Year in Review 2014 - Tree House Humane Society


Year in Review 2014 - Tree House Humane Society
IN 2014
20,000 +
SINCE 1971
30,000 +
IN 2014
1,333 &122
IN 2014
SINCE 1971
ON THE COVER: A Tree House medical miracle,
Cashew Clay (aka Simon), was rescued
after suffering from the most severe case of
frostbite we’ve seen. Near death, after eight
surgeries and more than forty procedures, he
made it! He is now happy and healthy in his
new forever home!
Photo compliments of Nicole Marie.
Contributors: Chelsea Alexander, Kristine
Ankney, Kimberly Bowen, Ollie Davidson, David
de Funiak, Kathy Ellsworth, Ann Fleming, Michael
Gutgsell, Linn Henderson, Liz Houtz, Anna Gene
Jonassen, Caitlin Lavin, Joan Levergood, Sydney
Maier, Susanna McBride, Amy Miller, Octeva
Obijaju, Jenny Schlueter, Leona Sepulveda Less,
Olga Steele, Jackie Such, Terri Treiman, Kady
Walker, Jody Wagner. Editors: Kristine Ankney,
Jenny Schlueter. Graphic Designer: Jowita
Kostek. Print/Production: Adam Hagg (Hagg
Press), Gary Coon.
77,000 POUNDS
2014 proved to be another record-setting year at Tree House, and we are thrilled to have, once again, topped our annual adoption total by adopting
out nearly 1,500 cats last year! It was also a year in which many of our programs continue to expand, including our Community Cats Program,
thanks to ongoing grant funding from PetSmart Charities. Additionally, our Cats at Work Project exploded and received a great deal of media
attention. Last year alone, we relocated 122 community cats.
For 43 years, Tree House has been a forward-thinking organization, striving to be at the forefront of companion animal care. As we move into
2015, we are entering a new and exciting phase in Tree House’s history, one that will help solidify our reputation as a leader in animal welfare.
In 2014, we continued our campaign for our new building, and now that the permits have been received, plans are in place, and thanks to the
generous support we’ve received thus far, we will be breaking ground in April, 2015. We anticipate that construction will be complete near the
end of 2015, with a move-in date in early 2016. Watch our website for more details on our groundbreaking ceremony.
Recently, I was talking with our foster program coordinator as we were bracing for one of Chicago’s winter snowfalls. It made us both think about
the new building in a unique way. It had been a busy afternoon and neither of us had taken a break. We realized it was nearing sunset by the time
of day, yet we had not seen the sun that day since there are no windows in either of our offices. Our conversation turned to the benefits of natural
light. While it might seem like a minor luxury or something one takes for granted, the subtle health benefits of natural light are well-documented.
An abundance of natural light is just one of the many improvements we considered as we designed our new Adoption Center and Veterinary Clinic.
Other benefits will include providing our resident cats with an abundance of vertical space and access to an outdoor environment as well as a
more complex ventilation system to allow for frequent fresh air exchanges. These enhancements will create an improved atmosphere for Tree
House residents and produce an optimal living environment for the cats who enter our facility.
The isolation units in our new building will also be transformed and feature custom-made cat condos with multiple levels and dividers between
rooms to give the cats plenty of space to stretch their legs. The units will have natural light and regular, individual air exchanges to aid in keeping
the area free of contamination. Shelters notoriously fall short when it comes to caged housing or isolation areas, typically where cats that benefit
the most from a comfortable and enriching living area reside.
While the new facility will offer the best possible environment for all the cats who are at Tree House, our goal is, and will continue to be, helping
every cat find their forever home as soon as possible. For many years, we have been implementing a philosophy of reducing the number of
resident cats in each colony room and working to reduce the length of stay for every cat. These changes have resulted in more cats being saved
and adopted on an annual basis than ever before. Our new facility will help us continue to improve our processes and enable us to maximize vet
care, healthy housing, and responsible adoptions.
With enhanced capabilities, we’ll be able to dedicate even more time to treating cats with serious health conditions. Also, with the state-of-the-art
equipment and technology, we will finally be able to offer the full-service care necessary to respond to any medical issue that a cat might face.
We anticipate that our new in-house clinic will be a model for shelters across the country in providing a progressive approach to medical care for
cats and will be a training ground for veterinary staff interested in the growing field of shelter medicine. These are just a few of the benefits that
our new building will bring to the cat population in Chicago and beyond.
It’s an exciting time at Tree House. As we move into this next phase of our new building project, we need your help with the funding to complete the
construction. To learn more about our new building and to learn how you can be a part of this amazing project, visit Building.
Thank you to everyone who generously gave to Tree House in 2014 as well as our incredible adopters who welcomed a cat into their home. It is
thanks to you that we are making a difference in the lives of these incredible animals.
David de Funiak
Executive Director
2014 was another record-breaking year for us at Tree House. We are
grateful to everyone who opened their heart and home to these incredible
animals. Following are just a few of the happy endings we had last year:
Jean Kelly waited at Tree House for nearly nine years for her forever
home, and during her stay we highlighted her several times in the hopes
someone would give her a chance. Jean was abandoned on the porch of
our Bucktown Branch on a grey, rainy morning with a handwritten note
that said, “I like soft blankets, pillows, and treats. Please love me!” She
was scared and sad, and when we found her, she was chirping, meowing,
and crying from the carrier which inspired a staff member to remark that
she was “Singin’ in the Rain”. Her masculine, tabby features and athletic
build led us to believe she was a male, and we named her Gene Kelly. At
her initial examination, we learned she was a stately female and altered
her name to Jean Kelly.
Jean Kelly is a gorgeous, charismatic cat who built quite a reputation over
the years. Typically, Jean would greet most new visitors by sauntering over
to stretch and show off her long legs or stare down at an interested party
from a perch in her favorite tree. Jean has always preferred to be in charge
of her interactions with humans, and it was this exact notion from her
description, coupled with a self-assured ‘look’ in her profile picture, which
piqued the interest of Ashly Cyborski. Ashly appreciated Jean’s independent,
sassy nature but also felt intrigued by the opportunity to connect with a cat
who had been overlooked for such a long time. She understood that Jean’s
tough exterior was simply an ‘act’, hiding a gentle heart and soft side.
“Jean Kelly has completely settled in and now rules the apartment,” Ashly
commented. She went on to say, “She hogs the sofa and wakes us up
bright and early every morning with head-butts, insisting it is breakfast
time. She still has a bit of sass and makes sure we know her limits but
also loves sitting in our laps and getting pets. Jean is always curious and
is completely comfortable in the entire apartment. She is almost too smart
for her own good, and we love her for it!” What a wonderful happy ending
that was long in the making.
We’ve had many feline office assistants at our Bucktown Branch, and
the swaggering, sassy, beautiful Adora has certainly been a memorable
one. Adora always greeted visitors with a golden-throated squawk and
sometimes a head-butt or playful swat, depending on her mood. Adora
was transferred to Tree House in 2010 from an animal control facility. It
took Adora a little while to find her comfort zone at the shelter, and it was
challenging for her to have to share “her” space with other cats. Adora
lived in every colony room available until we were able to give her a room
of her own when space became available in one of our offices. She loved
being the queen of her own little kingdom and regularly encouraged Tree
House staffers to stay on task, whether that meant actually doing office
work or encouraging them to drop everything to pet or play with her.
Adora waited nearly four years for an understanding adopter to notice
her. After spending time with her and seeing how comfortable she was
when given the space she needed, a dedicated Tree House volunteer,
Shelby Silvernell, knew she wanted to give Adora the home she deserved
with plenty of space to play and chase paper balls (Adora’s favorite toy).
Shelby expressed her joy, “Adora is just as sassy and cute as ever and
has made herself completely at home. Her personality is amazing and
endlessly entertaining, and we love her oodles! We can hear her meowing
for us a landing away when we’re coming home in the evenings. She is
such a pleasure to come home to every night and to wake up to every
morning. We love our unique little lady and feel so fortunate to have her
in our lives.” We are so glad this girl finally has a loving home.
Dupont was a sad and confused boy when he arrived at Tree House. We
do not know the circumstances of his life before he arrived but adjusting to
the shelter environment was difficult for him, and he became increasingly
overwhelmed. We see many cats who have obviously been loved in a
home end up in shelters where they have a very hard time settling in.
Dupont spent much of his time at Tree House hiding under blankets and
pretending to be invisible.
While we worked with Dupont to help him cope with his anxiety and
gain more confidence, he still struggled. We decided to move him to
the adoption office at our Bucktown Branch. With a quiet space all
to himself and the consistency of lots of extra TLC, Dupont began to
come out of his shell.
A great cat-loving couple, Megan Ritt and Jason Broenneke, visited our
Bucktown Branch looking for an overlooked, adult cat. The adopters
were still processing the loss of their last beloved cat, but when they
met Dupont, they knew the time had come to open their hearts to
someone new.
cat lover came to meet two older adult cats. Char Gunty visited several
times. She noticed that Sunny and Bug got along well and wanted to
give them a home together. The pair is now happy and healthy in a
loving home where they get all the attention and love they need and
deserve! Char is overjoyed, “I couldn’t be happier (and I think they’re
pretty happy, too). They’ve seen a lot of changes in their lives lately,
from a hoarding situation to a foster home, then to Tree House, and
finally to a home of their own, where they’ve acclimated so well. They
both like and respect my other cat Daniel (and they’ve added a little
sparkle to Daniel’s life, too).” What a journey! We’re so happy they’ve
reached a happy ending together.
We received a lovely letter over the holidays, complete with photos and
a holiday tribute for our Lights of Love celebration. Megan and Jason
shared, “Dupont (now named Francis) has made enormous strides in
his confidence and social skills. Patience and a quiet house have helped
him come around, and he has developed a few favorite hobbies like
watching cars go by and rolling around his cat tower. He snuggles up
Muldoon was rescued in suburban Franklin Park in August of 2013.
This gorgeous, FIV+, three-year-old spent his first few months at Tree
House crouched in litter boxes, scared and unsure of his surroundings.
He found some comfort cuddling with other cats and would accept
attention from humans but kept his distance. While it was obvious that
with us more often and for longer periods of time every day and has
started leaving us “dead” toy mousies around the bed in the morning.
He was very fascinated by the blizzard and enjoyed watching the snow
from his tower.” It is heartwarming to know that Dupont now has the
joy and comfort of a forever home.
Sunny and Bug were two of twelve cats we admitted from a horrible
hoarding situation. A concerned neighbor reached out to us after having
worked for months to get the cats sterilized and placed in safe, responsible
homes. All cats suffered from a variety of severe and chronic health
issues due to the inhumane living conditions. Sunny is an affectionate
and purry, golden tabby while Bug, whose disfigurement due to severe
dental disease left him with a distinctive Cowardly Lion mug, is a
sweetheart. Both cats were mellow adults and tended to hang back in
cubbies or on cat trees at Tree House while younger, more active cats
attracted adopters’ attention. Then, a former volunteer and dedicated
shelter life was stressful for him, we could see that underneath his fear
Muldoon was a sweetheart. Sadly, his fear as well as his FIV+ diagnosis
caused him to be overlooked by many adopters.
Then one day, Fabien and Tatiana Kenig, who had adopted another shy
Tree House cat named Palla, stopped by for a visit. They had recently
lost Palla and had made the decision to give another special cat a forever
home. It was a perfect match, and Muldoon is now enjoying his new home
and working his charm on his new sister cat.
Fabien and Tatiana share the most adorable updates, “You should see
how trim Muldoon is these days. He is in “perfect” cat shape and that,
combined with his short front legs and huge paws, makes him the cutest
snuggle bug.” As Muldoon himself once signed off from one of his updates,
“That is it for now. I have more exploring and jumping to do before I go
for a cat nap.” We couldn’t be happier about his happy ending!
Each year we rescue and rehabilitate hundreds of cats who have suffered
severe, and often life-threatening, illness or injury. It’s thanks to the
support of people like you that we are able to be there for these incredibly
resilient animals. Without Tree House, many of these animals would have
nowhere else to go. Here are just a few of 2014’s medical miracles:
Tree House Director of Development, Jenny Schlueter, found Enginea
in the middle of the road in front of a parking lot in Chicago’s Humboldt
Park neighborhood, alone and wobbling in circles. When she arrived at
Tree House, we realized that Enginea’s pelvic injuries were so severe
that a consultation with a specialist was scheduled. We learned that
this gentle tabby had suffered multiple fractures and joint displacement.
Enginea underwent surgery to repair her hip and to have a pin placed
to hold her joints together. The road to recovery was far from smooth
for tiny Enginea; she tested positive for ringworm, developed a tongue
ulcer, and was diagnosed with a small heart murmur.
Enginea endured numerous daily treatments, yet her spirit remained
gentle and sweet. After more than a month in recovery, she had one
final surgery to remove the pin from her hip. With that, she was finally
able to be released onto the first floor of Tree House Headquarters and
meet our other special-needs cats. It didn’t take long for this resilient
little sweetie to be scooped up and whisked away to her forever home.
Enginea’s (now named Chanterelle) adopter, Hillary Grossman, shared,
“She is doing great. She’s living with a 2½-year-old shepherd mix, and
they’re getting along wonderfully. She’s happy, healthy, and my little
social butterfly. She has the stereotypical cat personality and wants to
be loved - when she wants it.” We are so thankful Jenny found her when
she did and that Enginea’s ending is such a happy one!
In November, 2014, Tree House received an urgent call from a Good
Samaritan about an injured cat who showed up on his doorstep. This
poor cat was in serious condition. His tail was crushed, and the bone
was protruding through the skin. Additionally, his left rear foot was
missing, and the bone was exposed. We immediately took Blott under
our care for emergency medical treatment.
We don’t know what caused such severe injuries; however, this little
guy is a true survivor, and it is remarkable that he was able to make his
way to that doorstep for help. The damage to his leg was irreparable,
and Tree House Director of Veterinary Services, Lynda Ewald, DVM,
decided to amputate his leg to provide him with the best chance for a
full recovery. She also amputated the broken end of his tail. Additionally,
little Blott suffered from ear mites. Even with the pain he must have
been in, Blott never complained. He looked up at staff with slightly
crossed eyes, and we could sense his gratitude and relief at being
in a safe place with caring humans. One of our clinic staff members,
Kathy Ellsworth, was charmed by Blott’s gentle, funny face and sweet
demeanor. As can so often happen, she became attached and knew
she had to add him to her family.
Kathy shared, “Blott is now named Rockitt, and he is living up to his
name. He zooms everywhere! He has two feline big brothers who play,
chase, wrestle, and sometimes clean each other’s ears. Big (cat) sister
keeps to herself, and that’s just fine. Rockitt seems to still be adjusting
to having three legs and really misses his other leg when he wants to
scratch his left ear. But some grooming from a big brother and scratches
from mom seem to help. He’s more vocal than he was at the shelter and
has a gravel-filled, little meow he likes to use when he’s chasing sparkle
balls and plastic rings around the house! He’s made himself quite at
home and comfortable.” It thrills us that this little guy who endured so
much now has such a happy life.
Sweet Lhasa was initially removed from Chicago Animal Care and Control
by a now defunct animal rescue group where she, along with a number
of cats under its care, had been horribly neglected. All cats had serious
health issues, and many died. Tree House was one of the shelters that
stepped in to rescue the cats and provide them with the necessary
medical attention. When Lhasa arrived at Tree House, she was unable
to extend her front left leg properly. We discovered that she had suffered
chronic fractures to her “elbow” which had caused permanent damage.
Lhasa’s injuries required surgery from a specialist who inserted a pin in
her leg and a tension band for further stabilization. Lhasa then tested
positive for ringworm (as did several of the cats whom we rescued with
her). Lhasa was in isolation and recovery for several months, and it was
a difficult road. Finally, Lhasa was well enough to be moved to a cage
in our clinic and began receiving physical therapy to work on placing
weight on her foot. She was eventually well enough to be released onto
the first floor of Tree House Headquarters and began to investigate her
new surroundings.
It was shortly thereafter that Elizabeth Wetmore visited with her
10-year-old son, Hank. She explained, “When we came to Tree House,
Hank was absolutely certain that he wanted a big, burly boy kitty. But,
we had not been in Tree House for more than ten minutes when Lhasa
came up to Hank and began to rub against his leg. When he sat down,
she climbed into his lap. And it was love at first sight between those two.”
Beth went on to share how Lhasa is doing in her new home, “Hank decided
to name her Diana because, in his words, she had been through so much,
and she is such a petite, little kitty that he thought she should have a big,
strong name. So...Diana it is! We are all so in love with Diana. She is a
sweet, cuddly, shy little kitty who loves sleeping in everyone’s bed and
sitting in the window next to my desk. And, honestly, the only evidence
that she was ever injured is that she has a funny, little stiff-legged,
slightly-lopsided gait. It’s very, very subtle. She is such a beautiful cat,
and we all feel really, really lucky that she came to live with us. And more
good news! In November, we adopted that big, burly boy cat that Hank
thought he wanted – and he and Diana are best friends. Kalliman Ville
(Tree House name), who is now named Rabbi Edmund Twerski (don’t
ask), is just as sweet and delightful as Diana. And even though he is
more than twice her weight, Diana is absolutely the boss, which is how
we want it.” It is so heartwarming to learn of the bond between a boy
and his cat, and we are grateful Diana has found her forever humans.
Dragon Roll is a spunky, young cat who was admitted through our
Community Cats Program. Unlike his mom and siblings who were relatively
healthy when they arrived, Dragon Roll had a serious eye injury. His eye
had ruptured under a still-sealed cornea. While his eye was permanently
damaged, we began treatment immediately in the hopes that we could
save it. Even with daily treatment over the course of several months,
Dragon Roll’s eye was slowly growing in size. Unfortunately, we decided
it was best to remove his eye so he could continue to heal. And, like
many of our other medical miracle cats, Dragon Roll didn’t suffer from just
one ailment. In addition to his eye injury, he tested positive for intestinal
parasites, and a small heart murmur was heard at one of his exams.
The entire staff became smitten with this little cat with such a big
personality, and Tree House clinic staffer, Mitch LeCrone, couldn’t get
this little guy off his mind. After spending so much time with him during
his treatment, Mitch had become very attached. As soon as Dragon Roll
was fully healed from surgery, Mitch adopted him.
