European Conference on Asbestos Risk and Management Rome, 4-6 December 2006 STRUCTURAL AND MICROSTRUCTURAL CONTROL ON CHRYSOTILE DISTRIBUTION IN SERPENTINITES FROM EASTERN LIGURIAN OPHIOLITES Laura GAGGERO, Laura CRISPINI, Pietro MARESCOTTI, Cristina MALATESTA, Monica SOLIMANO Dipartimento per lo Studio del Territorio e delle sue Risorse, Università degli Studi, Genova, Italy WHERE AND WHY Where: Several outcrops of serpentinites, from the very-low grade metamorphic ophiolites of the Northern Apennine in eastern Liguria (Italy). WHERE AND WHY Why: 9Need for pilot studies based on microstructural and mineralogical investigations, to assess the distribution and approximate volumes of asbestos minerals and their potential airborne fibre contribution. 9The asbestos hazard due to quarry activity was brought into evidence by judicial proceedings 9The quarry areas (I.e. total rock exposure), represent the worstcase scenario to evaluate the global asbestos diffusion over ophiolitic districts. WHERE AND WHY Why: The Regione Liguria acknowledges the law N° 257/92 by issuing the “Piano di protezione e decontaminazione dai pericoli derivanti dall’amianto” ( D.C.R. N° 105, 20/12/1996) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Censimenti dei siti estrattivi Censimento di strutture civili ed industriali Censimento delle imprese REGIONE LIGURIA Attività di rimozione e bonifica Smaltimento di rifiuti contenenti LEGENDA DELLE AREE A POTENZIALE RISCHIO AMIANTO amianto COMPLESSI LITOLOGICI GRUPPO RETINATURA Controlli sulla salubrità ambientale Serpentiniti, Serpentinoscisti A SCURA ed Eclogiti Corsi di formazione Anfiboliti, Gabbri, Metagabbri e Metabasiti B MEDIA Brecce ofiolitiche, Basalti e Metabasalti C CHIARA WHERE AND WHY Why: 9Need for pilot studies based on microstructural and mineralogical investigations, to assess the distribution and approximate volumes of asbestos minerals and their potential airborne fibre contribution. 9The asbestos hazard due to quarry activity was brought into evidence by judicial proceedings 9The quarry areas (I.e. total rock exposure), represent the worstcase scenario to evaluate the global asbestos diffusion over ophiolitic districts. WHERE AND WHY Why: 9Need for pilot studies based on microstructural and mineralogical investigations, to assess the distribution and approximate volumes of asbestos minerals and their potential airborne fibre contribution. 9The asbestos hazard due to quarry activity was brought into evidence by judicial proceedings 9The quarry areas (I.e. total rock exposure), represent the worstcase scenario to evaluate the global asbestos diffusion over ophiolitic districts. GEOLOGIC SETTING OF EASTERN LIGURIA Bargonasco - Val Graveglia Massif (Val di Vara Graveglia Unit) Supergroup, Bracco- Northern Apennines ophiolites represent slices of the Jurassic Ligure-Piemontese oceanic basin separating paleoEuropean and Adria continental blocks. Menna et al., in press GEOLOGIC SETTING OF EASTERN LIGURIA •Basement: two cycles of ocean floor metamorphic events (from high-T amphibolite facies to low-T hydrothermal conditions; conditions Cortesogno & Lucchetti, 1984). The sea-floor hydration led to widespread serpentinization of peridotites (Cimmino et al., 1979; Piccardo et al., 1988) and hydrous assemblages, including several generations of serpentine minerals (mostly chrysotile and lizardite), chlorite, brucite and mixed-layer phyllosilicates, developed on the mantle assemblages (Piccardo et al., 2004). •During Late Cretaceous-Early Cenozoic orogenic events, the ophiolites were deformed and metamorphosed (prehnitepumpellyite facies conditions; T = 275±25 °C; P = 2.5±0.5 kbars; kbars Lucchetti et al., 1990). Menna et al., in press, redrawn after Cortesogno et al. 1987; Principi et al. 1992 As a result, the serpentinites of the Bargonasco-Val Graveglia Massif are extensively tectonized and characterized by several generations of fault and fractures developed during polyphase ductile and brittle deformations associated both with ocean floor and orogenic tectono-metamorphic events. THE SERPENTINITE QUARRIES 1) Three serpentinite quarries located in the Petronio Valley (Bargonasco Bargonasco village north of Sestri Levante) that were dismissed from less than one, five and about ten years, respectively. 2) The Ponte Nuovo serpentinite – chert quarry in the lower Vara Valley. Valley At present, only cherts are exploited. At all sites, the serpentinite was exploited to obtain concrete aggregates. The quarried serpentinites were affected by several deformational events associated with recrystallization; as a consequence, a complex fabric (i.e. geometric) pattern results in the rock, and different serpentine group minerals were developed in different textural position. The exposed outcrops of the quarries have been characterized following the scheme of the UNI EN ISO 14689-1 (“Indagini e prove geotecniche – Identificazione e classificazione delle rocce”) modified and adapted for the specific case of the asbestos-bearing serpentinities. Cava Bargonasco Ch GBr SBr Conoidi detritiche Cava Ponte Nuovo S THE SERPENTINITE QUARRIES Ponte Nuovo Bargonasco The exposed outcrops of the quarries have been characterized ⇒ UNI EN ISO 