Pinus Contorta - Epsilon Open Archive


Pinus Contorta - Epsilon Open Archive
The Introduction of Exotic Tree Species
with Special Reference to Pinus Contorta
in Northern Sweden
Review and Background
Introduktion av fra~nmandetradslag med sarski
hansyn till Pinus contorta i novra Sverige
En litteraturoversilct
Department of Ecological Botany
University of Umel
S-901 87 Ume5, Sweden
ODC 174.7 Pinus contorta
The background to the large-scale planting of Pinus contorta in northern
Sweden is reviewed with an account of the distribution and characteristics o f
Pinus contorta within its natural range in western North America. The
Swedish Forestry Act of 1979 places restrictions on the planting programme
of Pinus contorta. The threats to successful planting of exotics are discussed
in relation to the historical background. Attention is also drawn to parasitic
fungi which are infecting Pinus contorta in western Canada, and to the
potential threat they represent to the indigenous Pinus sylvestris in Sweden.
LFJALLF 293 81 002
ISBN 9 1-38-06224-0
ISSN 0039-3 150
1 Introduction
. . . . .
2 Distribution and characteristics of Pinus
contorta . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 The threat of internationally dangerous
forest tree diseases . . . . . . . .
3.1 Historical review . . . . . . .
3.2 Transmission of pathogens . . . .
3.3 Other threats to successful planting
of exotics . . . . . . . . . .
4 Parasitic fungi infecting Pinus contorta
in western Canada . . . . . . . .
4.1 Canker . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 Rust fungi . . . . . . . . .
4.3 Needle cast fungi . . . . . . .
4.4 Root rot fungi . . . . . . . .
4.5 Mistletoe . . . . . . . . . .
5 Conclusions and summary
Samrnanfattning . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
SFS nr 158
1 Introduction
European forests include relatively few coniferous tree species compared to those in
the temperate zones of North America and
Asia. This poverty of the flora is mainly
due to the fact that during the Quarternary
glaciations many Tertiary tree species, being unable to retreat southwards because
of the east-west barrier of the Alps, died
out in Europe. Consequently it is understandable that European foresters became
interested in the introduction of foreign
tree species. The need to avoid a shortage
of raw material for the pulp industry has
led to large-scale trials with fast-growing
exotics during the past few decades.
Among the variety of conifer species
planted in Sweden (see Stefansson 1957,
Kiellander 1966, Remrod et al. 1977), the
lodgepole pine, Pinus contorta Dougl. ex
Loudon, has been the most successful. Pinus
contorta is capable of an approxin~ately
40--70% higher yield per ha than the
native Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), depending on site quality (Hagglund et al.
1979). According to Remrod (1977a) the
optimum rotation for lodgepole pine is 1520 years shorter than for Scots pine.
Pinus contorta was first introduced into
Sweden from western Canada, in the late
19th century. Several plantations exist from
the mid-1920's and the following decade.
The increased interest of Swedish foresters
in Pinus contorta led to the establishment
of a great many trial plantations in the late
1940's, although interest dwindled later and
only a few plantations were established in
the early 1960's. From 1967 onward, the
P i n ~ ~contorta
planting programme was
significantly increased, and at the present
time Pinus contorta is planted extensively
as a forest tree in Sweden. Hitherto (1980)
150,000 ha have been planted with lodgepole
pine, which represents about SO million
plants a year. However, the future percentage of lodgepole pine used in plantations is
restricted by the Swedish Forestry Act of
1979, which stipulates that Pinus contorta
should be used "in areas difficult to regenerate satisfactorily with indigenous tree
species". Thus, until further notice "Pinus
contorta may be used only in an experimental scale south of latitude 59"30fN in
the counties Varmland and brebro, and
~ o u t hof latitude 60"N in the rest of the
country. North of this border the annual
establishment of Pinus contorta must not
exceed a total of 0.2 00 of the productive
forest land in the counties Norrbotten,
Vasterbotten and Jamtland, and 0.1 00 in
the other counties. On holdings larger than
1000 ha the establishment of stands with
Pinus contorta must not exceed 50% of
the total regeneration area each year."
(Skogsstyrelsen 1979).
Before 1960 little progress had been made
with provenance trials of Pinus contorta.
Up to 1963, all seed was taken from trees
of provenances growing south of SON, i.e.
from the northern USA and from the
vicinity of the Canadian border. Later on,
in the 1960's, the Swedish Cellulose Company (SCA) included an increasing number
of northern provenances in its trial plantations in Norrland. Both cones and cuttings
were obtained from sites throughout the
whole distribution area for Pinus contorta
in North America, as far north as 63"N.
Hagner & Fahlrot (1974) draw the southern
boundary for Pinus contorta provenances
which are suitable for use in northern Sweden at 55"N (central British Columbia).
Guidelines for the choice of suitable provenances of Pinus contorta in northern Sweden have been drawn up by Hagner &
Fahlrot (1974), Remrod (1977b) and the
National Board of Forestry (1979).
The provenances of many of the trees
used in former trials were either not recorded, or unknown. Frequently they came
from regions too far south in North America. A high degree of damage from causes
such as windblow, snow-thrust, trunk-forking and breakage, and insect and fungal
attack has commonly been recorded in these
particular trial plantations (Karlman 1976).
Nevertheless, other Pinus contorta stands
exist, also of southerly provenance, which
are well developed and healthy. Favourable
soil conditions and a suitable local climate
are of vital importance to the success of
such plantations.
During the past five years, a series of
Pinus contorta plantations in northern Sweden have been investigated annually with
respect to different kinds of damage, primarily those by parasitic fungi (Karlman
1976, 1979, 1980a, 1980b). The study has
gradually become concentrated on provenance trials made by the College of Forestry (the series is described by Lindgren
et al. 1976) and the Institute for Forest
Improvement (see Rosvall & Stromberg
1980). Five years of research on the damage
suffered by Pinus contorta have proved that
the correct choice of provenance is of the
utmost importance if the more serious
fungal attacks are to be obviated (Karlman
op.cit.). However, an element of uncertainty
is always associated with the introduction
of exotic species. I n Canada Pinus contorta
is liable to attack by a series of parasitic
fungi and should any of these inadvertently
be introduced into Scandinavia the consequences could presumedly be serious.