This happy, joy-filled cat is living the life, “He’s AWESOME! He loves
his two brothers Archie and Sebastian, and he has a dog sister named
Samantha.” Mitch explained, “He and Samantha have a funny relationship,
Samantha is great with the cats, but Dragon Roll has been the first one to
go up and rub against her leg or her muzzle, or they’ll touch noses and
sniff each other (it’s really cute). Dragon Roll is so good with people. He
loves to be held and meet new humans. He purrs the whole time you’re
with him. He’s fearless too! When I’m running the vacuum, the other
cats scatter, but Dragon Roll is following me the entire time wondering
what I’m doing. All in all he’s perfect!” Mitch beams when he talks about
Dragon Roll, and it is evident that this was a match that was meant to be.
Loves Danger. Thank you to Lyfe Kitchen for providing food for the
post-walk celebration. Trader Todd’s once again hosted our annual
summer beer garden party, Meow Luau. This fun and festive event
which included veggie dogs, summertime classic cocktails, games
and prizes, raised over $1,300!
2014 was an amazing year for Tree House Events. We had more
visibility than ever in Chicago and beyond, spreading the word about
our programs and the plight of Chicago’s neediest cats. A very
heartfelt thank you to the Tree House outreach and special events
volunteers who make this all possible, and to Tree House’s Events
Committee who made our signature events, especially our Black Cat
Ball, bigger and better than ever!
We started 2014 with what’s become a tradition for Tree House: a
‘Tats for Cats’ Tattoo & Piercing Benefit Weekend at Insight Studios.
Founder, Bob Jones, generously provided Tree House with 100% of
the shop’s profits on benefit days in January, June, and November.
A total of $6,487 was raised in 2014! Trader Todd’s once again
hosted our annual Fat Cat Tuesday on Mardi Gras, complete with
veggie versions of typical Cajun fare and live Cuban music! We
raised almost $2,600 for the cats!
Spring means one thing at Tree House, kittens! For the 5th year,
Tree House hosted our Annual Kitten Shower. Guests donated
needed supplies, played games, and of course met many adorable
kittens, some of whom even found their forever homes that day.
Thank you to Chicago Party Animals for hosting and Fetch Pet Care
for sponsoring one of the most anticipated events of the year, which
raised $1,694 for our tiniest residents. We also held a Rummage
Sale at Tree House Headquarters. Thanks to all those who donated
items and to Tree House staffer, Dana Weiler, for heading up this
successful sale which raised $1,122!
In May, Chicago’s First Lady and the Chicago Architecture Foundation
once again donated a benefit boat cruise we dubbed “Puss ‘n Boats”.
Steve Dale, pet journalist and radio host with USA Weekend and
WGN Radio (and Tree House Board member), served as unofficial
skipper, and the day raised a total of $3,610.
Summer was launched with our 9th Annual Stray Cat Strut 5K
Walkathon & Open House. More than 150 walkers participated and
raised more than $24,800. Congratulations to our top fundraiser,
Team Agogo, for raising $5,000, and our top individual fundraiser,
Nick Vergoth, for raising over $1,000. Thank you to our presenting
sponsor, Chicago Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Center, and to
event sponsors, Petco Foundation, Busy Beaver Buttons, and Jameson
Our friendship with renowned “celebricat”, Lil’ BUB, flourished in
2014. In August, the famous feline was at Metro Chicago for a very
special edition of Lil’ BUB’s Big Show Live! She interviewed artist,
actor, and musician David Yow, with proceeds from the event going
to Tree House (we received over $1,400!) and Lil BUB’s Big FUND
for the ASPCA. Shortly after, Lil’ BUB hosted a fan art show/meet
and greet in Aurora, with proceeds benefiting Tree House. Then, in
September, we once again partnered with Chicago Cat Rescue to
bring the Internet Cat Video Festival to Chicago with very special host,
you guessed it, Lil’ BUB, along with her “dude”, Mike Bridavski. This
year’s Vidfest, was a day-long extravaganza with four shows in one
day at Metro, an adoption event, after party at G-Man Tavern, and
a meet and greet with Lil’ BUB, all of which raised over $25,250!
Many thanks to emcees Alana Grelyak and Kris Flanagan, co-hosts
of the award-winning webseries, CATastrophes. Thanks to event
sponsors Realtors to the Rescue, Busy Beaver Buttons, and Aimee
and Amy Cat Care. Thank you to Starship Salon for their cat makeup
application, and to Einstein Bros. Bagels and the Old Chicago Inn
for providing food.
The Amazing Acro-Cats held three Chicago shows in October and
donated a portion of all ticket sales to Tree House. Thanks to Samantha
Martin and Gigi Gentile for keeping our supporters entertained and
raising $1,515 for our cats.
In October, we celebrated our 43rd Anniversary with our annual
gala, the Black Cat Ball, at the picturesque Adler Planetarium. The
evening was filled with stellar views of Chicago’s skyline, a brand
new mobile silent auction, an exciting live auction, music, food,
drinks, dancing, and more! Our honored special guest this year was
star of Animals Planet’s Emergency Vets, Kevin Fitzgerald, DVM, and
we welcomed back emcees Steve Dale and Paul Lisnek of WGN.
This year’s Ball raised more than $107,760! We are very grateful
for the support of our presenting sponsor, Cat Hospital of Chicago,
and event sponsors Alan T. Prescott, Chicago Veterinary Emergency
and Specialty Center, and Ceva Animal Health, LLC. We also want
to thank the more than thirty volunteers whose contributions made
this year’s gala such a success!
The Holiday Season marked our 15th Annual Lights of Love Open
House and Lighting Ceremony. Over 250 guests joined us for this
popular event that includes a lighting ceremony and tours of Tree
House Headquarters in Uptown. The event, combined with the many
gifts we received as tributes through the mail, raised more than
$106,000! This year’s event was generously presented by Merrick and
contributing sponsors Chicago Veterinary Emergency and Specialty
Center, Animal Ark, Heal Veterinary Clinic, and Hinsdale Pet Memorial
Services. Thank you to Goddess and Grocer and Taste of Lebanon
for their generous food donations, and Starbucks on Clark Street in
Andersonville for providing coffee. In December, we continued the
holiday celebrations with Pour for a Paw, a wine tasting at Feast
Restaurant in Bucktown, which benefited Tree House and raised
nearly $800 as well as hundreds of dollars worth of pet supplies for
our pantry. Finally, we rang in 2015 at our New Year’s Eve benefit,
The Cat’s Pajamas, at the Old Chicago Inn’s Room 13 Speakeasy,
where we raised $3,840!
Tree House is very lucky to have a wide community of neighbors, small
businesses, and groups who want to help us raise money, much-needed
items, and awareness. We’ve had a year full of fundraisers, outreach
events, and donation drives which raised $29,969 combined, as well
as donations of cat and dog food for Tree House’s Pet Food Pantry!
A very heartfelt appreciation goes out to all of those who took the
initiative to help support our programs: Nisei Lounge in Lakeview
hosted our Happy Mew Year event in January where we were able
to guest bartend (and keep the tips). Geeks Who Drink held a trivia
night fundraiser, Quiz for a Cause, for Tree House at Grandview
Tavern. Chicago Party Animals hosted three fabulous events for us
in 2014: in addition to the Kitten Shower, they hosted a large dog
and cat adoption event, Mutts, Meows and Mimosas, Karaoke for
a Cause in February, and Dog Days of Summer in July. Thank you
very much to Josie Villasenor of CPA for being such a wonderful
animal advocate!
In March, our friends at Make Yourself at Home Comedy Showcase
held a fundraiser for us at The Hidden Shamrock. In April, we teamed
up with Marty’s Martini Bar in Andersonville for Meowtini, a benefit
for the cats. Avid Tree House supporter, Lauren Boltz, hosted a fun
painting night fundraiser at Bottle & Bottega in Lakeview called
Paint-a-Kitteh. In May, the band Skull Fogger organized Kittypalooza,
a benefit for Tree House at Nitecap featuring Skull Fogger, The
Adler Kings, Crusader, and Saucy Boss. Hamburger Mary’s in
Andersonville supported us again this year with a wild Hambingo
night. Trader Todd’s donated their beer tent to us during Belmont
Music Festival – we had a blast volunteering at that one! Thank you
to owners and long-time Tree House supporters, Virginia Carstarphen
and Todd Hyatt! When two special needs kitties needed eye surgery,
Tree House supporter Paula Griesman coordinated Cause for Paws
Fundraiser in Barrington, IL, hosted by Millrose Restaurant and
Banquets. In June, Motiv Training Gym hosted a Benefit Bootcamp
where Tree House supporters got fit for felines, and our friends at
The Playground Theater invited us to come out as the special guest
at their late night style talk show.
In August, Tree House was lucky enough to receive an IKEA makeover
of Tree House Headquarter’s lobby as well as new chairs and storage
for our cat colony rooms! Several Tree House supporters volunteered
to help with the transformation. In October, Boystown bar, The Closet,
held their Halloween party, Scaryoke, an annual tradition to benefit
Tree House. We also celebrated the much anticipated release of
Community Cats - A Journey into the World of Feral Cats (featuring
many Tree House Community Cats Program staffers and caretakers)
by Tree House Feral Cat Colony Caretaker Anne Beall, PhD, at Ten
Cat Tavern. We participated in the release of Diane Lovejoy’s book
Cat Lady Chic at Women and Children First Bookstore, where Tree
House’s Jenny Schleuter and the author led a discussion on the
stereotype of the “crazy cat lady.” Tree House supporter Rachel
Martindale donated one night’s ticket sales of her play, A Christmas
Carol (Abridged) at The Dream Theatre Company. We brought an
adoptable cat who made Scrooge fall in love!
A big thank you to our Team Tree House Members who, through
various activities including birthdays, bake sales, life milestones,
a variety of creative events, personal fundraising, road races, and
more, raised greater than $15,000!
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP, and Mercer Global both donated to
our cats for their Charity Jeans Day. Several individuals raised money
for their birthdays, including Adelina Brown, Rachel Gately, Simon
O’Rourke, and Tree House staffer, Liz Houtz (who also created a
personal fundraiser to support a rescue effort). Chloe Fisher raised
money for her Bat Mitzvah. Several individuals and organizations had
creative ways to raise money as well as hold personal fundraisers:
Tree House junior volunteer, Abbie Alonzo, had an aluminum can
drive; thank you to George Black, Lauren Boltz, Carol Cadaver, Gwen
Cooper, Elena Demo, Robin Diane, Rudy’s Roundup, Sacred Heart
Schools, and Aileen Schloerb. And to Mike Mutolo for raising funds in
memory of his beloved cat, Hecate. A special thanks to our Bank
of America Chicago Marathon Race Team, Alaine Arnott, Kim Bowen
(Tree House clinic staffer), Emily Bernstein, Doug Doolittle, Monica
Francois, Tracy Luedtke, Rachel Jaris, and Carrie Mathos. Become
a Team Tree House Member and raise funds for the cats. Visit our
Team Tree House page at:
A special thanks to all our business partners who place our donation
boxes at their counters, Insight Studios, Cat Hospital of Chicago,
Guthries Tavern, Pet Supplies Plus, Rad Vintage, Specialty Video,
For Dog’s Sake, and Chicago Cat Clinic. If you know anyone who
will sponsor a donation box at their business, please let us know.
Thank you to Second City for providing volunteers for Internet Cat
Video Festival and several other events throughout 2014. Thanks to
Kate Benjamin of for contributing gift certificates
for our Membership Program. We’d also like to show our sincere
appreciation to a very special volunteer, Kaia Kennedy, who not only
organized several adoption events but also donated hundreds of
baked goodies and homemade food for events throughout the year.
Many people joined us at monthly Community Cats Workshops at
our Bucktown location and at the Anti-Cruelty Society to learn about
TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return), colony management, and other ways to
help improve the lives of community cats. In June and July we held
Bottle Baby Workshop at Chicago Animal Care and Control.
In August, we hosted One Picture Saves a Life rescue animal
photography workshop at Tree House Headquarters. Additionally,
we partnered with several local businesses to hold outreach and
adoption events throughout the area, including MB Financial Bank,
Petco Unleashed in Roscoe Village and Andersonville, PetSmart
in Niles, Pet Supplies Plus on Foster and Harlem, and Petco on
Ashland in Lakeview. Nearly 100 cats found their forever homes
thanks to these events.
Tree House participates in a number of events, fairs, and festivals to
help spread the word about the work we do in various Chicagoland
neighborhoods. This year we raised over $10,800 from these events.
In 2014 we participated in:
• Chicagoland Family Pet Expo (thanks to Tails Media for sponsoring
our booth)
• Green Fest
• 100 Ways of Green: Earth Day Event in Maine Park
• Belmont Music Fest (thanks to Trader Todd’s for inviting us)
• Veggie Pride Parade
• Midsommarfest – Andersonville
• Vegan Vortex
• Annual Chicago Pride Parade
• Pet Food Forum
• Windy City Pet Expo
• Logan Square Farmers’ Market
• Wicker Park Fest
• Northalsted Market Days
• Renegade Craft Fair
• Creatures of the Night at the Garfield Park Conservatory
• VeganMania
• Late Night and Late-er Night Andersonville
Visit our events page at for details
on this year’s events.
A special thank you to our 2014 event sponsors: Animal Ark, Alan
T. Prescott, Busy Beaver Buttons, Ceva Animal Health, LLC., Cat
Hospital of Chicago, Chicago Architecture Foundation, Chicago’s First
Lady, Chicago Party Animals, Feast, Fetch Petcare, Heal Veterinary
Hospital, Hinsdale Pet Memorial, Insight Studios, Jameson Loves
Danger Pet Shop, Metro Chicago, Petco Foundation, Realtors to the
Rescue, and Trader Todd’s.
The Tree House Community Cats Program is the only program of
its kind in Chicago and one of the most innovative in the country,
combining targeted trap-neuter-return (TNR) with grassroots
community outreach to directly reduce the number of cats on the
streets. A vital component of our program involves educating people
to care for cats in their community and to help others through TNR,
bringing us closer to a no-kill Chicago. The Community Cats Program
offers a humane trap lending bank, low-cost winter shelters (or free
to low-income caretakers), access to our Pet Food Pantry, “Helping
Community Cats” workshops at two locations, voice mail and email
counseling hotlines, and need-based trapping assistance.
Key accomplishments in 2014 include:
Tree House is so much more than a shelter; our many unique programs
and services truly distinguish us in the animal welfare field. Following
are 2014 program highlights and accomplishments:
Given we focus on stray cats who are sick, injured, or have been
abandoned or abused, many of the cats we rescue have faced difficult
challenges in their lives. Coming to a shelter environment, especially
when a cat is in pain, can be a very frightening experience. As soon
as a cat enters our shelter, we begin the process of socializing these
frightened animals by providing them with extra time and a lot of gentle
care. In some cases, we place cats directly into foster homes so that
they can receive one-on-one attention in a quiet home environment. We
carefully observe all of our resident cats and place a pink sticker with the
label “Extra Love” next to the profiles of cats that need extra attention
to help them gain confidence. Our staff and volunteers assist these cats
by using play therapy, petting, and special treats. We’ve seen a great
deal of success with this program and some true turnarounds in cats
that more traditional shelters may label as hopeless or unadoptable. It
is heartwarming to see many of these cats find forever homes.
In 2014, we continued to expand our program. In addition to increasing
the number of counselors, we added training from the Humane Society
of the United States (HSUS) to enable us to most effectively communicate
information and address common behavioral issues such as litter box
problems, introducing cats to new homes, pets, or children, and inter-cat
tension. We offer behavior counseling seven days a week and handle
calls from all over the U.S. In 2014, we performed approximately 2,000
consultations. We offer behavior counseling to help cats stay in their
homes and avoid relinquishments due to behavioral issues, most of
which are resolvable. Another helpful resource is our Cat Care Guide,
Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know About Cats, available on our
website. If you have a behavior question or want to order a hard copy
version of our guide (suggested donation $5), contact (773) 784-5488
ext. 0 or [email protected].
• Over 1,500 feral cats TNR’ed
• 122 cats relocated through our Cats at Work Program
• Over 500 insulated winter shelters built and distributed
• 486 friendly cats and kittens rescued from the streets
• 334 cats admitted to one of our adoption centers
• 113 cats found forever homes through off-site adoption
• 43 kittens adopted through our partnership program with
the Anti-Cruelty Society
• 58 cats and kittens remain in foster care
In 2014, the Community Cats Team added 60 new foster families.
We are also grateful for the support from our Community Cats pet
store partners, Pet Supplies Plus (Lincoln & Grace), Unleashed by
PetCo (Roscoe Village), PetSmart (Belmont/Harlem) and PetSmart
(Niles) who hosted many adoption events and donated much-needed
pet food to our Pet Food Pantry. Through our adoption partnership
with the Lakeview PetCo (3118 N. Ashand), we adopted out 19 cats!
You can now visit adoptable Tree House cats at the store every day!
In compliance with the 2007 Cook County Managed Care of Feral
Cats ordinance, Tree House is proud to sponsor more than 500
registered feral cat colony caretakers who actively practice TNR and
voluntarily care for nearly 3,000 community cats! Tree House was
thrilled to receive a second grant from PetSmart Charities in 2013
to spay/neuter 2,000 cats in two years in an expanded territory
focused primarily on the underserved communities of Lawndale
and Garfield Park. Tree House has been able to provide spay/neuter
surgery, vaccines, and micro-chips for 1,676 cats at no cost to their
caregivers - 12% ahead of our target! The Community Cats Program
has not only enabled us to save thousands of cats and kittens from
the streets and prevent the births of countless more, it has helped
us more than triple our average annual adoption rate over the last
decade. For information, contact (773) 784-5488 ext. 234 or TNR@
Our partnership with Chicago Animal Care and Control (CACC) is
redefining our role in local animal rescue. Over the past year, we
continued to partner with more foster parents, volunteers, and rescue
groups, helping us save more cats than ever! In 2014, we transferred
1,333 cats from CACC (plus 4 dogs and 3 gerbils). Of that total,
42 feral cats were relocated to managed cat colonies, nearly 400
(and counting) were adopted, 150 are in foster homes, and the rest
went to partner agencies for adoption. There are a variety of ways
to help us rescue CACC cats. For more information contact (773)
784-5488 ext. 0 or [email protected].
In 2014, Tree House launched this new program to save neonatal orphans
from needless euthanasia. A sad reality of kitten season is that Chicago
Animal Care and Control (CACC) typically euthanizes bottle-baby kittens
the same evening that they arrive because they do not have available
staff to feed these orphans overnight or the resources to keep these
kittens alive. We wanted to find a better way and developed the Kitten
on Deck Program to help save orphaned bottle-baby kittens and end
their needless euthanasia. We transferred at-risk, unweaned kittens,
who arrived at CACC without their mothers, out of CACC. Some were
fostered by Tree House volunteers and admitted to one of our adoption
centers while others went to our Transfer Partners (a network of rescue
groups and shelters that we screen and approve for the program). Tree
House helped CACC with “Kitten Kits” and hosted bottle-baby workshops.
