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ANNUAL HOM EC UG GAME Saturday, October 6, 1956 1 TRUCK TIRES for Every Purpose McCreary Super-Miles 25% more tread rubber and dwpor now skid tnad design provides cooler-running, increased mileage. Perfectly balanced for front wheel operation. Every Super-Milrr T i n is your auurance of mom mileage at l e u tori mile after mile. ... McCreary Extra heavy. tread design glvrr bettor traction in mud or snow. unusual miloage cooler running. Crestretched rayon construction prevents tire from "(p wing." ... .. McCreary Super-lug For off-the-highway or over-thr-hlghway use. Extra deep non-skld tnold givos unusual m l c e on coal stripping, logging and co~truction jobs. Hoavier sidewall guards against rough-road wear. McCreary Super Transport Scientifically deigned to meet all trucking requirements. Suitable for front and traikr whwls gives dependable traction on drive wheels. A good long-mlleage tin1 . .. INDIANA FLORAL COMPANY, 630 Phila. St. Willis Flower Shop Fred's TV Appliance 916 Oakland Avenue Crosley and Bendix 410 Philadelphia Street Phone I N 5-8621 Indiana, Pa. Phone I N 5-2541 St. Clair's Esso Serviceleter LUBRICATION WASHING TIRE REPAIRS Tires, Batteries, Auto Accessories - SERVICE CALLS Phone IN 5-8041 932 Oakland Ave. Kampus Kove 1116 Grant Street Around the Corner from Clark Hall Compliments of HOAGIES A & P Market "Red" and "Molly" - - Propr~etors Bender Studio "Let T h e Star Brighten Your Home" Portrait - Commercial - Weddings Star Furniture Store 734 Philadelphia St. 548 Philadelphia Street Indiana, Pa. Phone I N 5-7150 Indiana, Pa. C. S. Kunkle Lumber Co. McQuilkin's Barber Shop Since 1887 Indiana Theatre Bldg. Builders' Supplies Paint Indiana, Pa. Plumbing Hardware HOMER CITY, PA. Phone H O 9-8045 Shefler Furniture Co. Troutman's HOME FURNISHINGS and APPLIANCES Indiana's Most Complete Corner 9th & Phila. Sts. Heating Department Store Phone I N 5-5688 Phone 3-7771 Brody's Indiana's Leading Department Store for TEACHERS and STUDENTS r !'1gl.i,[:;<~'.<;Y& r ~& GOSS pz$$>m g .- , . - ,. . . . 7 ~ ' ~ rc-,,F 3 . g -,, -r-:. -h 7+"&. n- 7 CANDIES :_atdn~fiiJ- I: YJ . ~ 4 9 & .- J- ~ -F ': "- & : , " ; , i ' -&L3 +-.--= ~ -~ - 8 8 ~ . = INDIANA NEWS CO. - YOUR UNITED CIGAR STORE Indiana Evening Gazette Member of Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers Association and Audit Bureau of Circulation Full-leased Associated Press Wire Service Circulation 12,850 Indiana, Pa. 520 Philadelphia Street - Phone IN 5-6031 McGaughey Dry Cleaning Suits Pressed - While 11 S. Ninth St. Students , .. For same day service on all your garment cleaning and pressing, try our better service. You Wait Phone I N 5-6971 Just drop your garments off at our College Store Location . . . OVEN-FRESH "Home Baked" FLAVOR 25 South 9th Street Rend's Bake Shop REND BROS., Props. 18 So. 7th St., Indiana, Pa. - PHONE 5 - 1 1 IhDIANA. a PA. Phone IN 5-6941 Sears, Roebuck and Co, Compliments of Indiana's Friendliest Steiner Department Store 627 Philadelphia Street - Wadding MARKET Phone IN 5-5645 Compliments of Compliments of Serian Beauty Salon R. &' P. Coal Company 43 N. 6th Street Snyder's Cakeland Wallpapers - Paints - Floor Coverings Decorated Cakes a Specialty 480 Philadelphia St. - Phone 9 North Sixth Street, Indiana, Pa. IN 5-8771 Phone I N 5-2291 INDIANA, PENNSYLVANIA AFTER THE G A M E . . Laprima . Rustic Lodge The Original Spaghetti House 11 No. 6th St. 4 Phone I N 5-6611 LEON'S Parties Banquets Cocktails Route 80 - "YOUR Dinners COLLEGE S T O R E Ricuper o Fish 'n' Chips 1114 Phlla. St. INDIAN FOOTBALL NEWS PUBLISHED BY THE VARSITY "I" CLUB, STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE, INDIANA, PA. Student Editors - John Riggs, Richard Domville Cover and national advertising obtained through Spencer Advert~singCo., Inc., New York C O N T E N T S Athleric Administration 9 Boosters 34 Cheerleaders 29 College and Community ............... 32, 33 Edinboro Opponent Today .................. 11 Edinboro Starting Lineup ..................... 18 Edinboro Squad Roster .......................... 20 Edinboro College 22 Edinboro Squad Picture 22 Edinboro C o e d k g Staff ....................... 23 Indiana Largest STC 6 Indiana Coaching Staff ................. 12, 13 Indiana Squad Roster 17 Indiana Starting Lineup 19 Indiana Squad Picture ISTC Moccasin Band ..................... Looking Back . . Meet the Big Indians New Building Program President's Welcome Sororities, Frarernities 21 28, 29 27 14, 15 30, 31 7 24, 25 (Photo by Frank Slpos) Indiana Automobile Dealers Association , I SERVICE FOR THE SICK - MORTON'S DRUG STORE !"?> 3 < . .qF7-F 'L&,:'-:.qF - > I .. INDIANA NEWS CO. - PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES Indiana Largest Teachers College - Koontz @ George ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE - Henry Hall Bldg. 7 14 Philadelphia Street Indiana, Pennsylvania GENERAL INFORMATION Indiana State Teachers College, the largest of Pennsylvania's 14 state teachers colleges, was founded in 1875 and became a state teachers college in 1927. T h e College is operated as a part of the public school system of Pennsylvania under the direction of the Teacher Education Div~sionof the Department of Public Instructiot~. T h e local control of the College is vested in a Board of Trustees of nine members appointed by the Governor. T h e annual budget of approx~mately$1,950,000 is pro* vided from student fees and state allocations. Approxi, mately 45 per cent of the total cost is provided by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Homer City State Bank Your Friendly Bank Homer City, Pa. Member F.D.I.C. THE COLLEGE PLANT T h e College is located in Indiana, Pennsylvania, a beautiful town of 12,000 population. Indiana is the Indiana County seat. T h e campus is comprised of 56 acres of ground, well landscaped and dotted with more than 200 oak trees. There are twelve major buildings on the campus and eighteen other structures. Shafjer Travel Service Travel Arrangements by Land, Sea or Air Room 2, Mack Bldg. - Phone I N 5-4452 THE FACULTY T h e faculty of the College numbers 140 persons, all of whom have had many years of experience in public education before joining the staff. Of the total 41 hold doctor's degrees. All except two members of the staff hold a t least a master's degree. Members of the staff have also had considerable ex. perience in teaching at other institutions of higher learning in this country. T h e 140 staff members received their undergraduate training at 76 different institutions and 147 have completed graduate work at 39 different universities in this country. Indiana Music House "Everything in Music and Musical Instruments" 34-36 N. 5th Street Indiana, Pa. - Everett J . Smith Cement - Sand - Gravel - Sewer Tile Roofing - Steel Casement Sash 13th Street, Indiana Phone 5-6032 John's Jewelry @ Gift Shop 716 Phila. St. Indiana, Pa. THE PROGRAM With a sound general education as a basis, a student acquires the understandings and skills necessary for teach, ing others in his particular field. Early in his college career he begins to observe and participate in teaching situations in a modern laboratory school maintained by the college. As a culminating acttvity, hls professional preparation provides for a full semester of partiupation in an actual teaching situation. Opportunities are afforded students to specialize in any one of six areas including Elementary, Secondary, Art, Business, Home Economics, and Music. STUDENTS Of the more than 2,180 students enrolled 90% come from the upper half of their high school classes and more than 70% from the upper quarter. Students from the lower half of their high school classes are admitted only by examination. For the most part, students come from middle in, come