Catalog 2011


Catalog 2011
Talma Schweitzer - DocuShuk editor
Guy Biton & Meir Wigderson - DocuShuk Assistants
Orna Yarmut - Initiator and Director
Haim Burshtein - Operations Manager Head of Guests department
Liora Zamelman & Eyal Marcos Lavit - Graphic Design
Raya Morag - Contributed Artical
‫מדינת ישראל‬
‫משרד התרבות והספורט‬
Greetings Talma Schweitzer
Between Hope and Despare
Greetings Orna Yarmut
Towards an Israeli Identity
Raya Morag Article
Portrayals of The Other
Index Categories
The Face of Her Reality
Index Directors
Untold Stories
Index Sales Contacts
Family Ties
Without Sales Company
The Inner Tour
Alphabetical Index
Larger Then Life
Reflections of The Past
The Soul and Science
Doc Re Me
Docs and Cuts (Rough cut Screenings) 118-118
Copro Campus (Student Films)
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Dear guests, colleagues and friends,
Here we meet, yet again, at this inspiring event. You represent a huge audience around the globe, and I
am honored and privileged to represent an incredible pool of enlightened documentary makers.
I give you DocuShuk 2011 catalog, containing 107 finished films made since early 2010.
I relentlessly pursued them to collate a large anthology for you. Films representative of Israel’s all
walks of life. Films attesting to the tremendous growth and advancement of the Israeli documentary
filmmaking. While searching for the suitable films, I encountered a whole new visual language. With
every passing year, the Israeli filmmakers develop a new cinematic language upon which they base their
films while giving less emphasis on the dramatics or conflicts.
As the Israeli film industry advances, so does CoPro. CoPro realized the weight of the rough-cut stage
in the film’s marketing and franchising. The reassurance a dialogue between broadcaster and maker
provides a moment before the deal is closed.
CoPro is proud to introduce two new categories: Docs and Cuts (rough cut screening) - the 2011
DocuShuk extends its margins to contain projects in the Docs and Cuts category and the Doc-Re-Mi
music related films. I’d like to draw your attention to new films dealing with the arts of dance, painting,
music. CoPro encourages filmmakers to pursue this line of work and also work on developing another
reflective genre. Not only cinema about cinema but also expanding the visual element - documentary on
a variety of arts. In time the experimental film will blend into the mainstream.
Special thanks to Dr. Raya Morag for her article.
Many thanks to all the assistants and participants who brought this DocuShuk into being.
Talma Schweitzer
Docushuk Editor
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DocuShuk 9
We are proud to open the ninth edition of Docu-Shuk which has become a pivotal part of CoPro Market.
Buyers, both local and foreign, will be watching an impressing yield of the Israeli film industry.
It seems that despite of the technological achievements of the age we live in, with the many options
opened to us by the digital and online networks, the proper, direct and straightforward contact between
maker and his cinematic creation/production and the buyers is still irreplaceable. That is DocuShuk’s
added value.
Cinema is the story a nation tells itself of itself (Stuart Hall, Cultural Theorist)
Indeed. The variety of Israeli films in this catalog and the wide range of their topics reflect the Israeli
being with all of its intricacy, plurality and the dilemmas that living in this charged and exciting place
There’s an upsurge of filmmaking in Israel and the local industry is inexhaustible. It is best illustrated by
the following figures: A nation totaling 7.5 million has 16 film schools and an extraordinary yield of some
200 films a year.
As much as we are pleased with the quantity of this yield, we are even more pleased with the quality and
interest it generates.
Many thanks to Thalma Shweitzer, DocuShuk editor for a brilliant and unwavering contribution to the
Enjoy the films.
Orna Yarmut
Founding director - CoPro
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Current Israeli Documentary Cinema:
101 years of Unsettled Negotiations
by Raya Morag
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Current Israeli Documentary Cinema:
101 years of Unsettled Negotiations
by Raya Morag
In today’s media world, changes in the conception of “documentary” and the nature of documentary
films and television programs are turning a tenable certainty into an uncertain challenge. Clear-cut
trends, such as the viral contagion and intense influence of reality shows, in which the clear purpose
of the whole micro-social event is to deliver fun on the one hand, and the sheer volume of feature
documentary films which, since the late 1990s, have enjoyed theatrical releases on the other hand,
expose contradictions.
These contradictions attest to shifts in viewers’ relation and proximity to what is defined as “real” and
to shifts—on the part of filmmakers and viewers alike—in sensitivity to the ethical difficulties involved in
capturing “real life.” The increased presence of genres such as the docusoap and the mocumentary, the
infiltration of digital technology and the rise in new platforms for documentary making, such as the mobile
phone, as well as their distribution via the internet, require almost daily adjustment to media’s changing
faces. But more than anything, they require an ongoing redefinition of the “documentary value.
”The challenges Israeli documentary faces in light of these changes are unique. Here, I am not referring
to the financing, production and marketing difficulties that characterize any small-scale industry in the
world, but rather to local hardships. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, ongoing since the 1880s, i.e. since
the advent of Zionist settlement to this very day, is the longest running ethno-religious conflict in the
modern era.
Since Israel’s “War of Independence” and the declaration of the establishment of the State of Israel in
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1948 until this day, the acute and chronic manifestations of the conflict have manifested in seven wars,
two Intifadas, and countless military operations. In other words, on average a war or major eruption of
violence every six years. In 130 years of conflict, or, more exactly, since the first documentary film was
shot here in 1910, i.e. 101 years ago, to this day, the conflict has been an inseparable facet of Israeli
As the films listed in this year’s DocuShuk catalogue attest, Israeli documentary addresses a wide range
of personal and social topics that do not relate directly to the conflict. Nevertheless, the conflict in all
its ramifications — beginning with the occupation and the countless traumas it entails through years
of suicide terrorism and culminating with the rise of both Jewish and Muslim fundamentalisms — has
determined not only our national agenda but our psychological and creative ones too.
In other words, to a certain extent, the representation of the conflict has become an ethical criterion
for assessing Israeli documentary cinema. Despite what may appear to be a creative limitation, i.e. the
incessant need to respond to the news-driven reality of occupation, the fact that this responsiveness
has become a moral criterion for looking at our lived reality as Israelis past and present, enables Israeli
documentary, unlike other cinemas around the world, to preserve the value of documentary “truth.”
In other words, regardless of the issue at hand, in the reality of conflict and occupation, the Israeli
documentary cannot supply truth as infotainment. Even when it flirts with lighter formats, or steers, like
any cinema, toward new cinematic languages that enable greater access to wider audiences, the internal
and external demands upon the filmmaker in relation to documentary “truth” are necessarily different.
In other words, the decline in the status of the truth, the conception of authenticity, and the meaning
of performance, as well as the status of the director as a kind of docu-celeb, to name but a few of the
clear-cut characteristics of documentary cinema worldwide — constitute a different kind of challenge
for the Israeli documentary maker. The moral position we assume vis-à-vis the occupation and its
representation, in particular the representation of the ethnic-religious-national “Other,” comes to bear on
documentary filmmaking.
Moreover, it enables the nurturing of documentary production in the face of current tides, be they
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postmodern or capitalist-globalized, i.e. the sweeping pull to tune into the entertainment imperatives of
the marketplace. In this sense, the demand for formats such as dock-activism or autobiographical films
in the form of personal diaries, for example, necessarily entails a higher degree of self-reflexivity. Even
if the film is highly personal, sensitivity to the value of “truth,” the ethical position, and the limitations of
narcissism necessarily curtail the pull toward entertainment, or change it altogether.
The unique characteristics of Israeli documentary stand out in this year’s collection of films.
Anat Even’s “Closure,” for example, presents the filmmaker’s personal story, as she mourns for her
drowned brother. Over the course of a year, from September to July, she follows the reality that
unfolds in the yard below from her second story window. That which takes places outside echoes
of her inner mourning. The yard, laden with fruit trees planted by her brother who had his potting
studio there, gets sold off to a contractor. The trees are brutally uprooted to clear the lot for the
construction of a building, not unlike the new luxury high-rise overshadowing the pastoral neighborhood.
Ironically, when her view unto the world is blocked, when the brick wall of the adjacent building
under construction closes her in, that is, when the mourning period comes to an end, a chapter in
the process comes to an end. The gaze turned outward, to the yard and the 100-year history of this
Southern Tel Aviv neighborhood, is also an inward look. The construction and the documentation of the
house’s immediate surroundings also expose, albeit implicitly, the capitalist power relations between
north and south Tel Aviv, the contradiction between the Arab day laborers and the past neighborly
relations between Arabs, Jews, Ottomans, British and German Templers in that very neighborhood.
In this sense, her choice of showing only glimpses of footage elucidates not only the way that the past
disappears never to return, but also the evasive nature of memory. Moreover, the autobiographical
story, true to the observer’s perspective, effaces the boundaries between external and internal. In a
poetic and beautiful manner, on the one hand, the memories associated with external reality fade away
while internal reality remains vivid. On he other hand, the new internal reality is re-constructed by the
destructive external reality —each story built in the adjacent building marks a phase in her closure.
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Her choice to interweave sparse images of footage from her brother’s life and the neighborhood’s
history, accentuates the burden of dealing with time’s passing. Finally, when the camera leaves its fixed
position in the window unto the roof of the nearby high-rise, revealing a panoramic view of the city, the
space and the movement hint at reconciliation and a hope, for both the filmmaker and the viewer.
Self-reflexivity and an ethical interweaving of the private and the public also stands out in the story
conveyed in Arnon Goldfinger’s film “The Flat.” The film describes the process of dismantling his
grandmother’s apartment following her death. “The Flat” evokes the other, no less dominant theme in
Israeli documentary representation, not that of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict but that of the Holocaust.
Here too, like in Even’s film, the various stages of the flat’s dismantling, from the first time the shutters
are lifted upon the jam-packed flat until it stands empty, mark emotional changes in the director, a thirdgeneration Holocaust survivor, but also his mother. But Goldfinger’s narrative is also part detective story.
Old Nazi periodicals found in the flat, impeccably preserved in Berliner fashion from the 1930s, lead him
to uncover his family’s unspoken past. “The Flat” exposes in thrilling fashion what Holocaust historian
Dan Diner termed “negative symbiosis” between Jews and Germans after the war. Goldfinger travels
to Germany to meet the daughter of an SS officer, the Baron Von Mildenstein, who worked for Goebles
and was Eichmann’s predecessor. Her parents, as it turns out from evidence uncovered in the flat, were
friends of Goldfinger’s grandparents. The two couples not only maintained close relations before the war,
they continued their friendship after it. Goldfinger, for his part, confronts both the Nazi’s daughter and
his own mother with this information. The drama gives rise to questions about inter-national and intergenerational relations. Both the Nazi baron’s daughter and the director’s mother grew up in an era of
silence, repression and denial. Goldfinger’s mother is prepared to face the truth, but cannot comprehend
the negative symbiosis between her parents and their German friends, especially after she discovers that
her own grandmother was murdered in Teresenstadt. Von Mildenstein’s daughter, on the other hand,
refuses to part with her denial. The detective story never really reaches a conclusion, for it isn’t about
“who-done-it?” so much as “why?” As such, the film raises far-reaching questions about the past without
forcing oversimplified answers. It’s uniqueness lies in exposing the denial of Jewish and German families
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alike, and pointing to the differences between the second and the third generation.
The excellent film of Netalie Braun and Avigail Sperber, “The Hangman,” touches on the Holocaust
in a unique manner. The encounter with Shalom Nagar, a 75-year old butcher who was also the man
entrusted with hanging Adolph Eichmann, exposes another facet of Israel, as it tuned into the trial some
50 years ago and what transpired in the decades that followed.
Nagar recollects and reflects upon the period when he served in the unit of wardens that guarded
Eichmann. With exceptional humor, he draws a connection between his Yemenite origins and the fact
the he was the man chosen to taste Eichmann’s food to test if it had been poisoned.
But the intimacy imposed on Nagar soon became an intimacy of horror, as he was ordered to kill the
man whose wellbeing he had been entrusted with. The personal story of Nagar, who suffers the posttraumatic effects of his own acts, albeit carried out while in service, is exposed to the viewer with
sensitivity as a tale of transformations embedded in humanity and moral decision. Nagar is represented
as battling his past with renewed adherence to his Jewish faith, yet is not blinded by it. He was one of
the first people to settle the extremist Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba on the outskirts of Hebron, but
was also the first to leave it after Baruch Goldstein massacred 29 Arab worshippers at the Tomb of the
Patriarchs in 1994.Despite his proximity to the decisive moments of Israeli history, he remains true to
himself. The camera’s unmediated proximity to him reveals an exceptionally humane and morally driven
character. The film’s uniqueness lies in the fact that it places the 2011 Israeli viewer, in denial about the
occupation and increasingly reactionary, squarely in front of a mirror that requires ethical interpolation,
not just emotional identification with a fantastic story.
The project “Jerusalem Moments,” an initiative of the NGO “Ir Amim: For an Equitable and Stable
Jerusalem with an Agreed Political Future” under the artistic direction of Yael Perlov, includes a
collection of short films by Israeli and Palestinian film school graduates. This time, Israeli-Palestinian
cooperation spawned true ingenuity, both in terms of the visibility of Jerusalem, especially the eastern
side of the city, and cinematically. Thus, for example, the Muslim cemetery in Mamilah, a no-man’s-10-
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land between 1948-1967, whose tombstones have been desecrated, is exposed. And so are: “The
Little Wall,” a lesser-known remnant of the ancient Temple, where worshippers come to pray day and
night; a Palestinian bus that departs from Damascus Gate to the outlying of the city; an ancient Hamam
(bathhouse) contested for its proximity to the Al-Aqsa Mosque; the Qalandia Refugee Camp. This
collection not only offers unusual sights but sounds as well. On the bus, one hears testimonies gathered
by the NGO B’Tselem: The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories,
concretizing the difficulties of traversing a blockaded city.
