tipon water engineering masterpiece of the inca empire
tipon water engineering masterpiece of the inca empire
Tipon Water Engineering Masterpiece of the Inca Empire Prepared by Wright Paleohydrological Institute And Wright Water Engineers Final Report No 344-INC-C-2000 April 2001 Tipon Water Engineering Masterpiece of the Inca Empire Final Report N o 344-INC-C-2000 Written by: Kenneth R. Wright, P.E. Ruth M. Wright, J.D. Alfredo Valencia Zegarra, Ph.D. Gordon McEwan, Ph.D. Wright Paleohydrological Institute, Denver, Colorado April 2001 © Wright Paleohydrological Institute 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ________________________________________________________ i FIGURES __________________________________________________________________ iii TABLES ___________________________________________________________________ iv DEDICATION ________________________________________________________________ v PREFACE _________________________________________________________________ vi 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 INTRODUCTION ______________________________________________________1 Site Location and Description ____________________________________________1 Hypotheses __________________________________________________________1 Personnel ___________________________________________________________3 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK ___________________________________________________3 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 BACKGROUND AND BASIC DATA ______________________________________5 History and Function ___________________________________________________5 Population ___________________________________________________________6 Climate _____________________________________________________________6 Geology _____________________________________________________________7 Infiltration ____________________________________________________________9 Flora and Fauna _____________________________________________________11 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 METHODOLOGY_____________________________________________________13 Reconnaissance Surveys ______________________________________________13 Field Instrument Surveys_______________________________________________14 Field Mapping _______________________________________________________14 Hydraulic Measurements_______________________________________________14 Archaeological Documentation __________________________________________14 5.0 5.1 5.2 TERRACES _________________________________________________________15 Main Terraces _______________________________________________________15 Outlying Terraces ____________________________________________________15 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.3.1 SURFACE WATER HANDLING AND MANAGEMENT ______________________16 Surface Water Canals ________________________________________________18 Hydraulic Structures __________________________________________________20 Canal Capacities _____________________________________________________23 Main Canal Section 1 ________________________________________________23 6.3.2 Main Canal Section 2 ________________________________________________25 6.3.3 Main Canal Section 3 ________________________________________________27 6.3.4 Main Canal Section 4 ________________________________________________28 6.3.5 Main Canal Section 5 ________________________________________________32 i 6.3.6 Main Canal Section 6 ________________________________________________33 6.3.7 Three Canals From Rio Pukara ________________________________________33 6.4 6.5 6.6 Drainage Basin ______________________________________________________33 Potential Irrigated Land ________________________________________________34 Irrigation Water Requirements___________________________________________34 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.3.1 GROUNDWATER HANDLING AND MANAGEMENT _______________________36 Tipon Spring ________________________________________________________36 Water Distribution System ______________________________________________38 Hydraulic Structures __________________________________________________39 Main Fountain______________________________________________________39 7.3.2 Canal Drop Structures _______________________________________________41 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 Ceremonial Fountain __________________________________________________42 Irrigated Land _______________________________________________________44 Irrigation Water Requirements___________________________________________44 Domestic Water Requirements __________________________________________45 Flow Measurements __________________________________________________45 Water Quality________________________________________________________46 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL _____________________________________48 Main Terraces _______________________________________________________48 Outlying Terraces ____________________________________________________48 Subsurface Drainage__________________________________________________48 9.0 GENERAL __________________________________________________________48 9.1 Pukara _____________________________________________________________49 9.2 Sinkunakancha ______________________________________________________51 9.3 Patallaqta___________________________________________________________52 9.4 Intiwatana __________________________________________________________52 9.5 Ceremonial Plaza ____________________________________________________54 9.6 Cruzmoqo __________________________________________________________58 9.7 Outer Walls _________________________________________________________60 9.8 Artifacts ____________________________________________________________61 9.9 Canal Tomb _________________________________________________________61 9.10 Hole in the Wall ______________________________________________________63 9.11 Kancha Group _______________________________________________________63 9.12 Hornopata __________________________________________________________64 9.13 Eastern Terraces _____________________________________________________64 9.14 Iglesiaraqui _________________________________________________________64 9.15 Qoyay Oqwayqo _____________________________________________________65 10.0 PALEOHYDROLOGY SUMMARY _______________________________________65 10.1 Overview ___________________________________________________________65 ii 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 Water Yield _________________________________________________________66 Tributary Drainage Basins ______________________________________________66 Water Handling ______________________________________________________66 Adequacy of Water Supply _____________________________________________67 Potential Water-Related Tourist Attractions ________________________________67 11.0 CONCLUSIONS______________________________________________________68 12.0 RESEARCH NEEDS__________________________________________________70 13.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ________________________________________________71 14.0 REFERENCES_______________________________________________________71 APPENDIX—PERMIT FROM INC _______________________________________________73 FIGURES Figure 1.1 Tipon Archaeological Park. Tipon lies half way between San Jeronimo and Lucre, not far from the Wari administrative center of Pikillacta and the K’illke settlement of Chokepukio ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Figure 3.1 Geologic map showing extensive area of volcanic bedrock that underlies most of the Tipon Archaeological Park --------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Figure 6.1 Location of the three Inca canals diverting from the Rio Pukara northeast of Pukara.16 Figure 6.2 Point of diversion of the Inca Canal on the Rio Pukara. ------------------------------------ 17 Figure 6.3 Main Inca Canal irrigation turnout to conduit. Structure is 150 meters north of the Canal bend. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 Figure 6.4 Main Inca Canal with cross-sectional area of 625 and 600 cm2 with lateral canal with 160 cm2 of area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 Figure 6.5 Main Inca Canal showing a bend.---------------------------------------------------------------- 22 Figure 6.6 Main Inca Canal section 1 outside of Muralla (outer wall) at bend. ---------------------- 24 Figure 6.7 Main Inca Canal where the cross sectional area is in excess of 2,000cm2.------------ 26 Figure 6.8 Restored Section 4 plotted discharge curve. -------------------------------------------------- 31 Figure 6.9 Four Cross sections of the main Inca canal downstream of the Intiwatana. ----------- 32 Figure 7.1 Tipon spring headworks showing water collection conduits that provide for efficient water collection.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36 Figure 7.2 Tipon spring layout with headworks of Canals A, B. and C. ------------------------------- 37 Figure 7.3 1999 Measurement and plan view prior to the restoration of the Main Fountain.----- 40 Figure 7.4 Typical Tipon Terrace hydraulic drop structure to control splashing and to deliver irrigation water from a higher terrace to a lower terrace.----------------------------------- 42 iii Figure 7.5 Ceremonial Fountain on Tipon’s terraces, this fountain was being restored on September 22, 2000. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 Figure 7.6 Piper diagram of Tipon’s spring water quality. ----------------------------------------------- 46 Figure 9.1 Plan of Pukara that had an Inca population of at least 100 people. An indoor fountain with two baths was observed. Domestic and irrigation water cam from the Rio Pukara-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49 Figure 9.2 Typical Inca potsherds found near Pukara---------------------------------------------------- 50 Figure 9.3 Approximate layout of Sinkunakancha---------------------------------------------------------- 51 Figure 9.4 Plan of the Intiwatana with a detail of Niches Room 11.------------------------------------ 53 Figure 9.5 Subterranean Main Canal No. 2 at the Intiwatana ------------------------------------------- 53 Figure 9.6 Sketch of the Ceremonial Plaza ------------------------------------------------------------------ 55 Figure 9.7 Two niches at the Ceremonial Plaza ------------------------------------------------------------ 56 Figure 9.8 Fountain at the Ceremonial Plaza --------------------------------------------------------------- 57 Figure 9.9 Detail of the Ceremonial Plaza fountain -------------------------------------------------------- 57 Figure 9.10 The Cruzmoqo site high on the hill overlooking Tipon has petroglyphs, terraces and a view of Tipon. Cruzmoqo served a security, religious and signal function.