ANG Hutc - Hutchinson
ANG Hutc - Hutchinson
ANNUAL REPORT 2004 CONTENTS ▼ The Group Business Activities 2 11 Management Committee Business Activities 3 12 Chairman’s message Automotive Fluid Transfer Systems 4 Key figures 2004 6 Research & Development 8 Quality, Safety and Environment 10 Personnel 14 Body Sealing Systems 16 Transmission Systems 18 Automotive Antivibration 20 Precision Sealing Systems 22 Aerospace - Industry 26 Consumer Products PROFILE ▼ THE GROUP THE HUTCHINSON GROUP Hutchinson, world market leader in the industrial rubber sector, is a partner of various leading industrial groups in the automobile, aerospace, railways, general industry and mass distribution market segments. Hutchinson’s business is organized into seven Activities: Automotive Fluid Transfer Systems, Body Sealing Systems, Transmission Systems, Automotive Antivibration, Precision Sealing Systems, Aerospace & Industry and Consumer Products. These Activities are gathered into two main Divisions: Automobile-Industry and Consumer Products. Hutchinson, a company of the Total Group Hutchinson is part of the Total Group Chemical Branch and operates principally in Europe, North and South America and in Asia. At the end of 2004, Hutchinson employed 25,275 people in 148 production and sales sites in 31 countries. 1 MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE ▼ General Management Pierre-Christian Clout Chairman and Chief Executive officer Management Committee Gilles Argy Corporate Vice President, Research and Development Dominique Bonnet Corporate Vice President, Finance René-Jacques Quignard Corporate Vice President, Human resources and Communication Board of directors Pierre-Christian Clout Chairman, 2006 Robert Castaigne 2005 Jacques Maigné Corporate Vice President, Aerospace- Industry Françoise Leroy 2004 Éric Perrot Executive Vice President Total Chimie S.A. 2004, Represented by Ian Howat Functional Management Auditors Jean-Pierre Joubert Corporate Purchasing Director Barbier-Frinault et Autres 2008 Dominique Mounier Legal Counsel Alternate Auditors Christian Chochon 2008 2 ▲ From left to right, First line: Jacques Maigné, Pierre-Christian Clout, Dominique Bonnet. Second line: René-Jacques Quignard, Éric Perrot, Gilles Argy. The terms of office for Board members and Auditors expire on the day the Annual Shareholder’s Meeting is convened to approve the accounts for the fiscal year indicated after their names. HUTCHINSON IN 2004 THE GROUP CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE ▼ In an evolving and contrasting environment, Hutchinson’s growth was carried forward. At constant exchange rates (6.2 percent) the turnover covered an average growth rate in Europe to a high growth rate in the NAFTA and South American regions. Profitability was maintained despite a constant pressure on prices from customers and on the increased cost of raw materials, particularly steel. The Automotive market recorded mixed developments with a 4 percent increase in production for Europe, flat for the NAFTA countries and a highly significant growth for South America and Asia. Industry markets behaved well, but consumer products did not record any major business revival. The Group’s headcount progressed in the NAFTA region, Mercosur and Eastern European countries. In France, the number of employees remained stable. Our profitable growth policy is carried out from a Sustainable Development angle, taking on board the environmental protection issues and the safety of our people. Efforts towards a prevention of risks at the workplace were translated into a major reduction of accidents with days off, thus offering more secure work conditions to our personnel. As world leader of elastomer processing, and thanks to the skill and dynamism of its women and men, Hutchinson has successfully adapted to the diverse geopolitical upheavals the industrial markets are faced with. Industrial investment applied to an increased production capacity in strong demand countries, such as Poland, Mexico, Portugal and China. Research and development spending was carried forward at a level enabling the development of a great number of new, high technological innovation content concepts, and the renewal of our ranges of products. Pierre-Christian Clout Chairman and Chief Executive Officer 3 2004 KEY FIGURES ECONOMIC YEAR TURNOVER ▼ ▼ During the year 2004, the Hutchinson Group’s turnover was up 3.5 percent over 2003. At constant exchange rates, this evolution translated in a growth of 6.2 percent. By market segment The Group’s market places recorded a contrasted evolution: • growth in the Automotive production sector in Europe (+4.1%) and in South America (+26.5%) and stability in the NAFTA region, • global growth in the industrial sector where Hutchinson operates, and namely in the USA, • still sluggish consumer products markets. By geographical area 63% 31% Automotive France Under these conditions and despite the pressure from customers for higher price concessions, the Group’s relative profitability was maintained. 23% United States Capital expenditure and Research and Development investment were also maintained. 15% Germany 20% Industry 25% Other European countries 17% Consumer products 6% Rest of world 4 THE GROUP SUSTAINED GROWTH, INCREASED INVESTMENTS AND R&D SPENDINGS ▼ (in € millions) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2,551 2,675 2,709 2,575 2,667 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 153 136 115 114 118 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 With a 3.9 percent increase over 2003, R&D spending amounts to 5 percent of turnover. 110 124 124 129 134 Employees 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 At December 31, 2004, the Group Hutchinson employed 25,275 people in operations covering 31 countries. 23,872 24,169 24,820 24,564 25,275 Industrial sites 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 With 95 plants located in 18 countries, the Group is ready to respond to the requirements of its main customers. 96 96 94 95 95 Growth Turnover is up (+3.5%) over 2003. At constant exchange rates, and by geographical region, the increase of +6,2% is viewed as follows: Europe + 3,6% NAFTA Region + 13% Other countries* + 10,3% * South America/China. Capital expenditure (in € millions) Investment in both tangible and intangible assets totalled 118 million euros, a slight increase over 2003. This amount corresponds to 4.4 percent of turnover. Research and Development (in € millions) 5 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, THE DRIVING FORCE TOWARDS GROWTH In 2004, Research & Development spending reached 134 million euros, up 4 percent over 2003. These expenditures amounted to 5 percent of the consolidated turnover, which shows the importance placed by Hutchinson on R&D activities, the firm’s driving force. The Hutchinson R&D activities can be said to globally focus around four poles: • • • • Materials: Materials purchases amount to nearly 30 percent of the group’s total sales. They represent a priority on four main focus lines: optimised formulation of the compounds, aiming at cutting down our production cost improved technical performances (heat resistance, fatigue stress behaviour, resistance to chemicals…) Invention of new families of high performance Thermoplastic Elastomers (TPE) Vegaprène®‚ enhanced “robustness” and more regular technical characteristics in the elastomer compounds produced in order to comply with “6 sigma” quality oriented challenge. The focus is no longer on polymers only and the Corporate Research Center (CRC) now has available a design laboratory with high performance means for metallurgic and metal works studies. Digital simulation The CRC Computing Center has a supercomputer whose computing power was significantly increased during 2004, to reach a level of 500 billion operations per second (0.5 TeraFlops), one of the most powerful in France. This host computer is connected to about fifteen different sites worldwide (France, Spain, Germany, United States…) and the users on our various sites have full transparent access to it. In the software side, function-dedicated software (for specific applications) has become common place in order to cut down computing time and provide better access to an increased number of users. 