homes whose families represent a cross section of American social and economic life. Barclay Restaurant Opposite College - GOOD FOOD AT MODERATE PRICES Lunches 6 Snacks Dinners BROWN'S HOTEL - DR. WILLIS E. PRATT PRESIDENT State Teachers College Indiana, Pa. Welcome to the Alumni! Indiana is now Pennsylvania's largest teachers college. With 3 student body of 2,180 and a faculty of 140, it has become the largest ~nstitutefor the preparation of the teachers in the Commonwealth. O f the 100 colleges and universities in Pennsylvania it is the ninth largest of all institutions of higher learning. W e are not unaware of the responsibility which this increase in size places upon us. Indiana has long prided itself on the quality of its program and its products. W e are determined that this rapid growth does not jeopardize the quality of our educational program. I am happy to report that we have a student body of very high caliber and a most competent statf. W e trust that our physical plant will be expanded in the near future to meet the demands which have been made of us. I am happy to report that a new building program will likely get under way in the near future. W e trust that you will have a most enjoyable visit on the campus. Very sincerely yours, WILLIS E. PRATT President John LuMantia COMMISSION MERCHANT and Wholesale FRUITS and PRODUCE 1035 Water Street Phones 5-5581 and 5-5582 INDIANA NEWS CO. ASK YOUR GROCER for - For Sports Read Your Pittsburgh Newspaper ... Greiner's Bread . . . ALWAYS Musser's Nursery FRESH Treat Yourself to the Best! 20,000,000 Trees a Year "It Pays to Plant Musser Trees" Greiner Baking Co., Inc. J. M. Stewart Co. -- Hardware 1853 - 1956 INDIANA, PA. "Home of the burger" Bus Information Greyhound Hannony Short Line Edwards Lakes-to-Sea 11 South 7th Street Clark's Landscape Nursery R. D. 1, Indiana, Pa. Hess Bros. Restaurant Phone Elderton 2,895 Plants and Planting Service Member Pennsylvania Nurserymen's Association Alta Vista Dairy Dairy Products - Milk Shakes - Sandwiches Phone IN 5-2551 THE BEST PLACE T O SHOP in Indiana or i n your Home Town 1700 STORES SERVING THE NATION fEiii%l I Jones Furniture Co. Visit Our Model Home Clymer Road, Indiana, Pa. Visit Our Dairy Store Audrey's Yarn Shop N. 4th Street Shopping Center 1019 Philadelphia St. Morganti's Barber Shop TWOBarbers Phone 5-8922 - Indiana, Pa. GIFTS NEEDLEWORK O p e n Evenings HOMER CITY Indiana, Pa. 467 Phila. St. BLAIRSVILLE INDIANA HARDWARE Indiana, Pa. The Administration of Athletics Samuel G. Smith, athletic director, serves as & a i m of the Athletic Policy Committee, which determines the varsity athletic policy and promotes and administers rhe rogram of varsity athletics. Its functions include the arranging of sche ules, seiection of team managers, cheerleaders and others, and approval of athletic awards. All policies with respect to schedules must be approved by the Administrative Council. In addition to Smith, the Committee consists of eight faculty members and four students appointed by Student Council. 1 GEORGE P. MILLER Head, Health and Physical Education Department Iditma Dairy Company Compliments of Tates Clymer, Pa. Dairy Peoducb Homogenized Milk Phone CL 4-2961 Information REST ROOM FACILITIES: Rest raoms me located beneath the bmadcaating boo& on the north side of the a d . PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM: No appeals will be made over the public a d d m $yetexcept under exceptional circuinsta~u:es. PRESS BOX: The C-e press box is for the use of the working press only and admission is W t e d Ice Cream to newspapermea, radiomen and orhers who ate present, not merely aa spectatom, but to do their assigned work. PUBLIC l'ZLJ3PHONE: A pay talephone is located at the enhance to the press box. SCOREBOARD UOCK: The scoreboard clock is not of6cial. PHOTOGRAPHS: All photographs appearing in &is program were taken by Steve Bender and Frank Sipos. Farmers Bank &? Trust Company of Indiana, Pa. SERVING WITH SAFETY SINCE 1876 Member Federal Reserve System Member d Federal Deposit Insurance corporation INDIANA HOTEL 9 Whatever you want in TVRCA Victor has it -f rom $125 .,,..,.,..,....,~. IT- llPERSONAL"-smartest TV ever built! Telescoping antenna, tilt stand at no extra cost. Red, gray, ivory or ebony ) $125.00 finishes. 36 sq. in.* screen. (8PT PORTABLE. High powered! Telescoping antenna. 108 sq. in.* Wayfarer (14S707) in red, gray, or ivory-$149.95. El t shown). (145705.) $129.95 S W I V I L SET. I t turns to face YOU! "Living Image" picture, phono-jack. 261 sq. in.* Enjield in mahogany grained or walnut grained finishes. (21T738.) $299.95 ROLLAROUND. "Living Image" picture, 2 speakers. 261 sq. in.* Ardmore Deluxe, limed oak grained, mahogany grained or walnut grained finishes. (21D721.) $269.95 DELUXE LOWBOY with 3-speaker Panoramic Sound. Pfiono-jack. 261 sq, in.* Markham Deluxe. Mahogany or natural walnut finish.'(21D750.) $369.50 COMPATIBLE B I G Everylhtng inN- that's what COLOR. 3 speakers. 254 sq. in.* ChandlerDduxe.Mahoganyveneersandsolids.(21CD793) $?95,00. Other Big Color TV sets from $495.00 RCA Victor brings you. From the small, smart e'Per~omd"TV to luxurious lowboys and consoles . black-and-white sets . . . Big Color TV. But come in today-see and hear for yourself why "Every year more people buy RCA Victor than any other television!" .. *Square inches of viewable picture area 1 36 1 108 1 254 Pichrre tube, overall diag. or diarn. (inches) 1 8 1 14 1 21 diam) ah uc,us Fac,,,ry ,,,. irde Cordract Annual maintenancecentract on l ~ ~ m ~ n d l s and portable Manufaaurers nationally advertised VHF list prices shown. Mo5c mod& rightly higher far Wert and South ;or UHF: UHF-VHF tuner aptionol, extra, an all models exwpt Psrronap TV. Doud's Furniture & Appliance Plumville, Pa. 1 261 l 21 Phone - 39 Norm (Luke) Lewandowski, Indiana quarremacw, a fire down after tamng a pass from Dick DomviUe in the second quarter of the Ball State game. Ball State won, 26-0. From the Scouting Reports: Don't Take Edinboro Lightly! Don't take Edinboro lightly! That's the warning from the scouts who watched the Red Raiders upset SlippWy Rock last Saturday, 13-9. Coached by Bob Thurbon, former Pitt star, the Edinboro club offers a s versatile backfield headed by former Cincinnati U. player Gordon Kidder an8:% pound Jimmy Concilla. Keep your eye on these boys as Edinboro employs a T-formation shifting to single wing attack. The Raiders dropped their first game to conference foe Clarion, 13-6, but they'll be happy to pin a defeat on Indiana, still in the STC championship running after last week's 6-0 win over favored California. The Braves had several breaks in the California encounter but the T D was no fluke. It came on a 51-yard pass play from freshman Bill Hoffman to Bob McFarland. Tzhe junior end is showing the way to the backs in scoring, for he's counted all four Indiana six-pointers this season. 