De Leon Free Press
De Leon Free Press
Total Outdoor Burn Ban! De Leon Thursday January 8, 2008 12 Pages Since 1890 Since 1890 FREE PRESS NEW YEARS DAY SWEARING-IN. Early on the morning of January 1, 2009, Judge James Arthur administered the oaths of office to various re-elected and newly elected county officials. Shown above are County Constable Mark McDonald, newly-elected County Commissioner-Pct. 1 Corky Underwood, Sheriff Jeff Lambert, Judge Arthur, County Attorney Craig Willingham, newly-elected County Commissioner-Pct. 3 Sherman Sides and County Tax Assessor/Collector Gay Green. 2008 —The Year in Review JANUARY Sherman Sides and Gary “Corky” Underwood filed to run for Comanche County Commissioner in Precincts 3 and 1, respectively. (Both would win in the November elections.) A fire, which escaped from a concrete-lined cistern pit, threatened the homes of Peter and Susie Fagan, Paul and Susie Fagan and Autry and Peggy Andress. It was noted that 2007 was the second wettest year in Proctor Lake records. “Smash and grab” burglars hit the Lone Star Shell convenience store in the early morning hours taking cigarettes, mostly Marlboros. Ernie Casbeer announced his candidacy for State Representative, District 59. Alexis McGrath’s Exotic heifer was tops at the Comanche County Livestock Show. Will Dickey’s Cross barrow was tops at the Comanche County Livestock Show. David Rogers announced his candidacy for County Commissioner, Precinct 1. Craig Willingham was sworn-in as the new county attorney. Vandals hit the DeLeon cemetery, damaging or destroying more than 30 monuments and markers. Several DeLeon residents attended a MUFON (Mutual U.F.O. Network) press conference in Dublin after unusual lights were seen in the skies over Erath and Comanche County. Donna Turnbow was featured as one of DeLeon’s two new female police officers. What became known as the Jakehammon fire destroyed hundreds of acres and at least one home, that of Betty and Harold Lewis, near the intersection of Comanche, Erath and Eastland counties on several county roads and Highway 2156. Lisa Nowlin was named Woman of the Year at the DeLeon Chamber Banquet. Delbert Turner was named Man of the Year. Comanche County Telephone and Mid-Tex Cellular were named Business of the Year. And Katie Thorp was presented the Golden Deeds Award in recognition of her efforts to help her fellow senior citizens. Heather Harding was introduced as one of DeLeon’s new female police officers. first annual profit. Heath Matteson was named Fireman of the Year during the annual Firemen’s Appreciation Banquet hosted by the Women’s Division Chamber of Commerce. Chief Doyle Rone presented the award. Rone, representing the fire department, also accepted a check from Women’s Division representative Ruby Park for $500. DeLeon High School student Paige Sanders, 15, died in a 4-wheeler accident. A dance and bake sale were held at the City Hall for Dora Rangel, a city employee who had been hospitalized after a sudden illness and was unable to return to work for several months. Pauline Villarreal filed for DeLeon City Council Place 2. Council members voted to re-hire Public Works Administrator Rob Duncan who had resigned several weeks earlier. Council members voted to accept the resignation of DeLeon Police Officer Donna Turnbow. Lee Childers filed for Place 1 on the DeLeon City Council. Zachary Paul announced his decision to run for a place on the DeLeon School Board. Chief Ralph Dickey investigated reports of vandalism at the old Katy Depot and nearby Comanche County Tractor. An unoccupied house on CR 553 north of Desdemona was destroyed by fire. MARCH A large hay and pasture fire (actually occurred on Feb. 28) originated on CR 486 with units from 15 area fire departments responding, including DeLeon. Marion Quade filed for City Council Place 2. The Women’s Division Chamber of Commerce hosted a candidate’s forum at the City Hall auditorium. Those participating included Craig Willingham, Jeff Lambert, Mark McDonald, Ernie Casbeer, Sid Miller, David Rodgers, Mike Carlin, Corky Underwood and Daniel Helm. Sherman Sides defeated Mike Carlin for the County Commissioner Precinct 3 seat in the March 4 party primary elections. A car driven by Teresa Prado crashed into a Dodge dually driven by E.B. Erd while attempting to cross the Armstrong Creek bridge as a FEBRUARY mixture of sleet and freezing rain A Comanche County was falling. Medical Center audit showed the (See page 4) Saturday, January 10 9:00 a.m. Breeding Swine Breeding Sheep Angora Goats Breeding Meat Goats Dairy Heifers Beef Heifers Beef Heifers Market Steers Horses Monday, January 12 8:00 a.m. Market Swine Market Lambs Market Goats Tuesday, January 13 6:00 p.m. Catered catfish & chicken dinner 6:30 p.m. Premium Sale 2008: Another Dry Year Rainfall by month and the By JERRY MORGAN long term average for each Reporter Anyone paying attention month follows: January 0.97 1.50 knows that the weather has been February 1.00 2.14 on the dry side lately. Exactly March 4.00 2.41 how dry has it been? April 2.99 2.85 The total rainfall recorded in May 1.11 4.54 2008 by the Corps of Engineers June 2.21 3.79 at Proctor Lake was only 23.95 July 0.89 1.60 inches. That total is 7.5 inches, August 5.10 2.57 or 24%, below the area’s long September 3.16 3.31 term normal rainfall. October 2.33 3.19 Although it was a dry year, November 0.09 2.00 it wasn’t a record setter. Our area December 0.10 seems to get quite a few low rain 1.55 Totals 23.95 31.45 years, and several of the worst have come within the last ten ( See page 4) years. The ten lowest annual rainfalls recorded during the previous 45 years are: 2005 1999 1975 1985 2006 1977 1983 1972 2008 1978 Volume 118, No.27 DeLeon, TX 76444 FREEZING RAIN CAUSES CRASH. Mid-Monday morning icing weather conditions caused Holly Cherie Godfrey, a DeLeon area resident, to lose control of her vehicle as she was driving westbound over the Leon River bridge on Highway 6, causing it to roll off of the north side of the elevated roadway. Neither Godfrey nor her two daughters, Gracie (4) and Cassidy (1), were believed to have suffered serious injuries. 2009 County Livestock Show Schedule 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 50¢ Council Discusses Possibility of Motocross Event at Community Park Promotes Officer Heather Hill to Investigator By LAURA KESTNER Editor The possibility of a motocross event being held at the new Community Park was one of the items discussed during the DeLeon City Council meeting Monday, December 22. Council members Gayle Stroud, Pauline Villarreal, Lee Childers and Mayor Danny Owen were present for the meeting, which had been rescheduled from Thursday, December 25, due to the Christmas holiday. Others present included Police Chief Ralph Dickey, Officer Ben Rowell and Chamber Executive Director Linda Levens. Councilman Avery Carlisle was absent. Council members also addressed an agenda item regarding DeLeon Police Officer Heather Hill, and after a brief executive session promoted Hill to investigator. This promotion also reflected a pay increase. Benji Nabors, Tracy Kitchens and Angela Kitchens were present to discuss the motocross event, perhaps in June, utilizing the tractor pull area and the RV area of the new Community Park. Nabors explained that Tracy and Angela were owners of a motocross racing company, and that he was a partner. Nabors said that they’d been involved in racing in Texas for about 10 years and that other race sites include Stephenville and Graham. According to Nabors past motocross events have drawn approximately 150 riders, but that approximately 700 to 800 people have been known to attend the events. “We move all the dirt in, and we move all the dirt out,” Nabors said. “We will re-level and fix everything back the way it was before.” Nabors said that if everyone could come to an agreement, they’d like to continue with the event annually. Nabors mentioned that a minister from Eastland comes to the events, and that they “kind of bombard the word of God upon people.” In response to questions from several council members, Nabors and Tracy Kitchens said that they will obtain insurance for the event, and that they would have an ambulance in place during the course of the race. (See page 4) 20.68 inches 22.37 22.53 23.13 23.17 23.36 23.42 23.85 23.95 24.75 The weather in 2008 didn’t begin turning seriously dry until May. May is normally our wettest month, but we received only 1.11 inches of moisture. June and July were also drier than normal. Only during August, normally a relatively dry month, did the dry weather pattern let up temporarily and deliver 5.10 inches of badly needed rain. September was average and October was a bit wetter than normal, but then the sky spigot got turned off. Less than two tenths of an inch was received during November and December. DIFFICULT FIRE AT PROCTOR LAKE. DeLeon and Promontory Park volunteer firemen were called to a brushy area along the northwest shore of Proctor Lake off of CR 430 on Monday, January 29, when the above photo was taken. The fire was of unknown and suspicious origins. It was difficult to fight because of the heavy brush, abundant fuel, and low humidity windy weather conditions. It broke out again on the following day and turned into a very aggressive fire. Approximately 20 acres of brush along the lake shore was burned on Monday, and around 150 acres on Tuesday. Page 2/ Thursday, January 8, 2009 / DeLeon Free Press Personal Notes by Jerry Morgan Christmas and New Years is behind us now. We here at the Free Press enjoyed our all-tobrief vacation. Now we can all hunker down on making it through the winter and surviving 2009. Somehow the words and music of an old Merle Haggard song seem to be playing in the background. My, and hopefully your, situation is not all that bleak, however, even if the economic, political and world security situations seem unsettling. I am more upset with glitter. That’s right. Those shiny, colored bits of whatever that litter the environment these days, and particularly so around Christmas. Glitter seems to be the rage for Christmas cards, wrapping, ornaments and decorations. It is also often found in children's toys and crafts. It can even be found in school supplies and is sometimes used for cosmetics purposes. I haven’t looked for glitter in the grocery store, but I’ll bet it’s there, too, lurking in unsuspected places. I just can’t seem to get away from it. I suppose if I knew glitter was truly harmless, I could just ignore it like most people. But I harbor a worry that the stuff might somehow be bad for you. How many other modern innovations have been welcomed into, or foisted off onto our world, only later to be found to be really harmful? I say glitter is guilty until proven innocent. At the very least, it is a visual pollution as far as I am concerned. ******* Best wishes to the two new County Commissioners, Sherman Sides of DeLeon and Corky Underwood of Comanche, as they begin their public service to the county. Both men seem well qualified and have been faithful in attending Commissioners meetings as they prepared from their new roles. Here’s hoping that the wind farm project planned for the south part of Comanche County gets started soon. Earlier announced plans called for a $400 million plus project to be built in 2009 and taxable (subject to a 10 year partial abatement plan) beginning in 2010. Even after the abatement, the property tax revenue benefit to the county budget (not to mention the affected school districts) will be enormous. By way of comparison, the present total taxable value for the entire county is a little over $600 million. The concern, however, is the large decline in natural gas prices, and whether such an expensive undertaking as a windfarm remains economically viable. It may not be. We should know something soon. ******* Best wishes also to our local area students in the Comanche County Livestock Show, which begins this coming Saturday. And, of course, we wish them success in the larger livestock shows that follow. Also, our compliments to the members of the local and county livestock associations and their sponsors. Those members work hard each year to support our youngsters in their livestock exhibiting endeavors. They and many area donors strive to provide financial benefits to those same junior showmen. Our dusty hat’s off to you all. ******* I also wish to throw another bouquet to our area volunteer fire fighters. I see them in action on a frequent basis, and know that they put in many hours in training and work at their fire stations even when not dealing with a fire or an emergency. Not everyone is willing or able to jump up from their work, leisure or slumber and dash off to deal with a wildfire, a downed power line, a bad car wreck, or whatever else may be happening where someone is in bad need of immediate assistance. Many of these same folks also serve as first responders who can get to a medical emergency before an ambulance. And some are weather watchers, who are out there watching for lightning, hail, high winds and tornadoes while the rest of us are taking shelter. And what pay do they get for all this training and service time? Nothing more than the thanks from those they serve, and the satisfaction of helping those in need. They are my real life heroes. Please help them by giving them a kind word, a pat on the back, and by being careful not to start a fire. Remember that the entire county is in a total outdoor burn ban. Card of Thanks The family of Lee Kea would like to extend a heart-felt thank you to our friends, family and neighbors for all the loving support, prayers, calls and food during our time of tremendous loss. To Donnie and his staff thank you so much for everything and the comfort given to us. Brother Kenneth Wilson and Brother Allan Sadberry thank you for the caring words spoken in honor of our loved one. Thank you to the ladies at the First Baptist Church for the delicious luncheon. Also special thanks to the doctors and staff at Comanche Community Medical Center, EMT & ER staff, Cardiac Rehab and the doctors and staff at Hendrix Health System in Abilene. You were all such a blessing to us. Nadine Kea Carolyn & Harold Fischer Penny & Wayland Fronterhouse Polly and Floyd Snow as read earlier in the free press 10 YEARS AGO December 31, 1998. James Perkins, who served 21 years as superintendent of the DeLeon Schools, died in Abilene. The newly elected officials were sworn-in at the County Courthouse, including 220th District Court Judge James Morgan, County Judge James Arthur, County Attorney Charles Williams, District Clerk LaNell Williams, County Clerk Betty Conway, County Treasurer Billy Ruth Rust, County Surveyor Roy Pfinsten, County Commissioner Chris Biggs; County Commissioner Bobby Schuman County Commissioner Clyde Brinson, and Justice of the Peace Sue Brown. 20 YEARS AGO January 4, 1989. The 198889 Bearcat basketball team was introduced and players included Brandon O’Donald, Brad Dyson, Bobby Brinson, Daniel Dutton, Russell Andress, Trey Weaver, Aaron Saldivar, Blade Koinzan and Ronald Gonzales. The coach was Billy Fox. The 1988-89 Lady Bearcats basketball team included Dawn Mailloux, Denise Wilcoxson, Valerie Bunting, Karla Cook, Jeri Linn McGinnis, Rachelle Robinett, Stephanie Polvado, Misty Whitt, Rachel Garcia, Darla Files and Jennifer Pounds. The coach was Dick Senter. 40 YEARS AGO January 2, 1969. Work on the new First Baptist Church building was “progressing right along” with the laminated wooden beams already in place. A lock was twisted off the warehouse door at Fincher Feed and Produce and several 100 pound sacks of pecans were taken. 