

FDI 2013 Istanbul
Annual World Dental Congress
28 to 31 August 2013 - Istanbul, Turkey
Bridging Continents for Global Oral Health
[email protected]
Message from FDI President
I am delighted to present this year’s report of FDI’s flagship Continuing Education Programme. It does so much
to raise awareness of the work of our federation around the world and enhance its reputation as a credible and
reliable source of knowledge for oral health practitioners.
Let me briefly outline the ethical goals that the programme enshrines. First, sharing and exchange of information:
everyone involved has something to learn because conditions on the ground vary from country to country and
region to region. What applies in one setting, does not apply in another. In short, there is no single monopoly of
knowledge in the field of dentistry.
Second, the FDI Continuing Education Programme promotes the transfer of knowledge, giving wider access to
the latest thinking and trends in the field of oral health and dental medicine. As such, it can be viewed as FDI’s
unique and significant contribution to international development. And let us not forget that good oral health is
essential to good general health, which, in turn, makes a vital contribution to the socio-economic performance
of all countries.
Third, it provides feedback to FDI on local, national and regional knowledge and opinions in support of its aim
to be the worldwide, authoritative and independent voice of the dental profession. How can FDI be the “voice of
dentistry” if it is not listening? The Continuing Education Programme is FDI’s ‘ear’ on the ground.
Furthermore, it plays a huge role in reinforcing and cementing relations with our national members associations,
who deliver the education programmes that FDI supports. It helps them keep their members up to date with
trends and new knowledge and thereby build capacity to provide oral health care to their national populations.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank participating NDAs for all the efforts they have made in the period
2011-2012 to ensure the success of the Programme. I would also like to thank the dental industry for its
support: these are trying times economically and, with budgets stretched, I hope that this level of support can
be maintained and increased in the coming years. A dental workforce, up-to-date with the latest opinions,
trends and knowledge, is in all our interests.
Finally, I would like to highlight the breadth and penetration of FDI’s Continuing Education Programme in 2013:
the programme directors are organizing, through the agency of 25 national dental associations (NDAs), 37
events around the world, with a total of over 45 speakers. Eight of these are set to take place in Latin America,
seven in Africa and twelve in Asia Pacific.
I wish them the best of luck in their endeavours as FDI’s Continuing Dental Education goes from strength to
Orlando Monteiro da Silva
FDI President
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Thanks are due to the Education Committee: I would like to welcome the new members and say what a
pleasure it has been working with you over the past year. And let us not forget the efforts of our colleagues at
Head office whose job it has been to implement and follow up.
African Region
14-17 August 2012
20-22 August 2012
11-12 October 2012
11-12 October 2012
November 2012
20-21 January 2013
4-5 June 2013
28-29 June 2013
17-18 October 2013
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Burkina Faso
Asia Pacific Region
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Sri Lanka
Hong Kong
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
January 11-13, 2013
January 23-26, 2013
March 15-16, 2013
May 7-12, 2013
June 28-30, 2013
August 3-4, 2013
August 9-11, 2013
August 15-18, 2013
September 28-29, 2013
November 9-10, 2013
November 16-17, 2013
November 23-24, 2013
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We are grateful for Colgate’s cash sponsorship to conduct continuing education
in developing countries in the Asia Pacific region
Latin America Region
September 8, 2012
October 5/7, 2012
September 14, 2012
November 15/17, 2012
November 16, 2012
March 16, 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
August 2013
September 7, 2013
September 2013
October 26, 2013
October 28 - November 2, 2013
October 24-26, 2013
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Continuing Education Programme 2013
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Programme Directors
[email protected]
African Region
Prof. Bourgeois is dean at the Faculty of Dental Medicine of Lyons, France, professor of public health and
director of the Master in the speciality “International health policies of Chronic Diseases”. He headed the
WHO collaborating centre for Research on Health systems and Education in Oral health. Prof. Bourgeois is
President of the “Groupement des Associations Dentaires Francophones” and chairman of the FDI World
Dental Development and Health Promotion Committee. He has been actively involved in the development
of health promotion and oral health surveillance systems based on the analysis of systematic data on oral
health status and risk factors/behaviour.
Dr William CHEUNG
[email protected]
Asia Pacific Region
Dr Cheung received his dental degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, USA.
He is Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry, the Academy of Dentistry International, and the International College of Dentists. He maintains a multi-specialty practice in Central of Hong Kong. He is Honorary
Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Dentistry. Dr Cheung has lectured internationally and has published in various dental journals and magazines. He serves on the International Editorial
Board of the Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA) and is an Associate Editor of Hong Kong
Dental Journal.
Dr Sarkis SÖZKES
[email protected]
Eastern Europe Region
Assist. Prof. Dr. Sarkis Sözkes graduated from Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry in Istanbul Turkey,
and then had postgraduate studies in fields of Peridontology and Biomedical Engineering. He has widely
lectured nationally and internationally, and has been giving implant hands-on trainings. He is involved in biomedical implant design researches and involved in studies in Bosphorus University, Institute of Biomedical
Engineering. He is member of many international and national periodontology, implantology and biomedical
engineering field associations. He is Honorary Life Member for IADS. He is full time faculty staff member at
Namik Kemal University Biomedical Engineering Biomaterials Department.