6 Product developments Various product developments are currently in place or in early marketing phase. In the Automotive sector, active electronic antivibration devices, the LINKEO‚ exhaust line hose with outstanding vibration attenuation performances, high performance elastomer air hoses for engines, the new TPE Vegaprène®‚ air conditioning flexible hoses, structural heat expanding sealants, and various TPE Vegaprène®‚ moulded parts, should emerge an in-depth renewal of our product portfolio in the years to come. In the Industry sector, Paulstra has comforted its position as aerospace and railway segments leader, with brand new results such as the review of the engine suspension system of the future A400M European military air carrier, or with orders for the Canton underground vibration attenuation systems. The development of new, enhanced performance and more light-weight safety devices for run flat (civil security and military applications) consolidate Hutchinson’s position as worldwide leader on this market. On the consumer products sector, 2004 was the beginning of the G-VIR medical gloves marketing, and the development of new, more comfortable and softer household gloves – the Flex Comfort Technology. Process Capability improvement, waste and rejects level cut down, and enhanced productivity represent the major processoriented lines of development, with one priority: reduction of rejects and compliance with environmental constraints. In the field of extrusion, a major effort was carried out on developing volumetric pumps to obtain more regular extrudate, and the project of developing extrusion dies by stereo lithography has reached the pre-industrial stage. On non-destructive controls, efforts aiming at developing sophisticated software for signal processing ensured increased precision and robustness of various control processes and, thus enhanced reliability and compliance with products specifications. THE GROUP 1 Massively parallel computer. 2 Anechoic accoustic chamber. 3 Fatigue stress machine. 1 2 3 7 QUALITY, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 1 Quality Following implementation of various quality management systems compliant with the latest standards in force, and following a significant improvement of performances and having successfully stabilized its non-quality costs over the last years, Hutchinson is currently committed towards operational excellence. At the end of 2004 and with very few exceptions, all the Group sites had a quality management system (Q.M.S.) complying with the latest international standards in force: ISO 9001-2000, ISO/TS 16949-2002 for the Automotive Industry sites, EN 9100-9003 for the Aeronautics Industry sites. Compliance of our Q.M.S. to these standards has widely been acknowledged following various third party audits carried out in our plants along 2004. The Group has currently available 140 official “quality” certificates in 90 of the sites. Thanks to Q.M.S. based on the latest versions of the standards in place, thanks also to the fact the process management is of constant practice in the field now, Hutchinson and sites are deeply rooted to go ahead towards excellence in quality. The increasing efficiency of the Group QMS should be underlined, especially in view of the constant reduction of the number of non complying parts supplied to our customers over the last years. In the Automotive industry, the number of non-complying parts are measured with the PPM (number of defective parts per million parts supplied) indicator. Such parts represented a significant low level in 2004 for the Transmission Systems (PPM < 20), the Automotive Antivibration (PPM < 25) and Fluid Transfer Systems High Pressure (PPM < 100) Activities. The route towards excellence was opened as early as 2001 through the RECORD project (associated to it were 22 million euros savings from rejects and in industrial performance gain at the end of 2004), and was recently given a further boost within a global project to be progressively deployed throughout the Group until the end of 2007. 8 The successor to RECORD, a project based on cost reduction from rejects and defects in production, is a new operational excellence project oriented to three topics: • Management of the site, from a transverse and subsidiarity angle. • Monitoring and optimization of processes, more widely of all operational processes. • Control of all types of purchases, from the suppliers’ quality assurance angle. To meet this objective, various tools and methods such as: the B.S.C. (Balanced Score Card), an exhaustive production system, self-appraisal of a progress approach, standard indicators of performance measurement etc. are progressively implemented in all the Group sites, based on their size and activities. Safety of people and goods A stronger involvement and the establishment of the SAFERING programme, focused on risk prevention at the work place, translated into a significant reduction of the accident level in 2004 which retreated 30 percent on accidents with days off (Frequency occurrence: 12.5 in 2003 vs. 9 in 2004). A special emphasis was placed on more secure work stations when using hazardous substances and on the establishment of a noise abatement protection system. A programme for the reduction of vulnerability to fire was simultaneously pursued in collaboration with the insurance company AON; it focuses on systematic fire detection and on streamlining the raw materials, current production and processed products storage conditions. Given that no damage has ever occurred over the last five years, assessing this programme’s efficiency is obvious. 2 THE GROUP 1 Zywiek 1 workshop, Poland. 2 Winners of the 2004 Presdient Award for Sustainable Development. 3 The Columbia (TN) processing unit, United States. 3 Environment The Montargis site received an ISO 14001 certification in 2004, 48 sites of Hutchinson are now certified; Hutchinson currently has all major sites and its automotive industry plants certified, which represents a validation of the environmental policy initiated over 10 years ago with a sense of responsibility. Major environmental factors: Water • The reduction of water consumption was continued, as a follow-up to previous investment on looping the cooling circuits; an almost fifteen percent reduction was obtained on water mains (1.72 Mm3 in 2003, 1.57 Mm3 in 2004). • The internal treatment stations operation was streamlined, with a reduction of the COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) assessed at 20 percent (850 tons in 2003, 700 tons in 2004). A 75% REDUCTION OF THE SULPHUR-BASED EMISSIONS INTO THE AIR ▼ • • • • Air The CO 2 emission level was reduced (4,000 tons less over a total 180,000 tons), going from fuel oil to gas in the Brazil sites in particular. The emission VOCs (Volatile Organic Compound) were reduced; investing in a carbon sulphide processing unit in Columbia/USA brought a 600 tons reduction of emissions at constant production regime, or over 10 percent of the Hutchinson’s emission level assessed at 5,000 tons (refer to note below). Methanol will be no more used in the gloves production process (operational in two plants, to be implemented in Malaysia), representing 200 tons less emission at constant production regime immediately and 400 tons less over the next 3 years. This innovation was awarded with the Hutchinson’s President’s prize in 2004, Sustainable Development Award. Major investments in the collection area (air related investment in 2004 for over 4 million euros) are paving the way to 2005 and 2006 future investment on processing and will significantly cut down the Hutchinson’s COVs emissions. The American agency for environmental protection announced in June 2002 that 75 percent of the sulphur rejects emission linked to the production of cellulose sponges on the American territory had to be cut down. To comply with this official demand, Mapa Spontex opted for a novel process, the catalytic oxidation for processing sulphur compounds. This catalyst-based technology provides a self-maintained reaction with no energy brought from an external source as long as the gas concentration is adequate. Sulphuric acid can, in addition, be generated from the oxidation product (sulphur anhydride) in contact with water. This acid is part of the sponges’ production process; the amount produced meets production needs. Operating costs for this 3 million dollar installation are rather low. Commissioning is due for June 2005. 9 PERSONNEL 1 Fit Profiles celebrating its 80th anniversary. 