1 n d i G now shows a 2-1 record for the year, beating St. Vincent in the opener, 20-6, and losing the secand game to Ball State, 26-0. Both games were played here at College Memorial Field, but in winning and losing the ISTC eleven looked like two different teams. Next week the Big Indians take to the road for a Saturday engagement with Slippery R d . They're back here the next week for another conference fray with Clarion. -Final league contest is an away game with Lock Haven on October 27. Then will follow a non-conference game with Westminster here on November 3 and an away game with Geneva on November lo. A victory today would give h e Braves the same win record of 1355, with five games left to play. INDIANA NEWS CO. - PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 11 Indiana 26 Years with the Pigskin Head Coach Sam Smith Makes Two Stops in Career Sam Smith, head football coach and athletic director at Indiana Teachers, has made only two stops in a coaching career that spans 26 years. Smith first coached at Dormont High near Pittsburgh before moving to Indiana in 1949. He graduated from South Hills High School in Pittsburgh in 1926 after earning letters in football, basketball, baseball and track. His coach was Grover Washabaugh, now cage mentor at Westminster. The ISTC mentor went to Waynesburg College through 1930, playing his first football game at 17 among other players who were in kheir 20's. He played tackle for three years and had some backfield experience as a fullback and punter. At Dormont Smith handled football, basketball, baseball and track. There he remained until he came to ISTC in 1949. Three years were spent in the service from 1943 through 1945. Smith's football teams at Dormont won the WPIAL championship in 1939 and the Class A title in 1942. Springdale beat Dormont for the title in 1946. His football record showed only 30 losses in 12 132 games over the 26-year period, 14 of the losses comlng in the first five years. The best basketball record was a string of 33 consecutive league wlns over four years. HIS teams were in the playoffs for five seasons out of seven at one stretch. His biggest basketball thrills came in beating a favored ~ l i q u i p p ateam in the playoffs and wallopping arch-rival Mt. Lebanon by 67-8 one year durlng the center-jump era when scores were generallv low. A football thrill was winning a game in the final six seconds in 1939 to wind up a first undefeated season and claim the championship. The score was tied 6-6 when one of Smith's halfbacks was tackled on the one-yard line with six seconds remaining. The captain called time even though it meant a five-yard penalty. A touchdown pass was thrown to a boy who hadn't caught one all season. Since that time, Smith says he's allowed his quarterback to run the ball club on the field. Until last season Smith had never experie'nced a losing season at Indiana. However, his 1955 club slipped to five defeats in eight games. I INDIANA NEWS CO. - YOUR UNITED CIGAR STORE Grid Aides Make Life Easier Ex-Penn State Star Former lSTC Great A new addition to Indiana coaching is OWEN DOUGHERTY, who captained the Penn State eleven as a halfback in 1950. In addition to being k d i e l d coach, he'll serve as an mistant ta Smith iin basebdl. Dougherty wa8 r football cosch at Dymem Hgh School b a f e rormngg w Indiana thie )reate The sew eaach kaJ also had swme pro baseball expmienee, playing t r Seranton in tbe E m hgwi PECK McKNIGHT was the first four-sport athlete in ISTC history, earning 14 letters in fwball, basketball, baseball and tea& between 1926 8nd 1930. He far. m I y coacbed in Cutwensvifle, Creeosburg, and H e d q and is now head b d e M c o d here as well s w S&'B lib? coach. Peck f0rrne~I~ wan taw SHAPPBtt; is rhe ISTC wrdage~achss,dassnassisgnr grid c v d l jH that WTC B&we help. arrived. Be's been at Wima kw beem a &pdd &cation sbuCLcrr he~eSiMe 1845. since 1947. Compliments of While at Ohio U n i v d b won the state wrest. ling champimahip of Ohio in the 137-pound dw and mmed w foosbali letters as well, Lewr hnerly~wrasclitlg,esI~ vifle anrt &Beis whwe be mmed oxit a2iout 12 &asnpirrns- He Ash Shoe CQ, ' Gatti's Drug Store "A Fit For Every Fmt" Phone IN 5-8581 "A Style For Every Taste'" Hawk's R d i o Service Twin Pines Court 530 Phila. St., I&, Pa. OPEN ALL YEAR P h m @45-5931 Radio and Television Sales and Service Sylvania - Motorola - RCA Victor - Zenith im U. S. Route 422 - Ij2 Mile East I ndiana Quiet - Away from Traffic 5-6161 - Phones - First National Bank in Indiana 2% interest paid on Savings Accounts 21/2y0interest paid on Time Certificates of Deposit if held to maturity. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation SUTILA FUNERAL HOME 5-8810 Assistant Coach Lew Shaffer gives the word to the Indiana guards, left to right, kneeling, Max Bechtel, Ijb Pesci, Jim Forsha, Dick Nitowski, and Mike Antonetti, and standing, Bob Baird and Joe Vangrin. Meet the Big Indians MICHAEL ANTONETTI, guard - - played two years of PATRICK CONLEY, halfback - played o n Central football a t Ambridge under Moe Rubenstein . . . Navy veteran . . . junior in the elementary department . . . plays intramural sports . . . enjoys reading, dancing, music. Catholic's unbeaten team in 195?. . . . in 1954 named most valuable player in conference while at Prospect Park . . . sophomore biology major . . . brother Jack played here. JOHN BARLEY, quarterback - a secondary sophomore from Beaver " . didn't earn a letter in 1955 but fits CHARLES COSTANTINO, quarterback - freshman into plans this year . . . social studies major . . . performs for Sam Smith as pitcher o n I S T C nine. business ed. . . . played three years a t Freeport under Johnny Karrs , . , veteran of Army , , . 21,year, old . . . stands 5.8 and weighs 175 pounds. WILBUR BERKEY, center - sophomore in art de* RICHARD DOMVILLE, halfback - football and bas, JAMES BOUCHER, center -- seeking his fourth foot, ball letter . . . Jim played high school ball at Dormant EDWARD FITZGERALD, tackle - a sophomore b i d partment . . . played three years varsity football at Wind, ber . . . standout wrestler in high school . . . Navy vet, he played football for Naval Base, Patuxent River, M d . under Fred Loeffler . . . a geography major the rugged Indians at 5.10, 205. ... one of ketball star at Avalon High . . . played o n school's un, defeated grid team in 1950 and o n state Class B runners u p basketball tcam . . . Air Force vet . . . business ed sophomore. o&?y major . . . played high school ball at Washington T w p . under Wendell Bossart . . . lettered as a freshman . . . Fitz stands 5.11 and weighs 210. RICXARD BUZZELLI, tackle - a sophomore transfer from V.M.1, where he carned letter as freshman . . . JAMES FORSHA, guard -- one of the Johnstown twins played four years of high school ball at Blairsville . . . social studies major . . . likes to hunt. . . . a geography sophomore . . . served in the Air Force where he played football and baseball . . . four years of high school football . . . enjoys golf. ROBERT CLEMINSON, center - - JOHN FORSHA, tackle a n elementary sophomore . . . played on W P I A L championship team a t Aliquippa . . . a Beaver County all-star . . . picked u p letter as a freshman . . . also lettered in baseball. -the other Johnstown twin also an Air Force vet . . . played as linebacker o n Bolling Air Force grid team in 1951 . . . three years of service baseball . . . geography sophomore. ... Newcomers who are candidates for the fullback job on the Indiana eleven include, left to right, kneeling, Jim McKay and Eugene Szymanski, and standing, Dick DePoe, John Blackson, Pat Mondock, and Tony Nicholas. - - a biology sophomore . . . let, tered as a freshman . . . played high school ball at Brent. wood under Bob Wrenshall . . . participates in intramural sports. , ! RONALD FREY, tackle DICK NITOWSKI, guard RICHARD GOODERHAM, end - - a veteran performer seeking his fourth letter . . . also a standout on the base, ball diamond . . . business ed senior with accounting major . . . Goodie hails from Patton. . .. he goes after fourth football letter . . . education interrupt, ed by service in Navy . . played for Blairsville's Class A W P I A L champs in 1947 . . . enjoys outdoor life. WILLIAM HOFFMAN, quarterback .- freshman busi, STEPHEN RASH, end -- junior from Homer City ness ed with accounting major . . . comes from Scranton Technical H i g h where he played football, basketball and baseball . . . played in "Dream Game" in Scranton area. NORMAN LEWANDOWSKI, qumerback -a versatile .. performer, h e plays any backfield position . rugged ball.carrier and ace passer . . social studies, geography majors . . . a senior, Luke seeks fourth letter . . baseball vet. . . - Mac returned to ISTC this year after Army service . . . a junior geography major . . . played two years of football while stationed in Germany . . . also letters as a baseball performer. ROBERT McFARLAND, end PATRICK MONDOCK, fullback - senior going after his third football letter at I S T C . . . played his high school ball at Har-Brack under Neil Brown . . . 