[email protected]
Latin America Region
Continuing Education Programme 2013
My performance as Programme Manager was since the programs began many years ago. These programs
grew up through the years and it was and it is a challenge that has given excellent results performed successfully in different countries covered in this huge map of the world. There is a lot of effort behind what
is done and I have had the cooperation of the Local Institutions and the sponsors who facilitated my task.
[email protected]
Middle East Region
Dr. Abedin’s 1st encounter with the organization of CME activities was in the year 2000, when he gathered
information about the needs of the dental community in the gulf region, and co-organized the scientific sessions of AEEDC Dubai, with time his involvement in the organizing of CMEs continued and broadened, and
his passion to elevate the quality of CME activities in the middle east to a world-class level increased too, until
he was appointed the FDI Programme Manager for the middle east region in 2007, since then he has been
in close contact with the middle east member organizations to bring their respective dental communities the
required high level CPD Currently Dr. Abedin is AEEDC Dubai’s vice chairman.
The FDI World Dental Federation is grateful to the World Dental Education Foundation,
Hong Kong and to the sponsors and advertisers for making this CE Programme possible.
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
African Region
African Region
110 Members
Address: PO Box 3303
Location: Harare, Zimbabwe
Date: 14-17 August 2012
Event: National congress, Course
Organizer: National Dental Association
Contact: Dr. Liz kasamba: [email protected]
Rehabiliting the oral cavity: The Amazing Contribution of the Guided Surgery
in Implantology
Dr Dominique Caspar
Learning objectives:
Many courses on implantology are available in Africa. The objective of
this session is to establish an update of different concepts and methods
in implantology, to enable practitioners to understand indications and care
for single tooth loss. The amazing contribution of the guided surgery in
implantology is also discussed in details.
Dr Dominique Caspar
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Zimbabwe Dental
African Region
African Region
Association des
du Niger
Prof. Malik Sembene
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Kenya Dental
Prof. Gerhard Seeberger
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
36 Members
Address: C/o Cabinet Dentaire Tafadeck, BP 12 207
Location: Niger
Date: 20-22 August 2012
Event: 1st National Workshop on Periodontal Care, Workshop
Organizer: National Dental Association
Partners: GADEF
Contact: Dr Ango Amy Bolho, President: [email protected]
Prof. Malik Sembene
Learning objectives:
This training aims to provide practitioners with the latest knowledge on
clinical management of periodontal diseases. This is to answer the questions
of: When and how to propose a plan of periodontal care, for which options:
Non-surgical treatments or surgical treatments and, which indications and
types of interventions.
250 Members
Address: PO Box 20059-00200 - Nairobi - Kenya
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Date: 11-12 October 2012
Event: National congress, Course
Organizer: Kenya Dental Association
Contact: Dr. Linus Ndegwa: [email protected]
Prof. Gerhard Seeberger
Learning objectives:
This presentation shows minimally invasive surgical techniques and
immediate or early rehabilitation in combination with new prosthetic
technologies compared to standard protocols. All implants showed perfect
osseous- and soft tissue integration. Patients started domestic implant
maintenance right after implant insertion. The «one-piece shape» permitted
both, perfect aesthetics and proper function. Two-piece morphologies were
handled in order to maintain tissue levels as at the time of tooth extraction
and to induce even coronal development of the biologic width. Simple
surgical and prosthetic procedures in implant dentistry reduce number of
implant components, treatment time and costs
African Region
African Region
300 Members
Address: BP 5537
Location: Dakar, Senegal
Date: 11-12 October 2012
Event: National CE Course in Implantology-Periodontology, Workshop
Organizer: Association Nationale des Chirugiens Dentistes du Sénégal
Partners: GADEF
Contact: Pr. A. Kane, President: [email protected]
Quality of Care
Pr Kerstin Gristch
Dr Etienne Villeneuve
Learning objectives:
The prosthetic implant is an alternative therapy that must be envisaged
today in daily practice. However, it responds to specific indications and
should be proactive in diagnosis to secure the result. When making this type
of prosthesis, the first time will choose the type of pillar for a simple and
effective clinical application. The goal of these 2 days seminar is especially
to provide an understanding of the relationship between periodontitis and
implant failure.
Pr Kerstin Gristch
Dr Etienne Villeneuve
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Association Nationale
des Chirurgiens
Dentistes Sénégalais
African Region
African Region
Association Nationale
du Gabon
20 Members
Address: Chief of the Oral Health National Service BP 5491
Location: Libreville, Gabon
Date: November 2012
Event: 1st National CE conferences, Course
Organizer: Association Nationale des Odontostomatologistes du Gabon
Partners: GADEF
Contact: Dr Ndoutoume Jacquie President:
[email protected]
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Prof. Malik Sembene
Learning objectives:
Practice analysis in periodontology: The objective of this conference is to
allow practitioners to compare their knowledge to the diagnosis, treatment
planning and management of periodontal diseases. Many allow their clinical
cases of practical advice and operational.