Several of these fungi present a potential
threat to the indigenous Pinus sylvestris.
Furthermore, some of the pathogenic fungi
native to Scandinavia might change in
virulence and be more serious to a new host
species that has not yet adapted to the
environmental conditions prevailing in Sweden.
Figure 1. Occurrence of Pinus contorta in its northern range of distribution and latitudes in
western North America and in Sweden.
2 Distribution and characteristics of Pinus contorta
Pinus contorta exhibits an unusually wide
ecological amplitude, with regard to both
climate and soil conditions. Its natural
distribution area covers a very wide latitudinal zone in western North America,
from Baja, California, (31°N) up to the
mid-part of the Yukon Territory (Hamilton
Creek at 64"15'N). On an arcal basis its
major occurrence (20 million ha) is in
British Columbia and the Yukon Territory.
No other species of pine shows such a wide
altitudinal range as does Pinus contorta,
which has a habitat tolerance from sea-level
on the Pacific coast of North America up
to 3900 m above sea level in the Sierra
Nevada (Critchfield 1966). In view of the
above data it is therefore not surprising to
find that a large number of highly-differentiated ge~graphicalraces of Pinus contorta
have developed, which differ morphologically and ecologically. Critchfield (1978) distinguishes the following subspecies:
1. ssp. latifolia (Rocky Mountain-Intermountain race) has a continuous distributional area extending from the central
Yukon to eastern Oregon and southern
Colorado, and scattered occurrences from
the Caribou Mountains in northern Alberta
to the Black Hills in South Dakota. This
subspecies is the one which has attracted
the interest of Swedish foresters. Its ability
to tolerate harsher environmental conditions and poorer soils than P. sylvestris, and
Figure 2. Pirzus contorta subspecies latifolia. 80-year-old stand north of Fort Nelson, British
Columbia. Septembcr 1978.
3 - SFS nr 159
Figure 3. Pinus contorfa is an aggressive pioneer species on burnt ground. Burnt area 10 years
after fire, near Watson Lake, Yukon. September 1978.
yet remain even more productive than that
species has made it particularly attractive
for planting in the forests of northern
Sweden. In Canada, however, this subspecies
was of no economic interest before the last
few decades. It grows into a tall tree, but
with a trunk of no great diameter, because
of the density of the stands after natural
regeneration. It has a thin bark, like that
of the Norway spruce, Picea abies (L.)
Karst., and relatively long needles. I t
praduces a large quantity of seed, starting
at a relatively early age. The cones are
mainly serotinous, i.e. they only open and
release their seeds at relatively high air
temperatures, e.g. during forest fires, which
are quite common, especially in northern
British Columbia and the Yukon. This has
competitively favoured this subspecies of P.
contorfa, which, because of its regular and
abundant production of seed, its smallsized, readily wind-distributed seeds, and its
relatively rapid growth during the first few
seedling years, behaves as an aggressive
pioneer species on burnt ground.
2. ssp. murrayana (Sierra-Cascade
occurs in the Cascade Range and the Sierra
Nevada, in the mountainous parts of southern California, as well as in the northern
part of Baja, California. This subspecies
grows only slowly in height, but attains a
greater trunk diameter than do any of the
other races. Its bark is relatively thin and
its needles are short and broad. It does not
bear serotinous cones, the seeds instead
being shed on maturity, wherefore its
distributional area shows no relationship to
areas subject to frequent forest fires.
3. ssp. contorta (coastal race) is also known
as the Shore pine. It occurs along the
Pacific coast of North America from
Yukatat Bay in Alaska south to the northern part of California. Throughout this area
it is restricted to the most marginal, least
favourable, habitats, where it is a lowgrowing, heavily-branched tree, with a
spreading crown on top of a short, thick
and often twisted trunk. Whether this
stunted growth is due to environmental factors has been discussed e.g. by Krajina
(1969) and Illingworth (1971). The needles
are short and very narrow, and possess relatively more stomata than the needles of the
inland races. Along the coast it produces
non-serotinous cones, but further inland
serotinous ones. Alaska provenances of this
subspecies are included in Swedish provenance trials.
4. ssp. bolanderi (Mendocino White Plains
race) occurs rather locally and only within
a rather restricted area of soils of low pH
(2.8-3.9) near to the northern Californian
coast. Within its natural distribution area
it is a low-growing tree, but when planted
elsewhere it grows to quite a reasonable
height. It bears short, narrow needles and
produces abundant pollen. The cones are
often serotinous.
5. Del Norte race has a very limited distribution in the coastal mountains of northwest California.
3 The threat of internationally dangerous
forest tree diseases
susceptible (Gauman 1950), however, and
Pinus strobus is thought to have been inWithin international forestry research cir- fected by a pathogen strain which had
cles, there has always been an interest in spread westwards into Europe from Siberia
the introduction of fast-growing exotics. (Macek 1976) or possibly from a small
Many trial plantings have been made in relict area of Pinus cembra in the Carpamany countries. Nevertheless, history bears thians (Peace 1962).
Unfortunately Cronartium ribicola was
witness to the often disastrous consequences
of taking a tree species from one continent later introduced between 1906 and 1910 on
and introducing it into another while paying seedlings imported from Germany into the
no attention to suitable provenances of northeastern United States, whence it sucseed. The classic example is the case of cessively spread throughout the natural
Pinus strobus L., the Weymouth pine, a range of Pinus strobus. At about the same
five-needle pine species which was intro- time (1910) it was introduced from France
duced into France from North America in to Vancouver and advanced at a rate of
the mid-16th century and into England 150 about 25 miles a year (Van der Plank 1975),
years later (1705). As regards productivity, causing heavy losses to other species of
the Weymouth pine was a very interesting White pine, e.g. Pinus monticola Dougl.,
conifer, growing much more rapidly than P. lambertiana Dougl., P. flexilis James and
the native coniferous tree species. In Ger- P. albicualis Engelm. Despite 50 years of
many large-scale planting of Pinus strobus extensive resistance work, progress has been
commenced during the early part of the slow (Ziller 1974). During the past few years
19th century, followed by plantings in both the most promising control has been selection and breeding of resistant trees (Agrios
France and Austria (Schmitt 1972).