26 years old . . . served in the U.S. Navy. EVERETT PESCI, guard - geography major . .. . math major . . . football, basketball, track star in high school . . . played on Homer City's county champions cage team in 1954 . . . earned grid letter last year. -Navy veteran . . . senior in busid ness ed, with accounting major . . . played on W P I A L Class A champion team at Blairsville in 1947 . . . has earned three letters at ISTC. JOHN RIGGS, end JAMES SKVARLA, halfback - sophomore candidate . . . biology major . . . smallest squad member at 5-5 . . . in senior year at Penn Township of Claridge was award, ed trophy for ~ e r f o r m a n c e ,sportsmanship and scholar* ship. RICHARD STEVENSON, end - a senior biology - freshman business ed . . . captained Morris Township High football and basketball teams during junior and senior years . . led Moshannon Valley League in football scoring two years. . major . . . was a member of all4eague team in Section 1 3 , WPIAL basketball while at Claysville . . . choice for Washington-Greene County Football Conference allastar squad. P. B. MARKETS, 824 Philadelphia Street A CONVERSATION POINT The Newly Improved Dean's Dining Room 533 Philadelphia Street Air Conditioned Free Parking in Rear Dick's Sweet Shop 1302 Philadelphia St. Indiana, Pa. Patti's Restaurant Socony Mobil Oil Co., Inc. . - Specialty - Mobilgas and Mobiloil SUBMARINE SANDWICH MARK J. O'HARA, Agent, Indiana, Pa. ... Pennshire Clothes At Home or Away Compliments of Capitol Restaurant is the play Quality Clothes at Lowest Prices Herbert Owens Food Market Laundromat "The Busy Market on the Corner" Home Laundry 901 Philadelphia St. Phone I N 5-5221 Bachelor Bundles Compl~rnents of Corner Oakland Ave. and School St. Beautiful Newly Refurnished Rooms Moderate Prices Visit Our Refrigerator Locker Plant Compliments of Savings fJ Trust Company o f Indiana All Types of Banking and Trust Services Resources over $14,000,000.00 - 2% interest paid on Savinps Accounts Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 16 Shirts Finished Streamline Market Moore Hotel Tasty Foods -- INDIANA TAXI SERVICE Indiana Squad Roster - No. 1 ~ I POS. Ht. Wt. Age Class Hometown High School Coach Ed Eyles Altemus, Fred T 6-0 200 19 Fr. Penn Run Penn Manor Jr. Baden Ambridge Moe Rubenstein Antoneni, Mike G 5-10 193 21 Fr. Jeannette Jeannette Markley Barnes Appel, Joseph E 6-0 165 19 Fr. Ridgway Ridgway Haldine Marts Armanini, Richard T 5-10 235 18 Fr. Pittsburgh Baldw~nTwp. Alex Crevar Baird, Robert G 18 5-111/2 200 Peter Kane Barley, John QB 5-10 175 19 So. Beaver Beaver So. Roaring Spring Roaring Spring Bernie Reese Bechtel, M a x i G 5-10 180 23 Fr. New Kensington New Kensington Don Fletcher 218 23 BendeqKennethi' 'r 6-4 John Kawchak 24 So. Windber Windber Berkey,Wilbur*t C 5-111/2 190 Fr. Vandergrift Vandergrift Ossie Rometo 185 24 Blackson,Johnt B 5-8 Bob Hast Fr. Scott Twp. Scott Twp. 160 18 5-8 Blum, Robert G Fred Loeffler Sr. Dormont Dormont 205 21 Boucher, James C 5-10 Mike Sebastian Fr. Ambridge Ambridge 165 19 Braddick, James B 5-10 Eugene Cole So. Blairsville Blairsville 227 20 6-2 Buzzelli, Richard '1 Fr. Windber Windber John Kawchak 175 25 Campitell, Anthony t E 5-11 Wes Freburgh Fr. Albion Albion 185 6-0 Carberry, Charles G Jr. Blairsville Blairsville Eugene Cole 190 21 6-0 Charley, Richard T Carl Aschman 190 20 So. Aliquippa Aliquippa 6-0 Cleminson, Robert * C Nick Skowich So. Prospect Park Central Catholic 162 20 5-8 Conley, Patrick * HB Bob Hast Fr. Glendale Scott Twp. 149 18 6-0 Conley, Tom E Fr. Freeport Freeport John Karrs 21 175 5-8 Constantino, C. t QB Jr. Stowe Twp. Stowe Twp. Bernie Andrews 178 23 Coyne, Thomas t H B 5-10 Fr. Mars Mars Alymer Girdwood 189 21 6-0 Cress, Larry 7 C Jr. Etna Etna Clarence Metzger 20 DePoe, Richard FB 5-101/2 205 So. Avalon Avalon D. L. Parker 180 22 5-9 Domville, R. *t HB So. Latrobe Latrobe Mitchell Barron 185 19 Emey, Dewey G 5-9 Fr. Latrobe Derry Twp. Bruno Conti 195 22 6-0 Falenski, James t T 210 19 So. Oklahoma Washington Twp. Wendell Bossart Fitzgerald,Edward* T 5-11 Johnstown Johnstown Central Clark Shaffer 26 So. 185 Forsha, James *t G 5-11 Johnstown Central Clark Shaffer Johnstown 26 So. 190 Forsha, John *t T 5-11 Brentwood Bob Wrenshall S. Brentwood 18 So. 200 Frey, Ron T 6-1 Panon Paul Kmetz Patton Sr. 190 21 Gooderham, R. *** E 6-0 Clark Shaffer Johnstown Johnstown Cent. 26 Sr. 190 Hartnett, Don t G 5-7 Wilkinsburg Wilkinsburg C. T. Miller 73 Haubrich,Ronald E 6-0 190 19 Fr. 12 Hoffman, William 5-10 168 18 Fr. Scranton Scranton Tech Peter Doyle 84 Jones, Ray 5-111/2 180 20 Fr. Colver Ebensburg-Cambria James Cook 13 Lewandowski, *** 6-0 195 20 Sr. Dormont Dormont Fred Loeffler Ridgway Bill Cutler 23 Mann, Memitt t 5-7 160 23 Fr. Ridgray 88 Mash, Jack t E 6-2 205 25 Fr. Claridge Penn Twp. Tar Onder 80 McFarland, R. **? E 6-0 190 22 Jr. Oakdale West Allegheny Charles Burin 35 McKay, James HB 5-8 170 18 Fr. Dunlo Adams-Summerhill Sam Plummer 89 Mechling, Kenneth E 6-1 200 18 Fr. Ford City Ford City Walt Charley 30 Mondock, Patrick HB 5-10 205 18 Fr. Morrisdale Morris Twp. Ralph Ventresco 46 Nicholas, A. f HB 5-8 185 23 Fr. Vandergrift Vandergrift Fred Graham 63 Nitowski, R. **t G 5-10 180 26 Sr. Natrona Har-Brack Neil Brown John Reed North Braddock Scott 55 O'Malley, John C 6-1 185 20 Jr. Glenwillard Moon Howard Gracey 20 Payne, James HB 6-1 175 19 Fr. 187 26 Sr. Blairsville Blainville Mike Durbin 5-10'/2 64 Pesci, Everett ***t G 162 21 Fr. Mars Mars Aylmer Girdwood 5-8 42 Powers, Robert t HB Fr. Scalp Level Windber John Kawchak 185 26 5-11 87 Pruchnic, Edward t E Homer City Homer City Zenas Harkleroad 6-2 85 Rash, Steve E Jr. 185 20 82 Riggs, John ***? E 6-1 195 26 Sr. Blairsville Blairsville Mike Durbin 26 Scott, Herbert HB 5-10 175 18 Fr. Indiana Indiana Dick Farabaugh 61 Sexton, Donald G 5-11 175 18 Fr. Indiana Indiana Dick Farabaugh 45 Skvarla, James HB 5-5 165 19 So. Level Green Penn Twp. Regis Kelly 83 Stevenson, R. ** E 6-0 188 20 Sr. Claysville Claysville Bill Hardesty 28 Swardell, Thomas G 6-0 180 19 So. Springdale Springdale Jim Hazlett 51 Szafranski, Kenneth C 6-1 195 17 Fr. Carnegie Carnegie Raymond Zaney 36 Szymanski, Eugene FB 6-2 200 18 Fr. Boswell Boswell-Jenners Ed Szewcyzk 22 Tomb, Tom HB 6-0 175 19 So. Erie Erie Strong VincentV. Bell 67 Vangrin, Joseph G 5-8 200 19 Fr. Slickville Bell-Avon Edward Meighan 69 Verschuren, Bill G 6-1 185 19 So. Ford City Ford City Walt Charley Vandergrift Vandergrift Ossie Rometo 76 Vidonas, Edgar t T 6-1 190 23 Fr. * Indicates number of letters earned prior to 1956. t Indicates service veteran. 72 68 27 74 62 14 65 78 50 31 43 56 21 79 86 57 37 59 25 44 16 41 58 32 40 33 77 71 60 70 75 81 66 *** * QE Qi * GENERAL INFORMATION Athletic Director Sam Smith Basketball Coach .. Lewis Shaffer Wrestling Coach George Miller Golf Coach James McKinley Tennis Coach . Team Physician ................................. Dr. R. G. Goldstrohm Director of 60-piece Band ......... C. David McNaughton INDIANA - 1955 RESULTS Geneva 6 - Indiana 0 Ball State 13 - Indiana .................................... 7 7 Indiana .............................. 14 - California Indiana 19 Edinboro ............................ 0 Slippery Rock ............ 25 - Indiana .......................... 13 7 Clarion ............................. 27 - Indiana 13 - Lock Haven 0 Indiana St. Vincent ........................ 