2-8 Some diversity among our employees: Nicolas Niollet, Automotive Fluid Transfer Systems (2); Emmanuelle Moisy, Body Sealing Systems (3); Antonio Sanz, Transmission Systems (4); Robert Kuo, Automotive Antivibration (5); Thomson Rovalier, Aerospace-Industry (6); Virginia Ramos, Precision Sealing Systems (7); Anne-Lise Villaumié, Consumer Products (8). In a highly challenged environment, both in countries and on the market segments, Hutchinson remained open to growth thanks to the motivation and adaptability of it’s employees. While turnover was up 6.2 percent, the Hutchinson personnel increased by some 3 percent. The headcount went up by over 8 percent on the American continent. There were increases both in the Nafta region and, more so, in Mercosur. In Europe, the 4.2 percent increase in personnel came from a strong development of Eastern European countries, while Western Europe recorded stable staffing levels. 1 2 4 3 This need to feel deeply-rooted might put a brake on our necessary adaptation to changes on our market segments. However, mindsets are boosted as exchanges are organized among our firms. For example, such are the days at St-Etienne when the Allègre site hosted a team from Mapa Zeven to get to know them better and to exchange ideas and to work on the Baby-care product line. It is by successfully combining these various cultures that Hutchinson will adapt to changes. 5 6 8 7 10 To this stability in the headcount is added a weak renewal rate. At a time of evolution in sophisticated technologies sectors, this might seem a surprising fact, but this loyalty, this tie with our Group is there to note. An example of the importance of feeling deeply-rooted was shown in Moirans for the 80th-year celebration of Fit Profilés. The same applied to the Caceres “Open Day” in Spain to celebrate the firm’s 30th anniversary. 14 Automotive Fluid Transfer Systems Senior Vice President Christian Leys Body Sealing Systems Senior Vice President Patrick Rouyrre 16 18 Transmission Systems Senior Vice President Michel Thiallier Automotive Antivibration Senior Vice President Thierry du Granrut 20 22 Precision Sealing Systems Senior Vice President Jacques Helfer Aerospace-Industry Senior Vice President Jacques Maigné BUSINESS ACTIVITIES 12 26 Consumer Products Executive Vice President and Director of Division Éric Perrot 11 AUTOMOTIVE FLUID TRANSFER SYSTEMS BRANDS/COMPANIES MARKETS ▼ ▼ Hutchinson Argentina Hutchinson Autopartes Mexico Hutchinson Borrachas de Portalegre Hutchinson Brasil Automotive Ltda Hutchinson DEFDC Hutchinson Flexibles Automobile Hutchinson FTS Hutchinson GmbH Hutchinson Industrias del Caucho Hutchinson Palamos Hutchinson Poland Hutchinson Porto Hutchinson SNC Hutchinson Srl Hutchinson Sro Hutchinson UK Automotive: Air-conditioning Air intake Brakes Engine cooling Engine and engine suspension Filtration Fuel line Lubrication Oil cooling Power steering Steering Transmission Tokai (alliance) SITES ▼ ❏ ■ Argentina Brazil China Czech Republic France Germany Italy Mexico Poland Portugal Spain UK USA ❏ ■ Japan (alliance) ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ■ ❏ ■ ▼ 3D blow-molded water or air ducts Air-conditioning hose assemblies Brake system hose assemblies Canisters Clutch hose assemblies Air-conditioning hoses Depollution hoses High-temperature air hoses Oil cooling hose assemblies Oil hoses Plastic and rubber fuel hoses Power steering hose assemblies Water hoses For the Low Pressure segment, year 2004 was characterized by: • A strengthening of the production units in “low cost” countries to better meet customers’ needs. • A diversification of products to satisfy technical expectations of the car and equipment makers (common-rail, particle filters, fuel injection). Sales were globally equivalent to year 2003 results. The Polish sites experienced a strong upswing in production, in particular in the field of fuel fluid transfers. On the American market segment, production was initiated in good conditions in the Celaya (Mexico) plant. Significant means were invested on quality to secure more reliable structures and to better satisfy the needs in the automotive market segment. Developments were extended in interconnection systems, structures, high pressure hoses, and through a more scientific approach of any technological problem. The activity experienced major progress in all its market segments thanks to the stability of its teams in the startup units and to a better knowledge of the individual work. ▼ ❏ PRODUCTS For the Automotive Fluid Transfer Systems Activity, 2004 was a year of consolidation in “low cost” countries for the Low Pressure business and of development in these same countries for the High Pressure business. 12 ❏ ■ Sales Production Air conditioning hose and pressure connection duct for particle filters. WITH HUTCHINSON, NO MORE BLACK POLLUTING PARTICLES FROM THE EXHAUST PIPE! ▼ The amount of carbon particles emitted in the air through the exhaust gas is cut down thanks to the particle filters installed on the exhaust pipes of diesel-fuelled vehicles. Because of this filter clogging up, we have developed a differential pressure sensor piping system, which measures the loss in load through the filter. BUSINESS ACTIVITIES 1 A 5-layers extrusion line with control system. 2 Pressure connection hoses on particle filters. 1 On the High Pressure business segment, year 2004 recorded a higher sales level over 2003, despite a harsh competitive environment. With automotive and equipment manufacturers pressing for price concessions and higher productivity, the decision was taken in Europe to invest: in a unit solely dedicated to hose assembly located near Bielsko Biala (Poland); in the extension of the Porto (Portugal) unit; and, in the start-up of a production workshop in Celaya (Mexico) for the American continent. Sites located in the north of the United States were streamlined thanks to a new site in Quincy (Michigan). In both the European and the American market segments, business was won, and year 2005 looks quite promising in terms of sales growth. Major spending in mechanical and automated controls was carried out from an industrial point of view. On the R&D front, emphasis was placed on rationalizing flows/circuits, on adapting structures to German specifications and on the development of new air conditioning assembly systems. Streamlining was performed among the research and development teams in Europe in particular, to offer more consistent solutions to customers. 2 OUR SOUTH AMERICA ACTIVITIES ▼ The Hutchinson Brazil Automotive Activity recorded significant growth in 2004 with a major progression of business supported by domestic market growth and by exports to Spain and Mexico. It translated into increased production capacity in various segments: • A 1,000 m2 building was constructed in Extrema for the Automotive Fluid Transfer Systems in order to streamline the extrusion of the brake hoses, thus cutting down production costs and retaining the Ford market segment. New production parts were launched for the new VW Fox vehicle to be marketed in Europe as successor to the Lupo. • Two buildings were purchased in Monte Alto for the extension of the Automotive Antivibration Activity on 6,600 m2 and of a logistics area and finishing shops of the Body Sealing Systems Activity over 18,000 m2. • In the Transmission Systems Activity, two buildings were constructed in the Monte Alto plant 2: 3,500 m2 for 6 future extrusion lines and 1,200 m2 for the rubber sheet calendering shop. Operations in Hutchinson Argentina also recorded a strong improvement in 2004, where new parts were developed for the Peugeot 307 and the Ford Focus. For the future Toyota-Hilux Pick-Up Truck, parts produced by the Automotive Fluid Transfer Systems and Automotive Antivibration Activities were jointly designed with Bridgestone. 13 BODY SEALING SYSTEMS BRANDS/COMPANIES MARKETS ▼ ▼ Hutchinson Argentina Hutchinson Autopartes Mexico Hutchinson Brasil Automotive Ltda Hutchinson DFEDC Hutchinson GmbH Hutchinson Industrias del Caucho Hutchinson Poland Hutchinson Sealing Systems Inc. Hutchinson SNC Hutchinson UK Automotive: body and interior SITES ▼ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ■ ■ ❏ ■ ▼ Dynamic seals: Door seals Double seals Dust seals Hood seals Radiator tank seals Trunk/rear door seals Fixed window seals: Bonded window trim Glass encapsulation Rear quarter panel seals Opening window seals: Glass run channels Internal and external waist seals Internal door GRC Business won confirmed hopes for growth in the near future, due mostly to innovating, good added value products, such as run channels of the “hidden frame” family. This type of run channels is now mounted on some 35 percent of the new vehicles and offers both functionalities of double sealing and glass run channels, while presenting a higher quality aspect and acoustic comfort meeting the market segment’s expectations. Deployment of production in South America, Mexico, Poland and recently China continues. At the same time, Spain is developing in line with local needs. Productivity and quality efforts are everywhere and should enable all sites to reach the same level of excellence. All sites are certified TS 16949 and ISO 14001. The product/process development is a major focus line for improving services to customers and delivery achievement; progress as initiated by the CATIA V5 technology is promising for the future, thanks to a drastic reduction of the time-consuming and repetitive digitalization stages. Our knowledge of a physical phenomenon such as the closing of a door was amplified for the first time ever, thanks to digital modelling, a world wide premiere. Products are more cosmetic now: TPE encapsulated glazing modules or glass run channels and waist seals with chrome aspect. 