I n the mid-19th century the European 1978).
A further example of the world-wide
plantations were suddenly attacked by the
pathogenic fungus Cronartium ribicola J. C. spread of a serious fungal disease is Dutch
Fisch. ex Rabenh. From an initial outbreak elm disease (Ceratocystis ulmi (Buisman) C.
in the Baltic States in 1854, the epidemic Moreau). This insect-borne parasitic fungus
spread over the entire continent in the was first discovered in France in 1918, and
course of a mere 30 years. The effects were had soon spread across western Europe
catastrophic. Pinus strobus possessed no into Russia and the Balkans. The marked
inherent resistance against this fungal para- resistance shown by some Asiatic elm
site. Cronartium ribicola is a rust fungus species led to the assumption that the pathwith host-alternation, which is able to infect ogen had been introduced to France from
five-needled pines and a large number of Asia (Peace 1962), presumedly by Chinese
Ribes species. The original host of this labourers employed in trench digging during
pathogen is usually considered (Peace 1962) the war. They used baskets made of Chinese
to be Pinus cembra L., the indigenous elm with residual pieces of bark containing
European populations of which, now re- the vector beetles (Horsfall & Cowling
stricted to relatively small areas in the Alps, 1978). Dutch elm disease was noticed in
are considerably resistant to infection. The England in 1927 and already three years
Pinus sibirica populations in Asia are more later had been carried across the Atlantic
3.1 Historical review
Figure 4. The correct choice of
provenance is of utmost importance for the success of an exotic.
Seven-year-old Pinus contorta of
suitable provenance at Moskosel,
400 m above sea level, Norrbotten
province, northern Sweden. June
to the USA, probably on infected elm logs
imported for the manufacture of veneers
(Spaulding 1957), reaching Canada by the
mid-1940's. I n the 1960's the Dutch elm
disease again crossed the Atlantic, now in
the opposite direction, and appeared in
Great Britain in a much more aggressive
and virulent strain eradicating 5 million
elms (Wilkinson 1978). Today Ceratocystis
ulmi is still the most severe shade tree
disease in the USA (Agrios 1978).
The chestnut blight (Endothia parasitica
(Murr.) And. & And.) is one of the most
destructive forest tree diseases in the world.
This pathogen has had disastrous effects on
forests of the European chestnut (Castanea
sativa Mill.) and has also severely attacked
the American species of chestnut (Castanea
dentata (Marsh.) Borkh.). Endothia parasitica was endemic to China. Consequently,
the Castanea species in Japan, China and
Korea have a relatively high resistance to
infection (Day 1978).
It has been established (Heald et al. 1915)
that the ascospores of Endothia parasitica
can be spread many miles by the wind and
that its sticky conidia can be carried long
distances by birds and insects (Heald &
Studhalter 1914). Chestnut blight was introduced into the New York Zoological Park
in 1904, probably on chestnut plants imported from eastern Asia (Beattie & Diller
1954, see also Diller 1965, Walker 1969,
Hepting 1974). I t rapidly spread all over
the continent reaching the Pacific Northwest by 1929, and did not leave a single tree
undamaged. "The loss of chestnut is an
outstanding example of the destruction that
can be brought by an introduced parasite
that finds its new host without any inherent
resistance and is a tragic lesson on the
danger of introducing living plant material
from other countries, particularly when no
prior investigation of the diseases that
Figure 5. Seven-year-old Pinus contorta of
unsuitable provenance. Damage due to unfavourable weather conditions followed by
Phacidium infestans attack. Moskosel, 400 m
above sea level, Norrbotten province, northern
Sweden. July 1980.
attack the host in its native land has been
made" (Boyce 1961).
Hitherto no resistant chestnuts have been
found in America (Agrios 1978). However,
a virus-like disease of Endothia parasitica
has been observed in Italy, weakening the
pathogen enough to bring the blight into
remission. Strains of the infected fungus
have been used successfully by French
pathologists to control the blight in French
chestnut orchards (Hartline 1980). American efforts have not yet been successful.
After World War I the planting of
Douglas Fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.)
Franco, in central Europe was severely
threatened by several pathogens, primarily
the fungi Rhabdocline pseudotsugae Syd.
and Phaeocryptopus giiumanni (Rhode)
Petrak, both introduced from the natural
range of Douglas Fir in western North
America and changing into more virulent
strains, the former due to the damper
climate in Europe during the growing
season (Boyce 1954). Both the gray and
the blue intermountain forms of Douglas
Fir were highly susceptible to Rhabdocline,
while the green coastal form has been more
resistant (Bergman 1954, MacDonald et al.
1957, Butin & Zycha 1973). The green
coastal form was instead attacked by
Phaeocryptopus giiumanni and so were the
other two forms, which made further
planting of Douglas Fir in central Europe
dubious for decades. Today, when damage
can be controlled by a correct choice of
provenance (Kleinschmit 1978), Douglas Fir
has become the most important foreign tree
species in German forestry.
In Great Britain foresters have a relatively long experience of exotics. A large
sector of British forestry is based on nonnative coniferous species, a great many
introduced from North America. The fact
that at least a dozen species of exotics play
a major part in British forestry is of great
value in disease control. With a small number of species much larger areas would be
involved in any fungal or insect attack of
epidemic proportions (Peace 1962).
I n North America the introduction of
foreign tree diseases, e.g. white pine blister
rust (Cronartium ribicola), Dutch elm disease (Ceratocystis ulmi) and chestnut blight
(Endothia parasitica) has been both disastrous and has caused tremendous financial
losses. Other introduced diseases are larch
canker (Lachnellula willkommii (Hart.)
Dennis) and Scleroderris canker (Gremmeniella abietina (Lagerb.) Morelet) (see
also p. 15). American pathologists have
found that about twenty years pass before a
new pathogen becomes epidemic, which
probably holds true for European conditions as well (Spaulding 1957).