--------- 59 TABLES Table 3.1 Tipon’s Precipitation and Temperature____________________________________7 Table 6.1 Main Canal Sections-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 Table 6.2 Rating Table for Restored Channel, Section 4 ----------------------------------------------- 29 Table 6.3 Consumptive Use for Two Crops at Tipon----------------------------------------------------- 35 Table 7.1 Irrigated Main Terraces ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 Table 7.2 Water Quality Data From the Inca Spring at Tipon, Peru ---------------------------------- 47 iv DEDICATION This publication on the Tipon archaeological park of the Cusco Department is dedicated to the hardworking professionals with the Instituto Nacional de Cultura and to the local Quechua Indians, especially those whose ancestors built Tipon and then used it for farming for 450 years without destroying its basic fabric and infrastructure. This publication is also dedicated to the young Yale history professor, Hiram Bingham, who visited Tipon in 1912 and took sharp, reliable photographs of the site that he showcased to the world in the February 1913 issue of National Geographic. Finally, this publication is dedicated to the Inca civil engineers who miraculously created this jewel without the benefit of a written language, the wheel, iron, or steel. Proud Citizens of the Cusco Province v PREFACE The Tipon archaeological park represents a water management masterpiece planned and designed by early Americans before the Conquistadors landed in South America. It is a water management masterpiece because of its combined development and use of both surface water and groundwater within a walled enclosure of about 200 hectares containing beautiful stonework of basalt and andesite and a complete Inca agriculturally oriented enclave only 20 kilometers from the capitol of the empire. It may have been either a feudal-like estate of Inca nobility or a royal estate of Pachacuti or Sopainca. A remarkable aspect of Tipon is that it was not an abandoned site; the local Quechua Indians have farmed, irrigated, and used Tipon for some four and a half centuries. Yet, much of Tipon remains to be enjoyed by modern visitors. Potsherds still lie scattered on the ground. The water engineering study of Tipon sponsored by Wright Water Engineers and the Wright Paleohydrological Institute has been a privilege for the authors. When we started the investigation, we thought that Tipon consisted, for the most part, of the main terraces and a spring along with the Intiwatana and Ceremonial Plaza. There was evidence of the long canal from the north, but its route was uncertain. During the course of the fieldwork, it quickly became evident that Tipon is a magnificent archaeological site and a jewel of the Inca Empire. There is much to be uncovered and understood at Tipon. Restoration of the many archaeological features at Tipon would tend to be feasible because so much of it still exists. Restoration of the canal system diverting from the Rio Pukara might also be feasible. The hundreds of production agricultural terraces, while generally in poor condition, could be selectively restored over time. Our investigation of Tipon has only scratched the surface of the hidden wonders of this agriculturally oriented estate. It is a site that deserves additional explorations, scientific study, and evaluation. Tipon has the potential for being a prime attraction for tourists, amateur archaeologists, and scientists alike. But most of all it has the potential for being an example of the great heritage given by the Inca to the everyday citizens of the Peru republic. Ruth M. Wright, Kenneth R. Wright Alfredo Valencia Zegarra, and Gordon F. McEwan April 2001 vi TIPON WATER ENGINEERING MASTERPIECE OF THE INCA EMPIRE 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Tipon paleohydrological research project fieldwork was conducted in September 2000 under the authority granted by Secretario General INC-Cusco Javier Lambarri Orihuela on September 8, 2000 and Director Departmental INC/DC ARQT Gustavo Manrique Villalobos on September 7, 2000 according to Resolución Directoral No. 344-INC-C-2000. The project included a field and office study of the paleohydrology and special features of Tipon. The work was primarily focused on field theodolite surveying and mapping Tipon’s water systems and measuring its water-related details such as canals, fountains, drop structures, and appurtenances. 1.1 Site Location and Description Tipon is part of the Tipon archaeological park and lies about 20 kilometers east of Cusco in the Cusco valley at an elevation ranging from 3,350 to 3,960 meters above mean sea level. The site is at latitude 13º34' south, longitude 71º47' west. The archaeological park of Tipon is located inside the Tipon district, province of Quispicanchis, and the department of Cusco. In terms of communal jurisdiction, it is in the Choquepata community. In reference to the Huatanay valley it is situated on the left flank, and in terms of ecological levels it is situated in the Puna and Queswa zones. Its boundaries can be identified on National Map 28S-IV-EN1972 (Cumpa 1999). The reader is also referred to the Carta Nacional 1:100,000 topographic map “Cuzco,” HOJA 28-5 for hydrographic data. The site, in relation to San Jeronimo, Saylla, and Oro Pesa, is shown in Figure 1.1. The Tipon archaeological park is depicted on Drawings 1 and 2 in the envelope at the rear of this report. 1.2 Hypotheses The Tipon paleohydrological research study was commenced with two hypotheses, the first being that field surveying and mapping portions of Tipon would contribute to an orderly and better understanding of this Inca archaeological site. The second hypothesis was that the Inca builders of Tipon were good civil engineers in a manner similar to those who built and practiced engineering at Machu Picchu. As will be demonstrated in the following report results, both the first and second hypotheses have been proven. 1 Figure 1.1 Tipon Archaeological Park. Tipon lies half way between San Jeronimo and Lucre, not far from the Wari administrative center of Pikillacta and the K’illke settlement of Chokepukio 2 1.3 Personnel Wright Water Engineers, Inc. (WWE) and Wright Paleohydrological Institute (WPI) conducted the September 2000 field exploration, research, surveying and mapping. All archaeological investigations were under the scientific direction of Dr. Gordon McEwan and Dr. Alfredo Valencia Zegarra (No. AV-82-03), with Ives Bejar Mendoza (No. DB-9744) serving as project archaeologist with the able assistance of archaeologist Zanabria Valencia Garcia. Kenneth Wright served as the project director in charge of the paleohydrological research. Ruth M. Wright assisted him as project historian and photographer and with field observations and measurements. Civil engineer Scott Marshall served as field reconnaissance survey engineer; he traversed the huge site to select and obtain survey points of critical importance. Christopher Crowley was the Global Transmit theodolite instrument man, who performed his work in a professional and efficient manner. Dr. Gordon McEwan arranged for all transportation and provided the theodolite and range pole rod. Able and dedicated macheteros included Felipe Coruyca, Erwate Quesfe, and Hernan Quesfe. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK The preliminary work for the Tipon project commenced in 1995 with an initial site visit by WWE’s project participants led by Dr. Gordon McEwan and Dr. Alfredo Valencia Zegarra. This was followed by a second site visit in November 1997, at which time photographs and observations were made of the many water-handling features of Tipon. At this time Tipon was identified as an appropriate archaeological site for paleohydrology research to supplement ongoing research at Machu Picchu. In January 2000 a third site visit was made over a period of three days that included detailed site observations. WWE representative Christopher Crowley was accompanied by several professional staff members of the Instituto Nacional de Cultura (INC) who described the water features of Tipon and assisted in reconnaissance inspection of the site for the purpose of preparing a project proposal to the INC. Reference data were collected from Cusco area libraries and archival sources. Dr. Fernando Astete of the INC was very helpful in all ways and was the principal source of archival and published data and maps. The INC’s Cusco Director was gracious and generous to us and laid the basis for extensive help from the INC’s staff, for which we are grateful. The September 2000 paleohydrological research work included the following activities: 1. Reviewed and analyzed reports, maps, and aerial photographs. 2. Cleared vegetation from the main Inca canal route from the Rio Pukara and excavated portions of the main canal using four macheteros led by one graduate archaeologist under the direction of Dr. Valencia Zegarra and Ives Bejar Mendoza from September 13 to 21. 3 3. Field surveyed using a Sokia 4000 theodolite for topographic documentation of Tipon’s primary terraces, water features, and a portion of the main canal from Rio Pukara. 4. Explored, cleared, excavated, and documented the Inca’s main canal that diverted water from the Rio Pukara at a point upstream of the northern outer wall (Muralla) near Pukara to the upper terminus of the reconstructed canal about 660 meters north of the Intiwatana. In addition, the main canal downstream of the Intiwatana was excavated to allow measurement of its slope, cross section, and hydraulic roughness and determination of its area and location of irrigation turnouts. 5. Explored and documented a lower (first) Inca canal that diverts from the Rio Pukara; cleared and excavated an upper (third) canal diverting from the same source. 6. Field studied and documented the Tipon spring, canals, drop structures, fountains, and irrigated terraces to analyze the continuity and adequacy of the collection, transport, and delivery of the spring water for beneficial uses. 7. Analyzed the water quality and water yield in liters per minute (L/min) of the Tipon spring via field measurement and measured the flow of water in one of the two main canals that were carrying water. 8. Explored the Inca canal evidence between the Tipon spring and Patallaqta and the southeasterly Muralla with Ernesto Vargas P. of the INC. 9. Measured the main canal’s typical sections between the Rio Pukara and the Intiwatana and from the Intiwatana to Patallaqta. 10. Measured and documented the Tipon spring’s headworks. 11. Measured and documented the ceremonial fountain. 12. Performed reconnaissance from Tipon’s main terrace to the Cruzmoqo summit via Q’Oyayoqwayqo, Ajawasi, and the eastern Muralla to check for potential canals and water features and to observe the many terraces as well as the exposed grayish volcanic bedrock. The bedrock has a high rainfall-runoff potential, which has caused the one visible active gully on the mountainside. Noted petroglyphs, terrace walls, and other features at Cruzmoqo. 13. Performed reconnaissance of Tipon’s enclosure from Cruzmoqo in an westerly direction to the beginning of the remaining Muralla uphill from Pukara, where a third canal was found that diverted from the Rio Pukara. The reconnaissance survey included observations and additional documentation of portions of the main Inca canal and additional portions of the third Inca canal lying uphill of the main canal. 4 14. Observed, measured, and documented the underground canal within the Intiwatana and the fountain in the Ceremonial Plaza as well as measuring the niches there. 15. Measured the irrigated area of Tipon’s main terraces and the likely area of the outlying terraces that lie under the canals that divert from the Rio Pukara. 16. Evaluated the adequacy of the water supplies for domestic and irrigation purposes, taking into consideration rainfall amounts and likely crop consumptive use. An approximate area of Inca terraces lying above the canal was also determined. 17. Photographically documented physical water-related components of Tipon and conducted a video interview related to anthropology of the site. 18. Consulted with Dr. Alfredo Valencia Zegarra and Dr. Gordon McEwan on interpretations of the prehistory of Tipon and of the colonial period. 19. Prepared maps, sketches and photographs of various features of Tipon’s enclosure and performed paleohydrological evaluations. 3.0 BACKGROUND AND BASIC DATA The area of Tipon is extensive. It is an important archaeological site with a multitude of distinct forms, structures, and functions. It is located in the valley of Cusco about 20 kilometers east of the city. It forms part of the archaeological region of the greater Cusco area and is intimately related with Cusco and the other sites of the Inca time. Tipon is important at a technological level as well as socially, politically, religiously, and architecturally. It may have been related to the elite of Cusco and represented an important component of the Inca Empire. 