Or the rhymes of Palestinian rappers calling themselves “G-Town,” who convey the freedom (and lackthere-of) of Palestinian youth in the Shuafat Refugee Camp to express themselves as they please.
Especially moving are the films co-created by Israeli and Palestinian directors, in which the heavyhanded feeling that a “Self” is struggling to portray an “Other” is eliminated. The gaze these “Jerusalem
Moments” direct at the invisible and inaudible is loaded with the energy of youth who aim to show us
another Jerusalem, where the shooting weapons are cameras and the ammunition is in words.
It seems that Israeli documentary is a cinema of constant struggle. Not only because this is the reality
imposed on most of its protagonists, in various ways, or, for that matter, since it expresses that which
fictional cinema fails to, but because this is the reality imposed on its makers as well. One hundred and
one years of negotiations with no resolution force it to be so. Paradoxically, due to instability and ongoing
conflict, it serves as an exceptional example in world cinema for preserving the value of documentary
truth and a clear ethical position in a media world laden with compromise.
Raya Morag is an assistant professor of cinema studies at the Department of Communication &
Journalism, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
She also writes a permanent cinema column in Haaretz newspaper.
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Index Categories
Money Time
Children of the Bible
Local Story
Between Hope and Despare
Precious Life
Revolution 101
The Last Chance High
Warrior of Love
I’ve a team to save
Proud Dust
The Face of Her Reality
Women of Hamas
My Name Is Ahlam
Under the Rug
Sixty and the City
Yolande, An Unsung Heroine
The Way Up
A Place of Her Own
Now I’m Talking- Memories of a woman Partisan
The Marquis of Bnei Brak
Towards an Israeli Identity
The Uzbek Trilogy
Naphtali 23 St.
In The Third Person
When Israel went out
Portrayals of The Other
Land of Genesis
Back And Forth
Skate of Mind
Untold Stories
A film Unfinished
Secret Kingdom
The Collaborator and his Family
The Hangman
The Underground in the Tunnel of Time
If You Pull North
Family Ties
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Mostar Round Trip
The Queen Has No Crown
The Photohouse
Tami & Jacob
Shanti & Martin
A Simple Love Story
How Much Love
One On One
Forget It
Mom and Dad, I Have Something to tell you77
Ronit Elkabetz - A Stranger in Paris
Gypsy Davy
The Acting Teacher
Jeremiah 94
Just Like the Queen of England
Reflections of The Past
Kafka’s Last Story
I Was There in Color
A State Behind the Scenes
What Hitler has done to Tel-Aviv
Who shot Colonel Joe Alon?
The Inner Tour
I Shot my Love
World Class Kids
Lady of the Court
The Locker Room
One Of Seven
Inside Out
The Roman Empire
Larger Then Life
Gitai in Search of his Carmel
Sharon Amrani, Remember His Name
The Soul and Science
God Forbid
Beating Time
The Human Turbine
Jews Now
The Chosen Trail
Doc Re Me
My Sweet Canary
Zubin & I
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Free Improvisation
Fine Tuning
Green Yellow Red
Ladino 500 Years Young
memorial movie
Muscles 136
No Friend Of Mine
The Hurricane Hunter
wedding beyond the wall
Cinema Security
The Hollyland’s Landscapes
Docs and Cuts (Rough cut Screenings)
Hitler’s Children
5 Broken Cameras
The Invisible Men
Copro Campus (Student Films)
Crossroad 129- The women of the rail
Edges 127
Hula and Natan
You’re 50 i’m 15
KMS – Jewish Negroes
Love Davka
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Index Directors
Abeer Zeibak Haddad
Adi Harel
Adiya Imri Orr
Alex Gentelev
Amir Har-Gil
Amnon Binyamin
Anat Halachmi
Anat Yahalom
Artur Yakobov & Sharon Attias
Assaf Reiter
Avishag Leibovich, Matan Peled
Avishai Kfir
Avishai Sivan
Aviv Or Meshulam
Avi Weissblei
Aya Somech
Benjamin Ohry
Ben Shani
Chanoch Ze’evi
Dani Rosenberg, Yoav Gross
Danny Verete
Dan Wolman
David Fisher
David Gavro
David Moran
Dondi Schwartz
Dori Rivkin
Doron Djerassi
Doron Tsabari
Effi Banay
Eilon Kotler, Waje Kabha
Emad Burnat, Guy Davidi
Eran Paz
Goel Pinto
Haim Shadmi
Honi Hameagel
Idan Glikzelig
Ido Glass, Yoav Kleinman
Jason Danino Holt
Judd Ne’eman
Julia Bacha
Karin Kainer
Kineret Hay-Gillor
Liora Amir Barmatz
59, 86
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Meni Elias
Michal Namdar
Micha Shagrir
Moran Ifergan
Moshe Alpert
Netalie Braun
Netta Loevy
Nili Tal
Nir Bergman
Nir Horvitz
Nir Toib
Nitza Gonen
Noah Yahav Cohen
Oded Raz
Odette Orr
Ofer Inov
Ori Sivan
Orna Ben Dor, Noa Maiman
Orna Mokady Shavitt, Yael Shavitt
Oshri Hayun, Hila Cohen
Racehl Leah Jones
Ran Mendelson
Ran Tal
41, 95
47, 116
Rima Essa
Rina Papish
Robby Elmaliah
Rona Soffer
Ronit Kertsner
Ronit Zerony
Ron Ofer, Yohai Hakak , Itay Ken-Tor
Roy Sher
Ruthie Shatz, Adi Barash
Ruth Walk
Sagi Bornstein
Shirly Berkovitz
Shlomi Eldar
Shlomi Elkabetz
Shlomo Hayun
Sivan Ben Ari
Suha Arraf
Tal Avitan
Tamar Tal
Tomer Halfon
Tomer Heymann
Uri Goldstein
Uri Rosenwaks
69, 80
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Vered Berman
Vered Yeruham, Oren Reich
Yael Hersonski
Yael Katzir
Yair Qedar , Assi Azar
Yair Raveh
Yariv Mozer
Yonatan Kanaskevich
Yonatan Zaid
58, 100
92, 122
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Index Sales Contacts
Guy Davidi, Serge Gordey, Emad Burnat 120
Haim Shadmi
Heymann Brothers Films
69, 70, 80
Ilil Alexander
Ivry Productions
JMT Films Distribution, Michael Treves 84, 94,
104, 112, 125, 127, 129, 131
Karin Kainer
Kastina Communication
Kibbutzim College
Lea levin
Liora Amir Barmatz
Meny Aviram
Moran Ifergan, Anat Schwartz
Mozer Films Ltd
92, 122
New Love Films
58, 100
Norma Productions
Orna Mokady Shavitt
Pnina Halfon Lang
Racehl Leah Jones, Philippe Bellaiche
Rachel Wallach
Ran Mendelson
Ronit Zerony
6 Productions
Adin Weiner
Amir Harel
Anat Halachmi films
Anat Yahalom
Ariane Weisel Margalit
41, 95
Assaf Reiter
Avishai Sivan
Avi Weissblei
Cinephil26, 31, 32, 43, 50, 61, 68, 88, 90, 110,
111, 119
Dan Wolman
David Moran
59, 86
Deckert Distribution
Dondi Schwartz
Elad Peleg
Eliyahu Zigdon
137, 138
Esther van Messel
G.N. Communiction
Gum Films
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Ruth Diskin Films27, 28, 40, 44, 65, 97, 98, 106
Seminar Hakibotzim
Shlomo Hayun
Sigal Emanuel
Tali Shemesh
71, 72
Tel Hai
The Sam Spiegel Film & TV School 132, 133,
Tmuna Communication Ltd, Open Doors Films
Tomer Halfon
Topia Communications ltd
Udi Kalinski
Uzi Yahav
Wild bunch international
Yonatan Zaid
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Without Sales Company
5 Broken Cameras
A Simple Love Story
A State Behind the Scenes
Cinema Security
Crossroad 129
Fine Tuning
Forget It
Free Improvisation
Green Yellow Red
Gypsy Davy
If You Pull North
Inside Out
In The Third Person
I Shot My Love
I’ve a team to save
Jews Now
Just Like the Queen of England
KMS – Jewish Negroes
Local Story
Mom and Dad, I Have Something to tell you77
Money Time
My Name Is Ahlam
Naphtali 23 St
No Friend Of Mine
Now I’m Talking
One On One
Proud Dust
Secret Kingdom
Shanti & Martin
“Sharon Amrani, Remember His Name”
Skate of Mind
Tami & Jacob
The Acting Teacher
The Chosen Trail
The Hollyland’s Landscapes
The Hurricane Hunter
The Invisible Men
The Locker Room
The Marquis of Bnei Brak
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The Photohouse
The Queen Has No Crown
The Roman Empire
The Uzbek Trilogy
The Way Up
Under the Rug
What Hitler has done to Tel-Aviv
When Israel went out
Who shot Colonel Joe Alon
Yolande, An Unsung Heroine
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Alphabetical Index
Green Yellow Red
Gypsy Davy
Hitler’s Children
How Much Love
Hula and Natan
If You Pull North
Inside Out
In The Third Person
I Shot my Love
I’ve a team to save
I Was There in Color
Jeremiah 94
Jews Now
Just Like the Queen of England
Kafka’s Last Story
KMS – Jewish Negroes
Ladino 500 Years Young
Lady of the Court
Land of Genesis
Local Story
5 Broken Cameras
A film Unfinished
A Place of Her Own
A Simple Love Story
A State Behind the Scenes
Back And Forth
Beating Time
Children of the Bible
Cinema Security
Crossroad 129- The women of the rail
Edges 127
Fine Tuning
Forget It
Free Improvisation
Gitai in Search of his Carmel
God Forbid
Go to: Contents / Documentaries | Index Categories | Index Directors | Index Sales Contacts | Without Sales Company
Love Davka
memorial movie
Mom and Dad, I Have Something to tell you77
Money Time
Mostar Round Trip
Muscles 136
My Name Is Ahlam
My Sweet Canary
Naphtali 23 St.
No Friend Of Mine
Now I’m Talking- Memories of a woman Partisan
One Of Seven
One On One
Precious Life
Proud Dust
Revolution 101
Ronit Elkabetz - A Stranger in Paris
Secret Kingdom
Shanti & Martin
Sharon Amrani, Remember His Name
Sixty and the City
Skate of Mind
Tami & Jacob
The Acting Teacher
The Chosen Trail
The Collaborator and his Family
The Hangman
The Hollyland’s Landscapes
The Human Turbine
The Hurricane Hunter
The Invisible Men
The Last Chance High
The Locker Room
The Marquis of Bnei Brak
The Photohouse
The Queen Has No Crown
The Roman Empire
The Underground in the Tunnel of Time
The Uzbek Trilogy
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The Way Up
Under the Rug
Warrior of Love
wedding beyond the wall
What Hitler has done to Tel-Aviv
When Israel went out
Who shot Colonel Joe Alon?
Women of Hamas
World Class Kids
Yolande, An Unsung Heroine
You’re 50 i’m 15
Zubin & I
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Between Hope and Despare
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Precious Life
‫חיים יקרים‬
Director: Shlomi Eldar
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Jul 2010
Format: Video
Length: 86 min
Original language: Arabic, English
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 2 Israel
Festival: Jerusalem FF Israel, TIFF, Telluride IFF
Producer: Ehud Bleiberg, Yoav Ze’evi
Production Company: Bleiberg Entertainment
Distributor: Cinephil
Address: 18 Levontin St, Tel Aviv
Tel: +972 3 5664129
Fax: +972 3 5601436
E-mail: [email protected]
A Palestinian woman, unable to treat her sick baby in Gaza
sets out, as a last resort, to get treatment in an Israeli
hospital. The story develops into a suspenseful saga in a
race to save one child’s life on the backdrop of the conflict
in Gaza
Between Hope and Despare
Director: Doron Tsabari
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Jul 2010
Format: Mini DV
Length: 85 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
the CoP
Festival: Input Conference, FIPA Biarritz International FF,
Planete Doc International FF
Producer: Ori Inbar
Production Company: Gurilla Film
Distributor: Ruth Diskin Films
Address: P.O.Box 7153
Tel: +972 2 6724256
Fax: +972 2 672421
E-mail: [email protected]
The film outlines the path to change, focusing on a film
director and his producer who struggle to restore the
public in “public broadcasting”. The two share a strong and
unshakable belief in the power of film – an almost religious
belief that the revolution will indeed be televised
Between Hope and Despare
Revolution 101
‫המדריך למהפכה‬
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Director: Effi Banay
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: Feb 2011
Format: DVD, Beta
Length: 60 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
the CoP
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 2 Israel
Festival: Jerusalem Jewish FF Israel
Producer: Yehuda Bitton
Production Company: Yehuda Bitton Productions
Distributor: Ruth Diskin Films
Address: P.O.Box 7153
Tel: +972 2 6724256
Fax: +972 2 6724210
E-mail: [email protected]
Told through the personal narrative of the film’s director
whose mother came to Israel from Iran, and subsequently
grew up, lived and died in South Tel-Aviv. Through this story
we become aware of three circles of longing; three stories of
longing and of a yearning for home
Between Hope and Despare
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Director: Amir Har-Gil
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: Jan 2011
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 50 min
Original language: Hebrew, Arabic, English
Subtitles: English, Hebrew, Arabic
Producer: Udi Kalinski, Maamon Matar
Production Company: Provid Ltd, Link Production
Distributor: Udi Kalinski
Address: 8 Khilat Venezia St., Tel Aviv, Israel
Tel: +972 54 4258404
Fax: +972 3 6448368
E-mail: [email protected]
The first Israeli-Palestinian co-production, Under the
auspices of the European Community. It describes the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict from six different standpoints of
its protagonists: three Israelis and three Palestinians. The
Palestinians were filmed by a Palestinian team, the Israelis
by an Israeli team.
