(2001) (Part 4 of 4)
(2001) (Part 4 of 4)
A Bibliography of Papers in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2001) (Part 4 of 4) Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 04 February 2014 Version 1.12 Title word cross-reference [2572]. α [2786, 2368]. c [2364]. d [2464]. E0 [2584]. ` [207]. η [725]. f 8 [2146]. Fq [1540]. Fqm [1540]. GF (2) [1539]. [2672]. i [1410]. J [1781]. K [2815, 161, 2480, 1107, 1797, 1371, 661, 667, 1911, 1026]. k, + [656]. kDN Fns [1112]. L [2621, 1098]. L1 [2364]. L2 (R) [2246]. [2672]. log n [669]. M [2748, 1721, 1631, 194, 1344, 917, 2285, 1557]. F2607 [2137]. F2r [1544]. Fq [1556]. Z4 [1539, 1546]. Zm [558]. M\×∫ (Fq ) [2612]. T [2043]. IR2 [966]. IR3 [966]. µ [982]. N [564, 230, 2585, 1187, 1352, 2751]. n ≡ 1 mod 4 [2136]. O(n2k+1 ) [669]. O(n log2 n) [1404]. ω [1485]. P [1785, 616, 1790, 1796, 1798, 1782, 1800]. Ψ [195]. Q [2491, 628]. r [2767]. S 3 [50]. t [2587]. τ [2627]. ∨ [794]. X [1817]. x + c [1556]. [1370]. (3, 1, 2) [1853]. (α, β) [2788]. (g, f ) [661]. (k, [k]P ) [2593]. (p6m ) [2604]. + [2726]. {0, 1} [2647]. 1 [1399, 2621, 269, 2751]. 10 [1853]. 2 [1067, 912, 658, 1040, 1399, 2621, 1572, 1043, 794, 1407, 1996, 755, 878, 1672, 1005, 370, 1009, 145]. 24 [1539]. 2nd [334]. 2K Q+ [1288]. 2 × 2 [1396]. 3 [1854, 934, 110, 884, 925, 149, 1067, 901, 912, 1992, 1002, 1064, 1993, 932, 971, 1682, 986, 876, 134, 443, 1046, 1379, 111, 1043, 794, 826, 861, 972, 943, 1017, 985, 1681, 1979, 1027, 386, 941, 94, 937, 527, 824, 2427, 878, 910, 954, 147, 105, 1997, 1029, 953, 1999, 2000, 848, 1672, 1005, 243, 416, 990, 1009, 907, 871, 1856, 2426, 109]. 32 [1539]. 40 [1539]. 2 [1682, 125]. k [669]. λ 4 1 2 * [2096]. -Approximative [669]. -Band [2285]. -Binomial [628]. -CNF [1911]. -Codes [1546]. -Commerce [194, 1721, 1631]. -Comparability [1370]. -Component [161]. -Conjugate [1853]. -Convex [1344]. -Coverings [2786, 2368]. -D [1002, 861, 269, 1681, 1996, 990, 1009]. -Decomposition [669]. -Designs [2627]. -Dimensional [443, 755, 2464]. -Discrepancy [1396]. -Distance-Hereditary [656]. -Distributive [794]. -Dominating [667]. -Exclusion [207]. -Factorizations [661]. -Fold [2815]. -Hardness [1782]. -Languages [1485]. -Learning [2491]. -Level [658]. -Linear [1540]. -Mall [1721]. -Manifolds [1979]. -Means [2364, 2480]. -Median [1407]. -Metric [2647]. -mode [1410]. -Monotonicity [1781]. -Out- [2751]. -Party [564]. -Pervasive [195]. -Queen [230]. -reps [917]. -Resilient [2587]. -SAT [1854, 1856]. -Satisfiability [1107]. -Sequences [1557]. -Space [1026, 2364]. -Subset [1797]. -systems [1098]. -tegration [1817]. -Terminal [1371]. -Time [1130]. 1-st [2748]. 1V [552]. 2 [225, 2055]. 2000 [2757]. 2001 [2131]. 2005 [215]. 3.0 [1630]. 3GPP [2146, 554]. 4 [1239, 2301, 365, 330, 225, 229, 1233, 231]. 4.4BSD [574]. 7 [228]. = [184]. A. [2005, 2004]. A.D. [2180]. A1 [1810]. A2 [1811]. ABACUS [1954]. Abbreviations [1811]. ABC [425]. Abduction [2222, 792]. Abductive [640, 1839]. Ablation [951]. AbsCon [1904]. Absolute [544]. Abstract [1816, 203, 2015, 2534, 2006, 1792, 2212, 2048, 2703, 1359, 1320, 699, 1800, 1465, 1398, 1400, 2231]. Abstracting [1276]. Abstraction [175, 2202, 1904]. Abstractions [2692, 1140]. ABT [1864]. AC [1884, 1875, 2084]. AC-Matching [1875]. Academic [2035]. Academy [254]. Acceleration [761]. Accelerator [552, 555]. Access [1748, 1284, 538, 1653, 1659, 473, 453, 1236, 1937, 1204, 768, 1771, 522, 440, 592, 352, 560, 1749, 1182, 1647, 1654]. Accessing [1429, 235]. Accomplishments [373]. Account [1970]. Accountability [1641]. Accounting [1971]. Accuracy [1043, 1045, 910, 960]. Accurate [2013]. Accurately [1159]. Acetabular [1071]. Achievable [1602]. Achieve [2140]. Achieving [1396, 434]. ACI [2198]. ACI-Unification [2198]. ACISP2001 [2126]. ACL2 [2521]. ACMD [515]. Acoustic [2801, 289, 907]. Acquired [111]. Acquirement [2392]. Acquiring [2479, 697, 124]. Acquisition [918, 2547, 1070, 2449, 2485, 930, 954]. Acronyms [1811]. across [604]. Act [2087]. Actant [86]. Actin [105]. Action [191, 2919, 2673, 2397, 193]. Actions [633, 2495, 617, 2350, 2504, 1361]. Activation [2550]. Active [810, 808, 1687, 804, 856, 127, 916, 1048, 807, 805, 813, 1798, 63, 809, 1025, 811, 587, 286, 1050, 2291]. Active-Network-Powered [804]. Activities [594, 405]. Activity [1686, 1279, 983, 734, 271, 2392]. Actor [1422]. Actors [393, 2096]. Actuator [68]. Actuators [1068]. Acyclic [784, 2195, 1200]. Ad [1248, 1176]. Adaptability [163]. Adaptable [481, 381, 2379]. Adaptation [100, 1936, 159, 2546, 2738, 2450, 2479, 771]. Adapted [2853, 1114]. Adapting [96]. 3 Adaptive [1581, 1011, 723, 1172, 2435, 1277, 203, 396, 161, 112, 922, 2287, 2478, 2480, 2620, 337, 196, 1964, 720, 465, 2282, 2150, 2317, 2242, 486, 2777, 2791, 2492, 1350, 2091, 2758, 160, 941, 1135, 2014, 828, 1142, 354, 64, 811, 2553, 852, 346, 1863, 223, 426, 301]. Adapts [2295]. Adder [2625]. Adding [2530]. Addition [2075, 2874]. additive [2370]. Addressable [1740]. Adjoining [2872]. adjoint [1839, 2569]. Admission [1235, 339]. Adoption [2447]. ADST [1771]. ADT [2027]. Adult [921]. Advanced [1656, 741, 527]. Advances [1758, 1025]. Advantage [1745]. Adversarial [1575]. Adversary [199]. Advertisement [570]. Advertising [631]. Advice [374]. AEGIS [804]. Aerial [102, 2372]. AES [2135, 2713]. Affect [2436]. Affected [204]. Affects [2466]. Affine [880, 779, 2640, 116]. Affinities [1521]. Affordance [1329]. After [1786, 396]. against [804, 2151, 2760, 1643, 2717, 559, 2496, 2631, 1613, 566, 2142]. Age [460]. Agendas [590]. Agent [80, 81, 200, 2541, 84, 78, 1255, 2313, 2314, 918, 2355, 2561, 1947, 2099, 1256, 389, 1940, 1933, 637, 83, 1946, 1941, 1934, 208, 2295, 2356, 2343, 463, 460, 2568, 464, 2299, 465, 2830, 401, 2348, 2177, 2171, 2173, 2168, 2091, 2493, 642, 461, 2564, 1931, 457, 2344, 1932, 1447, 162, 1945, 467, 2507, 2510, 873, 247, 90, 898, 646, 969, 1770, 2337, 2559, 640, 687, 2307, 2308, 2354, 2562, 2095, 2563, 638, 1104, 448]. Agent-Based [2314, 2356, 2343, 464, 2348, 2091, 2344]. Agent-Enhanced [1255]. Agent-Mediated [2313]. Agent-Oriented [642, 1447]. Agents [2302, 79, 2090, 2558, 1936, 2315, 462, 1731, 2560, 396, 2086, 2347, 1937, 198, 1944, 1235, 2345, 1603, 413, 2307, 196, 74, 2489, 82, 2306, 2170, 94, 647, 87, 73, 1942, 2346, 2041, 77, 2350, 1939, 2565, 88, 1655, 2509, 2092, 1948, 2352]. Agentspace [645]. Aggregate [1431]. Aggregated [1751]. Aggregates [1835]. Aggregation [1158, 722, 435, 1528]. Aggregations [1441]. Agile [1900]. AGORA [408]. Agreement [1755, 1255, 2633, 1361]. AGV [727]. AI [400, 2503, 775]. AI-Based [400]. Aided [968, 497, 1057, 1053, 994, 721, 419, 1056, 889, 510, 511, 2132, 951, 797]. AIDS [520]. AIMD [1746]. Aiming [217]. Air [215]. Aircraft [2775, 1914, 2323]. Alarm [1077]. Album [220]. Alert [1156]. Alerts [1158]. Algebra [2893, 2154]. Algebraic [169, 1566, 2692, 2907, 2695, 2589, 1573, 2038, 1551, 2706, 1537]. Algebraic-Geometry [1551]. Algebras [1213]. Algorithm [2610, 1563, 1620, 2853, 1619, 723, 750, 737, 1732, 1347, 2727, 52, 867, 202, 759, 744, 1246, 1940, 106, 2582, 1399, 2347, 2158, 1466, 2928, 1523, 65, 2074, 347, 1776, 1101, 748, 2598, 2304, 2261, 2325, 240, 2682, 1051, 2404, 1215, 1579, 2826, 905, 1858, 2818, 524, 676, 308, 338, 2122, 924, 1924, 2101, 735, 773, 2248, 2367, 307, 1357, 1100, 796, 212, 1199, 1374, 1570, 2712, 327, 766, 441, 246, 1365, 2324, 222, 1247]. Algorithmic [627, 2007, 1211]. Algorithms [1373, 2544, 2863, 1401, 2686, 655, 1371, 2067, 2016, 1954, 1846, 663, 1494, 1372, 2688, 1564, 1385, 668, 2072, 207, 1586, 1403, 613, 2486, 1336, 333, 1568, 1576, 1366, 1978, 1407, 510, 2260, 900, 1383, 1392, 1916, 2575, 2678, 554, 1950, 2594, 2685, 519, 1370, 1387, 1109, 1876, 726, 1356, 2128, 1092, 2141, 2552, 1578, 1537, 1146, 1520, 774, 2011, 846, 1200, 1361, 1386, 2061]. Aligning [2870, 817]. Alignment [886, 328]. All-Optical [1351]. Alloarthroplasty [1071]. Allocation [350, 1127, 1131, 2526, 273, 1919, 1901, 2083, 1590, 1966, 286, 1335]. ALM [1173]. Almost [2622, 1555]. Almost- [1555]. Almost-Certainly [2622]. Along [696]. Alpha1 [2634]. Alphabet [91]. Alphabets [2183]. Alternate [2763]. Alternating [2807, 1836]. Alternation [1499]. Alternatives [1833]. Altruistic [1625]. Alzheimer [1053, 1016, 1022, 894, 820]. 4 AMBAR [1653]. Ambients [1203, 608]. Ambiguity [697]. Ammunition [2277]. Among [250, 1363, 975, 1355, 2366, 2499, 785]. Amplification [539]. Amsterdam [2669]. AN-Codes [2621]. Anaerobic [714]. Analog [1092]. Analogue [1100]. Analogy [1512]. Analyses [2260]. Analysing [755]. Analysis [733, 495, 1377, 925, 1222, 2442, 1187, 499, 2263, 819, 491, 2739, 1189, 962, 1002, 1626, 1679, 1830, 2042, 493, 2231, 918, 2375, 971, 800, 68, 1256, 502, 922, 2584, 2384, 2534, 1236, 2820, 2688, 2226, 2227, 986, 541, 2156, 823, 2745, 995, 1466, 268, 2022, 459, 331, 344, 1046, 2403, 1226, 1012, 2709, 507, 130, 2289, 827, 54, 908, 1349, 2482, 137, 1777, 1645, 1269, 920, 2753, 310, 1240, 2278, 74, 2808, 1614, 1611, 1280, 516, 2116, 2519, 2321, 282, 815, 2701, 795, 104, 2372, 1454, 520, 522, 523, 461, 2257, 2274, 525, 2795, 841, 263, 2198, 1630, 2854, 1517]. Analysis [716, 1100, 919, 2228, 2114, 981, 2712, 573, 236, 125, 535, 158, 915, 5, 2351, 907, 364, 2283, 1322, 1532]. Analytic [2894, 2268]. Analytical [1180]. Analyzer [2220, 300, 2884]. Analyzing [57, 2043, 784, 1497, 1403, 2343, 1144, 435]. Anaphora [2859, 2858]. Anaplastology [885]. Anatomical [962, 939, 505, 1681, 997]. Anchor [327]. Andorra [2221]. Anesthesia [730]. Angiograms [1027]. Angiography [836]. Angioplasty [854]. Angles [1680]. Animal [1036]. Animated [397, 78]. Animating [94]. Animation [76, 1188, 365, 407, 399, 2503, 1662]. Animations [2426]. Anisotropic [977, 105, 1689]. Ankle [960]. Annealing [867, 2685, 771, 2367]. Annex [1304, 1305, 1306, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1315, 1313, 1311, 1312, 1314, 1307, 1303, 1316]. Annotation [326]. Annotations [2225, 2228]. Anomalies [2280]. Anomaly [176, 1251]. Anonymous [2100, 2753]. Answer [10, 2879]. Ant [1100, 90, 2305]. ANT-Based [2305]. Antenatal [921]. Antennas [1108]. Anthologies [1521]. Anticritical [677]. Ants [1896]. Any [2714, 1221]. Any-Lock [1221]. Anytime [2679]. AOCS [1693, 1706, 1699]. Aortoiliac [898]. Aperiodic [1557]. API [1182]. APIs [2616]. App [2525]. Apparatus [842]. Appearance [874, 971, 129, 97]. Appearance-Based [971, 129]. Appendix [1811, 1810, 2177, 1715]. Apples [2530]. Appliances [1283, 2431, 605]. Applicable [1449]. Application [745, 2626, 1154, 2691, 686, 2424, 808, 449, 2258, 2833, 1068, 1256, 1021, 389, 2218, 31, 1958, 1892, 2245, 2486, 1046, 1915, 511, 1238, 2278, 2265, 2887, 1134, 1028, 1902, 2106, 1241, 1344, 2167, 1683, 647, 406, 1740, 1016, 2367, 1025, 2503, 716, 215, 774, 1972, 458, 1182, 2284, 1061, 2280]. Application-Integrated [1154]. Application-Level [1740]. Application-Specific [1241]. Applications [758, 810, 563, 2302, 1237, 1787, 2739, 1720, 165, 570, 136, 427, 1270, 1282, 2792, 1961, 667, 2434, 1586, 2401, 194, 1403, 1603, 2767, 2765, 1015, 2600, 2050, 1730, 1065, 2279, 2077, 1870, 2926, 1116, 1272, 924, 1938, 2127, 2819, 1800, 731, 1130, 2253, 2000, 592, 1980, 162, 1155, 1818, 1636, 369, 1647]. Applied [1871, 1069, 918, 508, 510, 1392, 1684, 519]. Applying [2423, 255, 492, 1630]. Approach [2462, 57, 1445, 1734, 417, 934, 26, 627, 646, 633, 1412, 2326, 2870, 2802, 548, 547, 1126, 378, 2355, 724, 1947, 1976, 1840, 659, 840, 2309, 2015, 2029, 2794, 2347, 1861, 2828, 2788, 1844, 2420, 1615, 967, 807, 383, 1414, 255, 2533, 2914, 469, 2774, 1141, 509, 2821, 1610, 2817, 2304, 1327, 2381, 444, 2700, 2282, 1681, 2835, 1839, 3, 2413, 1901, 2824, 2781, 1684, 2170, 757, 2091, 2298, 941, 521, 2826, 2858, 461, 1432, 2455, 1443, 171, 849, 1419, 2041, 529, 2197, 2665, 1231, 865, 2393, 1624, 2379, 139, 1878, 2841, 1433, 2565, 638, 446, 877, 1009]. Approach [1288, 781, 766, 2040, 1339, 34, 109]. 5 Approaches [1969, 2915, 2793, 2318, 2825, 913, 790, 251, 1196]. Approximability [1765]. Approximate [558, 652, 2689, 1049, 793, 65, 1501, 1406, 2830, 2378]. Approximately [1775]. Approximating [286, 1400]. Approximation [2058, 1992, 1358, 1814, 1345, 664, 668, 1346, 1384, 2836, 1209, 878, 1997, 1357, 948, 2061]. Approximations [966, 2837, 1359]. Approximative [1772, 669]. Apriori [2404, 2548]. APRIORI-C [2548]. Aqueous [2928]. Arbitrary [2716, 2742, 151, 1897]. Arbitrary-Length [2742]. Arc [1884, 2080]. Architectural [2698]. Architecture [1969, 1099, 808, 89, 1171, 2559, 1174, 161, 1106, 1083, 344, 1944, 2386, 1281, 2036, 1964, 950, 1902, 2493, 2456, 2145, 1167, 2510, 1251, 780]. Architectures [2415, 1148, 1139, 1823]. Archival [2253]. Area [242]. Argumentation [1913, 2562, 2388]. Arithmetic [553, 2621, 2102, 2592, 2242]. Arithmetic-Modular [2621]. ARM7 [555]. Arms [644]. Arrangements [2071]. Array [2468, 361, 1093]. Arrays [2075]. Art [407, 1267, 2411, 1727]. Artefacts [585]. Arterial [849, 898]. Artery [833, 1027, 1072]. Arthroplasty [863]. Articulated [874]. Artifacts [2237, 848, 1008]. Artificial [2462, 636, 75, 2086, 2347, 1266, 1265, 1652, 2550, 1096, 1896, 1800]. Arts [408]. ARX [2803]. Asiacrypt [2757]. ASIC [2713]. ASL [2701]. Aspatial [1417]. Aspect [169, 156, 374]. Aspect-Oriented [169, 156, 374]. AspectJ [175]. Aspects [2907, 577, 1385, 1828, 1783, 180]. Assembling [576]. Assembly [119, 1227, 1379, 139, 2932]. Assertion [2066]. Assess [42, 846]. Assessing [876, 279]. Assessment [982, 2679, 753, 12, 2483, 1684, 1683, 7, 11, 1052, 979]. Assignment [1376, 666, 1914, 1406, 1605]. Assist [2450]. Assistance [1054]. Assistant [1069, 1018, 452, 438, 487, 588]. Assisted [1067, 860, 857, 508, 855, 1019, 1072, 949]. Assisting [1506]. Association [42, 61, 2402, 752, 1501, 67, 2381, 2383, 278, 2513]. Associative [618, 1585]. Assumptions [2149]. Astrophysics [1503]. Asymmetric [295, 2117]. Asymmetry [893]. Asynchronicity [617]. Asynchronous [1081, 623, 1095, 2074, 1922, 1928, 1596]. Asynchrony [1124]. AT-Free [670]. Atherosclerotic [908]. Atlas [1039, 903, 961, 864]. ATM [768]. Atom [2200]. Atomic [2223]. Atrium [1690]. Attachment [811]. Attack [1639, 2597, 1643, 2116, 2717, 2758, 1665, 2596, 2759]. Attacking [2640]. Attacks [2764, 2616, 804, 2638, 1159, 2151, 2143, 2760, 2620, 2757, 559, 2144, 2631, 1613, 1161, 1622, 1646, 2615]. Attempt [588]. Attention [2310]. Attitude [1693]. Attracting [14]. Attractiveness [1328]. Attributes [2366, 1312]. Auction [2748, 1731, 2113]. Auctions [1732, 565]. Audience [408]. Audio [325, 2733, 288, 283, 239, 1274, 589, 1283, 277, 429, 312]. Audiophonic [2232]. Auditable [570]. Augmentation [1372, 1065, 1354]. Augmentative [290]. Augmented [895, 897, 2421, 154, 1060, 2433, 843, 899, 974]. Augmenting [17, 2338]. Aura [2409]. Authenticated [563, 2148, 2147]. Authentication [1748, 2154, 2745, 1666, 2112, 2110, 343]. Author [32, 1201, 1230, 1260, 1268, 1289, 1330, 1342, 1408, 1458, 1486, 1533, 1574, 1612, 1669, 1691, 1738, 1753, 1784, 1802, 1813, 1845, 1930, 1949, 1957, 1975, 2003, 71, 2056, 2085, 2097, 2130, 2165, 2230, 2286, 2331, 2407, 2437, 2461, 2518, 2540, 2581, 2609, 2648, 2676, 2690, 2707, 2729, 2740, 2768, 2842, 2891, 2909, 2933, 95, 155, 181, 197, 213, 371, 384, 409, 490, 537, 575, 607, 635, 648, 678, 712, 814, 1073, 1087, 1117, 1152, 1165, 1184, 400, 489]. 6 Authoring [599, 2317, 392, 299]. Authorities [551]. Authorization [1653, 1971]. Autocorrelation [2120, 1554, 2157]. Autocovariance [2233]. AutoMarkup [2888]. Automata [1186, 1768, 1188, 1788, 2924, 1218, 2534, 2797, 1585, 1194, 1366, 1792, 615, 1219, 1216, 1781, 2182, 1198, 2834, 1199, 1200]. Automated [2033, 1123, 548, 1887, 867, 825, 2020, 998, 2850, 1503, 1063, 1269, 2201, 1016, 984, 948, 573, 2884]. Automatic [216, 923, 497, 901, 89, 962, 319, 1595, 1907, 2871, 986, 823, 2401, 1058, 2481, 1020, 2261, 249, 515, 241, 2269, 444, 2857, 2685, 439, 964, 2880, 824, 988, 1029, 949, 835, 445, 2876, 277, 907, 2323, 322, 1051]. Automatically [2888, 2503]. Automaton [1192, 2182]. Autonomic [1161]. Autonomous [397, 2558, 1731, 396, 389, 1262, 1102, 1103, 2774, 782, 617, 87, 1762, 77, 138, 2459, 1147, 1020]. Autonomy [2557, 421]. Auxiliary [2860, 2659]. Availability [1081]. Avatamsaka [2349]. Avatar [83]. Avatar-Agent [83]. Avatars [87, 77]. Average [2590, 420]. Average-Clicks [420]. Aviation [60]. Avoiding [1600]. Aware [165, 164, 688, 598, 484, 589]. Awareness [2395, 1183]. Axiomatic [1976]. Axiomatizing [423]. Axis [113, 867, 915]. B [1271, 1048, 2657, 1304, 948, 2117]. B-spline [948]. B-splines [1048]. B2B [183, 1412]. Baby [1462, 1491]. Back [725, 1124, 77]. Backbone [1248]. Backbones [1856]. Backfilling [1339]. Background [89, 2354, 2656, 129]. Backscatter [2801]. Backtracking [1918]. Backwards [2226]. Bacterial [737]. Bag [1035]. Bag-of-Particles [1035]. Bagging [50]. Baire [1362]. Bakery [1776]. Balance [624]. Balanced [2910, 626, 1348]. Balancing [1602, 863, 1110, 421]. Balloon [854, 997]. Ballot [2750]. Band [2238, 2285]. Bandwidth [1745, 1242, 1173, 1606, 286]. Bangla [2799]. Banks [2258, 2271, 2272, 2273, 2262]. Basal [903]. Base [2, 13, 1024, 532]. Based [2438, 1445, 1112, 745, 110, 495, 1451, 26, 430, 1278, 2720, 1686, 1879, 2422, 1222, 2090, 2691, 267, 778, 1885, 2785, 499, 1057, 2263, 750, 294, 2065, 2616, 1720, 2469, 2536, 1729, 921, 362, 1653, 61, 400, 2802, 2801, 320, 1687, 2303, 228, 462, 365, 356, 418, 2435, 311, 2314, 982, 740, 2641, 2042, 2154, 2140, 1983, 2355, 571, 1865, 1659, 262, 2099, 971, 2447, 1256, 1246, 1259, 577, 1435, 321, 2029, 1940, 1039, 106, 2715, 1933, 1262, 481, 1890, 1899, 2721, 2534, 1585, 367, 1891, 1048, 772, 1083, 2296, 2102, 2256, 1833, 2235, 2525, 1013, 1213, 478]. Based [96, 1254, 721, 268, 2556, 1522, 2385, 2779, 1457, 2849, 344, 292, 260, 1047, 2898, 2356, 1046, 221, 2786, 1414, 1012, 289, 1131, 255, 1757, 333, 483, 101, 413, 238, 2034, 507, 187, 1030, 2308, 998, 2591, 2481, 328, 454, 2480, 1625, 1502, 137, 2364, 67, 2252, 682, 1610, 1645, 863, 2343, 2304, 1760, 1718, 463, 434, 460, 1133, 1240, 720, 314, 38, 351, 464, 1660, 861, 683, 2126, 1258, 1327, 958, 515, 950, 2269, 2240, 269, 1652, 1318, 1663, 1681, 881, 2242, 2316, 574, 1001, 486, 2348, 975, 2491, 348, 1319, 2791, 315, 1045, 2793, 7, 488, 1650, 2091, 2318, 2758, 936, 489]. Based [1215, 2123, 2576, 2277, 287, 1921, 359, 340, 285, 844, 714, 1109, 2032, 46, 961, 308, 338, 334, 2455, 2754, 1273, 129, 1272, 1799, 754, 849, 2014, 526, 828, 817, 568, 2672, 762, 878, 529, 138, 883, 2234, 1231, 735, 8, 363, 318, 2127, 2305, 457, 2378, 2552, 141, 1144, 556, 435, 2854, 1516, 139, 2344, 1527, 811, 1447, 122, 1181, 274, 2804, 919, 2789, 2823, 2399, 1088, 643, 2565, 2810, 2811, 965, 560, 785, 1820, 2243, 1163, 2045, 279, 1945, 467, 458, 277, 243, 2031, 370, 1288, 868, 2092, 278, 1361, 730, 1622, 907, 2324, 2806, 369, 364, 2511]. Based [23, 1244, 2319, 1647, 2283, 1247, 2885, 1654, 2061, 1128, 34, 1322, 2606, 1420, 482, 1455, 1419]. Baseline [2852]. Bases [2222, 2246, 2207, 1353, 2773, 764]. Basic 7 [1190, 1891, 1390]. Basis [2517, 690, 1501, 1633, 2599, 2615, 2441]. Basket [2403, 2321]. Batch [1375, 1345, 543, 1638]. Batched [2077]. Bayes [2358, 2783]. Bayesian [494, 423, 65, 483, 463, 2678, 2378, 2841, 2508, 370, 536, 34]. Bayesian-Network [536]. Baysian [724]. BCH [297]. BDDs [1854]. BDI [2495]. Be [1218]. Beam [1045, 2468]. Bean [1271]. Beans [1271]. Beats [1831]. Bed [688]. before [2552, 535]. Behaved [426]. Behavior [30, 1873, 2384, 2652, 2926, 2675, 2394, 1972, 573, 2031]. Behaviour [2694, 1739, 2001, 2419, 66]. Behaviours [1325]. Belief [2090, 1626, 2573, 2517, 2899, 2562, 791]. Believable [2301]. Benchmark [1080]. Benchmarks [1888]. Benders [1846]. Benefit [137]. Bent [1559]. Beowulf [1823]. Best [1523, 1500, 254]. Better [2438, 1084, 2532, 2631]. Between [2071, 2410, 1872, 1081, 1404, 1010, 657, 482, 585, 1281, 929, 717, 470, 1267, 2780, 2793, 404, 2128, 935, 1474]. Beyond [186, 2070, 2078, 1761]. Bi [1667, 1749, 1214]. Bi-directional [1667, 1749]. Bias [911, 984]. Biaxial [960]. Bibliography [2660]. Bid [565]. Bidders [565]. Bidding [1731]. Bidomain [1689]. Bijections [2928]. Bijective [2585]. Bilevel [2781]. Bilingual [2873]. Bin [1401]. Binary [758, 2064, 1566, 1886, 1192, 2008, 2928, 1363, 2190, 624, 142, 2321, 1554, 2917, 530, 2800, 846, 2206, 2646, 1857, 1867, 1924]. Binding [1213, 2022, 176, 1212, 2228]. Binding-Time [2022, 2228]. Binomial [628]. Bio [1754, 1785]. Bio-language [1785]. Bio-sciences [1754]. Biogas [714]. Biological [1428, 1266]. Biologically [716]. Biomechanical [957, 962]. Biomedical [1005]. Biometric [2792]. Biometric-Applications [2792]. Biometrics [2792, 367]. Biopsies [843]. Biopsy [855, 864, 842, 996]. Bioreactor [2806]. Biorthogonal [2246, 2285]. BioWatch [1097]. Bipartite [652, 655, 1374]. Biped [1101]. Biplane [1672]. Bisimulation [2920, 1832, 1220]. Bit [350, 273, 1561, 2127, 1232]. Bite [2088]. Biting [1539]. Bits [2336]. BizBuilder [188]. Blacklisting [2613]. Blending [976]. Blind [2164, 313, 1617, 347, 269, 2747, 1613]. Blindable [2161]. Bloat [760]. Block [2610, 1619, 2098, 619, 2143, 347, 2646, 270, 1596, 2142, 272]. Block-DCT [1619]. Block-Deterministic [619]. Block-Matching [272]. Blocking [2237, 2238]. Blood [916, 101, 2481, 849, 873, 888, 898]. Bluetooth [1176]. Board [552]. Body [767, 961, 1029, 990]. Bone [955, 973]. Bookmarks [419]. Boolean [1112, 2219, 2121, 1893, 1829, 2199, 1836, 2120, 2082, 2204, 1468, 2157, 2011, 1636, 1465, 2585]. Boosted [250]. Booster [1609]. Boosters [2496]. Boosting [1466, 1896]. Bootstrapped [2821]. Both [2237, 2346]. Bottom [2209, 2346]. Bottom-Up [2209]. Bound [2049, 2314, 1869, 2590, 2627, 632]. Boundaries [682, 988, 877]. Boundary [1673, 1001, 2234, 1672, 222]. Bounded [1358, 2068, 660, 2181, 2639]. Boundedly [1990]. Boundedness [2013]. Bounding [1494, 1776]. Bounds [2057, 1369, 538, 2688, 668, 2073, 2929, 613, 615, 1867, 1579, 1868, 2110, 557, 2710]. Box [770, 2129, 2145]. Boxed [1203, 2356]. Boxes [1379, 557]. Brachytherapy [856]. Braid [2139]. Brain [923, 921, 902, 944, 1039, 818, 995, 845, 821, 729, 983, 943, 941, 911, 875, 953, 919]. Branch [1593, 2314, 1954, 1955, 1950, 1847]. Branch-and-Bound [2314]. Branch-and-Check [1847]. Branch-and-Cut [1954, 1950]. Branching [2476, 1466, 2914, 2680]. Breaking [1852, 1917]. Breast [1003, 842, 1055, 963]. Bricks [2336]. BRIDGE [1281]. Bridging 8 [2288, 2830]. Brief [2380, 2377]. Bringing [2086]. Broadband [1082]. Broadcast [283]. Broadcasting [1169, 1349, 1170, 2118]. Broker [571, 1242]. Broker-Based [571]. Brokering [1083]. Brokers [1722]. Browser [325]. Browsing [1444, 606]. Bruijn [675]. BSC [1570]. BSP [1767]. BTTC [2818]. Buffer [349, 1231, 286]. Buffers [1607]. Build [1266, 469, 2519, 72]. Building [2302, 2, 13, 397, 481, 2448, 1827, 62, 2774, 38, 2317, 1744, 1137, 1923, 1938, 141, 1426, 1818, 2092, 2426, 1722]. Bureau [140]. Bursty [1236]. Bus [1139]. BUSHWHACK [1357]. Business [1735, 31, 1456, 184, 2298, 2274, 190, 1447, 1409, 1719, 23]. Business-Oriented [2298]. Buyer [2112]. Bypass [858, 1072]. Byte [2527]. C [2548, 729, 2701, 2658, 953, 1305, 2810, 981]. C-Means [729, 2810, 981]. Cache [417, 421, 301]. Caching [1271, 1270, 285, 471]. Cactus [658]. CAD [826, 1054, 517, 2046]. CAD/CAM [2046]. Cadaver [952]. Calculation [753, 2886]. Calculations [1595]. Calculi [2359]. Calculus [2566, 1223, 610, 1204, 2023, 632, 1866, 707, 1228, 1224]. Calibration [926, 895, 992, 2822, 1043, 2683, 1090, 949]. Call [478, 612]. Call-by-Value [612]. Caller [2735]. Calls [1660]. Camellia [1639, 2142]. Camera [136, 152, 107, 815, 364]. Cameras [361]. Can [396, 767, 1824, 1764]. Canal [982]. Cancellation [2823]. Cancellative [2084]. Cancer [993, 509, 1054, 2809, 864, 947]. Candidate [2508]. Candidates [556]. Cannot [2008]. Canonical [1377, 2694]. Cantonese [283]. Capabilities [2450, 140, 88, 1973]. Capability [12]. Capable [2316]. Capacitors [756]. Capacity [1602, 1242]. Capitalization [2731]. Captions [328]. Capture [586, 592]. Capturing [1855]. Carcinomas [994, 522]. Cardiac [1670, 1686, 1011, 1687, 1031, 872, 920, 858, 958, 1681, 881, 1685, 1677, 1066, 841]. Cardinality [1401, 1825, 742, 2908]. Cardinality-Path [1825]. Cardio [988]. Cardiographic [986]. Cardiovascular [854]. Cards [2645, 2767, 1360, 1728]. Care [478]. Career [4]. Career-Long [4]. Caring [2318]. Carotid [833]. Cartan [1571]. Cartesian [651]. Cartographic [699]. Carving [355]. CAS [945]. Cascade [2405]. Case [2148, 1649, 1934, 1498, 2483, 7, 439, 1109, 11, 2464, 1587, 529, 8, 530, 1517, 1528, 2585, 606, 1425]. Case-Based [1109, 529]. Cases [1695]. Cash [569, 1663]. CASL [2699]. Casual [2410]. Categoric [774]. Categorical [52, 521]. Categories [2209, 636]. Categorization [769, 319, 444]. Categorizing [473]. Category [1362]. Catheter [869, 997]. Catheters [1023]. Causal [1598, 210]. Causality [1285]. CBR [2479]. CBS [2438, 2438]. CDIS [1160]. CDR [1076]. CE [898]. CE-MRA [898]. CeBASE [2, 13]. Cell [130, 2481, 1977, 1991]. Cells [1891, 523, 1096]. Cellular [1602, 2797, 1585, 1235, 218]. Census [2218, 332]. Cent [1405]. Cent-dian [1405]. Center [1618, 630, 478, 979]. Centered [2290, 219, 2413]. Centerline [948]. Centre [960]. Centres [715]. Centric [1126, 1647]. Century [403]. Cerebral [1013, 980]. Certain [2893, 2763, 2762]. Certainly [2622]. Certificate [550]. Certificates [2719, 2161]. Certification [1210, 551]. Certifications [2049]. Certified [2720, 2111]. Certifying [2213]. Chain [1548, 1878, 1736, 1343, 5]. Chaining [2102, 801]. Challenge [70, 2400]. Challenges [2439, 597, 1675, 154, 73, 4, 373, 1143, 1145]. Challenging [2218]. Chance 9 [2395, 2388, 2398, 2387, 2389, 2394, 2399]. Change [9, 118, 318, 2874]. Changes [1604, 172, 821]. Changing [4]. Channel [2625, 2764, 2338, 2760, 539, 559, 1220, 302, 369]. Channelling [2205]. Channels [1169, 2611]. Chaotic [2628, 2127]. Chapter [1805, 1808, 1809, 1804, 1806, 1803, 1807]. Character [397, 2261, 2260, 399]. Characterise [535]. Characteristic [1571, 1363, 2116]. Characteristics [1172, 1340, 1314]. Characterization [33, 1540, 2797, 1193, 1058, 830, 2247]. Characterizations [1752, 1636]. Characters [397, 1571, 400, 92, 398]. Cheating [2105, 1628]. Check [2636, 1847]. Checkerboard [1396]. Checking [1766, 2184, 2065, 1217, 2070, 2665, 1927, 2009]. Checkpoint [287]. Checkpointing [158]. Checks [2705]. Chemical [1786, 798, 970]. Chinese [2885, 356, 2261, 2260, 56, 2754, 291, 233, 1654]. Chip [1091, 2275]. Choco [1892]. Choice [2557, 2351, 1850]. Choosing [2282, 2552]. Chordal [1355]. Chosen [2725, 2742, 2151, 2620, 2757, 2758]. Chosen-Ciphertext [2725, 2742, 2151, 2620, 2758]. Chosen-Plaintext [2757]. CHR [1863]. Church [114]. Ciao [2541]. Ciliates [2931]. Cine [1683]. Cipher [2618, 1639, 2634, 2127, 2142]. Ciphers [2716, 2098, 2618, 2143]. Ciphertext [2725, 2742, 2151, 2620, 2744, 2758]. Circuit [1100]. Circuits [2062, 1105, 1198, 1100]. Circulant [1546]. Circulation [1670, 211]. Cited [432]. City [2288, 2484]. Civil [2278]. Clarification [738]. Class [1185, 2696, 2668, 179, 1552, 1800, 2787, 128, 133]. Classes [2417, 2414, 1645, 1478]. Classic [1403]. Classical [2892, 2203, 541, 1521]. Classification [2276, 745, 1810, 2470, 362, 2801, 1438, 746, 2548, 130, 2481, 2488, 310, 306, 893, 518, 2453, 523, 526, 29, 2809, 762, 528, 529, 492, 2378, 2501, 894, 796, 2789, 445, 1055, 2324, 2283, 2885]. Classification-Driven [893]. Classifier [724, 2809, 50]. Classifiers [2545, 2802, 754, 128, 44, 53, 224]. Classroom [298]. Clause [1893, 2673]. Clauses [1907, 1829]. Clicks [420]. Client [1748, 2435, 2749, 1865, 427, 1946, 2318]. Client-Server [1748, 1865, 427]. Client/ Server [2749, 1946]. Clinical [1067, 500, 860, 1013, 885, 998, 899, 2524, 835]. Clipping [1497]. Clique [653, 657, 660, 1355]. Clique-Width [657, 660]. Cliques [1387]. Clock [1880, 2124]. Clock-Controlled [2124]. Close [1820]. Closed [328, 67, 1454, 1990]. Closest [905, 1380]. Closing [2035]. Closure [2194, 1792, 2084]. CLP [1908, 1878]. Cluster [57, 750, 366, 359, 1076, 766, 447]. Cluster-Based [750]. Cluster-Defining [57]. Clustered [344, 511]. Clustering [792, 2812, 473, 106, 2059, 2385, 459, 2732, 2480, 729, 2364, 2252, 514, 1525, 38, 484, 2813, 2549, 1514, 2551, 2810, 2811, 774, 981, 2324, 1398]. Clustering-Based [2810, 2811]. Clusters [57, 1081, 1589, 509, 1580, 1333]. Clutter [115]. CMM [10]. CNF [1911]. CNFs [1363]. Co [1335, 2352, 2561, 2722, 2562, 2091, 1966]. Co-Allocation [1966, 1335]. Co-evolution [2352]. Co-operation [2091]. Co-operative [2562]. Co-operatively [2722]. Co-ordination [2561]. Cocyclic [1563]. Code [2625, 1159, 1106, 1256, 2073, 2745, 2752, 2527, 1658]. Codec [293]. Coded [1573, 297]. Coder [267, 341]. Codes [2610, 620, 1566, 1538, 1541, 1544, 294, 353, 1595, 1540, 1560, 2621, 1550, 1546, 1545, 1547, 2614, 1548, 2587, 2930, 1549, 1542, 2611, 2646, 2622, 2635, 1534, 2639, 2586, 1535, 2636, 2110, 1551, 2109, 1543, 1536, 2612, 1537, 1622, 2623, 1539]. Codes-Theme [1535]. codewords [1568]. Coding [353, 268, 252, 1179, 2241, 2628, 273, 226, 270, 229, 2242, 340, 338, 334, 2234, 10 530, 231, 234, 2613, 227, 1247]. Coefficients [317, 2249, 628, 2157]. Coercive [2196]. Cogenerators [2832]. Cognition [704]. Cognitive [687, 694, 1526, 5, 2089]. Cognitively [688]. Cognitively-Aware [688]. Cograph [2183]. Coherence [2196]. Coherency [417]. Coherent [2222, 1470]. Coil [948]. Colinearity [118]. Collaborated [935]. Collaboration [2422, 482, 2293, 2499, 584]. Collaborative [969, 1409, 2924, 1849, 83, 506, 1254, 459, 2321, 2433, 586, 2335, 93]. Collaborators [2410]. Collecting [41, 428, 2512]. Collection [1598, 1154, 1828, 2537]. Collections [2738]. Collectors [628]. Collide [2057]. Collinearity [2002]. Colonies [90]. Colonography [889]. Colonoscopy [891, 835, 892]. Color [1396, 763, 320, 360, 330, 221, 361, 720, 1642, 151, 976, 533]. Color- [720]. Coloring [652, 662, 671]. Colorings [1386]. Coloured [2030, 1322]. Colourer [2679]. Combination [149, 2812, 790]. Combinatorial [1377, 1951, 1982, 1873, 1954]. Combinators [2528]. Combine [588]. Combined [2443, 2576, 2759]. Combines [383]. Combining [1884, 2895, 2693, 2296, 2102, 872, 130, 748, 2855, 1464, 1490, 251, 224]. Command [2457]. Comments [266, 2126]. Commerce [1735, 2313, 194, 2829, 1623, 1737, 436, 2302, 1721, 541, 1631, 1603, 1730, 2294, 480, 1736]. Commercial [2439, 811]. Commercial-Off-The-Shelf [2439]. Commit [1271]. Commitment [2564]. Commitments [2153]. Commodity [1283, 1959]. Common [2442, 250, 2706]. Commons [644]. Commonsense [2498]. Communal [2343, 605]. Communicable [1493]. Communicating [75]. Communication [2626, 1253, 1748, 1766, 2927, 1335, 623, 203, 1604, 2071, 1742, 2677, 2484, 1250, 2490, 589, 1661, 1704, 2563, 290, 1654]. Communicational [2293]. Communications [1808, 336, 234, 305]. Communicators [2394]. Communities [43, 509, 470, 432, 2390, 1511, 1724, 428]. Community [2338, 425, 2334, 1900]. Commutative [2840]. COMOR [2322]. Compact [1577, 1068, 2023, 600, 1990, 2145]. Compaction [1198]. Compactness [2839]. Companies [23]. Company [21]. Comparability [1370]. Comparative [2878, 1054, 2793, 2305]. Compared [697]. Comparing [802, 1910, 2485, 1378, 1927]. Comparison [2064, 2868, 565, 1064, 2543, 2374, 943, 1683, 937, 291, 53, 324, 1478, 1722]. Comparison-Shopping [1722]. Compatibility [2696, 185]. Compensated [2242]. Compensation [995, 244, 369]. Competency [1454]. Competitive [1349]. Compilation [2869, 1826, 1299, 583, 1288]. Compile [1828]. Compiler [1123, 2069, 2526, 2523, 2052, 1135, 1196]. Compiler-Cooperative [2052]. Compilers [2037, 166]. Compiling [2069, 812, 2527]. Complementary [266, 1509]. Complete [2183, 629, 863, 2575, 2612]. Completeness [1840, 1209, 676]. Completion [1375, 1345]. Complex [633, 1415, 1324, 40, 1103, 347, 1418]. Complexes [1977, 1991, 1983]. Complexities [1473, 1474]. Complexity [2057, 550, 1539, 2066, 1190, 2155, 1376, 1368, 1388, 663, 2071, 31, 629, 1403, 2345, 624, 1390, 2597, 671, 1779, 1210, 1834, 2192, 1378, 1211, 632, 674, 2128, 707, 1578, 2515, 1398, 341]. Compliant [552]. Component [1277, 161, 2447, 1961, 459, 130, 1071, 1777, 310, 1133, 1240, 809, 1144, 1527, 1288, 1128]. Component-Based [2447, 1133, 1527, 1288, 1128]. Components [1120, 2443, 1862, 1958, 2448, 2449, 2452, 2454, 1273, 29, 2458, 2379, 2206]. 11 Composing [186, 1274]. Composite [2108, 189, 209, 2116]. Composition [2222, 199, 2053, 89, 1892, 2401, 2836, 192]. Compositional [2700, 2531]. Comprehensive [1417]. Compressed [358, 276, 1586, 1195, 334, 271, 327, 364]. Compression [377, 2236, 2239, 2242, 757, 2818, 1115, 2243]. Computability [2066, 2050, 2048, 612]. Computation [2208, 1188, 1869, 1204, 1998, 713, 2137, 2932]. Computational [1205, 1843, 496, 1492, 833, 412, 1656, 1463, 1488, 684, 1493, 2071, 2185, 1913, 1967, 2918, 1950, 1685, 754, 1515, 707, 2874, 1526, 713, 1966, 781, 775]. Computations [2281, 2539, 1762]. Compute [1589]. Computed [968, 901, 985]. Computed-Aided [968]. Computer [497, 1057, 547, 2520, 860, 1053, 994, 857, 904, 721, 407, 508, 1056, 889, 1978, 510, 511, 516, 1979, 2214, 855, 154, 817, 143, 576, 590, 949, 215, 951, 1764, 1160, 797]. Computer-Aided [497, 1057, 1056, 510, 511, 951]. Computer-Assisted [857, 855]. Computer-Based [817]. Computers [1785, 1767, 1583, 765, 1938, 2784]. Computing [1563, 966, 2785, 1601, 1404, 2435, 1960, 597, 1192, 382, 2792, 2409, 793, 629, 1970, 214, 2829, 2598, 1759, 2381, 1318, 2430, 154, 2360, 1579, 2798, 582, 734, 1552, 1968, 590, 2784, 588, 584, 2357, 1570, 2147, 606]. Concealment [272]. Concentration [125]. Concept [778, 1721, 474, 2361, 2482, 2354, 2229, 440]. Concepts [686, 1470, 2898, 1471, 1319, 2318, 2005]. Conceptual [1451, 1429, 1409, 2473, 1438, 2849, 454, 2038, 1432, 1416, 1514, 1423, 441, 1420]. Concerning [1221]. Concerns [167, 171, 162]. Conclusion [2655]. Conclusions [2773]. Concurrency [1202, 1820]. Concurrent [1770, 2155, 2926, 1866, 2025, 2041, 1206, 1929]. Conditional [2927, 423, 61, 2368, 2899, 736, 2383, 632, 2187, 984]. Conditions [715, 2226, 1568, 2224, 426]. Cone [1045]. Cone-Beam [1045]. Conference [438, 588]. Confidence [1593, 2517, 2136]. Confidentiality [554, 1243]. Configurable [1281, 487, 583, 1157]. Configuration [430, 1890, 1891, 2486]. Configurational [251]. Configurations [2624, 1648]. Conflation [2882]. Conflict [2375, 2562, 2371]. Conflicting [2039]. Conflicts [1430]. Confluence [610]. Conform [1956]. Conformal [998]. Conformation [1508]. Congested [238]. Congestion [1746, 2778, 2292, 1180]. Congruence [1221]. Conjecture [620, 2727, 2923]. Conjugate [1853]. Conjunctions [1894]. Connected [2432, 2261, 2206]. Connection [339]. Connections [585, 1167]. Connectivity [1372, 1354, 673]. Connector [2700]. Conquer [1512, 2631]. Cons [150]. Consciousness [1261]. Consensus [1391, 488, 2371, 477]. Consequences [2193]. Conservative [1831]. Considerations [2389, 300, 256]. Considering [2778, 2182]. Consistency [1884, 2574, 2421, 2902, 2705, 1864]. Consistent [820]. Constant [2062, 1771]. Constrained [1401, 652, 655, 625, 2522, 1876, 1868, 2427, 1050]. Constraint [1848, 1883, 1879, 1832, 1906, 2466, 1860, 1825, 1871, 1850, 1885, 2862, 1859, 1770, 2315, 2664, 2681, 1814, 1887, 2574, 1869, 1865, 1849, 1846, 1889, 1890, 1899, 1827, 1891, 1909, 1861, 1892, 1427, 1912, 1826, 1913, 2674, 1914, 2211, 1902, 1867, 1919, 1901, 2926, 2576, 1866, 1921, 1858, 1868, 1922, 828, 1923, 1926, 2046, 1847, 1820, 2045, 1929, 1905, 1900, 1863]. Constraint-Based [1879, 1865, 1890, 1899, 1891, 2576, 1820]. Constraints [1872, 1382, 1790, 2908, 2670, 12 1334, 2667, 1894, 2671, 1164, 2900, 2199, 1870, 2079, 1881, 1413, 1925, 1025, 2205]. Constructing [620, 944, 822, 2121, 2714, 2072, 2849, 2898, 1453, 1501, 1379, 512, 2887, 2586, 1144, 1200]. Construction [2555, 385, 2625, 449, 2258, 1277, 2016, 2347, 2156, 2268, 2523, 2700, 903, 824, 2426]. Constructions [538, 1573, 1547, 2073, 1364, 2639, 2110, 2613]. Constructs [1435, 2296]. Consumer [1281]. Consumption [772]. Contained [2928]. Container [439]. Containment [1668]. Content [1239, 228, 418, 2435, 450, 451, 330, 321, 331, 289, 604, 328, 1452, 351, 1173, 334, 1740, 279, 458, 429, 284, 1247]. Content-Addressable [1740]. Content-Based [321, 289, 328, 351, 334, 279, 458, 1247]. Context [2572, 165, 2432, 2434, 102, 2898, 2242, 589, 2397, 1692, 2703, 1321, 1273, 937]. Context-Aware [165, 589]. Context-Based [2242]. Context-Free [2572]. Context-Sensitive [2432, 1321]. Contexts [8, 2889]. Contextual [442, 46]. Contingency [3]. Continuing [1265]. Continuity [685]. Continuos [783]. Continuous [2574, 83, 2245, 771, 2497, 919, 1980, 1005, 233]. Contour [1011, 916, 1048, 139]. Contour-Based [139]. Contract [564]. Contraction [957, 366, 1687]. Contracts [187, 1424, 1972]. Contrast [918, 522, 873]. Contrast-Enhanced [522]. Contribute [1764]. Contributions [1110]. Control [1748, 1284, 1222, 2922, 778, 1746, 1124, 547, 1659, 68, 506, 1204, 2775, 2308, 2428, 1020, 1760, 2646, 768, 1744, 2780, 232, 1693, 2457, 2683, 339, 2795, 440, 354, 1079, 352, 560, 1234, 1233, 1749, 1180, 2538, 730, 2806, 1647, 1654]. Control-Flow [1222, 547]. Controllable [885, 614]. Controlled [267, 2895, 946, 2124, 1006, 843, 2426]. Controller [779, 207, 2774, 2777, 600, 1713, 1088]. Controllers [20, 1262, 2825, 727]. Controlling [2778, 617]. Convergence [1085, 1341, 1994, 2798, 735]. Conversation [247]. Conversational [463, 2507, 591]. Conversations [184, 2734]. Conversion [1605, 1420]. Convex [1872, 1395, 2833, 142, 1344, 1998, 143]. Convexity [1988, 1991]. Conveying [2316]. Conway [2914]. Cooperating [198, 1235, 1922]. Cooperation [2306]. Cooperations [2047]. Cooperative [1069, 2352, 1065, 185, 2052, 405, 138, 477, 1175]. Cooperatively [2406]. Coordinates [126]. Coordinating [617]. Coordination [2558, 1725, 2682, 1273]. Coordinator [465]. Coping [172, 1427, 176]. Copyright [1560, 312]. Coq [1216]. CORA [796]. CORBA [1960, 1279, 1280, 1959]. Core [1336, 1244]. Core-Stateless [1244]. Cores [1879]. Corner [2821]. Coronary [1027, 959, 1072]. Corpora [2547, 39]. Corporate [2447]. Corpus [2869]. Correct [2016]. Correcting [944, 2636, 1537, 1622, 1658]. Correction [923, 850, 294, 41, 1179, 837, 984, 1029, 848, 1026]. Correctness [1222, 1840]. Correlated [69, 573, 1465]. Correlation [1253, 313, 245, 1158, 2120, 2717, 46, 295, 984, 2157, 1557, 1156, 1636, 329]. Correlation-Based [46]. Correlation-Immune [1636]. Correspondence [2913, 2817]. Cortex [1047]. Cortical [921, 505]. COS [2618]. Coscheduling [1334, 1333, 1337]. Cost [1598, 2186, 2471, 1040, 137, 580, 1923, 1359]. Cost-Distance [1359]. Costs [1600, 1771]. COTS [2439, 2438, 2440, 2441, 2442, 2443, 2446, 2445, 2447, 2449, 2450, 2453, 2454, 2457, 2455, 2451, 2460]. COTS-Based [2438, 2455]. COTS/GOTS [2457]. Count [504]. Counter [1768, 2068]. Counterexamples [2395]. Countermodel [1214]. Counting 13 [2158, 1911, 2190, 2077, 1355, 2905]. Counts [1499]. Couple [2127]. Coupling [1685, 919]. Coupon [628]. coupons [631]. Courses [481]. Cover [2607, 1399]. Covering [2587, 1384]. Coverings [2786, 2368]. Covers [655, 1388]. Cranio [871]. Cranio-maxillofacial [871]. Crash [204]. Crash-Affected [204]. Crawled [472]. Crawlets [1939]. Create [2089, 602]. Creating [868]. Creation [24, 531, 1181, 866]. Creative [431, 2393, 2394, 2392]. Credential [2161]. Crime [792]. Crisp [1418]. Criteria [2098, 493, 96, 2508, 1478, 1735, 2782]. Criterion [118]. Critical [166, 1139, 677]. CRM [1454]. CRML [418]. Cross [199, 500, 449, 2815, 1817, 2765, 187, 269, 528, 2886, 357]. Cross-Enterprise [1817]. Cross-Lingual [449, 2886]. Cross-Organizational [187]. Cross-Over [199]. Cross-Security [500]. Cross-Trees [2765]. Cross-Validation [528]. Crosscuts [168]. Crosscutting [172, 167]. Crossing [707]. Crossover [2689]. Crowding [2827]. Cryptanalysis [2115, 1617, 2131, 2583, 2647, 556, 2142, 2644, 2117, 1658]. CRYPTIM [1562]. Cryptographic [2616, 2098, 2129, 1931, 2101]. Cryptography [2107, 2642, 2108, 2159, 2595, 2591, 1657, 2628, 2608, 2127]. Cryptologic [1615]. Cryptology [2605]. Cryptosystem [2637, 2603, 1650, 2117]. Cryptosystems [2151, 2709, 2743, 2150, 2741, 2631, 555]. crystalline [755]. C’s [1271]. CSP [1915, 1920, 1924]. CSPAMM [987]. CSPs [1857, 1917, 1904]. CT [982, 932, 827, 1056, 1054, 863, 900, 1045, 844, 522, 878]. Cube [1992, 151]. Cubic [1048, 2104, 2550]. Cues [595]. Cultural [705, 2436, 404, 2330, 2489]. Culture [26, 408]. Cumulative [2344]. Current [2442, 837, 2454, 182]. Curvature [921, 1989]. Curve [2601, 553, 2108, 1572, 2760, 559, 555, 1640]. Curves [148, 966, 2107, 2764, 1992, 1993, 2593, 2159, 2158, 2312, 2592, 2106, 1995, 2763, 2762, 1552, 1621]. Customer [262, 483]. Customization [806, 1287]. Customized [2459]. Cut [1954, 1851, 375, 1955, 1950, 674, 2554]. Cuts [1956, 940, 1371, 832]. Cutsets [672]. Cutting [1001, 865, 797]. Cyber [2086, 254, 1665]. Cyber-Attack [1665]. Cyber-Societies [2086]. Cycle [2065, 1353, 1880, 2274]. Cycles [1565]. Cyclic [1620, 1566, 1541, 2840, 1540, 2621]. D [1067, 1043, 972, 878, 953, 1005, 934, 110, 884, 925, 149, 1067, 901, 912, 940, 1992, 1002, 1064, 1993, 932, 1040, 971, 1682, 367, 986, 876, 134, 1046, 1379, 111, 1043, 826, 861, 269, 943, 1017, 1681, 1027, 2659, 386, 1996, 941, 94, 937, 527, 824, 2427, 878, 910, 954, 147, 105, 1997, 1029, 1999, 1306, 2000, 848, 1672, 1005, 243, 416, 990, 370, 1009, 145, 907, 871, 2426, 109]. D-to- [1005]. D/ [1067, 1043, 878]. D/ Statistics [1067]. D0 [1974]. Daemon [1179]. Damage [574]. Data [57, 1734, 1075, 1592, 2018, 1154, 495, 1482, 928, 1428, 1172, 940, 41, 2066, 1429, 264, 1595, 1064, 70, 792, 927, 777, 1807, 472, 840, 36, 502, 49, 2542, 2218, 2384, 1083, 2039, 847, 175, 1934, 209, 2385, 1524, 1431, 728, 2403, 939, 1453, 1162, 507, 719, 2396, 54, 1978, 513, 514, 2038, 38, 972, 2376, 1974, 2239, 1681, 2813, 1421, 1611, 650, 518, 2321, 1684, 58, 488, 2048, 1367, 930, 521, 2360, 1642, 1705, 1771, 523, 1965, 1419, 2880, 527, 69, 263, 1464, 1490, 2551, 141, 2367, 117, 953, 2841, 1518, 1433, 1690, 774, 868]. Data [437, 2538, 275, 2511, 2291, 2512, 1647, 2406, 898, 2615, 435]. Data-Centric [1647]. Data-Mining [728]. Database [2894, 1425, 1659, 259, 2906, 1625, 1793, 351, 1080, 2880, 560, 1077, 2512]. Databases [1445, 1843, 2896, 1074, 498, 250, 1084, 2908, 1844, 2211, 35, 2902, 1430, 2041, 307, 1821, 2904, 2905, 429, 441, 437, 2514]. Dataset 14 [2401]. Datasets [33]. Davis [2204]. DCT [1619, 313, 317]. DDoS [804]. De-blocking [2238]. Dead [1815]. Deadlines [1850]. Deal [2040]. Dealing [1626, 2376]. Dealmaker [1719]. Debugger [1944]. Debugging [2536]. Decentralised [2562]. Decentralized [1725, 2679, 1963, 2308, 1286]. Decidability [2476, 707, 2060]. Decimation [230]. Decimators [2272]. Decision [2544, 1566, 2471, 2782, 2543, 715, 2788, 2008, 1466, 690, 1363, 718, 2087, 572, 2454, 2298, 503, 524, 531, 749, 60]. Decision-Making [2454, 2298]. Decisional [2727]. Declarations [2042, 2657, 1292]. Declarative [2536, 1840, 2420, 2519, 1153, 2524]. Declarative/Procedural [2420]. Declustering [450]. Decodable [2621]. Decoder [2614]. Decoding [2610, 1566, 1567, 2073, 1568, 1569, 2647, 2624, 1551, 2141]. Decomposable [1767, 1367]. Decomposed [2803]. Decomposition [2311, 1846, 669, 914, 2903, 2763, 2280]. Deconvolution [2262]. Decreasing [626]. Decremental [627]. Decryption [2620]. Deduction [1507]. Deductive [1843]. Deep [955, 1498]. Default [2463, 1623, 2772]. Defeasible [2463]. Defeating [1646]. Defect [98]. Defence [1099]. Defense [804, 2460]. Defibrillation [931]. Defined [1620, 686, 1313, 1312, 1314]. Defining [57, 2871]. Definition [2691, 168, 2054, 1015, 2453]. Definitions [2200, 2088]. Definitory [2889]. Deflection [929]. Defocused [2257]. Deformable [110, 884, 895, 938, 1039, 823, 1046, 881, 917, 913]. Deformation [1033, 944, 1688, 971, 879, 1006, 1677, 832, 828, 824, 820]. Deformations [923, 1003, 883, 1004]. Defuzzification [741]. Degradation [1619]. Degraded [2820]. Degree [654, 2771, 2076, 2116, 329]. Degrees [1358]. Delay [769, 2042, 1348, 1391]. Delegation [1641, 2474]. Deliberation [2186]. Delineation [961]. Delivering [1239, 2435]. Delivery [261, 1940, 568, 1736]. Delsarte [2627]. Delta [2912]. Demand [349, 1171, 345]. Dementia [1053, 820]. Demo [2739, 787]. Democracy [2340]. Demonstration [1099]. Demosaic [361]. Dempster [2774, 1684]. Dempster-Shafer [2774]. Denial [1649, 1161, 1646]. Denial-of-Service [1646]. Dense [581]. Density [2438, 2636]. Dental [1018, 860, 1000]. Department [2460]. Departments [11]. Dependence [2183]. Dependencies [2219, 2043, 2897, 2366]. Dependency [2882]. Dependency-Pairs [2882]. Depictions [697]. Deploying [808]. Deployment [583]. Depolarization [1670]. Depth [2062, 211, 2257]. Depth-First [211]. Deputy [1430]. Derandomization [2057]. Derivation [1516]. Derivative [2833, 1623]. Derived [112, 953]. Deriving [1889]. Descent [2471, 2116]. Describing [87, 25]. Description [2194, 228, 1888, 1414, 794, 1437, 1452, 1318, 429]. Description-Based [1414]. Descriptions [618, 253, 221, 2195, 697]. Descriptive [27, 1530]. Descriptor [307, 271]. Descriptors [324]. Design [2438, 1441, 1118, 1981, 1377, 1222, 1140, 1732, 2098, 349, 2067, 1816, 2629, 1425, 1324, 691, 2618, 2341, 1958, 2434, 207, 1179, 255, 2386, 2396, 2322, 2737, 1141, 598, 572, 2753, 1133, 1442, 431, 2269, 2436, 574, 2413, 1319, 2332, 945, 359, 1697, 1700, 1109, 1416, 2411, 2275, 1741, 605, 1418, 1090, 8, 1536, 1147, 1763, 2502, 1100, 1433, 592, 2890, 638, 1959, 380, 300, 2270, 2096, 2319, 1082, 1128]. Designed [159]. Designing [1120, 2802, 2420, 1157]. Designs [2627, 2419]. Desk [2850]. destructive [751]. Detect [989]. Detecting [493, 1159, 2417, 2709, 152, 509, 820, 1160, 357]. Detection 15 [891, 497, 1906, 1011, 2065, 41, 228, 317, 242, 1158, 1673, 2311, 743, 114, 204, 825, 102, 101, 1162, 2289, 111, 2821, 511, 2261, 239, 2310, 1660, 890, 517, 118, 123, 1709, 964, 98, 2631, 295, 773, 318, 141, 947, 265, 988, 146, 1163, 1157, 533, 327, 877, 1155, 2233, 284, 222, 322]. Detection/Correction [2631]. Detector [313]. Determination [1149, 2254, 915]. Determining [926]. Deterministic [2067, 619, 210, 1952, 1199, 1200, 2534, 2048, 2366]. Developed [1563]. Developing [2445, 1440, 1258, 589, 1436]. Development [20, 1804, 2424, 2033, 2425, 394, 453, 28, 18, 2416, 255, 1020, 2484, 516, 3, 2413, 2005, 2706, 2509, 996, 1337, 888]. Device [854, 602]. Devices [1126, 595, 1281, 2634, 1318, 2429, 584, 583, 2147]. DFT [1540]. DGML [443]. Diacritics [2877]. Diagnosis [2276, 496, 497, 1057, 491, 2790, 1053, 721, 1056, 718, 889, 510, 511, 512, 1350, 2405]. Diagnostic [993, 522, 1022]. Diagonal [309, 1667]. Diagram [1787]. Diagrams [2668, 2008, 1363, 1207, 1436]. Dialectical [2388]. Dialogs [2337, 2500]. Dialogue [2507]. dian [1405]. DICOM [522]. Dictionaries [563, 2868]. Dictionary [2871]. Didactic [348]. Difference [1026]. Differences [820]. Different [1437, 2793, 1995, 911]. Differentiability [1362]. Differential [2833, 2245, 1882, 2596, 1536, 2142, 2615]. Differentiated [1245]. Differentiation [2685]. Differently [695]. Difficulty [747]. Diffie [2148, 2727, 2129]. Diffserv [1242]. Diffusion [838, 837, 836, 105]. Digestion [714]. Digit [2511, 787]. Digital [220, 1785, 1635, 561, 276, 2140, 262, 1976, 1988, 2745, 596, 1719, 252, 1638, 2288, 2290, 2484, 511, 361, 2628, 2490, 336, 854, 2112, 1623, 1902, 489, 1661, 309, 2122, 849, 265, 588, 1088, 1055, 2002, 1991, 1664, 312, 275, 1622, 1640, 1985]. Digitization [1996]. Digitized [497]. Digraphs [1193]. Dijkstra [202]. Dilation [2251]. Dilemmas [2087]. Dimension [1441, 249]. Dimensional [1676, 443, 827, 1056, 54, 2304, 985, 836, 959, 2570, 755, 2464, 842, 223, 2568, 1014]. Dirac [2247]. Direct [2911, 840]. Directed [627, 1577, 201, 784, 378, 2076, 2195, 2787]. Directed-Divergence [2787]. Directing [2300]. Direction [692, 775]. directional [1667, 235, 1749]. Directions [2390, 698, 1143, 1130]. Disagreeing [488]. Disambiguation [2853, 2855, 2852]. Disappearing [590]. Disc [533]. Discarding [2238]. Disconnection [2189]. Discourse [2339]. Discourses [2340]. Discovered [472]. Discovering [61, 1463, 1488, 432, 1511, 1521]. Discovery [1460, 1487, 1492, 1962, 1493, 2401, 2395, 1498, 1963, 1504, 1505, 67, 1506, 470, 2388, 2404, 2398, 475, 2397, 2387, 2405, 1513, 2389, 69, 1464, 1490, 2394, 1517, 1528, 1519, 2399, 785, 1764, 1532, 2513, 2514, 1530]. Discrepancy [1396, 1553]. Discrete [1986, 186, 1993, 1989, 1984, 2598, 2728, 2255, 2275, 1613, 1597, 2137, 1980]. Discrimination [717]. Discriminative [128]. DisCSPs [1928]. Disease [968, 519, 1016, 1022, 894]. Disjunctive [2218, 1870]. Dispatching [2779, 1655]. Displacement [987]. Display [2428, 861, 899]. Displays [604, 603, 602]. DISSECT [546]. Dissection [1036]. Distance [148, 1451, 1404, 1539, 311, 656, 625, 249, 2316, 420, 975, 601, 1359, 1999, 919, 2000, 2585]. Distances [2816]. DISTIL [1416]. Distillation [770]. Distinct [1860]. Distinctions [711]. Distinguishing [2643]. Distortion [837]. Distortions [566]. Distraction [2409]. Distraction-Free [2409]. Distributed [430, 2222, 1284, 1918, 538, 2065, 1769, 2337, 1755, 418, 1171, 540, 1084, 1270, 2015, 1105, 2149, 1287, 1204, 1913, 719, 1132, 1392, 2562, 2095, 1919, 1901, 1241, 488, 2080, 1771, 1272, 1922, 1762, 1142, 192, 440, 1147, 2119, 1161, 1307, 212, 638, 1183, 1973]. Distribution 16 [1396, 538, 630, 2689, 2364, 1173, 2678, 2464, 546]. Distributions [1331, 2361, 2274]. Distributive [794]. Distrust [2088]. Dithering [231]. Divergence [2787]. Diverse [593, 1513]. Divide [1512, 2631]. dividing [2128]. Division [1576]. DJ [160]. DLS [755]. DLS-Spectra [755]. DNA [1379, 2930, 675, 2931, 1096, 2283]. Do c [403]. [1956, 2711, 2643]. DocToon Document [500, 2873, 1774, 1627, 2482, 1502, 2391, 1510, 309, 2551, 2886, 2259, 291, 2883]. Documents [2888, 561, 2733, 1440, 1449, 2820, 474, 1499, 1509, 475, 1667, 1166, 2253, 587, 2040, 2885, 2884]. Does [2089, 2430]. DOF [887]. Doing [2642]. Doll [1877]. Domain [2555, 1884, 1619, 313, 276, 2235, 1498, 469, 2482, 314, 2237, 2112, 711, 334, 549, 271, 2259, 1426, 2221, 364]. Domain-Specific [2482, 1426]. Domains [2716, 1242, 1915, 2879, 536]. Dominating [667]. Done [2505]. Doppler [1677, 2277]. Double [1546, 240, 707]. Double-Crossing [707]. Doubt [2087]. Downs [1343]. DPA [556]. DPA-Based [556]. DPDA [2060]. DPO [2919]. Dramatised [86]. Drawn [2327]. Driven [1451, 1168, 1428, 365, 2924, 2738, 1031, 2850, 893, 1096, 2011, 2529]. Drivers [499]. Driving [782, 2552]. Drowsy [499]. DRT [2847]. Drug [1530]. DS [773]. DS/CDMA [773]. DSMs [1600]. DT [1061]. DTD [1420]. Dual [1895, 877, 1538, 1539, 1535]. Duality [1543]. Dump [2620]. During [983, 1028, 30, 1430]. Dynamic [1445, 2010, 1906, 1918, 2558, 940, 1936, 2148, 1732, 856, 1255, 2472, 938, 1246, 1325, 2432, 1833, 1390, 257, 1242, 424, 1101, 1452, 1964, 858, 2568, 163, 1028, 1901, 2578, 160, 1921, 1965, 1799, 849, 303, 2305, 1528, 811, 374, 877, 747, 227]. Dynamical [2026]. Dynamically [473, 381]. Dynamics [833, 2089, 1257, 38, 958, 1028]. dynP [1580]. e-AGORA [408]. E-business [1409, 1719, 23]. E-Commerce [2829, 2302, 541, 1603, 1730, 2294, 480, 1736]. E-coupons [631]. E-Mail [2720, 2111]. E-Partner [247]. E-Service [187, 192, 1723]. e-Services [185, 186, 188, 182, 1720, 1718]. E-unifiability [634]. E2E [1455]. E3 [24]. Each [2008]. EAGLES [2867]. EAGLES/ ISLE [2867]. eaLib [726]. Easier [581]. Easily [585]. Easy [609, 200, 1977]. EasyVision [1000]. Eavesdropping [1205]. EBPDT [2815]. ECC [1620]. ECDLP [2116]. ECG [1686, 1690, 534]. Echo [986]. Echo-Cardiographic [986]. Echocardiography [907]. Echoes [990]. Echographic [1673]. echography [853]. ECIES [2617]. ECLiPSe [2535]. ECOC [2553]. Ecological [38]. Ecology [395]. Economic [1725, 2356, 2348, 1783, 2346]. Economics [2354, 1344]. Economy [2355, 2356, 1411]. ECT [980]. Eddy [837]. Eddy-Current [837]. Edge [651, 652, 1372, 838, 872, 2252, 720, 2257, 145, 2247]. Edge-Based [720]. Edge-Connectivity [1372]. Edge-Isoperimetric [651]. Edges [1565, 943, 677]. Editor [1459, 2054]. Education [482, 73, 4, 298]. Educational [404, 4, 392]. Effect [850, 325, 1102, 1008]. Effective [621, 548, 463, 272]. Effects [355, 2254, 980, 526, 1338, 2350]. Efficiency [1747, 2185]. Efficient [1482, 2208, 1884, 2470, 2139, 1617, 1371, 565, 2125, 1277, 2154, 540, 822, 1270, 1940, 564, 259, 207, 2745, 1586, 1431, 2075, 333, 569, 257, 111, 2634, 1407, 1645, 2113, 237, 2881, 2077, 269, 2023, 1402, 2212, 1633, 2123, 193, 1579, 1750, 2122, 1514, 376, 2141, 1516, 583, 2751, 2712, 2147, 555, 2538, 1333, 2513, 1337, 1386]. Efficiently [2711]. Effort [30]. EHBT [1750]. EHW [1098]. Eigenspace [2793]. Eigenspace-Based [2793]. Elaboration [2327]. Elastic [879, 1042]. Elasticity [2248]. Elderly [785]. Election [2074]. Elections [2749, 2750]. Electrical 17 [1680, 1690]. Electro [1686, 841]. Electro-Mechanical [1686, 841]. Electroencephalogram [716]. Electromechanical [1685]. Electronic [1735, 448, 1595, 483, 1424, 479, 1663, 1623, 1737, 1723, 2564, 568, 1097, 436, 591, 408, 193]. Electronics [1113]. Electrophysiological [2795]. Electroshock [526]. Element [1031, 830, 1001, 832, 865, 756, 1672]. Elementary [1483, 1516]. Elements [1039, 1291, 278]. Elicitation [27]. Eligibility [2780]. Eliminating [2545, 1499]. Elimination [1893, 2508]. Elliptic [2601, 553, 2107, 2764, 2108, 2593, 2760, 2592, 2106, 559, 2763, 2762, 2602, 555, 1640]. Elog [2217]. Elucidating [59]. Embedded [1118, 1119, 2466, 1120, 1121, 1148, 1122, 1140, 1124, 1125, 1126, 1127, 1898, 1129, 1131, 2241, 1141, 1134, 1838, 1136, 1137, 2527, 1139, 1142, 1144, 1145, 1146, 1079, 1150, 1151]. Embodying [2493]. Embryonics [1095, 1096, 1094]. Emergence [258, 2343]. Emergency [494]. Emergent [2474]. Emerging [422, 470]. Emission [985]. Emotion [2785, 2469, 75, 284]. Emotion/ Intention [2785]. Empirical [2037, 1525, 2887, 2234, 53]. Employ [1769]. Employing [2794, 2796]. Empower [2291]. Emulator [1938]. Enabled [507]. Enabling [2560, 21, 1730, 2339, 480]. Encapsulated [1969]. Enciphering [2100]. Encoded [1192]. Encoding [1194, 1857, 1985]. Encodings [2930, 2571, 2197, 1927]. Encrypted [2638, 568]. Encryption [2748, 2726, 2720, 2163, 264, 2641, 2742, 2584, 2146, 2744, 2761, 1629, 1562, 2725]. End [261, 1242, 1137, 2554, 1183, 5]. End-Cut [2554]. End-To-End [1137, 261, 1242]. End-User [1183]. Endings [2874]. Endodontics [982]. Endoscope [1043, 815]. Endoscopes [1023]. Endoscopy [1063, 815]. Energy [1282, 772]. Enforced [2416]. Enforcement [199, 2902]. Enforcing [1632]. Engine [20, 1178, 453, 40, 351, 1824, 1971, 1905]. Engineering [2, 13, 639, 2315, 637, 1385, 482, 2522, 19, 1610, 414, 1267, 642, 2455, 2411, 2035, 2040, 469]. Engines [2539, 1939]. English [2858]. Enhance [431]. Enhanced [325, 1255, 2901, 522]. Enhancement [30, 906]. Enhancing [1238, 387, 105]. Enrich [284]. Ensemble [412, 46, 1966, 53]. Entailment [1219]. Entanglement [2639]. Enterprise [183, 1817, 572, 1086, 415, 2563, 1447, 1647, 1737, 1271]. Entities [11]. Entity [1271]. Entropy [1192, 922, 984, 2854, 846]. Entropy-Based [2854]. Entry [2867]. Enumerating [1352, 1374]. Enumerator [2612, 2623]. Envelope [2072, 1028]. Environment [496, 810, 1186, 2873, 1448, 806, 389, 1961, 1334, 1941, 2395, 1102, 187, 783, 2214, 185, 2334, 406, 1416, 2563, 586, 1276, 440, 1303, 2505, 243, 587, 1183, 2419, 298, 606]. Environmental [2348, 282]. Environments [1936, 578, 1255, 75, 202, 704, 83, 1970, 1431, 1963, 82, 582, 1272, 999, 584]. EPIC [1135]. Epicardial [1680]. Epidemiology [509]. Epileptic [983]. Epilog [2044]. Epipolar [815]. Episode [1523]. Episodes [52, 59, 525]. Epistemic [2487]. Equation [2536, 1246, 112, 1836, 1211, 1519]. Equation-Based [1246]. Equational [2695]. Equations [2755, 2245, 1882]. Equilibrium [2571, 2795]. Equipment [2782]. Equipping [78]. Equivalence [2365, 1208, 1366, 2083, 1782, 2060]. Equivalences [2920, 1220]. Equivalent [2018, 2017, 2190, 1636]. Erasures [2073, 1569]. Erlang [2526]. Erroneous [317]. Error [355, 294, 1179, 2611, 297, 338, 2636, 2631, 1467, 1537, 272, 1622, 227, 1658]. Error-Correcting [1537, 1658]. Error-Prone [297]. Errors [41, 2417, 2897, 1569, 2646]. Errors-and-Erasures [1569]. Ershov 18 [2005, 2004]. Escape [1104]. Establish [585]. ESTIA [193]. Estimates [121, 960]. Estimating [659, 1030, 1644]. Estimation [1593, 1686, 30, 245, 1993, 136, 987, 1673, 108, 2255, 2678, 837, 1623, 1677, 751, 1995, 911, 151, 138, 913, 2266, 370, 230]. Estimator [2249]. Euclidean [150, 1357, 1558]. Eurocrypt [2131]. Europe [385]. European [2761, 408, 2442]. EUROVOC [2886]. EuroWordNet [2868]. Evaluate [2341]. Evaluating [2090, 2415, 689, 1933, 12]. Evaluation [1078, 2422, 1069, 2895, 1619, 2558, 2337, 2539, 2152, 2446, 1331, 378, 1040, 1947, 1898, 1604, 31, 453, 885, 845, 24, 1603, 908, 2883, 2299, 985, 2429, 836, 887, 945, 177, 899, 143, 2234, 44, 1971, 1328, 976, 274, 1034, 835, 370, 727, 5, 2796, 1082, 1322, 2011]. Evaluators [379]. Even [1554]. EVENT [2316, 1253, 228, 434, 239, 1273, 1741, 1597, 2923, 2024, 2011, 2529]. Event-Driven [2011, 2529]. Events [217, 235]. Eventually [1218]. Ever [396]. Everyday [581, 594, 2430, 2784]. Everywhere [602]. Evidence [702]. Evolution [2439, 6, 1074, 1262, 1265, 1102, 1103, 1114, 1759, 2550, 1089, 1111, 323, 1088, 93, 2352]. Evolutionary [2462, 2863, 2686, 750, 1404, 2326, 2313, 867, 28, 1107, 1108, 444, 2682, 2825, 1109, 2683, 726, 1090, 713, 749, 2805, 774, 90]. Evolutions [827]. Evolvability [2444]. Evolvable [1091, 1116, 1115]. Evolve [2828]. Evolved [1263]. Evolving [2559, 2207, 1585, 2728, 1089, 989, 1433, 1761]. eWorkshop [2, 13]. Exact [1380, 2617]. Example [279, 90]. Examples [144, 2658]. Exceptions [1300, 180]. Exchange [2148, 1729, 1644, 1728, 2147, 1664]. Exchanging [428]. Excision [955]. Excitation [1675]. Exclusion [207]. Executable [2420]. Execution [183, 189, 1431, 2173, 2578]. Execution-Monitoring [2578]. Exhaustive [307]. Exhibition [215]. existence [1853, 1555]. Existing [1805]. Expansion [292, 117]. Expectations [705]. Expected [791]. Experience [385, 2, 13, 17, 19, 218, 14, 8]. Experiences [14, 480, 428, 1163]. Experiencing [485]. Experiential [2092]. Experiment [2349, 2260, 1974, 163]. Experimental [552, 2679, 1685, 2519, 727]. Experimentation [2795]. Experimenting [1076]. Experiments [159, 2873, 1114, 1274, 2092]. Expert [495, 424, 512, 513, 532]. Experts [36]. Explanations [1889, 1500]. Explanatory [2871]. Explicit [1227, 2495]. Exploit [1824]. Exploiting [1920, 984, 2538]. Exploration [1524]. Exploratory [486]. Exploring [1011, 594, 2418, 2051]. EXPO [215]. Exponentially [626]. Exponentiation [2712, 2594]. Exposed [1969]. Expressing [2668]. Expression [745, 134, 2289, 54, 518, 2809, 1196]. Expressions [2469, 1837, 2312, 2571, 2843, 1293, 1518, 1521, 1365]. Expressive [1886, 2009]. Expressively [2183]. Extendable [1032]. Extended [2200, 2907, 203, 2848, 1279, 2308, 1504, 2604, 2404, 2563, 1359, 706, 2367, 1365, 1465, 1398, 1400]. Extendible [1196]. Extending [26, 1483, 2101, 643]. Extension [2018, 1620, 2010, 2107, 2033, 2670, 2158, 157]. Extensions [2598]. External [1003, 2535]. Extra [2635]. Extract [57, 1367, 2889]. Extracting [110, 884, 737, 2733, 2402, 2735, 1510, 2377]. Extraction [2217, 2309, 2878, 2828, 2256, 92, 454, 2825, 732, 1109, 2879, 2880, 63, 2551, 271]. Extractor [1531]. Extrapolation [1757]. Extremal [2904]. Extreme [23]. Extremum [1743]. Eye [267, 74]. Eye-Movement [267]. Eyeball [870]. Eyeglasses [368]. 19 F [1308]. FA [1185]. Fabrics [1607]. Face [220, 79, 365, 2311, 244, 120, 249, 248, 2255, 2793, 816, 363, 246]. Face-Unlock [363]. Faces [2289, 104, 2605, 94]. Facial [2469, 2312, 134, 306, 357]. Facilitate [792]. Facility [2664]. Factor [1577, 1682, 2251]. Factoring [2715, 2123]. Factorization [1798]. Factorizations [661]. Factors [9]. Fading [302]. Fages [1837]. Fail [2709]. Failure [641, 2396, 2210, 1280, 2229, 1709, 1710]. FaintPop [2333]. Fair [2164, 2320, 1663, 1728, 1664, 286, 1244]. Fairness [199, 1348, 1175]. Fall [2326]. False [1600, 573]. False-Positive [573]. Falsification [2081]. Families [2607, 372, 659, 1792, 1554]. Family [20, 1860, 1825, 2108, 2664, 589, 1621]. Family-Oriented [20]. Fanky [94]. Farms [1590]. Fast [2601, 1879, 2108, 2593, 806, 2311, 743, 473, 1937, 2760, 2600, 2104, 1777, 2488, 2238, 248, 229, 211, 2599, 1551, 735, 307, 50, 1042, 1374, 1044, 327, 272, 447, 230, 1621, 2206, 1897]. Faster [2763]. Fatigue [499]. FAucS [1731]. Fault [1581, 1755, 2307, 1250, 1089, 1350, 29, 66, 1251]. Fault-Prone [29]. Fault-Tolerant [1581, 1755, 2307]. Faults [2276, 2502]. FBCC [308]. FCC [1731]. FCM [729]. Feasibility [1019, 2393]. Feasible [1362]. Feature [2555, 33, 880, 2802, 2303, 311, 1756, 2235, 238, 1777, 2252, 2260, 2255, 2903, 2791, 519, 46, 2809, 153, 2854, 370, 278, 322]. Feature-Based [238]. Features [902, 250, 102, 1994, 711, 98, 1311, 1055, 277, 246, 357]. Featuring [863]. Federations [1659]. Feedback [2125, 452, 2299, 2430, 1252, 303, 1743, 278, 34]. FeedForward [2115]. Feistel [2144]. Female [514]. Femur [817]. FGS [350]. Fiber [1680]. Fibre [1674]. Fibrosis [508]. Fickle [621]. Fiducials [900]. Field [987, 2086, 994, 992, 2075, 1093, 1677, 1633, 911, 984]. Field-of-View [992]. Fields [891, 1620, 2107, 1059, 2727, 2108, 971, 709, 62, 1547, 972, 2116]. FIFO [1575]. Fifteen [1786]. Fighting [406]. Figure [917]. Figures [2661, 1899, 1194, 99]. Filament [105, 906]. File [1937, 1229, 2459]. Files [237]. Filesystems [1596]. Film [394, 282]. Films [386]. Filter [609, 149, 2258, 741, 361, 2647, 2271, 2272, 2273, 2262]. Filtered [983]. Filtering [1884, 319, 112, 506, 2525, 459, 890, 2321, 2791, 466, 1858, 1876, 105, 64, 875, 146, 467, 906, 2267]. Filters [2268, 2270]. Filtration [2382]. Financial [2555]. Find [1523]. Finding [474, 2928, 45, 58]. Fine [1592, 1204, 1065, 1247]. Fine-Grain [1592]. Fine-Grained [1204]. Fingerprinting [262, 567, 2100]. Finite [1185, 620, 2219, 1906, 2466, 2716, 1768, 1188, 1190, 2258, 2727, 2108, 1192, 1039, 1773, 2534, 1031, 1548, 1194, 830, 1195, 1366, 1792, 1607, 2116, 615, 832, 2627, 1633, 1197, 1111, 1782, 865, 2923, 1199, 1200, 2687, 1478, 1196]. Finite-Automaton-Encoded [1192]. Finite-State [1195, 1782, 1196]. Finite-Tree [2219]. Fire [406]. Firewall [1648]. Firewalls [2034, 2708]. First [2200, 2063, 2, 13, 2566, 2180, 1498, 2202, 211, 1212, 2362, 1263, 898]. First-Order [2200, 2063, 2180, 1498]. First-Pass [898]. Fit [58]. Fitness [1102]. Fitting [148, 150]. Five [2447]. Fixed [2211, 1836, 2756, 1834, 1209, 1980]. Fixed-Parameter [1834]. Fixed-Pattern [2756]. Fixed-Point [2211, 1209]. Fixtures [1066, 952]. FLASH [556]. Flashover [2790]. FLC [2778]. Flexibility [7, 1446]. Flexible [2686, 194, 156, 1596, 352, 560]. Flip [1880]. Floating [1881]. Floating-Point [1881]. Floorplans [1352]. Flow [891, 1222, 1859, 547, 1048, 1651, 1989, 1275, 1645, 1344, 849, 2025, 1035]. Flows [1245, 1606]. Fluctuation [2292]. Fluent [59]. Fluid [833, 1016]. Fluorescence [909, 105]. Fluorescent [523]. Fluoroscopic [949, 973]. Fluoroscopy 20 [997, 1672]. Flux [121]. Fly [2123]. Flying [1938]. fMRI [922]. Fold [2815]. Folding [921]. Forbidden [671]. Force [929]. Forceps [887]. Forearm [888]. Forecasting [2486, 2804, 60]. Foreground [2309]. Forgery [1618, 2756, 265]. Form [2601, 2470, 1006, 828, 404, 883]. Formal [1205, 2746, 1729, 1873, 427, 168, 709, 2864, 1934, 2482, 1791, 1483, 2656, 167, 475, 2019, 1763, 1516]. Formalisms [2029]. Formalizing [1148]. Formation [1887, 2229, 477]. Formed [2862, 2722]. Forms [2839, 1792, 2531]. Formula [2887]. Formulae [2185, 2204]. Formulas [1112, 1911]. Formulation [1503]. Formulations [1952]. Forward [1179]. Forwarding [1227]. Foundation [2017, 2356, 414]. Foundations [169, 2894, 1057, 2490, 72]. Founded [2208, 1835]. Fourier [504, 918, 324]. FPGA [552]. FPGAs [1105]. Fractal [803, 249, 25, 2243, 2267]. Fractals [2362]. Fractional [2266]. Fractured [817]. Fractures [946]. Fragile [317, 315, 1667, 343]. Fragment [1842]. Fragmentary [1403]. Fragments [2180, 817]. Frame [2256, 268, 1424, 2653, 1231]. Frame-Rate [268]. Framelet [1706, 1713, 1709, 1710, 1704, 1708, 1702, 1703, 1707, 1705, 1701, 1711, 1712]. Framelets [1695]. Frameproof [2109]. Frames [242, 692]. Framework [76, 1253, 1748, 2896, 1451, 42, 2739, 2425, 418, 36, 1725, 1851, 31, 194, 1456, 1279, 2356, 1012, 1032, 54, 1504, 188, 1569, 1250, 958, 1902, 348, 2318, 1697, 1714, 1696, 1699, 582, 2564, 726, 2706, 883, 1971, 1527, 1847, 643, 839, 1288, 868, 2096, 1400]. Frameworks [2561, 1910, 1694, 1136]. Free [2893, 2213, 2572, 2068, 2409, 1348, 670, 2260, 1006, 828, 883, 235]. Free-Form [828, 883]. Freehand [848, 907]. Frequency [2887, 2274, 549, 2243, 1044]. Frequent [1494, 521]. Friendly [1233, 1180]. Friends [585, 1181]. Frog [1996]. Front [915]. Frontends [1442]. Frontiers [1368]. Fronto [820]. FRP [2529]. Full [617, 1029, 990]. Fully [1171, 2149, 1963, 1134, 2857]. Function [501, 938, 2714, 2102, 2786, 2708, 2129, 976, 1690, 1557]. Functional [2438, 1843, 1067, 1002, 927, 2897, 1495, 48, 2533, 2532, 505, 2210, 1681, 2652, 790, 1130, 919, 380, 2626, 159]. Functionality [31, 1170]. Functions [966, 2219, 737, 1362, 2098, 1559, 1626, 2833, 2588, 1040, 2121, 665, 1829, 2898, 2587, 1480, 1473, 2129, 2202, 37, 505, 2120, 2550, 2586, 2082, 1468, 2101, 2370, 2157, 2011, 1636, 1465, 2585]. Fundus [533]. Furniture [2682]. Further [1854, 2613, 2513]. Fusion [968, 127, 367, 375, 464, 1681, 1684, 903]. Future [1121, 1255, 1410, 1169, 2390, 2176, 256, 974]. Fuzzy [2838, 2831, 725, 778, 763, 2840, 2839, 501, 737, 2469, 789, 802, 360, 449, 2315, 2837, 740, 2833, 777, 2790, 2782, 724, 2812, 2769, 800, 799, 742, 715, 2770, 739, 2820, 721, 2776, 459, 753, 752, 2898, 2771, 2775, 2822, 719, 508, 786, 2774, 729, 2364, 2866, 2817, 35, 460, 720, 2808, 2835, 2836, 1795, 2363, 2824, 2781, 2777, 2791, 2780, 751, 2549, 2825, 714, 2818, 776, 765, 2772, 754, 1418, 722, 801, 2832, 2834, 790, 731, 2841, 764, 2789, 2823, 2399, 2810, 2814, 2805, 467, 981, 727, 730, 797, 723, 2802, 2794, 2803, 2804, 2828]. Fuzzy- [725]. Fuzzy-Based [778]. Fuzzy-Neural [2790]. Fuzzy-Neuro [460]. Fuzzy-Similarity-Based [2823]. G [1309]. GA [1112, 772, 2828, 1110, 735]. GA-Based [1112, 772, 735]. Gabor [2264]. GAC [1894]. Gain [1602, 2777]. Gallager [2623]. Galois [1567, 1557]. GAMA [1724]. GAMA-Mall [1724]. Game [2349, 1389, 1729, 1739, 2351]. Game-Theoretic [1389]. Games [2184, 665, 391, 1778, 2353, 392]. Gaming 21 [2355]. Gamma [1786, 867]. Gang [1339]. Gang-Scheduling [1339]. Ganglia [903]. Gap [1756, 2035]. Garbage [1598, 1828, 2537]. Gas [2284, 793]. Gate [1091, 2075, 480]. Gate-Level [1091]. Gates [1089, 