30 YEARS AGO January 4, 1979. Mrs. Myrtle Kimmell became the first female city judge in DeLeon. Keith Allen and his dad, Dale Allen, were the new owners of Keith’s Exxon on South Texas Street. Three businesses in DeLeon — S&M Grocery, Fincher Feed Newman’s Laundry — were hit by burglars. No money was obtained at Finchers or Newman’s, but the buildings were vandalized. Jackie Pounds was the overall winner in the Free Press Big Buck contest. 50 YEARS AGO January 8, 1959. The Desdemona Study Club reported on their delightful Christmas dinner, at the home of Mrs. J.L. Burleson in DeLeon. W.C. McCleskey, of DeLeon, made one of the top sales in Fort Worth when his 38 hogs brought $19 per hundred. They averaged 223 pounds. The local ESA Sorority was sponsoring a drive to collect bits of gold and silver scrap, including old spectacles, with any generated funds earmarked for the needy. Chamber News By Linda Levens Chamber Executive Director As I write this we are getting a little bit of rain. That in itself is an answer to many prayers. Well the banquet is just around the corner and we are busy as bees getting things ready for you. We are making this a surprise for everyone and even a break for the Women's Division this year. I have a secret team working on the decorations (Nellie and Eddie will not let you peek early) and a surprise visitor for everyone's entertainment and I do mean "ENTERTAINMENT!" We would love to see you all there. This banquet will be full of ENTHUSIASM AND FUN!!! If you would like to attend just call the chamber office and I can fix you up with some tickets. I want to apologize to Jim Bundick for spelling his name wrong on the 2009 Ballot for Chamber Directors. Those of you that are members cast your votes for the three open spots and get it back to the Chamber by January 17. We are about to seat the "new" Junior Chamber Board and look forward to their ideas and energy for DeLeon. Help me welcome Linzi Gray, Destine Kristoffersen, Kyler Caraway, Destiny Gonzales, Lexi Spurlock, Jessica Barron, Tina Fleming, Colton Mathis, Jennifer Lewis and Stuart Martin. Happy New Year De Leon! Miss Comanche County Pageant The 2009 Miss Comanche County Pageant will be held at the Comanche High School Commons Saturday, February 7, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Entries need to be in by Saturday, January 24. Contestants must live in Comanche County and be enrolled in grades K-12 as of September 1, 2008 or currently being home schooled. Girls in five divisions (grades K-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8 and 9-12) are encouraged to enter. All girls must attend the Registration Tea at Wooden Spoons on January 24, 2009 at 9am for photos and following there will be a free modeling clinic at Comanche High School. There will be tips and information on modeling, makeup and interviews. Please bring the shoes that will be worn during the pageant! Pageant forms may be picked up at the Comanche Chamber of Commerce office and are being distributed to all girls enrolled in a Comanche County Public School and the Comanche Paradigm School. Girls need to turn entry forms in early to start the Ticket Sale Contest. All contestants are required to sell a minimum of $30.00 in admission tickets. Awards will be given to each girl selling $100.00 in tickets, plus a grand prize to the top seller. Everyone who purchases an adult ticket from a contestant prior to the pageant will have their name placed in a drawing for two $50.00 Comanche Bucks prizes! The drawings will be held during the pageant. Winners do not have to be present to win. Thank You During my stay in Hendrick Cardiac center and my recovery at home I want to thank everyone for the cards, the visits, the phone calls and your prayers, especially the prayers. For a little while there I lost hope. Gerald I. (Shorty) Warren Don’t Miss Out... Renew Your Subscription! ESA Members Enjoy Christmas Social De Leon ESA sisters enjoyed their Christmas social at the home of Tjwanah Smith on Monday, December 8. After eating supper of salad, chicken/broccoli bake, and chunks of pumpkin pie topped with vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce, members exchanged gifts in Chinese Christmas. Hostesses for the social were Cindy Beaty, Debbie Caraway, Rae Jean Hasty, Nancy Johnson, Joyce Sides, Tjwanah Smith, Sue West, and Sue Wilkerson. December items brought by ESA members for the De Leon food pantry were toothpaste and shampoo. Those attending the Christmas social were Amber Bates, Cindy Beaty, Debbie Caraway, Carolyn Frasier, Amanda Gilmore, Charlotte Higginbottom, Nancy Johnson, Lori Jordan, Sheri Morgan, Pam Rice, Joyce Sides, Tjwanah Smith, Christine Steed, Betty Terrill, Sue West, and Shirley Wilkerson. Weather & Lake Report This Week’s Weather The dry, cold winter weather that we have been receiving was interrupted by a small bit of moisture on Monday morning. Unfortunately, the temperatures were freezing at the time and minor icing conditions occurred. Many in the DeLeon area received less moisture than the quarter inch recorded at Proctor Lake. For the latest area weather forecast, click the weather button on our web site, The following weather information is obtained from the Corps of Engineers at Proctor Lake. Daily readings reflect weather activity for the 24-hour period preceding 8:00 a.m. on the given day. If weather readings are not available, “n/a” is listed. Date 12-23 12-24 12-25 12-26 12-27 12-28 12-29 12-30 12-31 01-01 01-02 01-03 01-04 01-05 01-06 High n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 70 77 n/a 76 70 82 36 44 Low 26 32 n/a n/a n/a n/a 22 24 35 n/a 27 40 57 27 28 Rain 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 2008 Cumulative Rainfall January 0.97 February 1.00 March 4.00 April 2.99 May 1.11 June 2.21 July 0.89 August 5.10 September 3.16 October 2.33 November 0.09 December 0.10 YTD 23.95 Proctor Lake Report Lake Levels: Prior 1157.43 Current 1157.36 Full Level 1162.00 % Capacity 65.2% Discharge rate (cfs): Prior 0 Current 0 County Official To Be At DeLeon City Hall This Thursday January 8 A representative of the Comanche County Tax AssessorCollector’s office will be at the DeLeon City Hall this Thursday, January 8. An office will be set up to conduct business in DeLeon for the convenience of area citizens. Their office hours are from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. except for the noon hour. Coming Events Call 893-6868 if you have an event to list The DeLeon Free Press, P.O. Box 320, DeLeon, Texas 76444 (Publication No. 150080) is published by Morgan Publishing Co., 51 weeks per year, at 324 S. Texas in DeLeon. Periodicals postage is paid at DeLeon, Texas 76444. Telephone: 254-8936868; Fax: 254-893-3550; e-mail:[email protected], web site: Mailed subscription rates per year: By Comanche County post office-$25, elsewhere in Texas-$30, elsewhere in U.S.-$35. We will be pleased to correct an erroneous description of any person or organization which may appear in the DeLeon Free Press if it is brought to the attention of the editor. All reprinting rights are reserved. Copyright 2009. Publisher-Jerry Morgan Editor-Laura Kestner Production-Kay Hodges Advertising-Betty Wofford Production-Jill Smith Sports Editor-Tim White Serving the DeLeon area since 1890, striving to be a positive voice in the community. COMANCHE COUNTY LIVESTOCK SHOW The Comanche County Livestock Show will be held Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, January 10, 12 &13, 2009 at the county livestock barn. LULAC TRAINING PROGRAM The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) national and state civil rights commissions will conduct a five-hour training program at the DeLeon City Hall on Saturday, January 10, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. titled “Alternative Approaches to Conflict Prevention and Resolution” the objective of the training is to dispel myths, deal with perceptions and form partnerships. To that end police chiefs, sheriffs and school district superintendents from the surrounding communities including, DeLeon, Mason, Eden, Abilene, Cisco, Ranger, Brownwood, Stephenville, Coleman and Comanche have been sent letters inviting their personnel to attend. LULACers and interested persons from these as well as other communities in the area are invited and encouraged to attend. There will be a small fee collected at the door to cover a meal. Anyone wishing to attend the training please email [email protected] or call him at 214-601-8681. DeLeon Free Press/ Thursday, January 8, 2009/ Page 3 Don’t Miss Out... Renew Your Subscription! HEAD START “Breakfast” Monday, January 12: NO SCHOOL Tuesday, January 13: Banana muffins, apple slices, milk Wednesday, January 14: Biscuits, scrambled eggs, fruit cocktail, milk Thursday, January 15: Malt ‘O Meal, orange slices, milk Friday, January 16: Frosted Mini Wheats, pineapple chunks, milk HEAD START “Lunch” Monday, January 12: NO SCHOOL Tuesday, January 13: Chicken spaghetti, fresh broccoli, canned pears, milk Wednesday, January 14: Indian Mish Mash, corn bread, banana, milk Thursday, January 15: BBQ chicken, wheat bread, spinach, rice, peaches Friday, January 16: Pizza burger, garden salad, grapes, milk ELEMENTARY “Breakfast” Monday, January 12: NO SCHOOL Tuesday, January 13: Cereal graham crackers, juice, milk Wednesday, January 14: Biscuits, sausage, milk, juice Thursday, January 15: Breakfast burrito, milk, juice Friday, January 16: Cinnamon rolls, graham crackers, juice, milk ELEMENTARY “Lunch” Monday, January 12: NO SCHOOL Tuesday, January 13: Chicken fried steak w/gravy, mashed potatoes, blackeyed peas, strawberry shortcake, rolls, milk, condiments Wednesday, January 14: Chicken fajitas, lettuce, tomatoes, refried beans, orange smiles, chocolate pudding, milk, condiments Thursday, January 15: Comanche County Retired Teachers Comanche County retired teachers met December 9, 2008 at F & M Banks Hospitality Room in DeLeon. A large group enjoyed food and fellowship. They also assembled Christmas gift bags for the nursing homes in Comanche and DeLeon. The next meeting of the group will be January 13, 2009 at 1:00 pm at C.J’s Dinner in Comanche. The program will be presented by Merlene Day and Pat Loudermilk about their Alaskan trip. Anyone interested is invited to attend. For more information contact Sharon Lesley at 254893-6644. WEATHER FORECAST Pig-n-blankets, pinto beans, baked chips, pineapple-orange salad, milk, condiments Friday, January 16: Submarine sandwiches, lettuce, tomato, tater tots, carrot sticks w/ranch, chocolate cake, milk, condiments MIDDLE SCHOOL “Breakfast” Monday, January 12: NO SCHOOL Tuesday, January 13: Cereal, fruit, Teddy grahams, juice, milk Wednesday, January 14: Pancake, sausage, syrup, juice, milk Thursday, January 15: Breakfast pizza, juice, milk Friday, January 16: Chocolate chip muffin, yogurt, juice, milk MIDDLE SCHOOL “Lunch” Monday, January 12: NO SCHOOL Tuesday, January 13: Crispitos w/cheese sauce, spanish rice, mexi-style beans, saltine crackers, peach cup, milk Wednesday, January 14: Chicken fried steak, gravy, bread, whipped potatoes, green beans, banana pudding, milk Thursday, January 15: Pig-in-blanket, pinto beans, seasoned corn, graham sticks, yogurt, milk Friday, January 16: Chicken patty on bun, sandwich veggies, baked chips, orange, birthday cake, milk Local References Available Dale McKinney 254-968-8565 Owner Dublin Livestock Auction Sale Every Friday at 1:00PM 9862 ESH, Hwy 6 Dublin, Texas 254-445-1734 BURGERS AND FRIES! Graduate of Texas A&M Cuco and Elsa Pacheco are proud to announce the graduation of their son J.R. Pacheco from Texas A&M University. On behalf of J.R., “a special thank you goes out to family and friends who supported me along the way.” Grab a BITE Mayor’s Corner By Danny Owen I have some news to share with the younger people of DeLeon. Our council is working with a group of people to bring a Motocross event to our new Community Park. The event may take place in June 2009 at the tractor pull arena. Having something new to our area is exciting and should attract many to our city. More information will follow in the future. tfnc Tonite! Made while you wait & just your way! ROLLIE’S ON TEXAS 893-2591 Desdemona News by Vonnie Guthery December 25: Christmas Holiday visitors with Bernard & Ann Keith were De & Vicki Robinett, Keitha Robinett & daughter, Lexie all of DeLeon; Bill & Tami Sanders & daughter, Robyn of San Antonio; Brad & Priscilla Keith & children, Brett, Brian, Jenna & Andrea of Louisville, Kentucky; Johnny & Sandy Cameron & Danny Cameron of Justin; Billy & Nikki Febinger & children, Christopher, Allison & Erin of Cleburne; Pug & Vonnie Guthery & grand-daughter, Lorin of Desdemona. Pug & Vonnie Guthery hosted the Guthery family Holiday Dinner last Sunday. Those attending were Frank & Ella (Guthery) Reeves of Irving; Richard & Glenda (Foreman) Garrett of Justin; Ricky & Ranell Foreman of Marbleton, Wyoming; Thomas & Vicki Seay, David & Martha Guthery all of Gorman; Bobby Koonce of Stephenville; Karen (Guthery) Fair, Belinda Guthery, Holly Guthery & daughter, Karsan, Angela Powledge & son, Lane all of Desdemona. Holiday visitors with Humpy & Betty Duke were Rodney & Debra Duke of Pantego; Ronda (Duke) James & daughter, Emily of Whitney; Scott & Risa (Duke) Ashley & daughter Lauren, Brandon & Daydra Ashley all of Midlothian; Russell Duke & daughter, Elise & Katie of Stephenville; Rusty & Samantha Duke & daughter, Cadence of Desdemona; Susan Benbrook & Son, Bran of Houston. Colin & Kaley Garcia spend the Christmas Holidays visiting with their Dad, George Garcia & family in Cleburne. Holiday visitors with Robert & Ima Brown were from Grove, Oklahoma; San Antonio; St. Louis, Missouri; New York; Grand Prairie & Arlington. Karen (Guthery) Fair & grand-daughter, Lorin hosted Christmas Eve Holiday Supper. Those attending were Pug & Vonnie Guthery, Belinda Guthery, Holly Guthery & daughter, Karen; Roy & Angela Powledge & son, Lane; Sonja Hornback & son, Justin; Donal & Kandice Cogburn & children, Dylan & Taiah all of Desdemona. “Happy New Year” from Pug & Vonnie Guthery. January 5: Ladies monthly social will be held on Monday, January 12th at the Desdemona Community Center (former school building). Hostesses will provide the food for this morning event. Visitors are welcome. Arrive at 9:00 am. Joan Baker is in the Brownwood Hospital recovering from recent hip surgery. Friends of Desdemona sends get well wishes to Joan. There is a lot of sickness in our area with bronchitis, colds, flu & some recovering from surgery. Remember these & other shut-ins with your cards & prayers. Our sincere sympathy to the family of Hershel Wayne Griffith, 71, of DeLeon. A memorial service was held on Thursday, January 8, 2009 at the Desdemona Cemetery. Survivors include his wife, Virgina Griffith of DeLeon; his children & step children. Preceded in death by his parents, Atlas & Gladys (Hooper) Griffith; his grandparents, Jess & Della Griffith. Hershel attended school in Desdemona. Monday morning, January 5th this area received some rain, also ice in the low spots. Have a great day, Vonnie Besides Reading, You Can Use Them For: Wrapping, packing, housetraining, bird cages, painting and more. We, normally have a supply of old newspapers available for no charge at the DeLeon Free Press. The Bridal Registry BID NOTICE The City of DeLeon is now taking bids for Electric Providers for the municipality. Anyone intending on submitting a bid in response to this request must call #254-893-2065 or come by DeLeon City Hall, 125 S. Texas, DeLeon, Texas, 76444, and ask for Karen Wilkerson, City Administrator/Secretary, for additional information on bid requirements. Sealed bids must be at the City Hall located at 125 S. Texas, DeLeon, Texas by 5:45 p.m. on Thursday, February 12, 2009. The City will be opening the sealed bids on February 12, 2009, at 6:00 p.m. during the regular council meeting and will award the bid at a public meeting as soon as practicable after that date. The City of DeLeon reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids will be determined by the best value for the municipality, the municipality many consider: 1. the purchase price; 2. the reputation of the bidder and of the bidder’s goods or service 3. the quality of the bidder’s goods or service 4. the extent to which the goods or services meet the municipality’s needs; 5. the bidder’s past relationship with the municipality; 6. the impact on the ability to contracting with historically underutilized businesses and nonprofit organizations employing persons with disabilities; 7. the total long-term cost to the municipality to acquire the bidder’s good or service; or 8. any relevant criteria specifically listed in the request for bids or proposals. Carrie Ann Howard & Bryan Morris Sarah Smith & Russell Edwards Heather Stevens & Daniel Carter Vanessa Vanlandingham & Cary Wright Emily Faske & Wes Burton Lindy Stone & Dustin Smith Shiloh Martin & Jed Lovejoy Brooke Ford & Ryan Reimer Allison Draper & William Mayfield Candiss Caudle & Tony Territo Bree Descoteaux & Halson McMillian Danielle Snoddy & Reed Williams Lauren Parker & Mike Lee Marcie Cockerham & Chris Grubb Brittney Burgan & Patrick Kostecka Kelly Conklin & Joseph Miller Jessica Whiteman & Jarrod Brown Mandi Edwards & Mark Nelson Janice Smith & Adam Moyer Nadine Terrazas & Craig Rose Jenna Barnett & Richard McCall BABY REGISTRY HOUSEWARMING Sarah & Blessed Matai Viki Hymer An exceptional collection of housewares and gifts Register your wedding at The Home Place. The couples above has registered with us for their gift list. To obtain a copy of the gift list call (254) 965-5120 or visit us at 1491 W. South Loop in Stephenville. Page 4/ Thursday, January 8, 2009 / DeLeon Free Press Proud of that buck? His or her first deer? Kill a monster hog? Bring us your local area game photos. We will publish them at no charge on a space available, our choice basis. We want everyone to see that our part of Texas also has great hunting. And, if you want to be sure that your photo appears, we can arrange that for a small charge. The DeLeon Free Press. 