A Prevention Problem


A Prevention Problem
A Prevention Problem
Uninsured Americans Forgo
Steps to Ensure Healthy Future
A Prevention Problem
Uninsured Americans Forgo Steps
to Ensure Healthy Future
Introduction ............................................................................................................. 3
The Insured vs. the Uninsured: An Ugly Truth ........................................................... 5
Prevention for the Unemployed ................................................................................ 8
Parents and Prevention........................................................................................... 10
Early Awareness for Future Generations.................................................................. 12
Conclusion............................................................................................................. 15
Creating a Healthy World......................................................................................... 16
About Healthy World.............................................................................................. 16
About TeleVox........................................................................................................ 17
A Prevention Problem: Uninsured Americans Forgo Steps to Ensure Healthy Future
The objective of preventive care is to improve and sustain the health and
well-being of patients, while reducing costs of healthcare, allowing funds
to be directed to research and other patients with unpreventable needs.
Preventive care may involve screening a healthy patient for cancer because
it’s common in his or her family. It also includes age and gender specific
lifestyle adjustments, vaccinations and other measures. During this process,
a physician will help the patient identify major health risk factors — such as
heart disease, high cholesterol and diabetes — and work with the patient to
either bring these conditions under control or to stop them from forming.
A Prevention Problem: Uninsured Americans Forgo Steps to Ensure Healthy Future
While the use of preventive care may seem to be the obvious choice for U.S.
health consumers, the problem arises in the fact that many Americans are not
taking advantage of this vital aspect of the wellness process. Many opt to wait
until a condition becomes a major problem, resulting in higher expenses for
urgent treatment of a disease or condition that may have been prevented with
screenings or lifestyle adjustments recommended during a preventive care visit.
U.S. healthcare spending is expected to surpass $3 trillion in 2014, according to
the Department of Health and Human Services. This is due in no small part to
many healthcare consumers forgoing preventive care and thus being at risk for
needing an emergency room trip when a major health problem presents itself or
can no longer be ignored. And this ER visit comes at a high price. According to
the Department of Health and Human Services, the average ER visit costs $1,300
— drastically more expensive than a preventive care visit that is likely free for the
insured and significantly less expensive than an ER visit for the uninsured. As
healthcare costs continue to rise, it becomes increasingly important for doctors to
engage their patients through education to help them understand the importance
of both preventive care and healthy lifestyle choices.
A Prevention Problem: Uninsured Americans Forgo Steps to Ensure Healthy Future
The Insured vs. The Uninsured:
An Ugly Truth
According to A Prevention Problem: Uninsured
minute measures are commonly taken in cases where
Americans Forgo Steps to Ensure Healthy Future, nearly
an uninsured person’s condition has become so severe
one in four adults in the U.S. are currently without health
that they must seek immediate care. This all-too-familiar
insurance (24 percent), and only 33 percent of those
method of receiving treatment is part of the causation
without insurance have been able to visit their primary
for rising healthcare costs nationwide, as an average of
care physician in the past two years, compared with the
only 48 percent of the previously-mentioned average
71 percent of the insured who’ve made a doctor’s visit
ER visit cost of $1,300 is covered by insurance. Instead
in that same period of time. The majority of the adults
of waiting until a problem occurs and then treating the
surveyed — 72 percent of those with insurance and 52
condition, it is essential to engage patients, regardless of
percent of those without — indicated that these visits are
the status of their current health, in their own preventive
care, encouraging them to take the necessary steps to
Adults in the
U.S. who are
currently without
health insurance.
routine check-ups. Knowing that check-ups can serve to
provide a foundation for prevention and early diagnosis,
it’s concerning that uninsured Americans aren’t taking
advantage of these visits as much as those with
insurance. And with the rising costs of healthcare, this
trend will likely get worse. Less awareness, education and
use of preventive care services may cause an existing
condition to become chronic or lead to the development
of a disease that could have otherwise been avoided.
Hospital admissions, ER visits and other expensive last-
prevent problems from occurring — or at the very least
detect them in their early stages. Doing so will allow
doctors to improve the overall health of their patients
while decreasing medical expenses.
A Prevention Problem found that less than 1 in 5
uninsured adults consider themselves to be extremely
healthy, and almost half of the adults surveyed admitted
they are currently treating a disease or chronic illness
— such as high blood pressure, a heart problem,
diabetes or cancer— that could have been avoided or
reduced in severity with the proper preventive measures.