14689-1 (“Indagini e prove geotecniche – Identificazione e classificazione delle rocce”) modified and adapted for the specific case of the asbestos-bearing serpentinities. THE MASSIVE SERPENTINITE PONTE NUOVO: The pristine granular to NUOVO porphyroclastic tectonitic lherzolite is serpentinized. o A fine-grained aggregate of prevailing lizardite, minor chrysotile + magnetite developing mesh and ribbon textures overgrows the groundmass olivine. Ponte Nuovo o Porphyroclastic texture: serpentine pseudomorphs on pristine olivine or pyroxene (bastite porphyroblasts). porphyroblasts Bargonasco 0.5 mm BARGONASCO: BARGONASCO Massive serpentinites represent 2025% of the volume of the quarry fronts and occurs as subspheroidal or irregular shaped metric to decametric lenses that show a relatively low degree of fracturing. THE FRACTURED SERPENTINITE Fractured serpentinites: serpentinites 10 to 70% of the quarry fronts. Fractures: 10 to 100 mm thick; partially or completely filled by light green to whitish fibrous and/or columnar minerals. The main fracture systems are interconnected and form a network that subdvide the massive bodies in polyhedric blocks varying in size from 2000 to 200 mm. Also several irregularly distributed and less pervasive fracture systems occur mainly related to local stresses. < 1mm 1 mm c Brittle structures without significant mineral recrystallisation A) structures such as slickenside, slickenside elongated mineral fibres, intersection lineations between S-C surfaces that give indications of the direction of tectonic movement, and B) structures such as stepwise fibre growth, growth sigmoids and rotation of a pre-existing foliation (kinematic indicators). GEOMETRY OF VEINS •The thickness of the veins ranges between few mm to some cm. •Some veins developed along reactivated joint surfaces. •In syntaxial veins the filling fibrous chrysotile nucleated from the host rock. Fibres are perpendicular to the rockwall of the vein and bend to the centre; this indicates that the oldest fibres are at the selvedge, without important compositional discontinuity between the host rock and the early vein-filling mineral. •Antitaxial veins have straight chrysotile fibres in the middle of the vein, grading to bent fibres close to the wallrock; this growth pattern suggests that the filling derives from exotic input and that the fibres at the centres are older than at the selvedge. The “crack and seal” mechanism can account for this geometry. •The most common veins are composite fibre veins and host both inward and outward fibre growth. The geometry of the fibres indicates that the fracture was filled during extension (syntaxial growth) and shearing (crack and seal). seal •Also the intersection relationships between older and younger vein and the optical continuity among fibres support that extension and shearing was simultaneous, i.e. occurred under the same kinematic regime. •Finally, an extensional phase occurred, characterised by the development of cm thick veins. This phase is scarcely represented at Ponte Nuovo, but is widespread in the Bargonasco quarries. GEOMETRY OF VEINS The thickness of the veins ranges between few mm to some cm. Some veins developed along reactivated joint surfaces. In syntaxial veins the filling fibrous chrysotile nucleated from the host rock. Fibres are perpendicular to the rockwall of the vein and bend to the centre; this indicates that the oldest fibres are at the selvedge, without important compositional discontinuity between the host rock and the early vein-filling mineral. Antitaxial veins have straight chrysotile fibres in the middle of the vein, grading to bent fibres close to the wallrock; this growth pattern suggests that the filling derives from exotic input and that the fibres at the centres are older than at the selvedge. The “crack and seal” mechanism can account for this geometry. The most common veins are composite fibre veins and host both inward and outward fibre growth. The geometry of the fibres indicates that the fracture was filled during extension (syntaxial growth) and shearing (crack and seal). seal Also the intersection relationships between older and younger vein and the optical continuity among fibres support that extension and shearing was simultaneous, i.e. occurred under the same kinematic regime. Finally, an extensional phase occurred, characterised by the development of cm thick veins. This phase is scarcely represented at Ponte Nuovo, but is widespread in the Bargonasco quarries. GEOMETRY OF VEINS The thickness of the veins ranges between few mm to some cm. Some veins developed along reactivated joint surfaces. In syntaxial veins the filling fibrous chrysotile nucleated from the host rock. Fibres are perpendicular to the rockwall of the vein and bend to the centre; this indicates that the oldest fibres are at the selvedge, without important compositional discontinuity between the host rock and the early vein-filling mineral. Antitaxial veins have straight chrysotile fibres in the middle of the vein, grading to bent fibres close to the wallrock; this growth pattern suggests that the filling derives from exotic input and that the fibres at the centres are older than at the selvedge. The “crack