Between Hope and Despare
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The Last Chance High
‫תיכון ההזדמנות האחרונה‬
Director: Ben Shani
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: 2010
Format: Beta
Length: 49 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: Hebrew, English
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 2 Israel
Producer: Ruthy Steinberg
Production Company: Keshet Broadcasting
Distributor: Hedva Goldschmidt
Address: 37 Issar Natanzon St. Jerusalem 97787 Israel
Tel: +972 2 5831371
Fax: +972 2 5835450
E-mail: [email protected]
Arriving at Branko Weiss High School, located in a
disadvantaged neighborhood, director Ben Shani records an
authentic journey of a team of teachers that wont give up on
their students, even though the students have already given
up on themselves. The film reflects on the word Education in
the most pure way.
Between Hope and Despare
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Director: Julia Bacha
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: 2011
Format: Video
Length: 58 min
Original language: Arabic, English, Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Festival: Dubai, Berlin, Jerusalem FF Israel
Producer: Ronit Avni, Rula Salameh, Julia Bacha
Production Company: Just Vision
Distributor: Cinephil
Address: 18 Levontin St, Tel Aviv
Tel: +972 3 5664129
Fax: +972 3 5601436
E-mail: [email protected]
Ayed Morrar, an unlikely Palestinian community organizer,
unites all Palestinian political factions and Israelis. Together,
they wage a lengthy unarmed struggle to save his village
from destruction by Israel’s Separation Barrier. Victory
seems improbable until his 15-year-old daughter, Iltezam,
launches a women’s contingent that quickly moves to the
front lines.
Between Hope and Despare
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Director: Dani Rosenberg, Yoav Gross
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: Feb 2011
Format: 35 mm, HD
Length: 15 min
Original language: Arabic, Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Festival: Berlinale Shorts 2011, Hot Doco Israel,
Documenta Madrid
Producer: Dani Rosenberg, Yoav Gross
Production Company: Dani Rosenberg, Yoav Gross
Distributor: Cinephil
Address: 18 Levontin St. Tel-Aviv 65112 Israel
Tel: +972 3 5664129
Fax: +972 3 5601436
E-mail: [email protected]
A 60-year-old Palestinian and his son arrive at an
archeological site of an ancient Jewish settlement and
buy tickets to enter. This is their only way to return to their
abandoned home village, which they have not visited for 25
Between Hope and Despare
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Warrior of Love
‫לוחם של אהבה‬
Director: Ido Glass, Yoav Kleinman
Year of production: 2008
Format: Digital/Beta SP/PAL
Length: 77/52 min
Original language: English, Hebrew, Arabic
Subtitles: English
Festival: Haifa FF Israel
Producer: Ido Glass, Yoav Kleinman
Distributor: Hedva Goldschmidt
Address: 37/8 Issar Natanzon st. Jerusalem 97787 Israel
Tel: +972 2 5831371
Fax: +972 2 5835450
E-mail: [email protected]
Omer Dalumi, an air force pilot, understanding that the real
enemy is within us, goes on the road with a traveling circus
show. Joining him are other Israelis, a Palestinian clown
from a refugee camp and a group of international artists.
Within a month they achieve the impossible - an amazing
show that touches heart and changes perceptions.
Between Hope and Despare
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I’ve a team to save
‫יש לי קבוצה להציל‬
Director: Haim Shadmi
Year of production: 2007-2008
Date of Release: Jul 2008
Format: Beta
Length: 50 min
Original language: Hebrew & English
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Yes Docu Israel
Festival: Cinema South Festival Israel, “11-mm” FF
Producer: Yoav Leshem
Production Company: 2Shot Films
Distributor: Haim Shadmi
Address: 13 Shiffer St., Tel Aviv, 66030
Tel: +972 50 2066624
Fax: +972 50 2066624
E-mail: [email protected]
Uri Massiach decides to harness fans of all football clubs to
a great protest against money taking over football. He leaves
Israel, for the first time in his life, for a trip to Europe hoping
that he might find there a “home” to match his dreams. But
can a football team be a substitute to a home and to real
Between Hope and Despare
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Proud Dust
‫אבק גאה‬
Director: Dondi Schwartz
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: Mar 2011
Format: Video
Length: 20 min
Original language: Hebrew
Broadcasting Platforms: None
Producer: Dondi Schwartz
Production Company: Dondi Schwartz
Distributor: Dondi Schwartz
Address: Kibbutz Beeri Doar Na Hanegev 85135 Israel
Tel: +972 54 7918948
E-mail: [email protected]
Salim, a Beduin, reveals his personal story, witch touches
some of the Israeli modern paradoxes. He speaks of
his transformation – from working as an architect – to a
shepherd. Salim’s ‘simple life’ in nature drives him to a
global- or cosmic conclusion – that shows another angle of
thought, about the human experience
Between Hope and Despare
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Towards an Israeli Identity
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The Uzbek Trilogy
‫הטרילוגיה האוזבקית‬
Director: Avishai Sivan
Year of production: 2010
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 61 min
Original language: Hebrew, Uzbek
Subtitles: Hebrew, English
Festival: DocAviv, Cinema South Festival Israel
Producer: Avishai Sivan
Production Company: Avishai Sivan
Address: 48Hertzel St, Or Yehuda, Israel 60211
Tel: +972 50 728 5159
E-mail: [email protected]
A look at the Bukhari identity of three men in the director’s
family. In an attempt to confront the shame he feels in
his ethnicity, the director follows his immigrant father, an
isolated figure, both in his family and in his adopted country.
The search for a prouder, authentic origin, has him join
his grandfather on a visit to Uzbekistan, perhaps his last.
The three men form different versions of failed integration
into Israeli society, over generations, from Tel Aviv, to OrYehuda, to Uzbekistan.
Towards an Israeli Identity
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Naphtali 23 St.
‫מבצע נפתלי‬
Director: Vered Yeruham, Oren Reich
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Sep 2010
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 53 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Yes Docu Israel
Festival: Haifa FF Israel
Producer: Amir Harel, Ayelet Kait
Production Company: Lama Films
Address: 17 Bar Ilan st. Tel-Aviv 65271 Israel
Tel: +972 3 6850430
Fax: +972 3 6869793
E-mail: [email protected]
Two young architects propose a renovation and expansion
program for an old housing project in Jerusalem. Naphtali
23 st. depicts a period of time in the life of a Jerusalem
apartment block that is a microcosm of Israel, creating
an allegory of a society whose attempts to improve itself
are stymied by disputes between individuals and mutual
Towards an Israeli Identity
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In The Third Person
‫בגוף שלישי‬
Director: Artur Yakobov & Sharon Attias
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Sep 2010
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 62 min
Original language: Hebrew, Russian
Subtitles: Hebrew, English, Russian
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 2 Israel
Festival: Haifa FF Israel
Producer: Yoav Halevy
Production Company: Tmuna Communication Ltd, Open
Doors Films
Distributor: Tmuna Communication Ltd, Open Doors Films
Address: Po. Box 5022 Kefar Saba, 44150
Tel: +972 50 7296949
Fax: +972 4 6786980
E-mail: [email protected]
The personal journey of Arthur Yakobov, an Israeli-Bukhari
artist, into the depths of his own family, a Bukhari immigrant
family, conflicted and divided, that preserves the dynamics
of violence, jealousy, and cruelty between its men, women
and children as they struggle and fail to adjust to Israeli life
Towards an Israeli Identity
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Director: Orna Ben Dor, Noa Maiman
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: Jun 2011
Format: HDV
Length: 60 min
Original language: Hebrew, English, Spanish, French,
Tagalog, Lingala
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 10 Israel
Festival: FIPA-Biarritz, 2011, Guadalajara International FF,
Mexico, 2011
Producer: Noa Maiman
Production Company: Added Value Creation House
Distributor: Ruth Diskin Films
Address: P.O.Box 7153
Tel: +972 2 6724256
Fax: +972 2 6724210
E-mail: [email protected]
He quest for identity in modern Israel. Three children of
foreign workers who were born in Israel travel to their
parents’ homelands as they seek out their roots and their
own place in the world.
Towards an Israeli Identity
‫השיבה הבייתה‬
the CoP
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When Israel went out
‫בצאת ישראל‬
Director: Meni Elias
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: 2011
Format: Beta HD
Length: 82 min
Original language: Hebrew, Amharic
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: IBA Channel 1 Israel
Festival: Haifa FF Israel, Israel FF in Paris, San Diego
Black FF
Producer: Micha Shagrir
Production Company: Shiba Communications
Distributor: Ariane Weisel Margalit
Address: 73 Herzog St, 9, Jerusalem 92622,Israel
Tel: +972 54 5224067
Fax: +972 2 6504500
E-mail: [email protected]
Eight Israelis--Ethiopian and native-born--return to the
treacherous trek that led thousands of Ethiopian Jews to
fulfill their prophecy of reaching the Promised Land in 1984.
Faced with the complexities of the land of their birth, the
Ethiopians, now modern Israelis, experience challenges to
their identity and ideals.
Towards an Israeli Identity
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Portrayals of The Other
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Land of Genesis
‫ארץ בראשית‬
Director: Moshe Alpert
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: 2010
Format: Video
Length: 87 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Producer: Chaim Mekelberg
Production Company: 2Team Productions
Distributor: Cinephil
Address: 18 Levontin St
Tel: +972 3 5664129
Fax: +972 3 5601436
E-mail: [email protected]
Discover Israel’s nature and wildlife. Located at the meeting
point of three continents, Israel hosts five distinctive climatic
zones creating a rich and diverse world of plants and
animals. Filmed throughout Israel for the past 30 years, the
film uncovers its biblical landscape and wildlife like never
Portrayals of The Other
Director: Uri Rosenwaks
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Jul 2010
Format: DVD/Beta
Length: 55 min
Original language: Arabic, Hebrew
Subtitles: English
the CoP
Broadcasting Platforms: IBA Channel 1 Israel
Festival: Jerusalem FF Israel, The Other Israel Film
Festival, NY Fipa-Biarritz International Film Festival, France
Producer: Uri Rosenwaks
Production Company: Uri Rosenwaks, Morad Al-Farouna,
Yusra Abu Kaff, Kamla Abu- Zeila, Mai Al –Farouna
Distributor: Ruth Diskin Films
Address: PO Box 7153, Jerusalem, 91071
Tel: +972 02 672 4256
Fax: +972 02 672 4210
E-mail: [email protected]
Under the guidance of filmmaker Uri Rosenwaks, four
promising Bedouin directors from the Negev Desert point
a camera at themselves and their society to record a ‘selfportrait’ of their own community and its hardships.
Portrayals of The Other
Back And Forth
‫ארבעה סיפורים מהנגב‬
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Skate of Mind
‫סקייט אוף מיינד‬
Director: Karin Kainer
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Jul 2010
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 64 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English, Russian, Hebrew
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 8 Israel
Festival: Jersalem FF Israel, Hollywood Reel Independent
FF, Queens FF, FIBA FF, Trieste FF
Producer: Karin Kainer, Erez Heiman, Shaul Bezer, Lihi
Production Company: Antena Productions
Distributor: Karin Kainer
Address: 179 Even Gvirol St. Tel –Aviv
Tel: +972 50 7648192
Fax: +972 3 6021550
E-mail: [email protected]
Skateboard an underground subculture with no religion, no
country & no boundaries. This is the story of Mohammed
Kahil, an Arab – Israeli skater champion. A modern Romeo
& Juliet, love story, between him & Alina Fine ,an Israeli jew,
their struggle to love and live in times of war and in spite
their parents disapproval
Portrayals of The Other
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Money Time
‫מאני טיים‬
Director: Oded Raz
Year of production: 2009
Date of Release: 2010
Format: DV
Length: 51 min
Original language: Hebrew, English, German
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Yes Docu Israel
Producer: Ivry Baumgarten
Production Company: Ivry Productions
Address: Rosh Pina 26, Tel-Aviv
Tel: +972 52 2233317
Fax: +972 57 7961378
E-mail: [email protected]
A team of Israelis trying to sell painting from the Far East
from door-to-door as original art, to lower middle class
residents of suburban Berlin. The employing company is
brain washing the group of newly recruited students and
pushes their transformation from average students into cut
throat salesmen. Portrayals of The Other
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Children of the Bible
‫ילדי התנ”ך‬
Director: Nitza Gonen
Year of production: 2009
Date of Release: 2010
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 53 min
Original language: Hebrew, Amharic
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 2 Israel, Channel 10
Festival: Haifa FF 2009, Jerusalem JFF 2009, Bina FF
New York 2010, Sephardic JFF New York 2010, Chicago
JFF 2010
Producer: Nitza Gonen
Production Company: Gon Productions Ltd
Distributor: Hedva Goldschmidt, Go2Films
Address: Issar Natanzon St. 37 Jerusalem 97787 Israel
Tel: +972 2 5831371
Fax: +972 2 5835450
E-mail: [email protected]
Jeremy, a young Ethiopian rap artist attempts to change the
inferior self image of the Ethiopian dark-skinned community
in Israel. Using music, he connects lost Ethiopian youth
to their identity and to their parents. Likewise, he tries to
stimulate the Kesses, the Ethiopian Rabbis, to fight for their
lost spiritual status
Portrayals of The Other
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Local Story
‫מה נשמע קרית גת‬
Director: Avishag Leibovich, Matan Peled
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Aug 2010
Format: HD
Length: 53 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Yes Docu Israel
Festival: Jerusalem FF Israel
Producer: Assaf Amir
Production Company: Norma Productions
Distributor: Norma Productions
Address: 18 Levontin st., Tel Aviv, Israel
Tel: +972 3 5609311
Fax: +972 3 5609443
E-mail: [email protected]
Local Story follows local newspaper Ma’Nishma Kiryat Gat
over the course of one year. Tamar and her two children
write, edit, and distribute the paper. Ma Nishma is not just
a business, but also comprises the living space where the
family meets. Thanks to the paper, they have one common
goal: to publish a new issue of the paper every week.