1088]. Gathering [462, 464, 439, 447]. Gaussian [306]. Gaussians [762]. Gaussians-Based [762]. Gaze [91]. Gazetteers [701]. GCAP [1174]. GDT [2406]. Geffe [2124]. GeLog [748]. GEM [2725]. Gemmation [616]. Gene [745, 54, 518, 2809]. General [2610, 538, 1869, 2721, 65, 2268, 1950, 1507, 2836, 1700, 1699, 2599, 1290, 2270]. Generalisation [2821]. Generalised [2050, 1561, 2814]. Generalization [2815, 2786, 2368, 1640]. Generalizations [1441, 1795, 2363]. Generalized [1078, 501, 2588, 1548, 2365, 2124, 1407, 2846, 269, 1925, 342, 364, 1251]. Generate [2643, 2367]. Generated [665, 166, 1925, 2503, 441]. Generating [1890, 2637, 35, 2328]. Generation [1239, 1188, 2469, 2873, 1887, 2593, 1907, 321, 1214, 2185, 474, 1589, 2235, 2872, 2766, 2533, 2104, 2199, 2189, 229, 414, 123, 386, 1215, 521, 2858, 334, 2122, 376, 2182, 393, 976, 2876]. Generational [2537]. Generations [1263]. Generative [372]. Generator [2115, 2124, 2127]. Generators [2062, 2647]. Generic [1871, 500, 102, 1977, 2528, 941, 2144, 676, 883, 2535, 2617, 1301, 1361, 2725]. Genetic [759, 1106, 1105, 2347, 2486, 507, 1101, 748, 2304, 2325, 2824, 760, 2404, 2826, 1092, 761, 773, 2501, 1104]. Genetic-Fuzzy [2824]. Genomics [1512]. Genotype [1098]. Genus [1572, 1552]. Geographer [679]. Geographic [703, 711]. Geographical [700]. Geographically [408, 1081]. Geography [1783]. Geomatics [688]. Geometric [2058, 902, 938, 1194, 1994, 1384, 682, 2699, 566, 868]. Geometrical [1671, 1674, 878, 246]. Geometry [815, 1551]. GeoNotes [577]. German [795, 153]. Germany [935]. GESA [867]. Gesture [2428, 152, 310, 91]. Gesture/ Speech [2428]. Gestures [236]. Getting [2505]. GF [2103, 1615, 2592, 2604, 2105]. GH [2603]. GHS [2116]. Gigabit [552]. Giotto [1129]. Girard [1225]. Girard-Reynolds [1225]. Given [1396]. Giving [698]. Glenohumeral [979]. Global [2574, 2908, 382, 1851, 268, 221, 694, 1052, 1942]. Globule [1166]. Glomerular [508]. Glossary [1315]. GLOWER [2543]. GMM [369]. GMM-Based [369]. Go [1387]. Goal [378, 2781]. Goal-Directed [378]. Goals [1601]. Gödel [2193]. Goemans [1347]. Gong [2637]. Gong-Harn [2637]. Good [1440]. Goods [1635, 1736]. GPRS [1611]. Gradient [2471, 1048, 975]. Gradient-Based [975]. Gradients [145]. Grading [44]. Grafting [1072]. Grain [1592]. Grained [1204]. Grammar [2922, 2572]. Grammars [2920, 2910, 2925, 2872, 1792]. Grammatical [2826, 2500]. Grams [2885]. Grand [1377]. Granular [681, 2381, 2382, 2357, 1247]. Granules [2377, 2359]. Graph [2920, 763, 940, 784, 659, 660, 608, 663, 2919, 1208, 2918, 1355, 2624, 2639, 2195, 143, 441]. Graph-Matching [143]. Graphic [443, 243]. Graphical [2047, 1870, 602]. Graphics [154]. Graphs [651, 2862, 654, 655, 1371, 656, 2473, 660, 662, 1388, 2679, 664, 667, 1390, 670, 671, 672, 2078, 2373, 1354, 1355, 1370, 673, 1579, 1387, 675, 676, 55, 1562, 677, 1386]. Gravity [2280]. Gray [770, 1040]. Greedy [1399, 676, 1543]. Grey [1047, 2821]. Grey-Level [1047, 2821]. Grid [1969, 1962, 705, 1960, 1961, 1958, 1970, 1963, 1964, 1974, 1965, 1968, 680, 1959, 1972, 1966, 1973, 1962, 1754, 1967, 1759, 805]. Grid-Wide [1967]. Grids [1971]. Ground [2084]. Groundness [1830]. Group [1748, 2442, 2148, 1618, 2837, 203, 1751, 22 1742, 1325, 482, 569, 424, 2753, 2722, 1663, 1917, 1750, 1536, 2617, 1361, 1654]. GroupCast [603]. Grouping [102, 142, 2079]. Groups [2139, 482, 543, 1360, 1743]. Groupware [26, 2422, 1809]. Growing [972, 1051]. Growth [126]. Guarantee [1590]. Guaranteed [1440, 1]. Guaranteeing [2172]. Guarded [2184, 2185]. Guards [1383]. Guidance [856, 858, 2317, 2452, 461, 843, 899]. Guide [1442]. Guidebooks [591]. Guided [867, 904, 1893, 942, 882, 1032, 1006, 855, 842, 996, 899]. Guidelines [2423]. Guruswami [1551]. Gyrokinetic [1583]. H [1682, 890, 1310]. H.263 [338]. Haar [2244]. Hacking [573]. HAL [1827]. Half [918]. Halftone [1115]. Hamiltonian [1372]. Hamming [2614, 1548, 2611]. Hand [850, 2736, 2327, 1088]. Hand-Drawn [2327]. Handheld [2431]. Handlers [1599]. Handling [2782, 1826, 1346, 1430, 1863]. Handprinted [2799]. Handset [369]. Handwriting [100, 2253]. Handwritten [436, 787]. Happily [396]. Haptic [935, 888]. Haptics [2290]. Hard [2062, 2058, 1467, 660]. Hardness [1782]. Hardware [2642, 2711, 1099, 1091, 214, 554, 1115, 2145, 1763, 555]. Harmonics [147]. Harn [2637]. HARP [500]. Harvesting [851]. Hash [2099, 2102, 2708, 2101]. Hash-Based [2099]. Hausdorff [311, 249, 1990]. Having [514, 58]. Head [245, 2300, 899]. Head-Mounted [899]. Heads [2301]. Healing [1097]. Health [1164, 2278]. Heart [1676, 1675, 1017, 1671, 1680, 841, 1672, 535]. Hearts [1683]. Heat [121]. Heavy [1873, 1331]. Heavy-Tailed [1873]. Heel [850]. Helical [1054]. Hellman [2148, 2727, 2129]. Help [1733, 2850, 2430]. HEp [523]. HEp-2 [523]. Hepatic [951]. Herbrand [2193]. Hereditary [656]. Heterogeneous [1118, 498, 1601, 1575, 1243, 129, 1276, 1926, 809, 584]. Heterogenous [1936]. Heuristic [2438, 2422, 1328, 1903]. Heuristics [1185, 1885, 1898, 1915, 761]. Hexapod [1024]. Hidden [593, 2133, 134, 1378, 1857, 1600, 63, 1561, 2259, 2814, 1520]. Hiding [1642, 263, 2291]. Hierarchical [1119, 874, 1947, 1586, 2773, 1141, 514, 240, 1360, 2579, 323, 1520, 2045, 1662, 224, 1654]. Hierarchies [1441]. Hierarchy [259, 1164, 2182]. High [1081, 1962, 1595, 1960, 916, 2921, 1604, 1912, 2526, 2477, 54, 1437, 2100, 2238, 1684, 2136, 2586, 1965, 1594, 2187, 1588, 2535, 1606, 953, 1939, 223, 2270]. High-Bandwidth [1606]. High-Dimensional [54, 223]. High-Level [2921, 1912, 1437, 2187, 2535]. High-Pass [2270]. High-Performance [1595, 2526, 1965, 1588]. High-Resolution [916]. High-Speed [1604]. Higher [2625, 2216, 1830, 2695, 2308, 2523, 2197]. Higher-Order [2216, 2197]. Higher-Precision [1830]. Highlight [451]. Highly [2121, 69, 1157]. Highly-Configurable [1157]. Hilbert [2266]. HIMS [2779]. Hip [1071]. Hippocampal [819, 1016]. HiQoS [1780]. Histogram [320]. Histological [903]. Historical [114, 1417]. History [593, 404, 456]. HLA [260]. HLA-Based [260]. HMM [310, 38]. Hobby [402]. Hoc [1248, 1176]. Hole [140]. Hollywood [396]. Home [597, 1281, 1283]. homed [1168]. Homework [479]. Homogeneity [2905]. Homogeneous [1559, 2565]. Homomorphic [2748, 2724]. Homonymy [2868]. hop [305]. Hopfield [2828]. Horse [402]. Horses [1496]. Hospital [403, 525]. Host [1177]. Hostile [2505]. Hot [792]. Hotlink [666, 1406]. Hough [149, 1987, 364]. House [408, 706]. HP [1879]. HP-Sequences [1879]. HPC [1580]. 23 HPC-Clusters [1580]. HPSG [2860, 2847]. HST [2457]. Hull [2574, 2590]. Hulls [649]. Human [934, 1678, 1676, 2134, 1675, 2293, 92, 1047, 2289, 2290, 2481, 1101, 219, 249, 2413, 1674, 104, 903, 941, 2346, 72, 1690, 533, 236]. Human-Centered [2290, 219, 2413]. Human-Like [1101]. Human-Robot [2293]. Humanized [713]. Humans [2086, 2288]. Hurdles [2447]. Hurts [761]. Hwang [1658]. Hwang-Rao [1658]. Hybrid [1119, 2566, 2870, 759, 1846, 1218, 83, 252, 939, 2050, 510, 2579, 171, 762, 954, 1689, 1847, 2232]. Hydrophobic [1879]. Hyper [2041]. Hyper-Set-Theoretic [2041]. Hyperacute [1007]. Hyperalgebraic [2838]. Hyperbolic [1550]. Hyperelliptic [2595, 1621]. Hypergraphs [627]. Hyperlink [1522]. Hypermedia [426, 299]. Hyperpolyhedron [1924]. Hyperspectral [757]. Hypotheses [2841]. Hypothesis [2844, 2511]. Hyppocrates [542]. Hysteresis [1231]. I/O [2077, 1596]. I/O-Efficient [2077]. Icon [290]. ICP [904]. ICrafter [582]. ICSPACE [2330]. IDA’01 [70]. Ideal [2549, 1537]. Ideas [1368]. Idempotent [1853]. Identification [733, 2231, 262, 1565, 2134, 2753, 1643, 2791, 526, 2889, 948, 369]. Identify [767, 2502]. Identifying [2444, 1560, 2361, 1542, 692, 1965, 2379, 1606]. Identity [2641, 363]. Identity-Specific [363]. IDS [1153, 2499]. IF [764]. II [1544, 530]. ILF [2819]. Ill [2862]. Ill-Formed [2862]. Illumination [118, 115]. Illumination-Invariant [118]. ILP [2376]. Im [204]. Image [266, 758, 926, 1538, 267, 1619, 313, 1057, 969, 294, 1010, 710, 320, 316, 2258, 1382, 250, 856, 325, 1064, 493, 258, 2816, 2311, 121, 1070, 103, 2235, 829, 823, 96, 252, 1046, 221, 942, 882, 2241, 257, 508, 130, 1032, 998, 142, 1043, 2481, 2236, 1063, 782, 2252, 720, 314, 270, 269, 2239, 717, 1006, 123, 2372, 936, 523, 1014, 2818, 308, 334, 954, 899, 2234, 566, 841, 2819, 722, 146, 949, 274, 2823, 965, 342, 352, 560, 2243, 1044, 279, 1005, 124, 346, 243, 231, 2329, 302, 125, 278, 447, 251, 996, 2328, 341, 357, 280, 1008]. Image-Based [243]. Image-Feature [2235]. Image-Gathering [447]. Image-Guided [882, 1032, 1006, 996]. Imageries [2804]. Imagery [912, 453, 757, 913]. IMages [97, 745, 884, 1686, 925, 968, 1011, 149, 362, 250, 1679, 1062, 938, 932, 1040, 916, 987, 1673, 1192, 1049, 986, 721, 102, 101, 872, 111, 827, 1056, 2481, 1054, 306, 890, 943, 881, 903, 941, 1642, 309, 522, 911, 2257, 335, 849, 964, 527, 1115, 878, 910, 105, 970, 988, 875, 894, 1029, 948, 2000, 2243, 533, 973]. Imaging [1678, 838, 909, 993, 1015, 1681, 837, 1677, 522, 911, 937, 1690, 981, 868]. Imai [2117]. Imbalanced [36]. Imitation [1261, 2565]. Imitation-Based [2565]. Immersive [390, 218]. Immune [1099, 2120, 1160, 1636, 1628]. Immunity [2157]. Immunology [1652]. Impact [1747, 1631, 1162, 1437, 1243, 2025]. Imperfect [2732, 2376]. Implant [1000]. Implantation [1071]. Implantology [1018, 860, 904]. Implementation [2544, 1138, 2053, 1099, 2139, 1381, 2125, 2108, 724, 1954, 468, 2776, 1179, 1091, 2054, 1242, 2322, 2592, 254, 1134, 554, 574, 2824, 2177, 1633, 2758, 359, 1695, 522, 2818, 178, 1094, 726, 1092, 393, 2875, 1314, 811, 2890, 1959, 1823, 2713, 555, 1647, 2419]. Implementation-Defined [1314]. Implementations [552, 1256, 813, 1280]. Implemented [1198]. Implementing [2893, 1833, 2460]. Implications [1889, 2484, 1838]. Implicit [148, 452, 2204, 1050]. Implicitly [1841]. Implied [1907]. Implies [2752]. Importance [2620, 1014, 2644]. Impossibility [2714]. Impossible [2142]. Improve [875, 2882, 471]. Improved [1617, 655, 2309, 779, 818, 375, 2709, 2477, 24 2592, 836, 2762, 231, 227, 871, 898]. Improvement [266, 1347, 22, 1522, 255, 19, 10, 517, 2627, 339, 766, 2613]. Improvements [934]. Improving [110, 884, 876, 1599, 2590, 15, 1916, 2903, 1587, 2631, 2182, 796, 446]. Improvisational [86]. iMRI [899]. iMRI-guided [899]. In-Vitro [849]. Incentives [1726]. Including [2363]. Incomplete [633]. Incompressibility [828]. Inconsistent [2896, 1844, 1427]. Incontinence [514]. Increase [1159]. Incremental [611, 2102, 1103, 1924, 1433, 1088]. Independence [1668]. Independencies [423, 61]. Independent [916, 946, 130, 1777, 2153, 2701]. Index [32, 1201, 1230, 1260, 1268, 1289, 1330, 1342, 1408, 1458, 1486, 1533, 1574, 1612, 1669, 1691, 1738, 1753, 1784, 1802, 1813, 1845, 1930, 1949, 1957, 1975, 2003, 71, 2056, 2085, 2097, 2130, 2165, 2230, 2286, 2331, 2407, 2437, 2461, 2518, 2540, 2581, 2609, 2648, 2676, 2690, 2707, 2729, 2740, 2768, 2842, 2891, 2909, 2933, 95, 155, 181, 197, 213, 371, 384, 409, 490, 537, 575, 607, 635, 648, 678, 712, 814, 1073, 1087, 1117, 1152, 1165, 1184, 1317, 1717, 2662, 2178, 2408, 258, 259, 1367, 223]. Indexed [2209]. Indexes [2816]. Indexical [282]. Indexing [220, 216, 326, 451, 321, 259, 2252, 291, 224]. Indicators [499]. Indices [450]. Individual [504]. Individualized [486]. Indoor [137, 580]. Induced [740, 2368, 671]. Induction [2402, 1507, 2197, 50]. Inductive [1848, 2401, 748, 2373, 1478]. Industrial [2413, 154, 406, 1763, 2035, 1322]. Inequalities [1874, 1474]. Infarction [1683]. Inference [789, 360, 611, 721, 383, 65, 1757, 741, 751, 2826, 776, 2224, 2500, 2789, 1478, 1485]. Inferring [912, 2226]. Infinite [1223, 1908, 2913, 2917]. Infinite-State [1908]. Infiniteness [2363]. Inflation [854]. Influence [1335]. Info [2830]. Info-Miner [2830]. InfoPipes [194]. Information [2439, 2730, 2896, 2090, 968, 880, 462, 450, 2907, 577, 2878, 1494, 1774, 679, 1946, 2434, 172, 596, 1651, 2735, 443, 1414, 1475, 1162, 872, 700, 2396, 217, 1549, 736, 998, 454, 1502, 708, 1275, 2483, 1645, 464, 239, 861, 2881, 2830, 336, 2915, 1086, 2316, 438, 579, 2362, 2880, 2431, 2795, 605, 2025, 2366, 63, 1450, 701, 303, 1464, 1490, 457, 2377, 2359, 435, 2502, 2392, 1308, 1527, 2516, 2615]. Information-Based [998]. Information-Retrieval [1946]. Information-Theoretic [2615]. Informative [2276, 45, 1501, 2883, 1315, 1313, 1312, 1314, 1316]. InfoScope [596]. Infrared [729, 981]. Infrastructure [1656, 2278, 195, 1741, 1596, 584]. Infrastructures [639]. Inhabitants [2572]. Inherent [2450, 751]. Inherently [2426]. Inherently- [2426]. Inheritance [2031]. Initial [1114, 1093]. Initiative [2867, 2734, 2706]. Injective [2832]. Injurious [2384]. Innovation [2335]. Input [289, 2429, 1607, 1531]. Input/Soft [2614]. Inputs [2862]. INs [1343]. InSAR [141]. Insecure [2710]. Insecurity [2132]. Inseparable [2646]. Insertion [51, 1023]. Inspiration [1266]. Inspired [716]. Instability [1986]. Instance [1472]. Instances [2637]. Instantaneous [617]. Instantiation [1714, 34]. Institution [2701]. Institutions [2694, 2561, 2703, 2564]. Instruction [1897]. Instrument [930]. Instrumentation [982]. Insulation [2790]. int [890]. Integer [1564, 1950, 1798, 2123, 2763, 1847]. Integers [2600]. Integrability [1996]. Integral [861, 461]. Integrals [2380]. Integrated [1154, 1679, 453, 1961, 2872, 1504, 1273, 1052, 1288, 1339]. Integrating [2896, 379, 2440, 2039, 2396, 2413, 1323, 586, 1847, 246, 322]. Integration [645, 1428, 1412, 1429, 2444, 1084, 1844, 885, 2244, 2402, 25 1414, 486, 2456, 1430, 2457, 1419, 1736]. Integrations [2360]. Integrity [174, 1934, 554, 2761, 2114]. Intellectual [571, 1422]. Intelligence [412, 2341, 2338, 2332, 439, 754, 713, 781, 410]. Intelligent [758, 80, 81, 430, 79, 68, 2287, 478, 483, 782, 1610, 460, 74, 1250, 464, 1614, 768, 487, 73, 2359, 60, 2509, 305, 298, 2806, 392]. Intensionality [2845]. Intensity [902, 977, 828, 878]. Intensity-Based [828, 878]. Intensive [478]. Inter [183, 1751, 978, 845, 1737]. Inter-Enterprise [183, 1737]. Inter-Group [1751]. Inter-slice [978]. Inter-subject [845]. Interacting [601, 2173, 243]. Interaction [1883, 84, 1324, 2336, 2410, 219, 2318, 2353]. Interactions [1038, 427, 1226, 1267]. Interactive [1765, 2691, 2301, 1059, 870, 2303, 394, 1326, 1890, 391, 2434, 885, 1524, 442, 288, 292, 2416, 86, 1238, 869, 972, 958, 1870, 390, 466, 2412, 1320, 1613, 713, 1761, 2714]. Interactivity [2290]. Interchangeability [1906, 2466, 1920]. Intercom [589]. Intercomponent [1704]. Interconnection [1589, 2827]. Interdependent [1107]. Interdisciplinary [2413]. Interest [216, 497, 43, 432]. Interesting [2884]. Interests [428]. Interface [173, 2287, 2047, 599, 2299, 1318, 2436, 1319, 887, 218, 945, 522, 2411, 2458, 2535, 1304, 785, 1128, 1322]. Interfaces [2302, 430, 593, 2425, 2420, 1132, 184, 602, 1321, 1320, 279]. Interfacing [1155]. Intermediate [1471]. Internal [1752, 931]. Internet [500, 448, 1239, 80, 1609, 1720, 1064, 427, 191, 1259, 288, 719, 188, 1644, 196, 2340, 813, 1232, 2392, 2292, 2330, 1423, 1167, 785, 436, 1646, 227, 1634]. Internet-Based [1720, 1259]. Internets [1610]. Interoperability [1281, 2632]. Interoperable [500]. Interplay [404]. Interpolation [1757, 977, 2773, 361, 1551]. Interpretability [2770]. Interpretation [1205, 1816, 2534, 152, 2212, 732]. Interpretations [764]. Interpreters [379]. Interpreting [1899]. Interrupt [1599]. Intersection [1223, 1356]. Interstitial [508]. Interval [2607, 2374, 45, 2201, 2370]. Intervals [802]. Intervention [1683, 1024]. Interventional [956, 869, 854]. Intimate [2410]. Intra [923, 861, 952]. Intra-operative [923, 861, 952]. Intraoperative [944, 943, 997]. Intravascular [959, 527]. Introducing [1825, 1673, 2221]. Introduction [1459, 1982, 1803, 2086, 2649, 2166, 1692, 2380, 2663, 2377, 2060, 2328]. Intruder [1614]. Intrusion [1158, 1162, 1164, 1660, 574, 1163, 1157, 1155]. Intrusion-Detection [1158]. Intrusions [1160]. Intuitionistic [1842, 2195, 731]. Invariant [744, 2255, 118, 98, 115]. Invariants [1572, 2654]. Invasive [955, 858, 1001, 1683, 1025]. Inventing [1464, 1490]. Invention [1526]. Inverse [2281, 830]. Inversion [2133]. Investigating [911, 66]. Investigation [2478, 2635, 2023, 795]. Investigations [702, 528]. Investment [2543]. Invited [649, 650]. InViWo [87]. Involutions [2930]. Involvement [1373]. Involving [1235, 393]. iOpt [1903]. IP [293, 2638, 1243, 1249, 811, 1234, 1749, 256]. IPP [2109]. IPSec [552]. IPSec-Compliant [552]. IPv6 [1168]. IR [2738]. Iris [2231, 743, 2477]. Irreducible [2104]. iSAGAs [191]. Ischaemic [1688]. Isomorphism [2063, 1225]. Isomorphisms [1355]. Isoperimetric [651]. ISP [1168]. Issue [1897]. Issues [1120, 2445, 468, 752, 1575, 1950, 182, 590, 1299, 1302, 592]. Items [277]. Iterated [2001]. Iteration [1789]. Iterations [1553]. Iterative [905, 1999]. ITMS [486]. ITSEP [2439]. ITTALKS [647]. IV [2143]. IVUS [969]. IWShopper [460]. 26 J [1311]. JAC [156]. JACK [2493]. Jacobian [1572, 1621]. JADE [460]. Japan [1460, 1487, 935]. Japanese [785, 1521]. Jaundice [503]. Java [2672, 1774, 621, 1138, 2033, 30, 1271, 164, 1064, 1270, 1933, 2020, 1944, 1269, 2052, 160, 177, 156, 179, 726, 1588, 157, 583, 1945, 1863]. Java-Based [1933, 1945]. JavaCloak [179]. JavaPod [159]. Jaw [934]. JIT [583]. Jitter [2263]. JKDD01 [2400]. Job [1375, 1341, 613, 614, 1580, 1338, 2505]. JobQueue [1967]. Join [259, 374]. Joins [1078]. Joint [353, 1002, 2274, 960, 979]. Jordan [1997]. JSAI [2400]. Judgment [2849]. JULIUS [1032]. Juridical [551]. Just [1815, 14]. Justification [1831]. Kalman [149, 2791, 146, 2267]. Kansei [2492, 2329]. Kansei-Oriented [2329]. KASUMI [2146]. KDD [468, 2400]. Kedlaya [2158]. Kerberized [540]. Kernel [131, 1777, 128]. Key [2557, 2163, 550, 2607, 538, 2148, 2616, 264, 630, 2582, 2603, 2766, 2600, 2124, 2743, 1644, 2752, 2744, 2135, 2728, 1650, 2633, 1750, 2632, 2741, 1426, 2147, 1361]. Key-Evolving [2728]. Key-Privacy [2163]. Key-Stream [2124]. Keyblock [280]. Keynote [154]. Keyphrases [2733]. Keys [1360, 2128]. Keywords [1510]. KeyWorld [1510]. Kidney [844]. Killer [2525]. Kind [2306]. Kinetic [1678]. KISS [594]. Kit [1959]. KM [8]. Knapsack [1765, 1850]. Knee [886, 863]. Knife [867]. Knowing [1618]. Knowledge [2726, 2555, 495, 2222, 633, 1492, 703, 119, 27, 1962, 2907, 2155, 2154, 2560, 472, 1493, 2207, 2188, 2401, 411, 18, 2402, 2485, 507, 2479, 15, 1760, 434, 1509, 2857, 486, 414, 16, 2405, 503, 2579, 2498, 2353, 761, 435, 433, 2399, 785, 532, 534, 1764, 1531, 2040, 1962]. Knowledge-Based [507, 1760, 435]. Knowledge-Bases [2222]. Knowledge-Poor [2857]. Known [2895, 2143, 2717]. Known-IV [2143]. Koblitz [2593]. Kolmogorov [2057, 1474]. Korea [1453]. Kosko [2794]. Kosko-Neuro-fuzzy [2794]. Kripke [1209]. Krylov [1584]. Krylov-Type [1584]. Kumar [2613]. Kumar-Rajagopalan-Sahai [2613]. L [1313]. Labeling [625, 1397, 1394]. Labelling [1915]. Laboratories [1754]. LAD [1030, 1367]. Lagrangian [1953]. Lambda [1223, 610, 2023, 1224]. Lambda-mu [1224]. Lamport [1776]. LAN [1175]. Landing [2775]. Landmarks [110, 884, 698, 2552, 1042]. Landscape [1377, 2918, 335]. Landscapes [1756]. Lanes [122]. Language [1492, 2691, 2217, 2053, 2066, 618, 418, 2738, 1213, 2872, 2020, 381, 2848, 1129, 24, 2054, 2850, 455, 1318, 2519, 348, 2021, 1479, 642, 2498, 2847, 2784, 1313, 1312, 1303, 695, 1819, 93, 1196, 1785, 233]. Language-Based [348]. Language-Defined [1313, 1312]. Languages [1185, 2910, 2536, 1190, 2664, 1484, 1772, 619, 40, 1477, 567, 1792, 2535, 1304, 1485]. LANs [1604]. Laparoscopic [897, 1068, 1020, 887, 816, 1019, 954]. Laplace [112]. Large [41, 1539, 548, 1340, 1742, 1564, 2637, 2449, 2428, 964, 1286, 1741, 605, 1624, 2460, 307, 233, 1743, 66, 1662, 1333, 2585]. Large-Scale [548, 1742, 2449, 1286, 1741, 2460]. Laser [111, 844]. Laser-Based [844]. Latencies [1897]. Latency [1739, 1591]. Latency-Tolerant [1591]. Latent [795]. Latin [1853]. Lattice [2638, 1984, 1645]. Lattices [2605]. Laws [1055]. Layer [1448, 1272, 2281]. Layered [624, 1099, 399]. Layers [99]. Layout [1752, 691]. Lazy [1223, 2508]. LDAP [1084]. Leader [2074, 2004]. League [2354]. Leak [2162]. Leap [1996]. Leap-Frog [1996]. Learn 27 [397]. Learned [2440, 1496]. Learner [2483]. Learning [1112, 2544, 1451, 1482, 2093, 397, 723, 2467, 1188, 2152, 59, 1484, 2543, 1472, 1849, 36, 1772, 1470, 144, 474, 825, 1582, 1497, 482, 2423, 2485, 2395, 1476, 1477, 1480, 1475, 413, 2548, 736, 783, 782, 2821, 1471, 1110, 515, 485, 2317, 2903, 1507, 768, 1508, 2316, 1481, 2877, 486, 2491, 2094, 1479, 466, 1512, 1468, 1111, 2346, 761, 2367, 445, 93, 534, 536, 1104, 1465, 2324, 2806, 2687, 1478, 780]. Least [148, 2554]. LECTURE [2316]. Left [1678, 1011, 986, 872, 1017, 1674, 907]. Legendre [1473]. Legislation [1162]. Lemmas [2659]. Lemmatizer [1774]. Length [1539, 2303, 1993, 2742, 613, 1625, 1607, 1995, 1554, 1244]. Length-Sensitive [1625]. Lengths [794]. Lenient [543]. Lenient/Strict [543]. LERS [2384]. Lesions [908, 718, 826, 989, 913, 963]. Lesk [2853]. Lessons [2440, 1496, 1526, 1900]. Letters [2877]. Level [2466, 808, 1255, 658, 2921, 506, 1912, 1047, 1091, 1437, 1065, 2821, 1133, 1684, 1740, 1594, 2019, 2187, 2535, 1596, 1973, 2296, 883, 180]. Levels [1140, 1437]. Leveraging [2471, 484]. Lexical [1189, 2867, 2880, 1291, 2851]. Lexicographic [2049]. Lexicon [91]. Lexicons [2876]. LFSR [2126]. Liability [551]. Libraries [561, 275]. Library [325, 489]. Life [581, 1149, 1266, 1261, 1800, 1818]. Lifelike [78]. Lifetime [909]. Lifting [1951, 1567]. Light [2778, 909, 244, 1022]. Lighting [2254]. Lighting-Effects [2254]. Lightweight [810, 17, 1742, 1226, 64, 23]. Like [2027, 1101, 2041, 2510, 909]. Likelihood [1568, 911, 1009, 2323]. Likely [1568]. Lime [1935]. Limit [1761]. Limitations [2454]. Limiting [2622, 2001]. Limits [786, 910]. Line [1401, 2625, 1987, 2802, 1375, 311, 114, 2072, 1351, 2260, 672, 139, 781, 2261]. Line-Feature-Based [311]. Linear [2610, 1874, 1842, 1886, 2258, 2125, 1584, 2154, 1540, 1106, 2071, 2526, 2590, 2752, 2628, 683, 2192, 2835, 2635, 1215, 2586, 1799, 2110, 1543, 2182, 1042, 923, 927, 2797, 1004, 1474]. Lines [1988, 1397, 108, 107]. Lingual [449, 2886]. Linguistic [548, 253, 719]. Linguistics [2455]. Link [596, 454]. Link-Based [454]. Linkages [1343]. Links [2432]. Linux [214]. LIPE [23]. Lisp [2069]. List [2661, 2073, 2887, 1551, 2141]. Listen [2520]. Lists [1349]. Literary [1403]. Literature [795]. Live [1733, 396, 407, 235]. Liveness [2068, 2911]. Liver [1033, 1006]. Living [1264]. LLEC [341]. Load [1602, 421]. Local [733, 1883, 1832, 2203, 320, 245, 2681, 927, 2574, 2183, 2546, 21, 96, 909, 1893, 221, 2919, 1568, 37, 1354, 1514, 2187, 1896, 1199, 1044]. Local-Vertex-Connectivity [1354]. Locality [1595, 1587]. Localization [140, 706, 109]. Locating [826]. Location [926, 578, 1649, 2689, 715, 577, 579, 1286, 960]. Location-Based [577]. Lock [1221]. Locking [1625]. Locomotes [1266]. Log [1613]. Logarithm [2728]. Logarithms [2598, 2137]. Logging [1598]. Logic [1445, 1843, 2209, 2463, 2892, 2194, 2010, 2193, 1842, 1832, 2566, 2203, 2043, 1202, 2472, 2042, 1835, 2183, 800, 1846, 2218, 2621, 2534, 1214, 2226, 2296, 1844, 1833, 2525, 1213, 2898, 719, 748, 1815, 184, 2568, 1666, 2523, 345, 1834, 2210, 2373, 1839, 2569, 2777, 2791, 2383, 1209, 632, 1838, 2825, 2571, 1212, 2083, 2005, 2182, 1925, 2198, 1630, 1821, 1847, 1088, 643, 2538, 730, 797, 2515, 1530]. Logic-Based [2296]. Logical [2186, 2896, 545, 567, 2490]. Logics [2184, 2693, 738, 2476, 2180, 2308, 2211, 2201, 2009, 2905]. Logs [473, 1528, 471]. Long [2242, 4, 2393, 1606, 973]. Long-Term [2242, 2393, 1606]. Look [1820]. Looks [679]. Loop [1454]. Loops [2224]. Loose [2702]. Loss [1473, 1348]. Loss-Free [1348]. Lossless [1115]. Lossy [1220]. Lotion [767]. 