7 - Indiana 6 Won 3, Lost 5 - 17 i' < b LE LG C - -: . l i '* I Sroaer (31),'~immermvl (12) Canales (13) Shesman (22) . Bianco (a), Bruno (27) Twardowski (39). Vashaw (34) Gfdo (ll), Bonelb (37) Cunningham (43). Haraczy (32) LT - *- .:. .-. ,. - , . .i PROBABLE LINEUP and RDER O F SUBSTITUTION RG RT . _ - ., 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 20 21 72 23 23 24 25 26 .. I - - "",- - d A L =A - I a' , - , r ROSTER BY NUMBERS . ' . . -: > . 27 Bruno, David, g , 29 Hrlbert, David, b 30 Ketchel, Gordon, e 31 Stoner, Gaynor, e . 32 Haraczy, Frank, t [ 33 Magdik, Amil, e , . 34 Vashaw, Rodney, c 35 Putnam, Ronald, e .36 Johnson, Banr b 37 Bonello, ~ h a r c s ,g 38 Tammariello, Robert, b 39 Twardowski, Bernie, c 40 Montedoro, Charles, b 41 Smith, Pete, b 4 2 Trott, Fred, b 43 Cunningham, Robert, t 44 Kidder, Gordon, b 45 Ruland, David, t Downs, William, h Schneider, James, g Passerotti, Richard, t LaForest, Mark, e Gido, George, g Zimmerman, Stanley, e Canales, Mandy, t Teleha, Mike, g Drabent, James, e Tarbi, James, g Bianco, Carmen, g Concilla, James, b. Shasman, Bill, t Simmons Arndd, b Stornelli, Richard, b Lamberti, Joseph, c Peiitley, William, e D~Cesare,Mike. t t I . -.^*454I OFFICIALS ..-,............. -. .... Paul A v ..-. ..-.-.,,..... Be& E ,William W b e % m & l l *..,..- ...-...,.--...... . J. J. & i ~ t i g a ~ d f tdge ...."..... ............ ,... .......... JewScanlsa Xala ktttSng a m p a n y 04 Indkm India-, Pennslylvun~a - 1, PROBABLE LINEUP sad ORDER OF SUBSTITUTION LE Goohrham (81), Stevensan (83), Mash (88) LT Jack ~ o r ; h a(70). Frey (75). Haubrich (73) LG lim Forsha (60). - , Antonetti (68). B a a (62)' ;, C Qeminson (59), Berkey (m), Bowher (56) ;:RG Pesci (64), Nitowski (63), Bcchtel ( 6 5 ) RT Buzzelli (79), Armanjni (74), Altemus (72) ' RE McFarhd (SO), Riggs (82), Rash (85) :' QB Lewandowski (13), Barley (14), 4 r;Costamino (16) r r L H Mondock (30), P. Conky (25), ! coyne (41) R H Domvifle (40), Skvarla (4S), ** Scott (26) FB El&iackson (31), McKay (35) 1 11 . ., - Passers: Leuandowski, Barley, Costantino, H o b :s Puntem Domv;lle, Gooderham, Mondodr, Payae 'C: p , !% 4': 1; Place k i b f ? : Mondock, C~oaMino, Gooderham, Nitowski Holders: Lewandowski, Barley, Skvarla Kickoff men: Mondodr, Clemison , .-6 ROSTER BY NUMBEM 4J Hoffman, William, b Lcwandowski, Norman, b '. ' 14 Barley, John, b 16 Costantino, Charles, b 20 Payne, James, b 2 1 Braddick. lames. b Tomb, Thbmas; b -, ,Mann, Merritt, b Conley, Patrick, b . Scott, Herbert, b - -. ; AppeI, Joseph, e Swardell, Thomas, g Mondock, Patrick, b Blackson, John, b DePoe, Richard, b Erney, Dewey, b McKay, James, b Szymanski, Eugene, b Charley, Richard, t Domville, Dick, b Coyne, Thomas, b -.- Powers, Robert, b Blum. Robert. B . 12 -i 1 3 ; , .,I*-. ,A- : % 15 In.Sibh N&W damR.ld 00 moss 59 82 - 17 I n w m p h hnxord pass, p.nohy drlinad, na plov or no 1 Cleminson, Robert, c Forsha, James, g 61 Sexton, Donald, g 6 2 Baird, Robert, g 63 Nitowski, Richard, g 64 Pesei Everett, g . Bechtel, M a x , g Harnett, Don, g . Vangrin, Joseph, g Antonetti.. Mike. c ~ e r s c h u r i n , ill; g Foraha, John, t Fitzgerald, Edward, t Altemus, Fred, t Haubrich, Ronald, t Armanini. R i c h d . t 60 , A ~ c ~ a r l a n d~ , o b e Gooderham, ~ i c h a Riees. Tohn. e - 18 Cmllne, h.tping ~ n n a r or inl.rlo&*d intwf.nnu. pmu or kld m o d 21 lohy Squad Roster C 1 . , - -- No. Name GENBKAL INFVKMAI'ION Edinboro State Teachers College 765 Enrollment Edinboro, Erie County Location Nickname ............... Red Raiders Athletic Director, Arthur L. McComb ead Football Coach, ert W. Thurbon 'Assistants Sam Cianflocca Lewis -Marion - 20 37 27 13 21 43 26 Harry Team Physician, Dr. Boyd W. Ghering 16 11 Andrews, Thomas Bianco, Carmen Bonello, Charles BWO, David Canales, c and^ Concilla, James Cunningham, Robert DiCesare, Mike Downs. William ~ r a b e n t ,James, Gido, Georae - Pos. T G G G T B T T B E G INDIANA 1956 Schedule 20, St. Vincent 7 Sept. 15-Indiana Sept. 22-Ball State 26, Indiana 0 Sept. 29-Indiana 6, California 0 Oct. 6 . Edinboro at Slippery Rock Oct. 13 .. Clarion Oct. 20 Oct. 27 at Lock Haven Nov. 3 ...................................... Westminster . at Geneva Nov. 10 - Fr Fr High School Cambridge Springs Erie (Vincent) Leechburg Sharpsburg North East North East Ohiopyle Trafford St. Joseph, Oil City ~ldred Girard Erie (Prep) Erie (Academy) Smethport Erie (Tech) Erie (East) Lockport, N. Y. Swissvale Leechburg Lockport, N. Y. Erie (East) Saegertown Youngville West Springfield Erie (Vincent) Grove City Arborcreek Saegertown Waynesburg Lockport, N. Y. Swissvale Allegheny Aliquippa Erie (Academy) TrafFord Sheffield Trafford RADIO BROADCAST: WDAD is broadcasting ISTC football games under the auspices of the following sponsors: Indiana Savings & Trust Co., Indiana Lumber & Supply Co., Keck's Beverage Co., and Parnell, Cowher and Co. Beatty's Bakery Bruno's 1108 Phila St. Age 19 23 17 20 25 i9 19 20 18 19 17 Haraczy, Frank Hilbert, David Johnson, Barry KetcheI, Gordon Kidder, Gordon LaForest, Mark Lamberti, Joseph Madgik, Amil Montedoro, Charles Passerotti, Richard Peiffley, William Putnam, Ronald Ruland, David Schneider, James Shesnan, Bill Simmons, Arnold Smith, Pete Stoner, Gaynor Stornelli, Richard Tammariello, Robert Tarbi, James Teleha, Mike Trott, Fred Twardowski, Bernie Vashaw, Rodney Zimmerman, Stanley EDINBORO 1956 Schedule Sept. 22 - Clarion 13, Edinboro 6 Sept. 29 - Edinboro 13, Slip. Rock 0 Oct. 6 ..................... at Indiana Teachers Oct. 13, Brockport (N.Y.) Teachers ............ John Carrol Oct. 27 at Mansfield Teachers Nov. 3 . Case Institute Grove City Nov. 10 Nov. 17 California Teachers Pizza Wt 198 205 210 170 205 150 200 220 172 180 185 AND COFFEE SHOP - Spaghetti ORDER BY PHONE - I N 5-3440 DELIVERIES MADE T O CAMPUS 726 Philadelphia Street Phone 5-8493 - Indiana, Pa. - , - 7 ' I' Compliments of 8 Niagara Deep Massage Units for Home, Office j - 8 ,f8 1 8- , Professional Use < , u a a Phone IN 5-5543 535 Philadelphia Street 20 INDIANA NEWS CO. 8 ' . - For Sports Read Your Pittsburgh Newspaper 44 : t I f. -12 ;;- ,I INDIANA FOOTBALL SQUAD John O'Malley, Ken Bender, Pat Mondock, Bill Hoffman, Dick DePoe, John Blackson, Ed Vidunas, Ken Szyfranski. 4th row-Joe Appel, Bob Blum, Tom Conley, Dick Armanini, Tom Coyne, Max Bechtel, Don Hartnett, Steve Rash, Everett Pesci, Jim Forsha, Lefty Riggs, Dick DomviUe. 5th row-Dewey Erney, Jim Payne, Herb Scott, Don Sexton, Tim Brown, (Mgr.), Art Cornell (Mgr.), Don Smith (Mgr.), Bill H e l d (Mgr.), Bob Powers, Larry Cress, Jack Mash, Bob Ouin. Left to right, 1st row-John Barley, Dick Nitowski, Jim Boucher, Pat Conley, Bob Clemenson, Mike Antonetti, Dick Stevenson, Dick Gooderham, Norm Lewandowski, Bob MacFarland, Dick Buzzelli, Ed Fitzgerald, Tony Campitell 2nd row-Tom Tomb, Jim Braddick, Gene Szymanski, Jim McKay, Jim Skvarla, Wilbur Berkey, Roy Jones, Jim Falenski, Dick Charley, Tom Swardell, Tony Nicholas, Bob Baird, Joe Vangrin. Verschuren, Ken Mechling, Chuck Costantino, Ron Frey, 3rd row-Bill Indiana Office Supply Compliments TYPEWRITERS - ADDING MACHINES of GREETING CARDS - GIFT WRAPPINGS 620 Philadelphia Street Phone I N 5-6181 Penn Furniture Co. 1 I I Robinson-Lytle Dependable Ambulance 3ervrce Indiana - Saltsburg I Edinboro Claims 'First' In Teacher Training DR. THOMAS ROOT MILLER President State Teachers College Edinboro, Pa. - Edinboro State Teachers College was chartered in 1861 as a State Normal School. It was the second Normal Schml in Pennsylvania and the first teacher training institution west of the Allegheny Mountains. For over half a century the school thus devoted to teacher education grew and prospered. In 1926 it became a State Teachers College and was authorized by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to offer the four year curricula and to grant degrees. Edinboro grants degrees of Baohelor