Unfortunately, many still aren’t sure what even constitutes
prevention, and the study found that those without
insurance were less likely to be knowledgeable about
preventive care — 33 percent of those without insurance
were unsure what prevention includes, compared to
A Prevention Problem: Uninsured Americans Forgo Steps to Ensure Healthy Future
only 16 percent of the insured group. Despite this lack
Prevention Problem found that only 16 percent of those
of complete understanding of prevention, A Prevention
without insurance give themselves an A grade for their
Problem showed that most adults feel that some form of
efforts to ensure preventive care for themselves, and more
prevention is important, and 91 percent of those without
than half said the reason they don’t seek preventive care is
insurance agreed. Eighty-one percent of those without
because they don’t have health insurance (52 percent). A
insurance also said that taking proper preventive care
key issue contributing to underutilization of preventive care
measures saves patients money and believe it is less
among the uninsured is that of cost. Though A Prevention
expensive to prevent a serious condition or disease than
Problem found that most uninsured have visited some
it is to treat it. Unfortunately, this belief in the importance
kind of healthcare professional in the past two years (59
of prevention isn’t translating into preventive action
percent) and said that a doctor’s recommendation is the
among the uninsured. Seventeen percent of those without
main reason for seeking preventive care (33 percent), most
insurance gave themselves
an F grade when it comes to
receiving preventive measures
that have been recommended.
The lack of nutrition,
prevention, and overall
wellness education for those
who are uninsured is taking its
toll. According to A Prevention
Problem, those with insurance
agreed that out-of-pocket cost
Doctors can leverage
technology to communicate
the importance of preventive
care and healthy lifestyle
choices to their patients,
regardless of whether they are
employed or have insurance.
exercise more routinely, or at
least three times a week (52 percent), than those without
insurance (38 percent). The study also found that those
with insurance are more likely to have improved their
eating habits in the past two years (56 percent) than those
without insurance (41 percent). Less than half of those
without insurance are taking vitamins or supplements
is the primary deciding factor
when considering undergoing
preventive measures. According
to the study, 8 percent of those
without insurance admitted that
they currently have a condition
they are not treating, and only
28 percent of those without
insurance, compared to the 42
percent with insurance, are able
to see a healthcare professional
to treat their existing diseases. Moreover, only 31
percent of those without insurance are taking prescribed
medications, significantly less than the 58 percent of
insured respondents that indicated they were currently
taking a prescription.
regularly (46 percent), compared with the 69 percent of
A lack of insurance is many times caused by
those with insurance who take vitamins. Adopting healthy
unemployment and may be unavoidable. However, this
habits isn’t the only thing uninsured patients do less of
does not mean that preventive care and information
compared to those with insurance. Sixty-eight percent
regarding a healthy lifestyle are out of reach for those
of them have never been screened for cancer. In fact, A
without insurance or the unemployed. Because, for some,
A Prevention Problem: Uninsured Americans Forgo Steps to Ensure Healthy Future
coverage is not attainable, these people must draw on
to those in need. Though taking care of one’s own
other advantages of our era, such as high-tech advances
health when uninsured may seem impossible, with
in new media. Prevention awareness via mobile phone,
high-tech communication it becomes, virtually, possible.
email and voicemail can provide an easier pathway
Furthermore, doctors can leverage this technology to
for those who are looking for healthcare or prevention
communicate the importance of preventive care and
answers, but may not have the coverage to receive
healthy lifestyle choices to their patients, regardless of
them face to face. There are currently government cell
whether they are employed or have insurance or not.
phone programs in place for those who are financially
disadvantaged, and many libraries offer Internet usage
For each of the following purposes, please select which type of
communication you would prefer to receive from a healthcare professional.
Exercise at least 3 times a week
Improved eating habits in past two years
Taking vitamins or supplements regularly
Able to seek a healthcare professional to
treat existing diseases
Taking prescribed medications
A Prevention Problem: Uninsured Americans Forgo Steps to Ensure Healthy Future
Prevention for the Unemployed
As the economy continues to recover, many are left unemployed and perhaps uninsured, having relied
on their employers to supply coverage.
When a person is unemployed, their health often takes a
back seat to priorities such as paying for housing, food
Of the unemployed:
and utilities. During this time, a condition they currently
have may worsen, or they may develop a disease that
could have been prevented with regular medical checkups. Given how expensive an emergency room visit can be
and how little expendable income they are likely to have,
the unemployed should be among those most interested
are completely
have optical
have dental
in controlling their healthcare expenses. However, this
does not appear to be the case. A Prevention Problem:
Uninsured Americans Forgo Steps to Ensure Healthy
Future found that though 75 percent of those without jobs
are receiving some sort of health benefits, 15 percent
of the unemployed are completely uninsured, and more
unemployed adults are on Medicaid (17 percent) than
those who are employed (10 percent). In addition, only
20 percent of those without jobs reported having optical
insurance, and only 31 percent reported having dental
insurance. Specific healthcare steps, such as optical and
dental check-ups, are essential variables in the entirety
of the preventive process because these check-ups can
uncover early warning signs of serious conditions.