Prof. Malik Sembene
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
African Region
African Region
80 Members
Address: 01 BP 5824, Ouagadougou 01
Burkina Faso
Location: Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Date: 20-21 January 2013
Event: 2nd Regional Workshop in Insurance Quality, Workshop
Organizer: Association des Chirurgiens-Dentistes du Burkina Faso
Partners: University Francophone of Alexandria, Egypt and GADEF
Contact: Dr Jocelyne Gare: [email protected]
Hygiene & Asepsis
Prof. Denis Bourgeois
Learning objectives:
The objective of this seminar is to sensitize practitioners to mastery of the
process of transmission of pathogens as part of their organizing activities in
the chain of bio-sterilization and cleaning according to the regulations.
Prof. Denis Bourgeois
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Association des
du Burkina (ACDB)
African Region
African Region
Association des
du Bénin (A.C.D.B.)
60 Members
Address: 04 BP 1201, Cadjêhoun
Location: Cotonou, Benin
Date: 4-5 June 2013
Event: 2nd National CE Journey,
Organizer: Association des Chirurgiens-Dentistes du Bénin
Partners: GADEF
Contact: Dr Marc-Aurèle Catraye, President: [email protected]
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Clinical Aspects of Dental Ceramics and Technical Developments
Prof. Yves Allard
Learning objectives:
Dental ceramics is a material of choice in the preparation of artificial crowns.
Treatment modalities have changed in the last years with the digital and
computerized devices in dental clinic applications and laboratory procedures.
New development will be discussed during this 2 days seminar
Prof. Yves Allard
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
African Region
African Region
34 Members
Address: BP 8210
Location: Lomé, Togo
Date: 28-29 June 2013
Event: Hands on Course
Organizer: : Association des Chirurgiens-Dentistes du Togo
Partners: GADEF
Contact: Alphonse Mangamana, President: [email protected]
Pr Kerstin Gristch
Learning objectives:
The objective of this seminar is to enable practitioners to learn the gestures
needed to nonsurgical treatment of periodontal disease during the initial
phase. Also covered are lectures of X rays and medical prescriptions.
Pr Kerstin Gristch
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Association des
du Togo (ACDT)
African Region
African Region
Association des
du Mali (AOSMA)
50 Members
Address: Zone Industrielle, Route de Sotuba, Porte 2446
1666 Bamako
Location: Bamako, Mali
Date: 17-18 October 2013
Event: 2nd National Workshop on Endodontic Retreatment, Workshop
Organizer: Association des Odontostomatologistes du Mali
Partners: GADEF
Contact: Dr Ahmed BA, President AOSMA: [email protected]
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Prof. Pierre Farge
Learning objectives:
The goal of the 2 days lecture is to provide the basis of the procedures
for management of filled teeth are always sources of questions from
practitioners. When to retreat a tooth? How to access treatment? How to
file structures prosthetic?
Having referenced and analyzed the practices of participants, this training
aims to teach safe and effective gestures as part of the removal prosthetic
and root cares treatment consistent with current scientific data. It will give an
overview of new technologies and ongoing development of recent materials.
Prof. Pierre Farge
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Asia Pacific Region
Asia Pacific Region
2036 Members
Address: 69-2 Medan Setia 1 (2nd floor), Plaza Damansara, Bukit Damansara
50490 Kuala Lumpur
Website: www.mda.org.my
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Date: January 11-13, 2013
Geometric Characteristics of NiTi Rotary Files and Its Clinical Implications
Dr H C Kim
Learning objectives:
Understand the geometric components of NiTi rotary files and the implications
from the geometric characteristics
What has happened to conservative dentistry? Partial crowns revisited!
Dr Wendy Wang
Learning objectives:
The participants will be able
• To appreciate the restorative spiral of a tooth
• To familiarize with the various types of partial crown restorations
• To understand the indication and preparation procedures
• To identify the indications of partial crowns for endodontically
treated teeth
Dr H C Kim
Dr Wendy Wang
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Malaysian Dental
Asia Pacific Region
Asia Pacific Region
Myanmar Dental
1500 Members
Address: No.582/A, Thanthumar Road, Thutwinegyi Ward, GPO Box 1299 Thingangyun Township - Myanmar
Website: www.mda-myanmar.org
Location: Yangon, Myanmar
Date: January 23-26, 2013
Adhesives, Composites, Cements & More: Eliminating Sensitivity with
Predictable Procedures
Dr George Freedman
Learning objectives:
To familiarize the practitioner with the latest developments in dental materials,
techniques and equipment.
