite liable for special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind. All data is typical and for guidance only. Product illustrations and dimensions are typical and may change without notice. Please verify all specifications when you place your order. All electrical wiring and installation of lighting fixtures should be done by a qualified electrician. Tamlite takes no responsibility for products installed by anyone other than a qualified electrician and does not warranty products installed by non-professionals. About our fixture testing All of the fluorescent fixtures that we manufacture are 100% tested to make sure there is no ballast or lamp failure within the fixture. These tests are important not only for quality and reliability, but to ensure that the customer is receiving a safe product. www.tamliteusa.com Fax: 772·878·5558 Pg 50 TAMLITE Lighting Fluorescent: Version 1 TM 660 NW Peacock Blvd. • Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 Tel: 772·878·4944 • Fax: 772·878·5558 • www.tamliteusa.com
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