international society for krishna - ISKCON Ministry of Educational
international society for krishna - ISKCON Ministry of Educational
INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS Founder Acarya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada BHAKTIVEDANTA JOURNAL • Durban • Guyana • Halifax • Houston • Johannesburg • Mauritius • Mayapur • Nairobi • Pietermaritzburg • Pretoria • San Diego • Toronto • Trinidad • Vancouver BHAKTIVEDANTA COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE ANNUAL PUBLICATION FOR YEAR 2010 Inside: - Gradute Progression - Student’s Comments - College Pictures - Children Home Study - Couse Details New Namamrtra Program Launched CONTENTS Message from the Chairman of the Board of Examiners… Excerpts from His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupadas’ Books and Letters ................... 1 Graduates 2009 ............................................................................. 2 BCEC Around the World ......................................................... 6 Graduates Progression ............................................................ 8 Directorate, Staff & Addresses .......................................10 Courses Offered ..........................................................................11 Connecting Strongly With Srila Prabhupada by His Holiness Bhakti Caitanya Swami His Holiness Bhakti Caitanya Swami D • • • ear devotees, BOOKS: By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Bhagavad-gita As It Is Srimad-Bhagavatam (18 volumes with disciples) Sri Caitanya-caritamrta (9 volumes) The Nectar of Devotion Krishna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead Teachings of Lord Caitanya Sri Isopanisad The Nectar of Instruction Easy Journey to Other Planets Krishna Consciousness: The Topmost Yoga System Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers Teachings of Lord Kapila, the Son of Devahuti Transcendental Teachings of Prahlada Maharaja Dialectic Spiritualism Teachings of Queen Kunti Krishna, the Reservoir of Pleasure The Science of Self-Realization The Path of Perfection Search for Liberation Life Comes from Life The Perfection of Yoga Beyond Birth and Death On the Way to Krishna Raja-vidya: The King of Knowledge Elevation to Krishna Consciousness Krishna Consciousness: The Matchless Gift The Narada-bhakti-sutra (with disciples) A Second Chance The Journey to Self-Discovery The Laws of Nature Dharma: The Way of Transcendence Renunciation Through Wisdom Geetar-gan (Bengali) Vairagya-vidya (Bengali) Buddhi-yoga (Bengali) Bhakti-ratna-boli (Bengali) Back To Godhead Magazines Please accept my best wishes. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Thank you for participating so nicely in Srila Prabhupada’s Bhaktivedanta College of Education and Culture, and going deeply into his books. By doing so you are connecting strongly with Srila Prabhupada, even though he is not physically present with us. You are developing a relationship with him, and that will help you so much in your progress in Krishna consciousness. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura wrote about Haridas Thakura: He reasons ill who tells that Vaisnavas die When thou art living still in sound! The Vaisnavas die to live, and living try To spread the holy name around! So, while it is natural for us to be sorrowful that Srila Prabhupada has passed away, we can know for sure that he will never pass away, for he is “living still in sound.” As he himself said, “I will never die. I will live forever in my books.” We need to study his words and then put them into practice in our lives, and then we will be able to become perfect in devotional service. It is our hope that in the days and years to come, everyone will come to remember Srila Prabhupada in the same way that he remembered his spiritual master: “He lives forever by his divine instructions, and the follower lives with him.” Now it is your opportunity. You are becoming knowledgeable about Srila Prabhupada’s teachings. Now take them into your heart in the form of acting on them and basing your life on them. Hoping this meets you well. Your servant, Bhakti Caitanya Swami ] Excerpts from His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupadas’ Books and Letters Ascending Process of Knowledge “A s long as one is within the limited jurisdiction of fruitive activities or is involved in mental speculation, he may perhaps be eligible to study or teach the theoretical knowledge of Vedanta-sutra, but he cannot understand the supreme, eternal, transcendental (completely liberated) vibration of Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. One who has achieved perfection in chanting the transcendental Hare Krishna vibration does not have to separately learn the philosophy of Vedanta-sutra. According to the teachings of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the bona fide spiritual master, those who do not understand the transcendental vibration as being nondifferent from the Supreme and who try to become Mayavadi philosophers or experts in Vedanta-sutra are all fools. Studying Vedanta-sutra by one’s own efforts (the ascending process of knowledge) is another sign of foolishness. He who has attained a taste for chanting the transcendental vibration, however, actually attains the conclusion of Vedanta.” (TLC 18: The Conversations The Essence of All Vedic Literature “S o the Bhagavad-gita is the essence of all Vedic literatures because, after all, Vedic literature means vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah [Bg. 15.15], to understand Krishna, the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is the purpose of Vedic study. So the Supreme Personality Himself is giving the knowledge of the Supreme by Himself, personally. Therefore we are preaching this Bhagavad-gita as it is, Krishna consciousness. And the easiest method is to chant Krishna’s name. Easiest method. It is recommended. It is not our manufacture.” (Lecture Bhagavad-gita 7.9-100- Bombay, February 24, 1974) ] “S If You Want To Know Me, Read My Books rila Prabhupada: ‘Whatever I have wanted to say, I have said in my books. If I live, I will say something more. If you want to know me, read my books.’” (TKG: Srila Prabhupada’s Final Days, June 9, 1977) ] “S Understand God by Becoming A Devotee o it is very nice movement, Krishna consciousness, to understand yourself, first of all. Then you understand what is God, and as soon as you know God, then you become a fit candidate to go back to home, back to God. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, janma karma me divyam yo janati tattvatah [Bg. 4.9]. Anyone who knows Me, God says, anyone who knows God, in Truth, then what is the result? The brahmana, tyaktva deham punar janma naiti, after giving up this body, he does not enter another material body. Then what happens to him? Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti [Bg. 4.9], he comes back to Me. So try to understand Krishna. Your life will be successful. Your life will be successful. We are giving a great contribution to the human society, to understand God or Krishna. This is Krishna consciousness movement. So you can understand God by becoming a devotee. That is not very difficult task. You can become devotee in two ways. It is not difficult. You can study all these Vedic literatures, scientific Vedic literature, you can understand. But, another method is open for everyone. Chant Hare Krishna, that’s all. If you simply chant this mantra, Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.” (Lecture Bhagavad-gita 4.1 Delhi, November 10, 1971) ] “S Study My Books Very Carefully So if you study my books very carefully, then I am sure you will find out the means for applying this Krishna Consciousness philosophy in all spheres of life. There is no limitation. Simply it requires a little common sense practicality. The main point is that Krishna is the center of all activities, whatever is going on. Whatever the activity may be, if Krishna is the center, that is all right. The details simply require a little common sense.” (Letter to: Amarendra Dasa - Calcutta January 31, 1972)] BHAKTIVEDANTA JOURNAL 2010 • 1 GRADUATES 2010 Bhakti-pauganda Certificate (Ages 5-10 years) KENYA Nairobi Adhiambo, Emily Aradia, Khilna Chandra, Sooraj Chaudhry, Devang Chauhan, Jaymin Chauhan, Ruhika Dabasia, Neel Dave, Jaymin Dhansukh, Trushal Fatania, Nidhi Jethwa, Sajni Jethwa, Sheenal Jetu, Vantan Joshi, Uday Kansara, Arya Vinay Kerai, Riddhi Khamar, Jeet Khetia, Kishan Modi, Vrusthi Nandha, Ruhee Notarya, Keyan Palan, Siddharth Parek, Asta Parekh, Chandni Parikh, Aum Patel, Bijal Patel, Chandni Patel, Dhruv Patel, Druven Patel, Harsh Patel, Heet Himanshu Patel, Keya Patel, Madhav Patel, Masum Patel, Misha Patel, Mithee Patel, Nilay Patel, Parth Patel, Rumit Patel, Shivani Patel, Ujjwal Patel, Yash Pattni, Shreya Rana, Suraj Rithra, Pooja Sagar, Yashika Samhita, Krishna Satya, Janvi Shah, Nandani Singh, Ansh Singh, Muskaan Surapanani, Venkat Talati, Vishwa Thaker, Harshul Trivedee, Jayanee Trivedi, Matangee Varsani, Akruti Vaya, Priyal Ramesh Verma, Aditya Wadhia, Darsh Jayesh Wadhia, Deev Yanamadra, Ramya MAURITIUS Ascurun, Bhimarika Attroo, Koushmita Devi Audit, Harsh Kumar Audit, Manveer Audit, Omisha Babbea, Keshav Luximan Babbea, Madhav Samba Balloo, Durga Devi Bansee, Ketuman Baudinauth, Sapna Arpana Beeharry, Lakshi Devi Beeharry, Tikesh Bhoojhawon, Rakshita Boojhawon, Kalpesh Boojhawon, Kaushik Boojhawon, Surveshshane Chunoo, Himani Chutooree, Yadhav Chutturgoon, Gimihirsing Dharkhan, Natesh Dharkhan, Sahil Doobree, Homeswar Emrith, Chrishi Emrith, Meghna Envadoo, Prema Manjari Foolmaun, R.P. Kumar Goheram, Deepam Goheram, Doorgesh Gooria, Hasini Gunesh, Krishnaraj Gunness, Tushil Kumar Haulkory,Shyama Gauri Devi Horil, Linam Husraj, Anjalee Husraj, Vishakha Jeeha, Chetna Jeeha, Manisha Jhugroo, Aditi Doohita Jhugroo, Smriti Jayatee Juglall, Smita Jumungar, Anshika Jumungar, Bhavna Jumungar, Yash Nishtirooy Kowlessur, Mahadoo, Oujay Mathoora, Tushursing Maureemootoo, Yashvi Mohangoo, Diksha Mohangoo, Harsh Mohangoo, Prishni Mohun, Harsh Mohun, Poshan Mungur, Hitasha Muthoora Ourveshee Muthoora, Dhivesh Naikoo, Dundassy Himanshu Nowluck, Srimati Nurkoo, Vidish Pardesee, Navya Laxmi Pooja, Dewkurun Purwanand, Charumati Raggoo, Harrish Rambhujoo, Divya Ramburn, Nivesh Ramdhanee, Rushil Tanveer Ramloll, Kushal Ramrooch, Deevya Ranjeet, Prajna Seenauth, Madhav Rohan Seewoogoolam, Gopal Sewraz, Shruti Sohun, Adarsh Sohun, Rudranee Devi Suhasini, Bunjun Sumoreeah, Anahita Sumoreeah, Nandika Sunneechurra, Maheshwari Taukoordass, Bharat Thakurdass, Ilesh Thakurdass, Vanesh Tohul, Vaishnavi Toolsie, Diya Urjoon, Charvi Venkatasami, Hemaanjali Venkatasami, Jaanavi SOUTH AFRICA Durban Metro Anandparsad, Tashmika Bagothiparsad, Noshen Baijnath, Tashmeeka Belova, Radhika Olga Budhree, Reshay Chetty, Jagannath Chetty, Mikara Chowthee, Pratik Narayan Chowthee, Sita Churran, Nitai Govindram, Prahlad Harilall, Raval Jagan, Devaksha Jagoo, Yudishthir Jugoo, Shradha Lutchman, Kajal Mahabeer, Puja Mahabeer, Samir Mahabeer, Yajna Maharaj, Krishnam Maharaj, Nikhil Avin Maharaj, Rasajna Maharaj, Vaishnav Manichand, Radhe Mathay, Kayra Mathay, Maniesha Moodley, Sachin Naidoo, Krishna Priya Naidoo, Nimai Naidoo, Priyanka Naidoo, Shankara Sandhini Naidoo, Tamal Krishna Naidoo, Tharshey Dean 2 • BHAKTIVEDANTA JOURNAL 2010 Naidoo, Tungavidiya Varsana Navikishore, Kriya Navikishore, Svaksha Pillai, Syamalika Pillai, Temisha Rajaram, Jasvina Rajaram, Vivek Ramkissoon, Sharisha Ramlall, Vyal Ravjee, Jahnavi Ravjee, Radhika Sewsunker, Nayalka Singh, Athena Somaroo, Payal Somaroo, Preline Sowamber, Rasakeli Subramoney, Keshivin USA Houston Bepary, Gora Bepary, Hridaya Bepary, Kanupriya Bhat, Shlok Bhuvanyari, Pranav Chandra, Aryan Chawla, Manli Chenna, Vasavi Das, Leia Davani, Lakshmi Eva Gadave, Atharva Gadhave, Aditi Gayatri, Maran Gupta, Aryan Induja, Shivkumar Kamani, Shree Kamano, Damodar Kapoor, Jahnavi Karkare, Sahana Kasibhatta, Samanvita Kasidreddy, Aradhita Kaylah Krishnan, Meera Kurre, Bhanu Maheshwar, Ajay Kumar Mandanyam, Varun Mulani, Krishna Mulani, Pragyana Mulani, Radha Oza, Janvi Oza, Juja Patel, Divya Patel, Jaanvi patel, Kadin Patel, Kalyan Patel, Ric Pillai, Malvika Pisini, Kunanika Prabhakar, Neelmadhav Pranav Ptatel, Kripa Puri, Misha Raju, Ananjay Saggurithi, Yamini Sancharra, Niranja Sharma, Ayashi Sharma, Pratishtha Shenoy, Sneha Sreedhana Tamalpriya Yadav, Lakshay Yerram, Monisha Bhakti-kaisora Certificate (Ages 11-14 Years) KENYA Nairobi Agrawal, Virupaksh Akinyi, Ann Bakrania, Anjni Balyan, Nipun Barot, Shiksha Basu, Upasana Bhatt, Megna Bhatt, Nimisha Bhatt, Pooja Bhattt, Ashtha Chaunhan, Abhay Dave, Gopal Desai, Dakhita Devani, Vishal Fatania, Jay Fatania, Kunj Fatania, Kush Gandhi, Nandini Ghedia, Hemal Gohil, Kartika Joshi, Dhruti Karia, Yagna Kumar, Prabodh Luthra, Mohit Mulji, Niraj Notariya, Miral Ogola, Victor Patel, Aashni Patel, Amay Patel, Deep Patel, Kishan Patel, Mihir Patel, Nayan Patel, Parth Patel, Raj Patel, Riddhi Patel, Sahil Patel, Vrudhi Patel, Yash Raval, Hetal Reddy, Srimallika Revankar, Drupad Shetty, Omkar Toor, Divya Toor, Krishna Trivedi, Raunak Trivedi, Yash Uttarwar, Chaitanya Venkat, Sai MAURITIUS Aubeelucksing, Balveersing Aubeelucksing, Bhishumsing Balloo, Kushal Balloo, Padmavatibye Baudinauth, Reeya Archana Bayjonauth, Rajiv Bhollah, Pranav Bhollah, Vijayalakshmi Boodhun, Vargheesh Bundhun, Janesha Bundhun, Janeshka Chutooree, Manavshree Deepoo, Mohini Devi Dhowtalut, Geeresh Dhowtalut, Kilian Dhowtalut, Rishikesh Dundassy, Aumeshwari Devi Dundassy, Meshika Devi Durbarry, Darshinee Durbarry, Gaurav Foolmaun, Meghna Ghoorahoo, Somlata Gooboodun, Chettan Kumar Gowardun, Oomantsing Gunesh, Deveshraj Gunesh, Nandisha Devi Gunesh, Shrutee Devi Guya, Arkesh Heera, Medhavni Johaheer, Vaashisht Khedoo, Bhavini Khedoo, Yaj Khooblall, Deeya Khoodeeram, Yamuna Devi Maureemootoo,Sheevanghee Mohabeer, Drishti Mohun, Nishta MohunReeta Mungul, Trivesh Mungul, Vikil Nowluck, Nitai Nurkoo, Keshav Ramloll, Mahesh Seetulparsad, Luxmi Devi Seewooraz, Jeeveendarsingh Seewooraz, Shailendrasingh Sohun, Gardish Gadaagraj Surroop, Lisheekha SOUTH AFRICA Durban Metro Anandparsad, Kimisha Maken, Sonal Pillai, Kiasha Singh, Ashlin Somaroo, Priya Suraj, Jasmin USA Houston Bhat, Samhita Bhattam, Shrayan Chenna, Radha Ganesh, Vidisha Kasireddy, Devesh Mishra, Pragya Murali, Srinidhi Nitai Patel, Aditi Rangappa, Gautam Anooroop, Sai Brahmni Kapoor, Krishan Patel, Kush Pillai, Vivek Sharma, Nishtha Shenoy, Sreesh Trivedi, Jay Introductory Courses (Bhagavad-gita , Great Parents Great Children, Nectar of Instruction, Sri Isopanisad, Nectar of Devotion, Living in Krishna Consciousness.) SOUTH AFRICA Durban Metro (Bhagavad-gita) Aradhyamurti Devi Dasi Baboolall, Shamaine Devi Bhakti Devi Dasi Candragopi Devi Dasi Draupadi Devi Dasi Draupadi Devi Dasi Gandaki Dasi Harichandan Dasa Harihar Dasa Kisori Kund Devi Dasi Krishna Baladev Dasa Krishna Kund Dasa Madhyana Devi Dasi Prem-amrta Devi Dasi Radha Mohan Dasa Rukmavati Devi Dasi Sewpersad, Jaithri Devi Shyama Mohini Devi Dasi Sudama Dasa Syamalata Devi Dasi Vaisnava Dasa Amod, Fazil Appalsamy, Siva Baboolall, Pranil Baladev Dasa Baloo, Vishaka Bansiparsadh, Rosy Basdav, Priscilla Basdav, Rathipaul Beebaasoo, Sadhna Beebaasoo, Sasthira Beebaasoo, Shera Bridgemohan, Renuka Bridgemohan, Roshan Bridgmohan, Kajal Bujram, Rishi Chandarmani, Dayanand Chandarmani, Tammy Chatterpal, Depak Chatterpal, Rene Chinnapen, Denzil Chinnapen, Kasturie Datadin, Natasha Kishore Datadin, Shakila Mahadeow Dookie, Rookshana Gewanlal, Arlene Goburdhan, Chan Goordin, Ashlen Govender, Denise Govender, Sylvie Govender, Vijalatchee Harriesunker, Roopram Hurideyal, Manidass Imrithchand, Rishani Janardhana, Dhanabakiam Kasiprarsad, Ashmitha Kasiprarsad, Shakun Mahabeer, Mahendra Mahabeer, Nita Maharaj, Devika Mahdey, Beena Mahdey, Harry Manilall, Marcelle Veronica Mansen, Nishal Moodley, Leanne Mothilal, Renu