of Science in Education in elementary, secondary, and art curricula. Also, a program for training dental hygienists and public school nurses for a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education is in operation. Edinboro is located eighteen miles south of the city of Erie, bordering on the beautiful Edinboro Lake. The college has a splendid setting on a beautiful campus with fourteen buildings. President of Edinboro is Dr. Thomas Root Miller, who assumed the presidency in 1954. Prior to that Dr. Miller had been Dean of the College at Oswego State Teachers College, Oswego, N. Y. Dr. Miller is a native of Pennsylvania and a graduate of Mansfield Teachers College. He completed his work for his Master's and Doctor's degrees at Syracuse University. Edinboro Football Squad Left to right, First Row --Thurbon, Ketchell, Hilbert, Bonello, Smmons, Bruno, Montedoro, Bianco, Condlla, Tammariello, Lewis Second Row -DiCesare, Trott, Harauy, Stoner, Donatucci, Cunningham, Shesman, Twardowski, Johnson, Vashaw, Drabant, Peiffley Third Row -Ramsey, Smith, Magdik, Gido, Canales, Zimmerman, Kidder, Ruland, Putnam, Teleha, LaForest, StorneE, Cianflocco Fourth Row -Flynn, Vrema, Downs, Andrews, Tarbi, Passerotti, Beatty, Bardroff, Schneider, Rizzo, Zanotti Here's the starting backfield for the Edinboro Red Raiders. Left to right are Right Halfback Jim Concilla, Left Halfback Gordon Kidder, Fullback Barry Johnson and Quarterback Chuck Montedoro Bob Thurbon, Pitt All American, In First Year As Edinboro Coach Head Football Coach Bob 'rhurbon, 38, graduate of Academy High School in Erie where he was a three-letter man, was All-American at the University of Pittsburgh under the great Jodc Sutherland. In 1943 T.hurbon played pro football with the Pittsburgh Steelers and was high scorer for that team in both 1943 and 1944. Following his hitch in the army he played a season with the Buffalo Bisons in the All-American Football Conference. In 1954 and 1955 Bob Thurbon was the backfield coach at North East High School, before coming to Edinboro this fall. Athletic Director Arthur L. McComb is a graduate of Plain Grove High School, 1916, Slippery Rock Normal School, 1920, and the University of Pittsburgh, 1934. He coached at Benjamin Franklin Junior High School, New Castle, and Aspinwall High School before coming to Edinboro in 1946. He was men's athletic director from 1946 through 1955 as well as coach of football, basketball, track and swimming. In 1956 Mac became Athletic Director and Robert W. Thurbon was brought into the college to do the coaching. Palclce Garden Theatre DRIVE IN SOUTH OF INDIANA - OFF ROUTE 119 Today, "Love Is a Many Splendord Thing," with Jennifer Jones and William Holden. Also "Pick-up on South Street" with Richard Widmark and Jean Peters . . . Coming October 15, 16, 17, "Ulysses," in color with Kirk Douglass and Silvana Magnano. First Show, 7:15 - Second Show, 9:20 Welcome t o from Sororities ... Y o u are cordially the function o f your Crowds enjoyed this Arabian Nights float in the 1955 Homecoming parade PHI MU Sororities ALPHA SlGMA ALPHA President Secretary . . ........... Trudy Lisensky . . Pat Muse Toni Karr Jean Marie Kunz Adviser ...................................... . . ............................. Joy Mahachek Tea following the game in Sorority Room, John Sutton Sall. ALPHA SlGMA TAU Adviser Mary Washington Homecoming Tea from 3:00 to 500 p.m. in Sorority Room (14-N), John Sutton Hall. BETA SlGMA OMICRON President ...................................... Joanne Bossert Vice,President Betsy Pontzer Corresponding Secretary ...................................... Laverne Shultz Recording Secretary Pat Newell Treasurer . Pat Hayes Adviser Virginia Rohrer Homecoming Tea following game in Sorority Room, John Sutton Hall. DELTA ZETA President Joanne Demange . Beverly Hull First ViceePresident Gayle LaBate Second ViceePresident Recording Secretary ........................................................ Dot Palmer -. Ruth Datz Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Doris Graves Adviser .......................................... Ruth Podbielski Homecoming Tea following game in Delta Sigma Epsilon Chapter Room, John Sutton Hall. Mdnos Theatre Ends Tonight "THE LAST WAGON" (in cinemascope) with Richard Widmark - Coming Monday "BIGGER THAN LIFE" (in cinemascope) with James Mason and Barbara Rush : Shirley Gibson Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Betty Judy Susie Betts Social Treasurer Norah Zink Adviser Homecoming Tea will be held after game in Phi Mu Sorority Room. PI KAPPA SlGMA President Vice,President Recording Secretary Sue Wherry Treasurer Jane Hall Adviser Abigail Boardman A smorgasboard will be held at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Home at 530. SlGMA KAPPA President ................................................................................... Mary Punch First ViceePresident Arlene Patz . Barbara Harvey Second Vice,President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secr ........ Sally Shaffer A banquet will be held for the member, parents, and alumnae at the Eagles Home, Philadelphia Street. SIGMA SIGMA SlGMA Fran Bonadio Corresponding Secretary Phyllis Erickson Treasurer ,............................................ Mary Alice Bobies Keeper of Grades Pat Miller Adviser Jess Ziegler A Homecoming dinner will be held at the Rustic Lodge, at 6:00 p.m. Clyde Mentch Appliance HOTPOINT - Permutit Water Softener SPEED QUEEN - Sold Rt. 422, 2 miles east of Indiana or Rented Phone 5.3474 the Alumni the 4 e + Fraternities invited to attend sorority or fraternity "Alice in Wonderland" draws attention in last year's parade THETA SIGMA UPSILON President Marilyn Wheeling First Vice ........ Nancy Koslow Betty Lou Pulsenelli Second ViceePresident ............................. Recording Secretary ................................................... Pauline Taylor . Mary Kay Kennedy Cotresponding Secretary Treasurer Nancy Gobert Advisers ................................... Florence Wallace Mrs. James Kehew KAPPA DELTA RHO President ................................................................... Richard Anderson Vice.President Jim Obrock Glenn Simms Pledgemaster ..................................................................... Dave Bird Secretary ....................................................................................... Treasurer Dick Crush Owen Dougherty Adviser ........................................................................ SIGMA PHI EPSILON ZETA TAU ALPHA President Vice.President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Advisers ...................................... Carol Thomas . Virginia Stoner ....... Bonnie Powell . Jill Robinson Marilyn Ditch . . ................. Gladys Dunkelberger Helen C. Merriman A Homecoming Tea will be held from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. in Sorority Room (19), John Sutton Hall. President Vice-president Jim McDermott Mike Antonetti Treasurer Dave Einsel Adviser Paul Risheberger Open House will be held Saturday, October 6. Alumni dinner will be held following the game at the Sigma Phi Epsilon House. SIGMA TAU GAMMA Fraternities DELTA SIGMA NU President George Peschock ViceePresi red Karlovich Secretary Charles Pote Treasurer Joel McNutt Adviser Donald Hess Open House Saturday, October 6 at 2:00 p.m. President -..................................... Blase Scarnati Vice,President id Frick Corres onding Hoover ~ e c o r & n gSecretary ............................. -.................... Joseph Mutter .. David Harnmerschmidt Treasurer Adviser C. M. Johnson Open House Sunday, October 6 ht 2:00 p.m. TAU KAPPA EPSILON DELTA SIGMA PHI President ViceePresident Karl Engleka Adviser . Edward Carr Open House Sunday, October 7 at 2:00 p.m. Indiana Theatre Ends Tonight, "Francis in The Haunted House" with Mickey Rooney . . . and "Apache Woman" with Joan Taylor - Coming Monday "Queen of Babylonw with Rhonda Fleming also "Barefoot Battalion" President Vice~Presi Secretary -........................................ L. Shober Treasurer Adviser Open House Saturday, October 6. Dinner 6:00 p.m. at the Outside Inn. Dance and entertainment at Tau Kappa Epsilon House Saturday evening. "Enjoy the Best" The Pie 6' Cookie Box 658 Philadelphia St. - Phone IN5-6731 BROWN'S HOTEL Marion Center Creamery, Inc. Sales Room and OAce - 1035 Water Street Indiana, Pennsylvania Luxenberg's Indiana's Leading Jewelry Store Phone I N 5-2122 Indiana, Pa. W. J. Fiscus Transfer STUDENT UNION South End of Whitmyre Hall After the Game Stop for REFRESHMENTS DANCING and T. V. "SAY I T W I T H FLOWERS" Rowley Green Vase Margaret Harris LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING Agent for: WHEATON VAN LINES, INC. Call and Check Our Rates for All Services Phone IN 5-8722 - Indiana Lumber # Supply Co. Robeson's INDIANA, PA. Furniture - Appliances Builders' Supplies - Cabinet Work Transit-Mixed Concrete - DuPont Paints Mile East of Indiana, Pa. Ralph & Florence McGregor, Hosts Phone 5-4537 Auto Supplies - Appliances - Sporting Goods McGregor Motel Route 422 - Homer City Road Lias Car # Home Store SHOPPING CENTER Ph. IN 5-4142 INDIANA, PA. North Route 119 OPEN ALL YEAR Phone IN 5-3508 Miller Sandwich Shop & Market College Avenue and Maple Street Below Football Stadium Clymer Water Service Co. LIGHT LUNCHES, MILK SHAKES, SUNDAES SANDWICHES of All Kinds Miller's Specialize in 2-ft. SUBMARINE Sandwiches Compliments of The College Man's Clothing Store Opposite the Court House H. J. B U C H H E I T LOOKING BACK Edinboro Unable to Beat Braves In Five Earlier Homecoming Tilts Today marks the sixth time that the Big Indians of Indiana and the Red Raiders of' Edinboro have faced each other in an Indiana Homecoming Day game. If tradition holds up, Indiana should be the victor today, for the ISTC gridders triumphed in all the earlier meetings. First Homecoming Day engagement between the two schools took place in 1934, with Indiana picking up a 33-0 victory. Then followed victories in 1948 by 33-6; in 1950 by 20-6; in 1952 by 7-0, and in 1954 by 28-13. Homecoming Day crowds seem to inspire the Indiana gridders. In the 20 alumni day games to date, the Big Indians have won 15, lost four and tied one. The first Homecoming Day game was played in 1933 against the Carnegie Tech freshmen, with the visitors winning, 7-0. Last year the twentieth game saw the Indians come from behind to top California, 14-7. Indiana has twice fielded undefeated teams since becoming a state teachers college in 1927. George Miller, at present head of the health and physical education departmeni, coached the 1934 team to a 6-0 record and the 1940 team to a 7-0-1 mark. The 1940 team was undefeated and untied until the final game when Shippensburg played Indiana to a scoreless deadlock. The 1940 Undefeated Indians Left to right, first row, John McElhoes, Lee Brant, Andy Sybinsky, Esau Motovich, Charley DiMauro, Bill Balionis, Milt er, Fred Ruthko, Matt Hohn; second row, George Miller (head coach), Whimp Hovanec, Bud McNaughton, Tom Gene Schmucker, Art Price, Merle Baker, Tom Abraham, John Husak, Dean Bloom, Kermit Ewing (assistant ); third row, Earl Pmgh (assistant coach), Knapp, Sam Commella, Dick Baldrige, John Kiska, Tom Anton, A1 0, ,Bill-C~tler,McKown, Balog, Spratt, Bob Timmons (assistant coach); fourth row, Lew Wells, Deasy, Nick Kish, Finn, Leroy Moyer, Bob Miller, Ed Spagnola, Skettich, Don Corey. Czabo, Clo -*i.. - ,--..?~~~:f.cJ KAY'S DRESS SHOP 27 ISTCS Moccasin Band Halftime Attraction The ISTC Moccasin Band - a 60-piece marching band -is open to all men in the college who can qualify. The unit performs at all home games and most of the away games, presenting halftime shows and music before, during and after the games. It also participates in local parades in the community. Drum Major David Hill, Assistant Director Daniel DiCicco, and Director C. David McNaughton are the brains behind the intricate maneuvers. This is the ninth season in which the Marching Band has been under the direction of C. David McNaughton. A faculty assistant has been named this year to help with the planning and training of the Band and the newly organized Women's Drill Team. The new assistant is Daniel DiCicco, supervisor of instrumental music at Keith School. Mr. DiCicco, an ISTC graduate, has been doing graduate work & the University of Michigan, noted for its fine marching band. The Moccasin Band prepares its shows with one period of rehearsal on Wednesday, two periods on Friday, and a final two-hour rehearsal on Saturday morning. The same schedule is followed by the Women's Drill Team. Thc Women's Drill Team, appearing in their own distinctive uniforms, will make possible more elaborate and attractive halftime shows. The Indiana Moccasin Band is more than a marching outfit. It entertains the fans in a half hour pre-game show and keeps ISTC supporters keyed up during the game timwuts. The Women's Drill Team, shown above with the ISTC Moccasin Band, made its first appearance at halftime of the Ball State Indiana game on September 22. - Marching Band Personnel MARCHING BAND Allshouse, Laird Baran, Walter Batdorf, Donald Bodamer, Thomas Boland, Gerald Botti, William Brumbaugh, Frederick Byers, John Colbert, John Cole, Albert Cooley, Michael Covert, Robert Davis, David Davis, Thomas Dellinger, Walter Dodd, Michael Dolinger, Jay Fenton, Arthur Ferrante, Donald Forcey, David Franceschini. Robert Franceschini, Virgil Hill, David Hollobaueh. Thomas Kahler, ~ a l h Kensinger, Harold Kirnbrough, Jaime Kirkpatrick, Vincent Klausman, Grant Knepschield, Roger Knudsen, Eric Ledney, David Litton, Robin Lorence, Franklin McClelland, John Meader, Richard Miles, Houston Morocco, William Musingo, Thomas Neal, Leslie Palmer, James Plohr, Robert Cheerleaders Kneeling -Left to Right Mary Ann Elder, Diana Richards, Bonna Bell -Co-Captain Standing - Left to Right Captain, Alice Ann Pawns Susan Betts, Eleanor Toth - 29 Radzevick, Lawrence Risher, Thomas Ross, Eugene Schnabel, Thomas Schrecongost, William Shoemaker, Robert Smith, William A . Snyder, William Sorbara, George Switzer, Harry Tamplin, Charles Tattersall, Dixon Thompson, Glenn Toomey, Benjamin Vernall, Ray Verner, Paul Vittone, Lawrence Volk, Leonard Voorhies, T o m Westin, Theodore Woods, Jon WOMEN'S DRILL TEAM Anderson, Doris Baker, Judith Bloonl, Louine Bloom, Louise Bovaird, Carolyn Burfoot, Ruth Caskey, Sara Crouse, Marian Elliott, Patricia Gary, Donna J. Harris, Marcella Heilman, Carolyn Helsel, Beverly Hooven, Nancy Howarth, Norma Jean Humphrey, Judy Kenosh, Joan Kifer, Peggy Kitchen, Myrna Kolcun, Marilyn Kramer, Diane Krotz, Shirley Makufka, Pat Mathis, Beverly McConnell, Diane Miller, Darlene Miller, Shirley Moore, Joyce Mundo, Frances Nagey, Donna Nelson, Mary Louise Ober, Verla Pearson, Lynn Ralston, Betsy Sansonetti, Pat Sell, Delores Seymour, Pat Shaffer, Barbara Torbert, Arlene Weisman, Nancy Wood, Esther Seven New Buildings Approved For Indiana Teachers Campus Alumni returning to the campus for the first time in a number of years will have discovered Whitmyre Hall, the new men's dormitory, and New Leonard Hall, the classroom building. But the two new structures are overshadowed by plans for construction of seven more buildings. Legislative approval has already been given for the seven additions, with only appointment of architects awaited before actual work begins. Present plans, necessarily tentative and subject to change, call for a music and arts building of three floors, about 170 by 90 feet, which would include a floor for music, art, and dramatics. Possible site of this building is either between Clark Hall and Fisher Auditorium or on the west side of Eleventh Street in the same area. A women's dormitory of three floors consisting of two wings 170 by 40 feet will probably be located on the southeast corner of East Campus or in the southeast section of the present Memorial Athletic Field. It will house approximately 250 women students. It is planned to construct a library building at the north section of Oak Grove facing Oakland Avenue and near the present Wilson Hall. Consisting of two and onehalf floors, it would be sufficient for 120,000 books. The science building will be located on the campus just north of Keith School. This structure will be three floors and will house laboratory classrooms, store room, preparation rooms for all science classes, thus releasing about one-third of the rooms in Leonard Hall for general classroom use. Good Neighbors and Partners in ,,, Indiana Campus a Beauty Spot The College.. . 