Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church
Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church
OUR LADY OF VICTORY CATHOLIC CHURCH IGLESIA CATÓLICA NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LAS VICTORIAS REVEREND JESÚS DEL ÁNGEL, PASTOR Deacons: Reverend Mr. Nai Her Reverend Mr. Kurt Neuhaus Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Church: 2838 N. West Ave Fresno, CA Office: 2850 N. Crystal Ave Fresno, CA 93705-3851 Phone: 559-226-1163 Fax: 559-226-2093 Email: [email protected] Website: olvchurch-fresno.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/olvfresno Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday, 5:30 pm Sábado, 7:00 pm Sunday, 8:00 am Sunday, 9:30 am Sunday, 11:30 am Domingo, 1:30 pm Sunday, 3:30 pm (Hmong) Sunday, 5:30 pm Weekday Masses 8:00 am Mondays-Fridays (school year: 9:00 am on Fridays) Holy Day Masses - as announced Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays, 10:00 - 11:30 am Rosary - Sundays at 7:15 am in the Church Baptisms by appointment only. English and Spanish. Prebaptism class for both parents and godparents. To schedule baptism and pre-baptism classes, call the Parish Center. Weddings - Preparation classes require 6 months advanced notice. To schedule wedding, call the Parish Center. Quinceañeras - to schedule a quinceañera, contact the Parish Center. OUR LADY OF VICTORY SCHOOL Principal: Mrs. Deborah Nettell Preschool through 8th Grade 1626 W. Princeton Ave Fresno, CA 93705 Phone: 559/229-0205 Fax: 559/229-3230 Website: www.fresnoolv.org Email: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/olvschoolfresno Sunday, September 11, 2016: 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time Office Voicemail - 226-1163 Fr. Jesús Del Ángel (not confidential) [email protected] Deacon Nai Her - [email protected] Deacon Kurt Neuhaus - [email protected] Kim O’Connor, Office Manager, ext 100 [email protected] Lina Gamez, Secretary / Safe Environment Manager, ext 101 - [email protected] Sara McCraw, Accounting, ext 109 [email protected] Joe Martinez, Facilities - (559) 226-1163 Religious Education / Educación Religiosa: Mitzi Torres, ext. 103 - [email protected] Life Teen/Youth Confirmation: Sarah Casillas, ext. 106 [email protected] Liturgical Coordinator: Kim O’Connor, ext. 100 [email protected] Hmong Religious Education: Danieng Xiong [email protected] FAVOR OREN POR...PLEASE PRAY FOR Sally Acosta Bedoya, Michael Alcantar, Andrea Alvarez, Reynaldo Arcuino, Anthony Arroyo, Shelby Arroyo, Carolyn Austin, Taran Balderrama, Betty Baptista, Tami Barajas, Felipe Barrientos, Emily Beckmann, Mark Beyer, Gamila Brown-Jones, Lori Cameron, Cheryl Cass, Virginia Castillo, Robert Castro, Bobbie Cazmi, Becky Colburn, John, Irene & Michael Cook, Lupe Cordova, Adrienne Dangelot, Ralph De La Cerda, Len Doerkisen, Marisol Torres Ecceles, Laura & Patrick Edwards, Jessie Espinosa, Pete Espinoza, Terry Espinoza, Gina Fernandes, Jeff Fickenworth, Susan Fischer, Beverly Follett, Helen Freitas, Baby Max Galindo, Virginia Garcia, Steven Gardea, Dennis Gaxiola, Charlotte Girado, Dalton Goode, Rita Gorman, Dan & Lori Harrison, Jerry Hatfield, Jordyn Halverson, Leticia Hembree, Jennie Herrera, John Herrera, Karen & Marcia Hess, Richard Hernandez, Jeanette Hogue, Anastasia Hornor & Family, Linda Howell, Marian Jacks, Dora Jensen, Diane Jimenez, Eileen Klein, Edna Lamb, Josephine Lango, Youa Lee, Bryan Lehman, Mary Leslie, Patricia Letson, Louis Lett Sr., Cle-Estria Lett, Louis Lett Jr. & Michelle Lett, Jean Lombardi, Teresa Lombardo, Simon Lucido, Vincie Lucido, Connie Lujan, Robert Maciel, Joann Madril, Alice Matthews, Bernadette Martin, Randy McCully, Jayden Medina, Alsia Mejia, James Mills, Ellie Monzon, Vicky Monzon, Aurora Munguia, Kylie Nersesian, Ann Neuhaus, Ed Neuman, Ann Nodd, KO, Tanner O’Brien, Margarita Neria Ochoa, Dominic Orossi, Lisa Quinonez Ortiz, Francis Ortega, Rodney Osuna, Servina Palacios, Betty Palumbo, John Patton, Melvin Pech, Juanita Phillips, Rebecca Plaza, Jess & Joyce Quintero, Maria Quiroz, Emily & Pete Ramirez, Makayla Ramirez, Dolores Rendon, Rita Reyes, Ana Rieping, Richard Rigg, Armando Rodriguez, Donald Rodriguez