Francesca Fragkoudi*
Francesca Fragkoudi*
*[email protected] 2005MNRAS.358.1477A Effect of Boxy/Peanut Bulges on Galaxy LAM (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille) Potentials The research leading to these results has received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme WHY THE POTENTIAL? E. Athanassoula, A. Bosma, F. Iannuzzi HOW DO YOU OBTAIN IT? Follow us on our (DAGAL) outreach pages! 3 To We To obtain obtain potential potential we we need need the the density: density: We need need the the potential, potential, the the 1 forces forces and and the the derivatives derivatives of of the the forces forces of of aa galaxy galaxy in in order order Surface brightness Context Surface brightness to model: 4 Fragkoudi et al. to model: Educated guess at the thickness of the disk Educated guess at the thickness of the disk ●● from image: from image: The gas flows in barred The gas flows in barred and the height function and the height functionand galaxies Boxy/Peanut (B/P) bulges are formed due to vertical instabilities in thespiral bar and they “built” from the same orbits To create a dynamical model of a galaxy, we need its potential spiral galaxies ●● hence the 3D density distribution of the galaxy: ! which constitute the bar (Fig. 1), i.e. they are the bar seen edge-on (Combes Sanders 1981, Athanassoula Test manifold theory of Test&the the manifold theory of ! 2005). Therefore, once a bar is formed, a B/P bulge is likely to follow and hence B/P bulges are a common ring and spiral arm formation ring and spiral arm formation 1. The 2D surface density is obtained from images of face on (or feature of barred disc galaxies (Lutticke et al 2000). Derived from simulations and observations Derived from simulations and observations ((E. E. Athanassoula, Athanassoula,Romero-Gomez, Romero-Gomez, moderately inclined) disc galaxies (left panel Fig. 2) ! of edge-on galaxies Bosma, of edge-on galaxiesa height Bosma, Masdemont, Masdemont,2010, 2010,and and 2. The three-dimensional density is obtained by assigning HEIGHT FUNCTION STUDY Potential, Forces and Derivatives of Forces, will be Forces and Derivatives of Forces, will be *[email protected] affected affected by: by: ●● The The height height function function we we chose chose (how (how the the mass mass is is distributed distributed in in the the zz direction) direction) ●● The The thickness thickness z0 z0 of of the the disk disk 2 We want to study how much these choices We want to study how much these choices will will affect affect our our results. results. 1.5 Potential, @DAGAL_EU Creating a Model with a Boxy/Peanut Bulge The aim of this work is to study the effect that B/P Bulges will have on galaxy models. Specifically, we study references within )) references within the effect they will have on the potential and forces of the galaxy and by●●extension on the periodic orbits and To probe the dark matter To probe the dark matter on bar strength. This ultimately suggests what the effects of B/P bulges will be on the stellar and gaseous distribution of galaxies from distribution of galaxies from kinematics of the galaxy. dynamical dynamical tests tests Results 0.0023 0.0023 0.0016 0.016 0.071 0.071 z0 (kpc) 0.29 0.29 1.2 1.2 0.0023 0.0023 0.0016 0.016 0.071 0.071 0.29 0.29 1.2 1.2 -0.00035 -0.00016 -0.00016 -0.00003 -0.00003 0.00021 -0.00035 0.00021 0.0033 0.1 0.42 0.0023 0.023 0.016 0.071 0.29 0.00042 0.00042 1.7 1.2 F Side-on End-on observed galaxies directly from images. However the height function is fit of the two two-dimensional gaussians for the side-on projec 2 assume, for simplicity, order to decrease the noise2 of the image we require respect to position we thatFitthe dennot known for face-on or mildly inclined galaxies. Therefore for In the 2 z Fit z0 sity distribution can z0 F ( z)=sech ) a snapshot with a large number of particles. We create a be written as, ( Sech-squared Sech-squared purpose of our study we use a simulated Nbody + SPH isolated galaxy z 0 previous section. snapshot with 40 times the particles 1.5 of the original snapshot, 1.5 y, z) ⇢(x, = ⌃(x, y)Fin (z),the (7) simulation introduced We recover following the procedure described in Athanassoula (2005). (Athanassoula et al 2013), for which we