One of the most important examples of
an introduced tree species in the Southern
Hemisphere is the Monterey pine, Pinus
radiata D. Don, which is indigenous in only
a limited area near the coast in southern
California (Dallimore & Jackson 1966, Mirov 1967). Pinus radiata has little commercial value within its natural range, but has
Pady & Kelly (1954) proved that polar
air masses contain many fewer fungal
spores than do tropical air masses. Nevertheless, impressive numbers of spores have
been found in polar air masses. Up to 137
fungus spores per m3 in an air mass of polar
origin at 9000 feet over the North Atlantic
and a total of 530 fungus spores per 1n3 in
a tropical air mass were recorded. Pady and
Kelly also proved that there was no evidence of a gradual reduction in spore numbers with increasing distance from land.
However, such spore dispersal is probably
unimportant to the spread of forest tree
diseases. Man appears always to be the
chief agent for the intercontinental transmission of such pathogens (Orton & Beattie
Fungi can be carried from one continent
to another on imported timber, plants and
seed. Tree seed importation offers the least
risk (Peace 1962), with the exception of
Castanea seed, which may already be infected with chestnut blight (Endothia para3.2 Transmission of pathogens
sitica), thus making seed disinfection vital.
Cronartium ribicola is an example, though
Pathologists all over the world agree that
an element of uncertainty is always asso- not the only one, of a tree disease introciated with the introduction of exotic spe- duced on imported nursery plants. Uncies. Relatively few fungi have a world-wide barked timber, however, represents a far
distribution. Many pathogens have not yet more serious risk for the transmission of
invaded every corner of their host species' pathogens (Morgan & Byrne 1957). Quarannatural geographical range, nor have they tine regulations intended to inhibit the
yet penetrated all parts of the world into spread of tree diseases have generally applied to the importation of living plants,
which the host species has been introduced.
Aerobiological studies of the fungal and rather than to imports of seed or timber
bacterial flora in the atmosphere over the (Peace 1962). For economic reasons a comAtlantic Ocean have proved that viable plete embargo on the import of timber is
fungal spores can be spread from one con- impossible in most countries.
A few years ago, Pinus contorta scions
tinent to another in the air masses (Meier
could be imported into Sweden for grafting
1935). During his famous North AtlanticGreenland flight in 1933, Charles Lindberg purposes, a procedure which obviously inmade spore collections for Meier. It was volved a serious risk factor.
Sherman (1957) discusses another very
then established that some of these fungal
spores belonged to pathogenic species interesting method of spore dispersal, viz.
that spores may be carried inside aircraft,
(Meier LC.).
According to Stover (1962) spores of the and that passengers may, unknowingly or
banana leaf spot fungus (Mycosphaerella deliberately, carry diseased materials in
musicola Leach.) were spread by the wind their luggage. In 1956, in a check made on
from eastern Australia to the Caribbean all passengers arriving by air in the USA
area in 1933, where they caused a disastrous from overseas, 38 010 were found to be
transporting unauthorized plant material.
been extensively introduced as an important
timber tree in New Zealand, Australia,
Africa and South America, with excellent
results. Unfortunately it has gradually become prone to attack by a great many
native and introduced pathogens, although
Pinus radiata is still of great economic
importance in the Southern Hemisphere and
is a good example of a successful exotic,
as are members of the genus Eucalyptus, a
native of Australia but now successfully
introduced into other tropical and subtropical countries.
There is much to learn from these early
mistakes in forest history. However, little
was known in those days about the transfer
of seed. Today we have much more knowlegde about the importance of a correct
choice of provenance for the success of an
exotic. Concerning pathogens there are still
some possible risk factors that must be
taken into consideration.
Figure 6. Both in 1979 and 1980 Pinus contorta plantations at higher altitudes in northern
Sweden have suffered from bending damage, caused by the weight of a heavy coating of icc
after days of rain followed by temperatures below freezing point. Stensvattnet, Vasternorrland
province, northern Sweden. October 1980.
Nowadays, the introduction of more stringent quarantine regulations has presumedly
reduced that percentage, although in the
jet age the speed-up of intercontinental
journeys must have increased this risk
factor considerably.
3.3 Other threats to successful planting of
1. Low tree vigour in the new habitat
naturally increase susceptibility to pathogens and may be fatal for exotics.
2. Unfavourable short-term meteorological
conditions may spoil initially successful
plantings of non-native tree species, e.g.
plantations of Abies alba in Norway were
successful for 20-30 years, but were then
totally destroyed following a year of severe
frost and drought (Borset 1976).
Severe icing affects Pinus contorta more
severely than Pinus sylvestris (Karlman
1980a) owing to the great length of the
needles of the former species. Both in 1979
and 1980 Pinus contorta plantations at
- altitudes in northern Sweden suffered
from bending damage, caused by the weight
3. The proper choice of site is of great importance in preventing disease. Gremmeniella abietina (Lagerb.) Morelet is generally
associated with plantations at high altitudes
(Stefansson 1957, Roll-Hansen 1972), Lachnellula wilkommii (Hart.) Dennis with
frosty sites (Peace 1962), and Heterobasidion annosum Bref. with alcaline soils
Figure 7. A morc virulent
European strain of Gremmeniella abietina was introduced
into the USA in 1964. SEM
micrograph x 80.
(Burdekin & Greig 1972). Melampsora pinitorqua Rostr. only attacks mixed plantations of pine and aspen: Populus tremula L.,
4. It is generally considered that mixed
stands are preferable to pure stands. From a
pathological point of view, mixed stands are
sometimes to be preferred because most
pathogens are specific to a host genus or
one or a few species in a genus and the
spread of infection from one tree to another
takes place much more rapidly in a pure
stand (Boyce 1961, Peace 1962).
5. Many fungal species have been found to
possess numerous races, which vary in their
degree of pathogenicity (cf. Kiellander
1976). A more virulent European strain of
Gremmeniella abietina, Scleroderris canker,
was introduced into the USA in 1964 (Skilling 1977) where it caused heavy losses in
pine plantations in New York State and
then spread into Vermont, New Hampshire
and New Brunswick (Schabas 1979). Agrios
(1978) estimated that more than two hundred different races of Puccinia graminis
Pers. exist in the world, and that new races
are still developing. Although the effects of
epidemic fungal diseases on agricultural
crops are really severe they cannot be compared to those in forestry plantations or
natural regenerations with a 50-100 year
rotation. If one cereal crop is wiped out it
can be replaced next year by other kinds of
crops, e.g. potatoes. If a pine plantation is
subject to an attack by a serious pathogen,
the results of 10, 25 or 40 years' production
are lost.
