1999 CCHS “Cavalcade”
1999 CCHS “Cavalcade”
dn,md Dennis Burkett Chn'fitos Argm'fi John Berdine Amanda Baldwin Joe Barenie Brandi Bennett Kelly Bush Katie Bauer 4 ' Jennifer Bueh Adam Behnke r Leon Bell • m f 1 .1 6 jm,ts Michael Buechman Sherry Earnest Zachary Cole Courtney Cannon Alex Chesser Erica Ditmire Tiffanie Dubois Richard Easterday Darla Eby Michael Pilip Judy Parris V i f \ i ^_ jm,cp 9 Josh Hart Michelle Hanselman Sunshine Purlano A w Katie Griffin Ricky Gueita m Jacob Hartle ts,cp 11 Brett Hooker Tom Herrell Brian Hunnicutt W h a t is t h e b i g g e s t p r a n k y o u e v e r p u l l e d ? - P u t a sign on t h e f r o n t of my b o s s ' s c a r t h a t s a i d " S t i n k y Billygoat" a n d s h e d r o v e a r o u n d w i t h it on h e r c a r . \ - W e l l , you s e e , it w a s like t h i s . Kelly B u s h Y o u know, a t t h e P r o m , l a s t y e a r ' s p r o m , I mean, my t h e n b o y f r i e n d t h o u g h t . . H o l l y Kelly -Holly and I s e n t a small plastic baby to Cocoa Puffs....they never w r o t e back. Amy Minarik - W h e n E v a n Y o u n g doesn't know t h e a n s w e r s to M s . D e a r t h ' s q u e s t i o n s , I w h i s p e r t h e w r o n g ones to him. Darla Eby H e k e e p s r e p e a t i n g t h e w r o n g a n s w e r s t h a t I t e l l him. Joseph Keller Holly Kelly Travis Ketcham l o r n Amber Jonee Megan Keeler Krystal Kilgore W h a t is y o u r m o s t e m b a r r a s s i n g p u b l i c Sarah Kornblith Justin Lancaster moment? - I n 3 r d g r a d e my mom b o u g h t me girl's s h o e s , a n d e v e r y o n e made f u n d of me. - 8 t h g r a d e t r i p t o Kings I s l a n d . -Getting stuffed 12 Andrew Ruhnow Frankie Tobey into a t r a s h c a n . T . J . K e t c h a m mk,jm cp,ts Aaron McCraw Robert Marsh W h a t is y o u r b e s r e x c u s e F o r b e i n g lare? TraFFic j a m in M o n t e r e y . -Joe Keller Jayeon Migonie Karianne Style Michael Wakefield Prancine Tobey Tony Sommer <7 Jessica Spiewak Jennifer Streets Matt Stevens 18 cp,ts Melissa Thompson Scott Walters Timothy Warner mk,jm 19 Robert Widner Becky Watwood Evan Young Jacob Ziegler Stephanie Wentzel l William Widner 20 cp,jm STRANGEST PERSONALITY WORST DRIVER Mike Wakefield, A m y Minarik, & Matt Stevens VfflO iS Justin Davis & Sarah Komblith MOST CAPTIVATING E Y E S Joe Keller & Jill Mishler LOUDEST MOUTH Brett Hooker & Krystal Kilgore THC... BEST BODY Megan Keeler & Joe Keller CLASS CLOWN Krystal Kilgore & Justin Davis C L A S S GOSSIP Mike Wakefield, Matt Stevens, Darla Eby CLASS REBEL Anna Lee & Joe Barenie MARRY 5 TIMES John Berdine & Courtney Cannon BEST DRESSED Aaron McCravv & Jill Mishler PERFECT PERSON T O B E STRANDED Megan Keeler & Joe Keller BIGGEST FLIRT Josh Hart & Amy Minarik L I V E IN C U L V E R F O R E V E R BE ON J E R R Y SPRINGER Mike Buschman & Darla Eby Anna Lee & Leon Bell WITH Mir-/ SUCCEED Aaron McCravv & Cindv Miller — HZ. m l h a 9 E N D UP IN J A I L Anna Lee & Tony Sommer WHO m BEST LEGS Jill Mishler, Joe Keller, Brandi Bennett m . . . BEST SMILE Richard Easterday, Megan Keeler, Tonya Salyer, Krystal Kilgore MOST GIRL/BOY FRIENDS Courtney Cannon & Josh Hart BE A MILLIONAIRE H A V E 10 K I D S John Berdine & Jennifer Streets Sherry Earnest & Aaron McCravv r s S e n i o ' 1 1 Joe Arbuckle- T A 12, Football 9 Katie Bauer- Band 9-10, Cheerleader 10, Spanish 9-11, Pep Block 10, Basketball 9,11, T r a c k 9, S A D D 9-12, Softball 11-12 9, Basketball 9 Amanda Baldwin- T A 12, Chorus 9, S A D D 9-10 Adam Behnke- Band 9, I T 12, S A D D 9-12, Leon Bell- Band 9-12, Cornucopia 11-12, G o l f 9-12, Soccer 9, 12 French 9-12, Science 10 Chris Argiris- Band 9-10, Spanish 9, S A D D Jolin Berdine- S A D D 9, Football 9 Mike Buschman- Band 9-12 (drum major 12, Interclub 10-11, N H S 11-12, B P A 12, Kelly Bush- Art 9-12. Band 9, T A 12, 9, 11-12, N I I S 11-12, Spanish 9-12, Pep Spanish 9-12 (v.p. 11, sec 12), Pep Block 9- Cavalcade 11, Cornucopia 11-12, Drama 12, Block 11-12, S A D D 9-12, Computer 11-12, 12, S A D D 9-12, Student Council 10-12 B P A 12, Science 9-12 (sec. 12), Spanish 9- Student Advisory 9, Football 9-12, T r a c k 9- (pres. 12), Softball 10-12, Lettennan's 12 11, S A D D 9-12 12, Wrestling 9-12, Lettennan's 11-12 Jennifer Bush- Art 9-12, T A 12, French 9, Justin Davis- Band 9-12, Cross Country Courtney Cannon- Band 9-10, F H A 12, B P A 12, S A D D 9-11, Soccer 9-12, Manager 11-12 S A D D 9-10, Basketball 9-12, Soccer 9-12 Brandi Bennett- T A 11-12, Caval Crier 10- 12), Boy's State Delegate 11, T A 12, Drama 11, Sec. 11, Cheerleader 11-12 (capt), F E A r s 1 1 Brian Linhart- Art 12, Soccer 9 Joel Lloyd- T A 11-12, Caval Crier 9-10, Spanish 9-11, S A D D 9-10, Basketball 9-12, G o l f 11, Lettennan's 11-12 L u k e Loeluner- Art 9-11, T A 12, I T 11-12 (pres. 11-12), S A D D 9-10 Shannon Mann- Cavalcade 10, Science 9-11, Travis Markin- Band 9, T A 12 Aaron M c C r a w - Art 11-12, French 9-12 (pres. 11, v . p . l 2 ) . N I I S 11-12 (pres. 12). G o l f 10-12 William McFarland- T A 12, B P A 12, Pep Block 11-12, S A D D 9-12, Computer 11-12 (pres. 11), Basketball Manager 10-11, Cross Country 9-12, Track 9-12 Jayson Migonis- T A 12, Caval Crier 10, Pres. 11*, Spanish 9-12, S A D D 9-11, Student Council 9-1 l(v.p. 11), Basketball 9-12(capt. 12.), Football 9, Soccer 10, Lettennan's 11-12 Cynthia Miller- Band 9-12, T A 12, Cavalcade 11-12, French 9-12, F E A 9-12 (pres. 12), N I I S 11-12, S A D D 9-12 Amy Minarik- Band 9-12 (dmm major 12), Jill Mishler- Art C l u b 9, 11-12, T A 12, Cavalcade 11-12, S A D D 9-10, 12 Anna Lee- Chorus 9-12, F H A 9-12, Spanish 9, S A D D 9-12 Lettennan's 11-12 Alex Chesser- Art 9, I T 11-12, N H S 11-12, Science 9-12, Spanish 9-12 S e n i o S A D D 9-11 Pres. 9-10, V . P . 12, Drama 9-12, N H S 11-12, Spanish 11-12 (sec. 12), Pep Block 11-12, S A D D 9-12, Cross Country 11-12 Tiffany DuBois- Band 9-10, T A 12, Spanish 9, S A D D 11-12 Karyn Davis- Band 9, B P A 12, Spanish 9-11 Edward Moore- Football 9, Track 10 Crystal Pike- Chorus 9-12, F H A 11-12. Spanish 9-10, S A D D 9-12 Charles Porter- F H A 11-12, I T 11-12, Interclub 11-12, N H S 11-12, Spanish 9-12, Computer 11-12, Football 11, Wrestling 9-12 Erica Ditmire- Band 9-10, T A 12, F E A 10- Katie Griffin- Art 11-12. T A 12, Chorus 9- Sherry Earnest- T A 12, B P A 12, Spanish 9- 11, F H A 10. B P A 12, S A D D 9-12, Basketball 10-12, Soccer 9-12, Softball 10, 10, 12, S A D D 9-12 12, S A D D 9-12 (capt.), Lettennan's 11-12 Brooke Ringer- Art 11, French 9, Soccer 9 12, Lettennan's 11 Rhapsody Robbins- Band 9-10, T A 12, Spanish 9. S A D D 9-12, Soccer 9-12, Softball 10,12, Track 9, Wrestling Manager 10-12 Richard Easterdav- Band 9-12. Boy's State Darla Eby- Band 9-11, Caval Crier 12, Pres. Judy Fan-is- Chorus 9-12, F H A 9-12, Spanish Delegate 12, Drama 9-12, I T 12, N H S 11-12, 12, V.Pres. 9-11, French 9-12, F E A 12. 