optional module - The Marina Program
optional module - The Marina Program
The Marina Program User’s Guide Contents Section One—Introduction................................................................................................................... 1-14 Starting The Marina Program .................................................................................................................. 1-14 Opening The Marina Program ....................................................................................................... 1-14 Normal Startup ............................................................................................................................... 1-14 NORMAL EXIT ............................................................................................................................ 1-15 OPTIONAL MODULES ............................................................................................................... 1-15 DATE LOGIC VACANCY/OCCUPANCY ................................................................................. 1-16 Date Range ................................................................................................................................. 1-16 Space Assignments .................................................................................................................... 1-16 Space Colors .............................................................................................................................. 1-17 NAVIGATING THE MARINA PROGRAM ......................................................................................... 1-17 USING THE HARBOR GRAPHIC .............................................................................................. 1-17 Space Information Window ....................................................................................................... 1-18 USING THE MAIN MENU .......................................................................................................... 1-19 Selecting Items ........................................................................................................................... 1-19 Commands ................................................................................................................................. 1-19 USING THE COMPUTER KEYBOARD .................................................................................... 1-20 DATA FIELDS .............................................................................................................................. 1-20 Financial Numbers ..................................................................................................................... 1-20 Reserved Characters .................................................................................................................. 1-20 Dates .......................................................................................................................................... 1-21 USING THE DATE VIEW WINDOW ......................................................................................... 1-21 Updating Information ................................................................................................................ 1-21 Calendar ..................................................................................................................................... 1-21 Locating Vacancies by Date ...................................................................................................... 1-21 Date Logic.................................................................................................................................. 1-22 USING THE SELECT/FIND BOX ............................................................................................... 1-22 Finding Existing Records........................................................................................................... 1-22 Index Order ................................................................................................................................ 1-22 Header Indexing ......................................................................................................................... 1-22 Vacancies ................................................................................................................................... 1-23 All Versus Curr+ Records.......................................................................................................... 1-23 View Balance/History ................................................................................................................ 1-23 USING A QUERY/BROWSE SCREEN ...................................................................................... 1-23 Records ...................................................................................................................................... 1-24 Space/Site................................................................................................................................... 1-24 Indexes ....................................................................................................................................... 1-24 Records ...................................................................................................................................... 1-25 USING LIST BOXES .................................................................................................................... 1-25 USING ITEM WINDOWS ............................................................................................................ 1-25 Adding New Items ..................................................................................................................... 1-25 Editing/Deleting Item Data ........................................................................................................ 1-25 Grid Items Windows .................................................................................................................. 1-26 BOOKKEEPING OPTIONS ................................................................................................................... 1-26 ACCOUNTING METHODS ......................................................................................................... 1-26 Balance Forward (Accrual) ........................................................................................................ 1-26 Open Item (Cash) ....................................................................................................................... 1-27 Changing Bookkeeping Systems ............................................................................................... 1-27 TRANSACTION TYPES .............................................................................................................. 1-28 Recurring Charges ..................................................................................................................... 1-28 Revenue Codes .......................................................................................................................... 1-28 Electric Meter Charges .............................................................................................................. 1-28 Deposits/Escrow Accounts Charges, Credits and Refunds ....................................................... 1-28 Payments Cash ......................................................................................................................... 1-28 Payments Credit ......................................................................................................................... 1-28 Special Bank Items .................................................................................................................... 1-28 Cash Accounts ........................................................................................................................... 1-29 USING THE COMPUTER FILES ................................................................................................ 1-29 Period ......................................................................................................................................... 1-29 The Tenant File .......................................................................................................................... 1-29 Space File ................................................................................................................................... 1-30 Transaction File ......................................................................................................................... 1-30 ADJUSTMENTS (CORRECTIONS) AND MESSAGES ............................................................ 1-31 Current Period ............................................................................................................................ 1-31 Previous Period .......................................................................................................................... 1-31 Messages .................................................................................................................................... 1-31 FILE MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................................................... 1-31 BACKUP COPIES ........................................................................................................................ 1-31 PRINTING ............................................................................................................................................... 1-32 PRINT MANAGER ....................................................................................................................... 1-32 VIEW/PRINT ................................................................................................................................ 1-32 Size and Move ........................................................................................................................... 1-32 Export to PDF ............................................................................................................................ 1-32 Print View Top Toolbar ............................................................................................................. 1-33 Changing Printers ...................................................................................................................... 1-33 Exceptions to Print View ........................................................................................................... 1-33 Email .......................................................................................................................................... 1-33 Printing Order ............................................................................................................................ 1-33 ERROR MESSAGES .............................................................................................................................. 1-33 Section Two—Startup........................................................................................................................... 2-34 GETTING STARTED ............................................................................................................................. 2-34 SETUP PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................ 2-34 TIMING ......................................................................................................................................... 2-34 UPDATING ACCOUNTING PERIOD ........................................................................................ 2-34 STEPS TO GETTING THE MARINA ON-LINE ........................................................................ 2-34 Setup Records ............................................................................................................................ 2-34 Enter Transactions ..................................................................................................................... 2-34 Enter Balances ........................................................................................................................... 2-34 Set Startup Routine .................................................................................................................... 2-35 PROGRAM SETTINGS .......................................................................................................................... 2-35 ACCOUNTING YEAR AND PERIOD ........................................................................................ 2-35 Change Period ............................................................................................................................ 2-35 Choosing the Correct Period ...................................................................................................... 2-35 LATE FEE AND BOOKKEEPING .............................................................................................. 2-36 Automatic Late Fees .................................................................................................................. 2-36 Bookkeeping Type ..................................................................................................................... 2-36 STATEMENT DESIGN ................................................................................................................ 2-37 GENERAL SETTINGS ................................................................................................................. 2-38 Security ...................................................................................................................................... 2-39 Password Setting Usage ............................................................................................................. 2-41 Modify Harbor Graphic ............................................................................................................. 2-42 Mail Merge Contracts ................................................................................................................ 2-44 POS/Guest Reservation Defaults (Optional Add-on) .................................................................... 2-45 Hot Berth/Float Check Setup (Optional Add-on) .......................................................................... 2-45 LIST TYPES .................................................................................................................................. 2-45 METER SETTINGS ................................................................................................................................ 2-47 Electric Meters ........................................................................................................................... 2-47 Meter Rate Schedules ................................................................................................................ 2-47 Meter Rate Schedule Rate Tiers ................................................................................................ 2-47 Meter Rate Schedule Optional Settings ..................................................................................... 2-48 Meter Rate Schedule Taxes ....................................................................................................... 2-49 ACCOUNT TYPES ................................................................................................................................. 2-49 RECURRING CHARGES ............................................................................................................. 2-50 Active Recurring Charges .......................................................................................................... 2-50 Adding Recurring Charge Codes ............................................................................................... 2-50 REVENUE CODES ....................................................................................................................... 2-51 Active Revenue Codes ............................................................................................................... 2-51 Adding/Editing Revenue Codes................................................................................................. 2-51 Permanent Codes ....................................................................................................................... 2-51 Sample Revenue Code List ........................................................................................................ 2-51 Default Amounts ........................................................................................................................ 2-52 Code Name Changes .................................................................................................................. 2-52 ESCROW DEPOSITS ................................................................................................................... 2-52 CASH ACCOUNTS ...................................................................................................................... 2-53 Required Accounts ..................................................................................................................... 2-53 GENERAL LEDGER LABELS .................................................................................................... 2-53 TAX ITEMS .................................................................................................................................. 2-54 Tax Cap ...................................................................................................................................... 2-54 More Than One Tax ................................................................................................................... 2-54 COMPLETING THE DATA FILES ....................................................................................................... 2-54 DATA ENTRY ORDER ............................................................................................................... 2-54 RATE AND ZONE SCHEDULE .................................................................................................. 2-54 Multiple Rate Structure .............................................................................................................. 2-55 Single Rate Structure ................................................................................................................. 2-55 Rate Zone ................................................................................................................................... 2-55 Number of Rate Zones ............................................................................................................... 2-55 Rate Ranks ................................................................................................................................. 2-55 Rate Zones, Rate Ranks and Charge Types ............................................................................... 2-56 RATE ZONE INFORMATION .................................................................................................... 2-57 Combination Rates Surcharges .................................................................................................. 2-57 Minimum ................................................................................................................................... 2-57 RATE ZONE SCHEDULE SETTINGS........................................................................................ 2-57 Name the Zones ......................................................................................................................... 2-58 Rank for Rates ........................................................................................................................... 2-58 Time Factor ................................................................................................................................ 2-58 Enter the Rates ........................................................................................................................... 2-58 Footage Rates ............................................................................................................................. 2-59 Next Rate Zone .......................................................................................................................... 2-59 Print and Close ........................................................................................................................... 2-59 SPACES LIST ............................................................................................................................... 2-59 Space Inventory ......................................................................................................................... 2-59 Space Description ...................................................................................................................... 2-60 Rate Zone ................................................................................................................................... 2-61 VIEW/EDIT SPACES ................................................................................................................... 2-61 Editing Data by Column ............................................................................................................ 2-62 Changing Space Names ............................................................................................................. 2-62 Unassigned Spaces ..................................................................................................................... 2-62 TENANT LIST ........................................................................................................................................ 2-62 TENANT RECORD WINDOW .................................................................................................... 2-63 New Records .............................................................................................................................. 2-63 Tenant Data Information Fields ................................................................................................. 2-63 Record Types ............................................................................................................................. 2-64 Historical Date In ....................................................................................................................... 2-65 BOAT/SPACE TAB ...................................................................................................................... 2-65 Boat/Space List Boxes ............................................................................................................... 2-65 Harbor Graphic Tag Colors ....................................................................................................... 2-66 Space Assignment ...................................................................................................................... 2-66 Space Search .............................................................................................................................. 2-66 Space Status ............................................................................................................................... 2-67 Status Comment ......................................................................................................................... 2-68 Space Status Protocol................................................................................................................. 2-68 Space Inventory Rank ................................................................................................................ 2-68 INFO/WAIT TAB.......................................................................................................................... 2-69 License/Lock Box/Key Card/Permits (Items)............................................................................ 2-69 Optional Fields and Check Boxes .............................................................................................. 2-69 Wait List .................................................................................................................................... 2-70 $$ACCOUNT TAB ....................................................................................................................... 2-71 Adding Recurring Charges to a Tenant Record ......................................................................... 2-71 Stop Recurring Charges ............................................................................................................. 2-72 Editing or Deleting Recurring Charges From A Record ........................................................... 2-72 Live-aboard ................................................................................................................................ 2-72 Balances ..................................................................................................................................... 2-73 Automatic Late Fee .................................................................................................................... 2-73 $$$ Alert .................................................................................................................................... 2-73 Credit Hold ................................................................................................................................ 2-73 Remark ....................................................................................................................................... 2-74 Meters ........................................................................................................................................ 2-74 Deposits ..................................................................................................................................... 2-74 SUB ACCOUNTS TAB ................................................................................................................ 2-74 Tickler Date ............................................................................................................................... 2-75 REPORTS FROM COMPLETED TENANT RECORDS ...................................................................... 2-75 RECURRING CHARGES REPORT ............................................................................................ 2-75 RENT ROLL REPORT ................................................................................................................. 2-75 DEPOSIT LIST REPORT ............................................................................................................. 2-75 BACKUP COPIES .................................................................................................................................. 2-76 ACCOUNTING ON-LINE ...................................................................................................................... 2-76 BALANCE FORWARD................................................................................................................ 2-76 Method 1 .................................................................................................................................... 2-76 Method 2 .................................................................................................................................... 2-76 Entering Balances ...................................................................................................................... 2-76 OPEN ITEM .................................................................................................................................. 2-77 Method 1 .................................................................................................................................... 2-77 Method 2 .................................................................................................................................... 2-78 ALL METHODS ........................................................................................................................... 2-78 Receivables Report .................................................................................................................... 2-78 BACKUP TENANT FILES........................................................................................................... 2-78 POS/GUEST RESERVATION DATA ......................................................................................... 2-79 Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 2-79 Receipt Setup ............................................................................................................................. 2-79 Defaults ...................................................................................................................................... 2-80 WORKSTATION ID ................................................................................................................. 2-80 CATEGORIES............................................................................................................................... 2-81 Section Three—General Instructions ................................................................................................. 3-82 FILE MENU ............................................................................................................................................ 3-82 DATE ............................................................................................................................................. 3-82 BACKUP FILES............................................................................................................................ 3-82 Daily/Monthly Backups ............................................................................................................. 3-82 LIST MENU ............................................................................................................................................ 3-83 QUERY MENU ....................................................................................................................................... 3-83 BROWSE RECORDS ................................................................................................................... 3-83 Wait List .................................................................................................................................... 3-83 BROWSE OCCUPANCY/VACANCY ........................................................................................ 3-84 Vacant Spaces ............................................................................................................................ 3-84 Date Range ................................................................................................................................. 3-84 Header Indexing ......................................................................................................................... 3-85 AVAILABILITY LIST.................................................................................................................. 3-85 Footage Range ........................................................................................................................... 3-85 Date Range ................................................................................................................................. 3-86 STATISTICS REPORT ................................................................................................................. 3-86 Statistics Summary .................................................................................................................... 3-86 SPACE ACTIVITY LOG .............................................................................................................. 3-87 ARCHIVES ................................................................................................................................... 3-88 Archived Records ...................................................................................................................... 3-88 TRANSACTION MENU ........................................................................................................................ 3-89 INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTIONS ................................................................................................ 3-89 Find a Record ............................................................................................................................. 3-89 Move to Next or Previous Record ............................................................................................. 3-90 Posting Entries ........................................................................................................................... 3-90 Transaction Types ...................................................................................................................... 3-90 PAYMENTS .................................................................................................................................. 3-91 CHARGES AND CREDITS ......................................................................................................... 3-91 Manually Entered Late Fees ...................................................................................................... 3-91 ESCROW DEPOSITS ................................................................................................................... 3-92 Charging Deposits...................................................................................................................... 3-92 Applying Deposits ..................................................................................................................... 3-92 Crediting/Refunding Deposits ................................................................................................... 3-92 Non-deposit Refunds ................................................................................................................. 3-93 METER—SINGLE READING ..................................................................................................... 3-94 MEMO ........................................................................................................................................... 3-94 EDITING ENTRIES ...................................................................................................................... 3-94 Deleting Transactions ................................................................................................................ 3-95 CLOSING TRANSACTIONS ....................................................................................................... 3-95 CLOSING CHARGES .................................................................................................................. 3-96 Even Payments and Charges ...................................................................................................... 3-96 Charges Greater Than Payments................................................................................................ 3-96 Excess Payments or Credits ....................................................................................................... 3-96 CASH ALLOCATIONS ................................................................................................................ 3-97 Exiting with Open Balances ...................................................................................................... 3-97 Changing Previous Allocations ................................................................................................. 3-97 POS/GUEST & RESERVATION MANAGEMENT TOOLS ..................................................... 3-97 TRANSACTION DATES ............................................................................................................. 3-98 Default Date ............................................................................................................................... 3-98 PAYMENT BATCHES ................................................................................................................. 3-98 Temporary Files ......................................................................................................................... 3-99 EDITING BATCH ENTRIES ....................................................................................................... 3-99 Rollover File .............................................................................................................................. 3-99 New Item.................................................................................................................................. 3-100 Comments and Amounts .......................................................................................................... 3-100 Entering Payments—TMPPPAY.DAT ................................................................................... 3-100 Transaction List ....................................................................................................................... 3-100 CHARGE OR CREDIT BATCHES ............................................................................................ 3-101 Entering Charge/Credit Transactions....................................................................................... 3-101 Revenue Code .......................................................................................................................... 3-101 POSTING BATCH TRANSACTIONS....................................................................................... 3-101 LATE FEES ................................................................................................................................. 3-102 Balance Due ............................................................................................................................. 3-102 Prior To Entering Late Fees ..................................................................................................... 3-102 Charging Late Fees .................................................................................................................. 3-103 Posting Fees ............................................................................................................................. 3-103 Charge Again ........................................................................................................................... 3-104 MANUAL LATE FEES .............................................................................................................. 3-104 METER ENTRY.......................................................................................................................... 3-104 Enter Readings ......................................................................................................................... 3-105 Skipping Spaces ....................................................................................................................... 3-105 Rates......................................................................................................................................... 3-105 CLOSE PERIOD ......................................................................................................................... 3-105 PROCEDURES BEFORE AGING ............................................................................................. 3-106 Daily Backup ........................................................................................................................... 3-106 Print Journals and Statements .................................................................................................. 3-106 AGING PROCESS ...................................................................................................................... 3-106 Warning Messages ................................................................................................................... 3-107 Aging Complete ....................................................................................................................... 3-108 JOURNAL/REPORTS MENU .............................................................................................................. 3-108 JOURNALS ................................................................................................................................. 3-108 Period Selected ........................................................................................................................ 3-109 Transactions Selected .............................................................................................................. 3-109 DAILY CASH SALES ................................................................................................................ 3-109 INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTION JOURNAL ............................................................................. 3-110 Journals and Reports ................................................................................................................ 3-110 View/Print Transaction Report ................................................................................................ 3-111 LONG JOURNAL ....................................................................................................................... 3-111 Settings..................................................................................................................................... 3-112 View/Print Long Journal .......................................................................................................... 3-112 SUMMARY JOURNAL.............................................................................................................. 3-113 TRANSACTION JOURNAL REGISTER .................................................................................. 3-114 Order Entered ........................................................................................................................... 3-114 Payment/Deposit ...................................................................................................................... 3-114 Charges by Type ...................................................................................................................... 3-115 Credit Adjustments .................................................................................................................. 3-115 Meter Charges .......................................................................................................................... 3-116 Deleted Transactions................................................................................................................ 3-116 Category Detail ........................................................................................................................ 3-116 ESCROW DEPOSIT LISTS ........................................................................................................ 3-116 Deposit Activity ....................................................................................................................... 3-116 Deposit Lists ............................................................................................................................ 3-117 Reports Window ...................................................................................................................... 3-117 Deposit List Report .................................................................................................................. 3-117 Audit Summary History ........................................................................................................... 3-118 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE REPORTS ................................................................................... 3-118 Delinquency/Balance Due Report ........................................................................................... 3-118 Print Format ............................................................................................................................. 3-119 Payment Cutoff Date ............................................................................................................... 3-119 View/Print Delinquency Report............................................................................................... 3-119 AGED ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE .......................................................................................... 3-119 Unbilled Charges ..................................................................................................................... 3-120 View/Print Aged Accounts Receivable Report ....................................................................... 3-120 SPECIAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LISTS ......................................................................... 3-121 Late Group ............................................................................................................................... 3-121 Style Format ............................................................................................................................. 3-121 Late Notices ............................................................................................................................. 3-121 Letter Format ........................................................................................................................... 3-122 OCCUPANCY/VACANCY INVENTORY................................................................................ 3-122 AVAILABILITY LIST................................................................................................................ 3-123 View/Print Availability List..................................................................................................... 3-123 INVENTORY—BY SPACE ....................................................................................................... 3-124 View/Print Inventory By Space ............................................................................................... 3-125 Vacant Only ............................................................................................................................. 3-125 INVENTORY—BY SIZE ........................................................................................................... 3-126 View/Print Inventory By Size .................................................................................................. 3-126 DOCK CHECK/METER LIST ................................................................................................... 3-127 View/Print Dock Check/Meter List ......................................................................................... 3-127 REPORTS .................................................................................................................................... 3-128 TICKLER LIST ........................................................................................................................... 3-128 REGISTRATION # EXPIRATION ............................................................................................ 3-129 INSURANCE RENEWAL .......................................................................................................... 3-129 Labels ....................................................................................................................................... 3-130 View/Print Reports .................................................................................................................. 3-130 QUICK LIST ............................................................................................................................... 3-130 View/Print Quick List .............................................................................................................. 3-131 WAIT LIST.................................................................................................................................. 3-131 List Selection ........................................................................................................................... 3-132 Selection Group ....................................................................................................................... 3-132 Blank Reply Code .................................................................................................................... 3-132 View/Print Wait List ................................................................................................................ 3-132 View/Print In/Out List ............................................................................................................. 3-133 MASTER/SUB-ACCOUNTS ..................................................................................................... 3-134 View/Print Master/Sub Accounts ............................................................................................ 3-134 ITEM LISTS ................................................................................................................................ 3-134 View/Print Items ...................................................................................................................... 3-135 RENTS/MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................... 3-135 Recurring Charges Report ....................................................................................................... 3-135 Rent Roll Report ...................................................................................................................... 3-136 Management Summary Report ................................................................................................ 3-137 Income By Space Report ......................................................................................................... 3-138 LISTS/LABELS/ROLODEX/EXPORT ...................................................................................... 3-139 Date Selection .......................................................................................................................... 3-140 Range Selection ....................................................................................................................... 3-140 Information List ....................................................................................................................... 3-141 Rolodex Cards and Labels ....................................................................................................... 3-141 ASCII File Export .................................................................................................................... 3-142 Phone List ................................................................................................................................ 3-142 File Record ............................................................................................................................... 3-142 STATEMENTS, NOTICES......................................................................................................... 3-143 Statements Window ................................................................................................................. 3-143 Late Notices ............................................................................................................................. 3-144 Interim Statements ................................................................................................................... 3-145 Invoice Option ......................................................................................................................... 3-145 Statements ................................................................................................................................ 3-145 TENANT RECORDS ............................................................................................................................ 3-146 EDITING TENANT DATA ........................................................................................................ 3-146 Find a Record ........................................................................................................................... 3-146 Canceling Recurring Charges .................................................................................................. 3-146 DELETING TENANT RECORDS ............................................................................................. 3-146 HISTORY .............................................................................................................................................. 3-147 Section Four—Suggested Policies ................................................................................................... 4-148 TRANSACTIONS ................................................................................................................................. 4-148 COMMENTS ............................................................................................................................... 4-148 ENTERING TRANSACTIONS .................................................................................................. 4-148 Batching ................................................................................................................................... 4-148 Journals .................................................................................................................................... 4-148 Aging ....................................................................................................................................... 4-148 DAILY BACKUP ........................................................................................................................ 4-149 ACTIVITY SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................... 4-149 END OF MONTH/PERIOD ........................................................................................................ 4-149 Optional Reports ...................................................................................................................... 4-149 Evaluate Reports ...................................................................................................................... 4-149 Late Fees .................................................................................................................................. 4-150 Statements ................................................................................................................................ 4-150 Required File Backup .............................................................................................................. 4-150 Required Aging—Month-end—Close Period ......................................................................... 4-150 Optional After Aging ............................................................................................................... 4-150 Required Complete Backup ..................................................................................................... 4-150 BEGINNING OF NEW PERIOD................................................................................................ 4-150 DURING MONTH/PERIOD ....................................................................................................... 4-150 Data Entry ................................................................................................................................ 4-150 Printouts ................................................................................................................................... 4-151 As Needed ................................................................................................................................ 4-151 ADDING NEW TENANTS .................................................................................................................. 4-151 Meters ...................................................................................................................................... 4-151 Transaction Entry..................................................................................................................... 4-151 CLOSING OUT TENANTS .................................................................................................................. 4-152 Notice ....................................................................................................................................... 