What is Sports Physiotherapy


What is Sports Physiotherapy
What is Sports Physiotherapy?
Sports physio is a subdiscipline within musculoskeletal physio that focuses on the
rehabilitation of sport-related injuries. It is also concerned with optimising the maintenance
and performance of an athlete so that they can play their best! This not only includes
management of a patient with their physiotherapist but often also liaising with coaches or
other trainers involved with the sportsperson. Sporting injuries differ from other
musculoskeletal injuries due to the increased demand different sports have on the body.
The range of acute injuries commonly seen within sports physio includes muscular strains
and tears, ligamentous injuries such as ankle sprains all the way to ACL ruptures,
tendinopathies, bony injuries such as stress or trauma induced fractures, and even concussion.
It is important that the individual is managed throughout the acute phase well but equally
importantly managed throughout their return to sport. This can often be a lengthy and
difficult process for athletes but undoubtedly a beneficial one as it ensures athletes can return
to competition in a safe manner with a reduced risk of reinjury.
Sports Physiotherapy in Perth
Sports physiotherapy in Perth can also be proactive (prehab) and specific exercises including
general strength and conditioning in conjunction with sport-specific drills can help not only
improve performance but also reduce the risk of injury. Often poor strength can be a limiting
factor that inhibits individuals from returning to their sport.
Regardless of your level of sport, it can be beneficial to have guidance from your
physiotherapist on how best you can rehabilitate an injury, reduce your risk of injury or reoccurrence of injury and perform your best! Our physiotherapists are equipped to kick start
your rehab or prehab journey and also liaise with a range of other specialist health
professionals should further help be required.
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Phone Number: - 6021 9440 6125
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