3.1 History and Function The natural spring and the adjacent Rio Pukara at Tipon would have been an attraction to the early people of the Cusco valley, and it is likely that the site was occupied well before the Inca period. In fact, there is evidence that people lived in the region in very ancient time. Brian Bauer of the University of Chicago has found lithic material on the hill west of Tipon. The Bauer site may go back to the 4,000 to 6,000 B.C. eras. We noted potsherds at Pukara that represent the K’illke period and judged the outer wall to have characteristics representative of the Wari, who occupied the Lucre valley to about A.D. 1,000, with their regional administrative center at Pikillacta only 7 kilometers down the Cusco valley from Tipon. The scientific study of Tipon has focused on paleohydrology; however, we believe that Tipon is Imperial Inca and that it was likely built in the time of Pachacuti or his son, Topa Inca. It is believed that it served as a type of feudal estate for Inca elite or as a royal estate. There would also have been ceremonial activities. Cruzmoqo, the Intiwatana, the Ceremonial Plaza, and the 5 Ceremonial Fountain—all to be discussed later—are likely ceremonial sites. Extensive tombs lie at various locations on Tipon’s exterior cliffs in Paroq Mayo and Nusta Warkuna. There were significant areas of irrigated agriculture with some dry-land farming. Tipon’s central terraces, considered to be among the finest of the Inca Empire, may also have been used for agricultural research purposes because of their special construction, the narrow valley, a reliable and full water supply, and the fertile soil. The Tipon Archaeological Park encompasses 239 hectares, an elevation difference of 610 meters, a surrounding defensive wall of about 6 kilometers length, and four residential areas. The area within the wall approaches 200 hectares. The irrigation and hydraulic features of Tipon place the site in a paleohydrologic category, as will be discussed later, that demonstrates advanced Inca water-related technology and proves that the Inca were good hydraulic engineers. At Tipon, there were many opportunities to adopt the demonstrated water handling expertise of the Wari, who occupied the Lucre valley until A.D. 1000. 3.2 Population The Tipon archaeological park is divided into different areas with regard to elite residences. Based on estimates by Alfredo Valencia Zegarra, about 50 people lived in Sinkunakancha area near the entrance. Approximately 20 to 30 people lived in the fine structures built on the terrace near the spring. The Intiwatana is at a higher level, with urban dwellings for about 40 people. Pukara was a larger community (with about 100 people minimum) where noble Inca families likely lived. A total residential group of 500 likely existed within the walls of Tipon. The transient population (of perhaps 1,500) included the Mitmas, who the Incas brought in to cultivate the land, as well as artisans, who specialized in textiles, ceramics, stone, metal, and cultivation of plants. Most of them lived outside the walls. Corn was an important product. 3.3 Climate The precipitation and temperature for Tipon is presented in Table 3.1 based upon Cusco’s records. The similarity in location and elevation between Cusco and Tipon makes a transposition reasonable. The six-month rainy period from October through March represents 86 percent of the annual precipitation, with only 14 percent occurring from April through September. Based upon analyses of the Quelccaya Ice Cap’s records (Thompson 1985) and modern climate, the average Inca period climate was probably similar to that of the modern records (Wright 1997a). 6 Table 3.1 Tipon’s Precipitation and Temperature Max°C Max°F Min °C Min F Rain mm Rain inches 3.4 Jan 20 68 7 45 163 Feb 21 70 7 45 150 Mar 21 70 7 45 109 Apr 22 72 4 39 51 May 21 70 2 36 15 Jun 21 70 1 34 5 Jul 21 70 -1 30 5 Aug 21 70 1 34 10 Sep 22 72 4 39 25 Oct 22 72 6 43 66 Nov 23 73 6 43 76 Dec 22 72 7 45 137 Avg 21 70 4 39 67.7 6.5 6 4.4 2 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.4 1 2.6 3 5.5 32 Geology The Tipon archaeological center has its own geomorphological characteristics. The Tipon archaeological center is located in a zone of volcanic rock outcropping on the side of Yanahorcco mountain which forms the Pachatusan chain. The placement of the volcanic material has been laterally controlled by the two steep gullies that are parallel to each other. In the front sector one can see the Pirpinto (Paracmayo) gully (Bejar 1989). The geology is rough and steep and in several areas there are flatlands, which is the case of the terraces in the studied zone. The terraplanes of Iglisiachayoc moqore are also utilized at present as cultivated zones. Likewise all of these serve to control and prevent soil erosion. The Pillpinto gully forms an alluvial cone which ends toward the Huatany valley at the location of the community of Choquepata (Figure 3.1) Mitu Group: (Upper Permian, lower Triassic) The outcropping may be seen in the northern part of Tipn toward the northwest side of Choquepata, where sedimentary and volcanic rocks appear. In the section of the spring and the irrigation canal, this call of rock does not appear. Huancane Formation: (Lower Cretaceous) The outcrop appears to the north, east and west of the zone of study. This geological zone is characterized my mainly sandy white fine-grain quartz, making a good aquifer in the case of the Nahuipugiopor spring, being a very thick rock, about 100 m. thick, that can be used as a base to hold water like a dam. Similarly, there are outcrops in various sectors of the pre-Hispanic canal, one see fractures, in some cases intense, in other cases, less intense. 7 98 99 00 Cruzmoqo Pukara Volcanico 99 99 Morrenas Ajawasi Capas Rojas Intiwatana Tipon Spring Iglesiaraki Patallaqta 98 Rondobamba 0 N 98 500 Meters Areniscas Suelos Choqepata 97 97 98 99 00 Figure 3.1 Geologic map showing extensive area of volcanic bedrock that underlies most of the Tipon Archaeological Park Yuncaypata Formation: (Middle Cretaceous) In the Tipon site, this appears rarely, probably because the volcanic rocks have covered them. The Yuncaypata formation is made up of lutites. Possible the limestones covered by volcanic rock associated with thermal waters gave rise to the travertine, which does not exist on one of the sides of the spring that one sees in the main terraces of Tipon. 8 Volcanic Deposites: The Tipon archaeological center is located in a volcanic zone, since the material that our ancestors used for the construction of the terraces and buildings is volcanic rock. In this way it may be considered a quarry zone because of the existence of volcanic rock, andesites that indicate that the rock is composed of fincs—crystals of “paljiodas” (carved andesite). The andesite rocks show fracturing due to the cooling of the lava, losing its initial volume by contraction, and the age of the rock is calculated to be no less than 600,000 year old. That is to say, they belong to the quaternary age. Likewise, these same volcanic indications are found in O opeza, Huaqoto, Rumicolca (Piquillacta). In the sourthern part of the volcano (a highway that leads to the Tipon complex) one sees breccias caused by the advance of the lava, on deposits of colluvial debris. These breccias are sandy, conglomerates, lutites, and volcanic rocks. Alluvial Deposits: We see at the bottom of the Nahuipugio gully and Paracmayo where there are formed, or exist, gravels of different sizes. The community of Choquepata is located on an alluvial deposit, consisting of alluvial terraces. Colluvial Deposits: These are the rocks that form meteorization and through the effect of gravity have been moved to the lower part. In one of the walls of the archaeological complex of Tipon and also in different places, there appears deposits of colluvial debris. Fluvial Deposits: Fluvial deposits can be seen at the east side of the archaeological complex of Tipon in Sales Caca which generally, because of having a flat surface, is used for agriculture or at least the hillsides are less steep, which favors agriculture. 3.5 Infiltration An inspection of the drainage basin tributary to Tipon’s terraces revealed that much of the area is terraced. Un-terraced areas, generally above elevation 3,625 meters, are vegetated, and the topsoil is permeable, derived from volcanic rock with windblown deposition. Examination of potential gullying uphill of Tipon’s terraces revealed only one active gully; it was draining the bare bedrock feature. WWE’s evaluation of the infiltration, using indirect means, shows that infiltration is high and storm runoff is low. We have verified this by examining the photographic documentation that Hiram Bingham provided from his 1912 expedition (National Geographic Society 1913), as illustrated in Photographs 3.1 to 3.3. 9 Photograph 3.1 Tipon wall in 1912 (Bingham 1913). Photograph 3.2 Central Main Terraces of Tipon (Bingham 1913). Note Canal No. 2 line in the upper portion of photo. 10 Photograph 3.3 Kancha Group of Tipon (Bingham 1913). Note ridge and furrow irrigation. 3.6 Flora and Fauna Project archaeologist Ives Bejar Mendoza prepared the following summary. The flora of the Cusco valley has had to evolve during the passage of millions of years. In the age of the glaciers the flora and fauna were very different. At present the idea is in accord with the seasons of the year. In this manner the use of the natural resources has transcendental importance in life. In reference to the flora and fauna of the zone, there are native and introduced plants. 11 Cassia Hook Erianna Barberus bolivianna Solarum polidolicoides Colletia spinosa Stipa ichu Franseria artemissioides Escollonia espinosa Dutdlela Incana Mintosatachya Glabrecens Phadra Americana Kagenickia Lanceclate Tecoma Mollis Donethero Rosca Nicotina Glauca Chenopodium Ambrosoides Trichocerbus Cuscoencis Mintostanys sp. Denothero Rosca 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Pata Kiska Chiri chiri Tancar Roke Paja Marqhu Ghachacomo Kiswar Muña Pinco Pinco Lloq’e Molle Yabuar Chonneca Supay Ccarco Paicco Jahuancollay Ojuña Muña Yahuar Choncca Entre las plantas introducidas crecen: Eucaliptus Globulus Prunus Capuli Cupresus macocarpa Salix Chilensis 8 8 8 8 Eucalipto Capuli Cipres Sauco La fauna de la zona constituida por las siguientes especies. Didelphis Permigra 8 Raposa Conepatos rex 8 Zorrino Mustela Sp 8 Comadreja Mustela frenata 8 Retón de campo Felix Colo Colo 8 Gato de pajonal Mothopracta Fuluensens 8 Yutu o Perdiz S. Frigilus Jaqui 8 Picchulin Falco esperverius 8 Killichu Columbia Plumbia 8 Paloma Yito Alba 8 Lechuza Tardue Chihuanco 8 Chuchico o Tordo Zonotricha Capest 8 Pichinco Spinus Stratus 8 Chayña Jachirus Perubiam 8 Colubra común Protoaporus Boliviana 8 Lagarti ja común Thelmatobios Malmoratus 8 K’ayra 12 4.0 METHODOLOGY The research work was conducted using standard protocol and good practices of the profession. In all cases care was taken to not disturb the features being studied and to leave no traces of the investigation other than clearing. All the work was conducted under the supervision of registered archaeologists and was performed with a high standard of care. 4.1 Reconnaissance Surveys Two archaeologists and members of the engineering technical staff to define the likely route of the main canal lying north of Pukara conducted an overall reconnaissance survey initially. During the survey, a portion of a lower canal, Canal No. 1, was identified and documented. A fountain was also identified in Pukara. The assistant archaeologist performed continuous reconnaissance surveys of the water canals while clearing and excavating were progressing. As a result the route of the main canal was defined while an upper canal, Canal No. 3, was identified and partially cleared. The route of a lower canal (No. 1) was also defined as shown in Photograph 4.1. Care was taken to differentiate between restored and original canals. Photograph 4.1 Canal No. 1 from Rio Pukara new Tipon. A perimeter reconnaissance survey was performed from the main terraces to Cruzmoqo via the northeastern outer wall and then downhill to the outer wall north of Pukara to look for canal routes. Canal No. 3 was identified in the vicinity of the wall, as shown in Photograph 4.2. 13 4.2 Field Instrument Surveys Using a Sokia 4000 global theodolite the engineering survey crew made surveys of Tipon’s main terraces, terrace canals, drop structures, spring, ceremonial fountain, and special features (Photograph 4.2). Subsequent to the survey of the area of Tipon’s primary terraces, the surveying proceeded to the long, main canal that diverts water from the Rio Pukara (the point of diversion being outside of the Muralla). Photograph 4.2 Tipon Engineering Surveys. Chris Crowley. 4.3 Field Mapping Archaeologists and engineers field mapped the water distribution system of the Tipon archaeological park and prepared an identification system for the three canal systems and the main terraces. Field sketches were prepared of special hydraulic and archaeological features. 