6. The winter of 1977178 was a peak year
for voles in northern Sweden. Voles appear
to prefer Pinus contorta to Pinus sylvestris,
presumably because of a thinner and more
delicious bark of the former species. However, lodgepole pine has a much higher
capacity for recovery from these attacks
than the Scots pine. A lateral branch takes
over as the leading shoot or adventitious
buds are formed. Northern provenances of
lodgepole pine appear to be less attacked
than southern provenances, although the
data are still too limited for any statistical
check on whether this tendency is being
maintained (Karlman 1979). Nevertheless,
during the last winter (1979180) repeated
damage by voles to several Pinus contorta
plantations in southern Norrland has been
of great concern. Another peak year for
voles is expected this winter (1980/81), and
severe damage to lodgepole pine has already
been reported from the province of Varmland in central Sweden.
4 Parasitic fungi infecting Pinus contorta
in wester~lCanada
Since fungi dangerous to Pinus contorta,
with special reference to pathogens from
northern Europe, have been discussed by
Roll-Hansen (1978), this chapter concentrates on pathogens from the natural range
of Pinus contoria (see also Lindgren 1980).
Within its area of distribution in western
Canada Pinus contorta is subject to attack
by a wide variety of parasitic fungi. However, fungal attack in natural regenerations
is not considered to represent a particularly
great problem. Such stands are usually far
too dense anyway and therefore no serious
threat is posed to the future stand when a
large number of seedlings are thinned out.
This is natural selection at work, a quite
necessary process, since it is the most
resistant plants which survive (cf. Karlman
The conditions in forestry plantations are
quite different, since the intention is that
all transplants shall survive. Attacks by
fungi and insects in such cases may have
severe effects. Even in Canada, they have
scarcely ten years' experience of lodgepole
pine plantations and it is stated (Martinsson
1978, 1980, Illingworth 1980-pers. comm.)
that the rust fungi, in particular, represent
a serious problem in these areas. Many of
these fungi also present a potential threat
to our native pine, Pinus sylvestris, so the
consequences would be serious if any of
these fungi were introduced into Scandinavia.
4.1 Canker
One of the most serious pathogens of Pinus
contorta in western Canada is Atropellis
canker, Atropellis piniphila (Weir) Lohman
& Cash. It causes trunk and stem canker
with copious exudation of resin, which are
similar effects to those of Crumenulopsis
sororia (Karst.) Groves, a closely related
ascomycete indigenous to western Europe.
The fungus attacks through the undamaged
bark, usually at the nodes. The cambial
layer is killed off at a multitude of widely
separated points, thus leading to a disruption of the tree's transport system. The
fungal hyphae then spread vertically, while
the host tissues attempt to heal the damage.
Atropellis does not usually kill the host
tree, but the attack leads to a reduction in
growth increments and loss of timber quality of the tree. The initial sign of infection is
a copious exudation of resin down the
trunk and from the branches, followed by
crack formation. Canker scars gradually become apparent on the trunk and branches,
which, when, examined in cross-section,
show a dark bluish-black staining of the
wood (Hopkins 1963). Atropellis has so far
not been found in Europe.
4.2 Rust fungi
Among the variety of rust fungi which
infect Pinus contorta, the western gall rust,
Endocronartium harknessii (J. P. Moore)
Y. Hirat., is considered to be the most
comnlon and the most destructive stem
rust in western Canada. This rust can
spread directly from one tree to another,
with no intermediate host stage. The pathogen enters through the needles and the
green shoots. Attack leads to gall formation
on the pine branches. Teleutospores, which
are produced from the galled areas a few
years after the infection has occurred, are
then spread by the wind to infect other
pine trees. The galls increase in size each
year, until they finally strangle the branch
or stem on which they are situated. This
rust fungus seldom kills older, larger pines,
Figure 8. Atropellis piniphila causes stem
canker on Pinus contorta, with copious exudation of resin. Vanderhoof, British Columbia.
August 1978.
but attacks lead to a reduction in growth
increment and infected stems are often
more readily broken off by snow or wind.
Young pines, on the other hand, as a rule
die after an attack (Ziller 1974). Unfortunately, Pinus sylvestris is highly susceptible to this rust and forestry plantations of
Scots pine in western North America have
been severely attacked (Ziller 1967). However the pathogen is still confined to North
Amercia, but the consequences would be
disastrous if this disease were to be spread
t o Europe.
A potential threat to both Pinus contorta
and Pinus sylvestris in Sweden is the sweetfern blister-rust Cronartium comptoniae
Arth., with host-alternation between two
and three-needled Pinus species and certain
members of the Myricaceae, e.g. Sweet gale
(Myrica gale L.) and Sweet fern (Comptonia
perigrina (L.) Coult.). An attack leads to
stem girdling close to ground level and
causes severe damage in forest nurseries
and young plantations, but is not a very
important pathogen in natural forests or
Figure 9. Attack by Endocronartium harknessii
leads to gall formation. Mackenzie, British
Columbia. August 1978.
plantations more than ten years old (Ziller
Myrica gale is fairly common in southern
and central Sweden and northwards to
Varmland, Dalarna and the south of Norrland into a region which is termed "North
Swedish Myrica subregion", (Wahlenberg
1826) "a zone strongly confined to the coast
on either side of the Bothnian Bay, extending only about 20-30
km inland",
(Ericson 1977). Only isolated Myrica stands
have been recorded further inland. Accidental introduction of the pathogen into
these regions might therefore have serious
According to Pawsey (1974) worse epidemics than those produced by Cronartium
ribicola could occur if Cronartium comptoniae were to be introduced into Europe. The
disease is not easy to control. For obvious
reasons it would be quite impossible to
eradicate the alternate host Myrica gale
from Europe (cf. cereal rusts and the
Barberry, Berberis vulgaris L.).