can obtain both the twoOnce we have the 3-dimensional density distribution we need to use a method to obtain the a rather complex behaviour, one that cannot be grasped e where ⇢ is the three-dimensional density distribution, ⌃ is To further reduce the noise in the image we apply some dimensional density, and the height function. has a tirely by a simple analytic we found th 1 1 surface the two-dimensional density, andzfunction. F is the However, height smoothing, by Fourier decomposing and recomposing the potential. There exist various methods, and we use the surface so dubbed, 3D-Integration method.The galaxy Fgeneral ( z)=sech( ) canfunction twomore two-dimensional gaussians provide a reasonable a function. In the case where the height fairly strong bar and B/P (the bar strength of the galaxy is in image. the range of Sech Sech depends on position z 0 be for galaxy, as would proximation the B/P shape. As example can be seen in Fig. 3 a The Fourier components are0.5 calculated as follows: 0.5in the to an SB galaxy). the height function describing a B/P bulge, the scaleheight ∞ l 0.5 In our study we use a disk with: In our study we use a disk with: function to the galaxy (right panel of Figs. 2 and Fig. 3)! An with aa 0 An exponential exponential disk, disk, which which is is superimposed superimposed with 3. We then perform a three-dimensional integration on the density -10 -5 0 2-dimensional ferrer’s such that itit 0.0033 0.023 ellipsoid, 0.1 0.42 1.7 x (kp 2-dimensional ferrer’s ellipsoid, such that distribution to obtain the potential. Figure 2:(b) Our simulated galaxy seen face-on (a) Original Image Model (c) Residual (a) gtr116: Side-on (b) Edge-on: S resembles a disk with a bar. resembles a disk with a bar. (left) and edge-on (right) Figure 2. Left: We show the surface density of the original image of the stellar component from the gtr116 simulation. Middle: The ρ(x , y , z)=Σ( x , y) F (z) Figure 3. Left: side-on of the surface model from the Fourier recomposition, using up to n =26 even Fourier components. Right: The residual imageimage after subtracting the stellar density B/P on Galaxy 5 projectio 3-dimensional density distribution error between E↵ects the originalof image and Bulges the model. simulation (red crosses) along the Models y=0 axis (side-on The above process is particularly suited for obtaining modelsmodel of from the original image. The units give the relativeFor 3-dimensional density distribution we are using: For the the height height functions functions are using: simulation (red we crosses) along x=3 which is where the maximu z0 (kpc) 2 AAstudy study on onhow howthe theheight heightfunction functioncan canaffect affectthe thebar bar 1 strength can be found in Laurikainen & Salo (2002) strength can be found in Laurikainen & Salo (2002) ∞ ρ(x , y , z)dx dy dz ∞ Φ(x p , y p , z p )=∫−∞ ∫−∞ ∫−∞ √( x−x 2 p z0 (kpc) Francesca Fragkoudi* as commented below, this choice may fail at certain poin Z changes as abut function of position. In this case, the density of the structu provides an overall fair representation 1 ⇡ 0 would be0-10 given by,-5 1 d✓, 2 The B/P2 height function was assigned by examining the scaleheight ofan (r) = ⇡ ⌃(r, ✓)cos(n✓) -10 -5 0 (4) 5 distribution 10 0 5 10 The resulting B/P height function is a non-separab z⩽z ⇡ 0 0.0033 0.023 0.1 0.42 1.7 0.0033 0.023 p p xUniform (kpc) y y, (kpc) z)= ⇢(x,F y,(z) =position ⌃(x,2z y)F0and (x,→ Slab the galaxy for side-on and end-on projections (Fig. 3). We use an 0.1 an 0.42 1.7 function of isz),given by: (8) Uniform Slab (a) gtr116: Side-on (b)3: Edge-on: Side-on peanut height function (c) Edge-on: End-on ✓ ◆ z> z Z ⇡ Figure Our fiducial is constructed by 0 where the normalisation of the height function is, analytic function for the B/P height function (two two-dimensional 1 z 0 = 1 sech2 Z 1 F (x, y, z) bn (r) = ⌃(r, ✓)sin(n✓) d✓, (5) . (1 fitting two two-dimensional gaussians to the scaleheight of the ⇡ of Left: side-on image Middle: Plot of the scaleheight of the 2z (x, y) z (x, y) ⇡ the surface stellar density of the simulated galaxy gtr116. F gaussians), which we fit to the values of the scaleheightFigure of the3.stellar 0 (x, y, z)dz = 1.0 (9) { }{ ) +( y− y ) +(z−z ) } Figure 1: The Boxy/Peanut