4.4 Hydraulic Measurements Using canal cross sectional area measurements, canal slope, and observed velocity measurements, the discharge of selected flowing canals was measured in terms of liters per minute. The yield of the main spring was measured at 1,140 L/min on September 21, 2000. Capacities of surface water canals were estimated by measuring the cross sections of the canals at various locations, taking into consideration the frequent steep slopes that would cause high-velocity flow (supercritical) and bends that would tend to cause additional flow obstruction. The flow of restored Canal A adjacent to Terrace 6 was measured at 786 L/min on September 21, 2000. On September 18, 2000 the flow in the same canal had been measured at 775 L/min. 4.5 Archaeological Documentation Many prehistoric locations were inspected, measured, and documented by registered archaeologists or under archaeological supervision. Standard protocol (including field sketches and photography) was observed in all cases. 14 5.0 TERRACES For the purposes of this study and report, we have dealt with Tipon’s main terraces separately from the extensive outlying production terraces. All of the main terraces are irrigated. Of the outlying production terraces, approximately 50 percent were irrigated via diversions from the Rio Pukara, the balance being used for dry-land farming. 5.1 Main Terraces The 13 main terraces are shown in Drawing 3. They range in elevation from 3,380 to 3,460 meters. The areas of each terrace along with the total area are presented in Table 7.1. Of the 13 terraces, 11 are irrigated by water from Tipon’s spring. Only the upper two terraces are irrigated from the main canal from the Rio Pukara. The restored and unrestored terrace walls are of high-class construction, as evidenced by the careful shaping and fitting. The walls range in height from 1 to 5 meters, with an average height of 2.5 to 3 meters (Photograph 5.1). Photographs 5.1 Terrace walls at Tipon 5.2 Outlying Terraces The outlying terraces cover a large proportion of the total area within Tipon’s outer walls. It is estimated that the terraces represent about 100 hectares and that some 50 hectares lie below one or more of the surface water irrigation canals that divert from the Rio Pukara. The reconnaissance survey indicated that the outlying terraces are formed by stone terrace walls, many of which are in a poor state of preservation. 15 6.0 SURFACE WATER HANDLING AND MANAGEMENT The surface water diversions and management at Tipon represented a remarkable achievement in irrigation and hydraulic engineering. Three irrigation canals diverted water from the Rio Pukara upstream of Pukara (Figure 6.1), approximately 1.35 kilometers north of Tipon’s main terraces (the focal point of the archaeological site) as shown in Drawing 1. The points of diversion for the three canals lie outside of the Muralla that encircles Tipon, with the canals passing through the wall at locations and elevations controlled by the steep topography. The main canal diverted water at elevation 3,790 meters directly from the bed of the Rio Pukara at a rockfall that plugged the stream, as shown in Figure 6.2. During low-flow times, the point of diversion could be mistaken for a mountain spring, as Susan A. Niles described on pages 142 and 153 of her noteworthy publication Callachaca (1987) wherein she described many of the features of Tipon. Mod ern C ana l Canal 3 Cliff (2 ) N 0 Main C Pukara ra anal lla Ca n al 1 ra Mu ka Pu o i R ) all W r ute (O Point of Diversion #2 200 Meters IBM 19/9/00(Recon) KRW 19/9/00 (Recon) KRW 26/11/00 (Drwg) PAP 15/3/01 (Digitizing) Figure 6.1 Location of the three Inca canals diverting from the Rio Pukara northeast of Pukara. 16 Roca Roca Roca Elevation View Ri o Pu k ar a CMC 22/9/00 KRW 25/11/00 PAP 15/3/01 Plan View R io a ar k Pu Figure 6.2 Point of diversion of the Inca Canal on the Rio Pukara. For the purpose of description, we have divided the main canal into six sections, as shown in Table 6.1. 17 Table 6.1 Main Canal Sections Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 STATIONING Start End 0+00 2+16 2+16 5+42± 5+42 ± 7+98 14+6 0 23+3 7 7+98 14+60 23+37 28+10 DESCRIPTION Rio Pukara to Muralla: Very steep hillside with canal on contour Muralla to Sulluqaqa: Very steep hillside with earth slides and much damage to canal Sulluqaqa to Restored Canal: Modest slope in upstream portion and low slope for last 200 meters Restored Channel to Intiwatana: Restored canal with special features and aqueduct; rolling terrain Intiwatana to Main Terraces: Modest grade for 650 meters, then steep to main terraces Main terraces to Patallaqta: Gently sloping canal on eastern mesa Within the enclave, and south of the outer wall, the route of the main canal (No. 2) generally tends to follow the contours on the steep hillside. The canal rights-of-ways are formed via terrace rock walls and cut and fill sections in Sectors 1 and 2 and continue until the topography changes to the south—that is, about 800 meters from the Rio Pukara point of diversion. The main canal is used to furnish water to extensive areas of agricultural land extending to near the Intiwatana and Ceremonial Plaza (Drawing 1). Beyond the Intiwatana the main canal follows a relatively gentle and uniform slope to the valley north of the main terraces and then down a steep slope in a southwesterly direction to north of Tipon’s terraces and then to Patallaqta. 6.1 Surface Water Canals The layout of the three canals is illustrated in Drawing 1. The main canal is shown from its points of diversion all the way to its terminus at Patallaqta. Photographs 6.1 through 6.4 show the main canal at various locations. The cross sectional areas range from 2,400 square centimeters to 520 square centimeters, with a characteristic area of 500 to 700 square centimeters common downstream of the Pinchamoqo Andenes. Slopes vary widely, depending upon the topography, with 20 or 30 percent slopes being common on the upstream steep hillside and slopes of up to 2 to 3 percent found downstream of Sulluqaqa. 18 Photograph 6.1 Main Canal No. 2, Section 2 Photograph 6.2 Main Canal No. 2, Section 5 Photograph 6.3 Main Canal No. 2, Section 5. Photograph 6.4 Restored Main Canal No. 2, Section 4. 19 6.2 Hydraulic Structures Several hydraulic structures were documented at the surface water supply canals that traverse the Tipon site from the Rio Pukara from north to south, with the main canal terminating at Patallaqta, as shown in Figures 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5. One is an irrigation conduit turnout, another is an open irrigation lateral turnout, and the third is a sharp bend. Hydraulic structures are further illustrated in Photographs 6.5 to 6.7. A drop structure at the Intiwatana follows a subsurface channel through the building complex. SECTOR 3 PROFILE S = 0.23 0 0.5 1.0 A’ SECTION A -A’ Meters IBM 20/9/00 KRW 7/10/00 PAP 15/3/01 CANAL N = 0.02 PLAN VIEW A Figure 6.3 Main Inca Canal irrigation turnout to conduit. Structure is 150 meters north of the Canal bend. 20 Irrigation Lateral Turnout—Main Canal A Removable Stone FLOW Inca Main Canal 625 cm2 25 cm A’ B B’ 160 cm2 10 cm 25 cm 16 cm Irrigation Turnout A—A’ B—B’ 0 KRW ~ 17/9/00 PAP ~ 15/3/01 40 Centimeters Main Inca Canal On Stone Aqueduct 600 cm2 30 cm 20 cm Figure 6.4 Main Inca Canal with cross-sectional area of 625 and 600 cm2 with lateral canal with 160 cm2 of area. 21 0 50 Centimeters N 37 cm IBM ~ 19/9/00 KRW ~ 5/10/00 PAP ~ 15/3/01 27 cm 30 cm Figure 6.5 Main Inca Canal showing a bend. Photographs 6.5-7 The Main Canal No. 2 at Tipon, Section 4. Photograph 6.5 shows an in-situ rock. Photograph 6.6 shows a sharp bend. And Photograph 6.7 shows the aqueduct. 22 6.3 Canal Capacities The carrying capacity of the canals diverting from the Rio Pukara have been estimated using hydraulics engineering principles, taking into consideration the following characteristics that vary from location to location: • Cross sectional area of the canal in square centimeters • Hydraulic slopes in terms of meters/meter • Roughness coefficient expressed as Manning’s “n” • Velocity in terms of meters/second • Discharge in liters/minute Due to the fact that the canals change slopes significantly for downhill routing, the governing flow capacity estimates are based upon the assumption that the minimum slope reached full flow depth. On steeper slopes (some reaching slopes of 0.3 meters/meter), the canal flow would be super critical, with high velocities and shallow depth. Where the slope decreases downstream, the velocity would tend to decrease with rising depths, often with a hydraulic jump. Where the flow would go through a hydraulic jump (i.e. from super critical to subcritical flow), there would be an abrupt increase in depth with significant turbulence—the downstream depth once again reaching approximately the full potential depth of the canal section at that location. 6.3.1 Main Canal Section 1 The main canal diverts from the Rio Pukara at a point located 530 meters northeast of Pukara (shown in Figure 6.1 and Photograph 6.8) at an elevation of 3,690 meters. The length of the canal upstream of the Muralla is 216 meters, with an average slope of 0.097 meters per meter (m/m) but with some flatter portions. It passes through the Muralla at an elevation of 3,669 meters. Figure 6.6 illustrates the Section 1 main canal where it bends around a rock. The cross sectional area there is 1,700 cm2; however, the authors judged the typical canal area to be about 2,000 cm2. 23 N Roca IBM ~ 18/9/00 KRW ~ 5/10/00 PAP ~ 15/3/01 60 cm 26 cm Roca 36 cm 34 cm 0 50 100 Centimeters Figure 6.6 Main Inca Canal section 1 outside of Muralla (outer wall) at bend. Photograph 6.8 Main Canal No.2, Section 1. 24 The typical estimated hydraulic characters of the canals in Sections 1 and 2 are as follows: Area = 0.2 square meters Roughness = 0.030 (Manning’s n, no unit) Width = 0.5 meters Depth = 0.4 meters Minimum slope = 0.05 meter/meter Using Manning’s equation Q = 2 1 1 x AxR 3 xS 2 n where: A = Discharge in cubic meters/second A = Area in square meters R = Hydraulic radius S = Slope in m/m n = Roughness coefficient (no units) Area Wet Perimeter (no units) The typical maximum carrying capacity was computed as follows: Q= 6.3.2 2 −3 1 1 x 0.2 x (0.15) 3 x (0.05) 2 = 0.41M S or 24,600 L/min 0.03 Main Canal Section 2 Inside the Muralla the main canal continues in a southerly course at an overall slope of over 0.1 m/m across a very steep side slope that is subject to landslides where portions of the canal no longer exist. Some portions of the canal are flatter. At one location a tomb exists on the left bank of the canal. The canal is shown in Figure 6.7 where the cross sectional area is in excess of 2,000 cm2. Photographs 6.9 and 6.10 illustrate the canal and its steep and precarious topographic setting. The mountainous terrain near Pukara is steep and rugged as shown in Photograph 6.11. The capacity and characteristics of the main canal tend to be similar to that of Section 1. 25 0.07 1.8 1.8 Talud de Tierra Roja 0.44 Murro de Contención 0.5 IBM ~ 19/9/00 KRW ~ 10/10/00 PAP ~ 15/03/01 Sector 01 Canal 0 0.5 1 Meters Figure 6.7 Main Inca Canal where the cross sectional area is in excess of 2,000cm2. 26 Photographs 6.9 and 6.10 illustrating the canal and its steep and precarious topographic setting. Photograph 6.11 The mountainous terrain near Pukara. 6.3.3 Main Canal Section 3 The Section 3 portion of the main canal is on a more modest slope of 0.07 m/m in its upstream portion but flat at about 0.01 m/m for its downstream 200 meters, where it connects to the restored portion of the restored canal of Section 4. The canal remains of Section 3 are illustrated in Photograph 6.12. Photograph 6.12 Inca Canal Section 3. 27 6.3.4 Main Canal Section 4 The main canal Section 4 begins at the upper end of the restored canal and continues south for 662 meters to the Intiwatana. This portion of the canal has several unusual features including: 1. A sharp (90°) turn to the left. 2. A survey marker (Photograph 6.13). Photograph 6.13 Engineer Scott Marshall at a survey marker along the restored Main Canal No. 2 Section4. 3. Steep super critical slopes. 4. An aqueduct (Photograph 6.14). Photograph 6.14 Main Canal No. 2 aqueduct in Section 4. 28 5. An irrigation turnout to a conduit. 6. An irrigation turnout to an open lateral. 