Though A Prevention Problem found that 96 percent of
those who are unemployed feel that preventive care is
important, 22 percent are still unsure what prevention
actually includes. Cost is also a major concern for those
without work, with 72 percent of unemployed adults
agreeing that out-of-pocket cost is the primary reason
they decide whether or not to seek preventive care.
With that, another 18 percent said they don’t receive
preventive measures because they don’t have insurance.
Despite these findings, the study also showed that
90 percent of those who are unemployed agreed that
taking proper preventive care measures saves patients
money and think it is less expensive to prevent a serious
condition or disease than it is to treat it. Still, twice as
many people who are unemployed have a condition they
are currently not treating (7 percent) than those who are
employed, and 48 percent without work have never been
screened for cancer.
A Prevention Problem: Uninsured Americans Forgo Steps to Ensure Healthy Future
According to A Prevention Problem, many unemployed
Though unemployment has damaging effects on anyone
adults said that a doctor’s recommendation is the main
afflicted, those who are the breadwinners of the family
reason for seeking prevention, and 83 percent reported a
tend to get hit the hardest, as they may lose insurance for
visit to a healthcare professional of some kind in the past
not only themselves but also their families. Unemployed
two years. Yet, only 26 percent of those without work
caretakers of loved ones tend to put their own health aside
give themselves an A grade for their efforts to ensure
to focus on others, putting them at risk for developing
preventive care for themselves. The study also found that,
preventable conditions or becoming chronically ill.
overall, the lifestyle habits of those who are unemployed
Arguably, these caretakers are the most important
are less healthy than those with jobs. Employed adults
members of our society for doctors to engage regarding
are more likely than unemployed to exercise routinely,
the importance of preventive care as they are the ones
or at least three times a week — those employed at
making decisions not just for themselves but also for
54 percent and those unemployed at 44 percent. A
others, whether it be a child, spouse, or aging parent.
Prevention Problem also showed that more unemployed
than employed adults admitted they are currently treating
a disease or chronic illness, such as high blood pressure,
a heart problem, diabetes or cancer, and unfortunately,
only 17 percent of adults who are currently without work
consider themselves to be extremely healthy.
A Prevention Problem: Uninsured Americans Forgo Steps to Ensure Healthy Future
Parents and Prevention
It’s hard being a parent. Between work and family activities, many moms and dads let their own health
suffer and put preventive care at the bottoms of their to-do lists.
Though 96 percent of the parents surveyed for A
and sadly 47 percent of parents admitted they just can’t
Prevention Problem: Uninsured Americans Forgo Steps
afford it.
to Ensure Healthy Future said they feel preventive care
is important for themselves, and another 97 percent said
they feel prevention is important for their children, many
agreed that out-of-pocket cost is the primary deciding
factor when choosing whether to seek out preventive
measures. And though A Prevention Problem found
that 94 percent of parents agreed that taking proper
preventive care measures saves patients money and
think it is less expensive to prevent a serious condition
or disease than it is to treat it, over half (51 percent) have
never been screened for cancer.
have some form of health insurance (81 percent), or are
on Medicaid (21 percent), and have visited a healthcare
professional of some kind in the last two years, 28
percent still aren’t knowledgeable about what their health
insurance policy covers in terms of preventive care. And
though 53 percent of the parents surveyed said that a
doctor’s recommendation is their main reason for seeking
preventive care, and another 54 percent said they want
to practice preventive care because they want to be as
healthy as possible, 18 percent said they still aren’t sure
This lack of prevention awareness among parents is
what prevention includes. Only 20 percent of parents in
leading to an increased amount of sickness, which can
the U.S. give themselves an A grade for their efforts to
add to the already-stressful life of a parent. According
ensure preventive care for themselves, and 34 percent
to the A Prevention Problem, 40 percent of parents in
are currently visiting a healthcare professional to treat an
the U.S. admitted they are currently treating a disease
existing condition or disease.
or chronic illness, such as high blood pressure, a heart
problem, diabetes or cancer. Forty-six percent are taking
prescribed medication on a daily basis, and only 18
percent of the parents surveyed consider themselves
extremely healthy. Some parents surveyed said that
unfortunately, the reason they don’t pursue prevention is
because they don’t have health insurance (16 percent),
A Prevention Problem found that though many parents
Within a parent’s busy schedule, taking preventive care
steps, such as consistently hitting the gym and eating
healthy, may seem unrealistic. Wellness efforts become
more of a “treat” than a way of life, as according to A
Prevention Problem, less than half of all parents surveyed
(48 percent) said they’ve been able to exercise routinely,
A Prevention Problem: Uninsured Americans Forgo Steps to Ensure Healthy Future
Parents & Preventive Care
or at least three times a week. When parents
continue to make unhealthy lifestyle choices for
themselves, they set examples for their children.