bulge, which can be seen when in edgeon galaxies (top), is composed by the same orbits which make the Miyamoto-Nagai We with analytic the potential, in order Wecompare compare withup analytic Miyamoto-Nagaisolution solutionfor for the potential, in order simulation (red crosses) along the y=0 axis (side-on projection). The solidthe black line gives the Right: Plot of the scaleheight of the 1 fit.on stellar component along x-axis (shown the left). where an and bn are the even and odd Fourier components, component of our simulation. We call this our fiducial peanut model. The scaleheight z (x,y) varies like two the two-dimension 0 simulation (red crosses) along x=3 which is where the maximum of the peanut occurs (end-on projection). The solid black line gives bar seen in face-on galaxies (bottom). (Schematic representation) to toget getan anestimate estimateof ofthe theerrors errorsof of the themethod. method.In Ingeneral generalthe themethod methodcan canbe be ✓ is the azimuthal angle, and r the radius. We thenPeanut reduce F ( z , r) Peanut gaussians: fit of the two two-dimensional gaussians for the side-on projection. 3.1 Flat Height Functions the high frequency noise by recomposing the image as, slow slowbut butitit isisrobust robusti.e.: i.e.: ✓ ✓ ◆◆ ● 2 or “flat” 2 Up to now in the literature, position-independent ● ItItgives errors within the range of the precision we ask for (x x0 ) (y y0 ) r gives errors within the range of the precision we ask for m=n z (x, y) =A exp + + X height functions used whenthe modelling barred disc 2 0have been simulation introduced in the previous section. We recovered centre and the peanut maximum, gaussian approximaa 2 ● 0 2 2 ● Although for forces and derivatives of forces we might need to introduce a ⌃(r, ✓) = + (am (r)cos(m✓) + bm (r)sin(m✓)) , (6) Although for forces and derivatives of forces we might need to introduce a galaxies. We therefore also use two flat height functions inwith ◆◆ a rather complex2 behaviour, one that cannot be grasped ention fails to represent the behaviour of the scaleheight ✓ ✓ 2 2 m=2 8 Fragkoudi et al. (x x ) (y y ) this paper, to check the discrepancy which will be created 1 1 softening due to the big power in the denominator (a lot of power in very disc by a simple function. However, we found that scaleheights: y. However, as it turns A out, the fitted function shown in softening due to the big power in the denominator (a lot of power in very h E↵ects of B/P Bulges tirely on Galaxy Modelsanalytic 9 The exp + + z h 0 r2 The scaleheights: 2 r a flat2 height in the model of the galaxy when using function using only a limited (n ) number of even Fourier compo2 F two two-dimensional gaussians can provide a reasonable apFig. 3 underestimates the value of z at these points. This Effect on Bar Strength =5 0 narrow Effect on Forces =10 narrowpeaks) peaks)Effect on Orbits and a B/P height function. We use two common functions We know that bars are the main drivers of secular nents. We show in Fig. 2 the surface density of the original h =3 kpc (1 z Conclusions: F proximation to the B/P shape. As can be seen in Fig. 3 and directly translates into an underestimation of the e↵ect of r z 0 0 from the literature, i.e. the isothermal-sheet model (van der no B/P no B/P image of the simulation (in arbitrary units), the surface densech 2 as commented below, this choice may fail at certain points, the peanut in those regions. In summary, our fiducial model B/P B/P sech where A is the maximum scaleheight of Kruit & Searle 1981), and the sech-law model, since it is the peanut abo z =0.6 kpc sity of the model from the Fourier recomposition, and the z =0.3 kpc 0 peanut 0 but provides an overall fair representation of the structure. for the peanut function shown inThe Fig.variance 3 will result 4 0.6 4 Thin disk Thick disk possible for discs to deviate from the isothermal sheet near the height disc scaleheight (z0disc ). of the gaussians boxy residual image after subtracting one from the other. For the potential, errors of method are smaller The resulting B/P height function is a non-separable into a conservative estimate of the real 2 Kruit the galactic plane der 1988). These are given by maximum of t given(van by , (x0of , ythe ) ise↵ect the position of peanut the 0 function of position and is given by: present in the image we adopt as our starting point. Given 2 2 or equal to the precision we ask for0.5 first gaussian and (x 1, y 1 ) the position of the maximum ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ the scope of this paper, which is to zdemonstrate the generic 1 1 z the second gaussian. 