Dearborn`s new political face


Dearborn`s new political face
VOL. 30 • ISSUE NO. 1460 FEBRUARY 1-7, 2014
Dearborn’s new political face
Susan Dabaja
Dearborn City Council President
Sam Salamey
Dearborn Court Chief Judge
Ron Haddad
Dearborn Police Chief
Hussein Berry
Dearborn School Board President
Arab Americans in the driver’s seat
Shatila family
preserves bakery's
sweet heritage
State of the Union Address
Mental health problems?
Help is available and
should be sought
Dearborn Heights residents
complain about snow
plowing services
Obama focuses on
domestic issues
Community honors leader
and businessman
Ned Fawaz
Geneva II
Erdogan discusses shift in Syria
policy during visit to Iran
Regional strife
endangers historic
Arab treasures

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