Stress Free Minimally Invasive Dentistry
Dr Fay Goldstep
Learning objectives:
Introduce invasive treatment, latest products and technology into practice
Continuing Education Programme 2013
To be confirmed
Dr Gagnot Gilles
Learning objectives:
To be Confirmed
Dr George Freedman
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Dr Fay Goldstep
Dr Gagnot Gilles
Asia Pacific Region
Asia Pacific Region
Cambodian Dental
350 Members
Address: No. 63 Eo, St 199, Sangkat toul svay prey 2, chamkarmon
Phnom Penh - Cambodia
Website: www.dentistrycambodia.com
Location: Phnom Pehn, Cambodia
Date: March 15-16, 2013
Topic: Managing Endodontic Problems in Your Practice
Speaker: Dr Leslie Ang
Learning objectives:
• How achieve high success rates in root canal treatment
• How to use ultrasonic tips to solve endodontic problems
• Understand how to use the operating microscope for root canal treatment
• How to find and instrument calcified canals with great precision
• Learn to bypass ledges and treat the severely curved root canal
• New designs of Niobium Titanium ultrasonic tips: How to effectively use
them effectively
• How to remove post and fractured posts safely.
• Learn how to anesthetize the severely inflamed mandibular molar that does
not respond to local anesthesia
• Learn how to treat and control endodontic pain
• Current concepts in endodontic microsurgery to treat failed root canal
treated cases
Dr Lee Kuen Woo
Dr Leslie Ang
Dr Shalini Kanagasingam
Topic: External Cervical Resorption: Accurate Diagnosis and Optimal Management
Speaker: Dr Shalini Kanagasingam
Learning objectives:
• A general overview of the various types of root resorption
• Guidelines on differentiating between external and internal resorption
• Identification of the characteristics of ECR and potential predisposing factors
• The role of conventional radiography and CBCT in the diagnosis of ECR
• Optimal management of ECR cases.
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Topic: Clinical Check-points for CAD/CAM Zirconia Restoration
Speakers: Dr Lee Kuen Woo
Learning objectives:
Cover in detail the principles and clinical procedures of zirconia CAD-CAM
Asia Pacific Region
Asia Pacific Region
Malaysian Dental
2036 Members
Address: 69-2 Medan Setia 1 (2nd floor), Plaza Damansara, Bukit Damansara
- 50490 Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia
Website: www.mda.org.my
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Date: May 7-12, 2013
Organizer: APDC (Asia Pacific Dental Congress)
Customer Service in the Dental Practice
Dr William Cheung
Learning objectives:
• Understand the concept of customer service in the commercial sense
• Understand patient expectations in the dental practice
• How to meet patient expectations
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Implant Rehab
Prof. Marcel Wainwright
Learning objectives:
To be Confirmed
To be confirmed
Prof. David Manton
Learning objectives:
To be confirmed
Dr William Cheung Prof. Marcel Wainwright
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Prof. David Manton
Sri Lanka Dental
850 Members
Address: 275/75, Prof Stanley Wijesundara Mawatha, Off Bauddhaloka
Mawatha, Colombo 7 - Colombo - Sri Lanka
Website: www.slda.net
Asia Pacific Region
Asia Pacific Region
Location: Colombo, Sri Lanka
Date: June 28-30, 2013
Modern caries preventive and treatment approaches
Speakers: Prof. Elmar Reich
Learning objectives:
• Know about the caries risk factors
• Understand the caries preventive factors
• Design a treatment plan for a patient
• Know how to organize the practice team for a successful preventive approach
Topic: The New Century Preventive Practice
Speaker: Dr William Cheung
Learning objectives:
Participants will learn the following through this presentation:
• What are we preventing in oral diseases?
• CAMBRA and caries management
• PEMBRA and periodontal disease management
• Prevention and screening for oral cancer
• Teamwork in prevention
• How prevention benefits both the patient and the dentist
Prof. Elmar Reich
Prof. Mark Bartold
Dr William Cheung
Dr Derek Mahony
Topic: “Review of treatment modalities for the over closed vertical dimension i.e.
correcting deep overbites and improving brachyfacial profiles”
Speaker: Dr Derek Mahony
Learning objectives:
• Understand the correct diagnosis for a Class II division 2 low angle
• Treatment plan a Class II case to successfully obtain a Class I occlusion.
• Provide the appropriate information to obtain consent for treatment.