Pinus contorta and Pinus sylvestris are
also liable to attack by some other species
of rust fungi, viz. the pine needle rust,
Coleosporium asterurn (Diet.) Syd., with
species of Aster and Solidago as alternate
hosts. Geographical races of Coleosporium
are considered to exist and different Pinus
species show varying degrees of susceptibility to this pathogen (Browne 1968).
For the Comandra blister rust, Cronarti~cmcomandrae Peck, species of Comandra
are the alternate hosts. It produces perennial cankers on both Pinus contorta and
Pinus sylvestris. Comandra species do not
occur in northern Europe and consequently
the pathogen represents no impending
threat to the northern European pine
The alternate hosts of the stalactiform
blister rust, Cronartium coleosporoides
Arth. f. coleosporoides, are American species of Melampyrurn, Pedicularis and Rhinanthus, all genera of which other species
are very common and widespread in Sweden. Pine seedlings and young plantations
are most liable to serious attack and are
usually killed off by girdling. Infection of
older trees usually results in deformation
and retarded growth. Cankers produced by
Atropellis piniphila are often associated
with attacks by this pathogen (Ziller 1974).
4.3 Needle cast fungi
Defoliation of lodgepole pine leading to
reduced growth can be caused by the following needle-cast fungi: Davisomycella
montana (Darker) Darker, D. medusa
(Dearn.) Darler, Lophodermella concolor
(Dearn.) Darker, L. montivaga Petr. and
Elytroderma deformans (Weir) Darker.
Trees heavily infected by Elytroderma deformans are killed off and moderately infected trees are susceptible to subsequent
attacks by bark beetles (Childs 1959). So
far, none of these pathogenic species have
been reported in Europe.
A closely related Lophodermella species,
L . sulcigena (Rostr.) Hohn., however, is a
serious pathogen of Scots pine in western
Europe and has caused severe reductions in
the growth increment of Scots pine in
northern Sweden during the past two years.
Hitherto the plantations of Pinus contorta
Figure 10. Arceuthobium americanum, the
dwarf mistletoe, is a leafless, parasitic, vascular
plant, which grows in the crowns of Pinus
contorta and causes heavy losses in growth
increment. Mackenzie, British Columbia. August 1978.
have proved resistant to attack (Karlman
Scirrhia pini Funk & Parker causes "red
band disease, a serious problem of worldwide consequence especially in plantations
of fast-growing pine species", (Krebill 1975).
This needle cast pathogen is widely distributed both in the Northern and the Southern Hemispheres. It has so far been restricted to damp habitats and has not been
found in Scandinavia, where the climatic
factors may be unfavourable (Roll-Hansen
4.4 Root rot fungi
Among the various basidiomycetes which
cause root rot of lodgepole pine in western
Canada, Heferobasidion annosum (Fr.)
Bref. and Arrnillariella mellea (Vahl ex Fr.)
Karst. are the most serious. Both these
pathogens are widely distributed in the
North Temperate Zone. They are also wide-
spread in Sweden, where they have led to
heavy economic losses in Swedish forestry.
I n northern Sweden Pinus contorta also
suffers occasional attacks of Arrnillariella
rnellea. Heterobasidion annosum is predominantly found on Pinus sylvestris in
southern Sweden, but has recently (1980)
also been observed on Pinus contorta in the
north of the country.
4.5 Mistletoe
Finally, the dwarf mistletoe, Arceuthobiurn
arnericanurn Nutt. ex Engelm., Loranthaceae, although not a fungal parasite, ought
to be mentioned in this survey. The dwarf
mistletoe is a leafless, perennial, parasitic
vascular plant, which grows in the crowns
of various coniferous species. The decrease
in wood volume caused by the growth of
this parasite represents a quarter of the
entire annual cut of lodgepole pine and
western hemlock in British Columbia (Baranyay & Smith 1972). However, the distance of seed dispersal is limited and were
dwarf mistletoe to be accidentally introduced into Scandinavia, it could relatively
easily be controlled by silvicultural treatment.
5 Conclusions and summary
There is much to be said in favour of the
large-scale planting of Pinus contorta in
northern Sweden in the future, especially in
view of its high rate of production and its
superiority to Pinus sylvestris in areas in
which regeneration is very hard to achieve.
Moreover, Pinus contorta has so far been
virtually resistant to both Melampsora rust
(Melampsora pinitorqua Rostr.) and Lophodermella needle cast (Lophodermella sulcigena (Rostr.) Hohn.), two parasitic fungi
which have caused severe infections in the
Pinus syl~estrisforests of northern Sweden
during the past two years. We need to bear
in mind that even our native pine, Pinus
sylvestris, is subject to attack by a number
of parasitic fungi, although in this case we
are relatively familiar with the different
kinds of pathogens concerned, thanks to
the long-standing mycological research that
has been carried out in Sweden during the
present century (Lagerberg, Bjorkman). So
far as the resistance of Pinus contorta to
the various pathogenic fungi native to Sweden is concerned, our knowledge is still far
from complete. We can presume that introduced species possess no specifically selected
resistance to the native pathogens of the
new country. It is therefore unrealistic to
make any prognosis based solely on the
knowledge we have of Pinus sylvestris, a
tree species which has had many millennia
to become adapted to the ecological conditions in Sweden (cf. Karlman 1979). As
stated elsewhere, "it is not until at least one
rotation has passed that reasonable judgement can be rendered as to the result of an
introduction no matter how initially successful it may seem to be", (Boyce 1961).
No simple answer thus exists to the vexed
question of whether the introduction of
Pinus contorta into northern Sweden will
be exceedingly favourable, or whether it
will present a great risk. Nevertheless, we
can learn much from the results of previous
forestry experience of the potential threats
to successful planting of exotic species.
Some of the risk factors that must be considered in regard to potential pathogens are:
1. A pathogen so far restricted to the
natural distribution range of Pinus contorta
might be inadvertently introduced into
Scandinavia, leading to severe damage to
Pinus contorta and to the native species,
Pinus sylvestris.
2. Pathogens indigenous to Scandinavia
might prove more virulent to the new host,
not yet adapted to its new environment.
3. A relatively unimportant pathogen, or a
saprophyte, introduced from western Canada or native to Scandinavia, might change
in virulence under new environmental conditions or on a new host, respectively.