28 Lottery [1634]. Low [1598, 1396, 1539, 283, 2268, 1554, 580, 2636, 2147, 341]. Low-Complexity [341]. Low-Cost [1598]. Low-Memory [341]. Low-Passed [2268]. Lower [2057, 2837, 1869, 2688, 668, 2361, 1437, 1867, 1579, 1868]. LSA [448, 2859]. LTL [2065, 2911, 1217]. LTS [608]. Lübeck [2695]. Lumen [916]. Lump [565]. Lung [901, 1054, 1052]. LUPS [2567]. Lyapunov [2005]. Lying [2895]. M [1314, 2712]. MAC [2606]. Machine [2276, 2543, 1106, 1497, 2006, 2485, 1261, 782, 2079, 1512, 1094, 445, 368, 2324]. Machines [1469, 1264, 2068, 2015, 132, 1468, 1111, 1588, 133]. Macroset [1791]. MACs [2616]. Made [2495]. MAF [914]. MAgentA [89]. Magic [2932]. Magnetic [1679, 1062, 916, 941, 910, 991, 948, 862]. Magnetization [2623]. Magneto [954]. Magneto-optic [954]. Magnets [14]. Magnified [896]. Mail [2720, 2111]. Mailbox [1940]. Mailbox-Based [1940]. Main [1368, 539, 881, 1671]. Maintenance [2036, 11, 1864]. Majority [2621, 1778]. Majority-Logic-Decodable [2621]. Make [1977]. Makers [1725, 2087]. Making [581, 2782, 2543, 718, 2454, 2298]. Mall [1721, 1724]. MAMBO [61]. Mammogram [826]. Mammograms [497, 511, 1055]. Mammographic [516, 517, 963]. Managed [1599]. Management [810, 6, 500, 1653, 1822, 1656, 2474, 1807, 1970, 1254, 1719, 255, 2396, 15, 1964, 572, 1250, 1258, 1086, 650, 2052, 438, 1241, 16, 1713, 1709, 1710, 1708, 1703, 1707, 1701, 1711, 1712, 1455, 1750, 1231, 433, 1288, 286, 1422, 301]. Manager [1167]. Managing [2039, 18, 1248]. Managment [579]. Mandarin [291]. Manifesto [2669]. Manifolds [1979]. Manipulation [1069, 1065, 456, 2427]. Manipulations [2931]. Manipulator [1068, 887]. Manoeuvre [1708]. Manufacturing [1905]. Many [1252, 643]. Many-to-One [1252]. Map [690, 694, 1453, 2774, 484]. Map-Building [2774]. Mapped [1452]. Mapping [1789, 1902, 1680, 1690]. Mappings [1987, 829]. Maps [1192, 1756, 130, 2628, 2683, 699, 1044, 125]. Mark [1442]. Mark-Up [1442]. Marked [2913]. Markers [1245]. Market [2347, 2486, 2321, 1136]. Marketing [1454]. Marketplaces [1723]. Markets [1725, 2345]. Marking [2888, 376]. Markov [940, 134, 972, 1378, 63, 2259, 2814, 1520]. Marks [2890]. Markup [418, 567, 1319]. Marriage [1861]. Mart [2346]. Mass [829, 517]. Massive [565, 1076]. Massively [1106, 1583]. Match [966]. Matching [622, 2470, 311, 1040, 330, 1039, 1899, 474, 1403, 1875, 2260, 2135, 879, 674, 143, 153, 307, 1042, 116, 272, 281, 963]. Matching-Cut [674]. Matchings [1369, 1374]. Material [2782, 486]. Materialization [1527]. Materials [755, 265]. Mathematical [1688, 2214, 1344, 1952]. Mathematics [1801]. MATLABT M [1100]. Matrices [1563, 2121]. Matrix [1396, 2374, 1564, 1549, 335]. Matsui [2597]. Matsumoto [2117]. Maturity [11]. Maude [2697]. Maui [1336]. Max [1353]. Maxillofacial [932, 999, 871]. Maximal [620, 1369, 1556]. Maximum [1369, 653, 1602, 1568, 2590, 911, 376, 2854, 1009, 2323, 1856]. Maxwellian [1529]. MB [225]. McEliece [2140, 2757]. McEliece-Based [2140]. MD [1078]. MD-Joins [1078]. Mean [921]. Meaning [2848, 2667]. Meaningful [52]. Means [769, 2121, 1105, 2480, 729, 2364, 1197, 2810, 5, 1104, 1023, 981]. Means-End [5]. Measure [245, 2732, 420, 1998, 846]. Measurement [135, 1676, 1680, 930, 849, 817, 910, 2026, 990, 1256]. Measurements [126, 1173]. Measures [752, 893, 2380, 115, 2370, 2787]. 29 Measuring [573]. Mechanical [1686, 1003, 930, 842, 841]. Mechanically [2069]. Mechanics [1670, 2422]. Mechanism [1168, 1081, 1172, 804, 442, 1599, 887, 2632, 811, 357]. Mechanisms [2558, 1099, 1463, 1488, 2099, 2172]. Mechatronic [1071]. Media [385, 909, 301, 2291, 1082]. Medial [819, 113, 867]. Median [649, 1407]. Mediated [2313, 2293]. Mediation [1457, 1723]. Mediator [403]. Medical [494, 884, 496, 491, 1064, 493, 938, 823, 1046, 1015, 510, 512, 154, 2405, 1060, 522, 1014, 524, 964, 937, 529, 531, 731, 2000, 352, 560, 868, 536, 2884]. Medicine [492, 2524, 774]. Meeting [2439, 586]. MEG [983]. MELISSA [448]. Melody [281]. Membership [737, 203, 1742, 2898, 2786, 2549, 1650]. Membranes [616, 1798]. Memetic [2462]. Memorizing [119]. Memory [1138, 1822, 1340, 1585, 1589, 1334, 2620, 2611, 2242, 2052, 1587, 1338, 341]. Menger [673]. Menger-Connectivity [673]. Meningitis [2402, 2403, 2406]. Meningoencephalitis [2401, 2405]. Meniscal [721]. Mental [703, 717]. Mercury [1828]. Merge [210]. Merging [2456]. Merit [46]. Merit-Based [46]. Mesh [366, 1012, 1576]. Mesh-Based [1012]. Meshes [1058]. Message [1598, 1940, 1269, 1285, 2078]. Message-Oriented [1285]. Messages [2742, 1941]. Messy [1089]. Meta [780, 2664, 161, 382, 2296, 178, 2215, 373, 435, 180, 1532]. Meta-analysis [1532]. Meta-data [435]. Meta-learning [780]. Meta-level [2296, 180]. Meta-model [2664, 161, 178]. Meta-programming [382, 373]. Meta-programs [2215]. Metabolic [506]. Metabolism [909]. Metacomputations [381]. Metacomputing [1759]. Metadata [1426]. MetaFace [2301]. MetaKlaim [382]. METALA [780]. Metalinguistic [2880]. Metamodel [1439]. MetaObject [166]. Metaphor [689]. Metaprogramming [173]. Metering [570]. Method [926, 498, 2470, 320, 326, 1584, 982, 2681, 2473, 822, 860, 825, 541, 807, 2423, 2385, 347, 217, 2036, 120, 2278, 2901, 2239, 881, 2857, 815, 1511, 1683, 2576, 1642, 2762, 340, 844, 1513, 2257, 1443, 817, 1115, 1551, 549, 1198, 1022, 2266, 2800, 2644, 50, 2890, 892, 2031, 2725]. Methodological [637, 2389]. Methodology [851, 847, 1970, 512, 2852, 1648, 1137, 754, 380, 866]. Methods [1003, 1601, 493, 2782, 2543, 2864, 847, 1586, 1001, 2413, 2321, 2106, 2855, 488, 1060, 999, 1763, 445, 1903, 53, 2328]. Metric [925, 1189, 2647, 2627]. Metrics [1341, 31, 314, 1587]. Microaggregation [2901]. Microbiological [513]. Microcalcifications [511, 890]. Microcontroller [714, 730]. Microcontroller-Based [714]. Microcontrollers [2776]. Micropayments [2718]. Microprocessor [2697]. Microscope [992]. Microscopy [508]. Microsurgery [831, 859]. Microsurgical [1069]. Middleware [645, 1278, 1806, 174, 165, 1277, 1947, 2449, 1281, 1275, 1657, 1285, 1273, 1142, 1288]. Middlewares [1960]. Midpoint [1107]. Migration [1278, 1941, 1944, 196, 1339]. MIKAS [2479]. Min [1353]. Min-Max [1353]. Mind [78]. Miner [2830]. Miniaturized [887]. Minimal [2908, 2185, 2767, 632, 1357, 1200]. Minimally [955, 858, 1001, 1025]. Minimally-Invasive [1001]. Minimisation [1185]. Minimization [2475, 984]. Minimize [1375, 1442]. Minimizing [1345, 1467]. Minimum [1860, 1539, 655, 1358, 772, 2076, 1354, 557]. Minimum-Degree [2076]. Mining [472, 49, 2542, 2384, 2402, 728, 2396, 1502, 1608, 476, 2360, 523, 1464, 1490, 1518, 1077, 30 471, 2369, 2512, 2406]. Minority [474]. MinRank [2154]. Minsky [2464]. MIR [351]. Misclassification [2471]. Mismatch [225, 2456, 369]. Misregistrations [964]. Miss [1599]. Missing [1439, 283]. Misuse [1153]. Mitkov [2857]. Mitosis [1028]. Mixed [385, 362, 2420, 1950, 393, 1847, 301]. Mixed-Mode [362]. Mixed-Reality [393]. Mixture [36, 2364, 306, 970, 2259, 1529]. Mixture-of-Experts [36]. Mixture-State [2259]. MLD [1570]. MLP [2815]. Mobile [616, 1936, 622, 639, 1947, 2099, 1256, 1940, 1933, 772, 198, 2432, 1946, 1941, 1934, 595, 1169, 1944, 1603, 2774, 2634, 196, 460, 1383, 1318, 1274, 82, 1267, 154, 1661, 461, 617, 2433, 1931, 1942, 1248, 1762, 1938, 588, 1932, 162, 1945, 1655, 1727, 448]. Mobile-Agent [1947, 1946]. Mobility [1943, 608, 1208, 1177]. Modal [633, 2898, 2308, 2302, 1067, 967, 1141, 2430, 290]. Modality [2293, 1209, 275]. Modally [1006]. Mode [362, 2146, 1280, 1703, 1410]. Model [2726, 494, 733, 1843, 1766, 1377, 1686, 1786, 2208, 2184, 957, 1033, 1237, 2065, 1123, 1729, 1732, 870, 245, 1687, 2303, 356, 1448, 1277, 1688, 658, 916, 1659, 1217, 106, 2070, 2738, 2696, 2797, 1048, 2185, 83, 62, 2803, 1417, 1031, 96, 2779, 1651, 545, 2898, 2356, 2775, 24, 1913, 929, 86, 2364, 2199, 1575, 1437, 2484, 1610, 1645, 510, 2189, 1327, 505, 1614, 1017, 476, 2373, 1506, 1681, 881, 1319, 2171, 2827, 2549, 2318, 2405, 520, 1921, 2798, 1430, 849, 69, 1587, 1968, 147, 1320, 841, 1927, 2009, 440, 2874, 960, 1689, 791, 2617, 531, 1035, 913, 1181]. Model [1034, 965, 352, 560, 1529, 60, 437, 866, 2221, 1662, 2511, 1647, 280, 34, 1530, 2664, 161, 178, 813]. Model-Based [1686, 96, 1610, 1327, 1681, 1319, 1921, 849, 1181]. Model-Checking [1217]. Model-Class [2696]. Model-Discovery [1506]. Modeling [1445, 1118, 1678, 1119, 1981, 2892, 1670, 1003, 1492, 27, 874, 501, 2536, 1412, 962, 1409, 2517, 504, 1891, 1457, 2312, 260, 1414, 882, 2522, 483, 1424, 463, 2038, 1442, 869, 237, 345, 248, 1421, 1671, 1685, 1027, 1444, 1413, 1432, 1416, 1143, 970, 1447, 1423, 2565, 234, 766, 2796]. Modelings [911]. Modelisation [1216]. Modelling [1733, 1451, 2027, 2010, 646, 770, 2561, 1325, 2434, 1912, 1675, 24, 54, 1437, 2699, 1674, 1321, 2507, 2031, 1422, 2096, 1322]. Models [609, 110, 884, 1735, 2799, 1389, 940, 789, 944, 1873, 1438, 822, 938, 1326, 502, 2770, 144, 2249, 2776, 1363, 134, 1046, 1131, 424, 1437, 1836, 9, 37, 38, 306, 1327, 1378, 1086, 2659, 1323, 2195, 1952, 1594, 2497, 824, 1515, 63, 1925, 2499, 865, 2378, 1895, 2259, 1426, 1146, 2814, 1520, 2045, 1672, 868, 1050, 2426, 2553]. Modes [2143, 1020]. Modification [2026]. Modified [1399, 2767, 2757, 2567, 249, 773]. Modifiers [740]. Modula [2055]. Modula-2 [2055]. Modular [2133, 743, 2621, 28, 2102, 1070, 2821, 2652, 2653, 2654, 2710]. Modulation [266, 1573, 2250]. Modules [1670, 2893, 1558]. Moduli [2721, 2710]. Mojave [2650, 2651]. Molecular [649]. MolèNE [163]. Moments [147]. Monitor [1660, 981]. Monitoring [1154, 119, 857, 807, 728, 1164, 2278, 798, 2578, 1702, 1249, 1252, 1972, 256]. Monitors [1632]. Monodic [2180]. Monoids [2911]. Monomials [2585]. Monomodal [1008]. Monotonic [2216]. Monotonicity [1382, 665, 1781]. Montgomery [2711, 2710, 2601]. MOP [164]. Morphing [2304]. Morphogenesis [1046]. Morphogenesis-Based [1046]. Morphological [2481, 2001, 533]. Morphologically [40]. Morphology [818, 1047, 2875]. Morphometry [820]. Mortality [502]. Mortem [928]. MOS [756]. Mosaic [123]. MosaicPlasty [886]. Mosaics [240]. Most [1568]. Motion [1678, 1033, 228, 106, 268, 333, 1030, 2480, 920, 2242, 1680, 2824, 815, 1029, 271, 122, 852, 862, 1026, 990, 332, 230, 1008]. 31 Motion-Based [228]. Motion-Compensated [2242]. Motion-Robust [862]. Motor [717, 2683]. Mounted [899]. Movement [267, 92, 692]. Movie [239, 299]. Moving [604, 241, 2240, 123, 1343]. MPEG [1239, 2301, 228, 365, 262, 330, 225, 1238, 229, 297, 1233, 231, 364]. MPEG-2 [225]. MPEG-4 [1239, 2301, 365, 330, 225, 229, 1233, 231]. MPEG-7 [228]. MPI [1960, 1582]. MR [1678, 928, 968, 1011, 1062, 721, 872, 972, 943, 1681, 881, 837, 903, 911, 988, 875, 913, 953]. MR-Anatomical [1681]. MR-Tagging [1678]. MRA [873, 898]. MRF [264]. MRI [923, 1059, 902, 978, 847, 1031, 1013, 1047, 956, 908, 900, 1051, 1016, 984, 1029, 919, 1026, 990, 1061]. MRI-Ultrasound [923]. MRI/SPECT [847]. MRIs [1007]. MRM [2644]. MS [989]. MSC [2798]. MT [2858]. MTEACH [348]. mu [1224]. Much [761]. Mucosa [718]. Muller [1541, 2587, 1534]. Multi [745, 758, 2626, 2302, 1168, 646, 1735, 1067, 1850, 778, 750, 969, 2281, 1099, 1770, 2337, 2315, 2352, 1983, 2782, 2559, 640, 2542, 687, 21, 2347, 793, 967, 1466, 746, 101, 2307, 1346, 2308, 1141, 2883, 2744, 2354, 2568, 1660, 2489, 2430, 2562, 2095, 185, 1839, 2569, 399, 2594, 2780, 887, 104, 1014, 2563, 128, 376, 883, 133, 235, 638, 2031, 305, 290, 1948, 1636, 1104, 275, 227]. Multi-adjoint [1839, 2569]. Multi-agent [646, 969, 1770, 2337, 2559, 640, 687, 2307, 2308, 2354, 2562, 2095, 2563, 638, 1104]. Multi-agents [2352]. Multi-choice [1850]. Multi-class [128, 133]. Multi-complexes [1983]. Multi-criteria [1735, 2782]. Multi-cultural [2489]. Multi-dimensional [2568, 1014]. Multi-document [2883]. Multi-DOF [887]. Multi-exponentiation [2594]. Multi-functional [2626]. Multi-homed [1168]. Multi-hop [305]. Multi-layer [2281]. Multi-layered [1099, 399]. Multi-level [883]. Multi-marking [376]. Multi-modal [2302, 1067, 967, 1141, 2430, 290]. Multi-modality [275]. Multi-national [21]. Multi-objective [778, 750, 2347, 793, 2780]. Multi-output [1636]. Multi-platform [185]. Multi-processes [1660]. Multi-purpose [746]. Multi-recipient [2744]. Multi-reference [227]. Multi-relational [2542]. Multi-resolution [104]. Multi-task [1948]. Multi-threshold [101]. Multi-tier [2031]. Multi-user [2315]. Multi-users [235]. Multi-valued [745, 758]. Multi-vehicle [1346, 1141]. Multi-way [1466]. Multiagent [2474, 1725]. Multiattribute [55]. Multiband [2808]. Multibrowsing [604]. Multicast [1752, 1745, 1172, 1746, 540, 1174, 1751, 304, 1740, 1252, 1624, 811, 1749, 1743]. Multicasting [1351]. Multicomputer [1579]. Multicounter [2068]. Multicriterially [1500]. Multidimensional [1734, 35, 47]. Multidoubling [2602]. Multifactorial [2820]. Multifunctions [1980]. Multigrid [1994]. Multiheaded [1829]. Multilayered [2848]. Multilevel [1651, 1456, 1625, 828]. Multilingual [2867, 449, 455, 2551, 2886]. Multimedia [1239, 1172, 349, 325, 319, 258, 1174, 259, 1254, 1169, 292, 1235, 255, 1175, 1452, 351, 237, 348, 287, 359, 303, 354, 352, 560, 234, 1180, 284, 2040, 2516]. Multimedia-Based [255]. Multimedia-on-Demand [349]. Multimodal [882, 956, 1044]. Multimodality [964]. Multiplayer [1739]. Multiple [2896, 1140, 1438, 2417, 1869, 127, 1472, 738, 1449, 666, 331, 1638, 604, 1242, 2598, 432, 1444, 1430, 153, 2644, 907, 963]. Multiple-Instance [1472]. Multiple-Person [331]. Multiple-Record [1449]. Multiple-Valued [738]. Multiples [2103]. Multiplication [2601, 1814, 2760, 2600, 1576, 559, 1633, 32 2763, 2762, 2599, 2602, 2710, 1621]. Multiplicative [2195]. Multiply [65]. Multiprocess [1393]. Multiprocessing [396]. Multiprocessor [1581, 1350, 1333]. Multirate [1746]. Multireceiver [2745]. Multiresolution [1058, 2257]. Multiresolutional [340]. Multiscale [2267]. Multisensorial [722]. Multisequence [1558]. Multiset [1787, 1788, 1790, 1792, 1797, 1197, 1799]. Multisets [1793, 1794, 1795, 2363, 1543, 1800, 1801]. Multispectral [941]. Multistage [776]. Multisubject [902]. Multitask [524]. Multithreading [1591]. Multiuser [773]. Multivariate [2755, 1553, 2244, 54, 58, 1529]. Multiwavelet [2236]. Multiwavelets [2251]. Multiway [1400]. Multiword [2870, 2843]. Muscle [957, 1687]. Music [89, 289, 296, 329]. Mutagenes [1532]. Mutagenicity [1498]. Mutation [2678]. Mutual [1041, 880, 998, 2094, 2564, 2351]. Mutually [2153, 2147]. mVITAL [81]. Myocardial [1682, 1680, 1684, 1683, 988]. Myocardium [1688, 987, 1689]. N [940, 1315, 2885]. N-Grams [2885]. Naive [2467, 2318]. Names [1212, 1293]. Napster [2326]. Narrative [394, 396, 395, 404, 393, 2040]. Narrowing [634]. NAS [344]. NASA [2457]. National [2004, 21]. Natural [2872, 2428, 2850, 1442, 1819, 1196]. Naturalistic [2293]. Navigation [690, 956, 1032, 1509, 707, 693]. Navigational [577]. Navigator [990]. NCP [1630]. Near [729, 981, 1107]. Nearest [2546]. Nearness [684, 786]. Necessary [1360]. Neck [2843]. Need [708]. Needle [929, 950, 843]. Needle-Based [950]. Needs [1502, 2436]. Negaperiodic [1554]. Negation [2212]. Negative [2065, 1494, 1841, 1923]. Negotiating [1756]. Negotiation [1428, 2313, 571, 2295, 1913, 2632, 2564, 643]. Negotiations [2314]. Neighbor [2546, 1479]. Neighborhood [1885]. Neighborhood-Based [1885]. Neonatal [503]. NESSIE [2761, 556]. Nested [1837, 2571, 2221]. Net [2922, 2921, 2029, 739, 515, 2031]. Net-Based [2031]. NETLA [2800]. NetPeas [485]. Nets [743, 2308, 2030, 788, 803, 2080, 2195, 755, 2923, 1322]. Network [1752, 810, 2799, 1859, 723, 808, 2801, 804, 1649, 365, 1255, 1085, 1126, 807, 1651, 2486, 1281, 572, 463, 434, 1245, 813, 2318, 287, 2798, 1092, 2499, 1624, 354, 801, 2800, 2292, 716, 811, 1146, 2805, 1160, 536, 2796, 1662, 301, 1251, 2319, 34, 787]. Network-Adaptive [301]. Network-Centric [1126]. Networked [578, 431, 1283, 1938]. Networking [805, 1228, 809]. Networks [2462, 494, 1752, 745, 1405, 725, 1389, 769, 491, 423, 1577, 201, 581, 770, 1602, 724, 2311, 2828, 1589, 1726, 1351, 2848, 65, 1235, 1575, 1250, 2808, 717, 768, 2550, 650, 798, 732, 415, 1740, 1243, 1249, 1248, 303, 1605, 2378, 791, 66, 1244, 47]. Neural [2462, 745, 733, 2799, 769, 491, 2801, 2152, 365, 770, 2790, 724, 2311, 743, 1262, 2486, 788, 803, 2808, 515, 717, 2550, 757, 798, 732, 2798, 755, 1092, 2800, 2805, 2319, 47, 787]. Neuro [723, 2802, 2794, 2803, 460, 2804]. Neuro-fuzzy [723, 2802, 2803, 2804]. Neuroendocrinology [1506]. Neuroimage [893]. Neuron [1467, 756]. Neuron-MOS [756]. Neuronal [2795]. Neurons [745, 758]. Neuropharmacology [1530]. Neuropsychological [702]. Neurosurgery [1067, 882, 899]. News [1497, 328, 277, 322]. Newsletters [776]. Next [1239, 1720, 1589, 414]. Next-Generation [1589]. NIDS [1652]. NIRS [729]. NLC [669]. NLP [2848, 642, 2843]. NMR [1683]. No [708, 125]. Node [808]. Nodes [1589]. 33 Nodule [827]. Nodules [1056]. Noise [514, 1996, 2496, 2266, 2823, 2811]. Noisy [539, 2808, 105, 2504]. Nomadic [1272]. Nominal [2385, 58, 1212]. Nominative [1661]. Non [923, 1872, 1871, 159, 1010, 902, 2258, 927, 1853, 2546, 2714, 2534, 2797, 821, 1175, 863, 920, 2646, 2271, 2273, 1857, 562, 1006, 1867, 1027, 751, 1219, 2048, 1555, 2880, 828, 2795, 824, 2366, 1924, 883, 1004, 2370, 1044, 1474]. Non-additive [2370]. Non-binary [2646, 1857, 1867, 1924]. Non-cooperative [1175]. Non-CT [863]. Non-destructive [751]. Non-deterministic [2534, 2048, 2366]. Non-equilibrium [2795]. Non-existence [1853, 1555]. Non-functional [159]. Non-interactive [2714]. Non-linear [923, 927, 2797, 1004, 1474]. Non-overlapping [1872, 1871]. Non-parametric [2546]. Non-repudiation [562]. Non-rigid [1010, 902, 821, 920, 1006, 828, 824, 883, 1044]. Non-separable [2258]. Non-standard [2880]. Non-structural [1219]. Non-uniform [2271, 2273, 883]. Nondeterminism [2067]. Nondeterministic [2916]. Nonlinear [2349, 2115, 131, 2121, 2256, 2776, 2647, 875, 2796]. Nonlinearity [2586]. Nonmetric [47]. Nonmonotonic [2207]. Nonrigid [924, 846]. Nonsymmetric [1584]. Nonuniform [2727]. Norm [2343]. Normal [2572, 1840, 2773, 1792, 1633, 1838, 2599, 2464, 894, 1347]. Normalization [2303, 132, 1224]. normative [1304, 1305, 1306, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1311, 1307, 1303]. Norms [794, 2351]. North [706]. Notation [1320]. Notations [2656]. Note [2383, 2382]. Notes [2807, 2684, 531]. Notification [595, 1741]. Notion [2915]. Novel [627, 316, 2249, 2732, 217, 509, 900, 1642, 924, 849, 859, 278, 1247]. Nowhere [1362]. NP [2058, 660, 676]. NP-Completeness [676]. NP-Hard [2058, 660]. NSS [2131]. NT [1076]. NTRU [2131]. Nuclear [1503, 1028]. Nucleus [968]. Number [1860, 2133, 1547, 2190, 626, 2835, 2023, 1355, 2082, 1561, 1537]. Number-Theoretic [1537]. Numbers [565, 1085, 1553, 2643, 1881, 1360]. Numerals [2799]. Numeric [58, 1928]. Numerical [2385, 2224, 2248]. Numerics [1309]. NURBS [2312]. Nursing [2318]. O [1682, 1596]. O-Efficient [2077]. Oberon [2055]. Oberon-2 [2055]. Obfuscation [547]. Object [1278, 173, 362, 358, 1448, 127, 136, 1270, 2924, 321, 2029, 876, 2828, 1287, 1456, 1226, 126, 2310, 2240, 140, 1702, 1430, 129, 1286, 115, 139, 234, 416, 109]. Object-Based [362, 2029]. Object-Oriented [1448, 2924]. Objective [1052, 2092, 778, 750, 2347, 793, 2780]. Objective-Trust [2092]. Objects [1445, 895, 2686, 2521, 622, 834, 1084, 330, 709, 1417, 1456, 2522, 241, 711, 1623, 123, 2570, 917, 151, 706, 1999, 243]. Obligation [1632]. Oblivious [2152, 2588, 566, 2751, 1616]. Obscurity [1668]. Observability [2709]. Observable [1111]. Observation [2467]. Observational [1208, 2024]. Observations [1900]. Observed [2394]. Obsolescent [1311]. Obstacle [146]. Occlusion [115]. Occlusions [129]. Occupation [286]. OCL [2010, 2669, 2670, 2668, 2667, 2673, 2666, 2672, 2665, 2675]. OCL-Syntax [2672]. OCR [2820]. Octopus [813]. Octrees [1586]. Odd [2585]. Off [2439, 1010, 2459]. Off-The-Shelf [2459]. Office [1282]. Offline [1664]. OLAP [1432]. Omni [235]. Omni-directional [235]. Omniscience [2186]. On-Line [1401, 2802, 1375, 1351, 2260, 781, 2261]. One [1768, 113, 2714, 1880, 2765, 2757, 1366, 2113, 2079, 2088, 615, 1551, 1252, 643]. One-Point [1551]. One-Sided [113]. 