• Understand the long term retention implications associated with treating an
over closed vertical malocclusion
• Understand the appropriate time to commence orthodontic treatment for
a div 2 malocclusion
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Topic: Periodontal Disease and Systemic Diseases
Speaker: Prof. Mark Bartold
Learning objectives:
From this presentation participants will understand:
• that periodontal inflammation impacts significantly on systemic health
• the effects of periodontal inflammation on general health
• that reduction of periodontal inflammation can impact on many systemic
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1500 Members
Address: 40B Trangthi Street - Hanoi - Vietnam
Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Date: August 3-4, 2013
Topic: Caries Assessment and Management
Speakers: Dr Chu Chun Hung
Learning objectives:
• Understand the clinical presentation of dental caries in different
anatomical site
• Perform special test and clinical diagnostic skill to detect and assess
dental caries
• Identify the risk factors of a patient suffering from dental caries
• Decide the best choice of treatment modality to control, prevent or restore
Topic: Implant in the esthetic zone : Simple protocols to achieve good longterm results
Speaker: Dr Kasama Aryatawong
Learning objectives:
• Understand the important requirements for esthetic result
• Appreciate the role of implant-abutment connection and its effect
• Introduce some simple procedures for hard and soft tissue management
to achieve esthetic result
Topic: Fiber Reinforced Composite: Another Option in Restorative Dentistry
Speaker: Dr Moises Fleitman
Learning objectives:
• Understand and learn a new option to restore cases in anterior and
posterior areas
• Make an analysis of the literature on Glass Fibers
• Learn about tooth design and smile design
• Including the morphology dimension, characterization and color of the tooth
Dr Chu Chun Hung
Dr Kasama Aryatawong
Dr Moise Fleitman
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Asia Pacific Region
Asia Pacific Region
Asia Pacific Region
Asia Pacific Region
Hong Kong Dental
1630 Members
Address: 8/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road Wanchai - Hong Kong, China
Website: www.hkda.org
Location: Hong Kong
Date: August 9-11, 2013
Organizer: 3rd IDEAS (3rd Hong Kong International Dental Exhibition and
Topic: Contemporary Materials for State-of-the-Art Dentistry
Speakers: Dr Howard Glazer
Learning objectives:
• To learn the different types of materials in various product categories
• To learn what is faster, easier and better
• To be able to evaluate product claims and merit
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Topic: Susceptibility to Periodontitis
Speaker: Dr Denis Kinane
Learning objectives:
• Understand the concept of differential susceptibility and its clinical
• Understand risk factors and their importance as well as their synergistic
• An appreciation of the systemic effects on some chronic diseases.
• The importance of smoking cessation should be understood.
• The importance of genetics in human disease relevant to clinicians in
their understanding of differential susceptibility in particular for early onset
• The understanding of human susceptibility to disease and genetics and
environmental influences on susceptibility.
Dr Howard Glazer
Dr Syngcuk Kim
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Dr Denis Kinane
Dr Roger Ellwood
Topic: Impact of new technology on the successful outcome of endodontic
Speaker: Dr Syngcuk Kim
Learning objectives:
• appreciate changes in endodontics as a result of the new technology
• have a good understanding of why incorporation of new technology will
enhance endodontic therapy outcomes.
• be familiar with new tech instruments and how they work,
• be able to make a comparisons between the old and new, advantages
and disadvantages.
Topic: Recent advances in dental caries diagnosis and non surgical treatment
Speaker: Dr Roger Ellwood
Learning objectives:
Lecturer will provide an overview of dental caries as a continuum of disease
and discuss methods of detection and measurement
12968 Members
Address: 4F, Tower C, Jia-18, Zhongguancun South Avenue
100081 Beijing - China
Website: www.cndent.com
Asia Pacific Region
Asia Pacific Region
Location: Dalian, China
Date: August 15-18, 2013
Topic: Contemporary Materials for State-of-the-Art Dentistry
Dr Howard Glazer
Learning objectives:
• To learn the different types of materials in various product categories
• To learn what is faster, easier and better
• To be able to evaluate product claims and merit
Topic: Susceptibility to Periodontitis
Speaker: Dr Denis Kinane
Learning objectives:
• Understand the concept of differential susceptibility and its clinical
• Understand risk factors and their importance as well as their synergistic
• An appreciation of the systemic effects on some chronic diseases.
• The importance of smoking cessation should be understood.
• The importance of genetics in human disease relevant to clinicians in
their understanding of differential susceptibility in particular for early onset
• The understanding of human susceptibility to disease and genetics and
environmental influences on susceptibility.
Dr Howard Glazer
Dr William Cheung
Topic: Piezotome-Surgery: the Diamond-Standard in Oral Surgery
Speaker: Dr Angelo Trodhan
Learning objectives: To be Confirmed
Dr Denis Kinane
Dr Angelo Trodhan
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Topic: Bonding of Fiber Post: the Challenges
Speaker: Dr William Cheung
Learning objectives:
• Understand why endodontically treated teeth fracture easily
• Important factors to consider in restoring the endodontically treated teeth
• Concepts of post placement & core build up
• Understand the challenges of bonding the fiber post and how to overcome
• them
Asia Pacific Region
Asia Pacific Region
Mongolian Dental
150 Members
Address: UB48/56
210648 Ulaanbaatar
Website: www.shud.net
Location: Ulan Bator, Mongolia
Date: September 28-29, 20123
Adhesives, Composites, Cements & More: Eliminating Sensitivity with Predictable Procedures
Dr George Freedman
Learning objectives:
To familiarize the practitioner with the latest developments in dental materials,
techniques and equipment.