This new program enabled us to help save the lives of hundreds more
kittens last year.
This is the program with perhaps the most impact on our mission to
keep homeless cats and dogs out of shelters and make Chicago a
no-kill city. In 2014, we provided free or low-cost spay/neuter packages
at our BDVM Mac Lean Spay/Neuter Clinic for nearly 4,000 cats. Since
opening our clinic in May of 2009, we have spayed or neutered and
vaccinated more than 20,000 cats and dogs, bringing our grand total
to more than 30,000 animals since our program started 30 years ago
with a humble voucher program. We are proud that each February
(Spay/Neuter Month) and October (Feral Cat Month), we are able to offer
free or deeply discounted spay or neuter and vaccine services, helping
hundreds of animals and the guardians who care for them. You may
contact our clinic at (773) 227-5535 or [email protected].
We are so thankful for the caring foster volunteers who open their homes
to our cats and kittens. Because of them, we are able to save more lives
every year. Our foster homes provide the comfort, care, and time these
cats need to grow and heal before coming to Tree House or in some
cases going directly to their new permanent home. In 2014, our program
grew significantly, and we had more than 500 cats pass through foster
homes and more than 100 foster home volunteers. However, we are
always in need of more foster parents. For more information, contact
Ollie at (773) 784-5488 ext. 228 or [email protected].
With a focus on enhancing awareness, encouraging responsibility, and
inspiring compassion, our Humane Education and Junior Volunteer
Programs empowers individuals to take action to address issues such
as companion animal homelessness, overpopulation, neglect, and
cruelty. In 2014, we impacted 1,163 individuals. In addition to providing
classroom and group presentations on the humane treatment of animals,
we launched the CARE Program, a five-week, humane education program
that focuses on inspiring and empowering Chicago’s youth to approach
animal and community welfare problems with CARE (compassion,
awareness, responsibility, and empathy). During the 2014-2015 school
year, the CARE Program will impact more than 2,000 Chicago public
school students.
Entering its nineteenth year, our Junior Volunteer Program provides
youth, ages 11 to 15, with hands-on opportunities within the shelter
to learn more about cats and their care as well as learn the importance
of giving back. For more information about either program, contact
Leona at (773) 784-5488 ext. 301 or [email protected].
For forty-three years, our Animal-Assisted Therapy Program has provided
individuals in nursing homes, supportive living centers, women’s
shelters, and more, with the opportunity to interact with and enjoy the
company of a cat when they aren’t able to have pets themselves. In
2014, our program expanded with the help of a local 1FUR1 Foundation,
a non-profit organization helping to expand AAT programs throughout
the U.S. With their assistance, we were able to double the number of
facilities we served. Last year we visited more than 1,000 residents on a
regular basis where the presence of the cats allowed for natural, social
interactions to take place between the volunteers and the residents as
well. If you know of a facility that could benefit from the healing power
of the human-animal bond or are interested in participating, contact
Chelsea at (773) 784-5488 ext. 228 or [email protected].
Although there are now other pet-loss grief support groups in the
Chicagoland area, Tree House was a trailblazer in this effort and has
been offering support since 2004. In that time, we have witnessed
countless love stories and are deeply aware of the despair one feels
at the loss of a beloved companion animal. As this is a very singular
experience for a pet guardian, it is one that is deeply understood by those
who have also lived it. Giving this experience a voice and a community
can provide some measure of relief. The very distinctive tenderness of
the human/animal bond deserves recognition so that healing can take
place. In 2014, 78 individuals utilized our grief support services. Our
monthly sessions are facilitated by therapist Terri Treiman, LCSW, who
is a long-time Tree House volunteer and pet guardian. Grief Groups
are generally held on the first Saturday of each month at 10:30 a.m.
at Tree House Headquarters. This group is not exclusive to Tree House
adopters, and anyone experiencing a loss is welcome. To learn more,
contact Terri at (773) 784-5488 ext. 227 or email GriefSupport@
Our Pet Food Pantry is a critical program that provides cat and dog food,
cat litter, pet toys, and other supplies free of charge to individuals facing
financial difficulties to help them care for their pets as well as prevent
people in need from being forced to relinquish their companion animals.
Additionally, our Pantry supports our registered colony caretakers by
providing food for the feral cats under their care (many of whom care
for ten or more cats). In 2014, we distributed approximately 77,000
pounds of cat and dog food to our clients. Our Pantry regularly serves
more than 150 clients and close to 30 colony caretakers with monthly
food and supplies. This amazing amount of community outreach is only
possible with support from our partnering organizations including the
Addison Street Target, PetSmart, Petco, Pet Supplies Plus, Merrick,
and Ainsworth Pet Nutrition (Rachel Ray Nutrish). We also rely heavily
on donations from our supporters who drop off supplies at either of
our locations or send us gifts from our Amazon Wishlist. If you would
like to make a donation or have any questions, please contact (773)
784-5488 ext. 0 or [email protected].
We can’t thank our volunteers enough for their hard work and unending
support to Tree House. It is because of all of our volunteers that we
are able to do the work we do. In 2014, we had more than 500 active
volunteers who donated more than 40,000 hours of their time to help
our cause. To learn more, contact (773) 784-5488 ext. 228 or email
[email protected].
Spay/neuter services have been an essential part of Tree House’s mission
throughout our 43-year history. Our BDVM Mac Lean Spay/Neuter and
Wellness Clinic advanced that mission in 2014 by performing nearly 4,000
spay/neuter surgeries. Since opening in 2009, our clinic has performed
more than 20,000 surgeries, totaling more than 30,000 free and low-cost
spay/neuter surgeries since our founding. Yet we offer much more than
humane sterilization. Each cat or dog who comes through our doors receives
personalized care including a thorough health examination, vaccinations,
and treatment of minor conditions. When an animal has health needs
our clinic cannot address, our trained staff is on hand to discuss them
with the animal’s guardian or caretaker. Because we believe every life is
valuable, we treat all of our patients — cat or dog, stray, feral, or indoor
companion — with equal care and consideration.
In February, 2014, thanks to support from the Cook County Rebate
Program which offers rebates for sterilization and rabies vaccination
services, we celebrated National Spay/Neuter Month and World Spay
Day by offering free and deeply discounted spay/neuter packages to
low-income guardians as well as colony caretakers. We performed 63
surgeries during World Spay Day (a record for single-day surgeries) and
372 surgeries in the month of February!
The majority of the cats treated at our clinic are free-roaming cats brought
in through our Community Cats Program. Community cats live in every
neighborhood of the city as well as in the suburbs and rural areas. Our
Community Cats Team works throughout Chicagoland with a special focus
on underserved neighborhoods on Chicago’s west side. We humanely
TNR (trap-neuter-return) free-roaming cats and bring them to our clinic
for sterilization, vaccination, parasite treatment, and microchipping, and
we educate feral cat colony caretakers how to best care for them.
TNR is widely considered to be the most effective and humane way to
reduce free-roaming cat populations. While many of the cats involved in our
program were born outside and are feral (un-socialized to people), some are
abandoned pets who can be re-socialized to humans in a relatively short
period of time. Others are small kittens who quickly become friendly. In
addition to helping solve the issue of overpopulation, our Community Cats
Program allows us to rescue friendly cats and help them find the forever
homes they deserve instead of living a life on the street. Tree House offers
TNR packages at a price of $33 (including microchip) — much less than
it costs us to sterilize, vaccinate, and treat these cats for parasites. We
offer these services for free in our targeted areas (referenced below). In
many instances, we are able to further reduce that price for large projects
or to assist people who want to help but could not otherwise afford to
spay and neuter an entire colony. In fact, approximately half of our TNR
packages are provided at no charge. We would not be able to offer this
vital service without the generous support of our Spay/Neuter Fund.
2014 marked the second year into a two-year targeted spay/neuter grant
Tree House received from PetSmart Charities to fund TNR packages for
2,000 cats. This exciting grant renewal allowed us to continue to expand
our target area from Logan Square and Humboldt Park to also include
the underserved neighborhoods of Garfield Park, North Lawndale, and
Little Village.
With the growth of this project, we now have more than 85 volunteers
and more than 800 cats in managed colonies in the four zip codes we
currently serve (60651, 60647, 60623, and 60624). Our Targeted TNR
Project is making a difference in communities with the greatest need.
In fact, one of our targeted zip codes was selected because it had the
highest number of cat relinquishments and stray nuisance calls, as
reported by Chicago Animal Care and Control (CACC), of any zip code
north of Roosevelt Road in Chicago (our main service area). In addition,
in 2013 42% of residents in 60623 and 60624 lived below the poverty
line. These communities truly have the most need and the least support.
We are able to provide urgently needed assistance to residents of these
communities who otherwise would not have the opportunity to help these
cats. We are also helping the cats in these neighborhoods who face
incredible challenges, educating individuals on the plight of stray cats,
controlling the population within feral colonies, and rescuing friendly stray
cats who are in need of loving homes.
We also open our doors every Monday to offer low-cost wellness exams,
vaccinations, microchipping, de-worming, diagnostics, and other services
to both cats and dogs. Because we offer basic veterinary care at a fraction
of the price a private veterinarian would charge, our Wellness Clinic
provides services to people who may not otherwise be able to afford this
care for their pets.
Jesse’s caretaker, Heather Zimmerman, is an active volunteer with several
rescue groups. She came to one of Tree House’s feral cat shelter building
events not only to help build warm winter shelters but also in hopes of
meeting fellow TNR advocates and learning how she could better help the
cats in her community. Jesse, and more than ten other cats, had been
taking refuge in an abandoned grocery store on her Bronzeville block. The
building was unsafe with gaping holes in the roof, broken glass throughout,
torn insulation, and falling duct work. Concerned for them, Heather set up
a shelter in her yard, complete with a heat lamp, and Jesse moved right
in. Because he startled easily, Heather suspected he was deaf. She also
wondered if he was vision impaired. She had called many organizations
but couldn’t find anyone to take him. Luckily, the Tree House Community
Cats team was able to help. Upon examination at our clinic, we discovered
that Jesse’s ears were filled with debris. The situation was so severe
that the debris had settled into his ear canals, causing them to swell so
significantly that his hearing had been impaired. Thankfully, we were able
to clear his ear canals, and his hearing returned to normal.
While he appeared to have some issues with his eyesight, it didn’t seem
to slow him down. At the time Jesse was healing, Bryna Dodds, who had
recently lost her senior cat, was ready to provide a home to a single adult
cat, preferably an easy-going male. Another cat she had seen online had
been adopted, but Community Cats Program Manager, Liz, thought that
Jesse would be a great fit and arranged a meeting. It was love at first sight.
Bryna shared, “I was expecting Jesse (whom we renamed Oblio after a
movie I liked as a kid) to take a while to get comfortable and warm up
to me and a new place, but it took all of five hours before he was in my
lap. He is such a sweetheart. We’re so happy to have him. We moved
from Chicago to Oregon in July, and even though the trip took seven
days and five different hotel rooms, he was completely relaxed through
the whole process.”
At Tree House, we are proud to offer more than just spay/neuter and
vaccinations. Every cat and dog treated at our clinic is special, and they
often come in for a spay/neuter package with other health issues present.
We provide necessary treatment for animals who, without our care, might
not have a second chance to heal and thrive. Jesse is just one example
of the thousands of cats whom we help each year.
Thank you to everyone who generously donated to Tree House. It is thanks to your kind support that we are able to
continue our efforts to rescue and rehabilitate sick, injured, abused, and neglected stray cats.
• Carol Fletcher
• Denise Gaeta (Bequest)
• Arlene Hayes (Bequest)
• James Kosing (Bequest)
• David Lerner
• Sabrina Mac Lean
• Mary Ann Mahoney
• Ted Meyers
• Helen Nowicki (Bequest)
• PetSmart Charities
• Marion Schmidt
• Edward and Mary
Steinhauser (Bequest)
• Rosemary Ward
Charlotte Anderson
• Sandra Atlas Bass
• James and
Kara Brittingham
• Cat Hospital of Chicago
• Colleen Currigan
• Mary Gormley
• Wendy Gruen and
Paul Turner
• HTH Inc., Insight Studios
(Bob Jones)
• Powell Foundation
(Marita Powell and
Michael Miller)
• Phillip Raskin
• Glenn and Rachel Rippie
• John and Barb Robinson
• Ronald and
Sharon Rogowski
Mike Amdur
(The Human Fund)
• Lori Arp
• Bernice Barbour
Foundation, Inc.
• Joan Boyle
• Toni Chan and Alice Tse
(Landmark & Associates)
• Coastal Community
(The Stephen Colbert
American Dream Fund)
• Christine and
James Collins
• Community Shares
of Illinois
• Herbert and
Lee Davidson
• Nancy Karen
• Robert and
Ursula Kewer
• Michelle Lewis
• Steve Lobacz
• Doretta and
Robert Marwin
• Ronald and Linda Mason
• Trudy Offenbacher and
Thomas Schultz
• Pepsico Foundation
• Mike and
Frances Perlman
• PETCO Foundation
• Alan T. Prescott
• Edgar Scott Rife III
• Strays Halfway House
Janet Swanson
Paula Szortyka
• The Norman and Susan
Abazoris Foundation
• Lon Wehrle
• Marcia Wunderlich
• Kathleen Ziemer
Kay Adams (Bequest)
• Chicago Veterinary
Emergency and Specialty
Center, Ltd.
• Maura Barrett and
Christopher Ott
• Shawn and
Joanne Connors
• Shereen Corbett
• Steve Dale and
Robin Szarvas
• Anthony and
Heidrun Downing
• Edna Ellingson
• David Helt
• Illinois Tool
Works Foundation
• Juca Fund (The Chicago
Community Foundation)
• Beverly Kaiser
• Glenn and Linda Larnerd
• Madison Dearborn
Partners, LLC
• Michael & Carrie Gidwitz
Charitable Foundation
• Belinda Morgan
• Sandra Nasser (Bequest)
• Janet Omer
• Howard and
Patricia Parker
• Kimberly Peitso
• Daniel Piazza and
Denny Gustin-Piazza
• Sarah Reusch
• RME Charitable
Gift Fund
• Vivian Schurfranz
• TD Ameritrade Services
Company, Inc.
• Lisette Weishaupt
• Gloria White
Altria Employee
Involvement Programs
• Saul and
Marion Amdursky
• Jennifer Barrett
• Blake and Ann Benjamin
• Lori Bergmann
• Elizabeth Biddick
• Lauren Boltz
• Tatiana Botton
• Mary Bowles
• Marilyn Brady-Unger
• Andrea Brands
• Jim Brent
• Brookfield Investment
Management Inc
• Carol Bunch
• Staci Burton and
Julien Collins
• Judith Campbell
• Eugene Chesrow
• Cindy Chiellini
Veterinary Care
• Robert Cyr
• Cynthia Davidson
• Roxanne J. Decyk
• Carolyn Devick
• Joseph Dombrowski
• Bruce and
Virginia Downs
• John and Linda Dreffin
• Richard Driehaus
• Maria Edstrom
• Marilyn Ezri
• Jan Faibisoff
• Jeffrey and
Denise Feulner
• Stephanie Flynn
• Linda Follansbee
• Jim Fonseca
• Freddie Mac Foundation
• Charles Freeman
• Frances Frey
• Deborah Gillaspie and
Frederick Sturm
• John Gordon and
William Salvato
• Char Gunty
• Martin Hacala and
Jennifer Jackson
• Joe Hartness
• Jane Healy
• Cheryl Hess
• Lisa Hewitt
• Howard and
Virginia Hight
• David Hoffman and
Monique Moore-Hoffman
• Lillian Horan
• Liz Houtz
• HP Company Foundation
• Angela Hubbell
• Rudolph and
Wilma Jezek
• Dona Justus
• Micki and Chuck Kacmar
• Sarah Kaspar
• Nina Keinberger
• Henry Keller
• Monica Kirchner
• Kirkland and Ellis
• Janice Knight
• Gunnar Knutson and
Renee Schwartz
• Elaine Kreil
• Allen and Nancy Labecki
• Lois Lauber
• Don and Dorothy Lewis
• Melodie Luckman
• Walter Lynwood
• Madelyn Mac Mahon
• Carolyn Malion
• Jerome and
Linda Markiewicz
• Robert Marovich and
Laurel Delaney
• Sindhu Mathew
• Krista McCann
• Ann McGill
• Michael and
Annamarie McMurray
• Sara McNear
• Marietta McPike
• Mesirow Financial
• Shari Meyerson
Joyce and Alan Micco
Kathy Miller and
Mike Wade
• Rosemary B. Moffat
• John Moye
• Che Nadel
• Scott Nations and
Wendi Taylor Nations
• Elizabeth Newhall
• David Nusbaum and
Nina Todorova
• Cruzita Rose
Ocasio Howe
• Jeffrey Oshona
• Christina Pasant
• Mary Alice Pates
• Peoples Gas
• Susan Phillips
• Christina Pihiou
• Diana Pihos
• Elizabeth Pikes Whitfield
• Mary Prescott
• Jeanette Prush
• Fran Pukala
• Donna Raffaelli
• Chris Raimondo
• Jamie Reifman
• Room to Roam, Ltd
• Sheldon Rubin
• Pam Salaway and
Eric Frick
• Mike and Judith Salvino
• Michael Sanzo
• Schwab Charitable Fund
• Sabrina Sehbai
• Jim and Helen Shockey
• Stacey Short and
Todd Livesey
• Susan Siska and
Glenn Schultz
• Andrew Spaulding
• Cheryl Steiger and
Kevin Noonan
• Morton and Anne Stern
• William Swartz and
Diane Pace
• Joani Tarsitano
• Tawani Enterprises
• Max Temkin
• Deborah Thalner
• The Donnelley
• Sam and Betsy Thelen
• James and
Gillian Thomsen
• Trader Todd’s (Todd
Hyatt and Virginia
• Daniel J. Travanti
• Jane Turley
• United States
Postal Service
• Ron Walker
• Janine Wallin and
George Moore
• Eric and Leslie Warren
• Michael Wegner and
John Leline
• Stephen and
Daphne Whistler
• Bonnie Wilson
• Amanda Woodhead
• Angelo and
Susan Zappacosta
AcroCats Amazing Animals
(Samantha Martin)
• Douglas Armstrong and
Maureen Fitzpatrick
• Holly Ashworth
• Richard and
Marylou Beemer
• Margaret Bitzer Serenity
• Maggie Bobbitt
• Boehringer Ingelheim
Vetmedica, Inc.