2004 was the year for launching various equipment for new vehicles (from most of our customers), offering a lasting growth on global volume and related marketing development. Such is the case of the South America Toyota Hilux. ▼ ❏ ■ Argentina Brazil China France Germany Mexico Poland Spain UK USA PRODUCTS Production volumes of the Body Sealing Systems Activity considerably increased since 2003 on its three main market segments: North America, South America and Europe, despite a relatively dull global market. 14 ❏ ■ Sales Production Hidden frame glass run channels. WITH HUTCHINSON, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IS PROVIDED! ▼ We were the first for this type of parts to combine three materials (TP, TPV and TPO) associated to a thin aluminium strip for the production of fully thermoplastic hidden frame seals. The frame is thus made of lighter (40 % weight reduction of the frames), recyclable materials 1 New thermoplastic technology workshop – Hutchinson Sealing Systems. BUSINESS ACTIVITIES 2 Roland Stecher, in charge of production, Aachen, Germany. 1 2 The market is rapidly evolving, customers are building new production sites in emerging countries and Hutchinson must follow to produce where new markets are. For some sites such as the Aachen plant, this production relocation means major changes, and turnover is often increased with the same headcount, number-wise. Aachen represents a highly automated production system on either finished or semi-finished products sent essentially to Poland where well qualified manpower is in charge of the production finishing in proper economic conditions, on equipment defined and tested in Aachen. This explains why, in Germany, the extrusion capacity has developed close to the mixing room. Special attention is given to safety. Processes are made safer and procedures are explained during a training period; the system works well given that Lodz (Poland) has recorded no-accidents over the last 2 years. 15 TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS BRANDS/COMPANIES MARKETS ▼ ▼ Deutsche Hutchinson GmbH Hutchinson Argentina Hutchinson Brasil Automotive Ltda Hutchinson DFEDC Hutchinson Industrias del Caucho Hutchinson FTS Hutchinson SNC Hutchinson SRL Hutchinson Poland Hutchinson UK Automotive Aerospace Agriculture, fishing Food industry General industry Home appliances Marine Railways Sports and leisure Transportation Hio Il (sales representative) Bando (partnership) PRODUCTS SITES ▼ ❏ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ❏ ❏ ■ ❏ ❏ ❏ ■ ❏ South Korea (sales representative) Japan (partnership) Poly-V® belts Polycran® belts Pulleys Tensioners Idlers Thanks to dynamic teams in all its segments and to proven transverse operational methods, the Hutchinson Transmission Systems Activity is a world market leader in its field. Hutchinson Transmission is in a position to secure for its customers the best technical and economic solutions in the automotive, home appliance and general industry sectors, thanks to: • full expertise in predictive calculation and simulation, which is constantly improved by the Corporate Research Centre, and the best international experts; and, • the quality and reliability of its products and services. In the automotive industry, EPDM belts, especially the stretchy one provide added simplicity of use, hence reduced weight and cost for the drive system as a whole. Following FORD and GM, be it in the United States, Europe or Asia, these products equip Mercedes, VAG, Suzuki, Hyundai and KIA with innovations “Made in Hutchinson”. In the home appliance sector, Hutchinson is a world market leader on the drive belts for the washing machine and tumble dryer market segments. Its technical know-how is acknowledged on all continents and major world manufacturers currently use the Poly-V® stretchy belt with adapted modulus. ▼ ❏ Argentina Brazil China France Germany Italy Poland Spain UK USA ▼ The year 2004 was a year of rebound for the Transmission Systems Activity in the automotive industry and a year of continuing strong growth in the home appliances and general industry sectors. 16 ❏ ■ Sales Production EPDM belts and decoupling pulleys for the automobile vehicles. WITH HUTCHINSON, DAILY LIFE IS SIMPLIFIED! ▼ By means of elastic belts, automatic tensioners, pulleys or idlers, our transmission systems offer leading-edge technology for all industries. When using your washing machine or tumble drier we provide for you both simplicity of installation and savings on weight and cost. BUSINESS ACTIVITIES 1 Engine front end accessory drive. 2 Workshop in Extrema, Brazil. 3 Workshop in Lodz, Poland. 1 As to its specific and numerous applications in the industry marketplace, the Flexonic® stretchy belt demonstrates its unique features, performance and competitive advantage on a larger number of innovating machines in sectors as different as fitness machines, compressors, vacuum cleaners, material handling machines and agricultural equipment. Hutchinson Transmission production sites are located in Western Europe, Poland, Brazil and soon China, using a fully mastered process. All plants are certified ISO 9001 and ISO TS 16949/2002. Furthermore, within the framework of ISO 14001 certification, Hutchinson sustainably contributes to the protection of the environment, seeing to the safety at work and well-being of its staff, and in keeping with the urban and industrial environments where it is present. 2 3 17 AUTOMOTIVE ANTIVIBRATION BRANDS/COMPANIES MARKETS ▼ ▼ Deutsche Hutchinson GmbH Hutchinson Argentina Hutchinson Brasil Automotive Ltda Hutchinson DEFDC Hutchinson Poland Paulstra CRC Paulstra Iberica Paulstra Italia Paulstra Ltd. Paulstra SNC Automotive: body and interior engine and exhaust steering suspension Bridgestone AVS (alliance) Kurashiki Kako (licence) Teklas (licence) SITES ▼ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ■ Japan (alliance) Thailand (licence) Turkey (licence) ▼ Active and semi-active engine mounts Body and cradle mounts Engine mounts Exhaust hangers Hydraulic engine mounts Hydraulic bushes Linkage Mass dampers Steering couplings Strut mounts Suspension bushes In Europe, in a slight growth environment in the Automobile manufacturing sector, the Automotive Antivibration Activity has grown significantly thanks to the production launching of new projects, such as: the Renault Modus, the new Ford Focus, the Mercedes A Class, the BMW 6 series and the Peugeot 407. The 607 benefits from the Active torque rods equipping the latest 6 cylinder diesel-engine. This new product was developed in joint collaboration with PSA, and is produced at our site in Chateaudun. In North America, Paulstra CRC successfully progressed on production start-up in several programs for its major customers’ new main model ranges: the latest Ford Mustang model; the Chevrolet Cobalt and Equinox; the Buick Rendez Vous and Lacrosse; the Chrysler 300 and Dodge Magnum; and, the Daimler Chryslers’ Cadillac STS. Thanks to these newly launched programs, the production volumes progressed in a relatively flat market. In 2005, more favourable economic conditions and new programs start-up such as the new Pontiac sedan and the Saturn Vue, as well as continuous productivity and purchasing efforts should open up on higher results. In the South American market, Paulstra’s turnover was significantly up in this sustained growth market environment. This increase led to extend surface, production and development means in Argentina, especially to prepare the production of a high number of parts for the new Toyota Hilux. Moreover, Paulstra also acquired a new production site in Brazil, which will enable a multiplication by four of our local production capacity within the near future, and increased export volumes. ▼ ❏ ■ Argentina Brazil China France Germany Italy Poland Spain UK USA PRODUCTS The Automotive Antivibration Activity experienced a contrasted rate of activity in 2004 based on the geographical area concerned. 