7. Intiwatana conduits and drop structure (Photograph 6.15). Photograph 6.15 Canal outlet from Intiwatana The restored main canal in Section 4 has slopes ranging from 0.02 to about 0.5 m/m, an estimated Manning’s “n” roughness coefficient of 0.020, width from 20 to 25 centimeters, and depths of 25 to 30 centimeters (with a cross sectional area of 600 square centimeters). Figure 6.8 as well as Table 6.2 represents the discharge of the canal. Cumpa (1999) reported that the aqueduct was in reasonably good condition prior to its restoration. The cross-sectional area of the restored canal is similar to the downstream, unrestored canal. Considering the variable slopes of the canal and the hydraulic jump at the base of the steeply sloped canal followed by typically flatter canal slopes of 0.02 m/m, the authors determined that the practical capacity of the main canal in Section 4 is 0.12 cms, or 7,200 L/min. Table 6.2 Rating Table for Restored Channel, Section 4 Project Description Constant Data Flow Element—Rectangular Channel Mannings Coefficient—0.020 Method—Manning's Formula Bottom Width—20 cm Solve For—Discharge Input Data Minimum Maximum Channel Slope 1% 30 % Depth 5% 30 % 29 Table 6.2 (Continued) Rating Table for Channel Depth (cm) Channel Slope (%) Discharge (m3/s) Velocity (rn/s) Depth (cm) Channel Slope (%) Discharge (m3/s) Velocity (rn/s) 5 1.00 0.0052 0.518 20 1.00 0.0329 0.822 5 5.00 0.0116 1.158 20 5.00 0.0735 1.838 5 10.00 0.0164 1.638 20 10.00 0.1040 2.600 5 15.00 0.0201 2.006 20 15.00 0.1274 3.184 5 20.00 0.0232 2.316 20 20.00 0.1471 3.676 5 25.00 0.0259 2.589 20 25.00 0.1644 4.110 5 30.00 0.0284 2.837 20 30.00 0.1801 4.503 10 1.00 0.0136 0.679 25 1.00 0.0430 0.861 10 5.00 0.0303 1.517 25 5.00 0.0962 1.925 10 10.00 0.0429 2.146 25 10.00 0.1361 2.722 10 15.00 0.0526 2.628 25 15.00 0.1667 3.334 10 20.00 0.0607 3.035 25 20.00 0.1925 3.849 10 25.00 0.0679 3.393 25 25.00 0.2152 4.304 10 30.00 0.0743 3.717 25 30.00 0.2357 4.715 15 1.00 0.0230 0.766 30 1.00 0.0534 0.889 15 5.00 0.0514 1.714 30 5.00 0.1193 1.988 15 10.00 0.0727 2.423 30 10.00 0.1687 2.812 15 15.00 0.0890 2.968 30 15.00 0.2066 3.444 15 20.00 0.1028 3.427 30 20.00 0.2386 3.977 15 25.00 0.1149 3.832 30 25.00 0.2668 4.446 15 30.00 0.1259 4.197 30 30.00 0.2922 4.870 30 Restored Section 4 Plotted Curve for Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For Constant Data Mannings Coefficient Depth Bottom Width Input Data Channel Slope c:\haestad/fmw/tipon.fmw Tipon, Peru - Canal Capacity Evaluation Rectangular Channel Manning’s Formula Discharge 0.020 30.0 cm 20.0 cm Minimum 1% Maximum 30 % Figure 6.8 Restored Section 4 plotted discharge curve. 31 6.3.5 Main Canal Section 5 From the Intiwatana drop structure to near the north end of Tipon’s main terraces, the main canal Section 5 is 820 meters long with a drop in elevation of 60 meters. Slopes of the canal range from about 0.02 to 0.3 m/m. Typical cross sections of the canal are presented in Figure 6.9 representing areas of 520 cm-2 to 870 cm-2. The authors estimate the practical capacity to be about 0.1 cms, or 6,000 L/min. 0.23 0.18 0.28 0.07 Canal Base Only 0.20 0.31 0.28 Adjacent to Intiwatana 0.15 0.26 0.19 Canal Section Upstream of Turnout 0 0.25 0.50 Meters 50 Meters Downstream of Intiwatana Figure 6.9 Four Cross sections of the main Inca canal downstream of the Intiwatana. This section of the main canal contains a tunnel and an irrigation turnout. The construction of this canal is at a modest slope for 560 meters, and then it has a steeper slope commencing at the location of Photograph 6.16. Photograph 6.16 Steeper slope of Section 5 of the Main Inca canal. 32 6.3.6 Main Canal Section 6 It is from the northeast edge of Tipon’s terraces that the main canal enters onto the large mesa, which has been farmed since the fall of the Inca Empire, southeast of Tipon’s terraces. For that reason the route of the canal is not proven and likely never will be. However, it is likely that the main canal reached Patallaqta via a final right-of-way coincident with Canal C from Tipon’s spring. A section of canal was observed to the northeast of Patallaqta that was 20 centimeters wide. 6.3.7 Three Canals From Rio Pukara During the course of archaeological exploration by Ives Bejar Mendoza, he noted that three Inca canals diverted from the Rio Pukara that he laid out, as shown in Figure 6.1. Independently, Kenneth R. Wright observed Canal 3 on September 18, 2000, as shown in Photograph 6.17. On September 17, 2000, while on a reconnaissance survey, he photographed Canal 1 at a location shown on Figure 6.1 and in Photograph 4.1. The routes of Canals 1 and 3 were not defined beyond the limits shown on Figure 6.1 because of a lack of field evidence. Photograph 6.17 Rout of Canal No. 3 near the Muralla. 6.4 Drainage Basin The drainage basin tributary to Tipon’s main spring and terraces has an area of 64 hectares with a vertical rise of 500 meters. The basin area is shown in Photograph 6.18. The drainage basin of the Rio Pukara at Pukara is estimated to have 3.4 square kilometers. 33 Photograph 6.18 Drainage basin tributary to Tipon’s main terraces. 6.5 Potential Irrigated Land The likely irrigated land at Tipon, within the enclosing Muralla, exclusive of Tipon’s main terraces, totals approximately 50 hectares. 6.6 Irrigation Water Requirements Consumptive use (CU), also referred to as evapotranspiration (ET), of two of Tipon’s assumed irrigated Inca crops (corn and pasture) was determined using the climatological data presented in Table 3.1 and the U.S. Soil Conservation Service’s TR-21 version of the Blaney-Criddle formula with the American Society of Civil Engineers’ adjustment for elevation. The procedure for computing the monthly consumptive use is represented by the following formula. CU = kt kc tp 100 where: kt = temperature coefficient kc = crop coefficient t = temperature p = hours of sunlight 34 The results of the CU determination are presented in Table 6.3. The data is based upon two plantings of corn and continuous growing of hay or pasture grass with harvesting or llama rotated from field to field. TABLE 6.3 Consumptive Use for Two Crops at Tipon CORN Month July August September October November December January February March April May June Total PASTURE July August September October November December January February March April May June Total 1 CU (cm) 0 2 5 12 17 14 4 6 7 15 13 4 99 Effective Precipitation (cm) 0 1 2 5 6 9 4 6 7 4 1 0 44 Irrigation Requirement (cm)1 0 1 3 8 11 5 0 0 0 11 12 4 56 6 6 10 11 13 13 11 12 11 10 8 6 117 0 1 2 5 6 9 10 10 7 4 1 0 54 6 6 8 7 8 4 1 2 3 7 7 6 63 Irrigation requirement = CU – effective precipitation. (Because of rounding of numbers the total irrigation requirement number may vary slightly.) 35 7.0 GROUNDWATER HANDLING AND MANAGEMENT The hydrologic focal point of Tipon is the Tipon spring where groundwater issues forth from volcanic bedrock at elevation 3,448 meters located on the Terrace 11 level, as shown on Drawing 3. The Tipon spring is important because of its high quality, reliable flow and strategic location. The Inca water-handling infrastructure was efficient and provided a good headworks and canal routes to deliver water via three canal systems (A, B, and C), either concurrently or in rotation to various terraces and locations. The water distribution system is also shown on Drawing 3. 7.1 Tipon Spring The Tipon spring and headworks are shown in Figures 7.1 and 7.2 and Photograph 7.1. The headworks construction is a masterpiece of hydraulic engineering with seven underground conduits extending outwards in all directions to serve an efficient water collection function. The beautiful design and stonework of basalt and andesite also demonstrate Inca sensitivities to aesthetics. 0 0.5 1.0 METERS N Supply Conduits KRW ~ 10/4/00 IBM ~ AVZ PAP ~ 21/3/01 Figure 7.1 Tipon spring headworks showing water collection conduits that provide for efficient water collection. 36 N 2.0 4.9 M 14 M 13 M 0.9 0.55 0.4 IBM ~ 1989 KRW ~ 2000 PAP ~ 2001 Figure 7.2 Tipon spring layout with headworks of Canals A, B. and C. 37 Photograph 7.1 Tipon spring and Canal headworks. The discharge of Tipon’s spring was measured on September 21, 2000 at the end of the dry season when one might expect flows to be at their lowest. The discharge was determined to be 1,050 L/min by using the wet area-velocity method of measurement as follows: Discharge = area x velocity Where Q = discharge, A = area, and V = velocity or Q = V x A Test 1 A = 683 cm-2 and V = 27.8 cm/sec Q = V x A = 683 cm-2 x 27.5 cm/sec = 18,970 cm3/sec Test 2 A = V x A = 560 cm-2 x 28.6 cm/sec = 16,016 cm3/sec Average discharge 7.2 = 17,500 cm-3/sec = 17.5 L/sec = 17.5 L/sec x 60 min = 1,050 L/min Water Distribution System The Inca engineering layout of the water distribution system is based upon three canal systems, labeled A, B, and C, that provided the prehistoric water managers with the capability to route 38 water to the entire terrace system as well as to supply water directly to Patallaqta and to Sinkunakancha. The canal systems could be operated independently or jointly, depending upon the desires of the Inca canal operator. The discharge of the Tipon spring flows 8 meters to a point of bifurcation where the water can flow either right or left. The left flow goes to the C system, and the right flow is a combination of the A and B systems. The canal then bifurcates into the A and B systems northwest of the bifurcation, all as shown on Drawing. A review of the water distribution system, as illustrated on Drawing 3, demonstrates that the layout was designed in an advanced manner and in accordance with good water system planning, even by modern engineering standards. 7.3 Hydraulic Structures The hydraulic network of the three canal systems includes numerous hydraulic structures that serve important functions, but at the same time the structures are designed and built with attention given to beauty, interest, and creation of the sight and sound of flowing and falling water. 7.3.1 Main Fountain The main fountain is situated on the Canal A system, as shown on Drawing 3. As restored in 1999, the water is divided into four jets as presented in Photograph 7.2. Photograph 7.2 The restored main fountain at Tipon with the four water jets. 39 A 1999 measurement and plan view of the fountain prior to its restoration is given in Figure 7.3, which INC personnel (designated as M.R.C. and R.P.V.) prepared on August 14, 1999. ELEV: 1—90 cm 2—94 cm 3—106 cm 4—117 cm 5—117 cm 6—121 cm 7—91 cm 8—95 cm 9—83 cm 10—95 cm 11—120 cm C.A. : Tipon UNID : I ESC: 1:40 FECHA: 14/8/99 AUTOR: MRC & RPV DIG.: PAP Figure 7.3 1999 Measurement and plan view prior to the restoration of the Main Fountain. 40 7.3.2 Canal Drop Structures The Canal A system has many similar terrace drop structures, as illustrated in Photographs 7.4 to 7.6. One typical drop structure has dimensions as follows: Check length 30 CM Channel depth 25 CM Total drop 243 CM Vertical channel inset 30 CM Photographs 7.4, 7.5 and 7.6 Typical drop structures on Tipon’s Main Terraces. A drop structure is depicted in Figure 7.4. 41 0.3 Meters 0.3 0.17 0.13 2.7 M 2.4 M 0.18 M 0.3 M Meters RMW ~ 18/9/00 PAP ~ 15/3/01 0.13 Figure 7.4 Typical Tipon Terrace hydraulic drop structure to control splashing and to deliver irrigation water from a higher terrace to a lower terrace. 7.4 Ceremonial Fountain A ceremonial fountain is situated on the southeast side of Terrace 8. It is supplied by Canal C1, which is a conduit at that location. The approach channel is 2 meters long where the jet drops to a stone basin, after which the water is discharged to the canal A system. 42 The restored fountain is shown in sketch form in Figure 7.5 and in Photograph 7.7. fountain, as it appeared in 1997 prior to restoration, is shown in Photograph 7.8. The Photograph 7.7 Restored Ceremonial Fountain in 2000. Photograph 7.8 Ceremonial Fountain photographed in 1997. NICHO CANAL CANAL FUENTE 0 0.5 METERS 1.0 AVZ ~ 9/00 IBM ~ 9/00 KRW ~ 3/11/00 PAP ~ 22/3/01 NICHO Figure 7.5 Ceremonial Fountain on Tipon’s terraces, this fountain was being restored on September 22, 2000. 