Naidoo, Devandhra Naidoo, Jayluxmi Naidoo, Prebashini Narain Singh, Ashina Nisha Nowbuth, Rishi Pillay, Tharshan Ramboorase, Angath Ramboorase, Manthie Ramlakhan, Kemrajh Ramouthar, Mahesh Ramouthar, Prianca Rampursad, Premilla Sampath, Biswajeet Sampath, Nishana Sanpersadh, Sashnee Sarika Sewpersad, Shan Sewpursat, Rohvaj Sheobalak, Yajna Singh, Akash Singh, Ashika Singh, Dorisha Singh, Jitesh Singh, Urisha Viren Singh, Yakeen Singh, Yanusha Viren Surjoo, Kunthie Thakur, Rajpathy Tommy, Ashara Tommy, Sumanth Uithairaj, Nerusha Uithairaj, Thara Durban Metro (Great Parents Great Children) Aradhana Devi Dasi Bhakti Devi Dasi Damayanti Dasi Gopika Devi Dasi Haripriya Devi Dasi Indulekha Sakhi Dasi Kripa-mayi Devi Dasi Kripa-moya Dasa Nikunja Vilasini Dasi Padyavali Dasi Pisima Dasi Prabhavati Dasi Prem Vikash Dasa Radha Sundari Dasi Radha-ghata Dasi Radhastami Devi Dasi Ram Govinda Dasa Ramvijay Dasa Rasa-sthali Dasi Subhananda Dasa Sudama Dasa Sundarananda Dasa Taralika Devi Dasi Vraja-raja Dasa Vraja-rani Devi Dasi Yamuna Dasi Chetty, Jayshree Dhani, Harren Mahabeer, Nitai Maharaj, Siveshni Naicker, Veni Naidoo, Allan Naidoo, Dhayalan Naidoo, Krisbashne Rishab Sewraj, Hansraj Sewraj, Swaranlata Sheodass, Reshina Durban Metro (Nectar of Instruction) Aradhana Devi Dasi Caitanya Caran Dasa Caitanya Swarup Dasa Champakalata Dasi Chitralekha Devi Dasi Citralekha Devi Dasi Devaki Devi Dasi Hemangi Dasi Jaisacinandana Dasa Janak Suta Dasi Kesi-ghata Dasa Krishna Astami Dasa Manjula Dasi Nama Cintamani Dasi Nandagopa Dasa Nikunja Seva Dasi Nikunja-lila Dasi Nitai Dasa Nrtya Kisori Devi Dasi Prema Priya Devi Dasi Priya Sakhi Vilasa Dasi Radha Bhava Dasi Radha-ghat Devi Dasi Radhangi Devi Dasi Radha-Radhanath Dasi Radhastami Devi Dasi Radhasweth Dasa Ragamarg Dasi Raghava Caitanya Dasa Rasa-sthali Dasi Rukmini Devi Dasi Rupa Manjari Devi Dasi Rupanuga Dasa Satyabhama Devi Dasi Silavati Dasi Sunil Mohan Dasa Swarup Damodar Dasa Syama Priya Devi Dasi Syama Rati Devi Dasi Syama-ghat Dasa Syamapriya Devi Dasi Syamarani Devi Dasi Taralika Devi Dasi Usha Devi Dasi Vasudev Dasa Vibhu Caitanya Dasa Vinodini Devi Dasi Visvarupa Dasa Yadurani Devi Dasi Yamuna-priya Dasi Anthony, Bhakta Beesham, Drishti Chandanram, Roshnee Govender, Usha M. Govinden, Anand Govindram, Dipak Guptar, Jayendra Mahabaly Guptar, Lalitha Hansraj, Mukesh Harrychund, Sarisha Herselman, Tracy Hinds, Aden Erasmus Hurdeyal, Myna Maharajh, Mohanpersad Maharajh, Pravintha Moodley, Sean Naidoo, Dhayalan Naidoo, Kribashne Panday, Ashish Piaray, Amichand Piaray, Sanitha Pillay, Trino Ramdayal, Veena Rampersad, Prakash Rampersad, Renuka Devi Singh, Geetha Singh, Subaschand Soodon, Purushottama Sowman, Roshan Vengetasamy, Keegan Pietermaritzburg (Nectar of Instruction) Damodara Carana Dasa Gita Mala Devi Dasi Gopi Candana Devi Dasi Haridas Dasa Haripriya Devi Dasi Hasti Gopal Dasa Kirtana-rasa Dasa Lavanga Sakhi Devi Dasi Nanda Maharaja Dasa Ram Gopal Dasa Ram Tulsi Devi Dasi Rasamrta Devi Dasi Sharad Devi Dasi Vraja Renu Devi Dasi Bhagwandin, Ashen Krishnan, Daksha Krishnan, Shakti Maharaj, Yashika Mtindi, Kusum Narine, Usha Rajpal, Vinesh Singh, Balarama Singh, Jaganath Singh, Natasha Singh, Nisha Singh, Subhadra Singh, Yamuna Durban Metro (Sri Isopanisad) Citralekha Dasi Haripriya Devi Dasi Indrabhatta Dasa Prema Priya Devi Dasi Priya Sakhi Vilasa Dasi Ramvijay Dasa Syamalata Devi Dasi Vaisnava Dasa Govender, Rathineemalee Govender, Usha Guptar, Jayendra Mahabaly Guptar, Lalitha Hansraj, Mukesh Lokchundar, Manoj Lokchundar, Sungeeta Maharaj, Madhumathi Persadh, Narsingh Rampaul Persadh, Rina Ramdayal, Sewraj Praveen Ramlall, Lekhram Ray Sowman, Roshan Subban, Theresa Vengetasamy, Keegan Durban Metro (Nectar of Devotion) Hemangi Devi Dasi Indrabhatta Dasa Krishna Caran Dasa Nandagopa Dasa Nikunja Viharini Dasi Nirupama Radhika Devi Dasi Nistha Devi Dasi Ragamarg Dasi Sunil Mohan Dasa Syamapriya Devi Dasi Ujjvala Rasa Devi Dasi Gangaram, Nashvin Govender, Ivan Gunass Jagarnath, Radha Piaray, Amichand Piaray, Sanitha Rampersad, Prakash Rampersad, Renuka Devi Singh, Leela Devi Durban Metro (Living in Krishna Consciousness) Caru Candi Dasi Citralekha Dasi Jalangi Devi Dasi Rasika Shekar Dasa Rupa Sanatan Dasa Syamaliya Devi Dasi Usha Devi Dasi Doodhram, Anitha Devi Dylan, Talbot Ganesh, Dewran Ganesh, Ray Govender, Usha Herselman, Tracy Hinds, Aden Erasmus Jagan, Dinesh Mackerdhooj, Reena Devi Maganlal, Varshik Mahabeer, Sayur Mahabeer, Shamin Mahadeo, Shamila Maharaj, Kavesh Maharaj, Kishan Maharaj, Lerisha Maharaj, Nishani Maharaj, Sungeetha Moodley, Pravin Moonasar, Pantosh Mtindi, Kusum Mudray, Darshana Nankoo, Sharon Parag, Vishara Piaray, Sanitha Pillay, Komeshnee Puran, Ahdir Rajcoomar, Shraddha Rajpal, Vinesh Rambakus, Pranisha Rambakus, Zyven Rambully, Prem Ramdayal, Veena Ramdhaney, Kowsillia Devi Ramjee, Akash Kantillal Ramluckan, Sureka Ramperthab, Geeta Devi Sathyamun, Brian Seodutt, Hemraj Sewnunan, Leasha Sewpersadh, Raina Singh, Ashok Dhrup Singh, Avesh Singh, Geetha Singh, Mayadevi Singh, Prakash Singh, Rashika Singh, Subaschand Sirkar, Lutchmie Sirkar, Naresh Soodeo, Rameshwar Sookden, Sacheen Sowman, Rosheila Thulsee, Deobruth Namamrta Program Level 1 CANADA Montreal Ananda Gopi Devi Dasi Ananda Mayi Devi Dasi Areshavari Radhika Devi Dasi Bhartrhari Dasa Damodara Gopala Dasa Ekanath Dasa Gangadhara Dasa Gaura Dasa Gokulananda Dasa Jalangi Devi Dasi Janardan Dasa Nara Narayana Dasa Narayana Priya Devi Dasi Nrsimha Caitanya Dasa Ramakeshava Dasa Sarasvati Devi Dasi Shyama Mohini Devi Dasi Syamarupa Dasa Tiva Bhakti Devi Dasi Tulsi Seva Devi Dasi Yajna Dasa Appigadu, Tahra Baptiste, Myriam Chalyguine, Artem Dasmuth, Ganga Dasmuth, Gaurangi Dupre, Michele Gingras, Lise Gonsalves, Brian Goswami, Tapas Jaillet, Nicole Lozeau, Mathieu Makarov, Tihon Miche, Boris Patel, Nirmal Prete, Michel Racicot, Chatalie Sairam, Charith Sankar, Shivana Serova, Alexandra Solanki, Abhay Solanki, Amita Solanki, Motilal Solanki, Radhika Toronto Anumati Devi Dasi Bhadra Krishna Dasa Bhakti Mati Devi Dasi Dwaraka Devi Dasi Gauracandra Dasa Hari Naam Dasa Jagannath Misra Dasa Krtamala Devi Dasi Madhumangala Dasa Mahasundari Madhavi Dasi Mangala Aarti Devi Dasi Mathura Gopika Devi Dasi Purnamasi Devi Dasi Pushparani Devi Dasi Rupanuga Dasa Saci Devi Dasi Satya Devi Dasi Satyabhama Devi Dasi Shyamalangi Devi Dasi Sita Thakurani Devi Dasi Vrndavana Dasa Vrndavana Vinodini Devi Dasi Agarwal, Ateet Amlani, Juhi Anand, Sairam Anand, Subha Apong, Andrew Ashkevari, Haleh Bansi, Rajendra Bansi, Renita Berger, Noy Bharat, Tage Bhardwaj, Geet Bhardwaj, Geet Cheema, Vicky Cheema, Vicky Cresswell, Mirabai Duggan, Lila-shakti Duggan, Radha Dumont, Gail Gonsalves, Brian Goyal, Shawn Grover, Kunal Grover, Recha Grover, Recha Grover, Rohan Jaillet, Jason Joshi ,Arusha Megnath Joshi, Arusha Joshi, Milind Joshi, Milind Kandala, Vandita Kharel, Sankalp Kharel, Shanti Kidile, Anshul Leclerc, Jahnava Ludtke, Andrew Luthra, Rishi Mogla, Neha Mogla, Rohit Motwani, Amitabh Nagaratnam, Kalki Olivera, Andrea Pandit, Caitanya Pandit, Chaitanya Pandit, Nitai Pandit, Santosh Parsad, Haridas Parsad, Nila Patel, Bobby Persaud, Jack Phazhani, Saravanah Ram Prabhudev, Abhishek Ramasubramanian, Lalitha Ramdeo, Karishma Ramnauth, George Ramnauth, Sookia Ravindranath, Pooja Roy, Patrick Roy, Pragma Sachdev, Muskan Sachdeva, Deepak Sachdeva, Muskan Sachdeva, Shweta Salwan, Gayatri Sarang, Hina Saraswati, Ananda Shakti Sharma, Keshava Sharma, Shama Shetty, Shashi Sikka, Sabina Singh, Kunti Singh, Rashi Sivalpalan, Jyothiesha Sivalpalan, Shrishan Sivapalan, Kajanan Sivapalan, Vanaja Sivapaln, Shiyama Teli, Vijay Thanabalasingam,Thageesan Turner, Tanya Varadarajan, Anand Veerlapin, Priya Venkatrao, Adithya Voskoboynikov , Radha Voskoboynikov, Tara Wong, Sing Lung Vancouver Anadi Govind Dasa Ananda Murti Dasa Banke Bihari Devi Dasi Bhakta Vasya Devi Dasi Dvija Gauranga Dasa Govinda Gopala Dasa Jaya Govinda Dasa Jayamurti Devi Dasi Kirtida Sundari Devi Dasi Mayapur Lila Devi Dasi Narad Muni Dasa