2 We fit these two two-dimensional gau 2 F (z) = sech , model, we find (10) this F (x, y, z) = sech . (12) e↵ect of a peanut bulge on a galaxy 0 0 0.4 3 HEIGHT FUNCTIONS USED 2z z 0 2z0 (x, y) z0 (x, y) sians to values0 of the scaleheight obtained from the simu approximation more than satisfactory. tion along y = 0 and x = 3 (which is where the maximu In order to obtain the three-dimensional of a galaxy For forces we get mostly smaller 0.3 errors than and The scaleheight z 0 (x,y) varies like two density two-dimensional -2 -2 ✓ ◆ In the remainder of the paper, disc from a two-dimensional image we need to assume a of the scaleheight occurs). gaussians: 1 z what we asked for but at some points we might F (z) = sech , model. (11) height function, which defines how the density drops o↵ as refer to this as our fiducial 3.3 Boxy Height Function ⇡z z -4 -4 0 0 0.2 get slightly larger error. a function of ✓ z from plane 2z◆◆ =0. The height ✓ the equatorial To obtain the scaleheights, we take cuts along the 2 (x x0 ) (z0 )(ywill yof 0 ) course a↵ect the respectively. function and the scaleheight The B/P bulge might at times have rather boxy isophotes. z0 (x, y) =A exp + + and yaxes and fit the vertical particle distribution w 8 Fragkoudi et al. -6 2 2 -6 0.1 2 2 results, and we therefore need to use the height function This could be due to projection e↵ects,We whereby the determine peanut -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 For derivatives of forces errors are slightly larger for specific a sech-squared function. thereby the var ✓ ✓ ◆◆ 2 of the galaxy2 we are trying to which best approximates that x (kpc) x (kpc) (x x1 ) (y y1 ) is3.2 projected at Height such anFunction angle bin thatto the isophotes appear boxy disc Peanut 6 6 tion of z from bin along the cut. The results can 0 A exp + + z , no B/P 0 no B/P model. 0 points, also due to having to introduce softening. 2 2 (Athanassoula & Misiriotis 2002). However, boxy isophotes B/P B/P 2 2 2 (a) Characteristic Diagram (b) Comparing x1 orbits (c) Comparing x1 orbits 0 4 6 8 10 seen in Fig. 3.for Inthe thepeanut, side-onweview (panelthe (b)) we see that t The height function can be either constant or can To obtain a height function examined 4 4 might be present even when the bar is seen side-on, i.e. they r (kpc) (13) scaleheight y =cuts 0 behaves like the co change with position. In the case where it is constant with particle distribution alongalong di↵erent in x and approximately y from the might indeed be due to a vertical thickening of the bar which 2 height A functions: (solid Figure 5. Left: Characteristic diagram for the model created from the image of a simulated galaxy and two height functions, one withFigure 6. Strength 2of non-axisymmetric forcings (QT ) as a function of radius, for models with di↵erent where is thesech maximum scaleheight of the peanut above bination of two gaussians, except in the central region whe 2 creates a boxy vertical density distribution (Patsis et al. Figure 5: Plots of the bar strength against radius, as given green line), the fiducial peanut setup (thick black solid line) and the fiducial boxy setup (dash-dotted blue line).disc c 2014 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1–17 (dashed-dotted black line) and one without (dashed red line) a B/P bulge. We plot the intersection of each orbit of the x1 family withred line), sech (dashed the disc scaleheight (z ). The variance of the gaussians is the scaleheight drops below that of the outer disc. For a c 0 0 0 Figure 4: The colour scale gives the difference between the two The vertical solid black line indicates the radius at which the fiducial peanut is maximum and the vertical dashed black line indicates 2002). This tends to be the case for galaxies with weak bars, 4 the y-axis as a function of its Jacobi constant EJ . The zero velocity curve (ZVC) of the case without