II, Joseph Rodriguez, Nellie Rodriguez, Paul Rodriguez, Rogelio Lopez Romero, Dominic Rossi, Mike Rudd, Milton & Paul Ruth, Art Sanchez, Rosa Maria Santos, Cabrina Shafer, Hans & Rose Marie Siefert, David Simpson, Gail Simpson, Bill Smith, Saralee Smelser, Mel Solano, Andrew Stevenson, Mariann Stott, Tony Strong, Geri Tahajian, Adrian Tapia, Helen Tarasevic, Cecile Navarro Tatum, Marilyn Taylor, Shelly Travis, Gloria Trejo, Art Wahlenmaier, Craig Wensel, Tom Wilson, June Wright, Margie Vargas, and Lisa Yurgal. MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIONES DE LA MISA Saturday, September 10, 2016 Sábado, 10 de Septiembre 2016 10:15 am .........Confessions / Confesiones 5:30 pm ........... Lucy Del Real (Medina Family) 7:00 pm ........... Hubertino Nuñez, Jr., de parte de la Familia Nuñez Sunday, September 11, 2016 Domingo, 11 de Septiembre 2016 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time XXIV Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 8:00 am ........... Soledad & Joaquin Maciel (Family) 9:30 am ........... Charmaine O’Neill (Pat Deeter); 65th Anniversary Mass of Our Lady of Victory Catholic School 11:30 am ......... Eleanor Castro (Andres Family) 1:30 pm ........... Juan Reynaga de parte de la Familia Reynaga 3:30 pm ...........For all of our personal intentions 5:30 pm ........... Lucy Del Real (Low Family) Monday, September 12, 2016 Lunes, 12 de Septiembre 2016 8:00 am ...........Special intentions of the Verdugo Family (Lina Gamez) Tuesday, September 13, 2016 Martes, 13 de Septiembre 2016 8:00 am ...........Communion Service Wednesday, September 14, 2016 Miércoles, 14 de Septiembre 2016 8:00 am ...........Special intentions of Judi Tolbert (Jeanne Hatfield) 7:00 pm ...........Misa de Sanación: Por todas nuestras intenciones personales Thursday, September 15, 2016 Jueves, 15 de Septiembre 2016 8:00 am ...........For all of our personal intentions Friday, September 16, 2016 Viernes, 16 de Septiembre 2016 9:00 am ........... Carmen Acuna (Carmelita Franco) Saturday, September 17, 2016 Sábado, 17 de Septiembre 2016 10:00 am .........Confessions / Confesiones 5:30 pm ........... Dolores Lopez (Marcia Campbell) 7:00 pm ........... Manuela Marquez Llamas y Biatris Marquez de parte de Areles Gallegos Sunday, September 18, 2016 Domingo, 18 de Septiembre 2016 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time XXV Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 8:00 am ........... Romaulde & Rita B. Fernandez (Don & Mary Reitz) 9:30 am ...........Special intentions of Urbano Hernandez (McCraw Family) 11:30 am ......... Rupert, Terry and Robert Anthony Osuna (Yvonne Osuna) 1:30 pm ........... Maria Brenda Nuñez de parde de Familia Nuñez 3:30 pm ...........For all of our personal intentions 5:30 pm ........... Charmaine O’Neill (Nancy E Kelly) 2 Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church - Fresno, California COME HOME The Golden Calf is a strong image, from the Bible to the Faustian legends, of rejecting God. But God is faithful and patient in allowing the prodigal to come back home. When we do, Jesus says all creation rejoices because the lost is found. We have sacramental healing of the sinner and the sick, through penance and anointing of the sick, to lead us back to the “great Feast of Heaven.” You are invited to share in the wedding banquet of God. Are you coming back to where you should be? Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 2001, OCP. All rights reserved. VUELVE A CASA El becerro de oro es una imagen fuerte de rechazo a Dios, desde la Biblia hasta las leyendas faustinas. Pero Dios es fiel y paciente, y permite que el hijo pródigo vuelva a casa. Y cuando volvemos, dice Jesús que toda la creación se alegra, porque "hemos encontrado" al que "estaba perdido". A través de la penitencia y la unción de los enfermos, recibimos alivio sacramental en el pecador y el enfermo para que podamos regresar al gran banquete celestial. Tú estás invitado(a) a participar en el banquete de bodas de Dios. ¿Vas a volver a donde debes estar? Texto: Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 2001, OCP. Derechos reservados. Readings for the week of September 11, 