893-6868 WOOD ‘N THANGS WESTERN DECOR & GIFTS New Copper Sinks & Copper Tubs... Shower Curtains & Hooks... Cowhides...Switchplates... Rustic Iron For Yard & Home... Western Comforter Sets... Jewelry...Candles... Metal & Rustic Furniture & Lighting Open Tuesday-Saturday 9-6 900 N. Graham, Stephenville 254-965-9663 or 254-396-3513 Attorney at Law Laurie Lindsey 2008: Another Dry Year (From page 1) It might be interesting to note that if August had only been average in rainfall, 2009 would have received the second least amount of rain during the previous 45 years. It is also noteworthy that 2007, still a recent memory, was the second wettest year on record, when the annual precipitation total was 50.04 inches. What will 2009 be like? No one knows, of course, however the weather records are full of strings of dry years, occasionally interrupted by a wet year or two. 2007 was one of those infrequent wet years. Comanche County Jail Inmate Count Census Date: January 6, 2009 Comanche County Gillespie County Mason County Erath County Blanco County Lampasas County 19 25 5 1 2 8 Total Inmates 60 Jail Capacity 144 Family Law - Criminal Defense Free Consultation 306 N. Austin St. Comanche, Tx 76442 Office (325) 356-7575 Fax (325) 356-5016 2008 —The Year in Review (From page 1) Cameron Canterbury announced his decision to run for mayor of DeLeon. Armstrong Masonic Lodge #445 hosted a teacher’s breakfast. The Mighty Maroon Band received a superior rating in sight-reading. By receiving a superior rating during marching season, the band was awarded the highest UIL award presented to competing bands — the Sweepstakes Award. Linda Levens was introduced as the new Chamber of Commerce executive director. A public library was opened at the Desdemona Activity Center. APRIL The award winning cast and crew of DeLeon High School’s One Act Play was featured on the front page. John Rudloff was hit by a tractor trailer as he drove his pickup onto Highway 6 between DeLeon and Gorman. The CCMC Board of Directors authorized $6.5 million in debt for a major purchase of hospital diagnostic equipment. Hannah, DeLeon’s drug detection dog, was put down due to complications of lead poisoning. The previous K-9 officer, Niki, had also suffered from lead poisoning. More than 20 DHS students participated in UIL competition. The Women’s Division Penny Auction was deemed very successful. Se Hablo Espanol Council Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE DE LEON CITY COUNCIL WILL MEET IN A REGULAR MEETING ON THURSDAY, THURSDAY 8, 2008, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE DELEON CITY HALL, 125 SOUTH TEXAS STREET, DE LEON, TEXAS BEGINNING AT 6:00 P.M. O’CLOCK TO CONSIDER AND ACT UPON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA: 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: 3. INVOCATION: 4. CITIZEN’S PRESENTATION: 5. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER MINUTES FOR REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 22, 2008: 6. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPLICANTS FOR MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE POSITION: *** The City Council of the City of De Leon reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at anytime to discuss any of the matters listed above, as authorized by Texas Government Code Section 551.074 (Personnel Matters) *** 7. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER THE POSITION OF PLACE THREE COUNCILMEMBER: 8. STAFF REPORT BETWEEN MAYOR, COUNCIL, CITY SECRETARY, PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR, EMERGENCY COORDINATOR AND POLICE CHIEF: (no action can be taken on this item) 9. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: 10. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER PAYROLL: 11. ADJOURNMENT: The city hosted an Animal Clinic in front of City Hall and more than 35 dogs were registered for city tags. Dr. Michael Burk administered the rabies shots, assisted by Sandy Files and Chuck Crawford, DeLeon’s animal control officer. Dr. Larry Damron filed for a place on the Hospital Board. The Middle Trinity Groundwater Conservation District directors discussed the prospects for possible relocation of the district office -- from a rented location in Stephenville. Jamie Welch, Rick Green and Tanya Hamilton were pictured at the DeLeon Elementary School plant sale. A strong line of storms blew through the area on April 10, bringing welcome moisture and unwelcome winds and lightning. A shed belonging to Osbaldo Arsate on the south side of Hwy. 6, just east of town, was heavily damaged, along with other areas in and near town. Villarreal’s Mini Cafe opened for business. DeLeon Volunteer Firemen were called to CR 496 after downed electrical lines ignited a grass fire. MAY The Women’s Division Chamber of Commerce sponsored a Candidate’s Forum with the following candidates for local office participating: Zach Paul, Lee Childers, Mayor Danny Owen, Marion Quade and Pauline Villarreal. Marsha England was the emcee and Ruby Park the timekeeper. The City Council voted to extend the solid waste disposal contract with IESI. Lisa Nowlin filed for reelection to the DeLeon School Board. Chuck Crawford, DeLeon animal control officer, announced that a rabid skunk had been discovered in DeLeon. Coryell County expressed interest in joining the Middle Trinity Groundwater Conservation District. The DeLeon First United Methodist Church team raised more than $14,000 for the Comanche County Relay for Life. The DeLeon Volunteer Fire Department announced the purchase of a new 3,000 gallon tanker truck which had been purchased for $201,000, with the biggest part ($168, 675) funded by FEMA funds. The valedictorian of the 2008 DHS graduating class was Brody Hammonds, and the salutatorian was Mitch Barefoot. The newly-elected council members -- Mayor Danny Owen, Pauline Villarreal and Lee Childers -- were sworn in by City Secretary Karen Wilkerson. City officials presented plaques of appreciation to outgoing council members Howard Gifford and Norma Locke. Baccalaureate services were held at the First Baptist Church. JUNE More than 40 seniors graduated from DeLeon High School (actually on May 31) to the delight of their families and friends. The home of Dean and Louise Newton, 124 N. Cato, was destroyed by fire (May 31) as was one of their vehicles. Council members hired Bryan Butler as a police officer. A grand opening ceremony was held for the brand new DeLeon Community Park. Among the dignitaries and officials participating were former mayors John Adcock and Jim Adams, Mayor Danny Owen, State Rep. Sid Miller, Robin Kolton with Texas Parks and Wildlife, Council members Gayle Stroud and Lee Childers, and City Secretary Karen Wilkerson. (See page 7) Council Discusses Possibility of Motocross Event at Community Park Promotes Officer Heather Hill to Investigator (From page 1) All council members expressed enthusiasm for the event, as did Linda Levens. But Mayor Owens added that he’d like to “have time to do a little homework ourselves” before making anything official, and the item was tabled pending further information. The group was invited to appear again during the January 22 meeting, and Mayor Owen It’s Time To Honor Those That Have Made A Difference In Our Community! Once again, you are asked to nominate our deserving fellow citizens for special recognition and honor. At our annual banquet on January 24, 2009, the Chamber of Commerce will hand out the awards for - Man of the Year, Woman of the Year, Golden Deeds, Business of the Year, and a new comer to that list, Educator of the Year, which will be any local college or ISD educator. Do you know of someone that has gone out of their way to help others or the community? Maybe it’s a senior citizen that has been a great example of service and giving of time and effort? Maybe a business that is a truly a good employer and one that has added prosperity to DeLeon? Take the time to fill this out and mail it or drop it off at the Chamber of Commerce office by January 19, 2009. I want to nominate: Man of the Year_______________________ Woman of the Year____________________ Golden Deeds________________________ Business of the Year___________________ Educator of the Year___________________ Attach a brief description of why this person/or business should receive the outstanding citizen award. Please feel free to send a letter if you would prefer. Be sure to sign your entries and drop it by or mail it to: DeLeon Chamber of Commerce 109 South Texas DeLeon, Texas 76444 254-893-2083 emphasized that they’d need to have proof of insurance before event planning could continue. “We truly look forward to working with you all on this,” Owen said. In other business, council members: • Voted to take Officer Bryan Butler off probation and authorized a pay increase. • Voted to authorize Mayor Danny Owen to sign the contracts for RFPs for engineering, bond counsel and financial advisor. An RFP is a Request for Proposal which is an invitation for suppliers, often through a bidding process, to submit a proposal on a specific commodity or service. • Voted to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. • Voted to approve the November 2008 Tax Statement. • Voted to authorize Wilkerson to publish bid requests for electric providers. In the open discussion between city officials and city employees, there was very little presented, with most of the council having nothing to discuss. Mayor Owen noted that he wanted to thank council members for the many hours they’ve donated to the city attending meetings and through various assignments and wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. All council members expressed the same seasonal sentiments. The next council meeting is scheduled for January 8, 2009 at the City Hall. F A X SERVICES MAKE US YOUR FAX HEADQUARTERS De Leon Free Press 324 S. Texas P.O. Box 320 De Leon, Texas 893-6868 Fax 893-3550 DeLeon Free Press/ Thursday, January 8, 2009/ Page 5 I Got North Central Texas Alzheimer’s Association Support Group Meeting NO REASON TO LIE Monday, January 12, 2009 --- 4-5PM Western Hills Healthcare Residence Ltd. 400 Old Sidney Rd, Comanche, Texas Conference Room 325-356-2571 or Lisa Helford 254-749-3412 by Charles Chupp TOPIC: Caregiver Grief and Loss Issues. Most people think of the grieving process as something experienced only after death of a loved one. But we grieve for many reasons - and this is especially true of caregivers of someone with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. FREE, for caregivers and family members of persons with dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease and/or Parkinson’s Disease. Very casual, no obligations. Info/Support. Déjà Vu The French named the sensation déjà vu, and I don’t mind admitting that I couldn’t a done no better. Sometime back, if you owned two bits, you were well fixed for the weekend. You could go watch Ken Maynard, Buck Jones or Hopalong Cassidy make life miserable of bush whackers, owl hoots and various other assorted ne’er-do-wells. There was a cliff hanger serial, and a Three Stooge comedy as side dishes, and the whole shebang could be had for nine cents. Popcorn was a nickel, water was free, and after that you still had eleven cents walking around money. Weaver’s Drug had four color, 64 page, comic books that could be had for a dime, and a wad of bubble gum of coconut dimension usually got my last copper. Following such an entertainment orgy, I’d gladly do whatever labor was necessary to engage in another such experience the next weekend. A crisis disguised as my twelfth birthday arrived and with it, the bitter realization that admission to the Liberty Theater automatically jumped to fifteen cents. I was smart enough to figure out that my lifestyle was due for a drastic change should I choose honesty as my policy. “I don’t know what to do John Franklin,” I confided. “I love them stories, I love that popcorn, and I don’t think I can make it without them funny books. Tell me the truth—what should I do?” John Franklin pushed his ising glass goggles up onto his fleece-lined aviator cap, reached up, placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, and looked me squarely in the eye. “Kinda hunker down at the window, shove the exact change into the opening, and lie from the heart—if you have to,” he advised. Edna Merle Stewart sat inside that window, chewing gum and inspecting the endless lines of grimy youngsters each Saturday and it seemed that she could penetrate to the bone with a glance. I took John Franklin’s advice, and was still shoving my nine cents, as full payment, when high school finished me. It took two hitches in the Army to correct my curvature of the spine resulting from nine sent movies. I’d might near have forgot about that tawdry behavior—but in the eighties I had occasion to talk with Edna Merle Stewart. When the visit ended, my back hurt, and I could not stand erect for two days. Déjà vu is worse than whiplash. Let me hear from you. My phone number is 254-893-5063. My postal address is: 333 W. Ayers Ave., De Leon TX 76444. Or, you can send an email to [email protected] or check Be sure to check out each week! DeLeon Senior Citizens Menus Wednesday, January 7: Meat loaf, cheese stick, blackeyed peas, turnip greens, sliced peaches, cake, cornbread, milk, butter Friday, January 9: German sausage, pinto beans, lettuce/tomato salad, onion, broccoli, canned pears, cornbread, milk, butter