9, S A D D 9-11 Science 11-12, Spanish 9-12, Pep Block 11- Interclub 9-11 (pres. 11), N H S 11-12 (v.p. 12, S A D D 9-12, Computer 11-12, Student 12), Pep Block 11-12, S A D D 9-12, Student Advisory 10, Cross Country 9-12. Track 9- Council 9-12, Basketball 9-10, Volleyball 9- 12, Lettennan's 11-12 12 (capt. 11-12), Lettennan's 11-12 (sec. 12) Sunshine Furlano- T A 12, Spanish 9, Ricky Guerra- Art 11, S A D D 9-10, Soccer 9- Computer 10 11, Lettennan's 11 Debra Hamilton- T A 11-12, Chorus 9-12, N I I S 11-12, Science 11-12 (v.p. 12), Spanish 9-12. Pep Block 10, Softball 10-12, Wrestling Manager 9-12 Michelle Hanselman- Band 9-11, T A 11-12, B P A 12, S A D D 9-12, Basketball Manager 912, Softball Manager 10-11, Volleyball Manger 10 Josh Hart- Art 9,11 -12, S A D D 9-10, Soccer 9-11, T r a c k 9, Wrestling 9-10 Jacob Hartle- Art 9-12, French 9-12, F E A 11, Gregory Haschel- Boy's State Delegate 11, S A D D 9-12, Baseball 11-12, Football 9-12, Chorus 9-12, I T 11-1*2, Science 11-12, Mysti Schammert- Band 9-12, French 10-12, F E A 12, Science 9-12, Softball 11-12, Track Manager 9-10 Karianne Siple- Cavalcade 10, S A D D 9-11 Tony Sommer- Art 11-12 (pres. 12), T A 12, C a v a l Crier 11, Sec. 12, French 12, Basketball 9, Soccer 12 (capt.) Jessica Spiewak- Caval Crier 12 Matthew Stevens-Band 9-10, T A 11-12, French 9-12, S A D D 9, Basketball 9-11 Jennifer Streets- Band 9-12, T A 12, Spanish Francine Tobey- Band 9-12, T A 12, French Michael Wakefield- Band 9-12, T A 12, 9, S A D D 9-12, Student Council 9 9-12, F E A 9-1*0, 12, Science 10-12, S A D D 9- Spanish 9-12, S A D D 9-12, Basketball 9-10 12, Basketball Manager 12, Track Manager Brian Hunnicutt- S A D D 9 11-12 S A D D 9-12, Computer 9, 12, Cross Country 9-10, Track 9, Wrestling 9-12, Lettennan's Danielle Samuelson- T A 11, Caval Crier 12. Drama 9, French 9-11, Interclub 9, N J H S 9(pres.), S A D D 9, 9-12, Letterman's 11-12 Brett Hooker- T A 12, French 9-12, I T 12, Interclub 11, Science 12, Pep Block 11-12, S A D D 9-11, Baseball 9-12, Basketball 9, Football 9-11, Wrestling 10, Lettennan's 1112 (v.p. 11) Track 9, Wrestling 9-12 Megan Keeler- Chorus 11, Cheerleader 9-12 Grace Hurley- T A 12, S A D D 9-12, Amber Jones- Band 9-10, T A 1 2 , B P A 12, (capt. 10, 12), F E A 9-12 (treas. 12), Interclub Basketball 9-12, Soccer 9-12, Softball 10-12, S A D D 9-12 10 ( s e c ) , B P A 12. Spanish 9-11, S A D D 9- Lettennan's 11-12 Scott Walters- T A 12, C a v a l Crier 12, French 12, F E A 12, Science 9-12, S A D D 9-12 Timothy Warner- T A 12, S A D D 9-12, Basketball 9-10, Football 9, Soccer 10-12 Stephanie Wentzel- Band 9-12, T A 12, Drama 9-10, F H A 10-11, Science 9-10, Spanish 10-12, Pep Block 11-12, S A D D 912, Student Advisory 11, Basketball 9-12, Track 9-12, Volleyball 9-12, Lettennan's 1112 Robert Widner- T A 12 William Widner- T A 12 Steven Wise- Basketball 9, Baseball 9-10, Football 9-12 12, Student Council 9-12 (v.p. 12), Cross Holly Kelly- Band 9-10, C a v a l Crier 12, Country 10, Lettennan's 11-12 (v.p. 12) C h o m s 11-12, French 9-11, Student Council Benjamin Wojdyla- Art 11-12, Boy's State Evan Young- Art 9-12, T A 12, French 9-12, 9-10, Volleyball 9-10 Delegate 11, French 10-12, I T 11-12 ( s e c ) , Pep Block 11-12, S A D D 11-12, Computer N H S 11-12, N J H S 9, S A D D 11-12, Track 9-10, Baseball 9-12 (capt. 11), Football 9-12 11-12, Wrestling 9-12 (capt. 11), Lettennan's (capt. 12), Lettennan's 11-12 Krystal Kilgore- T A 12, Chorus 11, F H A 912 (pres. 12), Spanish 9, S A D D 9-12, Basketball Manager 9 r s 24 ' 1 1 ts,nl Joseph Keller- Art 12, T A 12, French 9-12, S A D D 9-10, Baseball 9-12, Basketball 9, Football 9-12, Lettennan's 11-12 Tonya Salyer- Band 9, Cavalcade 11-12, Science 9-12 (treas. 12), Spanish 9-11, S A D D 9-12, Student Council 10-12,Track 9, Volleyball 9-12 (capt. 12), Lettennan's 11-12 Justin Lancaster- French 10, Spanish 9, S A D D 9-10 S e n i o Jake Z i e g l e r - S A D D 9-11 11-12 r s 1 1 S e n i o ts,nl 25 n CD 3 I 7£ I o vh,rh 31 1 %ianda Mckenna Stephanie Keller Sarina Mersch William Milam Laura Miller Brandon Minix Sirena Kelly Aimee Otteman Smile pretty. Daniel Ledsome Sharonda Levine Christianne Listenberger Amanda Littrell Amanda Otteman Tiffany Long Christina Palmer George Peterson Stephanie Peverelle Angela Pyle Brandy Looney vh,rh 1 m v ' l H . IMP m Alex Chesjer and Richard Easterday demonstrate the use of safety goggles. 'IP • § { ; fad! Heed investing advice? Jee Sherry Earnest. 1 Ron Riddle Alison Schuldt Joshua Sefchek Charlie Shepherd I don't know Jennifer Simmons Daniel Smith Jeremy Stotler Dana Thomas Shawna Ulch Heather Voter Tom Watts p i \-^"-. ^jjiiiiri^ M Neil Sommer's unanswered question- Hey, wanna be on my quiz bowl team?!?" >- F 34 rh,vh cm 35 36 td,rg Joshua H u n n i c u t t R( >DGER H U N N I C U T l M i c h a e l Jackson L o r e n James Andrew Kjssell Nathan Lardino Quenitn Latham Richard Latoza A m a n d a Neace M a t t h e w Newman Randy N i c h o l s Sarah Nowakowski s M o O p R H E O S Takesha M c C l a n e A s h l e y McCune Crystal McFarland Nikole Mersch 38 David M i l l s Rachel M i l n e r M i t c h e l l Minix Ron M y e r s td,rg C r y s t a l Price E d w a r d Rand M a r k Samuelson Chad S c a r b o r o g h td,rg PHOTO NOT AVAILABLE 5 Chad Hooker Amanda Fenny Howard Howard Kevin .Amber Hunnicutt Looney Roger J o s h M e r s c h M a s t e r s o n l e l l i t a Larissa James Luella Moore B r a n d o n Jolly J u s t i n Neher 1 i f l • P a t r i c k O s z u s c i k • 0 1 » Casey Keiper Kenneth Ketcham M a r y King 71 md,dn E r i c a Nowakowski l D o n a l d N a t h a n i e l 44 Norman M i l l e r j Nicole Jones 2 0 0 2 J a i m e e K r y s t a l M e r t o n ^ mm S J4 W Ronald Jelinek James Andrew 5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ J e f f Overmyer P e a c o c k S c o t t P e v e r e l l e Kuykendoll Gregory Lee I V B r i t t a n y K r i s t y n Eugene P i o r o ^ 1 Knapp F a b i a n m e Q Andrew P i k e Branden Lewis R o n a l d ( P o k r a j a c P o n d e l i c e k B e t h a n y P o r t e r R i n g e r R a c h e l Rudd Qustin Setters Rick Scaggs Mam Shaker j}acob Smith ttlaHhew Sngiet J a c o b M i n i x ( t r y i n g to hide behind book) and Alison Wentzel catch- ing up on sleep. CLASS O F 2003 S U R V E Y <a>t£V£ f l h l ^ n i u s f 1 s h l £ £ flrtm&n Bobby Bannon l>han£ Bigtey WIN A TRIP TO WHERE? Hawaii France Australia 48% 33% 22% APPRECIATE Being accepted as themselves 58% MAKE DECISIONS On friends' advice 17% flatumn B r a n h a m flaron Sro^ter Justin B r o w n i n g Brian Budzinski MOST EMBARRASSING m m, I f Parents 42% Failing a test 25% Crying 17% Ordering in a restaurant 12% ~ , hf ( GOSSIP Jared Cannon Matthew Carter Nathan Caudill Jordan Chastain Tell only best friend 35% Tell everyone and exaggerate 10% # WHOLE SCHOOL CAREER IN CULVER SCHOOLS 51% $oe YOa I wood 46 m d , d n Qennifer Waqtan Emily Nenitet Michael iiaja flnn 2iegeH D u s t in Cooper president: Jo£ flllison Couts !>arah C o x tl 47 Bradley Kaufman 7 Dayna Kelsey Brandon King 1 P i : Walter tianselman Michael tlartman Jeremy tledger Tara tlite ^anyelle fluff What is your favorite hiding place? -In the cabinets over the refrigerator, -in the woods. -On the roof of our house, -in a hole. -Under my bed. -In the attic. -In the hay loft. -In my sister's closet. -Outside. -Under the carpet in my room. -Behind a living room chair. 48 Clizabeth Mefarland Cvan Krieg Jammie Kuykendoll Mary !