• David and
Marguerite Boone
• Jennifer Borowitz
• Roy and Mary Bowman
• BP Foundation, Inc
• Beau Brindley
• Kenneth and Lois Britt
• Laura Britton
• Cherrie Brothers
• Shannon Burch
• Linda Burklund
• Carl and Vera Buttita
• James and
Jennifer Castelli
• CEVA Animal
Health, LLC
• Kimberly Chesta
• Sandy Christafferson
• Carol Ciesielski
• Leonard and
Beverly Claus
• Diane Claussen
• Bradley and
Karen Clodfelter
• The Closet (Rose Pohl)
• Coinstar Cares
• Annette and Liz Collins
• Elizabeth Collins
• Lucette Comer
• Victoria Coons
• Deborah Cortlandt
• Gary and
Sheila Courington
• Alan Cox and
Theresa Ruiz
• Amy Cranford
• Anton Dahm
• Clare Dean
• Tony and Janet DeFelice
• Nancy Dehmlow
• Dell Employee
Giving Program
• Eileen Dellibovi
• Adrienne Detanico
• Bonnie Dixon
• Carol Douglas
• Gwen Dragutinovich
• Mary Dresser
• Dale Irene Dunn
• Marie Eastwood
• Pamela Eckhoff
• Melinda Einfalt
• Elisabeth Enagonio
• Sue Ettelson
• Gloria Fairbanks
• Karyn Fedorenko-Kotz
• Nicole Finitzo
• Richard and
Melinda Fisher
• Rebecca Fitzpatrick
• Michael Flanagan
• Elizabeth France
J. Lawrence and
Harriette Frank
• Lawrence Frateschi
• Julie Frey
• Louie and Joann Frobe
• Barry and
Bobbi Ann Fulk
• Lisa Fusek
• Gloria Fyfe
• Richard and
Jan Marie Gade
• Gisela Gall
• Wanda Garner
• Ireta Gasner
• Peg M. Gavenonis
• Walter and Janice Gindl
• Eileen Giorgio
• Allan and
Joyce Goldberg
• GoodSearch
• Danielle Gordon
• Penny Goss
• Grainger, Inc.
• Lenora Granato
• Bette Grayson
• Robert and Edith Greene
• Alice Gregg
• Woodrow Griffith
• Megan Haan
• Claire Halpin
• John Hamburg
• Tom Hampton
• Barbara Hanan
• Carol Hansen
• Harleysville Ins
• Gregory Harris
• E. Harvat
• Cynthia Haterius
• John and
Grace Heckmann
• Andrew and
Elizabeth Hendren
• Julie Hill
• Hinsdale Animal
Cemetery, Inc.
• Eric and Tammy Holby
• Houghton Mifflin
• James Howl
• Michael Hrickiewicz
• Emily and Rick Hu
• Georgette Huff
• Hugh and Jane
Ferguson Foundation
• Steven Ilous
• Kenneth James
• William Janda and
Matthew Peppler
• Chris and Susan Jessen
• William Jewell (Jewell
Electric, Inc.)
• Beverly Johns
• Sonja Johnson Clark
• Warren Jones and
Robert Egan
• Sandra Kamp
• James Kaplan
• Deborah Kern
• Judy and Robert Key
• Phillip and Judith Kiefer
• Matthew and
Cindy Kuzma
• Ann Land
• Beth Lanford
• Catherine Lee
• Harry Lee
Regina Lefkowitz
Edward Leiter
• William and
• Jean Leventhal
• Kimberly Licari
• Ann Linton
• Crawford Long
• Lisa Loomis
• Sarah Love
• Jessica Luzar and
Francisco Diaz
• Christy Lynch
• Janet MacDougall
• Danielle Maciejewski
• William Maciejewski
• Elizabeth Mackay
• Sally Malstrom
• Christopher Martin
• Lisa Mason and
Glenn McKeown
• Neil and Katie Matsui
• Jill Mazzone and
Dean Folias
• Blaine and
Virginia McKinley
• Terri Mertz
• Mike and Linn Meyer
• Alexandra Mihalas
• Patrick Milburn
• Carla Miller
• Dustin Mitchell and
Sarah Berke
• Gail Anne Montgomery
• Katayoun Moore
• Kristen Moore
• Morgan, Lewis &
Bockius LLP
• Susan Morisato and
Thomas Remec
• Sunny Mui
• Mallory Neuberg
• Julie Neuman
• Mary Neville
• Sheryl Nichin-Keith
• Richard and
Nancy Norton
• Charlene Novak
• Michelle Nowicki
• Margaret O’Brien
• Marguerite O’Connell
• Leslie O’Loughlin
• Casey and Tammy Olson
• One Smooth Stone
(Steve Koppel)
• Diane Ott
• Robert and
Rebecca Ozelie
• Leslie Papke
• Janice Parris
• Tina Peano
• Peel Plastic
Products Limited
• Douglas and
Beverly Penska
• Nooshin Perla
• Karla Petersen
• Irene Petroski
• Marilyn Phelps
• Stephen and
Shirley Pitela
• Ellen Pliska
• Frances Polick
• John Power
• Alvera Pritchard
• William and
Susan Prokop, DVM
Johanna Raimond
Laura Ramirez
• Emmett Rand
• Myra Reilly
• B.A. Rhodes
• Allie Richards
• Catherine Richardson
• Sam Rosenthal (Projekt)
• Salvatore and
Ann Russo
• Sacred Heart Schools
• Dennis and
Elizabeth Sarfaty
• Nicole Schall-Plotner
• Susan Schein-DiManno
• Louise Schultz
• John and
Noreen Sciurba
• Sharon Sears
• Richard Seekon
• Linda Segota
• Marjorie Seltmann
• Debra Sharpe
• Bette Sherman and
Aletha Barsanti
• William and
Barbara Shomaker
• Mitchell Silverman
• Thomas Slack
• Donna Smith
• Natalie Smith
• Paul Sorensen
• Roy and
Margaret Southard
• Victoria Sprung
• Kathleen Stack
• William and Orli Staley
• Robert and
Evelyn Stearns
• Scott Steele and
Grace Ko
• Sandra Stranz
• Katie Sullivan
• Leonard Tandaric
• Betsy Taylor
• Jacqueline Teare
• Kimberly Teraberry
• Sandra Thielz
• Ann Thomas
• Caroline Thorn
• Linda Thurmond
• Steven Thurston
• Phebe Tinker
• Jerry and Patricia Tinkey
• Dolly Tong
• Triford Foundation
• Gary and Patricia Tucker
• Terri Van Valkinburgh
• Dawn and Edward Walz
• Kathleen Wan
• Richard Wayne
• Melvyn and
Susan Weisberg
• Nadine Weisser
• Brian Wendt
• Judy Wendt
• Patricia Williams
• Frances Wyborney
• Patrice Zamenhof
• Christine Zielinski
Janet Ahlgren
Tom and Beth Alberts
• Kathleen and
Gus Alexandrakis
• Ann Allen
• Greg and
Carolyn Alonzo (Fetch!
Pet Care Chicago)
• Maureen Alsip
• Perry Ander
• Steven Anderson
• Vickey Anderson
• Andrew Ansaldi
• Helene Austin
• Martin Avers
• Richard and Judy Avila
• Kathi Backus
• William Bader
• Jacqueline Bagley
• Virginia Baker
• Siddesh Bale and
Kari Johnson
• Harry and
Linda Ballantyne
• Sharon Banis
• William and June Barber
• Stacie Barhorst
• Kelsey Barnes
• Bonnie Barone
• Anne Beall
• Barbara Beatty
• Charlene Bebko
• Marilyn Becic
• Jason Bell
• Larry Bell
• Nancy Benjamin
• Scott Benson
• Frances and
Jaclyn Bergeron
• Don Bergh and
Veronica Belsuzarri
• Charmaine Black
• John and
Diane Blackmon
• Brigitte Bochmann
• Todd Bodenstein
• Ken and Denise Bokar
• David Bolick
• Andy and Vicky Bonanno
• Linda Booth
• Louis and
Elaine Bortnick
• Barbara Brekke
• Robert and
Terry Ann Briggs
• Diana Brodman
• Lisa Brodt
• Elizabeth and
Adelina Brown
• Kara Brown
• Tim Brown
• Deborah Brown and
Benita Smolny
• Carol Burns
• Richard and
Ruth Callahan
• Kenzie Cameron and
Steve Dickerson
• Seth Captain
• Michelle Casazza
• Greg Cegielski
• John and
Kathleen Chapman
• Lisa Chin
• Neil Chisholm
Susan Chlebove
Julia Chosy
• Steven and
Debora Christensen
• Noelle Christie
• Ramona Cintron
• Ann and Jeff Clark
• John and Nancy Clark
• Miriam Clarke
• Shelly Clauze
• Joanne Clough
• Jo Anne Coari
• Mary Coari
• Andrea Cohen
• Comcast Corporation
• Gwen Cooper
• Robert and
Selma Copelan
• Core Financial Group
• Terri Cramer
• Karen Crane
• Mary Crawford
• Lawrence and
Jennifer Cutter
• Jeffery Czich
• Michael Czyz and
Karen Beilstein
• Judith Dartt and
Michael Crumbock
• Michael and
Caryn Davidson
• Meghan Davison
• Scott Dawson
• Andrew de Funiak and
Steven Stabile
• Laurel Dearborn
• James Deckert and
Barbara Geist-Deckert
• Richard and
Darlyne Delaney
• Shari DeMaris
• Marie Dempsey
• Kathryn Denton
• Brian and
Laura DesGranges
• James Desomer
• John and Linda Deutsch
• Joyce Devereaux
• Kate Dewey and
Collin Keen
• Hal and Susan Dickens
• James Dickes
• John Dimucci
• Eric Dixon and
Jessica Bouboulis
• Dolores Drobny
• Marge Duff
• Irene Dugger
• Leanne Dumais and
Derrick Svelnys
• Carl Dye
• Margaret Eich
• Timmerly Eklund
• Lyle and Gayle Elliott
• Elizabeth Ellis
• Eric Elton
• Kathleen Elyko
• Robert and Gail English
• Jeffrey Enzinger
• William and
Kathleen Epler
• Sandra Ettlinger
• Nancy Fahy
• Donna Fanta
• Robert and
Sandra Farrington
Janet Fassbender
Nicole Felician
• Karen Felsted
• Doug Ferguson
• Jackie Filippini
• James and
Pattie Fischer
• David and
Elaine Fishman
• Mickie Flanigan
• Lani Flesch
• Amy Flowers and
James Warren
• Peggy Franz
• Gail Galinski
• Mary Gallucci
• Kai Gan
• James and
Elizabeth Garon
• Laurie Garrett
• Michael and
Julie Gaubatz
• Jill Geist
• Elaine Gentry
• Sadie Gerbic
• Barbara Gerhart
• Susan Gero
• Margaret Gettings
• Daryl Giganti
• Matthew and
Chris Goldrick
• Dorothy Golladay
• Louise Goodkin
• Steven Gorski
• Tanisse Gradman
• Theresa Graske
• Brenda Grazis
• Lilian Greco
• Joel and
Mary Ann Greene
• Melissa Greer
• Pauline Griffin
• Arvid and
Barbara Grinbergs
• Mimi Grodinsky
• Ronald and Susan Groer
• Glenn and
Barbara Grossklags
• Mary Grzesik
• Monika Gudsowski
• Jacquelyn Guest
• Clyde and
Vaniece Gunderson
• Scott and Jill Gundy
• Adam and Brianne Hagg
• Miriam Hallbauer
• Steven and
Tracey Hallman
• Dave and Carol Harper
• Bruce and
Betty Hartman
• Sean Harvey and
Rebecca Murphy
• Harriet and Donna Hasil
• Diana Haskell and
Karen Knudstrup
• Howard and
Mette Hattemer
• Theresa Heatherton
• Carol Heffner
• Craig and Anne Heither
• Geraldine Heitzman
• Patricia Hejl
• Joshua and Susan Held
• Lise Helene
• Anne Henderson
Maddie Abrams
• Amanda Adams
• Steven and
Elizabeth Aguina
Janet Henderson and
Debbie Melesio
• Ann Heraty
• Suzanne Herron
• Michael and
Heather Hesiak
• Gail and April Highland
• Don and Marilyn Hill
• Michelle Hitsch
• Susan Hockenberry
• Jennifer Holden
• Mary Ann Holt
• Alicja Lipska Hooks
• Eileen Hooper
• Melanie Hopp
• Michelle Hosogi
• Patricia Huebert
• Geoff, Stephanie, and
Judy Hughes
• Jack and Jean Hulet
• Dale and Marcia Hunt
• Robert and
Debbie Hunter
• Dorian Huske
• Barbara Inglese
• Diane Jacobson and
Bruce Nesbitt
(Jameson Loves Danger)
• Barbara Janis
• Barb Jedele and
Gina Ippolito
• Susan Jenks
• Sandra Johns
• C. Johnson
• Susan Johnson
• Ryan Johnson and
Regan Brewer
• Emily Jorenby
• Daniel and
Elizabeth Josephites
• Susan Joyce
• JPMorgan
Chase Foundation
• Rachel Kaiser
• Mary Karakis
• Sandra Kaspar
• Daniel Katz
• Mary Kaufman
• Loretta Kay
• Dale Kelley
• Patrick and
Kaia Kennedy
• Cherie Kielba
• Yung Kim
• John Knight
• Kenton and Linda Knorr
• Eric Kolaczyk and
Josee Dupuis
• William and
Tammy Komparda
• Marion Kopecky and
Sylvia Kahan
• Susie Korytar and
Daniel Massei
• Donna Kostel
• Robert and
Sharon Kovach
• Kraft Foods
• Jaime Krauter
• Grace Kroll
• Mary Kutscha
• Robert Kyzer
• Deborah Labb
• Lois LaCorte
• Patricia Lake
• Kenneth Lamberti
Mary Laraia
Naoko Larsen
• Janet Larson
• Sharon Larson
• Heidi Lau
• Margaret Law
• Nina and Laura Lenzi
• Richard Leonard
• Richard and Gail Linden
• Robert and
Patricia Lisensky
• Cynthia Little
• Leverett Litz
• Jennifer Liu
• Carol Lloyd
• Joseph Lombardo
• Jennifer Loomis
• Jean Loucks
• Diane Lovejoy
• Michael Lucarelli
• Tami Lucas
• James and
Marian Luckey
• Margaret Lushniak and
Grace Nowicka
• Robert and Wendy Lutz
• Bonnie Luxem
• Stephen and
Carol MacCabe
• Margaret MacKimm
• Carole Madden
• Vera Maeckelbergh and
Jonathan Kreissler
• Magnetar
Capital Foundation
• Peter and
Carolanne Maksimowicz
• Elizabeth Malone
• Margaret and
Wesley Mancoff
• Jeffrey and Letitia Mann
• Arlene Margous
• Arlene Marnell
• Joe Martin
• Cynthia Maschek
• James Masken
• Phyllis Mategrano
• Lonnie Maves
• Steve and
Rosalyn Maziarka
• Carol Mazzone
• Deborah McCabe
• Heather McComas
• Tom and
Pamela McDermott
• William Brice McDonald
• Allison McDonough
• Regina McEvoy
• Julia McGlinn
• John Mcglynn
• Kathleen McGuire
• Jean McInerney
• John McNamara
• Susan McNish
• Amy Mei
• Deborah Melang
• Ellen C. Melka
• Mercer
• Phil and
Mickey Mergener
• Melissa Merkau
• Rein and Joni Metzger
• Steve Meuret
• Middle West Distributors
• Catherine Miller
• Jocelyn Miller
Diane Minnis
Byron Minter
• Michael Miodonski
• Caroline Mitchell and
Paul Falon
• Erin Moore
• Kelly A. Moore
• Ann Moorhead
• Kathryn Mordini
• Janine Morgan
• Don and Laura Morin
• William Morris
• Joyce Morway
• Motiv Training Gym
• Barbara Mudloff
• Margaret Mullin
• Patricia Murphy
• Alta Gracia Myers
• Veronica Nakulski
• John Naradzay
• Barbara Narens
• Roger and Beverly Nash
• Roxanna Nazari
• Carol Neer
• Roberta Nelson
• Denise Nichols
• Michael and
Janeaa Niemiec
• Jan Nixon
• David and
Crescentia Nolan
• Dennis and Karla Norkey
• Emily Norman and
Nathan Brixils
• George Novak
• Kristin O’Brien Shure
• Shelley Obwald
• Kathleen O’Connor
• Deborah Ogden
• Richard Oginski
• Craig and Martha Olson
• Linda Oostmeyer
• Op4G
• Xochtil Ortiz
• Jerome and
Kathy Palmer
• Lila Palmer
• Alicia Pando
• Jen Papahronis
• Louise Pappageorge
• Rodney and
Carolynn Parker
• Helen Pasternak
• Jane Pellegrini
• Steven Penn
• Carol Penz
• Performics
• Jeanette Peter
• PetPlan
• Ronda Petrysian
• Charles and
Linda Phillips
• John and Carol Picciolo
• Joanne Pickelman
• Autumn Pierce
• Kristine Pierre
• Thomas Pilsbury
• Sandra Pinckert
• Edith Podrazik and
Richard Pena
• Ann Pollack
• Phyllis Prewitt
• Sylvia Pritchard
• Jennifer Pritzker
• Claire Proffitt
• Gail Prunyi
Sitha Pugh
Sandra Radford
• Patricia Randle
• Sherry Rasmussen and
Lars Gingery
• Joshua and Lindsay Rau
• Andrea Redfeairn
• Teresa Regard
• Tatiana Rehbein and
Fabien Kenig
• Lille Reib
• Stephanie Remelius
• Lawrence and
Joan Ellen Reylek
• Roseann Ricciardone
• Susan Rice
• Kathleen Richards
• Howard Rigby, Jr.
• Tari Riggs and
Terry Owens
• Karen Rigotti
• Riser Animal Hospital
• Barbara Ritchey and
John Huckaby
• Robert Ritholz
• Megan Ritt and
Jason Broenneke
• C. Willis and Anne Ritter
• Ingeborg Rockwell
• Betty Roessler
• Ronald J. and Grace C.