Nirguna Dasa Padyavali Devi Dasi Prembhakti Devi Dasi Raghunatha Dasa Rohita Dasa Rukmukesh Dasa Sananda Kumara Dasa Saraswati Devi Dasi Sri Lata Devi Dasi Sudevi Sundari Devi Dasi Yogindra Dasa Asgari-Toulabi, Ali Gopaul, Jaya Krishna Kartha, Bijou Konikow, Peter MacPherson, Leslie Magrath, Martina Moore, Jahnava Patel, Manjari Procter, Sara Rathod, Viren Sarkar, Ajit Sarkar, Cathy Sarkar, Sheila Scott, John Sharma, Chandrakanta Talwar, Krishna Talwar, Manish KENYA Nairobi Ananda Dasa Chatanya Devi Dasi Draupadi Devi Dasi BHAKTIVEDANTA JOURNAL 2010 • 3 Dvaraka Vasini Devi Dasi Gaura Shakti Dasa Ghansyam Krishna Dasa Govinda Prem Dasa Haribol Dasa Karuna Rasa Dasa Lavanga Dasa Madhava Dasa Mahachandra Dasa Mahaman Dasa Manasi Ganga Devi Dasi Mukund Murari Dasa Prahlad Priya Dasa Pundarika Dasa Radhakunda Devi Dasi Ram Rupa Dasa Rukma Dasa Sri Gauranga Dasa Sucandra Dasa Umapati Dasa Venu Madhurya Dasa Bhakta Edee Bhaktin Khyati Bhaktin Snehal Chakrabarty, Atrayee Chauhan, Rekha H ChuDasaama, Amrita Dangi, Dhruti Ghaghada, Krishna Kapiteni, Ntale Kevin, Ashihundu Kimani, Antony Kimani, Robert Mulji, Mayur Muturi, Moses Nathwani, Ravi Otieno, Callaghan Otieno, Raphael Pandya, Janki Parmar, Manisha Pattni, Prabhu Dasa Pattni, Sandip Rano Mataji Rao, Venkateswara Vasudev, Rythem MAURITIUS Abhirama Dasa Acharya Ratna Dasa Ajay Caitanya Dasa Braja Dulall Dasa Damodar Swarup Dasa Gauravigraha Devi Dasi Giridhari Dasa Krsna candra Dasa Lalita Charan Devi Dasi Madan Gopal Dasa Madhava Lata Dasi Man Mohan Dasa Mor Shekar Dasa Narsimha Tirtha Dasa Navanita Chor Dasa Nitya Kishori Devi Dasi Prema Vilas Dasa Priya Sahki Devi dasi Raghav Pandit Dasa Raghunath Dasa Ram Vijay Dasa Ranganath Dasa Rohini Suta Dasa Sarasvati Devi Dasi Satyaraj Dasa Sradha Devi Dasi Srinivasa Devi Dasi Syam Kishore Dasa Uttamauja Dasa Vamanadev Dasa Vidura Dasa Vishwanath Dasa Vrindavana Vilasini Devi Dasi Vrindavanath Dasa Amit, Baboololl Babita , Buljeeon Mungur, Dhananjay Beekee, Ghansyam Priya Sohrye, Luxmi Doyal , Meera Nuckchady , Nistha Jagoo, Pramod Chamrah, Pravin Jugdanand, Puttoo Naiken Logadassen, Sami Soboorun, Satidanand Nobaub, Sona Bhoyjonauth, Sunil Seesunkur, Veeran PHILIPPINES Manila Balarama Dasa Bharata Dasa Bhimasena Dasa Brngara Dasa Devavrata Dasa Dinadoyal Dasa Hadini Shakti Devi Dasi Harikirtana Dasa Indravali Devi Dasi Jagadananda Pandita Dasa Jaya Kesava Dasa Jayadeva Dasa Kandarpa Sundari Devi Dasi Lalita Devi Dasi Lilashakti Devi Dasi Makanlal Dasa Madan Mohana Dasa Manjula Devi Dasi Mecika Devi Dasi Mohini Rupa Devi Dasi Moksha Laksmi Devi Dasi Nitai Carana Dasa Ojasvi Dasa Prema Sankirtana Dasa Radha Lila Devi Dasi Radhanatha Dasa Radhastami Dasa Raghunatha Dasa Rajahamsa Dasa Ramachandra Dasa Rasaraja Dasa Rukmini Priya Devi Dasi Sridama Dasa Vaisnava Dasa Varutapa Dasa Virabhadra Dasa Vishnu Priya Devi Dasi Vraja Isvari Devi Dasi Yuthesvari Devi Dasi Agris, Jammy Jr. Alforque Laxmie D. Arquiza, Ringo Baptista, Meynard B. Bhakta Javimer Bhakta Parasurama Cabrera, Ronniel A. Cruz, Sukadeva Das Data, Marlon T. Dialino, Arthur Diaz, Ervin Flores, Rommel Gomez, Jasper Lobitana, Jevimer Manalang, Arthil L. Patigas, Nathaniel D. Roxas, Joshua (JR) Santiago, Pike Satumcacal, Bobby N. Satumcacal, Brestlyn Tan, Jushua O. SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg Metro Amrita Radhika Devi Dasi Apsarakund Devi Dasi Bhagavati Devi Dasi Caitanya Dasa Damodar Prasada Dasa Damodara Priya Dasi Giridhari Dasa Gopal Nadini Devi Dasi Hari Murari Dasa Harinamananda Dasa Hemavati Radhika Devi Dasi Isvara Puri Dasa Jahnavi Devi Dasi Kaliya Krishna Dasa Karuna Mayi Devi Dasi Krishna Kirtan Dasa Madhumangal Dasa Madhuri Devi Dasi Nalini Kanta Dasa Prahladini Radika Devi Dasi Prema Sakti Devi Dasi Prema Vikas Dasa Premarani Devi Dasi Priya Malini Devi Dasi Radhika Prasad Devi Dasi Raseswari Devi Dasi Saridiya Rasa Dasi Sudevi Dasi Surendra Krishna Dasa Syam Govinda Dasa Vraja Kishori Devi Dasi Beesham, Yogesh Prashan Bhakta Lyrex Bhakta Mehul Bhakta Mukesh Bhakta Rohit Bhaktin Estelle Bhaktin Meera Bhaktin Meryl Bhola, Vishok Devraj, Raksha Gopichand, Kerrisha Grover, Aditi Sharma Grover, Hemant 4 • BHAKTIVEDANTA JOURNAL 2010 Harisunker, Akshay Harisunker, Urmila Jevan, Minesh Meenal Mistry, Prabhavati Moletsane, Atlarelang Morar, Pooja Naidoo, Biraj Naidoo, Pariksha Ooka, Ramila Ramjee, Kishan Daya Rampershad, Aveen Ramroop, Shereen Shoko, Tes Singh, Renisha Singh, Rish Somaru, Kamla Soni, Jaswant Pretoria Metro Bhakta Dasa Jahnavi Devi Dasi Kaviraj Shanti Prakash Dasa Manjari Bhava Devi Dasi Nadiya Devi Dasi Radha Nama Devi Dasi Rukmini Devi Dasi Rukmini Devi Dasi Shyamala Devi Dasi Subhadra Devi Dasi Sundarananda Dasa Surendra Krishna Dasa Vrindavan Vilasini Devi Dasi Yavat Dasa Beesham, Yogesh Bhakta Alan Bhavisha Bhoola, Vishok Donthula, Anita Donthula, Sridhar Gonzalez, Daniel Grover, Hemant Hira, Tanuja Kalidas, Roopa Kassen, Minesh M, Damodhar M, Mrs Damodhar Marupeg Mistry, Pinetesh Mistry, Reshma Moodley, Niri Moodley, Vinothen Padayachee, Dasven Padayachee, Shanti Pillai, Ganesh Pillay, Leanne Pragashnee Mataji Rama, Poonam Ramkilawon, Baladev Ramkumar, Vishakha Ramkumar, Levina Rampershad,Shamantha Rajaram Rao, Nagarjuna Sharma Grover, Aditi Simelane, Nqobile Singh, Nashin Singh, Priya Singh, Renusha Upananda Dasa Vachhani, Avisha Vallabh, Anita Bhakti-sadacara Certificate CANADA Halifax Damodara Gopala Dasa Nitai Rama Dasa Yajna Dasa Capell, Theresa Clare, Shelley Doucette, Jacob Feres, Cory Greydanus, Jeff Hingley, Dustin Makarov, Tikhon Myers, Anthony Sankar, Shivana Tukker, Stefina GUYANA Atma- Vidya Devi Dasi Bhaja Gauranga Dasa Danakeli Devi Dasi Devakanya Gopi Devi Dasi Dhyanachandra Dasa Giri Krsna Gopal Dasa Haridham Dasa Kavi Karna Pura Dasa Krsna Ramani Devi Dasi Madhava Krsna Gopal Dasa Prabhupadadeva Dasa Pretha Devi Dasi Purna Avatar Dasa Rajarsi Dasa Radha Jivan Dasa Radhika Bhava Devi Dasi Rishi Murti Dasa Satyabhama Devi Dasi Sri Gaurangi Devi dasi Subhananda Dasa Sukara Rupa Devi Dasi Syama Devi Dasi Tridandi Goswami Dasa Venu- Dhvani Devi Dasi Visakha- Sakhi Devi Dasi Visnu Murti Dasa Vrndavana Natha Dasa Baychu, Lokananad Chandrika, Sabita Dhanesar, Damodar Dhanesar, Devanand Dhanesar, Harideva Dhanesar, Nandranie Dhanpaul, Khemraj Hoosaney, Ibrahim Kissoon, Sundar Rishi Narine, Amar Narine, Keshava Narine, Mahadevi Narine, Saraswati Nirmal, Devita Persaud, Jagdesh Ramlakhan, Kishore Ramlakhan, Narayan Ramlakhan, Rennita Ramnarine, Jairam Ramnaryan, Vickram Singh, Ashana Singh, Deonarine Singh, Seeta Sukhdeo, Indranie Sukhdeo, Meela Sukhdeo, Shivram Upadhaya, Jitindra INDIA Mayapur Atmanivedana Dasa Caitanya Caran Dasa Damodar Pandit Dasa Dvaraka Vasini Devi Dasi Ganga Devi Dasi Javatvasi Dasa Kesavi Devi Dasi Madan Gopal Dasa Maha Sundari Devi Dasi Mahaprabhu Caitanya Dasa Nityananda Ram Dasa Rama Priya Devi Dasi Pancajanya Dasa Prema Gaurasundara Dasa Radhika Nagara Dasa Rohini Devi Dasi Rupa Goswami Dasa Rupa Vilas Dasa Saranga Thakur Dasa Sauri Dasa Siddhi Lalasa Devi Dasi Srinivas Gopal Dasa Sugita Vani Devi Dasi Suresvara Dasa Syamala Sakhi Devi Dasi Trilokatma Dasa Vrinda Devi Dasi Yajna Murti Dasa Yogini Devi Dasi Balansny, Vladmir Bullard, Jane Carey, Samantha Chandhi, Kishan Chauhan, Sunita Chudasama, Amrita Hannen, Mandakini Janssens, Lalita Kojvcinoviæ, Marija Kruglaya, Valentina Sharma, Gaurav Tessel, Emily Van der Horst, Rick Weigl, Imrich KENYA Nairobi Agrawal Neelam Agrawal Shyam Aitonio Amin, Jenisha Anderson Antony, Ashioya Bakrania, Suresh Bakrania, Hetvi Barot, Anjali Basu, Joyita Basu, Utpal Ben, Mochama Bhirud Snehal Bruno, R Chauhan, Manish Dan, Dwins Darji, Jaymin Darji, Riddhi Darji, Riddhi Dave, Bhumi Dave, Devki Dave, Dhruvi Dave, Janki Dave, Khilna Desai, Jagruti Desai, Nimish Desai, Preet Desia, Shaunak Devani, Chirag Devani, Ila Erick Fatania, Hinal Fatania, Khilna Fatania, Shyam Galoria, Jaswin Gandhi, Krishna Ghedia, Dinita Gudka, Bijal Gupta, Vijay Harion, M Kamau Hirani, Bhaveshree Jay, Mangal Jesse, Chege John, B Makhuli Jose Junior