34 One-Time [2113]. One-to-Many [643]. One-to-One [643]. One-Way [1768, 2714, 2765, 1366, 615]. One-Wayness [2757]. Online [1850, 135, 100, 631, 2749, 474, 425, 436]. Only [1815, 2231]. Onset [535]. onto [1902]. Ontological [2489, 711, 414]. Ontologically [1435]. Ontologies [2473, 700, 469, 477]. Ontology [462, 1449, 518, 2494, 475, 457]. Ontology-Applicable [1449]. Ontology-Based [462]. OOCSMP [90]. OOM [2322]. Open [408, 1601, 1102, 1177, 2095, 182, 178, 166, 157, 215, 638, 1182, 1727]. Open-Environment [1102]. Opening [813]. OpenORB [174]. Operating [396, 992, 1283, 1597, 974]. Operation [2912, 2143, 2091]. Operational [2211, 1703, 2510]. Operations [1190, 1259, 626, 364]. operative [923, 861, 2562, 952]. operatively [2722]. Operator [2010, 1825]. Operators [1892, 2001]. Ophthalmic [1057]. Ophthalmologic [870]. Opinion [2338]. Opportunistic [606]. Opportunities [73, 1145]. Optic [533, 954]. Optical [891, 1609, 928, 1351, 1116, 1605]. Optimal [2064, 2107, 2742, 822, 136, 2577, 1546, 2072, 108, 1882, 226, 107, 2678, 2809, 2580, 1072, 864, 354, 2119, 2800, 212, 2011, 1897]. Optimisation [1883, 2468, 2486, 771]. Optimistic [2374, 564, 562, 1597]. Optimization [1951, 2686, 778, 2807, 750, 1595, 1869, 1954, 1909, 383, 1383, 1392, 1108, 1902, 399, 1867, 2145, 143, 2305, 947, 749]. Optimizations [1391, 1135]. Optimize [714]. Optimizer [1005]. Optimizing [2314, 2556, 1826, 754]. Optimum [2828, 1917]. Options [1271]. Or-Parallel [1823]. Or-Parallelism [1824]. Oracle [2726]. Oral [904, 718, 522]. Oranges [2530]. Orbit [1693]. Order [2200, 2063, 2107, 2216, 2695, 1853, 2180, 1498, 1841, 2308, 2620, 2202, 2523, 2126, 1771, 1212, 2197, 2537, 1224]. Order-Sorted [1841]. Ordered [1909, 1363, 676]. Ordering [1885, 2049, 2216, 2369]. Orderings [683]. Orders [1215]. Ordinary [2214]. ordination [2561]. Organ [930, 1008]. Organisation [503]. Organisms [823]. Organization [484, 1674, 2579, 2796]. Organizational [2423, 187]. Organizations [1754, 639, 2413]. Organized [1107]. Organizing [130]. Organs [961, 1035]. Orientation [107, 1370, 2570, 697]. Oriented [20, 6, 169, 1448, 186, 2924, 1285, 2210, 2298, 642, 156, 1447, 421, 374, 2329, 90]. Origin [2844, 93]. Oropharyngeal [522]. Orthogonal [148, 2258, 1853, 661, 1775, 1026, 2251]. Osteotomy [871]. Other [2543, 2008, 711, 1220, 1304]. Otoneurological [532]. Ought [397]. OutCast [603]. Outcomes [504]. Outdoor [727]. Outerplanar [664]. Outliers [514]. Output [2072, 2614, 1198, 1636]. Output-Sensitive [2072]. Outs [1343]. Over-Constrained [1876, 1868]. Overconstrained [2465]. Overhead [152]. Overlapping [99, 1872, 1871]. Overlay [1744]. Overoptimism [528]. Overview [82, 2297, 2168, 2169, 2342, 2332, 256]. P [2005, 2004, 2105, 2927, 1370, 1316]. Paced [1690]. Packages [1296]. Packet [806, 252, 1348, 2250, 270, 1607, 2283]. Packets [2254, 2233]. Packing [1401, 2686, 1590]. PACS [522]. Padding [2756]. Page [444, 466, 445]. Pages [432]. Pain [2843]. Pair [2102]. Pairing [2160, 2161]. Pairs [2593, 659, 2882]. PALS [1823]. Panoramas [973]. Papous [85]. Paraconsistent [2892]. Paradigm [1956, 2006, 289, 2819, 722]. Paradigms [623, 468]. Paradox [2464]. Parallel [1592, 2544, 1584, 450, 1106, 1341, 1105, 35 2072, 1586, 2760, 1608, 1955, 1583, 2325, 1902, 2101, 2580, 1338, 1597, 1823, 1655, 1339, 2319, 1386]. Parallelism [1607, 1824]. Parallelized [2827]. Parameter [925, 136, 1834, 2282, 771]. Parameterizations [2285]. Parameterized [1368, 739]. Parameters [1034, 2051, 797]. Parametric [884, 870, 1882, 1578, 1973, 2546]. Parametrized [2704]. Parchments [2693]. Pareto [2462]. Parikh [1789]. Parity [2636]. Parkinson [968, 519]. Parser [2532]. Parsing [2862, 1787, 1819]. Part [2863, 1439, 2864, 2494, 1413, 55]. Part-of [2494]. Part-of-Speech [2863, 2864, 55]. Part-Whole [1413]. Partial [379, 2470, 611, 1388, 629, 177, 1014, 2204, 1925, 1516, 839]. Partially [1560, 1909, 1238, 2747, 676, 1111]. Partially-Ordered [676]. Participants [588]. Particle [1504]. Particles [1035]. Partition [1884, 2771, 1400, 1884]. Partition-k-AC [1884]. Partitioning [142]. Partitions [681, 1985]. Partner [247]. Parts [1439, 2640, 1499]. Party [564, 562, 1664]. Pass [2270, 898]. Passage [1502]. Passage-Based [1502]. Passed [2268]. Passing [1206]. Past [217, 696]. Pastry [1286]. Patching [285]. Path [1405, 1825, 2216, 1385, 1346, 696, 1051, 1518, 835]. Pathological [1058, 893]. Paths [1769, 659, 1372, 772, 1923, 1357]. Pathways [1503]. Pathwidth [664]. Patient [928, 944, 833, 958, 931, 521, 868]. Patient-Specific [833, 958, 931]. Patients [894]. Pattern [1373, 2797, 1585, 1403, 510, 2756, 74, 1258, 2360, 524, 133, 2644, 1528, 116, 2514]. Pattern-Based [1258]. Patterns [745, 2231, 705, 1324, 28, 2423, 1523, 1456, 2492, 2398, 521, 1109, 2917, 734, 2889, 2377, 1077, 66]. Pawlak [2907]. Payment [568]. Payments [1727]. PC [447]. PDA [594]. Pebbling [1779]. Pedagogical [413]. Peeling [1381]. Peer [644, 189, 1742, 1726, 1941, 1286]. Peer-to-Peer [644, 189, 1742, 1726, 1941, 1286]. Pelvic [946]. Pelvis [994]. [1067, 1043, 878]. CAM [2046]. CDMA [773]. CGI [2531]. Channel [353]. Correction [2631]. Enhancement [2808]. GOTS [2457]. Intention [2785]. IP [1178]. ISLE [2867]. Procedural [2420]. Server [2749, 1946]. Soft-Output [2614]. SPECT [847]. Speech [2428]. Statistics [1067]. Strict [543]. Subscribe [190]. Penetration [929]. People [391]. Per-Packet [806]. Perception [401]. Perceptions [775]. Perceptrons [767]. Perceptual [142, 2492, 231]. Percutaneous [844, 1004]. Perfect [2750, 2271, 2273, 1555, 1374, 677]. Performance [2276, 2466, 1069, 174, 1335, 2471, 1962, 2815, 1595, 1331, 1960, 1947, 1604, 1946, 1631, 344, 407, 1603, 2526, 2477, 1250, 1611, 2624, 1965, 1587, 1588, 263, 1338, 949, 1939, 2882, 1972, 370]. Performances [393]. Perfusion [1682, 988, 981]. Periaxial [817]. Periodized [2279]. Periods [1556]. Peripheral [2481, 603]. Permissive [2573]. Permutation [2643, 1895, 2205]. Permutations [1373]. Persistent [563]. Person [331]. Personal [220, 2302, 2231, 743, 92, 438, 605, 428]. Personalisation [2297]. Personalization [2296, 2298, 776, 2294]. Personalized [2299, 433, 952]. Perspective [1463, 1488, 1602, 2769, 2542, 637, 336, 1444, 1698]. Perspectives [2730, 1125]. Perturbation [909]. Perturbations [1003]. Pervasive [2424, 195]. PET [1682, 1681, 881, 980]. PET-Functional [1681]. Petri [2922, 2029, 739, 2308, 2030, 2080, 2923, 1322]. Phantom [959, 953]. Phantoms [843]. Phase [1874, 2258, 1031, 1875, 1107, 936, 991, 1026, 1856]. Phase-Based [936]. Phase-Driven [1031]. Phased [2468]. Phe [2491]. Phe-Q [2491]. Phenomenology [141]. Phenomenology-Based [141]. 36 Pheromone [2491]. Philosophy [1463, 1488]. Phone [218]. Photo [247]. Photo-Realistic [247]. Photoelectrons [1529]. Photograph [326]. Photographs [932, 976]. Photon [985]. Phrasing [356]. Physical [926, 789, 1783]. Physically [965]. Physically-Based [965]. Physics [2467, 1504, 958, 2636]. Physics-Based [958]. Physiological [499, 852]. Physiologically [1687]. Physiologically-Based [1687]. Physiology [980]. Pictorial [2816]. Pictures [2000]. Piecewise [2628, 2279]. PING [206]. Pioneer [2004]. Pipelined [1767, 2697]. Pitch [281]. Pitfall [2424]. Pixel [230]. PKC [2757]. Place [700]. Placement [1072, 1605, 1878]. Placing [1105, 151]. Plaintext [2757, 2717]. PLAN [812]. Planar [1371, 667, 1977]. Planarity [658]. Plane [926, 2248, 2243, 2002]. Planes [108]. Planetary [576]. Planned [952]. Planner [2580]. Planning [867, 2577, 1032, 998, 137, 858, 1000, 2824, 2229, 1952, 2579, 961, 999, 1024, 2504, 1905, 88, 868, 871]. Plants [798]. Plasma [1583]. Plastic [2425]. Plasticity [1320]. Plate [106]. Platform [1075, 500, 159, 1944, 214, 1166, 88, 185]. Plausible [2517]. Play [2320]. Player [2478, 2119]. Playing [217, 2269, 1634]. Plays [86]. Plot [1854]. Pneumatic [1068]. Pockets [1446]. Poems [1521]. Point [110, 884, 1987, 1395, 106, 2158, 904, 2914, 1984, 2592, 2211, 551, 1881, 559, 1209, 2570, 2763, 905, 1551, 1980, 1900, 116]. Point-Counting [2158]. Point-Surface [904]. Point-to-Line [1987]. Pointer [2016]. Pointing [152, 2429]. Points [2831, 1415, 108, 1836, 107, 768, 1394, 374]. Poker [2478]. Policies [2895, 2234]. Policy [1254, 1971]. Policy-Based [1254]. Politeness [2874]. Pollard [2598]. Poly [755]. Poly-crystalline [755]. Polya [2349]. Polygonal [245, 1383, 1587, 1343]. Polygons [1992, 1343]. Polyhedra [1998]. Polyhedrization [1984]. Polyhedron [1358]. Polyline [966]. Polymorphic [2022, 1113]. Polymorphically [2198]. Polynomial [2152, 2727, 1345, 660, 1218, 1372, 1346, 2591, 1366, 2627, 1798, 2082, 69]. Polynomial-Time [1366]. Polynomially [2008]. Polynomials [2103, 1615, 1553, 2104, 58]. Polyominoes [1775]. Polyp [891, 825]. Polypectomy [1037]. Polyproline [530]. Polysomnographic [2265]. Polytopes [1872]. Pool [873, 898]. Poor [2857]. Population [1075, 759]. Port [1072]. Portable [1945]. Portal [878]. Pos [2043, 2865]. Pose [355, 135, 245, 151]. Positioning [580]. Positive [1829, 573]. Possessing [2635]. Possibilities [204, 796]. Possibility [738, 2361, 736]. Post [928, 1688, 2913]. Post-Systolic [1688]. Postdiction [2472]. Postmortem [17]. Pot [2932]. Potential [1754, 395, 2451]. Potentially [2710]. Potpourri [412]. Power [1886, 558, 799, 411, 2602, 2759, 2009, 2789, 2712, 2147, 2615]. Powered [804, 600]. Powers [651]. Practical [810, 1237, 1746, 548, 540, 1602, 724, 2156, 2583, 1523, 515, 1828]. Practice [2711, 2032, 1434, 1530]. Practiced [2413]. Practices [1805, 2442]. Pragmas [1313]. Pragmatic [1432]. Pragmatism [691]. Pre [2419, 2010]. Pre-implementation [2419]. Precedence [2079, 1579]. Precise [1149, 2667, 1599, 2710, 866]. Precision [1830, 476, 2373]. Precolored [625]. Preconditioning [2236]. Predefined [2657, 1303]. Predicate [204]. Predicates [1941, 1418]. Predicting [1003, 506, 37, 1972]. Prediction [2555, 1593, 792, 2242, 762, 999, 530, 55, 2284, 227]. Predictive [339, 1474]. Predictors [1592]. Prefer [2560]. Preference [480, 2554]. Preference-Specific [480]. Preferences [2295]. Preferred [1836]. Preferring [640]. Prefetching [285, 471]. Prefixes [1485]. 37 Preliminary [968, 54, 38, 817]. Premature [432]. Prenex [2193]. Preoperative [943]. Prepositions [696]. Preprocessing [2240]. Presence [2897, 83, 103]. Present [1121]. Presentation [649, 1979, 650, 2672]. Presentations [325, 2703]. Preservation [2899]. Preserving [779, 838, 829, 1285, 1771, 2537, 906]. Pressure [848]. Prevention [2396, 574, 2105]. Price [2748, 1257, 1955]. Primal [921]. Prime [2107, 2136]. Primitive [2103, 1615, 2741]. Primitives [2156]. Principal [459, 310, 1240]. Principle [2899]. Principles [598, 2360, 1700, 2346]. Printed [265]. Priorities [2026]. Priority [2374]. Priors [2678]. Privacy [544, 1635, 2163, 545, 1162, 539, 1730, 598, 2901]. Privacy-Aware [598]. Privacy-Enhanced [2901]. Privilege [1159]. Probabilistic [1768, 423, 578, 724, 2835, 128, 138, 1821, 1156, 2514, 109]. Probability [738, 799, 753, 2368, 2590, 2611, 2370, 1570]. Probable [2136]. Probe [848]. Probing [101]. Problem [1874, 1405, 2466, 763, 1885, 2133, 2281, 2727, 2154, 715, 1888, 2715, 1399, 1861, 668, 2913, 2914, 1346, 1875, 1384, 2076, 2354, 1344, 1650, 1798, 2576, 1512, 674, 143, 1359, 2248, 1561, 1878, 2506, 747, 1104, 2613]. Problems [1765, 2058, 627, 1883, 1401, 2465, 1906, 2442, 651, 1859, 1601, 1755, 2472, 1125, 1898, 1376, 660, 1889, 1909, 1564, 1380, 1912, 1390, 614, 1407, 2077, 1867, 2781, 1876, 2082, 1952, 1868, 128, 1356, 1111, 376, 133, 1926, 1895, 2205, 747, 1727, 1398, 1400]. Procedural [2569]. Procedure [2044, 2204]. Procedures [882, 858, 950, 854, 844, 2366]. Process [2439, 20, 6, 169, 26, 2349, 2090, 119, 27, 778, 183, 921, 2446, 2474, 1682, 28, 2449, 2450, 690, 1204, 728, 24, 1390, 2416, 255, 1107, 15, 1718, 10, 9, 2452, 7, 798, 1714, 911, 1905, 23]. Process-Algebraic [169]. Process-Monitoring [728]. Processes [1770, 789, 1409, 2921, 2925, 19, 2488, 1028, 2413, 16, 1782, 190, 25, 1660]. Processing [758, 703, 1057, 1375, 806, 704, 2849, 614, 1058, 508, 2481, 782, 1902, 414, 2169, 1215, 1921, 1705, 1197, 2795, 2819, 722, 1079, 346, 1076, 1196]. Processor [1149, 2386, 1594]. Processors [1592, 1591, 1135, 1579, 2599, 1146, 1897]. Procurement [2454]. Product [6, 1810, 430, 2446, 1807, 2805]. Production [1340, 739, 2682, 348, 1952, 1973]. Production-Level [1973]. Products [2439, 1563, 2445, 49, 487]. Professionals [4]. Profile [309]. Profiles [2371, 1667]. Profiling [1594, 948]. Program [2017, 1222, 30, 1816, 2020, 383, 2005, 1594, 2009, 1299, 158, 2515, 322]. Programmable [807, 2075, 1093, 813, 1134]. Programming [169, 1883, 1842, 1832, 1850, 1121, 1859, 2541, 1412, 1732, 1886, 372, 1106, 1846, 389, 1105, 2218, 1861, 1844, 1833, 2525, 1213, 2020, 1129, 1914, 2532, 748, 1977, 2568, 2523, 2210, 2373, 2835, 1950, 2569, 1919, 2781, 760, 2021, 2926, 2404, 160, 1866, 156, 1952, 2004, 1923, 2535, 2501, 2500, 1821, 1305, 1130, 1847, 2524, 1206, 1929, 374, 877, 1150, 1104, 23, 2061, 382, 373]. Programs [2209, 1227, 30, 2043, 547, 2042, 1835, 1840, 1837, 1908, 2534, 2226, 1645, 1258, 1834, 2048, 1838, 177, 2571, 2704, 2527, 2025, 2187, 376, 2680, 761, 1925, 2198, 583, 1079, 380, 2538, 2215]. Progress [1512, 2706, 2451, 2344]. Project [1460, 1487, 388, 1085, 22, 2346, 1181]. Projected [1049]. Projection [1951, 2516]. Projections [1775]. Projective [1541, 2592, 1543]. Projector [602]. Projects [1804]. Prolog [2541, 1822, 2044, 2224, 2537, 1823, 1818]. Prone [297, 29]. Pronominal [2859, 2858]. Pronoun [2857]. Pronunciation [2876]. Proof [2726, 1214, 2189, 2229, 2195, 2201]. Proof-Search [1214]. Proofs [2746, 2190, 1210, 2214, 2659, 2704]. 38 Propagation [725, 2208, 1892, 574, 1689, 915]. Properties [51, 2616, 159, 618, 2911, 1440, 2668, 1934, 1792, 2628, 2279, 2120, 2635, 2013, 2653, 2080]. Property [571, 930, 1422]. Proportional [2549]. Proposal [2263, 2453, 2397, 2856]. Proposed [2757, 2126, 2170]. Proposition [2191]. Propositional [2476, 1214, 2009, 2206]. Proprietary [2719]. Pros [150]. Prosodic [356]. Prospect [2292]. Prospects [2685]. Prostate [856, 993, 942, 864, 947, 996]. Prosthetic [1088]. Protecting [2615]. Protection [1635, 2099, 1560, 545, 1162, 1175, 1730, 1931, 312]. Protein [1377, 1878]. Protocol [1178, 1653, 349, 564, 1236, 1625, 1177, 2320, 1614, 562, 1744, 2132, 287, 2633, 1750, 2632, 568]. Protocols [1766, 183, 1865, 2714, 541, 2134, 2677, 2753, 2728, 1931, 166, 2119, 2114, 1361, 933]. Prototype [1660, 1904, 2177]. Prototypes [2831]. Prototyping [2419]. Provable [2146, 2202]. Provably [2164, 2148, 1643, 2575, 2747]. Proved [375]. Provider [2458]. Providers [1269]. Providing [1287, 1170, 1252]. Proving [2193, 1840]. Provision [1723]. Provisioning [1182]. Proxies [179]. Proximity [2077, 1356]. Proxy [417, 1274, 1661, 285, 421]. PRS [2510]. PRS-Like [2510]. Pruning [1860, 1871, 1882, 1916, 53, 2513]. PSD [2250]. Pseudo [2062, 2156, 134, 2628, 2127, 1357]. Pseudo[134]. Pseudo-Euclidean [1357]. Pseudo-Random [2628, 2062, 2127]. Pseudo-Randomness [2156]. Pseudorandom [1553]. PSK [1573]. Psychological [2318]. Public [646, 2163, 550, 2338, 2603, 595, 2600, 2743, 2752, 2744, 2113, 2135, 2339, 1650, 11, 2741]. Public-Key [2163, 550, 2603, 2600, 2743, 2752, 2744, 2741]. Publish [190]. Publish/Subscribe [190]. Publishing [561, 418]. Pulmonary [827, 1056]. Pulsating [959]. Punch [140]. Punishment [2350]. Pupillary [1022]. Pure [2023]. Purified [1511]. Purpose [24, 2599, 746]. Purposes [389]. Pushbutton [600]. Pushdown [1217, 1364]. Putnam [2204]. Putting [1592]. PVA [953]. Pyramids [1982]. Q [317, 914, 2491]. QA [2883]. QoS [1168, 1172, 1174, 806, 1083, 1287, 287, 339, 1249, 1590, 1167, 1288, 1183]. QoS-Awareness [1183]. QoS-Based [1083, 287]. QoS-Driven [1168]. QOSMIC [1167]. QTk [2420]. Quadrangulations [1395]. Quadratic [2641, 2755, 1467, 557]. Qualification [2506]. Qualitative [2467, 685, 683, 2570, 701, 707, 2787, 766]. Quality [1428, 350, 752, 1238, 1241, 1243, 1, 1231, 953, 2789, 5, 2512]. Quality-Driven [1428]. Quantification [916, 508, 2846, 2845, 1028, 836, 535]. Quantified [2476, 2204]. Quantifying [1649, 909, 821]. Quantitative [2868, 1679, 908, 2915, 943, 985, 1515, 2787]. Quantitative-Qualitative [2787]. Quantization [274]. Quantum [1768, 1773, 1366, 615, 765, 1356]. Quartet [1404]. Quasi [504, 1215]. Quasi-Fourier [504]. Quaternary [1555]. QuDAS [1083]. Queen [230]. Queries [1461, 1489, 1482, 319, 1472, 1431, 1465]. Query [2895, 250, 319, 474, 292, 289, 2900, 1215, 456, 1079, 279, 329]. Query-Session-Based [292]. Querying [689, 1844, 2041, 1450]. Queue [1393, 286, 1244]. Queued [1607]. Queueing [1575, 1244]. Queues [1392]. Queuing [1967, 1348]. Quorum [1391]. Quotation [489]. Quotients [1572]. Rabin [2619]. Rabin-Type [2619]. Race [644]. Radar [2277]. Radiation [961]. Radio [1602, 283, 1234]. Radiofrequency 39 [1673]. Radiographs [850]. Radiology [869]. Radiosurgery [867]. Radiotherapy [1040, 942, 998]. Radius [2587]. Radix [2767]. Radix- [2767]. Railway [2576]. Rajagopalan [2613]. Random [2726, 1854, 1469, 1236, 62, 2059, 2643, 2598, 2628, 972, 1387, 2684, 2062, 2127]. Randomats [1629]. Randomized [2677, 1392, 843, 2680, 1433, 2712]. Randomness [2156, 2766, 2743]. Range [427, 1431, 111, 2077, 2083, 117]. Range-Aggregate [1431]. Rank [2556]. Ranking [446]. Rankings [2545]. Rao [1658]. Rapid [358, 1938]. Rapidly [4]. Rapidly-Changing [4]. Rat [1683]. Rate [355, 1676, 268, 1131, 2100, 283, 2678, 232, 1231, 735, 1232, 1233, 535]. Rate-Based [1131]. Rates [2625, 922, 1549]. Rating [1522]. Ratio [2556, 2323]. Rational [1729]. ray [849, 973]. RBAC [1627, 440]. RC4 [2582]. RC5 [2717]. Re [2475, 469, 2563, 2128, 2011]. Re-dividing [2128]. Re-engineering [469]. Re-evaluation [2011]. Re-scheduling [2563]. Re-visited [2475]. Reachability [2227, 1364, 1252]. Reaction [1786]. Reactions [79, 1503]. Reactive [1187, 770, 1273]. Reactors [714]. Reading [2785, 1054]. Real [1581, 895, 408, 1138, 1362, 2739, 1038, 89, 2231, 2911, 1127, 1472, 1149, 1604, 2670, 596, 1281, 2480, 1132, 120, 2325, 861, 1080, 398, 1001, 399, 815, 154, 816, 1142, 151, 1228, 2394, 530, 1143, 896, 935, 1306, 1130, 122, 859, 88, 573, 233, 747, 1818, 1150]. Real-Life [1149, 1818]. Real-Time [1581, 895, 1138, 2739, 1038, 2231, 1127, 1604, 2670, 1281, 2480, 1132, 120, 861, 1080, 1001, 399, 154, 816, 1142, 1143, 896, 935, 1306, 122, 859, 88, 573, 233, 1150]. Real-Valued [1472, 747]. Realistic [847, 536, 247]. Reality [895, 385, 897, 2421, 407, 154, 1060, 2433, 843, 404, 899, 393, 974, 1061]. Realization [2279, 2271]. Realizing [2451]. Really [1815]. Reasoning [76, 2892, 641, 633, 2465, 1787, 2473, 1641, 1439, 1326, 2517, 2769, 2207, 2188, 2223, 1891, 793, 708, 683, 2490, 1839, 2382, 2570, 1921, 1109, 2772, 2014, 790, 1900, 2516]. Receipt [2111]. Recipient [2720, 2744]. Recognition [2799, 100, 2303, 127, 136, 744, 2738, 2797, 1585, 244, 134, 2289, 2477, 729, 510, 2261, 2260, 310, 249, 2793, 1370, 2360, 524, 129, 133, 153, 2367, 115, 699, 139, 2814, 124, 416, 233, 1365, 2323, 2511, 787, 109]. Recognition-Based [2303]. Recognizing [1449]. Recollection [217]. Recombination [784]. Recommendation [465]. Recommender [1734, 424]. Reconciliation [2489]. Reconciling [488]. Reconfigurable [1114, 1288]. Reconfiguration [1095, 1707, 1343]. Reconstructed [928]. Reconstructing [1672]. Reconstruction [934, 355, 1002, 1439, 1049, 1775, 978, 103, 92, 2591, 983, 2271, 2273, 907, 2511]. Reconstructional [2270]. Record [1449, 1531]. Recording [283]. Recovery [2616, 2731, 1448, 191, 2036, 1710, 2257, 2632, 342]. Rectangles [1871]. Rectification [1063]. Rectilinear [649]. Recurrence [535]. Recurrent [994, 2889]. Recursive [1480, 1568, 1645, 2553]. Reduced [1639, 2643, 2596, 1923, 2142]. Reduced-Round [2596]. Reducing [2545, 1282, 760]. Reduction [1078, 2441, 1653, 2788, 946, 783, 2237, 7, 1023]. Reductions [2588]. Redundancy [1668]. Redundant [2545]. Reed [1541, 2587, 1569, 1534]. Reengineering [1443, 2460]. Reexecution [2042]. Reexecution-Based [2042]. Reference [2425, 692, 693, 227]. References [1812, 2179, 1716]. Refinement [1438, 2188]. Refining [966, 532]. Reflecting [179]. Reflection [177, 896, 158]. Reflections [103, 402, 170]. Reflective [1278, 174, 165, 1142, 157]. Reflex 40 [1022, 157]. Reformulation [739, 1912]. Refusal [2895]. Refutable [1479]. Refutably [1480]. Refuting [1481]. Region [872, 2480, 1383, 972]. Region-Based [2480]. Regional [1688, 1052, 1016]. Regions [497, 1415, 493, 308, 1418, 699]. Register [2526]. Registering [925]. Registers [2125, 114, 2124]. Registration [1007, 923, 928, 901, 880, 1010, 902, 927, 1062, 932, 106, 904, 847, 829, 845, 821, 946, 998, 1043, 920, 2113, 900, 881, 1006, 1045, 844, 924, 828, 824, 878, 1016, 883, 965, 1044, 1005, 846, 1009, 1008]. Regression [48, 69, 2554]. Regular [651, 1484, 1217, 1772, 2070, 619, 2826, 2923, 1365, 1196]. Regularisation [1682]. Regularization [1010, 838, 2282]. Regulation [1737, 303]. Reification [1945]. Reinforcement [783, 768, 93]. Rejection [1570]. Related [1380, 2129, 2082]. Relating [2463, 629]. Relation [802, 740, 2928, 1457, 786]. Relational [173, 466, 2905, 2542]. Relations [2861, 2517, 684, 2071, 2368, 2365, 929, 2381, 557]. Relationship [657, 1438]. Relationships [1415, 1439, 2333, 1413, 1932, 1422]. Relative [706, 2552]. Relaxation [1953]. Relaxations [142]. Relaxed [624]. Release [1346, 2608]. Relevance [452, 446, 34]. Relevant [1805, 2689]. Reliable [1149, 121, 1238, 190]. Remainder [2754, 1654]. Remote [1064, 807, 995, 2429, 757, 461]. Removing [1851, 1364, 177]. Renal [985]. Rendering [834, 977, 1780]. Renee [1211]. Reordering [1833, 270]. Repair [2218]. Repairing [1844, 1097]. Repairs [2894]. Repeatability [960]. Repetitive [1521]. Replaceable [2458]. Replacement [417]. Replanning [2578]. Replica [1964]. Replicating [1166, 1094]. Replication [1081, 1430, 1965]. Report [2, 13, 1493, 19, 1512, 1455, 2761]. Reports [17]. Represent [2568]. Representation [702, 2572, 2907, 2589, 2715, 83, 2848, 728, 2767, 1402, 701, 1302, 697, 346, 2426]. Representations [2467, 694, 2023, 2082, 557, 2232, 124]. Representative [2869, 67]. Represented [2473]. Representing [1983, 736, 2570]. reps [917]. repudiation [562]. Reputation [2090]. Request [418]. Required [2306]. Requirement [341]. Requirements [6, 1122, 2450, 19, 1416]. Research [1804, 982, 2086, 1368, 214, 1652, 373, 590, 1411]. Resection [994]. Reservation [1242]. Reset [1643]. Residential [1082]. Residue [2644]. Residues [2641]. Resilience [338, 227]. Resilient [2121, 2587, 2586]. Resistance [1023]. Resistant [2760]. Resisting [2712]. Resolution [916, 978, 2008, 2190, 1841, 2859, 2562, 2857, 104]. Resolving [1430, 2464]. Resonance [1679, 916, 941, 910, 991, 948, 862]. Resource [1204, 1963, 1131, 455, 1919, 1901, 1241, 489, 1590, 1206, 1234, 1945, 1966]. Resource-Passing [1206]. Resources [1067, 2435]. Respect [753]. Respiratory [1033]. Response [1256, 1161, 919]. Responsibility [2474]. Responsive [2155]. Rest [717]. Restarting [1781]. Restoration [1538, 1862, 269, 2877, 937]. Restricted [659, 2929, 1355]. Restrictions [2547]. Restrictive [2747]. Results [627, 2840, 2066, 54, 1503, 2260, 1796, 2175, 1221, 817]. Resuming [2539]. Retargetable [2037, 1594]. RETE [801]. Rethinking [2452]. Retina [533]. Retinal [101]. Retireval [333]. Retransmission [1747]. Retrieval [220, 2730, 320, 449, 250, 253, 450, 258, 2738, 1774, 1946, 225, 443, 221, 289, 700, 257, 217, 328, 2482, 2737, 1502, 2483, 2252, 893, 2881, 2830, 2398, 334, 2736, 147, 701, 323, 457, 274, 279, 2882, 467, 458, 291, 2329, 446, 290, 278, 251, 324, 281, 280, 34]. Retrieval-Filtering [467]. Retrieving [335]. Retrospective [850, 845]. Reusable 41 [481, 1136]. Reuse [2322, 15, 179, 8]. Reusing [1456]. Reveal [593]. Revenue [1257]. Reversal [1593, 2068]. Reversal-Bounded [2068]. Reverse [1769]. Reversible [1779, 1999]. Reviews [17]. Revised [2358, 2221]. Revision [2090, 2573, 2517, 2899, 2562, 1515, 1519]. Revisited [1461, 1489, 2693, 1935, 1757, 1349, 2598, 1481, 2718, 2824, 1998, 2932]. Revisiting [1825]. Revocation [2164, 2607]. Revolution [1759]. Rewrite [2084]. Rewriting [2927, 1787, 2227, 2900, 1208, 2225, 1800]. Reynolds [318, 1225]. RFSA [1484]. Rho [2598]. Rich [385, 325, 2381, 1426]. Rights [571, 1719]. Rigid [895, 904, 1029, 990, 1010, 902, 821, 920, 1006, 828, 824, 883, 1044]. Rigorous [2824, 1228]. Rijndael [552, 2589, 2590, 2145]. Ring [1567, 946, 1557]. Rings [2893, 1548, 1549]. RIPEMD [2606]. Rise [2326]. Risk [2441, 1626, 7]. Risks [1623]. River [706]. RMI [1270]. RNA [51]. RNA-Sequence-Structure [51]. Robot [1011, 1067, 1069, 2785, 1018, 70, 1462, 1491, 1021, 772, 2293, 2774, 1101, 2824, 2187, 1072, 1104, 888]. Robot-Assisted [1072]. Robotic [1070, 853, 885, 858, 855, 1267, 1066, 844, 1019, 393, 1024, 852]. Robotics [2290]. Robotize [851]. Robots [135, 1262, 1102, 1103, 461, 1263, 617, 1762, 138, 139]. Robust [245, 311, 938, 261, 473, 114, 244, 900, 248, 229, 837, 2118, 1051, 642, 1667, 549, 566, 146, 2001, 862, 124, 302]. Robustness [110, 884, 733, 2172, 1931, 949, 274]. Role [183, 1659, 2395, 176, 693, 480, 697, 1411, 560, 591, 1647]. Role- [480]. Role-Based [1659, 560, 1647]. Role-Binding [176]. Roles [2194, 2628, 1273]. Room [578, 1281]. ROOM-BRIDGE [1281]. Rooms [1352]. Root [982, 126]. Roots [558]. Rotation [744, 817, 979]. Rotational [836]. Rough [57, 2375, 2788, 2361, 2385, 2786, 2368, 2365, 419, 2386, 476, 2373, 2358, 2380, 2783, 461, 2379, 2357, 785]. Round [2155, 2643, 599, 2596]. Rounding [1396]. Route [2099]. Router [1606]. Routers [1609]. Routes [1655]. Routing [1577, 201, 1105, 2779, 1758, 1286, 1624, 2305, 1176]. RS [2376, 2406]. RSA [2642, 264, 2638, 2149, 2721, 2766, 2756, 2132, 2758, 2741, 2644, 2710, 1637]. RSA-Based [2721]. RSA-Encrypted [2638]. RSA-Primitive [2741]. RSBR [2406]. Rule [1278, 2691, 737, 2469, 2802, 792, 2402, 1757, 2548, 2773, 434, 2404, 521, 2825, 732, 1517, 764, 467, 2513, 1420]. Rule-Based [1278, 2691, 2802, 1757, 467, 1420]. Rule-Bases [2773]. Rules [57, 42, 61, 2769, 1826, 45, 752, 1501, 2087, 67, 1525, 2381, 1508, 2383, 526, 801, 1297, 1447, 2508, 2369, 322]. Run [1288]. Run-Time [1288]. Runlength [2622]. Runlength-Limiting [2622]. Runtime [1318, 583]. Russian [1877]. s [178, 367, 2145, 557]. S-Box [2145]. S-Boxes [557]. S.M.A.R.T [852]. SAC [2643]. SADES [171]. Safe [2018, 851, 522]. Safety [2911, 800, 799, 2416, 166, 1139, 1310]. Safety-Critical [166, 1139]. SAGA [1265]. SAGAs [191]. Sahai [2613]. Sales [2302, 487]. SAM [1974]. Same [928, 1680]. Sample [2908, 1110]. Samples [888]. Sampling [355, 1469, 2688, 2488, 1990, 69, 2552]. Sampling-Based [2552]. Samplings [1995]. SAT [1854, 1907, 1916, 1927, 1856]. Satellite [2804, 125]. Satellites [1900]. Satisfaction [1906, 2466, 1885, 2315, 1889, 1912, 1913, 1901, 1922, 2045]. Satisfiability [1855, 1893, 1107, 2575, 2684]. Satisfiable [1911]. Saturation [2014]. Saturation-Based [2014]. Saver [363]. SBoxes [2713]. SC2000 [2596]. Scalability [1946, 1644]. Scalable 42 [1081, 1171, 1285, 1737, 1771, 1942, 1286, 1252, 1588, 302, 1749, 1333, 1247]. Scalar [2601, 2602, 1621]. Scale [1041, 41, 548, 689, 112, 1742, 2449, 1286, 1741, 605, 1624, 2460]. Scaling [2821, 566, 47]. SCALPP [851]. Scamp [1742]. Scan [2526, 878]. Scans [928, 901]. Scattered [2239]. Scenario [2167, 7]. Scenario-Based [7]. Scenarios [1123, 2414, 1323]. Scene [335, 2427, 151, 322]. Scenes [137]. Scents [75]. Scheduler [1336, 303, 1580]. Scheduling [1581, 2315, 1375, 1345, 1898, 1341, 2582, 1332, 2779, 613, 614, 1346, 1348, 304, 2079, 2576, 1579, 2563, 1968, 1580, 1578, 1338, 1900, 1966, 1948, 1339, 1897]. Schedulings [1347]. Schema [2872, 1426, 1420, 1452]. Schema-Tree [2872]. Schemas [1429, 1421]. Scheme [1581, 1678, 2536, 316, 570, 317, 2641, 2140, 1869, 1345, 2812, 261, 2131, 1833, 2645, 2307, 1346, 337, 2100, 1643, 2126, 304, 1663, 2747, 2827, 1661, 285, 339, 2754, 2632, 29, 354, 1232, 342, 272, 1637, 286, 2117]. Schemes [2058, 538, 1567, 293, 2724, 2708, 2728, 2150, 2723, 2123, 2144, 2005, 2761, 2751, 1622, 1640, 301, 1658]. School [254]. Schützenberger [620]. Science [1460, 1487, 1463, 1488, 1764]. sciences [1754]. Scientific [33, 1496, 1513, 1515]. Scintigraphy [985]. SCOOP [1531]. Scope [2387]. Scoped [1138]. Screen [363]. Scribe [1741]. Scripting [2531]. Scripts [399]. SDK [300]. SDL [2012]. Sea [121, 1186]. Seafloor [2801]. Sealed [565]. Sealed-Bid [565]. Search [2064, 1883, 2466, 448, 1769, 400, 1873, 1862, 319, 2681, 2574, 1898, 452, 1214, 772, 40, 1893, 442, 292, 624, 454, 1875, 283, 1916, 2575, 1877, 2576, 2683, 1514, 1924, 1928, 1896, 307, 2644, 1939, 1903, 1005, 223, 2221, 275, 97]. Searching [1513, 766]. Second [2235, 1224]. Secondary [530]. Secrecy [2750]. Secret [1618, 2714, 1360, 2105, 2162, 342, 1658, 1628, 2615]. Section [1292, 1300, 1290, 1301, 1291, 1293, 1296, 1299, 1302, 1294, 1295, 1298, 1297]. Sectioned [65]. Sections [903]. Secure [2164, 561, 500, 538, 2108, 631, 2725, 2742, 571, 806, 2151, 2745, 1651, 2134, 1625, 2743, 572, 1643, 2490, 2728, 2747, 2118, 2633, 1942, 2025, 2741, 1624, 2119, 1655, 1616, 1654]. Securing [2726, 316, 559]. SECurity [546, 1154, 2746, 500, 164, 1656, 2445, 1933, 206, 2745, 1651, 2146, 1645, 1657, 572, 2753, 2135, 1614, 2150, 2456, 1432, 2754, 1632, 1613, 192, 2499, 1561, 2617, 2142, 1310, 352, 1662]. Security-Aware [164]. SECUSIM [1665]. Seeded [321]. Seeding [867]. Seeds [432]. seeing [2918]. Segment [872, 2537]. Segmentation [968, 149, 969, 940, 2258, 1382, 1993, 938, 987, 971, 840, 1682, 1048, 876, 96, 967, 728, 1047, 1046, 939, 2480, 720, 972, 2808, 241, 2240, 2881, 881, 99, 1051, 936, 941, 56, 917, 1014, 961, 1016, 970, 141, 875, 913, 2253, 2259, 122, 839, 533, 277, 332, 873, 109]. Segmentation/Enhancement [2808]. Segmented [834]. Segmenting [874, 52, 2734]. Segments [2072, 2261]. Seizures [983]. Selecting [2452, 1900]. Selection [1168, 2441, 2443, 2802, 293, 2782, 2474, 136, 2547, 2871, 347, 519, 46, 809, 2854, 797, 2884]. Selective [2111, 2756]. Selector [369]. Selenocysteine [51]. Self [79, 1538, 1539, 2337, 203, 202, 161, 2384, 1668, 207, 96, 208, 130, 1379, 2750, 1107, 2483, 484, 401, 600, 56, 211, 1166, 1535, 1094, 693, 1097, 2243, 2161, 2796, 2932]. Self-Adapting [96]. Self-Adaptive [161]. Self-Assembly [1379, 2932]. Self-Assessment [2483]. Self-Blindable [2161]. Self-Containment [1668]. Self-dual [1538, 1539, 1535]. Self-Evaluation [2337]. Self-Healing [1097]. Self-Injurious [2384]. Self-Organization [484, 2796]. Self-Organized [1107]. Self-Organizing [130]. Self-Perception [401]. Self-Powered 43 [600]. Self-Reference [693]. Self-Repairing [1097]. Self-Replicating [1166, 1094]. Self-Similarity [2243]. Self-Stabilizing [203, 202, 207, 208, 211]. Self-Supervised [56]. Self-tallying [2750]. Semantic [2216, 1412, 228, 1448, 1816, 689, 321, 1756, 2848, 411, 690, 752, 1421, 601, 795, 647, 1419, 2856, 224]. Semantically [2381, 2741, 1426]. Semantically-Rich [1426]. Semantics [2209, 686, 1835, 1435, 608, 2525, 2673, 2211, 2567, 1666, 1834, 2846, 2845, 2569, 2021, 2651, 1838, 2702, 1434, 2666, 2019, 1228, 2024, 374, 2510]. Semantics-Based [2525]. Semi [1482, 1347, 1499, 1020, 315, 1051, 343, 1518, 441]. Semi-automatic [1051]. Semi-autonomous [1020]. Semi-fragile [343]. Semi-normal [1347]. Semi-structured [1482, 1499, 1518, 441]. Semidefinite [2061]. Semidirect [1563]. Semiotic [2484]. Senary [1545]. Sender [1749]. Sensation [935]. Sense [2853, 2855, 2852]. Sensed [2434]. Sensing [757]. Sensitive [319, 2432, 2072, 1625, 1321]. Sensor [581, 68, 111, 1114, 461, 954]. Sensors [1157]. Sensuous [2849]. Separability [612]. separable [2258]. Separate [1476]. Separated [1081]. Separation [96, 171, 162, 1529, 2264]. Sepe [2865]. Septic [521]. Sequence [1377, 51, 649, 2241, 827, 2260, 2078, 2682, 1554, 1436, 125]. Sequences [2626, 1879, 121, 986, 45, 238, 2304, 920, 2240, 2372, 2639, 1555, 117, 146, 1557, 124, 2283, 357]. Sequential [2686, 547, 2688, 1955, 2488, 1705, 2580, 1198, 1077]. Serendipity [606]. Serial [1054, 1016]. Series [2555, 52, 918, 502, 922, 2244, 1524, 728, 54, 2398, 529, 919, 1386]. Series-Parallel [1386]. Server [1748, 448, 1865, 427, 1739, 2132, 2459, 1590, 440, 2531]. Server-Aided [2132]. Server-Side [2531]. Servers [1332, 421]. Service [645, 430, 1969, 561, 2785, 578, 1649, 1255, 203, 715, 1742, 1279, 187, 1269, 1238, 1964, 304, 1280, 1241, 582, 1243, 1942, 2458, 192, 1161, 1181, 1182, 587, 1183, 1646, 1251, 1723]. Services [494, 1284, 1962, 186, 189, 1604, 1958, 1083, 1254, 188, 434, 1245, 1611, 1274, 185, 195, 193, 182, 1276, 2114, 1082, 1720, 1718]. Serving [1745]. Servoing [1020]. Session [186, 292, 1272]. Session-Oriented [186]. Sessions [2531]. Set [2375, 106, 1399, 2534, 2361, 2385, 419, 2386, 1984, 2866, 1384, 67, 2272, 2273, 2210, 476, 2373, 1454, 2358, 2783, 617, 2772, 2041, 2367, 953, 2357, 785]. Set-Aided [419]. Set-Based [2534]. Set-Oriented [2210]. Sets [57, 2062, 1571, 940, 1395, 2837, 742, 36, 1494, 667, 2368, 2365, 719, 508, 1107, 1542, 1525, 1990, 2379, 731]. Setting [540, 2447, 1175, 2150]. Seven [597]. Several [1814, 543, 1235]. Sevofluorane [730]. SFLASH [2640, 556]. Shadow [2087]. Shafer [2774, 1684]. Shape [874, 819, 250, 311, 131, 822, 779, 144, 818, 1012, 1058, 101, 872, 914, 869, 1017, 323, 906, 145, 324]. Shape-Based [101]. Shape-Preserving [779]. Shaping [1246]. Shared [1340, 1589, 1496, 2293, 1392]. Sharing [2625, 1751, 1726, 1162, 2343, 1600, 1360, 2105, 2431, 342, 1628]. Sharpe [2556]. Sheets [296]. Shelf [2439, 2459]. Shift [2125, 995, 2124, 970]. Shock [521]. Shooting [389]. Shop [613, 614]. Shopping [2295, 483, 460, 1724, 2394, 480, 1722]. Short [2160, 375, 54, 324]. Short-Time [324]. Shortened [2744, 2611]. Shortest [1769, 1992, 659, 1385]. Shot [318, 327, 222]. Should [1442]. Shrinking [1098]. sic [724]. Side [2764, 482, 2760, 336, 559, 1878, 2531]. Side-Chain [1878]. Side-Channel [2764, 559]. Sided [113]. Sieve [2106]. Sight [2918]. Sight-seeing [2918]. Sigmoid [1467]. Sign [313, 2844, 2847, 233, 290]. Signal [1058, 1902, 461, 2262, 2264]. Signaling [1177]. Signals 44 [1686, 499, 2238, 2265, 2266, 2232, 2267]. Signature [1618, 2140, 2794, 2131, 2724, 2645, 2708, 2126, 2150, 1663, 2747, 2723, 2123, 1661, 2761, 1637, 781, 436, 1622, 1640]. Signatures [2164, 2160, 2630, 1617, 2721, 2745, 1638, 569, 2619, 2756, 2722, 1153, 2122, 1613, 1664]. Signcryption [2746]. Signed [695]. Significant [493]. Signing [564]. Signs [282]. SIMBA [97]. SIMD [553]. SimHuman [88]. Similar [2398, 329]. Similarity [1010, 250, 2732, 2771, 1525, 2887, 2780, 308, 1998, 2856, 115, 2886, 2823, 2243, 223]. SimPlanner [2578]. Simple [895, 1992, 164, 1688, 2589, 610, 1833, 2697, 2614, 1638, 2238]. Simple-Deformable [895]. Simpler [1466]. Simplex [1545]. Simplicial [1983]. Simplification [366, 1587]. Simplified [992, 1520]. Simplifying [360, 2509, 2206]. Simulate [1785, 2008]. Simulated [1036, 867, 847, 2685, 771, 2367]. Simulating [1688, 2310, 950, 1035]. Simulation [2686, 1178, 831, 870, 833, 932, 2355, 687, 260, 1030, 2290, 2343, 869, 958, 1001, 2348, 931, 2175, 2174, 832, 2091, 1665, 2055, 1004, 2499, 1689, 935, 1597, 2344, 868, 1662, 90]. Simulation-Based [1030]. Simulations [2485, 2356, 1583]. Simulator [1731]. Simultaneous [2601, 1732, 1027, 109]. Single [2521, 1769, 985, 2576, 917, 1897]. Single-Figure [917]. Single-Issue [1897]. Single-Threaded [2521]. Single-Track [2576]. Singular [742]. Singularity [2233]. Sinograms [840]. Site [1745, 451, 1522]. SiteLang [1423]. Sites [1168, 1423]. Situated [2306]. Situation [2566, 2846, 2845]. Size [916, 818, 383, 508, 615, 1367]. Skeletonization [2000]. Skeletons [1999]. Sketch [921]. Sketches [2327]. Skewness [2264]. Skimming [1240]. Skin [851]. Skull [1024, 866]. Skull-Base [1024]. SLAAC [552]. SLAAC-1V [552]. Sleeping [1815]. SLG [2539]. slice [978]. Slitlamp [1057]. Slitlamp-Based [1057]. Slope [281]. Sloppy [1899]. Small [30, 1395, 667, 821, 509, 39, 2391, 1510]. Smallest [629]. Smart [886, 585, 2645, 2767, 1728, 298, 2291]. Smart-Its [585]. Smartcard [568]. Smartcard-Based [568]. SMIL [325]. Smooth [2683]. Smoother [350]. Smoothness [1382]. SMS [1656, 599]. Smushing [777]. Snakes [1050]. SNAP [812]. Snarfing [601]. Soccer [138]. Social [577, 2341, 2338, 2332, 2333, 415, 2353, 2350]. Societal [2568]. Societies [80, 81, 636, 2561, 2086, 637, 2565]. Society [72, 2092]. Socio [2089]. Socio-cognitive [2089]. Soft [1581, 1566, 2785, 932, 2816, 2679, 2792, 1910, 857, 2614, 830, 2829, 863, 2360, 999, 1004, 1034]. Soft-Biometrics [2792]. Soft-Computing [2792]. Soft-Input [2614]. Soft-Input/ Soft-Output [2614]. Soft-Tissue [857, 863, 1034]. Software [20, 26, 2441, 2, 13, 2415, 27, 1148, 2053, 1188, 1140, 2125, 2446, 1125, 1126, 372, 2445, 161, 1256, 1958, 2448, 28, 172, 1586, 381, 482, 18, 1599, 1032, 1141, 2036, 15, 2452, 1134, 1600, 3, 2413, 1283, 2454, 1633, 1694, 1783, 1136, 1, 2706, 2346, 8, 4, 2502, 1145, 584, 2035, 1146, 1903, 868, 1151, 5]. Software-Managed [1599]. Soil [2281]. Solid [930]. Solo [1207]. Solomon [1569]. Solution [156, 2248]. Solutions [2439, 165, 1380, 629, 2913, 2456]. Solve [2727, 660, 1904]. Solver [2047, 1924]. Solvers [1827, 1922, 2046]. Solving [1848, 2465, 2681, 1814, 2755, 2574, 1849, 1893, 1857, 1870, 1881, 2781, 1798, 1111, 376, 133, 2506, 1104]. Some [1563, 1120, 2807, 2840, 2839, 618, 1368, 1817, 1390, 2260, 2915, 2635, 1796, 2082, 1931, 2684, 2832, 796, 1900, 2710, 731]. Song 45 [281]. SOR [2796]. Sorted [1841]. Sorting [419]. Sorts [1841]. Sound [387, 458, 429]. Sounds [282]. Source [1428, 1769, 353, 1159, 1414, 2264]. Source/ Channel [353]. Sources [2090]. SPA [2758]. SPA-Based [2758]. Space [355, 925, 2049, 880, 2185, 1573, 596, 1989, 2364, 1779, 1402, 2492, 1513, 1990, 1536, 695, 212, 2243, 1026, 2330]. Space-Efficient [1402]. Space-Frequency [2243]. Space-Optimal [212]. Space-Time [1573, 1536]. Spaces [649, 1814, 131, 689, 1777, 2836, 2627, 1357, 1980]. Spacetime [399]. SpaMod [1981]. Spanish [2868, 2861, 2869, 2865, 2860, 2858, 55, 2876, 2882]. Spanning [2076]. Sparse [2679, 1195]. Spatial [1981, 702, 686, 2467, 1202, 2066, 691, 704, 687, 679, 1417, 1414, 708, 683, 2237, 273, 2112, 692, 387, 1413, 701, 693, 875, 697]. Spatially [983, 820]. Spatio [1031, 685, 104, 1416]. Spatio-Temporal [685, 104, 1031, 1416]. Speaker [2810, 2811, 369]. Special [502, 2121]. Specialization [1908]. Specializing [1877]. Specific [944, 833, 2482, 958, 1134, 140, 931, 1241, 1876, 363, 480, 1426, 868]. Specification [2691, 2033, 2069, 427, 1934, 2034, 1132, 2652, 2653, 2654, 2492, 1696, 2032, 1229, 1434, 2028, 1446, 2706, 1971, 1163, 2890]. Specification-Based [2034, 1163]. Specifications [2695, 1427, 2698, 2012, 2181, 2704, 2705]. Specify [2675]. Specifying [1941]. SPECT [847, 894]. Spectra [755]. Spectral [1673]. Spectrally [2639]. Spectroscopy [729]. Spectrum [294, 1731]. Specular [103]. Speculative [1831]. Speech [2730, 2863, 2739, 2303, 326, 365, 356, 2738, 2864, 2737, 2808, 2269, 154, 2736, 2367, 2814, 55, 2262, 284]. Speech-Driven [2738]. Speeches [93]. Speed [938, 1604, 568]. Speeding [2602, 2138]. Speedup [1607]. SPEM [232]. Sphere [879]. Spherical [1496, 147, 990]. SPI [21, 8]. SPIHT [270, 340]. Spiking [1262]. Spine [962, 844, 965, 877]. Spiral [932]. Splicing [2929]. Spline [2239, 2550, 948]. Splines [779, 106, 1048]. Splitting [99, 2191]. SPM [989]. Spoken [2733, 2500, 695, 291]. Spontaneously [99]. Spot [792]. Spread [294, 432]. Sprite [229]. SQL [1078]. Square [1853, 1639]. Squares [148, 2554]. SRPT [1332]. SSC2 [2583]. SSL [1630]. st [2748]. Stability [1986, 113, 2246, 1575, 528]. Stabilization [200, 201, 198, 205]. Stabilized [286]. Stabilizing [203, 202, 207, 209, 208, 210, 211]. Stable [1835, 1861, 1836, 672, 1925]. Stack [1364]. Staged [381]. Staggered [1170]. STAIR [1746]. Stairs [1571]. Standard [2867, 2149, 2354, 2192, 1027, 2459, 2880]. Standards [1451]. Standards-Driven [1451]. Stapedotomy [1069]. Star [662, 673]. Start [22]. Start-Up [22]. Starting [19]. Startup [23]. State [1190, 1862, 136, 2015, 1908, 2475, 1773, 2006, 1195, 729, 1197, 1111, 1782, 138, 2259, 1727, 898, 1196]. Stateless [2720, 286, 1244]. Stateless-Recipient [2720]. Statements [1294]. States [2487, 717, 2639, 2460]. Static [377, 2794, 2701]. Station [288]. Statistical [2610, 874, 1033, 822, 2738, 2671, 510, 314, 2628, 893, 1017, 118, 129, 824, 2636, 864, 913, 839, 1465, 251]. Statistically [2714]. Statistically-Secret [2714]. Statistics [131, 280]. Status [2761]. Steady [898]. Steady-State [898]. Steered [936]. Steganography [316, 548]. Steiner [649, 668]. STeLLa [2580]. Stenting [833]. Step [1007, 2012, 771, 2362, 1088]. Steps [2566, 1264, 2621, 603]. Stereo [2817, 235, 109]. Stereoscopic [146, 2328]. Stereotypes [1434]. Stick [1899]. Sticks [1629]. Still [10]. Stimulating [1505]. Stimulation [1062, 919]. Stimulation-Response [919]. Stochastic [1850, 1326, 2679, 2575, 905, 2266, 2687]. 46 stochastICP [905]. Stock [2486]. Storage [1127, 344, 1195]. Stored [350]. Stores [1627]. Stories [391, 398]. Storing [14]. Story [401, 387, 171, 404, 2459]. Storyboard [2450]. Storyteller [85]. Storytelling [84, 400, 395, 391, 406, 405]. Straight [107]. Strain [1676]. Strategic [1422, 2096]. Strategies [2878, 2906, 1965, 2631, 590, 749]. Strategy [2629, 196, 2225]. Stream [2618, 2124, 2634, 1590, 2127, 811]. Stream-Cipher [2127]. Stream-Packing [1590]. Streaming [350, 261, 1231, 1232, 1247, 1082]. Streamlining [2449]. Streams [1175, 1180]. Strength [495]. Stretch [1577, 1858]. STRING [1380]. Strings [2912]. Stroke [1007, 2260, 913]. Stroll [2433]. Strong [1943, 2620, 673, 1224]. Structural [618, 259, 1891, 1549, 335, 1198, 820, 2502, 534, 1219]. Structure [51, 1855, 912, 1747, 1595, 59, 684, 103, 209, 1522, 2271, 2272, 2273, 1920, 1699, 1771, 1052, 755, 530, 1299, 695, 346, 223]. Structured [133, 1482, 1499, 1518, 441]. Structures [2018, 1785, 149, 874, 538, 2066, 962, 818, 967, 1498, 2522, 1978, 881, 2048, 1367, 997, 2923, 2024, 5, 2538]. Structuring [1444]. Student [482]. Studied [2405]. Studies [500, 1682, 1093, 2348, 959, 1683, 980, 11, 29]. Study [968, 1850, 2037, 921, 1649, 2878, 2347, 1934, 1498, 1030, 2236, 2737, 2483, 1245, 38, 505, 2174, 2793, 7, 439, 2795, 1587, 530, 2305, 1526, 1528, 2554, 952, 1180, 1973, 1398]. Stumps [2471]. Style [2471, 2734, 2379]. Sub [2468, 1568]. Sub-beam [2468]. Sub-codewords [1568]. Subacute [1007]. Subband [2238]. Subcolorings [663]. Subcortical [983]. Subdefinite [2045]. Subdivision [104]. Subfamilies [670]. Subgraph [1899]. Subgraphs [661, 671]. Subgroup [1650]. Subgroups [2840]. Subject [2178, 2408, 319, 2079, 845]. Subjective [216, 753]. Subjects [894]. Submodular [665, 1344]. Subprograms [1295]. Subsampling [50]. Subset [1797]. Subsethood [2805]. Subspace [120]. Subspaces [363]. Subthalamic [968]. Subtle [595]. Subtype [1219]. Subtyping [622, 2196]. Subway [1397]. Subword [291]. Success [1582, 9, 2459]. Successful [2447]. Successfully [2413]. Successor [2055]. Sudan [1551]. Sufficient [1568, 2743, 1360, 426]. Suffix [1402, 55]. Sugeno [779, 766]. Suggestion [442]. Suitability [541]. Suitable [2108]. Suite [1323]. Suited [1092]. Summaries [35]. Summarization [216, 276, 719, 2883, 1240]. Summary [1810, 2176, 2366, 1316, 2357]. Super [978]. Super-Resolution [978]. Superelliptic [2158]. Superimposition [895]. Superior [1412]. Supermedia [1259]. Supersingular [2159]. Supervaluation [686, 682]. Supervised [2903, 2855, 56, 492, 2324]. Supervised-Unsupervised [2855]. Supervising [1021]. Supervision [1736]. Supply [1736]. Support [1118, 496, 1469, 897, 1425, 688, 132, 2401, 482, 217, 572, 805, 1525, 594, 486, 1241, 503, 524, 1416, 2201, 1468, 1320, 133, 2393, 2392, 1597, 1528, 60, 587, 368, 1422]. Supporting [28, 2410, 1279, 1250, 167, 832, 1272, 190, 588, 477, 584]. Supports [2188]. Surface [2861, 1039, 121, 904, 117, 1999]. Surfaces [148, 901, 819, 360, 840, 1039, 104, 1997]. Surgeon [816]. Surgeries [1004]. Surgery [968, 886, 897, 870, 932, 1021, 994, 857, 1020, 1065, 1006, 855, 1001, 887, 832, 816, 1066, 1019, 954, 1024, 1025, 949, 868, 871]. Surgical [882, 1032, 858, 950, 935, 852]. Surveillance [513]. Survey [2058, 2677, 2915]. Survival [520]. Susceptibility [2371]. Suspending [2539]. SVD [783]. SVM [2483]. Sweep [1871]. Sweeping [1383]. Switches [1607]. 