If eating healthy and preventive care awareness
97% feel it’s important
for their children.
94% agree it saves
patients money.
96% feel it’s important
for themselves.
are not top priorities of parents, they will likely
not be for their children as well, which will affect
these children’s ability to lead healthy lives once
they become adults. Providing a foundation for
a healthy lifestyle and educating children in the
U.S. about the benefits of early detection and
prevention will dramatically improve the health of
our future and could save millions of lives.
47% can’t afford
health insurance.
49% have been
screened for cancer.
40% are currently
treating a disease
or chronic illness.
16% don’t have
health insurance.
18% consider
themselves healthy.
A Prevention Problem: Uninsured Americans Forgo Steps to Ensure Healthy Future
Early Awareness for Future Generations
Though prevention is important at every age, and in most cases becomes a higher priority as people
get older, it’s important for the younger generation to learn about the benefits of prevention to start to
develop positive habits early and improve the overall future health of our country.
A Prevention Problem: Uninsured Americans Forgo
26 to remain with their parents’ employer plan even if
Steps to Ensure Healthy Future found that though 95
offered coverage through their own employer. In addition,
percent of Generation Y, or those roughly ages 18–24,
the ACA requires insurers to cover many preventive care
feel that preventive care is important, only 15 percent
measures at no expense to the insured. With this in mind,
give themselves an A grade for their efforts to ensure
it is important for medical professionals to engage young
preventive care for themselves. And though 78 percent
adults to educate them about the benefits of preventive
of Gen Yers have visited a healthcare professional of
care in order to help them develop or maintain a healthy
some kind in the last two years and say that a doctor’s
lifestyle — now and in the future.
recommendation is their main reason for seeking
preventive care, nearly 1 in 4 young adults said they still
aren’t sure what constitutes prevention.
According to A Prevention Problem, most Gen Yers
(90 percent) agreed that taking proper preventive care
measures saves patients money and believe it is less
A Prevention Problem also showed that though 67
expensive to prevent a serious condition or disease than
percent of Gen Yers have some form of insurance
it is to treat it. Despite this, 22 percent said they haven’t
including Medicaid, they’re still not knowledgeable about
undergone preventive measures because they don’t have
what their policy offers in terms of prevention coverage.
health insurance, 80 percent said that out-of-pocket cost
And under the current healthcare mandate, knowing what
is their main deciding factor when thinking of receiving
is available is critical. According to the U.S. Department
a preventive measure, and 45 percent said they simply
of Health and Human Services, The Affordable Care Act
can’t afford it. This younger generation’s apathy towards
requires insurance issuers to offer coverage until a child
prevention or lack of awareness could be a possible link
reaches the age of 26, provided they are not offered
to their current unhealthiness. A Prevention Problem
coverage through their employer. This mandate applies to
found that only 19 percent of young adults in the U.S.
all plans in the individual market, for married or unmarried
consider themselves extremely healthy, and 29 percent
children and to new employer plans. A new addition to
are on prescribed medication. Moreover, 25 percent of
ACA benefits will begin in 2014, allowing those up to age
Gen Yers admitted they are currently treating a disease or
A Prevention Problem: Uninsured Americans Forgo Steps to Ensure Healthy Future
Gen Yers & Preventive Care
chronic illness, such as high blood pressure, a
95% feel it’s important.
heart problem, diabetes or cancer.
A Prevention Problem found that 50 percent
90% agree it saves
patients money.
said they want to practice preventive care
because they want to be as healthy as possible,
and only 53 percent of young adults said they
exercise routinely or at least three times a week.
A massive 29 percent are visiting a healthcare
professional to treat an existing condition,
78% have visited a
healthcare professional
in the last two years.
67% have some form
of health insurance.
80% say out-of-pocket
cost is their main
factor when thinking
of receiving it.