2016 Sunday - Ex 32:7-11, 13-14; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19; 1 Tm 1:12-17; Lk 15:1-32 Monday - 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Lk 7:1-10 Tuesday - 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31; Ps 100:1-5; Lk 7:11-17 Wednesday - Nm 21:4-9; Ps 78:1-2, 34-38; Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 Thursday - 1 Cor 15:1-11; Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 28 Friday - 1 Cor 15:12-20; Ps 17:1, 6-8, 15; Lk 8:1-3 Saturday - 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49; Ps 56:10-14; Lk 8:415 Next Sunday - Am 8:4-7; Ps 113:1-2, 4-8; 1 Tm 2:1-8; Lk 16:1-13 Lecturas para la semana de Septiembre 11, 2016 Domingo - Ex 32:7-11, 13-14; Sal 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19; 1 Tim 1:12-17; Lc 15:1-32 Lunes - 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33; Sal 40:7-10, 17; Lc 7:1-10 Martes - 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31; Sal 100:1-5; Lc 7:11-17 Miércoles - Num 21:4-9; Sal 78:1-2, 34-38; Flp 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 Jueves - 1 Cor 15:1-11; Sal 118:1-2, 16-17, 28 Viernes - 1 Cor 15:12-20; Sal 17:1, 6-8, 15; Lc 8:1-3 Sábado - 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49; Sal 56:10-14; Lc 8:4-15 Próximo Domingo - Am 8:4-7; Sal 113:1-2, 4-8; 1 Tim 2:1-8; Lc 16:1-13 Wedding Banns / Amonestaciones MELISSA RENEE MARTINEZ and ALBERT RAMOS, JR. intend to marry on Saturday, September 17, 2016, at our parish. September 11, 2016 RAQUEL CASILLAS OJEDA and GERARDO GRAJEDA SANTANA intend to marry on Saturday, September 24, 2016, at our parish. September 11, 2016 September 18, 2016 ADRIANA ABIGAIL PELAYO GÓMEZ and HUMBERTO PELAYO TORRES intend to marry on Saturday, October 8, 2016, at our parish. September 11, 2016 September 18, 2016 September 25, 2016 UPCOMING SPECIAL MASSES IN THE DIOCESE All masses will be celebrated by Bishop Armando X. Ochoa Blue Mass for Police, Firemen/women Friday, September 23, 2016 at 12:10 pm, St. John’s Cathedral White Mass for the those in the medical field - Friday, October 14, 2016, at 12:10 pm, St. John’s Cathedral Red Mass for those who work for justice and in the legal field. Friday, October 21, 2016 at 12:10 pm, St. John’s Cathedral MISA DE SANACIÓN La Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Victoria les invita cordialmente a la celebración de la Misa de Sanación. Miércoles, 14 de Septiembre del 2016 7:00 pm a 9:00 pm Para mayor información, comuníquse con: Teresa Cruz: (559) 313-4492 Emma Cruz: (559) 476-2769 Centro Parroquial: (559) 226-1163 ¡TE ESPERAMOS! VOLUNTEER AT ST. AGNES MEDICAL CENTER SHARE IN A SACRED TRUST Join our St. Agnes community of caring, compassionate volunteers who share in the ministry of visiting the sick and Eucharistic Ministry. Topics include spirituality, prayer, listening skills, diversity, grief and loss. Training begins Thursday, September 29, 2016. please call 450-3854 for information or registration. An application, interview and pastor’s recommendation are required. 3 Domingo, 11 de Septiembre 2016: XXIV Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario PARISH MINISTRIES AND ORGANIZATIONS MINISTERIOS Y ORGANIZACIÓNES PARROQUIALES Liturgical Ministries – call the office, 559-226-1163 Ministerios Litúrgicos – favor de llamar al Centro Parroquial, 559-226-1163 Lectors / Lectores Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist / Ministros Extraordinarios de la Eucaristía Altar Servers / Monaguillos Musicians / Músicos Children’s Liturgy / Liturgia de los Niños Ushers / Acomodadores Environment (Decorating) / Decoración del Altar Religious Education / Educación Religiosa – Mitzi Torres, 559226-1163 or [email protected] Religious Education for Children (RCIC) / Educación Religiosa para Niños Youth Ministry (Confirmation) / Ministerio de Jovenes (Confirmación) RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults / Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos Baptism Class – 2nd Mondays in the Church; call the church office at 559-226-1163 Clases de Bautismo – A partir del 16 de septiembre de 2016 todos los viernes en la Capilla del Centro Parroquial - Favor