One risk factor of importance is that we
introduce a species of the same genus as the
native Pinus sylvestris. From a phytosanitarical point of view a better policy would
in fact be to plant exotics of other genera
than Pinus, thus avoiding potential threats
by pathogens to our native conifers, which
are mostly not attacked by the same parasitic fungi as are species of e.g. the genera
Abies, Larix and Pseudotsuga. An increase
in frequency of vole damage is another
risk factor.
Pinus contorta exhibits an unusually wide
ecological amplitude and possesses a high
capacity of recovery from a wide variety of
damage. Moreover, the risks to a successful
planting of Pinus contorta are presumedly
reduced considerably by a correct choice of
provenance. However, a continual watch
must be kept on the progress of the Pinus
contorta plantations in northern Sweden, in
the knowledge that any newly introduced
pathogen can more easily be controlled
when detected at an early stage.
Pinus contorta har pa senare Br fBtt allt
storre betydelse inom svenskt skogsbruk.
Hittills har 150.000 ha planterats rned contortatall, for narvarande ungefar 50 miljoner plantor Hrligen. Andelen contorta kommer dock att begransas genom den nya
skogsv%rdslagen, som foreskriver att "contortatall bor anvandas framfor allt i omrBden dar det ar wart att rned inhemska
tradslag Bstadkomma en tillfredsstallande
foryngring". Endast 0,2 Olo av den produktiva skogsmarksarealen fBr Brligen planteras
rned Pinus contorta i Norrbottens, Vasterbottens och Jamtlands Ian, 0,l % i ovriga
landsdelar norr om 60°N br. Varje agarkategori rned en storre brukningsenhet an
1.000 ha till& plantera hogst 50 00 contorta Brligen. Detta a r en begransning av
flera skogsbolags contorta-odling. Vilken ar
bakgrunden till detta beslut?
Att introducera nya snabbvaxande tradslag har lange intresserat skogsforskare. I
Sverige har man gjort forsok rned ett flertal
barrtradsarter. Pinus contorta har visat sig
vara den mest produktiva. Contorta-tallen
harstammar frBn vastra Nordamerika och
har ett mycket stort utbredningsomrade i
nord-sydlig riktning frkn norra Kaliforniahalvon (31 ON) till mellersta Yukon (64" 15').
Arealmassigt sett ligger huvudforekomsten i
British Columbia och Yukon. Pinus contorta har en mycket vid ekologisk amplitud,
bide nar det galler klimatiska och edafiska
faktorer. Ingen annan tallart har s& stor
tolerans for nivhkillnader som Pinus contorta. Den vaxer ute vid Stilla Havskusten
och upp till 3.900 m 6.h. i Sierra Nevada
(Kalifornien). Pinus contorta har utvecklat
flera val differentierade geografiska raser
eller varieteter. Av dessa a r det varieteten
ZatifoGa, som ar av intresse inom svenskt
De forsta forsoken i Sverige anlades redan i borjan av 1900-talet. I Norrland ar de
aldsta contorta-planteringarna f r i n slutet av
1920-talet. I flera av de aldre forsoken var
proveniensen okand. Ofta var den for sydlig
och detta resulterade i en hog frekvens
stjalpskador, stambrott, gaffelgrenighet och
angrepp av svampar och insekter. Proveniensforsok under senare ar har visat, att
det ar nodvandigt att valja fro av betydligt
nordligare harstamning an tidigare, for att
fa ett tillfredsstallande foryngringsresultat.
Forflyttningsanvisningar for contorts-tall
har utarbetats av Hagner & Fahlrot (1974),
Remrod (1977) och Skogsstyrelsen (1979).
Under en femkrsperiod har en serie Pinus
contorfa-planteringar i norra Sverige undersokts Brligen rned avseende pa olika typer
av skador, framfor allt angrepp av parasitsvampar (Karlman 1976, 1979, 1980a,
1980b). Resultat frAn dessa undersokningar
visar att proveniensvalet har avgorande betydelse, nar det galler att undvika allvarligare
skadeangrepp av inhemska parasitsvampar.
Men inplantering av frammande tradslag i
stor skala ar alltid forenat rned viss risktagning. Skogsbiologerna har erfarenhet att
bygga pa. Det klassiska exemplet ar Weymouth-tallen, Pinus strobus, som i mitten av
1500-talet infordes till Frankrike fran Nordamerika, och borjade odlas i storre skala i
Tyskland under tidigare delen av 1800-talet,
senare ocks5 i Frankrike och ~ s t e r r i k e .
Under 1800-talets mitt angreps plotsligt de
europeislca odlingarna av en skadesvamp,
som under en 30-arsperiod spred sig over
kontinenten rned forodande resultat. Weymouth-tallen hade ingen inbyggd resistens
mot angrepp av denna parasitsvamp. Dessvarre infordes denna rostsvamp f r h Europa
till USA omkring 1906-1910
och spreds
successivt over hela Weymouth-tallens ut-
bredningsomrade. liven narbeslaktade tallarter utsattes for mycket svara angrepp.
Det finns fler liknande exempel pa global
spridning av svara svampsjukdomar. Almsjukan (Ceratocystis ulmi) och kastanjesjukan (Endothia parasitica) hor forutom
Cronartium ribicola till de klassiska exemplen. Introduktionen av b1.a. douglasgran
(Pseudotsuga menziesii) i Centraleuropa hotades av svira svampepidemier under 1920talet. Inplantering av detta nordamerikanska
tradslag lyckades battre i Storbritannien,
dar man for ovrigt har lang erfarenhet av
exoter. Brittiskt skogsbruk baseras huvudsakligen p i inforda barrtradsarter. Pinus
radiata och arter av slalrtet Eucalyptus
representerar exempel pa lyckade inplanteringar av triidexoter. Dessa tradslag har fatt
stor ekonomisk betydelse p5 sodra halvklotet.
Relative fa svampar har en global utbredning. Levande svampsporer kan dock
spridas mellan kontinenter i luftmassorna.