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Stress Free Minimally Invasive Dentistry
Dr Fay Goldstep
Learning objectives:
Introduce invasive treatment, latest products and technology into practice
Dr George Freedman
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Dr Fay Goldstep
Asia Pacific Region
Asia Pacific Region
50000 Members
Address: Bombay Mutual Terrace, 2nd Floor, 534, Sandhurst Bridge, Opera
House, Maharashtra
400 007 Mumbai
Website: www.ida.org.in
Location: Bhubneshwar, India
Date: November 9-10, 2013
Prevention and Management of White Spot Lesions in Clinical Practice
Prof. Stephen Wei
Learning objectives:
• To highlight the importance of diagnosing early caries lesions
• Promote the concept of “Remineralization” of early caries lesions
• Highlight the need to develop an individual preventive strategy for patients
• Introduce the new concepts in management of early caries lesions
Traumatic injuries in the primary and permanent dentitions of children
Dr Kalaiarasu Peariasamy
Learning objectives:
An overview of the diagnosis of traumatic injuries to teeth, and suggested
treatment and follow-up protocols.
Prof. Stephen Wei
Dr Kalaiarasu Peariasamy
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Indian Dental
Asia Pacific Region
Asia Pacific Region
Indonesian Dental
9500 Members
Address: Jl. Utan Kayu Raya no. 46 - Jakarta Timur - Indonesia
Website: www.pdgi.or.id
Location: Indonesia
Date: November 16-17, 2013
Topic: Endo for GP
Speakers: Dr Robert Ng
Learning objectives:
• Diagnosis of different types of pulpal and periapical diseases
• Cleaning and shaping of root canals
• Root canal obturation techniques
• Restoration of the endodontically treated tooth
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Topic: Minimally invasive approach in oral surgery using Piezoultrasonic devices
Speaker: Dr Jean-Francois Michel
Learning objectives: To be Confirmed
Topic: Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
Speaker: Dr Kathiravan Purmal
Learning objectives:
• Able to list down the patients orthodontic problem list
• Able to decide whether the patient needs removable appliance, fixed
• appliance or orthognathic surgery.
• Make a systematic presentation to the patient regarding their problems.
Dr Robert Ng
Dr Jean-Francois Michel
Dr Kathiravan Purmal Dr Jansen van Rensburg
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Topic: Fibredontics. An introduction to Fibre reinforced composites
Speaker: Dr Jansen van Rensburg
Learning objectives:
After attending this introductory lecture, delegates will have a good
knowledge of the modern fibre reinforced composite materials and their
indications. Delegates will be shown how the fibres could be used to:
• Make a periodontal splint
• Construct an anatomical fibre post directly in the mouth
• Construct a direct anterior bridge with a 3 layer composite pontic. This is
• also a good alternative to the minimally invasive Maryland surface retained
• bridge
Asia Pacific Region
Asia Pacific Region
Location: Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei
Date: November 23-24, 2013
What’s Changed in Periodontics
Prof. Mark Bartold
Learning objectives:
• Periodontal diseases are complex diseases
• Periodontal diseases may impact on general health and well being
• Periodontal regeneration is biologically possible but clinically unpredictable
Latest Update and Advances in Endodontic Treatment and Microsurgery
Dr Leslie Ang
Learning objectives:
• Learn about the latest advances in the design of ultrasonic tips to locate
• and treat calcified or missing canals
• How to retreat endodontic failures with better and higher success rates
• Using microendodontic and microsurgical techniques to reconstruct and
• repair endodontic perforations, including strip perforations
• Understand the prognosis and procedures when treating the various
• types of perforations
• Advances in the field of endodontic microsurgery
• Understand how to treat common complications during microsurgery
• Understand the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional
• management of immature teeth with open apices
• Learn about the current concepts and advances in using regenerative
• endododontic techniques to re-establish pulp vitality and continued root
• development
Prof. Mark Bartold
Dr Leslie Ang
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Latin America Region
Latin America Region
AOA (Asociación
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: September 8, 2012
Event: Dental Care of Patients with Diabetes (8 hours-course)
Organizer: Oral Pathology Society (AOA)
Contact: Dr Sofia Goldstein: [email protected]
Oral Pathology
Dr Sofia Goldstein
Learning objectives:
To provide information to general dentists and specialists about diabetes,
its complications and impacts on oral health, allowing them to manage care
these patients in the dental office
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Dr Sofia Goldstein
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Latin America Region
Latin America Region
7605 Members
Address: Av. San Juan 3062 - C1233ABS Buenos Aires - Argentina
Website: www.cora.org.ar
Location: Tucuman, Argentina
Date: October 5/7, 2012
Event: Congreso Internacional 80 aniversario del COT
(6 hours-course as part of the Scientific Programme of the Congress)
Organizer: Circulo Odontlógico de Tucumán (CORA)
Contact: Solange Arias
DDS, PhD Marcelo De Faveri
Learning objectives:
As systemic antibiotics have shown success in the treatment of human
periodontal infection, the aim is to discuss which are the antimicrobials to be
used and their long-term responses
DDS, PhD Marcelo De Faveri
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Continuing Education Programme 2013
CORA (Confederación
Odontológica de la
República Argentina)
Latin America Region
Latin America Region
CORA (Confederación
Odontológica de la
República Argentina)
Prof. Dr Eduardo Ceccotti
Prof. Dr Ricardo Sforza
Continuing Education Programme 2013
CORA (Confederación
Odontológica de la
República Argentina)
7605 Members
Address: Av. San Juan 3062 - C1233ABS Buenos Aires - Argentina
Website: www.cora.org.ar
Location: Azul, Argentina
Date: September 14, 2012
Event: Cancer and AIDS Campaign (Training course)
Organizer: BA Province Dental Federation
Contact: FOPBA: [email protected]
Oral Pathology
Prof. Dr Eduardo Ceccotti
Prof. Dr Ricardo Sforza
Learning objectives:
Training courses in the outlying cities of Bs As Province for early detection of
oral cancer and AIDS.