43 7.5 Irrigated Land The irrigated area of Tipon’s terraces is summarized in Table 7.1. TABLE 7.1 Irrigated Main Terraces Irrigation Source Rio Pukara Subtotal Main Spring Terrace Complex 13 12 11-NW Area (Hectares) 0.15 0.27 0.04 0.46 0.17 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.45 0.22 0.21 0.12 0.12 0.17 0.10 0.23 0.28 2.49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Side terraces (NW) Side terraces (SW) Subtotal 7.6 Irrigation Water Requirements The method of irrigation on Tipon’s main terraces was likely the flood irrigation or ridge and furrow method for which adequate water supply existed. The assumed crop for purposes of estimating crop water requirements for the main terraces is maize, with a growing period of approximately five to six months between planting and harvesting. The Inca people would have been able to grow two crops of maize per year. Assuming a planting date of early August, the harvesting date would be January of the following year. The second harvest would have been in July. The consumptive use of water by the crop would total 56 centimeters of depth, as shown in Table 6.3. The duty of irrigation water is estimated to be 7 hectares per 1,000 L/min, demonstrating that the yield of Tipon’s spring was capable of irrigating an area many times the area of the terraces. 44 7.7 Domestic Water Requirements The resident population in the area of Tipon’s spring, including Sinkunakancha, is estimated to be 80 people. An assumed domestic water requirement of 10 L/day per capita indicates a demand of 800 L/day. The estimated transient population of 1,500 is assumed to require only 2 L/day per capita; however, for purposes of estimating water requirements, it is assumed that only 30 percent of the 1,500 would rely on Tipon’s spring water supply, with 70 percent of the 1,500 transient population relying on water originating in the Rio Pukara. As a result, the domestic water reliance on Tipon’s spring would amount to an estimated 1,700 L/day. This is a small demand when compared with the excess water available after irrigation needs. 7.8 Flow Measurements The authors made canal flow measurements of the actual flow on September 18 and 21, 2000 in restored Canal A to the southwest of Terrace 6. Measurements of velocity were made over a length of 17 meters, having a slope of 0.032 m/m. The velocity was determined to be 1.21 meters per second (m/s). The wet cross sectional area averaged 108.5 CM-2. The discharge was determined as follows: Q = AV, where Q = discharge in cms A = area in square meters V = velocity in meters/second Q = 0.0109M-2 x 1.21 m/s Q = 0.013 M-3/s or 786 L/min Based upon the discharge measurement of the restored canal with flow in the supercritical stage, a determination was made of the canal roughness using Manning’s equation and solving for roughness n. n = R 2 / 3 x S 1/ 2 V where: R = wetted perimeter S = slope in m/m V = velocity in m/s 45 n = 0.0283 x 0.034 __ 1 / 2 0.092 x .184 = 1.24m / S 1.24 n = 0.014 The Inca Canal, prior to restoration, would likely have had a higher n value approaching 0.02. 7.9 Water Quality A sample of water from Tipon’s spring was collected on September 21, 2000 and carried to Denver for laboratory testing by Evergreen Analytical Laboratories, an EPA-approved laboratory. Figure 7.6 Piper diagram of Tipon’s spring water quality. Dr. E.R. Weiner of WWE describes results of the laboratory testing as follows: Water quality data from a sample WWE collected from Tipon’s spring on September 26, 2000 is presented in Table 7.2. Evergreen Analytical Laboratory of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, analyzed the water sample following standard and accepted protocols. 46 Tipon’s spring had a flow of approximately 1,050 liters per minute when measured on September 26, 2000. The water was of good quality for drinking and irrigation purposes. The water was very clear and contained no measurable suspended solids (NTU < 1). All measured constituents were well below U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) primary drinking water standards. Only iron (0.4 mg/L) exceeded its secondary drinking water standard of 0.3 mg/L. Total dissolved solids at 257 mg/L were about one-half the USEPA’s secondary drinking water standard (500 mg/L). The sodium absorption ratio was low (1.4), and the water is satisfactory for crop irrigation. The Piper diagram in Figure 7.6 indicates that the Inca Spring is moderately high in sulfate and chloride, which imparts a degree of permanent hardness (not removed by softening). The total hardness is high, at 140 mg/L. The excess of total hardness over alkalinity (140 – 85.3 = 54.7 mg/L) is the permanent hardness. TABLE 7.2 Water Quality Data From the Inca Spring at Tipon, Peru Parameter Units Measured Value Chloride mg/L (meq/L) 28.9 (0.8) Sulfate mg/L (meq/L) 88.7 (1.8) Total Alkalinity mg CaCO3/L 85.3 Inca Spring, Tipon (Sampled 9/26/00) Bicarbonate mg CaCO3/L (meq/L) 85.3 (1.4) Ammonia-nitrogen mg/L <0.8 Total dissolved solids mg/L 257 mg CaCO3/L 140 Hardness 1 pH su 7.99 sodium absorption ratio --- 1.4 Mn (total/dissolved) mg/L <0.01 Cu (total/dissolved) mg/L 0.0018 Zn (total/dissolved) mg/L <0.0018 Fe (total/dissolved) mg/L 0.4 Al (total/dissolved) mg/L <0.09 Na (total/dissolved) mg/L (meq/L) 38 (1.6) K (total/dissolved) mg/L (meq/L) 3.8 (0.1) Ca (total/dissolved) mg/L (meq/L) 36 (9.0) Mg (total/dissolved) mg/L (meq/L) 12 (0.5) SiO2 mg/L Not measured 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 Calculated from Ca and Mg concentrations. Not reported by the laboratory. Calculated from alkalinity and pH values. 3 Calculated from Na, Ca, and Mg dissolved concentrations. 4 Turbidity in the sample was less than 1 NTU. Therefore, total and dissolved metal concentrations are equal. 2 47 8.0 DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL Drainage and flood control in the 64-hectare basin tributary to Tipon’s main terraces was reviewed in terms of surface evidence of erosion, sedimentation, and residual damage. 8.1 Main Terraces During the last five centuries since the main terraces were constructed, the surface evidence indicates that no major destructive floods have occurred. During reconnaissance surveys of the drainage basin, only one eroding gully was noted. It lies to the northwest of the lower slope of the gray lava flow of Ajawasi and is a result of the approximate five hectares of exposed bedrock that has a high runoff coefficient. Evidence of the lack of erosion and significant flood occurrences is present in Photograph 8.1 and Howard Bingham’s 1912 photographs presented in section 3.5 of this report. Photograph 8.1 Gully above the Main Terraces showing little erosion. Also the route of Canal No. 2. 8.2 Outlying Terraces The extensive outlying terraces representing manmade flat areas with high permeability provide for high infiltration of rainfall and little runoff. 8.3 Subsurface Drainage In accordance with standard Inca technology as found at Machu Picchu (Wright 1999), the main terraces and outlying terraces were likely constructed with placement of underlying stone layers beneath gravel and sand layers with topsoil in the uppermost level. This would have provided for good subsurface drainage. 9.0 GENERAL Tipon is a special and important archaeological site because of the sum of its many parts. 48 9.1 Pukara The Inca urban area of Pukara is 1.0 kilometer north of the Intiwatana and is inside of and adjacent to the northwest outer wall and about 50 meters from the Rio Pukara at a typical elevation of about 3,575 meters. Pukara served as a residence for about 100 people and is made up of buildings and stone terraces. Pukara was noted to have Inca and K’illke potsherds scattered over its site, many of which are decorated. The village site is in remarkably good condition considering that the general area likely has been continuously farmed since the Inca period. A sketch of Pukara is presented in Figure 9.1. Pukara lies on a 20-percent slope from northeast to southeast. Figure 9.2 illustrates typical Inca potsherds scattered in the Pukara vicinity and a doorway that was observed after clearing away dense vegetation. Photograph 9.1 shows a fountain with two baths. 0 50 Meters k Pu Rio Mu ara lla ra CMC ~ Recon IBM ~ Recon AVZ ~ Recon KRW ~ Recon RMW ~ Recon SAM ~ Recon KRW ~ Sketch 11/12/00 PAP ~ Dig 22/03/01 Terraces Figure 9.1 Plan of Pukara that had an Inca population of at least 100 people. An indoor fountain with two baths was observed. Domestic and irrigation water cam from the Rio Pukara 49 Handle of Vase of Pot a. Part of Ceramic Platter (Similar to an ear) b. Rim of a Cup or a Bowl c. Figure 9.2 Typical Inca potsherds found near Pukara Photograph 9.1 Ken Wright at the Pukara fountain pointing to the channel. 50 9.2 Sinkunakancha This residential area (situated above and only 30 meters from Tipon’s terrace 1) stretches from east to west some 90 meters, with a half oval-shaped massive wall on the east. This Inca settlement likely housed about 50 people, based upon the number of rooms. Canal B’s water supply system was likely extended to Sinkanakancha, although the authors found no field evidence to verify their assumption, probably because a modern canal from Tipon’s spring likely follows the same general course. Local people presently use the functioning modern canal to irrigate small tracts of agricultural land. The layout of Sinkunakancha is shown in Figure 9.3 and Photograph 9.2. 3450 3425 00 34 Inca C N amin o Ruins Recintos d Mo 33 Mu ral C ern al an 3425 75 SINKUNAKANCHA la Tipon Main Terraces INC-CA208 ~ 5/99 KRW ~ 26/11/00 PAP ~ 22/3/01 34 00 Figure 9.3 Approximate layout of Sinkunakancha 51 Photograph 9.2 Sinkunakancha. 9.3 Patallaqta This is a small enclosure located on top of a bluff at the far southern end of Tipon’s walled enclosure. It is significant to paleohydrology because it is the apparent terminal of both Canal C’s system from Tipon’s spring and the main canal from the Rio Pukara. Drawing 1 portrays Patallaqta. 9.4 Intiwatana This remarkable ruin is on high rocky ground at an elevation of 3,525 meters. A sketch of the Intiwatana is given in Figure 9.4. The canal outlet from the Intiwatana, as documented by Ives Bejar Mendoza, is given in Figure 9.5. Photographs 9.3 and 9.4 further illustrate this site. Of special importance here is the small, natural pyramid capped by rocks jutting upward. The Inca surrounded this formation with a set of four square terraces, one with a stairway. The rocks were morphologically special and intimately related to the site. Facing the formation is a small patio with two triple-jamb niches. 52 N Inlet 34 34 93 40 cm IBM—Canal Documentation AVZ—Intiwatana Documentation INC—Base Map RMW—Intiwatana KRW—Drawing PAP—Digitizing Fountain 36 33 Outlet Detail s Main Canal from Rio Pukara 6 5 Probable Canal 4 8 7 3 2 1 92 94 Probable Canal 13 Corridor Drop Structure 11 Jagged Rocks 10 9 12 Main Canal to Mesa and Patallaqta 61 85 38 60 85 82 61 54 85 59 60 37 36 Intiwatana (14) 82 Detail of Niches in Room 11 80 Figure 9.4 Plan of the Intiwatana with a detail of Niches Room 11. Missing Stone Elevation Figure 9.5 Subterranean Main Canal No. 2 at the Intiwatana Side View 0 Wall Wall IMB ~ 21/9/00 KRW ~ 9/10/00 PAP ~ 3/28/01 Main Canal to Mesa Top View 53 50 100 Photographs 9.3 and 9.4 Intiwatana. 9.5 Ceremonial Plaza This structure is 35 meters long and 23 meters wide in a half oval shape containing 690 square meters, with the opening facing south. The original andesite stonework of the Ceremonial Plaza is excellent, as shown in Photographs 9.5 and 9.6. A layout of the Ceremonial Plaza is given in Figure 9.6 prepared by Ives Bejar. A diagram of one of the niches (also by Ives Bejar) is shown in Figure 9.7. A branch canal off the main canal leads to the Ceremonial Plaza, and good field evidence exists that provides documentation of the water supply aspects of this structure. Photographs 9.7 and 9.8 illustrate the water function along with Figures 9.8 and 9.9. Photograph 9.5 Ceremonial Plaza 54 Photograph 9.6 High quality stonework in the Ceremonial Plaza. M M 1. 18 M 1.3 1 1.1 5 M M M 9 1.1 M 1.0 0.9 3 0. 9 6 1.17 M 3.0 8M 2.9 5M 0.98 M 0.98 M 0.93 M 1.18 M IBM ~ 1998 & 2000 KRW ~ 2000 PAP ~ 2001 1.0 M 0.3 M 1.19 M 0.96 M 1.16 M 0.96 M 1.16 M 22.5 M 1.14 M 35 M 1.30 M 0.98 M 1.14 M 1.0 M Canal Muro Posterior a Los Inca Figure 9.6 Sketch of the Ceremonial Plaza 55 0 0.5 1.0 Metros 0.85 0.86 Murodetretermiento 2.26 2.10 Dintel Hypotetico 1.28 0.97 1.12 1.04 IBM/AVZ ~ 21/9/00 KRW ~ 7/10/00 PAP ~ 23/3/01 Figure 9.7 Two niches at the Ceremonial Plaza Photograph 9.7 Ceremonial Plaza fountain. Photograph 9.8 Channel remains at the Ceremonial Plaza. 