•>££ filisha Livingston Phillip Loehmgr Matthew Me^aniel Joshua Miller Brieanna Minix Jacob Minix TJ. Montgomery ^ Stacy Stevens and Cassandra Klausing What is the tallest tale you ever told? I said I was Drew Barrymore's cousin - Erin Stotler 1 i What is the biggest prank you ever pulled? I put a whoopee cushion on my mom's car seat. -JoAnn Rivera tl 49 Christopher l>ehumerth peggy Wieringa Tony d>eott Scott Donald Giossinger, Heather Reynolds I was tardy because i lost track of time. I was in the office. My watch was wrong. I had to go to my locker. I overslept. My alarm clock didn't go off. The car wouldn't start. I got lost J? cr Zehner Jeremiah Williams busy at WILDEST BET Jumping into a lake in 20 degree weather. WEIRDEST JOB Feeding the neighbors' chickens. work^ §arah Williams §eott Eehner E V E N T H Frank Sheppard k Ashley Turner 6 R A 0 E cm 53 4^0 O Tony Glover Anthony Kitts Amy Eskridge Allison Earp Josh Dauenhauer Jaime Conley Sean Johnson Cory Hunt Nicholas Hinderlider Candice Heater ( L A S S 0 F o o 4 58 c ,td P 59 Steve Neil M c C o l l e y Principal W a g n e r Athletic Director Albert Asst. Hanselman Principal Cheryl G e i k M a r v B e t h . D a n A d a m s Sharon Coffey Kristy Albright Pat C o n r a d Jerry Aiiderson Jill Dains Regina Anderson Vickie Dearth Peggy Brian Arquette Disney Theresa Jacobson T h o m a s R a u s c h William K i n g Phyllis Reinhold c Robert Harness m Hiatt Cheryl H y n d m a n * K o n z e l m a n Cindy Philip Riester Alan L a n d e s B r a d R o s s R o s e T h o m a s Master Schmidt Scott Schulz Elizabeth M i k e Slocum Schwartz Sharon Stafford D o n n a R o n Schwartz Stevens D e b r a Scott B r e n d a B a r b Stevens Sheldon K i m Sullivan Sandra T h o m a s | Barbara Winters K i m T h o m p s o n Stefen Z w a r y c z Tracie W a g n e r Substitute Jan C@l?in L e a h Weiger M i m i Custodian Kay Highland 1 ••• fllr Cooks: K i m Sullivan, Clifton, Who's F F da Phyllis Reinhold, L e a h Sandra Thomas, and Cheryl Wagner © S ftlr. Weirick Growder L frtr. © Weiger, Carin Hyndman. man. M r . up S c h u l z tries to with N i c k catch Arquette. ntr. S c h u t i fllr. S c h u l z j (Hiss fUrs. W i n t e r s ^ Dearth M o l l 4 M n i L L C & T l l T A N T LONQ, PftlNDT front: Darla Eby, Stephanie Wentzel, Tonya Salyer Middle: Kelli Bauer, Darci Eby Back: Ashley Scroggs, Came Widner, Vashti Holcomb, Shelly Master Coached By: Tammy Shedrow & Amanda Clifton J 7 T H GRADE VOLLEYBALL Front Row: Diana Carlson, Stefanie Thompson, Britnie Arnett, and Jessica Berger. Middle Row: Amy Hyndman, Angela Schumerth, Dale Lynn Heiser, and Marci Hatfield. Back Row: Ms. Heather Overmyer, Jennifer Snyder, Nichele McCune, and Michelle Freeman run Front Row: Heather Reynolds, Stacy Stevens, Abby Hunter, and Jennifer Golden. Middle Row: Mary Lee, Martha Davis, Megan Girton, and Lily Lee. Back Row: Alison Wentzel, Lauren Smith, and Coach Chris Elliott. 68 m W/8 1 W 7 ft i n i Row 1: Michelle Gutierrez, Erin Conley, Jaimee Norman, Jennifer Weglarz Row 2: Coach Greg Combs, Amber Looney, Grace Hurley, Erica Dilmire, Rhapsody Robbins, Brittany Ringer, Asst. Coach Shannon Ross, Asst. Coach Tom Girton Not Pictured: Elizabeth Arnett, Dana Thomas, Ashley McCune, Jennifer Bush, Courtney Cannon C C E R dn, md 69 Andrew the Merton soccer smashes ball Front- B Sullivan, E Rand, A Kissell, R Pokrajac, M Snyder, A Merton, A Shaffer, J Hart. T Warner Back-Coach R Ringer, J IHrugh. S Streets. C Chesser, B Ambrose. N Harrington. T Davis, A Behnke, R Guerra TO I B O Y ' S td,rg md,dn 71 Front: Joe Keller, Jacob Hartle, Evan Young, Mike Buschman, Steve Wise. Row 2: Mike Bastardo, Mark Samuelson, Ricky McCarty, Jeremy Stotler, Mike Zehner, Brandon Arbuckle. Row 3: Ron Jelinek, Joe Hamilton, Dan Personette, Jeff Peacock, Brandon Jolly, Ryan Stotler. Row 4: Chris Carlson, Don Peverelle, Kevin Hunnicutt, Mark Brown, Greg Eskridge, Mike Ziaja, Jacob Smith. Row 5: Asst. Tom Bendy, Asst. John Johnson, Coach Neil Wagner, Asst. Jeff Bean, Asst. Mike Elliott. Not pictured: Michael Jackson, Justin Neher, Chad Hooker, Kyle Burke, Dan Smith, Brandon Lewis. Evan Young, keep your eye on the ball. Steve Wise, shift your weight to the play side. ^ Mike Buschman, catch that darn ball. Don't get yourself hurt, Joe Keller. Jake Hartle, knock 'em down. 72 rh,vh rh,vh VAR/ITV WftCmiMC ft. 0 C o a c h Brdd Di Front: Anthony Kittv Daniel I rente.!, Gary leggitt. Mart Peterson, Front: Matmaid Shawna f l c h , Brandon Davis, Ray Huber, R o n Lardino, Ricky McCarty, Jesse Hardin, Eugene K u y k e n d o l l , Middle: Matmaid A m a n d a G u y s e Bach: C o r y Hunt, Blake Scroggs, Zach Glenn, Ben Robbins, Mark Align, Chase Schrimsher Sreuen I obey, T . j . Montgomery, Scott Zehner, Eric l.edvome, Mihe I llul, J e s s e Weill- Middle. Mgr. Matt Peterson, A d a m W o j d y l a , Loren James, Michael Jackson, Joe H a m i l t o n , Kevin H u n n i c u t t , Greg Haschel, Craig C o a d , K o r y Burke, Pedro Harvey, Matmaid Debra H a m i l t o n Back: Asst. C o a c h Dave Downs, Brandon A r b u c k l e , Kyle Burke, Mark Samuelson, Mike Buschman, Chip Porter, Ben W o j d y l a , Brandon Jolly, C o a c h Brad Downs Mat-maids Stephanie Good, Shawna Ulch and Debra Hamilton Craig Coad and Coach Downs 76 ts,bd The wrestlers saying a call. Seniors Debra Hamilton, Mike Buschman, Greg Haschel, Chip Porter, and Ben Wojdyla. bd,ts 77 7th CO CD Grade Front row: Brooke Osborn, Nichele McCune, Stefanie Thompson. Second row: Jennifer Snyder.Britnie Arnett, Angela Schumerth.Marci Hatfield, Criston Quimby Back row: Stephanie Comisky.Holly Page, Amy Hyndman.Vanessa Jackson, Diana Carlson, Coach Tammy Shedrow C I CD 7th Grade Front row: Marci Hatfield, Criston Quimby Second row: Allison Earp, Candice Heater, Ashlee Heiman, Dana Keller, J e s s i c a Berger Back row: Dale Lynn Heiser, Haley Pinder, Samantha Johnson, Sarah Banks A K CO T CD CO CO CD 8th Grade Front row: Stacy Fairchild, Stacy Stevens, Mary Lee, Jennifer Golden Second row: Sarah Williams, Megan Girton, Victoria VanSky, Jacquelyn Ziaja, Caroline Haase Back row: Alison Wentzel, Lauren Smith, Heather Reynolds,Lily Lee, Martha Davis A L L Coach Mike Elliott 78 md,dn cp 79 9UM02 vmmj I A R Front Row: E r i c a Ditmire, Brittany Ringer, Courtney Cannon, Carrie Widner, Ashley McCune, Ashley Scroggs, Grace Hurley B a c k Row: Coach Smith, Coach Elliott, Ashley Bean, Takesha McClane, Stephanie Wentzel, Vashti Holcomb, Kelli Bauer, Coach Pugh, Mang. Michelle Hanselman S I T V BASKETBALL Coach Elliott and Takesha McClane taking a time out. Kelli Bauer Grace Hurley Stephanie Wentzel Ashley Bean Front Row: Ashley Scroggs, Brittany Ringer, Amber Looney, Ashley McCune Back Row: Coach Smith, Vashti Holcomb,Luella James, Emily Wentzel, Brandy Elliott, Erin Conley, Coach Pugh t Brandy Elliott, Emily Wentzel. Erin Conley, Ashley Scroggs, Vashti Holcomb, and Brittney Ringer waiting for the play Ashley Scroggs md,dn md,dn 81 T H E C A V S W I N ! vh 83 B o y ' s J V R o w l : R y a n Egger, C h r i s C a r l s o n , M a t t N e w m a n , C h a d H o o k e r R o w 2: Coach C r a i g H o p p l e , A d a m Loehmer, Greg Lee, D a n S m i t h , C o a c h B r i a n A l b r i g h t , C o a c h B r i a n D i s n e y S K E B o y ' s F r e s h m e n B R o w 1: M a t t Snyder, A n d y M e r t o n , R o n Pokrajac, R o n Jelinek, J a c o b S m i t h , M i k e Z i a j a R o w 2 : M a r k B r o w n , Jeff P e a c o c k , D o n Peverelle, Justin Neher, B r i a n A m b r o s e , R y a n Stotler, Coach Brett Berndt td 85 • R O P E ' 9 8 A tour through Spain, France, and England with the French and Spanish Clubs. / R Mr. Adams, Parliament Building " f t A 4„, ft St. Martin's B r i d g e =*> | 8"! . . I j J j j j | j j j 11 1 • <»• 1 in Toledo, n n t m t ^ . i . 1 Spain. Stephanie Peverelle on the ovemi ght train. Tiffany Long and Alison Schuldt at the top of the Eiffel Tower. j ! Beth Shively, Mr. Landes, and his lovely 5 n wife Tandi in the "Spanish Village." Matt Newman, Suzanne Overmyer, and Dana Thomas enjoying their last night in Madrid at Tapas. ^^^^H^^^ Alison Schuldt and a breathtaking view of Barcelona, fl on the plane for the "impossible rest. j u m p in the w ill w i l l ol La Sagrada Familia Miss Dearth, Mr. Adams, and Mrs. Schuldt have a wonderful time. Brian Smith and Tiffany Long Ask Tony Jacobson, Kory Burke, Kyle Burke, Brandon Davis, and Allen Osborn what the tour guide makes you do when you jump in the ocean with all of your clothes on. Jim O Morrison's Grave. Matt Newman waiting for the rest of the group while standing in Sol, the heart of Madrid. Dana Thomas, Tiffany Long, Brian Smith, Paul VanHorn, Suzanne Overmyer, Matt Newman, K i m Gunder, Kristen VanHorn, a n d M r . O s b o r n r e s t i n g i n t h e s h a d e at t h e g a t e o f t h e R o y a l P a l a c e K i m Gunder and Suzanne overmyer beautiful city of Barcelona. E v e r y o n e h a v i n g a g o o d t i m e in front o f the Pictured are some Culver students from San Eiffel students as w e l l as Diego, California. Tower. some J M 91 i Lily Lee 4 S I I Holly Kelly Jon Hart is tiding to fix the smudge of lipstick on Matt Newman's cheek. 