Kabaria, Joshika Kaur, Gurveen Kaur, Harveen Ken, Kimathi Kharva, Jigna Kuria, Jhon Lewis Mahaman Dasa Mishek, Gichuki Mugesi, Mercy Mulji, Tejvi Mwangi, Mercy Naker, Nikita Nathwani, Ravi Nick, N Nyanga Ntale, Kapiteni Pala, Suraj Pandit, Vibhuti Pandya, Janki Parmar, Anit Parmar, Anit Parmar, Manisha Pascal, Mbela Patel, Akash Patel, Avina Patel, Darshit Patel, Kalpana Patel, Kevin Patel, Krushant Patel, Mihir Patel, Shrushti Patel, Trushen Patel, Devanshu Patel, Dixit Patel, Heena Patel, Henika Patel, Jay Patel, Jayshree Patel, Jesika Patel, Khushbu Patel, Princee Patel, Raveena Patrick Pattni, Devina Pattni, Mayur Pindoria, Ishvary Pindoria, Mohini Pius, Kuria Pravin, Keval Puri, Sadhana Raphael Rathod, Bindya Rathod, Deepa Raval, Mina Raval, Jaydeep Raval, Mayur Ravankar, Dakshant Rawal, Krishna Reuben Ronald, Njoroge Rranav Ruparelia, Rita Ruparelia, Sonali Rythem, Vasudev S.K., Sinha Sethi, Ashish Sethi, Madhvi Shaban, Cheruiyot Shah, Parin Sindhyach, Vivek Stephen, Kyalo Talati, Khushbu Tonie, Kimani Toor, Savita Trivedi, Mayank Trivedi, Sunanda Vattalwar, Shivani Victor Vilnah, Molwa Warji, Khyati William, Brendel William, Brian Willis, Ogalu MAURITIUS Bahadoor, Anishta Bahadoor, Sadna Baichoo, Gyanadev Baudinauth, Navin Avinash Baudinauth, Reeya Archana Baudinauth, Soomila Beeja, Suraj Beeputh, Kumar Suraj Bholoa, Narmada Bijloll, Sandeep Bissessur, Satianand Bissessur, Sewranee Boodhoo, Sanjiv Boodhun, Chandrawtee Boodhun, Vargheesh0 Bussoonauth, Rishta Damree, Pramansnath Damree, Sneha Devi Damree, Srishtee Devi Dhoonmoon, Vimi Dhunput, jankee Veena Devi Durbary, Premila Emeerith, Vidya Fowdur, Manesha Gendadoo, Yovna Yegambal Ghanshyam, Beekee Gooja, Vikash Gooria, Rambawatee Gooria, Swaveena Gopynauth, Premilla Gopynauth, Suraj Gowardun, Oomantsing Gowreea, Gooroodeo Gungadeen, Leelawantee Gungadeen, Ooswantee Halkory, Jaykishan Hurday, Oumesh Hurkoo, Kavis Hurkoo, Kisan Hurkoo, Purnima Hurkoo, Son Jagroop, Poonam Jeetun, Rishiraj Jeetun, Sarvan Kumar Kallydin, Parmeshwaree Kanhaiya, Suchita Kaniah, Nandanee Khedoo, Bhavini Khedoo, Pranthu Khelawon, Bedwantee Lakhan, Dasa Lobin, Asvin Lobit, Kavita Lobit, Soobass Lufor, Cossilla Devi Lufor, Preetum Lutchoomun, Adarsh Lutchoomun, Yudis Madan, Anita Madhav, Priya Devi Dasi Maitaram, Vikash Redrise Kunny Moneea, Roomila Moti, Sachin Muthoor, Dinesh Kumar Nanda, Theermani Nathoo, Vikash Nunkoo, Hamandra Nunkoo, Reedhee Pem, Sanjay Peryag, Nandkumar Peryag, Varsha Raggoo, Avinash Rakha, Sabitree Rambhursy, Rooma Devi Ramburn, Suraj Rambursy, Iswardev Rambursy, Premchand Ramgolam, Raj Kovid Ramgoolam, Diksha Ramgoolam, Raj Deeparthi Ramnauth, Rohit Rampersad, Soolinduth Rasala, Adhicari Dasa Reechaye, Surekah Reetu, Dilip Rohee, Chandrowtee Sanaya, Hema Malini Sanayasi, Shivani Sanyasi, Yudhir Naidoo Seechurn, Chooramani Seetul, Indrajeet Kumar Seetul, Parbowtee Seetul, Purnima Devi Seetul, Sitah Seetul, Viswajeet Seetul, Viswanee Seewooraz, Jeeveendarsingh Seewooraz, Shailendrasingh Shamloll, Chiranjeev Sinnathambi, Mayendree Sohun, Anuradha Sohun, Mahendra Sonnagee, Jaya Sonnagee, Shan Sumoreeah, Linda Sunnasy, Anjanee Sunnasy, Vivek Tasleenee, Puttur Teelock, Soondur Urchapah, Yashoda Nandana SOUTH AFRICA Pretoria Metro Premavikash Dasa Bhakta Bhim Bhakta Caitanya Lila Bhakta Ganashyam Bhakta Jagat Guru Bhakta Nitai Bhoola, Dharsana Donthula, Anita Donthula, Harshad Donthula, Hrsika Donthula, Sridhar Grover, Aditi Grover, Hemant Hira, Tanuja Kalidas, Roopa Lefel,Bogani Maharaj, Joshna Moodley, Kody Moodley, Niri Naran, Kishore Narsai, Jaishree Ramballi, Sushilla Ramkumar, Levina Ramkumar, Vimala Ramkumar, Vishaka Sammy, Seboloa Shamantha Simelane, Nqobile Vachhani, Avisha TRINIDAD Amala Harinama Devi Dasi Cakra Pani Dasa Dinatarini Devi Dasi Gopta Dasa Jaya Lalita Devi Dasi Loka-Guru Dasa Naresvara Dasa Pavana Dasa Purusottama Dasa Radha Seva Dasi Rupavati Devi Dasi Santa Vigraha Dasa Shyama-Priyatama Devi Dasi Sri Gopala Dasa Sri Rupa Devi Dasi Tattva Darsini Devi Dasi Vraja Lila Devi Dasi Vrndanatha Dasa Birjasingh, Barry Birjasingh, Sherryann Chinpire, Diane Chirkoot, Vijaya Ghatisingh, Siewanand Maharaj, Davindra Nanan, Chandra Persad, Gitamala Raghunanan, Jahnava Ramroop, Denesh Ramcharan, Anupa Sankar, Kesava Sankar, Meera Sankar, Rohini USA San Diego Kumari Devi Dasi Cocino, Otto Cornia, Prema Gomes, Gisela Jeter, Sandra Mosqueda, Sinai Shah, Sandeep Varnadore, Jym Bhakti-gita Diploma 1st Year MAURITIUS Braj Dullall Dasa Dharma Kshetre Dasa Gokulesvara Dasa Jankinath Dasa Luvkush Dasa Oudhar Kirtee Devi Dasi Palika Devi Dasi Patanjali Dasa Shakti Radha Devi Dasi Visvanath Dasa Baichoo Gyanadev Baichoo Malini Barosa Mausamee Barosa Sangeeta Barosa Suresh Beeja Suraj Beekee Ghanshyam Beeputh Kumar Suraj Boodhoo Sanjiv Boodhoo Sanjiv Boyjonauth Harryduth Dilip Reetu Emeerith Vidya Goheram Babeetah Goheram Daneshlall Gopynauth Premilla Gopynauth Suraj Gundowry Dheerajsingh Gungadeen Leelawantee Hurkoo Anita Hurkoo Kavis Hurkoo Kisan Hurkoo Purnima Hurkoo Son Jagroop Poonam Jootee Sobha Kallydin Parmeshwaree Kavita Pem Khelawon Bedwantee Lovit Subash Moneea Roomilah Mukunda Das Mungur Kisna Naidu Gunnanada Pokhun Sailendrasingh Purmana Choomuntee Puttur Tasleenee Rakha Sabitree Rambhursy Avinash Ramgoolam Ravi Ramsaran Mahendranath Ramsaran Vijayletchumy Ramsohok Sanjay Kumar Ramsurn Indurdeo Roshan Keesoonath Sanayasi Hema Malini Sanayasi Shivani Sanjay Pem Sanyasi Yudhir Naidoo Seeburn Chimanlall Sinnathambi Mayendree Soburrun Rajshree Sonnagee Jaya Sonnagee Shan Sunnasy Anjanee Sunnasy Vivek Theermani Nanda SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg Metro Giridhari Dasa Govinda Nandini Dasi Hemavati Radhika Devi Dasi Jahnavi Dasi Manjari Bhava Dasi Nalini Kantha Dasa Surendra Krishna Dasa Bava, Gita Bava, Piyush Bhola, Vishok Churran, Naresh Crowngold, Estelle Dlakavu, Vumisa Galal, Daksha Gopichand, Kerrisha Govender, Palan Govind, Anil Govind, Smitaben Pillay, Leanne Maharaj, Janitha Maharaj, Rishav Nundlall, Reetha Pillay, Kugan Rama, Poonam Rama, Rakesh Ramkussan, Gaurachandra Renega, Jassmain Reniga, Chantal Reniga, Simone Singh, Priya Singh, Renitha Singh, Sandesh Bhakti-gita Diploma 2nd/3rd/4th Year MAURITIUS Baljeeon, Babita Baljeeon, Satish Bhantoo, Ramprakash Dasani, Amar Maunick, Sookwantee Mooneswar, Arjoon Mungur, Adit Pem, Sukhdeo Sohorye, Luxmipriya Sonahee, Geetadevi Sonahee, Manilall Sonahee-Dasani, Deepa Thierry, De Ravel USA Houston Anandlila devi Dasi Hari Prana Dasi Sri Vallabhi Devi Dasi Bhattura, Vijaya Dham, Mamta Kapoor, Ankita Mishra, BalMukund Mishra, Rashmi Murali, Swathi Patel, Jiger Patel, Mohini Patel, Ramesh Pillai, Ajit Pillai, Anish Pillai, Ganesh Pillai, Laksmi Pillai, Vimal Sethna, Sweta Shenthar, Rashmi Srinivasan, Preethi Bhakti-sastri Degree 1st year MAURITIUS Hari Mohun Dasa Naranarayana Dasa Prahalad Dasa Sanatani Devi Dasi Trishna Mayi Devi Dasi Vijaya Dasa Dosieah, Vaidnath Gooroochurn, Mahendra Gopaul, Yashilall Gunesssing, Anoopsing Gunesssing, Ashnah Hotwani, Rajesh Chandumal Joyram, Nishal Lilawantee, Gungadeen Neerghin, Lallchand Purnanund, Moharaz Ramdin, Vinty Ramphul, Kheema Ramphul, Mooneshwar Ruth, Sandapa Mireille Seebarun, Poonam Shadu, Krishnaduth SOUTH AFRICA Durban Metro Krsna-krpa Dasa Madhumangal Dasa Radha-krpa Devi Dasi Shyamapriya Devi Dasi Sita-priya Devi Dasi Annika Bhola, Alok Kaveer Bhola, Urvashni Chandanram, Jeevan Govender, Ivan Gunass Hurdeyal, Bobby Jafta, Benny Ronny Jafta, Johnny-Kevin Jagarnath, Krishna Jagarnath, Radha Jagdeep, Suraya Khan, Waheeda Lokchunder, Manooj Lokchunder, Sungeeta Mahabeer, Mahendra Mahabeer, Nita Maharaj, Siveshni Maharajh, Madhumathi Mohunram, Atish Naidoo, Nellentheran Narain Singh, Omesh Nowbath, Ranuka Rajaram, Sudesh Ramguthy, Lolita Ramlall, Lekhram Ray Ramouthar, Premilla Ramouthar, Vishara Rampersad, Mala Sewpersad, Jaithri Devi Sewpersad, Shan Singh, Nirmala Singh, Savera Singh, Subhadra Slambert, Shamini Sooknanan, Julie Pietermaritzburg Haridas Dasa Haripriya Devi Dasi Nanda Maharaja Dasa Raghava Caitanya