Portrayals of The Other
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The Face of Her Reality
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Director: Suha Arraf
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Oct 2010
Format: Video
Length: 60 min
Original language: Arabic
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: SWR
Festival: Haifa FF Israel, IDFA, Geneva FIFDH
Producer: Suha Arraf
Production Company: Sher Productions
Distributor: Cinephil
Address: 18 Levontin St, Tel Aviv
Tel: +972 3 5664129
Fax: +972 3 5601436
E-mail: [email protected]
Hamas takeover of Gaza turned it into one of the most
controversial organizations in the world. Suha Arraf obtained
unprecedented access to three women who are active
members of the organization in Gaza; shining a light on the
work of those who spend their life in the shadows.
The Face of Her Reality
Women of Hamas
‫נשות החמאס‬
the CoP
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Director: Rima Essa
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: 2010
Format: HD
Length: 52/74 min
Original language: Arabic, English, Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 8 Israel
Festival: Doha Tribeca FF
Producer: Claudia Levin
Production Company: Claudius Films
Address: 11 A Shapira Tzvi St. - 64358 Tel Aviv
Tel: +972 52 2385334
Fax: +972 3 6294665
E-mail: [email protected]
Aisha, a Palestinian woman living in the occupied West
Bank, is fighting for her daughter’s right to receive adequate
treatment for her leukemia. The director brings to the screen
a unique testimonial that escapes self-pity and victimization
while focusing on Aisha’s process of empowerment.
Suddenly she is no longer afraid to stand up to her
occupiers and to her conservative society.
The Face of Her Reality
My Name Is Ahlam
‫קוראים לי אחלם‬
the CoP
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Director: Aya Somech
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: May 2011
Format: HD
Length: 55 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
A Film By Aya Somech & Haggai Linik
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 8 Israel
Festival: DocAviv
Producer: Yoav Roeh, Aurit Zamir
Production Company: Gum Films
Address: 27 Balfour St, Tel Aviv , Israel
Tel: +972 3 6205194
Fax: 15336205194
E-mail: [email protected]
Photography: Daniel Kedem
Maya Linik, 84, was born in Germany and immigrated to
Israel. She had six sons. 40 years ago, the eldest of them
died, and this loss has separated her from the world ever
since. Through scenes from Maya’s daily routine and her
relationships with her sons, we reveal, the family’s trauma,
and with it, Maya’s unique character. The film questions the
very meaning of motherhood and relationships between
parents and children
The Face of Her Reality
Under the Rug
‫מתחת לשטיח‬
the CoP
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Sixty and the City
‫בת שישים מחפשת אהבה‬
Director: Nili Tal
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: 2010
Format: Beta
Length: 70 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Yes Docu Israel
Festival: Documentry Edge NZ, WIFF Rechovot
Producer: Nili Tal
Production Company: Nili Tal
Distributor: Hedva Goldschmidt
Address: 37/8 Issar Natanzon St. Jerusalem 97787 Israel
Tel: +972 2 5831371
Fax: +972 2 5835450
E-mail: [email protected]
60 years old director Nili Tal, not wanting to grow old alone,
created an online dating profile and set out to meet potential
suiters from the 1,342 responses, filming her journey
of touring the world in search for true love. An intimate,
humoristic and moving story.
The Face of Her Reality
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Yolande, An Unsung Heroine
‫יולנדה גיבורה אלמונית‬
Director: Dan Wolman
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Dec 2010
Format: Beta Digital, Analogue
Length: 62 min
Original language: English, Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: IBA Channel 1 Israel
Festival: New York Jewish Museum FF, The Jewish Eye
FF, The Washington Jewish FF
Producer: Miel De Botton Aynsley - Dan Wolman
Production Company: Dan Wolman Film Productions Ltd
Distributor: Dan Wolman
Address: 15 Ido St. Ramat Chen 52233 Israel
Tel: +972 3 5742683
Fax: + 972 3 5742683
E-mail: [email protected]
Yolande Gabai (de Botton), a beautiful, sophisticated Jewish
from Alexandria, risked her son’s life and her own collecting
intelligence in Egypt undercover as a reporter for the
Palestine Post. A courageous woman who loved Egypt and
the Arab world, yet fought for the creation of an independent
State of Israel
The Face of Her Reality
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The Way Up
‫בדרך למעלה‬
Director: Shirly Berkovitz
Year of production: 2009
Date of Release: May 2009
Format: DV
Length: 52 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Yes Docu Israel
Festival: DocAviv, Romania FF, Plus Camerimage
Producer: Claudia Levin
Production Company: Claudius Films
Distributor: Pnina Halfon Lang
Address: 14 Asrey Tzion St. Tel Aviv 66878
Tel: +972 54 3456286
Fax: +972 3 5752422
E-mail: [email protected]
Lian was raised in an orphanage in Romania until the age
of four when an Israeli couple adopted her. At the age of
14 she became homeless and since then is looking for her
biological mother.
The Face of Her Reality
Director: Sigal Emanuel
Year of production: 2011
Date of release: May 2011
Format: DV
Length: 68 min
Original language: Hebrew, Arabic
Subtitles: Hebrew, English
the CoP
Festival: DocAviv
Producer: Dikla Barkai
Distributor: Hedva Goldschmidt
Address: 37/8 Issar Natanzon St. Jerusalem 97787 Israel
Tel: +972 2 5831371
E-mail: [email protected]
This is the life story of Reut, a young girl who moved from
one institution to another until she finally ends up on the
street. The film begins when Reut is a 17 and gives birth to
her first son, who is taken away by the authorities. While
fighting the State to regain custody of her son, she meets
a Palestinian man, marries him, and gives birth to two
additional children. All she wants is a home and peace of
mind, but her life is full of surprising turnabouts, right up until
its tragic end.
The Face of Her Reality
A Place of Her Own
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Director: Vered Berman
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: 2010
Format: Beta/PAL/DVD
Length: 50 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 10 Israel, Channel 2
Festival: Haifa FF Israel
Producer: Dina Kahanovitz, Edna Nahum
Production Company: 6 Productions
Distributor: 6 Productions
Address: 6 Zemach St. Jerusalem, Israel
Tel: +972 2 6438124
E-mail: [email protected]
Mirale’s story, is a powerful human story.It exposes human
compassion and faith. Mirale’s very hard disability- who
was born with four limbs atrophied, and was abandoned
by her parents - is standing in the background of her long
journey through 36 years of her life, which faced rejection
by her family, and repeated abandonment from birth. In an
Admirable way wonderful people stood beside her, they
wrapped her with love and escorted her on the hard way to
The Face of Her Reality
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Now I’m Talking- Memories of
a woman Partisan
‫ זכרונות של פרטיזנית‬-‫עכשיו אני מספרת‬
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: Mar 2011
Format: Video
Length: 30 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Director: Yael Katzir
Festival: Jewish Eye
Producer: Yael Katzir
Production Company: Katzir Productions
Distributor: New Love Films
Address: 336 North Orange Grove Ave, LA CA 90036,
Tel: +1323 9393261
Fax: +972 3 6431103
E-mail: [email protected]
65 years after WWII, woman Partisan Vitka Kovner gives
testimony. Vitka is a fearless woman who fought the Nazis in
the Jewish Brigade, near Vilna, taking part in active military
resistance. For blow- up a German train in 1942 she was
decorated . A role-model – and source of Inspiration
The Face of Her Reality
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The Marquis of Bnei Brak
‫המרקיז מבני ברק‬
Director: David Moran
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Jan 2011
Format: HDV
Length: 46 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Festival: TLVfest
Producer: David Moran
Production Company: Cinemoran Productions
Distributor: David Moran
Address: Burla st. 49/18, Beer Sheva 84750, Israel
Tel: +972 54 5370186
Fax: +972 77 5415990
E-mail: [email protected]
Michael Frenkel is an Israeli translator of French literature, a
gay person of 67, who’s constantly on the look for love, but
to no avail. Michael lives alone in his Bnei Brak apartment,
surfs the web in search for lovers and porn, walks around
totally naked and waits to be redeemed by a man that never
comes. Director David Moran spent a month living with
Michael, shooting him in the most intimate of moments, thus
creating a provocative and funny portrait of the man who’s
responsible for the great Hebrew translation of De Sade’s
The Face of Her Reality
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Untold Stories
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Director: Yael Hersonski
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Jan 2010
Format: Video
Length: 89 min
Original language: Hebrew, English, German, Yiddish,
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Yes Docu Israel
Festival: Sundance, Jerusalem FF Israel, Berlin FF
Producer: Noemi Schory, Itay Ken-Tor
Production Company: Belfilm
Distributor: Cinephil
Address: 18 Levontin St, Tel Aviv
Tel: +97235664129
Fax: +97235601436
E-mail: [email protected]
A cinematic quest for the truth behind a mysterious Nazi
propaganda film shot in the Warsaw Ghetto. Film reels
found decades later revealed staged scenes of Jews
enjoying a life of luxury in the ghetto with other dreadful
images that required no staging.
Untold Stories
A film Unfinished
‫שתיקת הארכיון‬
the CoP
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Secret Kingdom
‫ממלכת הסוד‬
Director: Nir Toib
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Jul 2010
Format: HDV
Length: 63 Min
Original language: Hebrew, English
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 8 Israel, Channel 2
Festival: Jerusalem FF, ECU The independent FF
Producer: Nir Toib
Production Company: G.N. Communiction
Distributor: G.N. Communiction
Address: 3 H`asolelim St. Tel Aviv 67897 Israel
Tel: +972 3 5614302
Fax: +972 3 5619408
E-mail: [email protected]
The incredible story of the “Yatza Affair”, an affair in which
Brigadier General (Res.) Yitzhak Yaacov, was charged with
severe espionage against the State of Israel.
Untold Stories
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: Apr 2011
Format: HD
Length: 85 Min
Original language: Hebrew, Arabic
Subtitles: Englis, Franch, German
Director: Ruthie Shatz, Adi Barash
the CoP
Broadcasting Platforms: Arte France, TVOntario, Yes
Doco Israel, ITVS
Festival: Visions Du reel , Hot Docs Toronto, DocAviv
Producer: Ruthie Shatz, Adi Barash, Ross Kauffman
Production Company: Yulari Films in Association with
Red Light Films
Distributor: Deckert Distribution
Address: Heino Deckert Marienplatz 1 D-04103 Leipzig
Tel: +49 341 2156638
Fax: +49 341 2156639
E-mail: [email protected]
Title in
The Collaborator and his Family is a chronicle of family,
assimilation and espionage that follows , the El-Akels,
a Palestinian family whose father Ibrahim, has been a
collaborator with the Israeli security services for twenty
years. Branded as traitors by Palestinians, the entire family
fled to Israel seeking asylum.
Untold Stories
The Collaborator and his
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The Hangman
Director: Netalie Braun
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Sep 2010
Format: HD
Length: 60 Min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: yes doco Israel
Producer: Avigail Sperber, Netalie Braun
Production Company: Pardes Films
Distributor: Esther van Messel
Address: Fritz Heeb – Weg 5, 8050 Zürich, Switzerland
Tel: +41 44 312 2060
Fax: +41 44 312 2080
E-mail: [email protected]
The Nazi high officer Adolf Eichmann, was hanged in
Israel’s first and only execution. Shalom Nagar, a religious
Jewish ritual slaughterer and street philosopher, was the
hangman. Shalom’s job, together with memories of his past,
create a complex portrait of character who repeatedly finds
himself at the cusp of historical events, yet remains simple
and humane.
Untold Stories
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The Underground in the
Tunnel of Time
‫המכרות במנהרת הזמן‬
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Jul 2010
Format: DVD, Beta
Length: 80 Min
Original language: Hebrew, English
Subtitles: English
Director: Benjamin Ohry
Broadcasting Platforms: IBA
Festival: Jerusalem International FF
Producer: Yehuda Bitton
Production Company: Yehuda Bitton Productions
Distributor: Ruth Diskin Films
Address: P.O.Box 7153
Tel: +972 2 6724256
Fax: +972 2 6724210
E-mail: [email protected]
A story of personal strength and national dignity, this new
documentary film reveals one of the best-kept secrets of the
British Mandate. The Etzel and Lehi were pre-State militant
groups who waged an armed struggle against the British –
this is a story of courage and conviction.
Untold Stories
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If You Pull North
‫אם תמשוך צפונה‬
Director: Orna Mokady Shavitt, Yael Shavitt
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Dec 2010
Format: MiniDV
Length: 67 Min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: None
Festival: Jerusalem Jewish FF
Producer: Orna Mokady Shavitt, Yael Shavitt
Production Company:
Distributor: Orna Mokady Shavitt
Address: PO Box 1372, Yavne 81502, Israel
Tel: +972 8 9436026
Fax: +972 8 9436026
E-mail: [email protected]
If You Pull North brings to light the unfathomable story of
Rafi Mokady, a courageous and devoted Israeli commander,
who was left behind wounded during the Six Day War.
Based on the directors’ profound research, and through
accurately designed cinematic style, this myth-breaking
story is revealed for the first time.
