New Service Provides Information About End of Life for Baby Boomers


New Service Provides Information About End of Life for Baby Boomers
New Service Provides Information About End of Life for Baby Boomers
What Happens at the End of This Life? A New Service Gives the Answers
Normal, Illinois, March 26, 2024. Seek Reality Online, founded by writer and researcher R. Craig
Hogan, PhD, and attorney Roberta Grimes, is giving people, especially Baby Boomers, the proof
that we continue to live after the body stops functioning. “The major ‘senior citizen’
publications won’t talk about what happens at the end of this life, but it’s the primary question
on every Baby Boomer’s mind,” Hogan said. “We founded Seek Reality Online to share what we
now know to be true. And it’s wonderful, uplifting news.”
Hogan, president of the nonprofit Afterlife Research and Education Institute, Inc., and author of
eight books on what is now known about the afterlife, and Roberta Grimes, a business attorney
with 40 years of experience in studying and writing about the afterlife, a blog talk radio at Seek
Reality Online, and five books about the afterlife, co-founded Seek Reality Online to provide
answers to questions every person is asking, especially seniors nearing the ends of their lives:
What will happen at the end of my life? How can I be sure I’ll live on after the end? What will
my life be like in the next life? “We know the answers, and they’re wonderful and reassuring,”
Grimes says. “We are giving people the evidence proving without a doubt that they will
continue their lives after they’ve come to the end of this one.”
Grimes and Hogan explain that today there are masses of information conveyed from people
living in the next life that describe the end of this life and what life is like in the afterlife. “They
prove that life continues in a realm much like earth, only more wonderful, and the people who
have left earth are available to communicate with us,” Hogan says. “Seek Reality Online is
dedicated to sharing all of the marvelous truths we now know without a doubt to be true.”
The service has videos with answers to questions, articles containing insights into the life after
this life, evidence of the afterlife, online discussion groups and presentations, and a quarterly
magazine with articles about how people can have loving, peaceful, joyful lives if we just realize
the truth.
For more information, go to or call 800 690 4232.
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