Ruggiero Charitable Fund
• Malcolm and
Madeline Rorrie
• Carol Rosa
• Myron Rosenthal
• Sharon Rossman
• Malou Roth
• Margaret Rovell
• Michael and
Norman Sackar
• Deborah Sampson
• Vicki Santoro
• Charles, Michael, and
Lela Sayward
• Georgia Schaefer-Morris
• David and
Susan Schenkel
• Michael and
Rhoda Schlesinger
• Jenny Schlueter and
Ollie Davidson
• Karen Schmidt
• Fred and
Ruth Schmitz, Jr.
• Peggy Schneider
• Robert and
Catherine Schodorf
• Roxanne Schwarz
• Joyce Sexton
• Melissa Seyrig
de Saussure
• Renate Seyter
• Mary Sheehan
• Susan Sheridan
• Levi and
Cherie Sherman
• Alexis Siegel
• Ed Simanovsky
• Robert Simon
• Erica Sims
• Michelle Singleton
• Patricia Skaja
• Donna Skinner
• Howard Skolnik
• Sandra Smietana
Mairita Smiltars
Colleen Smith
• Deborah Smith
• Debra Smith
• Julie Smith
• Kimberly Smith
• Rebecca Smith
• John and Donnna Soflin
• Abigail Spreyer
• Joseph Stachowicz
• Julia Stacy
• Vera Stamenkovich
• David Stanford
• Jeffrey Starkey
• Cynthia Stecher
• Heather Steffen
• Larry and Lynda Stein
• Sharon Sturgeon
• Michael and
Connie Summers
• Ronnie Summers
• Bihjiun Sun
• Richard Swanson and
Kent Kubert
• Gerald and
Judith Szesko
• Annette Szokalski
• Takeda Pharmaceuticals
• Graceann Tang
• Kevin and
Kathleen Taylor
• Yasmin Tayyab
• Rebecca Tenzer
• The Latham Foundation
• Molly Thompson and
Paul Drinan
• Mary Thrasher
• Thread Me Up LLC
• James Tibensky
• Andrea Toback
• Martin and Esther Torow
(Travelers Community
• Laura Trevino
• Glenn Trout
• John and
Lydija Tschumperlin
• Pauline Turlow
• Monica Uddin
• Michael Urosev and
Rebecca Urosev-Hinman
• Alice Valaitis
• Robert and
Joyce Van Oss
• Benjamin and
Julia Van Vliet
• Albert Vargas
• Christine Ver Haagh
• Nick Vergoth
• Robert and
Marianne Wagner
• Steve and
Katharine Waight
• Daniel Walker and
Laura Reed
• Donna Wallace
• Mary Walsh
• Lynn Walters
• William and
Carolyn Wardman
• Michael Wasserman
• Laura Watson
• Suzanne Weaver
• Wayne Weber
• Kathleen Webster and
Teresa Galetti
Roxanne Wellwerts
Hannah Wend
• Westin Chicago
River North
• Joanie Wiinblad
• Mary Wilkinson
• Isabel Williams
• Barbara WilliamsGoldman
• Diann Wilming
• Joseph Wilson
• Garrett and
Mary Wingfield
• Doreen Wolf
• Roswitha Wolfram
• WPB Chamber
of Commerce
• Beth and
Dana Wunderlich
• Lawrence Yablonicky
• Emily Yeager
• Mary Zemon
• Kat Ziegler
• Howard Ziment
• Edward Zimmerman
• Troy Zimmerman
• Jennifer Zissou
Tammy Ayer
Barb B. Feig
• Kristi Bachmann
• Carol Bacon
• Dawn Bagdonas
• Sally Bagley
• Kathleen Bahe
• William Baird and
Amy Wagner
• Arlene Baker
• Theresa Ann Baker
• Dennis Ball
• Zachary Balmer
• Jennifer Baltes
• Steve and
Stephanie Bambina
• Barb Bancroft
• Drew and
Karen Bandusky
• Bank of America
• Bank of TokyoMitsubishi UFJ
• Stephanie Banta and
Evan Polance
• Ulana Baransky
• Ted and Melissa Barber
• Susan Barcus
• Ronald and
Candace Bare
• Elizabeth Baren
• Linda Barker
• Gary and
Maureen Barnett
• Douglas Barrett
• Sandra Barron
• Charlotte and
Charles Barsano
• John and Jean Barstow
• Patricia Barth
• Lisa Barth
• Judith and
Jeffrey Bartholomew
• Derek Bassett
• Gayle Bathon
• Andrea Bauer
• Andrew Bazil and
Sara Kotowski
• Sheila Beale
• Vesnaz Beatovic
• Genna Bebko
• Deborah Beck
• L. Ann Beckerdite
• Sonja Becvar
• Carmelita Beets
• June Behnke
• Martin and Linda Belan
• Lefkothea Beletsi
• Charlene Ben
• Debra Benjamin
• Adrian Bennett
• Susan Bennett
• Julie Bennink
• Bradford Benson
• Bruce and
Danica Benson
• Lenora Berendt
• Donald and
Roselyn Bergamin
• Carol Bergant
• Cathy Berke
• Elvina Berman
• Penelope Bernstein
• David and Susan Berry
• Jack and Claire Best
• Mikhail Beygel and
Marina Sosnitskaya
David and
Melissa Acevedo
• Yolanda Adagbadu
• Jan and Scott Adair
• Caroline Adams
• Arthur and
Jacquelyn Adler
• Gaurava Agarwal and
Emily Maxwell-Agarwal
• Alice Ahlhorn
• Joy Airaudi
• Robin Akers
• Patricia Allen
• James Allenspach and
Amy Carlton
• Alliance Data
• Allstate
Giving Campaign
• Ann Alspaugh
• Pam Alvarez
• Donald and
Linda Andersen
• Vicki Martin Anderson
• Darcy and
Nathan Anderson
• Steven Anderson and
Michele Mach
• Sharon Andrews
• Bill Angelus
• Kyle Annen
• Tanya Anthofer
• Shaun Anzaldua and
Mahreen Qureshi
• Karen Apfelbaum
• Ryan Aquilino
• Anabel Aranda and
Don Howe
• Stephanie Layne Arens
• Emily and
William Armendariz
• William Arnold
• Mary Artese
• Carol and
Virginia Asivido
• Barbara Ault
• Kyra Auslander
• Samantha Axton
Bridgid Bibbens
• Jeanne Bible
• Ronald and
Danielle Bielanski
• Gerald Billingsley
• Howard and
Sandra Binder
• Carolyn Binder
• Charlotte Birck
• Margaret Bisberg
• Ray and Gaye Bishop
• Kelly Bivens
• Margaret Bjerklie
• Laura Black
• George Black
• Kara Blain
• Zola Blakeslee
• Barry Blank
• Mary Blevins
• Erik Bluethner
• Carlene Blumenthal
• Lawrence and
Janice Boggess
• Diane Bohannon
• Harper Bohlen and
Sara Irmen
• Nathan Bokil and
Amy Duray
• David Bolotin
• Edward Bols and
Joan Mikol
• Diana Bolz-Lambert
• William Booth
• Dawn Borth
• Zoe Bowen
• Evelyn Bower
• Elizabeth Bowles and
Dee Jackson
• Henriette Boyle
• Amy Boynton
• Jeffrey and
Demetra Brand
• Lawrence Braun
• Melody Braxton
• Brandy Breaux Simkins
• John Brehm and
Christine Caruso
• Anita Breitung
• Sharon Breyfogle
• Robert and Maria Briney
• Frank Broder and
Teresa Bensel
• Peter Bromley
• Hugh and
Patricia Brookhart
• Randall Brooks and
Colleen Jenn
• Andrea Bross
• Bonnie Brousil and
Sharon Nowak
• Mark Brouwer
• Judith Brown
• Lorne and
Melanie Brown
• Nikita Brown and
Matthew Davis-Horn
• Patricia Browne and
Sharon Jaffess
• Kelly Brunick
• Theresa Bryant
• Marilyn Bryn
• Michelle Buchecker and
Brad Wollangk
• Marie Buchelt
• Sheryl Buckley
• Charlotte Budnick
Mary Ellen Bugajsky
Laurie Burcal
• Robert Burger
• Robert and Lori Burgess
• Maria Burke
• Arleen Burke
• Marie-Therese Burns
• Premila Burns
• Kelly Burns
• Jean Burns
• Arlene Burns
• Allison Butler-Rosik
• Michael and
Alexandra Buxbaum
• Carrie Byington-Oei
• Mary Byndum
• Stephanie Bynum
• Liz Byrom and
Antointte Farley
• Herbert and
Shirley Cable
• Joyce Cabrera
• Ronald and
Patricia Cachopo
• Janet Cadogan
• Maureen Cahill
• Sheri Caja
• Erica Caldwell
• Ann Callaway
• Marjorie Campbell
• Alyssa Campione
• Robert Cannon
• Steven Cap
• Mary Anne Cappelleri
• Pauline Carbonel
• Judith Carlson
• Lisa Carlson
• Rosalyn Carlson
• Mary Carlson
• Jane Carpenter
• Christen Carter
• Nick Carvajal
• Arthur Carvajal
• Cheryl Caryl
• Mary Anne Case
• Josephine Cassola
• CatVando NFP
• Tom and
Samantha Cavanaugh
• Marlene Celis
• Anthony Ceravolo and
Shisha Amabel
• Sandy Chalker and
Donna Calderon
• Cathy Chambers
• Doris Chan
• Adrienne Chandhok
• Wanetta Chartier
• Catherine Chay
• Fredricka and
Herbert Cheek
• Cheetah Gym
• Karen Chelin
• Myra and
Dominique Cheris
• Megan Chessare
• Karen Chiaramonte
• Chicago IANDS
• Chicago Trading
• Chicago Tribune
• Chiropratic for Life, LLC
• Charlene Chisek
• Christine Chlapecka
Susan Cho and
Eric Jonas
• Kathryn Christensen
• Carol Christiansen
• John and
Betty Christopher
• Kimberly Cichon
• Joanna Clabough
• Joseph Clair
• Richard and
Christy Clark
• Andrew Clark and
Natalie Lynch-Clark
• Robert Clarke
• Albert and Alison Claus
• Wayne Clauson
• Sharon Clement
• Barbara Clevenger
• Donald and Donna Cliffe
• Janet Clifford
• Julia Clower and
Bookie Daniels
• CNA Foundation
• Cara Coddens
• Todd Cohen
• Linda Cohen
• Cheryl Cohen and
James Cirronella
• Mara Cohn
• Dorothy Colasanti
• John and Mary Coleman
• Pam Coleman
• Christine Collins and
Edward Pinzak
• Geraldine Colvin
• Michael and
Paula Comm
• Ann and George Connell
• Scott and Jana Conover
• Neal Conrad
• Gabriel and Laura Cook
• Chad Cooney
• Barbara Cooper
• John Cooper
• Joseph Corbett and
Christine Baffes-Corbett
• Jane Corcoran and
Patty Iacullo
• Sean Corrigan
• Richard and
Mary Lee Corrin
• Paul Covganka
• Jack Cowan
• Beverly Cramer
• Jean Crawford
• Roberta Cripps
• Eric Cron
• Jewel Crosby
• Kevin Crupi
• Antonia and
Michael Cruz
• Ana Cruz
• Michelle Cummings
• Colleen Cushing
• Elaine Cyplick
• Richard Dagostino
• Amy Dahlstrom
• Dorothy Dail
• Diana Dalsanto
• Ellen and Jim Dalton
• Nina Dambra and
Martin Goldberg
• Eric Damiana
• Robert Daniels
• Susan Darnall
• Steven and Judith Darr
Jessica Daues
Mark and Wendy Davids
• William and
Sharon Davis
• Alison Davis
• James Davis
• Phillip Davis and
Ann Whelan
• David de Funiak
• Geertruida and
Annette De Moel
• Brian De Vinck
• Patricia and
Lucinda De Witt
• Ernest and
Tracy Deak
• Mary Deal
• Suzanne DeBerry
• Jerry and
Kathleen Dedic
• Nancy Deer
• CT Deibel
• Corazon Dela Cruz
• Assel Delgado
• Maria Delhierro and
Paual Rodriguez
• Elena Demos
• Christina Dennaoui
• Steven Densmoor
• Claire and
Grace Denton-Spalding
• Mike and
Jennifer DePriest
• Deborah Derlacki
• Joseph and
Wendy Deschene
• Lucille Detloff
• Rosemarie DeVera
• Janice Devine
• Simrit Dhesi
• Myra Dibble
• Daniel Dibiase
• Laura Dieli
• Gretchen Dietz
• Peter DiGiacomo
• Kelly Dineen and
Connor Perez
• Nicoletta Dipietro
• Cassie Dobbs
• Joe and Theresa Dobek
• Ken Dockser
• Michael and
Nancy Dodge
• Martha Doerrer
• William Dolan
• Lauri Donato
• Elly Dongoski and
Derek Brown
• Paula Donichy
• Margaret Donovan
• Marilynne Dorfman
• Michael and
Marilyn Downs
• Lisa Doyle
• Carol Drabin
• Carol Dudlack
• Rosemary Dudlack
• Krissy Dulek and
Melissa Markey
• C Dulin
• Janess and
Lawrence • Dulinski
• David Dundie
• Kimberly Dunlap
• Karen Dunn
• Donald and
Jenny Sue Dunner
Margaret Dunphy and
Howard Laubscher
• Gregory Durkin
• Cheryl Dusenbery
• Jessica and
Karley Dvorak
• Brenda-Anne Dymock
• Tonja and Nikki
• Jennifer Earl and
Mary-Frances O’Connor
• Mary Eastman
• Kathleen Eaves
• I rene Eck
• Kit and Marjorie Eckert
• Sandy and
Frederick Edelmaier
• Phil Edstrom
• Blake Edwards and
Lori Goldman
• Vladimir Egorin and
Eugenia Vinogradsky
• Neal Eisenberg
• David Eller
• Denise Ellinwood
• Allen and
Alexandra Elliott
• Cindy Ellis
• Nathan Ellis and
Mary Yagle
• Jonathan and
Anndrea Ellison
• Kathleen Ellsworth
• Claire Ellsworth
• William and
Violetta Elsey
• Yoko Ema
• Therese England
• Kane Engler
• Elizabeth Enos
• Judith Epstein
• Angela Esposito
• Elisabeth Esser
• Susan Estes
• Paul Estrich and
Dana Desjardins
• Roy and Karin Euclide
• Camille Everett
• Michael and
Claudette Evert
• Jean Ewing
• Exelon Foundation
• Kenneth Fabiszak
• Niza Fabre
• Carol Falkner
• Kristine Fallon
• Anna Fan
• Thomas and
Lynn Favara
• Marlene Febo
• Jose Feliciano
• Thomas Feltner
• Amanda Ferencz
• Sully Fernandez
• Wolfgang and
Ingeborg Feuss
• Kristen Fiacchino
• Sally Fiddler
• Andre Fiebig
• Carolyn Fifer
• Joseph and Mary Firnsin
• Allison Firth
• William Fisher
• Molly Fisher
• Stuart Fisher
• Daniel Fisher
• Kimberly Fitzgerald
D. D. Fitzsimmons
Denise Fjordbeck
• Jeanne Flaa
• Bradley Flack
• Lois Flaherty
• Richard and Eileen Flaks
• John and
Louise Fletcher
• Sheridan Florence
• Lauren Florkey
• Michelle Floyd and
Adam Kutter
• Anne Fogarty
• Michele Fong
• Russell Ford III
• Mary Forester
• Dennis and
Marcia Ann Forgue
• Fay Forman
• Andy Forsow
• Frank and
Virginia Fortenese
• Jonathan Foster
• Cathy Foster
• Matthew and
Amanda Fox
• Michel and Daniel Fox
• Katherine Francis
• Mary Francissen
• Lauri Frankowski
• William Franzen
• Laura Fratto
• John and Diane Frayer
• Steve Frazier
• Laura Freechack
• Jamie Freer
• John and
Barbara Frenden
• Judy Frey
• Christopher Friedline
• Richard Friedman
• Helen Friend
• Pamela Fries
• Evelyn Fryer
• David Fryk
• Jeanne Fujimoto
• Linda Fulton
• Mike Fulton
• Sylvia Furner
• Ingrid Furry
• Mary Ann Galanti
• W. Gallagher
• Marie Galoney
• Susan Galotifiore
• Diana Galvan
• Gail Gammel
• Danielle Gantos
• Rosa Garcia
• Amanda and
Rudolfo Garcia
• Lisa Garfinkel
• Tyler Garland
• Robert and Carol Garlish
• Mary Garrahan-Masters
• Joyce Garst
• Pat Gaspar
• George Gaudzels
• Cindy Gaver
• Annette Gavit
• Sarah Gawn
• Elizabeth Gaylor
• Lorette Geiger
• David and Patricia Gelb
• Loretta and Carl Genson
• Mija Gentes
• Marylen Gentile
Patti Gentry
Shannon George
• Richard Gering
• Marina Gerol
• Joanne Gialdini
• Justine Gianandrea
• Jerrilyn Gifford
• Anne Gilbert
• Lynn and Robert Gilly
• Germain Giner
• Richard Glasser
• Alyssa Glawe
• Tracy Glickauf
• Debbie Glienke
• Inga Goddijn and
John Bruzan
• Adam Godfrey
• Susan Goedke and
Chris Woodard
• Catherine Goldhaber
• Douglas Goldhamer and
Peggy Bagley
• Patricia Goldrup
• Kevin and
Michele Goldsmith
• Stacy Goldstein and