a B/P bulge is plotted with thethe end of the given by 2 , (x0 , y0 ) is the position of the maximum of the along = 3, x-shape where the peanut forming, is maximum where instead of a xstrong or peanut boxy (end-on vie -2 -2 models (with different height functions) being compared. The first solid blue line (the ZVC for the case with and without a B/P bulge are very similar). Middle and Right: We plot a few periodic x1 orbits Combes & Sanders 1981, Buta & Block 2001), which first gaussian and (x1 , y1 ) the position of the maximum of Azimuthally averaged panel (c)), the behaviour of z0 is still well approximated isophotes are seen (Athanassoula 2006). row shows how the scaleheight of the different height in the potential without a B/Pfunctions bulge (red solid lines) and in the potential with a B/P bulge (black dashed lines). For-4 visual clarity we4290, which bears -4 the second gaussian. We fit these two two-dimensional gausa gaussian, although our fit slightly under predicts the val measures the non-axisymmetric galaxy. a striking morphological resemblance to theperturbation two cases howeverinisthe significantly di↵erent. By using Tangential force To model a boxy bulge we use a height function which Radial force two panels of orbits, only a few orbits. We see that in general the orbits in the B/P model are less extended than in theour simulated galaxy. Therefore the results presented in this sians to values of will thebescaleheight obtained from the simulathe Qb method of measuring bar strength, the bars varies. The second row gives show the potential, and theeach thirdwith and the scaleheight. -6 -6 We show the bar strength for two flat height functions (red drops o↵ as of sech-squared with height from the z =0 plane, -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 as6well as in -6 previous -4 -2and 0subsequent 2 4 sections 6 section, corjudged as having the same strength (class 6), and hence case without the B/P. This follows from the fact that the forces in the plane are reduced in the model with the B/P bulge. tion along y = 0 and x = 3 (which is where the maximum For the potential the difference between height functions doesn’t Along some cuts at x values intermediate between t fourth row the x- and y- components of the force. In the first x (kpc) x (kpc)However, even weakly respond to strongly barred galaxies. the same e↵ect on thefunction disc, even though it appears that and green line), for our fiducial peanut height (solid of the scaleheight occurs). In the remainder of the paper, we ✓ ◆ (a) Characteristic Diagram (b) Comparing orbits (c) Comparing x1 orbits 1 barred have such xan important as the scaleheight chose. thewe gas flow towards the centre of the galaxy is hampered galaxies will role have B/P bulges, albeit weaker ones, that column we compare two “flat” height functions (both without a B/P 1 z line)toand for a boxy height (dashed blue 2 refer thisinasSection our fiducial model. and therefore thethick results black will also apply these galaxies alwhere the function peanut is maximum. This to is why 5.3 c y, 2014 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1–17 F (x, z) = sech , (14) In general, thicker disks are affected more by the choice of bulge), in the one we comparemodel, a galaxy with a peanut bulge to 2z (x, y) z (x, y) Tostrength, obtain which the scaleheights, we take cuts along the x to a lesser extent. We intend to carry out a full sta- linewegives introduce measureofof the bar can these families do not extend out to r=3 kpc , where 0 0 Figure 5. Left: Characteristic diagram for the model created from the image ofthough a simulated galaxy and two height functions, one with line). The thick grey vertical theanother position Figure 4: In the top two panels we show a number of (dashed-dotted black line) and one without (dashed red line) a B/P bulge. We tistical plot thestudy intersection each orbit of the xstrength of theofe↵ects of di↵erent B/P bulges capture the reduction in bar strength is vertical particle distribution with 1 family with and y-when axesa B/P andbulge fit the one without a peanut, in the third one we e↵ect compare a boxy bulge to the peanut’s is maximum. height function. where the scaleheight is a top-hat function, maximum (i.e. of the peanut) and the the y-axis as a function its Jacobi constant . The velocity curve (ZVC) of the case without B/Pgalaxy bulge iselsewhere. plotted with thethe length a potential without a B/P bulge (solidof red line) andEJin a zero potential with a the B/P on models ofpeanut theirahost present. a sech-squared function. We thereby determine the variaFig. 