56 A’ ELEVATION A 0 Raiz de Arbol Roca 0.5 Rock 1.0 IBM ~ 21/9/00 KRW ~ 07/10/00 PAP ~ 26/3/01 Section A-A’ Meters Figure 9.8 Fountain at the Ceremonial Plaza Figure 9.9 Detail of the Ceremonial Plaza fountain Roca .37 .10 .10 .10 IBM ~ 1989 KRW ~ 2000 PAP ~ 2001 .20 .25 .17 .30 57 Niles (1987) concluded that the Ceremonial Plaza was a high-style reservoir and that a southern wall formed the end wall of the reservoir. We, therefore, began with the hypothesis that the structure was a ceremonial reservoir. However, detailed study of the site failed to prove that it served a water storage function. However, site investigations provided substantial evidence of it being a ceremonial plaza, as judged by the INC (Cumpa 1999) and as described below. A fountain leads into the enclosure in the northwest portion of the Ceremonial Plaza (not into the plaza itself), which may indicate that the fountain served an internal function for the enclosure, rather than a reservoir filling function. The exquisite stonework of the interior of the Ceremonial Plaza, along with beautiful niches, is not consistent with a reservoir function (Niles 1987) and long-term storage of water. Rising and falling water levels would have damaged the veneer of andesite stone that is cut and carefully carved to cover a rough fieldstone wall. A rapidly falling water level would create pore pressures on the inside of the veneer walls that might cause the sections to pop out. We noted no such damage to the fine stone veneer. A freestanding wall on the south would not have good impervious qualities to keep the water from leaking out, both under and through the wall. An evaluation of the southern wall of the Ceremonial Plaza by Ives Bejar and Ken Wright indicates that the wall is likely from the colonial period and not of Inca origin. The evidence is clear that water was routed to the Ceremonial Plaza. It is only the purpose for which the water was used that is challenged. In summary, we agree with the INC that the Ceremonial Plaza was not a “high-style reservoir.” 9.6 Cruzmoqo The highest point of Tipon’s archaeological site is the Cruzmoqo on the summit of Wayrapunku, some 610 meters above Tipon’s terraces at an elevation of 3,960 meters. The Cruzmoqo is an important location that contains impressive petroglyphs, as shown in Photograph 9.9. The layout of the site is given in Figure 9.10, and the setting is illustrated in Photograph 9.10. A unique polished, carved-out basin is shown in Photograph 9.11. Its function requires additional study. Photograph 9.9 Petroglyphs at the Cruzmoqo. 58 KRW ~ 9/19/00, 12/11/00 PAP ~ 23/03/01 39 00 Muralla 0 50 Metros N Petroglyphs ca Ro 39 25 Cruzmoco Figure 9.10 The Cruzmoqo site high on the hill overlooking Tipon has petroglyphs, terraces and a view of Tipon. Cruzmoqo served a security, religious and signal function. Photograph 9.10 View from the Cruzmoqo. 59 Photograph 9.11 Smooth-shaped basin at the Cruzmoqo. The Muralla (outer wall) is related to the Cruzmoqo (Photographs 9.12); the Cruzmoqo likely had a security function as well as religious and signal station uses. A series of terraces exists, built with square and rectangular stones. On the east side is an ordinary stonewall that encloses the large rocks that contain the petroglyphs of spirals and arrows. The petroglyphs would provide a special attraction to athletic visitors. Photograph 9.12 Muralla west of the Cruzmoqo. 9.7 Outer Walls One of the most significant features of Tipon is the massive outer wall (Muralla) that encircled the site, as shown in Photograph 9.13. The wall is about 6 kilometers long; it ranges up to heights of about 8 meters and is often 2 meters wide at the top and 4 to 6 meters wide at the bottom. 60 Photograph 9.13 Muralla at Canal No. 3. The construction of the wall was performed with great effort, and its appearance would tend to indicate a K’illke or Wari influence. However, significant research and study are required to define the wall’s age, function, and original purpose. 9.8 Artifacts The Tipon archaeological site is rich with artifacts, including broken pottery, that merit a serious effort at documentation and study. While it would seem that a site continuously used since the beginning of colonial times would have lost much precious evidence, such has not been the case. However, with the advent of tourism, the surface evidence will soon disappear. A representative sample of potsherds is provided in Photographs 9.14 and 9.15. The potsherds were given to Roland Perez Gutierrez Vigilante, manager of Tipon, for safekeeping by the INC. 9.9 Canal Tomb On the left side of the main canal, about 12 meters downstream of the outer wall, an open tomb was noted. See Photograph 9.16 showing the human remains. The date of the tomb is unknown. Many pre-Hispanic tombs are situated in rocky, steep cliffs at Pitigugio and Parqumayo. The tombs are little rooms whose walls were enhanced with mortar containing a mixture of clay and straw (Cumpa 1999). 61 Photographs 9.14 and 9.15 Common potsherds found at Tipon. Photograph 9.16 Tomb along Main Canal No. 2. 62 At Pitigugio, the funeral chambers have small windows. The chambers are oriented to the rising sun and have arched roofs with some decorations. Good Inca pottery fragments are associated with the tombs. Most tombs there are destroyed (Cumpa 1999). 9.10 Hole in the Wall Along the route of the outer wall in the northeast portion of Tipon’s enclosure is a hole or doorwaylike structure, as shown in Photograph 9.17. The cliff on the outside of the Muralla route falls off steeply to the valley below. Photograph 9.17 “Hole in the Wall” along the Muralla 9.11 Kancha Group This group of four buildings lies adjacent to Tipon’s Terrace 12 near the spring. Three of the buildings face a central patio. Trapezoidal niches exist in all the buildings, but the one to the east is best preserved (Photograph 9.18). Photograph 9.18 Kancha Group Restoration to the Kancha Group prior to 1997 was not performed properly and should be corrected with the help of a conservator so that these important buildings are presented in their former condition and so they better represent Inca architectural details. 63 9.12 Hornopata Near the Kancha Inca is a mostly buried circular structure that was likely an oven or incinerator. About two-thirds of the structure is beneath the ground. The arched oven opening is at the bottom. The stonework (shown in Photograph 9.19 (1573-48)) is preHispanic. Photograph 9.19 Hornopata Niles (1987) judged the Hornopata to be a circular burial structure (chullpa) with the opening facing north, not east as in most chullpas in the Lucre area. In 1995, 1997, and 2000 the Hornopata was filled with trash, indicating that it has not been studied or researched to the extent consistent with a unique chullpa of Tipon. Nevertheless, the structure could be a burial structure or an oven-type structure, the latter being the most likely. 9.13 Eastern Terraces This long, narrow area of many terraces lies 330 meters northeast of Tipon’s central main terraces at an average elevation of 3,650 meters. These terraces lie just east of the gray bedrock slope that is visible from Tipon’s main terraces and that provides a picture of a smooth volcanic flow void of any topsoil or vegetation. The 1956 aerial photograph tends to show that some of the volcanic flow surface was covered with topsoil and vegetation. To the east of the terraces some 120 meters lie the remains of the outer wall Some of the eastern terraces are in a reasonable state of preservation, even though one would have expected them to be gone because of earth slides and erosion. The terraces are presently partially used for growing tubers, although much of the area is wooded. The terraces stretch down the steep slope about 300 meters. A high cliff lies south of the terraces. 9.14 Iglesiaraqui Adjacent to Tipon’s terraces, just to the east of Terrace 6, is what may be a Qolqa containing doorways, windows, and niches, as seen in Photograph 9.20. It has been restored. It forms an important part of the scenic view of Tipon’s terraces, especially from the northwest hill route to the Intiwatana. 64 Photograph 9.20 Iglesiaraqui 9.15 Qoyay Oqwayqo A series of gently sloping terraces stretching over a north/south length of 180 meters lies north of Tipon’s central terraces and is served by the main Inca canal from the Rio Pukara. 10.0 PALEOHYDROLOGY SUMMARY The use and handling of water at Tipon presents an extraordinary example of water planning and management by Inca hydraulic engineers. Their combined use of groundwater and surface water to the advantage of the site and its residents is a remarkable achievement and one for which all descendents of the Inca Empire can be extremely proud. It is likely that Tipon could be characterized as being among some of the finest early American examples of successful hydraulic engineering and water management. 10.1 Overview The Inca civil engineers dealt with a high elevation of 3,600 meters and a modest precipitation of 812 mm/year to create the unique walled estate of Tipon encompassing nearly 200 hectares encircled by a 6-kilometer perimeter wall. Of foremost interest to WWE and the WPI, however, was the Incas’ handling and use of water resources from both a surface stream and Tipon’s 65 spring. The collection, movement, and distribution of water for both irrigation and domestic uses represents good engineering planning and execution. 10.2 Water Yield During the dry month of September 2000 the water yields of the two resources were estimated as follows: Groundwater Tipon Spring 1,050 liters/minute Surface water Rio Pukara 1,300 liters/minute During the summer period (December to March), Rio Pukara’s rate of flow rises considerably above the September estimate of 1,300 liters/minute. Meanwhile, Tipon’s spring likely does not vary to the same extent but remains more constant throughout the year. 10.3 Tributary Drainage Basins The point of diversion of the main canal near Pukara has a tributary drainage basin area of 3.4 square kilometers. Tipon’s spring has an apparent surface area drainage basin of 0.64 square kilometers. However, the faulting, cracks, and fissures of the volcanic bedrock may provide a larger (by about 10 times) actual geologic drainage basin tributary to the spring that may extend northeast beyond the Cruzmoqo. 10.4 Water Handling The Inca canals from the Rio Pukara total at least three, as defined in the field, with the main canal (No. 2) being the canal that was traced in its entirety to Patallaqta. We judged the upstream portions of the main canal to have typical cross sectional total areas of roughly 0.2 square meter. With likely design velocities in the flatter portions of about 1.3 meters per second, the practical capacity is estimated as follows: Q=VxA Where Q = discharge in cubic meters per second V = velocity in meters per second A = area in square meters 66 Therefore, the practical capacity of the canals may be estimated as follows: Q = 1.3 meters/second x 0.2 square meter Q = 0.26 cubic meter/second, or Q = 15,600 liters/minute The duty of water (that is, the ratio of irrigated land to stream diversions) is roughly estimated at 650 hectares/cms or, when translated into 0.26 cms, the main canal can be related to about 170 hectares of irrigated land. This takes into consideration both a 20 percent canal seepage loss and reuse of return flow on lower-lying terraces. Based upon field observations it appears that the downstream main canal could potentially deliver approximately 6,000 liters/minute to the mesa lying southeast of Tipon’s terraces, enough to irrigate up to 40 hectares if need be. Any excess water beyond Patallaqta could be released for beneficial use to the lands lying downstream of Tipon. 10.5 Adequacy of Water Supply The water resources and water handling facilities (both surface water and groundwater) of Tipon were designed for meeting the domestic and irrigation water requirements of the Tipon enclosure of nearly 200 hectares. During the dry season, only about 10 to 20 hectares of outlying terraces could be irrigated. 