Formodligen a r denna sporspridning av
liten betydelse. Manniskan a r den framsta
orsaken till att svampsjukdomar overfors
fran en kontinent till en annan, b1.a. genom
import och export av timmer, ympris, plantor och i v i s a fall fro. Det okande resandet
mellan kontinenter i jetildern har trots
inforselrestriktioner okat risken for global
spridning av patogener. Andra faktorer som
kan vara fatala for exoter ar tillfalligt
ogynnsamma vaderleksforh5llanden och felaktigt val av standort. Vidare kan nya
svampraser uppsta, mer aggressiva mot det
inforda tradslaget.
Inom sitt utbredningsomrkde i vastra Kanada ar Pinus contorta utsatt for angrepp
av en mangd parasitsvampar, och det skulk
formodligen fa allvarliga foljder, om nagon
av dessa introduceradcs i Sverige av misstag.
Flera av dessa svampar ar potentiella slcadegorare pa Pinus sylvestris.
E n av de sviraste parasitsvamparna pa
Pinus contorta i sodra och mellersta British
Columbia ar Atropellis piniphila, som orsakar stamkrafta med kraftigt kadflode, i
likhet med angrepp av Crumenulopsis sororia. Atropellis dodar i regel inte traden,
men dessa utsatts for en tillvaxtforlust och
kvaliteten p i stammarna blir samre.
Endocronartium harknessii ar den mest
vanliga och den mest destruktiva rostsvampen som angriper Pinus contorta i vastra
Kanada. Denna rostsvamp sprids fran tall
till tall och har inte nagon annan art som
mellanvard. Svampen orsakar svarartade
gallbildningar pa grenar av Pinus-arter. Den
dodar sallan storre trad, men orsakar tillvaxtforluster. Infekterade stammar bryts
ofta av sno och vind. Unga plantor dodas i
regel. Dessvarre ar Pinus sylvestris mycket
mottaglig. Denna parasitsvamp forekommer
annu s5 Iange enbart i Nordamerika, liksom Atropellis piniphila. Ett potentiellt hot
mot bade Pinus contorta och Pinus sylvestris i Sverige iir Cronartium comptoniae,
som vardvaxlar mellan tvk- och trebarriga
Pinus-arter och vissa Myricaceae-arter t.ex.
Myrica gale. Denna parasitsvamp orsakar
stamkrafta basalt pa stammen med svkra
skador i plantskolor och planteringar, men
a r inte av storre betydelse i naturliga foryngringar eller planteringar aldre an 10 ar.
Pinus contorta och Pinus sylvestris angrips ocksi av ett flertal andra rostsvampar
t.ex. Colesporium asterum, som vardvaxlar
mellan tall och arter av slaktena Aster och
Solidago. Pinus-arter visar olika grad av
Arter av slaktet Comandra utgor alternativa vardvaxter for Cronartiurn comandrae,
som orsakar flerariga skrskador pa bade
Pinus contorta och Pinus sylvestris. Comandra-arter forekommer inte i norm Europa och darfor utgor inte denna rostsvamp
nagot overhangande hot mot contortaodlingarna i Sverige.
Cronartium coleosporoides f. coleosporoides vardvlxlar mellan Pinus contorta och
amerikanska arter av foljande slakten:
Castilleja, Melampyrum, Pedicularis och
Rhinanthus. Dessa vardvaxter ar mycket
frelcventa i Skandinavien. De sviraste infektionerna forekommer i plantskolor och
i planteringar. Angrepp p5 aldre trad orsakar tillvaxtforluster, men yngre plantor
dodas mestadels.
Foljande skyttesvampar orsakar tillvaxtforluster pk Pinus contorta: Davisomycella
montana, D. medusa, Lophodermella con-
color, L. montivaga och Elytroderma deformans. Annu har inte n5gon av dessa
parasitsvampar uppmarksammats i norra
Bland raden av rotsvampar som infekterar Pinus contorta i vastra Kanada a r det
Heterobasidion annosum och Armillariella
mellea som 5stadkommer de storsta forlusterna for skogsbruket. B5da dessa patogener forekommer inom hela norra tempererade zonen.
Dvargmisteln, Arceuthobium americanum, fororsakar sv5ra tillvaxtforluster pB
Pinus contorta i vastra Kanada. Dvargmisteln a r inte n5gon parasitsvamp utan en
fler5rig fanerogam vars fron a r relativt
tunga, varfor spridningsformagan a r ratt
begransad. Infektionen kan darfor kontrolleras genom skotseI5tgarder.
Slutsatser: Mycket talar for en fortsatt satsning p5 Pinus contorta i norra Sverige, b1.a.
hoga produktionssiffror, 5tminstone temporar resistens mot tv5 inhemska patogener,
knacltesjuka (Melampsora pinitorqua) och
grgbarrsjuka (Lophodermella sulcigena), en
mycket vid ekologisk amplitud och en god
formkga att komma igen efter skadeangrepp. Historien visar dock, att det finns
v i s a risker, som m5ste uppmarksammas i
samband med inplantering av exater, aven
om riskerna for liknande epidemier som de
Pinus strobus utsattes for har reducerats
genom okade kunskaper om ratt proveniensval. Trots detta finns v i s a riskfaktorer
att ta hansyn till:
1) E n parasit fr5n Pinus contortas natur-
liga utbredningsomrade i vastra Nordamerika kan av misstag introduceras i
Sverige och orsaka omfattande skador
p5 bade Pinus contorta och Pinus sylvestris.
2) Pinus contorta kan angripas av nagon
av Pinus sylvestris parasitsvampar, som
den inte har utbildat resistens mot.
3) E n saprofyt eller en relativt oforarglig
parasit fr5n contortatallens utbredningsomride i vastra Nordamerika eller i
Skandinavien kan bli mycket aggressiv
under andrade ekologiska forhallanden
eller p5 en ny vardvaxt.
Att vi till 100 YO satsar pB en art av samma
slakte som v i r inhernska tall, utgor formodligen den storsta riskfaktorn. Det hade troligtvis varit mindre riskfyllt att istallet satsa
p5 arter av andra barrtradsslakten, for att
undvika att de inhemska barrtraden drabbas
av det inforda barrtradets patogener. Flertalet av Pinus contortas parasitsvampar a r
potentiella skadegorare p5 Pinus sylvestris.
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