Monday, January 12: Stewed chicken, dumplings, chicken gravy, peas & carrots, raw vegetable salad, banana w/cream pudding & topping, milk, bread, butter Wednesday, January 14: Chili/beans, potato salad, cole slaw, onion, jello w/topping, cornbread, milk, butter WEATHER? Jack and Joy Morton Featured in Star Telegram The following article, which originally appeared in the November 28, 2008 Burleson, Cleburne, Crowley advertising edition of the Star Telegram, is reprinted here courtesy of that publication. Alvarado Couple Share a Texas Love Story Jack and Joy Morton, of Alvarado, share a magical love story that has endured for 60 years. These two high school sweethearts met at DeLeon High School, at the age of 13 and 14. Joy was a basketball star and Jack did his thing as a DeLeon Bearcat on the football team. About 60 members of their family and friends recently helped the Morton’s celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary. The party was hosted by Joel and Kelly Morton and Jeff and Jana Morton. “We both worked in the peanut fields for different farmers during the summer in Comanche County during the 1930 and ‘40s” Jack said. The always industrious Jack used money he earned throwing two Star-Telegram routes to pay for a horse he named Flash. He’d ride Flash to throw the papers, and to travel the eight miles through the woods and down a country road to visit Joy. “We would play basketball in her front yard until about 9:30 p.m.,” he said. “Then I would ride back to the Boswell Farms where I worked. I would sometimes go to sleep in the saddle but would wake up when the horse would stop at a fence so I could hold it down and he’d step over PUBLIC NOTICE Andre Koda has filed an application for a petition to circulate among the qualified voters of the City of DeLeon, Texas seeking an election within the City of DeLeon to LEGALIZE the sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed drinks. The application was filed with the Comanche Clerk, Ruby Lesley on January 6, 2009. This public notice is in accordance with the Texas Election Code Section 501.023. it; then he would continue on to the barn.” Because the love birds did not have a car, this was the only way they had of seeing each other. In 1948, the pair were married in the First Methodist Church of Comanche. He was 17 and she was barely 18. In a Model A coupe they borrowed from her dad, they moved to Fort Worth and into a small trailer in Jack’s sister’s back yard. He soon landed a job at Armour and Company, and Joy went to work at Montgomery Wards - both earning 63-cents per hour. Their bring-home was $23.80 each week. Money was tight but the couple was able to save enough to pay down on a car and a small house in Alvarado. Jack went to work for the post office, and Joy threw two Star-Telegram paper routes driving about 150 miles per day around Joshua and Godley, then later the Alvarado route - to make extra money. When he retired from the post office, the couple had started a small western store in Alvarado, Cactus Jack’s Boot Country, which has now been in business 35 years. “We have lived in Alvarado for 40 years,” he noted. “We have been truly blessed with a good life, being born in the United States of America, with good parents and having good children and grandchildren. We are looking forward all the way to our 70th anniversary.” Good luck, health, and prosperity are our wishes for the New Year to all our customers. Texas Chevron 400 S. Texas • DeLeon 893-3007 Besides Reading, You Can Use Them For: Wrapping, packing, housetraining, bird cages, painting and more. We, normally have a supply of old newspapers available for no charge at the DeLeon Free Press. Page 6/ Thursday, January 8, 2009 / DeLeon Free Press Proud of that buck? His or her first deer? Kill a monster hog? Bring us your local area game photos. We will publish them at no charge on a space available, our choice basis. We want everyone to see that our part of Texas also has great hunting. And, if you want to be sure that your photo appears, we can arrange that for a small charge. The DeLeon Free Press. 893-6868 Comanche Livestock Exchange SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT NOON Serving The Livestock Marketing Needs of Central Texas! Hauling Is Available Ask For Details! Are You Planning An Event? Do you know of an event that everyone should know about? If so, please don’t forget to give us a call at the Free Press at 893-6868 or email us at [email protected]. We’ll try to help get the word around. Ruby Weaver Burdell Grannie Rube Happy 90th Birthday Thanks For All the Memories We Love You Your Kids, Grandkids, & Great-Grandkids HWY 67/377 East In Comanche, TX • Phone 325-356-5231 DR. MONTY BANKS Optometrist (254) 968-4133 Texas State Optical Affordable Eyewear from a Family of Doctors Eye Examinations • Optical Laboratory • Lenses Duplicated • Wide Selection of Frames • Contact Lenses of All Types • Doctor - Owned and Operated 101 N. Dale, Stephenville, Texas Many insurance plans accepted Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9am - 6pm, Tues. 9am - 7pm, Sat. 9am - 12pm As the year comes to an end... Thanks for making your Number One Shopping Store in 2008. Ex-Prisoners of War Meeting in Comanche Nabers, William L. rections before the state convenSpecial to the Free Press Polvado, Robert L. tion is held in Comanche next By ALFRED EVANS Pope, Garland The Department of Texas’ January. Rambo, Lionel C. Alsup, Alice Miss American Ex-Prisoners of War Reeves, Gerald D. Bartlett, Horace E will be holding their 2009 Mid Riley, Newton E. Blanton, Morris Winter Conference in Comanche Shelton, William G. Britain, Mark F. at the Best Western Motel on 15Smith, Charles C. Jr. Callison, John S. 17 January 2009. This meeting Solomon Clifford J. Calloway, Billy J. will be open to all former prisonSpalding, Henry R. Chambers, Robert B. Mr. ers of war, spouses of pows, and Stephens, Roy Chilton, Blake the children and grandchildren of Stevens, Mel Couch, Morris B. former pows. The Department Summers, James K. Evans, Rector M Chairman is Mr. Mel Stevens Swindle, Charley Fielder, Wilson Rev & Mrs. who entered the armed forces Toliver, Jessie V. Gibson, Wallace during World War II from Warren, John G. Gilbert, Norman C. Comanche County. Williams Garland H. Guinn, Thornton Registration forms will be Hall, Alton H. available from the Comanche Please forward corrections Harris, Joseph L. County Veterans Service Officer, and updates to Alfred Evans, 527 Heathington, Joseph G Mr. Jim Coates, each Tuesday, Cicero, San Antonio, Tx 78218Hillery Arthur G. Wednesday and Thursday. A rep2630 who is compiling this list. Howington, Howard L resentative from the Waco VA Humphrey A. L. POW office: Ms. Ginger Rainey Johnson, Howard W. will be attending to assist widows Johnson, Joseph J of pows with their DIC claims Kee, Charles L. and eligibility requirements. Lewis, Elsie O The following are the names Lloyd William N. of the known prisoners of war McGuire, Glen M from Comanche County during Milton, John D. World War II plus several who Mitchell Harvey came to Comanche County after Montgomery, L. P. their release from the camps. An Moore, George F. MG effort is being made to update Moore, Herman this list and make necessary cor- WHAT’S WITH THE WEATHER? Happy New Year To All Our Area Customers! Kim Miles Comanche County Extension Agent Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Ones You Can Keep Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe that it is 2009. It seems like only yesterday that it was 1999 and the whole world was starting to talk about the millen- Sudoku Puzzle 4 8 8 2 9 2 5 3 1 4 9 6 2 4 2 nium. Wow, how time flies. For most people, the New Year brings new hope, new challenges and new year’s resolutions. The resolution may be to lose weight, exercise more, save more money, spend more time with family and friends or kick a nasty habit. BRUMBALOW MOTORS, INC. 1012 East Main Street ~ Hamilton, Texas 76531 PHONE: (254) 386-5318 ~ FAX: (254) 386-3999 Program Cars (pre-owned) 2008 models with low miles & factory warranty 6 2 7 8 1 7 9 1 2 * Grand Caravan * Jeep Patriot * Dodge Avenger $$$$Save Thousands$$$$ 8 5 3 If you can count to nine, you can play Sudoku! Each row, columns and 3x3 square must contain the number 1 through 9. Use your logical abilities to figure out the blanks. Brought to you by * Dodge Charger * Dodge Nitro * Dodge Durango CONVERTIBLE ‘98 Chrysler Sebring Jxi - V6, leather, alloy wheels, truly outstanding condition, 60,000 miles. $6,950 ‘’03 Dodge Ram 2500 quad cab............$16,900 4 door SLT, 4x4, 5.9 diesel, auto, short bed, 63,000 miles, one-owner ‘02 Jeep Wrangler Sport................$ 12,900 6 cyl., auto, CD, cruise control, 4 x 4, hardtop, alloy wheels, only 24,000 miles. Call us at 1-800-658-6506 * All the above have limited warranty. NEW CARS Prices do not include TT&L USED CARS Service - Repair STATE INSPECTION STATION Whatever the resolution(s), it is important to sit down and ponder the New Year’s Resolutions you would like to make or have already made. Keeping resolutions can be very tough. Here are a few pointers to help make it easier to keep those resolutions: • Be specific as possible. For example, instead of stating only to spend more time with family, say take a walk once a month with my husband or volunteer with my child’s school. • Be realistic and achievable. Say to yourself, is it really possible to accomplish the goal? Be sure to make "well-rounded" resolutions. • Take large goals and break them into manageable smaller ones. For example, many people want to lose weight. However, instead of setting the goal to lose 50 lbs., start with the goal to lose 8 lbs. over the next four weeks or even better 2 lbs. this week. • Concentrate on things that are truly important to you and that you really want to change, otherwise you are setting yourself up for failure. • Look for the positive. • Set goals that balance, strengthen and nurture your mind, spirit and body. Once you have decided on your resolutions, remember you want to be successful and be able to follow through on your goals. A few tips for doing so are: • Stay focused on the goal and exactly what you are trying to do. • Involve others to help you. A team approach helps keep you on track. • Plan time to reach your goals. If your goal is to exercise 30 minutes a day, you must be willing to set the time aside to do so. • Prepare for setbacks. Don’t let them discourage you; know that some setbacks are normal. • Track your progress and reward yourself for small accomplishments. Resolve to make your New Year’s Resolutions stick. Keep a positive attitude and you can be successful in 2009. DeLeon Free Press/ Thursday, January 8, 2009/ Page 7 2008 —The Year in Review Don’t Miss Out... Renew Your Subscription! (From page 4) A ground-breaking ceremony for a methane gas plant to be fueled by dairy waste was held near Dublin. Bill Scott was named postmaster of DeLeon. The DeLeon Volunteer Fire Department’s annual barbecue fundraiser was deemed successful. DeLeon Police Department issued a warning after an attempted abduction was reported. An unknown male, driving a dark pickup, tried to force a 14year-old female into his vehicle. Jason Ferguson was named DeLeon’s new head football coach. Mayor Danny Owen, representing the City of DeLeon, and Avery Carlisle, representing the Peach and Melon Festival committee, signed a contract for the P&M committee’s use of the new Community Park for three weeks each year. Mozelle’s Country Kitchen re-opened under the ownership and direction of Rebecca Howard Limmer. JULY The following Peach and Melon Queen candidates were announced Courtney Caraway, R’Leigh McLearen, Candace Houston, Jordan Stelter, Whitney Morris, Amanda Salinas and Nicole Davis. Although the number of out-of-town visitors was down somewhat from the previous years, the DeLeon Quilt Show was deemed successful. Cpl. Ben Rowell introduced Pepper, a two-year-old German Shepherd — the newest narcotics dog for the DeLeon Police Department. Workers set an old, historical bridge on the hiking path at the DeLeon Community Park. The bridge had formerly occupied a place on CR 103 over Jimmys Creek near Sidney. Natalie Boswell and Laura Kouns were introduced as the newest DeLeon coaches. DDT (Developing DeLeon Today) announced proposed City Hall renovations, and also announced DeLeon native’s Ben Barnes’ interest in the project with possible donations in memory of his mother. Roy Dale Freeman announced his resignation from the DeLeon City Council. Allen Stone and Toby Morris were pictured at a DISD “Meet and Greet” for Jason Ferguson, the new head coach. A feature story on Trooper Clint Cole, courtesy of the Texas State Trooper publication, detailed his battle with cancer, career in the military and DPS. The City Council approved the use of the new Community Park for adult soccer games. Zane Trusty and Kimberly Garmon Murray were scheduled to entertain at the Peach and Melon Festival. AUGUST Courtney Caraway was crowned 2008-09 Peach and Melon Queen on the first night of the 94th annual Peach and Melon Festival. K.K. Jackson was named Little Miss DeLeon, Madison Gilder was selected Petite Miss DeLeon, and Linsey Ballenger was named Junior Miss DeLeon. I:53, a local Christian rock band, played during the P&M Festival. Band members included Tim Koelln, Mike Sones, Joe Williams and Lance Battenfield. Jordan Stelter was named Miss DeLeon at the conclusion of the P&M Festival. A warrant was issued for Rocky Dee Hidrogo in connection with the murder of Comanche County resident Glenn Bundy, in July. New DISD teachers were introduced and they included: Carol Haggard, Romelia Garcia, Natalie Boswell, Angela Steele, Jason Ferguson, Laura Kouns and Dea Higgins. Council members, city employees and Karen Wilkerson’s family surprised her with a small appreciation reception during a City Council meeting. The Scarlet Ibis, a business owned by Kelly Dickey and Paige Williams, opened for business downtown. Sharon Coan was pictured welcoming students into her kindergarten class on the first day of school. SEPTEMBER Tim Fanning was sworn-in an began work as a DeLeon police officer. The DeLeon Bearcats and cheerleaders, in uniform, were featured on the front page. Freddie Davis was the first week’s winner in the Free Press football contest. It was reported that the hospital started the new fiscal year with a profit. The Peach and Melon Queen float was awarded the Civic Division originality winner at the West Texas State Fair and Rodeo parade in Abilene. Gay Davis, the wife of the first week’s winner, was the second winner of the football contest. The “problem” north wall of the City Hall building was spotlighted on the front page in an update on the remodeling project fundraising efforts. Aaron Riggs, a fourth grader, was the third winner in the football contest. A large crowd was on hand in Proctor for the Fever Fun’d Raiser event sponsored by the Comanche County Healthcare Foundation. Homecoming King and Queen nominees were announced and included Matt Nowlin, Tim Lopez, Pedro Calzada, Trevor Nowlin, Silvia Reyna, Latisha Abbey, Jessica Flores and Kim Perez. Carolyn Frasier was the fourth winner of the football contest. Wivine Banyanga, owner of WMB Medical Billing Specialists, was introduced as a new DeLeon Chamber of Commerce member. OCTOBER Pedro Calzada and Latisha Abbey were selected Homecoming King and Queen at the 2008 Homecoming game against Valley Mills. Jessica Flores was selected Football Sweetheart, and Catalina Gonzales was selected Band Sweetheart. Beth Riggs was the fifth winner of the football contest. A “Bring Your Own Band” marching competition at Bearcat field was deemed a huge success. DeLeon Volunteer Firefighters