ALTA Refrigeration Leading the Way in Innovative Alternative Refrigeration Solutions


ALTA Refrigeration Leading the Way in Innovative Alternative Refrigeration Solutions
About the Company
T he i ndustry l eader i n refri gerati on, wi th
years of experti se desi gni ng and executi ng
i ndustri al refri gerati on systems.T hei r
unparal l el ed experti se and outstandi ng
servi ces change the market from expert
refri gerati on systems wi th l ower power
consumpti on to modul ar refri gerati on. Yo u
can rel y on A l ta for trustwor th y and
affordabl e i ndustri al refri gerati on.
Offered services
Expert R efigeration system
Expert Modular system
C ust om R efrigeration Solution
Expert Solut ion
Alta’s skilled edge
M inim ize cost f or oper at ion and
inst allat ion
Less power usage
Reduce wat er usage and condenser
r eplacem ent s
Use of saf e m at er ials
678 554 1100
inf o@alt ar efr
ht t ps://www. altarefriger /
403 Dividend Dr ive
Peacht r ee Cit y, G A 30269

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