Untold Stories
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Family Ties
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Mostar Round Trip
‫מוסטאר הלוך חזור‬
Director: David Fisher
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: Mar 2011
Format: Video
Length: 72 Min
Original language: English, Hebrew, Serbo-Croatian
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 2 Israel
Producer: David Fisher
Production Company: Fisher Features
Distributor: Cinephil
Address: 18 Levontin St
Tel: +972 3 5664129
Fax: +972 3 5601436
E-mail: [email protected]
17-year-old Yuval leaves Israel to attend the UWC
international high-school in Mostar, formerly the CroatianBosniak frontline during the civil war in Yugoslavia. A year
later his father, filmmaker David Fisher follows. As their
father- son relationship evolves, we discover the conflicts
facing young people away from home.
Family Ties
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The Queen Has No Crown
‫למלכה אין כתר‬
Director: Tomer Heymann
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: Feb 2011
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 85 min
Original language: Hebrew, English
Subtitles: English
Festival: Berlin FF Germany 2011
Producer: Barak Heymann, Tomer Heymann
Production Company: Heymann Brothers Films
Distributor: Heymann Brothers Films
Address: 2 Barzilay St, Tel Aviv, Israel
Tel: +972 52 2742445
Fax: +972 3 5604082
E-mail: [email protected]
The Queen has no crown is a poignant meditation on family,
loss, and the mental maps of homelessness. The film
navigates the intimate lives of 5 brothers and their mother
through the pains of exile, real and imagined, and the joys
of familial bonding. Exploring the politics of belonging,
displacement, and sexuality the film examines the hard
decision one family has to make and the intractable bond
that unites them in the face of difficult life choices. Five
brothers and their formidable mother navigate the arduous
shores of exile, memory, and love.
Family Ties
Director: Tamar Tal
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: May 2011
Format: Mini DV/Beta
Length: 56 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
the CoP
Broadcasting Platforms: Yes Docu Israel
Festival: DocAviv
Producer: Barak Heymann
Production Company: Heymann Brothers Films
Distributor: Heymann Brothers Films
Address: 2 Barzilay St, Tel Aviv, Israel
Tel: +972 52 2742445
Fax: +972 3 5604082
E-mail: [email protected]
At the age of 96, Miriam Weissenstein never imagined that
she would be facing a new chapter in her life. But when
“The Photo House” – her late husband Rudi’s life’s work
– was destined for demolition, even this opinionated and
uncompromising woman knew she needed help.Under the
cloud of a family tragedy, a special relationship is forged
between Miriam and her grandson, Ben, as they join forces
to save the shop and its nearly one million negatives that
document Israel’s defining moments.
Family Ties
The Photohouse
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Tami & Jacob
‫תמי ויעקב‬
Director: Nir Horvitz
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: May 2011
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 50 Min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: Hebrew, English
Broadcasting Platforms: Yes Docu Israel
Festival: DocAviv
Producer: Tali Shemesh
Production Company: Tali Shemesh
Address: 6 Bialik st. Tel Aviv
Tel: +972 52 2731175
E-mail: [email protected]
Tami and Jacob, husband and wife, have lived on their
kibbutz for over forty years. Nir, their son, spent the last
three years filming their relationship, one in which Tami
takes care of a husband with advanced Parkinson’s disease
Nir watches them and sees hell. And yet, he also find in
this picture of hell moments of grace, moments of touching
physical intimacy. His mother hasn’t given up: she stayed
with her man. He films love
Family Ties
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Shanti & Martin
‫שנטי ומרטין‬
Director: Jason Danino Holt
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: May 2011
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 50 min
Original language: English
Subtitles: Hebrew, English
Broadcasting Platforms: Yes Docu Israel
Festival: DocAviv
Producer: Tali Shemesh
Production Company: Tali Shemesh
Address: 6 Bialik st. Tel Aviv
Tel: +972 52 2731175
E-mail: [email protected]
Shanti, Jason’s mother, left his father after twenty-two
years of marriage. When she left, Jason and his sister felt
abandoned and cut off all contact with their mother. Now,
three years after the family was torn apart, Jason visits her
for the first time in a small hut on a beach in Egypt’s Sinai
Peninsula. Shanti is strong and she allowed him to delve
as far as he wanted to go. So that her son, would finally
understand that she’s a woman, long before she’s a mother.
Family Ties
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A Simple Love Story
‫סיפור אהבה פשוט‬
Director: Honi Hameagel
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: May 2010
Format: DVD
Length: 26 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Festival: DocAviv
Producer: Ido Bahat
Distributor: Uzi Yahav
Address: Hacabaim Ramat-Gan
Tel: +972 54 7745440
Fax: +972 3 6775922
E-mail: [email protected]
In the late 80’s, Honi HaMeagel documented his
elderly parents. We discover a couple who represent
two completely different world views, yet- preserve a
harmonious marriage. Honi’s mother, a religious and
optimistic Holocaust survivor, raised a large family under
almost inconceivable poverty. His father is a secular
Family Ties
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How Much Love
‫כמה אהבה‬
Director: Kineret Hay-Gillor
Year of production: 2010
Format: Beta
Length: 53 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Festival: Film Festival Calgary Canada, Krakow FF
Producer: Dan Angelo Muggia, Kineret Hay-Gillor
Distributor: Hedva Goldschmidt
Address: 37/8 Issar Natanzon st. Jerusalem 97787 Israel
Tel: +972 2 5831371
Fax: +972 2 5835450
E-mail: [email protected]
Carmel was once a promising athlete. Today, due to
progressive muscular dystrophy, he runs a small sports
equipment shop while his wife Sara helps him with everyday
chores. Their daughter, the film’s director Kineret Hay-Gillor,
portrays the struggles of her parents with Carmel illness and
draws a poignant picture, touching on the topics of human
devotion and love.
Family Ties
Director: Dori Rivkin
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: May 2010
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 52 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
the CoP
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 10 Israel
Festival: Cinema South FF Israel, Haifa FF Israel
Producer: Haggai Arad, Elad Peleg
Production Company: Daroma Prodactions
Distributor: Elad Peleg
Address: Moshav Choav Michel 116
Tel: +972 57 7555805
Fax: +972 8 6722090
E-mail: [email protected]
Father and son’s journey in search for their dreams.
The father a former captain of deaf basketball team,
renounced his dream of being basketball player to support
his family. His son, dori decides to return his father to the
basketball court. Along the way they discover each other
Family Ties
One On One
‫אחד על אחד‬
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Forget It
‫שכח מזה‬
Director: Tomer Halfon
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: Jun 2011
Format: Video
Length: 50 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English, Russian, German, Spanish, French
Producer: Tomer Halfon
Production Company: Mistigris MP
Address: 5 Shatz St, Jerusalem 94267
Tel: +972 54 5669128
E-mail: [email protected]
Max, a contractor who’d constructed the Galilee and
become rich, is rendered penniless by legal imbroglios. A
burden, this man who had not known failure. Depressed
and secluded he lets only his daughter come near. Tamar’s
giving up her own life for his, but when he sees that he
backs up again to let her free.
Family Ties
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Mom and Dad, I Have
Something to tell you
‫ יש לי משהו לספר לכם‬,‫אמא ואבא‬
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Jul 2010
Format: DVD/Beta SP/Beta Digital
Length: 45 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Director: Yair Qedar , Assi Azar
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 2 Israel
Producer: Meny Aviram
Production Company: Kastina Comminications
Distributor: Meny Aviram
Address: 12 Hakesem St. Herzelia
Tel: +972 9 9612200
Fax: +972 9 9612218
E-mail: [email protected]
Documentary film about the journey parents whose children
tell them they are gay are forced to take. Through the film
stories of different families are shown with great honesty.
The Film is lead by Israeli Tv host Assi Azar. His personal
story is unfolded, including a heart to heart with his parents.
Family Ties
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The Inner Tour
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Director: Ofer Inov
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: 2011
Format: Beta
Length: 54 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Producer: Anath Kandell, Ofer Inov
Distributor: Hedva Goldschmidt
Address: 37/8 Issar Natanzon St. Jerusalem 97787 Israel
Tel: +972 2 5831371
Fax: +972 2 5835450
E-mail: [email protected]
A group of colorful old women aged 72 to 82 join forces to
create a dance production while confronting hardships and
the physical demands of the art of dance, sharing personal
experiences and creating bonds over contemplations of
growing old. After moments of success and failure, a truly
artistic professional performance is born.
The Inner Tour
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Director: Tomer Heymann
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Feb 2010
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 56 min
Original language: Hebrew, English, German
Subtitles: English
Festival: Berlin FF Germany 2010, Doc Fest FF Germany
2010, Docu Fest FF Kosovo 2010, Queer Screen FF
Australia 2010, Hamburg GLBT FF Germany 2010,DocFest
Sheffield FF UK 2010, TLVFest Israel 2010, Barcelona
GLBT FF Spain 2010, Corona Cork FF Ireland 2010, Kassel
FF Germany 2010, Zinegoak FF Spain 2011, Toulouse
GLBT FF France 2011, Edge FF New Zealand 2011,
Bangalore FF India 2011, Queer Zagreb FF Croatia 2011,
Cape Winelands FF South Africa 2011, Isratim FF France
2011, Homochrome FF Germany 2011, Cinhomo FF Spain
2011, Filmisreal FF Holland 2011, LGBT Greece FF 2011,
Pink Apple FF Switzerland 2011
Seventy years after his grandfather escapes from Nazi
German to Palestine, Israeli documentary director Tomer
Heymann (“paper dolls”) returns to the country of his
ancestors, and there meets a man who will change his
life. I Shot My Love tells a personal but universal love story
and follows the triangular relationship between Tomer, his
grandfather boyfriend, and his intensely Israeli mother.
Producer: Heymann Brothers Films
Production Company: Heymann Brothers Films
Distributor: Tomer Heymann, Barak Heymann
Address: 2 Barzilai St. Tel Aviv 65113
Tel: +972 3 5602701
Fax: +972 3 5602701
E-mail: [email protected]
The Inner Tour
I Shot my Love
the CoP
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Director: Netta Loevy
Year of production: 2010
Format: Beta
Length: 54 min
Original language: Hebrew, English, Arabic, Chinese,
Subtitles: English, Hebrew
Broadcasting Platforms: Yes Docu Israel
Festival: Jerusalem FF Israel 2010
Producer: Edna Kowarsky, Elinor Kowarsky
Production Company: Eden Productions Ltd.
Distributor: Hedva Goldschmidt
Address: 37/8 Issar Natanzon st. Jerusalem 97787 Israel
Tel: +972 2 5831371
Fax: +972 2 5835450
E-mail: [email protected]
With poignant intuition and uninhibited directness, unique
to eight-year olds, the children of “World Class Kids” point
out basic conflicts in Israeli society, deal with painful identity
issues, and experience the first cracks in their childhood
The Inner Tour
World Class Kids
‫’שלום כיתה ב‬
the CoP
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Lady of the Court
‫אשת החצר‬
Director: Amnon Binyamin
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: 2010
Format: Beta
Length: 56 min
Original language: Hebrew, English
Subtitles: English
Festival: Haifa FF Israel
Producer: Idan Regev, Yael Feldboy
Production Company: Idan Regev, Yael Feldboy
Distributor: Hedva Goldschmidt
Address: 37/8 Issar Natanzon st. Jerusalem 97787 Israel
Tel: +972 2 5831371
Fax: +972 2 5835450
E-mail: [email protected]
Rivka Paluch was a special advisor to Prime Minister
Sharon on Religious political parties, a position that ended
upon his disappearance from political life. The film gives a
rare and unusual look into the Ultra Orthodox community’s
daily life and traditions through Rivka’s personal journey
returning to politics, this time in the US, as well as trying to
find a match for her daughter Suri.
The Inner Tour
Director: Nisan Katz, Eyal zusman
Year of production: 2007-2009
Date of Release: 2009
Format: Dvcam
Length: 52 min
Original language: Multi language
Subtitles: English
the CoP
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 8 Israel, ERT-Greece,
RSI- Switzerland, Globosat - Brazil
Festival: DOCSDF, Vivisect festival, MIPDOC Co-prod
Producer: Nisan Katz, Eyal zusman,Michael Sharfshtein,
Moshe Edri, Leon Edri
Production Company: Topia Communications ltd
Distributor: Topia Communications ltd
Address: 10 NEVE SHALOM St. Tel Aviv 65140 Israel
Tel: +972 54 4724606
Fax: +972 77 5271566
E-mail: [email protected]
An international documentary project that exposes the
human dramas that take place in locker rooms during soccer
matches around the world, while focusing on social, cultural
and religious themes. Each story/location presents soccer
as a way to realize a dream and escape local realities.
The Inner Tour
The Locker Room
‫חדר הלבשה‬
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One Of Seven
‫אחד משבעה‬
Director: Goel Pinto
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Sep 2010
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 50 min
Original language: Hebrew, French
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 8 Israel
Festival: Cape Winelands FF, Fipatel FIPA International FF,
Haifa FF Israel
Producer: Goel Pinto
Production Company: Goel Pinto
Distributor: JMT Films Distribution, Michael Treves
Address: 20 Bialik St., 63324 Tel Aviv
Tel: +972 3 525 4782
Fax: +972 3 525 4782
E-mail: [email protected]
‘’One of Seven’’ is a fascinating journey of journalist and
film critic Goel Pinto’s life stations. Goel, born to an Oriental
religious family, ‘one of seven’ children, in the ultra-Orthodox
city of Bnei Brak. Going back to his childhood memories,
the director, along with his mother Monique, peel off the
layers of his past, in order to get to the root of the lack of
identity that accompanies him, he tries to reconcile the
different elements that shape his being: religion, ethnicity,
homosexuality and the memory of the holocaust.