responded to a smoky grass fire at the intersection of Highways 16 and 2318 in Downing. A case of MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) Staph Infection was discovered at one of the DeLeon school campuses. Talmadge Hodges was the sixth winner in the football contest. Kindergarten classes from the DeLeon Elementary School visited the DeLeon Volunteer Fire Station on a field trip. DeLeon City Council members heard differing reactions (some people praised the council and some people complained) to a citywide clean-up effort that resulted in more than 100 ordinance violation notices being sent out to residents and businesses requesting they clean up their property. Cecelia Carruth was the seventh winner in the football contest. Comanche County Medical Center announced the purchase of a 15-person shuttle bus, courtesy of Joe and Peggy Gore, that would run between Comanche and DeLeon beginning in November. Fall Festival King and Queen nominees were announced and included freshmen Seth Locke and Lauren Casey, sophomores Jake Paul and Lexi Spurlock, juniors Alex Rorie and Kendra Howard, and seniors Clayton Stokes and Libby Gilder. Jane Sims was the eighth winner of the football contest. Juniors Alex Rorie and Kendra Howard were selected King and Queen of the Fall Festival. During the regularly scheduled school board meeting, DISD officials and elementary faculty and staff celebrated their recognition as an Exemplary School by the TEA Accountability System. Taylor Hodges, 7, was the ninth winner of the football contest. NOVEMBER The DeLeon Bearcats ended the regular season as undefeated 2008 District Champions! Buddy Sharp was the tenth winner in the football contest. The First United Methodist Church Harvest Festival was deemed successful. A LULAC Community Forum at the DeLeon City Hall attracted approximately 70 participants and was viewed by organizers as successful. Jesse DeLaTorre, of DeLeon, was killed when his truck was rear-ended and knocked sideways into a tree just south of the hospital on Highway 16. “Intoxicated manslaughter with a vehicle” charges were filed against the other driver -- Randy Dale Hamlin of Lucas. Josh Carruth was the eleventh winner in the football contest. It was reported that Election Day proceedings ran without any notable problems locally, with the exception of the timeconsuming counting of the early voting paper ballots which resulted in late final results reporting. Terrill Casey was the twelfth winner in the football contest. A huge crowd was on hand for a “Pack the Gym” pep rally just prior to the Bearcat’s playoff game against Quinlan Boles. Chloe, a black Lab, was introduced by K-9 handler Officer Tim Fanning, as the newest narcotics dog for the DeLeon Police Department. Chloe replaced Pepper, who, according to Mayor Danny Owen, was just not right for the job. Cecelia Carruth won the football contest (her second win) for the last week of competition. Members from many different area churches and denominations gathered under one roof, at the DeLeon First Baptist Church, for the annual Community Thanksgiving Service. DECEMBER DeLeon police responded to 101 W. Labadie (the apartments at the old Traveler’s Hotel) Saturday, November 29, to investigate a possible attempted suicide and discovered the body of Kathleen Linderholm, age 50. Due to circumstances deemed “suspicious,” DeLeon police requested the assistance of the Texas Rangers and the FBI’s Texas Evidence Collection Team from Dallas. The annual Arts and Crafts show, sponsored by the Women’s Division Chamber of Exceeding All Expectations Serving Comanche, Brown and Surrounding Counties 303 Early Blvd Early, Texas 646-9424 1508 North Austin Comanche, Texas 356-3292 Area’s Only On-Site Crematory Lowest Cost Monuments Superior Service Commerce attracted more than 20 vendors and hundreds of shoppers. County Judge James R. Arthur issued an emergency total outdoor burn ban. Carlie Hamilton, 5, was pictured sitting on Santa’s lap at the DeLeon Country Christmas, downtown. County commissioners extended the outdoor burn ban and voted to prohibit the sale of aerial fireworks. Police reported no new developments in the investigation of the death of Kathy Linderholm. DeLeon and Sipe Springs volunteer firemen responded to fight a wind-blown wildfire on Highway 587. A world-class scientific adventure team -- Dr. Brady Barr and cinematographer Bryan Harvey -- visited the DeLeon area to make a film about feral hogs for the television series “Dangerous Encounters” on the National Geographic channel. Alyssa Mahan exhibited the top steer at the earlier than usual DeLeon Livestock Show, December 13. Mitch Winkles exhibited the top market hog, Kris Hodges had the top heifer, Tayln Jobe had the top market lamb, and Kaleb Nowlin had the top breeding swine. A large group of volunteers gathered to assemble Christmas baskets for distribution to those in need in DeLeon. The operation was a function of the DeLeon Ministerial Alliance and was primarily funded by the offering collected at the Community-wide Thanksgiving. F A X SERVICES MAKE US YOUR FAX HEADQUARTERS De Leon Free Press 324 S. Texas P.O. Box 320 De Leon, Texas 893-6868 Fax 893-3550 Stephen P. Kelly, M.D. Medical Director HEART OF TEXAS OUTPATIENT CATARACT CENTER •Sutureless Surgery •Laser Surgery •ReSTOR Certified • Toric Implants for Astigmatism •Medicare Participating •Medicare Approved, State Licensed, Ambulatory Surgery Center •Friendly, High Quality, Low Cost, Ultra Modern, •Cataract Surgery at a FRACTION OF THE COST of any hospital •Regular activity can be resumed after surgery with few physical restrictions •New patients with MEDICAL or SURGICAL eye problems are WELCOME •“No Referral Required” Se Habla Espanol Certified in Cataract/Implant Surgery by the American Board of Eye Surgery Board Certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology 100 South Park Drive • Brownwood, Tx (325) 643-3561 • Toll Free 800-336-7324 visit our NEW website - 101 W. Central, Comanche 335-356-1013 Month Long Sale All Christmas 25% Items.... Off Miscellaneous Items 25%-50% Off Hours: Tues - Fri 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Page 8/ Thursday, January 8, 2009 / DeLeon Free Press GRIFFITH Hershel W. Griffith SSG Ret., age 71, of DeLeon, Texas, passed away, January 1, 2009, at Comanche County Medical Center. He was born on May 29 1937, in Gorman, Texas, to the late Jessie Atlas and Willa Gladys Hooper Griffith. He was united in marriage to Virginia Ellen Penland, December 18, 1969, in Mission, Texas. Mr. Griffith was a retired Military Police. He also served as a Police Officer for the McAllen Police Department. He grew up in Desdemona and was a 1956 high school graduate of the Hogtown Porkers. He enjoyed boating, nature sight seeing and also teasing family members and friends. In his later years, he enjoyed having coffee and reminiscing with friends. He was married to his beloved wife, Virginia for 39 years. Funeral services will be held at 2:00 p.m. Thursday, January 8, 2009, at the Desdemona Cemetery with Bro. Tim White officiating. He is survived by his wife, Virginia; children, Mary Ellen Martinez and husband, Eddie; James Atlas Griffith and wife, Anna; Charles Michael Griffith and wife, Stephanie, Lisa Denise Yeager and husband, Bob; Bobby Dean Hicks and wife, Tammy; eleven grandchildren, along with other family members including, Pete and Deborah Hooper, Mrs. R. D. Griffith, Grace Stokes and families. He was preceded in death by father, Jessie Atlas Griffith; mother, Willa Gladys Griffith; paternal grandfather, Jesse Mercer (Uncle Jess) Griffith; paternal grandmother, Ardella (Wilcox) Griffith; maternal grandfather, William Ervin Hooper; maternal grandmother, Senia (Holmes) Hooper; close cousins, R. D. Griffith and Eddie Stewart. Published January 8, 2009 DeLeon Free Press Don’t Miss Out... Renew Your Subscription! CHURCH DIRECTORY Morton Chapel CHURCH OF CHRIST Methodist Church 316 E. Navarro, DeLeon 893-5842 Office 893-2162 Fax West on 587-South FM 2318 Lord’s Day 2nd-4th-5th Sundays Bible Class: 9:45AM Worship: 10:45AM & 6:00PM 10:00 a.m. Wednesdays Pastor Lisa Neslony Mid-Week Bible Class 7:00PM Geoff Litke- Preacher First Baptist Church DeLeon, Tx 100 South Houston SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School 9:30AM Morning Worship 10:40AM Evening Services 6:00PM Wed. Prayer/Praise 7:00 PM Bro. David Kelly - Pastor Daniel Harper, Youth Minister 254-893-6593 Fair Haven Baptist Church East Ham DeLeon Sunday Services: Sunday School AM Church Service :AM Sunday Evening Singing PM Wednesday Prayer Meeting PM Pastor: Kenneth Wilson DELEON ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Corner of Seguin & Travis Sunday School 10:00AM Morning Worship 10:50AM Sunday Evening Youth 6:00PM Sunday Evening 6:00PM Wednesday Evening 7:00PM Phone 893-5722 H i gh l an d Mi ssi o n ar y Baptist Church David E. Locke, Pastor Sunday School 10:00AM Morning Worship 10:45AM Lunch @ Noon Afternoon Service 1:00PM On Hwy. 2156 Parsonage 445-0368 Church 445-2090 First Christian Church 101N. Houston Sunday Services Sunday School 9:45AM Sunday Worship 10:30AM Gideon Botha 254-893-6333 St. Joe Baptist Church Sunday School 10:00AM Morning Worship 11:00AM Discipleship Training 6:00PM Young Women & Young Men Bible Study 6:00PM Evening Worship 7:00PM Wednesday Services Beginning 6PM RA’s, GA’s, Mission Friends, Youth & Prayer Meeting/Adult Bible Study 7PM Bro. Jackie Auvenshine, pastor N. On Hwy 16 then L. on FM Rd 2921 DeLeon, TX Phone 893-2148. United Pentecostal Church 125 E. Manchaca, DeLeon Sunday School 10:00AM Sunday Evening 6:00PM Wednesday Evening 7:30PM Pastor Varence Janord Dupre Church: 893-2795 Parsonage: 893-7280 First United Methodist Church On Main Street in DeLeon Pastor Lisa Neslony Sunday Services Early Worship 8:45a.m. Sunday School 9:45a.m. Worship 10:55a.m. Evening 6:30p.m. Church 893-6155 Parsonage 893-6540 [email protected] Liberty Baptist Church Sunday Services Sunday School - 10:30AM Morning Worship 11:00AM *West on Hwy 6 to Rucker Left on CR 459 Daryl Hirst - Pastor GILBERT Ruth Ann Gilbert, age 83, of DeLeon, passed away Wednesday, December 24,2008 at the Comanche Co. Medical Center. She was born November 25, 1925 in Abilene, Texas to the late Charlie James “C.J.” Thompson and Alice Gertrude Howe Thompson. She married George R. Gilbert on April 15, 1945 in Gorman, Texas. Mrs. Gilbert was a homemaker. In her earlier years she worked at Gorman Peanut Company where she met her future husband, George. She also had been employed as secretary for Lone Star Gas Company; former secretary and teacher aide for Birdville ISD. She had resided in DeLeon thirty years, having previously lived in North Richland Hills. She was a member DeLeon First United Methodist Church. She had previously served as president of Study Club in Goldthwaite; member DeLeon Shakespeare Club; United Methodist Women and DeLeon Bridge Club. Funeral Services were held Monday, December 29, 2008 at 10:30 am, at DeLeon First United Methodist Church with Pastor Lisa Neslony officiating with music provided by Vicki Robinett. Burial took place at Murray Cemetery, Carbon, Texas. Survivors included one son, George R. “Gil”, II, and wife Belinda of Keller; three daughters, Jane Traweek and husband Lonny of College Station; Margaret Longbottom and husband John of North Richland Hills and Nan Baker and husband Rick of Arlington; brother C.J. “Jim” Thompson, Jr. & wife Mary of San Angelo; 9 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren; step-brother Bob Brogdon and wife Melody of Clearlake; sister-in-law, Darlene Gilbert of Denver and step-sister-in-law, Helen Shipley of Weatherford. She was preceded in death by parents, husband George R. Gilbert and step brother Dr. William M. “Bill” Brogdon. Pallbearers were Seth Longbottom, Shay Traweek, Chris Gilbert, Phillip Cadenhead, Matt Garrett, and Terry Day. Published January 8, 2009 DeLeon Free Press SHERROD Lovena “Vennie” Kinser Sherrod, age 96, passed away Tuesday, December 30, 2008 at a Stephenville nursing home. Graveside services was held 2:00 pm Friday at Oakland Cemetery in Comanche County with Denver Rainey officiating, services under the direction of Higginbotham Funeral Home in Gorman. Mrs. Sherrod was born August 3, 1912 in Lampasas County, Texas to George Porter and Millie Powell Porter. She was a retired licensed vocational nurse and a member of the Baptist Church. Survivors include one son, C.R. Kinser and wife, Shirley of Eastland; one granddaughter, Courtney Hansen and husband, Kaleb of Granbury. She was preceded in death by her parents, a daughter, Holly Kinser; two sisters, Willibea Cornwell and Cordelia Hall; five brothers, Stanley, Floyd, Sam, John and C.P. Porter. Published January 8, 2009 DeLeon Free Press GREEN Anna Marie Green, age 72 of DeLeon, Texas passed away Sunday, December 28, 2008 in Abilene, Texas. She was born June 10, 1936 in Farmington, New Mexico to the late J.T. Archuletta and Irene Marie Gutierred Archuletta. She married Orville L. (John) Green September 10, 1971 in Brownsfield, Texas. Mrs. Green was a homemaker. In years past, she was a hairdresser, antique appraiser, worked as a cosmetologist for Braniff Airlines; she was a caregiver for her parents and was bookkeeper/dispatcher for her husband, John, in his business, Lee Ann Trucking. She had resided in DeLeon since 2000, having previously lived in Corsicana. After moving to DeLeon, she was a member of the Shakespeare Club, Republican Women and devoted many hours of service to the DeLeon Food Pantry and Clothes Closet and was actively involved in the Gift Life program. She was an active member of DeLeon First Baptist Church; loved to play “42” and HILL Billy Ray Hill, Sr., age 43 of Comanche, Texas, passed away Friday, December 26, 2008 at Hendrick Medical Center, Abilene, Texas. He was born October 29, 1965 in Fort Worth, Texas, to Alton Ray Hill and Norma Jean Fann Boykin. He married Monique Burrow June 2, 1998 in Comanche, Texas. Mr. Hill was employed at Texas Sodium Bentonite. He had resided in Comanche 13 years, having previously lived in Jacksboro. Funeral Services were held Monday, December 29, 2008 at 2:00 pm with Foy Owens officiating and music by Cindy Elk. Graveside Service and Burial were at Sardis Cemetery, Comanche Co. Survivors include wife Monique Hill of Comanche; mother Norma Jean Boykin of Comanche; father Alton Ray Hill of Azle; three sons, Billy Ray Hill, Jr. of Stephenville and Joshua Hill and Anthony Hill, both of Azle; 3 daughters, Leila Canfield of Seattle, WA., Rachel Bingham and Michelle Bingham, both of Comanche; sister Xylina Hallmark of Lingleville; 3 grandchildren, Jacob Hill, Feather Canfield and Aaron Patrick. He was preceded in death by his brother Larry Dwayne Hill. Pallbearers included Wiggy Hartwingensen, Steve Johnson, Chadd Strew, Bill Burrow, Joe Davis and Kyle Thornton. Published January 8, 2009 DeLeon Free Press FERRILL Beulah Frances Ferrill, age 94 years, 9 months and 9 days, of Houston, Texas died Saturday, January 3, 2009 at Treemont Health Care Center in Houston, Texas. She was born on March 25, 1914 in Jack County, Texas to Charles Stark and Frances (Smith) Stark. She married Lawson Cowley in Jack County, Texas. He preceded her in death in 1939. On April 6, 1940, she was united in marriage to Winborn Ferrill in Weatherford, Texas. He preceded her in death on August 2, 1992. She was a rancher. She is survived by daughter and son-in-law, June and George Jones of Houston; and grandson, Robert Burnside. Family received friends at enjoyed Senior Adult Night playing games at her church. Anna was a devoted wife, precious friend who was always willing to go the extra mile. Her sweet spirit and kind heart will always be