Dasa Sharada Devi Dasi Yasoda Mayi Devi Dasi Ramsuran, Sri Radhika Bhakti-sastri Degree 2nd year SOUTH AFRICA Durban Metro Gitanjali Devi Dasi Gundica Devi Dasi Isvara Puri Dasa Jagannatha Priya Dasa Jahnavi Dasi Japa Mala Dasa Jaya Lalitha Devi Dasi Kesi-ghata Dasa Prataparudra Dasa Radha Giridhari Dasa Raghava Caitanya Dasa Rasika Candra Dasa Rati Manjari Devi Dasi Rohini Nandana Dasa Rukmini Devi Dasi Sudama Dasa Syama-rati Devi Dasi Varuni Dasi Baboolall, Nishana Baichan, Praveen Roshen Basdew, Anil Bridgmohan, Rishi Nund Bridgmohan, Tanuja Brijmohan, Dyaksha Chowthee, Charmaine Chowthee, Naren Govindsamy, Leeann Hurdeyal, Myna Luchai, Sham Mohabik Luchai, Vishali Manilall, Salochana Meiring, Jacques Mohanlall, Girla Moodley, Vasudevan Motilal, Roshni Mungroo, Adhir Munnilal, Ruvash Munnilal, Sunieka Naicker, Veni Nair, Sartha Padayachee, Sharon Pillay, Gean KunDasami Ravjee, Umesh Reddy, Alina Reddy, Salona Reddy, Vimla Sewjugath, Tyrel Rahjiv Sewsunker, Niresh Sewsunker, Poolmathi Sheodass, Reshina Singh, Ramesh Singh, Shalini Stapelberg, Leonie BHAKTIVEDANTA JOURNAL 2010 • 5 Vedprakash, Bhavna Vidya Pietermaritzburg Gita Mala Devi Dasi Gopi Candana Devi Dasi Haridas Dasa Haripriya Devi Dasi Hasti Gopal Dasa Kirtana-rasa Dasa Nanda Maharaja Dasa Ram Gopal Dasa Rasamrta Devi Dasi Sharada Devi Dasi Vraja Renu Devi Dasi Yasoda Mayi Devi Dasi Bharath, Jayanthee Linda Bridgmohun, Bimla Devi Maharajh, Jaynand Bharuth Rajpal, Vinesh Singh, Balarama Singh, Jaganatha Singh, Natasha Singh, Natashia Singh, Yamuna Bhakti-sastri Degree 5th year USA Houston Damodara Sharana Dasa Nadia Kumar Dasa Priya Dasa Radha Vallabha Dasa Shoba Kishori Dasi Sri Vallabha Dasa Sundar Gopal Dasa Vinod Bihari Dasa Balaji, Ananta Bhatt, Girish Patel, Gajendra Patel, Jayanti Raghunatha Vala, Hemu Vala, Kanti Vala, Thakur Devraj, Raksha USA Bhakti-sastri Degree Graduates CANADA Vancouver Jaya Govinda Dasa Jayamurti Devi Dasi John R.J. Scott Mahidhara Dasa Manu Dasa Nandini Devi Dasi Prema Bhakti Devi Dasi San Diego Kumari Devi Dasi Nitya Gaura Dasa Nityanada Rama Dasa Phanesvari Laxmi Devi Dasi Darlina Morales Karl Liberman Leslie Cabezas Otto Cocino Polachary Madupu Sandra Jeter Timothy Scwab Bhakti-vaibhava Degree 1st year KENYA SOUTH AFRICA Nairobi Nanda Balaram Dasa Sacinandana Dasa Venu Madhurya Dasa Durban Metro Anasuya Devi Dasi Arcita Devi Dasi Atri Rsi Dasa Krishna Prasad Dasa Krpamoya Dasa Krsni Devi Dasi Madhumangal Dasa Manjula Dasi Nandagopal Dasa Prabhanu Dasa Radhika Prasad Devi Dasi Ramkinkara Dasa Rupanuga Dasa Satyabhama Devi Dasi Shatrughna Dasa Tamal Krishna Dasa Vaidardhi Devi Dasi Vrajanath Dasa Chakrabarty , Akash Chakrabarty , Amitava Chakrabarty , Atrayee Chakrabarty , Maumi Suvarna , Prakash SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg Metro Jahnavi Dasi Priya Malini Dasi Radha Nam Dasi Shymala Devi Dasi Sudevi Dasi Surendra Krsna Dasa Upananda Dasa Bissondayal, Vidhia Dilsook, Munsook Dilsook, Prishanie Dilsook, Shandheera Devi Patel, Meera Patel,Mehul Pillai, Ganesh Rathiram, Radhika Ratilal, Pooja Soni, Jaswant Vaga, Niru Vallabha, Urmilla Panday, Ashish Puran, Anner Ramnath, Adheesh Ramnath, Avish Ramnath, Fenella Ramnath, Ramkrish Reddy, Lenny Reddy, Nivashni Bhakti-vaibhava Degree 3rd year Bhakti-vaibhava Degree 4th year SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg Metro Amrita Radhika Devi Dasi Anaga Manjari Dasi Bhagavati Devi Dasi Champakalata Dasi Devahuti Dasi Gopalnandani Dasi Hari Murari Dasa Harinamananda Dasa Jaganntha Charan Dasa Karuna Mayi Dasi Krishna Kirtan Dasa Madri Dasi Nalakini devi dasi Nikunja Rasa Dasi Nitya Sundari Devi Dasi Parvati Priya Dasi Prema Rani Dasi Prema Sakti Dasi Purushottama Dasa Shyama Govinda Dasa Shymala Devi Dasi Durban Metro Gaura Nitai Dasa Gopi-ghata Devi Dasi Dahya, Mahendra Dr. D.K. Prajapat Jivan, Pretesh Jivan, Radha Mistri Pintesh Mistri, Reshma Mr. Singh Ooka, Ramila Ooka, Shanil Badul, Hemitha Badul, Ramkishor Bugwandeen, Ramoll Durgapersadh, Dhamyanthee Noleen Maharaj, Lognath Bhakti-vaibhava Degree 6th year SOUTH AFRICA Durban Metro Balgopal Dasa Jaisacinandana Dasa Kirtida Devi Dasi Lokabandhu Dasa Radha-Radhanatha Dasi Radha-Vallabh Dasa Silavati Dasi Taralika Devi Dasi Chandanram, Roshnee NEW - BCEC Namamrta Program - Level One Namamrta students from Manila Japa session in progress EXPERIENCE A FOUR DAY PROGRAM Street Harinama - Inter-dependent sadhu-sanga - Power-point slides, discussion sessions from Srila Prabhupada’s Books - Natural inspirations for improved sadhana - Practical exercises for internal spiritual committments - Street Harinama with Book Distribution as part of one day for +2hours - +Sixty-four rounds of Japa day - Attending Aratiks with Kirtanas - and Sumptuous Prasadam! Skits - different types of japa Japa around Tulasi Maharani Facilitators: His Holiness Bhakti Brhat Bhagavata Swami & Nrsimhananda Dasa Ecstatic aratik and kirtan program Sumptuous prasadam 6 • BHAKTIVEDANTA JOURNAL 2010 For more information contact: [email protected] Book distribution on Harinama ] Bhaktivedanta College of Education and Culture AROUND THE WORLD “Precise and clear explantions. The flow of Srila Prabhupada’s teachings wonderfully enter the heart” - Stefina Tukker, Halifax Houston – Children’s Class In Progress “ Wow! The best program that I have attended in this lifetime!” Rukmini Priya Devi Dasi, Manila Manila – Bhaki Sadacara Class “Powerful inspiration for my chanting and my overall saddhana. It was introspective, interactive, light-hearted and also provided many ways to improve the quality of my chanting to develop a relationship with Sri Nama Prabhu.” Krsnacandra Dasa, Mauritius Mayapur – Bhakti Sadacar Students “Cleared my doubts and bad habits before I could voice them and helped me deepen my relationship with the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna through His holy names.” Leanne Pillay, Johanneburg San Diego – Bhakti Sastri Class in Progress Toronto – Namamrta Program - Skit BHAKTIVEDANTA JOURNAL 2010 • 7 “Revealing! The program made me aware how not to miss the real point of this human life and to cherish this gift that Srila Prabhupada so mercifully benedicted us with.” Nqobile Simelane, Pretoria Nairobi – Namamrta Program in Progress “The 64 rounds day made me realize how truly valuable the Holy Name is and how fortunate I am to have it.” Recha Grover, Toronto Mauritius - Bhakti Sastri Examination “Heart-penetrating course which will now help me to properly and nicely represent ISKCON” Mandakini Hannen, Mayapur Toronto – 64 Rounds Day “The Bhakti-Sadacara Course greatly helped me to look within and to make committments in Krishna consciousness for my spiritual progress” Sherryann Birjasingh, Trinidad Mauritius– Graduation Ceremony “Revelation after revelation. I could never understand Srila Prabhupada’s philosophy in such a deep manner by self-study.” Yamuna Singh, Durban Pretoria – Bhakti Sadacar Students 8 • BHAKTIVEDANTA JOURNAL 2010 BCEC - An International Spiritual College CONTACT ADDRESSES The Bhaktivedanta College of Education and Culture (BCEC) was founded in July 1991 in Durban, South Africa. Bhakti Brhat Bhagavata Swami formed the BCEC under the instructions and guidance of His Holiness Giriraja Swami. The college is a forum to discuss and relish the translations and purports of the books of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. “I am suggesting the following examinations: Bhakti-sastri: (for all brahmanas) based on Bhagavad-gita, Sri Isopanisad, The Nectar of Devotion, The Nectar of Instruction, and all the small paperbacks. Bhakti-vaibhava: the above plus first six Cantos of Srimad-Bhagavatam. Bhakti-vedanta: the above plus cantos 7-12 Srimad-Bhagavatam. Bhakti-sarvabhauma: the above plus Caitanya-caritamrta. These titles can correspond to entrance BA, MA, Ph.D. So just consider how to organize this Institute. At Mayapur we shall finalize everything.” – Srila Prabhupada, January 10, 1976 Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 TOTAL All