The Inner Tour
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Inside Out
‫אינסייד אאוט‬
Director: Anat Halachmi
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: 2011
Format: Beta SP/DVD
Length: 52 min
Original language: Hebrew, English
Subtitles: Hebrew, English
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 2 Israel
Producer: Anat Halachmi films
Production Company: Anat Halachmi films
Distributor: Anat Halachmi films
Address: Hatcia 11 St. Hod Hasharon
Tel: +972 52 8593002
Fax: +972 77 3293518
E-mail: [email protected]
Director Anat Alachmi, arrives to the ashram of the famous
Guru Osho in India , following the sudden death of her film
protagonist – Uri Lotan. Lotan died short after he published
a provocative article regarding the Guru’s dark past.
Surprisingly, the director’s quest for the “objective truth”
becomes a personally journey.
The Inner Tour
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The Roman Empire
‫האימפריה של רומה‬
Director: David Moran
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: 2010
Format: HDV
Length: 75 min
Original language: Russian, Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Producer: David Moran
Production Company: Cinemoran Productions
Distributor: David Moran
Address: Burla St. 49, Beer Sheva 84750, Israel
Tel: +972 54 5370186
Fax: +972 77 5415990
E-mail: [email protected]
The Roman Empire tells the story of Roman Kahir, a
Russian Jewish immigrant to Israel, 53 years old. Living in
the city of Beer Sheva for almost 15 years, Roman’s life has
been nothing but a constant struggle to survive. However,
Roman’s optimism, sense of humor and sort of uncaring
nature helps him to get by each day even though life may
sometimes seem as nothing but a burden.
The Inner Tour
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Larger Then Life
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Gitai in Search of his Carmel
‫עמוס גיתאי מחפש את הכרמל‬
Director: Ran Tal
Year of production: 2009
Date of Release: 2009
Format: Video
Length: 48 min
Original language: Hebrew, English, French
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 8 Israel
Festival: Haifa FF Israel
Producer: Anat Zeltser
Production Company: Modi & Anat Films
Distributor: Cinephil
Address: 18 Levontin St, Tel Aviv, Israel
Tel: +972 3 5664129
Fax: +972 3 5601436
E-mail: [email protected]
Director Ran Tal (“Children of the Sun”) follows the renown
Israeli film director Amos Gitai in the course of directing his
latest and most personal film to date, Carmel.
Larger Then Life
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Sharon Amrani, Remember His
‫ זכרו את השם‬,‫שרון עמרני‬
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Oct 2010
Format: HD
Length: 60 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Director: Yair Raveh
Broadcasting Platforms: Yes Docu Israel
Producer: Lilach Nagar
Production Company: Kastina Communications
Distributor: Kastina Communication
Address: 12 Hakesem St. Tel Aviv, Israel
Tel: +972 9 9612200
Fax: +972 9 9612218
E-mail: [email protected]
On September 10, 2001 a young filmmaker named Sharon
Amrani died after drowning in the Mediterranean Sea.
Amrani was an up and coming Israeli filmmaker, who
graduated at the top of his class from the Sam Spiegel
Film School in Jerusalem but died before directing his first
feature film. In the nine years that has passed something
extraordinary happened: Israeli cinema was reborn in a
magnificent renaissance. The filmmakers behind this rebirth
are those of Amrani’s generation, some of them his personal
friends and classmates
Larger Then Life
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Ronit Elkabetz - A Stranger
in Paris
‫ זרה בפריס‬- ‫רונית אלקבץ‬
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: 2010
Format: Video
Length: 60 min
Original language: Hebrew, French, English
Subtitles: English
Director: Nir Bergman
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 8 Israel
Producer: Anat Zeltser
Production Company: Modi & Anat Films
Distributor: Cinephil
Address: 18 Levontin St. Tel Aviv
Tel: +972 3 5664129
Fax: +972 3 5601436
E-mail: [email protected]
Nir Bergman (Broken Wings) brings an intimate portrait
of Israel’s cinematic diva who transcended cultures and
borders to make her international career, first as an actress
and then as accomplished director.
Larger Then Life
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Director: Racehl Leah Jones
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: 2011
Format: HD
Length: 90 min
Original language: English, Spanish
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 8 Israel
Producer: Racehl Leah Jones, Philippe Bellaiche
Production Company: RLJ Productions
Address: 24 Balfour St. Tel Aviv 65211
Tel: +972 54 6564638
Fax: +972 3 6299914
E-mail: [email protected]
How does a white boy with Alabama roots reinvent himself
as a Flamenco guitarist in Andalucian boots? Gypsy Davy
tells the story of David “Serva” Jones, an American who
“went native” in Spain and fathered five children to five
women along the way. One of those children is the director
of the film.
Larger Then Life
Gypsy Davy
‫ג’יפסי דייווי‬
the CoP
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Director: Ruth Walk
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: May 2011
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 46 min
Original language: Hebrew, English
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 2 Israel
Producer: Yariv Mozer, Hila Aviram
Production Company: Mozer Films Ltd.
Distributor: Mozer Films Ltd.
Address: 40 Nemal St Tel Aviv
Tel: +972 3 5440649
Fax: +972 3 5460936
E-mail: [email protected]
Jeannette Ordman is a petite, aristocratic and forceful
woman, who dedicated her life to dance and to her dogs.
The film presents, for the first time, the exclusive story of her
life: a combination of contrary worlds. On the one hand, the
uncompromising, Sisyphean and exhausting world of Israeli
dance and on the other, a hidden, intimate relationship with
the Baroness Batsheva de Rothschild
Larger Then Life
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The Acting Teacher
‫המורה למשחק‬
Director: Shlomo Hayun
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Jul 2010
Format: DV
Length: 70 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Yes Docu Israel
Festival: Jerusalem FF Israel
Producer: Renen Schorr, Shlomo Hayun
Production Company: Blues Production’s, Hanabi
Distributor: Shlomo Hayun
Address: 2 Hahaskala St, Tel Aviv - 67890
Tel: +972 50 2514464
Fax: +972 3 5610368
E-mail: [email protected]
Nissan Nativ, winner of the Israel Prize for Theater, passed
away in April 2008, at the age of 86, with no relatives, three
weeks before receiving the Prize. In his will, he chose to
bequeath one of the items from his art collection to 21
individuals who were dear to his heart, including graduates
of the acting studio he established. Through these very
heirs, the film follows Nativ’s contradictory personality as of
one of the main figures of modern Israeli theatre.
Larger Then Life
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Director: Eran Paz
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Jul 2010
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 54 min
Original language: Russian, Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Festival: Krakow FF, goEast, Festival of Central & Eastern
European film, Jerusalem FF Israel
Producer: Eran Paz, Ilan Moskovitch
Production Company: Ilan Moskovitch Productions
Distributor: JMT Films Distribution, Michael Treves
Address: 20 Bialik St., 63324 Tel Aviv
Tel: +972 3 525 4782
Fax: +972 3 525 4782
E-mail: [email protected]
Yura (Jeremiah), his wife, and two children live in the
Shapira neighborhood in the southern part of Tel Aviv. They
live among junkies, prostitutes and alcoholics; a different
image than the one expected when hearing the words: “Tel
Larger Then Life
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Just Like the Queen of
‫כמו מלכת אנגליה‬
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: 2010
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 92 min
Original language: Hebrew, French
Subtitles: English
Director: Micha Shagrir
Festival: Jerusalem FF Israel
Producer: Micha Shagrir
Production Company: Ofot HaChol Productions
Distributor: Ariane Weisel Margalit
Address: 73 Herzog St, 9, Jerusalem 92622
Tel: +972 54 5224067
Fax: +972 2 6504500
E-mail: [email protected]
A street-smart, charismatic French boy is abandoned during
Nazi Occupation. The 69 years that followed were an
emotional journey that is only now being examined. From
his childhood in Paris to the kibbutz of his youth, from the
national stage to his private home, the life of David Bergman
unfolds in this starkly intimate new film by director Micha
Larger Then Life
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Reflections of The Past
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Director: Sagi Bornstein
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: May 2011
Format: Mini DV
Length: 53 min
Original language: Hebrew, English, German, Czech
Subtitles: English
Producer: Sagi Bornstein
Distributor: Ruth Diskin Films
Address: P.O.Box 7153
Tel: +972 2 6724256
Fax: +972 2 6724210
E-mail: [email protected]
A detective story; an adventure that crosses geographical
boundaries, as well as cultural and chronological ones;
an exploration beginning early in the 20th century, and
continuing to this day.
Reflections of The Past
Kafka’s Last Story
‫הסיפור האחרון של קפקא‬
the CoP
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I Was There in Color
‫הייתי שם בצבע‬
Director: Avishai Kfir
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Mar 2010
Format: DV Cam
Length: 55 min
Original language: English
Subtitles: English
Festival: Boston Jewish Film Festival USA 2010, Rutgers
Jewish Film Festival USA 2010, Manhattan JCC, 2010
Producer: Itzhak Rubin
Production Company: Rei Communications Ltd.
Distributor: Ruth Diskin Films
Address: P.O.Box 7153
Tel: +972 2 6724256
Fax: +972 2 6724210
E-mail: [email protected]
“I Was There in Color” is an extraordinary, never before
seen story of the birth of Israel in color! The historic
footage was shot by Fred Monosson, a Jewish-American
businessman from Brookline, MA who died in 1972. Until
this discovery, the history of Israel was captured only in
black and white. Now, for the first time, Israel’s history is told
in color.
Reflections of The Past
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Director: Avi Weissblei
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: 2010
Format: DV
Length: 50 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Yes Docu Israel
Producer: Avi Weissblei
Distributor: Avi Weissblei
Address: 4 Kalanit St., Givatayim 53368 Israel
Tel: +972 54 4452450
E-mail: [email protected]
A journey to the backstage of the Declaration of the State of
Israel: The last living witnesses to this historic event and the
creators of the legend reveal what really happened during
the 32 minutes of the ceremony and reflect on the place of
the past in Israel today.
Reflections of The Past
A State Behind the Scenes
‫מדינה ביום אחד‬
the CoP
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What Hitler has done to TelAviv
‫ ת”א‬- ‫ ברלין‬- ‫להתיר את הקשר‬
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: Jan 2011
Format: Video
Length: 30 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Director: Yael Katzir
Festival: San Francisco Jewish, Berlin Jewish
Producer: Yael Katzir
Production Company: Katzir Productions
Distributor: New Love Films
Address: 336 North Orange Grove Ave, LA CA 90036,
Tel: +1323 9393261
Fax: +972 3 6431103
E-mail: [email protected]
Director Katzir visits Berlin – the “Forbidden City” for her
generation. Overcoming the psychological barrier of the
Holocaust, she realizes that Berlin, not London or NY
shaped Tel Aviv transforming it through the Jews who fled
from Hitler, from a small city, into a vibrant metropolitan. A
moving irony of history
Reflections of The Past
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Who shot Colonel Joe Alon?
?‫מי רצח את אבא‬
Director: Liora Amir Barmatz
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: Apr 2011
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 71 Min
Original language: Hebrew, English
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: IBA Channel 1 Israel
Producer: Itay Nevo
Production Company: IBA Israel Television
Distributor: Liora Amir Barmatz
Address: IBA, Hakirya Tel Aviv
Tel: +972 52 5667904
Fax: +972 3 6963639
E-mail: [email protected]
Col. Joe Alon, the Israeli Air Force Attache was
assassinated in 1973 in Washington D.C. 38 years later,
the case remains unsolved and Joe’s 3 daughters are
searching for the truth while revealing national dilemmas:
Why didn’t Israel cooperate with the FBI? Was Alon an
undercover Mossad agent? Why did the FBI destroy the
evidence against protocol? Is it a part of the Yom Kippur
War conspiracy theory (Dayan and Kissinger)? Includes
interviews of FBI agents, Mossad chiefs, former American
Air Force Chief Commander and others key personnel.
Reflections of The Past
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The Soul and Science
Director: Ron Ofer, Yohai Hakak , Itay Ken-Tor
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: 2011
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 88 min
Original language: Hebrew, Yiddish
Subtitles: English
the CoP
Producer: Itay Ken-Tor, Noemi Schory
Production Company: Belfilms
Distributor: Hedva Goldschmidt, Go2Films
Address: 37Issar Natanzon St.
Tel: +972 2 5831371
Fax: +972 2 5835450
E-mail: [email protected]
In Israel 700,000 Ultra Orthodox Jews, Haredim, huddle
together shielding one another from western influences. Six
characters, influential community leaders, are torn between
safeguarding traditions or selectively accepting changes
which could benefit their community. This is a rare glimpse
into the secluded Haredi world.
The Soul and Science
God Forbid
‫ישמרנו האל‬
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Beating Time
‫לנצח את הזמן‬
Director: Odette Orr
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Aug 2010
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 50 min
Original language: Hebrew, English
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: EBS Korea, Channel 2 Israel
Festival: The saloniki Documentary FF, EIDF International
Documentary FF
Producer: Odette Orr, Yuval Orr
Production Company: Unicorn Content & Media
Distributor: JMT Films Distribution, Michael Treves
Address: 20 Bialik St., 63324 Tel Aviv
Tel: +972 3 525 4782
Fax: +972 3 525 4782
E-mail: [email protected]
The minute Avi Kremer, 29, finds out that he has only four
years to live, he decides to do the impossible and find cure
for ALS, the incurable Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (the Lou
Gehrig’s disease) he has contracted. Avi, an M.B.A. student
at Harvard Business School, musters all his business
knowhow and sets out on a search for funds, investors and
researchers who will join him in his race.