Courses for teachers as well related to the same topics.
7605 Members
Address: Av. San Juan 3062 - C1233ABS Buenos Aires - Argentina
Website: www.cora.org.ar
Location: Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
Date: November 15/17, 2012
Event: 3er Congreso Odontológico del Mercosur
(6 hs course as part of the Scientific Programme of the Congress)
Partners: AOU (Asociación Odontológica Uruguaya)
ABO (Associacao Brasileira de Odontología)
FOP (Federación Odontológica del Paraguay)
Contact: CORA - Karina: [email protected]
DMD Serge Dibart
Learning objectives:
Update in Periodontology
DMD Serge Dibart
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Latin America Region
Latin America Region
7605 Members
Address: Av. San Juan 3062 - C1233ABS Buenos Aires - Argentina
Website: www.cora.org.ar
Location: Mar del Plata, Argentina
Date: November 16, 2012
Event: Cancer and AIDS Campaign (Training course)
Organizer: BA Province Dental Federation
Contact: FOPBA: [email protected]
Oral Pathology
Prof. Dr Eduardo Ceccotti
Prof. Dr Ricardo Sforza
Learning objectives:
Training courses in the outlying cities of Bs As Province for early detection of
oral cancer and AIDS.
Courses for teachers as well related to the same topics.
Prof. Dr Eduardo Ceccotti
Prof. Dr Ricardo Sforza
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Continuing Education Programme 2013
CORA (Confederación
Odontológica de la
República Argentina)
Latin America Region
Latin America Region
de Chile
Address: Monjitas 372, piso 8,
Santiago Centro
Website: www.soch.cl
Location: Santiago de Chile, Chile
Date: March 16, 2013
Event: Periodontology Update: Clinical and Basic Science (6 hs course)
Organizer: Sociedad de Periodontologia de Chile - Universidad de Chile
Contact: Dr Nicolas Dutzan: [email protected]
Continuing Education Programme 2013
DDS PhD Thomas Van Dyke
Learning objectives:
• To understand the current concepts of etiology and pathogenesis of
periodontal disease and associated systemic inflammation.
• To understand the two-way relationship of periodontal disease and
systemic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and the
linkage of these diseases to obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia.
• To explore ways that oral and medical care of patients with periodontitis
can be optimally coordinated.
• To understand the benefits and limitations of accelerated orthodontics.
DDS PhD Thomas Van Dyke
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Prof. Dr Eduardo Ceccotti
Prof. Dr Ricardo Sforza
CORA (Confederación
Odontológica de la
República Argentina)
7605 Members
Address: Av. San Juan 3062 - C1233ABS Buenos Aires - Argentina
Website: www.cora.org.ar
Location: FOPBA Venue, Argentina
Date: March 2013
Event: Cancer and AIDS Campaign (Training course)
Organizer: BA Province Dental Federation
Contact: FOPBA: [email protected]
Oral Pathology
Prof. Dr Eduardo Ceccotti
Prof. Dr Ricardo Sforza
Learning objectives:
Training courses in the outlying cities of Bs As Province for early detection of
oral cancer and AIDS.
Courses for teachers as well related to the same topics.
7605 Members
Address: Av. San Juan 3062 - C1233ABS Buenos Aires - Argentina
Website: www.cora.org.ar
Location: Tandil, Argentina
Date: April 2013
Event: Cancer and AIDS Campaign (Training course)
Organizer: BA Province Dental Federation
Contact: FOPBA: [email protected]
Oral Pathology
Prof. Dr Eduardo Ceccotti
Prof. Dr Ricardo Sforza
Learning objectives:
Training courses in the outlying cities of Bs As Province for early detection of
oral cancer and AIDS.
Courses for teachers as well related to the same topics.
Prof. Dr Eduardo Ceccotti
Prof. Dr Ricardo Sforza
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Continuing Education Programme 2013
CORA (Confederación
Odontológica de la
República Argentina)
Latin America Region
Latin America Region
Latin America Region
Latin America Region
CORA (Confederación
Odontológica de la
República Argentina)
Prof. Dr Eduardo Ceccotti
Prof. Dr Ricardo Sforza
Continuing Education Programme 2013
CORA (Confederación
Odontológica de la
República Argentina)
Prof. Dr Eduardo Ceccotti
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Prof. Dr Ricardo Sforza
7605 Members
Address: Av. San Juan 3062 - C1233ABS Buenos Aires - Argentina
Website: www.cora.org.ar
Location: Junin, Argentina
Date: May 2013
Event: Cancer and AIDS Campaign - (Training course)
Organizer: BA Province Dental Federation
Contact: FOPBA: [email protected]
Oral Pathology
Prof. Dr Eduardo Ceccotti
Prof. Dr Ricardo Sforza
Learning objectives:
Training courses in the outlying cities of Bs As Province for early detection of
oral cancer and AIDS.