23 Skiddou- Branch Bennett, Aaron McCraw, and Darla Eby "What member of the Little Rascals has an on-again sweetheart named Darla?" Alfalfa Winners- 23 Skiddou Runners Up- Ani-Totalitarian Trio 1999 Trivia Bow] Ani-Totalitarian Trio- Serena Kelly, Tiffany Long, and Dan Ledsome jy[ A T e a m Without Knowledge The Ace's- A n d r e w Kissell, Carl Chesser, and E d L e w i s Matt McDaniel, T J Montgomery, and Phil Loehmer r Stevens Brett Hooker cheers team members on. his 5f 0 $ W I' tlilja/nu £m^ AndhMa hti/mltack, Catvd'm KaaM,, AttMn, hckuldt, JeAAica (Pundnh^ Da/na, ShmaAf (k<m 2; ?/1/ia. Wi/ntoMi Jgm& l^jf, (Mo^i/ru, J^ffie/n (Mtvyri,, Jom/njloA, }j\uAAa^ $mm^ (Pwe/wlL, Vlatt ( IvwJopfwh Ca/iikm, Kmtlwi Vo/e/v, ha/yah I i m I I A , JQK^ ft't^il ftW 1: Lioa. AcLM, Xube/i, SamiJIL La/nwuiLan^ X^jaLiI ^ost M y , My,, i U x £L, Aatf I P X * ftV 2: ( W And^w 0\\ilvmw, (kywri Mdloh, T/Iaa. #W;wi,, Zddh C n t l a a h e r I j P f TheSno swere freshmen Chris Carlson escorted by Amber Looney and F escorted by Brittney Ringer; sophomore Jon Hart escorted by Carrie Widner, Andre* Ki Loehmer and Richard Latoza escorted t Jenny Bv aherty escorted by Kelli Bauer and Jeremy Sto1 escorts Brett r, Aaron rtle dn,md| 103 J> J R H I G H B A N D J9 Front row: Holly Kelly, Brandy Looney, Christina Palmer, Jessica Pinder, Jessica Smashey, Anna Lee Second row: Ms. Slocum, Crystal Pike, Mellissa Shirrell, Sarina Mersch, Patricia Baldwin, Debra Hamilton, Kimberly Gunder Third row: Allen Osborn, John Heater, Shane Heater, Greg Haschel 7th g r a d e Front row: Jennifer Snyder, Britnie Arnett, Diana Carlson. Dalelynn Heiser, Angela Campbell, Jennifer Peacock, Holly Page, Heather Merton, Samantha Johnson, Aubrie minix 2nd row: Stefanie Thompson, Criston Quimby, Stephanie Comiskey, Sarah Buckman, Dustin Desabatine, Michelle Freeman, Haley Pinder, Shannon Lewis, Ashlee Heiman 3rd row: Allison Earp, Vanessa Jackson, Ben Robbins, Daniel Troxel, Dustin Sullivan, Brad Hoffer, Tim Wilson, Emily Osborn, Sara Oszi iscik 4th row: Marci Hatfield, Mark Allyn, Jonathan Broeker, Mike Ellul, Zach Glenn, Micheal Vandemark, Jim Boyne, Max Campbell, 5th row: Brent Darwent, Steven Tobey, Donnie Lewis, Brooke Osborn, Angela schumerth, brian schuldt, mr. schulz Eighth Grade Front: Mr Schulz, Danyelle Huff, Victoria VanSky, MeganGirton, Frank Sheppard, Kyle Sefchek. Row 2: Caroline Haase, Heather Reynolds, Lauren Smith, Martha Davis, Mary Lee, Jami Samuelson, Erin Stotler, First row: Amber Looney, Michelle Gutierrez, Megan Keeler, Brittany Ringer,Andrea Stineback, Jennifer Hamilton, Jaimee Norman, Crystal Price Second row: Ms. Slocum, Larissa James, Amanda Burkett, Jennifer Baldwin, Nikole Mersch, E r i n Conley, Brandy Elliott, Maria Hurford Third row: Holly Caparell, Angela Pyle, Nichole Wagoner, Penny Howard, Ann Ziegert, Nellita Moore, Cassandra B a c k K a m e r a n Snyder. R o w 3: B r i a n B u d z i n s k i , S t a c y S t e v e n s , Allison C o u t s , J a c k i e Ziaja, Stephanie Good, J u l i e T h o m p s o n , Jerry Williams, Chris Schumerth. R o w 4: W a i t H a n s e i m a n , Aaron Broeker, R y a n Davis, Troy U l c h , B r a n d o n King, B e n P o w e i i , E v a n Krieg, N a t h a n Caudill. R o w 5: S t e v e A h i e n i u s , C h a s e Schrimsher, Joe Lee, T J Montgomery, J o e E a s t e r d a y , Phil L o e h m e r Matthew P e t e r s o n , 106 td D c 0 u M C 1 4 T 1st row: Ashley McCune, Brandy Crabb, Vashti Holcomb, Carrie Widner, Shelly Master, Elizabeth Arnett, Ashley Scroggs. 2nd row: Adam Loehmer, Jeremy Stotler, Darci Eby, Sarah Osborn, Rebecca Hooker, Kamicca Mohr, Nick Arquette, Lisa Mahler. 3rd row: Mike Zehner, Joe Hamilton, Jessica Pinder, Michael Jackson, Takesha McClane, Daniel Smith, Josh Sefchek, Matt Newman, Allen Osborn. 4th row: Brandon Arbuckle, Daniel Personette, Ray Huber, Dana Thomas, Nicki Loehmer, Andrew Kissell, Kelli Bauer, Jon Hart, Cory Fox, Patrick Flaherty, Travis Davis. Mr. Disney, sponsor. Brandy Crabb, president. Megan Keeler, vice-president. Darla Eby, secretary'. 1 st row: Darla Eby, Mike Buschman, Greg Haschel,,Ricky Guerra, Richard Easterday 2 nd row: Joe Keller, Brett Hooker, Jayson Migonis, Joel Lloyd, Jake Hartle, Jenny Bush, Evan Young. 3 rd row: Brandi Bennett, Amy Minarik. Tonya Salver, Stephanie Wentzel, Frankie Tohey, Ben Wojdyla, Chip Porter, Bill McFarland. L lent Council isor: Mr. S c h u l z RESIDENT: MMDI ENNETT secretary: Dana Thomas J R . HIGH STUDENT COUNCIL Assistant secretary: Darla Eby vice president: Megan Keeler I.T.E. C l u b C o m p u t e r Club Club j Mr. Sponsor: Schmidt Club Sponsor: Mrs. Coby Ik JjJtiBH President: Luke Loehmer Vice President: PresidentWilliam McFarland • H A d a m Vice President: Creg Haschel | Secretory: 40 Secretary: Debra Hamilton Loehmer Ben Wojdyla Treasurer: Mike Zehner A r t Club Club Sponsor: fjf Mrs. Harness |§ President: Tony S o m m e r President: Matt _ Duff Vice President: Steve Vice Streets President: Chris Carlson Secretary: Evan Y o u n g Secretary: Andrea Stineback L j Science Club 1 Club Sponsor: Mrs. Perotti p Club Sponsor: Presicent: ft Mr. Sarah || President: 11 E r i c a Vice Schwartz Ditmire President: Sherry Earnest Vice Kornblith President: Debra Hamilton Secretary: Kelly B u s h Secretary: Treasurer: Jennifer Bush \ \ i Tonya Salyer t§| N a t i o n a l Pres. - Matt Stevens V. Pres. - Cory Fox Sec./Treas.-- Aaron McCravv H o n o r Sponsor-Miss # T u t u r e Dearth E d u c a t o r s ^ Sponsor-Mrs. £ob>( Pres.-Arny Minaiik V. Pres.- Matt Newman Sec./Treas.-Branch' Bennett M J f . S . O f f i c e r s TresJAaron McCraw (p ic ture cC above) yice Tres.-Xen 'WojcCyCa Sec./lres.-Cindy MiCCer F.6A Officers Pres.-£in<fy Miller Vtte Pres.-/\n<irevi t^issell t>ec./Tres. - Melissa Thompson S o c i e t y Front Row. Candice Hester, Shannon Lewi's, Jaime Conley, Tiffany Sbi'dler, Criston Quimby, Sarah Banks, Dale Lynn Hefser, Heather Merton, Samantha Johnson, Haley Pinder, and Jesse Wolf. Middle Row-. Savanah Ousley, A m y Eskridge, Michelle Freemen, Brittany Stevens, Emily Osborn, Estelle Coffin, Liz Reinhold, and Daniel Hamilton. Back Row: A n t h o n y Kitts, Chris Shirrell, Philip Dalton, Jeremy Schmidt, Bobby Quinn, Ian Pisowicz, Joe DePrizio, Nick Hinderh'der, and Mrs. Slocum. 1 S p o n s o r : M r s . K r y s t a l S c h w a r t z Sponsor: T a k e s h a Mrs. Stafford Brett H o o k e r , a n d K i l g o r e , Michael D e b r a M c C l a n e , At table: Dees.Standing: a n d Christina H a m i l t o n , C o u r t n e y Honzik, Darci J e r e m y Stotler, N i c k C a n n o n Eby, Arquette, D e b r a H a m i l t o n , A i m e e O t t e m a n , Josh Sefchek, E v a n Y o u n g , a n d Ben Wojdyla. B if A n Blf 1 i S % u 1XP W % 111 ^ % Front Row, Cassandra Klausing, Sarah Smith, Jennifer Golden, Dayna Kelsey, Kayla Sowards, Sarah Williams, and Julie Thompson. Middle Row: Brian Budzinski, Matt McDaniel, Lauren Smith, Ashley Turner, Erin Stotler, Elizabeth McFarland, and Jackie Ziaja. Back Row. TJ Montgomery, Mary Lee, Tara Hite, Alison Wentzel, Alisha livingston, Tanya Eberhart, and Mrs. Slocum. nd rd 1" row: Coach Barb Slevens 2 row: BarciEby.CristinaKoniik, Jessica Pinder 3 row: luelia James, st nd 1 row: Ryan Stotler, Mike Ziaja, Brandon Davis, Jeremy Stotler, Jeremy Hinkle 2 row: Dan Smith, Ron Jelinek, Don Peverelle, Travis Davis, George Peterson 3 row: Greg Lee, Dill McFarland, Ross Earp, Allen Osborn, Josh Sefchek T r o w : Kyle Burke,Matt Newman,Richard