'l'oday's football game, attended by inany people of the community, is but one example of the excellent college-community relations in Indiana. Each day in mnny ways the interdependence of the college and the community may be observed; both are aware of the joint responsibility for promotion of a better Indiana. The college, through its payroll, through its local purchase of materials and equipment, through its providing opportunities for higher education for local students, makes a significant contribution to the community. Expenditures of funds by the college directly and students indirectly reaches more than 2% million dollars a year. 'I'he college also contributes to the cultural life of the community through the Cultural Life series that brings leaders in arts and current affairs to the community, through stagc productions, through student participation in community life. Yet the influence and the contribution of the community are no less important. Selection of the college by parents and the acquisition of able faculty are affected to some extent by the desirability of the community. The community itself provides resources for the college-schools used for student teaching, churches for religious life, industries and businesses for surveys and laboratory experiences. The college and the community do many things together. They recently have A May Queen is mmad befare sNdeam wid towas- facilities oua the, Im&anu Qmpw f ~ a e t k v i E k 9 0 f ~ A r t ~ ~ d e r s . Carawba I-kuse Cultural, Economtc, and Religious Life Town Bomm A t k d v e Streeta and the Community cooperated in sponsoring a blood donor program, in promoting a Boy Scout Day, in asslsting charities. The college offers its facilities for vespers, an art center operates on the campus for local art association activities, the college clinics provide services to the people of the community who in turn furnish subjects for student practice. Each summer the college and the community operate a summer theater which enlists not only the financial support of those in the community but their active participation as well. A college-community chorus has been organized and the Municipal Band presents concerts on the campus during the summer. The local Garden Club prepared a beautiful Shakespeare Garden on the college campus which has in it the various plants mentioned in Shakespeare's plays and its members actually take physical care of this part of the campus. Cooperation between the college and community is promoted to a great extent through a College Relations Committee of the Indiana Chamber of Commerce. The Committee meets with administrative officers of the college to discuss mutual problems. The local press, local alumni units, local service clubs and other organizations have been helpful in developing a cooperative program. As the college and the community grow it will be possible to develop an even better understanding of what each can contribute to the other. Dr. Pratt lights candles for Chamber of Commerce birthday as Charles Russell and Carl Weyandt look on. College-Community Theater in Fisher Auditorium is summer attraction. Here's scene from "Dial M for Murder. L . ;;, - . , . . -. - .. , . &.!, *. .. I": " 7 : HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP, 372 Vf Phila. St. Our Thanks t o . Campus Grill SANDWICHES and REFRESHMENTS The Varsity "I" is grateful to ail merchants who have subscribed to advertising space in this program. Below are many boosters who have nothing to advertise but wish to show their interest in Indiana athletics by making a contribution. To both advertisers and boosters "Many Thanks." Varsity "I" says 633 Philadelphia Street Indiana, Pa. Uncle Bill's Amusements Cigarette Vending and Other COIN MACHINES - Phone I N 5-6541 A. 7'.Taylor & Son Gift Shop 7 3 2 Philadelphia Street Peterson Hardware 1060 Philadelphia Street Hot Water Heat Running Water ROOPS with Bath Houk Hotel Indiana, Pa. - Philadelphia St. - Route 422 Moderate Rates Phone IN 5-8189 Knotty Pine Inn Ralph Moorhead 7'.V . Route 422 - i/z Mile East of Indiana Phone 5-6131 17 So. 9th Street SMALL RADIOS ... W. L. WHITTEN, M.D. J. MURRAY BU,TERBAUGH C. ARTHUR WILSON (Mass. Mutual Life Ins. Co.) JAMES GREGGI (Jimrnie's Barber Shop) CARL E. PATCHIN MARTHA DAUGHERTY (Thompson Ins. Agency) TOHN WATCHKO. M.D. w. THOMAS MALCOLM 1. EDWIN FYOCK. Notaw Public EDWIN H. LONG DR. H. WILBUR BLACK DR. J. R. CUMMINS DR. J. WILBUR GIBSON DR. AND MRS. FRANK G. EDWARDS DR. TAMES G. KELLY T. KREDE'L, M.D. DR. LEONARD B. VOLKIN W. M. RUDDOCK CALHOUN INSURANCE AGENCY WALLS-HILL REAL ESTATE, INC. HAROLD L. EDISON, M.D. D. R. TOMB, Attorney at Law THE LOCAL PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE STAFF JAMES B. EDGERLY JOSEPH T. CAMPISANO. D.D.S. DR. JACK A. MORROW, 'Optometrist BERNARD C. LEWINE, O.D. JOSEPH N. MACK, Attorney at Law WM. C. GRAU, O.D. H. A. STAHLMAN, D.D.S. PARNELL & PARNELL. Attornevs JOHN S. SIMPSON WM. E. PIERCE G. W. MUSSER L. E. MILLER J. W. MACK JAMES L. JACK EARL R. HANDLER T. S. BARBOR W. E. HELWIG W. H. HETHERILL J. W. GATTI. M.D. W. G. Thomas, Owner and Operator - Indiana, Pa. - .. Advertisers and Boosters HQMEMADE CANDIES and ICE CREAM 1115 Phila. St. - Phone IN5-6932 - Our Specialties FINE FOOD PHONOS REPAIRED MODERATE PRICES Phone I N 5-8047 Betty Miller Motel 1700 Philadelphia Street Phone IN 5-8034 Open All Year 34 - - Route 422 INDIANA, PA. A Luxurious New Motor Motel BOYD'S IEWELRY STORE - DIAMONDS - 20 S. 7th St.. Indiana SUTILA FUNERAL HOME American Legion The Buchman Company Men's Clothing and Furnishings 701 Phila. St. Indiana, Pa. Henry Hall, Inc. PRINTERS STATIONERS Post 141 Serving Indiana for 90 Years Dermitt's Typewriter Center Sales and Service Agency Remington Rand 564 Philadelphia Street INDIANA, PA. Quaker Cleaners Clothes Expertly CLEANED and PRESSED 4 South 7th St., Indiana 46 Main St., Homer City 16 E. Market St., Bla~rsvllle Phone IN 5 - 4 7 3 , The Most Beautiful Dairy Stores in Pennsylvania Shorty's Fruit Market Dairy Dell "Best for Less" Johnstown ICE CRBAM INDIANA - DINNERS Ebensburg - Wayne Ave. Extension - Phone 5-8151 LUNCHES Tate Furniture and Appliance Center "Where the Brand Names Are" NORGB - BENDIX - ADMIRAL - ZENITH Open Evenings Franklin S t , Clyme, Pa. Phone CL 4-U20 Compliments of Indiana Apparel Merchants Association Where high quality merchandise for men, women and children is available with courteous and efficient service . . w JodKay's Restaurant Corner of Gth & Philadelphia Streets . Mayfair Shoppe Children's Shop Molly Ann Gearhart's Town & Country Joseph's Waxler's Leon's ART LEWIS JOHNNY KARSTETTER The Art Lewis Co. I PH.ILC0 570 Philadelphia Street TELEVISION HOMB APPLIANCES Phons 5-6931 Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday until 9:00 STAPLETON'S WHIRLPOOL Indiana, Pennsylvania RESTAURANT 35