Anthony Tauginas
• Joan Goliak
• Ann Goliak
• Anna Golitko
• Myron Gomberg
• Marialuisa Gonzalez
• Sue Gooch
• Sydney Gordon
• L. Gordon
• Monica Gormley
• Christopher Gottfried
and Richard Mendoza
• Lindsay Gottwald and
Chris Parker
• Bruce Gould
• Thomas and
Deanna Graves
• Mary Ann Green
• Susan Greenbaum
• Channing Greene
• Alice Greenhouse
• Michael Flagg and
Greg Eaton
• Suzette Gregorich
• Karen Grejczyk
• Susan Gremel
• Simon Griffeth
• Carole Griggs
• Julia Grijalva
• Hillary Grossman
• Garry Grygotis
• Barbara Grzanecki
• Sandy Guettler
• Barbara Guffey
• Sheila Gut
• Diane Guzniczak
• Beverly Gygi
• Julie Haas
• Edda Hackl-Krzoska
• James Haedike
• John Hagemann and
Victoria Caputo
• Gwendolyn Hager
• Dee Hagist
• Mary Kathleen Hahn
• Debra Hale
• Elaine Hall
• Ronald and Ursula Hall
• Leroy Halpin
• Elizabeth Hamilton
Nicholas Hancock and
Molly Wagner
• Marian Handler
• Brian Hannigan
• Krystal Hanrahan
• Karl Hansell
• Krystine Hansen
• Mark and Lynn Hansen
• Delene Hanson
• David and
Donna Hanson
• Debbie Hardtke
• Stephen and
Arlene Hardy
• Lynn Haren
• Colleen Harper
• Gerald Harring
• Darris Harris
• Thomas and Teresa Hart
• E. Harvat
• Terry Harvill
• Danya Haseltine
• Teresa Haskins
• Dawn Hastings
• Randall and
Renee Haupert
• Catherine Hausler
• Robert Havelt
• Ed and
Catherine Hawkins
• Carol Hawkins-Partlow
• Maggie Hay
• Janice Hayles
• Raynelle Heidrick
• Joann Held
• Bernadette Heller
• Jeanette Heller
• Claudia Hembd
• Penny Hendrickson
• Mary Hendrickson
• Muriel Heritage
• Cheryl Herr
• Linda Herrmann
• Joan Hersh
• Jessica Hess
• Margaret Hickey
• Marta Hidegkuti
• Kristin Hildreth
• Kim Hiley
• Evi Hill
• Joseph Hillenbrand
• Ann Hindes
• Debbie Hinze
• Alexandra Ho and
Amanda Romaine
• Ellen Hochberg
• Bonita Hoefler and
Jack Trytten
• Carole Hoefs
• Caryn Hoeft
• Steven Hoffman
• Thomas Hoffmann and
Judith Jaeger-Hoffmann
• Irene Hogstrom
• Marcia Hoisington
• Jody Hollingsworth
• Jeanene Holman
• Kathleen Holt
• Fred Holubow
• Judy Homolash
• Clark Hopkins
• Shirley Hopkinson
• Jeff and Kathy Hoppe
• Laurie Hoppe
• Patricia Hopson
• Caroline Horist
Carol Horkavy
Ken Hornback
• Jason and
Melanie Hortin
• James Horwath and
J. Stephen Richards
• Cathleen Hothersall
• Roger Hotz
• Kimberli House
• Nancy Houtz
• Gina Hubberts
• Mary Hudgins
• Jacqueline Hudicek
• Cheryl Hughes
• Frances Hume
• Diane Humphrey
• Timothy and
Christie Hund
• Linda Hunt
• Thomas Hunt
• Greta Hurlbut
• Sharon Hurst
• Amanda Husberg
• Sharon Huss
• Lisa Iffland
• Jean Ikeda
• Marge Illich
• Josselyn Imhoff
• David and Joy Inverso
• Thomas Irving and
Linsay Susan
• Gloria Irwin
• Denise Isaacs
• Dawn Isenhart
• Hiromi Ishikawa
• Helen Iwanski
• Barbara Jack
• M. Jacka
• Greg and
Joanne Jackson
• Deborah Jacobs
• Patrick Jacobs
• Judy Janey
• Rachel Jaris
• Nellie Jaskewycz
• Mary Lou Jelachich
• Eivind and
Caroline Jensen
• Sally Jensen
• Claire Jenson
• Nancy Jenson
• Donna Jesudowich
• Anne Jewell
• Nav Jhaj
• Barbara Joabson
• Charles and
Mary Johansen
• Rob and Liz Johns
• Patricia Johnson
• Janice Johnson
• Gordon Johnson
• Terry Johnston
• Yvette Jones
• Patricia Jones
• Dennis and
M. Elizabeth Jones
• Ross and Linda Jones
• Jo Anne Jones
• Paula Jones
• Elizabeth Josephson
• Matthew and
Stephanie Jouza
• Pearl Jovanovich
• Ruth Juachon
Mary Judy
Barbara Juhknialis
• Ellen Jurczak
• Pat Jurgaitis and
James Thaxton
• Daniel and Diane Jursa
• Vivian Jury
• JustGive
• Catalina Kadjan
• Garry Kadzielawski
• Rosemary Kagarise
• Rachel Kaiser
• Richard Kalweit
• Kimberly Kambestad
• Sherry Kammer and
Robert Schettini
• Mary and
Ronald Kammrath
• Lenore Kanary
• Kevin and Linda Kane
• David and Nancy Kaplan
• Pam Karlson and
Mike Edsey
• Dorothy Karmowski
• Jeanette Karon
• Nancy Karr
• Kasper Development Ltd
• Ervin Kattelman and
Barbara Seal
• Joshua Kaufman
• Barbara Kaufman
• Jeremy Kazan
• Leonard Kazmerski
• Heidi Keller
• H. Kelley
• John and Jennifer Kelly
• Patricia Kelly-Fowler
• Susan Kelly-Scott
• Lisa Kemper
• Eden Kennan
• Marcia Kenner
• Carol Kentgen
• Marie Khan
• Jennifer Kijek
• Jason and
Cheryl Kilborn
• Debra Kilgore
• Barbara Kinast
• Charles King and
Kristine Anstrats
• Kathie Kingett
• Michelle Kinney
• Anthony Kiorpes
• Philip and Lesia Kirk
• Mark and Bridget Kirkish
• Oleksandra Klapko
• Kathleen Klaus
• Nancy Klaus
• Maxine Klein
• Janice Klein
• Kathy Klein
• Mark Kluemper
• Mike Knapczynski and
Laura Saba
• Greg and
Elizabeth Knapp
• Douglas Knapp
• Zoran and
Nevenka Knezev
• Judith Knie
• Pat Kniffen
• Suzanne Knoll
• Diane Knudson
• Kimberly Koehler
• Lori Koetters and
Brian Smith
Robert and
Bette Jane Kohn
• Alison Kohn
• Marie Koko
• Michael and
Margaret Kolbe
• James and
Julia Kollenberg
• Mary Ann Koller
• Wendy Kollins
• Phil and
Susan Komaransky
• Iwona Konieczna
• Jean Konkolich and
Carolien Russo
• Annette Konstantelos
• Joanne Kopeck
• Thomas Koppes
• Donna Korczyk
• James and Jan Kosco
• Adrienne Kostreva
• Arlene Kotil
• Mary Kotoulas
• Paul Kouba
• Gay Kramer-Dodd
• Sabrina Kramnich
• Martha Krause
• Laurie Kravig
• Carol Krawczyk
• Mark Krawiec
• Judy Kreczmer
• Susan Krejci
• Kailee Kremer Somers
• Sharon Kremkau
• Rob Kreuter
• Barbara Krongel and
Edwin Clark Hamilton
• Jason Kropinski and
Crystal Al Qaraja
• Kristen Kruchowski
• Fred and Janis Krueger
• Laurel Kruizenga
• Leslie Krussell
• Robert Kunze
• Danita Kurzawski
• Michael Kusen
• Kenneth Kuznetsky
• Susan La Jeunesse
• Sherrie Labovitz
• Jeanne Laduke
• Jay Lajone
• Patricia Lama
• Hugh and
Sandra Lancaster
• Virginia Landgraf
• Susan Lane
• Pamela Langley
• Judith Lansink and
Justin Hooker
• Arlene Lanzara
• Diane Lapenna
• Andrea LaRowe
• Ken and Patricia Lasso
• Kelly Lattanzi
• William Laudani and
Nancy Sposato
• Thomas and
Nancy Laughlin
• Elizabeth Lawicki
• Lynn Lawyer
• Janet Lazar
• Winfred Leaf
• Susan Leahy
• John and Marina Lear
• Sarah Leeman and
Geoff Lloyd
Timothy and
Beverly Leidig
• Edward Leigh and
Christine Prejean
• Kathryn Lentz
• Elizabeth Leonard
• Yuk Leung
• Samuel and Mary Leung
• Joan Levergood and
Douglas Johnson
• Darryl Levine
• Patrcia Levine
• Margaret Lewicki
• Barbara Lewin
• Meryl Lewin
• Meg Lewis
• Eleanore Lewis
• Al Leyva
• Janelle and Vee Li
• Ann Libner
• Cathy Licht
• Sarah and
Mitchell Lieberman
• Joan Lighthart
• Roselind Lindau
• Hazel Lindenbaum
• Loretta Lindsey
• Jeanne Lindwall
• James and
Maureen Lindway
• Nancy Lipman
• Jennifer Liu
• Rebecca Livingston
• Claudette Livingston
• David Locey and
Dale Hackbarth
• Scott Lockhart
• Loevy & Loevy
• LOLA Event
Productions LLC
• Joey Lombardi
• Sherry and
Robert London
• Taylor Lorence
• Emily Lorenz
• Yvonne Lorichon
• Steven Lorsch
• Helen Lotzer
• Ryan and
Megan Louthian
• John and Michelle Lowe
• Richard and
Jaquelyn Lowe
• Edward and
Katrina Lowery
• Colette Lozins
• Connie Luecke
• Kai Lui
• David Lukawski
• Marjorie Lundy and
James Godshalk
• Maureen Luzar
• Alvin Maat
• MacArthur Foundation
• William Bradley and
Andrea Mace
• Nancy Machura
• Pamela Macinski
• Sharon Mack
• William MacKay
• Daniel Macken
• Diana Gonzalez Maculan
• Macy’s Foundation
• Sherri Maddick
• Linda Maddiex
Terry Maderak
• Roger Maggid and
Peggy Luciw-Maggid
• Michael Maginot
• Henry and Judith Maglio
• Christopher Mahieu
• Dorothy Mahla
• Pat Maid
• Kat Malkowski
• Paige Mallory
• Ann Mallow
• Janice Maloney
• Georgette Manginelli
• James E. Mann
• Joan Mann
• Richard and
Christa Mannion
• Robert Manor
• Seymour and
Susan Mansfield
• Kimberly Manson
• Catherine Marcell and
John LaBelle
• Richard Marcellus
• Tiffany Marcia
• Diane Marcinek
• Donald Markey
• Sean and Paige Marnell
• Michelle Maro
• John Marqui
• Scott and Sarah Marsch
• Barbara Marsh-Jones
• Christine Marsico
• Patricia Martin
• Marie Martin
• Nadezhda Marusheva
• Linda Maschek
• Hollie Massung
• Joyce Matarese
• Martha Materne and
Brian Sheaffer
• Mary-Ann Mathias
• Leah Mathos
• Jan Matsumoto
• Brenda Matthews
• Mary Maurer
• Donna May
• Susan Mayer
• Stephanie Mayes
• Courtney Mcalexander
• Mary McCarthy
• Michael McCartin
• Mary McCloskey
• Anne McConville
• Kristen McElligatt
• Mary McElree
• Sean McEwan
• Erin McEwan
• Betsy McGinn
• Truman and
Judith McGinnis
• Jacqueline McGlamery
• Patricia McGrenera
• Katherine McKay
• Robert and
Suzanne McKay
• Bob and
Maureen McKee
• Darla McKimmie
• Alison McKinzie
• Victor McMahon and
Amanda Osborn
• Rachel Means
• George and
Florence Mede
• Adrian Medina and
Sheila Haugh
Linda Medura
Vinita Mehta
• Leesa Melellad
• Sharon Meltzer
• Elaine Mendes Camargo
• Deborah Mendez
• Tom and Mary Merchant
• Alicia Messenger
• Doug Messner and
Karen Caruso
• Maureen Meter
• Jack Meyer and
Mirko Petrov
• Gina Micci
• Valerie Michal
• Michelle Michalski
• Midland National
• Mary Miekina
• Ruth Miller
• John and Shirley Miller
• Anne Miller
• David and
Caroline Miller
• Luanne Miller
• Roberta Miller
• John and Camille Mills
• Nancy Minasola
• Joe Mineart
• Mario Minkovic
• Liz Mino
• Kenneth Miodus
• Stephanie Mistretta
• Wayne and
Nancy Mitchell
• Christine Mitchell
• Gerald and
Wanda Mitchell
• Janice Mix
• Emilie Modaff
• Judie Moeller
• Mary Mohr
• John and Mary Mohr
• Marissa Moltzen
• William and
Gwen Monaghan
• Beau and
Elizabeth Moody
• Willard Moody
• Michael Mooer
• Patricia Mooney
• Linda Moore
• Christine Moore
• Kelley Moore
• Roger and
Jessica Moore
• Sheila Moraghan
• Michelle Moran
• Molly Morawski
• Rutila Moreno
• Morgan Stanley
• Verne and
Deborah Lou Morrow
• Meredith and Jill Morse
• Nancy Morton
• Zorine Morton
• Ken and Renee Moses
• Chris Moses and
Rudy Mayer
• Veronica Mountain
• Asad Movahedan and
Sara Rastegar
• Dawn Mueller
• Marianne Mueller
• Clare Multer
• Cynthia V. Mungerson
• Bradley Munson
Gregory and
Kathy Murphy
• Jeanette Murphy
• Cynthia Myer
• Vicki Mysliwiec
• Barbara Nachtrieb
• Chitra Natarajan
• Barbara Navarro
• Ramona Nave
• Kathy Neary
• Russell and Lynn Neher
• Jean Nell
• Lia Nelson
• Robert Neuleib
• Leonard and
Suzanne Newman
• Barbara Newman and
Richard Kiechhefer
• Mark Nguyen and
Eunice Satorre
• Chrystine B. Nicholas
• Mark Nichols
• Betsy Nichols
• Dennis Nick
• Darcy Nickel
• Kimberly Nickels
• Joan Niecikowski
• Dennis Niemczyk
• Suzanne Niemoth
• Mark and Tammy Nies
• Raymond and
Justine Nies
• Pam and
C. Van Nightingale
• Nisei Lounge
• Judy Nishimura
• Austin and
Martha Nobunaga
• Susan Noday
• Gary and Marie Noel
• Rebecca Norton-Covaci
• A. Nowak
• Carrie Nutter
• Myra Nyberg
• Donald Nyderek
• Beth Nygaard
• Alicia Oberman
• Lois and Delbert Oberst
• Timothy Obmann and
Dominic Orlando
• J. Paul O’Byrne and
Elsa Nyberg
• John and
Cindy O’Connor
• Linda Ogden
• Ronald Ohren
• Judy Olds and
Steven Isaac
• Karen Oliver
• Kathryn Olmstead
• Brian and Merry Olsen
• Joy Olson
• Kenneth Omura
• Anita Opawski
• Linda Opfer
• Susan Oros and
Anthony Lampariello
• Todd Orr
• Evelia Oseguera
• Ann Ostrander
• Priscilla Overgaard
• Matthew and
Carla Owens
• Barbara Owens
• Julianne Pacheco
• Alan Paciorek
Loretta Pahler and
Joseph Pogar
• Jody Paine
• Susan Pajak
• Ron Pajak
• Helen Palmer
• Sarah Palmer and
Pete Bush
• Mona Palter
• Donna Panasiewicz
• Linda Pankratz
• Albert Papson
• Laura Parcells
• Parson’s Chicken
and Fish
• Sharon Paschke
• Lori Passarelli
• Barbara Passman
• Sharon Patrick
• Virginia Patrick
• Mark Paulis
• Christine Pavlak
• Casey and
Linda Pawelek
• Lillian and Sherry Payne
• Claudia Peano
• Janet Pelech
• Janet Pellegrini
• Mary Ann Pellegrino
• Susan Penner
• Cherrie Perkins
• Steven Perlove
• Joanne Perone
• Paula Peters
• Dolores Peters
• Linda Peters
• Nancy Petersen
• Ryan Peterson
• Nancy Peterson
• Myrna Petlicki
• Mark and Diane Petroski
• J. Dale and
Edith Petrosky
• Pets in Transit
• Michael Pettersen and
Jan Marie Aramini
• Pfizer Inc.
• Marcia Pharris
• George and
Phyllis Philbrick
• Suz Phillips
• Sylvia Phillips
• Jane Phillips
• Henrietta Picchiotti
• Darleen Piechura
• Joseph and
Mary Beth Piekarski
• Linda Pienta
• Jeanette Piesciuk
• Mark and
Randy Pietroski
• Casey Pilkenton
• Kenneth Piller
• Francisco and
Yvette Piña
• Lois Pingle
• Gary and
Nancy Pitchford
• Paul and Nancy Plourde
• Kathleen Plover
• Honda Podporko
• Martha Pointer
• Louise Poirier and
Robert Kildea
• Karen Pollack
• Marcia Pollard
Lisa Pollard
Janet Polli
• Douglas Pollock
• Robert Pollyea
• Edward and
Judith Polzin
• Dan Pomeroy
• Jennifer Pone
• Kristi Pooler
• Christine Poore
• Sharon Post
• Suzanne Powell
• Dennis and
Brigitte Powidzki
• Ann Prackaila
• George Prescott, Sr.