18 ❏ ■ Sales Production Active torque rods for the Peugeot 607. WITH HUTCHINSON, GAIN IN COMFORT WITHOUT VIBRATION! ▼ When the driver of a diesel fuelled, automatic gearbox vehicle puts the stick on the D position, an unpleasant buzzing is felt together with increased vibrations. The active torque rods developed by Paulstra provide both a good acceleration torque and comfort in idle position. 1 Hydrovacuum automated system in Chateaudun, France. 2 Roboquad in Grand Rapids, U.S.A. 1 In early 2004, the cost of raw materials, in particular steel, significantly increased in North America followed by all other continents. This unexpected situation combined with lower sales prices in a highly competitive environment had a negative impact on our results. However, major investment, in automated equipment essentially, and lower purchasing costs succeeded in limiting such impact. We are not expecting any major reduction in the cost of raw materials for 2005 and purchasing performance is more than ever indispensable to satisfy the automotive manufacturers’ demand. In 2004, Paulstra strengthened its means and organization to resource the purchase of material and components required for its products where the suppliers’ offer are most competitive. Multi-annual “Spring” progress plans were implemented, in parallel, to bring our industrial sites to the level of excellence of their respective business. In addition, an indispensable capacity and productivity capital investment program was carried out. 3 2 BUSINESS ACTIVITIES 3 Measurement laboratory in the Corporate Research Center/Montargis, France. In terms of development, Paulstra was the designated supplier for numerous vehicles in Europe during 2004, in particular by PSA, Renault-Nissan, and Toyota for the renewal of its Corolla range based on our alliance with Bridgestone. Developments extended also in China and Korea where Paulstra is doing more business with local makers. In North and South America, Paulstra won several industrial programs and its market share is going to expand, in particular with General Motors. LINKEO is one of the most innovative products presented in 2004 to the market to meet new technical challenges and to improve the vibration and acoustics comfort in vehicles. LINKEO is a revolutionary exhaust line which combines low stiffness and an unprecedented heat insulation. It will also contribute to better environmental performance of the engine and exhaust system, and was well received by the market representatives. Integration projects into vehicle developments are in progress. 19 PRECISION SEALING SYSTEMS BRANDS/COMPANIES MARKETS ▼ ▼ Caoutchoucs Modernes Catelsa Desmarquoy Deutsche Hutchinson Hutchinson Brasil Automotive Ltda Hutchinson DFEDC Automotive Seals Co. Ltd. Hutchinson Poland Hutchinson Seal Intecsa LJF LJF Suzhou Co. Ltd. Pamargan Paulstra Automotive: air-conditioning air intake body and interior brake systems engine engine cooling filtration fuel line ignition lubrication steering suspension transmission Construction & public works Food industry, agriculture, fishing General industry Sports & leisure Transportation SITES ▼ ❏ ❏ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ❏ ■ ❏ ❏ ■ ■ ❏ ■ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ❏ ❏ ■ PRODUCTS ▼ Automotive molded parts Automotive precision rubber parts Bellows BS rings Composite seals Diaphragms Dynamic seals Encoders Foam rubber sheet and blocks Flat seals O-rings Quadrilobe seals Radiator seals The Oil Seals Division experienced major turnover growth in Europe, supported by the leading product segments: encoder seals, PTFE shaft seals, automatic gearbox pistons and bearing seals. In 2004, the line production of encoder seals for ABS applications was launched for two Japanese bearing equipment makers. Paulstra also won business as the developer of magnetic encoders for various mecatronic applications and continued a policy of product and customer portfolio diversification.Thanks to its highly offensive policy in the automatic transmission market segment, Paulstra was selected in 2004 for various developments, the recognition of their expertise and for their proper use of synergies with other divisions of the Activity. The Division launched an investment plan to increase the production capacity and initiate a training plan in Brazil for business won in 2004. Production is scheduled for startup in 2005. The Precision Rubber Division saw vigorous sales growth in Brazil. Thanks to Division’s know-how in the “Blow-by” diaphragms production (Gamaches), the launching of new developments for leading equipment manufacturers on this market segment was made possible. This diaphragm regulates the oil vapor flow in the engine upper compartment. A zero-defect situation has been achieved thanks to investment in these production line automatic controls. Developing and starting a successful large series production of overmolded flat seals for head covers strengthened the Division’s position vis-à-vis carmakers such as DCX, Renault and PSA. ▼ ❏ ■ Austria Belgium Brazil China Denmark France Germany Italy Malta Mexico Norway Poland Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland UK USA In the Precision Sealing Systems Activity, the weakness of its market segments was largely balanced by sustained sales growth, driven by a portfolio of products with high technical innovation content. The year 2004 was characterized by further capital spending in the Lodz (Poland), Ensenada (Mexico) and Monte Alto (Brazil) sites. 20 ❏ ■ Sales Production Cylinder head gasket, overmolding of a 6.6 polyamide plate with fiberglass reinforcement by self-adhesion rubber around, offering resistance to engine oils and to temperatures up to 150 °C. WITH HUTCHINSON, OPTIMIZED AIR CONDITIONING AND ACOUSTIC COMFORT PERFORMANCE. ▼ On the new A4Audi, the “EP250” foam EPDM parts of the Foam and Converting Division satisfy the emission levels requirements and provide perfect thermal insulation. Comfort in terms of soundproofing can also be optimized thanks to the various anchor seals which provide an interface between the air conditioning module and the vehicle’s passenger compartment. With this highly flexible Bulaflex range we provide soundproofing and tightness under compression. 1 O-rings production line for gasoline line, Château-Gontier, France. 1 A perfect control of the plastic parts overmolding operation with self-bonding rubber has won the Division new business and, in particular, in the controlled air intake devices market segment. The O-Rings Division experienced continuing growth in Europe resulting in the doubling of the market segments, both in the O-Rings product line and in bonded seals or similar products. New qualification was obtained in the automotive segment on gasoline (bio fuels, injection seals) and air conditioning lines (German manufacturers), resulting in a promise of growth for the years to come. The new Ensenada plant was commissioned in Mexico which now hosts all our production requirements for the North American continent. Industrial production and marketing activities in the Mercosur market segment started from the Monte Alto (Brazil) site. The Foam and Converting Division globally consolidated its positions on traditional market segments. The year saw vigorous growth in the Bulatex cellular blocks and the Briare site experienced a continued refocus on the rubber foam parts core business. The product range was renewed following replacement of previous parts by new Bulatex parts. The Intecsa plant experienced significant growth thanks to thermoforming and the dynamics of the cutting system. Montargis saw a significant increase of the technical sheets and cellular sleeves production. The Automotive Molded Parts Division recorded a major sales progression, particularly on three of the product families. We reached worldwide leading positions on servo-brake diaphragms with production well over 15 million parts per year, thus ranking among the world leaders. In addition, we won business as supplier/developer for Toyota and Audi on the steering bellows and on thermoplastic parts (Végaprène®). BUSINESS ACTIVITIES 2 Main electrical beam, a two-materials part: Vegaprène®/Polypropylene 20% talc (powder). The introduction of the Hutchinson material, Végaprène®, in the field of automotive brake systems is ongoing. As a complement to the mass production of the servo-brake diaphragms for Bosch, we developed steering bellows which are in first phase supply to 2 major players: Bosch and TRW. Full mass production is planned on the Peugot 207 for the end of 2005. The Division won business from Valeo Electronics & Connective Systems and from P.S.A. for the development of TPE Végaprène® wire sealings on the engine. The use of these sheaths is generalized on platform A (7,000 vehicles per day). This solution incorporates fixation on the polypropylene housing, a bi-component and complex part under industrial protection. Other applications for the fuel circuit and engine cooling market segments are under current review. 