All Adult Children’s Classes Certificates Certificates – 32 42 81 99 64 83 146 168 224 244 204 211 266 276 191 225 342 461 351 3710 48 73 174 223 326 307 629 868 888 737 710 639 891 962 592 635 647 1223 1290 1639 13501 2010 1990 48 105 216 304 425 371 712 1014 1056 961 954 843 1102 1228 868 826 872 1565 1751 1990 17211 2009 1751 1994 2008 2004 1565 1228 2003 1056 1014 1998 1999 961 1102 954 2000 2001 843 2002 2005 872 2007 868 826 2006 712 1997 371 1995 216 Phone: +27 (11) 675-0684 Cell: +27 (83) 5511550 e-mail: [email protected] Total Number Of Students 425 304 JOHANNESBURG (Global Office) Nrsimhananda Dasa Bhaktivedanta College of Education and Culture P.O. Box 815 Lenasia Gauteng 1820 South Africa 1996 Graduates Progression 1993 105 48 1992 1991 BHAKTIVEDANTA JOURNAL 2010• 9 Directorate Co-International Directors: H.H. Bhakti Brhat Bhagavata Swami (GRS) Nrsimhananda Dasa (BCS) Chairman - Board of Examiner: H.H. Bhakti Caitanya Swami (ACBSP) Director - Canada: H.H. Bhakti Brhat Bhagavata Swami (GRS) [email protected] Director - USA: Radha Krishna Dasa (TKG) [email protected] Directors - India: H.H. Bhakti Brhat Bhagavata Swami (GRS) Janmastami Dasa (SDG) [email protected] Director - Ireland: Karunesvari Devi Dasi [email protected] Director - Kenya: Umapati Dasa (GKG) [email protected] Director - Mauritius: Ajay Caitanya Dasa (BCS) [email protected] Director - Philippines: Sridama Dasa (GDS) [email protected] Director - South Africa: Nrsimhananda Dasa (BCS) [email protected] DURBAN H.H. Jayadvaita Swami Ananda Mayi Devi Dasi Ananda Vrindavana Dasi Anuradha Dasi Balgopal Dasa Jaisacinandan Dasa Krishna Prasad Dasa Krsni Devi Dasi Lokabandhu Dasa Madhumangal Dasa Narmada Dasi Nitai Dasa Prabhanu Dasa Pundarika Vidyanidhi Dasa Radha Giridhari Dasa Radha Vallabha Dasa Raghava Pandit Dasa Raghunatha Bhatta Dasa Ramanujacarya Dasa Rasa Mandala Devi Dasi Sankirtana Dasa Shankarlal Dasa Triveni Dasi Vibhu Caitanya Dasa Lognath Maharaj Roshnee Chandanram GUYANA H.H. Bhakti BrhatBhagavata Swami HALIFAX H.H. Bhakti BrhatBhagavata Swami Staff 2010 Ramachandra Dasa Tulsi Maharani Devi Dasi Vidura Dasa Vrajalaxmi Devi Dasi Vrajaraj Dasa Vrajarani Devi Dasi Vrndavan Krishna Dasa HOUSTON Damodara Sharana Dasa Guru Bhakti Devi Dasi Guru Priya Devi Dasi Harilila Dasa Lila Manjari Devi Dasi Prasanatma Dasa Radha Krishna Dasa Kamlesh Chawla Babbea Sakund Nishtha JOHANNESBURG Krishna Balaram Dasa Madri Dasi Nrsimhananda Dasa MAYAPUR H.H. Bhakti BrhatBhagavata Swami Suresvara Dasa MANILA H.H. Bhakti BrhatBhagavata Swami H.H. Janananda Goswami Sridhama Dasa MAURITIUS H.H. Bhakti Caitanya Swami H.H. Bhakti BrhatBhagavata Swami Ajay Caitanya Dasa Bhava Bhakti Devi Dasi Chitsukhananda Dasa Hari Vani Devi Dasi Krishna Dasa Krishna-candra Dasa Krsna Mayi Devi Dasi Nara Narayan Dasa Nitya Kishori Devi Dasi Nitya Rupa Devi Dasi Premananda Dasa Raghava Pandit Dasa MONTREAL H.H. Bhakti BrhatBhagavata Swami NAIROBI H.H. Bhakti BrhatBhagavata Swami Draupadi Rani Devi Dasi Karuna Ras Dasa Madhava Dasa Nand Balaram Dasa Natvara Dasa Rukma Dasa Sacinandan Dasa Sri Gauranga Dasa Bharti Mataji Harsha Mataji Rekha Mataji PIETERMARITZBURG Jaisacinandan Dasa Krsni Devi Dasi Lokabandhu Dasa Raghunatha Bhatta Dasa PRETORIA Nrsimhananda Dasa SAN DIEGO Dravida Dasa Vrajabasi Dasa TRINIDAD H.H. Bhakti BrhatBhagavata Swami VANCOUVER H.H. Bhakti BrhatBhagavata Swami Vrndavana Vinodini Dasi Bhaktin Atrayee Bhaktin Hinal Bhaktin Manisha Bhaktin Snehal Courses Offered For Children Fun filled strategies to present Vedic Culture to children, insulating them against the some what decadent society that we are living in. Through the medium of music, drama, debates, quizzes and games, children will now be able to study the ancient wisdom of the Vedas. The first level will offer preparatory lessons for juniors in motor skills etc. in keeping with the academic requirements. However the syllabus is also designed to simultaneously teach them to always remember Krishna and never forget Him. Children enrolling in this course will also be afforded an opportunity to learn lessons in morality that is resultant in them imbibing Vedic teachings. No. Course 1. Bhakti-pauganda Certificate 1. Bhakti-pauganda Certificate Levels/ Age Group (Five Levels : 5-10 years) - Festivals of India - Part One Gopala Class (Age 5-6 years) - Devotional Practices - Part One - Who Am I? - Srila Prabhupada - Cow Protection & Vegetarian Living - The Appearance of Lord Jagannath Mukunda Class (Age 6-7 years) - Vaishnava Behavior - Animals in the Vedas - Lord Caitanya’s Childhood Pastimes - Adventures of Lord Rama - Festivals of India - Part One Mukunda Class (Age 6-7 years) - Vaishnava Behavior - Animals in the Vedas - Lord Caitanya’s Childhood Pastimes - Adventures of Lord Rama Madhava Class (Age 8-9 years) - The Material World & Spiritual sky - Introduction t- Bhagavad Gita - His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada No. 2. Course Bhakti-kaisora Certificate 2. Bhakti-kaisora Certificate Syamasundara Class (Age 10 -11 years) - Coming Back - Reincarnation and Cycle of Birth & Death - The Nine Processes of Devotional Service - Prayer - Vaishnava Saints - The Six Goswamis of Vrndavan - Festivals of India - Part Two (As given in Giridhari Class) Madan Mohan Class (Age 11-12 years) - What Makes Someone Bhagavan? - Bhagavad Gita As It Is - Chapter Two, 10 • BHAKTIVEDANTA JOURNAL 2010 No. of Lessons 25 sessions per year at 1 hour per week - Vegetarianism and a Non-Violent World - Krishna Kills the Demons & Our Material Desires Damodar Class (Age 9-10 years) - Vaishnava Behavior - The mercy of Lord Caitanya - Cleanliness - Heroes from the Vedas - Festivals of India - Part One (As given in Mukunda Class) Levels/ Age Group (Four Levels : 11-14 years) No. of Lessons 25 sessions per year at 1 hour per week Contents of the Gita Summarized - Preaching is the Essence - Prabhupada’s Mission - Vegetarianism and a Non Violent World - The Vedic View Gopinath Class (Age 13-14 years) - The Four Pillars of Religion - Stories from the Srimad Bhagavatam - Prayer - Is There Life After Death? Govinda Class (Age 12-13 years) - Vaishnava Behavior - The Pastimes of Lord Krishna - The Nine Islands of Navadwip - Media Madness - Festivals of India - Part One (As given in Mukunda Class) Children’s Course Includes: - Dramas - Games - Rhymes and other exciting educational tools for ages 2 to 18. Courses Offered For Adults All classes are part-time and are of one hour minimum duration each. This format attracts those who hold regular jobs, professionals, businessmen, students and even house-wives. It is also convenient for devotees residing in temples, who can study without neglecting their regular temple services. No. Course/ Details Duration No. Of Lessons 1. Bhakti-sadacara Certificate (For Beginners) Module 1: Science of Self Realization Module 2: Vaisnava Etiquette Module 3: Spritiual Master and Disciple 1 Year Course 30 weeks at 1.5 hours per week MODULE ONE: THE SCIENCE OF SELF REALIZATION • 10 weeks at 1.5 hour per week • Text: The Science of Self Realization • Study notes will be provided In this text you will discover the timeless science that great teachers have spoken for millenia. The Science of Self Realization opens up the secrets of the self within, nature, the universe and the Supreme Self within and without. Here the world’s most distinguished teacher of the science of self realization talks about meditation and practising yoga in the modern age, gaining liberation from the laws of karma, achieving super consciousness and much more. In these pages Srila Prabhupada presents the same message the great sage Vyasadeva recorded thousands of years ago, the message of India’s ancient Vedic literatures. He quotes freely and often from Bhagavad-gita, the Srimad-Bhagavatam and other classic Vedic texts. He transmits in modern English the same timeless knowledge without adulteration. In all the interviews, lectures and essays chosen from this special book, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada speaks with invigorating clarity and power. He proves just how relevant the science of self realization is to today’s world and your own life. MODULE TWO: VAISNAVA ETIQUETTE • 15 weeks at 1.5 hour per week (Study notes will be provided) Vaisnava etiquette is the behaviour of saintly persons. Nothing can be successful without sadacara or etiquette. Every action of ours should be performed according to proper etiquette. The heart of a saintly person is free from contamination. Although one may have acquired the knowledge of all of the Vedas, if one is not practicing the proper etiquette or if he did not become a Vaisnava, then all of this knowledge which he has acquired will be lost at the time of death. Thus one can understand that Vaisnava etiquette purifies the heart and consciousness. Vaisnava etiquette involves an in-depth study of the codes of behaviour as practised by saintly persons. SPIRITUAL MASTERS AND DISCIPLE • 5 weeks at 1.5 hour per week (Study notes will be provided) “If one understands the truth of Krishna consciousness and seriously desires to attain transcendental knowledge for the perfection of life, he can accept a spiritual master from any social status, provided the spiritual master is fully conversant with the science of Krishna. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura also states that although one is situated as a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, brahmacari, vanaprastha, grhastha, or sannyasi, if he is conversant in the science of Krishna he can become a spiritual master as vartma-pradarsaka-guru, diksa-guru or siksa-guru. The spiritual master who first gives information about spiritual life is called the vartma-pradarsaka-guru, the spiritual master who initiates according to the regulations of the sastra is called the diksa-guru, and the spiritual master who gives instructions for elevation is called the siksa-guru. Factually the qualifications of a spiritual master depend on his knowledge of the science of Krishna. It does not matter whether he is a brahmana, ksatriya, sannyasi or sudra.” (Caitanya Caritamrta Adi-lila, Chapter 11, Text 128, Purport) 2. Bhakti-gita Diploma (A Credit Towards Bhakti-sastri Degree) First Year: Module 1 – The Yoga Ladder Module 2 – Bhagavad-gita, Chapters 1-6 2 Year Course 60 weeks at 3 hours per week Second Year: Module 3 – Bhagavad-gita, Chapters 7-12 Module 4 – Bhagavad-gita, Chapters 13-18 MODULE ONE: THE YOGA LADDER • Text: Bhagavad-gita As It Is (hardbound) • Study guide will be provided “The process of linking oneself with the Supreme is called yoga. It may be compared to a ladder for attaining the topmost spiritual realization. This ladder begins from the lowest material condition of the living entity and rises up to perfect self-realization in pure spiritual life. According to various elevations, different parts of the ladder are known by different names. But all in all, the complete ladder is called yoga and may be divided into three parts, namely jnanayoga, dhyana-yoga and bhakti-yoga. The beginning of the ladder is called the yogaruruksu stage, and the highest rung is called yogarudha.” (Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Chapter 6, Verse 3, Purport) MODULE TWO-FOUR: BHAGAVAD-GITA AS IT IS, CHAPTER 1-18 • Text: Bhagavad-gita As It Is (hardbound) • Study guide will be provided The subject of the Bhagavad-gita entails the comprehension of five basic truths. First of all, the science of God is explained and then the constitutional position of the living entities, jivas. There is Isvara, which means the controller and there are jivas, the living entities, which are controlled. Prakriti (material nature) and time (the duration of existence of the whole universe or the manifestation of material nature) and karma (activities) are also discussed. This Gitopanisad, Bhagavad-gita, the essence of all the Upanisads, is just like a cow, and Lord Krsna, who is famous as a cowherd boy, is milking this cow. Arjuna is just like a calf, and learned scholars and pure devotees are to drink the nectarean milk of Bhagavad-gita. BHAKTIVEDANTA JOURNAL 2010• 11 Courses Offered For Adults No. Course/ Details Duration No. Of Lessons 3. Bhakti-sastri Degree 3 Year Course 105 weeks at 3 hours per week First Year: Module 1 – Nectar of Devotion Module 2 – Nectar of Instruction Second Year: Module 3 – Sri Isopanisad Module 4 – Bhagavad-gita Overview Third Year: Module 5 – Training: Memorization of Verses Module 6 – Overall Revision, Homework Assignments and Final Examinations MODULE ONE: NECTAR OF DEVOTION The Nectar of Devotion - is a summary of Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu which was written in Sanskrit over five hundred years ago by Srila Rupa Goswami, one of our predecessor teachers. The 523 page book teaches us the science of loving every living entity perfectly in relation to developing our innate love for the Supreme. MODULE TWO: NECTAR OF INSTRUCTION The Nectar of Instruction - is a compact guidebook of how to choose a spiritual guide, how to practice yoga and even where to live for progressive spiritual advancement. The 130 page book with eleven verses was written in sanskrit by Srila Rupa Goswami. MODULE THREE: SRI ISOPANISAD Sri Isopanisad - discusses personality as the solid foundation and unifying principle of our existence. This 142 page book with its eighteen mantras is the most confidential of the 108 Upanisads. MODULE FOUR: BHAGAVAD-GITA AS IT IS - OVERVIEW Bhagavad-gita is universally renown as the jewel of Vedic spiritual wisdom and the essence of the Upanisads. This 1047 page book with seven-hundred verses provide a definitive guide to the science of self realisation. This work discusses man’s essential nature, his environment and his relationship with the Supreme. 4. Bhakti-vaibhava Degree 8 Year Course 280 Weeks at 2 hours per week Srimad-Bhagavatam Overview - Cantos 1 to 6 “Srimad-Bhagavatam is the desire tree of Vedic wisdom. Veda itself means “the aggregate of knowledge.” And whatever knowledge is required for human society is perfectly presented in Srimad-Bhagavatam. There are different branches of knowledge in the Vedic writings, including sociology, politics, medicine and military art. All these and other branches of knowledge are perfectly described in the Vedas. So, as far as spiritual knowledge is concerned, that is also perfectly described there, and Srimad-Bhagavatam is considered to be the ripened fruit of this desire-fulfilling tree of the Vedas. A tree is honored by the production of its fruit. For example, a mango tree is considered very valuable because it produces the king of all fruits, the mango. When the mango fruit becomes ripened it is the greatest gift of that tree, and Srimad-Bhagavatam is similarly held to be the ripened fruit of the Vedic tree. And as ripened fruit becomes more relishable when first touched by the beak of a parrot, or suka, Srimad-Bhagavatam has become more relishable by being delivered through the transcendental mouth of Sukadeva Gosvami.” (From Nectar Of Devotion: Recitation of Srimad-Bhagavatam Among Devotees) In the Srimad-Bhagavatam ten subjects are described: (1) the creation of the ingredients of the cosmos, (2) the creations of Brahma, (3) the maintenance of the creation, (4) special favor given to the faithful, (5) impetuses for activity, (6) prescribed duties for law-abiding men, (7) a description of the incarnations of the Lord, (8) the winding up of the creation, (9) liberation from gross and subtle material existence, and (10) the ultimate shelter, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Future Courses: 5 6. Bhakti-vedanta Degree: Srimad-Bhagavatam (Cantos 7 to 12) Bhakti-sarvabhauma: Caitanya-caritamrta (9 Volumes) Krishna Conscious Home Schooling Is Now Avaliable For Children. Please contact our office for more details - [email protected] CHANT & BE HAPPY! Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
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