Menneskedreven innovation - it
Menneskedreven innovation - it
Menneskedreven innovation Niels Alberg, ReD Associates RED ASSOCIATES KRONPRINSESSEGADE 20 * 1306 COPENHAGEN K * DENMARK PHONE: +45 3333 7044 * FAX: +45 3333 7045 WWW.REDASSOCIATES.DK © 2006 ReD Associates * Red Associates er et konsulentfirma, der udarbejder innovationsstrategier på baggrund af brugerindsigter. Vi oversætter komplekse brugerindsigter til innovationsanbefalinger og kombinerer social- og samfundsvidenskab og design til brugbare koncepter. EKSEMPLER PÅ KUNDER OG CASES KUNDER TEMA LANDE Hvad er fitness? Asien, Europa, USA Hvordan leger børn? USA, Tyskland Hvordan lever man med stomi, sår og inkontinens? USA, Frankrig Hvordan lever man med diabetes? UK Hvordan opfattes Danmark og danskere i Mellemøsten? Egypten, Jordan Hvilke idealer og strategier har skandinaviske kvinder i forhold til skønhed? Sverige, Norge, Finland, Danmark DEFINING INNOVATION The term “innovation” should be reserved for a new business concept that can foster significant and sustainable top-line growth. This keeps us from the sloppy habit of just calling anything new an innovation. ? M&A´s - Mergers & Acquisitions New sales of existing portfolio 2007 Model copyright © ReD Associates. All rights reserved. Used with permission. 2017 INNOVATION LEVELS Level 1 Transformed Level 2 Reconfigured Level 3 Adjusted INNOVATION LEVELS TRANSFORMED Transformed 1998 Verdens første MP3 player The Eiger Labs MPMan F10 Reconfigured MP3 er opfundet af Fraunhofer Gesellschaft i 1989 og fik US patent i 1996 Adjusted Rio Diamond er den afspiller man husker som den første MP3 afspiller INNOVATION LEVELS RECONFIGURED Transformed Okt. 2001 Apple lancerer iPod Den er sammensat af en Toshiba hard disk, OS fra PIXO, MP3 afspiller fra PortalPlayer Reconfigured 1 år sælges 125.00 2 år sælges 700.000 4 år sælges 4.400.000 Adjusted INNOVATION LEVELS ADJUSTED Transformed I 2004 lancerer Apple iPod Photo efter at have foretaget kontinuerlige justeringer af den oprindelige iPod. Reconfigured Adjusted USE THE APPROPRIATE TOOLS Choosing the right customer-focus method depends on which stage you are in when doing the project. Each method has a role to play in a development project - but the question is when you should use what! FLY ON THE WALL STUDIES PARTICPATIVE OBSERVATION ARTEFACTS/CULTURE COLLECTION OPEN ENDED INTERVIEWS FOCUS GROUPS VIDEO OBSERVATION QUESTIONARIES DIRECTED INTERVIEWS “DISCOVERY” For transformation RANKING AND BENCHMARKING TARGET GROUP SEGMENTATION USER EXPERIENCE SCENARIOS “EXPLORATION” For reconfiguration USER/ USABILITY TEST PRODUCT SIMULATIONS “EVALUATION” For adjustment IDEATION Model copyright © ReD Associates. All rights reserved. Used with permission. LAUNCH GO TO THE JUNGLE NOT THE ZOO “If you want to know how a lion hunts, go to the jungle, not the zoo!” USER CENTERED RESEARCH QUESTION METHOD PURPOSE For example: What should the price be? What should the size of the production be? To what degree do people know about it? SURVEY Focus: What? Data: Big but superficial Respondents: >1500 individuals Techniques: Telephone interviews, vox-pops, e-mailed, online or distributed questionnaires. Providers: Gallup, Opinion, AIM, Catinet etc. OVERVIEW QUANTITY COMPARISON (e.g. over time) For example: How should it look? How should it function? How do the participants talk about it? FOCUS GROUP STUDY Focus: What? How? Data: Limited but with a certain depth Respondents: Groups of 5-20 individuals (general criteria, e.g. gender, age, geography etc.) Techniques: Facilitated group discussions, outside the ‘natural environment’ of the respondents. Providers: DMA, Rambøll Management, GFK, Nordstat, Alsted etc. TEST (e.g. of functionality, aesthetics etc.) For example: Which ideals, dreams, actions and strategies are connected to it - and why? Which needs do the users have in relation to it - and why are they (not) fulfilled? ETNOGRAPHIC STUDY Focus: What? How? Why? Data: Not representative but rich and nuanced Respondents: 10-30 individuals (specific criteria, e.g. lead users, 20-35 year-old singles etc.) Techniques: Day(s)-in-a-life studies (observation and indepth interviews) Providers: IDEO, ReD Associates, Tinderbox, Gravity Tank etc. PERSPECTIVE MEANING RELEVANCE Abstract Know Create RESEARCH SOLUTION Real Abstract 2. ANALYSIS 3. IDEATION Know Create 4. OFFERING 1. RESEARCH Real Opportunity recognition, Pattern recognition & innovation vectors Ideation INNOVATION INTENT Management’s ambition: where should this company - or this project - end? INNOVATION INTENT User research Context analysis What are we striving for? Why is this project a must-win battle? Framing the case Concept development & prototyping Opportunity recognition, Pattern recognition & innovation vectors Ideation INNOVATION INTENT User research Context analysis Framing the case FRAMING THE CASE Key research issues Academic reading Main problems Concept development & prototyping OPPORTUNITY MAPPING Innovation landscapes Industry analysis Technological developments Opportunity recognition, Pattern recognition & innovation vectors Key driver identification Competitor watch Ideation Contextual drivers/societal trends Demographics USER RESEARCH Fly on the wall studies Particpative observation INNOVATION INTENT User research Context analysis Artefacts/culture collection Open ended interviews Video observation Framing the case Concept development & prototyping FIELD RESEARCH Overalt... FIELD RESEARCH Med alle... Recognize patterns in the field research results Opportunity recognition, Pattern recognition & innovation vectors Ideation INNOVATION INTENT User research Context analysis Framing the case Choose which patterns to continue with. User research database Video analysis Cluster analysis Behavioral modeling Pattern identification Issues mapping Concept development & prototyping MØNSTERGENKENDELSE Indsigter & mønstre MØNSTERGENKENDELSE: ATLAS Indsigter & mønstre MENNESKE-/BRUGERDREVEN INNOVATION Abstract 2. ANALYSIS 3. IDEATION Create Know 4. OFFERING 1. RESEARCH Real RED ASSOCIATES KRONPRINSESSEGADE 20 * 1306 COPENHAGEN K * DENMARK PHONE: +45 3333 7044 * FAX: +45 3333 7045 WWW.REDASSOCIATES.DK © 2006