de llamar al Centro Parroquial – 559-226-1163 Preparación para Matrimonio - 4 clases: 3 lunes consecutivos seguidos por una clase de domingo en el Centro Parroquial con Misa después en la iglesia. Alfredo Lopez: 559-213-4072, [email protected] Talleres de Oración y Vida – Los lunes en la cafetería de la escuela; Rosaline Figueroa, 559-907-9541 Grupo de Oración – Los martes en el Salón McGovern; John Betancourt: 559-573-5355, [email protected] Bible Study – Thursdays, Parish Center starting September 15, 2016; Olivia Miranda: 559-304-6708, [email protected] OLV Faith Alive Young Adults (OLV FAYA) – Bible study 1st and 3rd Tuesdays in the Parish Center; Estefana Antonio 559-4443899, [email protected] Encuentro Matrimonial – Los viernes en el Salon Hayes; Laura Oseguera, 559-313-7432 Apostolado Hispano - 1er y 3er martes, Centro Parroquial; Jose Vivian 1-909-213-3726 Finance Committee – 4th Wednesdays in Parish Center; Deacon Kurt Neuhaus, 559-226-1163 Parish Council – to be announced Our Lady of Victory Women’s Altar Guild – 2nd Tuesdays of the month in Hayes Hall; Deidre Putnam home 559-449-9379, cell 559-285-1707, [email protected] Italian Catholic Federation Branch 32 – 4th Tuesdays of the month in Hayes Hall; please call the church office 559-226-1163 Knights of Columbus Council 4440 – 2nd Thursdays of the month in Hayes Hall; Gabriel Fernandez, Grand Knight: 559-862-7456, [email protected] Save the Date! The 65th Anniversary Celebration honoring Monsignor John Moreton The 24th Annual OLV Parent’s Club Dinner & Auction Saturday, October 22, 2016 Mary’s Grotto at Our Lady of Victory School, 1626 W. Princeton Avenue, Fresno, California How can you help? Donate an item for the silent auction: games, toys, books, game tickets, theater tickets, garden items, home improvement items, bikes, tents, sport equipment, art supplies, etc. Gift certificates for services such as: haircuts, salon treatments, massages, garden services, etc. Volunteer- Set up, clean up, decorate or just be a helping hand! BE THERE AND INVITE YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS! Join the fun and excitement all for the school we love best of all! For more information call the school office at 559-226-1163 The Sister Disciples of the Divine Master will facilitate a Day of Retreat for young Single Women ages 18 - 35. Where: Sister Disciples of the Divine Master Convent, 3700 N. Cornelia Avenue, Fresno, CA 93722 When: Saturday, September 17th, 2016 from 9:30am - 3:00 pm. Please bring Sack lunch, notebook & pen. For Registration: Please call Sr. M. Margaret at (559)275 -9978. Donations gladly accepted 4 Iglesia Católica Nuestra Señora de Las Victorias - Fresno, California GUILD NEWS Tuesday, September 13th - Meeting in Hayes Hall at 11:30 am. In preparation for the Guild’s Christmas Boutique in November, the Women’s Altar Guild would like to invite anyone interested in lending their artistic and decorating talents to attend their Christmas Boutique Summer Workshops. All items made will be sold at their Christmas Boutique and Bake Sale. All profits gained are used to support expenses associated with the needs of the altar. All workshop dates are scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., at McGovern Hall. September 20, 2016 October 18, 2016 November 15, 2016 (Final meeting) For more information, please contact Deidre Putnam at 285-1707, Loretta Cisneros at 276-3722 or Hilda Prudhume at 229-4429. Donations of gently used tablets, such as Chrome books, iPads, are needed for Our Lady of Victory School. If you are looking to upgrade your current device consider giving a donation of your used tablet to the school. The Shrine of St. Thérèse Diamond Jubilee Saturday, October 1, 2016 The Feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux 1:30 pm Docent Tours 4:00 pm Mass with Most Reverend Armando X. Ochoa, D.D. Hor d’oeuvers, Dinner & Auction Dedication of the hall in honor of Monsignor E. James Petersen. For more information contact Bernadette at 559-268-6388 or [email protected] Collection for September 4, 2016 Plate Collection ....................................... $7269.00 Renovation & Maintenance ..................... $2906.00 Would you like a Mass for a loved one? Come into the office to schedule your Mass. The offering is $10.00 per mass. ¿Quiere programar una Misa para un ser querido? Pase a la oficina para programar una Misa. La ofrenda es $10. 