Piura Tumbes Lima Trujillo
Piura Tumbes Lima Trujillo
INY es Tumb Paita Piura o Trujill Calla Shrimp Farm Freezing Factory Head Quarters o Lima INY – Marinazul a Camposol Seafood Company. se afood INY-Marinazul is a Seafood Company, leader in Farmed Shrimp Penaeus vannamei production in Perú. With more than 30 years of experience we also produce other frozen seafood products like Scallops Agropecten purpuratus, Mahi Mahi Coryphaena Hippurus, Squid Loligo gahi and Giant Squid Dosidicus gigas. We have more than 1,200 Ha of shrimp pounds, between extensive and intensive program, located in Tumbes in the Peruvian north shore. Our shrimp production is fully integrated, with a state of the art hatchery and laboratory in charge of larva production, monitoring the ponds health and natural disease control. This hatchety is also investing research and development in other aquaculture species such as Amazon Cod Arapaima gigas, that is a millenarian exotic fish from the Amazonian, Pacific Snapper Lutjanus peru, Black snook Centropomus nigrescens, and Drums Cynoscion phoxocephalus. We got 3 freezing facilities, two of them in Tumbes and the other one in Paita, this allow us to have flexibility in process and also be able to take advantage of all the fish species that are available in the Peruvian shores. All of our facilities have BRC and HAPPC certifications. Camposol Seafood is focused on Quality and process improvement in all our areas: We guarantee full traceability, always the complete weight and the correct count in our shrimp products. We are commited with sustainability of all the areas were we operate and development of all our stakeholdes. The objectives for the next years are to continue increase our shrimp production volume by transforming more areas to intensive pounds. For the year 2015 we expect to produce 7,000 MT of shrimp. Camposol is the leading Peruvian agro industrial company, is one of the world largest asparagus, avocado and blueberry exporter. We share the same corporative interest and values in sustainability, social responsibility and development of all our groups of interest. Camposol and Camposol Seafood are part of D&C Group. se afood se afood HATCHERY PAIT A PAITA se afood TUMBES se afood PENAEUS VANNAMEI se afood PENAEUS VANNAMEI LOLIGO GAHI se afood LOLIGO GAHI DOSIDICUS GIGAS se afood DOSIDICUS GIGAS CORYPHAENA HIPPURUS CORYPHAENA HIPPURUS se afood ARGOPECTEN PURPURATUS DONAX SP se afood P S X A DON TRANSENNELA PANNOSA TRANSENNELLA PANNOSA ENSIS MACHA ENSIS MACHA TIVELA HIANS se afood TIVELA HIANS TAGELUS DOMBEII TAGELUS DOMBEII ODONTHESTES REGIA REGIA ODONTHESTES REGIA REGIA ENGRAULIS RINGENS ENGRAULIS RINGENS S U P TO OC OCTOPUS se afood A M I A P A R A AS GIG ARAPAIMA GIGAS NAME IN PERÚ COMERCIAL NAME Abalón Almeja Peruvian Abalane Clams Anchoveta Anguila Atún Aleta Amarilla Bacalao de profundidad Caballa Cabrilla Cabrilla Voladora Calamar Cangrejo Caracol Negro, chocolate Chiri Choro Coco Cojinova Conchas de Abanico Conchas Pala Conchas Perla Conchas Negras Corvina Corvina dorada Espejo Jaiba Jurel Langostinos Anchovy Sea snake eel Tuna yellowfish Sea bass, Mero de profundidad, Mero negro Pacific Mackerel, Chub Mackerel Peruvian rock sea bass Searobins Squid Crab TopShell Chiri, Butter fish Messel, Mejillon Drums, Corvalos Blackruffs Centroliphids Scallops Concha pala Pearl Oyster, Wing Oyster Concha negra Drums Pacific croaker Moonfish, pacific moonfish Crab, swiming Pacific jack mackerel, Horse mackerel Shrimps Lenguado Flounder Liza Lorna Macha Machete Merluza Mero Navaja Navajuela Paiche Palabritas Pampano Pejerrey Pepinos de mar Percebes Perico, Dorado Pez Espada Pota Pulpo Raya Sardina Sierra Tiburón Azul Tiburón Diamante / Bonito Mako Tiburón Zorro Tilapia Striped mullet Drums Wedge clam Menhaden, Herring, Shand Hake, Whiting Grouper Navaja, Razor Clam Razor Clam Amazon Cod Baby clams Pompano Peruvian silverside, Smelt, Aquadella Sea cucumber Percebes, Barnadi Mahi Mahi Sword Fish Giant Squid Octopus Skates Pichard, Pacific sardine Spanish mackerel, Sierra mackerel Blue shark Shortfin mako, Bonito shark, Mako Shark Thresher Shark Tilapia Tollo Trucha Smooth hounds, Dog fish Trout LATIN NAME Concholepas concholepas Semele solida Transennella pannosa Tivela hians Engraulis ringens Ophichtus pacifici Thunnus obesus Dissostichus eleginoides Scomber japonicus Paralabrax humeralis Prinotus ruscarius Loligo gahi Cancer setosus Thais chocolata Peprilus medius Aulacomya ater Paralonchurus Polyclemuperuanus Seriolella violacea, Seriolella porosa Argopecten purpuratus Atrina sp Pteria stema Glycymeris ovata Scianea gilberti Micropogom altipinnis Selene peruviana Euphylax doviii Trachurus murphyi Penaeus vannamei Penaeus stylirostris Penaeus californiensis Paralichthys adspersus Paralichtthys woolmannil Mugil cephalus Sciaena deliciosa Mesodesma donacium Brevoortia maculata chilcae Merluccius gayi peruanus Alphestes spp Ensis macha Tangelus dombeii Arapaima gigas Donax sp Trachinotus paitensis Odontesthes regia regia Pattalus mollis Pollicepis elegans Coryphaena hippurus Xiphias gladius linnaeus Dosidicus gigas Octopus sp Psammobatis spp Sardinops sagax sagax Scomberomorus maculatus sierra Prionace glauca Isurus oxyrinchus rafinesque Alopias vulpinos Orechromis niloticus Oreochromis mozambicus Mustelus spp Oncorthynchus mykiss www.camposol.com.pe se afood SHRIMP FARMS: FREEZING FACTORIES: Campo Ventarrón Campo Lan Karina Campo Cerro Negro Campo Botón de Oro Campo Tablazo Campo Hualtaco Campo Paracas Campo Pacífico Azul Campo Buva Camarón Campo Mar Norte Campo Camarones Campo Domingo Rodas La Cruz - Tumbes San Isidro - Tumbes Paita - Piura BRANDS: Golden Inca Silver Inca Marinazul INYSA INY-Maginable HEAD QUARTERS: Av. El Derby 250, Piso 4 Santiago de Surco Lima 33 - Perú T: +51-1-634-7100 TUMBES OFFICE: Carretera Panamericana Norte Km 1252 Caleta la Cruz Tumbes – Perú e: [email protected]
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