• Jennifer Presley
• Joanne Preston
• Suzanne Price
• George and Judy Pritzen
• Dorothy Procter
• Prudential Foundation
Matching Gifts
• Matt Ptack and
Paige Bonk
• Robert Pullman
• Thomas and
Laura Purtill
• Jaroslawa and
Christine Pylypowycz
• Edward Quinlan
• Amanda Quirk
• Susie Rabatine
• Katherine Radler
• Christopher and
Holly Radzik
• Arlene Rafferty
• Tracy Raiser
• Jannet Ralph
• Robert Ramsey
• Diann and Tom Rankin
• Gaylene Rankin
• Peter Rasey
• Jorgen and
Martha Rasmussen
• Stacy Rauba
• Kenneth Ray
• Paulette Reed
• Liza Regan
• Karen Reid
• Edward Reinhart
• John and Heidi Rekow
Renaissance Center
• Lauren Reno
• Richard and
Melanie Reschke
• Ken and Betty Restis
• Ethan Revsin
• Loeria Rhemm
• David Rice
• Aaron Richard and
Somsri Jenhattakarnkij
• Leslie Rigler and
Barbara Ringier
• Donna Riley
• Anne Riley
• Harry Rinker and
Anna Kalynych
• Carroll and Brenda Rion
• Edward Risk
• Deloris Rissling
• Joseph Ritter
• Elsbeth Ritz
• Johanna Rizmyk
• David and
Shay Robertson
Teresa Robertson
Diane Robles
• Janis Rodda and
Robert Hall
• Mary Rodighiero
• Robert and
Lisa Rodriguez
• Lucy Roehrig and
Michael Ortiz
• Helmut and
Rosario Rogasch
• Nona Rogero
• Richard and Janice Rolls
• Michelle Romein
• Bridgid Rooney
• John Roper
• Tedford Rose
• Lori Roselle
• David Rosen
• Carrie Rosen
• Victoria Ross
• Gloria Rossi
• Christine Roth
• Michael Rouffa and
Rebecca Patterson
• John Roush and
Kimberly Levy
• Michael Rowder
• Violet Rowe
• Roxanne Rozman
• Ronald and
Shirley Rozman
• Jack Rozwat
• Jerry and Iris Rudnick
• Rudy’s Roundup
• Karen Ruggles
• David and
Nancy Rusinak
• Amy Russell
• Neil Russo
• Adam Ruttner
• Neil Ryan
• Michael and Diane Ryle
• Christine Saba
• Hasan Sabeeh
• Eleanor Saboski
• Sabre Holdings
• R. Sachs
• Deanna Safe
• Robert and Deanna Safe
• Jean and Joeph Sagerer
• Saint-Gobain
• Carl Salazar
• Richard Salisbury
• Helen G. Sanabria
• Holly Sanders
• Linda Sanderson
• Kathleen Sanderson
• Patrick and
Linda Santore
• Elizabeth Sauer and
Greg Sutliff
• Tami Savage
• Nina Savar
• Keith and
Kathleen Schacht
• Robert Schaefer
• Despo Schaefer
• Kate Schaefer
• J. Schenck
• Tim Schenk
• Mary Schillinger
• Robert Schiltz
• Paty Schintgen
• Henry and
Wilma Schintz
John and
Aileen Schloerb
• Kevin Schlueter and
Sabrina Pasztor
• Linda Schmid
• Jean Schmidt
• Amy Schmidt
• Nancy Schmidt
• Frank and
Karen Schneider
• William Schofield
• Ursula Scholz
• Becca Schoonmaker
• Anthony Schreck
• Sharon Schreier
• Jodi Schubert
• Amy Schuett
• Holly Schuetz
• Todd Schultz
• Rosalie Schultz
• Wendy Schulz
• Linda and
Constance Schwab
• James and
Margot Schwab, Jr.
• Norberta Schwarz
• Patricia Scorza
• Rhonda Scott
• Kim Seaman and
• Daniel Tzonev
• Thomas Secco
• Vicki Seglin and
Lou Weiss
• Erica Sekuler
• Carol Semrad
• Roberta Senatore
• Olga Serakos
• Alan Serlin
• Jennifer Sexton
• Henry and
Sidonia Shadle
• James and Janet Shafer
• Waqas Shafiq
• Dennis and
Dorinda Shannon
• Teri Shardy
• James and
Rosemary Sharp
• Marie Shaw
• Charles and
Geraldine Shayne
• Dawn Shelton
• Neil and
Roslyn Sheppard
• Dennis Shere
• Monika and
Alex Shibicky
• Daniel Shrigley
• Virginia Shropshire
• Heather Siddon
• Charles and
Nancy Sieben
• Donna Siemro
• Carolyn Sikes
• Barbara Silton
• Rich Silverman
• Aron Silverton
• Carolyn Silvestro
• Peter Simons
• Michael and
Mary Sinacore
• Sandy Sinclair
• April Singer
• Victoria Sky
• Ruth Slawik
• Deborah Sliwa
Mary Sliwinski
Sheryl Sloan
• Michael Small
• Donna Smargiassi
• Sarah Smith
• Mary Lou Smith
• Justine Smith
• Carleen Smith
• Patrick Smith
• Stephanette Smith
• Richard and
Madonna Snelson
• James and
Colleen Sniezewski
• Jacob Snodgrass
• Michael Snyder
• Diana Snyder
• Zygmunt K. Sokolnicki
• Fredric Soll
• Tim Sonder
• Alex and Beverly Sopko
• Carole Sorensen
• Gene and
Jeannette Spaid
• Hilary Spala
• Lynne Specht
• Specialty Video
• Kathleen Speetzen
• James and
Joanne Spellman
• Elizabeth Spillane
• Michael Spino
• Margaret Spisak
• Jill Sprague
• James and
Bonnie Spurlock
• Georgiana Srachta
• Jeannette and
Sophia Srivastava
• Noreen St. Lawrence
• Michele Stacer
• Carole Stader
• Laurie Stalheim and
Lloyd Petty
• Susan Stamler
• Leslie Starr and
Bruce Schick
• Lillian Steele
• Claire Steffen
• Carol Stegall
• Judy Steinberg
• Shawna Steiner
• Karen Steingraber
• Phyllis Stevens
• Katherine Stevens
• James Stevens
• Mary Ellen Stevens
• Constance Stewart
• Karen and Rob Stewart
• Margaret Stewart
• Kathy Stieber
• Gail Stock
• Dolores Stojak
• Linda Stolper
• Michael Stone
• Gerald and Janice Stone
• Ginger Stone
• Douglas and
Angela Storm
• Andrew and
Christine Stott
• Linda Strassburger
• Mel and Judy Straub
• Vicki Strobel
• V Strobel
• John Stroud
Barbara Sturgeon
James Suggs
• Lawrence and
Sally Sullivan
• Kathryn Sullivan
• Debra Superczynski
• Mary Suranic
• Sharon Swanson
• Mary Swanson
• Michael and
Margaret Sweeney
• Theodore and
Patricia Swider
• Jamie Sypulski
• Beverly Szado
• Sallianne Tabasco
• Louise Talamantez
• Rumi Tanaka
• Diane Tarasik
• Olga Tarrant
• Kara Taussig and
Justin Modica
• Scott Taves
• Jerry Taylor
• Alora Taylor
• Susan Taylor
• Sue Tedesco and
Karen Kolodziej
• Michelle Teggelaar
• Juan and Jessica Tejeda
• Michael Teller
• Valerie Terusaki
• Beatrice Tesch
• Janet Thau
• The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc.
• Household
• The Chicago Diner
• Sandra Thiel
• Delora Thomas
• Megan Thomas
• Eugene and
Nellie Thomas
• Karen Thomas and
Vicki Zarazinski
• Rebecca Thomas-Farber
• Craig and
Rachel Thompson
• Loren and
Joanne Thompson
• Steven Thompson
• Jill Thompson
• Sandy and Jim Thorz
• Robert and Joann Tipton
• Marcine Todd
• Daniel Toft
• Melissa Torres
• John and Kathy Toscano
• Mary Tost
• Rae Towne
• Cynthia Townsend
• Emily Traub
• Terri Treiman
• Chuck and
Chris Tremmel
• Bruce and Marcy Trojak
• Carmen Trujillo
• Melissa Trulock
• Kathy Trunzo
• Becky and Daniel Tryba
• Roger Tsang
• Margaret Tucker
• Margie Tucker
• Barbara Turnbull
• Elaine Tuson
• Karin Tweedie
• Diane Tymick
Deborah Uhlman
Christina Ulowetz
• Barbara Upton
• George and
Nancy Urban
• Victoria Urbanik
• John and Colleen Uth
• Charles and
Alexandra Uth
• Joan Uth
• Suzanne Valla
• Justyne Van Dyke
• Beverly Vana
• Brenda Vance
• Muriel VandenOever
• Carol Vanek
• Eric and
Constance Vann
• Christel Varenne
• Anastasia Vasilenko
• Jose Vasquez
• Penny Vaughn
• Fred Vaughn
• Terri Veit
• Valentina Velazquez
• Tracy Velkover
• John VerBurg
• Michele Vergoth
• Donna Vernier
• Vertex Properties LLC
• Bob and Jan Vetter
• Ann Vicek
• Judy Vickrey
• Wanda Villanueva and
Cecilia Montes
• Carol Vix
• VMWare Foundation
• Roy and
Suzanne Vogelsburg
• Lucille and
John Von Tersch
• Kim Vonesh
• Betty Walker
• Karen Wallace
• Dillon Wallace
• William Wallenbecker
• Connor Walsh
• Sarah Walz
• Sharon Wang
• Lei Wang
• Alex Ward
• Connie Ware
• Nancy Wargo
• Mary-Jo Warren
• Melinda Warren
• Mark Warren and
Deborah Bowers
• Mary Wasemann
• Dianne Washburn
• Sue Wassenberg
• Kay Waters
• Eric Watkins
• Lisa Watson
• Grace Wayne
• Robert Webster
• Souad Weiche
• Richard Weil
• Anita Weinstein
• Joyce Weir
• Margo Weitzman and
Dave Forsythe
• Candis Welch and
Jerry MacKinnon
• Gary Welharticky
• Chris Welke
• Suzan Wells
Alexis Wellwood and
Travis Brown
• Lynda Welsh
• Corinne Wentworth
• Barbara Werner
• Amanda Werner and
Jacob Glowinski
• Nancy Wesley
• Myrna West
• Alexandra Weston
• Beth Wetmore
• Kathleen Weyker
• Gene Whipkey
• John White
• Vicki Whitesell
• Stephanie Whitlock
• Jermaine WhitmanSmithe and Randy Clack
• Stacia Whitmore
• William and
Paulette Whitt
• Scott Whittle
• April Whitworth
• Ronald and
Christine Whorton
• Stephen and
Patricia Wiberley
• Barbara Wiedlin
• Janice Wilburne
• Robert and Carol Wilhite
• Mary Willcock
• Janet Willer and
Mark Osing
• Kathlyn Williams
• Joseph Williams
• Marva Williams
• Mark and
Melissa Williams
• Richard and
Julianne Williams
• Geneva Williams
• Patricia Williamson
• Chris and
Frank Willingham
• Mike Willis and
Adria Lipka-Willis
• Karen Wilmoth
• Doris Wilms
• Chris and
Marsha Wilson
• Arthur Wilson and
Ritha McMahon
• Susan Windhorst
• Richard and
Laurie Winkelman
• Thomas Winningham
• Nora Winsberg
• Andrew Winter
• Zoe Winter
• Lisa Wise
• Hugo and
Jolene Wise-Silverman
• Robert and
Susan Wislow
• Joseph and
Sharleene Wisniewski
• Vern and
Karen Wisniewski
• George and Shirley Wisz
• Michael and
Roberta Witherow
• William and
Cindy Witkowsky
• Wm. Wrigley Jr.
Company Foundation
• Diane Wojcik
Pam Wojdyla
Yvonne Wold
• Gail Wolf
• Kevin Wolf and
Mary Gau
• Bob and
Judy Wolfberg
• Elizabeth Wolfe
• Betty Wolfram
• Elizabeth Wood
• Carol Wright
• Ron and Mary Wright
• Wyzant, Inc.
• Kevin Xayavong
• Lillian Yamori
• Yujing Yang
• Janice Yates
• Holly Yocum
• Rebecca Yonan
• Patricia York
• Buddy Youngblood
• Kathy Younger and
Julia Frossard
• Elias and Lorri Yurick
• Lolita Zacek
• Laura Zaidenberg
• Kimberly Zajczenko
• John Zakowski
• Anthony and
Karen Zaldivar
• Kelly Zapalik
• Edward and
Jean Zegadlo
• William and
Marcia Zeller
• Marilyn Zemanek
• Anne Zender
• Michael Zhou
• Wilbur Zielke
• Maija Zile
• Janice Zinkl
• Harry Zirgibel
• Michael Zuklic
• Shelly Zwick
We remember Tree House resident cats whom we lost in 2014 (and honor all the beloved cats lost last year). Every cat who passes
through our doors is welcome to stay as long as it takes to find the perfect home…even if that means that they’re with us their entire
lives. Some of the following cats spent many years with us; others arrived in such horrible health or with such severe injuries that all
we could do was humanely end their suffering. Whether they were with us days or years, we loved them all the same.
Bone Daddy
Calico Kitten
Jean Luc
Captain Stephan Peacock
John Singer
Chicken Little
Kool Aid
Churchill, Earl of Niles
L’Shanah Tovah
Stardust Kermit
Viktor Krum
Elizabeth Blackwell
Mr. Humphries
Wes Stetson
Gauley Neopolitan Mouse
A very special thank you to our Tree House members. Members are a vital part of helping fund the day-to-day operations of our shelter to provide our
residents with the comfort and care they deserve. Member photos are provided to individuals who gave at $100 and above to our membership campaign.
$1000+ (LION)
• Joan Boyle
• Carol Fletcher
• Stephanie Flynn
• Belinda Morgan
• Ron Walker
$500 - $999 (PANTHER)
David and
Marguerite Boone
• Georgette Huff
• Richard and
Jan Marie Gade
• Elaine Kreil
• Alexandra Mihalas
• Christina Pasant
Loretta Kay
Byron Minter
• Craig and Martha Olson
• Ann Pollack
• Thomas Remec and
Susan Morisato
• Sam Rosenthal
• Catherine and
Robert Schodorf
• Bette Sherman
• Patricia Tucker
• William and
Carolyn Wardman
• Patrice Zamenhof
$100 - $249 (OCELOT)
Gus and
Kathleen Alexandrakis
• Mary Ann Galanti
• Helene Austin
• Kathi Backus
• Peggy Bagley and
Douglas Goldhamer
• John and Jean Barstow
• Howard and
Sandy Binder
• Margaret Bisberg
• Diane and Jon Blackmon
• Zola Blakeslee
$250 - $999 (TIGER)
Toni Chan and Alice Tse
• Lisa Chin
• Annette Collins
• Scott Dawson
• Tony and Janet DeFelice
• Paul Falon and
Caroline Mitchell
• Tanisse Gradman
• Brianne and Adam Hagg
• John Heckmann
• David Helt
Deborah Brown and
Benita Smolny
• Kelly Brunick
• Pamela Cardenas
• Rosalyn Carlson
• Julia Chosy
• Albert and Alison Claus
• Barbara Clevenger
• Mary Ann Coari
• Andrea Cohen
• Jeffery Czich
• Steven and Judith Darr
• Nancy Deer
• Kathryn Denton
• Lauri Donato
• Kimberly Dunlap
• Claire Ellsworth
• Sue Ettelson
• Kenneth Fabiszak
• Sylvia Furner
• Gail Gammel
• Annette Gavit
• Eileen Giorgio
• Dorothy Golladay
• Monica Gormley
• Alta Gracia Myers
• Theresa Graske
• Miriam Hallbauer
• Janice Hayles
Joann Held
Cheryl Herr
• Heather and
Michael Hesiak
• Eileen Hooper
• Frances Hume
• Nancy Jenson
• Rudolph and
Wilma Jezek
• Micki and
Chuck Kacmar
• Judy Key
• Janice Klein
• Marie Koko
• Sharon and
Robert Kovach
• Martha Krause
• Lois LaCorte
• Vee and Janelle Li
• Ann Linton
• Crawford Long
• Verne and
Deborah Lou Morrow
• Katrina and
Edward Lowery
• Margaret Lushniak
• Peg Gavenonis
• Linda Maschek
• James Masken
Emily Maxwell-Agarwal
and Gaurava Agarwal
• Vinita Mehta
• Terri Mertz
• Luanne Miller
• Michelle Moran
• Margaret Mullin
• Bradley Munson
• Roxanna Nazari
• Lia Nelson
• Mary Neville
• Susan Noday
• Helen Palmer
• Albert Papson
• Karla Petersen
• Frances Polick
• William and
Susan Prokop
• Melanie and
Richard Reschke
• Leslie Rigler and
Barbara Ringier
• Ann and
Salvatore Russo
• Vicki Santoro
• Dennis and
Elizabeth Sarfaty
• Mary Schillinger
Frank and
Karen Schneider
• Sharon Schreier
• Linda Segota
• Melissa Dent
• James and Janet
• Dawn Shelton
• Debra Smith
• John and Donna Soflin
• Roy and
Margaret Southard
• Jeannette and
Sophia Srivastava
• Susan Stamler
• James Stevens
• Mary Swanson
• Graceann Tang
• Susan Taylor
• Mary Thrasher
• Margie Tucker
• Melvyn and
Susan Weisberg
• Judy Wendt
• Anne Zender
• Christine Zielinski
$60 - $99 (TABBY)
Arline (Nonie) Kern
Jan and Scott Adair
Mary Anne Cappelleri
• Judy and
Richard Avila
• Neil and Karen Baird
• Andrea Bross
• Cherrie Brothers
• Anna Byun
• Charlene Chisek
• Sarah Clark
• Dorothy Colasanti
• Jana and
Scott Conover
• Core Financial Group
• Dorothy Dail
• Lisa Doyle
• Richard and Jill Engel
• Jacqueline Evers
• Nancy Fahy
• Marty Findeisen
• William Franzen
• Susan Gero
• Andrea Hansen
• Geraldine Heitzman
• Barb Jedele and
Gina Ippolito
• Cheryl Johnson
• Emily Jorenby
• Mary Kaufman
• Kendra Kearns
• Jim Kupka
• Lynn Lee
• Richard and
Mary Lee Corrin
• James and
Marian Luckey
• Karen Marcus
• Ellen and
Thomas Matucci
• Blaine and
Virginia McKinley
• Christine Mitchell
• Donald and Laura Morin
• Don and Jane Murray
• Jean Nell
• Christine Noll
• John and
Cindy O’Connor
• Brian and Merry Olsen
• Patrice Olsen
• Sarah Palmer and
Pete Bush
• Barbara Passman
• Claire Proffitt
• Frank Ranallo
• Diann and Tom Rankin
• Leonard and Karen
• Cindy Ryan
• Irene Samuels
• Sandy Schlosser
• James and
Rosemary Sharp
• Diana Sherry
• Donald and
Kathryn St. Julian
• Cynthia Stecher
• Kathy Stieber
• Gerald Swarzman
• Catherine Uliasz
• Victoria Urbanik
• Grace Wayne
• Souad Weiche
• Nancy Wesley
• Karen Wilmoth
• John Wysocki
Janice Zinkl
$20 – $59
Joyce Abel
• Caroline Adams
• Amy and Ben Allen
• Helene Alter-Dyche
• Donald and
Linda Andersen
• Judith Anderson
• John and
Pamela Argyropoulos
• Arlene Baker
• Carol Ballard
• Elaine Barnett
• Douglas Barrett
• Michael Bartczak
• Sara Bartnicki
• Rita and Ian Bell
• Debbie Berezne
• Ann Bermingham
• Jenell Berry
• Dahna Betts
• Donna Birch
• Laura Black
• Robert and
Annamarie Bomba
• Roy and
Marguerite Brazeau
• Anita Breitung
• Brenda Brendel
• Jared Brenner
• Robert and Maria Briney
• Tina and Duane Brunk
• Janice Bryan
• Sheryl Buckley
• Charlotte Budnick
• Patricia Bush
• Virginia Butterfield
• Carol Cadaver
• David and Keith Caldwell
• Judith Carlson
• Bridget Carrigan
• Marlene Carter
• Cheryl Caryl
• James and
Jennifer Castelli
• Judith Chase
• Linda Chase
• Fredricka Cheek
• Kathryn Chilis
• Wayne Clauson
• Deborah Clayton
• Richard Colton
• Jean Crawford
• Mary Crawford
• D.D. Fitzsimmons
• Harlan Davis
• Clare Dean
• Maria Delhierro and
Paula Rodriguez
• Dawn DeSchutter
• Yuko Devito
• Betty Di Pasquale
• Nicoletta Dipietro
• Christine and
Robert Dolan
• Anabelle Doulas
• Eileen Dranginis
• David and
J. Dumais Sweeney
• Mary Jo Eastman
• Pat Easton
• Sandy and
Frederick Edelmaier
• Patricia Ann Ellis
Cindy Ellis
Judith Embry
• Lois Enichlmair
• Sandra Ettlinger
• Stephanie Evans
• Carol Falkner
• Tammy Fisher
• Holly Flood
• Eva Fontheim
• Patricia Foster
• Marilyn Frey
• Georgeanne Galoski
• Brendon and
Marline Galvin
• Gail Gammel
• George Gaudzels
• Loretta and Carl Genson
• Mark and Alexa Geyer
• Janet Gilyani
• Katherine Gjersoe
• Maureen and
Theodore Glasoe
• Sonia Goldberg
• Diana Maculan
• Elaine Goode
• Penny Goss
• Ruth Graham
• Nicole Grasse
• Gloria Green
• Alice Gregg
• Susan Gremel
• Marilyn Griffin
• Nemira Grigaliunas
• Glenn and
Barbara Grossklags
• Diane Guzniczak
• Pat and Joseph Gwozdz
• Charity Haines
• Joy and Dean Halvorson
• Marian Handler
• Ralph and
Carol Hardesty
• Jean Hart
• Joyce Hartel
• Harriet and Donna Hasil
• Carol Hawkins-Partlow
• Jeanette Heller
• Bernadette Heller
• Marcella Helmke
• Penny Hendrickson
• Mary Heroux
• Dagmar Higgins
• Steven Hirsh
• Sandra and
Richard Hobbs
• Carol and Jim Hofmann
• Janice Holsin
• Patrick and
Katherine Hoopes
• Cynthia Humes
• Diane Humphrey
• Timothy and
Christie Hund
• Helen Iwanski
• Karen Lee Jackson
• Patrick Jacobs
• Barbara and
James Jacoby
• Janet James
• Robert and
Bette Jane Kohn
• Sandra Johns
• Betty Joule
• Richard Julio
• Sherry Kammer
and Robert Schettini
Mary and
Ronald Kammrath
• Gabriella Kamrowski
• Sheryl Kanter
• Dorothy Karmowski
• Marc Kaufman
• Eden Kennan
• Patricia Kertz
• Debra Kilgore
• Grace and
Robert Kirtley
• Carol Klipple
• Anne Knight
• Diane Knudson
• Ronald and
Linda Koenig
• Kathy Koenig
• Jean Konkolich and
