2015 Quick Reference Guide Support ese Mem
2015 Quick Reference Guide Support ese Mem
© 2015 Xcel Energy Inc. 5x2.5_GrtrStillwater_P03.indd 1 2/2/15 10:30 AM Local Businesses At Your Finger Tips Keep Next to Your: • Phone • Computer • Refrigerator • Car Visor PAID PRSRT STD ECRWSS U. S. POSTAGE EDDM-RETAIL LOCAL POSTAL CUSTOMER 2015 Quick Reference Guide ResponsibleByNature.com Support These Member Businesses Whatever business you’re in, Xcel Energy’s team of energy efficiency specialists can help you save energy and save money. Contact them at 1-855-839-8862 or visit ResponsibleByNature.com/Business. 200 Chestnut Street E #204 Stillwater, MN 55082 651-439-4001 for energy efficiency information. “Our community is your business.” USE US Engage Your Business Join the Chamber Ann M. I. Mozey, P. L. L. C. Family Law Counsel Free Consultation [email protected] PH (651)644-1000 | FX (651)644-1064 450 Main St. N, #140 Stillwater, MN 55082 Mobile-Link Communications Your Local Telecom Experts Wireless, Landline, Internet, GPS Asset Tracking, Cloud Services, Mobile Phone Repair Some of Our Carrier Partners: Sprint, Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, CenturyLink, Integra, TDS, Nextera Ask about exclusive Chamber benefits! CALL: 651.808.2288 EMAIL: [email protected] WEB: www.mobile-linkcommunications.com 3537 Lake Elmo Ave N., Suite 140, Lake Elmo, MN 55042 *Inside Public Library Building Downtown Stillwater www.bikeforabunch.com www.greaterstillwaterchamber.com 2015 Quick Reference Guide ACCOUNTING & PAYROLL SERVICES ADP - Ashley Hollenback Elizabeth Weaver, Ltd. Foley, Kalseim & Co, Ltd. Gebhard & Giguere, Ltd. John Trudeau & Co., P.A. Leo Neuman, Ltd. PayChex Peterson Hudson Potthoff CPA Vital Systems Inc. (651) 270-2025 (651) 439-1077 (651) 430-3635 (651) 328-6083 (651) 774-8785 (651) 439-5990 (612) 804-7555 (651) 439-3881 (651) 439-4134 ADVERTISING, MARKETING & MEDIA 4Front Media AdMail / St. Croix Shopping Guide Artful Business Writing HIbu (publisher of Yellow Book) Image 360 - Woodbury KLBB Radio 1220 AM Press Publications - The Lowdown RiverTown Multimedia St. Croix Press St. Paul Pioneer Press StarTribune Stillwater Current Stillwater Neighbors Magazine The Gazette - Valley Life Tour Main Street United Media Group WDGY Radio (651) 368-4748 (651) 430-3626 (612) 206-7889 (612) 209-2822 (651) 444-8111 (651) 439-5006 (651) 407-1200 (715) 426-1042 (715) 246-5811 (651) 228-5219 (612) 673-7311 (651) 728-1495 (651) 497-1603 (651) 439-3130 (651) 308-5212 (715) 247-3040 (651) 436-4000 ART, PHOTOGRAPHY, CREATIVE DESIGN Grain Studio Graphic Design & Printing (651) 433-5212 Studio J - Judd Sather Photography (651) 342-1476 ATTORNEYS & LEGAL SERVICES Anastasi Jellum, P.A. (651) 439-2951 Ann M.I. Mozey, P.L.L.C. (651) 644-1000 Atticus Family Law (651) 430-9700 Clean Slate Mediation (612) 308-9994 Cummins Law Office, P.A. (651) 430-2630 Eckberg, Lammers, Briggs, Wolff & Vierling(651) 439-2878 Lawson, Marshall, Attorneys at Law (651) 777-6960 LegalShield - Julie Ward (715) 557-2527 Petersen, PLC (651) 351-0500 Ranum Law Office (651) 439-1530 ATTRACTIONS & RECREATION Aamodt’s Hot Air Balloon Rides (651) 351-0101 Afton Alps (651) 436-5245 Afton Apple Orchard (651) 436-8385 BierCycle Adventures, LLC (651) 300-2202 Minnesota Timberwolves (612) 673-1643 Oak Glen Golf Course (651) 439-6981 SeaNote Cruises - Lady Chateau (651) 430-2770 St. Croix National Golf & Event Center (715) 247-4200 St. Croix River Resort (605) 399-7845 Stillwater Boat Club & Rentals (651) 439-9000 Stillwater Country Club (651) 439-7979 Stillwater Trolley Company (651) 430-0352 Stillwater/OPH Convention & Visitor’s Bureau(651) 351-1717 Wahoo! Adventures (651) 280-7299 Washington County Historic Courthouse(651) 275-7075 Washington County Historical Society (651) 439-5956 Wild Mountain Taylors Falls Recreation (651) 465-6315 AUTOMOTIVE & BOATING ABRA Auto Body & Glass Bayport Marina Association, Inc. Diane Iten Auto Brokers Happy’s Stillwater Automotive Lake Elmo Repair Port of Sunnyside Stillwater Collision & Restoration Stillwater Motors-Chevrolet & Buick Tetzlaff Yacht Sales Tire Pros and Wheel Experts Wolf Marine, Inc. BANKS Associated Bank Bremer Bank (651) 430-0800 (651) 439-2040 (651) 275-0508 (651) 439-0581 (651) 770-7699 (651) 439-2118 (651) 439-8771 (651) 439-4333 (651) 214-9463 (651) 430-0099 (651) 439-2341 (651) 395-5400 (651) 967-5640 Central Bank (651) 439-3050 Eagle Valley Bank (651) 351-1200 First State Bank and Trust - Bayport (651) 439-5195 First State Bank & Trust - Boutwells Landing(651) 275-5050 First State Bank & Trust - Oak Park Heights (651) 439-2655 First State Bank and Trust - Stillwater (651) 439-7072 Lake Area Bank (651) 430-9500 Lake Elmo Bank - Lake Elmo (651) 777-8365 Lake Elmo Bank - Stillwater (651) 439-7680 TCF Bank - Cub (612) 460-4622 TCF National Bank - Neal Ave (612) 317-4850 US Bank - Stillwater Blvd. (651) 430-2820 US Bank Downtown Stillwater (651) 439-4411 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (651) 205-8221 BUSINESS SERVICES Merchant Services Minnesota Minnesota Central School Bus, LLC Twin Cities - Metro CDC Wisconsin Business Development Xcel Energy (612) 229-8808 (651) 430-3311 (651) 481-8081 (715) 381-6719 (651) 779-3105 CIVIC & SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS American Red Cross Bayport Public Library Our Community Kitchen Salvation Army Stillwater Lions Club Stillwater Rotary Club Stillwater Sunrise Rotary Valley Friendship Club COMPUTER SUPPORT, WEB DESIGN / PHONES Celia Wirth Computer Services Comcast Business Dragnfly Wireless, Inc Mobile-Link Communications Pereboom’s Computer Service, Inc. St. Croix Telecommunications, LLC The Cellular Connection (651) 439-0031 (651) 275-4416 (651) 439-2175 (651) 746-3541 (651) 439-1530 (651) 351-0991 (651) 208-0746 (651) 491-6486 Arrow Building Center (651) 439-3518 Braden Construction (651) 779-6819 DSGW Architects (651) 784-7924 G. Thomas Construction-Home Remodeling(651) 436-6599 Ispiri Design-Build (651) 578-0122 Landmark Custom Homes & Remodeling(651) 770-9100 Murphy Brothers Remodeling (763) 780-3262 Posch Builders, LLC (651) 269-2021 System Built Homes, Inc. (651) 405-9105 Tomten Environmental Design (651) 303-3275 Valley Installations - Restaurant Services(651) 246-9587 Elert & Associates River City Consulting, Inc. UXL - Creating Successful Leaders (651) 705-1234 (651) 705-0302 (651) 226-8997 DENTAL CARE Johnson, D. Theodore, DDS (651) 439-7071 McGann Family Dental, PA (651) 777-1337 River Valley Dental Care (651) 430-0036 Sletten & Brettin Orthodontics (651) 439-3350 Stenberg Orthodontics (651) 439-1966 Stillwater Family Dental & Dignified Dental(651) 351-0890 The Oral Surgery Center (651) 233-2140 EVENTS & PARTIES (612) 281-5695 (651) 342-1476 FLORISTS & GREENHOUSES Bergmann’s Greenhouses & Market Rose Floral & Greenhouse Valley Floral Company FUNERAL HOMES Bradshaw Celebration of Life Center Simonet Funeral Home (651) 439-9577 (651) 439-3765 (651) 439-0611 (651) 439-5511 (651) 439-7770 GOVERNMENT & EDUCATION City of Bayport (651) 275-4404 City of Lake Elmo (651) 747-3900 City of Oak Park Heights (651) 439-4439 City of Stillwater (651) 430-8800 Mathnasium of Stillwater (651) 300-2252 New Horizon Academy (651) 209-0093 Partnership Plan for Stillwater Area Schools(651) 439-3172 Smart Start Childcare and Learning Center(651) 280-0188 St. Croix Kids Early Childhood Center (651) 439-3616 St. Croix Preparatory Academy (651) 395-5900 Stillwater Area Public Schools (651) 351-8340 Stillwater Public Library (651) 275-4338 Sunny Hill Preschool (651) 430-2469 Valley Preschool (651) 439-8850 Washington Co. Housing & Redevelopment(651) 458-0936 GROCERY STORES Brine’s Market River Market Community Co-op (651) 439-1862 (651) 439-0366 HEALTHCARE & WELLNESS (612) 408-9437 (651) 272-7767 (612) 208-3359 (651) 808-2288 (651) 538-0321 (651) 439-7724 (651) 351-2021 CONSTRUCTION & DESIGN CONSULTING SERVICES Scheel’s Catering The Loft at Studio J AAction Rental, Inc. (651) 439-6594 Arcola Mills Historic Foundation (651) 439-1652 Events by Eastman (651) 342-0722 Kari’s Create & Paint (651) 500-6588 Lake Elmo Inn Event Center (651) 779-5994 Omega Event Services (651) 271-3548 Outing Lodge - Events, Weddings & Retreats (651) 439-9747 PartyOnStillwater (651) 206-4882 Prom Catering - Prom Center, Tartan Park(651) 501-8191 Rafters Dining, Nightclub & Event Center(651) 342-1502 Advanced Dermatology Care (651) 484-2724 Amy Olson, Licensed Acupuncturist (651) 430-0018 Anytime Fitness (651) 439-5544 Associated Eye Care (651) 275-3000 Blue Sky Therapeutic Yoga (651) 303-2043 Brown Dog Paddleboard Co. (651) 399-5066 Compass Center for Healing (651) 472-5800 Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Ins, St. Croix(651) 439-8283 David. L. Wick, D.C., P.A. (651) 342-2083 Farrell’s Extreme Bodyshaping (651) 342-1063 Healing River Chiropractic (651) 439-3737 HealthEast Stillwater Clinic (651) 471-5600 HealthSource Chiropractic of Stillwater (651) 300-0150 JuicePlus+ (651) 247-9301 Lakeview Hospital (651) 439-5330 Midwest Spine & Brain Institute (651) 430-3800 Mind Body Spirit Integration (651) 592-6181 Natural Medicine of Stillwater (651) 342-1043 Nerium International Brand Partner (651) 439-7720 Northland Chiropractic Clinic (651) 430-2727 Parkview Chiropractic (651) 578-8588 St. Croix Orthopaedics (651) 439-8807 St. Paul Eye Clinic, P.A. (651) 738-6800 Stillwater Medical Group (651) 439-1234 Success Builders - Amway (651) 748-8713 The Sand Creek Group (651) 430-3383 What If U Could ....? (612) 