4-152 Closing Tenant Record ............................................................................................................ 4-152 SWITCHING TENANTS' SPACES ..................................................................................................... 4-153 EDIT TENANT RECORDS ........................................................................................................ 4-154 QUICK CHECK OF TENANT STATUS & HISTORY....................................................................... 4-154 BAD CHECKS ...................................................................................................................................... 4-154 REVENUE CODES ..................................................................................................................... 4-154 TRANSACTION OVERFLOW ............................................................................................................ 4-155 DEPOSITS AND REFUNDS ................................................................................................................ 4-155 CHARGING DEPOSITS ............................................................................................................. 4-155 REVENUE CODES ..................................................................................................................... 4-155 TRANSACTION CORRECTION/ADJUSTMENT ............................................................................. 4-156 CREDIT/CHARGE ADJUSTMENTS ........................................................................................ 4-156 Current Period .......................................................................................................................... 4-156 Previous Period ........................................................................................................................ 4-156 Meter Charges .......................................................................................................................... 4-156 Deposit Corrections ................................................................................................................. 4-157 ADJUSTMENTS AFFECTING LATE FEE & DELINQUENCY LISTS ................................. 4-157 Correcting Recurring Charges ................................................................................................. 4-157 LATE FEE NOTES AND ADJUSTMENTS .............................................................................. 4-157 Excluding Previous Late Fees.................................................................................................. 4-157 Definition of Terms ................................................................................................................. 4-158 BILLING AND END-OF-MONTH STATEMENTS ........................................................................... 4-159 MID-MONTH INVOICES .......................................................................................................... 4-159 STATEMENT TIMING .............................................................................................................. 4-159 PRINTING ................................................................................................................................... 4-159 Transaction Journal .................................................................................................................. 4-159 Long Journal ............................................................................................................................ 4-159 Run Statements ........................................................................................................................ 4-160 AGING................................................................................................................................................... 4-160 TENANT NUMBERS ........................................................................................................................... 4-160 DELETIONS/CHANGES ..................................................................................................................... 4-160 TENANT FILE ............................................................................................................................ 4-160 SPACE ......................................................................................................................................... 4-161 TRANSACTIONS ....................................................................................................................... 4-161 $CASH or NON-BERTH or NON-RENTAL INCOME ...................................................................... 4-161 FEW ADDITIONAL ACCOUNTS............................................................................................. 4-161 Cash Accounts ......................................................................................................................... 4-161 ZZ Cash or Dummy Tenant ..................................................................................................... 4-161 Matching Payments/Charges ................................................................................................... 4-161 Cash Register ........................................................................................................................... 4-162 $CASH ACCOUNT CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................... 4-162 Transactions ............................................................................................................................. 4-162 Treatment ................................................................................................................................. 4-162 GUEST $CASH ACCOUNTS .................................................................................................... 4-162 TENANTS WITH TWO OR MORE SPACES ..................................................................................... 4-163 MASTER ACCOUNTS ............................................................................................................... 4-163 SUB-ACCOUNTS ....................................................................................................................... 4-164 Reassigning Spaces .................................................................................................................. 4-164 TENANTS WHO SUBLET................................................................................................................... 4-164 TENANT STATUS ..................................................................................................................... 4-164 TRANSACTIONS ....................................................................................................................... 4-165 LESSOR/LESSEE ....................................................................................................................... 4-165 TRANSIENT AND GUEST LIST ........................................................................................................ 4-165 DELETING INACTIVE GUESTS .............................................................................................. 4-166 Inactive Records List ............................................................................................................... 4-166 TRANSIENT/GUEST PROTOCOL ........................................................................................... 4-166 WAITING/TRANSFER LIST ............................................................................................................... 4-166 DELETING/SAVING RECORDS & ACCOUNTING PERIODS ....................................................... 4-167 INDIVIDUAL RECORDS .......................................................................................................... 4-167 HISTORICAL FILES .................................................................................................................. 4-167 RESERVATION/GUEST MANAGEMENT .............................................................................. 4-168 Daily......................................................................................................................................... 4-168 Enter Check Ins ........................................................................................................................ 4-168 Add To Reservation ................................................................................................................. 4-168 Enter Reservations ................................................................................................................... 4-168 Prior Tenant ............................................................................................................................. 4-169 Morning Site Walk................................................................................................................... 4-169 End of Day ............................................................................................................................... 4-169 Any Time ................................................................................................................................. 4-169 Periodically .............................................................................................................................. 4-169 Routinely.................................................................................................................................. 4-170 At Month-end ........................................................................................................................... 4-170 Daily or Weekly ....................................................................................................................... 4-170 USING THE RESERVATION SYSTEM AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER.......................... 4-170 Reservations ............................................................................................................................. 4-170 Check In ................................................................................................................................... 4-171 Check Out ................................................................................................................................ 4-171 UNDERSTANDING RATES AND SPACES ............................................................................ 4-171 RESERVATIONS WITHOUT SPACES .................................................................................... 4-172 TRACKING SPACES AND GUESTS BY DATES ................................................................... 4-172 Vacancy Occupancy Overview ................................................................................................ 4-172 Current Period In and Out ........................................................................................................ 4-173 DISCOUNT OPTIONS IN POS .................................................................................................. 4-173 Simple Discounts ..................................................................................................................... 4-174 Discounts Totaling To a Revenue Code .................................................................................. 4-174 Using the Discount................................................................................................................... 4-174 Other Ways of Giving Discounts ............................................................................................. 4-175 CHARGE TO ACCOUNT .......................................................................................................... 4-175 POS—BALANCE DUE DEFAULT ........................................................................................... 4-175 BOOKKEEPERS VIEW OF ACTIVITY IN POS SCREEN ..................................................... 4-175 ZZ CASH Accounts ................................................................................................................. 4-175 Cash/Open Item Accounting .................................................................................................... 4-176 Check Edit POS Transactions .................................................................................................. 4-176 Corrections ............................................................................................................................... 4-177 Daily Check Out ...................................................................................................................... 4-177 Balance Forward Accounting Systems .................................................................................... 4-177 Open Item/Cash Accounting .................................................................................................... 4-177 Open Item/Cash Bookkeeping with the POS/Guest Screen .................................................... 4-177 Allocating Pre-Payments ......................................................................................................... 4-178 Section FIVE—OPTIONAL MODULES ............................................................................................. 5-179 POS/Guest Reservations ........................................................................................................................ 5-179 DATA SCREEN .......................................................................................................................... 5-179 USING POS ................................................................................................................................. 5-180 Handling Cash Customers and Tenants ................................................................................... 5-180 Shortcuts .................................................................................................................................. 5-180 Function Keys .......................................................................................................................... 5-180 Default Amount ....................................................................................................................... 5-181 Categories ................................................................................................................................ 5-181 Units ......................................................................................................................................... 5-181 GUEST RESERVATION ............................................................................................................ 5-181 Fee Calculation ........................................................................................................................ 5-182 Additional Night’s Stay ........................................................................................................... 5-182 Rafting/Linear Spaces .............................................................................................................. 5-182 Multi-Boat Spaces.................................................................................................................... 5-182 Pin ............................................................................................................................................ 5-182 Shortcuts .................................................................................................................................. 5-182 USING SUB-ACCOUNTS FOR ENTERING GROUPS ....................................................... 5-183 REPORTS AND LISTS........................................................................................................... 5-184 ACH – Bank Debit ................................................................................................................................. 5-187 Getting Started ............................................................................................................................. 5-187 Bank Debit Test ........................................................................................................................... 5-187 Bank Debit Report ....................................................................................................................... 5-187 Bank Debit Export ....................................................................................................................... 5-187 Technical Configuration .............................................................................................................. 5-188 DOCKOMINIUM CONDOMINIUM and MULTI-SITE ..................................................................... 5-189 Setup Instructions Group Type .................................................................................................... 5-189 Condominium .............................................................................................................................. 5-189 Multi-Site Marinas ....................................................................................................................... 5-189 Master Accounts .......................................................................................................................... 5-189 Type File List ............................................................................................................................... 5-189 OWNR/MGMT or OWNR/LSSR ............................................................................................... 5-189 Lessee....................................................................................................................................... 5-190 Reports ......................................................................................................................................... 5-190 Bar & Restaurant POS Interface .............................................................................................. 5-191 Dock Check Utility .................................................................................................................. 5-191 Meter Reading Utility .............................................................................................................. 5-191 Section SIX—APPENDICES ................................................................................................................ 6-192 Appendix A—Error Messages ............................................................................................................... 6-192 Appendix B—Purge ............................................................................................................................... 6-193 Appendix C—Journal Accounting & General Ledgers ......................................................................... 6-194 THE MARINA PROGRAM Summary Journal ...................................................................... 6-194 Related to General Ledger Income and Expense Account Codes ........................................... 6-194 Sample Journal ......................................................................................................................... 6-194 General Journal Entries ............................................................................................................ 6-196 Appendix D—Exporting Data ............................................................................................................... 6-198 Sample ASCII Export Files ..................................................................................................... 6-198 From Journals/Reports—Lists/Labels/Rolodex/Export – Ascii File Export ........................... 6-198 From Journals/Reports—Accounts Receivable—Aged Accounts Receivable ....................... 6-199 From Journals/Reports—Journals—Individual Transaction Journal ...................................... 6-199 From Journals/Reports—Reports—Wait List ......................................................................... 6-199 From Journals/Reports—Reports—Rent/Management—Rent Roll ....................................... 6-199 Data Definition File ................................................................................................................. 6-199 Appendix E—Glossary .......................................................................................................................... 6-200 Appendix F—Backup ............................................................................................................................ 6-202 Appendix G—Sliding Month................................................................................................................. 6-204 Appendix H—Increase Rates................................................................................................................. 6-207 Appendix I—Emailing Statements ........................................................................................................ 6-208 Setup ............................................................................................................................................ 6-208 Outgoing Mail Server .................................................................................................................. 6-209 PDF Folder ................................................................................................................................... 6-209 Test SMTP Settings ..................................................................................................................... 6-209 Customer Setup ............................................................................................................................ 6-210 Emailing Statements .................................................................................................................... 6-211 Emails Received .......................................................................................................................... 6-213 Appendix J – Technical Overview......................................................................................................... 6-214 Intended Audience ....................................................................................................................... 6-214 Structure ....................................................................................................................................... 6-214 Watch Captain Objects and Components .................................................................................... 6-214 Third Party Objects and Components .......................................................................................... 6-215 Security ........................................................................................................................................ 6-215 Data .............................................................................................................................................. 6-215 Pervasive Data Files................................................................................................................. 6-215 Period Close Process ................................................................................................................ 6-217 Non-Pervasive Data Files ........................................................................................................ 6-217 Configuration Files .................................................................................................................. 6-218 Maintenance Recommendations .................................................................................................. 6-218 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................... 6-219 Path Errors ............................................................................................................................... 6-219 Permission Denied ................................................................................................................... 6-219 Period Closing.......................................................................................................................... 6-219 Status error 0 – some files for this period are already present ................................................. 6-219 Pervasive Errors ........................................................................................................................... 6-219 2 – I/O Error Data Corruption.................................................................................................. 6-219 161 The maximum number of user count licenses has been reached ...................................... 6-219 Index ............................................................................................................................................ 6-221 1 Section One—Introduction Starting The Marina Program It is assumed the operator is familiar enough with the computer to navigate, and perform simple file/folder functions using Windows Explorer. These instructions assume that the program has been installed in the default folder \MARINACC, and that the data has been installed in the default folder \CCMARINA. If another folder has been chosen during installation, substitute that name. Opening The Marina Program When you install the Marina Program a shortcut is added to the Windows – Programs menu and a shortcut is added to your desktop. To open The Marina Program using the Programs menu • click on Start • click on Programs • click on The Marina Program. To start The Marina Program using the desktop shortcut • double-click on The Marina Program boat icon. Normal Startup The date shown should be the current date this date will be the default date for any transactions created. When The Marina Program starts this date is defaulted to the Computer’s system date. If it is not today’s date check your Computer’s system date/time. If there is a Harbor Graphic, to load it • click on the OK button. If you do not want the Harbor Graphic loaded when OK is clicked • click on the Harbor Graphic Default = Skip check box. The graphic may still be loaded later. The Skip Graphic option applies separately to each computer on a network. Watch Captain, LLC Introduction 1-14 If you have your toolbar visible by selecting the Display Toolbar menu item, or selecting the option (see program settings) to display Toolbar on startup, the following toolbar buttons will display, NOTE—The Date View and Print toolbar buttons will be disabled until the graphic is displayed. The Date View button display the Date View dialog window, the Date View dialog window is also from the menu. The Date View dialog window is used to change the date range shown on the graphic. The refresh/redraw graphic button will redraw the graphic to review any changes that may have been made at other workstations. The print toolbar button will print the Harbor Graphic to the default printer. NORMAL EXIT The program can be shut down by clicking on • File on the MAIN MENU • Exit If the graphic is not loaded, you can exit the program by clicking on the Cancel button in the Date Frame. NOTE—Do not turn off the computer before completely exiting the program. OPTIONAL MODULES While use of the HARBOR GRAPHIC is optional, and is in no way required for full operation of the program, instructions for the HARBOR GRAPHIC are included. Other optional modules, such as POS/GUEST MANAGEMENT (Point of Sale/Guest Management), and CONDOMINIUM/MULTI-SITE, will be found in Section 5. Optional Modules, and on SPECIALLY MARKED OPTIONS PAGES. Watch Captain, LLC Introduction 1-15 DATE LOGIC VACANCY/OCCUPANCY Date Range THE MARINA PROGRAM uses date ranges interactively. Records are selected by the date in and/or out of a tenant. Long-term tenants have no date out and are considered to be occupying a space indefinitely. THE MARINA PROGRAM is essentially an availability/reservation program as it monitors space assignment by date range. Even without the HARBOR GRAPHIC, the Occupancy Vacancy Lists and all Information Lists include date range options. For those marinas with heavy reservations or transients, and using the HARBOR GRAPHIC, a special Guest Screen with abbreviated data and a fast charge/payment entry routine can be added (POS/GUEST MODULE). All dates for THE MARINA PROGRAM are saved as 4 digit year dates (mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy), and are stored as integers through the year 2065; all date indexing is century independent. THE MARINA PROGRAM's date input field is a 'type over' field, where just the necessary digits need be typed, 010209 or 01022009 (the date slashes / are implied and are not typed in). The program will receive both a 2 and/or a 4 digit year entry. Any date entered as four digits will be that date. A two digit date assumes the century for which the computer's date is set. Space Assignments Space assignments will not overlap. A tenant/guest may have the same date out as the date in for another tenant/guest, but cannot overlap nights. The default HARBOR GRAPHIC displays the occupancy status for the harbor from the current date to the infinite future. The Date Range is displayed at the top of the screen in the form of the current date to the infinite future. If the harbor has few open reservations, the Harbor Graphic provides an accurate picture of where to put a new tenant. If most of the reservations are already entered, a green space may imply the space is occupied, but the space may actually be vacant until sometime in the future, and is currently available. In this case, use the Date View window to locate slips available for a date range, or for after a date. When a specific Date Range is chosen, the date at the top of the screen will display the beginning date to the ending date. For instructions on how to use Date View, see SECTION ONE INTRODUCTION, Using The Date View Window. Watch Captain, LLC Introduction 1-16 Space Colors Slip Colors can be changed in the Program Settings section, however The Marina Program is initially installed with the following default colors. Green Indicates the space is occupied with a tenant. White Indicates the space is vacant. Several additional default colors and symbols provide further information about an occupant. Indicates a tenant with a check in the first check box field on the Boat/Info tab in Dark Green the Tenant Record. (See SECTION TWO STARTUP, Options and Parameters Check Box Names) Indicates a tenant marked Y Notice Given as space status. (See SECTION TWO Black STARTUP, Boat/Space Tab) Indicates a tenant with a number in the live-aboard field (on the $$Account tab in Blue the Tenant Record). Guests with a 99 in the # People field in the Tenant Record will be blue. Indicates a tenant with dates gone and dates returning where the current Date Yellow View encompasses those dates. If the Show Current Gone/Back box is checked, program settings will display any spaces with a gone/back date range including the current date. (See SECTION TWO STARTUP, Options and Parameters) Indicates a tenant with a check in the second check box on the Boat/Space tab in Red the Tenant Record and with dates gone and back. If Show Current Guests is checked, program settings of a current guest will show Orange orange. This overrides Dark Green above. (See SECTION TWO STARTUP, Options and Parameters) An alert code has been placed on the report. Hot Pink Allows second boat in space. ** Guest has checked in (POS module) $ Date Out is “Today” Leaving Today ?? NAVIGATING THE MARINA PROGRAM USING THE HARBOR GRAPHIC To select horizontal spaces on the Harbor Graphic, click on the upper left-hand corner. To select vertical spaces, click on the top of a space. A click on a space brings up the SPACE INFORMATION window. If the slip is empty, a blank record for that space will be displayed. If the slip is occupied, the tenant record will be on the screen. The upper left-hand corner is the “sweet spot”. Watch Captain, LLC Introduction 1-17 Moving the mouse slowly over the spaces on the Harbor Graphic displays the space name and occupant and boat. Multi-boat spaces show ** in front of the space name, and list only the first boat. Space Information Window When a space on the HARBOR GRAPHIC is clicked, a SPACE INFORMATION dialog box pops up with the size of the space, and occupancy information. The bottom of the window lists • a past occupant • the current occupant and if the boat is temporarily out • those occupants assigned for a future reservation. Any of the records can be retrieved by • clicking on the name of the occupant, and • clicking on the Select or Guest button. To bring up a vacant record preassigned to that unoccupied space • click on the Select or Guest button. A click on a linear space shows the entire list and remaining footage instead of the Space Information window. NOTE—Programs without the POS/GUEST MODULE will show a Select button rather than the Guest and Tenant buttons Watch Captain, LLC Introduction 1-18 USING THE MAIN MENU Program activities begin at the MAIN MENU. Selecting Items To select a menu item • click on the menu heading with the mouse • click on an item in the subheading menu. To change the Date Range Availability Harbor Graphic only • click on Date View on the MAIN MENU. • The DATE RANGE AVAILABILITY window will be opened. To open the Select window boxes, rather than bringing up standard menu items • click on Select/Find. • The SELECT window will be opened. Commands Throughout the program there will be many command buttons. The most common are: These command buttons can be selected by either clicking with the mouse, or by using the Alt key and underlined letter. OK Complete the transaction, save the changes and return to the previous or next screen, whichever is appropriate. Typing the Enter key will also activate the OK command button. Close Return to the previous screen, changes saved. Typing the Esc key will also activate the Close command button. Cancel Stop the operation, all changes canceled and return to the previous screen. Abort For many reports, the Cancel button shows Abort while the report is collecting data. Clicking on the Abort button will stop the report. Cursor The standard arrow shape turns into an Hourglass shape when the program is processing information. Do not use the mouse or keyboard at this time, but wait for the arrow shape to return. When an entry field is clicked on once with the mouse, the cursor changes to an I-shaped cursor. An I-shaped cursor indicates an insertion point for data entry. Watch Captain, LLC Introduction 1-19 USING THE COMPUTER KEYBOARD There are some differences between using a typewriter and using a computer keyboard. The following apply to THE MARINA PROGRAM. INSERT vs. TYPEOVER Most of the Data Fields insert characters. In other words, as the letters are typed, they are added to the existing letters in the field. Some fields have a limited number of characters allowed. When the limited number of characters has been entered, no more characters will be accepted. The computer will beep. Existing characters must be deleted before new characters are entered. DELETING CHARACTERS To delete characters, use either the Backspace key, Delete key, or drag the mouse over the letters. Dragging the mouse over a field is the easiest way to delete characters. The field then turns color, and all colored characters will be replaced when the first new character is typed in. TAB KEY vs. ENTER KEY Following the Windows paradigm, the Tab key is used to move from field to field, the Enter key is used for confirmation of messages or indicating a process is complete. CAPS LOCK When pressed defaults all typed characters to upper case NAMES A last name must always be entered for each tenant record, or the record will be ignored. NOTE—All date and money entry fields use the typeover format; this is indicated by the cursor in those fields being a rectangle, not a line. Dates and money entry typeover existing characters. DATA FIELDS Data fields can be selected by clicking on them with the mouse. Typing either the Tab key or Enter key will move the cursor to the next appropriate field. If the Tab or Enter key moves to a command button, the Enter key must be typed again to activate the button. A vertical line indicates the insert entry point in a data field. Note: Do not use Quotation marks (“) commas (,) or semi-colons (;) in data entry fields. Financial Numbers The use of a decimal point to separate dollars and cents is required, but DO NOT USE COMMAS to separate thousands. When typing numbers, 10,928.45 should be typed in as 10928.45. Always use the number zero (0), not a letter O, and a number one (1), not a letter l. NOTE: International options can reverse comma and decimal. Avoid using QUOTATION MARKS, COMMAS or SEMICOLONS. Some fields may interpret commas or semi-colons to indicate a dividing mark between one piece of information and the next. Reserved Characters The characters $, # and @ are used in special situations and should not be used as the first letter in a name or space label or remark, unless so instructed by this manual. NOTE: International options can set DDMMYY or MMDDYY. Do not use commas (,), semi-colons (;) or quotation marks (“) in data entry fields. Watch Captain, LLC Introduction 1-20 Dates ACCURACY THE MARINA PROGRAM relies on the accuracy of dates to produce financial reports properly and collect the appropriate transactions for a billing cycle. FORMAT When THE MARINA PROGRAM requests a date, type it in with two digits to represent the month, two digits to represent the day, and two digits to represent the year. This is known as MMDDYY format. EXAMPLE: 05/21/84. Do not enter the / slash mark. The input screen provides these. When entering a year for an alternate century, use the full four digits: 1998. DATE IN The date used as the program date need not be the actual chronological date. All records require a DATE IN. USING THE DATE VIEW WINDOW The DATE VIEW window is most useful when the optional Harbor Graphic is installed and is displayed. Updating Information To update the date information, click a date option in the calendar, or re-enter a date range and click on OK. The HARBOR GRAPHIC will re-paint the harbor using date information entered. Clear After the harbor graphic has been repainted with a new date view selection clicking the Clear button resets the Date View to the current date through the infinite future, and restores the harbor graphic to the current date view. OK A click on the OK button, causes the harbor to be repainted. Refresh (Multi-user only) Users on a network can periodically click the Refresh button to repaint the graphic to include changes made at other computers. The range in effect is shown at the top of the MAIN MENU. A guest entered when the Harbor Graphic has been repainted with a date range in effect will show these dates for date in and date out. Calendar A click on a calendar square updates the current yellow date field. A click on a white date field sets it to yellow. Locating Vacancies by Date Each harbor needs to decide its pattern of occupancy. Open slips can be located by date using the DATE VIEW Calendar and the Harbor Graphic. THE MARINA PROGRAM searches by date range (either with date in and date out defined, or just date in for long term tenants). Many reports also show availability by Date Range. (See SECTION THREE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Reports) For a vacancy search, a record whose date IN is on the same day the vacancy is covering will be excluded. Watch Captain, LLC Introduction 1-21 NOTE—A vacancy can be located by size of the new tenant’s boat using the SELECT box from the Select/Find menu. Either click on the New button, or type in the desired size in the Size text box, and click on Find. Date Logic Different reports and displays will use different date logic, depending on whether the report focuses on who is IN the marina, or if a space is vacant. All reports have either an ALL option or a date range option. When a date range option is used, any record whose date in or date out overlaps the date range will be included. The program will not let two tenants be assigned to the same space for the same (future) date range. Exceptions can be made when the first occupant of the slip has space status of *, T Y, or L. (See SECTION TWO STARTUP, Boat/Space Tab). When a date overlap is made for future dates, an "Occupied" message is shown; when the occupant has the above status, the additional comment, "Enter anyway" is added with the option to go ahead and enter the new occupant. Expired stays (a Date Out less than today) are not checked against current records for occupancy. Spaces set up with a * at the end A101*, and spaces starting with ZZ are also exceptions, and not checked for vacancy/occupancy. USING THE SELECT/FIND BOX The SELECT box appears by clicking on Select menu on the MAIN MENU bar. The SELECT box pops up whenever the bottom of the menu screen is clicked and when the Binoculars Find button is clicked. Records can be scrolled and chosen by name, space, boat name, boat registration number, or selected by their tenant record number. Finding Existing Records After an index is selected, the quickest way to find a record is to use the Select/Find box. Only the first few letters need to be entered in the Enter Character(s) or # to find box. Click on the Find button and the closest match will be found. NOTE: The first display shows 33 lines. Click the More button for each additional 33 to display. NOTE: Click a column header to redisplay in that column order. Index Order The SELECT dialog box has a Choose Index box that can be clicked to change the index. The data can be searched by Name Order, Space Order, Boat Order, (boat) Registration Number Order, or Record Number Order. Header Indexing Click column header for an instant resort by that column heading. Watch Captain, LLC Introduction 1-22 Vacancies The SELECT Box can be used to find a vacant space by size, or to display a new record. To start a new record, click on the New button. To search for a vacant space by size, type the numbers in Enter VACANT SIZE to find box, and the Enter key, and vacant records of that size or greater will be displayed. Any of the vacant records can be clicked to obtain the record assignment. The date range for the vacancies is today through the infinite future. NOTE—If the Guest/POS module is installed, the SELECT box will also have a New Guest button / Find Guest button. All Versus Curr+ Records After a year or so, you may want to filter out the records of inactive boats in the database so you can see who is there now. By toggling between the All and Curr+ options, either the full database or just the current database (current for a date range that encompasses today) can be displayed. View Balance/History Notice the History button to the right of the Grid. Click on the History button to display the history for this record—the first page of the history showing abbreviated date and the current transactions balance. Or, to bring up that record, double-click on the highlighted line USING A QUERY/BROWSE SCREEN Records can be selected either on the RECORDS screen or the SPACE/SITE screen. It may take several seconds to load a large database. The data will be loaded using the current index (name order, space order, etc.). Watch Captain, LLC Introduction 1-23 Records The RECORDS browse screen can be opened by • clicking on Query on the MAIN MENU bar, then • clicking Browse Records • or by clicking on the Browse Records button from within a record. Records may be selected from that screen. To select a record • click on the tenant’s name • click on the OK button • or double-click on the tenant’s name. Space/Site To access the SPACE/SITE RECORDS browse screen • click on Query on the MAIN MENU bar • click on Browse Occupancy/Vacancy • or click on the Browse Spaces button in a record. The options can be reset, the index changed, and date range re-configured. The browse screens show occupancy and records based on the current date. However, the date ranges can be changed to any time period, or to show for ALL. Indexes Most search and data windows have an Index option in a list box. Watch Captain, LLC Introduction 1-24 Records For TENANT AND GUEST/TRANSIENT RECORDS, the indexes are in Last Name (alphabetic) Order, Space Order, Boat (name) Order, (boat) Registration Number Order, and (computer) Record Number Order. To change the index • click on the arrow to the right of the index • click on the desired index order. Once the index is changed, all browse, scroll, next/last scrolls and searches will follow that index, until the index is changed again. USING LIST BOXES Many items are held in a list box to save space on the screen and for easy selection. A list box is indicated by an arrow on the right of the dialog box. To change the item in the list box • click on the arrow, then • click on the item to be selected in the next pull-down menu box • use the up / down arrows to scroll through the list items. USING ITEM WINDOWS Many setup and data information features use ITEM windows. These windows list several items that have been set up for use in the program, either for general program operation or a particular tenant record. Adding New Items Item windows may have preset items, or the user may add items, depending on the data to be entered. To add an item to the item list • click on the Add button. Data is entered/edited in the text box. • Click once in the text box where information is to be added • type in the information • click on the Save button to save the data • click on the Close button to exit the window. Editing/Deleting Item Data To edit existing item data, click on the row and column you want to edit, and re-enter the information. If the grid does not automatically go into editing mode (preventing entry) press the F2 key, this will force the grid into edit mode making editing possible. When finished with the changes • click on the Save button. Watch Captain, LLC Introduction 1-25 Grid Items Windows This style setup allows direct entry in the screen to an existing list. NOTE—Text boxes are limited in length; existing characters may have to be deleted to allow for new/different characters. Use the F2 key to put the grid selected cell in edit mode. BOOKKEEPING OPTIONS ACCOUNTING METHODS Two different accounting methods can be used for tracking income. Some facilities track income through what is earned or charged (accrual). Others track income through what is paid (cash). The method for handling accounts receivable, how each payment is posted, is chosen depending on what method for tracking income is used. • OPEN ITEM is the same as CASH BASIS Accounting. • BALANCE FORWARD is the same as ACCRUAL BASIS Accounting. Balance Forward (Accrual) The standard THE MARINA PROGRAM is a BALANCE FORWARD (accrual) program. Accounts receivable is run by posting any payments to the balance due, much like a VISA or Master Card bill. This provides for fast posting and lets the accountant track income based on what has been charged (earned). Charges are credited to income and debited to accounts receivable in the general ledger. Payments are credited to accounts receivable and debited to the bank. Watch Captain, LLC Introduction 1-26 Open Item (Cash) Some marinas may wish to use an OPEN ITEM (cash) system. An Open Item system's general ledger can post payments as a credit to berth income and a debit to the bank (cash accounting), or can post charges and make use of accounts receivable, as does the balance forward system (accrual). Open Item accounting can provide revenue allocation reports/payment allocation statements, and the ability to know what particular charges have remained unpaid. The bookkeeper has more responsibility to check accounts and close payments. Batch posting is not practical, and corrections are more limited. The Open Item version of THE MARINA PROGRAM ages by period/statement. All open charges and remaining credits are carried forward into the next period at month-end. When posting payments, the operator closes each eligible charge. Charges must be paid in full to be closed. Reports reflect which charges are open and closed and any remaining open credit balances. Payment/revenue allocation reports show totals for types of charges paid, and the open credit carried forward. Aged accounts receivable reports detail and age open charges and balance due. NOTE—The balance forward system is recommended for ease of posting. Changing Bookkeeping Systems THE MARINA PROGRAM can be set for either Open Item or Balance Forward accounting. The Bookkeeping System should be decided at the beginning of program use. However, consultation with Watch Captain, LLC can allow a conversion to be made when the program is in use. If a facility converts bookkeeping systems in mid-operation, the total balance due is maintained, but the aging detail is lost (until it is rebuilt with the system). The program bookkeeping mode is toggled in SECTION TWO STARTUP. Several conventions will be used throughout the manual to separate instructions when necessary. Balance Forward icon will be used when instructions pertain only to balance forward (accrual) accounting. Bal Fwd Open Item icon and text style will be used when instructions pertain only to open item (cash) accounting. OpenItem All Methods icon will be used when instructions pick up again for both accounting methods. All Methods Watch Captain, LLC Introduction 1-27 TRANSACTION TYPES Recurring Charges THE MARINA PROGRAM can handle up to 40 automatic recurring charges. The names for these charges are user definable, e.g., SLIPRENT, DRY STORAGE, TRAILER, SERVICE FEE, DISCOUNT, etc. Once the charge is entered in the Tenant Record, it will be automatically charged each month / quarter / annual period at month-end aging. Statements will print these charges, and include them in the balance due for the month. Statements are typically sent near month-end and print recurring charges for the coming month. The actual recurring charges are posted as real transactions with a date of the first of the coming month, for the month in which they are charged as part of the month end / close period process. For purposes of late fees, delinquency notices and balance due reports for delinquency purposes, recurring charges charged at aging for the coming month and entered in the current period as of the first day of the month, are considered part of the balance due (per statement balance due billed). Revenue Codes Revenue Codes are miscellaneous charges charged to tenants. A flexible list of up to 98 revenue codes may be entered. The first two revenue codes are fixed for Late Fee and Miscellaneous. The next set of five or eight, depending on number of recurring charges, are used as proration codes for the recurring charges. Electric Meter Charges Meter charges occur with manual entry, special meter sequence entry, or in some customized programs, automatic entry. Meter charges and any taxes are coded and subtotaled separately on the journals. Deposits/Escrow Accounts Charges, Credits and Refunds THE MARINA PROGRAM handles deposits in a special manner, creating special audit trails for deposit changes. These are either charges when the deposit is entered, a credit if the deposit is applied against the balance, or a refund transaction if the deposit is returned. There is also a non-deposit refund type. Payments Cash Payments that "go in the bank" are entered as cash payments. Generally, cash includes actual currency, checks, debit and credit cards. If the Open Item method is used, an opportunity is given for closing charges with these payments. Credit and debit cards are treated as cash, but may be coded separately. (See SECTION FOUR SUGGESTED POLICIES, Transactions) Payments Credit Credits are given by using CR*Revenue codes (corresponding to the revenue codes above). If the Open Item method is used, an opportunity is given for closing charges with these payments. Special Bank Items BANK DEBIT A customized option is available that enters bank debits for customers who have signed up for a bank debit plan. These 'payments' are entered as a 'batch' and tagged with a BD on various deposit / payment journals. BANK FILE Another customization option automatically posts a batch of payments from a bank file. These transactions are coded BK. Watch Captain, LLC Introduction 1-28 Cash Accounts CASH$ accounts are income buckets for non-tenant (non-billed) monies. These are entered as cash payments. NOTE—All of the above transaction types are subtotaled uniquely on the journals. USING THE COMPUTER FILES Period The accounting cycle is called a period. It is roughly equivalent to one month. THE MARINA PROGRAM is logged on to a period in the setup procedure. All transactions, regardless of date, will be in that period and collected where appropriate for different reports. At aging, the period is automatically advanced by one. The posted transactions and recurring charge transactions of each tenant for that period are archived under the period number and year to be accessed in tenant queries and histories. (See SECTION THREE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Close Period) The Tenant File Information stored in this file is referenced by either • tenant record number • tenant space designator • Reg. # • tenant last name • zip code • boat name. The tenant record number is like the number of a paper record folder, in which the data of one tenant may be kept for a time. Numbers are assigned automatically by the program, are permanent and are not reused. Each Tenant Record of the tenant file includes • tenant name • address • telephone number • space assignment • boat, wait information, insurance information and other data • aged balances and other accounting information • deposit information. Tenant information is also stored in several places, which are linked by the record numbers. Recurring charges are kept in a separate file. Item types, such as key numbers and permit numbers, are in a separate file. Individual postings or charges and payments are a separate file. Watch Captain, LLC Introduction 1-29 Space File Tenants occupy assigned spaces designated on paper by some sort of numbering system using either alphabetic letters or numerals or a combination of both. Examples: Slip B12 Boat berth J2 Trailer space M32 Dry storage 56-Y Building L-1 Tenants move in and out, but rental spaces are a permanent part of the facility. The list of space designators is separate from the tenant list. f Spaces that do not have numbers that are not counted as occupied or unoccupied, such as a vacant lot where trailers are stored—are not included in the Spaces file, or assigned specifically to a tenant. They still may be billed monthly, however, as a recurring charge. The file that stores this list of spaces for program use is called the SPACES file. It identifies the • space name • space dimensions • the rate zone or type for the space. NOTE—The tenant record number has no relationship to a space. The link between a tenant and the space the tenant pays rent for is the space designator kept as part of the tenant information in the tenant record. If the tenant moves to a different rental, then the space designator in that tenant’s record is changed, but the tenant record number remains the same. The tenant number is like a social security number in that it identifies the tenant rather than the occupied space. The SPACE list may initially be set up in any order. THE MARINA PROGRAM sorts it automatically in alphabetical order by the first character of each space designator. The program uses the SPACE list as a reference to check the validity of a space designator entered for a tenant, and for printing reports in space order. Transaction File All the charges and receipts accumulated in the course of business are stored in a transactions file. The transactions are simply stored in order entered. At aging at the end of each period (month equivalent) the current month’s transaction file is renamed by the period and year number and stored. These archived files may be saved indefinitely. TRANSACTIONS A transaction consists of a meter reading, credit, charge, refund, deposit change or a receipt. Transactions may be entered and posted individually or as batches. AUTOMATIC Each transaction is cross-referenced by tenant number. Automatic recurring charges such as rent are also transactions, but are entered automatically by the computer at month-end aging. The transaction file will grow as transactions are added, but start empty after aging each month. Watch Captain, LLC Introduction 1-30 ADJUSTMENTS (CORRECTIONS) AND MESSAGES Current Period Once entered and stored on the Transaction File, transactions