Easterday,Mike Buschman Coach Brian Bisney rd Cris H o n z i k F u n n y T r a c k s t e r s Jessica Pinder J e r e m y Stotler Bill M c F a r l a n d R i c h a r d E a s t e r d a y C h a d Hooker at batting practice. rick Flaherty I l i i i l l I H I i l l : J a k e I lartie Joe Keller n 118 md,dn dn,md 119 it I Front: Raymond Huber, Andrew Kissell, Stephen Streets, Matthew Duff, Lisa-Ann Mahler, Adam Shaffer Back: Nick Arquette, Andrew Merton, Jeff Peacock, Gregory Eskridge, Brian Ambrose, Brian Smith, Mr. Hiatt Andrew Merton IB? «»tr front: Sarah Smith, Ashlee Artman, Rachel Couts, Brenda Fiske, Elizabeth McFarland, Jackie Ziaja, Julie Thompson back: Dayna Kelsey, Stephanie Good, Brieanna Minix, Lily Lee, Lauren Smith, Mary Lee, Mr. Landes B r i a n Ambrose front: Joe Lee, Jordan Chastain, Aaron Broeker, Jerry Williams, Ian Pilarski, Daniel Troxel, Dustin Sullivan, Chase Schrimsher middle: Matt Carter, T.J. Montgomery, Kyle Sefchek, Chris Schumerth, Ian Pisowicz, Brian Budzinski, Patrick Thornburg, Evan Krieg back: Mr. Hopple, Frank Sheppard, Ryan Davis, Chris Shirrel, Scott Zehner, Matt Peterson, Mr. Adams 122 cp cm 123 Amanda Howard gives t h e o t h e r team a Carrie Widner is ready for anything! p r e t a t o r ' s glare as she gets ready t o bat Front Row: Brandy E l l i o t t , Elizabeth A r n e t t , Kelli Bauer, Carrie W i d n e r , and Maria H u r f o r d . Middle Row: Shawna Uich, Jessica Beau pre, Ashley Scroggs, Nicki Loehmer, Brandy Looney, Larissa James, B r i t t a n y Ringer, and Michelle Hanselman. Back Row: Coach Stephanie S m i t h , Grace Hurley, Brandi Bennett, Stephanie W e n t z e l , Vashti Holcomb, Laura M i l l e r , Amanda H o w a r d , and Coach Mike E l l i o t t . pap i Laura Miller Nicki Loehmer Laura Miller and Elizabeth A r n e t t N O R T H E R N S a v e Our F u t u r e Recycle I N D I A N A . . NOW! COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Serving Our Family of Donors in Cass, Fulton, Miami, Pulaski & Starke Counties P.O. Box 441, Logansport, FN 46947 Phone: (219) 722-6423 - Fax (219) 732-0301 I T ' S T O B E G R E A T A L I O N W E SERVE Enjoy Take The Rewards advantage of • • • • • time and of Belonging money savers to T C U ! like: Dividend-earning Share Draft Checking VISA Classic with no annual fee Teachers P.E.T. ATMs with Cirrus or M A C access Teachers P. A.L. access to your account with a touch tone phone Home, auto and personal loans available Congratulations to the 1998 Lilly Scholarship winners from the Northern Indiana Community Foundation Good luck to Culver Cavaliers in all your future endeavors. Picture yourself here in the future. For More information call the foundation at. (219)722-6423. Ideal Cleaners Millers Merry Manor Renfrows Rock n Roll Cafe ...and much more! i s i TEACHERS CREDIT UNION The Reward of Belonging For more information or to join TCU, contact one of our TCU Service Centers today! f 201 Goshen Road, (219) 936-8926 or (800) 333-8926 • 1 501 N. Oak Road, (219) 936-4766 or (800) 866-4765 Zehner's Servicenter The First B a n k F B O A R N A K I L N L Y G N O E U E R D National Of Monterey Offices In Monterey, WInamac. Culver and North Judson Hicksgas Knox 2180 S. Highway 35 Knox, IN 46534 Complete Banking and Trust Services S Propane Sales & Service Water Softener Rentals Harry Singleton, Mgr. Office: (219) 772-4542 Home: (219) 772-2025 Locally owned since I9IO A L E L L A D O W T U H S E W T O A Y . 946-6641 8B6-40II 542-2121 842-5142 Member o f FD1C L e a d i n g t h e W a y . . . Today and AIR RESERVATIONS A N D TICKETS AMTRAK CRUISES HOTEL A N D CAR RESERVATIONS GROUP TOURS N O SERVICE CHARGE 501 E.JEFFERSON PUKOUTH INDIANA 46563 Tomorrow. (219) 936-2002 1-800-765-6627 M a i n & J e f f e r s o n C u l v e r * S t r e e t s P.O. BOX 10 219 772-6241 2 1 9 - 8 4 2 - 3 3 2 1 .15, © G O O & ' Serving the CRich JCanJtafiee Valley '' from Knox, Indiana 46534 w w w . c i v i t a s b a n k . c o m TED HAYES GENERAL MANAGER Member FDJC 132 I 627 S. Michigan St. Plymouth, IN 46563 Phone 936-3165 .800-231-9897 CULVER BED & BREAKFAST INN 203 Lakeshore Drive Culver, Indiana 46511 WE SUGGEST RESERVATIONS (219) 842-4009 YOUR HOSTS: CARL & CHRIS LANDSKRON md,dn NUNEMAKER HAIR KARE STYLING SALON 624 LAKE SHORE DRIVE CULVER, IN 46511 THE WINNING EDGE TEAM UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT SCREEN PRINTING T-SHIRTS/SWEATS EMBROIDERY ATHLETIC SHOES MONOGRAMMING TROPHIES-PLAQUES-ENGRAVING MARINE SERVICE 115 East Jefferson St. Culver, IN 46511 (219) 842-4033 Lew Nunemaker OWNER: (219) 223-6090 211 Rouch Place Dr. Rochester, IN 46975 HARDWARE 842-2828 I V HAIR, TANNING, & NAILS I D 820 A c a d e m y Road Culver, IN 46511 E O 219 842-4050 HOURS: MON-THURS 11 AM TO 8 PM FRI & SAT 11 AM TO 9 PM • SUNDAY 2 PM TO 7 PM CAROL JOYNER, OWNER AL'S TV & Appliance Computers and Supplies Satellite DSS Systems Panasonic Vacuums Gibson and Quasar Sales Service "WE MAKE K E Y S 102 Soffltb Mail* St. Flicks 219-842-3211 TERRY FOREMAN Owner CULVER Bick's The Winning team at Shepherd's Chevrolet—Oldsmobile—Pontiac—Buick—Cadillac wants to sell you your next new car. " I t ' s Al Sythsma (219)842-2982 115 S. Main St. Culver, Ind. 46511 Whole -Geo, Inc. a New A t t i t u d e ! " L o e h m e r f s S p o r t s m a n ' s Hardware & Farm Supply B a r *Hardware*Wilson's Feed* Water Softner Salt* *Bailer Twine*Gibson Appliances*Salt/Mineral Blocks* *Scarete/Quikrete/Brikment*Bird Seed-oil/wild/finch * *Fencing Materials*Oxygen/Ace/Argon*12-12-12 Fertilizer* Cheeseburgers Homemade Sp Open 6229 E. Main, Monterey, (219)542-2081 Pizzas ecialtySandwiches 7 Days a Week IN (219) 542-4040 P.O. Box 104Monterey, IN Chevrolet-Oldsmobile-Pontiac-Buick-Cadillac-Geo, Inc. Jet 14 & 25, Rochester 219-223-2136 Showroom Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sat. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Service Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. T H E PAINTER A N D T H E POET H I C K M A N T O O L , I N C . CNC PRODUCTION - TOOLING Esther Powers Miller and K. Ward Miller We Specialize in Dedication 5603 E. 700 N. Monterey IN 46960 Brian Lewis . Kim Lewis f 1-219-542-423f Downtown Culver - Gallery OPEN - April thru December - FRL, SAT., SUN., M O N . January thru March - SAT. Mailing Address: 17085 Tomahawk Trail Plymouth, IN 46563 Studio Phone: 219-936-4303 Gallery Phone: 219-842-£ Ed & Nita Rickman Eddie R i c k m a n Dan Kaufman John Lease 19307 W e d t l L P.O. Box 233 - Culver, IN 46511 (219)-842-4578 fax ( 2 l f ) - f c - 4 5 7 9 Dairy Q u e e n o f Culver H e a o & u a r t e r s 114 N. Main St., Culver, IN 46511 113 S. Main Street Culver, Indiana 46511 (219) 842-2511 E-Mail: [email protected] Shop downtown Culver (219) 842-COMB (2662) Michelle Allyn for all of your fashion needs 111 South Main 842-2071 The junction of SR10 and 17 219-842-2671 i^C^^ F A M I L Y V I S I O N C L I N I C , P.C. 218 South Main Street Culver, Indiana 46511 Steve & Cindy McDaniel 0 f i ^ J / f ^ \ w n e r s ( 2 , 9 ) 8 4 2 |ir|AUTOa| ' 3 6 5 8 (219) 842-3372 Evening and Saturday appts. available. Dr. Mark A. Couts, O.D., EMT-1 telephone: j 103 LAKE SHORE DRIVE | f l CULVER, IN. 465H .4^LLl4l219-842-4311 4 ^ - 4 ^ J To»m and 202 South Main Street • Culver, I N 4651 1 j ^ F r o m : Overmyer 3 1 2 E . J e f f e r s o n Soft 114 6. ffefferson Culver, © Specializing in Baskets and Water, 202 North Main Street ?42-2251 I n c . S t . In 6t. 4S5211 (219)842-2742 S o l i l e U o i m u i M © Candles Osbom's Mini Mart/Subway A l l e n Samuelson G e o r g e t t e Samuelson, dvm. CULVER ANIMAL HOSPITAL 1111 LAKE SHORE DRIVE CULVER, INDIANA 46511 For All Y o u r Stereo N e e d s j All K i n d s of Car Stereos a n d C a r A l a r m s j Maddox