47 Switching [1475, 756]. Symbiosis [16]. Symbol [2270]. Symbolic [57, 1186, 1832, 728, 2813, 2516]. Symbols [2191]. Symmetric [665, 2900, 1562, 1224, 1333]. Symmetries [1851]. Symmetry [1852, 1917, 1329]. Symposium [1493]. Synchronisation [2025]. Synchronization [1120, 608, 1298]. Synchronized [1208]. Synchronizer [1229]. Synchronous [1121, 623, 317, 584]. Synchrony [2213, 1124]. Syntactic [2893, 2861, 1816, 2882]. Syntax [2666, 2672, 1316]. Synthesis [2017, 2626, 1595, 2020, 2304, 1648, 1248, 2019, 2800, 1558, 312]. System [81, 2720, 1178, 737, 1099, 831, 2203, 897, 2469, 422, 2337, 349, 360, 1375, 1656, 372, 2474, 2695, 800, 799, 1898, 1021, 2584, 2384, 2338, 739, 2577, 1070, 853, 721, 482, 746, 885, 2556, 2779, 1457, 2849, 2293, 331, 260, 443, 221, 1257, 2416, 255, 419, 483, 238, 2307, 956, 1967, 2477, 1071, 908, 998, 2322, 826, 1164, 748, 1054, 1569, 863, 2883, 513, 572, 460, 1133, 1245, 1660, 861, 465, 249, 431, 2269, 345, 248, 516, 2316, 574, 1828, 855, 517, 2860, 438, 486, 1267, 815, 1479, 2650, 589, 1283, 887, 1323, 2578, 2277, 359, 1701, 714, 2457, 1780, 503, 524]. System [2455, 580, 1052, 1249, 1019, 762, 2019, 899, 2675, 693, 1024, 2367, 435, 2392, 1597, 1932, 235, 949, 2804, 2789, 279, 1234, 532, 233, 158, 1160, 447, 730, 2806, 2096, 996, 299, 1337, 1082, 486]. System-Level [1133]. System-Theoretic [1569]. Systematic [27, 2029]. Systematically [2552]. Systems [76, 1733, 2438, 1734, 2626, 1581, 1253, 1118, 1119, 496, 2838, 1748, 1785, 2440, 646, 2922, 1120, 1187, 778, 1121, 616, 1148, 2927, 1770, 1122, 1429, 1822, 1755, 356, 1584, 2907, 2755, 640, 1326, 1127, 396, 1790, 2421, 1217, 577, 1725, 1940, 1908, 1933, 687, 1774, 204, 772, 2227, 2432, 1833, 468, 1287, 2848, 1169, 2074, 2919, 1131, 1757, 2308, 424, 2482, 2236, 1625, 2737, 1132, 2050, 1836, 512, 1760, 1793, 1483, 598, 2135, 1080, 2317, 2562, 1134, 2095, 2013, 1796, 1283, 488, 1797, 1350, 1116, 1798, 2702, 287, 945, 1921, 1579, 1693, 2412, 1197, 2362, 1137, 1799, 1286]. Systems [166, 1139, 1252, 1968, 1450, 1142, 1320, 1220, 773, 2127, 1143, 1147, 2359, 1144, 1516, 1800, 1305, 1306, 1308, 1307, 2046, 583, 2399, 560, 638, 1945, 1155, 1150, 426, 2796, 224, 1761, 1098]. Systems-Challenges [1143]. Systolic [1688]. t [1027, 2105, 2838]. T-Fuzzy [2838]. T1 [721, 1047]. T2 [721]. Table [2788, 2366, 312]. Tableaux [2894, 2223, 2189]. Tabled [1832, 1833]. Tables [173, 683]. Tabling [1824]. Tabu [1005]. Tabular [1819]. Tachycardia [535]. Tagged [1679, 1031]. Tagger [2865]. Tagging [1678, 2863, 2864, 2866, 39, 55]. Tail [1539]. Tail-Biting [1539]. Tailed [1873, 1331]. Tailored [2044, 2902]. Tailoring [2044]. Takagi [779]. Takagi-Sugeno [779]. Take [888]. Taking [852]. Talk [2520]. Talking [2301, 2300]. tallying [2750]. Tapping [289]. Target [2738]. Targeted [188, 2221]. Targets [1941]. Tartar [2875]. Task [1946, 1103, 1065, 1327, 140, 1323, 1321, 1948]. Task-Level [1065]. Tasks [1581, 2474, 613, 1065, 2430, 1298, 2426]. Taxonomy [1735, 681, 1200]. TBNA [933]. TBNA-protocols [933]. TCP [1178, 2638, 1245, 1231, 2026, 1233, 1180]. TCP-Friendly [1233, 1180]. TCP/IP [1178]. TD [2626]. TD-Sequences [2626]. TEA [2643, 2884]. Teacher [482]. Teaching [486]. Team [2924, 586]. Team-Automata-Driven [2924]. Teamwork [587]. Tears [721]. Technical [2879]. Technique [1469, 1871, 1884, 2790, 992, 585, 2044, 2252, 283, 2238, 1591, 2818, 859, 1333, 2615]. Techniques [1538, 1121, 777, 1497, 2396, 2477, 1977, 720, 48 1916, 516, 2079, 836, 1683, 2454, 1921, 1667, 937, 2294, 143, 190, 492, 2804, 533, 291]. Technological [1496]. Technologies [895, 688, 2792, 2288]. Technology [2439, 2445, 460, 2830, 2168, 182, 4, 713, 1076, 852]. tegration [1817]. Tele [853, 298]. Tele-echography [853]. Tele-education [298]. Telecom [1453]. Telecommand [1711]. Telecommunication [1077]. Telecommunications [1074, 186, 1080]. Telemanipulation [1019]. Telemetry [1712]. Teleoperation [2293]. Telephony [66]. Telerobotic [1259]. Tell [683]. Telling [401, 387]. Template [1956, 173, 2051, 246]. Templates [952]. Temporal [1842, 2465, 1425, 2183, 1324, 2577, 685, 2180, 1132, 1437, 38, 683, 273, 345, 104, 2926, 1866, 2497, 2182, 820, 1929, 66, 1031, 1416]. Temporal-Spatial [273]. Temporomandibular [1002]. Tensor [1059, 838, 837]. TER [853]. Term [2893, 2227, 442, 2242, 2393, 1606, 34]. Terminal [1371]. Termination [2049, 2226, 1210, 2225, 2224, 2215]. Terms [609, 2870, 319]. Test [2033, 688, 2136, 1455, 2552, 1570, 2323]. Test-Driving [2552]. Testability [1199]. Testable [2448]. Testing [552, 2034, 1043, 2887, 2824, 751, 2032, 166, 1938, 1782, 2841, 2511]. Text [2888, 2731, 449, 242, 356, 2738, 2256, 567, 1502, 2488, 2881, 309, 64, 2884]. Text-to-Speech [356]. Textual [1442]. Textural [98]. Texture [253, 2533, 98, 2501, 976, 1055, 231]. Textured [245]. TH [1656]. TH-SMS [1656]. Theatre [405, 974]. Their [2626, 563, 2910, 1954, 1341, 108, 2765, 2628, 1795, 1116, 1025, 557, 2000, 2243, 2560]. Them [14]. Theme [1535]. Theorem [2063, 2193, 1837, 539, 2358, 2783, 1654, 2754, 318]. Theorems [2904]. Theoretic [1389, 1569, 2082, 2041, 2197, 1537, 2615]. Theoretical [2017, 556]. Theories [2192, 2084, 1128, 2206]. Theory [1186, 1729, 1887, 2375, 738, 2188, 709, 367, 679, 205, 2385, 736, 1791, 682, 2902, 1507, 1917, 1219, 2318, 1513, 1434, 1212, 2005, 1799, 2795, 1536, 1519, 1980, 2357, 446, 775]. Therapeutic [993]. Therapy [961]. Thermometry [991, 862]. Thesaurus [449, 2886]. Thickening [1688]. Thickens [1854]. Thickness [929, 910]. Thin [106]. Thin-Plate [106]. Things [711]. Think [2087]. Thinking [1496, 2393]. Thinning [1999]. Third [2126, 562, 1664]. Thompson [1193]. Thoracic [827, 1056]. Thorax [881]. Thoughts [1817]. Thread [1275]. Threaded [2521]. Threading [1879]. Three [808, 1448, 684, 1933, 2249, 827, 1056, 2304, 603, 836, 959, 2570, 1263, 842, 2328]. Three-Dimensional [827, 1056, 836, 959, 2570, 842]. Three-Layer [1448]. Three-Level [808]. Three-Valued [684]. Threshold [2630, 2149, 2151, 2249, 628, 2150, 2754, 1199, 756, 1570, 1637, 101]. Thresholding [2480]. Thresholds [2064, 1251]. tier [2031]. Tight [2164, 1369, 2702]. Timbuk [2227]. Time [1581, 2555, 895, 1138, 2625, 769, 1404, 1393, 2739, 1038, 89, 1375, 2727, 52, 2231, 918, 1345, 1127, 2188, 660, 502, 1604, 922, 2670, 2476, 1372, 2577, 986, 1573, 2022, 1129, 1524, 728, 669, 1281, 1346, 54, 328, 2480, 1132, 1366, 1779, 120, 2113, 37, 2325, 861, 1080, 1828, 2088, 1001, 399, 154, 816, 2398, 1798, 1215, 1579, 2274, 529, 1142, 1536, 1143, 2026, 896, 935, 1306, 1130, 2292, 122, 919, 859, 2228, 88, 573, 233, 1288, 1150, 324]. Time-Frequency [2274]. Time-Optimal [2577]. Time-Series [922, 728, 2398]. Time-Sharing [2625]. Time-Triggered [1129]. Time-Varying [37]. Timed [2074, 2608, 2013, 2080, 1216, 2024]. Timed-Arc [2080]. Timed-Release [2608]. Timers [1187]. Times [614, 1346, 10]. Timetable [2315]. Timing [2759]. Tiny [1126]. Tissue [932, 857, 909, 863, 1677, 999, 49 1004, 875, 1035, 1034, 981]. Tissue-like [909]. Tissues [830]. TLB [1599]. Together [2086]. Token [211]. Tokenization [2864]. Tolerance [1794, 1089]. Tolerant [1581, 1755, 2307, 1591]. Tomographic [840, 896]. Tomography [1986, 901, 803, 985]. Too [761]. Tool [2888, 1981, 886, 1064, 770, 1425, 876, 207, 2401, 18, 993, 24, 2129, 1502, 1452, 484, 515, 2317, 2519, 1323, 94, 1665, 278, 392, 2426, 546]. Toolbox [1377, 1100]. Toolkit [87, 1903]. Tools [1038, 644, 1015, 1134, 1028, 2666, 1464, 1490, 2335, 1562]. Toolset [1144]. Toothbrushes [1496]. Topic [422, 2734, 2551]. Topics [2595, 470]. Topological [1415, 1381, 1413, 1248, 1418]. Topologies [740, 536]. Topology [874, 1976, 1604, 1978, 2832, 2834]. Total [1375, 1345, 1675, 1071, 863]. Touch [2333, 91]. Tour [2918]. Tourists [193]. Tournament [1888]. Toy [2303]. Traced [189]. Traces [2911]. Tracing [2752, 489, 2141]. Track [2576, 2606, 1747]. Tracker [835]. Tracking [422, 358, 1031, 838, 331, 238, 152, 120, 241, 123, 815, 816, 1060, 997, 1942, 370, 281, 109]. Tract [2303]. Trade [1010, 2354]. Tradeoff [273]. Tradeoffs [2749, 1890]. Trading [2347, 2556, 2353]. Traditional [2868]. Traffic [1237, 2778, 1602, 1236, 807, 238, 1175, 1610, 768, 439, 122, 256]. Traffics [2292]. Tragedy [644]. Trail [2629]. Trails [2606]. Train [1376]. Trained [2815, 732]. Training [1469, 857, 255, 39, 406, 73, 1467, 1520]. Traitor [2752, 2141]. Trajectories [2916]. Tram [594]. Trans [993]. Trans-urethral [993]. Transaction [1631, 1625, 2171, 2169]. Transactional [1278, 2170, 190]. Transactions [1635, 1279]. Transcoding [225]. Transcranial [1062]. Transcribed [2736]. Transcripts [2732]. Transducers [1773, 1195, 1197]. Transduction [859]. Transfer [2588, 2751, 952, 1233, 1616]. Transferable [569, 791]. Transfiction [390]. Transform [149, 2263, 113, 2220, 2245, 252, 511, 2279, 2269, 2255, 2265, 717, 315, 2266, 919, 2789, 332, 2284, 2247, 364, 2267, 2280]. Transformation [2018, 2017, 2695, 2012, 2919, 257, 1473, 2918, 2702, 1136, 2275, 2028, 878, 2000]. Transformational [2016, 383]. Transformations [1222, 1816, 2696, 2019, 2551]. Transformed [2237]. Transformers [2790]. Transforming [1797]. Transforms [1987, 1999]. Transistor [1093]. Transition [1874, 1785, 377, 1875, 1107]. Transitions [1856]. Transitive [2194, 2723]. Transitivity [2196]. Translating [1943]. Translation [621, 2911, 1363, 1437, 2255, 2847]. Translation-Invariant [2255]. Translations [1910]. Transmission [297, 354, 1232, 2292, 234, 302]. Transparency [172, 1275]. Transparent [1179, 1944, 562, 231]. Transport [1238, 318]. Transportation [646]. Transports [1179]. Transversals [653]. Trapdoor [2714]. Trapezoidal [737]. Traveling [1888]. Traversal [208, 2528, 212]. Treatment [1191, 867, 998]. Tree [1752, 2544, 2219, 1405, 1747, 654, 356, 1862, 1751, 2534, 668, 2872, 1466, 2076, 2271, 2272, 2273, 1744, 1402, 1027, 521, 456, 1359, 133, 2259, 533, 346]. Tree-Approximations [1359]. Tree-Based [356]. Tree-Degree [654]. Tree-Structure [346]. Tree-Structured [133]. Trees [2064, 1404, 2471, 2912, 49, 625, 1495, 48, 624, 626, 2765, 2674, 1778, 1407, 1173, 528, 2554, 1749]. Treewidth [657]. TrekTrack [599]. Trellis [353]. Trellises [1539]. Tremor [859]. Trial [843]. Triangular [794]. Triangulation [1358]. Triggered [1129]. Triple [2143, 552]. Tripod [1417]. Trous [257]. True [1218, 304, 386, 680]. Truncated [2142]. Trust 50 [1284, 2090, 2093, 2086, 2089, 2087, 2490, 2095, 2088, 2094, 2091, 1932, 2092, 2096]. Trusted [562, 1723, 1155, 1664]. Trustworthy [2705]. TSP [1956]. Tubular [149, 834, 967]. Tumors [955, 1055]. Tumour [951]. Tuning [2851]. Turbid [909]. Turbo [353]. Turbulence [1583]. Turbulent [10]. Turing [1094, 1761]. Turn [692]. Turning [2411]. Twice [2206]. Twin [2122]. TWLinuX [1597]. Two [1007, 1577, 1676, 759, 2595, 1638, 696, 1407, 1245, 2429, 717, 2116, 959, 2605, 1642, 1781, 11, 937, 2366, 1088, 1622, 1398, 2606]. Two[959]. Two-Color [1642]. Two-Dimensional [1676]. Two-Population [759]. Two-Step [1007, 1088]. Two-Track- [2606]. Two-Way [1781]. Type [1544, 1584, 1438, 1053, 2828, 1475, 2619, 2657, 2654, 2650, 1434, 2197, 2665, 530]. Type-Theoretic [2197]. Typed [2043, 1204, 2528, 2198, 2531]. Types [1223, 2572, 611, 610, 2844, 2022, 1133, 2549, 1292]. Typical [1619]. Typing [1227, 179]. U [501, 2346]. U-Mart [2346]. Ubiquitous [597, 2409, 1281, 598, 603, 602, 582, 590, 588, 584, 583, 587, 606]. Ubiquity [1534]. Uda [1108]. UDP [1245, 1228]. Ultimate [1835]. Ultrafast [2618]. Ultrasonic [1676, 751]. Ultrasound [926, 923, 1686, 1070, 993, 920, 943, 855, 959, 527, 954, 842, 848, 965]. Ultrasound-Guided [855, 842]. UML [1441, 2027, 2664, 1435, 2668, 2412, 170, 1434, 178, 2028, 2675, 1436, 25]. UML-Like [2027]. UMTS [1182]. Unbelievable [2135]. Unbounded [1345]. Uncertainties [1626]. Uncertainty [2517]. Unconditionally [538, 2745, 2633, 1616]. Unconditionally-Secure [1616]. Unconstrained [2427, 2511]. Undecidable [1220]. Undeniable [2721, 2645, 1637]. Underdefined [2755]. Underground [704]. Understanding [30, 1822, 818]. Undetachable [2630]. Undetected [2611]. Unearthing [593]. Unexpected [692]. Unfair [199]. Unfolding [2204]. Unfoldings [2030]. Unicast [811, 603]. unifiability [634]. Unification [2194, 2893, 2198, 1516]. Unified [659, 2688, 1648, 1288, 1400]. Uniform [1478, 2271, 2273, 883]. Uniformed [1327]. Unifying [498, 2425, 378, 1569, 1537]. Union [1223, 1477]. Uniqueness [2906, 764]. Unison [1229]. Unit [478, 1893, 613, 1706, 2683]. United [2460]. Units [1301]. Universal [758, 1085, 1457, 1349, 1086, 1094]. Universality [1796]. Universe [2786, 2368, 2650]. UNIX [574]. Unknown [1191, 137]. Unlock [363]. Unmanned [2372]. Unreliable [1179]. Unsatisfiability [628]. Unsolvability [2007]. Unsupervised [2855, 941, 236]. Unsupportive [202]. Untidy [1089]. Untyped [610]. Unwrapping [991]. Update [2208, 2560, 2906]. Updates [2223, 2515]. Updating [702, 640, 2487, 444]. Upper [2837, 2361, 2072, 2929, 2590, 615]. Ups [1343]. UPT [1085]. Uptake [918]. Urban [646, 705]. urethral [993]. Urinary [514]. Urn [2349]. Usability [2415, 689, 2423, 12, 2416, 1328, 279]. Usage [1123, 1282, 2414, 476, 2373, 785]. Use [2555, 1284, 2107, 1067, 294, 998, 2737, 1977, 2568, 237, 82, 1273, 404]. Used [800, 698, 692]. Useful [1660]. Useless [1499]. User [1733, 79, 2442, 2425, 1617, 2417, 191, 83, 2420, 1739, 2295, 1235, 217, 1502, 463, 237, 1318, 2436, 1319, 936, 1698, 1321, 1320, 1596, 279, 1183, 2426, 1322, 2315]. User-Controlled [2426]. User-Level [1596]. User-Steered [936]. Users [2442, 767, 585, 1274, 77, 235]. Uses [2418]. Using [2748, 891, 494, 266, 884, 733, 553, 1538, 2853, 968, 1832, 2686, 2208, 149, 593, 2799, 819, 2281, 940, 1038, 2469, 1140, 2470, 51 902, 353, 2870, 833, 2801, 245, 264, 326, 2067, 1626, 552, 1085, 581, 938, 1484, 2311, 743, 452, 779, 1039, 106, 2738, 31, 1266, 259, 1958, 2820, 2226, 506, 904, 2434, 978, 172, 847, 1497, 1941, 96, 2059, 2697, 807, 2401, 2776, 102, 1893, 821, 459, 1565, 292, 2312, 2732, 1499, 1944, 347, 2645, 257, 827, 1056, 1914, 977, 1349, 1101, 2480, 2592, 2859, 1164, 729, 509, 1020, 1054, 2817, 2883, 920, 1964, 2488, 310, 1245, 1525, 2135, 720]. Using [38, 239, 306, 249, 431, 893, 879, 1916, 2255, 2678, 881, 1857, 1421, 2242, 516, 717, 2388, 1917, 2519, 399, 118, 975, 1677, 1319, 2212, 601, 751, 2827, 798, 104, 488, 2404, 218, 309, 1667, 177, 844, 1109, 523, 2818, 776, 335, 1740, 1594, 179, 989, 2599, 526, 828, 997, 1923, 824, 1468, 1115, 954, 528, 2041, 98, 151, 1231, 2675, 363, 153, 1022, 1536, 960, 2141, 457, 2377, 2198, 2856, 2500, 2886, 820, 2502, 2800, 146, 235, 2259, 2046, 583, 2804, 55, 965, 445, 1055, 1044, 2882, 1728, 533, 231, 2262, 158, 781, 915, 312, 447, 230, 1465, 2323]. Using [797, 2096, 324, 1339, 2516, 2267, 357, 2406, 280, 898, 109]. Utility [694, 791]. Utilization [1257, 2451]. Vague [682]. Vaguely [686]. Validate [847]. Validated [1122]. Validation [550, 2815, 860, 876, 2620, 513, 269, 2813, 1045, 849, 528, 1016, 999, 875, 435, 952, 1182]. Valmet [876]. Valuations [1217]. Value [1592, 1040, 612, 530]. Valued [2833, 1472, 738, 684, 747, 745, 758]. Values [1860]. Variability [535]. Variable [1885, 268, 476, 2373, 1857, 1607, 1232]. Variables [2689, 1107, 58, 2221]. Variant [904]. Variants [1796]. Variations [1535]. Varieties [2021]. Various [2048]. Varying [37]. Vascular [925, 912, 908, 997, 533, 868]. Vasculature [898]. VBR [1237]. VCR [1170]. Vector [1469, 1059, 1048, 132, 1402, 1468, 133, 530, 274, 368]. Vehicle [102, 2779, 238, 2372, 122, 1346, 1141]. Ventricle [1678, 1011, 986, 872, 1017, 1674, 1690, 907]. Ventricles [1013]. Ventricular [821, 1680, 535]. Verb [2860]. Verbalizing [2784]. Verifiability [2113]. Verifiable [2720, 2766]. Verification [1125, 2068, 1865, 743, 2015, 1908, 2794, 2450, 1934, 543, 2012, 2074, 2671, 2652, 2653, 2654, 167, 2081, 1648, 363, 1763, 2810, 2811, 781, 436, 368, 246, 357]. Verified [2069]. Verifier [2220]. Verify [1199]. Verifying [2697, 2698, 1638]. Version [2857, 2665, 2142]. Versions [2643]. versus [1969, 1768, 818, 1946, 2877, 894]. Vertex [366, 655, 1983, 111, 1354]. Vertex-Based [1983]. Verticality [704]. Vertically [1281]. Vertices [1565, 1542]. Very [1081, 2136, 735, 1743]. Vessel [916, 101, 836, 959, 915, 873]. Vessels [1671]. VEST [1144]. VHML [2300]. via [940, 365, 1887, 131, 608, 610, 1913, 2343, 2271, 2273, 2229, 522, 2847, 2041, 477, 1529, 634, 2233, 359]. Viability [1684]. Vibration [1023]. Video [1445, 216, 1237, 228, 350, 358, 242, 325, 276, 1171, 261, 262, 330, 321, 268, 344, 288, 333, 238, 217, 328, 337, 1063, 1170, 1238, 1240, 273, 345, 2240, 240, 229, 2242, 855, 297, 1444, 338, 2418, 1231, 1232, 1233, 277, 300, 327, 1151, 305, 227, 299, 1247, 224]. Video-Assisted [855]. Video-Endoscopy [1063]. Video-on-Demand [1171, 345]. Videography [861]. VideoSpace [2418]. View [1492, 992, 187, 137, 152, 2210, 551, 2358, 2783, 4, 1900]. View-Based [187]. Viewer [1064]. Viewpoint [2038]. Viewpoints [2559, 2568, 235]. Views [127, 2906, 963]. Violations [1868]. Virtual [891, 1754, 80, 81, 408, 385, 79, 1011, 593, 1038, 84, 400, 962, 2355, 75, 688, 389, 395, 83, 1589, 946, 407, 889, 74, 254, 398, 401, 82, 815, 387, 2334, 218, 1066, 406, 87, 73, 404, 1588, 405, 85, 1527, 72, 835, 892, 88, 1037, 2419, 1061]. Virus [54]. Visemes [153]. Visibility [1297]. Vision [1262, 411, 219, 516, 154, 143, 138]. 52 Vision-Based [1262, 138]. VISIONS [388]. visited [2475]. Visitors [473]. Visual [2691, 119, 1787, 2467, 468, 746, 708, 1020, 239, 2310, 698, 1283, 816, 279, 231, 322]. Visualisation [1059, 1100]. Visualization [897, 962, 1064, 1062, 219, 484, 2325, 958, 1028, 836, 975, 527, 1464, 1490, 435, 892, 416, 873, 1061, 898]. Visualizing [472, 1509, 428]. Viterbi [2647]. Vitro [849]. Vivo [1676, 1683, 930]. VizWear [219]. VLIW [1591]. VLSI [1093, 1092]. VML [1492]. Vocabulary [2871, 233]. Vocal [2303]. VoD [304]. Voice [808, 293, 1243]. Voicemail [2735]. VoIP [293]. Volume [355, 834, 821, 1015, 977, 975, 913, 839, 1008]. Volumes [1682, 1061]. Volumetric [1039, 1049]. Volumetry [1013]. Voluming [1014]. Voting [544, 1778]. Voxel [984]. Voxels [975]. vs [2303, 753, 617, 2427, 2035, 2623]. VSS [2806]. Vulnerability [206]. Walking [1101]. Walks [2059, 2598]. Wall [1678, 1680, 1677]. WAP [1272]. WAP-Based [1272]. Warehouse [1075, 1431, 1433]. Warehousing [1734]. WASABI [2739]. WASH [2531]. WASH/ CGI [2531]. Watch [214, 1097]. Watermark [295]. Watermarking [266, 1619, 313, 294, 317, 2235, 347, 337, 314, 336, 2112, 296, 315, 309, 1667, 549, 566, 343, 265, 312]. Watermarks [297]. WAV [312]. WAV-Table [312]. Wave [1670, 1720, 751, 915]. Waveform [2266]. Waveforms [849]. Wavelength [1758, 1605]. Wavelet [267, 2263, 2281, 2246, 2231, 2235, 2249, 2245, 2244, 252, 2241, 257, 2254, 120, 2252, 511, 314, 2278, 2268, 2250, 2279, 2269, 2240, 270, 2255, 2265, 2242, 717, 315, 2277, 2257, 2275, 2234, 2248, 2266, 2253, 2259, 919, 2789, 2262, 2233, 2284, 2247, 2270, 2283, 2267, 2280]. Wavelet-Based [2252, 2240, 2242, 2277, 2234]. Wavelet-Domain [314, 2259]. Wavelet-Packet [2250]. Wavelets [2276, 2282, 2239, 2243, 2264, 2285]. Way [2642, 1768, 2714, 2765, 1366, 485, 615, 1781, 2784, 1466]. Wayfinding [705]. Wayness [2757]. WCET [1149]. WDM [1605]. Weak [1943, 205, 2002]. Weaker [2839]. Weakest [1221]. Weaknesses [2582]. Wear [79]. Wearable [216, 214, 217, 219, 215]. Weather [2804, 60]. Web [417, 1451, 430, 1745, 2217, 412, 570, 2435, 450, 451, 1256, 1449, 452, 481, 1958, 474, 2296, 478, 1332, 482, 411, 1522, 442, 292, 604, 413, 507, 1608, 434, 460, 484, 455, 444, 2317, 476, 2373, 2390, 420, 486, 1511, 2297, 488, 489, 2298, 475, 466, 439, 522, 647, 1166, 415, 2294, 2041, 1450, 1590, 440, 457, 435, 588, 433, 1528, 1939, 2531, 445, 1157, 467, 458, 416, 446, 447, 471, 410, 1722]. Web-Aware [484]. Web-Based [1451, 430, 481, 478, 413, 434, 486, 488, 457, 435, 482]. Web-Enabled [507]. Web-Like [2041]. Web-Page [445]. WEBARM [1256]. Website [1328]. Websites [2301]. Weierstraß [2764]. Weight [2612, 2623]. Weighted [1375, 350, 721, 143, 1359, 1386]. Weights [2374, 1399, 1548, 1549, 1394, 1543, 2119]. Weil [2160, 2116, 2161]. Weld [1591]. Well [2208, 1835, 1215, 426]. Well-Behaved [426]. Well-Founded [2208, 1835]. Well-Quasi-Orders [1215]. Where [140, 592]. Which [1956, 2426, 383]. Who [79, 592]. Whole [1439, 1413, 961]. WI [410]. Wide [2629, 427, 1589, 1498, 1967, 455, 420, 447]. Widely [1284]. Widenings [2013]. Widget [2414]. Width [657, 660, 771]. Will [2520, 1218]. Winding [2790]. Window [1620]. Windows [907]. Winners [1387]. Wireless [578, 293, 2634, 1175, 1177, 768, 600, 461, 1248, 302]. within [644, 1641, 2457, 586, 2460, 1690, 66, 606]. Without [1042, 1618, 987, 1725, 671, 1683, 2026, 2228, 1531]. Women [785]. Word REFERENCES 53 [2853, 2887, 2855, 2852, 56, 2874, 291]. WordNet [2853]. Words [1191, 793, 2883, 2877, 2917]. Work [1592, 2924, 1424, 2176, 405, 2451, 440, 1143]. Worker [2307]. Workflow [26, 1448, 1807, 187, 188, 1446]. Working [2442, 1828]. Workload [1340]. Works [1403, 935]. Workshop [1496, 431, 2357]. Workstation [962]. World [596, 2354, 2489, 2391, 1510, 218, 1100, 455, 420, 447]. World-Wide [447]. Worlds [2057, 593, 2578]. Worst [1517]. Worst-Case [1517]. Worth [1235]. Wrapper [2445]. Wrapping [2496]. Wristwatch [599]. Writer [100]. Writing [1442, 2214]. WSD [2856, 2854]. WTLS [1631]. WWW [1064, 419, 479, 470, 690]. WYSIWYG [2424]. X [849, 973]. X-ray [849, 973]. XML [561, 418, 777, 1440, 1627, 2532, 1452, 1318, 1421, 2316, 1455, 1419, 437]. XML-Based [418, 1318, 2316, 1455, 1419]. XML-schema [1452]. XTG [2028]. XTR [2104, 2604, 1561, 2138]. XXIst [403]. Yagi [1108]. Yagi-Uda [1108]. Yasukawa [766]. Years [1786]. Yima [1082]. zag [2588]. Zero [2155, 2154]. ZeroKnowledge [2155, 2154]. Zerotree [2241]. Zig [2588]. Zig-zag [2588]. Zones [2284]. Zygomatic [952]. References Rombach:2001:GSQ [1] Dieter Rombach. Guaranteed software quality. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2188:1–??, 2001. CODEN LNCSD9. 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CODEN LNCSD9. ISSN 0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic). URL http://link.springerny.com/link/service/series/0558/ bibs/2219/22190421.htm; http:/ /link.springer-ny.com/link/service/ series/0558/papers/2219/22190421. pdf. [1306] S. Tucker Taft, Robert A. Duff, Taft:2001:AGN Randall L. Brukardt, and Erhard Ploedereder. Annex D (normative) [1309] S. Tucker Taft, Robert A. Duff, Randall L. Brukardt, and Erhard real-time systems. Lecture Notes Ploedereder. Annex G (normain Computer Science, 2219:387–??, tive) numerics. Lecture Notes 2001. CODEN LNCSD9. ISSN in Computer Science, 2219:437–??, 0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (elec- REFERENCES 277 2001. CODEN LNCSD9. ISSN 0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic). URL http://link.springerny.com/link/service/series/0558/ bibs/2219/22190437.htm; http:/ /link.springer-ny.com/link/service/ series/0558/papers/2219/22190437. pdf. Taft:2001:AHN [1310] S. Tucker Taft, Robert A. Duff, Randall L. Brukardt, and Erhard Ploedereder. 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