723-9086 HOME IMPROVEMENT & SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS Abbott Paint & Carpet, Inc. (651) 439-9695 Acer Home Inspections (651) 592-8810 AdvantaClean of the Twin Cities (651) 459-2662 All Exteriors & K-Guard Gutter Systems (715) 781 1696 Anderson Heating (651) 430-0685 Attract, LLC (612) 200-0866 Best Built Fence Company (715) 426-0457 Betterliving Sunrooms by Portico (651) 289-6611 Black Hawk Garage Door, LLC (715) 688-3200 Budget Blinds of Stillwater (651) 351-7620 C & T Siding & Windows (715) 749-3162 CertaPro Painters (612) 803-2248 Comfort By Design (715) 273-3658 Frank Fabio Company, Inc. (612) 741-9640 Handyman Matters-Hudson/Stillwater (715) 861-4990 Heritage Remodeling (612) 701-6524 Business information is as of 3/10/15 and is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Home Media Innovations, Inc. (715) 377-0606 Interior Creations, LLC (256) 655-7177 Interior Impressions - Interior Design (651) 238-0995 Interiors of Stillwater Painting Co. (651) 387-0006 J&J Remodelers (651) 295-3272 Kiddo Mini Homes, LLC (651) 356-2479 Kitchens of Stillwater (651) 275-0700 Linner Electric (651) 439-4072 Maroney’s Sanitation, Inc. (651) 439-7279 Monster Tree Service (651) 705-0033 North Woods Industries, LLC (651) 323-0817 Paint Techs, Inc. (651) 430-0065 Paul Davis Emergency Services (651) 342-0816 Renewal by Andersen (651) 264-4000 St.Croix Cabinet Solutions/N-Hance Wood Renewal(651) 294-7500 Stone on Demand (651) 983-2429 Superior Garage Floor (715) 307-7377 TD&I Cable Maintenance, Inc (651) 436-3383 Timberland Exteriors (651) 439-1760 Valley Pools & Spas of Hudson (715) 381-0111 INSURANCE Ahlrichs Insurance & Financial Services (651) 275-1977 American Family Insurance - Cory Jacklitch(651) 439-9030 American Family Insurance - Pam Petersen(651) 439-8442 Dan Stoudt Insurance Agency (651) 439-0383 Eagle Point Insurance Group, Inc. (651) 209-9330 Insurance Advisors of Stillwater (612) 702-2159 McGarry Kearney Agency, Inc. (651) 439-6345 Noah Insurance Group (651) 430-0085 State Farm - Paul McCarthy (651) 748-9400 Student Assurance Services, Inc. (651) 439-7098 Valley Agencies, Inc. (651) 439-2930 INVESTMENTS & FINANCIAL PLANNING Hanson Stone Retirement Strategies (651) 439-4544 K-F Financial (651) 204-0655 Merrill Lynch (651) 275-8040 Morgan Stanley Wealth Management (651) 472-8100 MetLife - John J. Miller (651) 731-7900 RBC Wealth Management (651) 430-5535 Stillwater Investment Management, LLC(651) 275-9380 Thrivent Financial - Dana Olson Erickson(651) 439-7091 LANDSCAPING Backyard Paradise Landscaping, LLC Minnesota Landscapes Patio Town Yardmaster’s Landscapes, Inc. LODGING Afton House Inn / Dinner Boats Americas Best Value Inn AmericInn Lodge & Suites Cabin In the Woods Cover Park Manor Bed & Breakfast Crossings By GrandStay Inn & Suites Inns of the Valley Lexington Inn & Suites Midwest Outdoor Resorts Phipps Inn Bed & Breakfast Pleasant Lake Bed & Breakfast Rivertown Inn Stillwater Super 8 Water Street Inn MANUFACTURING Andersen Corporation VistaTek (877) 672-2259 (651) 480-0070 (651) 748-5890 (651) 439-1750 (651) 436-8883 (651) 430-1300 (651) 275-0980 (651) 983-5566 (651) 430-9292 (651) 430-2699 (651) 998-0185 (651) 275-1401 (602) 399-7845 (715) 386-0800 (715) 294-2545 (651) 430-2955 (651) 430-3990 (651) 439-6000 (651) 264-7432 (651) 653-0400 NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS A Place of Grace (651) 653-2009 Afton Area Business Association (651) 436-8883 Camp Odayin (651) 351-9185 Canvas Health (651) 777-5222 Community Thread (651) 439-7434 East Suburban Resources (651) 351-0190 Evolve Adoption & Family Services (651) 439-2446 FamilyMeans (651) 439-4840 Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce(651) 439-4001 651-439-4001 Hope House (651) 351-0496 Lakeview Foundation (651) 430-4556 Lifetrack Resources (651) 227-8471 Project Life (651) 439-5964 St. Croix River Association (715) 483-3300 Stillwater Area Foundation (651) 967-7344 United Way of Washington County - East (651) 439-3838 Valley Outreach (651) 430-2739 Youth Service Bureau (651) 439-8800 PERFORMING ARTS Stillwater Film & Theatre Valley Chamber Chorale PERSONAL SERVICES Marriage/Engaged Encounter Shorty Cleaner Launderer, Inc Timely Expressions PETS & VETERINARY Animal Inn Pet Resort & Spa Cedar Pet Clinic Lake Elmo St. Croix Animal Friends PRINTING & SHIPPING FedEx Office Minuteman Press St. Croix Press, Inc. The UPS Store (651) 430-9591 (651) 430-0124 (651) 454-3238 (651) 439-2250 (612) 414-3674 (651) 777-0255 (651) 770-3250 (715) 749-3763 (651) 275-0842 (651) 735-2255 (715) 246-5811 (651) 351-7200 REAL ESTATE A.B.S. Co/Staples Mill - Terri Brine (651) 439-9100 Carriage Realty Inc - Karen Stang (651) 253-1689 Coldwell Banker Burnet - Lisa McKasy (651) 214-4075 Edina Realty - Judy Craig (651) 303-1200 Edina Realty - Julie Braun (651) 485-9877 Edina Realty - Lynn VanOrsdale (651) 430-7524 Edina Realty - Rachael Harvey (612) 804-6001 Edina Realty - The Lund Team (651) 723-9086 Fox Glen HOA c/o Kingwood Management(651) 430-8414 FSA Title Services, LLC (651) 439-9550 Garnet Real Estate Services (651) 491-8005 Greystone Real Estate Group (651) 430-2250 High Pointe Realty - Team Boo (651) 231-3111 Keller Williams - Karin Housley Homes (651) 430-0400 Land Title Inc. - Mary Sue Curley (651) 558-9158 Mainplace, LLC (651) 351-2959 Marketplace Home Mortgage - J.Bydzovsky(651) 439-4941 Metro East Commercial Real Estate (651) 351-5005 MidCountry Mortgage - Jim Herbert (651) 351-2200 MJF & Associates (612) 819-0133 MN Bank & Trust (651) 439-4802 RE/MAX Professionals (651) 439-2222 RE/Max Professionals - Elisa Eesley (651) 430-8033 St. Croix Home Loans, LLC (651) 330-5507 St. Croix Investors LLC (651) 433-3247 Stillwater Crossings Condo Association (651) 439-7812 Sunny Side II Homeowners Association (651) 262-9843 Valley View Garden Homes North (651) 342-0684 Waterstone Mortgage Corp (651) 983-4724 Wild River Realty (651) 294-9444 RELIGIOUS Christ Lutheran Church - Marine (651) 433-3222 Episcopal Church of the Ascension (651) 439-2175 Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church & School(651) 439-7831 St. Paul Lutheran Church (651) 439-5970 Trinity Lutheran Church (651) 439-7400 Zion Lutheran of Cottage Grove (763) 242-6753 RESTAURANTS Acapulco Mexican Restaurant Brine’s Bar and Restaurant Brookside Bar & Grill Buffalo Wild