Electric S a t i s f a c t i o n G u a r a n t e e d *5 00 o P h o n e (219) 8 4 2 - 3 6 6 4 HOURS BY APR" 16983 Thorn Road 1 3 6 mk 3 842-3155 Culver, Ind. 46511 ts 1 3 7 COMPLIMENTS FROM C U L V E R - U N I Q M P U B L I C T W P . L & B C O U N T R Y OASIS Grocery/Restaurant L I B R A R Y S I / P E R M A R K E r S J 542-4646 Delong Do Your Part l b s Make America ' Q i a b a m By Getting A Haircut From 108 SOUTH M A I N STREET CULVER, LN 46511 PHONE: (219) 842-4244 HOURS: 6 A.M. - 2 P.M. 7 DAYS A WEEK!!! icious GEO - BUICK - O L D S M O B I L E - P O N T I A C C O N N O R S GOLDEN sun; FEEDS Feed Crafts Sable* Birdseed C r y s t a l (MfU Verl t h e Barber o f Culver ^ R e s t a u r a n t s Del Beautiful When Vert quits smi as well throw dirt in "Better Thai BAR MM F E E D SUPPLY kers Hours" Tue. thi Sat -5:30 1:00 108 North Main St Culver, Indiana 46511 Food r*§ TSSSrwith th§ F§§d§r harassing, you just because he's dead. 842-3593 704 S. Heaton Bus. Phone (219) 772-2191 Knox, IN 46534 Fax (219) 772-7996 16424 ST..flD* 17, CULVER, IN46511 Ray M o r r i s o n , Owner Business: 219-842-3374 Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5. Sat 9-3 PATRICK BinnKEfllHIP e a r 814 Iflflaln f^rom ijimimmji I I I I ! 1 I "For Quality ^Juxedo 1 Cental 3 • That Always THE TUTORING flTTORIICY AT UIU Full Service Agency Store ! | I J ! | l | i | l | ! | l i|imimiiijj 4 • 5 1 6 Measures Up..." |IM| l|<|l|l 'IM'IM'IM't' 2 Teaching IM2URAMCE A G E N C Y , IMC. Street f^ocltester, lyjour M0RCEW CENTER 105 Weef Washington Street Culver, IN ? 4 2 - 4-400 125 2 Michigan Street Lapaz, IM 7?4--2772 "3 Locations Serving You" 120 E. Washington Street Plymouth, IM 926-5272 212 N. Main St. Culver, IN 115 E. LaPorte St. Plymouth, IN 120D N. Shield St. Knox, IN 842-4515 936-0670 772-9992 Life-Health-Employer Benefits D A V I D J . W A L L S M I T D ATTOIINKY AT LAW CHARLES W . WEAVER ATTORNEY AT LAW NICHOLS,WALLSMITH,& WEAVER 52 & 54 E. WASHINGTON STREET KNOX,INDIANA 46534 219-772-2900 FAX. 772-7036 104 North ^lymouth - Culvor. Indiana 4651' Tom tpahn FinancialJLid (Director Loretta Rowe, Director KEY [ W a s t e Services ) Education is the key to success 320 E. Culver Rd. Knox, IN 46534 Phone/Fax 219 772-5500 Smith F a r m Store FLOWERS 220 North Culver, Main I ndi ana FOR A L L OCCASIONS St. Phone: ( 2 1 9 ) 8^+2-3255 ^6511 1002 S. Heaton St. KNOX, IN 46534 772-5220 DONALD E. SMITH P.O. B o x 3 0 8 15469 S t . R d . 17 C u l v e r , I n d i a n a 46511 FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP OF COMPANIES MARTIN J. FLAHERTY Insurance Agent 1512$. Heaton St Knox, IN 46534 Bus. (219) 772-2602 Res, (219) 772-5438 Whirlpool ( 8 0 0 ) 843-9631 8€NN€TT'S PLUMBING & HCRTING General Contracting (219) 8 4 2 - 3 0 0 3 Home Maintenance B R A U N FAX ( 2 1 9 ) 8 4 2 - 3 2 1 5 Auto • Fire • Life • Health Boat • Farm • Commercial l€ON 8€NN€TT, Owner 640 Lake Shore Drive Culver. Indiana 46511 (219) 842-3228 Chrysler-Plymouth-Dodge-Jeep-Eagle W a s t e Hauling and Recycling An Allied Waste Company Pizza Hut HANDCRAFTED ITEMS • NEEDLEWORK * UNIQUE GIFTS BONINE t5!3i JKidtfis "A Worlb of #£r?ndiptty ' j- j JFimeral Home N | | BRIDAL R E G I S T R Y MARY TANGUY 14 SOUTH MAIN CUlVER. IN 4651 i ; irmijk'i ! f ' l i i f f - ; ' SALES RENTALS inc. BUS. ( 3 1 9 ) 842-2693 R E S . ( 2 1 9 ) 842-3485 10 Culver llAKESHORE DRIVE • Dental GcoeraJ Dentistry OrtrxxJonta-Ad ufts/TWJd ran GaramJc Braces/TMJ Trwrtmort MONTEREY, INDIANA Root Canals INDIANA 46511 326 E.JEFFERSON ST. PLYMOUTH, IN •EASTERDAY 1 •CONSTRUCTION ICO., INC. General, Mechanical, & Electrical Contractor Lake Shore Drive & Slate Street • P.O. Box 88 • Culver, IN 46511 42-3465 1-800-333-2503 SERVICE Phone 219-842-3341 Fax 219-842-2629 Thomas M. Pugh R.Ph., D.D.S. CongratuLatwns Class of1997 936-3556 CULVER, Clinic or" 542-2231 4 £ f 1305 S. Heaton • Knox Mall P E O P L E S D R U Plymouth Towne Care G S T O R E Pharmacy, Inc. A B A D A N D E P L E Y REALTORS, INC 1125 B L/iKE SHORE DIVIDE CULVER,IN46511 3 0 1 N . M i c h i g a n St. Plymouth, I N 46563 CATHY T h e first w e a l t h is health. - Ralph Waldo Emerson Best wishes for a healthy and successful future! Starke Memorial Hospital ^0TAjr 102 E . Culver Road % Knox, IN 46534 (219) 772-6231 EPLEY & BILLYEABAD (219) 936-3167 Pager: ( 2 1 9 ) 2 4 0 - 0 1 2 1 E n t e r n u m b e r a n d # sign Fax: ( 2 1 9 ) 9 3 6 - 6 1 5 5 o 5 Nnppnnee Advance News The Leader The Review Bourbon New-Mirror Bremen Enquirer The Culver Citizen Jim Orender Pharmacist/Owner fQ K Pilot i News Servine Marshall County since 1851 W e specialize i n local news. 219^842-5229 219-956-510 or 800-955-0556 00 O Z - 7 ~ 0 1 2 oo r n oo 7 0 VI/ ~ AND SAY I T W I T H CAD-CUT CUSTOM SCREEN P R I N T I N G M A N Y OTHER ITEMS A N D IDEALS! Congratulations Class of '99! Bigley's Urchard 16864 I8B Rd. Culver, IN 46511 j^ront: ^arali B R A U N C H E V R O L E T - B U I C K (219) 946-6662 820 S. MONT1CELLO ST. W1NAMAC, IN 46996 Quality Cars Low Prices! *Y1owabowdbi, d£)arci £t>tft J^amicca lf]f]ol\v, S [Jt{fe J- ccca ^Jdoober, <j£)arfa ^ We are proud. oj> our> (Culver iludent u/orb erS: (OLu bach: <^t)ianna ^loei, ^Jdeatker %Joter, 2275 S. US 3 5 KNOX, IN ^ S 5 3 ^ (219) 772-4137 ^Imanda. ^Jdoward, FLORA 1 4 2 td,cm c 73 MOTORS C U L V E R M A AUTHORIZED DEALER F i r s t BILLS B a n I N 219-936-9955 Tues-Thurs 11 a.m. t o 9 p . m . Fri-Sat 11 a.m. 10 p . m . Dining Room Orders Taken Until 15 min. Before Closing N A FOR k S - KAWASAKI, YAMAHA & SEA-DOO WATER VEHICLES 3000 East Shore Drive # Phone 842-3375 800-852-3375 2113 N . M i c h i g a n I D P l y m o u t h I N , 46563 # Rinker # Sea Nymph # Shore Land'r Trailers # Suncruiser Pontoons # Sweetwater # Hurricane # Honda Outboards # Boston Whaler # Correct Craft # Harris Flote-Boat # Harris Float Deck # Johnson Motors # Sanpan # Aqua Patio 2 2 2 2 N . M i c h i g a n St. Plymouth, I K F e d e r a l S a v i n g s PIZZA R 2 V 111 1-800-382-2664 Culver- House Restaurant Seating Culver Cove Resort up to 300 & Conference Center J STUDIO 100 West 9th Street Rochester, Indiana 46975 219-223-3617 3^2* Bast g/uher£pve COUNTRY AUTO CENTER Resort 1-800-463-2044 Electricity... The Power of Choice Culver, I N 4-S511 (219) ?42-26?2 Fax (219) ?42-2?21 4 Conference Center T h e Jerfe^sor. A t h l e t i c B o o s t e r s EXTEND OUR SUPPORT, CONGRATULATIONS, AND BEST WISHES TO THE WILLING ATHLETE WHO HAS A POSITIVE ATTITUDE, AND PUTS FORTH THE EFFORT TO COMPETE, V a n a d c o S i g n s 10475 16th Rd • Argos, IN '46501 219-892-5000 M a r s h a l l C o u n t y Rural Electric Membership W I N Corporation REMC OR L O S E . Culver Community Athletic Boosters Congratulate C l a s s Proudly Serving Customers i n Rural M a r s h a l l C o u n t y Since 1935 JL o f 1 9 9 9 ! ! t h e AD INDEX Agtrans 134 Al's TV Amoco-N F-omans m Athletic boosters i45 Men's Wear 138 Bennett's i4o fricfc's Flicfcs 135 i4z Conine I4I Praun Chev.-fruicfc i43 Praun Chrysler I4I Cafe Ma* Compliments I4I Connors Chev. Country Auto i44 Culligen I4I Culver Aminal Hosp I3U Culver £ fcr £ I33 Culver Cove i45 Culver Dental Clinic i4o Culver Hardware I34 Culver Marina >45 Culver Power Equip. 