Courses for teachers as well related to the same topics.
7605 Members
Address: Av. San Juan 3062 - C1233ABS Buenos Aires - Argentina
Website: www.cora.org.ar
Location: Azul, Argentina
Date: June 2013
Event: Cancer and AIDS Campaign - (Training course)
Organizer: BA Province Dental Federation
Contact: FOPBA: [email protected]
Oral Pathology
Prof. Dr Eduardo Ceccotti
Prof. Dr Ricardo Sforza
Learning objectives:
Training courses in the outlying cities of Bs As Province for early detection of
oral cancer and AIDS.
Courses for teachers as well related to the same topics.
Prof. Dr Eduardo Ceccotti
Prof. Dr Ricardo Sforza
AOA (Asociación
7605 Members
Address: Av. San Juan 3062 - C1233ABS Buenos Aires - Argentina
Website: www.cora.org.ar
Location: Junin, Argentina
Date: August 2013
Event: Cancer and AIDS Campaign - (Training course)
Organizer: BA Province Dental Federation
Contact: FOPBA: [email protected]
Oral Pathology
Prof. Dr Eduardo Ceccotti
Prof. Dr Ricardo Sforza
Learning objectives:
Training courses in the outlying cities of Bs As Province for early detection of
oral cancer and AIDS.
Courses for teachers as well related to the same topics.
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: September 7, 2013
Event: Dental Care of Patients with Diabetes - (8 hours-course)
Organizer: Oral Pathology Society (AOA)
Contact: Dr Sofia Goldstein: [email protected]
Oral Pathology
Dr Sofia Goldstein
Learning objectives:
To provide information to general dentists and specialists about diabetes,
its complications and impacts on oral health, allowing them to manage care
these patients in the dental office
Dr Sofia Goldstein
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Continuing Education Programme 2013
CORA (Confederación
Odontológica de la
República Argentina)
Latin America Region
Latin America Region
Latin America Region
Latin America Region
CORA (Confederación
Odontológica de la
República Argentina)
Prof. Dr Eduardo Ceccotti
Prof. Dr Ricardo Sforza
Colegio de Cirujuanos
Dentistas de Chile
Location: Dolores, Argentina
Date: September 2013
Event: Cancer and AIDS Campaign - (Training course)
Organizer: BA Province Dental Federation
Contact: FOPBA: [email protected]
Oral Pathology
Prof. Dr Eduardo Ceccotti
Prof. Dr Ricardo Sforza
Learning objectives:
Training courses in the outlying cities of Bs As Province for early detection of
oral cancer and AIDS.
Courses for teachers as well related to the same topics.
2600 Members
Address: Avenida Santa María 1990, Providencia Santiago Chile
Website: www.colegiodentistas.cl
Location: Santiago de Chile, Chile
Date: October 26, 2013
Event: How to Improve Your Practice Management (Course)
Organizer: Colegio de Cirujuanos Dentistas de Chile
Contact: Dr Roberto Irribarra: [email protected]
Continuing Education Programme 2013
7605 Members
Address: Av. San Juan 3062 - C1233ABS Buenos Aires - Argentina
Website: www.cora.org.ar
Practice Management
Dr Manuel Farill
Learning objectives:
How to improve your practice Management
Dr Manuel Farill
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Latin America Region
Latin America Region
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: October 28 - November 2, 2013
Event: 37 Jornadas Internacionales de AOA (4 hs course as a part of the
Scientific Programme of the Congress)
Organizer: Asociación Odontológica Argentina
Contact: Dr Gustavo Vernazza: [email protected]
Practice Management
Dr Manuel Farill
Learning objectives:
How to improve your practice Management
Dr Manuel Farill
Continuing Education Programme 2013
AOA (Asociación
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Latin America Region
Latin America Region
Colegio de
de Bolivia
1000 Members
Address: Calle Batallon Colorados No 24, Edificio el CONDOR, piso No 10,
oficina No 103 - Ciudad de la Paz - Plurinational State of Bolivia
Location: Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
Date: October 24-26, 2013
Event: International Congress
(8 hs Course as part of the Scientific Programme of the Congress)
Organizer: Colegio de Odontólogos de Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Contact: Colegio de odontólogos de Santa Cruz de la Sierra:
[email protected]
How to reach an a natural aesthetic in integrated dentistry
Dr Sergio Kohen
When do you need esthetic in integrated dentistry
Dr Sebastian Costa
Continuing Education Programme 2013
Why to reach aesthetic in integrated dentistry
Dr Juan Tumini
Dr Sergio Kohen
w w w. f d i w o r l d e n t a l . o r g
Dr Sebastian Costa Dr Juan Tumini
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