2 21 AEROSPACE-INDUSTRY BRANDS/COMPANIES MARKETS ▼ ▼ Barry Controls Claropan Deutsche Hutchinson GmbH Espa Fit Profilés Hutchinson DFM Hutchinson Industries Inc. Hutchinson SNC Hutchinson Srl JPR LJF Mastics LJF Stillman Paulstra Paulstra Silentbloc Stillman Seal Stopchoc GmbH Stopchoc Ltd. Vibrachoc S.A. Aerospace Automotive: Body and interior Construction and public works Defense and security Energy, chemicals Food, agriculture, and fishing industry General industry Health and safety Home appliances Mail-Order Marine Mass distribution Railways Sports and leisure Transportation The year 2004 has been a good year for the Aerospace-Industry Activity. For the Paulstra Antivibration Aerospace & Industry Department, 2004 was especially significant due to an order from SATCO Shanghai, the Alstom partner in China, to supply primary and secondary pneumatic suspensions for 28 subway trains of the Shanghai Yangpur line. Following this first contract, a second was signed for secondary suspensions of the Canton subway, a Siemens production and which now fully justifies the opening of a production site in China. • PRODUCTS SITES ▼ ▼ ❏ ■ ■ ❏ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ❏ ❏ ■ Antivibration bushings and couplings EMI and absorbent coatings Foam rubber sheets and blocks Hoses and assemblies Illuminated panels Noise and vibration reduction products Passive and active suspension systems Run-flat and security products Seals for the aerospace industry Profiles for the construction industry Tires for two-wheelers Body parts • • • ▼ ❏ ■ Brazil China Denmark France Germany Italy Netherlands Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland UK USA For Barry Controls Aerospace Department, 2004 was an exceptional year with a brilliant technical and commercial success, both for the OEM market and after-market segments: Barry Controls supplied the first prototypes for the APU support on the new Airbus A380 super jumbo. BCA won business for: Supplying the complete engine suspension system for the new Eclipse Mini Jet from a technically innovating concept based on connection/clamps integrated mounts. Prototypes were developed in record time and an aircraft with this fitting on board had a successful flight on December 31, 2004. Supplying a hydraulic-suspension system of the HTCS type for the Chinese Y-8 turbo-propulsor. Supplying the engine connection system for the new A400M European military aircraft. Following 3 years of technical discussions, Barry was able to offer a solid and complete engine mounting system, meeting the powerful engines requirements, while satisfying demanding requirements in terms of strict weight, maintenance and cost requirements. Complete maintenance of the engine connection systems for the MD80 and for the Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 aircraft fleets. 22 ❏ ■ Sales Production An APU A380 mount support element. WITH HUTCHINSON, FLY IN AN A380! ▼ Barry Controls Aerospace has been selected to supply all the supports of the A380 Auxiliary Power Unit. This kit includes 7 parts of a 12 kilos total weight to support the largest APU ever built and of more than 600 kilos weight. We are part of the production of a jumbo jet. BUSINESS ACTIVITIES 1 The Eclipse. 2 The Falcon F7X. 3 and 4 Primary and secondary suspension for the Shangaï, Yangpur line subway. 1 2 On the helicopters market segment, Barry Controls has successfully continued developing the new damper for the Bell H1, and the Boeing’s Chinook CH 47 bearing. The firm has developed and supplied in record time new Lead-lag dampers for the new Bell (MAPL) module helicopter. In addition, a new workshop was built and installed by BCA for the on-board electronic equipment mounts/supports for the US market. Developments were achieved through performance optimization of the subway intercommunication gangways, in partnership with Paulstra, and through complex supports structures used for the transport of EADS missiles. Bezons experienced a significant increase of the aerospace market segment. In the Aerospace Sealing Department, JPR enjoyed a significant growth. 2004 was the year of qualification regarding all the parts in the Airbus A380 and the Dassault F7X programmes. Designing and manufacturing reinforced composite materials parts was continued (A 380 door flaps, the CRJ200 Bombardier visor tail). JPR was granted the EN9100 qualification and confirmed its position in the United-Kingdom with AIRBUS and Rolls Royce. Le Joint Français in Roubaix supplied the first delivery of intercommunication gangways for the Paris and Mexico City subways. 3 In the Fluid Transfer Systems department, Espa obtained successful results on the aerospace market with new products for air conditioning systems: light-weight hoses and mufflers. Going to the industrialization phase for the flexible high temperature decouplers of the aerospace and industry market segments entailed extending the Fleury Les Aubrais site. Construction work on a larger design research office and production department surface area will be completed during 2005. Hutchinson TFI initiated the industrial mass production of silicone hoses for the automotive market segment during Q2 and won new orders of corrugated hoses for turboenvironnment for the European markets. On heavy-duty vehicles, a marketing effort was carried out in the USA with supply of the first decoupler prototypes. Growth continued in the railways business. The gas hoses assemblies production from the Joué-lesTours site was transferred to Persan during the summer holiday period. Major modernization work was initiated at the 40 m workshop during Q1 and will be over in 2006. 4 23 5 The Rock Monster, the US four wheel drive mobility truck. 6 Aluminum frame with polypropylene and Vegaprène® sealing profiles and pareclose. 7 Radiotor grille for the phase 2 Renault Mascott. 6 5 The Defense and Security department once again experienced strong growth in 2004 in the United States, and growth in Europe. In the USA, Hutchinson benefited from the production expansion for vehicle programme, Stryker, supplying complete pre-assembled VF1/aluminum wheels and VF1 run-flat tires for Hummer vehicles. A new production process had to be set up in the Trenton and Persan sites to face a higher sales volume. Rock Monster was also launched for the American four wheel drive vehicles. The Rodgard polymers and thermoplastic resins production activity also experienced strong growth, starting with sales of technical products for heavy-duty vehicle equipment manufacturers. In Europe, new business was won in France with finalization of the equipment contract on vehicles for the Gendarmerie Nationale fitted with the CRF run-flat tire. In Germany, the activity was maintained through various contracts for peace-keeping and reconnaissance vehicles – the LUVW Daimler Chrysler contract – Mungo, Dingo I and II from Krauss Maffei contracts – Piranha III contract from Mowag.... This year also experienced a steady growth of the new generation IRF run-flat tire which meets the requirements for vehicle weight reduction. 