remembered by all those she met. A Memorial Service was held Wednesday, December 31, 2008 at DeLeon First Baptist Church with Daniel Harper officiating and music provided by Lloyd and Pam Rush, and Rocky and Martha Bunting. Body was donated to medical science. Survivors included husband John Green of DeLeon; 5 daughters, Teresia Calabro and Sheila Alexander, both of Buffalo, New York; Melody Wilson of Atlanta, GA, Joretta Williams of Farmington, New Mexico and Wardena Heiberman of Albuquerque, N. M.; brother Orlando S. Archuletta; sisters Mollie Jeantet of Ureka, CA; Agnes Lancaster of Rising Star, Texas; Ruth Candelaria of Farmington, N.M.; Maria Lemery of San Jose, CA; Hope Johnson and Rita Blake, both of Los Angeles, CA; 7 grandchildren, Tiffany, Benjamin, Brandy, Paula, Ashley, Melanie and Jennifer; She was preceded in death by parents, brother Felix Archuletta; son Charles Wendell Green; sister Delia Blize and great-grandson John Bailey Callabro. Memorials may be made to Southwestern Medical School, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, TX 75390. Published January 8, 2009 DeLeon Free Press FRASURE Harold Basil Frasure, age 86 passed away Thursday, January 1, 2009 at his home in DeLeon, Texas. Mr. Frasure was born August 26, 1922 to the late Everett and Garah Hester Hearn Frasure in Knox County, Texas. He married Marie Sharp on October 19, 1946 in Weatherford, Texas. Mr. Frasure was a WWII Army Veteran, with a two year term in the Pacific and another 9 months in Canada and the states. He was a building contractor with vast experience, homes, office building, churches, schools, motels and thousands of apartment buildings all over Texas and four other states. He was a very avid fisherman and the very lucky husband of Marie Sharp Frasure for 62 years. Had lived in DeLeon since 1994 moving here from Weatherford and was a Baptist. Harold always had a garden, loved to grow everything and gave away at least half. A private Service was held 1:00 P.M. Wednesday, January 7, 2009 at Graveside Bluebonnet Hills Memorial Park in Colleyville. Survivors included wife Marie of DeLeon, Grandson Brian Frasure of Frisco, Texas and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by parents, three sons Edwin Bert (Eddie), Harold Ray (Ray), and Randy Lee (Ran) all of whom were killed in accidents. Two brothers Rev. O.L. Frasure, Edwin Frasure, two sisters Iva Frost and Jimmie Dawson. Family request Memorials made to American Cancer Society. Published January 8, 2009 DeLeon Free Press Comanche Funeral Home on Tuesday evening from 6:00 P.M. until 8:00 P.M. Lunch was held at Sidney Church of Christ. Funeral Services were held 1:00 P.M., Wednesday, January 7, 2009 at Comanche Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Ronnie Calcote officiating. Burial followed in the Gardens of Memory Cemetery in Comanche County, Texas with Comanche Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. View and Sign Guest Book At: Published January 8, 2009 DeLeon Free Press HOOKS Paul V. Hooks of Stephenville went to be with his savior December 31, 2008. Survivors include daughter Debbie & sonin-law Joe Locke of DeLeon, and granddaughter Kelsey. A complete obituary will follow in next weeks issue. ROBERTSON William Milton “Robbie” Robertson passed away Saturday, January 3, 2009 at a Fort Worth hospice. A complete obituary will follow in next weeks issue. MARETT Mike “Wimpy” Marett, age 59 years, 2 months and 9 days, of Comanche, Texas, died Wednesday, December 24, 2008 at Songbird Lodge in Brownwood, Texas. He was born on October 15, 1949 in Waco, Texas to Junior Marett and Mary Helen (Reynolds) Marett. He was a machinist for Saint-Gobains in Stephenville. Mike was a member of First Baptist Church in Tahoka. He is survived by his father, Junior Marett of Comanche; brother and sister-in-law, Billy and Debra Marett of Comanche; nephew, Cody Marett; niece, Alisha Marett Hunter and husband, Clynt; and two grandnieces, Rylie and Alyssa. He was preceded in death by his mother, Mary Helen Marett, on January 13, 2008. Family received friends at Comanche Funeral Home on Friday evening from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm. Lunch was at the family home, 600 North Elm Street, Comanche, that followed the funeral services. Funeral Services were held at 10:00 am, Saturday, December 27, 2008 at Graveside with Rev. Glen Hickman officiating. Burial was in the Oakwood Cemetery in Comanche, Texas with Comanche Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. If desired, memorials may be made to First Baptist Church of Proctor, P.O. Box 805, Proctor, Texas 76468; or American Diabetes Association, 3513 North Main, Suite 320, Fort Worth, Texas 76106. View and Sign Guest Book At: Published January 8, 2009 DeLeon Free Press RUSSELL Ina Jo Russell, age 81 of Gorman passed away Sunday, December 28, 2008 at her home in Gorman. Services were held 10:00 am Wednesday, December 31, 2008 at the Higginbotham Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Barry Schahn and Bro. Denver Rainey officiating. Burial was at Oaklawn Cemetery in Gorman. Miss Russell was born February 17, 1927 in Gorman to Whit Russell and Sadie Lindley Russell. She attended Gorman Schools. She worked at the tailor shop, Birdsong Peanuts, the Gorman nursing home and at the 7-11 at a clerk for many years. She was a member of the First Baptist Church in Gorman and an avid cat lover. Survivors include a sisterin-law, Adele Russell of Everman; five nieces, Susan and Tom Arnold of St. Simons Island, GA, Katy and Mike Czaikowski of Sugarland, Sarah and Dwane Anderson of Jesup, GA, Sandra Porter of Gorman and Stephanie Russell of Everman; four nephews, Steve Russell of Everman, Skip and Peggy Russell of St. Simons Island, GA, Mark and Tresa Russell of North Richland Hills, and Jonathan and Katy Russell of Hurst and numerous great nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, one sister, Ima George Porter and two brothers, Whit “Buster” Russell and Wade Russell. Visitation was Tuesday evening at the funeral home from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Published January 8, 2009 DeLeon Free Press DeLeon Free Press/ Thursday, January 8, 2009/ Page 9 FREE PRESS SPORTS Tim White - Sports Editor (Phone: 758-2272; Email: [email protected]) FIRST PLACE. Bearcat team poses with 1st place trophy from Priddy/Zephyr Tournament. (Back row, left to right) Kody Travis, Abel Mata, Alex Rorie, Michael Kelly, Austin Koonce, Coach Brad Janek, Colt Wells, Mason Stewart, Adam Moreno (Front row) Tanner Welch, Hayden Lewis, Nathan Tucker, Josh Kelly, Clayton Stokes, Dustin Bennett. Bearcats Sweep Tournament but Fall to Poolville in Holiday Action The DeLeon Bearcats buzzed through the Priddy/Zephyr tournament, winning four games and taking first place, and then were hit by a buzz saw in the Friday game against Poolville. Kody Travis won MVP for the tournament and Colt Wells and Austin Koonce were named to the all tournament team. The Bearcats blasted the Brooksmith Mustangs by a score of 79-25 in the first game of the tournament. DeLeon only allowed two points in the second period and six points in the first half, taking a 28-6 lead at the break. Wells led all scorers with 15 points. Travis dropped in 13, scoring a double-double by grabbing 14 rebounds. Josh Kelly and Hayden Lewis each added 10 points. Mason Stewart scored seven. Wells also grabbed eight boards. Koonce had five assists and five steals. The Bearcats swept through the Monday game with the Walnut Springs Hornets by a score of 69-45. After scoring 23 points in the first quarter, DeLeon used defense to push the game out of reach in the second frame, only allowing three points. Kelly led all scorers with 21 points, and added six steals. Nathan Tucker added ten and Travis and Tanner Welch each scored eight. Koonce dropped in six points and distributed 10 assists. Hayden Lewis had seven assists. Travis also captured sixteen boards and six steals. The Bearcats cruised through the Zephyr Bulldogs by a score of 66-31. Bearcats defense in the final three periods lifted DeLeon to an easy victory. The Bearcats allowed seven, nine and two points in the final frames while scoring 18, 14 and 17. Travis led scorers with another double-double, 13 points and 15 rebounds. Kelly added nine points and six steals. Koonce scored seven and Lewis and Alex Rorie added six. Tucker had five points. Stewart, Moreno, Wells and Able Mata each scored four. DeLeon edged Priddy in a Wednesday championship game by a score of 57-50. The Bearcats took a strong 36-16 lead by halftime, but had to hang on to capture the win against a feisty Pirate team. Travis scored another double-double, dropping in 20 points and grabbing 17 rebounds. Wells scored nine and Stewart added eight. Koonce scored seven, Kelly added five and Adam Moreno four. Koonce also had seven rebounds. Wells grabbed six and Kelly had five boards. The Bearcats fell in a tough game to the Poolville Monarchs Friday night by a score of 46-56 in a home game. “We started off really slow and that hurt us,” said Coach Brad Janek. “But I thought in the second half we picked it up, played better defense and got the ball in the hole. In the fourth quarter we caused 13 turnovers and almost got right back in the game.” DeLeon only scored four points in the first frame, falling behind by nine. The Bearcats tied the game back at 13 before the Monarchs pushed out a nine point halftime lead. Poolville outscored DeLeon by three points in the third period, and DeLeon outscored the Monarchs in the fourth by three. Kelly led Bearcat scorers with 25 points, including seven three point makes. Stewart and Tanner Welch each had five points. Travis and Koonce had four. Travis grabbed seven rebounds. Kelly had six. Koonce distributed eight assists. CONSOLATION. Lady Cats pose with Consolation Trophy from Hwy. 218 Tournament. (Back row, left to right) Candace Houston, Kim Perez, Linzi Gray, Meagan Holder, Kyler Caraway, Kelbi Bartley, Micah Cisneroz, Latisha Abby, Coach Heath Gibson. (Front row) Alison Martinez, Kayla Atchley, Silvia Reyna. Lady Cats Win Consolation Plus One The DeLeon Lady Cats took Consolation in the Highway 218 Tournament (Priddy/Zephyr) and defeated Poolville last week to improve their record to 11-6. With the victories, the Lady Cats matched their win total from a year ago in which they finished 11-17. Micah Cisneroz, a freshman, was named to her first all-tournament after averaging 11.3 points and 6.0 rebounds over three games of the tournament. DeLeon will be off until January 9 when they open district play against rival, Gorman. The Lady Cats couldn’t overcome a sluggish first quarter, falling 55-50 to the Priddy Lady Pirates in first round action of the Highway 218 Tournament here Monday afternoon. The Lady Cats led 7-6 before Priddy went on a 12-0 run to take a 18-7 lead at the end of one. Although DeLeon outscored the Lady Pirates in each of the final three quarters, the first quarter deficit proved to be too much to overcome. Latisha Abbey led the Lady Cats with 17 points and six rebounds with Silvia Reyna adding 12 points as well. Kyler Caraway and Linzi Gray scored five points apiece. Micah Cisneroz and Kayla Atchley scored four each. Gray also came of the bench to grab six rebounds. Reyna had four assists and seven steals. On Tuesday afternoon Cisneroz scored a career-high 18 points and Latisha Abbey added 15 more as the DeLeon Lady Cats pulled out a 58-50 win over district foe Evant, in second round action of the Highway 218 Tournament. DeLeon took a 15-13 first quarter lead, before falling behind by seven, 31-24 at the half. In the third quarter Cisneroz took over, scoring 11 points with six of them coming on a pair of critical three pointers. On the night, the freshman guard shot 6-for-11, going 3for-5 from behind the arc along with five rebounds and six steals. Not to be overshadowed, Abbey notched her fourth double-double of the season, adding 12 rebounds to her 15point total. Reyna and Gray each scored seven points. Caraway added six. Caraway also grabbed eight rebounds. Reyna nabbed seven and Gray had six boards. On Wednesday, the DeLeon Lady Cats closed out 2008 by claiming the consolation trophy at the Highway 218 Tournament with a 46-38 win over Brookesmith. DeLeon trailed by one at the break, 26-25, before limiting the Lady Mustangs to only 12 second-half points. Holding a 36-31 lead after three quarters, the Lady Cats were able to ice the game by sinking 8-of-11 free throws down the stretch to claim the win. Abbey and Cisneroz led the Lady Cats, scoring 12 points apiece. Reyna scored seven points and Meagan Holder added five. Gray grabbed six rebounds. Caraway added five. Reyna also took eight steals. Atchley had three assists. On Friday night, Caraway scored 11 points and pulled down eight rebounds as the DeLeon Lady Cats defeated Poolville, 39-26. Caraway, a sophomore, scored her career-high point total on 5-of-8 shooting from the field. Senior guards Atchley and Reyna chipped in eight points apiece for the Lady Cats. Abbey added five with eight rebounds. GETTING UP HIGH. Three DeLeon roundballers rise in week’s action. Josh Kelly, Colt Wells and Micah Cisneroz show they can rise above the competition. NOT HERE, YOU DON'T. Seth Locke shuts out a Poolville ball handler and Joel Rodriquez covers beneath the basket. JV Boys Fall to Poolville The JV Bearcat basketball team fell in a close game to the Poolville Monarchs by a score of 38-40 in a home game Friday night. The lead went back and forth for most of the night, but Poolville edged ahead when it counted, leading by four after one, three at the half, and one after three periods. Dustin Bennett led the Bearcats with 14 points. Michael Kelly and Joel Rodriquez each added seven. Calvin Caraway dropped in six and Derek Sparger scored four. Rodriquez grabbed an unbelievable 16 rebounds. Kelly had seven and Caraway six. Kelly had four steals. Bennett and Caraway stole three. TAKING IT BACK. Lauren Casey rips down another rebound and looks for Megan Williams as an outlet. Whitney Morris and Jordyn Stelter fill the lanes. JV Lady Cats Dismantle Poolville The JV Lady Cats netted the Poolville Monarchs last Friday in a home game by a score of 50-24. After playing to an 8-8 tie after one period, the Lady Cats poured in sixteen second period points and allowed only three. Destiny Gonzales, Amber Woods and Whitney Morris led the Lady Cats, each scoring ten points. Taylor Patterson added eight points. R-Leigh McLearen dropped in six. Courtney Caraway scored four and Megan Williams two. Jordyn Stelter came of the bench to grab six rebounds. Woods and Morris had five boards. McLearen and Lauren Casey each had three rebounds. Gonzales added four steals and McLearen grabbed three. Courtney Caraway also had two steals, and Desire Spurlen had two with two rebounds. Page 10 / Thursday, January 8, 2009 / DeLeon Free Press MAJESTIC THEATRE OF EASTLAND 629-1322 108 N. Lamar Quantum of Solace Rated PG-13 7:30 p.m. Showings Fri-Mon Admission $4.50 FOR SALE MISC. For Sale FIREARMS Cost + 10% All Manufacturers Rifles, Pistols, Shotguns All State & Local Laws Apply Must be 21 Years of Age Wanted 254-485-0286 Arrowhead Collections Wanted. Cash purchase. Local area collections only. Prior inspection required. 842-4945. tfn WANTED: Hay & Cattle pasture. Call Bryan Morris at 254893-4040. 