Caroline Russo
• Mary Kotoulas
• Janet Kral
• Gay Kramer-Dodd
• Marsha Kravitz
• Grace Kroll
• Randy Kruger
• Laurel Kruizenga
• Mary and
Mark Kubesch
• Debra Kuneman
• Helen Kupferle
• John Kurtz
• Charles LaBlanc
• Hugh and
Sandra Lancaster
• David and
Dolores Lancour
• Janet Larson
• Diana Latin
• William Laudani and
Nancy Sposato
• Russ McManus and
Carol Lavine-McManus
• Marina Lear
• Plato Lee
• Patricia Lencioni
• Sandy Leon
• Elizabeth Leonard
• Hazel Lindenbaum
• Nancy Lipman
• David and Yvonne Lisi
• David Lukawski
• Pamela Macinski
• Mary MacLeod
• John and
Judith MacLeod
• Walter Madhu
• Judy Magee
• Suzette Mahneke
• Anita Margolis
• John Marqui
• Janice Marszalek
• Phyllis Martens
• Joyce Matarese
• Gary and
Eileen Mathews
• June Matthews
• Corlies Maynard
• Lee McGinty
• John and
Margaret McMahon
• Sharon Meltzer
• Kathleen and
Ralph Menzione
• Joseph Metz
• Mirko Petrov and
Jack Meyer
MJ Migdal
Edward Mikan
• Cheryl Miller
• Richell and
Danielle Mintzlaff
• Gerald and
Wanda Mitchell
• Mary Mix
• Karen and
Mike Monogue
• Ann Moorhead
• Zulma Morales
• Joyce Morway
• Renate Moser
• Veronica Mountain
• Ann Muni
• Cynthia Myer
• Carol Neer
• Sean and Wendy Neuert
• Randall and
Kristine Niewolny
• Holly Ninness
• Diane Norris
• John Novak
• Carrie Nutter-Novak
• Myra Nyberg
• Richard Oginski
• Anton and Dianne Olson
• Mary O’Neill
• Michael Operhall
• Kristine Owens
• Barbara Owens
• Gary and Helen Pakalka
• Christine Pavlak
• Casey and
Linda Pawelek
• John and Mary Pelligrini
• Paula Peters
• Nancy Peterson
• Myrna Petlicki
• Joanne Pickelman
• Roger and
Rosemary Pida
• Darleen Piechura
• Frank Pieper
• Kristine Pierre
• Mark and
Randy Pietroski
• Mary and Albert Pizzato
• Martha Pointer
• Richard Pons
• Dorothy Procter
• Dolores Pusateri
• Linda Radtke
• Howard and
Barbara Reinke
• Betty and Ken Restis
• Margene Reyer
• Lawrence and
Joan Ellen Reylek
• Loeria Rhemm
• Cindy Richie
• Mary Rodighiero
• Ann Roque
• Carol Rosa
• David Rosen
• Violet Rowe
• Renee Rydzewski
• Michael and Diane Ryle
• Carole Sandvos
• Richard Sarabia
• Bruce and
Cheryl Scheiman
• Linda Schellkopf
• Lisa Schendlinger
• Debby Schenk
Catherine Scherer
Peggy Schneider
• Diane Scholten
• Elena Semyonova
• Roberta Senatore
• Rosemary Shanda
• Levi and
Cherie Sherman
• Roberta Shoffner
• Charles and
Nancy Sieben
• Diana Silveira
• Joanne DiBello and
Linda Skiibski
• Grace Skoskiewicz
• Ruth Slawik
• Diane Smith
• Colleen Smith
• Lori and
Steve Sokolowski
• Carole Sorensen
• Lyla Spath
• Joanie and Bob
• Jennifer Sperry
• Elizabeth Spillane
• Georgiana Srachta
• Sharon Stancavage
• Liana Stanton
• Kay Stensrud
• Cheri Stockhausen
• Laurie Stojanovic
• Gerald Stone
• Diane and Phillip
• Mairin Styck-Knebel
• Martha Sugar
• Allan and Iris Sutter
• Michael and
Rosemary Svanovick
• Theodore and
Patricia Swider
• Richard and
Barbara Talacek
• Carole Thomas
• Allison Tomaras
• Janet Toomey
• Jules Tupaj
• Barbara Turnbull
• Janice Uffelmann
• Phillip and Pam Uhl
• Jim and
Silvia Vargovcik
• Lynn Varndell
• Donald Vetter
• Ann Vicek
• Lucille Von Tersch
• William Wallenbecker
• Anna Ward
• Rosemary Wegner
• Joseph Williams
• Patricia Williamson
• Dea Wilson
• Anna Wilson
• Susan Windhorst
• Roycealee Wood
• Jennifer Wright
• Ramona Wrona
• Carol and Regin
• Alan Yeater
• Wilbur Zielke
• Carla Zimmer
• Nina Zurawel
Melissa Acevedo
Barb Beatty
Veronica Beluzzari
Sandy & Howard Binder
John & Diane Blackmon
Timothy & Katy
Erik Bluethner
Marguerite Boone
The Dude & Orangina
Kelly Brunick
Pamela Cardenas
Mary Carlson
Toni Chan
Princess Agogo
Lisa Chin
Athena, Katniss & Percy
Julia Chosy
Judi Darr
Sadie & Simon
Kathryn Denton
Belly Rubz
Kimberly Dunlap-Nagy
Katherine Esposito
Kenneth Fabiszak
Carol Fletcher
Stephanie Flynn
Stephanie Flynn
Gail Gammel
Lucia & King Memphis
Monica Gormley
Miriam Hallbauer
David Helt
Cheryl Herr
Heather & Michael Hesiak
Buffy & Willow
Liz Houtz
Addison & Roscoe
Frances Hume
Marie Johnson
Micki Kacmar
Micki Kacmar
Janice Klein
Grace Ko
Marie Koko
Marie Koko
Marie Koko
Little Bit
Thomas Koppes
Martha Krause
Marge Lushniak
Alicia Martinez
Alicia Martinez
Mr. Noodles
Alicia Martinez
Xochitl & Michell
Alexandra Mihalas
Alexandra Mihalas
Byron Minter
Belinda Morgan
Janine Morgan
Margaret Mullin
Bradley Munson
Roxanna Nazari
Lia Nelson
Susan Noday
Barbara Ormand
Donovan & Kareen
Christina Pasant
Karla Petersen
Karla Petersen
Ann Pollack
Cupid & Caesar
Ann Pollack
Ann Pollack
Mr. Wilson
Gail Prunyi
Fran Pukala
Little Girl
Dawn Rodgers
Sam Rosenthal
Ann Russo
Bob Schlitz
Bette Sherman
Stacey Short
Susan Taylor
Patricia Tucker
Barbara Turnbull
Argent & Jazz
Christine Zielinski
Noelle & Joey
Community Cats: A Journey into the World of Feral Cats
by Anne E. Beall, Ph.D. $15.95 – Item #2500
Catnip Items
Elsa’s Catnip Stogies (shown)..........................................$3.00 – Item #1100
Catnip Shaker Booties......................................................$3.00 – Item #1101
Catnip Fish.......................................................................$4.00 – Item #1102
Kerry Mice (shown).........................................................$5.00 – Item #1103
Kitty Kickers.....................................................................$8.00 – Item #1104
Leona’s Pillows (shown)..................................................$4.00 – Item #1105
Catnip Mats....................................................................$15.00 – Item #1106
Catnip Strawberries..........................................................$4.00 – Item #1107
Catnip Tacos....................................................................$4.00 – Item #1108
Catnip Wedges.................................................................$3.00 – Item $1109
Ultimate Scratching Post............................................... $75.00 – Item #2101
Ultimate Post Perch....................................................... $20.00 – Item #2102
Floor Scratcher.............................................................. $30.00 – Item #2103
Batting Toys, Wand Toys, and More
Bright Felt Mice................................................................ $2.00 – Item #1201
Joe Jingles....................................................................... $3.00 – Item #1202
Sparkle Balls (shown)
Small............................................................ 4 for $1.00 – Item #1203
Medium........................................................ 3 for $1.00 – Item #1204
Large............................................................ $1.00 each – Item #1205
Spiral Balls............................................................... $1.00 each – Item #1206
Rainbow Sparkler (shown)............................................... $3.00 – Item #1301
Da Bird............................................................................. $7.00 – Item #1302
Da Bird Feather Refill....................................................... $4.00 – Item #1303
Cat Charmer..................................................................... $6.00 – Item #1304
Dragonfly Toy................................................................. $15.00 – Item #1305
Original Cat Dancer.......................................................... $4.00 – Item #1306
Peek & Play Toy Box (shown)........................................ $20.00 – Item #1401
Cat Care and Comfort
Electric Diffuser.................................................$30.00 – Item #2207
Electric Diffuser Refill........................................$20.00 – Item #2208
Pheromone Spray.............................................$25.00 – Item #2209
Nail Trimmers.................................................................$8.00 – Item #2210
Sticky Paws
XL 9” x 12” 5-sheet Pack..................................$12.00 – Item #2302
Furniture Strips.................................................$10.00 – Item #2303
Bamboo Dual-Sided Brush............................................$10.00 – Item #2401
Zoom Groom................................................................$10.00 – Item #2402
Ceramic Treat Bowl
(choose black or white)............................................... $20.00 – Item #2501
Steel bowls (set of 2).................................................... $4.00 – Item #2502
Ceramic bowls (set of 2)............................................... $6.00 – Item #2503
Wire Grooming Combs (large).................................... $15.00 – Item #2403
Collars (choose: black, blue, green, pink,
or purple) (shown)........................................................ $6.00 – Item #2215
Kitty Garden (shown).................................................... $5.00 – Item #2211
Peat and Seed Grass Pack..............................................$5.00 – Item #2212
Kitty Afghan....................................................................$7.00 – Item #2202
Litter Scooper (choose Blue or Green)............................$7.00 – Item #2204
Books & Stationery
Cat vs. Cat by Pam Johnson-Bennett............................ $15.00 – Item #3502
Pet Care in the New Century by Amy D. Shojai.....................$16.00 – Item #3505
The Soul of All Living Creatures by Vint Virga, D.V.M.................... $20.00 – Item #3506
Think Like a Cat by Pam Johnson-Bennett.................... $18.00 – Item #3507
Your Cat: Simple New Secrets to a Longer, Stronger Life
by Elizabeth M. Hodgkins, D.V.M., Esq.......................... $15.00 – Item #3508
Tree House Greeting Cards (pack of 5)........................... $5.00 – Item #607
Tree House Logo Note Cards (pack of 12)................... $10.00 – Item #608
Apparel & Tree House Gear
I “Heart” Tree House Cats Wristband.............................. $2.00 – Item #6104
TH Logo Hooded Sweatshirts in Indigo Blue...................... $35.00 – Item #641
Unisex. Sizes S, M, L, XL
Stray Pride Tees and Tanks
Unisex Tees. Sizes S, M, L, XL.......................... $20.00 – Item #635T
Women’s Tanks. Sizes S, M, L, XL....................$25.00 – Item #635K
**Tree House Logo Tees by American Apparel ..........................$20.00 each
Men’s Sizes: S, M, L, XL
Cranberry................................................................... Item #626
Black........................................................................... Item #627
Navy........................................................................... Item #628
Women’s Sizes: S, M, L, XL
Lavender.................................................................... Item #631
Olive........................................................................... Item #632
Teal............................................................................. Item #633
**We are no longer ordering American Apparel t-shirts and have limited
sizing. We will have new logo t-shirts in stock by December 1st. Please
check our website for new styles.
For full descriptions and to see more items, please visit our website:
$10.00 or less .............................................................$3.00
$40.01-$50.00 ............................................................$7.95
$50.01-$60.00 ............................................................$8.95
Over $150.00 ............................................................$15.95
1. Fill out order form completely, including street delivery address ($1.50 extra charge for non-street address).
Specify items to be sent to other persons. Gift card included upon request; gift wrapping not available.
2. Calculate shipping fee with easy chart to the right.
3. Send order form with full payment, including shipping (use chart). No billing or COD. Do not send cash. Allow 2-3
weeks for delivery after we receive payment and order.
Call 773-784-5488 ext. 230, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday, to place merchandise orders
by phone. Or you may fax your order to 773-784-2332 any time. You may also order on our secure website:
We ship UPS in the continental US. Extra $1.50 fee for orders to Canada, Hawaii, APO & FPO, P.O. Boxes and Parcel
Post (where UPS does not deliver). These shipments take an additional two weeks. Shipping charges to foreign
countries quoted upon request. Use a street address (your business address, if necessary) for fastest service.
#1 Ship to Person Ordering
Call for delivery to Canada
Order Form
Item #
Item Description (please print)
#1 #2
Daytime Telephone
(required for credit card purchases)
#1 #2
#1 #2
#2 Ship to Different Address
#1 #2
#1 #2
#1 #2
Sign card from
20% discount for Tree House members only (place membership #
under method of payment)
Date to Ship
(optional—for gift order)
Method of Payment
£ Check or Money Order enclosed (Sorry, no CODs or cash)
£ Charge to:  Visa  MasterCard  American Express  Discover
Exp. Date
Signature (required)
Members get 20% off all Tree House merchandise.
Membership #, if applicable:
*3 digit number on back of card
Ship To
#1 #2
Card Number Subtotal
Shipping fee from chart (for each address)
Charitable donation
Final Total
Total Intake*..............................................................................................................................3,059 ..................................................3,729
Cats Adopted From Our Adoption Centers.................................................................................... 778 .......................................................847
Off-Site Adoptions**.................................................................................................................... 160 .......................................................501
Feral Cats Relocated Via CCP Cats at Work................................................................................. N/A .......................................................122
Cats TNRed by Community Cats Team......................................................................................... N/A ....................................................1,500
Legal Transfer to Other Partner Agencies.................................................................................... N/A .......................................................739
Total Placements......................................................................................................................... 938 .....................................................1470
Kittens Adopted***....................................................................................................................... 366 .......................................................443
Cats With Medical Conditions Adopted (Not Including FIV+)***.................................................. 120 .......................................................144
Senior Cats (10 Years Or Older) Adopted***................................................................................. 29 .........................................................24
Shy/Semi-Feral Cats Adopted***................................................................................................... 70 .........................................................71
FIV+ Cats Adopted***.................................................................................................................... 30 .........................................................32
Felv+ Cats Adopted Off Site Via Community Cats............................................................................ 1 .......................................................... 2
Pounds Of Food Distributed From Pet Food Pantry..................................................................76,500 .................................................. 77,000
Pounds Of Dry Food Used In The Shelters................................................................................14,000 ................................................. 20,000
Cans Of Wet Food Used In The Shelters...................................................................................22,250 .................................................. 74,000
Pounds Of Litter Used............................................................................................................175,000 ................................................ 120,000
Active Volunteers......................................................................................................................... 400 .......................................................532
Volunteer Hours Served...........................................................................................................28,000 .................................................. 39,074
Note: *Total includes cats transferred from Chicago Animal Care and Control to other rescue groups via our Transfer Partner Program and cats TNRed by our Community
Cats Program. **2014 total includes cats adopted off site via our CACC Transfer Program in addition to our Community Cats Program. ***These numbers only reflect cats/
kittens adopted from our Shelter Adoption Centers.