10.6 Potential Water-Related Tourist Attractions Tipon’s main terraces and spring provide the primary tourist attractions for Tipon because of the Inca genius for using both water and elevation to create the sight and sound of falling water that appeals to modern people in the same way it did to prehistoric people. The availability of water from Tipon’s spring is suitable for full irrigation of the terraces. Irrigation could take place in the evening and at night so as not to conflict with tourism activities. Water adequacy means that spring water can be used in each of the canal systems if desired; however, it would appear that (for visual attraction) use of the Canal A and C systems would be the most advantageous. This would provide sufficient water to fully operate the two fountains and the drop structures. While the spring water system provides the most dramatic use of water, a fully restored main Inca canal from the Rio Pukara should not be neglected. Operation of the canal, even at modest flow rates, would add a special overall dimension to the Tipon experience. However, this would likely be too much of an undertaking. 67 11.0 CONCLUSIONS The Tipon archaeological park is a spectacular example of pre-Columbian civil engineering technology; it is a site that deserves restoration for the tourist value and its demonstration of the Inca Empire’s ability to plan, design, and construct public works to serve important functions. Tipon is hydrologically remarkable because of the combined use of both surface water and groundwater in a balanced, logical manner, even when measured by modern engineering standards. While Tipon’s water works are much different than those at Machu Picchu, the similarity of technical principles employed at the two sites demonstrates that common technology transfer took place between these two separated locations. For instance, stone-lined canals, vertical drains or drops, and spring water collection headworks at both locations show similar technology, even though details differ. Land stewardship at both locations is evident. The engineers at both Machu Picchu and Tipon exhibited knowledge of the relationships between hydraulic slope, canal cross sectional area, hydraulic roughness, and resulting flow capacity. Tipon’s ceremonial fountain shares fundamental similarities with the numerous fountains of Machu Picchu and Wiñay Wayna. The Inca engineers understood principles of crop water needs at both sites and the relationship of precipitation to necessary moisture for growing crops. For instance, maize at Machu Picchu was not irrigated, while maize at Tipon was, the difference being the quantity of rainfall (812 mm per year at Tipon and nearly 2,000 mm per year at Machu Picchu). Inca engineers at both Tipon and Machu Picchu used gravity flow for moving water from one location to another. One might opine that anyone would know that water flows downhill, even the primitive Anasazi of Mesa Verde in North America conveyed water in ditches. However, the Inca did not just convey water downhill in ditches; they used gravity flow to accomplish overall grand schemes with their water arriving at specific locations at optimized flow rates to serve particular beneficial uses. A review of Drawings 1, 2, and 3 of this report indicates that the points of diversion on the Rio Pukara were selected with forethought and planning; Pukara was served along with some 50 hectares of outlying production terraces. Then the canal served the Ceremonial Plaza and the Intiwatana before flowing beyond to serve the upper two main terraces of central Tipon, the mesa top and Patallaqta. Similarly, Machu Picchu’s canal flowed from the Inca spring in an efficient manner to arrive unimpeded at Fountain No. 1, the Inca residence, and the Temple of the Sun before flowing to 15 additional fountains in series that provided the sight and sound of flowing water besides a good central water supply. At Tipon, it is also a notable achievement that the main canal’s capacity is more than well matched to the area of irrigated land lying below the canal; this is a relationship that demonstrates intellectually based planning decisions, design, and construction efforts. 68 Drawing 3 illustrates the complex system of canals branching off of Tipon’s spring; the three canal systems each serve specific functions. The B system was laid out so it could finally reach the residential area of Sinkunakancha, and the C system also served the area of Patallaqta. The flexibility of hydraulic operation of the canals that was built into the system is an extraordinary achievement representing careful planning and execution completely different than Machu Picchu but displaying the same technical knowledge base. Special water handling exists at the Intiwatana, where the main canal enters and leaves the complex after passing underground through it and making a water supply available to the residents. The Inca incorporated the canal into the foundations of the buildings while maintaining proper grade and suitable alignment. Meanwhile, the upward jagged rocks of the Intiwatana remind one of the jagged rocks of the unfinished Temple next to the Sacred Rock of Machu Picchu. The name Intiwatana is not recorded until the Nineteenth Century according to Professor John Rowe, the leading authority on the Incas. He advised the authors of this in 1997, as quoted below: I note that in the beautiful calendar you gave me you refer to the so-called “Intihuatana” of Machu Picchu as a solar observatory. It is no such thing, and the identification is one of Bingham’s many mistakes. There is a building at Pisac that surrounds a rock outcrop, the top of which was cut down by the Incas so as to end up as a circular protuberance rising from a flat stone table. The stone protuberance at Pisac is traditionally called “Intihuatana” by the local people, and E.G. Squier decided that it was the gnomon of a sort of sundial that would cast its shadow on the flat table around it. Bingham decided that the stone at Machu Picchu with a more or less vertical protuberance at the top was a gnomon, and he borrowed the name of the Pisac one for it. The comparison is bad. The Machu Picchu stone is four-sided, and the base from which it rises is not flat. The Incas did not use gnomons for their solar observation; they looked at the horizon to see where the sun rose and set. Max Uhle, who was a better archaeologist than Squier, studied the Pisac protuberance and concluded that it would not cast a useful shadow. The name “Intihuatana” is not ancient and is not recorded until the 19th century. The Inca hydraulic engineers leave impressive evidence of their skills and technical knowledge in their use of the supercritical flow phenomenon with its attendant downstream hydraulic jumps that could easily have caused erosion, stone displacement, and overtopping of canal banks. The main canal, as well as the groundwater distribution canal network, has many examples of supercritical flow that are adequately managed. The Ceremonial Plaza (35 m by 23 m with niches and exquisite andesite stonework, not limestone) is not a former high-type reservoir, as Miles (1987) suggested. The plaza has at least one point of water entry. 69 Only 20 kilometers from the capital of Cusco, Tipon represents a complete Inca self-contained community. It has all the attributes of a site that can be developed for tourism and significant further scientific research. 12.0 RESEARCH NEEDS Research opportunities at Tipon represent both pressing needs and those associated with general intellectual curiosity, data collection, and interpretation. They include: 1. An intensive 239-hectare survey of the archaeological park could document surface potsherd evidence that is abundant throughout the site. This is a pressing matter because, in time, the evidence will be lost to tourists who will soon be wandering beyond the main attractions. Pre-Incan potsherds especially need documentation to help establish the history of Tipon. 2. Reconnaissance surveys could further define water features such as: a. Water supply to Pukara. b. Fountains within Pukara, c. Canals 1 and 3 from Rio Pukara through the Muralla. d. Potential for a construction water canal from the northeast to provide water for Muralla construction. 3. Detailed hydraulic-oriented measurements throughout the site from the Rio Pukara to Patallaqta would provide additional data on specific canal structures and canal reaches as well as laterals serving irrigated lands. 4. Archaeological analysis of the Kancha Inca could lead to better restoration of restorative work done prior to 1995. 5. Geologic research could define faulting as it relates to the yield of water of Tipon’s spring. 6. Additional flow measurements of Tipon’s spring could define seasonal changes in flow to supplement the September 2000 measurement. 7. The function of the circular structure called the Hornopata that Niles (1987) considered a chullpa (tomb) could be more fully investigated. 70 8. Further research into the history of Tipon could yield: (a) possible verification of the theory that it was a feudal estate of Incan nobility or a royal estate, (b) insight into preInca use of the site, and (c) possible colonial-period land use and site function. 9. Analysis of pre-restoration documentation could better define the original Incan architecture. 13.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Restoration efforts should continue on Tipon’s main terraces and should be extended to other important components of the site. In all cases, a conservator should control the restoration work. Public access of outlying areas should be restricted until archaeological documentation and selective collection of potsherds are completed. The remains of the main canal downhill of the Intiwatana should be preserved because erosion and foot traffic is causing canal stones to become displaced. Portions of the original canal are slipping downhill. 14.0 REFERENCES American Society of Civil Engineers. 1989. Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Water Requirements. Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 70, M.E. Jensen, R.D. Burman, and R.G. Allen eds. New York: American Society of Civil Engineers. Bingham, Hiram. 1913. In the Wonderland of Peru. National Geographic Magazine April 23, 387–573. Cumpa, Claudio Palacios. 1999. Delimitación Parque Arqueológico Tipon. Cusco, Perú: Instituto Nacional de Cultura Cusco, Dirección de Identificación y Registro. McEwan, Gordon F. 1987. The Middle Horizon in the Valley of Cuzco, Peru: The Impact of the Wari Occupation of Pikillacta in the Lucre Basin. Oxford, England: British Archaeological Reports. McEwan, Gordon F. 2001. The Selz Foundation Excavations at Chokepukio, Cuzco, Peru: Report of the 2000 Excavations. s.l.: Cuzco Archaeological Institute. Niles, Susan A. 1982. Style and Function in Inca Agricultural Works Near Cusco. Ñawpa Pacha 20:163-182. Niles, Susan A. 1987. Callachaca, Style and Status of an Inca Community. University of Iowa Press. Rowe, John H. 1997. Personal Communication with Authors. 71 Ames, IA: Thompson, L.G., E. Mosley-Thompson, J.F. Bolzan and B. R. Koci. 1985. A 1,500-year record of tropical precipitation researched in ice area from the Quelccaya ice cap, Perú. Science 229: 971-973. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1970. Irrigation Water Requirements. Technical Release No. 21. Littleton, CO: Water Resources Publications. Valencia Zegarra, Alfredo. 1997. Las Obras Hidráulicas del Horizonte Medio en la Cuenca de Lucre. Tesis para optar al Grado de Doctor en Letras y Ciencias Humanas, a la Universidad Nacional de “San Antonio Abad” del Cusco, Perú. Valencia Zegarra, Alfredo. 2000. Video Interview On-site at Tipon. Wright, K.R. and A. Valencia Zegarra. 1999. Ancient Machu Picchu Drainage Engineering. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage 125(6)360-369. Wright, KR. and A. Valencia Zegarra. Washington, DC: ASCE Press. 2000. Machu Picchu A Civil Engineering Marvel. Wright, K.R., R.M. Wright, M.E. Jensen, and A. Valencia Zegarra. 1997a. Machu Picchu Ancient Agricultural Potential. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 13(1)39-47. Wright, K.R., G.D. Witt, and A. Valencia Zegarra. 1997b. Hydrogeology and Paleohydrology of Ancient Machu Picchu. Ground Water 35(4)660-666. Wright, K.R., J.M. Kelly, and A. Valencia Zegarra. 1997c. Machu Picchu: Ancient Hydraulic Engineering. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 123(10)838-843. E:\991-999\538t-pap\TIPON English version.doc 72 APPENDIX—PERMIT FROM INC—NOT INCLUDED 73 DRAWINGS—NOT INCLUDED 74 Wright Paleohydrological Institute Denver, Colorado