The Soul and Science
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Director: Ronit Kertsner
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: 2011
Format: Beta
Length: 72 min
Original language: Hebrew, English, Polish
Subtitles: Hebrew, English
Producer: Ronit Kertsner
Production Company: Ronit Kertsner Productions
Distributor: Hedva Goldschmidt
Address: 37Issar Natanzon St. Jerusalem 97787 Israel
Tel: +972 2 5831371
Fax: +972 2 5835450
E-mail: [email protected]
Can one be a Catholic priest and an Observant Jew at
the same time? The film follows the journey of Romuald
Waszkinel from conducting mass in a church in Poland
to life as an observant Jew in a religious kibbutz in Israel.
Unable to renounce either, and therefore rejected by both
religions and the state of Israel, he is now required to
The Soul and Science
the CoP
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The Human Turbine
‫הטורבינה האנושית‬
Director: Danny Verete
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Sep 2010
Format: DV
Length: 55 min
Original language: Hebrew, Arabic
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 8 Israel
Festival: Isratim FF, Fipa- Biarritz FF, Haifa FF Israel
Producer: Yehuda Bitton
Production Company: Yehuda Bitton Productions
Distributor: Ruth Diskin Films
Address: P.O.Box 7153
Tel: +972 2 6724256
Fax: +972 2 6724210
E-mail: [email protected]
The attempts to harness wind and solar energy for the
benefit of the residents of the Palestinian village of Susia.
Working through action, rather than through protest, a
group of determined individuals demonstrates how they are
figuratively and literally lighting up lives.
The Soul and Science
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Jews Now
‫יהודים עכשיו‬
Director: Galia Oz
Year of production: 2009-2010
Date of Release: Sep 2010
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 60 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: IBA Channel 1 Israel
Festival: Haifa FF Israel
Producer: Anat Yahalom
Production Company: IBA Israel Television Documentary
Distributor: Zvia Issachar
Tel: +972 2 501 5646
E-mail: [email protected]
Whose Judaism is this, anyway? Three protagonists roam
the world, torn in their emotions, at odds with their parents,
leaving hurt feelings and pain in their wake. Dr. Hagai Dagan
was born on a socialist kibbutz. He is now an atheistic
Judaism researcher who has a complicated, humor filled
relationship with God. Yehiam and Eran are about to enlist in
the Army. They grew up in religious families, abandoned the
faith and are now in a pre-army course at Kibbutz Ma’ayan
Barukh. There they meet charismatic teacher Dudu Palma
who teaches them about the life-changing power of ideas.
The Soul and Science
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The Chosen Trail
‫שביל בארץ אחרת‬
Director: Uri Goldstein
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: 2011
Format: HD
Length: 50 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Producer: Lea levin
Production Company: IBA Israel Television
Distributor: Zvia Issachar
Tel: +972 2 501 5646
E-mail: [email protected]
This documentary poses the question if viewers would
choose different life paths if given the opportunity, alongside
the premise fate determines one’s journeys while one’s own
nature dictates major life decisions. “Israel Trails” envisions
an adventure enabling a return to one’s beginning as if in a
time tunnel, permitting the freedom of dependence on one’s
surroundings, while extricating the viewer from predictability
based on societal norms, circumstances of time and
economic necessities.
The Soul and Science
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Doc Re Me
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My Sweet Canary
‫הקנרית המתוקה שלי‬
Director: Roy Sher
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: Mar 2011
Format: Video
Length: 90 min
Original language: Greek, English, Hebrew, Turkish,
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: IBA Channel 1 Israel, ERT,
ARTE France
Festival: Thessaloniki Documentary Festial
Producer: Roy Sher
Production Company: Sher Productions
Distributor: Cinephil
Address: 18 Levontin St, Tel Aviv
Tel: +972 3 5664129
Fax: +972 3 5601436
E-mail: [email protected]
Roza Eskenazi sang the way she lived, with passion, fire
and love. This is the story of three young musicians from
Greece, Turkey, and Israel, who embark on an exciting
musical journey, to tell the story of Greece’s best-known and
best-loved rebetiko singer for the first time on film.
Doc Re Me
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Zubin & I
‫זובין ואני‬
Director: Ori Sivan
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: 2010
Format: Video
Length: 55 min
Original language: Hebrew, English
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 8 Israel
Producer: Anat Zeltser
Production Company: Modi, Anat Films
Distributor: Cinephil
Address: 18 Levontin St. Tel Aviv, Israel
Tel: +972 3 5664129
Fax: +972 3 5601436
E-mail: [email protected]
Z ubin Mehta is a world acclaimed conductor and the
artistic director for life of the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra.
Director Ori Sivan tries to get closer to Mehta and
understand the work of the conductor and his complex
relationship with the orchestra’s musicians.
Doc Re Me
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Director: Judd Ne’eman
Year of production: 2008
Date of Release: 2009
Format: DV
Length: 54 min
Original language: English, Hebrew, German
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: IBA Channel 1 Israel, Channel 2
Producer: Judd Nee’man
Production Company: Judd Ne’eman Films LTD
Distributor: JMT Films Distribution, Michael Treves
Address: 20 Bialik st., Tel Aviv 63324, Israel
Tel: +972 3 5254782
Fax: +972 3 5254782
E-mail: [email protected]
The film focuses on the historical memory of the Terezin
ghetto in WWII via the Entartete Musik (“degenerate music”)
created there by the Jewish musician. A group of Israeli and
German students perform today a musical based on this
Doc Re Me
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Free Improvisation
‫אלתור חופשי‬
Director: Doron Djerassi
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: May 2011
Format: DV/Beta Digital
Length: 48 min
Original language: English
Subtitles: English
A film by Doron Djerassi & Adin weiner
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 8 Israel
Festival: DocAviv
Producer: Adin Weiner
Address: 6 mapu St. Jerusalem
Tel: +972 52 3353791
Fax: +972 2 6256726
E-mail: [email protected]
Photography: Dima Brikman
A film portraying one year in the life of Jean Claude
Jones. Jean Claude is a 60 year old contrabass player
from Jerusalem who plays avant-garde music called free
improvisation. Jean Claude has dedicated his life to music
and his music connects him to the people around him.
Since he discovered that he has MS, his ability to continue
creating music is in danger. This film follows JC and his lifepartner Judy’s meeting the challenges of his disease. This
is a film about the ties between desire, music, life and the
process of letting-go
Doc Re Me
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Fine Tuning
‫כיוון כלים‬
Director: David Noy
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Jun 2010
Format: Digi Beta
Length: 54 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: IBA Channel 1 Israel
Festival: RAI Festival of thnographic Film 2011
Producer: Yoram Ivry, David Noy
Production Company: Cinemax
Distributor: Cinemax
Address: 2 Hatas St. Givataim 53397
Tel: +972 3 7311267
Fax: +972 3 7311267
E-mail: [email protected]
“Fine Tuning” follows the rise and fall of The Israeli
Andalusian Orchestra. At the peak of their success they
received the prestigious Israel Prize Lifetime Achievement
Award, but then things went sour: The tension between
musicians and management led to a Strike... The musicians
were fired, and both sides declared war
Doc Re Me
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Green Yellow Red
‫ירוק צהוב אדום‬
Director: David Gavro
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: May 2010
Format: DV
Length: 60 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Yes Docu Israel
Festival: Jerusalem FF Israel, Cinema South Festival
Israel, Los Angeles FF
Producer: David Gavro, Yael shavit
Production Company: Slassi Pro
Distributor: Slassi Pro
Address: kiryat-mnahem St 208
Tel: +972 77 5077122
Fax: +972 77 5077122
E-mail: [email protected]
This film portrays Ethiopian youths through the songs of
Mogus Birsau and his friends who live in the southern part
of Israel and want to create music for the Israeli mainstream.
Mogus surrounds himself with a group of young men who
sing and write songs, songs that express the hidden feelings
of the Ethiopian immigrants like never before.
Doc Re Me
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Ladino 500 Years Young
‫ שנה‬500 ‫לדינו שירה בת‬
Director: Rina Papish
Year of production: 2008
Date of Release: 2010
Format: Beta SP/Beta Digital
Length: 53 min
Original language: Hebrew, Ladino, Spanish
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 2 Israel, Channel 10
Festival: Waidner-Spahr Library Dickinson College PA
2010, Zagreb JFF 2010, Seattle JFF 2010, Toronto JFF
2009, San Jose JFF 2009, Sepharadic JFF New York,
Desert JFF Palm Desert California USA, San Francisco
Producer: Nitza Gonen
Production Company: Gon Production
The film follows the rise of a Ladino singer, today an
international star. Yasmin Levy was one year old when her
father, who dedicated his life to recording the Ladino (old
Spanish) songs, died. On a tour in Spain, she finds her
destiny in immortalizing and disseminating the Ladino songs
that her father had preserved.
Distributor: Hedva Goldschmidt, Go2Films
Address: Issar Natanzon St. 37 Jerusalem 97787, Israel
Tel: +972 2 5831371
Fax: +972 2 5835450
E-mail: [email protected]
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Director: Alex Gentelev
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: May 2011
Format: HD
Length: 52/72 min.
Original language: Hebrew, Russian
Subtitles: English
Festival: DocAviv
Producer: Nurit Kedar
Production Company: Nurit Kedar
Distributor: Hedva Goldschmidt, Go2Films
Address: 37/8 Issar Natanzon St. Jerusalem 97787 Israel
Tel: +972 2 5831371
E-mail: [email protected]
This is a little story of a tiny place, where people are hiding
amongst the crowd and their names are not familiar to the
daily news. Yet deep inside there’s a big deal that flourishes
out of a social distress. These people’s present is the sad
result of past mishaps, however what a wonderful future is
happening, almost inadvertently, to their children. They are
the violinists.
Doc Re Me
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Docs and Cuts (Rough cut Screenings)
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Hitler’s Children
‫ילדי היטלר‬
Director: Chanoch Ze’evi
Year of production: 2011
Original language: German, English, Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 2 Israel, MDR
Producer: Chanoch Ze’evi
Production Company: Maya Productions
Distributor: Cinephil
Address: 18 Levontin Street, Tel Aviv 65112 Israel
Tel: +972 3 5664129
Fax: +972 3 5601436
E-mail: [email protected]
Hitler’s Children is a film about the descendants of the
most powerful figures in the Nazi regime: men and women
who were left a legacy that permanently associates them
with one of the greatest crimes in history. What is it like for
them to have grown up with a name that immediately raises
images of murder and genocide? Sons and daughters of
notorious Nazis share how they deal with the fact that they
bear the genetics of some of the worst criminals of the
modern era.
Docs and Cuts (Rough cut Screenings)
Director: Emad Burnat, Guy Davidi
Format: DV PAL
Length: 90/52 min
Original language: Arabic, Hebrew
Subtitles: English
the CoP
Broadcasting Platforms: France Television, Channel 8
Israel, IKON, YLE
Producer: Guy Davidi, Serge Gordey, Emad Burnat
Production Company: GuyDVD Films, Alegria
Address: 8 Harav Kook, Tel Aviv
Tel: +972 54 4949831
E-mail: [email protected]
Emad is a Palestinian cameraman who decides to film the
struggle against the wall in his village side by side to filming
his young son growing and his family. This struggle strikes
his private life. One Camera after another is damaged and
replaced, each unfolds another part of the story. His story is
a story of resistance.
Docs and Cuts (Rough cut Screenings)
5 Broken Cameras
‫חמש מצלמות שבורות‬
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Director: Abeer Zeibak Haddad
Year of production: 2011
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 52 min
Original language: Arabic
Subtitles: English
the CoP
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 2 Israel
Festival: DocAviv (Israeli cut)
Producer: Suheil Zeibak Haddad, Ilil Alexander
Production Company: Abeer productions
Distributor: Ilil Alexander
Address: 89 Derech Hasalom Street, entrance D Tel Aviv,
Tel: +972 52 3200257
Fax: +972 2 6735229
E-mail: [email protected]
The audience never shows up to watch the puppet theatre
show which Abeer Zeibak Haddad has created about sexual
abuse of girls. Abeer decides to take a camera and collect
evidences of women who were sexually abuse, from South
to West. Their common dream is to lead other women out of
the cycles of silencing, forced on them by society and make
these women believe that they deserve to live.
Docs and Cuts (Rough cut Screenings)
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Director: Yariv Mozer
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: Feb 2012
Format: HD
Length: 52/80 min
Original language: Hebrew, Arabic, English
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: IKON The Netherlands, TV5
Canada, Yes Docu Israel
Producer: Yariv Mozer
Production Company: Mozer Films Ltd.
Address: 40 Nemal Tel Aviv Street, Tel Aviv, 63506, Israel
Tel: +972 3 5440649
Fax: +972 3 5460936
E-mail: [email protected]
An untold side of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: gay
Palestinians—Louie, Abdu, and Fares—are hiding in Tel
Aviv, and until they escape, they must remain “the invisible
Docs and Cuts (Rough cut Screenings)
The Invisible Men
‫גברים בלתי נראים‬
the CoP
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Director: Shlomi Elkabetz
Year of production:2011
Date of Release: 2011
Format: 35mm/DCP/HD
Length: 80 min
Original language: Hebrew,Arabic
Subtitles: English, French
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 8 Israel
Producer: Shlomi Elkabetz, Sandrine Brauer
Production Company: 2BG films, Encompagnie des
Distributor: Wild bunch international
Address: 99 rue de la verrerie 75004 paris france
Tel: +44 20 7792 9791
Fax: Fax: +33 1 53 01 50 49
E-mail: [email protected]
The hunting stories of 8 Palestinian men and women and
three pragmatic Israeli soldiers are exposed. Each one of
the characters using the documentary camera to his own
needs, trying to represent the reality he experiences. An
inevitable relationship, where the camera taking advantage
of the interviewee and vies versa, testifying shared
narratives for a biding country, were the “still view” is the
only one who remembers.
Told in hebrew by israeli actors.