70% have never been
screened for cancer.
and 70 percent have never been screened for
cancer. Point being — we as a nation are getting
sicker, less mobile and more obese. Education
and awareness must be a priority among
67% exercise
schools, parents and the media to spark interest
45% say they
can’t afford it.
in healthy living at a young age. The future of a
healthy world begins with what parents provide
for their children today and the habits they help
them develop that will carry over into adulthood.
25% are currently
treating a disease or
chronic illness.
15% give themselves
an A average for their
efforts to ensure
preventative care.
22% say lack of health
insurance is why they
haven’t undergone it.
A Prevention Problem: Uninsured Americans Forgo Steps to Ensure Healthy Future
A Prevention Problem: Uninsured Americans Forgo Steps to Ensure Healthy Future
Whether it’s a lack of insurance, employment, time or awareness, prevention is
not a priority for many Americans. And as A Prevention Problem: Uninsured
Americans Forgo Steps to Ensure Healthy Future shows, those who are not
likely to keep up with a preventive lifestyle are at greater risk for making unhealthy
choices on a daily basis, leading to worsened conditions and preventable deaths.
Given that 1 in 4 adults in the U.S. are currently without health insurance, and
that lack of insurance is one of the top reasons young adults, parents and the
unemployed have yet to seek preventive care, greater efforts must be made by
doctors to engage and educate these groups. The future health of the U.S. starts
with the choices its citizens make today.
A Prevention Problem: Uninsured Americans Forgo Steps to Ensure Healthy Future
Creating a Healthy World
No matter your age or gender, preventive action will not only improve patient
outcomes and reduce healthcare costs, but it will also improve quality of
life and save lives. Patients want to be involved in their own care, but need
the tools to stay educated, encouraged and motivated to follow through for
their own health. Text messages, phone calls and emails from physicians get
patients’ attention while providing this desired support and involvement.
Increasing patient communication efforts will require forward-thinking
healthcare practitioners who understand that their continued involvement
is critical to ensuring a healthy future for our patients. Many physicians
understand that engaging patients between office visits can inspire them
to embrace and build the habits to follow through with treatment plans.
They know personalized, ongoing engagement can activate positive lifestyle
changes that will help people lead healthy lives.
A Prevention Problem: Uninsured Americans Forgo Steps to Ensure Healthy Future
About Healthy World
A healthy world, while global by definition, actually happens one person at a
time. It is driven by forward-thinking healthcare practitioners who understand
their involvement is critical to ensuring a healthy population.
The Healthy World initiative, launched by TeleVox, aims at helping people —
young and old — be healthy!
Three imperatives for creating a healthy world —
one person at a time
1. Touch the hearts and minds of patients to drive positive behavior change.
2. Engage patients with information and encouragement between visits.
3. Activate patients to make positive behavior changes for a healthier life.
The driving force behind the goal of creating a healthy world are the healthcare
professionals who take the time to engage patients with personalized, thoughtful,
ongoing communications that encourage and inspire them to embrace and follow
ongoing treatment plans.
They know every communication with a patient — including those that take place
between office visits — is an opportunity to help that person understand the
importance of good habits like nutrition, physical activity, taking their medications as
prescribed and following new treatment recommendations. Engaging patients and
their families between visits through proactive, relevant communications helps them to
wake up and stay focused on positive behavior changes is the way to create a healthy
world — one patient at a time.
A Prevention Problem: Uninsured Americans Forgo Steps to Ensure Healthy Future
About TeleVox
TeleVox is a high-tech Engagement Communications company, providing
automated voice, email, text and web solutions that activate positive patient
behaviors through the delivery of technology with a human touch.
Since 1992, TeleVox has been creating a comprehensive approach that breaks
through and motivates people to live healthy lives. At TeleVox, we understand that
touching the hearts and minds of patients by engaging with them between healthcare
appointments will encourage and inspire them to follow and embrace treatment plans.
We know personalized, ongoing patient engagement will activate positive lifestyle
changes. TeleVox helps healthcare professionals touch, engage and activate every
unique patient to lead healthy lives.
TeleVox. High-tech, human touch to create a
healthy world — one patient at a time.
A Prevention Problem: Uninsured Americans Forgo Steps to Ensure Healthy Future
Our Healthy World Initiative utilizes ethnographic research to uncover,
understand and interpret the patient point-of-view when it comes to managing
their health. We focus on studying how people interact with healthcare
providers and how they behave between doctor visits. As part of this program,
TeleVox delivers research reports that provide healthcare professionals with
timely insight for helping patients make healthy changes in their lives, follow
treatment plans, and take accountability for improving their personal health.
1110 Montlimar Dr, Suite 700 • Mobile, AL 36609 • 800.644.4266 • F 251.633.2420 • televox.com