20-25c WANTED: Good farm land to plant grain or run cattle. Cade Richmond 325-330-0590. References provided. tfnc. Skip Smith FOR RENT FOR SALE: Refrigerater in good condition Call 254-893-7860 1tp tfnc Used Tires •Oil Changes •Transmission Service •Belts-Hoses •Cooling System Flush •Brakes & More Woffords Used Cars FOR SALE: 1 show pig need to find new home will be ready Jan. 15 call 893-2055 FOR SALE: Show steer for butcher 8935354 or 734-5429 FOR SALE: Two Female Chihuahua long hair - full blood not registered $200 each call 842-4633 FOR SALE: Pit Bull puppies, 1st shot & wormed parents on site call after 5:00 254-979-0623 MISC. PIANO LESSONS: Piano lessons ages 7-13 by experienced teacher location near High and Middle School call 893-5107 has housing available to qualified families and elderly applicants at this time. An application may be obtained at 200 E. Navarro DeLeon, Texas or by calling (254) 893-2535. Monday thru Friday 10am-12:30pm & 1:30 pm to 4pm. The Authority furnishes equal housing opportunity to all who qualify. FOR RENT: Home in the country. 2-1/2 Bedroom, 1 bath, kitchen, spacious living room with fireplace,central heating/cooling call 254-893-3712 or 842-7645 References Required R.V. PARK LOST MODERN HOUSE LEVELING Pizza Pro LOST: Border Collie dog, mostly white, lost on 2247 in Sand Hill Beatie Area call 893-2055 COMANCHE COUNTY R.V. PARK The Professional Leveling Co. 325-643-4767 254-893-5570 FOUND 254-893-7040 or 254-893-3116 Brownwood 22-27/08 I BUY STUFF!! Estates Overstuffed Storage Garages, Barns Turn your unwanted items into cash! 125 N. Texas, DeLeon Must present coupon 1 Large Topping 99 $8 + tax Offer expires 3-31-09 3 Large - 1 Topping 99 $24 23-25p RICE PAINTING Residential & Commercial New Construction, Cabinet Finishing & Dry Wall √ Free Estimates Call: 254-893-5244 254-842-4878 NO JOB TOO SMALL! tfnc “Open when I’m Here... ... Closed when I’m Gone” Quilting & Sewing Supplies Store Hours: 9:30-5:00 p.m. Closed Sunday & Tuesday Has pull thru - Full Hook-ups! Country Living Close to Town!! FOUND: Brown female, very friendly, chihuahua mix dog, looks to be about 2 yrs old. Call Barbara Willians 254-8935999 4574 Hwy 2318 (Downing Loop) DeLeon, Texas 76444 Welcome “Winter Texans” + tax HELP WANTED SERVICES FALL YARD WORK: Small gas engine & diesel repair. Will do farm or ranch work. Call cell (254) 842-1362 or 254-8935869. 23-26p MANAGER STEPHENVILLE DQ: Food service career with top salary and bonuses for continued growth. Responsible, honest leader with people skills. Background and drug test required; smoke free. Richeson Home Office 940-549-5041, ask for Jennifer Spurrier 9-5 M-F. Other times, leave message. 27-30 Custom Embroidery and Screen Print 132 N. Texas St. Rhonda Roberts Owner DeLeon,Tx. 76444 406 E. Central, Comanche 254-893-2634 (325) 356-1200 (325) 356-1203 [email protected] TAKING APPLICATIONS: DQ of DeLeon now hiring for day and night shift. Need to love working with people, meeting new people, drug and smoke free environments. Apply in person today at the DQ with Manager Sylvia 27-30 Alvarez. HELP WANTED: Part time help needed at Pizza Pro DeLeon apply in person, must be 18 yrs or older, available for nights & weekends. NOW AVAILABLE TO DO ALL TYPES OF REMODELING WORK! Painting, kitchen & bath remodels, cabinets & all types of home repair. DeLeon references and recommendations. Call 254-977-3759. tfn U Name It REAL ESTATE COGBURN REAL ESTATE In DeLeon Continuously Since 1954 • 93’ X 125’ lot on North Texas. $5,000 • 5 lots totaling 1.531 Acres, all city utilities available, corner location, great building site. $18,500. • NEW: Nice older 3-1 frame home, 1308 sf, new roof & plumbing, 2 car garage, fenced yard, corner lot, large Pecan Trees. $33,900. • NEW: 3-1 1/2-1 frame, 1277sf, CH/A, new roof, several sheds, water well, large lot, Pecan trees. $40,000. • NEW: Nice 3-1-1 Home, 1680sf, CH/A, remodeled bathroom, lots kitchen cabinets, metal roof, beautiful trees, fenced, well (pump needs work) storage bldg. $49,500. •3-2-2 Austin Stone home, 1438sf, new laminate floors, New CH/A, has 1-1 apt basement, water well (pump needs work), fenced back yard. $69,900. $64,900 • DeLeon: 3-2-2 Brick, 1200 sf, CH/A, metal roof, city water and water well, stg bldg, large oaks. $78,000 $74,950 • DeLeon: 3-1.5-2 brick, total elec. app 1859’, good condition with partial updating, 2 CH/CA units, & new roof. App. 65 acre lot, 2 storage buildings, a fenced back yard, a water well w.yard sprinklers, large garden area, fruit & nut trees. $84,000 Seller Financing Possible! • 19.6 A N/E DeLeon: 4- 2 1/2-2 brick, 2543 sf, 2 central a/h, large den w/fireplace, family room & more! 2 wells, pond, metal building. Nice view! $275,000.00 • 38 A M/L south Gorman: Fronts FM 679, about 10 A large Pecan Trees, nice location for pond, good fences, sandy land. $2,500/acre •REDUCED: 40 a m/l near Gorman, pasture, fenced, small cabin, water well, small pond, elec., sandy soil. $2500/acre • N/W DeLeon - 45A m/l, sandy soil several pecan trees, 7 wells, irr. REservoir, ready for crops or coastal. $2,500/acre. •77.68 A near Sipe Springs: Great hunting place! 30x40 metal bldg w/living quarters, deer, turkey, other wildlife, 2 ponds stocked with fish. Live & post oak, mesquite. Owners mineral rights included. $3,250/acre. • 60A n/w DeLeon, coastal, good fences, elec., good soil, nice pond site. Will divide $2,800 per acre • 97.5 A, Hwy 16S DeLeon, part wooded, part open farm land, 2 ponds, electricity, county water available, pavement and county road frontage. $3,200/acre • 100 A West DeLeon, FM 587, 3-1 1/2-2 Brick, 1444 sq ft. CH/A, fireplace, carpeted, some remodeling. 3 ponds, 30A crop land, 35A coastal, some native, fenced 2 steel corrals, 2 wells, shop building. Nice setup. “MINERAL RIGHTS” $295,000.00 • S/W DeLeon - 131 A with 12 acre Lake, 66 A. coastal, 53 A farm land, well, 3 ponds, great fences, good horse place, hunting. $3,300/acre. REDUCED $3,000per acre. • NEW LISTING: 167.79 acres Erath Co. very diversified, 4 ponds, 6 water wells (several 5-15HP) 60 A. Cult w/pivot, plus a sideroll, buried mainlines, 30A coastal, bal. Liveoak covered native hillside pastures. App 100’ elev change, good homesite, pens, barn, new perimeter fence, rent house, barn w/1-1 apt. inside. $650,000. • 1-180A M/L, South Gorman, old fields, some wooded, 2 ponds, water wells, electricity, some new fences, deer & hogs. $1,950/acre. CONTRACT PENDING Offer expires 3-31-09 Call Randy 254-893-7077 The Housing Authority of the City of DeLeon 893-6464 MISC. WEATHER FORECAST CONTRACT PENDING 916 Texas St. Call Us At 254-893-6666 1tc REAL ESTATE Shop the pages of the DeLeon Free Press “Almost Like New” Skip Smith, owner Jackson Wilson, broker Frontier Farm & Ranch Specializing in Farm & Ranch Real Estate 111 E. Blackjack • Dublin, TX 76446 Office (254)445-4006 • Fax (254) 445-3770 DR. RAYMOND W. STEPP Therapeutic Optometrist 406 N. Austin, Box 543 Comanche, Texas Phone 325-356-3266 - 356-5246 Bobby Winkles Construction & Roofing •All phased of construction! •Work Guaranteed! •FREE Estimates •All Types of Roofing •Custom Cabinets •Window & Door Replacement! • FREE Estimates on Insulation work and window replacement! Call 254-893-4198 or 254-842-8167 tfnc SIDING AND WINDOWS 1-866-219-1923 tfnc Skip Smith (254) 485-0286 Cade Richmond (325) 330-0590 Jason Withers (254) 918-3101 • NEW LISTING: 414 ± Acres Comanche Co. Beautiful views, great building sites, 3 wells, 6 ponds, much more! $2,495/acre. • Beautiful Home on 10± Acres near Sidney-Premier horse & Cattle Ranch...$495,000. • 35 Acres Hwy Frontage-Awesome building site, new fences & windmill...$4250/ac. • 61± Acres N. of Comanche-Live creek, great hunting and bld. sites...$3795/ac. • 80 Acres Near Edna Hill- 2,500sq. ft. home, 3 pastures, pens, barn, tank...$295,000. • 86.4 Acres Near Lamkin - 20 acres thick woods, great hunting...$3500/ac • 99.5 Acres East of Comanche-Great hunting, game fence on N. side...$3500/ac • 123 Acres Eastland Co.-Near Kokomo, Coastal, great hunting, 3 tanks...$2750/ac. OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE • 147 Acres Near Carlton-2 tanks, creek, CR frontage on 3 sides, cultivation...$3500/ac • 161.5 Acres Near Carlton-3/1 home, 6 stall horse barn, awesome hunting...$3000/ac • 300 Acres Near Woodson-Great hunting, hunters cabin, 2 tanks...$1675/ac. • 320± Acres Near Ranger-Hand built 1200 sq. ft. home, easy access to I-20...CALL. • 323 Acres Morton Valley-3/2 Solitare, horse barn w/living qtrs., 5 tanks...CALL. • 352 ±Acres Near Alexander-9 acre lake, Beautiful property, great bld. sites...$4250/ac. • Dairy 2 Miles N of Comanche - Commercial operation, 534± acres...SOLD. • 624± Acres Mills Co-Excellent hunting, great cover, beautiful views...$2800/ac. • 675±Acres in Eastland Co-Lrg. Cattle or Game Ranch, 10 tanks, great hunting...CALL. • 841 Acres Near Knox City-3 miles of Brazos River Frontage, hunters cabin...$1075/ac. Skip Smith, Owner • Jackson Wilson, Broker • Jason Withers, Agent-254-918-3101 “Support Your Local Volunteer Fire Department” LAMB REAL ESTATE 209 N. Texas St. - 254-893-6502 Bill Lamb, Broker - Troy Morris, Agent • NEW LISTING: 2 Bdr, 1 bth frame house with CH/A, 2 living areas as well PENDING as 2 eating areas. $37,000. • NEW LISTING: 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath get -away, (2) tree covered lots at Promontory Park RV Resort, Lake Proctor. $33,500. • NEW LISTING! Like to fish and play golf? 3 bedroom, 2 bath, approx 1700 sq ft frame fixer upper on 2 tree-covered fenced lots adjoining east side of PAR Village on Lake Proctor. $42,000. • 40.25 acres “GOOD” coastal hay producing property, irrigation wells and systems, food fencing. $4000/acre • If you like older homes in fantastic condition, you’ll like this one! 3-1 frame Craftsman style with attached double car garage. New carpet, paint and fixtures. SOLD $68,000. • NEW: 10 acres outside city limits on Hwy 6. $4,000/acre • 55.613 acres, well, electricity, good fencing, mixed grasses. $2,250/acre. • NEW: 3 BDR, 1 BTH Frame on approx 3 acres., Approx 1500 sq ft. CH/A, Carport, pecan trees, water well, approx 1200 sq ft shop. $75,000 Call 254-433-2433. • 3-2-3 Brick on very nice corner lot. Hardwood floors. Large rooms. $92,500. PENDING 3/2.5/2 on 3 acres. Free flowing floor plan, stunning family room with fireplace, designer kitchen with island and convenient dining bar, isolated master suite. The property is enhanced with sparkling in-ground pool with hot tub, sprinkler system, huge workshop, and RV storage. $349,900.00 Call Coldwell Banker Preferred Properties. 254-965-7775 or 254-977-4184. Ask for Nancy. Gilder R E A LT Y 254-893-3404 Comanche Office: 325-356-3739 Broker: Robert Gilder Agents: Ronnie Golden, David Gilder, Wayne Parsons, Bobby Newman, Debbie Gilder, Neal Butler 455 A, wells, tanks, creek, tree covered, hunting, Hwy.6 frontage [RS01] $1,912,000 320±A, on Turkey Creek, creek, wildlife cover, tanks, well, hunting [ET01] $880,000 SOLD 250±A, on Copperas Creek, wooded, coastal, lake, cabin, rural water[LB01] $795,000 243 A, reservoir, wells, irrig.pit, on hwy., cultivation, costal, pasture [AB01] $2,500/acre REDUCED 236±A, wells, tanks, rolling terrian, hunting [DS02] $2,195/acre $1,995/acre SOLD 231 A, on Leon River, wells, pecan trees, hunting[DK01] $665,280 81 A, Pecan Orchard, 900± improved variety, underground irrig, wells [REM01] $405,000 52 A, 4-3 Brick Home, carport, wells, tanks, corrals, barns [LP01] $239,500 51 A, highway frontage, spring creek and hunting [RP01] $182,000 45 A, 7 irrig.wells & pit, buried mainline w/risers, minerals available [NF01] $2,500/acre 30 A, 3-2½ Custom Home, garage, porch, shed/shop, barn, wells, tanks [DB01] $450,000 21±A, 2-2 16x72 mobile home, well, World Feeder Costal Bermuda grass [MS03] $105,000 20 A, excellent home site, costal, rural water avail, hunting, minerals neg. [WM01] $75,000 19±A, rolling terrain, Live Oaks, hunting, near Proctor Lk, will divide [LR03] $2,750/acre 4+A, 4-3 Remodeled Brick Home, additional recreational room, water well [RH02] $149,900 REDUCED 5 A, 3-1 Frame Home, near Proctor Lk., barn, rural water [LC01] $92,500 $89,500 5 A, 4-2 Brick Home, metal roof, carport, pecan trees, wells & tank, fenced [WK01] $90,000 3-2 Frame Home, CH&A, water well, carport, storage building, large lot [LR04] $39,900 REDUCED 2-2 Mobile Home 14X70, 12x28 add-on, strg.bldg/carport [PA01] $29,900 $22,500 REDUCED 2-1½ Frame Home, attached garage, storage building [ST01] $75,000 $69,000 2-1 Frame Home, 2.3 A, screened porch, water well, storage bldg. [GB02] $55,000 2-1 Fleetwood 14x52, shaded corner lot, well, undergound sprinkler,carport [JT03] $35,000 81218 More Info & Pictures at: DeLeon Free Press/ Thursday, January 8, 2009/ Page 11 Better Living For Texans by Carolyn Balzen Choose Nutrient-Rich Foods for the Most Nutrition What to eat or what not to eat? That’s the question many of us struggle with every day. For decades, nutrition advice has told us how to answer the question by telling us what foods and nutrients to avoid. As a result, most Americans are overweight yet undernourished. It’s time for a change in the way we think about food. By choosing nutrient-rich foods that provide the most nutrients per calorie, we can build healthier diets and start down a path of health and wellness. The nutrient-rich foods way of eating emphasizes choosing foods based on their total nutrient package, including vitamins and minerals, instead of choosing foods based only on what they don’t contain - saturated fat, sugar and salt. It offers a positive foundation to help you build Texans Talk Back – Hearing from Constituents on Key Issues By U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison As Americans welcome a new President and a new Congress, I’d like to ask you to share with me your opinions on the most important issues facing our nation and state at this critical juncture. We often learn the most when we listen. Hearing firsthand what is important to you helps me better represent Texas. Like you, I am passionate about the issues that most affect our state, and I know how important they are to you and your families. I encourage you to respond online at the survey page on my website or mail in your responses. The mailing address and survey website address are listed at the end of this form. I appreciate your participation and look forward to reading your responses. I. Economy The current financial crisis threatens the economic security of every American family and business. Unemployment has reached a 15-year high, and our economy is in a recession. My goal is for American workers to earn a living wage and for their companies to be competitive, resulting in longterm success for businesses and their employees. As we work to find solutions to overcome the recession, what role do you think the federal government should play in stimulating economic growth in this time of uncertainty? Please rank in order of importance (13). ____ Increase Government Spending on Infrastructure ____ Cut Taxes ____ Pay Down the National Debt Additional Comments: __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ overall healthier eating habits and meet personal nutrition needs over a lifetime. Selecting nutrient-rich foods and beverages first is a way to make better choices within your daily eating plan. Choose first among the basic food groups: • Brightly-colored fruits and 100% fruit juice • Vibrantly-colored vegetables and potatoes • Whole, fortified and fiberrich grain foods • Low-fat and fat-free milk, cheese and yogurt • Lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, beans and nuts Here are some additional practical tips for you to add nutrient-rich foods and beverages to your daily diet: • Make a creamier oatmeal by adding fat-free milk instead of water. Mix in some raisins, dried cranberries, cherries or blueberries, too. • Create sandwiches on whole grain bread such as whole wheat or whole rye. Add slices of avocado, tomato or cucumber. Choose sandwich fillings such as lean roast beef, ham, turkey, or chicken. • Try whole wheat macaroni in macaroni and cheese -- a great way to