should not be altered. To correct a mistake in the same period, enter a compensating transaction of the same transaction type, but with an opposite sign, and a comment about the reason. (See SECTION FOUR SUGGESTED POLICIES, Transaction Correction/Adjustment) Depending on policy, a current period transaction (excluding deposit related items) may also be edited or deleted. Individual and Batch Transactions may be deleted and re-entered. Batch Transactions may be edited, including comment and amount. Data Records may be deleted or edited. Previous Period CHARGES Correction for charges made in previous periods should be made as credit adjustments. PAYMENTS Correction for payments in earlier periods must be entered as charges, usually using a non-income account, such as ADJST BAL or AR ADJST. Messages Messages to an individual tenant may be printed on the Journal and on the bills by entering message transactions. A message transaction is a miscellaneous transaction with a zero dollar amount. Any reasonable number of such messages may be entered for each account. Each message is separate and limited in length to 28 English characters, the comment part of the transaction line is used for the message. To code a transaction as a message • click on the Memo button in the INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTION window. FILE MAINTENANCE The TENANT and SPACE files are available to the operator anytime for entering or changing information. Once the SPACE file is initially set up, the operator should seldom have to change it. However, keeping the TENANT file up to date will be a more frequent file maintenance responsibility. BACKUP COPIES Fire, theft, mechanical breakdown or other mishap may cause the loss of all or part of the information stored on the magnetic disk. Since this information is built-up over time, and is vital to the operation of the system, a method of accurately replacing any lost information is necessary. Retyping a large number of transactions would be a prohibitive amount of labor. NOTE—Use the computer to make copies of the files and keep these backup copies in a location away from the computer, preferably in a different building. The Marina Program has a backup utility for Daily and Monthly types of backups. When using the Marina Program’s backup function the files backed up are zipped into a zip file called Marina.zip this file can be backed up to a location of your choice (a zip drive, compact disc, etc). NOTE—THE IMPORTANCE OF BACKING UP FILES CANNOT BE OVER EMPHASIZED! BACKUPS of the entire program should be made monthly (after month-end aging), and backups of daily transactions should be made daily. (See Appendix H Backup) Watch Captain, LLC Introduction 1-31 Detailed instructions for making backup copies are in SECTION THREE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Backup Files. PRINTING PRINT MANAGER The Windows Print Manager governs the printer and the print jobs. The user should set the printer selection before starting a report if several printers are available. The Print Manager will alert the user if the printer is not functioning. The user should be familiar with operating the Windows Print Manager, know how to check to see if a document is stalled, or to delete an unwanted document in the print queue. VIEW/PRINT Reports are generated by clicking View/Print or Print on the REPORT window. If printing a familiar report that has been printed previously without error, just click on the Print button and the report will be sent directly to the Windows Print Manager. OR To view the report, print specific pages from it, or change the Windows= default printer • click on the View/Print button. Size and Move The VIEW/PRINT window will automatically size to show the largest area for the screen size. Use the zoom button in the bottom right corner to adjust page size, along the horizontal and vertical scroll bars. To move around the page and view all parts of the page • click the mouse on the document page, and • drag the mouse to pull the page. Export to PDF Any report in the Preview window can be exported to a PDF document by clicking the button entitled “Export to PDF” button available on all Print Preview windows. Clicking the Export to PDF button will display the standard windows filesave dialog. Opening the saved PDF document using Adobe Acrobat Reader will provide the additional ability to email the report. Watch Captain, LLC Introduction 1-32 Print View Top Toolbar The print preview window has a toolbar located on the top left of the window.. With these buttons you can navigate to specific pages in the document or select specific pages to print. Changing Printers You can click the printer icon located on the Top toolbar shown above to change the default windows printer. Exceptions to Print View The exceptions to the use of the View/Print form are specific tractor feed reports statements, mailer statements, postcard statements, Rolodex cards and labels, and the receipt using a receipt printer. All these report forms print directly to the port chosen in the Statement Design window. (See SECTION TWO STARTUP, Options and Parameters). For these statements and options, the Windows printer driver is ignored. The printer must be attached to the computer workstation being used. The printer must be set manually through the printer's mechanical controls for print size. NOTE—The printer should be ready to print, turned on and with the on-line light ready, before the report is started. Email The simplest way to email any report is to choose the Export to PDF function, open the PDF document using Acrobat Reader and use the “Email a Copy” function of Acrobat reader to email the report. Printing Order Many reports and statements can be printed in a variety of orders, numeric (tenant/account record number), name, space (slip, trailer, etc.), and zip code order. Usually an option allows stopping and starting at a specified name, zip, number, etc. as well. NOTE—If Space order is chosen, with start space and end space, accounts without a space will be omitted. However, for most reports, if the All option is chosen for Space order, accounts without a space will appear first. Except receipts and some statement forms, standard reports can be viewed before printing. The report is always created fully, and then the first page is displayed. The user can scroll pages on screen, or choose to print all or selected pages. ERROR MESSAGES The operator should be alert to any error messages, the computer screen displays and should write them down, along with the program activity in which the message occurred. Messages can be part of the program, or related to the hardware and operating system. (See Appendix A Error Messages) Watch Captain, LLC Introduction 1-33 2 Section Two—Startup GETTING STARTED SETUP PARAMETERS THE MARINA PROGRAM can be operated immediately after installing, but for normal operation, the Setup Parameters must be reviewed. TIMING Once the timing and accounting method have been decided upon, the accounting period is set in Lists—Program Settings. The Balance Forward or Open Item option is also set in Program Settings. UPDATING ACCOUNTING PERIOD The accounting period should roughly correspond to the current month. All transactions (charges and payments) for one period will show on that period’s reports and be included in that period’s billing. The period is updated automatically after billing, at aging, or when a new accounting period is entered. STEPS TO GETTING THE MARINA ON-LINE The smoothest way to get a facility on-line is to use the weeks before month-end to create the Marina database and the financial records. Each step is covered separately in the manual. Setup Records The first steps necessary to get the Marina on-line are • setup parameters • enter rate and space information • enter tenant data Enter Transactions Miscellaneous charges and electricity meter readings can be entered as transactions once the tenants= data is loaded. (See SECTION THREE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Individual Transactions. Also see Meter Entry). Most facilities prefer to include current transactions as part of the Startup balance. Enter Balances Near period-end or month-end, all balances and items can be entered. As most tenants’ balances will be 0 at this time, just those with amounts due or credits need be entered. Then the journals, statements, etc. can be printed, aging done, etc. (See SECTION FOUR SUGGESTED POLICIES, Activity Summary) Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 34 Set Startup Routine Once the data and records are completed, the last step is to choose the correct startup routine. Prior to entering the routine, the accounting method used by the marina should be determined. (See SECTION ONE INTRODUCTION, Bookkeeping Options) PROGRAM SETTINGS NOTE—Review the entire Section Two before beginning Program Settings. The setup procedures start with the Lists menu, and generally begin at the bottom of the list with Program Settings. Click on • Lists • Program Settings • appropriate tab for settings • Close button to save and exit. ACCOUNTING YEAR AND PERIOD Change Period Enter the correct period that will correspond to your first month of operation. NOTE—Before using the program for actual transaction entry and billing, the initial starting accounting period must be set. Choosing the Correct Period If the first statement (period-end) is for rent to be charged for June (09), these statements would be part of the month-end activity in May (09). Therefore, the startup period should be set for 05. If for some reason the current period is not the actual starting period, the period can be reset later. Under normal use, the period is automatically advanced by one at each end-of-month/period closing/aging. NOTE—If you have already closed a period, this action is disabled. Contact Watch Captain, LLC for more information. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 35 LATE FEE AND BOOKKEEPING Before setting any bookkeeping parameters, refer to SECTION ONE INTRODUCTION, Bookkeeping Options. Automatic Late Fees In the LATE FEE window, click on either the Flat Fee button or the Percentage Fee button. The late fee can be a • flat fee, or a • percentage fee, as • Percent of CURRENT charges, excluding late fees • Percent of total charges, excluding late fees • Charge Percentage Fee on Balance Due • Charge flat fee or percentage, whichever greater • Percentage only, no additional flat amount. Enter the amount of the fee, flat or percentage. If a double method is used—a percentage or flat amount, whichever is greater—both the flat amount and the percentage should be entered. When using a late fee that excludes previous late fees in a Balance Forward system, the automatic late fee option saves the current automatic late fee for next month's calculation, replacing or adding to any previous amounts saved. Bookkeeping Type The operator may select Open Item or Balance Forward bookkeeping. A warning will be printed regarding choice of method. These options are fully discussed at the beginning of this section. (See SECTION ONE INTRODUCTION, Bookkeeping Options) Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 36 STATEMENT DESIGN Various statement options can be changed. Option Statement Formats Insurance Reminder Option Boat Name Option Facility Return Address Option User Laser/Jet Printer Option Message Email Setup Statement Layout Watch Captain, LLC Description The program can be set to use 8 ½” wide by either 7” or 11” tall statement form, either blank or with a pre-printed design, a Post card or print through mailer, or an ASCII file export for sending statements digitally to a mailing house for email invoices. Note for email statements the Statement setting must be set to blank. When toggled for statements, and a record has an insurance renewal date older than the period or will expire within two months, then the insurance reminder will print on the statement. Note if this checkbox is checked the reminder will also print if a tenant has no insurance date entered on the Tenant window. My be included on plain or pre-printed statements May be printed on pain or pre-printed statements Check if you are using a Laser or Ink Jet printer for statements (Refer to Section One Introduction, Printing) Fill in appropriate message. Some lines may not be available depending on statement format. The message displays in the upper right hand corner of the statement. Statements can be emailed to individual tenants if they are setup properly see Appendix I Emailing Statements. Allows you to define the location of various parts of the statement used when printing on pre-printed forms. Startup 2- 37 GENERAL SETTINGS Various program settings regarding editing, printing and other options can be made in the GENERAL SETTINGS window. In the Settings data window • click on appropriate check box(s). Option GL Export Force CAPITALS in data fields Track Credit Card/Cash/Checks Allow Transaction Delete Use Historical Date In (Leases) Ask Changes? Before Auto Save Show Current Gone/Back Disable CC # Fields Toolbar Visible on Startup Turn Email On Harbor Graphic Default Default Report Order International Options Labels Across Labels Check Box 1 & 2 Names Description Refer to separate instructions for GL Export. Contact Watch Captain’s TMP Support for more information. Forces all characters entered to be in CAPS (A not a). Most facilities segregate checks and credit card charges in their deposits. When this option is checked a list box for Check/Cash/Cr.Card is displayed by the payment comment field allowing payments to be tagged by type as they are entered. The default is check. The posted payments display a code in the payment register for type and are subtotaled by type. Transactions can be deleted and edited using the Individual Transaction window. Note that deleted transactions are only flagged as deleted The Marina Program does not delete transaction data. Facilities that are seasonal have the same tenants returning year after year, or facilities with rigid lease start and stop dates will want to use this field to show the original first date in the marina. Will prompt to save if changes have been made. Will show the gone/back information. This will disable the Credit Card entry fields. Displays the toolbar on the main window when The Marina Program is started. Turns the ability to email Statements on. This adds an additional checkbox field to the Tenant window that if checked lets The Marina Program know that this tenant’s statement should be emailed. See Appendix I Emailing Statements for more email instructions. Skips loading the Harbor Graphic when The Marina Program is started and the OK button on the main window is clicked. This setting is workstation specific. Provides default choice for some reports While most fields follow the windows regional settings, some fields and reports will need special formatting to conform to international conventions. Choose 2 or 3 across for Laser/Ink Jet style labels Check boxes assign optional slip colors to spaces occupied on the harbor graphic. Enter the captions for those check boxes, here and those captions will display on the tenant window boat/space tab. NOTE—If you aren’t sure about any of these settings Leaving THE MARINA PROGRAM with its default settings is generally best. Please contact [email protected] for specialized training option. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 38 Security The following shows the security levels and password options in the standard program. Specific security needs for specific users can be customized. NO SECURITY No security allows entry into program and to most features without a password. The generic password SUPERBOSS is required for entry into Program Setup areas and for period/month-end closing. ADD PASSWORDS OR USER IDS Click on security method chosen and Maintain button. The password SUPERBOSS can be replaced by one or more passwords. USE PASSWORDS If there is a master password other than SUPERBOSS, then anyone who enters the program without a proper password will have readonly access or be denied entry based on the chosen option Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 39 USE USER IDs For those who wish to track particular users and/or give different passwords with different access levels to different people, a user ID option can be used instead of passwords. Click the Select the USER IDs radio button in the SECURITY frame. Then click the Maintain button. NOTE—User codes are case sensitive. Set up a User ID, password and security level for each user. Each user is assigned an access level, and his user ID defines his rights. Up to 40 different user IDs can be used. Field Description If the user access level is set to POS Only, Data Read Only then checking this checkbox will not allow any customer information modification in the POS/Guest Reservation window. Will display the User IDs as ** on reports Will require the User to Log-in each time a new customer is loaded into the POS/Guest Reservation window. Selection here defines The Marina Program’s behavior if an incorrect password (or User ID/Password combination) is entered. Read Only will start The Marina Program allowing only the reading of data. No additions, deletions or modifications. No Entry will force the Marina Program to exit if an incorrect password is entered. For User ID security, when The Marina Program is started, the user logs in. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 40 If the user leaves the computer, but doesn't exit the program, he should log out. The user ID is used to tag transactions and is displayed with those transactions in many reports. The password protects the ID from use by other users. To log out, type Ctrl+L at the main screen or POS screen or click • File • Log Out. On logging out, the log in screen remains on the screen, ready for the next user. On exiting the program, logging out automatically occurs. The user code is affixed to all transactions and memos. Password Setting Usage The following password options are available for passwords and User IDs: Level Program Feature Add New Record ALL 4 3 2 1 5 X X X X X Edit Basic Record Data X X X X X From POS only From POS only Delete Record Edit/Enter Recur Chgs Edit Memos Edit/Enter Wait List Enter Individual Transactions Enter Post Batches Post Batch Delete Delete Batch Print Statements X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Enter Dock Check Edit Dock Check Charge Dock Check Use POS Screen Change Password/Program End of Month Close Backup X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 6 Read-only Individual only X X X All Read-only users have access to journals and reports, and to the data screens. Transaction activities are blocked. POS and Hot Berth password options apply only if appropriate modules are installed. Use “if POS NO Data / Edit” check box if no new record entry or no edit in POS screen allowed. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 41 Modify Harbor Graphic By clicking the Harbor Graphic’s slip colors and background can be customized. Harbor Graphic Background For each page of your Harbor Graphic a background picture can be added. • click the tab representing the page you are modifying • • • click the to locate a picture file to add. Click the Apply button Select the next tab (page) if one exists. NOTE—A background picture does use up system memory, if you are close or right at The Marina Program’s memory requirements we suggest that you do not use this feature. Harbor Graphic Slip Colors You can modify the Harbor Graphic slip colors used to represent the various following status conditions, by clicking on the graphic colors button, The various status conditions are as follows, • Notice Given • Vacant • Occupied • Temporarily Gone • Lessor • Liveaboard • First Check box Checked • Guests • Alert • Second Check box Checked Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 42 Clicking the Graphic Colors Button will display the Define Harbor Graphic Colors dialog. Clicking on a color will display a button, clicking that button will display the Window’s standard color dialog. NOTE—The Apply button must be clicked for each tab changed for any modifications to take effect. Hot Berth View (Optional Module: Dock Check Utility) If the Dock Check Utility is installed the graphic can be shown in two views, • • What The Marina Program shows as being the state of your slips based on the date criteria selected. The state of your slips based on the Dock Check performed for the date selected The Hot Berth View is the second view described. Conditions for the Hot Berth View are as follows, • Dock Check showed Vacant (TT on slip means The Marina Program has a Tenant assigned) • Occupied • Temporarily Gone • Not Read during Dock Check • First Checkbox on Tenant window (Boat/Space tab) • Alert (Occupant not in The Marina Program) • Space Assigned but Not Read during Dock Check See the Dock Check Utility User’s Guide for more information on the Dock Check Tools available. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 43 Mail Merge Contracts By clicking you can define for the Marina Program any MS-Word created documents you want to print when the mail merge button is clicked this button is available on both the Tenant and POS/Guest Reservation windows. Clicking the Mailmerge Contracts button displays the following dialog, Use the new button to add a word document you created to the grid. Use the delete button to delete a word document from the grid. The Field Names tab is used to define the variables used in the MS-Word document that will correspond to data within The Marina Program. It is recommended to use the print button to print out a list of the available fields and their template field names prior to creating your word document. NOTE—The Template Field names cannot exceed 256 characters in length. This is the reason the abbreviations are short. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 44 POS/Guest Reservation Defaults (Optional Add-on) Hot Berth/Float Check Setup (Optional Add-on) LIST TYPES Refer to SECTION ONE INTRODUCTION, Using Item Windows for general instructions on setting up data in ITEM windows. All Lists are created and edited in the same way, but in the appropriate list window. • click on Lists • click on Lists/Types • click appropriate tab. To save changes • click on Apply button. WAIT LIST CODES The Wait List codes allow for up to 40 different wait lists. They can be used to separate persons waiting for transfer within the harbor from persons waiting to enter the harbor. BOAT TYPE CODES The TENANT RECORD has a field in the boat information section for type of boat. This is user definable. Other fields refer to fuel type, power type and hull type and are preset by THE MARINA PROGRAM. The settings will be counted in the Statistics Report, and displayed in various reports showing tenant information. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 45 ITEM TYPES Most facilities track keys, cards, lockers or permits, etc. There are options for four item types in each tenant record. The names for these are user definable and may be set in this screen. If the facility is integrating with an access control system, Item 2 will be CARDKEYS and cannot be changed. ACCOUNTING CODES Accounting codes are a user-designated item to group records for statements, labels, reports, etc. Reports can then be printed by account code. For example, print a Summary Journal for only Account Code 92. Some marinas use this field to indicate boats gone to foreclosure. Other marinas use this field to indicate terminating tenants. Two sets of codes can be used • 01–12 user defined numbers will print a statement • 90–99 user defined numbers prohibit statements, unless statements chosen to print by Accounting Code. NOTE—The field length for the above codes is 10 characters. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 46 METER SETTINGS To create Meter Settings • click on Lists • click on Meter Settings. Electric Meters The meter schedule may be used for other types of meters, such as gas or water. In these cases, the terminology can be edited in the Meter Type and Unit boxes. A meter schedule might apply to water (gallons) and propane (cubic feet). Meter Rate Schedules Two different rate schedules may be set up. Later, in detailing the tenant record, the tenant may be assigned to either the standard or the alternate rate schedule. The Meter Definition can be used if some tenants are billed at a different rate than others, such as non-Live-aboard/Live-aboard or Commercial/Pleasure. To choose a Rate Schedule in the METER SETTINGS window, click on either • Standard, or • Alternate. The Meter Rate schedule has a section of option buttons that change the usage of lines in the meter rate schedule and a list box of the lines for the meter rate schedule. Meter Rate Schedule Rate Tiers The simplest rate schedule is the number of kilowatts used times a rate per KW. As some facilities have tiers in their rate schedule, there are three tiers provided. If there is only one rate, regardless of kilowatt usage, a rate must be entered in each tier. TIERS KW RATE Rate tier levels are set in lines 1 and 3. To change the range/tiers • edit the item. Kilowatt or other unit usage rates are set in lines 2, 4 and 6. Line 6 is the fee charged for KW usage above the range set in line 3. To change the rate • edit the item. All options not used in the rate schedule should have a 0 entered. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 47 Meter Rate Schedule Optional Settings THE MARINA PROGRAM has several optional taxes and fees built into the charge structure that a facility might select. NOTE—If a marina has special KW, gal. or cu. ft. formula needs, please contact Watch Captain, LLC FLAT SUM Some rate schedules include a deducted flat sum at each tier level. If a flat sum is used, enter the flat sum amount in line 5 and/or line 7 as a whole number, not a negative number. It will be deducted appropriately from the tier usage. This option is not commonly used, and the line may be used for special customizations. FIRST KW FREE Some facilities give an allowance for a designated amount of KW usage at no charge. To set up the no-charge KW allowance • click on the option button Line 5 = MINUS KW • click on line 5 • edit the number of KW allowance. Use a whole number, not a negative number. MINIMUM CHARGE Line 9 provides for a minimum charge amount if the KW usage is zero or less than the minimum. Examples: • If the minimum charge is set at $5.00, and no KWs are used, the charge is $5.00. • If 51 KWs were used at .10/KW, then the charge calculated is $5.10, and the charge is $5.10. • If 45 KWs are used, the charge is $5.00. MINIMUM FEE A negative amount entered in line 9 will indicate that no fees are incurred until the charge reaches this amount. ADDITIONAL FLAT CHARGE Usually, this charge type is set up as a separate recurring charge and separate line item. To set up the amount of the Flat Charge • click on the option button Line 10+Additional Flat Charge • click on line 10 • edit the amount of the charge. An additional Flat Charge AND a Minimum Charge are not designed to be used together. 0 KW, FLAT FEE Facilities have different policies on the additional Flat Fee for line 10. Some charge a flat fee regardless of usage. Others charge a flat fee only if kilowatts have been used. If using a Flat Fee option either • click on 0 kw = No Flat Fee, or • click on 0 kw = Yes Flat Fee. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 48 Meter Rate Schedule Taxes TAX/FEE PER KW This is a tax rate per kilowatt, not a sales tax on the total charge. To set the tax • click on line 8 • enter the tax • click on Save button. TAX/FEE PER KW 2 Occasionally an additional distinct tax per kilowatt is needed. For this additional tax • click on line 10 • enter the tax • click on Save button. SALES/TAX/FEE This is a percentage tax rate amount charged on the total fee charged, excluding any flat additional charge. To set this tax rate • click on line 11 • enter the percentage amount as a whole number • click on Save button. TAX ON FLAT CHARGE If line 10 indicates an additional Flat Charge is to be used, a box appears showing rather the Sales/Tax/Fee in line 11 would apply to that Flat Charge or not. NOTE—Meter Rate Sales Tax is handled outside the Tax Options noted under Tax Items. If a facility is set for more than one type of meter, the option will show in the menu, and a separate Rate Schedule will be used. ACCOUNT TYPES There are four types of accounting charge/income codes • Recurring Charge Codes • Revenue Codes • CASH Accounts • Escrow Deposit Accounts. These along with related setup items are found by clicking • Lists • Account Types. GL Labels and TAX Items handles miscellaneous accounting codes and taxes. Each of these accounts has a label, can have a default amount and can carry a General Ledger style code label. This GL label is printed on the journal summaries, making journal entries clearer and easier. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 49 RECURRING CHARGES Recurring charges are • charged monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually • the same amount each time period • charged to the same tenant. These recurring charges are charged automatically monthly/quarterly/annually to the tenants to whom they are assigned, as entered in each tenant's file record. The charges are pre-printed on statements and reports for the coming month, and charged to the account at period/month-end closing with a date of the first of the coming month. Each facility may have a different combination of charges, such as • RENT, SLIPS or BERTHS • DRY STORAGE • LIVE-ABOARD • MAINTENANCE • DUES • TRAILER Only those charges belonging to an individual will be filled in for that individual, and thus charged automatically. Subtotals for each charge type will show on journal summaries. Active Recurring Charges Up to 40 recurring charges may be set, but most facilities use only 4 to 8. The number of recurring charges used should be entered in the Number of Recurring Charges data box, so the program does not use extra blank fields in printing reports. To add more Recurring Charges, edit the Number of Active Codes. Adding Recurring Charge Codes To add Recurring Charge Codes, after changing the number of Recurring Charges in the RECURRING CHARGE LABELS window • enter the charge code description. The code names are limited to 10 letters or characters • enter the matching general ledger transaction code number (optional) • enter the amount of the charge (if fixed, it is not a space rate in the Rate Schedule) • enter the tax number in the fourth box. (See SECTION TWO STARTUP, Tax Items) Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 50 REVENUE CODES Revenue Codes allow for subtotals of miscellaneous charges and credit adjustments, and consistent labeling of charges and credits. To create revenue codes click on • Lists • Account Types • Revenue Codes. Active Revenue Codes Space for 20 codes is provided, but this number can be expanded to 98. To change the number of Revenue Codes • double-click on the Number of Active Codes data box • type in the number of codes desired • clicking back in the table refreshes the codes. Adding/Editing Revenue Codes To add/edit the codes • click on the number of the code to be added/edited in the lower window box • click on the first data box, and enter the Revenue Code description. • click on the second box and enter the matching general ledger transaction code number • click on the third box to enter the amount of the charge • enter the tax type number in the fourth box. (See SECTION TWO STARTUP, Tax Items) Permanent Codes Two Revenue Codes, Late Fee and Misc. are built into the program as permanent codes. Late charges applied automatically will automatically total under Late Fee, along with any manually charged late fees. Any transactions entered without a code will automatically be put under Misc. (miscellaneous). Sample Revenue Code List The journal summary will list all revenue codes under both charges and credits for an accounting period. A sample Revenue Code list might be: Code 1. Late Fee 2. Misc. 3. Slip Rent 4. Lv/a/Brd 5. Trailer 6. Dry Strge 7. Towing 8. Store Chg 9. Pump Out 10. Bad Debt 11. Gas/Fuel 12. Bad Check 13. Rep Bad Chk 14. Lost Key 15. Forf Dep 16. Adj Bal GL# 623 624 523 525 526 527 640 635 637 655 636 699 698 687 456 589 AMT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 TAX 1 2 1 2 NOTE—The recurring charges are listed first for giving prorated charges and credits (adjustments). Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 51 We recommend a Revenue Code for Bad Check Charge, Bad Check Fee, Adjusted Balance, and if deposits, Lost Key and Forfeit Deposit. Deposit charges should not be setup as revenue codes. (See SECTION TWO STARTUP, Escrow Deposits, regarding security and key deposits) Default Amounts Codes with a default amount can be multiplied by a unit amount, when the charge is entered as a transaction. For example, if fuel is $1.87 a gallon, enter 11.3 as the unit amount, number of gallons, and total gas will calculate for charging the transaction. Code Name Changes Once THE MARINA PROGRAM is on-line, changes in the names of codes in the Revenue Code list should be made only immediately after aging, before new transactions are entered. Revenue Code names are labels only. The charge is actually made as a transaction linked to the code number. ESCROW DEPOSITS Security deposit and key deposits considered charges by the program are set up separately as Escrow Items. They are totaled in a separate journal, and have a separate audit trail. THE MARINA PROGRAM provides special revenue codes for charging Security and Key deposits that treat these codes as liabilities in an escrow account. NOTE—Security and Key deposits should not be set up as revenue codes. Charges for the forfeit or loss of deposits should be Revenue Codes, in order to charge the fee from the escrow account into income. (See SECTION FOUR SUGGESTED POLICIES, Closing Out Tenants) To set up Escrow Deposits, click on • Lists • Account Types • Escrow Deposit Accounts. THE MARINA PROGRAM will accept up to 6 Escrow Deposits, and provides two preset Escrow Deposit Accounts • $$Security • $$Key Deposit. To add more deposit types • click on any deposit line • click on Number Active Deposit Accounts data box • type in the number of accounts needed. To edit an existing Escrow Deposit • click on the field to change. NOTE—All Escrow Deposit account names begin with $$. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 52 CASH ACCOUNTS Cash accounts are simply cash buckets that hold income. They do not have charges, and are not linked to an Accounts Receivable account. To add cash account codes click on • Lists • Account Types • CASH Accounts. To create a new Cash Account, click on the Add button. • enter the name of the account • click on the second box and enter the General Ledger account number • click on the third box and enter the amount. To edit an existing Cash Account • click on the field to change. NOTE—All Cash Account names begin with $. Read about $CASH accounts in SECTION FOUR—SUGGESTED POLICIES. Required Accounts THE MARINA PROGRAM includes three required $ESCROW\CASH accounts • $$SECURITY DEPOSIT • $$KEY DEPOSIT • $$REFUND DEPOSIT MEMO These are special escrow accounts that handle deposits and refunds. See previous heading regarding security and key deposits. GENERAL LEDGER LABELS This option allows the adding of General Ledger labels for journal items that are not actual account codes. To add General Ledger labels, click on • Lists • Account Types • GL Labels and TAX Items. A thorough discussion of journal options and general ledgers is detailed in Appendix C Journal Accounting & General Ledgers. The end of the section in the Appendix covers the setup program for entering GL codes. Refer to this section if the facility wishes GL codes to print on the summary journal pages. NOTE—All supporting files above do not have to be completed before entering tenants, but the spaces file must be complete in order to enter space assignments for the tenants. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 53 TAX ITEMS THE MARINA PROGRAM allows settings for three tax types. The taxes are applied to the recurring and revenue charges when the charge codes are named. To create tax items, click on • Lists • Account Types • GL Labels and TAX Items. Click on the tax type in the lower item window. A box will be added at the top of the window with the tax type and number. NOTE: Meter Rate Schedule taxes are setup with the Meter Rate Schedule, not this window. • click on the first box and edit the name • click on the second box and enter the General Ledger account number • click on the fourth box and enter the percentage • click on the Apply button to save the settings. Tax Cap Some taxes have a provision for a tax cap or maximum amount of tax collected on certain taxes. Tax type 1 is the only tax item that has a cap allowed. If tax amount is equal or greater than this amount, only the maximum tax will be charged. • Use tax type one for this kind of tax. • Set the cap amount in the third box. More Than One Tax To use more than one tax number for an item, the number can be a combination of several tax types (1, 2 & 3). Any item with more than one tax type will two or three line items for taxes as part of the charge, and the tax will total on the Summary pages for each tax type. COMPLETING THE DATA FILES DATA ENTRY ORDER The spaces file must be input before the tenant file, in order for THE MARINA PROGRAM to assign valid spaces to tenants. Rate and Zone schedules should be entered before the Spaces file, to verify zones as the spaces are assigned. To complete the data files, enter the data in this order: • Rates • Space Inventory • Tenant Records. RATE AND ZONE SCHEDULE THE MARINA PROGRAM provides a rate schedule so that each space can be assigned to a rate type. Rates can be easily adjusted universally for the spaces and the tenants assigned to those spaces. The rate schedule is a list of rates for each type of rental. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 54 Multiple Rate Structure A facility's rental units often have different rate structures, such as • Dry Storage may have just a flat monthly rental fee. • RV sites may have a daily fee for weekends and another daily fee for midweek. • Each zone may have several rate ranks, depending on the length of time it is rented. Single Rate Structure Many marinas have only one rental rate—a base per foot amount. Thus only one zone and one rank are necessary. Rate Zone A rate zone or rate type is an area of the facility where all spaces are charged according to the same scale. Some facilities may have only one zone or type, where for example, the rate is 5.25 per foot. However, often spaces vary; some have special hookups, are in a more desirable location, or are of a certain size class. Number of Rate Zones Up to 40 zones or rate type areas may be entered and labeled. To eliminate having empty zone screens, the number of zones in use may be selected. The number of zones can be changed at any time. Before entering Rate Zones, think about the different rates in the marina. Perhaps some spaces are at 5.25 per foot, some at 6.25 per foot, and dry storage is a flat $75. In this case, there are three rate zones. Rate Ranks In addition to different rate types or zones, each zone can have several ranks or applicable rates. This could be • a rate for live-aboard • a rate for normal berthing, or • an annual rate • a monthly rate • and a daily/overnight rate. Each rank requires a time factor. Many facilities have only one rate type or zone with just one rate rank, combined with one time factor of monthly/annual/quarterly. Facilities using the POS/Guest Management module will enter daily and weekly rates as well. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 55 Rate Zones, Rate Ranks and Charge Types Rate Zone - Physical group of spaces that generally share the same rate structure Spaces - Physical spaces that make up each group Rate Rank - Types of rates for a space in a Rate Zone Charge Type - A Recurring Charge or Revenue Code that is a handle for the charge itself, providing a subtotal of charges of this type; usually used with a GL label for transferring to a General Ledger 1. Commercial All Slips C Commercial: 1. Monthly per ft. $3.95 2. Daily per ft. $0.75 Recreational: 3. Monthly per ft. $4.95 4. Daily flat per day $25.00 Moorage Etc. 2. Permanent All Slips A, B, D, E, F Commercial: 1. Monthly per ft. $5.95 2. Annual $59.50 Recreational: 3. Semi-annual $65.45 4. Daily flat per day Moorage Guest Rent Etc. 3. Special Section 1 (covered) Excepting B2, C24, C28BC30 1. Monthly per ft. $5.95 2. Annual 3. Semi-annual 4. Daily flat per day Moorage Guest Rent Etc. 4. Guest G Slips 1. Daily $20.00 2. Weekly $120.00 3. Monthly $500.00 Guest Rent Etc. 5. Airport P Hangers 1. Monthly $475.00 Airport Etc. Each zone has its own group of rate types. The charge then can use the rate to display a default amount. When entering the recurring charge for a tenant, the screen will display the suggested base rate for the space to which the tenant is assigned; then the user can enter the amount for the recurring charge type to be used. The suggested amount can be overwritten/changed by the user. NOTE—Always setup the most common rate type or zone as Zone One, and the most common rate rank as Rank One. If using the Guest Management module, make the Daily Rank and other applicable time ranks, the same rank for all zones to correspond with the default. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 56 RATE ZONE INFORMATION To create Rate Zone Information • click on Lists • click on Rates • click on Set up Rates. In the RATE ZONE SCHEDULE window • click on the Set Up button, which will open the RATE ZONE INFORMATION window. In the RATE ZONE INFORMATION window • click on the Number of Rate Zones in Use data box • enter the number of zones needed plus two • click on the Close button. Combination Rates Surcharges Occasionally, a facility may also have a two-part rate. For example, a special surcharge of $20 plus a footage rate in combination. Sometimes this is set as a combined rate for one recurring charge, or other times it is calculated separately and subtotaled separately so there are two recurring charges. Only a few facilities have a special surcharge to add. This might be • a water district or sewage special fee, or • a lease fee. NOTE—If the surcharge does not apply to your facility, after setting the number of zones, click on the Close button and proceed to set up the rate zones. The Surcharge field is used only when there is a separate or included, additional, flat or percentage amount per rental unit that needs to be tracked along with the basic rent for that unit. Normally the surcharge is included in the net rent shown for each space. If the net rent is separate from the surcharge, the surcharge can be indicated at this time. Most facilities do not have this situation, and should ignore the surcharge options. Minimum If there is a minimum charge associated with the per foot rate • click on the MINIMUM line. RATE ZONE SCHEDULE SETTINGS Rate zones are physical areas that have the same rate structure. Examples of different rate zones are • all 20-foot slips • all trailer parking spaces • all covered slips. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 57 NOTE—Set the number of ZONES before setting the rates. See RATE ZONE INFORMATION. After each Rate Zone is setup • click on the Next button. To create the Rate Zone Schedule click on • Lists • Rates • Setup Rates. Name the Zones In the RATE ZONE SCHEDULE window, enter a name for the rate type or zone. Typically in a one-zone facility it would be something like SLIP RENT, or DOCKAGE. Other facilities might name their zones • NORTH HARB • SOUTH HARB • DRY STORAGE NOTE—Enter the ZONE with the largest number of spaces as Zone 1, and enter the most common rate (time-wise, e.g. daily, monthly, seasonal) for that Zone as the first zone. Rank for Rates The first rank for any zone will be the rate reflected on the Rent Roll and other standard reports. MONTHLY A year-round facility with year-round tenants billed monthly would set the Monthly rate as the first rank. DAILY A seasonal, destination or recreational facility might enter a Daily rate as the first rank. Enter the name for the rate rank. Typically this will be simply MONTHLY. Time Factor To enter the time factor • click on the list button next to the Rank label • click on the desired time factor. Enter the Rates THE MARINA PROGRAM will allow either a flat rate or a footage rate, but not both for the same rank. Footage rates can take up to 3 decimals. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 58 Footage Rates If the rate is charged by footage, enter a • B for boat length • S for space length, or • G for whichever is greater of the two, and • # for square footage using space length and width • @ for square footage of the boat. Most facilities use G for whichever is greater, but some areas, such as side ties or end ties where there is no set length, one would have a B for by boat length. Next Rate Zone Click on the Next button to move to the next rate zone screen. Print and Close When done with all of the rate zones • click on the Print button • then on the Close button. SPACES LIST To create the list of spaces • click on Lists • click on Space Inventory. Space Inventory If a Harbor Graphic has been created for the Marina, a space file will also have been built. Before continuing, print the Harbor Graphic=s SPACE LIST by • clicking on the Print button. It is easiest to work in the SPACE INVENTORY window in Space Order. If the order is different, click on the Index list box arrow, and change the order. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 59 Space Description • • • Click on the Space field and enter the space label click on Description field and add description fill in the appropriate size fields. SPACE LABELS The space label is the standard name of the unit. Some consideration should be given to setting up first characters for space designations, so that the spaces sort properly. Some special reports may be called up by first character of the space designator, so this character should be unique where appropriate. SPACE SORT ORDER New space designators (such as B1, C2, etc.) may be entered in any order. The Space Inventory List is automatically sorted in alphabetical first character order of space. If numbers are used such as A1, A10, A100, etc., these will be sorted as A100 A10 A1 To obtain an orderly printout, add zeros in front of the numbers A001 A010 A100 A group such as DD3, D10, DRY5 will all be sorted under D. Sub-groupings in the space list can be arranged by using designator letters or characters. SPACE DESIGNATORS Some large facilities may have several harbors or berth areas. If some of these areas have duplicate numbers, the facility may wish to keep these areas distinct in order to obtain separate reports for each area. Tenants and accounts can be separated by number blocks, and a unique space designator should be placed in front of the normal space for each harbor or marina area. For example: A101 B101 #A101 #B101 1A23 1B24 2A23 2B26 NOTE—Do not use * or $ or @ as a unique character as these characters are reserved for other functions. Special designators can be used to • separate trailers, dry storage, and wet slips within a single marina • provide distinct reports • provide vacancy lists for an area. ZZ SPACES LIST DESIGNATORS Any spaces starting with ZZ are not checked for occupancy when assigned to a tenant. These are list designations, and can be used to identify popular weekends for which a list of guests is being made, and spaces will be assigned as the guests check in. Thus, a space could be set up as ZZ1, with a description of MemWk, etc. to initially list all those with a reservation for Memorial Day weekend. GROUP Alternately, group spots can be designated with the first letters ZZ, such as ZZDOCK or ZZMOOR, to accumulate guests in a general area, say a guest dock or moorage site. There is no occupancy limit set for these ZZ spaces, but a list by type is always available. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 60 BOAT LENGTH Boat length for ZZ spaces are subtotaled on the scroll spaces display (and the printed Occupancy/Vacancy report) to calculate capacity. DESCRIPTION The space description may be optionally used for comments as to space type (e.g. DF = double finger, C = covered, etc.). MULTI-BOAT SPACES A * as the first character of the description sets the space as a rafting or linear space—a multiboat space, usually a side tie. MULTIPLIER Some facilities may see an additional field. This is an optional field that has been added at the user=s request. To obtain more information about this field, call Watch Captain, LLC. WALK ORDER This is an optional field to allow a different space order, that in which they are walked. Rate Zone • • Click on the Rate Zone list box button. The first zone is displayed as the default field. Click on the zone that applies. If there are some spaces that do not fit the rate schedule, and carry unique rates, enter • a ZONE of 99. • The rent for that space in the field after the zone number, may now be entered in the space setup screen. The base rent for the space will display in the rate schedule below. The first rank is the base rent that will show on the rent roll report later. To enter the next space • click on the New button, and • enter the information for the next space. Continue procedure through all of the spaces. VIEW/EDIT SPACES To find, view or edit spaces • click on Browse • In the SPACE INVENTORY window, double-click on any field in the line for the space, except SPACE to enter or edit data. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 61 Editing Data by Column The most effective way to edit a lot of data is down a column, not across a row. To select a column • double-click on the data field • double-click on the data field a second time and the entire column becomes edit sensitive • use the down arrow not the Enter key to move within the column and edit each cell in the column. Changing Space Names Once a space name is inputted, it cannot be modified. To change it • select the space from the BROWSE screen • click on Delete • enter the correct space name as a NEW space. If a space is occupied by a tenant, it cannot be deleted and renamed. First, go to the Space Information field in the TENANT RECORD and delete the space assignment. (See SECTION TWO STARTUP, Boat/Space Tab) Then come back to the SPACE LIST and change the name. This space list is intended only for the numbered or specific spaces assigned to tenants. A printed list might look like this: SPACE A1 DF A2 A3 B1 COV B2 COV B3 C1 BOAT FT 20 10 0 55 25 0 25 SLIP FT 50 30 40 50 25 25 25 Unassigned Spaces Spaces that have no assigned space number, such as for trailers left in a lot, are not set up on the Space Inventory list. Charges for these unassigned rentals are simply entered directly into the tenant record. TENANT LIST To open a new tenant or guest record • click on Select • click on New Tenant or New Guest (POS module). To open a new record window when in an existing tenant or guest record • click on the New button on the upper right corner of the record. To create or edit a tenant record using the Lists option • click on Lists • click on Tenant Records. This will open the TENANT RECORD window. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 62 NOTE—A new tenant record can also be opened by clicking on a white (vacant) preassigned space from the Harbor Graphic. An existing tenant record can be opened by clicking on a colored (occupied) space on the Harbor Graphic. TENANT RECORD WINDOW New Records When a new record is saved, a tenant record number is automatically assigned by THE MARINA PROGRAM. This is a permanent number, and will not be issued to any other tenant. As tenants are input and/or changed, a date entered and a date changed are automatically recorded by the program. If the Tenant List is empty and no records have been entered, the record will be empty. • Click on the First Name box and enter the first name • type the Tab or Enter key to move to the next data field (or click on the Last Name box) and enter the last name • type the Enter key twice to confirm tenant status. At the message Save New Record? • click on the OK button, or type the Enter key. THE MARINA PROGRAM automatically asks, “Save this new tenant record?” after the first fields have been entered; the record is assigned a record number. NOTE—The new tenant record will be saved after the Last Name is entered. A last name is required. Tenant Data Information Fields To move to the next field, either • click on the field, or • type the Tab or Enter key after typing the tenant data. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 63 The number of characters allowed in each data box is in parentheses. Field Description First name First Name (12) Last Name (This field is required, a new record will be saved after entering this field) Last Name (20) Appears as second line on statements can be used for Company Name, Second Owner Extra (30) Name, or second Address line. Mailing street address or PO address Address (30) Enter the City City (18) Enter the two-letter state abbreviation State (2) Enter the zip code Zip (10) Home Phone # it is useful to enter the dashes between numbers, this field is not H Phone (18) automatically formatted providing the ability to enter “Cell” “Fax” if you choose to use this field for another type of number. Work Phone # it is useful to enter the dashes between numbers, this field is not W Phone (18) automatically formatted providing the ability to enter “Cell” “Fax” if you choose to use this field for another type of number. Other Phone # it is useful to enter the dashes between numbers, this field is not O Phone (18) automatically formatted providing the ability to enter “Cell” “Fax” if you choose to use this field for another type of number. The Marina Program will automatically enter the program date on a new record, this Date In can be typed over with a different date. This is a required field. Leave Blank until tenant leaves. Date Out The default for this field in the list box is Tenant To accept Tenant type the Tab key to Record Type change the type; • click on the list box arrow • click on the type to be selected (or use the up/down arrow keys to change the selection) Record Types Type Tenant Description Ongoing account information for tenant or member; usually assigned a space and billed with a recurring chargedd Individual who is an occasional occupant, visitor or charge customer Can be used to track authorized service people, additional owners, etc. This field is often used for commercial fishing vessels in and out of the harbor. Individual waiting for permanent space. Tenants can also be on the “Wait or transfer list” but are still designated as a “T” for Tenant. Overnight, several day visitor, or advance reservation. The default type from POS/Guest Reservation window is guest. Sub-Account, second or more space(s) billed to (Master) Tenant. All transactions appear on Master Tenant account. Master records with subs attached cannot be deleted. A record cannot be set a s subaccount. Sub-accounts are created through the new sub-account tool button Transient Wait List Guest Sub Acct NOTE—Tenants may be changed to Guests, to Transients, etc., and Wait List to Tenants, etc. by changing the type and saving the record. BUT Sub-accounts must always be created from the master account’s record, using the Sub Account tool button . Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 64 Historical Date In If Historical Date In has been checked during Setup, an extra Date In will be displayed in the TENANT RECORD screen. (See SECTION TWO STARTUP, Options and Parameters Settings) For many facilities, the Date In is the same as the Historical Date. If so, there is no point in having this field displayed. Facilities that are mainly seasonal and have the same tenants returning year after year, or facilities with rigid lease start and stop dates will want to use this field to track long-term tenants. BOAT/SPACE TAB The boat information is entered on the BOAT/SPACE card. To access this card, click on the Boat/Space tab. To move to the next field, either • click on the field, or • type the Enter key after typing the tenant data. The number of characters allowed in each data box is in parentheses. Field Boat (20) Length/Beam/Draw/Weight Info (22) Reg # (10) Make/Class (23) Year Description Enter the boat name Enter the boat length, beam, draw and height Enter any optional boat information (decal, valuation, exp date, etc) Enter Boat Registration number Enter boat information Enter boat year Boat/Space List Boxes For instructions on using list boxes, see SECTION ONE INTRODUCTION, Using List Boxes. HOLDING TANK MOTOR TYPE HULL TYPE FUEL TYPE THE MARINA PROGRAM fixes Holding Tank, Motor Type, Hull Type and Fuel Type options. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 65 Boat Type options can be edited and/or added using the Lists/Types from the Lists Menu. BOAT TYPE Harbor Graphic Tag Colors To assign a tag color to the space occupied on the Harbor Graphic, click on the optional check box 1 (Commercial) or check box 2 (Club Reciprocal) to turn on the tag color. Names for each check box can be changed in the setup process. (See SECTION TWO STARTUP, Options and Parameters Settings) CHECK BOX 1 Colors the space dark green on the Harbor Graphic. CHECK BOX 2 Colors the space red instead of yellow on the Harbor Graphic if the dates gone and back include the current Date View range. Some customers may have had these check boxes customized for special features. Space Assignment The space is usually assigned after the boat size information is entered. If the vacant space number is already known, type it in the Space data box. If the space is occupied, the program will alert the operator about the occupant, and not allow that space to be assigned. Two tenants may occupy the same space if the first tenant has a T (Temp Gone), Y (Notice Given), L (Lessor) or * (Extra Boat) status. (See Space Status, below) When a space is assigned, the space footage is automatically input by THE MARINA PROGRAM. The screen will automatically display the rates for the space, based on what has been put in the rate and space schedules. NOTE—The SPACE INFORMATION space number will be displayed if the space had been clicked on in the Harbor Graphic or had been selected from the vacant list. Space Search If an available space is not known, THE MARINA PROGRAM will search for vacant slips by footage, based on boat length entered. NOTE—Before starting a search, enter the boat Length and Date In. To find an available vacant slip • click on the Search button next to space field in Space Information to find all vacant spaces meeting the size criteria. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 66 After the search is complete, the SPACE/SITE RECORDS window will open with the vacant spaces that fit the specified boat size. To select one of the available spaces • click on the vacant space • click on the OK button. The SPACE/SITE RECORDS window will close. THE MARINA PROGRAM will go back to the Boat/Space tab on the TENANT RECORD window. Space Status The Space Status list is displayed by clicking on the arrow next to the Current data box. DEFAULT The default status is Current tenant. ONGOING T Ongoing tenants may have their status changed to for Temporarily Gone if the tenant is out of the harbor for a while and the space is free, or Y for 30-day Notice, indicating the tenant is about to vacate. Spaces with either a T or Y may have a comment entered, and the space and comment will appear on the vacancy list. T will show yellow on the Harbor Graphic when dates extend past Date View. Y will show black on the Harbor Graphic. * A tenant record may also have the status indicating that another boat can be put in the slip (where a large slip has been rented to a boat shorter than the slip). EXTRA BOAT Double boat status has no effect on the occupancy or vacancy list. THE MARINA PROGRAM notifies the program user that the space is occupied and allows the double use of the space. LESSOR L A space designated as held by a lessor has the status and is considered vacant. Spaces for all records tagged Lessor are considered vacant until occupied by another Lessee record. Lessor/Lessee coding allows same assigned space to both Lessor and Lessee records. LESSEE S A space that has been sublet or sub-rented has the status and is occupied by the lessee when the lessor is absent. The complementary lessee/lessor name and record number should be entered in the status message comment field. With this coding, certain reports and journals can be printed in space order, and include both lessee and lessor. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 67 NOTE—All lessors must have a date in prior to (not equal to) the date in of the lessee for proper vacancy checking. Status Comment A comment about the tenant's status can be entered for each record. This field displays when posting. Comments generally are to make a note of • when tenants are going to leave, or • who is temporarily in the space. This comment will appear on the vacancy/occupancy lists for Y and T status tenants. Facilities with lessees/lessors can use this field to enter the complementary lessee for lessor, and vice versa. Space Status Protocol When a new space is entered, THE MARINA PROGRAM will scroll all records with the same space when • a new space is assigned, or • a space assignment is changed, or • dates in/out for a record are changed. NOTE—A space marked lessor is considered as good as vacant. All records marked with the space status as lessor are skipped. Then a date test is done to verify that the date out of the record being checked is earlier or equal to the date in of the record for which the spaces are being entered or changed. An option for override is given if a record, which is being checked • has a Y for Notice Given, or • has an * for allow double boat, or • is a sub-account marked as lessee. THE MARINA PROGRAM will continue to scroll the space list checking spaces. If any other conflict in space vacancy regarding dates available is found, the user is notified. Space Inventory Rank The screen will display the size of the space and boat, and display the appropriate charge for the slip based on the rank used by the tenant and information from the rate and spaces schedules. The actual rent for the slip is entered on the $$Account screen, but entering the correct rank for the tenant for the space here allows the correct amount to be displayed and provides for selecting the tenant by rank in several reports. If the tenant is not being charged the first rate rank for a space (usually monthly) • click on the down arrow in the list box, and • click on the appropriate rate rank. • The space charges will adjust accordingly. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 68 INFO/WAIT TAB The INFO/WAIT tab displays the user defined item labels setup in the Item List. (See SECTION TWO STARTUP, List Types) To add list information or wait list information to the tenant record • click on Info/Wait. License/Lock Box/Key Card/Permits (Items) To access any of the user defined labels • click on the View/Edit button next to the item name. To enter item number and comment information in the Item box • click on Add • type the item number in the Item column • type the comment in the Comment column • type the Enter key • click on the Save button to save, or • click on the Add button to enter another item. To edit an item in the list • click on the item in the list box, and • edit the item number and information in the data boxes. To delete an item in the list • click on the item in the list box, and • click on the Delete button. All items entered are saved with the master record number that is transparent to the sub-accounts. If an item is deleted, it remains as part of the record with a DEL next to the item. Likewise, if a record is deleted, it remains as part of the database with a DEL next to the record. (See SECTION ONE INTRODUCTION, Using Item Windows) Optional Fields and Check Boxes CODE A letter or character code can be entered here. The use of this field can provide special label and report sorting. Character codes are • user defined, and • definitions are not saved in the program. NOTE—If codes are used, the user should keep a list of codes and meanings. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 69 SOC. SEC. / DR. LIC. # Social security and Drivers License numbers are not required by THE MARINA PROGRAM. If either number is desired to be part of the tenant record • type the number in the Soc. Sec. or DR License # data field. These two fields are checked for duplicates in your database and in your archived files. EMAIL ADDRESS This field can be exported to a file or Palm Pilot on the Lists, Labels & Reports screen. CREDIT CARD When typed here will show on receipt with all but last four digits hidden. NOT TAXABLE Check Not Taxable if the tenant will not be taxed. DATE Type in the renewal date for insurance policy using MM/DD/YY format. CARRIER Type in the Carrier Name, policy number or comment. Insurance reminder may optionally print on statement based on renewal date. Name, phone, etc. of insurance carrier can be entered. Wait List Facilities can have many waiting lists, but persons are usually on only one list at a time. Persons entered as Type W for waiting list are automatically considered on the waiting list, and should also have a date and list code entered in the record. Tenants already in the harbor are put on the list by entering a date and a code type in the Wait/Transfer code field and Wait/Tran Date areas of their TENANT RECORD. Advance reservations are handled best by assigning a pre-assigned space or by using a ZZ space list code in the TENANT RECORD, not the wait list. To set up a Wait List record, start with a New Tenant. Then use the record type list box below the last name and set the record type to Wait List. Enter any other information regarding address, boat type, etc. If they do not yet have a boat, enter the size space they are looking for as the boat size. On the Info/Wait tab, enter the date they went on the wait list and the number they are on the wait list. You have to have at least one wait list set up—it can be just ‘WAITLIST’—any remarks go in the Remark field on the right, such as preferences, leeward, dock A, etc. When the wait list person is assigned a space, then just turn the record type into Tenant, enter the space assigned, and set up the recurring charges. A regular tenant can also be on a wait list. For them, they stay as Tenant, but you fill in the Wait Date and Wait List and any remarks. DATE Type the date the individual is added to the wait list. WAIT LIST BOX Type the code number for type of waiting or transfer list, if any. Individuals may be on one list at a time. Up to 40 codes are available for waiting list types. (See SECTION THREE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Wait List) NOTE—Both a date and a Wait List number must be input for the TENANT RECORD to be included in any Wait List Report. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 70 REPLY CODE FIELD This optional field is used after sending renewal or annual notices to record responses received from tenants. Leave blank, or type Y or N or ?. The Wait List Reports can reset this to blank or select lists based on the reply code. (See SECTION THREE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Wait List Blank Reply Code) REMARK A remark/comment may be entered here. This field displays on the wait list, and is the same remark field on the accounting screen. $$ACCOUNT TAB To open the tenant ACCOUNT window • click on the $$Account tab. Adding Recurring Charges to a Tenant Record The suggested base rent is displayed above the Recurring Charge list. The base rent is set in the Rate setup. (See SECTION TWO STARTUP, Rate Zone Information) The Recurring Charge labels were created during set up. (See SECTION ONE INTRODUCTION, Transaction Types Recurring Charges) To change the base rent, it must be added to the Recurring Charges list box with the appropriate timing codes and charge amounts. (See SECTION TWO STARTUP, Recurring Charges) To add recurring charges to a tenant record • click on the New button. CHARGE TYPE To select the charge type • click on the NONE list box • click on the Recurring Charge. TIMING Click on the list box next to the Recurring Charges list box • choose the timing code Annually or Seasonally Quarterly Semiannually Monthly Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 71 MON If Annual; Seasonal or Quarterly is used, the month this item is charged has to be entered in the next field. If renewal is January, enter 1 under Mon. AMOUNT To enter the amount of the recurring charge • click on the 0.00 field • type in the amount of recurring charge • click on Save button. the Add additional recurring charges to the tenant record by repeating the steps above. SAVE Charges may be saved individually or when all are entered. The tax setup with the recurring charge will display next to the charge once it is saved. NOTE—In spite of space and rank assigned, and regardless of Dates In / Dates Out, it is the amount entered in the recurring charge item box that determines what is charged automatically. Stop Recurring Charges To discontinue automatic billing, the amounts of the recurring charges must be deleted when the tenant vacates the slip. Editing or Deleting Recurring Charges From A Record To edit or delete a Recurring Charge from a tenant=s record • click on the charge in the Recurring Charges grid table. To delete the charge from the Tenant Record • click on the Delete button. To edit • click on the timing or amount field • choose a different timing and/or edit month due • reenter the new number • click on the Save button. Live-aboard If the tenant is a live-aboard tenant • click on the Live-aboard data box below the Recurring Charges, and • type the number of people living aboard. (The Live-aboard number must be at least 1 person). Having a live-aboard tenant does not charge the fee, or link to a live-aboard charge. However, a number in the Liveaboard box will tag the tenant as a live-aboard in terms of printing lists of live-aboards, and also display the space in blue on the Harbor Graphic. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 72 Balances This item in the tenant file is for Balance Forward accounts only, which is the total of the past month's charges/payments/credits, and is updated automatically at Bal Fwd month-end by THE MARINA PROGRAM. During Account setup, the operator enters the amount to bring the tenant on-line from the manual books. (See SECTION TWO STARTUP, Accounting On-Line for timing or entering balances with Open Item or Cash accounting systems) CREDIT BALANCE BALANCE DUE AFTER SETUP If a tenant has a credit balance, the credit entered as a negative (-) amount. Credit figures should only be entered in the Curr. field. If a credit exists, assume no charges in the 30 Days, 60 Days, 90 Days, 120 Days fields. Charges are entered as whole numbers. After setup, and once the facility is on-line, the current and aged fields are display only. The program at month-end updates them. Automatic Late Fee Late Fee amounts are established in the setup procedure, and indicate to THE MARINA PROGRAM to charge a flat/percentage based late fee and the amount. (See SECTION TWO STARTUP, Late Fee and Bookkeeping Options) Once established, the late fee fields should be adjusted only through the transaction menu using charge and deposit transactions. Delete or reduce the late fee when a deposit is refunded. Late fees cannot be changed from the tenant record screen. (See SECTION THREE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Transaction Menu Late Fees) To tag a tenant=s record for an automatic late fee • Y for “yes charge automatic late fee” is the default • N if this tenant is never to be charged a late fee through the group late fee selection process • T means no late fee this month only; reset to Y at month-end. A manual late fee transaction can be charged to any tenant in the Transaction Menu. (See SECTION THREE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Transaction Menu) $$$ Alert This field is used to cause the program to beep whenever this tenant=s record is accessed during posting. The reason for the beep is based on the user=s own rationale. • 9, %, or $ causes the computer to produce a beep at posting. Credit Hold If a % as the alert code is used, no payments/credits may be made to the account. If using passwords, only the Master password can edit the Alert Tag %. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 73 Remark A comment or remark may be entered here. This field appears on transaction entry and on journals, and is the same field displayed on the WAIT/INFO screen. Meters LAST READ Enter last reading for space—the reading against which the next reading will be subtracted to calculate the upcoming meter charge. A meter reading worksheet can be printed at setup to facilitate recording the first round of current readings, which will be entered as transactions. (See SECTION TWO STARTUP, Meter Settings) TYPE This field is usually Standard. Those tenants with unusual meter rates schedules are assigned to Alternate. Use Alert to produce a BEEP at meter entry for an alert. Generally, this is used for a record that would not have its meter read. Deposits Enter all historical deposits when tenant record is first set up. After first month of use, these fields will be read only, and all deposits paid after tenant record setup will be changed through transactions. SECURITY DEPOSIT Fill in amount of security deposit, if applicable. KEY DEPOSIT Fill in amount of key deposit, if applicable. Other escrow deposit items will display if they have been established during setup. (See SECTION TWO STARTUP, Escrow Deposits) The deposits entered on startup should be historical deposits already in escrow, for which there is no current charge or payment. (See SECTION THREE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS for entering or refunding current deposits) SUB ACCOUNTS TAB To open the tenant SUB ACCOUNTS window • click on the Sub Accounts tab. A sub-account is used for • a tenant who has two or more spaces, or to • link two individuals to one space. The master account receives the bill, and all accounting information is from each sub-account included on the statement. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 74 Tickler Date A tickler date and comment can be added, and a report printed. See MAIN MENU—Journals/Reports—Reports—Tickler List. REPORTS FROM COMPLETED TENANT RECORDS After entering all tenants and non-accounting data, print the following reports to verify that the charges and rents are properly applied. RECURRING CHARGES REPORT The Recurring Charges Report verifies that all of the tenants have been entered, and the proper recurring charges have been assigned to them. (See SECTION THREE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Reports) To print the Recurring Charges Report • click on Journals/Reports on the MAIN MENU • click on Reports • click on Rent/Management • click on Recurring Charges. In the RECURRING CHARGES window, leave all settings as assigned by THE MARINA PROGRAM defaults. • click on the OK button. RENT ROLL REPORT Print a Rent Roll Report to compare tenant space charges with base space charges. To print a Rent Roll Report • click on Journals/Reports on the MAIN MENU • click on Reports • click on Rent/Management • click on Rent Roll. In the RENT ROLL window, click on any appropriate check boxes such as • date in • date out • security deposit • key deposit • click on OK button to send report to printer. (See SECTION THREE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Reports) DEPOSIT LIST REPORT To create Deposit Lists • click on Journals/Reports • click Journals • click DEPOSITS • click on Deposit Lists • click All Deposits. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 75 BACKUP COPIES Be sure to make backup copies using the BACKUP FILES option under FILES on the MAIN MENU after data is entered in the tenant files. (See SECTION THREE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Backup Files. Also see APPENDIX F—Backup) ACCOUNTING ON-LINE Once the data and records are completed, the last step is to choose the right startup routine. Determine which accounting method is used by the facility. (See SECTION ONE INTRODUCTION, Bookkeeping Options) and select the appropriate accounting on-line instructions below. BALANCE FORWARD Method 1 • Start at the end of month; many tenants have a balance of $0. • Edit tenant account records (click on $$Account tab), entering NET total due in the Current box, including any current charges or credits. Include late fees, meter charges, etc. in NET. Do not enter the Bal Fwd coming month=s rent. • First statement will show total amounts from tenant account record as balance forward. It will show recurring charges, and the total of these will be the balance due. • Print an optional first statement. • Close period. • Begin normal month transactions. Method 2 • • • • • Start at the beginning of the month. After sending current month's statement (includes rent and recurring charges for coming month, before any charges, payments or credits are added to tenant account), enter total balance due from statement just sent into Current box (click on $$Account tab). Click on $$Enter, and enter all payments, charges and credits as transactions as they occur. First statement will be a normal, fully detailed statement. Close the period at end of the month. NOTE—Method 1 is recommended to get on-line more easily, with less data entry required. Entering Balances This item in the tenant file is normally updated automatically at month-end by the program, and is the total of the past month's charges/payments/credits. During Account setup, the operator enters the amount to bring the tenant on-line from the manual books. BEFORE BILLING Watch Captain, LLC If the amount is entered just before billing, a current tenant would normally show a past month balance of zero. (METHOD ONE) Startup 2- 76 FIRST OF THE MONTH If the amount is entered at the first of the month, just after the manual statements were sent and before transactions or payments have been entered, the amount for a current tenant would normally be the amount charged on the manual statement. (METHOD TWO) CREDIT BALANCE If a tenant has a credit balance, the credit should be entered as a negative (-) amount. Credit figures should only be entered in this field, not in items 30/60/90/120 day past. All credit amounts are put in the Current field. CHARGES & CREDITS If there are both charges and credit amounts, the net figure should be put in the Current field. After setup, once the facility is on-line, the current and aged fields only are displayed. The program at month-end updates them. The program at month-end automatically totals aging amounts. If aged balances are known, they can be put in manually to transfer aging at setup, or aging amounts can be summed into one amount and included with Current figure above to simplify setup. OPEN ITEM Open item bookkeeping methods keep the balance as a result of transaction totals. No balance entry is done in the Tenant Record $$Account tab. OpenItem Use balances at the end of the month, before next month's recurring charges are added to accounts. Method 1 Enter balances as transactions; no items or aging. (Read about entering batch payments, SECTION THREE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Batch Transactions) • • Set up a Revenue Code called Balance Forward (Bal Fwd) to use just at this time. Use MAIN MENU, click on Transactions, Batch Transactions. ENTER CREDITS For all tenants that have credits on account • • • • ENTER CHARGES open a Batch Credit File and assign the appropriate Revenue Code click on New Item button enter tenant name or number of each tenant with a credit balance enter credit balance. Using a method similar to that above for entering credits • • • open a temporary Batch Charge file and use the appropriate Revenue Code click on New Item enter tenant name with a balance, and enter the dollar amount for the balance due. PRINT LISTS After entering all the open transactions, print transaction and deposit lists to verify correct data entry. POST BATCH Post the batch transactions in preparation for closing the period. PRINT STATEMENTS Optionally print statements. CLOSE PERIOD Close the period and start a new period for regular occurring transactions. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 77 Method 2 Individual items entered. For each tenant that has a balance (due or credit), use Individual Transactions from the Transactions menu on the MAIN MENU • Use FIND to get each tenant=s record. • Enter a payment or any individual charges, using the appropriate revenue code numbers. • Do not enter rent for the coming month. • Print reports and journals to verify entries. • Optionally print statements. • Close period. NOTE—Method 1 is recommended for the smoothest startup. ALL METHODS All Methods • • • Print an Accounts Receivable Report; verify balances. When balances are correct, verify accounting period. A Long Journal printed to include recurring charges should also match current system statements The aging process applies the coming month’s rent and other recurring charges as transactions in the new period, and carries forward balances, open items and credits. Receivables Report After entering all balances (CURRENT and any aged amounts) print the Aged Accounts Receivable Report to verify that balances have been properly applied. The Aged Accounts Receivable Report shows the balance forward on the books with which the computer accounting will begin. Check tenant totals to verify all entries. (See SECTION THREE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Reports) To print the Aged Accounts Receivable Report • click on Journals/Reports on the MAIN MENU • click on Accounts Receivable • click on Aged Accounts Receivable. In the ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE window, leave all settings as assigned by THE MARINA PROGRAM defaults • click on View/Print or Print. BACKUP TENANT FILES Be sure to make backup copies using the Daily/Monthly option on the MAIN MENU after accounting data is entered in the tenant files. (See SECTION THREE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Backup Files. Also see APPENDIX F—Backup) Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 78 OPTIONAL MODULE POS/GUEST RESERVATION DATA POS refers to Point of Sale, where there may be a computer at a counter for charging sales and posting receipts as people walk in, or where service or sale items need to be charged and paid for quickly. The POS screen is also the Guest Reservation and Guest Management screen. See section 5 Optional Modules for POS/Guest Reservation General Instructions. Setup Several parameters and defaults may be set defaults on the POS/Guest Management screen. To set these options, click on • • • Lists Program Settings POS/Guest Reservation Defaults. Receipt Setup The Receipt Setup button is used to configure a receipt printer that is attached to the POS workstation. These settings are workstation specific. Port Choose the port the receipt printer is connected to, note that the receipt printer must be connected to the local workstation. If you have a cash drawer the cash drawer is connected to the receipt printer, the receipt printer is connected to the computer. Setup Receipt Printer Codes The receipt printer codes should be available within the documentation provided with the printer. A list of common receipt printer codes can be found on the TMP Users Portal. The test button can be used to test whether or not the receipt printer is setup properly. After entering the codes click the test button and verify that the sample receipt prints correctly. More Receipt Options Option Description Use Short Receipt for all Customers When checked the short (POS) format of a receipt will be used for both guests and tenants. When checked will automatically print a receipt when the payment button is clicked. Tells TMP how many copies of the receipt to print. Print Receipt on Payment Number of Copies Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 79 Defaults GUEST/RESERVATION CHARGE Click on list box and scroll until the correct charge shows from the Revenue Code list for normal guest charges. This defines the default Revenue Code used in quick-charging guests. POS CHARGE Click on list box and scroll until the correct charge shows from the Revenue Code list for the first of the F function keys for POS usage. RATE RANK Enter the default Rate Rank for standard guest usage. PAY TYPE Click on list box for Pay Type default. OMIT SIGNATURE LINE Prints reservation form without signature line. HIDE CASH SALES ON MENU Omits menu item for facilities that rarely do ZZ Cash sales. DISCOUNT OPTIONS See SECTION FOUR SUGGESTED POLICIES, Discount Options in POS. WORKSTATION ID Facilities with a multi-user version and the POS optional module can make use of a workstation ID to separate transactions by workstation. Each workstation using THE MARINA PROGRAM can be given a unique ID number. You can use up to 30 different workstation IDs. Having a workstation ID allows for separate daily check out reports to total cash drawers. If several computers act as POS stations, there needs to be several ZZCASH records as two computers cannot post to the same record at the same time. Name the ZZCASH file to be used by each computer with a number after the ZZ to match that of the computer ID: ZZ1CASH, ZZ2CASH, etc. Then the program will automatically bring up the correct ZZxCASH file when the menu item CASH SALES is clicked, or ZZ is used with the Binoculars Find button. To access this window, click on • Lists • Program Settings • POS/Guest Reservation Defaults. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 80 CATEGORIES Revenue code items can be broken out for pricing convenience. If you have a number of Store Items, or Fuel types with varied prices, use the Categories button to get to the CATEGORIES window to enter the pricing levels. This feature may not be turned on in your program. Check with Watch Captain, LLC for setting up this option and for further documentation. NOTE—For inventory control, see THE MARINA PROGRAM CCIV inventory Program. Watch Captain, LLC Startup 2- 81 3 Section Three—General Instructions The General Instructions section covers program usage and activity for each menu item. The Tenant Record window and POS/Guest Management are included under several headings. Items or instructions that are specific only to the POS/GUEST MANAGEMENT windows are discussed at the end of Section Three. Many items in Section Three refer to printing reports. Refer to SECTION ONE—INTRODUCTION, Printing for instructions on using VIEW/PRINT, selecting reports by group range, and selecting reports by Date Range. FILE MENU The File menu includes the basic operating settings of THE MARINA PROGRAM. DATE The default date is the date in the computer’s operating system. Usually, if a different transaction date is desired on MARINA PROGRAM reports, it is changed in the date box when the program is opened. (See SECTION ONE— INTRODUCTION, Normal Startup) However, if a different date was intended to replace the current date, but the opportunity was missed during the initial MARINA PROGRAM opening, it can be changed using the Date option in the File menu. NOTE—The Date View option listed in the various data windows is used to set a range of dates for the Harbor Graphic only, and does not have any effect on the current operating date. (See SECTION ONE—INTRODUCTION, Using The Date View Window) Edit date on program startup, or click on the OK button once in program to edit date Χ Click on File Χ click on Date Χ type in the desired Edit Date in the date data box. BACKUP FILES The Backup Files option creates periodic backup files on disk. NOTE—Before beginning the backup, have blank, formatted disks ready. Daily/Monthly Backups To backup data files Χ click on File Χ click on Backup Files • click on either Daily Backup or Monthly Backup • verify the drive (note first drive letter is for daily and second for monthly) • click on the OK button. See APPENDIX F—Backup for more backup information on setting up backup destinations. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-82 LIST MENU The List menu includes the options for setting up the data lists needed by THE MARINA PROGRAM. Each menu option is covered separately in SECTION TWO—STARTUP. QUERY MENU The Query menu is used to search the database to find records and lists of data. BROWSE RECORDS The RECORDS screen provides a quick overview of all tenants excluding those on the Wait List. To open the RECORDS browse screen, click on Χ Query Χ Browse Records. Double-clicking on a line brings up the chosen record into view. A record can be also selected by a single click on a line and a click on the OK button. (See SECTION TWO—STARTUP, Tenant Record Window) Wait List To view only the records on the Wait List Χ Χ click on the Use Wait List check box click on the Redo Search button. To remove the Wait List option Χ Χ click (deselect) the Use Wait List box click on the Redo Search button. Make use of STOP and GO buttons to speed up search. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-83 BROWSE OCCUPANCY/VACANCY The BROWSE OCCUPANCY window displays the space inventory. The list of spaces can be setup to view Χ only vacant spaces Χ spaces occupied in a date range Χ vacancies available in a date range. To open the SPACE/SITE RECORDS window, click on Χ Query Χ Browse Occupancy/Vacancy. In the SPACE/SITE RECORDS window, double-clicking on a vacant space opens a NEW record, in which data for a tenant may be typed. Double-clicking on an occupied space opens that tenant’s record. (See SECTION TWO—STARTUP, Tenant Record Window) Vacant Spaces To view only the vacant spaces Χ click on the Vacant Only box Χ click on the Redo Search button. Date Range The default date range is the current date to the future. The date range can be changed to be the time between any two dates. Any tenant with a date in or date out within the date range will be displayed. To change the Date Range Χ click Show All Dates to toggle between “All Dates” and a defined date range. In the DATE RANGE window Χ type in the date FROM: Χ type in the date TO: Χ click on the Redo Search button. To select all records Χ click on Show All Dates. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-84 Header Indexing The INDEX changes the order the records are displayed. To change the index Χ click on the header title. The grid will sort by any of the headers. Χ click on the Print button to print the list. AVAILABILITY LIST The Availability List is a printed list that displays vacant spaces in footage order for the date range chosen. The printed list is designed to have enough room to write in information. The Availability List is commonly used at the counter, where new tenant assignments are written, which will be input into the program later. To open the AVAILABILITY LIST, click on Χ Query Χ Availability List. This same LIST SELECTION window can also be opened and printed by clicking on Χ Journals/Reports Χ Occupancy/Vacancy Inventory Χ Availability List. Footage Range In the FOOTAGE RANGE window, select the size range for spaces to be printed by Χ clicking on the Print RANGE button, and Χ typing in the numbers for the size range. If a list of all slips is to be printed Χ click on the Print ALL button. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-85 Date Range Always bear in mind the difference between the Χ current date listed at the top of the menu Χ the Date View available only with the Harbor Graphic option, and Χ the Date Range indicating a specified number of days to search. To print a list of available spaces in a specified date range Χ type in the date FROM: Χ type in the date TO: To select all the spaces within the date range Χ click on the Select All button. To see the report as it will be printed Χ click on View/Print or Print. STATISTICS REPORT The Statistics Report is a printed report that provides Χ a sketch of occupancy for the current date Χ an overview of the number of entering and exiting tenants along with a statistical count of boat types. The Statistics Report is generated in the STATISTICS SUMMARY window. Statistics Summary To open the STATISTICS SUMMARY window, click on Χ Query Χ Statistics Summary. If all spaces are to be printed Χ click on the Print ALL button. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-86 To print a range of spaces Χ click on the Print RANGE button Χ type in the range of space names. To see the report as it will be printed Χ click on View/Print or Print. SPACE ACTIVITY LOG The Space Activity Log is a separate data file that holds any changes to a space, and all meter readings for a space. To open the COMMENTS LOG window, click on Χ Query Χ Space Activity Log. It can be sorted and printed in a variety of ways. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-87 ARCHIVES When tenants are terminated and their records deleted, there is an option to archive the records. Archiving saves data, and the accounting data can be seen by jumping back to a past period using the Long Journal. The archived data can be viewed and browsed with the Archived Records item. NOTE—The archived information is also available in reports. (See SECTION THREE— GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Journal/Reports—Lists/Labels/Rolodex/Export) Archived Records To view the archived records, click on Χ Query Χ Archived Records. From the ARCHIVED RECORDS window, archived records can be printed, browsed or searched for individually. RESTORE A record can be added to the active tenant list by clicking on the Restore button. DELETE A record can be permanently deleted from the Archived Records list by clicking on the Delete button. To locate a single record, click on the Find button. FIND In the SELECTING A RECORD BY NAME/RECORD # window Χ type in the name to be located, and Χ click on the Find button. BROWSE To browse through all archived records, click on the Browse button. To open an archived tenant record • click on the line with the tenant’s name Χ click on the OK button. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-88 TRANSACTION MENU In the standard MARINA PROGRAM there are two methods of transaction entry—individual or batch. (The POS/Guest Module window also allows transaction entry.) INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTIONS Individual Transaction entry is usually used for adjustments, or in open item accounting for entering payments and closing charges. These transactions are posted directly to tenant accounts. Standard transaction entry is done in the INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTIONS window for each tenant. Entries post individual • electric meter charges • correcting entries • credits • escrow deposits • charges • payments • memos NOTE—Always enter charges before payments. To begin Individual Transactions, click on • Transactions • Individual Transactions. Find a Record Each Individual Transaction session will begin with the Find option. In the SELECTING A RECORD BY NAME/RECORD # window • enter the first letter or two of the last tenant’s last name • double-click on the Name to select. For more information on using Find, see SECTION ONE— INTRODUCTION, Using the Find Window. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-89 Move to Next or Previous Record Once the first record is selected, the arrows on the INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTIONS window will scroll the records based on the current index. PREVIOUS NEXT To move to another record use the scroll buttons PREVIOUS [<] and NEXT [>], or Χ click on the Find button in the top right of the INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTIONS window. Posting Entries The current account information for each tenant is displayed in the INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTIONS window. The tenant’s name is listed in the lower left corner. Generally, all entries are entered as positive numbers. THE MARINA PROGRAM will process the number appropriately, depending on the type of transaction. However, in the ledger and receipt and balance due fields, credits are displayed with a (-) minus sign. Negative numbers are used primarily to reverse prior entries. (See SECTION FOUR—SUGGESTED POLICIES, Transaction Correction/Adjustment) Transaction Types All transactions require identification of type. In most cases, a sub-type must also be clicked. Transactions record the record number, date, and type comment and charge amount. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-90 PAYMENTS Clicking on Payment allows the entry of a comment and an amount. During setup procedures, some marinas will have chosen during setup to have payment types coded by check, cash or credit card. (See SECTION TWO—STARTUP, Options and Parameters—Settings). In this case, an additional list box will appear for payment type. To post a payment Χ click on the word Payment Χ click on the type of payment in the first data box if applicable Χ type in a comment (usually the check or receipt number) in the second box Χ type in the amount of the payment in the last data box Χ click on the Save button. NOTE—After the Save button is clicked, a confirmation message box will show. Click the OK button to accept the transaction. CHARGES AND CREDITS When a charge or credit type is chosen, the label for that type appears as part of the comment. The charge and credit types were created in the setup process. (See SECTION TWO—STARTUP, Account Types). An additional short comment can be added. To post a charge Χ click on the word Charge Χ click on the specific charge from the Revenue Code list Χ enter an additional optional comment Χ enter the dollar amount Χ click on the Save button. NOTE—Items with a default amount will show # * 1 to allow for unit pricing. The cursor will land on 1. Overtype with the number of units to multiply charge or credit. Manually Entered Late Fees Individual Late Fees are usually entered as a batch file, but can also be entered as an Individual Transaction. Late Fees entered as Individual Transactions are handled a little bit differently than regular charges. For instructions on entering Manually Entered Late Fees, see SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Late Fees. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-91 ESCROW DEPOSITS Charging Deposits To charge a deposit to a tenant Χ click on Charge DEPOSIT Χ click on the type of deposit Χ type in the amount Χ click on the Save button. An escrow deposit is a charge that increases the balance due. Deposit types were created during setup. (See SECTION TWO— STARTUP, Escrow Deposits) Applying Deposits To apply a deposit to a balance due • click on Apply DEPOSIT • click on deposit type • enter the amount of the balance due • click on the Save button. When the amount of the deposit held in escrow for the tenant is entered, this will reduce the Balance Due and decrease the amount of the Deposit on the screen. Crediting/Refunding Deposits Escrow deposits are held for refund when a tenant leaves, or applied to the tenant’s account. If there is a balance due on the account when the tenant vacates, the deposit must be applied to the balance. Any remaining deposit may then be refunded. If a deposit is to be credited or refunded, the appropriate deposit type should be chosen. Whether it is to be a credit or a refund, the deposit will be reduced in the tenant record, the escrow account will be adjusted, and a transaction memo will be entered showing the original and new deposit amounts. Credits are entered as credit transactions, and deposit refunds are listed as payable memos. NOTE—Always enter any closing charges, prorated rents, etc. before crediting or refunding deposits. Always apply deposit as a credit to the existing balance before refunding remainder. After clearing any balance due, to refund the remainder of any deposit • click on Refund DEPOSIT option • click on deposit type • enter the amount of the remaining deposit • click on the Save button. The deposit will be decreased in the window once the amount is entered. When finished, the balance and deposits should all show 0.00. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-92 NOTE—The program will not allow a deposit refund if there is a balance due greater than the deposit in escrow. Deposits must be applied to the balance first. An exception is made for sub-accounts. A deposit may be refunded even if there is a balance due on the master account that is a remaining charge from a sub-account. The various escrow accounts for $$REFUND, $$SECURITY, and $$KEY are updated as the above transactions take place. The tenant memo transactions indicating deposit changes will show on all displays, histories, long journals and statements. Non-deposit Refunds Occasionally a vacating tenant will have a credit balance that must be refunded. This is a balance that is not related to a deposit, but simply reflects an overpayment. To pay a non-deposit refund • click on Non-Dep. REFUND • select a charge type • enter amount to bring the account to zero • click on the Save button. THE MARINA PROGRAM will enter a note in the payable memo list, and enter a memo transaction for the tenant’s statement that a refund has been ordered. Entering the refund amount—usually the same amount as a positive number showing as a credit for Balance Due—will adjust the Balance Due (usually to 0.00). Non-deposit refunds are typically used when an account is overpaid. An account code must be chosen against which to charge the refund. A Revenue Code such as Bal Adj is usually setup for this use. NOTE—Before paying any refunds, all charges, prorated rents, deposits, etc. should be entered. Depending on individual policies, some facilities apply all escrow deposits to an escrow account, and then give a nondeposit refund for the entire credit balance. Deposit/Refund related transactions cannot be deleted. (See SECTION FOUR—SUGGESTED POLICES, Transaction Correction/Adjustment) Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-93 METER—SINGLE READING Meter readings are entered as an Individual Transaction only when a tenant enters or vacates the marina. The standard operating procedure is to read meters at regular times each month, and enter the readings as a group. (See SECTION THREE— GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Meter Readings) To enter a single meter charge from the INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTION window • click on METER. This opens the METER READINGS window • click on the type of meter • enter the current reading in Last Read if the tenant is entering the marina • enter the current reading in NEW Reading if the tenant is vacating the marina • click on the Calculate button • click on the Save button to save. If a tenant is switching spaces after the reading for his old space, use the set startup reading to enter start reading for the new space. MEMO A short memo may be entered for any record. It is like a transaction, but displays no dollar amount on the statement. A total of 28 characters are allowed in the comment box. Memos entered in the INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTION window are printed on all Transaction Reports and Journals. To enter a comment Memo • click on MEMO • type in the comment • click on the Save button. EDITING ENTRIES Amounts for Individual Transactions cannot be edited once saved. To maintain an audit trail, edited transactions must be deleted and re-entered. All deleted transactions are saved, and a list can be printed. (Journals/Reports—Journals—Transaction DETAIL Journals—Deleted Transactions). The Allow Transaction Delete/Edit setting must be checked for edits or deletions. (Lists—Program Settings—Options and Parameters). (See SECTION TWO—STARTUP, Setup Parameters) Comments for standard current open payments and charges may be edited by double-clicking on the comment field. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-94 Deleting Transactions To delete a transaction • click on the transaction line • click on the Delete button. In the Delete Transaction message box • click on the Yes button. NOTE—All deleted transactions are saved and may be reviewed. Deposit/Refund related transactions cannot be deleted. (See SECTION FOUR—SUGGESTED POLICES, Transaction Correction/Adjustment) OpenItem With open item accounting, only open current period items may be edited or deleted. If a current period closed item needs to be edited, clicking on OPEN can open all items$. CLOSE$ will bring up a screen that presents items one by one to close against existing credits and payments. (See SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Closing Transactions) Items cannot be deleted in the POS/GUEST MANAGEMENT window. CLOSING TRANSACTIONS OpenItem Open Item (cash) bookkeeping requires allocations for all cash, either by using it to pay current charges or tagging it as allocated. Allocations for money received in excess of current charges (credit balance) tag it as a credit to be used for specified charges. THE MARINA PROGRAM will not allow cash balances to remain unallocated. Open Item (Cash Accounting) users will have three additional command buttons at the bottom of the INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTION window. The buttons are used to close charges and allocate excess payments. To enter individual transactions • enter charges first • click on the Save button • enter payments, if any • click on the Save button • click on the Close$ button. NOTE—It is best to close all charges and allocate any extra payments as they are entered. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-95 CLOSING CHARGES Even Payments and Charges If payments match charges, or are credits greater than the charges, all the charges can be closed at once. To close all the charges at once • click on the Close$ button. A PAY ALL message dialog box pops up verifying the open charges are to be paid by the payment received • click on the Yes button. Charges Greater Than Payments If there are not enough payments for the charges, the user may select which charges, or how much of an outstanding charge to pay (close). To close charges • click on Close$. In the PAY CHARGES window, the first open charge is listed. To pay and close the charge • click on the PAY button. To skip the charge, and pay the next open charge click on Skip button. • If there is not enough credit to pay the full charge, charges may optionally be partially closed, with the charge then split into a closed, paid portion and an open unpaid portion. Charges thus split are tagged with an "*" at the beginning of the comment line. The operator may choose to leave open charges for which there is not enough credit to close completely. These charges and any remaining credits will then be carried forward into the next accounting period. NOTE—When entering more than one payment or credit at a time for one tenant, it is a good policy to enter them all before closing any charges. Excess Payments or Credits Any remaining credit balance is carried forward along with any open charges at month-end aging. Any excess payments must be allocated. THE MARINA PROGRAM will not allow a tenant’s Transactions to be closed until the balance credit is applied to a charge type. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-96 CASH ALLOCATIONS To allocate extra payments • click on the Alloc$ button. In the ALLOCATE EXTRA CASH window • choose a charge type from the list of revenue codes • click on the Allocate button. Exiting with Open Balances THE MARINA PROGRAM will not allow the INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTION window to be closed until all open balances are allocated. CHARGES When exiting with remaining Open Charges, the program will ask, “Close Charges?” (See SECTION THREE— GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Closing Charges—Charges Greater Than Payments). The user may exit without closing charges. PAYMENTS The screen displays an allocation window on exiting if there are excess cash payments. (See SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Closing Charges—Excess Payments or Credits) The user may not exit without allocating the payments. Changing Previous Allocations The items closed, or the allocation used, can be changed at any time. To change previous allocations • click on Open$. All previous allocations are removed. Allocations must be completed before the INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTION window can be closed. NOTE—If an allocation report is run daily, any changes or re-allocations should be done as of the original date of payment so that the payment allocation report has consistent daily totals. OPTIONAL MODULE POS/GUEST & RESERVATION MANAGEMENT TOOLS When using the POS/Guest Management window with Open Item accounting, all items are automatically closed IF there are sufficient funds. If ZZCASH is the record, a cash over / cash under item will be written to Misc. to close the items, and force a zero balance. Standard records will simply close up to the amount or cash available. Overpayments will be allocated to miscellaneous. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-97 TRANSACTION DATES All Methods All transactions, regardless of date, when entered in the same period, will appear on reports and statements for that period. When entering transactions, the date can be edited. If a different date is used, that date is the entry date for that transaction. BATCH TRANSACTIONS The batch entry method is used for posting large batches of payments, or like charges, allowing a preliminary edit before posting to tenant accounts. To enter batch transactions, click on • Transactions • Batch Transactions. Default Date The operator may change the default date for transactions by editing the date. PAYMENT BATCHES THE MARINA PROGRAM allows entry of two separate payment batches. To begin entering a batch of payments • click on Payment Batch 1. THE MARINA PROGRAM will ask if the operator chooses to have the balance forward displayed as the default amount for each tenant. This would speed data entry, as the amount paid would not have to be typed in for each tenant. NOTE—Choosing the balance due as the default amount assumes the tenants are paying the balance due in full. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-98 Temporary Files As each Batch Transaction is begun, THE MARINA PROGRAM opens a temporary file to hold the entries. TMPCHRG.DAT TMPCRED.DAT TMPPPAY.DAT a temporary file that collects batch charges a temporary file that collects batch credits a temporary file that collects batch payments To accept the suggested temporary file by THE MARINA PROGRAM to be created • click on the OK button. When a temporary file is open, its name appears next to the Batch type field. REOPENING BATCH FILES The temporary batch files may be used repeatedly by exiting and reopening the appropriate file. The best bookkeeping practice, however, is to post each batch of payments after each batch is entered rather than leaving the entries stored in a temporary file over a period of time. DELETING BATCH FILES If an error has been made, the temporary file can be deleted by clicking on the Delete button. Prior to the file being deleted, THE MARINA PROGRAM will ask for confirmation that this file is to be deleted. A password will be needed to delete temporary files if passwords have been assigned to financial transactions. (See SECTION TWO—STARTUP, Options and Parameters—Password Settings) NOTE—Any transaction entries in the temporary files will not show in the tenant record or statement until the batch has been posted. EDITING BATCH ENTRIES Transactions that have been entered into a tenant’s account as part of a batch transaction can be edited as an Individual Transaction. As such, the same editing procedures are followed as if the transaction were entered as an Individual Transaction. Individual Transactions cannot be edited. To maintain an audit trail, transactions to be edited must be deleted and re-entered. (See SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Editing Entries) Rollover File The Rollover file, TMPRECUR.DAT is an ongoing file that can be reused, edited and re-posted month after month. The rollover file can be used to enter a type of recurring charge, such as slip rent for the same group of tenants each month. NOTE—These rollover charges will differ from recurring charges as they are not printed “in advance” on the statements, but “hit the books” when they are posted like any other revenue code charge. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-99 The rollover file, TMPRECUR.DAT, will always display the date of last posting when the file is shown as available. Until the charges have been posted, the rollover file will show its origination date. The transactions will show their origination date on the edit and print out list, but upon posting will carry the date of posting. New Item After the temporary file is created, or an existing temporary file is reopened, THE MARINA PROGRAM instructs the operator to click on the NEW Item button to open a record, and begin entering the batch transactions. Select a beginning record from the FIND Window. (See SECTION ONE—INTRODUCTION, Using The Find Window) Comments and Amounts Transaction comments and amounts may also be edited by • double-clicking on the field • using backspace or delete keys to remove characters • entering new characters. Entering Payments—TMPPPAY.DAT After a record has been selected for a payment • select the type of payment in the first comment box (check or cash) • enter a comment in the second box (usually the check number or receipt number) • enter the amount of the payment • click on the Save button. OpenItem Batch entering/posting payments to an open item system does not close any charges. If batch payment posting is used in an open item system • each account must be reviewed • charges closed, and • any pre-payments allocated. Transaction List As transaction entries are made, the entries are listed by record in the top of the BATCH TRANSACTION ENTRY window along with the total of the transactions. Once the batch has been entered, it can be printed or edited. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-100 CHARGE OR CREDIT BATCHES The same TMPCHRG.DAT or TMPCRED.DAT batch may be used for several revenue codes. Entering Charge/Credit Transactions To enter charges or credits • click on the Charge Batch or Credit Batch button. THE MARINA PROGRAM creates a temporary file for batch payments and another file for batch charges or credits. (See SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Payment Batches—Temporary Files) Revenue Code When entering batch charges or credits, the revenue code and comment (and amount if appropriate) can be set for all charges/credits in batch. • First, click on NEW Item to get a record. To select a revenue code and complete the entry • click on a code from the Revenue Code list • enter the amount of the charge • click on the Save button. POSTING BATCH TRANSACTIONS NOTE—Transactions will not be on a tenant’s record until the batch has been posted. To post the batch • click on the POST button. Posting the batch transactions enters each transaction on the individual tenants’ records, and deletes the temporary batch file. THE MARINA PROGRAM provides a warning before deleting the temporary file in case the POST button has been clicked in error. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-101 After the transactions have been posted, THE MARINA PROGRAM confirms that the temporary file has been deleted. LATE FEES Late fees are charged independently of printing Late Notices and should be charged prior to printing late notices. NOTE—A Daily Backup should be done just prior to posting Automatic Late Fees. (See SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Backup Files) When charging late fees automatically, THE MARINA PROGRAM charges fees according to what has been entered in the Late Fee data box in the TENANT RECORD. (See SECTION TWO— STARTUP, $$Account Tab—Automatic Late Fee) Y LATE FEE The tenant with the Y option and a balance due greater than 0 (or the minimum entered) will be charged either a flat fee or percentage amount, however the program has been setup for the facility. N LATE FEE The tenant will not receive an automatic late fee regardless of the balance due. Balance Due For purposes of charging late fees, the following are considered part of the Balance Due per statement billed: • any past charges from a previous period(s) • recurring charges charged at aging for the coming month, and entered in the current period as of the first day of the month. All tenant payments and credits (no debits or unbilled charges) are applied to a tenant’s balance forward before determining if the tenant has a balance due greater than zero. Prior To Entering Late Fees There are several steps that should be completed before entering Late Fees. POSTING All open Batch Transactions must be posted. BACKUP A DAILY BACKUP should be done. PRINT BALANCE DUE REPORT It is helpful to print a Balance Due (Delinquency) Report in numeric order to verify which tenants will be charged. (See SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Accounts Receivable Reports) Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-102 Charging Late Fees According to individual marina policy, the late charge can be automatically added to all tenants with a balance greater than $0 at anytime in the month. To charge Late Fees • click on Transactions • click on Late Fees. Before the late fee option begins, the screen will indicate how the charge has been installed in the setup process. 30 DAYS & GREATER Most facilities will not want to use the option Limit Balance Due to 30 days Greater. The default of this option is OFF. Those marinas who omit recent charges from late fees, or who need to shift the timing of their late fees should click in the check box to turn on this option. When this option is turned on, a warning will appear on the screen. MINIMUM The operator may enter a balance amount below which no late charge will be charged. If a late fee is to be charged to all balances regardless of amount, the operator should enter a 0. Posting Fees To post the late fees • click on the Charge Fees button. Before the fees are posted to the tenants’ accounts, a MINIMUM warning appears. If the minimum amount is correct • click on the Yes button. When all of the Late Fees are posted, the operator is advised that posting is complete. The late fee transaction will print on the tenants’ statements along with any other transactions for the current month. After Late Fees are posted, the operator returns to the opening LATE FEES window • click on the Close button to return to the MAIN MENU. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-103 Charge Again If late fees have already been posted in the current period, THE MARINA PROGRAM requests confirmation to charge each tenant again, or cancel the process. MANUAL LATE FEES Manual late fees may also be charged, using the individual transaction entry mode. The Late Fee can be viewed or edited in the INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTION screen. (For explanation on which charges are included in the balance due against which late fees are calculated, see the Appendix C Journal Accounting & General Ledger) CORRECTIONS Manually entered late fees (entered from Transactions on the MAIN MENU) are added to any saved late fee calculations. Therefore, to best use the automatic late fee feature, late fee corrections for previous month's charges should be made before charging automatic late fees for the current month. ADDITIONS Any new, manually charged late fees should be entered after automatic late fees. Only 5 escrow deposit types are available if an exclude late fee option is used. To charge a Manual Late Fee • click on Transactions • click on Individual Transactions. In the INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTIONS window • click on Charge • click on the LATE FEE label • type in the amount of the fee • click on the Save button. METER ENTRY Meter readings are almost always taken on one day each month for all occupied spaces, and charged to the tenants in the spaces. To enter Meter Readings • click on Transactions • click on Meter Entry. METER READINGS Meter charges are entered in the METER READINGS screen. Meter charges can be applied to active tenant records and are linked to the tenant occupying a space number. The METER READINGS window opens with the first space in the marina. Meter readings for vacant spaces should be entered as well as those for occupied spaces. Spaces with zero readings or the same reading as the prior month may be skipped, depending on facility policy. Apply the reading to the space. The METER ENTRY Window allows a different slip to be charged/tagged for the reading you are giving. If the current slip assigned is not the one being charged—if a person Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-104 has switched spaces during the month—this allows catch up readings that can be tagged with the correct space. Enter Readings To enter the meter readings • type in the reading in the Enter NEW Reading data box • click on the Calculate button. The amount of the kilowatts used and the charge is displayed at the bottom of the window. To post the charge to the tenants • click on the Save button. Prior to saving the charge to a tenant’s record, THE MARINA PROGRAM requests confirmation. After saving the reading for the current space, THE MARINA PROGRAM will automatically jump to the next space in the marina. Skipping Spaces To start entering readings at a space other than the first space • click on the Find button • enter the starting space number in the GET A SPACE window • click on the OK button. To skip consecutive spaces, click on the button for NEXT space. Rates The Rates button opens the METER DEFINITION window with the Meter Settings that were created during setup. (See SECTION TWO—STARTUP, Meter Settings) CLOSE PERIOD Month-end aging should be done only after all statements and reports have been completed and verified for the month. A password is required to commence the aging process. The aging procedure closes the current month’s transactions, and sets up empty files for the new period. During the aging procedure • the recurring transactions (rent, etc. for the coming month) are charged to each tenant as of the first of the coming month • the current balance becomes the balance forward for the next month • the current electric meter reading becomes the previous reading in Balance Foward accounting • payments and credits are applied to the balance due, starting with the oldest amounts (120 day +) • current charges are added to the balance due at aging • the current period files are archived under the period number and year number. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-105 NOTE—If no password has been entered in the setup process, and if there is no master password, the password SUPERBOSS should be used to access the aging process. PROCEDURES BEFORE AGING For a detailed explanation on accounting implications of aging and suggested facility policies, refer to SECTION FOUR— SUGGESTED POLICIES, Billing and End-of-Month Statements. Daily Backup BACKUP procedures should be included in month-end activities. A Daily Backup should be done just before aging. A full program backup should be done after aging. For backup procedures, see SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Backup Files Print Journals and Statements If statements are sent as invoices before month-end, transactions entered after printing and before month-end will be reflected in the balance forward, but not detailed on next month's statements. As long as month-end aging has not yet been done, statements may be printed over again if there is a paper jam in the printer or an operator mistake. NOTE—Facilities that print mid-month statements (rather than near month-end) will notice that the statement includes the monthly charge for the coming month, but QUERY does not. This is because recurring charges are posted at month-end aging. According to facility policy, printing the following journals may be required to be printed prior to the aging process: • Long Transaction Journal • Balance Due Report/Receivables and Credit Report • Deposit Log • Recurring Charges Report/Rent Roll. For instructions on how to print journals, see SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Journals. For suggested policies for which journals may be required, see SECTION FOUR—SUGGESTED POLICIES, Activity Summary. AGING PROCESS Before aging is started, the screen will indicate what processes will take place, and ask the operator to click on the OK or Yes button to proceed. The program will display the space used in the previous month's closing and file archiving, and ask the operator to check that there is enough space on the hard drive to proceed. If aging is being done on the first month of activity, the message No Files will show instead. To begin the aging process • click on Transactions • click on Close Period. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-106 Warning Messages OPEN BATCH FILES Aging cannot be processed if batch files remain open, leaving transactions entered but not posted to tenants’ accounts. Either post or delete any batch files. See BATCH TRANSACTIONS. SINGLE USER The program should be closed at all other workstations before aging. BOOKKEEPING Before tenant accounts are aged, THE MARINA PROGRAM presents a dialog box stating which transactions and balances will be converted. The operator is given another opportunity to cancel the procedure. Once a period is closed and the file archived, the file cannot be reopened, and the transactions are forever inaccessible. Closed periods can be viewed, however, using the Archived Records option. OPEN FILES If tenant data files were being used recently, files may have been left open. All files must be closed before aging can continue. Closing is best done when entering the program. MONTH To continue the aging process, THE MARINA PROGRAM requests a confirmation of the month being closed, and an acknowledgement that necessary reports have been printed. Statements should be printed before closing. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-107 FILE NAME Each aged period is stored as a file with a combination of the year and month numbers as its name. For example, July 2003 would be 200307. Aging Complete After the aging process is completed successfully, the operator receives a confirmation that all files are present, empty files are set up for the next period, and that the program has been advanced to the next period. THE MARINA PROGRAM requires that the program be exited and restarted after the aging is complete. When the operator clicks on the OK button, the program will shut down and return to the Windows desktop. JOURNAL/REPORTS MENU JOURNALS The Journal menu creates several journal types. Journals may be printed in long or short form. Individual Transactions includes only tenants with activity. The Long Journal includes detailed transactions, as well as totals for all tenants. The Long Journal includes a summary at the end of the journal, which may be printed by separately by choosing the Summary Journal option. Both the Long Journal and the Individual Transaction Journal can be printed to show next month's recurring charges. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-108 Period Selected Journals can be printed out at any time for any given time period or for any group of tenants. Information on any posted transaction is included, and grand totals are shown at the end of the report. Transactions Selected Journals may be printed for a date range or a sort order group. Past periods may be selected for any of the journals. DATE RANGE For Journals generated for a specified date range, select transactions by entry date. When a journal is printed choosing a range of dates, only those transactions with a posting date corresponding to that date will be included. If the program date has been overridden when posting transactions, that new date is the posting date, and the transaction will only be listed when a range including that new date is given. CURRENT PERIOD Journals created using the current period option, select the transactions for the entire accounting period. BATCH FILE OPEN WARNING Before doing accounting reports and journals, the program will give a warning if any batch files are open. If a batch has been entered, but not posted, the reports will not include those items. Generally, all batches should be posted or deleted before printing. Statements will not proceed if there are open batches. NOTE—Transactions are selected by posting date. DAILY CASH SALES Daily Cash Sales can be used with POS/Guest Management. (See SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Optional Module in the back of this section) Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-109 INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTION JOURNAL Individual Transactions includes only tenants with activity for the period selected. This journal is commonly used to print a list of a single day’s transactions or transactions during a specific date range not equal to a whole period. To create an Individual Transactions journal, click on • Journals/Reports • Journals • Individual Transaction Journal. Journals and Reports The parameters for selecting transactions and records are set in each report window. Depending on report and criteria, all options may not show on all reports windows. ORDER Select the order in which transactions will be listed in the report by using the SORT ORDER list box. PERIOD The default setting for period is Current. If transactions from prior periods are needed • click on the Set PAST Period button • type in the period date in the data box. SORT RANGE The default setting for Group Range is Print All. To change the range • click on the Print RANGE button • type in the range to be included in the report. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-110 DATE RANGE The default setting for Date Range is Select All within the current period. To change the Date Range • click on the Select All check box to deselect the option • type in the range in the FROM: and TO: boxes. BY ID/USER/WORKSTATION If user IDs or workstation IDs have been set up, an option box allows for sort/selection by ID. PRINT ASCII FILE The Individual Transaction Journal can be exported to a flat file, or ASCII file to be picked up in Excel or Access. • Click on Ascii File. The program will tell you the default data path for the file, which can be changed. View/Print Transaction Report After all the options have been chosen in the JOURNAL/REGISTER window • click on View/Print or Print. LONG JOURNAL The Long Journal is a receivables report, showing the current balances, and includes a Summary Journal at the end of the report. It is advisable to print the Long Journal with Recurring Charges before printing statements to view what the statements will include. The Long Journal includes • current balance forward • detailed transactions • optional recurring charges for coming period • current balance forward • balance due for each tenant • total balance due for the period The specific categories of totals, which appear at the bottom of a journal, or are printed in the Summary only, will depend on what has been entered in the setup process for recurring charges, and what has been entered for Revenue Charge Code types. (Some specially customized programs may also have different totals on journal summaries). Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-111 To create a Long Journal, click on • Journal/Reports • Journals • Long Journal - All Detail/Billing. Settings RECURRING CHARGES To make sure to include the recurring charges for the following month, click on Include Next Month’s Recurring Charges. BILLING/LONG Single Line (Billing) is the default setting, and refers to how the report will be listed. When Single Line billing is on, the transactions are listed by tenant with the charge types listed in columns. When All Detail (Long) is selected, each transaction is listed for individual tenants. This is a useful way to preview what the statements will show. $$ ITEMS Include ONLY records with $$ Items refers to records that have had money transactions during the period, and is usually left off so all records are included. Facilities with a large number of annual tenants who have little transaction activity may want to choose this option. View/Print Long Journal After all the options have been chosen in the JOURNAL/REGISTER window • click on View/Print or Print. Long Journal—Detailed Format Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-112 SUMMARY JOURNAL The Summary Journal is included as part of the Long Journal or can be printed by itself. The Summary Journal does not include details of the transactions, just grand totals by transaction type. The Summary Journal separates the Recurring Charges and Adjustments from the Current Period Charges. Aside from the Payment Register, the Summary Journal may be the most important report generated. It is usually given to the General Ledger bookkeeper. To create the Summary Journal, click on • Journals/Reports • Journals • Summary Journal - No Detail • choose the options to select transactions. View/Print Summary Journal After all the options have been chosen in the JOURNAL/REGISTER window • click on View/Print or Print. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-113 TRANSACTION JOURNAL REGISTER The Transaction Journal lists entries by transaction code and can be used to answer any questions that may arise on the Summary Journal. This list can be used to • cross check entries against a manual log • find a particular day's—not an individual’s—entries • view all entries for a revenue code type • view all credits. To create a Transaction Journal Register, click on • Journals/Reports • Journals • Transaction DETAIL Journals • select the transactions to be included from the options in the top of TRANSACTION JOURNAL window. Some options selected will provide list boxes or check boxes to further define the transaction selection. Order Entered When All-Order Entered is selected, a list box is provided to select the order the transactions will be printed. • Prior to creating the report, THE MARINA PROGRAM will request if Recurring Charges are to be included. Due to the large number of recurring charges, these can usually be skipped. Payment/Deposit The Payment/Deposit REGISTER/JOURNAL option includes a check box to include transaction details, or print just totals for each transaction type. This is an important report for reconciling program computer entries with bank deposits. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-114 Charges by Type When the Revenue Codes/Recurring Charges/Deposit Charges option is chosen, list boxes are included to select the charges to be included by type. Credit Adjustments All Credit Adjustments are listed. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-115 Meter Charges Meter Charges can be printed with or without tax detail. Deleted Transactions Deleted Transactions are never erased from the disk, but rather tagged with a different code so they are no longer included as part of journals, reports or transaction lists. Deleted transactions can be viewed with the Deleted Transactions option. Category Detail Refer to POS/Guest Management. (See SECTION FIVE—Optional Modules) ESCROW DEPOSIT LISTS A deposit log that details all transactions in each deposit escrow account and all the deposit change transaction memos can be printed. Lists that simply report total deposits on hand may be printed or viewed using the DEPOSITS option. Deposit Activity To create a log of the deposit transactions for a specified period, click on • Journals/Reports • Journals • DEPOSITS • Deposit Activity. Deposits for the period are listed by type and tenant in the Deposit Activity Log. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-116 Deposit Lists The Deposit Lists are totals of deposits by type of deposit. To create Deposit Lists, click on • Journals/Reports • Journals • DEPOSITS • Deposit Lists • choose ALL Deposits or a particular deposit type. Reports Window In the REPORTS window, use the list boxes and check boxes to select the appropriate options to define the transactions included in the report. SELECTION GROUP Selects group from which deposit transactions will be listed. SORT ORDER Displays transactions by either ALPHABETIC or SPACE order. ALL WITH An option is also included to print the list for only those persons within the chosen Group with deposits, without deposits, or all regardless of escrow deposit status. Deposit List Report After all the options have been chosen in the REPORTS window • click on the View/Print button. All deposits on record are listed by sort order in the Deposit List. To see the report as it will be printed • click on View/Print or Print. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-117 Audit Summary History The Audit Summary History report takes all people for any set of contiguous periods on the computer and makes an index of these people, so that people not in the files in the first months, and people terminated in the later months are all included alphabetically. It should be noted that this is can be a long process. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE REPORTS Delinquency/Balance Due Report The Delinquency Report is based on the statement, and lists the credits and recurring charges in the current month. Since tenants who have a balance due can be charged an automatic late fee, the Balance Due Report shows who will be charged an automatic late fee. Tenants who have made a partial payment, or received a partial credit (but who still have a balance due) are marked with asterisks ** after the >90 column on the Balance Due Report. Tenants may then be contacted or charged late fees as policy requires. The Delinquency List is an AR tool specifically formatted to show who is late, based on their statement. It excludes current month charges, but includes current month payments and credits. Since marinas might—in the current month—charge electricity, enter a proration, or add a store charge, these items, until the statement has been sent, are not late and should not trigger a late fee. If a credit is to be given to reduce a balance, it should be entered as a credit, NOT as a negative charge. A facility may have a situation where due to adjustments/corrections, they put on charges in the current month for which the tenant is delinquent. These will not be added into the balance forward to show on the delinquency list, or receive an automatic late fee. The late fee must be done manually as the program cannot know which charges are applied to ‘this month’ and which are adjustments for a previous balance. To find out what is ‘on the books’ or to flag records that might have had adjustments, print an Aged Accounts Receivable Report. This report defaults to all charges for current period, but also has the option for only charges as per the statements. By reviewing this report, a manual late charge can be added to particular tenants that have had adjustments that would affect their balance forward, or qualify them as late. NOTE—Transactions posted after aging or entered with a negative charge will not show on the Delinquency Report. To create the Balance Due Report, click on • Journals/Reports • Accounts Receivable • Delinquency Report • select the options in the DELINQUENCY ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE window. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-118 Print Format NO DETAIL Lists only the total due by period, but not by who has balances due. SINGLE LINE Lists one tenant per line with total balance due broken down into 30-day, 60-day and 90-day late balances. EXTRA LINES Lists each tenant with phone numbers and details on several lines, which include the tenants’ phone numbers. Facilities may wish to print the list in both formats—first for total due and the second for the phone numbers, so past-due tenants may be easily phoned. Payment Cutoff Date The Payment Cut Off date allows a view of delinquencies omitting payments posted after a specified date. View/Print Delinquency Report After all the options have been chosen in the DELINQUENCY/BALANCES DUE window • click on the View/Print button. All balances due on record are listed by tenant in the BALANCES DUE REPORT (DELINQUENCY). To see the report as it will be printed • click on View/Print or Print. AGED ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE The Aged Accounts Receivable Report can be selected to show either ALL the charges on record, the total on the books at a time regardless of billing, or just those charges that HAVE BEEN billed—what is "due". The Aged Accounts Receivable Report may be printed on any day, until aging is done and the period is closed. If printed at the beginning of a period, before any posting to accounts have been made, the report will list a full record of amounts due (receivables). To create the Aged Accounts Receivable report, click on • Journals/Reports • Accounts Receivable • Aged Accounts Receivable • select the options in the ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE window. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-119 Unbilled Charges Unbilled current charges can be included in or excluded from the Balance Due depending on facility policy. View/Print Aged Accounts Receivable Report After the options are selected in the ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE window, click on the View/Print button. To see the report as it will be printed • click on View/Print or Print. BALANCES The amounts shown in the 30-, 60- and 90-day past due columns are the aged balances due as of past month's billing less any receipts posted since the first of the period adjusted by OLDEST (120-day past due) balance first. CREDITS Credits are shown as negative (-) amounts. If a credit (-) appears in any of the aged columns, or any charges appear in other columns when there is a credit, the credit has been entered incorrectly, and the tenant record should be adjusted so that the net figure is in the Recent or Last Mo column. The current column reflects the amount in the Current field in the tenant record. NOTE—Credits, for proper aging, should appear only in the Current column. The detailed Aged Receivables report shows each individual transaction that is outstanding and the month to which it is aged. OpenItem Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-120 SPECIAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LISTS The List Formats and Reports option is used to created special late lists from tenants on the Balance Due report. List Formats and Reports can be used to create a late list in accounts receivable format, but its strongest advantage is its use to generate payment request letters and late notices. To create late lists, click on • Journals/Reports • Accounts Receivable • AR List Formats/Reports • select the Order and Late Group options from the list boxes. Late Group The Late Group selects tenants’ records by the age of the Balance Due. This option facilitates sending different payment due notices to tenants based on the lateness of their accounts. Style Format The Style Format selects the format in which the late list will be generated. This option is used to tell the program to create a list, labels, late notices, or letters. Late Notices When the Late Notice option is selected from Select Style FORMAT box, an additional option box is displayed in the top of the SPECIAL LATE LIST FORMAT window. OPTIONS The Options button opens the design window. (See SECTION TWO—STARTUP, Options and Parameters—Statement Design) MESSAGE The Message button opens the STATEMENT MESSAGE window where the late notice message will be typed. For instructions on the Message window, see SECTION TWO—STARTUP, Options and Parameters— Statement Design—Message) MINIMUM Enter the minimum balance owed for a tenant to receive a late notice, if any. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-121 Letter Format When Letter Format is selected, a LETTER window opens in which a letter can be typed. This is not a full word processing program, but a text editor program. Letters may need to be reformatted to correctly fit the paper when printed. Short letters can be created in many word processing programs, and the text imported using cut and paste. FACILITY NAME When checked, this option will print the facility’s return address on the letter. LOWER CASE If this option is not checked, the typing in the letter will be all capitals. After the text of the letter is typed • click on the Close button to close the text editor window. VIEW/PRINT Prior to printing, the letter is displayed in the VIEW/PRINT window. Typing changes and editing cannot be done in this window. To make changes, close this window and make changes in the LETTER FORMAT window. OCCUPANCY/VACANCY INVENTORY Several lists of available and occupied spaces in the marina are printed using the Occupancy/Vacancy Inventory option. Additional space, occupancy footage and percent vacant information can be obtained through the Rent Roll reports. (See SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Rents/Management—Rent Roll Report) Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-122 AVAILABILITY LIST The Availability List lists the spaces in the marina by size and date available, and is in a simplified vacancy list format that can be used for manual tracking. (See SECTION FOUR— SUGGESTED POLICIES, Tracking Spaces and Guests by Dates) To create an Availability List, click on • Journals/Reports • Occupancy/Vacancy Inventory • Availability List. This same Report option is accessible from the Query menu (See SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Query Menu) In the REPORTS window, use the data boxes and check boxes to select the appropriate options to define the spaces to be included in the report. FOOTAGE Type in the size range of the boat spaces. DATE The default Start Date is the current date. Type in the End Date. View/Print Availability List After all the options have been chosen in the REPORTS window Χ click on View/Print or Print. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-123 INVENTORY—BY SPACE The Space Inventory can include • all or one space type • all spaces, or just vacant spaces. A similar list can be printed from the Lists menu where the operator can also update the spaces list. The list generated by the Lists menu option does not include footage for occupied/unoccupied spaces, and is less flexible. (See SECTION TWO—STARTUP, Spaces List) The Quick List and the Dock Check (Electric Meter report) also give good lists for spaces and occupants. (See SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Dock Check/Meter List) To create the Space Inventory, click on • Journals/Reports • Occupancy/Vacancy Inventory • Inventory—by Space. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-124 In the REPORTS window, use the data boxes and check boxes to select the appropriate options to define the spaces to be included in the report. SORT GROUP Use space designators in these boxes, i.e. A, B, etc. DATE IN/OUT The default Start Date is the current date. Type in the End Date. View/Print Inventory By Space After all the options have been chosen in the REPORTS window • click on View/Print or Print. Vacant Only To print a list of only vacant spaces • click on the VACANT ONLY check box in the REPORTS window. Tenants whose status in the Tenant Record is Y for 30-day notice or T for temporarily gone will have their spaces and the accompanying comment appear on the Vacancy Inventory list. If another tenant sublets the space, both tenants will print on both Occupancy Inventory and Vacancy Inventory lists. An alternative vacancy list can also be printed using the Availability List option. (See SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Availability List) Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-125 INVENTORY—BY SIZE The Space List can be printed in footage order using the Inventory—By Size. To create the Space List by size, click on • Journals/Reports • Occupancy/Vacancy Inventory • Inventory—by Size. In the REPORTS window, use the list boxes and check boxes to select the appropriate options to define the transactions included in the report. View/Print Inventory By Size After all the options have been chosen in the REPORTS window • click on View/Print or Print. The report generated is similar to the ones generated by Inventory by— Space. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-126 DOCK CHECK/METER LIST The list is intended for use at the docks where meter readings can be penciled in for easy entry into the computer. (See SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Meter Readings) Facilities without meters often use this list as a dock check as it lists concisely the slip, boat name and registration number, in slip order. It is an excellent dock walk or dock check report. The report creates the list from the current meter reading in the Last Read field in the tenant record ($$Account tab screen). All spaces—vacant and occupied—are included in the list. To create the Dock Check/Meter list, click on • Journals/Reports • Occupancy/Vacancy Inventory • Dock Check/Meter. In the window, use the data boxes and check boxes to select the appropriate options to define the readings and spaces included in the report. ORDER The meter reading list is printed in space designator order similar to the Space List. The last meter reading, if any, is shown for reference to help prevent a gross error in noting the new reading. KW USAGE Total KW usage will print at the bottom of the list. This figure can be used from month to month to evaluate electricity usage. View/Print Dock Check/Meter List After all the options have been chosen in the REPORTS window • click on View/Print or Print. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-127 REPORTS These reports can be printed in list format or label format for all tenants, and a date range can be chosen. To create the Reports, click on • Journals/Reports • Reports and the report choice. In the REPORTS window, use the data boxes and check boxes to select the appropriate options to define the tenants included in the report. TICKLER LIST This report is based on the tickler date and comment entered in the tenant record on the Sub/Memo tab. This report may print • in Tickler Date Order • all with (a tickler date) • all without (a tickler date) • all Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-128 REGISTRATION # EXPIRATION The Registration Expiration date is on the Tenant Record Space/Boat Tab, next to the boat registration field. When printing for a particular month, the month and year are entered. This report may print • all Expiring for Month • all without • all with ANY • all with ANY expired • all with NO Reg and NO Exp. Date INSURANCE RENEWAL The Report is generated from the Insurance Fields in the Tenant Record. (See SECTION TWO—STARTUP, Tenant Record Window) To create the Insurance Due Report, click on • Jounals/Reports • Reports • Insurance Renewal Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-129 Labels Labels or Report button. View/Print Reports QUICK LIST The Quick List prints a double list with tenants in alphabetic order and their spaces next to a list of spaces in space order and their tenants. This list is a handy, quick reference that can include Tenants only, Transient List only or All. To create the Quick List, click on • Journals/reports • Reports • Quick List. In the REPORTS window, use the data boxes and check boxes to select the appropriate options to define the readings and spaces included in the report. This report is a handy summary of tenants in the left-hand column, and space occupancy in the right-hand column. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-130 View/Print Quick List After all the options have been chosen in the REPORTS window • click on View/Print or Print. WAIT LIST People on the Wait List are either • not in the harbor and waiting to enter, or • tenants who are in the harbor, and wish to transfer to a different space. Tenants on the transfer list are noted in their tenant record as Tenant Type W, as they have a wait list type and date entered. (See SECTION TWO—STARTUP, Tenant Record Window—Record Types) To create the Wait List, click on • • • Journals/reports Reports Wait List. In the window, use the data boxes and check boxes to select the appropriate options to define the readings and spaces included in the report. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-131 List Selection Use the LIST SELECTION list box to select the print format for the list. Labels may be printed using this option. Selection Group The list can be printed for All–Alphabetical order, for just those on the Wait List, for just those on the Transfer List, or by individual Wait/Transfer list (up to 40 lists may be maintained). Any of the Wait/Transfer lists may be printed by Footage Order or Date Order. Blank Reply Code This Blank Reply Code button refers to the REPLY field from the tenant record, which is used to record when tenants on the Wait List have responded to a notice sent from the marina. The reply will print on the detailed wait list (by code number and total wait and total transfer). If the Blank Reply Code button is clicked, a message box is displayed on the screen before the Reply field is blanked out. NOTE—Password clearance will be required to reset the Reply Code. View/Print Wait List After all the options have been chosen in the WAIT LIST window • click on View/Print or Print. The individual's name, address and boat information, and any deposits will be included in the detailed Wait List. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-132 TENANTS IN AND OUT BY MONTH When the IN/OUT by MONTH option is chosen, two lists are printed. The first is a list of tenants with an IN DATE for the month, and second those with an OUT DATE for the month. It is a one-line per tenant report, listing number, name, space, boat registration and date. The total amount of recurring charges, if any, on the tenant's record will be printed to aid in entering or removing these charges. To create the IN/OUT by MONTH list, click on • Journals/Reports • Reports • IN/OUT by MONTH • select month and year to print. In the REPORTS window, use the data boxes and check boxes to select the appropriate options to define the tenants and dates included in the report. View/Print In/Out List A message box will allow a choice of including future months, or just the current month. After all the options have been chosen in the REPORTS window • click on View/Print or Print. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-133 MASTER/SUB-ACCOUNTS This report prints alphabetically by Master account name. The Master account is first listed, then the sub-accounts, which list that tenant record number as a master account. To create the Master/Sub-account lists, click on • Journals/Reports • Reports • Master/Sub Accounts. In the REPORTS window, use the data boxes and check boxes to select the appropriate options to define the readings and spaces included in the report. View/Print Master/Sub Accounts After all the options have been chosen in the REPORTS window • click on View/Print or Print. ITEM LISTS Item lists can be printed for each item type used. The Item lists can be printed for all items, all tenants with the item type, or all without an item type. The lists can be in sequential order by item or alphabetic by record name. All item lists are created with the same steps; only one item type is explained here. To create an Item type list, click on • Journals/Reports • Reports • ITEMS • the Item type. Item types were created during the setup process and may vary by marina. (See SECTION TWO—STARTUP, Using List Labels Windows—Item Types) Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-134 In the REPORTS window, use the data boxes and check boxes to select the appropriate options to define the readings and spaces included in the report. View/Print Items After all the options have been chosen in the REPORTS window • click on View/Print or Print. RENTS/MANAGEMENT In both the Rent Roll and Management Summary reports, if the space's rent rank 1 is monthly, and the tenant's rank is an annual or semi-annual rate, the tenant's rate will be divided by 12 or 6 in order to smooth the calculations. Recurring Charges Report The standard Recurring Charges report lists tenants and their recurring charges as setup in their tenant records. (See SECTION TWO—STARTUP, $$Account Tab—Adding Recurring Charges To Tenant Record). This report is very useful when first setting up tenant records to check that all recurring charges have been entered. To create the Recurring Charges report, click on • Journals/Reports • Reports • Rents/Management • Recurring Charges. In the RECURRING CHARGES AND RENT ROLL window, select the order, detail and number of charges to be printed in the report. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-135 After all the options have been chosen in the RECURRING CHARGES AND RENT ROLL window • click on View/Print or Print. The totals on this report should match the totals for recurring charges on Journals that include the Recurring Charge option. Rent Roll Report The Rent Roll report prints in space or footage order, with totals at the change in the first letter of the space designator. The report includes space, space length, space base rental (based on zone and rank one from the rates and spaces schedules), tenant boat length, and tenant name. Optional columns that can be included are any of the recurring charges, security deposit, and date in. Since vacant spaces as well as occupied spaces are included, the report performs a property management function. A comparison between the total expected income based on 100% occupancy and what is currently being generated is displayed. When more than three optional columns are chosen, the reports must either be printed on wide paper or with a condensed print setting. To create the Rent Roll report, click on • Journals/Reports • Reports • Rents/Management • Rent Roll. In the RECURRING CHARGES AND RENT ROLL window, select the order, optional detail included, and number of charges to be printed in the report. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-136 After all the options have been chosen in the RECURRING CHARGES AND RENT ROLL window • click on View/Print or Print. Management Summary Report The Management Summary report lists each group of spaces grouped by the first character of the space designation name. Each group of spaces includes the group’s • total rents based on 100% occupancy • actual rents • the number of spaces • the number of vacancies • the percent vacant, and • the total. For this report to be accurate, blank all spaces and recurring charges/rents for tenants whose boats are gone, and enter recurring charges/rents on new tenants before printing. To create the Management Summary, click on • Journals/Reports • Reports • Rents/Management • Rent Roll. In the RECURRING CHARGES AND RENT ROLL window, select the order and number of charges to be printed in the report. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-137 After all the options have been chosen in the RECURRING CHARGES AND RENT ROLL window • click on View/Print or Print. Income By Space Report The Income By Space report looks at income on particular spaces for particular charges. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-138 The form allows for up to 13 months to be chosen that will print across the top of the report. A range of spaces either in space order or footage order will print down the report, including for each month the kind of charges chosen—a combination of recurring and revenue code charges. The report first creates a cumulative index of all spaces for each month chosen. This can take some time to collect. The report then continues and collects the data for the spaces and charges selected. LISTS/LABELS/ROLODEX/EXPORT Different types of lists begin with the Lists window. To create Lists, click on • Journals/Reports • Lists/Labels/Rolodex/Export. The LISTS window includes options and list boxes for selecting a • format • tenant type • record characteristic • order • date range. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-139 LIST SELECTION Selects the format of the list. SORT ORDER SELECTION GROUP TENANT TYPE Date Selection DATE RANGE Reports can be printed for all in the database, or by selecting a date range for ‘who is there today’, typically. SPECIFIC DATE Some reports use a DATE IN or DATE OUT as the index with a start date. By entering the Number of days after an * (for continuous), as many days data as wished can be collected. This is often used to collect data on incoming reservations or terminating guests. Range Selection A range selection may be used—all slips on piers A through C, or zip codes from 12300 through 23400. After all the options have been chosen in the LISTS window • click on the View/Print button. When space order is chosen: If one of the first three List Selections is chosen, and if the selection groups are "ALL", the reports act like a vacancy report showing all spaces, even vacant ones. When a selection group or tenant type is used, only records with assigned spaces (no vacant spaces) are displayed. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-140 Information List The operator may want to view/print various lists to see what spaces are available. In addition, two summary lists are available for listing of boat registration number tracking and date view. Rolodex Cards and Labels ROLODEX Three by five Rolodex cards are printed on preperforated card stock that is readily available from many office supplies stores. The card format conforms to Avery Laser Rolodex form 5386. LABELS Labels are generated in page layouts of one across for tractor feed printers and two or three across for laser printers. Laser labels are set up for Avery forms 5161 or 5261. Label size: 1" x 3-15/16" or 1" x 4". PRINTER TYPE Before Rolodex cards and labels are sent to the printer, THE MARINA PROGRAM will request the printer type. FORM After the Printer Type is selected, a standard Avery form is suggested. 300 dpi is required for label and rolodex formatting. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-141 ASCII File Export An ASCII export creates a disk file listing of each tenant record that can be imported into Excel or a word processing program for mail merge. See Appendix D—Exporting Files. Phone List The Phone List lists the tenants' names, addresses and phone numbers. This is a good list to have printed out and kept at the front desk to answer inquiries. File Record The File Record lists all the information included on each tenant, including tenant data and financial data. Most of the selection options are straightforward. Some options will provide an input box or date entry field to narrow the selection. The Field Search option provides a list box of possible fields to search, and also a text box to input what letters in that field to search for. Field Search Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-142 STATEMENTS, NOTICES Before printing Statements and Late Notices, all batch transaction files must be posted or deleted before continuing. If a batch file is open, the file name will be listed on the screen, and the operator should close the STATEMENTS window. The open batch file should be eliminated either by posting the transactions or deleting the file. For instructions on closing batch files, see SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Batch Transactions. Transactions for the next period should not be entered until month-end aging has been done, and the period has been automatically advanced. Statements Window All Statements and Notices use the STATEMENTS window to choose the printing and record selections. To create Statements or Late Notices, click on • Journals/Reports • Statements/Invoices/Notices • select statement or notice type. Select the print criteria in the STATEMENTS window. Select the record type to print statements for ALL will print statements to all record types. Only Tenants will print statements to those records defined as type tenant. Only Non-Tenants will print statements to those records defined as Guests, or Transients. Sort Order defines the order the statements will print in. Sort Order Range Depending on the Sort Order chosen a Range can be selected. For example, if the sort order is name the range could be ALLEN to BAKER. If the starting and ending range is the same only one record will print. SKIP TENANTS Skip Tenants with no account activity during the period or who have had no transactions. STATEMENT DATE The statement date option allows a date to appear on the statement that is different from the program date. All transactions posted within the current period will appear on the statement, regardless of statement date. MESSAGE Opens the MESSAGE window. (See SECTION TWO—STARTUP, Options and Parameters—Statement Design—Message) Exits (closes) the Statement dialog window Email statements (emails only those tenants setup to email statements (see Appendix I Emailing Statements) Print the statements to the Print Preview window. Print statements to the printer. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-143 OPTIONS Opens the design window to make changes to the Statement settings To save any changes click the Apply button. To close the Options window click the Close button . Late Notices Late Notices can also be created using List Formats and Reports. (See SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Special Accounts Receivable Lists) Late Notices, as with balance due reports for delinquency purposes, are generated based on the balance due after aging. The Late Notice criteria is calculated from the payments collected for that tenant subtracted from the total Balance Due from aging information in the tenant record. Both the Late Fee and Late Notice criteria for balance due apply all payments to date against the past month's balance forward. Late Notices differ from other statements in that they do not print any current charges other than the late fee (if charged). MINIMUM Sets a minimum balance below as to which tenants will not receive a late notice. If a late notice is to be sent to all with a balance due regardless, the Minimum should be zero (0). EXCLUDE BILLINGS The Late Notice Statement chooses to include or exclude unbilled charges. The choice is dependent on Marina policy. (See SECTION FOUR— SUGGESTED POLICIES) Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-144 Interim Statements When the Interim Statements option is chosen, the statements will show the current status of each tenant with all charges and payments, and similar HISTORY. Interim statements are for reference only, and do not include month-end recurring charges. Invoice Option The Interim Statement has an option (see the Interim Statement is Invoice ONLY no Credits/Balance Fwd check box) for printing invoices for just one revenue code, or for all nonRecurring charge types. Invoices omit payments and any balance forward. This allows facilities that may have annual prepayments creating a credit balance on the books to invoice separately for items like fuel and electricity. The standard Interim Statement just prints all transactions on account, and omits the next month’s recurring charges, which the Statement includes. Statements Statements are designed to be printed near month-end, but before closing, to bill for the coming month. The coming month's recurring charges are automatically displayed and totaled on the statements, but are actually charged as transactions on account at the month-end closing, and appear as transactions as of the first of the coming month. To simplify the statement for the tenant, the current month's recurring charges (billed with the previous statement) are summed in the balance forward. Thus, one month's balance due is the next month's balance forward. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-145 TENANT RECORDS EDITING TENANT DATA There are many times when a completed tenant record may need to edited after it has been entirely set up—when a tenant buys a new boat, moves to a different slip, changes address, or data was entered incorrectly. When tenants are temporarily vacating the assigned berth on a long-term basis, certain charge information in the tenant record will need to be deleted. Find a Record Each search for a specific tenant record will begin with the Find option. To open the FIND window from the TENANT RECORD window • click on the binoculars Find icon • select the Tenant Record using the Find option. (See SECTION ONE—INTRODUCTION, Using The Find Window) • make the corrections as outlined in the setup procedures. (See SECTION TWO— STARTUP, Tenant Record Window) Canceling Recurring Charges If tenants are temporarily vacating, the amounts of the recurring charges must be deleted from the tenant record to discontinue automatic billing. (See SECTION TWO—STARTUP, $$Account Tab) DELETING TENANT RECORDS Tenant Records may need to be deleted entirely in the case of a duplicate record or a termination when a tenant permanently vacates the marina. BALANCE DUE Prior to terminating or deleting the record, all charges, credits and payments need to be posted. Any balance due needs to be collected, and any overpayment or deposit refund needs to be processed for payment. (See Section Three—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Individual Transactions) PERMANENT When tenants permanently vacate the marina (also referred to as terminating), the tenant record needs to be deleted. To delete a tenant record in the TENANT RECORD window for that tenant • click on the Delete button. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-146 ARCHIVE Before the tenant record is deleted, several warning message boxes will appear. • ARCHIVE—Tenant records should be archived when deleted. Archived records can be printed in a list. (See SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Archives—Archived Records) Record can also be restored as an active tenant. (See SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Archives—Archived Records—Restore) • PRINT RECORD—Depending on Marina Policy, the data including the record should be printed. NOTE—Archiving Tenant Records saves data information about the tenant only. No financial information is included when a tenant is deleted and archived. HISTORY The History button brings up the current data information, including • tenant data • boat information • the first month’s account information • the last four months’ account information. This history is the same information that is retrieved with the History button in the • TENANT window • TRANSACTION window • METER window. If more than four months of data is required, the operator will need to click on the OK button at the More? message box. Watch Captain, LLC General Instructions 3-147 4 Section Four—Suggested Policies TRANSACTIONS COMMENTS Establish standard comments to use with each type of transaction. For example, for all Payments, enter • a comment • an explanation for the payment • check number, or if cash, note cash. ENTERING TRANSACTIONS Batching It is a good procedure to batch transactions and enter a batch at a time. Journals PRINTING An Individual Transaction journal is usually printed at the end of each day's posting. A one-day journal will collect only those transactions posted with date for which the journal is selected. Transactions are collected by date. A journal may be printed to show a total of receipts or charges for each day's activities. Select • short form for summary totals • select ALL transactions, and • define both the starting and ending dates as the current date. EVALUATE It is suggested that the computer printouts be looked at as work sheets. THE MARINA PROGRAM carries forward only tenant balances, not receipt or rent totals. All journals should be evaluated and analyzed to catch operator errors. CORRECT Tenant balances must be corrected by entering reversing/adjusting entries in Individual Transactions or editing in the Tenant Record (CURRENT and aging figures). Journal totals for rent receipts, etc., may be pencil edited on the printout, or a dummy tenant can be setup to reflect any adjustments in final totals. Once the journals are corrected, final totals can be transferred to any desired summary report(s). Aging The Billing program is period oriented. Once the month-end aging is done for any particular period, the books are essentially considered closed for that period. No more transactions should be entered for that period. It is therefore helpful to check journals and statements at the end of a period to be sure everything is satisfactory before aging and going on to the next period. Balance forward and aged balances are month-by-month (period-by-period) for each tenant. Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-148 DAILY BACKUP Before stopping work for the day, make a backup copy of important files using the daily backup option from the File option on the MAIN MENU. ACTIVITY SUMMARY Print statements, do aging, and start new period. END OF MONTH/PERIOD NOTE—No more transactions should be entered after the month-end reports are printed; otherwise reports will have to be reprinted. Optional Reports ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES REPORT Gives total of all credits, overpayments and unpaid balances, and the total on the books. IN/OUT BY MONTH REPORT Verifies new tenants have recurring charges listed, and vacating tenants have recurring charges deleted. RENT ROLL Totals for rents should match recurring charge totals in above journal. Any differences are usually due to spaces or rents not being removed from the tenant record when the tenant moved out. LONG TRANSACTION JOURNAL Detailed Transaction Journal (month-end) for month-to-date. Choose to include recurring charges in the printout. Gives TOTAL BALANCE FORWARD—the total that was billed for that month as of last month's billing) and TOTAL BALANCE DUE—the total credits and charges on books at that date, the end-of-month total receivables, and a total of what the statements or billing will include. DEPOSIT LISTS Security and Key Deposit Lists and any other summary reports that may be appropriate. NOTE—Some facilities may send mid-month invoices. These may be sent prior to the above printing of reports, but any transactions entered after the statements are sent will not show on the next month’s statements. However, the balances will be correctly reflected. Evaluate Reports ERROR CHECK Check all reports to check for errors or oversights. CORRECT Make any corrections necessary to totals by pencil. Adjust any tenant Balance Forwards in tenant record in computer program. Transfer totals as required to any monthly reports that may be prepared. Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-149 Late Fees If late fees are to be charged and have not yet been charged—CHARGE LATE FEES. Statements The rent on these statements is for the coming month, due on the first and charged in advance. Printing statements is not mandatory. For facilities that do not issue statements, the detailed Long Journal may be used to determine tenant amounts due for walk-in payers. If printing statements—PRINT STATEMENTS. Required File Backup Do a Daily Backup. Required Aging—Month-end—Close Period Age all Tenant Records. (See SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Close Period). A password is required to start the aging process. If passwords have not been assigned in the setup process, THE MARINA PROGRAM password is SUPERBOSS. Optional After Aging TENANT RECORDS Remove any tenants who are gone, have a balance forward of $0 and no deposits on record. Required Complete Backup Do a Monthly Backup to copy the entire data subdirectory, including recent historical month. Go to File on MAIN MENU. BEGINNING OF NEW PERIOD Print final reports for Past Period using Set PAST Period on the report window. Reports printed for Past Period are the most accurate, as a past period cannot be edited, and thus these reports are complete for the period. DURING MONTH/PERIOD Data Entry TRANSACTIONS Enter Receipts, Credit Adjustments, Misc. Chg/Debit Adjustments and Cash Account Receipts. TENANT RECORDS Make appropriate changes in tenant deposit records. Remove rents and spaces from any tenant records of tenants who have moved out. Keep last name of vacating tenants on record until after month-end. Enter new tenants, entering rent amount and any deposits received. Charge new tenants appropriate amounts, and credit appropriate amounts for partial month's rent and payment. WAIT LIST Watch Captain, LLC Enter individuals on Transient List. If on Wait List, enter date in and any deposit. Suggested Policies 4-150 LATE FEES On the date payments are considered late, print Balance Due Report (Delinquency) using the number order option, to determine who is to receive late charges. If it is policy to use a flat or percentage late fee and to charge Late Fees to all tenants whose payments have not been received as of the specified date, use the Automatic Late Fee Option. Only tenants who have a Y in the LATE FEE field in the Tenant Record will be charged a late fee on any balance due using the automatic option. LATE NOTICES On the date decided by facility, send late notices. METER READINGS Print Meter Reading List, and enter meter readings as a batch transaction. Printouts DAILY Print a one-day Short Journal to show activity and totals for that day. AS REQUIRED Print Balance Due Report, and contact tenants late in paying according to facility policy. As Needed PRINT Registration Number Lists, Vacancy Lists, etc. BACKUP Files regularly. ADDING NEW TENANTS In the Tenant Record • click on New for a blank Tenant Record. Enter all tenant information including • name, address, etc. • date in—date boat is in the space • space number, and • recurring charges. Meters If using electric meter readings • read meter at space • verify and/or enter electric meter readings • enter/check reading in last read field. Transaction Entry Tenants who are assigned spaces before end-of-month, whose recurring charges and rent begin the first of the coming month, will need prorated charges. After setting up the Tenant Record data • click on $ to access the Transaction Entry screen from the tenant record. (Or select the TENANT TRANSACTION window from the Individual Transactions option). Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-151 PRORATED CHARGES Enter charges for remainder of month, if any. Click on • Prorate • Select the Recurring charge to prorate • Verify the # of days to be charged • Click the Calculate button • Click the Charge button to charge the Tenant’s account. DEPOSITS • Click on Charge DEPOSIT • Click on Security Deposit or Key Deposit • Enter charge . PAYMENTS Enter any/all payments, including payment for any deposits. HISTORY The History button in either the transaction screen or tenant record will give a quick printout that the new tenant may have as a receipt. CLOSING OUT TENANTS Notice As soon a tenant gives notice of an intention to vacate, change the tenant Status to Y for 30-day notice. Enter a status Comment stating the date notice to vacate was given and date of expected vacancy. Closing Tenant Record METER READING If using electric meters, read the meter (new meter reading). If meters have already been read and charged for the month, manually update the previous reading to equal the tenant record current reading. DEPOSITS Review facility's policy on 30-day notice, refunding security deposits, and allowing a credit for unused rent. TENANT ACCOUNT Review the tenant's Balance due in the tenant's account. Click on $ in the Tenant Record, or use Individual Transactions from the MAIN MENU. • Enter final meter reading and appropriate charge • verify there are no additional charges • enter any additional charges, if necessary • delete the space assigned in the Space field • delete recurring charges from the record. PRORATED CREDIT Enter credit for remainder of month, if any. Click on • credit • revenue code for the type of credit (such as Cr*Slip Rent) • enter credit to prorate unused rent, if any. Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-152 DEPOSIT FORFEIT If a key has been lost, or a deposit has been forfeited, use a previously setup Revenue Code called forfeit deposit, or lost key to charge the amount of the deposit to the tenant's account, before applying the deposit(s) to the Balance Due. OTHER CREDITS Use INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTIONS window to enter any additional credits/proration. REFUND Click on Apply Deposit or Refund Deposit or Non-deposit Refund to apply and/or refund any deposits held in escrow or overpayments. (See SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Escrow Deposits) DATE OUT As soon as the boat has left the harbor, enter the DATE OUT for the date the space is vacant. NOTE—If there is a balance due, all deposits must be applied to the balance, not refunded. An exception is made for sub-accounts. The deposits held for sub-accounts may be refunded even if the Master account has a balance due. DELETE RECORD After the month/period has closed in which there was activity that set the tenant's balance to 0, delete the record. If the account being deleted is a Master account, and sub-accounts are still present, move one of the sub-accounts into the Master record number, changing the space and recurring charge information, etc., appropriately. This will allow the history for that individual to remain contiguous in a scroll-back. NOTE—Master accounts with sub-accounts cannot be deleted. ARCHIVING A vacating tenant can be temporarily added to the Transient List as a method of archiving tenant data. SWITCHING TENANTS' SPACES The new rent in the tenant's record is always a recurring charge that is applied at month-end, regardless of what was displayed in the statement. Write down on paper • who is currently in which space • what space each tenant is moving to • date of change • number of days to end-of-month for any prorations. NAME OLD SPACE Watch Captain, LLC OLD RENT SWITCH DATE NEW READING OLD SPACE METER DATE SWITCH #DAYS NEW SPACE SWITCH DATE NEW READING NEW SPACE METER NEW RENT Suggested Policies 4-153 Special attention should be given to three items in each of the tenant=s spaces to be changed • space • recurring charges • electric meters. If using electric meters, read the meters at all spaces to be switched, and write down new reading on piece of paper next to space name. EDIT TENANT RECORDS DELETE SPACES Delete spaces in the Tenant Records before entering in the new space assignments in all switching groups to avoid the OCCUPIED message. ENTER SPACES Find the first tenant to be switched. Enter new space. Do not change recurring charges at this time. Assign all new spaces for all tenants switching spaces. # PRORATION DAYS If rent prorations are to be made between the two spaces, calculate the number of proration days. Subtract date of change from number of days in month, and add 1. CREDIT Using Individual Transactions, prorate credit based on number of days left based on old rent. CHARGES Prorate charges based on number of days in month using new rent. DEPOSITS Make any deposit charges and credits that may be in order, by normal deposit transaction types. NEW BASE RENT In the Tenant Record, enter new rent for new space, observing rates displayed on screen. METERS Tenants leaving one meter mid-month and switching to a new meter will have two electric meter charges for that month. METER OLD SPACE Use the INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTION screen • click on $ • click on METER • charge the difference using the new reading just taken for the old space. METER NEW SPACE Enter the new meter readings for the new space in the Tenant Record. Enter the new reading for the new space for that tenant into the Last Read field. QUICK CHECK OF TENANT STATUS & HISTORY Use the History options when in the tenant screen to print or scroll account information on a tenant. Tenant file information will show on the screen as well as the current unbilled charges. An interim bill for the tenant may be printed by using MAIN MENU Journals/Reports Statements, Notices. The bill will show NOT MONTH-END, as rent will not have been charged. Operator may scroll through past, months or print a complete history of activity for any tenant as long as the files for that month are archived on the computer's disk. Clicking on the $ on the SELECT Window or SPACE INFORMATION Window displays the history quickly. BAD CHECKS REVENUE CODES Most facilities find that having two bad check Revenue Code items tracks the necessary detail for bad checks. BAD CHECK FEE Watch Captain, LLC One Revenue Code, Bad Check Fee, is charged for presenting an insufficient funds check. Suggested Policies 4-154 REPLACE CHECK The other, Replace Bad Check, is used to charge the tenant=s account for the amount of the check. Using the Bad Check charges, allows the actual Slip charge to remain, as that is an actual charge, and is included in the income accounts totals under Slip, so it is not doubled by the charge to replace the check. TRANSACTION OVERFLOW A standard statement can list only a certain number of transactions. However, if there are more, a second statement will be printed and the total due will be on the second statement. NOTE—If the mailer or postcard formats are used, a second mailer or postcard will be printed. DEPOSITS AND REFUNDS Deposits are treated as a special type of Revenue Code, which is a liability (escrow) account rather than an income account. Charges for deposits increase Accounts Receivable at the same time they increase the Escrow Account liability. When any payment is received, Accounts Receivable is decreased and Cash is increased. All deposits in and out must be entered using the Individual Transaction window and Deposit codes in order to receive the proper accounting and create the proper audit trail. When THE MARINA PROGRAM is initially setup, current deposits already received may be entered directly into the tenant record. Once the first month-end closing has occurred and the program is on line, any new deposits, or any deposit credits or refunds, must be made as transactions. Deposit/Refund related items cannot be deleted. (See SECTION FOUR—SUGGESTED POLICIES, Transaction Correction/Adjustment) CHARGING DEPOSITS To charge an Escrow Deposit, use Individual Transactions. Select Deposit charges for entering any new deposits or deposit increases, choosing the correct deposit type options. To apply a deposit against any Balance Due, use Individual Transactions. Select Apply Deposit or Refund Deposit to refund any deposits. (See SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Escrow Deposits) For every change in a deposit, the program enters a transaction memo, showing the original deposit, the amount of the change, and the new deposit. This transaction will appear on query and journals, but not on the statement. Every time a deposit is increased or decreased, a transaction item is entered automatically in the appropriate $CASH account ($$SECURITY, $$KEY) for that deposit. There is a Deposit Log in addition to the journal, which gives a full listing of each type of deposit transaction. REVENUE CODES THE MARINA PROGRAM sets up automatic Escrow Codes for Security and Key deposits. These act like revenue codes and total separately on the Summary Journal. The program sets up an automatic $CASH account to act as an account for deposit refunds - $$$REFUND DEPOSIT MEMO record #99990, and security and key deposit escrow accounts - $$SEC. DEPOSIT #99991, - $$KEY DEPOSIT #99992. These special cash accounts will not total into the journal TOT CASH RECEIPTS summary. There are SECURITY DEPOSIT CREDIT and KEY DEPOSIT CREDIT subtotals on the journal summary, similar to the revenue code credit adjustment totals. Credits may be applied optionally to these accounts or to a defined revenue code such as Slip rent. Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-155 TRANSACTION CORRECTION/ADJUSTMENT Transaction items for normal payments, charges and credits can be edited or deleted by clicking on the transaction in the Transaction window. Alternately, the procedure below may be used to reverse current charges. Deposit related transactions must be reversed out using an opposite (negative) entry. CREDIT/CHARGE ADJUSTMENTS Credit adjustments that are not simply corrections, but are credits applied in lieu of payment are in effect payments. Credit adjustments should be entered using the Credit, not the Charges/Debit adjustment option. Likewise, actual charges that are adjustments should be made as charges. THE MARINA PROGRAM automatically posts transaction entries for payments as credits. Negative adjustments needed for corrections can be entered as negative numbers. Adjustments entered this way will be reflected in the journal totals under receipts. Actual charges or debit adjustments should be entered using the charges/debit adjustment option. Any correction for a charge should be entered as a credit. Negative charges cannot be entered. The POS/Guest screen will allow negative entries in ZZ accounts or for simple corrections. OpenItem Current Period Generally, corrections occurring in the same period may be made with an equal and opposite (negative) correcting entry, using the same transaction type (e.g. payment, misc. charge, etc.). This erases or backs out the entry and still leaves an audit trail. Corrections can be made by posting adjusting transactions, including an appropriate comment with each entry. Individual facility policy will determine how to handle these corrections, based on what totals in the journal are affected. Once policy is established, adjustments should be handled consistently and be thoroughly annotated. Example: A payment was incorrectly applied to the wrong tenant 03/05/03 PAYMENT 350.00 To correct this error, again use transaction type Payment 03/05/03 WRONG ENTRY, CORRECT -350.00 Always check to match correction date to original date. Previous Period CHARGES Corrections made for charges in previous periods or to first-of-month automatic recurring charges should always be made as Credit adjustments. RECEIPTS Corrections for receipts in previous periods should always be made as Charge adjustments, using appropriate Revenue Codes and including comments. This allows Journal Summary totals for charges and receipts and credits to accurately reflect account activity. Meter Charges Meter charges can be deleted. When this is done the operator must make sure the correct/current reading is re-entered in the tenant record. The comment may not be edited, but the meter reading charge amount may be edited or the whole transaction deleted. Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-156 Deposit Corrections Occasionally, corrections need to be made in the deposits, due to mis-entries, etc. All deposit and refund corrections should be made by entering an equal, but negative, transaction. Deposit/Refund related items cannot be deleted. ADJUSTMENTS AFFECTING LATE FEE & DELINQUENCY LISTS Automatic late fee and delinquency list calculations do not include current month charges entered as Individual Transactions (as they have not yet been billed), but do include automatic recurring charges such as the current month's rent, which are included in the statement's Balance Due. All credits and payments affect the late fee and delinquency list calculations, but negative charges do not. Negative charges are included in any total Balance Due figures. Correcting Recurring Charges To reverse an incorrectly charged automatic rent/recurring charge, the account should be credited with the same amount, not reversed out using a negative charge if the recurring charge affects late fee/delinquency calculations. Typically, current period corrections are backed out (the same transaction type with a negative sign), and past period corrections are credited (or charged if a payment/credit correction). Automatic rent/recurring charges are entered as real transactions as of the first of the month in which they are due, but because they appear on the statement printed at the end of the previous month and are included in late fee and delinquency calculations, they are treated as previous month items, and adjustments typically should be credited. NOTE—Prorated rent/recurring charges, entered manually in the current period, should normally be reversed with a negative transaction. LATE FEE NOTES AND ADJUSTMENTS Excluding Previous Late Fees Bal Fwd Late fee type, percent amount and flat amount are entered in Setup procedures of THE MARINA PROGRAM using MAIN MENU—Lists—Program Settings. Two of the Late Fee options specifically exclude the Late Fees in the Balance Due when calculating Late Fees. In order to exclude the late fee in a Balance Forward system (where items from past months are not listed specifically, but saved as a Balance Due), the late fee amount is saved in a field (deposit 6 on tenant account screen) when it is charged or adjusted. The automatic late fee calculation subtracts this saved amount from the balance due before calculating the current late fee. When charging Automatic Late Fees, this saved late fee amount for continuing late tenants is replaced each month. For any tenants not receiving another late fee during the automatic late fee process, this amount is zeroed. ADJUSTMENTS Watch Captain, LLC Adjustments to the saved late fee can be made by normal charges (and negative charges) using Revenue Code 1. Credits using revenue code 1 do not adjust the save figure. Thus, current Suggested Policies 4-157 adjustments should be made using the charge function, and old adjustments should be made using the credit function. Deleting a late fee with the delete option will also change the saved late fee amount. TIMING The timing of late fee adjustments should also be taken into account in regard to the timing of the automatic late fees as once a late fee has been entered, the automatic late fee process will skip the tenant with the adjustment. In normal situations, adjustments should be made after the automatic late fees have been done, or manually enter the new late fee for the one tenant. The saved late fee amount is displayed at the bottom of the tenant Individual Transaction posting screen. Definition of Terms All Methods LATE FEE Automatic or manual fee charged as a penalty or fine for slow/non-payment. AUTOMATIC LATE FEE Fees charged using the automatic late fee feature on the MAIN MENU under Transactions. This fee is applied to each tenant with a Late Fee = Y and a Tenant Record and with a balance due above 0 or a set amount. Once the operator has set the routine in motion, a fee is automatically applied to qualifying accounts. The fee type and amount is determined in the program Setup. MANUAL LATE FEE A late fee of any kind may be applied or credited through the posting of normal transaction types using revenue code 1. AUTOMATIC RECURRING CHARGE The rent or charge entered in the tenant account screen. These amounts appear on the statement that is printed before month-end, are charged for the coming month, and are actually placed on the tenant account as transactions as of the first of the coming month when the accounts are aged. MANUAL RECURRING CHARGE The charging of a rent or recurring charge at any time during the month, usually for proration purposes. Revenue codes that have been setup to correspond with recurring charge items are used. STATEMENT Most recent statement, printed toward the end of a period, including that period’s current charges and the rents/recurring charges (entered on each tenant’s account screen) due for the coming period. Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-158 BILLING AND END-OF-MONTH STATEMENTS MID-MONTH INVOICES If a facility sends mid-month invoices rather than end-of-month statements, transactions posted after the statements are printed are not detailed on the next month’s statement, but are included in the Balance Forward. If the statements or invoices are printed early, a Long Detailed Journal (Type 4—including the recurring charges) must be printed just before month-end aging so all transactions are shown. STATEMENT TIMING If it is facility policy to mail statements, print MONTH-END statements after all transactions for the month are entered. The month-end closing of books done by the Balance aging should follow statement printing. The statements are printed near the end of the period, and include the charges and transactions for that period, gathering all transactions within the current period. Rent charged in advance for the coming month is charged automatically, and appears as a transaction for the first day of the coming month (month for which it is charged). The statements include the coming month’s recurring charges in the balance due (but not as a charged transaction). Once statements are printed, and period books are closed through aging, all further transactions will automatically be added to the new period. When checks are posted, the comment line may include check number and check date for tenant reference. PRINTING Printing statements is optional. Statements are passive, and do not post the rent to an account. They may be reprinted as often as necessary. If using statements, they are normally printed before month-end closing. Statements may be printed all at once or in batches. Statements are printed in number, space, name or zip order. If printing statements, follow these steps: Transaction Journal CHECK FOR LATE PAYMENTS Just before month-end billing, print a Transaction Journal or Delinquency Report to check for late payments. LATE CHARGES Mark any tenants that are late, calculate the late charge, and determine if this is added manually or automatically at this time. Automatic late charges are added on accounts with a balance greater than 0, ONLY if the option Y for Late Fee has been setup in the tenant’s record. ENTER TRANSACTIONS If more items are to be entered, e.g., late charges, return to the MAIN MENU—Transactions—Individual Transactions, and enter items. SKIP STATEMENT If a particular tenant is not to have a statement, enter a code of 90 or greater as Statement Type in the Tenant Record. All other functions will remain the same, but statements will be omitted for the tenant. Individuals who are not the type T for tenant will have a statement printed only if there are charges or a balance. Long Journal Print the Long Journal including recurring charges. The detailed Long Journal including recurring charges can be used as a master billing list to check off payments for tenants who pay at the front desk. Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-159 Run Statements ALIGN PRINTER Test alignment of statements in the printer by printing Interim Statement for one or two tenants, until alignment is correct. Run a few Statements or Interim Statements to set form alignment. NOTE—Make sure there is an ample supply of statement forms loaded in the printer before starting to print. MENU OPTIONS To begin actual statements, select Journals/Reports—Statements/Invoices/Notices—Statement. On month-end billing procedures, select tenant group and order. START/END Some facilities may not print and mail statements, or do so only to groups of tenants. The START NO. and END NO. option on printing statements can be used for printing specific groups of statements. AGE ACCOUNTS Month-end aging closes the books for the period. Month-end aging must be done at the end of each period. Aging posts the recurring charges to each tenant’s account, and then ages the balances. Age accounts, using (M) month-end option. BACKUP Backup the entire program. AGING All statements, journals and reports for the current period should be printed before aging. Aging should be the final activity in the month/period. Aging takes the Balance Due from each current month statement, and makes it the Balance Forward for the coming month. Thirty days overdue becomes 60 days overdue, etc. After aging has been done, all subsequent transactions will be entered in the next period, as aging automatically advances the period. In open item systems, all open charges are carried into the coming month and any credit balance is entered as a credit transaction for the coming month. OpenItem TENANT NUMBERS Tenant record numbers are assigned by THE MARINA PROGRAM and are permanent. They cannot be duplicated. DELETIONS/CHANGES TENANT FILE Deletions or changes to the tenant file are made by spacing over or re-entering information in each field, or by deleting the entire tenant record. Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-160 SPACE Deleting the space assignment for a tenant releases that space for re-assignment. A space with an expired date out is also considered vacant. TRANSACTIONS Current period transactions can be deleted in the Individual Transaction window if a password has not excluded deleting. Adjustments are made through a compensating entry with an appropriate comment. (See SECTION FOUR—SUGGESTED POLICIES, Transaction Correction/Adjustment) $CASH or NON-BERTH or NON-RENTAL INCOME Different size facilities have different bookkeeping policies, a multitude of miscellaneous outside income accounts, and dissimilar General Ledger reporting requirements. There are several ways to handle these monies within THE MARINA PROGRAM. FEW ADDITIONAL ACCOUNTS For simple setups, with few additional accounts other than billed rental income, the $CASH account system should be used, as described below: Cash Accounts Use the MAIN MENU—Lists—Account Types—CASH Accounts to add Cash Accounts. These are records, which can be setup to hold receipts for miscellaneous monies, and to show totals at the end of the month. The accounts do not carry over between months, but simply act like ledger columns for various revenue types. Different Cash Accounts can be setup for ramp fees, day rentals, guest dock fees, telephone and other income. ZZ Cash or Dummy Tenant If a facility has a number of revenue areas, and wishes to itemize some of these miscellaneous charges for billed tenant accounts, and also for occasional individuals who are not billed, a dummy tenant can be setup to track these charges. The comment line can be used for Record Number or Bill Number or Tenant Name. ZZ Cash is the preset name for Dummy Tenant in the Point of Sale/Guest screen. Matching Payments/Charges The matching payment for each charge to a dummy tenant should be entered at the same time. If this procedure is used, a $CASH account should not be setup for the same item/code. In this system, $CASH accounts would be used only for nonindividual related income, truly miscellaneous amounts, such as a tax refund or electric credit. NOTE—Receipts from a dummy tenant will total under tenant/account receipts in the journal summary. To get an individual summary for the dummy tenant accounts, a journal for the dummy tenant only can be printed (use the same START ZZCASH and END ZZCASH). Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-161 Cash Register Often a facility has a store and an educated cash register with keys that sort charges by type—T-shirts, tax, repair invoices, sodas, showers, launch, etc. A $CASH account can be setup to match each register key type. CASH CUSTOMERS At day’s end, the cash register will print a list of totals on closing, and each item can be input into the appropriate $CASH account in THE MARINA PROGRAM. CHARGE CUSTOMERS Usually, facilities also have charge customers (both slip occupants and nonoccupants). The facility must save a copy of the charge customer’s cash register receipt or other charge slip. At close out, along with entering all the key totals in the $CASH accounts, the statement amounts are then entered into THE MARINA PROGRAM as charges for each individual. REVENUE CODE Revenue codes can be setup to match the cash register key items, but the most practical method is to setup one revenue code called STORE CHARGES, and enter the total as a charge. Or, each item can be entered individually as a store charge. The total of cash taken in (from the cash register) and store charges (from individual accounts) should equal the various $CASH account totals for a given posting period. $CASH ACCOUNT CHARACTERISTICS Transactions PAYMENTS Transactions to the $CASH accounts can be made only as payments (Transaction entry item type 3—Credit) to provide for proper totaling in the journal. Negative amounts can be entered with a minus sign. JOURNALS A journal or history can be printed for these accounts to get an individual detailed list of transactions for any time period. Treatment $CASH accounts are treated as follows: • Only payments are accepted. • No balance forward or balance due is shown. • They are excluded from most reports (e.g. tenant lists, receivables and aging lists, meter lists, deposit lists and statements). • The monthly accumulation is stored in the file maintenance tenant record in CURRENT item, and is set to 0 each month at aging. • The journal summary shows a total for all $CASH account receipts. GUEST $CASH ACCOUNTS Some facilities do not assign slips through the program for guests, do not create a record of the guest name, boat, address, etc. for a charge and payment, but simply take their overnight fee and record the slip they are in. These facilities may still need to credit back or tell owners who used their slip. When payments are entered through Batch Transactions, certain $cash accounts can help do this. These cash Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-162 accounts are simply cash buckets that hold revenue. They do not have charges, and are not linked to an accounts receivable account. THE MARINA PROGRAM can have three dedicated cash accounts designed for guests. When cash accounts are set up with default amounts for accounts starting with the first 5 letters of the name $TRAN, $OVER, or $GUES, they will each ask the name of the space being occupied so that a record of occupancy is available and saved with the transactions, but this does not affect occupancy and vacancy and is NOT translated into occupancy/vacancy on the Harbor Graphic. The guest data (name, address, boat registration number) is not saved and is not in the database. A cash account starting with $TRAN or $GUES may be set up with a default flat rate, and the program will ask for the number of days and calculate the correct payment. A cash account starting with $OVER may be set up with a default footage rate and the program will ask for the number of days, and the footage, and then calculate the correct payment. The rates and amounts can be edited for each transaction, and the actual boat or guest name can be added to the comment line before saving the transaction. If using a plan to credit back tenants for use of their spaces when gone, the Owner’s Credit report will also list the dedicated cash account transactions along with any actual charges for use of the space by boats other than the tenant/owner. TENANTS WITH TWO OR MORE SPACES Special handling of Tenants with more than one space is explained below: Keeping the interactive vacancy list up to date requires that all the assigned spaces are registered, and each tenant is assigned to a space. A tenant with more than one space assignment would normally have two file records, two tenant record numbers, and two bills. A sub-account using a secondary record number can be setup to link the spaces, so the tenant has only one bill. Sub-accounts must always be setup in the Master record, using the Sub Account tab. MASTER ACCOUNTS TENANT RECORD To link two records, a new record is created using the master tenant’s name; THE MARINA PROGRAM adds a decimal number to the master tenant’s record number, such as 123.01, 123.02, etc. Fill in all pertinent tenant information—address, phone, etc. SPACE ASSIGNMENT Under OTHER, a comment can list any other spaces, to which the tenant may be assigned, etc. Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-163 RECURRING CHARGES Fill in the normal amount owed monthly by this tenant for the recurring charges applicable to the space assigned in this sub-account record. SUB-ACCOUNTS TENANT RECORD All other spaces a tenant may occupy are considered sub-accounts to the master space. Set up a secondary and tertiary, etc. tenant record, (sub-accounts) to reserve the other spaces(s) the tenant is occupying. RECURRING CHARGES Enter the appropriate recurring charges for the sub-account. All charges and payments, including meter readings and meter charges, made to a sub-account, will automatically be charged on the primary (master) account. Electric meter readings and recurring charge amounts should be setup in the subaccount record file. No balances or aging figures are to be entered in the sub-account record file. The computer will not track any balances for sub-accounts. A number of reports will show both sub-account and master record numbers on an account. JOURNALS Sub-accounts are not shown on the journals. The recurring charges and transaction entries are shown under the master account record name and number. A SubAccount/Master Account report can be printed. (See SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Reports—Master/Sub-accounts) STATEMENT Statements are printed only for the master account, with the sub-account charges and recurring charges included after those of the master account. SEARCHES A sub-account may be called up by accessing the master number, name or space designator, and by scrolling using the previous or next buttons. ESCROW DEPOSITS A facility may show security deposits for each sub-account listed with that account or as a total included with the master account. Sub-accounts, with security/other deposits, will show on the Detailed Long Journal, and deposits will total into the Summary Journal. Reassigning Spaces SUB-ACCOUNT TENANT The Master/Sub-account method allows spaces to be re-assigned easily as tenants move in and out, taking or dropping second spaces, without reconfiguring the spaces list. Delete sub-accounts from the master account when a tenant leaves. Rearrange spaces on the primary account first, if the sub-account tenant shifts berths. MASTER TENANT When the master account is the one that is deleted, simply move one of the subaccounts into master tenant record number, changing the space and recurring charge information, etc. Therefore, the histories will remain contiguous. TENANTS WHO SUBLET In some facilities, it is common for tenants to remove their boat for a specified period of time, such as for a long-term cruise, but still pay their rent and remain responsible for the recurring charges. In these instances, an arrangement is often made, whereby the slip is made available for sublet to transient or guest tenants. When the space is sublet by the marina, a credit adjustment may be given to the main tenant. TENANT STATUS MAIN TENANT Watch Captain, LLC If a main tenant keeps a slip, but removes his boat for a time, change his status to T for temporarily gone on the tenant screen, and enter a comment along with the Date Gone and Date Back. The space will now show on the Vacancy list, along with the comment. Suggested Policies 4-164 GUEST TENANT If a transient tenant or guest uses the berth, that information can be entered in the OTHER field, or in the status comment. TRANSACTIONS TENANT SHARES INCOME Monies from the transient or guest tenant can be split as arranged with the main tenant, using a $CASH account ($GUEST) to record the guest receipt, and the credit transaction option for entering the main tenant’s percentage, along with appropriate comments. RECURRING CHARGES Most facilities demand that the original tenant be the responsible party (e.g. have the recurring charges entered in his record and receive the statement) in a sublet situation. LESSOR/LESSEE The Subletting individual can also be entered with a tenant record, type N, without a space assignment and with the status of L for Lessor. On the other hand, if statement responsibility has been given to the lessor (he receives the bill, has the recurring charge listed in his record, and the name of the lessee is to be kept active), the lessee can be entered as type N and with the status of S for lessee. Thus, supplemental lists can be printed for Lessors and Lessees. The status message should be used to enter the name/number of the lessee/lessor for cross-reference. When Lessee and Lessors are coded by using L for lessee and S for lessor, this coding allows the same space to be assigned in both records. The lessee/lessor name and record number should be entered in the status message comment field. With this coding, certain reports and journals can be printed in space order, and include both lessee and lessor. Any space with a status of L for lessor is always considered vacant on a space inventory list (thus, it can be assigned to another tenant/record, typically one that would have the status S for lessee). Lessors can have a recurring charge, say LEASE CREDIT, with a negative amount to indicate a constant credit along with a recurring charge for, say MANAGEMENT FEE, for a management charge. The credits can thus accumulate and be refunded quarterly (using Transaction Entry Non-deposit Refunds). TRANSIENT AND GUEST LIST SERVICE PERSONNEL Individuals who are not monthly tenants, members, or standard charge customers can be set up on a separate list. Individuals who are additional owners, service people, or allowed in the marina can be considered Transients, and entered on the Tenant Record as tenant type N. TRANSIENTS Some facilities have groups of boats that are frequently in and out of the harbor. These individuals and boats can be entered in the Transient List, and thus be available for call up by registration number, or printed on various lists and a labels. GUESTS Individuals who are guests for short periods can be placed on the Guest List by entering them as type G and be billed for charges. If they have a longer term sublet, it is normally best to treat them as a regular tenant. Some facilities prefer not to bother with adding guests to their files, but simply record guest income under a $GUEST cash account, noting the guest name in the Transaction Comment field. SEASONAL WEEKEND Watch Captain, LLC Some facilities have seasonal weekends, where guests will make reservations for overnight space. It is probably best to enter these guests by name in the program, and then setup a Revenue Code for Advance Payment, entering both the payment and charge, when the reservation deposit/fee is received (or charged). Suggested Policies 4-165 DELETING INACTIVE GUESTS NOTE—Transient and Guest List should be checked routinely and inactive individuals removed so that the Tenant File is not overfilled. Print the Information List using Journals/Reports—Lists/Labels/Rolodex/Export choosing N for Transient or G for Guest List to check list and see who should be permanently deleted. Inactive Records List It is very easy to switch individuals back and forth from the reserve list to active tenant status by changing the tenant type from T to N or G or back to T in the tenant record. However, space assignment, recurring charges, and dates out should be checked carefully whenever this is done. TRANSIENT/GUEST PROTOCOL Transient and Guest List individuals • appear on any query or call up • will only receive statements, be aged or appear on Journal or Receivable and Credit reports if charges have been made, or there is a balance in their account • are omitted from deposit lists, unless they have a deposit from the Quick list, or unless they have an assigned space and the insurance list providing insurance information has been entered. The various tenant and registration number lists and labels can be printed for tenants only, Transient or Guest List only, or All. WAITING/TRANSFER LIST This list will print all individuals who are either marked as W for waiting list and are not in the harbor and waiting to enter, or those who are in the harbor and wish to transfer spaces. The waiting list is indicated by a W for tenant type. Tenants on the transfer list are indicated by a wait list type and date entered in their tenant record. The list can be printed for • ALL • in alphabetical, foot, or date order • just those on the waiting list • just those on the transfer list • each by date or footage, or • by individual wait/transfer list (up to 20 lists may be maintained). The design of the tenant record allows a person to be on only one list at a time. If a facility should want to have an individual on more than one list, if he is a tenant, he can be setup as a sub-account with a second list assignment, or if on the Wait List, a second record may be entered. If more than one list is allowed for any individual, be sure to remove that individual from ALL lists (delete all extra records) once he has his desired space. Some facilities may have occasional holiday weekends where visitors reserve guest dock spaces or moorings. A temporary wait list code can be setup for these times in much the same way as for the standard wait lists, and used as a reservation list. Some marinas have chosen not to setup the charge because too many wait list people do not respond, and they have to give too many credits and adjustments. Another option would be to use the ‘reply’ field that is designed just for this purpose. Send out a letter (a Xeroxed form, letter style, using labels for the wait list that are in the wait list module), saying you are Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-166 currently on the wait list, etc., and to remain on the wait list there is a fee of $XX per year, due date. If we don’t receive it by this date, then you are off the list, etc. As the money comes in, you check the reply code, Y. If someone says no, “take me off the list,” you set it to N. (And, you can set it to ? if you need to tag them for any other option. Later, you can print special lists of all those with a Y, an N, or a blank or a ?). After you have done any cross checking, decided who is still on the list, who needs to be contacted a second time (send a last chance letter to just these people), you delete the wait list people who have not answered, or who have said no (or archive them, or do whatever you need to for your harbor policies). Then, you reset the wait reply code to all blanks to be ready for next year. DELETING/SAVING RECORDS & ACCOUNTING PERIODS INDIVIDUAL RECORDS Terminated tenants and cancelled wait list records can be archived once any accounting items have cleared. This archiving saves the data (not the accounting detail) for current period access to look up names, list past occupants by space, or find boat names and registration numbers. It can also be used to check for comments about accepting the tenant back into the marina, or to gather mailing labels of past visitors. The accounting data is still present, but is now just located within each accounting period in which it occurred, not contiguously back from the current period as with current tenants. (Otherwise, there would be no point in archiving, and files would get bigger and bigger). An archived record can be detected, but there is usually no reason to do this. Archived records can also be restored, but unless they are restored in the same month in which they were deleted (since it is now not contiguous with the period in which it was deleted), the accounting data will not show from the past. A restored archived record keeps its original record number, and restores the address and boat information. HISTORICAL FILES Each month at month-end, the current data is saved as a whole to a file of the name of the month and year being closed. So if this is period 9, year 2003, the first past period would be 200308, then the next 200307, etc. There are 5 files that are saved: 200XXX.TEN, 200XXX.MTR, 200XXX.RCD, 200XXX.PCL, and 200XXX.RCR. These hold sufficient accounting and data information to reconstruct any of the journals and accounts receivable reports for past periods. The past period files can be accessed from any journal or accounts receivable report window by clicking on Past Period and entering the month and year to be viewed. One can jump to any past period on the computer’s hard disk and retrieve full period date, or data on any one particular person. In addition, the Audit Summary History report that can be printed will take all people for any set of contiguous periods on computer, and make an index of these people, so that people not in files in the first months, and people terminated in later months, are included alphabetically. Use the MAIN MENU—Journals/Reports—Journals—Audit Summary History. This report then lists each person in the accounting history present at any time in the period covered, and shows for that individual, all the month-by-month detail for the period he was in the computer. All accounting detail for a current tenant is contiguous, and a current tenant can have their history detailed item by item as far back as they were in the computer, or when contiguous files are shown to be present on the computer. This option for deleted tenants can be replicated by using the Audit Summary History. Tenants do not have to have been archived to show on the Audit History. They can be simply deleted. Archiving simply gives ready access to their name, address, boat information and any comments. Note that for several reports, the data must be contiguous. This is simply to comply with standard accounting practice to make the data valid. If there were a missing period, the other information would not be solid. One can, however, for the Audit History Report, grab any set of periods, as long as the set itself is contiguous. In other words, 200105 to 200109 can be loaded from floppy disks when all other months are in 2002. A Journal or AR report can also jump to any past period, as long as it is present. Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-167 The facility can purge and save accounting periods depending on the facility’s own policy. They should decide on how many months they normally use to research and validate accounts, and then on a program, purge months periodically. (See SECTION SIX—Appendix B, Purge) OPTIONAL MODULE RESERVATION/GUEST MANAGEMENT Daily • • • Print Availability List or Month at a Glance Report: MAIN MENU—Journals/Reports—Occupancy/Vacancy Inventory. Print CHECK IN (and/or CHECK OUT) Journal for TODAY using Journals/Reports—Journals. Print SPACE CHECK Journal for TODAY using Journals/Reports—Journals. Enter Check Ins Check CHECK IN Journal for TODAY for guest name using Journals/Reports—Journals. (If guests typically pay as they leave, use CHECK OUT Journal). • Call up guest on computer screen. • Use Select menu, Name Order. Enter first letters of name, click on Find or name. • Enter/Post charges and payments. • Print Reservation Invoice. Add To Reservation If guests want to add to the reservation: DATE OUT Edit date out to new date out. RATE * TIMES Enter the number of days or time units to charge. A charge will be created for the new time. Program will verify space is still available. PAYMENT Accept additional payment. SPACE If space is no longer available for extended stay, set up a sub-account choosing a new space or use ZZSPACE as a temporary assignment with the new dates of extended stay only. Do RATE * TIMES above. Enter Reservations In preparation for a call for a reservation • have POS screen up on computer • have Month At A Glance report handy • have Availability List for popular weekend ranges handy. Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-168 FROM POS/GUEST SCREEN Or, when a call comes in for a reservation • click on New • enter dates • enter boat length • click on Search • double-click on desired space. FROM HARBOR GRAPHIC Optionally reset Date Ranges with Date View • click on New Guest • follow the same steps as from POS/Guest screen. Prior Tenant USING POS/GUEST SCREEN If you keep old guests in your records or have many return guests, ask, “Have you been here before?” FIND If the answer is YES, click Find, using first letters of last name. • If NOT found, click New to start new record. • If FOUND, click on Name to bring up old record. ZZ LIST Guest can be temporarily added to ZZ list to be reassigned to actual space when reservation date is close. RESERVATION Enter guest reservation using Records—Guests. • Once name, address, boat information and dates in/out and space information is entered, if correct total is not displayed click on ReCalc. Adjust rate rank if necessary. • Enter appropriate charges, etc. • Print Reservation Invoice. Morning Site Walk Use Dock Check List or Journal SPACE CHECK printed for TODAY (see DAILY printouts above). Check sites against list for occupancy and deposits, etc. Make any notes on the List. End of Day TRANSACTIONS Print Transaction JOURNAL for TODAY using Journals/Reports—Journals— Individual Transactions, alphabetical order, R for range equal TODAY. Total payments and total charges are listed. TOTAL PAYMENTS Check total payments bank deposit or cash box. Also use Payment Register, Journal Menu Transactions by type. Any Time Print Journal of day’s receipts and charges using Journals/Reports—Journals. Periodically Delete and Archive old guests to save old address information for labels, etc. Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-169 Routinely Usually in batches, up to 2 weeks or so before a particular date, if using ZZLISTs, check availability and re-assign guests to specific sites. At Month-end Print Journal totals of all receipts and charges using Journals/Reports—Journals—Summary Journal – No Detail. Daily or Weekly BATCHES While entering transactions, it is good procedure to batch transactions and enter a batch at a time. A Short Journal is usually printed at the end of each day’s posting. JOURNALS A one-day journal will collect only those transactions posted with the date for which the journal is selected. Journal entries are collected by date. You may want to print a journal to show a total of receipts or charges (choose short form for summary totals) for each day’s activities. Select All and define both the starting and ending dates as the current date. It is suggested that the computer printouts be looked at as work sheets. All journals should be evaluated and analyzed to catch operator errors. Once the journals are corrected, final totals can be transferred to any summary reports that may be prepared. Guest balances must be corrected by adjusting entries. BACKUP If stopping work for the day, make a backup copy of data files using File menu—Backup— Daily Backup. USING THE RESERVATION SYSTEM AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER Sometimes the computer is not handy for the staff handling the guests—the check in stand may have no electricity, there may be too much traffic for one person to handle check in/check out, or the computer is in use for other purposes when taking a reservation. A bit of preparation in pre-printing reports and receipts can make these operations go smoothly, either at or away from the computer. Reservations Print the Month At A Glance, Availability List, or Space Inventory lists for several weekly ranges. These lists can be manually edited as reservations are phoned in. Once a day, or once a week, the updates can be entered into the computer and revised lists printed. Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-170 Check In Print Check In Journal for specific dates. Cash Receipts may be entered by hand on the journal and posted to the computer later. During the day, store transactions, or the charges/credits/changes can be accumulated and entered at day’s end. Use Journals/Reports—Journals—Space Check Transients/Guests as a dock walk to see who is in or out and who has paid. Check Out Print Check Out Journal for specific dates. Hand edit changes as people pay and leave. Enter changes to computer later. UNDERSTANDING RATES AND SPACES The information displayed on the screen once a space is assigned comes from the space inventory, entered at setup. Additional information is carried with the space information based on the rate zone indicated in the space file. Initial information displayed will be based on a default used in the setup screen. If the rate varies with boat length, the rate will update when the boat length is entered. If the rate rank is changed, from rank 1 for HOLIDAY to rank 2 for DAILY, the display will change accordingly. The NET figure is either the same as the figure below it if the rate is flat, or is times the lower figure if there is a PrFt amount. The TOT figure will change based on the number of days if the rate rank carries a time factor of daily or weekly. If there is a separately charged surcharge, it will be added in to the TOT. Space rates are usually recalculated whenever • dates are entered or changed • a space is entered or changed • rate rank is entered or changed • boat/unit length where rate is calculated by length is entered or changed. Rates are recalculated and redisplayed automatically, OR click on the ReCalc button to recalculate. ZONES Thirty different rate zones may be set up. (Many facilities will have only one standard rate for all spaces). RANKS Within each Zone, there can be up to 9 Rate Ranks. Rate Ranks are flat or per footage amounts based on a time period. The time periods may be set for daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and basic (seasonal, semi, annual, etc.). The operator may label the Rate Ranks appropriately and have several rates for one Zone, such as • daily rate for holidays • a per foot daily rate for mid-week • a summer monthly rate, and • a winter monthly rate. • Spaces are assigned to the zone that describes that space’s rate structure The POS setup screen allows a default rank and charge type to be preset. Rates (NET) and (TOT) are calculated from the rate, boat length if appropriate, and number of days. Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-171 RESERVATIONS WITHOUT SPACES Sometimes a facility does not have defined sites or spaces that are reserved. If spaces are chosen by tenants on a firstcome-first-serve basis, but only a certain number can be accommodated, these spaces should be setup as normal spaces. The spaces are numbered sequentially, and when the numbers are used up for a certain date, the reservations have reached maximum capacity. PRE-ASSIGNED The Reservation Program checks to see that two guests are not assigned the same space for the same time period, and allows assignment of a space made temporarily vacant by a long-term tenant. However, sometimes a facility does not have specified spaces for pre-assignments. In these cases, groups of spaces—called ZZ spaces—can be set up and used either as designated space areas or for lists by time, such as for a holiday weekend. ZZ SPACES Spaces starting with ZZ are not checked for occupancy when assigned to a guest. Thus, a space could be setup as ZZMEM to initially list all those with a reservation for Memorial Day weekend. ZZDOCK Group spots can be designated with names such as ZZDOCK or ZZPIER to accumulate guests in a general area, say a guest dock or moorage site, or a general tent camping area. There is no occupancy limit set for these ZZ spaces, but a list by type and/or date range is always available. Totals are given when a range of dates is requested for quick analysis of capacity. ZZLIST The ZZLIST can be a useful tool for setting up reservations made well in advance. Naturally, empty spaces are not known when a reservation is made a long time in advance, so simply enter the person on a ZZLIST as a space. Special ZZLISTS can be described for each month, or for special weekends, depending on reservation activity. Then, as the date approaches, print an availability list for the appropriate week, and transfer the guests from the ZZ list to vacant spaces. TRACKING SPACES AND GUESTS BY DATES Finding available spaces for a specific date or finding guests by dates can be done in a variety of ways. All reports generated print to either screen or printer Vacancy Occupancy Overview MONTH AT A GLANCE Print the Month At A Glance Report using Journals/Reports—Occupancy/Vacancy Inventory • Select By month. Prints in space order. • Include Sites for month. • Displays each space and date of the month in a grid of squares with an X for any space that is occupied FOR THAT NIGHT. Thus, any blank square represents a date a guest may reserve. When long-term tenants are temporarily vacant, their spaces are marked with an O to indicate temporarily available for this time out. AVAILABILITY LIST Watch Captain, LLC Print using Journals/Reports—Occupancy/Vacancy Inventory • Select by Date range, usually week or weekend. • Displays in Footage order, vacant spaces with room to hand write new occupant. Suggested Policies 4-172 SPACES Print using Journals/Reports—Occupancy/Vacancy Inventory—Inventory – By Space OR —Inventory – By Size • Check Vacant box for vacant only. • Select by All dates or date range. • AND site range or length range; All or Vacant only. • Prints in space or length order. • Include any site with date in or date out for date range. • Displays space name, guest name, dates in and out, unit and site length. Current Period In and Out JOURNAL CHECK IN/OUT SPACE CHECK Print using Journals/Reports—Journals—CHECK IN/OUT Specific Dates • Select by Specific date, or that date plus x days. • Include only those whose in date or out date matches request. • Displays all transactions, total due for guest, dates in/dates out. • • • • Print using Journals/Reports—Journals—Space Check Transients/Guests Select by All dates or date range AND site range. Prints in site order. Include any site with date in or date out for date range and/or site range. Displays space, guest name, dates in/out, all transaction detail, balance. LISTS Print using Journals/Reports— Lists/Labels/Rolodex/Export • Choose Order for specific date in/date out. ALL All reports may be printed by date range. Any range chosen includes guests with a date in or date out for that date or range. Receipts may be printed by date entered, date in and date out. DISCOUNT OPTIONS IN POS THE MARINA PROGRAM has two levels of discount handling: The first option simply discounts the sales price, leaving the percent amount at the end of the comment to note that a discount has been taken off the price. The second option charges the full amount of the price, and leaves an amount and percent on the comment, and ALSO adds a second transaction, which is the discount (credit). This allows totaling of total discounts. In this method, if there is a tax, the tax is calculated on the net of the full amount and the discount. An option for using a discount is available in the POINT OF SALE / GUEST & RESERVATION SETUP OPTIONS window. Set this on from Lists—Program Settings—POS / Guest Reservation Defaults (some marinas may have customized discount options and not have this option available). Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-173 To have the Discount option appear on the POS / Guest screen Χ click on Allow Discount check box. If Allow Discount is not used, the Use Discount Revenue Code and list box will not display. If using the Discount option to use a Revenue Code to hold the discount, set up an appropriate revenue code under Lists—Account Types—Revenue Codes. This should be a NON TAXABLE code with no categories attached. Simple Discounts When just the Allow Discount option is chosen, a simple discount is subtracted from the sales price, and the charge is the net amount of the price minus the discount. The item comment will have an amount and percentage (such as 20%) added to the comment line in reports so that it is easy to spot discounted sales and see the pattern of discount amounts. The discount entered will be directly deducted from the calculated price, and the amount of the discount will print at the end of the transaction comment: 12/02/2003 Store Sales -20% 28.76 Discounts Totaling To a Revenue Code When the Use Discounts with Revenue Code option is chosen, the charge or sales amount is the full amount of the price. A second transaction is entered as a credit to the discount revenue code for the discount amount. The item comment will have an amount and percentage (such as 20%) added to the comment line. If it is a taxable item, the tax will be calculated from the full price minus the discount. 12/02/2003 12/02/2003 Store Sales CR*Discount -20% 35.95 7.19 Both lines will be shown on receipts and statements and most reports. The Summary Journal will total the discount under the revenue code chosen. Using the Discount The discount MUST BE SET prior to beginning a transaction, before there is any default amount in the 00.00 Charge field. The discount may be locked for continuing charges; otherwise the discount reverts to a 0 after a charge. The discount reverts to zero when the record is changed. Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-174 Other Ways of Giving Discounts Some items, such as Gas and Labor that may be discounted frequently, lend themselves to simple pricing levels, and can be set up from the Revenue Code Categories or POS Inventory modules to give a discount by choosing a price level. This method does not provide for totaling to a Discount revenue code, but discount volume can be tracked through the item listing reports. CHARGE TO ACCOUNT Any item charged without a payment is on account. The new pay type CHARGE option makes this easier. Clicking on CHARGE zeroes any pay amount, and if in receipt mode, clicking on PAY will print a receipt. POS—BALANCE DUE DEFAULT For Guests and Transients, the balance due defaults into the pay amount field, allowing an easy click for payment. For Tenant records in the POS screen, the pay amount field remains blank, requiring entry of any amount paid; tenants may have large balances, but come in and charge or pay for just a small item. The balance is not defaulted so that payments are not mistakenly entered for the entire balance. BOOKKEEPERS VIEW OF ACTIVITY IN POS SCREEN ZZ CASH Accounts THE MARINA PROGRAM recognizes with a last name starting with ZZ as special Point of Sale records. Typically, a record is set up to be the “cash customer”. This record is usually called ZZCASH (as a last name and as a record type, Guest or Transient). Facilities with a high number of cash customers may wish to set up several ZZ records, say xZZWEEK1, xZZWEEK2, xZZWEEK3, etc. Then at the beginning of each week, and temporarily rename the current week’s customer to ZZWEEKx—remove the leading x to activate the record—for fast access. Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-175 If there are several ‘counter computers’ that do ZZCASH sales, since one record can only be used by one computer at a time, set up several ZZCASH records where the workstation ID is embedded in the record name. If it is workstation ID 2, the record name is ZZ2CASH. Thus, the program will default to the correct ZZxCASH account based on the workstation ID, so call up at each workstation is transparent. Any record with a last name that starts with ZZ will be treated by the program when in the POS/Guest Reservation screen as follows: From the POS screen, even though there may be a month’s transactions already posted to ZZCASH, only the transactions since the last payment (Transaction Completed = Y) will show on the screen ledger. To see ALL ZZCASH items or for editing them, access the ZZCASH record through Individual Transactions. Non-ZZ records scroll all transactions, similar to the INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTIONS window. After posting a payment, or exiting a record and there still is a balance, a “TRANSACTION COMPLETED?” window will appear. If the user answers NO, the record will be ready for more entries. If using receipts and the user answers YES, and there has been a payment or a credit, a receipt will print with all activity since the last receipt. (Optionally, the cash drawer will open). If the record is a tenant record, only the payment will print. For ZZCASH records in the POS window upon entering a payment, if the account is out of balance, a CASH OVER charge or CASH UNDER credit will automatically be given to the revenue code MISC balance the transactions. Cash/Open Item Accounting If using Cash/Open Item accounting, all charges will be closed for ZZCASH records. If there is a remaining credit for ANY record, an allocation window will pop up for allocating the excess cash. OpenItem Check Edit POS Transactions All Methods Use the Individual Transactions menu option, calling up ZZCASH as the record, to view/edit all the transactions. All transactions for the current period will show for ZZCASH, including any CASH OVER or CASH UNDER adjustments. A History printed for ZZCASH will also list all the transactions. Bookkeepers should look at the ZZCASH account(s) regularly, using Individual Transactions, not the POS/Guest windows. In the INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTIONS window, ALL the ZZCASH items are shown; there is no cash over or cash under compensating entry so that true edits and adjustments can be made. At month-end the ZZ cash account starts with no transactions as the items are saved in the past period’s history. The bookkeeper may wish to look at all MISC items by clicking on • Journals/Reports • Journals • Transaction DETAIL Journals • Revenue/Recur/Deposit Charges • MISC • View/Print button. If running a Cash/Open Item accounting system, also look at PrePaid/Allocations in the TRANSACTION REGISTER window. Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-176 Corrections Corrections to ZZCASH entries are best made with credits; deletions will not adjust tax, but simply delete the charge items, and do not adjust inventory. Credits credit the charge amount and enter the appropriate tax credit, as well as leave an audit trail. Negative charges may be used, but are less convenient. Daily Check Out To review or detail all ZZCASH transactions daily, use the Daily Check Out report, click on • • • Journals/Reports Journals DAILY CHECK OUT. The last report details all the ZZ transactions. This report should be reviewed to look for cash over and cash under items that need to be corrected. If there are those transactions, determine for each which part is missing, was the payment not entered, or the charge. Then in Individual Transactions using the ZZ account, delete the compensating MISC Cash entry with an actual payment or charge. Balance Forward Accounting Systems Bal Fwd Bookkeepers using a Balance Forward accounting system, but who treat this type of payment as Point of Sale Cash Revenue, rather than Income (based on charges), will want to subtract the total Tenant Cash Receipts shown on the Summary Journal pages for ZZ accounts only, from the total Tenant Cash Receipts shown on the complete marina month-end summary from their total marina accounts receivable totals. (These journals should cover the same date ranges, or be the entire period). Open Item/Cash Accounting Bookkeepers with Cash/Open Item accounting will find the POS ZZCASH total cash received included in the Allocation reports with all other payments. OpenItem Open Item/Cash Bookkeeping with the POS/Guest Screen Facilities set up for Open Item/Cash bookkeeping should be aware that in the POS screen the program will automatically close any charges for which there is sufficient money. It will leave open items that are not paid for, or for which there is not enough money to pay. This will happen also for ZZCASH items. The bookkeeper should thus review all items posted each day to see if the appropriate items should be closed. This will show in the daily reports printed as part of the Daily Check Out routine. Bookkeepers should keep in mind that any time items are closed, the closed items will then appear in the Allocations reports with the date of that closing. Thus if they open/close any items on a day other than the one in which the money was received, the allocation will for a particular day be incorrect. The monthly or to-date totals will be fine. Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-177 Occasionally, this can be difficult for the ZZCASH accounts if corrections are made and there are many items to close/open, such as at the end of the month. In this case, the screen date in the CLOSE window must be changed as each group of payments are used to re-close the charges so that the charges closed (the payments for those charges) are allocated to the correct day. For this reason, facilities with a large number of cash transactions do use several ZZCASH accounts as explained above, renaming them throughout the month so as to keep the number of entries smaller. Allocating Pre-Payments The POS screen for Open Item/Cash bookkeeping users will show an ALLOCATION window if money is prepaid—if the final balance on a NON-ZZCASH account is a credit. The user must then decide where to allocate the money (Moorage, Ice, Trailer, etc.). The bookkeeper should also review the allocations to see that they were done correctly, and if not, reopen and re-allocate the payment. Users need to be instructed on how to allocate amounts to the correct revenue code; these amounts can be split between several revenue codes as well. Reviewing the right hand column (Prepaid by Cash) of the daily Allocation Journal will flag the amounts that have been prepaid and allocated and may need attention. Watch Captain, LLC Suggested Policies 4-178 5 SECTION FIVE—OPTIONAL MODULES POS/Guest Reservations The POS/Guest Reservation Module can be used • • • to enter payments made at the counter right into THE MARINA PROGRAM—when customers come to the counter to pay their bills, pay for ramp charges, or pay for an overnight. to assign a space to people who phone or write ahead to make reservations. The Guest Reservation module tracks vacancy options and who is coming in or leaving on a particular date. to assign a specific space for inventory tracking to walk-in overnight customers. Guest Reservations are more than just taking overnighters’ money and giving a receipt. All guest data can be entered into the program. DATA SCREEN The special POS/GUEST/ RESERVATION data screen below is a summary version of the standard data record, and includes a transaction entry grid, so that money and data can be quickly entered on the same screen. When a customer comes in, you should typically ask, “Have you been here before?” If the answer is “yes”, and the person has been to the facility recently, the binoculars Find icon allows a quick search and record retrieval by Last Name, Boat Name, or boat ID / Registration Number. The same combination of data and transaction screen can be opened directly from the MAIN MENU, under Transactions—POS / Guest Reservation. Typically at this point, an existing account is brought up, or a generic cash customer, or a cash account for OVERNIGHTS. In all cases, current or new accounts can be quickly entered, along with the transactions. When the POS/GUEST/RESERVATION screen is accessed from the MAIN MENU’s CASH SALES choice, the default is the customer ZZCASH. When the POS/GUEST/RESERVATION screen is accessed from the MAIN MENU’s POS/Guest Reservation choice, the default is FIND by Last Name. When the POS/Guest screen is accessed from a click on the Harbor Graphic, the default is NEW record, but a click on the binoculars Find icon begins a search entry from Last Name (or Boat Name or ID Registration Number). Watch Captain, LLC Add-on Modules 5-179 USING POS Handling Cash Customers and Tenants If the customer isn’t setup with an individual accounting record—whether coming in for guest moorage to pay for fuel or to buy a bag of ice—a generic cash customer type ZZ should be used. From the FIND display, type ZZ in the Last Name field, and then the Enter key. The POS screen should be thought of as a bit like a cash register. First, the different charges are rung up, then the payment. If the tenant is paying on account, there is no payment, just charges. Always click on the Find button to move between ZZCASH and a tenant or account record. Shortcuts The POS screen has several shortcuts to make POS transactions faster. A generic CASH record, usually named ZZCASH—but always starting with two Z's, i.e. ZZ—is used. Any record with a last name that starts with ZZ will be treated as a cash account by THE MARINA PROGRAM when in the POS/Guest Reservation screen. While there may be a month's transactions already posted to ZZCASH, only the transactions since the last payment (Transaction Completed = Y) will show on the screen ledger. Function Keys Use the function keys to quickly charge the most common items. The Revenue Code for the first function key is set in PROGRAM SETTINGS MENU. F2–F6 F9 Defaults for the five most common charges. Places the cursor in the charge amount field. Type the Enter key to complete the charge, or edit the amount, and then type the Enter key. F10 Places the cursor in the payment type field. Type the Enter key to move to the payment comment field; then type the Enter key to complete the payment, or edit the amount and type the Enter key. If no payment comment is entered, the word PAYMENT will be used as a comment. The type of payment can be recorded by clicking on the payment type list box. TAX The tax is calculated and shown if appropriate. DUE The balance due is displayed and entered in the payment amount field. Watch Captain, LLC Add-on Modules 5-180 Default Amount If a default amount has been set for the revenue code (Lists—Account Types— Revenue Codes), that amount will display in the charge amount field, and the comment box will show " # * 1, so that if there are units for that amount, they can be entered. Categories Facilities with a variety of prices for similar items can set up just one revenue code, but have a group of options (sub-revenue code categories) that are easily scrollable for unit pricing and multiplying. An additional program, Small Store Inventory, is also available for true inventory tracing units received and cost of items. Contact Computer Consultants for necessary files and procedures. Units If there is more than one unit, enter the number as a whole number (3) or as a decimal (2.6). A short comment may follow. On either typing the Enter key, or using F9, the amount will be calculated and displayed in the charge amount field. Typing the Enter key again will charge the amount. The POS sale screen can be used for accepting tenant account payments, responding to tenant balance due questions, or adding a charge to a tenant account. Click on Find to bring up the list box. Enter the first letters of the tenant name, and the tenant account will be displayed. Charges and payments can be made in the same fashion as for a ZZCASH customer. The Individual Transaction screen should be used to make tenants adjustments, such as deposit entries and refunds. NOTE—The balance due for a tenant does not default into the pay amount field as it does for a Guest or Transient. (See SECTION FOUR—SUGGESTED POLICIES, Discount Options in POS for handling discounts, and Charge to Account for using charge accounts). GUEST RESERVATION When a space is clicked on the Harbor Graphic, there is a Guest button on the INFO window. Clicking on the Guest button automatically sets the space and dates in a vacant reservation style, record and opens the special combination data and charge window seen above. Watch Captain, LLC Add-on Modules 5-181 Fee Calculation The correct fee can be calculated automatically, using the dates in and out and default space rates. The charge total will show in the charge field, and once saved, the amount to be paid will display in the pay field so data entry is minimized. Additional Night’s Stay If a person has paid for one night, and then decides to stay another, don’t recalculate the charge with the ReCalc button, as the charge for both nights would be recalculated. Increment the date out, and make sure the space is free for one more night. Then click on Rate * Times, and enter the number of times you want the net base rent charged. This can work just as well for someone using the monthly rent. Enter two months, or for slips for which you have a flat rate and you want to charge that rate for a number of time periods. Rafting/Linear Spaces Ranges for Vac= (footage available) and #= (number of boats on dock) will display on the POS window and from the grid when you click Search, as “today” to the date out if the reservation dates ‘bridge’ today. Boats with a date out of ‘today’ are excluded. Boats with a date in of today are included. If the ‘New’ record is not yet saved, is being used to ‘check’ or ‘test’ the date range, the screen Vac= and #= does include the test boat and size, but that data will not (yet) be included in the Search. Multi-Boat Spaces A * as the first character of the description sets the space as a rafting or linear space—a multi-boat space, usually a side tie. Pin Clicking on the Pin toolbar button opens the full TENANT RECORD window found in the standard MARINA PROGRAM, and is used to setup a permanent or long-term tenant with deposits, recurring charges, and other details. Shortcuts If many people are looking for reservations or spaces for the same time period, set the Date View to the time period • click on a white space and click on the Guest button to assign the space to a guest, or • click on the Find Space from the Select Find Box and enter the boat length. If guests are asking for many different time periods, skip the Date View • click on Select Find • click on New Guest • enter the dates and boat length • click on Search to see what is available before saving and entering the rest of the record. If the GUEST screen is already active • click on New • enter the dates and boat length • click on Search. Watch Captain, LLC Add-on Modules 5-182 USING SUB-ACCOUNTS FOR ENTERING GROUPS The Sub Acct button in The POS/GUEST RESERVATION window can be used to add one or more sub-accounts to a master record. Sub-accounts are full records in terms of date in, date out, and space assignment, but are linked to a Master account so that all accounting information is on the Master account. A Master carries a whole number as a record number; the subaccount record number is a master record number plus a decimal. For example, 123 is a master record number and 123.01 is the sub-account associated with that master account. When creating sub-accounts from the GUEST data screen, THE MARINA PROGRAM will ask about the space. If the answer is YES, another input box will ask for the number of sub-accounts to create. If there are already sub-accounts, these will be added to the existing sub-accounts. There cannot be more than 98 sub-accounts for any one master record. Answer NO if adding just one sub-account, as would be done for making an additional reservation for the same guest. If one sub-account is being added, the boat name and length will be copied from the Master account. If more than one is being added, the boat will be blank on the Harbor Graphic. Data List As the Guest Record is a short record, to see the full list of sub-accounts, use the detailed record. • click on the Data button • click on the Sub Accounts tab in the full Tenant Record. NOTE—If the sub-accounts are sub-accounts associated with a guest record, the additional sub-accounts will not list in the pull-down Find box in the SELECT window, or in the GUEST data screen with the Find button. EDITING SUB-ACCOUNTS AS A GROUP If a tenant is a Master account, and has sub-accounts, or is a sub-account, an additional Edit Subs command button will appear. This button brings up a grid of all sub-accounts for the same Master account number. The sub-accounts may be edited individually. Watch Captain, LLC Add-on Modules 5-183 Some group procedures can also be done, such as delete all sub-accounts, or blanking all spaces. All spaces may be set to any valid ZZ space. To edit a sub-account • • click on the row click again on the field to edit. Space vacancy verification is done when actual spaces are input. If date changes are made, the space must be blank or a ZZ space, as no vacancy verification is done. REPORTS AND LISTS Month At A Glance Report The Month At A Glance option doesn’t create a list but rather a visual chart of the spaces and occupancy. To create a Month At a Glance chart, click on • Journals/Reports • Occupancy/Vacancy Inventory • Month at a Glance. In the REPORTS window, use the check boxes and date boxes to select the options to define the month and spaces to be included in the report. After all the options have been chosen in the REPORTS window • click on View/Print or Print. Check In/Out Many reports can be printed by date range, or by specific DATE IN or DATE OUT. Three reports designed for having a list of guests checking in or out are • Check-List Summary • Check-In Report • CHECK IN/OUT Specific Dates Watch Captain, LLC Add-on Modules 5-184 In Lists, Labels, and Reports • choose LIST FORMAT Selection, and select Check-List Summary or Check-In Report. • choose SORT ORDER, and select DATE IN or DATE OUT and order and enter Date (In or Out). Journal Reports for Guests Two journal accounting reports have been specially designed for use in guest management. The CHECK IN/OUT lists guests and the amounts they have paid or owe for by day. In the JOURNAL/REGISTER window • type the specific date • select order and group • click on the View/Print button. The SPACE CHECK JOURNAL option prints account records in space order for customers or tenants whose dates are included in the specified date range. The report facilitates users doing a dock check with accounting information listed for each space. Watch Captain, LLC Add-on Modules 5-185 Date In/Date Out Order Lists Several lists that assist staff in tracking guests and reservations are available as additions to the standard Lists included in THE MARINA PROGRAM. These lists can be printed for specific DATE IN or DATE OUT, in Name or Space order. When the POS/Guest Reservation module is installed, the standard LISTS window used to create lists, labels, phone lists, etc., will have an additional list box that includes Date In/Out options. (See SECTION THREE—GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Journal/Reports Menu) Use the Check In Report for a list of those coming in, and to print individual check-in forms for each to sign. NOTE—All Reports and selection routines are date sensitive and will pick up records depending on the date window in use. Watch Captain, LLC Add-on Modules 5-186 ACH – Bank Debit Getting Started This function is usually performed before statements are printed, from The Marina Program’s menu choose Transactions – Bank Debit Items, Bank Debit Test Bank Debit Test is used to test (with the bank) any new or updated routing and acct #s entered, after running the file testpay.dat will be created in the Marina’s data folder, this file testpay.dat can be uploaded to the bank to test the validity of the routing/account #s entered or modified. Transaction amounts are 0 and they need to confirm with their particular bank whether or not they support this. NOTE: After initial install this should be used to test that the ACH file created can successfully be imported by the Marina’s bank. Any adjustments needed should be sent to [email protected] Bank Debit Report Bank Debit Report will display the following dialog, this can be used to get a list of all bank ids that are setup to export. NOTE: That if the Marina’s tenant does not want to be included in the Auto-Debit feature the Marina must NOT enter any bank id information for them. Bank Debit Export Bank Debit Export this options does two things 1. Creates the bank debit file for the bank by looping through all the tenant records, if a tenant has both a bank id and a balance due their information will be exported to the ACH file which gets created in the Marina’s data folder. This is the file that should be uploaded using the bank’s website or installed software. 2. For each record that is exported TMP will record a Payment transaction for the balance due, it will look as follows, Watch Captain, LLC Add-on Modules 5-187 Technical Configuration The MARINA.INI configuration file needs to be configured to support the ACH export figure. The following defines the [BANK] section required by this feature. The Section [BANK] must be created in the MARINA.INI file which resides in the TMP data folder (normally ccMarina). The items Name=Value required are defined in the table below, Item ImmediateDestination ImmediateOrigin DestName OriginName CompanyName CheckDigit DFIAcct Trace Class CompanyID Add1ToCompanyID CompanyEntryDesc OriginatorStatusCode OriginatorDFI ReceivingDFI Include6-22 Filename Watch Captain, LLC Value Routing Number and Check Digit of the Originating Financial Institution Routing Number and Check digit of the sending point (usually the same as ImmediateDestination) Name of the Institution Company/Marina Name Marina Name (DBA) or same as OriginName if no DBA The checkdigit used as part of the routing number DFI Account Number used on a record type 6 trans type 22 (see Include6-22 item) Trace Number (routing number of the originating financial institution) Service Class Code Marina’s Tax ID Y or N to determine if a leading “1” should be added to the front of the company ID We (so far) always use MARINA PAY “1” Routing # Routing # Y or N Name of the File to create the export in. Add-on Modules 5-188 DOCKOMINIUM CONDOMINIUM and MULTI-SITE Setup Instructions Group Type Condominium and multi-site modules both have an extra field Group Type and list box. Designations in the list box tag and sort tenants by type or marina subsite. The Site or Group Type should be entered along with other tenant data during the setup procedures. Condominium For condominiums the group type code is linked to a space status so all owner non-occupants are LESSORS. Multi-Site Marinas In most marina multi-sites, the harbor type links to a preset group of spaces. The multi-site group site label allows total separation of reports, including accounts receivable and journals. Master Accounts A Master Account must not have sub-accounts in a different group. A tenant moving between groups should be terminated in one group, and re-setup in another. Type File List The optional add-on program comes with a Condominium Type file starting with either OWNR/MGMT or EAST BAY or MEMBERS OWNR/LSSR VINTAGE NON-MEMBERS OWNER OCC WEST LOT LESSEE NOTE—This list is configured when THE MARINA PROGRAM Add-on is sent. When records are setup in the program, each record will be assigned one of these types. OWNR/MGMT or OWNR/LSSR For any record that is an OWNR/MGMT or OWNR/LSSR • THE MARINA PROGRAM will force a status category of L for Lessor. • This means that the space the owner has is considered vacant on all lists, unless assigned to another LESSEE or renter. • The space, while assigned to the tenant record, is not considered occupied by that record. • The space will show up as vacant on reports and on the Harbor Graphic, unless occupied by an additional record such as lessee or renter. For any record that is kept vacant by an owner, but is not used by lessees or renters, should be marked OWNER OCCUPIED so that it is not reported as available. Watch Captain, LLC Add-on Modules 5-189 Lessee For any record that is a lessee, THE MARINA PROGRAM will force a status category of S for Lessee. Reports Reports are either printed for ALL or by type. Watch Captain, LLC Add-on Modules 5-190 Bar & Restaurant POS Interface The Marina Program currently interfaces with Aloha POS and Business Plus Accounting Restaurant POS Software. Each system’s interface functions a little differently but both provide the following options within TMP. The Addition of a Member ID field on the Tenant window The Member ID field can also be searched for using the select find dialog, Transactions are imported by choosing Transactions – Import Transactions from XXX where XXX is Aloha or BPA. Dock Check Utility For more information regarding Watch Captain’s Dock Check utility for Window’s Mobile please contact [email protected]. Meter Reading Utility For more information regarding Watch Captain’s Meter Reading Utility for Window’s Mobile please contact [email protected]. Watch Captain, LLC Add-on Modules 5-191 6 SECTION SIX—APPENDICES Appendix A—Error Messages Common error messages and their solutions exist on the TMP Users portal. Visit http://www.TMPUsers.com and sign in to view content. If you haven’t registered on the Portal, click the sign-in and Register link. After registering please send an email to [email protected] put I’m Registered! in the subject line. After verifying your membership in our support plan access will be granted. ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND that in trying to trace and correct a problem, it is most important to know EXACTLY what was happening at the time the error occurred. Generally, if THE MARINA PROGRAM has been installed and running for more than a month, file errors and system errors will be caused by hardware, either a drive failure or bad sector, a memory chip problem, or some damage to files that occurred due to an electrical aberration. The greatest numbers of problems are either bad sectors, or electrical problems that cause file records to be cut off. If these problems occur often, a new disk drive and/or a battery backup system is highly recommended. A number of diagnostic utility programs are available for checking hardware and disk and file integrity. Get into the habit of always writing down on paper the error message itself • what the screen said just prior to the error message, and • what part of which program was being run with which data disks. • NOTE—Always reboot computer, restart THE MARINA PROGRAM and retest. Often clearing Windows’ memory may cure the problem. Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-192 Appendix B—Purge THE MARINA PROGRAM saves each month’s activity at month-end close into the YYYYMM.* files, so there can be continuous scroll back in the history or a jump back in reports to see past activity. All detail is saved. Once a facility has been using the program for several years, they will have developed a lot of historical files. This can create problems for the user: During a scroll back history, the program will ask, “4 months history collected, continue? Y/N” and “12 months history collected, continue? Y/N.” If there are still several years to go, and Y continue is chosen, the history can take a while to load and display. If the facility has the Hot Berth module, every time they go to Hot Berth Reports, the program will take a long time to look back and see what the oldest hot berth inventory date is. Some users may feel that one year is enough; others will want everything. If users want to truncate their history, they can move all their older files by determining a cut off date, such as: All before 2008, then MOVE all the 2005*.* and the 2006*.* files and the 2007*.*, etc. files to another folder, and to a CD-ROM that is stored off site. Later if necessary, these files can be rejoined (temporarily) to the database in the \CCMARINA folder for specific look up tasks. Doing a monthly backup can take longer (more space) if there are several or many years of history in the \CCMARINA folder. For users backing up to floppy disks this can be an inconvenience. The historical months do not drain memory or slow down program activity in any way. They are only opened and used by the program when x Set Past period is used in a report, or during a record history scroll back. The liability in keeping these files with the current data is small. Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-193 Appendix C—Journal Accounting & General Ledgers THE MARINA PROGRAM Summary Journal Related to General Ledger Income and Expense Account Codes CHART OF ACCOUNTS In setting up the income accounts in a chart of accounts, how transactions are to appear on the Summary Statement from THE MARINA PROGRAM should be considered. This summary is an accounts receivable recap and can be used to make journal entries for charges against accounts receivable, to reconcile cash receipts with bank deposits and the general ledger, and list payments for refunds (deposits and/or accounts). INCOME HEADINGS Depending on the current chart of accounts, income account program headings might be Recurring Charges, Electric and Revenue, Cash Accounts, and Other Income. Other Income would be items not coming through THE MARINA PROGRAM Accounts Receivable, such as interest, or miscellaneous income not directly related to marina operations. ESCROW DEPOSITS Security and key deposits are usually treated as liability or escrow accounts (dedicated funds) and are not coded as income on a chart of accounts. NON-TENANT CASH Some facilities may funnel their cash account receipts (non-tenant/billed income) directly to a general ledger, omitting THE MARINA PROGRAM cash accounts. This decision is usually determined by where and how the monies are received, and if the computer is used by those receiving that money. Sample Journal A sample summary journal from THE MARINA PROGRAM might be (choosing General Ledger format option Y). SUMMARY JOURNAL - WITH RECURRING CHARGES SUMMARY TOTALS FOR JOURNAL PAGE 1 ROCKYBOTTOM MARINA GL JOURNAL ENTRIES 57 59 58 111 64 112 39 40 100 98 57 59 58 Watch Captain, LLC DEBITS [ ]= charged this month for next month BERTH [ 750.00] SERVICE FEE [ 128.40] LIVABOARD [ 35.00] TRAILER [ 0.00] DRY STORAGE [ 50.00] ELECTRIC METERS SECURITY DEPOSITS KEY DEPOSITS LATE FEE MISC. %BERTH %SERVICE FEE %LV/BD 53.69 2.50 1.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 CREDITS 1,000.00 128.40 35.00 15.00 50.00 24.93 550.00 15.00 7.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Appendices 6-194 111 %TRAILER %DRY STORAGE PUMP OUT STORE CHGS GUEST RENT PUMP OUT STORE CHG. LOST KEYS FORFEITED DEP. BAL CR/DB 64 67 99 66 101 63 81 83 5 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 12.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 _____________________________ 156.19 1,913.20 1,757.01 ============================= 1,913.20 1,913.20 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE TOTAL GL RECEIPT RECONCILIATION (1) TOT TENANT CASH RECEIPTS (5 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (1) TOT OTHER CASH RECEIPTS (various) TOT OTHER CASH CHARGES A/R BALANCE FORWARD Recurring Charges for Period TOTAL DEBITS (Tenant credits) TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS CURRENT CHARGES (non-recurring) 1,331.58 1,331.58 177.00 177.00 288.81 1,228.40 156.19 1,331.58 547.34 __________ A/R ENDING BALANCE Recurring Charges for Next Month Account Credits -74.32 Account Debits 591.10 A/R ENDING BALANCE (per statements) GL PAYABLE MEMO RECONCILIATION (39, 40) DEPOSIT REFUNDS (57 or XX) ACCOUNT REFUNDS (1) CASH PAYMENTS 516.78 963.00 1,479.78 446.31 0.00 446.31 ESCROW ACCOUNT CREDIT/DEBITS/REFUNDS ACTIVITY TOTALS REFUNDED SECURITY DEPOSIT KEY DEPOSIT CHANGE TOTALS 550.00 15.00 50.00 12.50 1,900.00 19.50 Open Item A/R BALANCE FORWARD is replaced by: PAST PERIOD CREDITS FWD PAST PERIOD CHARGES FWD OpenItem 500.00 2.50 CHARGED GL ENTRIES All Methods The items under GL Journal entries are entered in a general ledger as journal entries. General ledger reference or account numbers are entered (usually a template has been setup) in the blanks provided by THE MARINA PROGRAM as a guide. Note that the recurring charge account codes are in two places, at the top for use with monthly automatic charges (either cash or accrual methods can used) and in the mid section with codes marked % for prorated amounts for these same charges. RECONCILIATION The GL receipt reconciliation should correspond with total receipts for the month and Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-195 total bank deposits. This figure would include monies deposited for tenant payments (to accounts receivable) and monies collected for non-tenant items (corresponding to $CASH account totals in THE MARINA PROGRAM, if they have been used). PAYABLE MEMO The GL payable memo reconciliation should correspond with the total of refund checks or payments that have been expended to a liability (dedicated or restricted) fund account. DEBIT ENTRIES The total of debit journal entries for deposits and deposit refunds should match the escrow account activity charges for deposits. The total journal entry credits for deposits should match the escrow account deposit activity receipt totals. (Additional deposits will be listed for facilities with special customizations for more deposits). The Deposit Log will also annotate and correspond to these figures. General Journal Entries GL JOURNAL ENTRIES 39 40 SECURITY DEPOSITS KEY DEPOSITS 53.69 2.50 A 550.00 15.00 B GL PAYABLE MEMO RECONCILIATION (39, 40) DEPOSIT REFUNDS 446.31 C ESCROW ACCOUNT CREDIT/DEBITS/REFUNDS ACTIVITY TOTALS REFUNDED SECURITY DEPOSIT KEY DEPOSIT 500.00 2.50 A+C CHARGED CHANGE TOTALS 550.00 15.00 50.00 12.50 1,900.00 19.50 B The total amount of escrow deposits charged on record is shown under TOTALS.other general information is displayed on the summary as well, A/R balances, total account credits and total account debits and escrow activity. End of Period Journals The End of Period Journal Summary also shows: BALANCE FORWARD Watch Captain, LLC TOTAL BAL. FWD TOTAL BAL. DUE 288.81 516.78 ACCOUNT CREDITS ACCOUNT DEBITS -74.32 591.10 The Balance Forward is the total of all beginning balances for the month (total of each tenant's CURRENT/LAST MO, 30 day, 60 day, 90 day and 120 day fields from his tenant record.) It remains constant until the aging process calculates all payments, charges and credits, enters the recurring charges and creates new CURRENT/LAST MO, 30 day etc. figures, moving each category forward 30 days. (See Appendix E — GLOSSARY). The ending Balance Due becomes the beginning Balance Forward each month. If all accounts were current each month, the Balance Due would be the same as the current charges. Appendices 6-196 BALANCE DUE The Balance Due is the total of all Balance Forwards and Charges (and recurring charges) and Credits and Payments: Balance Forward Charges Credits Payments Balance Due ACCOUNT CREDITS 228.81 1,913.20 -156.19 -1,331.58 516.78 Account Credits is the total of all accounts with a credit balance. Account Debits is the total of all accounts with a debit balance. The total of these two figures is the Balance Due. Credits Debits -74.32 591.10 Balance Due 516.78 Those wishing a General Ledger format using debit and credits and an accrual option included, may take that option when printing the journal. Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-197 Appendix D—Exporting Data Sample ASCII Export Files The ASCII file can be used in Palm, Outlook, Excel and Word in a variety of ways, as well with other programs that have a data import facility. From Journals/Reports—Lists/Labels/Rolodex/Export – Ascii File Export ASCII FILE Short/Palm LISTSREP.CSV Record Number,First Name,Last Name,Home Street 1,Home Street,Home City,Home State,Home Postal Code,Home Phone,Business Phone,Boat Name,Registration # ,Space,Boat Type,Boat Length,E-mail Address,Categories " 1 ","MARY","JONES","","123 LEEWARD RD.","SAN RAFAEL","CA","94950","(415)435-4455","(702)3225678","SEAGULL","CF 234432","A1","LASER 123"," 25","[email protected]","Marina" " 10 ","JAMES","JOYCE","MARY JOYCE","45 GALLILEO LANE","DUBLIN","CA","95467","415-5679876","510-345-9876","SEA QUEST","CF 9876 IL","","Bertram"," 35","[email protected]","Marina" ASCII FILE Outlook OUTLOOK.CSV Record Number,First Name,Last Name,Home Street 1,Home Street,Home City,Home State,Home Postal Code,Home Phone,Business Phone,Job Title,Department,Company,Boat Type,Boat Length,E-mail Address,Categories " 1.01","","JONES","","","","","","","","","","DD102",""," 0","","Marina" " 1 ","MARY","JONES","","123 LEEWARD RD.","SAN RAFAEL","CA","94950","(415)435-4455","(702)3225678","SEAGULL","CF 234432","A1","LASER 123"," 25","[email protected]","Marina" ASCII FILE Long LISTLONG.CSV Record Number,First Name,Last Name,Extra,Address,City,State,Zip,Home Phone,Work Phone,Boat Name,Registration #,Space,Sp L:,Sp W:,Sp D:,Sp H:,Boat Make,Boat Type,Boat Length,Boat Width,Boat Draw,Boat Height,Livaboard,Insurance,Insurance date,Wait List,Wait Date,Account code,Date In,Date out,Boat Info,Boat H Tank,Boat Fuel " 53 ","TOM","ANDERSON","","","","","","","","","","ENDA*","45","0","0","0","","0","25","0","0","0"," 0","","00-0000","","00-00-00","00","12-29-00","12-30-00" " 43 ","JAVIER","ARRETOLA","","45 MISSION DRIVE","SAN DIEGO","CA","94956","934-4566789","","REGRET","CF 2345 TT","C1","30","15","8","0","","0","30","10","2","6"," 0","","00-00-00","","00-0000","02","06-11-00","00-00-00",”Blue Trim”,”Y”,”G” Note: The Boat Type is a number, corresponding to your Boat type file, see Lists, Items, Boat Types ASCII FILE Posessory LISTSPOS.CSV (designed for County Accessor’s yearly report) Space,Registration #,Boat Name,First Name,Last Name,Address,City,State,Zip,First Recurring Charge,Blank,Date In,Date Out "A1","CF 234432","SEAGULL","MARY","JONES","123 LEEWARD RD.","SAN RAFAEL","CA","94950","280.00","","03-31-86","00-00-00" "A2","CF 543567","SEADOG","WILLIAM","MANNERS","15 ELM ROAD","MILL VALLEY,","CA","94564","","","11-30-86","00-00-00" "B2","WS 98756","WAVESET","STEVEN","MILLER","87B RIVER ROAD","PRETORIA,","IL","56432","226.00","","04-15-85","00-00-00" Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-198 From Journals/Reports—Accounts Receivable—Aged Accounts Receivable ASCII FILE Accounts Receivable ARLIST.CSV Bal,Rec # ,Name,Space, Recent,30 day,60 day,90 day ,120 day ,Ac Code,Paid,LFee , Group "337.08","23","EINSTEIN, ALBER","B4","111.08","226.00","0.00",0.00,0.00,00, ,Y,0 "0.00","30","FOSSELL, SCOTT ","","0.00","0.00","0.00",0.00,0.00,, ,N,0 "4.77","9","HILL, JOHN ","C3","4.77","0.00","0.00",0.00,0.00,, ,Y,1 From Journals/Reports—Journals—Individual Transaction Journal ASCII FILE Individual Transactions JOURTRAN.CSV User,WS ID#,Group,Type,Rec # / Name,Space,Date,Comment, Charge,Cr/Payment,Pay Type,Tran Type,Rev Code,GL Label dw,10, 2,T, 1081 HARTRIDGE,4B-03,"12-31-01","PAYMENT ","","151.24"," CA ",pay, dw,10, 1,T, 3291 SMITH,5GW-123,"12-31-01","CHECK #5991 ","","160.00"," CK ",pay,10-000-03 From Journals/Reports—Reports—Wait List ASCII FILE Wait List WAITLIST.CSV Waitlist Rank,Record Number,Record Type,Last Name,First Name,Date on Wait List,&List Number & List Name,Reply Code,Boat Registration Nubmer,Boat Name,Remark,Current Space,Address,Boat Length,Boat Beam,Boat Draw,City,State,Zip,H: Phone,W: Phone,O: Phone,Boat Make ""," 11 ","W","SMITH","BOB","12-10-88","A NORTH BAY","","","","","","","L: 0"," B: 0"," D: 0","","","","H:"," W:","","" ""," 3 ","T","UPDIKE","PETER","12-10-88","A ","","CF 321567","ROWBOAT","EPSOM 32 2345432KK","C2","34 VAN NESS AVE.","L: 36"," B: 13"," D: 7","SAN FRANCISCO","CA","95460","H:(415)3451234"," W:(415)333-3999","","EPSOM 32 2345432KK" ""," 17 ","N","ZZCASH","","12-10-88","A ","","","","","","","L: 0"," B: 0"," D: 0","","","","H:"," W:","","" From Journals/Reports—Reports—Rent/Management—Rent Roll ASCII FILE Rent Roll RENTROLL.CSV "SPACE","LENGTH","RENT","","LENGTH","TENANT NAME","Rank","Timing","BERTH ","RECUR3 ","OFFICE REN","TRAILER ","SEC DEP","DATE IN ","DATE OUT " "A100"," 0","0.00" "A101"," 30","177.00" "A102"," 46","284.74","","38.","MCKINNE, T ","","","247.60","0.00","0.00","0.00","0.00","242.80","11/01/89","00/00/00" ","RECUR2 Data Definition File Crystal Reports and other ODBC programs can read files with a Data Definition File. The DDF file name is FILES.DDF in the data subdirectory. Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-199 Appendix E—Glossary Term Definition Archived Record Deleted records that have been archived as part of deleting from main database. These records can be viewed and used in reports. The tenant Balance Forward as shown on various reports, query and the statements, is a constant, fixed amount, only changed/updated at aging when it is replaced with the Balance Due figure. Balance Forward/Last Mo. Charge/Balance Due The tenant Balance Forward is calculated by the program from the total of the Last Mo. Charge (e.g. the current charges billed just for the preceding period) and any aging (overdue amounts) as stored in the tenant record. These figures are updated at aging, as the new period's charges replace those in the Last Mo. Charge field, any unpaid amounts move to 30 days past due and/or from 30 to 60 days past due, etc. The tenant Balance Due is a dynamic figure, changing for various reports as transactions are credited or debited to it. Different reports apply different transactions. The Balance Due and the Receivables and Credits report apply only payments, not any unbilled charges. The Long Journal, Histories, Queries and Statements apply both payments and all charges for the current period to show the current Balance Due. At different times in the period, depending on what transactions have occurred, the Balance Due may be different. At normal billing, the final total is the final Balance Due charged on the statement, which along with the aging process then becomes the new Balance Forward for the new period. Berth/Slip/Space CURR Facility Historical Saved File The space (trailer, building, boat slip, dry storage, stable) the tenant rents. Referred to in The Marina Program and the manual as a SPACE Curr is noted at the bottom of the Query screen and the statements on the aging line. In the Que ry and Interim Statement, Curr is the total of LAST MO from the tenant record and current charges/payments this month. At aging, the LAST MO drops to the 30-day line, and the new LAST MO shows the total charges and payments for the most recent last month. As statements reflect an aged condition, the Curr on the statements shows simply that period's charges and payments, which will be LAST MO in the tenant record once actual aging takes place. The landlord or landlord’s agency that is using The Marina Program for billing and accounting purposes An old or stored file. Can refer to current period's when saved on the disk for later reference through a query/history/journal routine, or to files which are saved off the computer on disks as backup. At month-end close period, current month data files are saved to a historical period file. Also, an old or stored record. The program offers the option to archive deleted records to a separate file. File Current Watch Captain, LLC A group of records related to the same thing, such as all tenant records or all charge and receipt transactions. This is in the tenant record. It is normally updated automatically at period end (aging) . The Marina Program enters the total of all charges, payments and credits for a period in this field. The operators should never adjust this figure without consideration. At program setup this is normally entered with the amount a tenant owes at that time. Once the program is on line new tenants are entered with a 0 for Current Appendices 6-200 Term Definition Period Refers to an accounting period, roughly equivalent to a month during which payments are received, charges made, and a billing for the coming period’s rent is made. All transaction entries, regardless of posting date, are gathered in the current period’s files for use on reports and statements, and in determining the Balance Due. A series of English characters or numbers representing all the information necessary to uniquely identify a tenant or a transaction. Person, company, building or cash monitor for which The Marina Program accumulates charges and/or receipts and produces financial reports, statements, etc. Record Tenant Tenant Number Watch Captain, LLC Each TENANT identifier consists of either the name of a person or company, or in the case of a building, the building identifier preceded by the at symbol (@), and in the case of a cash monitor, the identifier preceded by a dollar sign symbol ($). A cash monitor is simply a tenant identifier which is not a person, company, or building, but is financially treated like a tenant, in that miscellaneous charges are accumulated and reported under that cash monitor identifier (similar to an account in a general ledger). All tenants as defined above have a record number which locates them in the tenant records file. The numbers are like numbers on post office boxes. Tenant numbers stay the same even though different tenant names may have the same number at different times. Appendices 6-201 Appendix F—Backup The backup menu for THE MARINA PROGRAM is found under the File pull-down menu at Backup Files. Use of the menu simply runs a zip utility program. There are many ways to back up data. As a convenience, THE MARINA PROGRAM includes a backup up menu item that will zip the files onto a floppy or a hard drive. Each program supervisor or IT Director needs to decide the best way for his or her facility, but DO IT!! The data folder \CCMARINA on the server is the file that should be backed up. The program folder on each a workstation, C:\MARINACC may be backed up as well, but will not serve for installation use. Generally a floppy or zip disk backup is recommended if there is no timed system backup of the server on an automatic basis. It is best to backup, as often as enough data has been entered than cannot easily be re-entered. Usually it is wise to back up a minimum of once a week for a small marina, large facilities should backup daily. Generally, anytime a number of new tenants are entered, or a large posting of payments is made, there should be a daily backup. Daily backups are for anytime during the month, and back up the current month’s data files. Monthly backups should be done after each month-end close; this backs up all the history in addition to the data files. A zip drive is often the best device to use for backup as the disk will hold all the data and require no special preparation. CD-ROM drives do not usually work without special software or special disks. Some CD-ROMs can be treated as a floppy, but the disks should then be tested to be sure any computer could read them. Backup up to a hard drive should be the last option, as the hard drive cannot be ‘taken off site’ and each backup replaces the other, so a previous backup cannot be restored. Any time a hard drive is used for backup it should only be used as a temporary destination, with the backup files moved to a removable device, or to a long term backup destination on a backup server which will save each day’s backup separately. It is important that there not be just one backup that is written over each time, backup destinations should be rotated so a past day or two’s backup can be retrieved separately from the current backup. It is recommended to rotate disks for the backup, at the minimum for a daily backup use an A disk and then the next time a B disk. Large facilities should have a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday disk, reusing them after a week. Periodically backup disks should be stored off-site. Χ Χ Χ Click on File click on Backup click on Daily/Monthly Backup for the backup window. All other users must be out of the program. There will be a warning regarding other users in the system. Choose one backup type and one backup destination. Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-202 Backup destinations can be set by clicking on the list box line (to the right of the check box) and then on the dialog box to bring up a browse screen to choose a drive and/or folder destination locally or on the network. An option to choose a drive or folder is displayed. Alternately a Drive letter or a path can be typed into the bottom field. Χ Click on the OK button to save. When backing up to disk(s) in drive A:, the backup file will be deleted and then re-written. The backup file can span more than one disk. When backing up to a folder or to drives other than drive A:, the backup file is updated (changed or new files are added to the existing backup file and the files cannot span more than one disk). The backup file in all cases is named MARINA.ZIP If passwords are being used, only the Master and level 4 passwords can operate the Backup utility. The start up password is SUPERBOSS Contact Watch Captain, TMP Support for restore procedures. Verify the backup paths for use. Run the program and Use File, Backup and set up appropriate destination drives for the backup. Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-203 Appendix G—Sliding Month Most marinas send their statements on the 20th or 25th of the month and close their period shortly thereafter. The statements show the detail for that period, much as our credit card or utility statements do, and what happened since the last statement; previous detail is part of the balance forward. The data rolls over from period to period. However, some marinas want to use precise month dates to run their transaction data from the 1st to the 30th or 31st. Sometimes the 30th or 31st comes on a weekend or holiday, and it is hard to do the close or run statements on time. THE MARINA PROGRAM has an option for a sliding close, where transactions entered after the end of the current period month date can be included instead of in the next period. Use a master password and go to Lists— Program Settings—Late Fee and Bookkeeping Settings to set the sliding period. This option takes affect only when the month of THE MARINA PROGRAM date is greater than the month represented by the period. If this is the case, a warning will appear on entering the program: If the program date is in the next month from the period, any transactions entered in the new month will not be included on statements, and at aging/period close, will be deleted from the current period and saved to the new period (the deletions will appear in the Deleted Transactions report in the past period). OpenItem Open Item/Cash bookkeeping systems will have any items closed in the next month moved forward—along with the payments. These items will not appear on the Allocation Journals when printed for ALL in the current period. Journals printed in the current period, when the program date is past the month represented by the period, and when printed for ALL, will exclude any items for the next month. But if printed for a date range, will include those transactions. Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-204 Statements printed in the next month per the period month include only items for the month represented by the period. The AR Report has a warning that next month items will be moved to the next month, but it does include all items unless a cut off date is used. Once the period is closed, and the program is set to the new period, the items that fall in the current month per the period number will display. The items that have been moved to the new period can be seen in the past period under the Deleted Transactions report. NOTE—One type of transaction that has an incomplete transition between the two months is deposits. The Actual deposit for any record is held in the tenant file (seen on the $$Accounts tab of the tenant record). This number is used when totaling deposits on the bottom section of the Summary Journal, and in the Journals/Reports— Journals—DEPOSITS—Deposit Lists report. If a deposit was charged or applied in the next month from the current period month number, the transaction will be moved to the next month, but the deposit total will still include that amount for the current period. Print a deposit list or summary journal just after closing, at the beginning of the new month, to fully reconcile the total with the charges. Non deposit refunds move correctly between periods. Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-205 OPTIONAL MODULE Dock Check The dock check charges can best be handled by running the DOCK CHECK MONTHLY CHARGE BATCH on the last day of the month. If the Dock Check charges are run with a date in the new/next month, the program will force the last day of the period (month) to be used. Creating the charges zeroes out the number of days of that month, moves this month to last month, and zeroes any charge days, so new inventory days do slide over. The HOTDATA.DAT file is archived at the same time the Dock Check Inventory charges are run, so the number of hot berth transactions days shown in any period listing of transactions will match the days per month (and charge days if appropriate) for that same month. As long as the dock check charge batch is created at the end of the period (month) (on approximately the last day of that month), new dock check inventories can continue to be taken normally for the new month; they will appear as charge days in the new/next month, and the transactions will appear in the new/next month HOTDATA.DAT file, with the current month’s hot berth inventory transactions already being archived in the YYYYMM.HOT file. (The hot berth charge batch must be created per above, but it may still be edited and posted at a later date.) Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-206 Appendix H—Increase Rates The Increase Rates menu option is accessed from the MAIN MENU—Lists—Rates—Increase Rates. Always make sure that there is a current backup before proceeding. This is a single user function, and any other users (network) should be out of the program. There are several options for ways to raise (or lower) the rates. • Choose the appropriate option for your situation. • Choose the recurring charge rate to be affected. • Backup files. If the rate change is for the rent related to a space assignment and to that space's rate zone and Rate Schedule • Print a Rent Roll or Recurring Charge report before you change the rates with this feature. • Edit your rate table from the MAIN MENU— Lists—Rates—Setup Rates. • View the Rent Roll (Space Base Rent on the left portion of the report) to see how new rates have been affected. If correct, proceed: • Use Increase Rates. Click on the option Change charge per tenant's Space RATE/ZONE and Rank. • If the display (after changing the Rate Schedule) in each tenant's record for Base Rent is correct for space rents, then the Increase routine will change the current recurring charge to the new base rent recurring charge. If the recurring charge is not linked to a rate schedule, such as Live-aboard, raising the amount from say $40 to $50, etc. • Choose one of the other options. • Exchange a rate. • Change the charge by an amount. • If one of these options are chosen, an individual window will display to allow the entering of the amounts to be changed. • Check the appropriate groups and options. • A message box at the bottom of the window will calculate and display the Date Out being used based on the number of days entered. Occasionally, a facility may change the rates TAXABLE status. The Edit/Update tax to match Recurring charge setup feature allows the tax (or no tax) tag to be changed on the recurring charge. Zero all records for one recurring charge. This removes a particular recurring charge from all records. Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-207 Appendix I—Emailing Statements Setup The Marina Program sends email using SMTP your email parameters Server name, User name and Password will have to setup prior to using the feature. To do so start The Marina Program and choose Lists – Program Settings. If you have security turned on you will need to enter a master level User ID/Password or Password. If security is turned off enter the password superboss. On the tab entitled General Settings, a Turn Email On checkbox has been added, checking the checkbox (by clicking it) will enable the button entitled Setup Email. NOTE: Be sure and click the Apply button on this window to save the checked value for the “Turn Email On” checkbox. Click the Setup Email button to display the Email Setup dialog window, Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-208 Outgoing Mail Server Enter the information required by your SMTP server, and click the Apply button to save. You may need to contact your IT department or network consultant to determine what these values should be for your install. Watch Captain TMP Support would not know this information for you. If you need IT support to determine these settings for you Watch Captain does provide these services for an additional fee. Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in obtaining IT services from Watch Captain. PDF Folder When statements are created for the customers receiving their statements via email the statement will be created as a PDF document and attached to an email that is sent to the customer’s email address on file. These statements will be stored in the folder specified here. To select an existing folder click the button, Note At the current time it will be a manual process to delete the statements in this folder should you desire to do so. Test SMTP Settings The Test button will attempt to send an email using the From and To email addresses specified using the SMTP Outgoing Mail Server settings entered. If the Outgoing SMTP settings are correct clicking the Test button will display the following status message, The To: email address specified should also receive a test email. If the Outgoing SMTP settings are incorrect you will receive a status message indicating failure. Please check with your IT or network consultant for proper settings. Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-209 Customer Setup To setup each customer to receive an email statement instead of a printed statement you need to perform the following tasks. Using the Tenants window, Select/Find each customer to receive an emailed statement, click on the Info/Wait tab, Enter the customer’s email address and click the checkbox entitled Email Statement so it displays with a checkmark as shown above. To prevent this customer from also receiving a printed statement select the $$ Account tab and set the accounting code to a number 90 or greater (see Section 2 Startup - Accounting Codes). Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-210 Emailing Statements From the Marina Program menu choose Journals/Reports-Statements/Invoices/Notices – Statement An additional button has been added to the Statement Print dialog window, Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-211 Click the Email button to email a statement to all customers that have an email address and are flagged by checking the Email Statement checkbox on the Tenants window. When clicking the Email Statements button each statement is emailed as a PDF attachment to the email address listed in the Customer’s record. When the statement email process is complete the following dialog will be displayed, The PDFs of the statements created and emailed are stored in the PDF Path specified on the Email Setup dialog described in the Setup section of this document. Each PDF document is saved with a file name in the following format Where 200812 represent the year and month the statement is created, followed by the customer record number padded with zeros. This way each period’s statements will not overwrite the prior statements and you can save as a record of what was emailed in case there are any questions later. Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-212 Emails Received The emails received by your customers will look as follows, Note that the From email address will be taken from your email setup (setup section of this document), the Subject will contain your marina name and the period that the statement is for. Opening the email will show the email with the statement attached as a PDF document, Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-213 Appendix J – Technical Overview Intended Audience The intended audience is any technical personnel responsible for the Marina Program, usually an IT or MIS person, or in a lot of cases a technically skilled Marina Program User. Structure TMP uses a Client/Server 3-tier architecture that consists of a Data tier, Business Process tier, and Presentation tier. Watch Captain Objects and Components A number of ActiveX DLLs and ActiveX controls are used by TMP, the table below lists the objects written by Watch Captain along with the object’s description and requirements in hierarchal order. Description Standard Utility Library Date Control Backup and Restore Utility Database Services Print Utility Security Services Barcode Utility Memo/Notes Service Global File Storage File Name ccUtils.dll ccDate.ocx ccBr.dll ccDB.dll ccPrint.dll ccSec.dll ccBarcode.dll ccMemos.dll ccGlobFiles.dll Requires ccUtils.dll ccUtils.dll/Pervasive ActiveX/SDK ccUtils.dll, ccDB.dll ccUtils.dll, ccDB.dll, ccPrint.dll ccUtils.dll, ccDB.dll ccPrint.dll, ccDB.dll, ccUtils.dll ccUtils.dll, ccDB.dll, ccSec.dll, ccBarcode.dll, ccPrint.dll Rates Library ccRates.dll ccUtils, ccDB.dll, ccGlobFiles.dll Recur Library ccRecur.dll ccUtils.dll, ccDB.dll, ccPrint.dll, ccGlobFiles.dll HandHot Services ccHand.dll ccUtils.dll ccDB.dll, ccGlobFiles.dll, ccSec.dll, ccPrint.dll, ccRecur.dll, ccRates.dll Items Service ccItems.dll ccUtils.dll, ccDB.dll, ccPrint.dll, ccGlobFiles.dll, ccSec.dll Lists Utility ccLists.dll ccUtils.dll, ccPrint.dll, ccGlobFiles.dll, ccDB.dll, ccRecur.dll, ccItems.dll, ccRates.dll, ccSec.dll Card Key Services CcCards.dll CcUtils, ccDB.dll, ccGlobFiles.dll, ccSec.dll ccItems.dll, ccLists.dll, ccPrint.dll History Service ccHistory.dll ccItems.dll, ccGlobFiles.dll, ccSec.dll, ccPrint.dll, ccDb.dll, ccUtils.dll, ccMemos.dll Find Service ccFind.dll ccHistory.dll, ccSec.dll, ccPrint.dll, ccDB.dll, ccUtils.dll, ccGlobFiles.dll, ccDate.ocx *Email Server wcEmail.dll ccUtils.dll, ccDB.dll, ccGlobFiles.dll All Objects listed above require registration using RegSvr32. *new v4.38 Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-214 Third Party Objects and Components TMP also requires the following third party controls, Description Pervasive ActiveX Data Source Control Component One Videosoft Controls Sax software Quick Pak controls Dynazip AX Zipping/Unzipping components used by the backup option *Traysoft AddEmail *new v4.38 File Name(s) acBtr732.ocx, pBtrvD32.dll, pcl5eres.dll, Pedtconv.dll, sBtrv32.dll, w3BIF143.dll, W3MIF145.dll, w3Mif169.dll Vsflex grid, vsOcx, vsView Qpro32.dll, cs*.ocx DZACTX.DLL, DUZACTX.DLL AddEmail.dll Security Since TMP performs copies, deletes, and reads and writes to data stored in the TMP data and program paths we recommend that all TMP users have Full Control rights on all TMP folders (Program and Data). Data Pervasive Data Files Pervasive PSQL is the database manager used by TMP Pervasive PSQL is created by Pervasive (http://www.pervasive.com), Pervasive PSQL is the leader within the accounting market serving small to mid-sized enterprises. Other Pervasive users include Intuit, Sage Software (makers of Peachtree, ACCPAC, PFW, Simply Accounting, Timberline, MAS90). TMP communicates with the Pervasive files through data definition files (also known as DDFs), the DDF files distributed with TMP are, FILE.DDF INDEX.DDF ATTRIB.DDF COMMENT.DDF COMMENTS.DDF DICT.DDF FIELD.DDF FIELDEXT.DDF The table below lists the Pervasive files used by TMP along with their DDF Table names, and descriptions, Pervasive Filename DDF Table Name Description *.BTN H_DAT/H8_DAT All files ending in .BTN used by Harbor Graphic. H8_DAT used for customers with 8 character space fields Accountl.dat SPACELONG_DATA Used when more than 2 meters (customization) ACCOUNTS.DAT SPACE_DATA Space/Slip data ALIAS.DAT I_akadata Used by the small store inventory program CCIV ALOHA_DATA.DAT ALOHA_DATA Contains Data retrieved from the Aloha POS system. ARCTEN.DAT TENANT_DATA Archived Tenants BARCODE.DAT BAR_CODE Updated by Categories.exe, CCIV.exe read by TMP Contains Items categories. BATCHTRN.DAT BATCH_DATA Used by small store inventory CCIV BPA_DATA.DAT BPA_DATA Contains data retrieved from the BPA POS Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-215 system. Comments entered in various logs Dummy file used for verifying multi-user locks Used to save email addresses entered on tenant screen. Linked by Tenant Number Used to store extra tenant information (added after Tenants.dat) holds Driver’s license, etc. Linked by Tenant Number. Export GLs History Data Hot berth data (Hot berth inventory add-on) Hot berth data for customers with 8 character space fields COMMENTS.DAT DUMMY.DAT COMM_DATA (various) EMAIL.DAT GL_DATA EX_DATA.DAT EXTRA_DATA GLEXPORT.DAT HISTTEN.DAT HOTDATA.DAT HOTDATA8.DAT Gl_DATA HIST_DATA HOT_DATA HOT8_DATA KEYCODE.DAT LAUNCH.DAT LISC.DAT,KEYS.DAT, LOCK.DAT,PERMITS.DAT CARD_DATA LAUNCH_DATA ITEM_DATA Card Key #s & Tenants Launch Scheduler data Various accumulation of items (see tenant window) LOCATION.DAT BIN_DATA LOCKBAR.DAT MEMO.DAT METEREL.DAT MTRANS.DAT MTRANSX.dat PMTCTR.DAT RCODE.DAT RECUR.DAT RRATI7.DAT RRATI.DAT SPACELOG.dat SUMMARY.DAT REVENUE_CODES MEMO_DATA METER_DATA MTRANS_DATA MTRANSX_DATA PMTCNT_DATA REVENUE_CODES RECUR_DATA RATI7_DATA RATI_DATA LOG_DATA I_summary TENANTS.DAT **TENMEM_DATA.DAT *TENMORE_DATA.DAT TENANT_DATA TENMEM_DATA TENMORE_DATA TMPELEC.DAT,TMPHOTB HAND_DATA USERCODE.dat USERIDS.DAT USERPWDS.DAT WAITLIST.DAT WSTACODE.DAT **New v4.37, *New v4.38 USERIDS USERPWDS WAIT_DATA USERCODE_DATA Inventory Locations Created/Updated by CCIV read by TMP Dummy file used for lock testing. Memos associated with Tenant record Meter readings Transactions Customization for MTRANS Customization for Payment Counter Revenue Codes Recurring Charges Card Key Usage (customization) Card Key Usage (standard) Space Log data Summarizations used by small store inventory CCIV Tenant information (including POS) Link table for Tenants & Member IDs Link Table currently used to hold whether or not the customer’s statement should be emailed. Used to hold batch electric and hot berth charges Not Used in ver 4.x User IDs security type Passwords security type Accumulated Wait List information Workstation IDs Also distributed with TMP are Pervasive files with a .NEW extension, these are blank pervasive data files, some of which are used in the Period Close Process defined below. Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-216 Period Close Process The Period Close process includes the following steps 1. Copy current Marina Program data files to Period Close files. a. Period Close files are named with the year and month (period) they represent in the format YYYYMM.EXT where EXT represents the TMP file copied. 2. Copies *.NEW files to replace the Period Close files that are not retained in the new period. 3. Resets data required for the next period. Period Closed Files (YYYYMM.*) Extensions of Pervasive Files Below Period Close File Ext Pervasive Table Pervasive File Renamed *.ACT SPACE_DATA. ACCOUNTS.DAT *.CRD RATI_DATA RRATI.DAT *.HOT HOT_DATA, HOTDATA.DAT HOT8_DATA *.MTR MTRANS.DATA MTRANS.DAT *.RCD REVENUE_CODES RCODE.DAT *.RCR RECUR_DATA RECUR.DAT *.TEN TENANTS_DATA TENANTS.DAT Non Pervasive Files Modified at Period Close Period Close File Ext File Renamed *.PCL PControl.dat *.RAT Rates.Dat *.RRD RecurCode.dat Non-Pervasive Data Files TMP also uses a number of ascii (or text) based files all saved in TMP’s data path. Their names and descriptions are shown in the table below, Filename Description ACCCODE.dat Account Codes defined by user Altrate.dat Meter rates Cardpath.dat Card key path Erate.dat Meter rates Factura.dat Factura information Harbcode.dat Contains information used to paint the graphic. MControl.dat Counter file for Transactions written to MTRANS.DAT ParamDat.dat Data defined by vMarina and Program Settings Paramets.dat Program Settings options pControl.dat Contains current period, date last used. When TMP is first installed the user can use the Program Settings option to set the current period. PmtControl.dat Holds last payment count used for the payment counter customization. Prntpath.dat Customization for Factura printing holds device information (port, etc). Rates.dat Used to hold rates METRDGS.TMP Another customized meter reading file RecrCode.dat Recurring charge codes sParams.dat Marina Name, Address, setup with vMarina, and user defined stuff from Program Settings tControl.dat Tenant number counter (used to get the last tenant number added) Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-217 Toggles.dat Various customer switches setup with vMarina also modified by program settings Transient rate tables (customized) Type Codes defined by user Data defined by vMarina and Program Settings Meter rates Alternate Meter rates Wait codes defined by user Tranrate.dat TypeCode.dat vParams.dat Wrate.dat Waltrate.dat WaitCode.dat Configuration Files The Marina Program along with its components use a number of configuration files, the table below lists those files along with their expected location, File Name ccMarina.ini Location TMP-Program Path Used By TMP-All Supfiles.ini TMP-Program Path TMP Marina.ini TMP-data path TMP-All ccBr.ini ccFind.ini ccSec.ini TMP-data path TMP-data path TMP – data path ccBR.dll ccFind.dll ccSec.dll mmDataDef.ini TMP – data path TMP, ccLists.dll Description Contains workstation specific settings including path to TMP data folder. Used by Help-About The Marina Program. Contains list of TMP’s programs, etc. Various program wide settings (not workstation specific) Saves backup options Defines find types Contains descriptions for the various security levels. Mail Merge parameters Maintenance Recommendations The importance of daily data backups cannot be over-emphasized. TMP provides a backup function available on the File menu. It is recommended that the daily backups be performed daily and a monthly backup be performed immediately before closing. Most larger facilities do nightly tape backups, so the TMP daily backup function is not necessary. Perform a rebuild of TMP’s pervasive files monthly. A TMP rebuild utility has been created with version 4.2 that wraps around the Pervasive rebuild utility allowing you to select the applicable TMP files. This utility can be scheduled using Windows Task scheduler, or chosen from the File menu within TMP. Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-218 Troubleshooting Path Errors Path errors are the most common, the path to the Marina Program’s data is stored in the file ccMarina.ini located in each workstations Marina Program folder (usually MarinaCC). Within the ccMarina.ini the path is specified in the following section usually located at the top of the file, [Paths] DataPath=M: If the data is stored on a server the path to the data should be mapped to a network drive. If a network drive is used the drive letter chosen must be the same on each workstation. Permission Denied Full rights for each user are required to the Marina Program’s data path (usually ccMarina) . Note if the SSI or ALX card key interface is installed TMP needs full access rights to the CardMenu or ACS3000 folder as well. Period Closing Status error 0 – some files for this period are already present A failed previous close attempt has left period files in the data folder. Period files are in the format YYYYMM.* where YYYY is the year and MM is the period (or month) that the files represent. To continue from this error all period files for the period being closed must be deleted from the Marina Program data folder before the process can continue. For example if the period being closed was June, 2007 there should be no files named 200706.* located in the data folder. Pervasive Errors 2 – I/O Error Data Corruption Signifies your data needs to be rebuilt ASAP see section entitled Maintenance Recommendations. 161 The maximum number of user count licenses has been reached This error occurs if a permanent license key has not been installed or when the maximum user count has been exceeded. To install/verify a permanent license key exists or needs to be installed choose, Start – Programs – Pervasive SQL.v8 – Other Utilities – License Administrator The following dialog will be displayed, Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-219 Note the License Type as Permanent, if yours says Temporary you must enter the following license key and press the “Apply License Key” button. 5FB92R V2DLPG 9CF3XA QXXA77 Watch Captain, LLC Appendices 6-220 Index $ $CASH Accounts policy ...................... 4-161 A Account Tab .................. 2-71 Account Types ............... 2-49 cash ........................... 2-53 deposits ..................... 2-52 general ledger ........... 2-53 recurring charges ...... 2-50 revenue codes ........... 2-51 tax items .................... 2-54 Accounting .. 1-26, 1-29, 2-34 balance forward (accrual) ............................. 1-26 changing methods ..... 1-27 open item (cash)........ 1-27 period ........................ 1-29 startup routine ........... 2-76 updating period ......... 2-34 Accounts Receivable Reports ................................ 3-118 Accrual accounting................. 1-26 Activities general summary..... 4-149 ADJUSTMENTS ......... 1-31 charge ..................... 4-156 credit ....................... 3-115 delinquency lists ..... 4-157 late fee .................... 4-157 Aged Accounts Receivable 3119 open item ................ 3-120 print......................... 3-120 report....................... 3-119 Aged Amounts ............. 3-120 Aging ........................... 3-105 policy ........... 4-148, 4-160 procedures before.... 3-106 purge ....................... 6-193 Aging Fields edit ............................ 3-95 Alert ............................... 2-73 Alignment printing statements .. 4-160 All Methods ................... 1-27 startup routine ........... 2-78 Allocating Watch Captain, LLC cash ........................... 3-97 pre-payments........... 4-178 Archive .......................... 3-88 files at month-end ... 3-105 list ............................. 0-88 restore ....................... 3-88 tenant record ........... 3-147 ASCII........................... 6-198 ASCII File Export... 3-142, 6198 Audit Summary History3-118 Automatic late fees ................... 3-102 Availability ........... 1-16, 1-18 Availability List . 3-85, 3-123, 3-125 policy ...................... 4-170 print 3-87, 3-117, 3-119, 3120, 3-123 meter ....................... 3-104 open item ................ 3-100 payment..................... 3-98 posting..................... 3-101 rollover file ............... 3-99 Blank Reply Code ........ 3-132 Boat Type codes ......................... 2-45 Boat/Space Tab .............. 2-65 list boxes ................... 2-65 BROWSE...................... 1-23 Browse Occupancy ........ 3-84 Browse Records ... 1-24, 1-25, 3-83 date range .................. 3-84 header indexing ......... 3-85 vacant spaces............. 3-84 wait list...................... 3-83 Browse Spaces ............... 1-24 B C backup ........................... 1-31 Backup utility ....................... 6-202 BACKUP FILES daily ........................ 3-106 monthly ..................... 3-82 POLICY ........ 1-31, 4-149 Bad Checks policy ...................... 4-154 Balance Due Default .... 4-175 Balance Due Report ..... 3-118 print ......................... 3-119 Balance Forward ............ 2-76 accounting ... 1-26, 1-27, 4177 late fee adjustments . 4-157 previous charges ....... 2-76 startup routine ........... 2-76 Balances......................... 2-73 credit ......................... 2-73 due ............................ 2-73 entering ..................... 2-76 Bank Items ..................... 1-28 Batch Edit File statements/closing ... 3-143 Batch Transactions ........ 3-98 charge...................... 3-101 credit ....................... 3-101 default date................ 3-98 late fees ................... 3-102 Calendar ......................... 1-21 Cancel ............................ 1-19 Cash ............................... 1-28 miscellaneous .......... 4-161 Cash Accounts .... 2-53, 4-177 new............................ 2-53 policy ...................... 4-161 Cash Allocations ............ 3-97 Cash Basis accounting ................. 1-27 Cash Register policy ...................... 4-162 CASH$ .......................... 1-29 Categories ...................... 2-81 Changes tenant file ................ 4-160 Characters delete ......................... 1-20 reserved .................... 1-20 Charge miscellaneous ............ 2-51 recurring .................... 1-28 types .......................... 2-56 Charge Accounts.......... 4-175 Charge Batch ............... 3-101 Charge or Credit .......... 3-101 adjustments ............. 4-156 Chart of Accounts ........ 6-194 Check In/Out................ 5-184 Close Period................. 3-105 Index 221 sliding month .......... 6-204 Closing charges ...................... 3-96 tenant record ........... 4-152 transactions ............... 3-95 Codes ............................. 2-45 accounting................. 2-46 boat type ................... 2-45 item types .................. 2-46 wait/transfer list ........ 2-45 Command Buttons ......... 1-19 Commas ......................... 1-20 Comments transaction entry ..... 4-148 Corrections current period .......... 4-156 deposit..................... 4-157 policy ...................... 4-155 recurring charges .... 4-157 Credit ....... 1-28, 3-120, 6-197 prorated ................... 4-152 Credit Adjustments ...... 3-115 Credit Batch................. 3-101 Credit Hold .................... 2-73 Cursor arrow ......................... 1-19 hourglass ................... 1-19 D Daily .............................. 2-58 Daily Cash Sales .......... 3-109 Data Definition File ..... 6-199 Data Fields ..................... 1-20 Date entered/changed ........ 2-63 format ....................... 1-21 transaction ................. 3-82 Date In ........................... 1-21 Date In/Out .................. 5-186 list ........................... 3-133 Date Logic ..................... 1-22 Date Range 1-16, 3-86, 3-140 century ...................... 1-16 change ....................... 1-19 Date Range Availability 1-19 Date Selection date range ................ 3-140 specific date ............ 3-140 Date View ............. 1-21, 3-86 updating .................... 1-21 Debits .......................... 6-197 Deleted Transactions ... 3-116 Deleting characters .................. 1-20 deposit....................... 3-95 guests ...................... 4-166 Watch Captain, LLC periods .................... 4-167 policy ...................... 4-160 records .................... 4-167 refund/deposit ........... 3-93 space ....................... 4-161 tenant file ................ 4-160 tenant reserve list .... 4-166 transactions ............. 4-161 Delinquency Report ..... 3-118 Deposit........................... 2-74 applying .................... 3-92 charging ......... 3-92, 4-155 crediting/refunding.... 3-92 delete ................ 3-93, 3-95 escrow ....................... 3-92 forfeit ...................... 4-153 key ................... 2-52, 2-74 list ........................... 3-117 log ........................... 3-116 policy ...................... 4-155 refunds, sub accounts 0-93 revenue codes............ 2-52 security............. 2-52, 2-74 Deposit Activity log ........................... 3-116 print ......................... 3-116 Deposit Change transaction memos .. 3-116 Deposit List all 3-117 Deposit List Report........ 2-75 Discount......................... 2-80 Discounts options in POS ........ 4-173 other ways of giving 4-175 simple...................... 4-174 totaling to a revenue code ........................... 4-174 using........................ 4-174 Disk Space used at aging ........... 3-106 Dock Check List .......... 4-169 Dock Check/Meter List print ......................... 3-127 Dockominium .............. 5-189 Drivers License .............. 2-70 Dummy Tenant ............ 4-161 E Editing columns of data ....... 2-62 data............................ 1-25 space names .............. 2-62 tenant record ........... 4-154 Electric Meters new tenants ............. 4-151 email .............................. 1-32 Email address ...................... 2-70 Error Messages .............. 1-33 Escrow Accounts .......... 1-28 Escrow Deposits .. 2-52, 3-89, 3-92, 4-155 activity .................... 3-116 lists .......................... 3-116 report ....................... 3-117 types .......................... 2-52 Excel File Export ......... 6-198 EXIT ............................. 1-15 Exporting data files .................. 6-199 Extra Boat ...................... 2-67 F Fee Calculation ............ 5-182 File data definition ......... 6-199 historical ................. 4-167 purging .................... 6-193 space ......................... 1-30 tenant......................... 1-29 transaction ................. 1-30 File Menu....................... 3-82 File Record .................. 3-142 Find ....................... 1-22, 3-89 vacant ........................ 1-23 Footage List ................. 3-126 Footage Range ............... 3-85 Forfeit deposit ..................... 4-153 Function Keys .............. 5-180 G GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS, Close Period ................ 1-29 General Ledger income/expense ....... 6-194 journal entries ......... 6-196 labels ......................... 2-53 Guest ............................ 4-165 management .............. 1-15 Guest Reservation add to ...................... 4-168 at month-end ........... 4-170 daily ........................ 4-168 data screen............... 5-179 entering new............ 4-168 fee calculation ......... 5-182 module .................... 5-179 policy ...................... 4-168 procedures ............... 4-168 Index 222 shortcuts .................. 5-182 sub-accounts ........... 5-182 weekly..................... 4-170 H Harbor Graphic 1-15, 1-17, 121, 2-66 tag colors................... 2-66 HARBOR GRAPHIC .... 1-18 Historical Date In .......... 2-65 Historical Files ............ 4-167 History ................ 1-23, 3-147 Hot Berth Inventory..... 6-206 Hourglass ....................... 1-19 I In and Out by Month ... 3-133 print......................... 3-133 Inactive Records policy ...................... 4-166 Income non-berth................. 4-161 non-rental ................ 4-161 Income By Space report....................... 3-138 Increase Rates .............. 6-207 Index Order 1-22, 1-25, 3-85 Indexes .......................... 1-24 Individual Transaction ... 3-89 charge ....................... 3-91 credit ......................... 3-91 delete................ 3-94, 3-99 edit ................... 3-94, 3-99 journal ..................... 3-110 late fee ...................... 3-91 memo ........................ 3-94 meter ......................... 3-94 payment .................... 3-91 posting ...................... 3-90 print......................... 3-111 types .......................... 3-90 Info/Wait Tab ....... 2-69, 2-70 Information List ........... 3-141 Insert .............................. 1-20 Insurance Due Report print......................... 3-129 Insurance Renewal.... 2-70, 3129 Interim Statements ....... 3-145 Inventory by size ..................... 3-126 by space .................. 3-124 hot berth .................. 6-206 occupancy/vacancy . 3-122 Invoice Option ............. 3-145 Watch Captain, LLC Item Lists ..................... 3-134 print ......................... 3-135 Item Types labels ......................... 2-46 Item Windows ............... 1-25 adding new items ...... 1-25 editing data................ 1-25 Items ................... 2-69, 3-112 J Journal date range ................ 3-109 end of period ........... 6-196 entries...................... 6-196 payment .................. 3-114 policy ...................... 4-148 register .................... 3-110 sample ..................... 6-194 short form ............... 3-108 transaction entry order .. 3114 types ........................ 3-108 types, menu ............. 3-108 Journal/Reports Menu.. 3-108 K Key lost .......................... 4-153 L Labels .......................... 3-141 Late Charges .................. 2-36 automatic/manual ...... 2-51 Late Fee ..... 1-28, 2-36, 3-102 adjustments ............. 4-157 automatic .... 2-36, 2-73, 3102, 4-158 balance due ............. 3-102 charge........... 3-102, 3-103 definition ................. 4-158 edit .......................... 3-103 flat fee ..................... 3-102 manual ........... 3-91, 3-104 minimum ................. 3-103 notes ........................ 4-157 percentage ............... 3-102 policy ...................... 4-157 Late Letters .................. 3-122 print ......................... 3-122 Late Lists ..................... 3-121 Late Notices ...... 3-121, 3-144 Lessee ................. 2-67, 5-190 policy ...................... 4-165 Lessor ................. 2-67, 5-189 policy ...................... 4-165 List Boxes ...................... 1-25 List Designators ............. 2-60 List Menu....................... 3-83 Lists ............................. 3-139 reservation ................. 2-60 Live-aboard .................... 2-72 Long Journal ................ 3-111 print ......................... 3-112 settings .................... 3-112 short form................ 3-112 Lost Key ...................... 4-153 M Main Menu ........... 1-19, 3-82 Management Summary report ....................... 3-137 Manual Late Fees......... 3-104 Master Accounts policy ...................... 4-163 Master/Sub Accounts ... 3-134 print ......................... 3-134 Memo deposit ....................... 3-92 refund ........................ 3-92 transaction ................. 3-94 Meter..................... 1-28, 2-74 charges report .......... 3-116 flat sum ..................... 2-48 last reading ................ 2-74 minimum charge ....... 2-48 optional settings ........ 2-48 rate schedules ............ 2-47 rate tiers .................... 2-47 settings ...................... 2-47 taxes .......................... 2-49 type ........................... 2-74 Meter Reading .. 3-104, 3-127 enter ........................ 3-105 individual .................. 3-94 rates ......................... 3-105 skipping spaces ....... 3-105 Miscellaneous Charges .. 2-51 Month At A Glance Report 4172, 5-184 Month-end aging ....................... 3-105 new period ... 3-105, 4-150 policy ...................... 4-149 statements ............... 4-159 Monthly ......................... 2-58 Multi-site ..................... 5-189 N Names ............................ 1-20 New Item ....................... 1-25 Index 223 New Period policy ...................... 4-150 New Tenants policy ...................... 4-151 Non-rental Income policy ...................... 4-161 NORMAL STARTUP ... 1-14 Not Taxable ................... 2-70 Notices ......................... 3-143 late .......................... 3-144 print......................... 3-143 Number fields ......................... 1-20 tenant ........................ 0-30 Number of Rate Zones... 2-55 O Occupancy ............ 1-24, 3-84 Occupancy/Vacancy Inventory................. 3-122 Open Item ............. 1-27, 2-77 accounting...... 1-26, 4-177 aged receivables ...... 3-120 batch ....................... 3-100 closing transactions ... 3-95 edit ............................ 3-95 sliding month .......... 6-204 startup routine ........... 2-77 OPENING THE MARINA PROGRAM ............. 1-14 OPTIONAL MODULES. 115 OWNR/LSSR .............. 5-189 OWNR/MGMT ........... 5-189 P Partial Payment balance due report ... 3-118 Password............... 2-39, 2-41 adding/using.............. 2-39 at aging ................... 0-106 master ....................... 2-39 POS only ................... 2-41 program entry only ... 2-40 setting ....................... 2-41 user codes ................. 0-40 with backup utility .. 6-203 Past Period ........ 3-110, 6-195 Payable memo ........................ 3-92 Payments ....................... 3-91 bank debit ................. 1-28 batches ...................... 3-98 cash ........................... 1-28 credit ......................... 1-28 Watch Captain, LLC deleting ..................... 3-99 reopening .................. 3-99 temporary files .......... 3-99 Period.................... 1-31, 2-35 accounting ................. 1-29 change period ............ 2-35 choosing correct ........ 2-35 current ....................... 1-31 end of period ........... 6-196 past .......................... 3-110 previous .................... 1-31 startup period ............ 0-35 POS................................ 2-79 balance due default . 4-175 cash customers ........ 5-180 categories ................ 5-181 check edit transactions .. 4176 default amount ........ 5-181 function keys ........... 5-180 module ......... 3-109, 5-179 shortcuts .................. 5-180 units ........................ 5-181 Pre-payments policy ...................... 4-178 Previous Charges ........... 2-76 Print Manager ................ 1-32 Printing .......................... 1-32 order .......................... 1-33 view/print .................. 1-32 Program Settings ........... 2-35 Proration number of days ....... 4-154 revenue code ............. 0-51 switching spaces ..... 4-153 Purge ............................ 6-193 Q QUERY......................... 1-23 indexes ...................... 1-24 Query Menu ................... 3-83 Quick List .................... 3-130 print ......................... 3-131 Quotation Marks ............ 1-20 R Range Selection name order .............. 3-140 space order .............. 3-140 Rate Calculation rate * times .............. 5-182 Rate Ranks ............ 2-55, 2-56 Rate Schedule ................ 2-54 alternate .................... 2-47 meter ......................... 2-47 Rate Structures multiple ..................... 2-55 rank ........................... 2-55 single ......................... 2-55 zone ........................... 2-55 Rate Zone.............. 2-55, 2-56 information................ 2-57 name ......................... 2-58 settings ...................... 0-58 Rate Zone Information combination rate ....... 2-57 enter rates ................ 2-58 footage rates .............. 2-59 number active ............ 2-57 rank .......................... 2-58 setup .......................... 2-57 surcharges ................. 2-57 time factor ................. 2-58 Rates ............................ 3-105 increase ................... 6-207 Receipt ........................... 1-30 Receivables Report ........ 2-78 Receivables-Aged Accounts Report ..................... 3-119 Record browse ....................... 1-24 Recurring Charges1-28, 2-50, 3-135 adding ....................... 2-71 correcting ................ 4-157 definition ................. 4-158 edit or delete.............. 2-72 number active .......... 2-50 print ......................... 3-136 rollover batch charge 3-99, 0-99 stop/delete ................. 2-72 timing ........................ 2-71 types .......................... 1-28 Recurring Charges Report . 275, 3-135 Recurring Transactions 3-105 Redo Search ................... 3-83 Refunds delete ................ 3-93, 3-95 deposit ....................... 3-92 non-deposit ............... 3-93 Registration # Expiration ... 3129 Remark ................. 2-71, 2-74 Rent Roll print ......................... 3-137 report ....................... 3-136 Rents/Management ...... 3-135 Reply Code ......... 2-71, 3-132 Reports ................ 2-75, 3-128 Index 224 availability list .......... 3-85 balance due ............. 3-118 check in ................... 5-184 check in/out............. 5-184 check in/out specific dates ........................... 5-184 check list summary . 5-184 date in/out order lists .... 5186 delinquency............. 3-118 deposit list ................. 2-75 guest reservation ..... 5-185 in and out by month 3-133 income by space...... 3-138 insurance renewal ... 3-129 item lists .................. 3-134 management summary .. 3137 master/sub accounts 3-134 month at a glance .... 5-184 policy ...................... 4-149 print......................... 3-130 quick list ................. 3-130 receivables ................ 2-78 recurring charges . 2-75, 3135 registration # expiration 3129 rent roll ..................... 2-75 rents/management ... 3-135 space activity log ...... 3-87 statistics .................... 3-86 tickler list ................ 3-128 wait list ................... 3-131 Reservations .................. 1-16 add to ...................... 4-168 at month-end ........... 4-170 daily ........................ 4-168 deposit/fee ............... 4-165 entering new ........... 4-168 lists ............................ 2-60 policy ...................... 4-168 procedures............... 4-168 wait/transfer list ...... 4-166 weekly..................... 4-170 without spaces......... 4-172 Revenue Codes ..... 1-28, 2-51 adding/editing ........... 2-51 bad checks............... 4-154 default amounts......... 2-52 deposits ..................... 2-52 name changes ............ 2-52 number active ........... 2-51 permanent ................. 2-51 policy ...................... 4-155 sample list ................. 2-51 Watch Captain, LLC types .......................... 1-28 Rollover Batch Charge recurring charge ........ 0-99 Rollover File batch charge .............. 3-99 recurring charge ........ 3-99 Rolodex Cards and Labels . 3141 S Saving periods .................... 4-167 records .................... 4-167 Seasonal Rates ...... 2-58, 0-58 Security .......................... 2-39 Security Deposit revenue codes............ 2-52 Select/Find ............ 1-19, 1-22 header........................ 1-22 index ......................... 1-22 Semi-colons ................... 1-20 Setup Parameters ........... 2-34 Site Walk ..................... 4-169 Social Security ............... 2-70 Space assignments ...... 1-16, 2-66 changing names ........ 2-62 check ....................... 4-173 description................. 2-60 inventory ................... 2-59 labels ......................... 2-60 linear .............. 2-61, 5-182 multi-boat....... 2-61, 5-182 policy ...................... 4-153 rafting............. 2-61, 5-182 reassigned ............... 4-164 search ........................ 2-66 side tie ............ 2-61, 5-182 sort order ................... 2-60 status ......................... 2-67 sublet .............. 2-67, 4-164 two per tenant ......... 4-163 unassigned................. 2-62 undefined ................ 4-172 Space Activity Log ........ 3-87 Space Designators ......... 2-60 Space File ...................... 1-30 Space Information ......... 1-18 SPACE INFORMATION .. 118 Space Inventory browse ....................... 2-61 description................. 2-60 designators ................ 2-60 editing ....................... 2-61 group ......................... 2-60 list ............................. 2-59 list designators .......... 2-60 multiplier................... 2-61 order .......................... 2-60 rank ........................... 2-68 sample list ................. 2-62 unassigned spaces ..... 2-62 walk order ................. 2-61 Space List .................... 3-124 by size ..................... 3-126 print .............. 3-125, 3-126 vacant ...................... 3-125 Space/Site ...................... 1-24 records....................... 2-67 Statement Design ........... 2-37 Statements.................... 3-143 as invoices, mid-month . 3106, 4-159 interim ..................... 3-145 late notices .............. 3-144 month-end ............... 4-159 policy ...................... 4-159 print .............. 3-143, 4-159 settings ...................... 2-38 timing ...................... 4-159 Statistics Report ............. 3-86 Status Message reference ................. 4-164 Sub Accounts ............... 5-183 deposit refunds ..... 0-93, 4153 group editing ........... 5-183 guest reservation ..... 5-181 policy ...................... 4-164 Sub Accounts Tab .......... 2-74 Sublet policy ...................... 4-164 spaces ...................... 4-165 Summary Journal ......... 3-113 print ......................... 3-113 Surcharges ..................... 2-57 Switching Spaces prorations ................ 4-154 tenant....................... 4-153 T Tax cap ............................. 2-54 items .......................... 2-54 types .......................... 2-54 Temporary Files ............. 3-99 Tenant ............................ 2-63 adding ..................... 4-151 closing out ............... 4-152 deletions/changes .... 4-160 history ..................... 4-154 Index 225 new records ............... 2-63 prior ........................ 4-169 query ....................... 4-154 record types............... 2-64 status ....................... 4-154 subletting ................ 4-164 switching spaces ..... 4-153 terminating ... 3-146, 4-152 Tenant File ..................... 1-29 Tenant Record ............... 1-25 data fields................. 2-63 deleting ................... 3-146 editing ..................... 4-154 late fee ...................... 2-73 new .................. 2-62, 2-63 recurring charges ...... 2-71 saving ........................ 2-63 Tenants In/Out list by dates ............. 3-133 Tickler Date ................... 2-75 Tickler List .................. 3-128 Transaction .................... 1-28 automatic .................. 1-30 batch ............ 4-148, 4-170 CORRECTIONS .... 1-31 deleted..................... 3-116 individual .................. 3-89 policy ...................... 4-148 previous period ....... 1-31 types .......................... 1-28 Transaction Entry ... 4-148, 4151 Transaction File ............. 1-30 Watch Captain, LLC Transaction Journal ..... 3-114 credit adjustments ... 3-115 deleted transactions . 3-116 printing.................... 4-159 register .................... 3-114 Transaction Menu .......... 3-89 Transfer List ................ 4-166 Transient ........................ 2-64 policy ...................... 4-165 Type transient .................... 2-64 Typeover ............... 1-20, 0-20 U Unassigned Spaces ........ 2-62 Unique Rates zone ........................... 2-61 User Codes .................... 0-40 User ID .......................... 2-40 USING THE HARBOR GRAPHIC ............... 1-17 Utilities backup ..................... 6-202 V Vacancies ....................... 1-23 all curr+..................... 1-23 locating by date ......... 1-21 locating by size ......... 1-23 policy ...................... 4-152 Vacancy List ....... 1-16, 3-125 Vacancy/Occupancy . 1-16, 384 VACANCY/OCCUPANCY .................................. 1-16 View/Print...................... 1-32 exceptions ................. 1-33 W Wait List .. 2-70, 3-131, 4-166 add tenant .................. 2-70 codes ......................... 2-45 converting to tenant .. 2-70 policy ...................... 4-166 print ......................... 3-132 remark ....................... 2-70 setup record ............... 2-70 tenants on wait list .... 2-70 Wait/Transfer List........ 4-166 Word File Export ......... 6-198 Workstation ID .............. 2-80 Z Zone schedule .................... 2-55 unique rates ............... 2-61 ZZ Cash ....................... 4-175 policy ...................... 4-161 ZZ Spaces ........... 2-60, 4-172 codes ......................... 2-70 group ......................... 2-60 ZZDOCK ....................... 2-60 Index 226