Cigar Size and Shape Guide Finding the Perfect Fit for Your Palate


Cigar Size and Shape Guide Finding the Perfect Fit for Your Palate
Cigar Size and Shape Guide: Finding the Perfect Fit for Your Palate
Cigar enthusiasts often struggle to find cigars that resonate with their style and personality.
There are multiple shapes, sizes, flavors, and draws. Most people consider high quality as
the parameter when selecting Dominican cigars. However, the design, shape, and size matter
the most.
Instead of buying any cigar, you should consider some of the factors listed below. Read
below to know everything about the world of cigars.
Understanding Cigar Ring Gauge and Length
Some critical features of cigars are ring gauge, diameter, and length. These features affect
the burning capacity. For instance, cigars with larger ring gauges hold more tobacco, while
small rings hold less. Larger rings produce rich, bold notes, while small rings produce short,
intense, and concentrated flavors. Make a mental list of your preferences and choose the
cigar accordingly.
Popular Cigar Shapes: Parejos and Figurados
For shape, cigar enthusiasts only have two options: parejos and figurados. Parejos are
straight-sided cigars that are wide in size and have open feet for easy lighting. This design is
engineered for beginners. On the other hand, Figurados have unique tapered torpedoes or
pyramid-like bellicose shapes. These shapes control the airflow. They are designed to shift
the flavors gradually, thus providing a luxurious experience.
Matching Shape and Size to Smoking Preferences
Another essential factor when choosing a cigar is your taste. If you want something to relax,
go for the long, large-ring gauge cigar that burns slowly and requires low effort. For a quick
and bold experience, you should go for the narrow-gauge delivery, a satisfying burst of flavor
in short. The next important factor is shape. Straight cigars provide a stable taste, while
curved ones add unique flavors.
Finding Your Perfect Fit
Even after knowing everything about cigars, most people still choose the wrong ones. They
do not know about the right fit for their taste. To find your taste, experiment with every type
of cigar available and then pick the ones that suit you, just like when selecting a premium
vodka available in the market.
About El Septimo Geneva:
El Septimo Geneva provides a luxurious collection of cigars. The company specializes in
crafting cigars using unique blending techniques for refined smoking. Every cigar is a piece of
art with meticulous craftsmanship and detail to provide the ultimate experience. El Septimo
Geneva is a great store to purchase cigars, torch lighter, and vodka.
For more information, visit
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