12-fc Culver Public Library I3& Dair>( Queen I31 DePruler i44 Easterday Construct ion I4I Eb>('s 142Family Vision Clinic I31 FelKe 133 I33 First National First Federal I44 I3G> FisherfcrCo Flora Motors I43 Florist i4o Hair Kare I35 Hicfcs das I33 Ideal Cleaners I3I Interior Views I3<f 3omar Travel I33 Ke>( Waste l4l Kno* Peaut>| College i4o Lafce Side Auto I30 U r £ Oasis 131 Lions Club 12-1 Loehmer's Hardware I34 Maddo* Electric I3t, Martin Flaherty i4o Mark's Shoppe i4o Ma*inKucKee Flayers i4(# $ar M£rM 131 Michelle's Headquarters I30 Millers Merr>( Manor I3I Nicholas, Wallsmith 131 Norcen I3& N. Indiana Comm. I3I NunemaKer I34 Olde Towne I3fc Oliver Ford Osborn's Overme^er Soft Water The Fainter i* Poet Par* N Shop People's Drugstore Pilot News Pinnacle Pizxa Pills Piziz-a Hut F-EMC l^enfrows F-icfcman Tool Shepherds Smith Farm Store The Specialty Shoppe Sportsman's StarKe Memorial TCU Tenneco The drape Vine Town dr Country The Tutoring Center Vanadco Verl Winning Edge WKVl Z.ehner £r Sons Z.ehner Servic »43 131 I3G> 135 131 i4z I43 132i44 i4o i44 I3l I35 I35 I4I 142I34 i4z 12-1 I3I I3G> I3U I3S i44 I3fc 134 133 i4o 131 Adams, Dan 60,64 Alhenius, Steve 47,106 Albright, Brian 83,84,118 Albright, Kristy 75,60 Allen, Jason 42 Allen, Kenwann 5 Allyn, Mark 53,76,106 Ambrose, Brian 42,71,84,122 Anderson, Jerry 60 Anderson, Regina 60 Anderson, Timothy L. 5 Arbuckle, Brandon 36,72, 77,108 Arbuckle, Joe 5 Argiris, Chris 6 Arnett, Britnie 53,68,79,106 Arnett, Elizabeth 36,37, 69,108,109,125 Arnett, Shannon 53 Artman, Ashlee 47,123 Arquette, Nicholas 30,62, 102,108,114,122 Arquette, Peggy 60,64 Back, Cassandra 36,107 Baert, Jessica 42 Baert, Kelly 53 Baldwin, Amanda 6 Baldwin, Jennifer 42,107 Baldwin, Michael 36,90 Baldwin, Patricia 30,107 Banks, Sarah 35,53,79,115 Bannon, Bobby 47 Barenie, Joe 6,22,102,103 Bastardo, Mike 36,72 Batta, Dorothy 42,125 Batta, Katy 36 Bauer, Katie 6,90,91 Bauer, Kelli 2,27,30,66,80, 102,108124 Bean, Ashley 30,80 Bean, Jeff 72 Beaupre', Jessica 42,125 Beaver, Jenny 36 Behnke, Adam 6,90,71,91 Bell, Leon 6,23 Bendy, Tom 72,118 Benner, Vickie 60,103 Bennett, Brandi 7,22,75,102, 108,109,124 Berdine, John 7,23 Berger, Jessica 52,53,68,79 Berndt, Brett 60,84,91 Berryman, Rachel 36 Bigley, Shane 47 Boschee, Justin 42 Boyne, James 53,78,106 Braasch, Justin 53 Branham, Autumn 47 Branham, John 42 Brewer, Derrick 53,70 Broeker, Aaron 47,106,123 Broeker, Jonathan 53,106 Browder, John 60,63 Brown, Mark 42,72,84,118 Browning, Justin 47 Brugh, Jimmy 42,71 Budzinski, Brian 47,106,115, 123 Burke, Kory 36,77 Burke, Kyle 30,72,76,77,91, 117 Burkett, Amanda 36,107 Burkett, Daniel 36 Burkett, Dennis 7 Buschman, James 36 Buschman, Michael 7,23,72, 77,102,108,117 Bush, Jennifer 7,69,108,142 Bush, Kelly 7,103 c Caddy, Mary 53 Campbell, Angela 53,106 Campbell, Max 70,78,106, 109 Cannon, Courtney 8,22,23, 69,80,114 Cannon, Jared 47 Caparell, Holly 42,107 Carlson, Christopher 42,72, 84,102,103,109,118 Carlson, Diana 53,68,79,106, 123 Carter. Matt 47,78,123 Caudill, Heather 36 Caudill, Jacob 53 Caudill, Nathan 47,78,106 Cavinder, Sarah 53 Chastain, Jordan 47,123 Chesser, Alex 8,35 Chesser, Carl 36,71 Clifton, Amanda 66 Clifton, Carin 60,62 Clingler, Kerry 30 Coad, Craig 36,76,77 Coby, Marilyn 60,110,113 Coffey, Sharon 60 Coffin, Estelle 53,115 Cole, Zachary 8 Collins, Aaron 53 Colvin, Jan 63 Combs, Greg 69 Comisky, Stephanie 53,79, 106 Conley, Erin 43,69,75,81, 90,102,107 Conley, Jaime 52,54,115 Conrad, Pat 60,64 Cooper, Dustin 47,70,78 Cottrell, Lacy 53 Cottrell, Lindsey 54 Couts, Allison 47,106,123 Cowen, Julie Cox, Sarah 47 Crabb, Brandy 30,75,90, 91,108 Craft, Ashlee 48 Craft, John 48 Dains, Jill 60,64 Dalton, Phillip 54,115 Darwent, Brent 54,106 Dauenhauer, Josh 54,70 Davis, Brandon 2,30,74,77, 117,137 Davis, Justin 8,22,23,74 Davis, Karyn 8 Davis, Martha 48,68,79,106 Davis, Ryan 48,106,123 Davis, Travis 2,30,71,83,85, 108,117,137 Day, Joseph Day, Timothy 48 Dearth, Vickie 60,63,112,113 Dees, Michael 30,114 DePrizio, Joe 54,78,115 Desabatine, Dustin 54,106 Dillingham, Adam 48 Disney, Brian 60,74,83,84, 117 Ditmire, Brian 30 Ditmire, Erica 8,69,80 Dowd, Kevin 36 Downs, Brad 76,77 Downs, Dave 77 Drang, Michelle 37 Drang, Rachelle 48,52 Dres, Mari-Ann 2,30 Dubois, Tiffanie 9 Duff, Matthew 43,103,109, 122 Dunn, Jerry 43 Dunn, Stephanie 30 Earnest, Sherry 9,23,35 Earp, Allison 54,79,106,123 Earp, Ross 37,117 Easterday, Joseph 48,106 Easterday, Richard 9,22,35, 74,108,117 Eastwood, Joshua 54 Eberhart, Tanya 48,115 Eby, Darci 26,30,66,83,90, 102,108,114,116,142 Eby, Darla 9,22,23,66,102, 108,109,142 Egger, Ryan 43,84,102 148 Elliott, Brandy 43,67,81, 107,125 Elliott, Chris 68 Elliott, Kyle 61,63,64,80 Elliott, Mike 72,79 Elliott, Troy 54,70 Ellul, Michael 54,70,76,78, 106 Eskridge, Amy 54,115 Eskridge, Gregory 72,122 Fairchild, Andrew 43 Fairchild, Mike 37 Fairchild, Stacy 48,79 Fawley, Josh 54 Felda, Amanda 43 Filip, Michael 9 Flaherty, Patrick 30,83,85, 102,108,118 Foster, Nicholas 30 Fox, Cory 31,71,90,91, 102,108,118 Franz, Rilley 43 Freeman, Michelle 54,68, 106,115,123 Furlano, Sunshine 10 Gallagher, Rose 31,102 Gartman, Paul 31 Geik, Cheryl 61,74 Girton, Megan 48,68,79,106 Girton, Tom 69,79 Glasson, Jessica Glenn, Zachary 54,70,76,106 Glossinger, Donald 48,50 Glover, Andy 37 Glover, Tony 54 Golden, Jennifer 48,68,79, 115 Golden, Timothy Good, Stephanie 48,77,106, 123 Griffin, Katie 10 Grinder, Chad 43 Gruchala, Jennifer 31,103 Guerra, Ricky 2,10,71,108 Gunder, Kimberly 37,75,107 Gutierrez, Michelle 43,69,107 Guyse, Amanda 31,77 Haase, Caroline 48,79,103, 106 Haddix, Cassandra 54 Hall, Brandi 37 Hamilton, Daniel 54,115 Hamiton, Debra 10,77,107, 114 Hamilton, Jennifer 43,107 Hamilton, Joe 37,72,77,108 Hanselman, Albert 60,63 Hanselman, Leah 91 Hanselman, Michelle 11,80 Hanselman, Walter 48,52, 70,78,106 Hardin, Jesse 43,77 Harness, Mary Beth 61,111 Harper, Chris 37 Harrington, Adam 31,118 Harrington, Nathan 37,71 Hart, Jon 37,71,92,102,108, 118 Hart, Josh 11,22 Hartle, Jacob 11,23,27,72, 91,102,108,118 Hartman, Michael 48 Harvey, Pedro 37,74,77 Haschel,Greg 11,77,107,108 Hatfield, Marci 54,68,79,106 Haulotte, John 31,118 Heater, Candice 55,79,115 Heater, John 31,107 Heater, Shane 31,107 Heath, Melody 37 Hedger, Jeremy 48 Heiman, Ashlee 52,55,79,106 Heise, Roderick 11 Heiser, Dale Lynn 55,68,79, 106,115,123 Hero, Crystal 31,109 Herrell.Tom 12 Hiatt, Phil 61,122 Highland, Kay 63 Hill, Melissa 55,123 Hinderlider, Nicholas 55,70, 78,115 Hinkle, Jeremy 31,71,83,85, 90,117 Hitchens, Ben 37 Hite,Tara 48,115 Hoffer, Bradley 55,106 Hoffer, Matt 43 Holcomb, Vashti 2,37,66, 80,81,108,124 Homan, Jeff 55 Honzik, Christina 31,74,114, 116 Hooker, Allen Hooker, Brett 12,23,102,108, 114 Hooker, Chad 44,72,84,118 Hooker, Rebecca 2,26,31, 108,142 Hopkins, Amber 37 Hopple, Craig 83,84 Howard, Amanda 44,67,125, 142 Howard, Penny E. 44,107 Howard, Penny S. 31 Huber, Ray 37,76,77,108,122 Huff, Danyelle 48,52,106 Hunnicut, Brian 12 Hunnicut, Josh 38 Hunnicut, Kevin 44,72,77,118 Hunnicut, Roger 38 Hunt, Cory 55,70,76 Hunter, Abby 49,68 Hurford, Maria 31,102,107, 124 Hurley, Grace 12,69,80,124 Hurt, Shane 49 Hyndman, Amy 55,68,79 Hyndman, Cheryl 61,62 Jachim, Renee 31 Jackson, Michael 38,72,77, 108 Jackson, Vanessa 55,79,106 Jacobson, Theresa 61 Jacobson, Tony 31 James, Larissa 44,67,107, 125 James, Loren 38,74,77 James, Luella 44,67,81,116 James, Susan 31 Jelinek, Ronald 44,72,91,117 Johnson, John 72 Johnson, Samantha 55,79, 106,115 Johnson, Sean 55 Johnson, Steve 55,70 Jolly, Brandon 44,72,77 Jones, Amber 12 Jones, Melissa 31 Jones, Nicole 44 14. Kauffman, Bradley 49 Keeler, Megan 2,13,22,23,75, 90,91,107,109 Keiper, Casey 44,74,79 Keller, Dana 55,79 Keller, Daniel 55 Keller, Joseph 13,23,27,72, 91,108,118 Keller, Stephanie 32 Kelly, Holly 13,92,103,107 Kelly, Sirena 32 Kelsey, Dayna 44,109,115, 123 Ketcham, Kenneth 44 Ketcham, Travis 13 Kilgore, Krystal 13,22,23, 102,114 King, Brandon 49,70,106 King, Mary 44,116 King, William 61 Kinney, Daniel 58 Kirkland, Dell 49 Kissell, Andrew 38,71,102, 108,122 Kitchell, Julie Kitts, Anthony 55,76,115 Klausing, Cassandra 49,109, 115 Kline, Lorena 32 Knapp, Andrew 44 Konzelman, Robert 35,61,64 Kornblith, Sarah 13,23,103 Krieg, Evan 49,70,106,123 Kuykendoll, Eugene 44,77 Kuykendoll, Jammie 49 Lancaster, Justin 13 Landes, Alan 61,64,78,112 Lardino, Nathan 