Docs and Cuts (Rough cut Screenings)
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Copro Campus (Student Films)
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Director: Oshri Hayun, Hila Cohen
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Jun 2010
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 48 min
Original language: Moroccan, Arabic, Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 8 Israel
Festival: FIPA International FF Biarritz, France 2011, Haifa
FF Israel, Cinema South Festival Israel
Producer: Oshri Hayun, Hila Cohen
Production Company: Oshri Hayun, Hila Cohen, the Sapir
Distributor: JMT Films Distribution, Michael Treves
Address: 20 Bialik St., 63324 Tel Aviv
Tel: +972 3 5254782
Fax: +972 3 5254782
E-mail: [email protected]
Born in the Atlas mountains of Morocco, Aisha was married
at 11 when she fell in love with Joseph, immigrated to Israel
in 1955 and had 14 children of which 11 are still alive. At 96,
with her husband deceased, and her children rarely visiting,
she only has her animals to keep her company, and among
them Booba, the goat with whom she has a special kind of
Copro Campus (Student Films)
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Crossroad 129- The women of
the rail neighborhood
‫ הנשים של שכונת הרכבת‬- 129 ‫מפגש‬
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: Feb 2011
Format: Beta HD
Length: 23 min
Original language: Hebrew, Arabic
Subtitles: Hebrew, English
Director: Adiya Imri Orr
Producer: Adiya Imri Orr, Yael Atias
Production Company: Tel-Aviv University, Film &
Television dep
Distributor: Rachel Wallach
Address: P. O. Box 39040, Mexico Bldg. Room 18 RamatAviv 69978, Israel
Tel: +972 3 6406836
E-mail: [email protected]
Eight railroad tracks separate the ‘Railroad Neighborhood’
from the rest of the world. Hundreds of trains pass noisily
every day - a train every four minutes - through this
unrecognized neighborhood of Lod, a small, neglected city
on the outskirts of Tel Aviv. In their tough surroundings of
crime and poverty, five Arab women chose, or were forced,
into lonesomeness. The film follows them through one day
of living their reality in the shadow of the railroads.
Copro Campus (Student Films)
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Director: Tal Avitan
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: May 2010
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 47 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Yes Docu Israel
Festival: Cinema South Festival Israel, Haifa FF Israel
Producer: Liz Avitan
Production Company: Sapir College
Distributor: JMT Films Distribution, Michael Treves
Address: Bialik St 20 TEL AVIV, Israel
Tel: +972 52 5349077
E-mail: [email protected]
The story of a family living in the shadow of the father’s
death. The film follows the youngest brother, who dreams
of becoming a soccer player and the eldest brother who
is struggling to get off drugs, leaving the mother alone in
Sderot, with nothing but a dream for a better life for her
Copro Campus (Student Films)
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Director: Adi Harel
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: May 2011
Format: DV
Length: 42 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Yes Docu Israel
Producer: Adi Harel
Production Company: Beit Berl College School of Art –
Film Dept
Distributor: Beit Berl College School of Art – Film Dept
Address: Doar Beit Berl 44905, Israel
Tel: +972 9 7478737
Fax: +972 9 7478735
E-mail: [email protected]
A geo-political allegory which takes place nearby the
security fence, and tells the story of Hanni, a 48-years-old
Palestinian, married and father of six, from the village Biddu,
who lives during weekdays at the Jerusalem animal shelter
pounds, and the deterioration of his complicated relationship
with his Israeli colleagues.
Copro Campus (Student Films)
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Hula and Natan
‫חולה ונתן‬
Director: Robby Elmaliah
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Jun 2010
Format: Beta Digital
Length: 55 min
Original language: Hebrew, Arabic
Subtitles: English, Russian
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 8 Israel
Festival: Krakow FF, Visions du Réel, True/False, Best film
award, Cinema South Festival Israel
Producer: Avner Faingulernt, Robby Elmaliah, Arik
Production Company: Sapir College, Alma Films, Robby
Distributor: JMT Films Distribution, Michael Treves
Address: 20 Bialik St., 63324 Tel Aviv
Tel: +972 3 525 4782
Fax: +972 3 525 4782
E-mail: [email protected]
The tragicomic story of two brothers who survive by working
as mechanics in a small garage in Sderot. Under the hail
of missiles from Gaza, they comment the harsh reality of
life in south¬ern Israel during brotherly arguments oozing
with black humour. An optimistic portrait that attempts to
encompass the ugliness of every¬day life in all its beauty
and its irony.
Copro Campus (Student Films)
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Director: Yonatan Zaid
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: May 2011
Format: HD
Length: 36 min
Original language: Hebrew, English, Itlian
Subtitles: Hebrew, English
Festival: DocAviv
Producer: Yonatan Zaid
Production Company: Yonatan Zaid
Distributor: Yonatan Zaid
Address: 36002 Beit Zaid, Kiryat Tivon, Israel
Tel: +972 05 2508088
Fax: +972 07 495346
E-mail: [email protected]
At the age of 22, while his friends are travelling around
India and Latin America, Yonatan Zaid goes on a romantic
journey in Tuscany. In an ancient castle near Florence he
ponder about life away from home, about foreignness and
about longing
Copro Campus (Student Films)
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You’re 50 i’m 15
15 ‫ אני בן‬50, ‫אתה בן‬
Director: Noah Yahav Cohen
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Jun 2010
Format: Beta
Length: 45 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Yes Docu Israel
Festival: Cinema South Festival Israel
Producer: Izhar Fink, Noah Yahav Cohen
Production Company: Sapir College
Distributor: JMT Films Distribution, Michael Treves
Address: 20 Bialik St., 63324, Tel Aviv, Israel
Tel: +972 3 5254782
Fax: +972 3 5254782
E-mail: [email protected]
Ido, is a rebel 15 years old teenager, who spends most of
his time at the computer while his father tries to turn him into
a diligent student. The director, Noah, Ido’s sister, takes an
intimate close look at the relationship between her father
and brother, through the difficult years of adolescence.
Copro Campus (Student Films)
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KMS – Jewish Negroes
‫ שחורים‬- KMS
Director: Moran Ifergan
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: 2010
Format: Beta SP/Beta Digital/HD
Length: 48 min
Original language: Hebrew, Amharic
Subtitles: English
Producer: Moran Ifergan, Anat Schwartz
Production Company: The Sam Spiegel Film & TV School
– Jerusalem
Distributor: The Sam Spiegel Film & TV School,
Address: 4 Yad Haruzim St, Jerusalem, Israel
Tel: +972 2 6731950
Fax: +972 2 6731949
E-mail: [email protected]
One year with three friends, Ethiopian Jews, Rap Singers –
“KMS” Band. They live in the large ghetto of central Israel.
The film observes their daily life and catches the reality of
black generation trying to find their identity in white Israel
Copro Campus (Student Films)
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Love Davka
‫לאב דווקא‬
Director: Sivan Vardina, Tal Siano
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: 2010
Format: Beta SP/Beta Digital/HD
Length: 30 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Yes Docu Israel
Producer: Rona Soffer
Production Company: The Sam Spiegel Film & TV School
– Jerusalem
Distributor: The Sam Spiegel Film & TV School,
Address: 4 Yad Haruzim St, Jerusalem, Israel
Tel: +972 2 6731950
Fax: +972 2 6731949
E-mail: [email protected]
In the age of 15 I was involved in a severe car accident.
In the film I pursued the challenge of finding love. I met
disabled and non-disabled men and searched for my place
in a love equation. I was in for a surprise
Copro Campus (Student Films)
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Director: Michal Namdar
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: 2011
Format: Letter Box
Length: 21 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: Hebrew, English
Producer: Seminar Hakibotzim, Michal Namdar
Production Company: Seminar Hakibotzim
Distributor: Seminar Hakibotzim
Address: Shoshana Pritz St 3, Tel Aviv
Tel: +972 3 6901200
Fax: +972 3 6990520
E-mail: [email protected]
Avi has been sitting in prison for 13 years, Irit is waiting
outside the walls. They met two years ago and since then
they are building a world together. The movie follows after
the couples relationship through Irits’ pregnancy, Their
anticipation and hopes towards Avi release from prison
Copro Campus (Student Films)
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memorial movie
‫סרט זיכרון‬
Director: Yonatan Kanaskevich
Year of production: 2007-2011
Date of Release: Feb 2011
Format: Mini DV
Length: 42 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 2 Israel
Festival: DocAviv
Producer: Yonatan Kanaskevich
Distributor: Tel Hai
Address: Upper Galile 12210
Tel: +972 4 8181320
Fax: +972 4 8181321
E-mail: [email protected]
One day, yonatan realizes that his life is going to end.
Terrified by fear of death, he tries to find a way to
understand why? He decides he must make a memorial
movie about himself, like he did To his friend, elad litvak,
who was killed in action years ago.
Copro Campus (Student Films)
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Director: Idan Glikzelig
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: 2010
Format: DV
Length: 41 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Producer: Asaf Mor, Michal Wiets
Production Company: The Sam Spiegel Film & TV
School, Jerusalem
Distributor: The Sam Spiegel Film School
Address: 4 Yad Haruzim St. Jerusalem, Israel
Tel: +972 2 6731950
Fax: +972 2 6731949
E-mail: [email protected]
A year in a life of a lonely body builder and weight lifter in his
pursuit to become a champion. A story of a new kind of hero
- The one that knows how to lose and still follows his dream
Copro Campus (Student Films)
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No Friend Of Mine
‫לא חברה‬
Director: Sivan Ben Ari
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: Dec 2011
Format: Beta SP/SX
Length: 50 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: Hebrew, English, Russian
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 8 Israel
Producer: Noemi Schory
Production Company: FilmDept Beit Berl
Distributor: Eliyahu Zigdon
Address: Beit Berl 44905, Israel
Tel: +972 50 7555559
Fax: +972 9 7478735
E-mail: [email protected]
Lior was my role-model in high school. After being often
repressed by her, I let the friendship fade. I hardly met her,
even when a rare disease left her paralyzed from the chest
down. Now, Seven years later, she contacted me and came
back to my life. Although Lior moves on a wheelchair, I find
myself jealous with her freedom of mind and wonder who is
the disabled one between us
Copro Campus (Student Films)
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Director: Aviv Or Meshulam
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Aug 2010
Format: Beta SP/SX
Length: 52 min
Original language: Hebrew, Ladino, English
Subtitles: Hebrew, English
Broadcasting Platforms: Yes Docu Channel
Producer: Noemi Schory
Production Company: FilmDept Beit Berl
Distributor: Eliyahu Zigdon
Address: Beit Berl 44905, Israel
Tel: +972 50 7555559
Fax: +972 9 7478735
E-mail: [email protected]
After having lived alone for 25 years, my grandmother, a
proud and meticulous woman of 90, begins a relationship
with a foreign caregiver from the other side of the world. A
sad but yet humoristic look at the world of women who care
for and tyrannize each other at one and the same time.
Copro Campus (Student Films)
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The Hurricane Hunter
‫צייד ההוריקנים‬
Director: Ran Mendelson
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Jun 2010
Format: Mini DV
Length: 51 min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Broadcasting Platforms: Channel 8 Israel
Festival: The Worldfilm Tartu Festival of Visual Culture
Producer: Ran Mendelson
Production Company: Ran Mendelson
Distributor: Ran Mendelson
Address: Kibbutz Naan 76829, Israel
Tel: +972 52 2232988
Fax: +972 8 9392925
E-mail: [email protected]
Sleeping by the highway into Tel-Aviv, rising at nightfall to
scavenge for bottles, Patrick has certainly known better
times. He is sustained, in the circus which is his drugaddicted life, by his unlikely dream to go hurricane hunting in
Copro Campus (Student Films)
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wedding beyond the wall
‫חתונה מעבר לגדר‬
Director: Eilon Kotler, Waje Kabha
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: 2011
Length: 23 min
Original language: Arabic
Subtitles: Hebrew, english
Producer: Eilon Kotler
Distributor: Kibbutzim College
Address: 3 Shoshana Persig St, Tel Aviv
Tel: +972 3 6901200
E-mail: [email protected]
Mahmoud (27) marries and must give up his land in order
to “start his life”. The film will follow the preparations for the
“Wedding Transfer”, in Mahmoud’s words. The Wedding,
both happy and sad, began in the forest and will end beyond
the Wall
Copro Campus (Student Films)
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Cinema Security
Director: Assaf Reiter
Year of production: 2010
Date of Release: Dec 2010
Format: DV PAL
Length: 24 Min
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: English
Festival: DocAviv
Producer: Assaf Reiter
Production Company: Bezalel academy of arts & design
Address: Emek Dotan 50 apt.6, Modiin Israel
Tel: +972 54 4245451
Fax: +972 8 9791102
E-mail: [email protected]
The film describes an attempt of revolutionizing cinema
direction by collecting materials from an infinite network of
security cameras lined up all over the world.
Cinema Security raises dilemmas concerning privacy and its
boundaries, and questions regarding the role of the cinema
maker in the present multi-communication environment.
Copro Campus (Student Films)
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The Hollyland’s Landscapes
‫נופי ארץ הקודש‬
Director: Ronit Zerony
Year of production: 2011
Date of Release: Mar 2011
Format: DVD
Length: 4.5 min X 9
Original language: Hebrew
Subtitles: None
Producer: Ronit Zerony
Distributor: Ronit Zerony
Address: Haarava, 10 Holon, Israel
Tel: +972 3 7160247
Fax: +972 3 7160247
E-mail: [email protected]
A short documentaries movies about Israel and places that
was shot by a cellular camera. These films have to tell the
story of the beeies and the butterflies under the Israeli sun.
The animals behave in different places in Israel ( Yarkon
park in Tel Aviv, in Haifa, in Jerusalem) with connection to
the Arabic and Israel conflict.
Copro Campus (Student Films)