24 The Tires Department once more evidenced its creative ability with a greater than 50 percent renewal of its product range in 2004, both for the road and the MTB market segments. This represents no less than 105 new product references ! There are three versions of the MTB tire (Maximum Rebond Control): “Low, Medium and High” for the entire range. Thanks to this concept, wheel hop is controlled and the tire grip is maintained. Users can select which one, depending on how they wish to use and control the bike. Six-time consecutive winners of the Tour de France race, Hutchinson and Lance Armstrong, distinguished themselves in history. Bettini won the World Cup race for the third time. With a Tuning “look”, Kwarter is confirmed as the scooter tire of choice for teenagers. In 2004, the Fit Profilés department celebrated with its personnel 80 years of activity based on innovation and on market diversification in the construction, automotive equipment and industrial sectors (household appliances included). The company experienced further growth in construction business, its leading sector, and on tighter partnership with the automotive equipment suppliers. Two innovative technical products contributed to the growth: the cellular TPE profile for woodwork; and, TPE windshield seals, principally for the new PSA 407 vehicle. The “Vegaprène®” mixing line represented the major investment item with new production capacity of “pilot line” quality for developing formulations for customers’ applications within various departments of the Hutchinson Group. “Safety” oriented results displayed a 50 percent reduction of vocational hazards thanks to the involvement of personnel on fundamentals. The progressive replacement of a silicone-based emulsion by a water-based varnish, Tekskin®, exemplified the approach initiated on sustainable development. In 2004, the Sealants, Adhesives & Coatings department turnover increased in the three market segments: aerospace, insulation and automotive. The aerospace sector has benefited from the growth in production from EADS, on the Airbus in particular. This trend will be amplified in 2005, now that EADS has planned a 30 percent increase of the Airbus production level in 2005 over 2004. The Department finalized with EADS qualification of the polyvalent, low density sealant, PR 1782, for use on the new Airbus 380 which will be later generalized to all other aircraft in this range. Qualification from this same customer was also awarded for a range of polysulfide caps for rivet release, the sealant being more easily applied by all operators. Concerning insulation, the Department continues to develop its Pilkington sales with the major worldwide glass makers (St-Gobain, Glaverbel and Pilkington) and the large double-glazed window suppliers. Beyond Europe, the objective is to supply China, Japan and the Middle-East. These are countries where sales were initiated in 2004 but will undoubtedly be developed thanks to local production, especially in Asia. A new polyurethane-based sealant was successfully launched on the market. Its properties make it a less constraining, easier to apply product than others sold previously, which greatly facilitates its use. In the first assembly automotive sector, the Department started the production of inflatable-sealant for acoustic parts for assembly of the Fiat Idea and Musa, the Smart Forfour and the Mitsubishi Colt by Nedcar (Daimler Chrysler). In addition, the development of the parts for the new Fiat Nuova Punto was started. A production line will be started in July, 2005 for 450,000 cars/year. New business was awarded for the Brazilian version of the Formore Smart car. The production of prototypes and tooling was initiated in Brazil. The Department has completed all qualification work on these types of products for BMW, Daimler Chrysler, PSA, etc. Production in the countries where car manufacturers have their business and plants (Poland, China, Japan, etc.) can start. Other automobile business won for first assembly: • qualification of a bi-component structural glue (TS 6015/2) for RVI/Volvo for assembly of the Magna cabs and vehicle tail gates or any other car part when composite/composite (SMC/ABC, polyester/polyester) is assembled. This product is currently used in France, Italy and Germany. • in the repair market segment (gluing of fixed glazing and body sealing), which is quite a substantial market segment (40% of the total Auto market), our sales in the USA recorded a significant increase thanks to business won from a second large American glassmaker. North America has become the number one region using the Totalseal Auto range for professional users, a very substantial potential growth market in 2005. In Europe, a major success was reached by the agreement signed with Fiat as worldwide supplier for daily delivery of repair parts (Fiat Ricambi) beginning February, 2005. The automotive equipment market segments (both first assembly and repair) should continue to grow through local production in China for supply to Asia (year 2005 programme). BUSINESS ACTIVITIES 7 A significant increase of the Body Parts department turnover was noted in the automotive and heavy duty equipment activities: 5 new products were launched at the site between January and June, 2004. Progression in the automotive equipment activity is essentially due to the new Opel Tigra Twin-Top bumper production. Investment on this market segment was initiated with a view to environmental protection. • The part surface cleaning is done by means of a “Plasma” process, no longer using an acid bath. • A water purification station for water processing was built. 25 CONSUMER PRODUCTS MARQUES / SOCIÉTÉS MARCHÉS ▼ ▼ Billy Boy Blausiegel Calypso Facel Frömms G-Vir Mapa Mapa Professionnel Mucambo Nuk Söke Spontex Tigex Virulana Baby care Body care Dishwashing Floor cleaning Hand protection/consumer markets Hand protection/professional and medical markets Health care Scouring Wiping cloths Organized into three main lines – Homecare, Baby Care and Health Care – the Hutchinson Consumer Products Activity followed its strategic actions based on innovation, internationalization, and an in-depth knowledge of consumers and customers. • PRODUITS ▼ IMPLANTATIONS ▼ ❏ ■ ❏ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ■ ■ ❏ ■ ❏ ■ • • • In the wake of the German event in 2003 and with a wish to maintain their reputation as an avant-garde firm, Mapa and Spontex organized a new Fashion Show at the Paris Palais de Tokyo museum in July 2004. This fashion show was set up with clothes made from Mapa and Spontex products only and designed by a highly reputable design school. ▼ ❏ ■ Argentina Austria Brazil Czech Republic France Germany Hong Kong Hungary Italy Malaysia Mexico Poland Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sri Lanka United Kingdom Uruguay U.S.A Bath and body care sponges Bottle nipples, pacifiers, baby bottles, accessories for infant feeding, breast- feeding systems Condoms and lubricating products Consumer and professional wiping products (textiles/ nonwoven/micro-fibres/ sponge cloths/sponges) Gloves for professionals Household, gardening, DIY gloves High added value medical and surgery gloves Infant toys, accessories to help awaken the infant’s mind, enhanced safety, baby and mothers cleaning and care Laundry products: ironing boards and covers, moth repellent Scouring products for consumers and professionals Solid dishwashing product In the field of Homecare, the Mapa and Spontex brands breathed new life in France into homecare products and tools thanks to various new products: Two new references were added to the Vaisselle Express product line, Pamplemousse Rose (Pink Grapefruit) and Peaux Sensibles (Delicate skin). Launched in 2003 Vaisselle Express – the first “solid” dishwashing product on the market – is available in a solid dispenser so that the homemaker is able to rub a sponge over the product without having to put the dishes or sponge down. Humorous advertising on television – the third arm – supported the product during 2004 in the Spontex tradition. On the Scouring product market segment, Spontex has the lead by far, with almost 40 percent market share in value; the innovation policy was continued with the launch of Origine Coco, an original combined sponge scourer incorporating coconut hull fibers in the scouring side for a nature-friendly and efficient result. Mini’s, the “minisponges” for “mini-dishwashing” and Spirjett, the first disposable spirals on the market, added to the 2004 Spontex range of scouring products. Mapa continued to go for new market share for gloves, targeting in particular the younger generation segment thanks to two new clever and catchy, and well pricepositioned products: Grippy (pearly blue household gloves) and Granity (a bag of 10 disposable gloves with grip). Spontex was also one of the first suppliers to launch a melamine foam-based tool: Effacenet, a revolutionary product which removes, with no effort or detergent, all marks and lingering stains (felt-tip markers, ink, etc.). 26 ❏ ■ Sales Production NUK First Choice range of products. WITH HUTCHINSON, A “NATURAL” FEEDING BOTTLE FOR BABIES! ▼ NUK First Choice is a new bottle and nipple system. The nipple features an orthodontic shape, offering an extralarge support for the lips. When the baby is nursing, this minimizes the amount of air swallowed. Mothers can use it during and after the period of breast-feeding, and a feeling of well-being is fostered just like when the baby was breastfeeding. The bottle mouth is very wide, which makes it easier to use and clean. 1 Inauguration of the Virulana workshop in Garin, Argentina. 2 Calypso body sponge. 