and seal” mechanism can account for this geometry. The most common veins are composite fibre veins and host both inward and outward fibre growth. The geometry of the fibres indicates that the fracture was filled during extension (syntaxial growth) and shearing (crack and seal). seal Also the intersection relationships between older and younger vein and the optical continuity among fibres support that extension and shearing was simultaneous, i.e. occurred under the same kinematic regime. Finally, an extensional phase occurred, characterised by the development of cm thick veins. This phase is scarcely represented at Ponte Nuovo, but is widespread in the Bargonasco quarries. GEOMETRY OF VEINS Vein set 2 Vein set 1 Massive serpentinite GEOMETRY OF VEINS Vein set 2 Massive σ Vein set 1 GEOMETRY OF VEINS VEIN FILLING MINERALS Analyzed by: •transmitted light polarising microscope, •extraction from veins or separation by magnetic methods, XR powder diffraction on minerals •quantitative in situ electron microprobe analyses by SEMEDS on selected massive samples. Trm Chr Fracture networks Î chrysotile. Local calcite Î stepwise fracture opening. The late veining Î cm-long linear fibres of chrysotile and intergrown chrysotile + tremolite. Tremolite – actinolite Î gabbro or basalt dikelets. CATACLASTIC SERPENTINITES Serpentinite Î fine-grained matrix with small relic volumes of the massive rock. The veins filled with chrysotile easily disperse their content. In case of cataclastic incoherent matrix, the fibres are to be considered free. free MECHANISMS OF FIBRE CONCENTRATION MILLING OF MASSIVE LIZARDITE SERPENTINITE Milling of fibrous chrysotile increases the percentage of fibres, due to the perfect lengthwise cleavage of the fibre. lizardite serpentinite pieces, releases scarce fibrous minerals if Milling, i.e. size reduction between few mm to some cm of the material is devoid of filled veins. SIZE REDUCTION OF FIBROUS VEIN FILLING In syntaxial veins, the chrysotile fibres grow consistently with the host serpentinite and can thus be assumed as a mechanically continuous material at the microscale. antitaxial veins and in the more widespread composite veins, characterised by disjunction between wall-rock and Conversely, in the vein, and by contrasting fibre orientation along a lateral cross section, fibrous chrysotile under mechanical stress results more liable to be released. ANALYTICAL SEQUENCE D.M. 14/5/1996 reference normative synthetic materials and quarried blocks and aggregates INCONSISTENCIES # 1 rock volumes show a farther wide range of textures and the frequency and distribution of potential asbestos sources is variable and dependent on the tectonic style. # 2 geologic systems are time-variable Î natural weathering on the rock surface or runoff over the detrital stone heaps can enhance or inhibit the fibre dispersion. As a whole, our investigation integrated the following procedures: I) Field survey [UNI EN ISO 14689-1 (“Indagini e prove geotecniche – Identificazione e classificazione delle rocce”) adapted to asbestos-bearing serpentinites]. …. could be further improved e.g.. high-resolution image analysis of the quarry front II) Sampling is strategic to result representative of the vein population III) Mineralogical analyses on vein filling by STEREOSCOPIC, MOLP + MODAL ANALYSIS, SEPARATION of fibrous minerals, XRPD. Selected samples Î SEM + EDS However, an ANALYTICAL BIAS resides I) in the approximation to extend the modal abundances in 2D to the rock volume at 3D and mostly II) in the analysis of the quarry front, that is operator-dependent. TO SUM UP.. Accuracy in evaluating asbestos in the natural background Î Liguria or Piedmont, significant volumes of ophiolitic lithologies outcrop. GOAL Î assessment of the fracture volume the volume of infilling minerals and the definition of cessible and free fibres Porphyroclastic, mesh- or ribbon-textured serpentinite as MASSIVE FREE FIBRES Î fibrous minerals already detached from the rock or the host vein, and liable to enter the sedimentary cycle, hydrosphere, atmosphere or biosphere. CESSIBLE FIBRES Î asbestos minerals in the host rock under different textures, liable to be RELEASED for natural or anthropic friction and/or comminution, are subject to local tectonic and mineralogical factors. QUANTIFICATION Î Integration of mesoscale to microscopic data. Structural analysis, frequency of veins in the rock volume. Arrangement of mineral fibres within veins, mineral species CONCLUSIONS •“Ophiolite” Î asbestos-bearing rocks with different fibre “dilution”. •Asbestiform phases Î brittle deformation regime & development of vein filling. •Rock fracturing is therefore critical for the origin and concentration of asbestos. Open or filled fractures act as discontinuities and disrupt the rock body; •Reactivation of early fracture nets under the cataclastic events •Fibres Î NOT from the corresponding massive mineral or rock body. ÎMILLING (i.e. quarry operations) Î scarce fibres , dilution of asbestos fibres dispersed in the rock. ÄCONCENTRATION mostly occurs by natural processes (cataclasis, detrital aprons, pedogenesis) starting from a veined rock body. Ä Airborne fibre dispersion is both natural and anthropic.