5(a) gives the value solid blue line (the ZVC for the case with and without a B/P bulge are very similar). Middle and Right: We plot a few periodic x1 orbits a model with a flat height functionThe andcharacteristic in the fourthdiagram columninwe vertical thinFor2dashed length ofwiththe bar. We see bulge (dashed black line). In the bottom panel show in the potential without a B/P bulge (red we solid lines) and the in the characteristic potential with a B/P bulge (black dashed lines). visual clarityline we gives the tion of z 0 from bin to bin along the cut. The results can be ( (iii) A model the fiducial boxy height function at which orbit intersects the y-axis of its Ja(i) A model with a sech and sech law height function compare a model with a peanut heightthefunction to a model withas a a function bulge show two panels of orbits, each with only a few orbits. We see that in general the orbits in the B/P model are less extended than in the that when using two different flat height functions, the bar z |x| 6 xmax & |y| 6 ymax We also plot QT for our fiducial boxy height function. diagram of the seen in Fig. 3. In the side-on view (panel (b)) we see that the In previous work by Laurikainen & Salo (2002) the 0 cobian energy (i.e. energy in the rotating frame of reference; case without the B/P. This follows from the fact that the forces in the plane are reduced in the model with the B/P bulge. z (x, y) = , (15) 0 Wethe see again that where the boxy bulge is maximum, QT0 behaves approximately like the comboxy height function.! disc e↵ect of position-independent height functions and height scaleheight along y = For the forces the greatest differences are found in interior strength is not significantly affected, which is consistent with z0 otherwise. Sinceis B/P bulges reduce the forces in the z=0 plane of the galaxy, the Binney & Tremaine (2008)). The Jacobian energy given is flattened due to the decrease in the strength of the forces functions which only vary as a function of radius was bination of two gaussians, except in the central region where The results show that B/P bulges reduce the potential and forces inFig. the plane. However we also see that where the top-hat the results in the first column of 4. On the other hand, region of the analytic bar, where most of the mass is extent units. and shape of the periodic orbits is also significantly affected: B/P examined, and these were found not to change Q in a in arbitrary units, due to the mass being in arbitrary b bulge disc model, these families do not extend out to r=3 kpc , where and where z gives the scaleheight of the disc and z the scaleheight drops below that of the outer disc. For a cut boxy function ends, Q exceeds the values of the sech and 0 T 0 in the plane of the galaxy by aThe significant amount to orbit 40% for for a givenbulges significant way. For realistic height functions such as the the peanut’s e↵ect is maximum. higher the energy(up of an intersection the bar i.e. the effect bars have on their host 2 the reduce the extent of the periodic concentrated. Differences can be quite significant for forces. 2 strength, sech curves. This is presumably due x to = the3,steep dropthe of peanut is maximum (end-on view, gives the scaleheight of the boxy bulge. This is quite a simalong where exponential, sech, or sech models, they found that Qb was The characteristic diagram in Fig. 5(a) gives the value the forces). If we do not modelalong a B/P bulge when it is present, we the y-axis the larger the velocity of that they orbit.change Hence, the shape scaleheight. Theboxy/peanut forces are increased in(c)), such the a waybehaviour that the galaxy, is significantly reduced where the a↵ected by less than 5%, which is consistent with our own of some example plified model of the boxy bulge, with only two free paramepanelbulge of z0 is still well approximated by at which the orbitperiodic intersects theorbits, y-axis as afor function of its Ja- by removing torque becomes very large at this point. As a consequence, results. This can be seen in Fig. 6, where we see that for will introduce large errors intothe ourxmodel. 