1 Mapa Spontex duly celebrated the anniversary of Gratounett, the famous red scouring sponge, as the number one in sales in this category for the last 20 years. The special edition, dusted gold-spangled sponges achieved considerable success in France, showing the brand’s strong reputation in this country. Following the December 2003 opening of Halaszi (Hungary), Mapa Spontex inaugurated in March 2004 a new production and conditioning plant for combined polyurethane sponges in Garin (Argentina). Secure in the strength of this new industrial tool, Mapa Spontex is reinforcing its position in the combined scouring market segment in the Mercosur region with the launch of a wide range of sponges in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. This strategy perfectly meets the expectations of quality and value-for-money for the price-conscious Latin American consumers. Again, in combined polyurethane scouring sponges, Spontex simultaneously launched “Wow ! No Scratch” in the USA, a combined PU product with absorbency properties similar to those of cellulose. As for Polish and Czech consumers, they can buy off the shelf a new combined, lemon-scented sponge, obviously a new Spontex scourer. 2 In China, where the ideogram representing the Spontex brand mean “comfortable help”, a full range of Homecare and Bodycare products was launched, actively supported by demonstrators at point of sale in major customers. BUSINESS ACTIVITIES 3 Wow and Scour Max, PU scourers for the US market. For Mapa Professionnel, 2004 was the year of Ultrane. Developed as hand protection against mechanical aggression while offering optimal precision of hand and finger movements, the Ultrane textile-based line of gloves now includes three new references of nitrile foam-coated gloves. Whilst offering an excellent resistance to abrasion, the nitrile-based foam leaves more freedom to the hands and gloves and are less slippery than with conventional nitrile enduction. Organized into three families of products – Ultrane Classiques, Ultrane Plus and Ultrane Grip – the Ultrane line has now, more than ever, become the vehicle for progress for Mapa Professionnel. 3 In Asia, Spontex has extended its reach with a product line in the largest national and international accounts in Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore. An innovative programme of special promotional activity was established in the region to boost market share growth and to increase brand awareness. Household-related contests were organized in front of Malaysian and Thai supermarkets. In another example of innovative promotion, Bangkok police stations, located at those highly congested crossroads, were cleaned at peak traffic times with Spontex home care products by a team of product representatives. This event was broadcast on national television and in the press. Spontex mops, sponges, scourers and gloves were in the limelight as up to date product leaders in the region. 27 4 The Tigex air humidifier. 5 G-Vir gloving system. 4 On the Baby Care side, the NUK brand is actively present in 80 countries and has recorded a day-after-day strengthening of its position as world market leader in baby and infant care. The new adjustable First Choice (breast feeding, nipple and bottle system), already highly successful in Germany in 2003, was a “success story” in France in 2004. An innovative learning cup with a TPE wide mouth fosters a feeling of well-being when the baby is feeding. The First Choice range was launched around the world and was heartily welcomed by mothers, by the retail sector and by experts in infant nutrition. In various target markets, South Africa for instance, the First Choice system was awarded the Prize for the best feeding bottle by the local leading “Baby” magazine. In pacifiers, Nuk launched the Trendline range featuring an orthodontic shape characteristic of the Nuk brand, shimmering colors, a transparent material and innovative design. Despite the competitive pressure and the increased importance of brands, Trendline has rapidly become the market leader in Germany and is ready for launching worldwide. Nuk also developed a TPE disposable, ready-for-use nipple for maternity hospitals and clinics. The production process – from mold injection to packaging in flexible blister packs – is carried out in a clean room, nipple handling being performed by a 6 (rotation) axis robot. Allègre Puériculture successfully launched the new Prodigio brand in 2004, one of the leading products being the air humidifier to help the baby in fighting against bronchiolitis. Prodigio is dedicated to specialty stores and pharmacies. In parallel, a dedicated “professional medical” sales force for pharmacies, maternity hospitals and clinics was set up to develop our brands’ presence in these segments. Tigex also extended the scope of its licences. Already holder of a right to use the image of various Disney characters, Tigex received in 2004 a new licence for Winnie the Pooh, a success with the younger ones and their mother. 2004 was also the start-up year for Tigex in the USA, a country-specific packaging for a line of products was launched and first listings in dedicated distributor segment were a success. 28 5 In condoms, Mapa Germany rationalized the market with three consumer-oriented concepts: Billy Boy positioned in the “Fun” segment, Fromms as “traditional” and Blausiegel as a “specialty” product. Thanks to its brand awareness, Billy Boy extended in 2004 its market coverage to bath products with under-license launches of a shower gel, eau de toilette and body lotions. Billy Boy also strengthened its international position and awareness in Spain and in Greece through a huge communication effort, e.g. the “Tour verano 2004” in some famous Menorca discos. In the health segment via the Hutchinson Health Care subsidiary, Hutchinson launched G-Vir in 2004, the first surgical glove to reduce the risk of HIV and HVC viral contamination in the event of a blood exposure accident. After more than 10 years of dedicated research and development, 2004 was the year of the product’s clinical validation and official launch on the French market. An article published in a first rank scientific journal was used as support at a press conference organized on June 17th for the launch. Many press articles in professional and consumer magazines followed. A marketing team for promoting and selling the gloves in hospitals was set up, the aim being approval and referencing of the product in the major hospital centres. At the end of last year, the market widened to dental surgeons, a profession highly exposed to accident hazards. About us History Annual report Research & Development Sustainable Development Locations Our products Our markets Our brands Our services Our news e Newsletter Keep in touch Our locations Automotive Industrial and offroad vehicles Urban transportation Aerospace Rail Marine Security & defense Energy sources (oil, gas, nuclear) Chemistry Home appliances Food industry General industry Construction, public works Agriculture, fishing Health, individual protection Sports and leisure Mass distribution Mail-order selling Collectivities Barry Controls Caoutchoucs Modernes Catelsa Claropan Desmarquoy ESPA Fit profilés Hutchinson Hutchinson health Hutchinson Seal Intecsa JPR LJF LJF Stillman Mapa Spontex Nuk Pamargan Paulstra Stopchoc Tigex Vibrachoc Automotive: Fluid transfer systems Body sealing systems Transmission systems Automotive antivibration Sealants, adhesives & coatings O-Rings Molded parts, flat seals Foam and converting products Body parts Spare parts Industry: Antivibration aerospace system Defense & industry vibration isolation Control & display systems Defense & security Sealing, fluid transfer systems Transmission systems Precision molded parts, flat seals O-Rings Foam and converting products Profiled seals for construction Sealants, adhesives & coatings Professional gloves Consumer Products: Household gloves Sponges Household products Baby care products Tires Health Care: Condoms Surgical gloves Design: wprintel + Atelier Takavoir Art production: wprintel Photo credits: Thierry Dehesdin, Ed. King, Xavier Lefèvre, Marina Raith, Néovision/Photonica, PSA Peugeot Citroën, Communication Departments / Stéphane Muratet, © Airbus s.a.s 2005 Computer modeling & rendering Abac effect s.a.s, © Olaf Tiedje/Photonica. Head Office 124, avenue des Champs-Élysées 75008 Paris / France T. + 33 (0)1 40 74 83 00 F. + 33 (0)1 43 59 97 11 [email protected] Limited Company registered capital €42,411,960 R.C.S. Paris B 542 051 826
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