Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy benefits
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy benefits
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Benefits What is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy? Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy is a modern magnetic therapy application. What physically happens is an electrical current running through a coil creates a pulsing magnetic field. These are known as Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMFs). Research about PEMF therapy has been ongoing since the 1940s. Scientists have published thousands of studies, clinical trials and research articles on the topic. PEMFs stimulate natural healing and balancing functions of the cells in the body. PEMF therapy has various proven disease-preventing actions. What are the health challenges that PEMF can address? • According to CDC, respiratory problems, heart diseases, stroke, diabetes and injuries are some of the top 10 causes of outpatient morbidity • PEMF therapy can effectively address the above mentioned conditions and several other common aging related diseases as per available research • The cost of investment is low compared to the benefits – Noninvasive, drug-free, no side-effects and easy to apply. • Technical and historical facts about PEMF or ELF-EMF - Pronunciation, field types, benefits, fake PEMF products & more can be reviewed for more detailed introduction to PEMF therapy. Clinical Research Results Shows That PEMF.. • Stimulates cellular energy (mitochondria) & improves metabolism • Increases pain threshold significantly • Improves oxygen supply to cells, optimizing muscle & heart muscle performance. • Is significantly effective for: • • • • Pain relief Reduction of high blood pressure Healing of ulcers Healing of fractures, (Increased blood circulation to support intermittent claudication, venous and related ailments) • Healing of soft tissue injuries (restoration of swellings and function) How does PEMF work? • Electromagnetic fields are emitted from a PEMF applicator such as a PEMF mat • This magnetic field penetrates the body in a very gentle way. Most people will not feel anything during treatment, but some will feel a light sensation or a feeling of warmth. • By stimulating the mitochondria on a cellular level, aging and genetic disorders are reversed within a short period of time. This was proved by NASA back in 2003. PEMF research is available for.. Sleep Disorders Arthritis Cancer Migraine Hypertension Delayed/non healing ulcers Stress Cold/Burning Hands/Feet Weak Bones Back or Joint Pain Edema Dermatitis Recovery from Injuries/Accidents Diabetic Neuropathy Psoriasis Cervical Spondylitis Fibromyalgia Multiple Sclerosis Brain Injury Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s Disease Headaches Bursitis Osteoporosis Radiculopathy Stroke Blood disorders ..and many more Relevant Research Review Articles are available in the PEMF therapy section on PEMF-devices.com Example Use Case – PEMF for Stroke Rehabilitation • Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy has shown great benefits for stroke rehabilitation. PEMF therapy improves stroke outcomes as it has a neuro-regenerative effect. As a result, applying PEMF for neurorehabilitation is an important advancement. • The neuroprotective effects of PEMF therapy also suggest that it might be possible to delay or avoid a stroke event if PEMF is utilized regularly. PEMFs can decrease inflammation in the vascular system and reduce the risk of clot or plaque development in the blood vessels that can lead to strokes. • In 2012, the University of Bologna, Italy published a randomized trial that concluded that targeted magnetic field therapy to the brain boosts neuroplasticity and rebalances motor capabilities. They suggest that brain stimulation using PEMFs (also known as transcranial magnetic stimulation -TMS – when PEMF is targeted to the brain) is a valid and promising approach for helping chronic stroke patients with mild motor impairment. Many more studies and complete article read this research review of PEMF therapy for stroke rehabilitation. Avenanti A, Coccia M, Ladavas E, Provinciali L, Ceravolo MG. Low-frequency rTMS promotes use-dependent motor plasticity in chronic stroke: A randomized trial. Neurology. January 2012:256-264. doi:10.1212/wnl.0b013e3182436558 Li X, Xu H, Lei T, et al. A Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Protects against Glutamate-Induced Excitotoxicity by Modulating the Endocannabinoid System in HT22 Cells. Front Neurosci. February 2017. doi:10.3389/fnins.2017.00042 Integrating PEMF therapy in the Health System.. • Molecular hydrogen water and inhalation and polarized light therapy (PLT) are two other great wellness technologies that work as well as pulsed electromagnetic fields and complement PEMF therapy nicely. • High-intensity PEMF is ideal for clinics and hospitals to provide emergency care and rapid pain relief and recovery services. PEMF Mats and medium-intensity PEMF devices are best for rental services and upper-middle-class to buy a system for home-use • Here you can find and compare PEMF devices • For pain and inflammation static magnet therapy can also be explored as a low cost alternative.