1 orbits will be more elongated along the x-axis. We cobian energy (i.e. energy in the rotating frame of reference; ters, its strength (height) and length (set by L=2xmax ). The a gaussian, although our fit slightly under predicts the value isgeneral, maximum. loops which are present when a B/P bulge is not present (upper right In the largest differences due to Qb is overestimated by 16% compared to the fiducial peanut an equivalent scaleheight, the height functions of sech and Binney & IC Tremaine is given can already see therefore from Fig. 5(a) that the x1 orbits in (a) 4290 (2008)). The Jacobian energy (b) gtr116 thickness of the box, i.e. ymax , is set by the width of the bar. the scaleheight. case. We investigated the boxyofheight function as an altersech2 will produce very similar of bar height strengths, which will figure) in arbitrary units, due to the mass being in arbitrary units. the choice function or scaleheight, native to using the peanut height function, therecuts is oneat x values intermediate between the the model without a B/P bulge will be more elongated than Alongsince some The fiducial boxy height function has a height equal to tend to become even more similar the thinner the disc. The higher the energy of an orbit for a given intersection parameter less to model. However we conclude that even if Figure 7.the Visual between IC orbit. 4290Hence, and gtr116. The are found in the central parts of the disk. those in the model with a B/P bulge. Figs. 5(b) and 5(c) along y-axiscomparisson the larger the velocity of that one is merely interested in QT , a simple boxy height function (ii) A model with the fiducial peanut height function the x orbits will be more elongated along the x-axis. We two galaxies have strong morphological similarities and the same 1 2014 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1–17 where we plot some of the orbits of the x1 family in the two is not a good approximation to ca peanut function. Fragkoudi et al. 6 QT y (kpc) y (kpc) Results of height function study y (kpc) Figure 4. Errors from not modelling a B/P when it is present: The top row gives the scaleheight along the bar major axis for the setups we are comparing in the plots. The second row gives the di↵erence for the potential, the third row gives the di↵erence for Fx , and the fourth row gives the di↵erence for Fy . The green line represents the ellipse fitted to the outer isophote of the bar. First Column: Di↵erence between the sech and sech-squared setup. Second Column: Di↵erence between the fiducial peanut height function and a sech-squared height function. Third Column: Di↵erence between a boxy height function and a sech-squared height function. Fourth Column: Di↵erence between a boxy height function and our fiducial peanut height function. Not including a peanut or a boxy bulge where there is one will induce large errors in the potential and forces. A boxy height function is not a good approximation for a peanut height function. For details see the text, Sect. 4.1 c 2014 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1–19 0.7 6 y (kpc) 8 Potential can already see therefore from Fig. 5(a) that the x1 orbits in In the same figure we also plot QT for our fiducial B/P (b) gtr116 (a) IC 4290 evolution in disc galaxies: They drive gas to the centre of the galaxy (Athanassoula 1992b) which can create disc-like bulges (Kormendy & Kennicutt 2004, Athanassoula 2005) and can provide a reservoir of fuel for AGN activity (Shlosman et al 1990). However most barred galaxies contain Boxy/Peanut bulges, which have a significant effect on their host galaxy:! Forces the forces in the plane of the galaxy! • They reduce • They reduce the extent of periodic orbits, and alter their shape! • They reduce the bar strength in the regions where the B/P is maximum.! All this suggests that B/P bars will have a significant effect on the ability of the bar to drive gas to the centre of its galaxy, thus altering the mass distribution in the central regions. !