enjoy a whole grain food with a serving of dairy. • Spend a few minutes to cut and bag veggies to increase nutrients in the diet of every family member. Try some ready-to-eat favorites like red, green or yellow peppers, broccoli or cauliflower flowerets, carrots, celery sticks, cucumbers, snap peas or whole radishes. Keep cut vegetables handy to use as mid-afternoon snacks, side dishes, lunch box additions or as quick nibble while waiting for dinner. • Serve meals that pack multiple nutrient-rich foods into one dish - like hearty, broth-based soups that are full of colorful vegetables, beans and low-fat yogurt. Try chili with a dollop of low-fat yogurt. Serve these with whole grain breads or rolls. • For dessert, enjoy a tropical treat by blending mango, plain low-fat milk, ice and a splash of pineapple juice. Stir chocolate syrup into a cup of coffee flavored yogurt, freeze and enjoy. ____ Raise Teachers’ Salaries ____ Expand Technical and Vocational Training in Community Colleges ____ Expand Access to Colleges with Student Aid and Scholarships Additional Comments: __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ II. Health Care There is a growing disparity __________________________ in access to health care because IV. Transportation of soaring medical costs and risTransportation is a vital part ing insurance premiums. We must find ways to make health of our daily lives. Yet, every day care more accessible without at rush hour, we are reminded of sacrificing the quality of care that the strain that Texas’ growing population puts on our infrastrucAmericans enjoy. In your opinion, what are ture. If we fail to meet our transthe greatest barriers in our healthportation needs, businesses and care system? Please rank in employers may relocate to areas order of importance (1-5). ____ High Cost of with more suitable infrastructure. In your opinion, what Insurance and Health Care should the federal government Services do to enhance the capabilities of ____ Limited or No our current transportation sysAccess to Health Insurance tem? Please rank in order of ____ Quality of Care importance (1-5). Provided (Please explain below) ____ Increase Use of ____ Limitations on Choice of Health Care Rail as an Alternative to Automobiles Practitioners ____ Replace Aging __Difficulty Understanding Infrastructure Health Insurance Plan Coverage ____ Increase Toll and Payments Roads Additional Comments: ____ Develop More __________________________ __________________________ Options for Mass Transit Such as __________________________ Buses ____ Develop More __________________________ Options for Use of Lanes __________________________ Dedicated to Multi-passenger __________________________ Cars (HOV) Additional Comments: III. Education __________________________ Education is key to America’s success, and it will be __________________________ critical to our leadership in the __________________________ 21st century. Strengthening our __________________________ schools, colleges, and universi- __________________________ ties is a goal all levels of govern- __________________________ V. Legislative Priority ment share. What should Congress’ legFirst, we must dramatically islative priority be this year? reduce the high school dropout rate. Second, we must empha- __________________________ size science, technology, engi- __________________________ neering, and math in our schools. __________________________ These are the disciplines that __________________________ spur creativity and new discover- __________________________ ies, which are essential to eco- __________________________ nomic growth. What do you think Congress should do to strengthen public education? Please rank in order of importance (1-5). ____ Expand Choice for Alternatives to Public Schools (Private, parochial, or magnet options) ____ Help Attract More Qualified Teachers Contact Information: Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison Survey Responses 961 Federal Building 300 East 8th Street Austin, Texas 78701 I wish to start my subscription to the DeLeon Free Press. Name(s):________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________________________ Address Line 2 (if needed):______________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:_________________________________________________________________________________ Crossword Solution Pig Tales From Hogtown As I am writing this, everything is frosty white outside my window. By the time you read this, it will be warm again. Such is winter in Texas! And we will take the rain in whatever form it chooses to come to us! We had a great time on New Year’s Eve at the DAC. We had friends, food and games to play – you can’t beat it! If you didn’t make it this time, put it on your calendar for next year. Thank you to all who came New Year’s Eve and to all who came to ‘Breakfast at the DAC’ last Saturday. How does a bowl of chili sound – come to the DAC Saturday, January 10 at 6:00 p.m. We will have a huge pot of chili made up and the great cooks of Desdemona will provide desserts. Thank you, Ladies! The charge for the chili supper is by donation. Hope to see you Comanche County Junior Livestock Show Now that the New Year is upon us it is time for the Comanche County Junior Livestock Show. The Comanche County Junior Livestock Show will be held at the Comanche County Livestock Association Barn January 9-13. 4-H and FFA members have worked hard during the past year to prepare their animals for exhibition beginning Saturday, January 10, 2008. The show will begin on Saturday at 9:00 a.m. with breeding swine, followed by Breeding Sheep, Angora Goats, Breeding Meat Goats, Dairy Heifers, Beef Heifers, Market Steers and Horses. On Sunday, January 11 all market swine, market lambs and market goats must check in at the show grounds between 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. Monday, January 12 the show will resume with market swine at 8:00 a.m. followed by market lambs and market goats. The Comanche County 4-H program will be providing concessions at the stock show grounds and the proceeds will be used to fund 4-H programs and activities throughout the year. On Tuesday, January 13, J.C. Cook will be catering a catfish and chicken diner beginning at 6:00 p.m. The cost of the dinner is $10.00 per plate and proceeds will help make improvements to the Comanche County Livestock Association facilities. Beginning at 6:30 p.m. the 4-H and FFA members will be participating in the Premium Sale. I hope that you will be able to come by the show grounds and support the youth of Comanche County for all the work they have put in during the past year. Texas Pecan Shortcourse The annual Texas Pecan Shortcourse will be held on the Texas A&M College Station Campus January 26-30, 2009. This is an excellent program and covers a great deal of information. I know that many of you have attended in the past and would highly recommend it to If you enjoy our paper your customers probably do too! others. If you or someone you know is interested in attending they can find out more information by calling 979-845-7692. Sudoku Solution 7 1 5 3 4 9 8 2 6 4 8 2 7 1 6 3 5 9 3 6 9 5 8 2 4 7 1 8 4 3 1 6 7 5 9 2 1 9 6 8 2 5 7 3 4 5 2 7 4 9 3 1 6 8 6 7 1 9 3 4 2 8 5 2 5 8 6 7 1 9 4 3 in the DeLeon Free Press 254-893-6868 9 3 4 2 5 8 6 1 7 Are You Planning An Event? Do you know of an event that everyone should know about? If so, please don’t forget to give us a call at the Free Press at 893-6868 or email us at [email protected]. We’ll try to help get the word around. B U S I N E S S D I R E C T O RY Only $30.00 per month • Call 893-7887 Garcia Tire Service 301 N. Texas • DeLeon 24 Hour Road & Field Service • General Mechanic on Duty Call 254-893-5563 7 Days A Week! Your Way to Better Health! 141 N. Texas St. DeLeon, Tx. 76444 Call (254) 893-5990 Toll Free (877) 893-5990 Cook Insurance 116 N. Tx. C o m e s e e u s f o r y o u r l i f e , health, home, auto, & DeLeon 893-2466 business insurance. LARRY SIMPSON INSURANCE 501 S. Texas, DeLeon 893-6555 or 893-2043 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. ALL TYPES IRRIGATION SERVICE SOUTHWEST AIRGAS, INC. • SPECIALTY GASES • WELDING & INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES 1-800-658-6960 OR 254-893-2123 Riggs Cemetery Service, Inc. Cemetery & Lawn Service Mike & Mary Riggs 254-734-6801 KIDS DUDS RESALE SHOP Newborn to Size 10. Also maternity clothes. Tues-Sat 10AM-5PM 710 N. Austin, Comanche, TX 325-356-1144 Dr. Russell Reynolds REYNOLDS Chiropractic Center 910 N. Austin, Comanche, Texas 76442 For Appointments Call 325-356-5283 Family Dentistry ************ Orthodontics Johnny C. Smith, D.D.S. 740 N. Texas, DeLeon 893-2023 DISCOVER A NEW YOU! See yourself in a whole Mary Riggs new way with a free Mary Kay Independent color makeover! Beauty Consultant Find a look that expresses your style, your personality, your [email protected] life. Call me to create a fabulous look that’s uniquely you. You’ll love what you discover. 254-734-6802 tfnc To Advertise Call Payment Enclosed: ($25.00 in Comanche Co., $30.00 in Texas, $35.00 in U.S.___________________ We now offer E-MAIL subscriptions, good anywhere in the U.S. or world and normally sent out on Wednesdays, for only $20.00 there. Our general meeting will be held on January 22 at 7:00 p.m. It is time to renew memberships at $25.00 per year. Being a member entitles you to vote on who will be on the board of directors and gives you a discount if you rent the building. Y’all haven’t forgotten how to dance, have you? Johnny Johnson and the Memory Makers will be back at the DAC on Thursday, January 29. The band will play from 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. I would like to express our sorrow at the passing of Herschel Griffith. He and Virginia were in the process of moving to Desdemona from DeLeon when Herschel passed away on New Year’s Day. Please say a prayer for Virginia and her family. See you in Desdemona! Carol Pell Robert L. Reedy, D.D.S Gentle Family Dentistry (325) 356-2767 408 N. Austin• Comanche,Tx 76442 All Over You Permanent Cosmetics Eyebrows • Eyeliner • Lip Color Lip Liner • Lash Enhancement • Beauty Marks Call Stephanie @ 432-599-1537 Located inside Trimmin Tims in Desdemona! Page 12 / Thursday, January 8, 2009 / DeLeon Free Press The Comanche County Livestock Association invites everyone to attend our 74th Show and our 51st Auction Sale. We wish to again recognize our Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Buyers from our 2008 Sale. Their support of Comanche County youth by purchasing the Grand and Reserve Grands helped make it a record breaking auction sale. COMANCHE NATIONAL BANK purchased Dean Abbey’s reserve grand champion market swine for $1,800. Pictured are Dean Abbey, Jeff Stewart and Juvenal Sierra. CNB was established in 1889. “We have served our community for over 120 years and take pride in supporting our community’s youth. We have participated in the Comanche Co. Livestock Auction since it began 51 years ago. CROSS TIMBERS ORTHOPEDICS purchased Will H. Dickey’s grand champion market swine for $2,000. Pictured are Dr. Bill Evans, Livestock Association president Rodney Stephens and Will H. Dickey. Cross Timbers Orthopedics is entering its 11th year in serving the people of our area. We have been fortunate to remain busy and have tried to give back to the communities we serve. I have been fortunate to find a bright young orthopedist, Kevin Vanden Berge, M.D., in his residency training to return to Stephenville in two years. Adding to our team should allow a greater opportunity to care for you and to further assist the needs of our community for years to come. Proudly supporting area schools, athletics, and youth programs, CTO plans to be there when you need us. COMANCHE COUNTY VETERINARY CLINIC purchased Kaylee Pickett’s grand champion market lamb for $2,200. Pictured are Sage Cupps, Kaylee Pickett, Dr. Lyndell Fishback, Dr. Randy Abbey and Rodney Stephens. The Clinic is a full service veterinary hospital servicing all of your animal needs for Comanche and surrounding counties. “We take pride in supporting the youth of our community through various projects during the year. We encourage all businesses to join in the support of our youth at the Comanche Co. Livestock Sale on Tuesday, January 13, 2009.” HIGGINBOTHAMS purchased Courtney Hicks’ reserve grand champion meat goat for $1,650. Pictured are Kevin Randolph, Rodney Stephens, Jeffery Abbey and Courtney Hicks. Higginbotham Bros. & Co. began in 1881 as a general mercantile store in Comanche Co. Over the past 125 years, while the company has continued to expand, it has never forgotten its hometown roots. Higginbotham’s still proudly supports the youth in this community just as it has since 1881. GUNTER BROS./SUREGROW AG/LARRY ADAMS FAMILY purchased Jaden Keeter’s reserve grand champion market lamb for $1,500. Pictured are Bailey Miller, Dan Gunter, Rodney Stephens and Jaden Keeter. Gunter Bros. Feed Store is located in Gustine. Suregrow Ag is located on Highway 377N, Comanche. Larry Adams is a local Gustine farmer and rancher. All three of these buyers are strong and continual supporters of our local exhibitors. BAYER MOTOR COMPANY puchased Sage Cupps’ grand champion meat goat for $2,000. Pictured are Tanna Cupps, Sage Cupps, Chas Bayer and Rodney Stephens. Chas Bayer has been a household name in Comanche and surrounding areas for 20 years. When he started Bayer Motor Co. in 1989, it consisted of only Chevrolet and Oldsmobile, but through hard work and determination, Chas has gained GMC, Buick, and Pontiac, and in 2007, he purchased the Ford franchise. When it comes to charity and philanthropy, the local dealerships play an integral part. Bayer Motor Co. and Bayer Ford-Mercury generate thousands of dollars in local tax revenue which helps our community be successful. EVANS FARMS purchased Molly Stephens’ grand champion market steer for $2,900. Pictured are Dr. Bill Evans, Rodney Stephens and Molly Stephens. “Evans Farms is proud to support our local 4H and FFA participants. We’re also happy to extend our hospitality for our 5th annual registered Angus female sale on Saturday, Feb. 28 at 1:00 p.m. We’ll serve lunch as always and hope to have a dynamic offering of over 120 lots for an enjoyable day. Call us for a catalog and come see the sale and get a look at our Angus show heifer prospects. We’ll do our best, have fun, and stand behind our cattle - just like R.W. would have wanted!” Our Premium Sale Starts at 6:30 pm Tuesday Night in the Livestock Barn Arena 2L RANCH purchased Dalton Shackelford’s reserve grand champion market steer for $1,550. Pictured are Sasha Beaty, Buddy Lane, Rodney Stephens and Dalton Shackelford. 2L Ranch or Bill and Ann Lane have been in the farming and ranch business for over 60 years and are part of the fourth generation to raise and show cattle. The Lanes have supported agriculture, FFA, and 4-H, serving as adult 4-H leaders over 50 years. The Lanes will continue to support the youth of Comanche County and the livestock industry in the future. We hope you will attend our auction and support these hard working youth by purchasing a Premium. If you cannot attend the auction but wish to contribute you may contact any of the following Buyers Pools. Comanche FFA Booster Club Labin Scott - 325-356-2943 Comanche County Extension Agent Walt Weems - 254-485-1551 Gustine Community Fund Sidney Community Fund Terry Keeter - 325-667-7941 Jeff Caffey - 325-330-1586 De Leon FFA Booster Club Lisa Nowlin Lisa Molin 254-893-6248 Catfish Dinner Tuesday from 5:30 until 7:00 pm. Buyers Eat FREE! Everyone welcome to eat - $10.00 per plate - catered by Cook’s Fish Barn
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