Wings Carbone’s Pizzeria & Pub Chicago Dogs Culvers Famous Dave’s Freight House Restaurant (651) 351-9462 (651) 439-7556 (651) 433-1112 (651) 351-9464 (651) 439-0004 (651) 323-7150 (651) 351-2989 (651) 439-5200 (651) 439-5718 For an up-to-date listing of Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce members, visit: Gasthaus Bavarian Hunter Joseph’s Family Restaurant Lake Elmo Inn Leo’s Grill & Malt Shop Lolo American Kitchen Mad Capper Mallards On The St. Croix Noodles & Company Not Justa Cafe P.D. Pappy’s Music Bar & Grill Phil’s Tara Hideaway Pub 112 Quickfire Pizza (651) 439-7128 (651) 439-3336 (651) 777-8495 (651) 351-3943 (651) 342-2461 (651) 430-3710 (651) 342-0903 (612) 723-4974 (651) 275-8900 (651) 430-1147 (651) 439-9850 (651) 342-0836 (651) 439-7009 RETAIL 45 Degrees (651) 430-3609 Allure by Greatons Jewelers (651) 439-9200 Art N Soul (651) 275-0255 Century Power Equipment (651) 439-2035 Darn Knit Anyway (651) 342-1386 Diamonds on Main (651) 430-2493 Enchante’ (651) 439-7232 Fireworks Forever (715) 483-1322 Forget-Me-Not in Stillwater (651) 430-8113 Gartner Studios (651) 351-7700 Heritage Embroidery & Design (651) 430-9220 Kathe Wohlfahrt of America (651) 275-1236 Let There Be Light Antiques (651) 351-7580 Mara Mi - Studio+Store+Cafe (651) 689-1730 McCormack’s Furniture (651) 439-4208 Musicmaker’s Kits, Inc. (651) 439-9120 My Sister’s Cottage (651) 351-2030 OfficeMax - Stillwater (651) 351-0357 Sams Club - Woodbury (651) 702-7968 Sandy Mondor PartyLite Independent Cons (651) 430-0558 Simonet Furniture Outlet (651) 439-2110 Staples Mill Antiques (651) 430-1816 Valley Ridge Mall (952) 843-1210 Wal-Mart (651) 439-7476 SENIOR SERVICES & FACILITIES Always Best Care of St. Croix Valley Boutwells Landing Buurtzorg Neighborhood Nursing Comfort Keepers Croixdale Good Samaritan Society-Stillwater Oak Ridge Place Senior Living (651) 485-5382 (651) 275-5000 (651) 605-1400 (715) 381-6730 (651) 275-4800 (651) 439-7180 (651) 439-8034 SPAS & SALONS A’salonna Salon & Spa (651) 439-5673 Capture Salon and Studio (651) 342-1140 JJ Nail, Spa & Massage (651) 342-0559 Just For Me Spa & Stillwater Fitness Club(651) 439-4662 Monde Salon (651) 439-2257 SkinPros - Massage & Skincare (651) 439-7939 Sport Clips Haircuts (651) 342-0944 SPECIALTY FOOD & BEVERAGE Bayport Liquor (651) 342-0686 Candyland, Inc. (651) 430-8004 CherryBerry (651) 342-0128 Chuck’s Not-So-Famous BBQ Sauce (651) 433-2451 Culligan of Stillwater (651) 439-2636 Dunn Brothers Coffee Shop (651) 275-1888 Great Harvest Bread Co. Stillwater (651) 351-0311 Haskell’s (651) 439-3399 Joseph Wolf Brewing Co, LLC (651) 300-2030 JuicePlus+ (651) 247-9301 Lift Bridge Brewery (888) 430-2337 Maple Island Brewing LLC (651) 430-0044 Oaks Wine and Spirits (651) 439-2184 Saint Croix Vineyards (651) 430-3310 Sara’s Tipsy Pies (651) 208-4247 Spice & Tea Co (651) 351-5155 Squeeze It Juice Bar (651) 342-0187 Still-H2O Homebrewing & Hydroponics (651) 351-2822 Stillwater Liquor (651) 439-4319 The Wedge & Wheel (651) 342-1687 TRAVEL Travel Leaders Stillwater Valley Tours, Inc. (651) 439-3522 (651) 439-6110 www.greaterstillwaterchamber.com
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