38 Lardino, Ron 32,77 Latham, Calvin 32 Latham, Quentin 38 Latoza, Richard 38,102 Ledsome, Dan 32,102,118 Ledsome, Eric 55,76,77 Lee, Anna 14,22,23,107 Lee, Gregory 4484,102,117 Lee, Joe 47,49,70,106,123 Lee, Lily 49,68,79,92,123 Lee, Mary 49,68,79,106,109, 115,123 Leggitt, Gary 55,70,76 Leggitt, Heather 55 Levine, Sharonda 32 Lewis, Branden 44,72,118 Lewis, Donnie 56,78,106 Lewis, Edward 38,118 Lewis, Shannon 56,106,115 Linhart, Brian 14 Listenberger, Christianne 32 Little, Jacob 52,56,70,78 Littrell, Amanda 32 Livingston, Alisha 49 Lloyd, Joel 14,83,85,108 Lloyd, Shelly 38 Loehmer, Adam 38,84,90,108 14 Loehmer, Luke 14 Loehmer, Nicole 37,38,67,90, 102,108,124 Loehmer, Phillip 49,70,106 Long, Tiffany 2,32,67,103, 125 Looney, Amber 45,69,81,91, 102,107 Looney, Brandy 32,107,124 Mahler. Lisa-Ann 32,75,108, 122 Mann, Shannon 14 Markin, Travis 14 Maroules, Travis 38 Marsh, Robert 15 Master, Rose 61 Master, Sandy 61,64 Master, Shelly 38,66,92,108, 109,116 Masterson, Roger 45 McCarty, Ricky 32,72,77,91 McClane, Katrice 32,97 McClane, Takesha 38,80,108, 114.116 McColley, Steve 60 McCraw, Aaron 15,22,23,27, 35,90,91,102,113 McCune, Ashley 38,69,80,81, 108 McCune, Emily 15 McCune, Nichele 56,68,79 McDaniel, Matthew 49,115 McFarland, Crystal 38 McFarland, Elizabeth 49,115, 123 McFarland, William 15,22,74, 108.117 McKenna, Amanda 33,97 Mersch, Josh 45 Mersch, Nikole 38,107 Mersch, Sarina 33,107 Merton, Andrew 45,71,84,122 Merton, Heather 56,106,115 Migonis, Jayson 15,83,85,108 Milam, William 33 Miller.Cynthia 2,15,22,23 Miller, James 56 Miller, Joshua 49 Miller, Krystal 45,75,103 Miller, Laura 33,67,125 Miller, Shawn 56 Mills, David 39 Mills, Derek Milner, Rachel 39 Minarik, Amy 16,22,74,102, 108 Minix, Aubrie 56,106 Minix, Brandon 33 Minix, Brieanna 49,123 Minix, Jacob 47,49 Minix, Mitchell 39 Mishler, Jill 2,16,22,23,64,90 Mohr, Kamicca 26,33,108,142 Montgomery, T.j. 49,70,76, 78,106,115,123 Moore, Bo 16 Moore, Jesse 50 Moore, Nellita 45,107 Morningstar, Jason 56 Mullins, Bobbie 56 Myers, Ronald 39 Neace, Amanda 39 Neher, Justin 45,72,84 Newman, Matthew 39,71,84, 92,108,117 Nichols, Carrie 50 Nichols, Randy 39 Noe, Brett 33 Noel, David 118 Noel, Debbie 61 Noel, Dianna 2,33,142 Norman, Jaimee 45,69,107 Nowakowski, Erica 45 Nowakowski, Sarah 39,142 o Pisowicz, Ian 58,115,123 Pokrajac, Ronald 45,71,84 ^onderlicek, Kristyn 45 Porter, Bethany 45 Porter, Charles 16,77,108 Potter, John 50 Potter, Kellie 61 Powell, Benjamin 50,106 Price, Crystal 39,107 Pugh, Coach 80,81 Pyle, Angela 33,107 Osborn, Allen 39,71,103,107, 108,117 Osborn, Brooke 56,79,106, 109,123 Osborn, Emily 56,103,106, 115 Osborn, Sarah 33,67,83,108 Oszuscik, Patrick 45 Oszuscik, Sara 56,106 Otteman, Aimee 33,75,114 Otteman, Amanda 33 Otteman, Brandon 50 Ousley, Savannah 56,79 Overmyer, Heather 68 Overmyer, Joshua 39 Overmyer, Nathaniel 45 Overmyer, Suzanne 39 Page, Holly 56,79,106 Palm, Melanie 39 Palmer, Christina 33,107 Pare', Paul 61 Patterson, Jennifer 56 Peacock, Jeff 45,72,84,122 Peacock, Jennifer 57,106 Perotti, Theresa 61,111 Personette, Daniel 39,72, 108,118 Personette, Jena 50 Peterson, George 33,83,117 Peterson, Matthew 50,70,76, 77,106,123 Peverelle, Donald 45,72,84, 103,117 Peverelle, Stephanie 33,109 Pike, Crystal 2,16,107 Pike, Scott 45 Pilarski, Ian 57,70,123 Pinder, Haley 57,79,106,109, 115 Pinder, Jessica 39,74,75,103, 107,108,116 Pioro, Fabian 45 u Quimby, Criston 52,57,79,106,115 Quinn, Robert 57,115 Rand, Edward 39,71,103,118 Rausch, Tom 61 Rearick, David 57 , Reigh, Ashley 33 Reigh, David 57 Reinhold, Cole 50 Reinhold, Dustin 33 Reinhold, Elizabeth 57,115 Reinhold, Phyllis 61,62 Reinholt, Shawn 57,70 Reynolds, Heather 50,52,68, 79,106,109 Riddle, Ron 34 Riester, Cindy 61,64 Ringer, Brittany 45,69,80,81, 102,107,109,125 Ringer, Brooke 16 Ringer, Robert 71 Risner, Adam Rivera, JoAnn 50 Robbins, Benjamin 57,76,106 Robbins, Rhapsody 17,69 Roberts, Daniel 50,70,78 Ross, Brad 61 Ross, Shannon 69 Ruby, Matthew 50,70,78 j Rudd, Rachel 45 Ruhnow, Andrew 17,103 s 1 k % Salyer, Tonya 2,17,22,66, 102,108 Samuelson, Danielle 17,103 Samuelson, Jami 50,106 Samuelson, Mark 39,72,77 Sanderson, Gregory 50 Sanderson, Larry 17 Sanderson, Michael 40 Scaggs, Rick 46 Scarborough, Chad 39 Schammert, Mysti 17,124 Scheffer, Allison 57,123 Schmidt, Jeremy 57,70,115 Schmidt, Tom 61,111 Schrimsher, Chase 50,70,76, 106,123 Schrimsher, Craig 40 Schuldt, Alison 34,103 Schuldt, Brian 57,106 Schulz, Scott 62,63,64,106 Schumerth, Angela 57,68,79, 106.123 Schumerth, Christopher 50, 70,78,106,123 Schwartz, Donna 62,63 Schwartz, Mike 62,64,110 Scott, Debbie 62 Scott, Tony 50 Scroggs, Ashley 40,66,80,81, 102,108,109,124 Scroggs, Blake 57,76 Sefchek, Joshua 34,74,102, 108.124 Sefchek, Kyle 50,106,123 Sellers, Jeremy 40 Sellers, Josh 34 Sellers, Justin 46 Shaffer, Adam 46,71,122 Shaffer, Jim 40,118 Shedrow, Lane Shedrow, Tammy 66,79 Sheldon, Brenda 62 Shepherd, Charlie 34 Shepherd, Denver 40 Shepherd, Judy 9 Sheppard, Frank 50,52,70, 106,123 Shidler, Shanelle 50,52 Shidler, Tiffany 37,115 Shirrell, Chris 57,115,123 Shirrell, Melissa 40,107 Simmons, Jennifer 34 Sims, Brock 40 Singleton, Nathan 51 Siple, Karianne 18,35 Slocum, Liz 62,107,115 Smashey, Jessica 34,107 Smeltzer, Nicole 51 Smith, Brian 34,122 Smith, Daniel 34,72,83,84, 108,117 Smith, Jacob 46,72,84,90,118 Smith, Lauren 51,68,79,106, 115,123 Smith, Nikolas 40 Smith, Sarah 51,115,123 Smith, Stephanie 80,81 Snyder, Bruce 78 Snyder, Jennifer 57,68,79,106 Snyder, Kameran 51,78,106 Snyder, Matthew 46,71,84,118 Sommer, Anthony 18,23,27, 71,90 Sommer, Neil 35,40 Sowards, Kayla 51,115 Spiewalk, Jessica 18,103 Spoor, Thomas 40 Stafford, Sharon 62,114 Stamper, Chastity 57 Stevens, Barbara 62,67,116 Stevens, Brittany 57,115 Stevens, Bryan 40 Stevens, Chris 70 Stevens, Matthew 18,22 Stevens, Ron 62,64 Stevens, Ryan 70 Stevens, Stacy 49,51,68,79, 92,106 Stineback, Andrea 46,103,107 Stineback, Stephanie 51 Stineback, Vanessa 51 y 150 15 Stotler, Erin 51,106,109,115 Stotler, Jeremy 34,72,83,102, 108,114,117 Stotler, Ryan 46,72,84,103, 117 Streets, Jennifer 18,23 Streets, Stephen 40,71,122 Sullivan, Billy 46,71 Sullivan, Dustin 58,106,123 Sullivan, Kim 62 V 123 Williams, Quianna 40 Vanmeter, Kyle 46 Williams, Sarah 51,79,115 VanSky, Victoria 51,79,106 Wilson, Timothy 58,106 Voter, Heather 34,103,142 Winters, Barbara 63,103,110 Voter, Jason 46 Wise, Steve 20,72 Wojdyla, Adam 40,77,108 Wojdyla, Ben 20,77,114 Wolf, Jesse 58,76,78,103,115 Wright, Tina 58 Waglarz, Jennifer 46,69 Wagner, Neil 60,63,72,91 Wagner, Trade 63 Wagoner, Nichole 46,107 Wakefield, Michael 19,22 Wakefield, Michelle 46 Walters, Scott 19,103 Thompson, Kim 63 Warner, Timothy 19,71 Thompson, Mellissa 19 Watts, Tom 34,83 Thompson, Stefanie 58,68, Watwood, Becky 20 79,106,123 Watwood, Joe 46 Thornburg, Patrick 52,58,123 Weiger, Leah 62,63 Tobey, Francine 19,83,108 Weirick, Mimi 2,63 Tobey, Steven 58,70,76,106 Weldon, Tyler 58,70,78 Troxel, Dan 58,76,78,106,123 Wentzel, Alison 47,51,68,79, Troxel, David 40 Troyer, Glenn 46 Turner, Ashley 51,52,115 115 Wentzel, Emily 46,67,75,81, 116 Wentzel, Stephanie 20,66, 80,108,124 Wicker, Jake 51 Ulch, Shawna 34,77 Ulch, Troy 51,78,106 106,123 Vandemark, Michael 58,106 T Taylor, Jason 58 Thomas, Dana 34,69,75,103, 108,109,116 Thomas, Jessica 40 Thomas, Sandra 62,63 Thomas, Wendy 34,137 Thompson, Julie 51,106,115, Williams, Jeremiah 51,70,78, Widner, Carrie 2,36,40,66,80, 90,102,109,124,137 Widner, Robert 20 Widner, William 20 Wieringa, Peggy 51 v Young, Evan 21,72,108114, 118 Young, Theresa 34,97 Zehner, Michael 72,108 Zehner, Scott 51,70,76,123 Ziaja, Jacquelyn 51,79,106, 115,123 Ziaja, Michael 40,42,72,84, 117 Ziegert, Ann 46,107 Zigler, Jake 21 Zwarycz, Stefan 63
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