10.00 por unidad de masa. BIBLE STUDY: The Great Adventure Bible Study Program with Jeff Cavins. Join us in the journey through the Bible foundational series with Jeff Cavins beginning Thursday September 15th at the Parish Center Office. We will be studying Mathew: The King and his Kingdom. This Catholic bible study brings the history of Christ to life through Mathew’s Gospel. You will see Jesus as the awaited Messiah who fulfills the promises and prophecies of the Old Testament. This class is a DVD presentation by Jeff Cavins followed by a group discussion. There is NO COST for the class. We will be meeting every Thursday at 6:30 pm at the Parish office 2850 N Crystal Ave next to the OLV School. For more information or to register please contact Espee at 559-349-1752 or [email protected] and/or Olivia at 559-3046708 or [email protected] 106th St. Elia Celebration Sunday, September 18, 2016 St. Alphonsus Church The St. Elia Celebration is the oldest Catholic, continuous and religious celebration in Fresno. It was brought to Fresno in 1910 by Italian immigrants from the tiny village of Maschito, Italy to the newly found parish of St. Alphonsus of Liguori on Kearney Boulevard. The Mass and Procession with the Queen will be Sunday, September 18th at 12 Noon at St. Alphonsus Church, followed by a dinner catered by Pardini’s in Valdez Hall at the Fresno Convention Center at 3:30 pm. Delight in Italian serenades by Maurizio Russo and dancing to the festive music of the Rick Del Carlo Band, and much, much more! Dinner tickets are $35.00/adult, and $15.00/children 12 and under. Tickets are available at Gentile’s Flower Basket 559-243-9143, Mike Jura 559-285-3320, Judy Chiarito Ford 559-439-5524 or Pat Marchese 559-2881001. 5 Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church - Fresno, California Marian Eucharistic Conference September 23-25, 2016 Wyndham Garden Fresno Airport Hotel, 5090 E Clinton Ave, Fresno Cost - $50.00/adult Sponsored by The Holy Cross Ministries For more information contact Ben or Chirsty Villa at 559824-0732 or Holy Cross Ministries at 559-271-1246 JOIN THE CATHOLIC PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CLUB – MEMBERSHIP WEEKEND SET FOR SEPTEMBER 24-25 The Catholic Professionals and Business Club provides wonderful networking and professional development opportunities to members, all with the mission of living with Christian ethics and beliefs - not just on Sunday’s but in our daily lives at home and work. Dues are relatively inexpensive, just $45 per year. For that you will receive invitations to special events, networking opportunities, listed in our printed directory and on our web site. We hold vibrant monthly breakfast meetings and hear from wonderfully inspirational Catholics from all over the country such as authors, leaders in education, business, sports, and the entertainment industry. Our speakers provide inspirational and motivational messages from their personal and business experiences. Last spring one of the guest speakers was Notre Dame football legend Dan “Rudy” Ruettiger. For more information or to join on -line: www.cpbcfresno.org Pope Francis reminds married couples that “Love does not have to be perfect for us to value it””. He makes clear that “Marriage is the icon of God’s love for us...” He entreats all married couples to exemplify this love by continually striving to mirror this love. For over fifty (50) years Worldwide Marriage Encounter® has been helping good marriages become better marriages. What is there to lose by strengthening your marriage by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend®. Worldwide Marriage Encounter® will be presenting its last Weekend of 2016 at St. Francis Retreat Center, San Juan Bautista, CA on October 21 -23, 2016. For more information call Mary Jo and Rich Castello, at 1-831-200-3780 or Email them at [email protected] or register online at centralcawwme.org. LITURGICO-SPIRITUAL RETREAT 2016 Theme: “Bread of the Word … The Word of the Lord” “There is no greater priority than this: to enable the people of our time once more to encounter God, the God who speaks to us and shares his love so that we might have life in abundance.” (Pope Benedict XVI) WHAT: A day of reflection in a context of prayer on the basic contents of VERBUM DOMINI (PostSynodal Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Benedict XVI – September 30, 2010) and the HOMILETIC DIRECTORY (SCDWDS document – June 29, 2014) WHEN: October 1, 2016 (first Saturday) TIME: 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. WHERE: PDDM Convent, 3700 North Cornelia Avenue, Fresno CA 93722 FACILITATOR: Sr. Mary Margaret Tapang, PDDM (Doctor in Sacred Liturgy – Pontifical Liturgical Institute, Rome) REGISTRATION FEE: $20.00 per person; Please bring your lunch; Coffee and tea will be served. THIS SERVES AS AN INVITATION. For reservations and further information please contact Sr. Mary Margaret Tapang, PDDM, at (559) 275-1656 or (559) 275 -9978; E -mail: [email protected] 6 Iglesia Católica Nuestra Señora de Las Victorias - Fresno, California Help us keep our information up to date. Have you moved? Let us know! Ayúdenos mantener nuestra información actualizada. ¿Se acaba de mudar? Hanganoslo saber. OUR LADY OF VICTORY - PARISHIONER INFORMATION UPDATE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LAS VICTORIAS - INFORMACIÓN DE LOS FELIGRESES FAMILY NAME / APELLIDO __________________________________________________________ New Address / Nueva Domicillio _______________________________________________________ Zip Code / Código Postal _____________________________________________________________ Old Address / Antigua Domicillio _______________________________________________________ Mr. / Sr. __________________________________________________________________________ Phone / Teléfono ___________________________________________________________________ Email / Correo electronic _____________________________________________________________ Ms. / Srta. / Mrs. / Sra. ______________________________________________________________ Phone / Teléfono ___________________________________________________________________ Email / Correo electronic _____________________________________________________________ Would you like contribution envelops? ¿Gusta recibir sobres de contribución? ___________________ Children under 18 years living at home / Los hijos menores de 18 anos que viven en el hogar. Name / Nombre M/F _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE SUPPORT THESE ADVERTISERS Sullivan, Burns & Blair Funeral Home Catholic Funeral Directors, A Fresno Tradition since 1929 Donald E. Cardell, FD1185 Servando Tovar, FD1032 - David T. Adame, FDR3626 1525 E. Saginaw Way, Fresno, CA - CA Ins. Lic.#0I68588 559.227.4048 Open General Dentistry & Orthodontics Most Insurance & Medi-Cal Welcome Mon-Sat: HENRY FAJARDO, D.M.D. 9am-6pm Se Habla Español Since 1913 Trials in CA 6740 N. West Ave. #108 448-9580 Realtime (559) 2110 E. Clinton (between Fresno/Blackstone) Insurance Services, Inc. For Your Insurance Needs LUNCH & DINNER SERVED OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 5279 N. BLACKSTONE AVE. 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Hablamos Español 7131 N. Eleventh, Suite 101 Fresno, CA 93720 T. 559-435-0717 elmoremedical.com (Between Shields & Princeton) $40 2 X-RAYS & INITIAL EXAM TREES AND STUMPS REMOVED Trimming • Topping • Transplanting Pruning • Shrubs Trimmed & Removed Chipping • Stump Grinding General Clean-up • Hauling PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Lic. & Insured AT REASONABLE RATES Lic. # 737958 7 DAYS A WEEK Senior Citizen Discount 224-1005 Free Estimates 222-0815 Catholic Owned and Operated VAL DORNAY ATTORNEY AT LAW Former Dep. D.A. & Vietnam Vet. Knight of Columbus For 35 Years LEGAL SERVICES FOR: FREE Consultation • Se Habla Español Walk-Ins Welcome • Payment Plans Medi-Cal & Most Insurance Accepted 2818 N. Blackstone Ave., Fresno (559) 284-9851 935 East Robinson Ave. Fresno, CA 93704 UTO ACCIDENTS • PROBATE DENTIST AW ILLS • LIVING TRUSTS BENITO B. 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